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Number of theses: 7243.

‘Alwash, Jawād A. (1967) The poet ‘Umāra al-Yamanl. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Abada, Abdelfettah (1989) The 'Ulama' of Iran in the 19th century hagiographical literature. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abaza-Stauth, Mona (1985) Women between economic liberalization and social deprivation: a case study in rural Egypt. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abbara, Tariq Mustafa (1991) Testing English as a foreign language: a case study of classroom tests in Qatar. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abbas, Tariq Abdul Hameed (1984) Cosmic rays. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abbott, George Samuel (1985) Teachers' thinking about their relations with their pupils. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abbott, Heidi Jane (1995) The biogeography of the magnesian limestone grassland flora of east Durham and Tyne & Wear. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abbott, Richard Bruce (1983) Calculations in supersymmetric quantum theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abbott, Steven J. (1988) The immunocytochemical localization of transgenically-expressed proteins in plants. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abd Razak, Shamsul Bahri B. (2000) Development and distribution of laticifers in plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abd-El-Naby, Mokhtar A. (1978) Numerical solutions of two-point boundary value problems in Chebyshev series. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdalla, Mohyeldin Siddig (1995) Management services as an aid to administrative reform in the Sudan public service. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdel-Hady, Shahinaz M.A. (1996) The portrayal of Egyptian women in selected novels of Najīb Mahfūz. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdelghaffar, Kamal Hassan (1973) Vector cross product structures on manifolds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdelhady, A. K. (1974) Measurements of energy loss of cosmic ray μ - mesons and protons. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdelrahim, Sadeq (1990) The impact of macro economic factors on the stock Prices: a case study of Kuwait. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdo, Ass ad Sulaiman (1969) A geographical study of transport in Saudi Arabia with special reference to road transport. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdolbaghi, Hooshang (1971) International monetary fund and the group of ten certain legal aspects. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Abdulghani, Fatima A.H. (1993) The methodology of religious education in the United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, M. Johar (1982) Non-equilibrium generation lifetime measurements on MOS devices. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Mohamad P. A. D. P. (1986) A study of educational planning in Brunei Darussalam. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Mohd Pu'ad (1999) Biochemical and molecular studies of some aspects of disease resistance in potato (solanum tuberosum L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Muzahim Mohammed (1977) The production and decay of sigma hyperons by kaons at rest. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Muzahim Mohammed (1982) Study of extensive air showers at sea level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah Al-Amri, Husayn (1983) The yemeni scholar muhammad B. Ali Al-Shawkani (1173-1250/1760-1834) his life, works and times, together with a critical edition of Darr Al-Sihabah Fi Manaqib Al-Qarabah Wa-L-Sahabah. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdulmajeed Ibrahim al-Mubarak, (2006) Al-Munşif min al-Kalām 'alā Mughnī lbn Hishãm by Taqï al-Dīn al-Shumunnī [d. 1468]. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abdulrahman, Mohamed Ahmad (1999) The educational philosophies of teachers in the United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdulrahman Al-Mohd, Mohamed Ahmad (2009) Minority education and curriculum in the multilingual and multicultural society of the UAE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abengózar, Mercedes Carbayo (1997) La novelística de Carmen Martín Gaite: una lectura compartida. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Able, G. G. (1983) Towards an assessment of the relationships between the residential environment and the social progress of secondary school boys. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ablett-Spence, Ingrid Maria (2004) The initial phase of cancer care: An action research project. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ablikim, Medina (1999) Boundary sinh-Gordon model and its supersymmetric extension. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aborhmah, Abdulwahab Abdulrahman (2010) From ideological antagonism to 'strategic partnership' Saudi-Chinese relationships (1949-2006). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abrahman, Mohamad Zaki (1981) A study of structure and bonding in polymers produced by glow discharge polymerization with particular refrence to the use of E.S.C.A. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu Ashour, Rafe S. (1998) An evaluation of geographical information systems for surface water studies in the Badia region of Jordan. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abu Dib, Sed M. (1980) Three Libyan poets of the 20th century a study of their political poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu El-Shaer Yardy, Afaf Mizel (1995) Trends and developments in the poetic language of Bilād al-Shām, 1967 -1987. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu Leil-Cooper, Ghadir F. (1995) Testing the standard model at future high energy colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu-Nasrieh, Omar M. (1989) Free radical reaction of fluorine containing compounds. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abu-Shbak, Mohammad Mahmoud (1983) The application of ESCA to structure and bonding with particular reference to synthesis and surface modification of polymers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu-Zinada, Abdul-Aziz, H. (1971) Fine structural and biochemical studies on the infection of vicia faba l. by uromyces and botrytis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abugares, Miloud M. (2007) Deposition, diagenesis, and reservoir development of the Cretaceous Lidam formation, SE Sirt Basin, Libya. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abuhamdah, Sawsan "Mohammad Ali" (2006) Probing novel compound classes & a new interacting protein for the Mammalian GАВА(_A) receptor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abunafeesa, Elsadig Yagoub A. (1985) The post-1970 political geography of the red sea region with special reference to united states interests. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Acheampong, Frank Owusu (2004) The impact of intermediate means of transports (IMTs) on agricultural production and marketing in coastal Ghana: evidence from a pilot IMT action research project. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ackland, Rosalyn (1992) Spider communities in agricultural habitats: the effect of habitat interfaces on the distribution of species. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ackroyd, Robert (1978) Vibrational spectroscopic studies of hydrogen bonding interactions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adal, Mohammed, N. (1965) A study of the motor supply to mammalian skeletal muscle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adam, Peter James Hedderwick (1981) The practice of the imitation of Christ with special reference to the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamopoulos, Leonidas (1973) Statistical analysis op earthquake data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Alan E. (1977) The design and construction of a low cost visual display unit. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Andrew (2000) An assessment of the effects of pozzolanic activity on the behaviour of fly ash. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, David Brinley (1973) Some experimental and theoretical aspects of structure and bonding as studied by ESCA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Ian S. (1987) Philosophy, ideology and educational theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Jonathan Neil (2003) Interference patterns: Literary study, scientific knowledge, and disciplinary autonomy after the two cultures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, T. A. (1979) The characteristics of a national digital topographic database. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Timothy A. (1979) Characteristics of a national topographic digital database. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Timothy A. (1982) Raster data structures and topographic data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, G. W. (1966) The crystal structures of some organo-metallic compounds of Beryllium and Zinc. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, John (1958) The compensation op the effects of potential gradient variations in the measurement of the atmospheric air-earth current. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, Katherine Louise (2002) Vector boson pair production at hadron colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adcock, C. (1970) An analysis of high energy muons in extensive air showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adcock, Gwenda. A (1974) A study of the types of interlace on Northumbrian sculpture. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Addinall, P. (1979) The understanding of nature in the Old Testament: an investigation of some scholarly views. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Addington-Hall, Julia (1988) Memory in depression. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Addison, Cyril Clifford (1936) Adsorption at the interface between two fluids, with special reference to the adsorption of certain dyes at liquid-liquid interfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adejuyigbe, J Omolade (1967) Aspects of the political geography of Nigeria: with particular reference to the problem of unification. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adeokun, Lawrence Adefemi (1970) Aspects of the population geography of the western area, Sierra Leone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adham, Fahad Saleh (1993) The transferability of Japanese and western production management practices to petrochemical organisations in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adiakpan, J. B. (1962) A hundred years educational work in the former Calabar Province (1846-1946). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Adunga, Aynalem (1984) The spatial pattern of the Ethiopian population. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Aebischer, Nicholas J. (1985) Aspects of the biology of the shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aelvoet, Karel (2008) Research of bifunctional catalysts for C-C bond forming reactions. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Affara, Fatima Mohammed Seleh (1995) The role of financial intermediaries in Saudi Arabia’s development with particular reference to the national commercial bank. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Afzal, Muhammad (1974) The proton, pion and omega final state produced by 11.7 Gev pions in hydrogen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Agbor, N.E. (1993) Gas sensors using organic thin films at room temperature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aghasi, Mansour (1996) Geometry of arithmetic surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aherne, Christine M. (1995) Electrochemical and structural properties of some 1,2,3,5 and 1,3,2,4 dithiadiazolylium salts and related compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmad, Abu Bakar (1983) Improved wideband coaxial methods for dielectric measurements on nitrogen ceramics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmad, Jihad Hasan (1987) Motivation for learning English in Jordan. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ahmad, Khalid Dham (1989) The positive control of ilvC expression in E. coli K-12. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmad, Mokbul Morshed (2001) Bearers of change: the field workers of NGOs in Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmad, Saeeda Riaz (1968) Influence of religion on politics in Pakistan 1947 - 1956. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Abdullah Mosed (1991) The synthesis of new main-chain liquid crystalline polymers as materials for non-linear optics. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Badr El Din Yousif Mohammad (1982) A study of the climate of the Sudan with special reference to agriculture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Gaffar Abdalla (2007) Participatory finance in Sudanese banking system: Perceptions on performance, obstacles and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Hassan Abdel Aziz (1967) Caravan trade and routes in the northern Sudan in the 19th century: a study in historical geography. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Hassan Abdel Aziz (1970) Commercial cotton growing in the Sudan between 1860 and 1925: a study in historical geography. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Iftikhar (1994) Projective modules of group rings over quadratic number fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Ishtiaq M. (2008) Studies on the role of inflammation and stem cells in cardiac ischaemic injury. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Kadrya Mohammed (1986) The design and implementation of a microprocessor controlled adaptive filter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Mohamed Abdelkarim (1967) Algebra of currents and some applications to elementary particle physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Quamar F. (1994) Study of decentralised decision models in distributed environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmet Fuat, (2006) The Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure across Primary and Secondary Care. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahn, Seung Hee (2008) A study of leadership development programme for gifted primary school students in South Korea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahrnke, Stephan (2003) Divine presence in the yahad.: The identity of the Qumran community in relation to god according to IQS and IQH as revealed in their interpretation of biblical texts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahrnke, Stephan (2001) Glory in the Hebrew bible, the Qumran thanksgiving hymns, and the songs of Sabbath sacrifice: a comparative study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

AI-Abdullatif, Sultan Abdullah (2007) The application of the AAOIFI accounting standards by the Islamic banking sector in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aikenhead, Michael (1997) Legal analogical reasoning - the interplay between legal theory and artificial intelligence. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Aikenhead, Michael (2001) Legal knowledge-based systems: new directions in system design. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ainsworth, Mark (1989) A posteriori error estimation in the finite element method. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ainsworth, Richard L. (1997) The synthesis and adsorption properties of some carbohydrate-terminated dendrimer wedges. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aitken, James K. (1991) Choral odes of Euripides: interpretative problems and mythical paradigms. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Aitken, Nicholas Maclaren (1999) Mass transport studies in the growth of cdTe crystals by multi-tube physical vapour transport. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Akeroyd, Andrew Gerard (1996) Signals of non-minimal higgs sectors at future colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Akgoz, Yakup Cevdet (1974) Magnetoresistivity tensor of arsenic (25.5 at. %) – Antimony alloy single crystals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Akhtar, B. A. (1968) Studies on the behaviour of some mono-carboxylic acids at the solution-vapour interface. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Akhtaruzzaman, Md. (1989) Dielectric studies of some oxide materials, nitride ceramics and glasses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Akiman, Orhan (1971) The petrology and geochemistry of the tertiary dyke swarm associated with the Mourne mountain granites, Northern Ireland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Akinci, Omer T. (1974) The geology and mineralogy of copper lead, Zinc sulphide veins from Bulancak, Turkey. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Akinluyi, Emmanuel Olusegun (1965) The role of female characters in Vergil’s Aeneid. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Akyilmaz Yabaci, Meltem (2008) Advection in photodissociation regions and its effects on the intensities of rotational lines of H(_2)O. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al .Musailim, Muhammad Yousef (1987) Current problems of educational administration in the state of Kuwait. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al Mazrooa, Hoda Saad (1988) Analysis of relief, slopes and summits in the thaniyat turayf, n.w. Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al Qassim, Waheed (2007) An analysis of Bahrain's reform process, 1999-2005: Elite driven reform, developmental challenges, and strategic opportunities. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al Saud, Faisal Bin Misha'al (2000) Political development in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia: an assessment of the Majlis Ash-Shura. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al- Kaabi, Alya Hamad (1987) The effect of education and work on women's position in Qatar. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Ahmadi, Saeed S.R. (1993) Developmental studies on Malpighian tubule structure and function in Spodoptera Littoralis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Alwan, Ali A. (2008) Bayesian methods for analysing pesticide contamination with uncertain covariates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Anani, Nadia A. (2009) Evaluation of the impact of international standards set by “the basle committee on banking supervision” on Jordanian law. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Aqeel, Adnan, Sayed, Hashem (1974) Symmetric spaces of order k. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Aruri, Ahmad D. A. (1981) Kinetic and equilibrium studies of the reactions of some aromatic nitro compounds with metal alkoxides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Asfour, Taiba Abdulmuhsen (1975) Changing sea-level along the north coast of Kuwait bay. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Astal, Kamal Muhammad Muhammad (1995) The political and economic role of trade, unions and associations in the Gaza strip 1967-1993. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Barazi, N. K. (1960) The geography of Argiculture in irrigated areas of the middle Euphrates valley. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Bassam, Abdullah.A.I. (1988) Case and cd(_1-x)zn(_x)se single crystal photovoltaic devices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Bassam, T.S. (1969) Magnetic domain structure in hexagonal crystals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Bishri, Isma IL. M (1988) Al-dibaj al-khusruwami ft akhbar a'yan al-mikhlaf al-sulaymami. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-BishrĪ, Ismā’ Īl (1988) AL-DĪBĀJ AL-KHUSRUWĀNI FĪ AKIHBAR A “ YĀN AL-MIKLHLĀ- AL-SULAYMĀMĪ. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Blehed, A. S. (1975) A contribution to the climatic studies on Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Chalabi, Mahboub (1970) The application op non-linear optimisation techniques in geophysics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Dajani, Rula Lutfi (2001) Bedouin livelihoods: the role of women in the Jordanian Badia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Dargazelli, Shetha Selman (1979) The development of gas scintillation counters for high count rate x-ray detection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Darmaki, Salem A. (2004) Assessing the need for community health nursing services in the UAE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Dehailan, Salman Saleh (2007) The participation of women in Saudi Arabia's economy: Obstacles and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Dhafiri, Abdullah M. (1988) CDS-CU(_x)S single crystal and thin film solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Din, Nadia Yussef Gamal (1979) Selection for university education in egypt:: practice, philosophy and perspective. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Dossary, Saeed (2001) Predicting success in higher education:: predictive validity, attainment at school level and its relationship to degree class. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Emadi, Ahmed (2002) The evaluation of the physical education initial teacher training programme at Qatar University. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Fazari, Khalifa Salim (2006) Fiscal policy and economic performance in Oman during 1970-2003. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Fozan, Mohammed Ibn Ahmed A. (1997) The leadership style of headteachers and its relationship with primary school pupils' achievement in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Furayh, Osman Saleh (1969) The diwan of Abu Al-Hasan Al-Tihami. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Ghailany, Yusuf A.M. (1992) Parliament and the control of British foreign policy 1900-1914: with special reference to the European alliance systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Haddad, Maha R. (2006) Synthesis of substituted phenylene-ethynylene- based conjugated rods. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Hadhrami, Zahir (2006) The impact of GCC integration on the economy of Oman: An empirical study of the attitudes of the business community to the customs union. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Hawery, Abdulaziz S. (1990) Magnetic studies on superconducting oxides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Heeti, Abd al-Majeed N. Mahmod (1987) State capitalism and the agricultural sector: aspects of political and economic development of Algeria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Helal, Ali A. (1985) The use of isoenzymes in the study of germination, development and breeding of legumes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Imam, Fatima Muhammad Nejib (1979) Abdallah ibn ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Jabr, Mohammed A. (1984) Agriculture in al-hassa oasis, Saudi Arabia: a review of development. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Jerash, Mohammed Abdullah (1968) Soils and agricultural development in the region of Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Kaabi, Sharifa Sultan (1981) Kinetics and mechanism of the denitrosation of a nitrosamine and a trionitrite. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Kaabi, Zabia Hamad (1987) The determinants of the future of agriculture in Qatar. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Kazwini, B. M. (1969) The Abbasid palace an analytical study of its wall-ornaments. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Khamees, A. H. (1980) The petrology and geochemistry of ophiolites from the Khawr Fakkan region. Northern Oman range, United Arab Emirates. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Khassabah, Qasem Sulieman (1994) Community participation in the programmes of social centres in Jordan: The experience of Queen Alia Fund. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Khatrash, F. A. (1970) British political relation with Kuwait 1890-1921. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Kubaisi, Mohammed Ali M. (1984) Industrial development in Qatar: a geographical assessment. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Kuwari, Ali Khalifa (1974) Oil revenue of the Arabian gulf Emirates: patterns of allocation and impact on economic development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AL-Mannai, Seema (2001) surfactant-induced crystallisation of DI-aspartic acid. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mansour, Mansour I. (2000) Aspects of the life-cycle energetics of two subspecies of dunlin calidris alpina. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Marzooq, Sabriyah Mohammed (1975) A study of social change in Kuwait with special reference to the status of women. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Maskari, Ahmed bin Yahya (1998) The influence of cycocel on the responses of wheat plants to water limitations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Masri, Mohammaed (2005) The Jordanian bourgeoisie composition and structure 1967-1989. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mehaimeed, Ali M. (1991) The Gulf Co-operation Council, law and institutions: implications for the member states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Misnad, Sheikha Abdulla. (1984) The development of modern education in Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar with special reference to the education of women and their position in modern Gulf society. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mousawi, Abdullah H. A (1984) Biological studies ob algae in rice-field soil prom tee Iraqi marshes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Muaikel, Khaleel Ibrahim (1988) A critical study of the archaeology of the jawf region of Saudi Arabia with additional material on its history and early Arabic epigraphy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mughni, Hala Abdul-Rahman (1988) Transfer of technology to Kuwait: a study of the use of the computer in the public institution for social security. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Muwaled, Faraj Mobarak Jam'an (1993) Maritime boundary delimitation of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia a study in political geography. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Najjar, Baqer Salman (1983) Aspects of labour market behaviour in an oil economy: a study of underdevelopment and immigrant labour in Kuwait. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Namlah, Abdulrahman S. (2002) A sociocultural approach to memory development: private speech and culture as determinants of early remembering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Naqi, Habib A. (1990) Monetary policy application in the oil-exporting countries: the case of Kuwait. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Nasiri, K. S. (1978) Landlords, lineages and land reform in an Iraqi village. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Nokhada, Mohamed A.H. (1999) Children’s literature, their books and reading interests: a study in primary schools in Bahrain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Nouri, Nabeel Fathil M. (1985) Agricultural marketing in Iraq: an analysis of the variety of factors and processes underlying the marketing of Iraqi agricultural produce, with emphases on the potential for improving the marketing infrastructure. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Nughimshi, Abdullah M (1998) Port employment in eastern Saudi Arabia: problems and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Ofi, Abdulaziz Slaim (2004) Vector bundles on manifolds: the cohomology of projective algebraic varieties. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Ofl, Abdalaziz Saleem (2008) Analysis of complex nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Oun, Salem Safah (1997) Livestock marketing in the Jordanian Badia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

al-Qasimi, Sultan bin Muhammad (1999) Power struggles and trade in the Gulf 1620-1820. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Qasimi, Sultan bin Muhammed (1999) Power straggles and trade in the gulf 1620-1820. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Raddady, Mohammad M. (1977) Transformation of agriculture in western Saudi Arabia: problems and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Rawahy, Salim Y.S. (1995) Effects of mining subsidence observed by time-lapse seismic reflection profiling. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Robai, Ali A. S. (1981) Studies on developmental changes in fine structure and metabolism in flight muscle of Locusta migratoria L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Rubaiay, Dawood J. (1984) Irrigation and drainage systems in Basrah province, Iraq. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Rumaihi, Mohammed Ghanim (1973) Social and political change in Bahrain since the First World War. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Saleemi, Elham (1987) A contrastive study of the verb systems of English and Arabic. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Salim, Taha Hussein (1995) A comparative application of flood routing models on the rivers Wear and Tees with special reference to the state variable model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sani, Rashed Mezed Ali (1992) The role of the gulf cooperation council in the economic development of the Gulf States. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sari, Abdulkader Mohammed (1989) A geological investigation of multispectral remote sensing data for the Mahd Adh Dhahab and Jabal said districts, western Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sebaie, Mohammed M. (2000) An analytical study of job satisfaction among Saudi nationals in the Saudi economic offset program companies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Shahrani, Abdulaziz A.SH. (1993) Preparation and characterisation of ceramic and thin film Zn(_2)SnO(_4). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sharafat, Meqbel Msallam (2001) Government policies affecting the sheep industry in the northern Jordanian badia and Bedouin responses. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sharafi, Abdul Gabbar Mohammed (2000) Towards a textual theory of metonymy: a semiotic approach to the nature and role of metonymy in text. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sharah, Mohammad Kanoush (1997) Political liberalisation in Jordan a study of the democratisation process;1989-1993. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sheail, Ahmad .N. O. (2000) The international, regional and legal aspects of Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait 1990-1991. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Shehri, Abdulrahman M. (1992) An ecophysiological study on the moss hydrogoniuh fontanum from the Asir mountains, Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Siraih, Abdul Hussain (1983) The functional region of Basrah city. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sirhan, Shaheen Mofady (1998) Managing rangelands: learning from institutional experience in order to promote Bedouin participation in the Badia of Jordan. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sobaihi, Sulaiman M. (1976) Water resources of Wadi Hanifah, Saudi Arabia: a case study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Sobhi, Owdah Ayyad (1989) Greening and development in wheat seedlings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Tahan, Issam J. M. Jawad (1982) Some factors affecting agricultural production .and productivity in Iraq including selected climate variables and crops. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Tarkait, Sawsan E.M (1987) Kindergarten in Kuwait. Masters thesis, Durham University.

al-Tayyib, Khadiga Karrar (1975) Aspects of Sufism in the Sudan. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Trabulsy, Hussain Ali M. (1993) Investigation of some astronomical phenomena in medieval Arabic chronicles. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Turki, Saeed (1995) Water resources in Saudi Arabia with particular reference to Tihama Asir province. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Zu’b, Zu’bi Mohammad (2008) Suppliers versus lead users: examining collaboration in mass customisation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alabert, Josep Carles (1998) Optical vapour pressure monitoring and mass transport control during bulk CdTe crystal growth in a novel multi-tube PVT system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AlAgha, Iyad Mohammed (2009) Technologies to enhance self-directed learning from hypertext. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alaib, M. A. (1985) Seedling responses to growth regulators and drought stress. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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