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Abbadi, Sinan Sulieman (2009) Information Content and Interrelationships of Multiple Performance Measures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abbott, Andrew James (1999) An investigation into the influence of exchange rate variability on UK export volumes and prices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdalla, A G M. (1969) Meroitic personal names. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdel-Fattah, Tarek Mohamed Hassan (2008) VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE PRACTICES IN EMERGING CAPITAL MARKETS: THE CASE OF EGYPT. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdo, Muhammad Fawzi (1989) The urbanisation of Kuwait since 1950: planning, progress and issues. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdollahy, Reza (1977) A History of Chronology and Calendars in Iran from Ancient to Modern Times, with Principles of Date-Conversion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdul Kader, Radiah (1993) Performance and market implications of Islamic banking : (a case study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdul Samad, Eleena Masnee (2007) The perception of Malaysian Muslims concerning Islamic housing finance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abdullah, Mohamad Asmadi bin (2005) The concept of tarikah in the Islamic law of succession with special reference to the practices of the civil courts and the Syariah courts in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abedin, Najmul (1969) The Working District Administration in Pakistan, 1947-1964. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abu Ghunmi, Diana Nawwash Abed El-Hafeth (2008) Stock return, risk and asset pricing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abu Gulal, Saif Badr (2003) Political economy of international sanctions : the case of Iraq. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abu Jalalah, Fatma Ali (1993) The cultural dimension of teaching English as a foreign language in an Arab Gulf State. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abu-Dalbouh, Mousa (1997) An investigation into secondary students' and teachers' attitudes towards the teaching and learning of physical education in Jordan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Abu-Milha, Khalid Yahya (2003) Scientific issues in the Holy Qur'an : the meaning and translation of verses relating to the creation of the universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Adcock, Gwenda Aleathea (2002) Interlaced animal design in Bernician stone sculpture examined in the light of the design concepts in the Lindisfarne Gospels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Adrees, Bader (2007) A Critical Edition of AI-Lu'lu' al-Manthur fi Nasihat Wulat al-Umur by Nur-al-Din al-SamhudI (d.911H). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Afouxenidis, Alexander (1990) Industrial relations and workers' participation issues : a case study of the Greek telecommunications sector. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahmad, Riaz (1969) The concept of the Islamic State as found in the writings of Abul A' La Maududi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahmad Farid, Fara Madehah (2007) The potential of Musha??rakah as an Islamic financial structure for venture capital funding in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahmadi, Ziad M. (1997) Sequence stratigraphy using wireline logs from Upper Jurassic of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahmed, Naif Baker (1990) The stabilization of Aeolian sand dunes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahmed, Osman Babikir (1990) The contribution of Islamic banking to economic development : the case of the Sudan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ahn, Jeen Ho (2001) Social justice in the epistle of James. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AI-Kuwaiti, Ahmed A. (2007) Evaluating the Impact of a Problem-Based Learning Curriculum on Undergraduate Medical Students in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ajlouni, Heba Kamel (2006) The financing problems of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Jordan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Akita, Mamiko (2001) The phonological development of adult Japanese learners of English : a longitudinal study of perception and production. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al -Jahrwari, Nasser Said Ali (2008) Settlement patterns, development and cultural change in Northern Oman Peninsula: a multi-tiered approach to the analysis of long-term settlement trends. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al Ghussain, Reem Abed Al Latif (2003) Areas of cultural and linguistic difficulty in English-Arabic translation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al Kathiri, Said Masoud Naoom (2007) The implications of legal change and political reform for the workings of the Majlis A' Shura and Majlis A' Dawlah in Oman (1981-2003). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al Moghani, Hassan Mohamed (2003) Students' perceptions of motivation in English language learning in Libya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Ali, Mohamed (1999) Genre, schema, and the academic writing process : an enquiry into the generalisability of generic structure and its relationship to schematic knowledge. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Amri, Khalid Hadi (2004) Arabic / English / Arabic translation : shifts of cohesive markers in the translation of argumentative texts : a contrastive Arabic-English text-linguistic study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Askar, Salih Rashed (2005) Client and employee perceptions of Islamic banking in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Atari, Aref T M A. (1989) Role perceptions and role performance of instructional supervisors as perceived by teachers and supervisors in the public schools of Qatar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Azma', Talal Sha'yfan Muslat (1999) The role of the Ikhwan under 'Abdul-'Aziz Al Sa'ud 1916-1934. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Azraqi, Munira Ali (1998) Aspects of the syntax of the dialect of Abha (south west Saudi Arabia). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Azzam, Bakri H. S. (2005) Certain terms relating to Islamic observances : their meanings with reference to three translations of the Qur'an and a translation of Hadith. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Barari, Hassan Abdulmuhdi (2001) Domestic politics in Israeli peace-making, 1988-1994. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
al-Denawy, Mahmood Hassaan (2006) A reappraisal of attitudes to the 'People of the Book' in the Qur'an and hadith, with particular reference to Muslim fiscal policy and the covenant of 'Umar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Eisa, Abdulaziz (1997) U.S. Saudi relations : interdependence revisited. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Fuhaid, Mohammad R.T. (2004) Vocabulary learning strategies : an empirical study of their use and evaluation by Saudi EFL learners majoring in English. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Ghadyan, Abdulmohsen Abdulrazaq (2004) The attitudes of university academic staff towards e-learning and in-service training in Saudi Arabia : an analytical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Ghamdi, Ahmed Abdullah Saud (1996) The Saudi-Yemeni boundary : towards a peaceful resolution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Hagi, Fatma Salem (2008) The concept of time in five Libyan novels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Hail, Ali Bin Mohammed Abdulla Jasim (1995) The teaching of media studies : a study in theory and practice. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Harran, Saad Abdul Sattar (1990) Islamic finance : the experience of the Sudanese Islamic Bank in partnership (musharakah) financing as a tool for rural development among small farmers in Sudan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Harthi, Shabbab A. (2001) Public administration and privatisation programmes : a case study of the contracting-out of management in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Hedaithy, Mesaid Ibrahim (1989) Moderization and Islam in Saudi Arabia : a sociological study of 'Public Morality Committees'. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Hejry, Mohammed Nasser (1997) Omani general budget deficit during the third five-year plan period 1986-1990 : causes, macroeconomic effects and policy evaluation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Hor, Abdul Aziz Mohamed (1996) Co-operative learning and the new primary science curriculum in the State of Qatar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Jabry, Khamis Saif Hamood (2009) Multilateral versus bilateral trade: policy choices in Oman. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Liheibi, Fahd M M. (1999) Aspects of sentence analysis in the Arabic linguistic tradition, with particular reference to ellipsis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Malik, Fahad M. (1995) Performative utterances : their basic and secondary meanings with reference to five English translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Malki, Majid Abdullah (1994) Industrial development in Qatar in a changing world. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Marzooki, Ahmed Mohamed (1994) The development of vocational and technical education in Qatar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Medej, A A M M M. (1983) Yemeni relations with the central Islamic authorities : (9-233/630-847); a political history. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Mehairi, Jamal M. (1993) The role of transportation networks in the development and integeration of the seven emirates forming the United Arab Emirates, with special reference to Dubai. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Muhanna, Mohammed Abdullah (2005) The Saudi Majlis Ash-Shura : domestic functions and international role, 1993-2003. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Nuaimi, Tareq (2002) Educational reform in Oman : policy context and teachers' attitudes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Owais, Hadif Rashid (1989) The role of the Supreme Court in the constitutional system of the United Arab Emirates - a comparative study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Qahtani, Mohammed (2009) Qatars membership of the World Trade Organization: what are the economic benefits? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Qasimi, Mohammed Hassan (1998) Establishing and interpreting international human rights standards : a universal idea in a plural society. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Rajhi, Ahmed Naser (2001) The role of transmission pricing in electricity industry restructuring : the case of Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Rakeiba, Abdullah S. (1991) Movement and transport of pilgrims in the Hajj Region, Saudi Arabia : a geographical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Rasheed, Muhammad Sa'ad (1973) Criminal Procedure in Saudi Arabian judical institutions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
al-Rawas, Isam Ali Ahmad (1990) Early Islamic Oman (ca - 622/280-893) : a political history. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Sahli, Abdullah S. (1996) Non-canonical word order : its types and rhetorical purposes with reference to five English translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Salamah, Abdullah Hamad (1994) Employee perceptions in multinational companies : a case study of the Saudi Arabian basic industries corporation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Salmi, Abdulrahman (2001) The Omani siyar as a literary genre and its role in the political evolution and doctrinal development of Eastern Ibadism, with special reference to the epistles of Khwarizm, Khurasan and Mansura. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Shahrani, Mobarak Saeed N Hamdan (1995) History teaching methods and students' attainments and attitudes in the first year of secondary schooling in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Shahrany, Mohammad Yahya (1998) The public sector labour market and higher educational provision in Saudi Arabia with reference to Assir region. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Sharah, Mohammad Kanoush (1997) Political liberalisation in Jordan : a study of the democratisation process; 1989-1993. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Sheddi, Baker (1997) The roots of Arabic theatre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Smael, Fahad (2000) A think-aloud protocols investigation of lexico-semantic problems and problem-solving strategies among trainee English-Arabic translators. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Sobai, Huda Abdulrahman Turkei (1999) The failure and success of women students at the University of Qatar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Sudais, Omar A. (2004) The perceptions of specific needs among a discourse community of ESP learners : whether these relate to their achievement, attitudes and motivation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Tasan, Hamad Saleh A. (1998) An evaluation of housing finance in Saudi Arabia : the Real Estate Development Fund's policies and alternative options. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Thani, Fahd Abdul Rhman Hamad (1992) The spatial impact of the hydrocarbon industry on land and sea use in Qatar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Thani,, Tamader Jassim (2008) Early Years Education in Qatar: a comparative study of its nature, provision and quality in national and international pre-school settings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
al-Theeb, Solaiman Abdal-Rahman (1989) A comparative study of Aramaic and Nabataean inscriptions from North-West Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Thenayian, Mohammed Bin A. Rashed (1993) An archaeological study of the Yemeni highland pilgrim route between San'A' and Mecca. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Ulama, Hesam Mohammed Jalil Sultan (1994) The federal boundaries of the United Arab Emirates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Zarah, Layla N. (2008) An investigative study of the female initial teacher preparation programme in Saudi Arabia in an Islamic context : perceptions of the key participants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Al-Zaylai, A U. (1983) The southern area of the amirate of Mecca (3-7/9-13 centuries), its history, archaeology and epigraphy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Aladieh, Salamah Salih Sylayman (1991) Meccan trade prior to the rise of Islam. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alajmi, Abdulhadi (2004) Transcending legitimacy : Al-Awza'i and his interaction with the 'Abbasid state. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alam, Mahbub (2001) Slaves of water : indigenous knowledge of fisheries on the floodplain of Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alam, Undala Zafar (1998) Water rationality : mediating the Indus Waters Treaty. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alamri, Saleh Naeeman O. (1999) Preparation and characterisation of thin film CdS/CdTe solar cells produced by close space sublimation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alaraj, Abdullah M. S. (2008) Enforcing Honesty in E-Commerce Fair Exchange Protocols. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alcorn, Pamela Mary (1992) Perspectives of electroacoustic music : a critical study of the electroacoustic music of Jonathan Harvey, Denis Smalley and Trevor Wishart. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alderson, Michael (2001) Household resilience, food security and recurrent exogenous shocks : a study from the semi-arid communal areas of Zimbabwe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Aldolaimi, Ahmed H. (2006) Investigating the effectiveness of training in the public sector in Saudi Arabia : case studies of the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Public Administration. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alenezi, Fahaad J.M.M. (2009) Usuli Shi'ism and state approaches to Islamic unity: the ecumenical movement in post-Safavid Iran. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alessa, Amani S. (2007) Polar opposites or possible bedfellows? : seeking to reconcile Islam and female equality in Kuwait : an evaluation of the feasibility, in terms of religious, cultural, legal, and constitutional considerations, of importation of legislation modelled on the. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alhajeri, Abdullah (2004) Citizenship and political participation in the State of Kuwait : the case of National Assembly (1963-1996). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ali, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Mohammed (1998) Measuring and weighing terms in the Qur'an : their meaning with reference to six English translations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ali, Gebril Motawil (1995) Water erosion on the northern slope of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar of Libya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alkhelaiwai, Khalid S. (2001) The impact of oil revenue fluctuations on the Saudi Arabian economy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Allen, Anne (1995) The maritime cultural landscape of Viking and Late Norse Orkney. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Allen, D. J. (1981) The effect of rotor and casing geometry on the performance of cross-flow fans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Almetair, Amer Nasser (1987) The impact of socio-economic change on Saudi urban transportation, Eastern region : Female transportation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Almisned, Othman A. (2001) Metaphor in the Qur'an : an assessment of three English translations of Suurat Al-Hajj. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alnajim, Abdullah M. (2009) Fighting Internet Fraud: Anti-Phishing Effectiveness for Phishing Websites Dectection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alnajjar, Abdalla A A. (1992) Single crystal CdS/CdTe:P solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alsford, Michael (1990) The notion of coadunacy and the problem of self/other relationality in theology with special reference to Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Barth and Pannenberg. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alshaikh, Abdullatif A. (2001) Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Co-operation Council neighbours : a study in international boundary management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Amin, M A. (1980) Jama at Al-Ahali : its origin, ideology and role in Iraqi politics 1932-1946. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Amirshahi, P. (1983) A serological-genetic study of Iranian and neighbouring populations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ammus, Muthanna S. (1999) Jerusalem in the Arab Israeli conflict 1967-1998. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Anderson, Imogen Siobhan (1997) A mission for medicine : Dr Ellen Farrer and India 1891-1933. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Anderson, Simon John (2000) Music by members of the Choral Foundation of Durham Cathedral in the 17th century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Aniah, Eugene Joseph Ugbe (1992) Urban-rural interaction in cross river state Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Anna MaLo, (1995) The language experience approach in second language learning with particular reference to early secondary schooling in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Antrobus, Abby L. (2009) Urbanisation and the urban landscape: building medieval Bury St Edmunds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Arculus, R. J. (1973) The alkali fasalt, andesite association of grenada, lesser antilles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Armitage, Jonathan Mark (1997) The economy of mercy : the liturgical preaching of Saint Leo the Great. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Armitage, Nicholas Richard (1996) Christian unity and the imitation of Christ : a study in mankind's saving relationship with Christ's sacred humanity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Armstrong, Alona (2005) Monitoring and modelling suspended sediment flux in British upland catchments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Armstrong, Darren Philip (1994) The religious aspects of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Arnar, Árnason (1998) 'Feel the pain' : death, grief and bereavement counselling in the North East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Arvanigian, Mark Edward (1999) The Nevilles and the political establishment in north-eastern England, 1377-1413. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ashkanani, Zubaydah Ali M. H. (1988) Middle-aged women in Kuwait : Victims of change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ashwan, Majed Sultan Saad (1990) The population growth of Riyadh City in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Assali, Mehdi (1996) A macroeconomic model for a developing country : estimation and simulation of a macroeconometric model for Iran (1959-1993). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ataullah, Ali (2004) Economic and structural reforms and bank efficiency : a comparative analysis of India and Pakistan 1990-1998. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Atkinson, P. A. (1976) The clinical experienceL an ethnography of medical education. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Awiria, Onesemus Aganze (1994) An exploratory study of the relationship between the physical environment of schools and pupil behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Azizi, Abdul R. (1996) Modelling moment redistribution in continuous reinforced concrete beams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Badcock, Sarah (2000) Support for the Socialist Revolutionary Party during 1917, with a case study of events in Nizhegorodskaia guberniia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bahrambeygui, Hooshang (1978) A Geographical Study of Karaj : A Satellite City in the Urban Region of Tehran. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bailey, Joanne (1999) Breaking the conjugal vows : marriage and marriage breakdown in the north of England, 1660-1800. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bailey, Wayne Richard (1997) The structural evolution of a microplate suture zone, SW Cyprus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Baker, Rachel Georgina (1998) Negotiating identities : a study of the lives of street children in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Balding, Nigel William (1987) Real-time path planning for robot arms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Balmer, Donald H. (1987) An evaluation of group counselling as a therapeutic intervention for patients suffering from a chronic illness with special reference to rheumatoid arthritis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barbosa, Telma Regina da Costa Guimaraes (1991) Small firms competitive strategy : an exploratory study of a sample of Brazilian companies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barker, Duncan James (1999) The music of Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847-1935) : a critical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barley, Alexandra Fiona (2007) At home in India : geographies of home in contemporary indian novels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barton, Carl (2002) Dying to be funny : the sociological significance of (un)successful live performance humour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bayhan, Murat (1994) Preparation and characterisation of n-CdS/p-CdTe thin film solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bedlington, D J. (1994) Holocene sea-level changes anad crustal movements in North Wales and Wirral. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Begos, George (2008) Transnational mobility and European belonging : a demos without an ethnos? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bell, Sandra (1991) Buddhism in Britain - development and adaptation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Benna, Indo Isa (2000) Motivation for higher education of women from northern Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bennett, James Andrew (1996) Popular styles, local interpretations : rethinking the sociology of youth culture and popular music. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bentley, Anne (1971) The transformation of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England in the later nineteenth century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Berdom, Abduladim (2007) A comparative study of some English translations of parts of three Mu'allaqat. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Besag, Valerie E. (2000) A study of the changing friendship relations within a group of primary age girls and their use of insult, gossip, rumour and grassing in this process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Best, Philip Neil (1998) Apocalypticisim in the fiction of William S. Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, and Thomas Pynchon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bettington, Sylvia (2003) The synthesis and photophysical studies of cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bhanu, Bimal Roy (1997) Community care : the experiences of two South Asian communities in relation to caring for older people. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Binnington, P G. (1991) The measurement of rotary shaft seal film thickness. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Binzomah, Mohammed Saad (2008) The feasibility of using profit and loss sharing for financing small and medium sized enterprises in Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bishri, Ismail Muhammad (1988) A critical edition of Al-Dibaj Al-Khusruwani Fi Akhbar A Yan Al-Mikhlaf Al-Sulaymani by Al-Hasan B. Ahmad Akish (d. 1290/1874) with detailed introduction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bissell, David (2007) Mobile bodies : train travel and practices of movement. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Black, Jeremy (1982) British foreign policy 1727-1731. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blackman, Tim (1987) Housing policy and community action in County Durham and County Armagh : A comparative study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blair, Hugh Bernard (2000) Lifelong learning : rhetoric and meaning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blakely, Ruth Margaret (2000) The Brus family in England and Scotland 1100-c.1290. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blass, Eddie (2001) The future university. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blazey, David Anthony (1990) The litany in seventeenth-century Italy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bohaimed, Abdullah Ibrahim (2003) The determinants of wage differentials in a segmented labour market: A case study of the private sector in the Eastern Province of Saudia Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bolden, David S. (2006) Primary teachers' epistemological beliefs about the teaching and learning of mathematics : the link with and implications for their classroom pedagogy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boldyreff, Cornelia (1994) Design frameworks : a basis for conceptual understanding and reuse. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bolland, Mark Edmund (1996) Nietzsche and mountains. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bolton, Gavin M. (1997) A conceptual framework for classroom acting behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bond, Helen Katharine (1994) Pontius Pilate in history and interpretation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Booth, David Wallace (1978) An examination of the relationship between reading and drama in education. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Borrowdale, C.A. (1988) In search of a feminist theology of work. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bosbait, Mohammed Abdulrahman (2003) The school-to-work transition and youth unemployment in Saudi Arabia : the case of Al-Hasa province. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boughton, Gillian Elisabeth (1995) The juvenilia of Mrs Humphry Ward (1851-1920) : a diplomatic edition of six previously unpublished narratives derived from original manuscript sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boulding, M. Cecily (1982) The ecclesiology of Faber Stapulensis, discenible in his scripture commentaries and other related works. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boulding, Peter (1989) State policies and industrial change : reindustrialization programmes in British steel closure areas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boulos, Wahib Helmy Kozman (1991) St Athanasius of Alexandria's doctrine of grace. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bowes, Alison M. (1977) Ideology and Communal Society: The Israeli Kibbutz. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boyd, Lynne Ahfeld (1997) Synthetic, architectural and bonding aspects of carboranyl assemblies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boyiopoulos, Konstantinos (2008) Unsatisfied appeal of sense : the decadent image in the poetry and poetics of Oscar Wilde, Arthur Symons, and Ernest Dowson. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brain, Matthew James (2006) Autocompaction of mineralogenic intertidal sediments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Breet, Felicity Grace (1993) Verbal interaction in mathematics lessons in Anglophone Cameroon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brenneman, Laura L. (2005) Corporate discipline and the people of God : a study of 1 Corinthians 5:3-5. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brennen, Colin (1987) The life and times of Isaac Basire. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brett, Peter (1991) The liberal middle classes and politics in three provincial towns : Newcastle, Bristol and York - c.1812-1841. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bridges, James Ian (2008) City-to-city co-operation and the realisation of urban sustainability. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Briggs, Jeffery (1991) A profile of the juvenile joyrider and a consideration of the efficacy of motor vehicle projects as a diversionary strategy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Britton, Cathryn (2000) Women's experiences of early and long term breastfeeding in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bromberg, Michael David (2007) An investigation into the differing success rates of management accounting students in professional accounting examinations and undergraduate accounting students studying on cognate courses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Broome Saunders, Clare (2005) Re-reading the legend : medievalism as a discourse of empowerment in the work of women writers and artists, circa 1830-1900. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brown, Judith A. (1965) A geographical study of the evolution of the cities of Tehran and Isfahan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brown, Susan Elizabeth (1979) Des Knaben Wunderhorn (1806-08): its reception and an assessment of its impact. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bruhn, James David (2008) Pluralistic landscapes of Northern Roman Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brydon, Michael Andrew (1999) The evolving reputation of Richard Hooker : an examination of responses to the Ecclesiastical Polity, 1640-1714. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buchanan, Alison Susan (1997) The presentation of masculine experience in the English Gothic novel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buckler, Elizabeth Sarah (2003) Fire in the dark : telling gypsiness in North East England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buckley, Robert J. (1992) The Halveti-Jerrahi : a Sufi order in modern Turkey. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buckley, Robert William (1973) Problems associated with the cds. photovoltaic cell. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bullock, D. J. (1982) Aspects of the ecology of feral goats (Capra (domestic)) in the Southern Uplands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Burdess, Anne (2005) A prison called me : a clients perspective of some of the emotional effects of living with dissociative identity disorder and how they can affect behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Burt, Peter (1998) The music of Toru Takemitsu : influences, confluences and status. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Burton, Brian (2004) 'A forest of intertextuality' : the poetry of Derek Mahon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bushang, Ibrahim Omar (2002) Lower Cretaceous Ratawi Formation Saudi Arabia-Kuwait Partitioned Neutral Zone : deposition, diagenesis and petroleum geology in the framework of sequence stratigraphy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Busit, Obaid Saqer (1991) The system of arbitration in the U.A.E. : problems and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Butler, Christopher Anthony (1995) Basement fault reactivation : the kinematic evolution of the Outer Hebrides Fault Zone, Scotland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buzied, Mohamed Mabruk (1998) Enterprise accounting and its context of operation : the case of Libya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Byron, John (2002) Slaves of God and Christ : a traditio-historical and exegetical examination of slavery metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Cabuk, Nilay (1994) Capitalism, patriarchy and identity women and capitalist industrialisation in Turkey : textile workers in Manisa. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Caffell, Anwen Cedifor (2004) Dental caries in medieval Britain (c. AD 450-1540) : temporal, geographical and contextual patterns. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Callaghan, Gillian (1998) Young people and social change in Sunderland : de-industrialisation and cultural change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Campbell, Rachel Elizabeth (1984) An archaeological study of Egyptian houses, particularly those from the hellenistic period. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Candy, Christopher A. (2004) The Scottish wars of Edward III, 1327-1338. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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