Latest Additions to Durham e-Theses
WILLIAMS, CLAIRE,LOUISE (2025) "In the kitchen because there's no other space for me" Testimony and epistemology in Newfrontiers women
A Charismatic Practical Theological investigation into the lived religion of Newfrontiers women in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
A Charismatic Practical Theological investigation into the lived religion of Newfrontiers women in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CRESSWELL, JAMES,DANIEL (2024) Investigation of the Materials Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol for Soluble Unit Dose Laundry Pods. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
QIAO, TANQIU (2025) Geometry-Informed Graph Neural Networks for Multi-Person Human-Object Interaction Recognition in Videos. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAW, STEPHANIE,LOUISE (2024) LGBT+ young people’s transitions to adulthood in a post-pandemic society. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MU, ZHICHAO (2025) Dual-Phase Electrolyte for Supercapacitors via Non-Aqueous Emulsion Templating. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOWARD, ZACHARY,A (2024) Augustine on Imagination in his Pastoral Theology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.