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AARONSON, BENEDICT,L,M (2019) On interpolations from SUSY to non-SUSY strings and their properties. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ABEL, RICHARD,PHILIP (2011) Coherent excitation of ultracold atoms between ground and Rydberg states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ACHARYYA, ATREYA (2021) Localising the gamma-ray emission in Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars and an extragalactic population study for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AINUL-ANNUAR, NUR,ADLYKA,BINTI (2017) Towards a Complete Census of the Compton-thick AGN Population in the Local Universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-TAISAN, NADA,AHMED,A (2019) Cavity-Enhanced Laser-Induced Fluorescence for Real-time Breath Acetone Monitoring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALANAZI, FAISAL (2023) Nano-scale structure of polymers and small molecules
in organic electronic applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALLCOCK, JOSEPH,STEVEN (2021) New Techniques for Coherence Imaging Fusion Plasmas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALLUHAYBI, ASAAD,MUTYIALLAH,D (2024) From a potential absorber material (Cu2ZnSnS4) toward a low-cost advanced thin film solar cell device. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALLUQMANI, SALEH,MARZOQ,B. (2015) Growth and Doping of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALMUHAWISH, NOURAH,FAHAD (2022) Materials Analysis Using a THz
Imaging System Based on
Atomic Vapour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALSAEED, KALEL (2023) Understanding the Behaviour of Magnetic Damping in Ferromagnetic Thin-Film Multilayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALSHAMMARI, LATIFAH,MUHAREB (2023) Study of Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films prepared
from Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticle Inks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALTAMIMI, TAGHREED,FEHAID,S (2024) Grain boundary and Se diffusion investigations in CdSe-CdTe thin-film photovoltaics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALTON, PADRAIG,DAVID,EDMUND (2017) The Spatially-Resolved Stellar Populations of Nearby Early-type Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALTOWAIRQI, YASIR,ABDULLAH,A (2019) Copper Zinc Tin Sulphide (Cu2ZnSnS4) Nanoparticle Ink Solar Cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALTURKESTANI, MOHAMMED (2010) CdTe Solar Cells: Key Layers and Electrical Effects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANDONIE BAHAMONDES, CAROLINA,PAZ (2024) Towards a complete census and characterisation of the distant quasar population: a panchromatic view. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANSARINEJAD, BEHZAD (2021) Cosmology and the Dusty Universe via VST ATLAS and ALMA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANSARINEJAD, BEHZAD (2016) An Empirical Analysis of Baryon Acoustic
Oscillations in Galaxy and Quasar Clustering. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ARCHIBALD, JENNIFER (2011) An Automated NLO Framework in Sherpa. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMIJO-TORRES, JOAQUIN,ANDRES (2022) A framework to test modified gravity using galaxy surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMSTRONG, HELEN (2010) Variable-temperature photoluminescence emission instrumentation and measurements on low yield metals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMSTRONG, SIMON,THOMAS (2017) Next to Leading Order Calculations for Higgs Boson + Jets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMSTRONG, THOMAS,PATRICK (2016) Monte Carlo studies of the GCT for the Cherenkov Telescope Array and the search for VHE AGN using cluster analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARRIETA, MAIALEN (2015) Very High Energy Gamma-Rays from Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars: Observational Prospects with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ASHWORTH, GREG (2018) Exploring the Initial Mass Function by
Stochastically Lighting Up Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AVIS, SAMUEL,JOSEPH (2023) Surveying the Energy Landscapes of Multistable Elastic Structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AYDEMIR, MURAT (2016) Investigation of delayed fluorescence phenomena in conjugated molecules using time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AYLETT-BULLOCK, JOSEPH,PETER (2021) Colliding Worlds: Modern Computational Methods for Scattering Amplitude Calculations and Responding to Crisis Situations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AZZAWI, SINAN,ABDUL,RAZAQ,HAMMOODI (2018) Understanding and Controlling Magnetic
Damping Behaviour in Synthetic
Ferromagnetic Thin-Film Multilayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAHAALDIN, ALA,SAFAALDIN (2019) The development of magnetic materials on flexible substrates for spintronic applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BALENDERAN, SHANGKARI (2016) On the Connection Between the Gamma-ray and (Sub-)mm Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BALL, SIMON,WILLIAM (2017) A coherent microwave interface for manipulation of single optical photons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BALLETT, PETER ALEXANDER (2013) Probing leptonic flavour with future long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARAGWANATH, ADAM,JOHN (2011) The Development of Microfluidic and Plasmonic Devices for Terahertz Frequencies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARLOW, HUGH,JOHN (2020) Theory and Simulation of Shear
Flow Instabilities in Complex
Fluids. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARREIRA, ALEXANDRE,MIGUEL,RODRIGUE (2015) Structure formation in modified gravity cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARRERA-HINOJOSA, CRISTIAN,GUZMARO (2021) Simulations and observables in relativistic cosmology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARRES-DE-ALMEIDA, ULISSES (2010) Physics from Time Variability of the VHE Blazar PKS 2155-304. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BASON, MARK,GEORGE (2009) Coherent atom-light interactions in
multi-level systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BECKER, CHRISTOPH (2021) Staying with the Hubble Trouble. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BECKETT, ALEXANDER (2022) Constraining the properties of gas around galaxies through absorption along multiple lines-of-sight. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BEESLEY, LILY,FERN (2024) Characterisation of the Turbulent Atmosphere for Free-Space Optical Communications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BENNETT, JEMMA,ELLEN (2023) Suppressing precision errors by connecting copies of Ising models for continuous-time quantum computing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BEPARI, KHADEEJAH (2024) Quantum algorithms for event generation in high-energy collisions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BERLIE, ADAM (2013) A Study of Magnetic Materials Based Upon the Organic Acceptor 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BESWICK, BENJAMIN,THOMAS (2019) Modelling atom diffraction in pulsed and continuous far off-resonant optical lattices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BETT, PHILIP, EDWARD (2008) The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes in Cosmological Simulations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BETTLES, ROBERT,JAMES (2016) Cooperative Interactions in Lattices of Atomic Dipoles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BEWICK, GAVIN (2022) Improving the Logarithmic Accuracy of the Angular-Ordered Parton Shower. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BHARUCHA, AOIFE,KATY,MANEK (2010) B → K∗µ+µ− and Form Factors for Semi-Leptonic and Radiative B Decays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BILLAM, THOMAS,PAUL (2012) Bright solitary waves and non-equilibrium dynamics in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BIRCH, THOMAS,MAXIMILLIAN (2020) Dynamics of Metastable Magnetic Skyrmions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BIRKIN, JACK,EDWARD (2022) The dynamics and ISM properties of high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLACKMORE, JACOB,ANDREW (2020) Coherence and Collisions in Ultracold Rb
Cs Molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLAIR, ALEXANDER,IAN (2021) Simulations of Critical Currents in Polycrystalline Superconductors Using Time-Dependent Ginzburg–Landau Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLANCE, ANDREW,TULLOCH (2021) Searching for New Physics using Classical and Quantum Machine Learning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLAND, STEWART,RODNEY (2010) X-Ray Scattering Studies of Charge and Orbital Ordering in Transition Metal Oxides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BODDY, DANIELLE (2014) First observations of Rydberg blockade in a frozen gas of divalent atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOGART, LARA,KATRINA (2010) An Investigation of the Structure, Pinning and Magnetoresistance of Domain Walls in Ni81Fe19 Planar Nanowires. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BORROW, JOSHUA,JAMES (2021) Numerical Methods for Simulating and Understanding the Universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOSE, SOWNAK (2017) Beyond ΛCDM: Exploring alternatives to the standard cosmological paradigm. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOSSIN, LILY (2019) New fortuitous materials for luminescence dosimetry following radiological emergencies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOSSON, CHRISTOPHER,JOHN (2018) Understanding Cu2ZnSnS4 as a Photovoltaic Absorber for the Future of Solar Electricity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOUNDS, ALISTAIR,DAVID (2018) A Rydberg-dressed Magneto Optical Trap. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOURGENOT, CYRIL,JULES,TUGDUAL (2013) Light sheet adaptive optics microscope for 3D live imaging. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRANCH, PAUL,OLIVER (2019) The strain dependent critical current of high field superconductors for fusion energy applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRAUN-WHITE, OSCAR,RONALD,TORSTEN (2024) Idealised Antenna Functions for Higher Order QCD Calculations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRIGHT, DANIEL,WILLIAM (2011) Photophysical Studies of Beta Phase Formation in
Poly(9,9-di-n-alkylfluorenes). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BROOK, ALEXANDER,MARK (2024) The Effect of Subgrid Physics Models on the Pattern Speed of Bars in Cosmological Simulations. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BROOKS, HELEN,MARGUERITE (2017) Multi-jet Phenomenology for Hadron Colliders in the High Energy Limit. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BROOKS, RALPH,VINCENT (2022) Control and Collisions of 87Rb and 133Cs Atoms in Optical Tweezers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brown, Anthony Murray (2006) Very high energy emission and multi-wavelength campaigns of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRUNNER, KAI,JAKOB (2017) FPGA-based High Performance Diagnostics For Fusion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUCIUNI, FRANCESCO (2018) Applications of Modern Methods for Scattering Amplitudes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUDGE, LUCY,ELIZABETH (2023) One-Loop Analytic Results for the Higgs Boson Plus Four Partons and Searches for Supersymmetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BURN, DAVID,MICHAEL (2013) Domain wall behaviour in ferromagnetic nanowires with interfacial and geometrical structuring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUSBRIDGE, DANIEL,WILLIAM (2015) Supersymmetric model building with Dirac gauginos. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUSCHE, HANNES (2017) Contactless quantum non-linear optics with cold Rydberg atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUTLER, KIRSTEEN,LOUISA (2014) A dual species MOT of Yb and Cs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUTTENSCHON, KIM-KRISTIN (2013) A novel fluorophotometer for measuring concentration and diffusion of autofluorescent ophthalmic medication in the human eye. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BYRNE, PETER,JOHN,PHARES (2017) Superconducting Properties from First Principles Calculations: An Ab-Initio Study of the properties of Superconductors under Perturbations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CAFOLLA, CLODOMIRO (2020) Lubricated friction at the nano and mesoscale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CAI, YANCHUAN (2009) Constraining dark energy using real and mock galaxy surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CALLINGHAM, THOMAS,MICHAEL (2021) The Dynamics and History of the Milky Way. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CALLOW, TIMOTHY,JAMES (2020) Systematic routes to improved approximations in Kohn–Sham theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CAMPBELL, DAVID,JAMES,ROWNEY (2017) Insights from simulations on the consequences of uncertainties in estimating the masses of observed galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CANO-MARQUES, ASAHI (2015) Driving conformational switching in de novo designed α-helical coiled-coils with novel molecular components. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CARR, CHRISTOPHER (2013) Cooperative Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in a Thermal Rydberg Ensemble. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CARTER, JONATHON,PAUL (2011) Higher Order Corrections in
Perturbative Quantum Field
Theory via Sector Decomposition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CARTER, KATHERINE,ANNE (2016) Shear banding in polymeric fluids under large amplitude oscillatory shear flow. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CARTWRIGHT, BENJAMIN,SIMON (2022) Optical Transients in Atomic Vapours. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CASHMORE, MATTHEW,THOMAS,DOLPHIN (2013) Interferometric Metrology Using Reprogrammable Binary Holograms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CERNY, CATHERINE (2024) A glimpse into the ‘core-cusp’ problem in clusters of galaxies : a combination of Hubble Space Telescope imaging, VLT/MUSE spectroscopy, and strong gravitational lensing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHACKO, RAHUL,NINAN (2019) Dynamics of Athermal Suspensions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHARMAN, ANTON (2022) Towards single-photon emission from zero-wave vector Rydberg polaritons in thermal caesium. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CHEEK, ANDREW (2019) Preparing for Dark Matter: Maximising our discrimination power in the event of detection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHEESEBROUGH, ALISTAIR (2013) The Search for Very High Energy
γ-rays from Misaligned AGN. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHEHADE, BENJAMIN,THOMAS (2016) The luminosity and redshift dependence
of quasar clustering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHEN, XUAN (2015) Hadronic Production of a Higgs Boson in Association with a Jet at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHIANG, CHIEN-JUNG (2011) The Electrical and Mechanical Study of the Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diodes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHIANG, CHIEN-JUNG (2007) Nano Structure and Novel Charging Materials of the Small Molecule Based OLED Devices. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Chirilă, Ciprian Constantin (2004) Analysis of the strong field approximation for harmonic generation and multiphoton ionization in intense ultrashort laser pulses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHORLEY, JOANNE,CLARE (2016) Plasma Physics Computations on Emerging Hardware Architectures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHRISTIANTO, RAYMOND (2024) Lattice Boltzmann Modelling of Droplet Dynamics on Fibres and Meshed Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COBOS-MARTINEZ, JESUS,JAVIER (2010) Static and dynamic properties of the pion from continuum
modelling of strong QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COCHRAN, JAMES,OLIVER (2023) Yielding Transitions in Amorphous Materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COLELLA, MARCO (2020) Study of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Exciplexes and their Practical Applications in OLEDs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COLLIER, WILLIAM,PAUL (2020) Lenses for the Unresolved: Probing the Stellar Initial Mass Function of Nearby Massive Early-Type Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COLLINSON, JAMES,STUART (2016) Spectral and Temporal Studies of Supermassive Black Holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COOGAN, ROSEMARY,THERESA (2015) Localising the gamma-ray emission region of flaring Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars. Masters thesis, Durham University.
COOK, JAVAN,HAROLD (2015) The Investigation of Phosphorescent Dopants and Novel Blue Fluorescent Polymer Hosts for PLED Devices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COOKE, ROBYN,LUCY (2013) Shear Banding in Time-Dependent Flows of Complex Fluids. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COOPER, ANDREW,PAUL (2010) Galactic Stellar Haloes in the CDM Model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COWLEY, WILLIAM,IAN (2016) The Nature of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies in Hierarchical Models of Galaxy Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CREASEY, PETER,EDWARD (2012) Simulating supernova feedback in galaxy disks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CRUZ-MARTINEZ, JUAN,MANUEL (2018) Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order QCD Corrections to Higgs Boson Production in Association with two Jets in Vector Boson Fusion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CUESTA-LAZARO, CAROLINA (2022) Mining for cosmological information: Simulation-based methods for Redshift Space Distortions and Galaxy Clustering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CULLEN, JONATHAN,MICHAEL (2021) Precision Higgs Physics in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CURRAN, AOIFE,MARIE (2022) The tidal evolution of dark galactic substructures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CURRIE, JAMES,RICHARD (2012) Antenna Subtraction for NNLO Calculations at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CUSPINERA-CONTRERAS, JUAN,LEOPOLDO (2020) Black holes, vacuum decay and thermodynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CUTLER, THOMAS,FRANK (2023) Atom-light interaction in nano-structured alkali-metal vapour cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DALTON, TONY (2022) Probing the Intergalactic medium properties using X-ray absorption from multiple tracers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Daniel, Michael Kevin (2002) The attenuation of atmospheric Cerenkov photons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DANIELSON, ALICE,LOWRY,RUTH (2014) The Evolution of Massive Star-forming Galaxies: Energetics and the Interstellar Medium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAVIES, CHRISTOPHER,THOMAS (2021) Cosmology with weak lensing voids and peaks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAVIS, JONATHAN,HENRY,MAYNARD (2014) The Character of Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DE-ICAZA-LIZAOLA, MIGUEL,ANGEL,CUITLAHUAC (2021) Studying the dark universe with galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DE-LAURENTIS, GIUSEPPE (2020) Numerical techniques for analytical high-multiplicity scattering amplitudes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DEAN, ANDREW,KRISTOFFER (2012) Nanoscale silver: Thin-film structure and antimicrobial functionality. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DEAN, PHILIP,RICHARD (2016) Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering from Complex Magnetic Structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DEMPSEY, SARAH,JESSICA (2016) Structure and Functionality of Novel Nanocomposite Granules for a Pressure-Sensitive Ink with Applications in Touchscreen Technologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DICKINSON, HUGH,JOHN (2010) Very High Energy Gamma-Rays from Binary Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DIMOUDI, SOFIA (2015) Computational Methods and Graphical Processing Units for Real-time Control of Tomographic Adaptive Optics on Extremely Large Telescopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DIN, BRADLEY,PETER (2024) Computational and Analytic Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Theory for High-Resistivity High-Field Superconducting Josephson Junctions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DOS-SANTOS, PALOMA,LAYS (2018) The Study of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Mechanism in Mono and Bimolecular Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DOWNES, LUCY,ALEXANDRA (2020) A High-speed THz Imaging System based on THz-to-optical Conversion in Atomic Vapour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DUBOST, NICOLAS,SEBASTIEN (2020) Point-diffraction interferometry for wavefront sensing in adaptive optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DUDZEVICIUTE, UGNE (2021) The growth of mass in star-forming galaxies at high redshift. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DURNFORD, CALLUM (2009) Duality and Models of Supersymmetry Breaking. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EARNSHAW, HANNAH,PENN (2017) A New, Clean Catalogue of Extragalactic Non-nuclear X-ray Sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EASTWOOD, DAVID,SAMUEL (2009) Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering from Magnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EGAN, CHRISTOPHER,KIERAN (2011) Morphology, structure and electronic properties of CdTe surfaces studied by scanning tunneling microscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ELBERS, WILLEM,HERMAN (2023) Neutrinos from horizon to sub-galactic scales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ELLIOTT, EDWARD,JOHN (2024) Machine Learning and Galaxy Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ELTVEDT, ALICE,MARILYN (2024) Quasar Cosmology and Physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ELTVEDT, ALICE,MARILYN (2020) The VST ATLAS Quasar Survey: Catalogue and Weak Gravitational Lensing Analyses. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ERNER, SOFIE,NORDAHL (2024) Extending the Reach of Collider Searches for Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ETHERINGTON, AMY (2022) Measuring the distribution of stars and dark matter in galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses: lessons from an automated approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EVANS-HOFMANN, TILLY,ANNE (2023) The merger history of the Milky Way and its dwarf galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FANIDAKIS, NIKOLAOS (2011) A new twist on black holes: the role of black hole spin in galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FARLEY, OLIVER,JAMES,DASHWOOD (2020) Characterisation of Tomographic Adaptive Optics Performance in Realistic Atmospheric Conditions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FARROW, DANIEL,JOSEPH (2013) Galaxy Clustering with Pan-STARRS1 and GAMA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FAWCETT, VICTORIA,ANNE (2022) Why is colour special? Understanding the differences between red and blue quasars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FERNLEY, LUKE,MICHAEL (2024) Magic Wavelengths and
Dipole-Dipole Interactions in
Ultracold RbCs Molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FESTENSTEIN, MAX,ZACHARY (2023) Progress Towards Rydberg Dynamics in an Ultra-Cold Atomic Ensemble and the Visualisation of Arbitrary Qutrit States. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FINCH, ABIGAIL,POPPY (2020) The Chromatic Aberration of the Eye and its Importance in the Modern World. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FINN, CHARLES,WILLIAM (2015) Probing the connection between the intergalactic medium and galaxies with quasar absorption-line spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FLOWER, LOIS,PHILIPPA (2024) Automated inclusion of QED corrections in Monte Carlo event generators. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOHRING, DORA (2014) The Effect of Scintillation on Ground-Based Exoplanet Transit Photometry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOROUHAR-MORENO, VICTOR,JUAN (2023) The imprint of galaxy formation and the nature of dark matter on galactic scales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOSTER, JOSEPH,WILLIAM (2020) Molecular organisation of water and alcohols at solid-liquid interfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOULDS, STEPHANIE,CLAIRE (2023) Concentratable Entanglement: Determining the entanglement of multipartite states with parallelized operations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOWLER, ALISON,CLARE (2010) Higher order and CP-violating effects in the neutralino and Higgs boson sectors of the MSSM. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRANCA, LARISSA,GOMES (2024) Advanced spectroscopy studies of highly-efficient emitter molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRATTA, MATTEO (2022) Identification and classification of H alpha-excess candidates in the northern Galactic Plane. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRAWLEY, THOMAS,WILLIAM (2015) Magnetism In Iron Based Compound. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRIDMAN-ROJAS, ILAN (2014) Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology at Next-to-Leading Order at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FURLONG, MICHELLE (2014) A study of galaxy formation across cosmic time
from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GALLAGHER, LIAM,ANDREW,PATRICK (2022) Optical and microwave spectroscopy of Rydberg excitons in CuO. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GALLONI, DANIELE,STEFANO (2015) Supersymmetric Field Theories, Scattering Amplitudes and the Grassmannian. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GARDNER, EMMA,LOUISE (2015) Accretion and Ejection around Astrophysical Black Holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GEATCHES, DAWN,LESLEY (2011) Clay minerals and their gallery guests: an ab initio investigation into their interactions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GENINA, ANNA (2020) Dwarf Galaxies as Probes of the Nature and Distribution of Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GERRAND, ADAM,FINLAY (2021) Colloidal Crystals on Conical Surfaces. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GIBSON, SAM (2021) Measurement of the Current Profile in Fusion Tokamaks using the Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GILL, POLLY,JASMINE,KAUR (2024) Modelling of Long Exposure Wavefront Errors for Extremely Large Telescopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GILLMAN, STEVEN,RICHARD (2020) Resolved Studies of the Dynamics, Star
Formation and Chemical Properties of
High-Redshift Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GLADSTONE, JEANETTE,CLAIRE (2009) Optical & X-ray Studies of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GONZALEZ-GUTIERREZ, JUAN,ESTEBAN (2010) Galaxy Formation in the Lambda-Cold Dark Matter Cosmology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GOODBAND, RACHEL,JOANNE (2022) Stretching Polymer and Lipid Membranes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GOODBAND, SARAH,JANE (2022) Wetting Behaviour of Droplets and Capillary Liquid Bridges Involving Liquid Infused Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GOULDING, ANDREW (2010) Towards a complete census of active galactic nuclei in the nearby Universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRAHAM, CHRISTOPHER,JOHN (2023) A Compact, High Resolution
Hyperspectral Imager for
Remote Sensing of Soil
Moisture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRAVES, DAVID,RICHARD (2015) Study of TADF Emitters in OLEDs. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GRAY, JENNIFER,MARY,KNIGHTLEY (2009) A Study of Babylonian Goal-Year Planetary Astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GREEN, TIMOTHY,STEPHEN (2017) A Study of Brightest Cluster Galaxies Over the Last Five Billion Years. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GREENWOOD, JACK,RICHARD (2023) Percolative Current Flow through Anisotropic High-Field Superconductors under Strain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GREGG, PARISA,THERESA (2022) Constraining New Physics at the
LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GREGORY, PHILIP,DAVID (2018) Coherent Control of Ultracold Polar Molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIFFIN, ANDREW,JAMES (2019) Modelling multi-wavelength evolution of AGN across cosmic time. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIFFITHS, GARETH,CHRISTOPHER (2014) Characterisation of solution-processable organic light emitting diodes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIFFITHS, JACK (2024) AI in physics: selected studies in classical and quantum mechanics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIFFITHS, RYAN,MICHAEL (2024) Continuous 24-hour Shack-Hartmann optical turbulence profiling on a small telescope. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIMSHAW, CALLUM,LEWIS (2021) Dynamics of bright solitons in
Bose–Einstein condensates:
investigations of soliton behaviour
in the vector Gross–Pitaevskii
equation and applications to
enhanced matter-wave
interferometry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GROVE, CAMERON (2023) Gravity to Galaxies — N-body Simulations for the DESI Survey. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GUERRA-RAMON, JUAN,CARLOS (2012) Analysis of the astroclimate
parameters associated with the
tropospheric conditions and their
time evolution at Roque de Los
Muchachos Observatory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GUO, QUAN (2013) GALACTIC SATELLITE GALAXIES. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GURNHAM, CHARLES,WILLIAM,ANDREW (2023) The critical current of high temperature superconducting inclined-substrate coated conductors under biaxial strain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GUTTRIDGE, ALEXANDER (2018) Photoassociation of Ultracold CsYb Molecules and Determination of Interspecies Scattering Lengths. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GUZMAN, CHRISTIAN,DANI (2010) Technologies for Astronomical Wide-Field Adaptive Optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HADJICHRISTIDIS, CHRISTOS (2009) Novel Atmospheric Monitoring for the H.E.S.S. site and its Industrial Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAENDEL, SYLVI (2011) Experiments on ultracold quantum gases of 85Rb and 87Rb. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HALKYARD, PAUL,LEE (2010) Dynamics in Cold Atomic Gases: Resonant Behaviour of the Quantum Delta-Kicked Accelerator and Bose-Einstein Condensates in Ring Traps. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HALL, OLIVER,ALEXANDER (2014) Perturbative Corrections in SHERPA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAMER, STEPHEN,LESLIE (2012) Cold Gas in Galaxy Cluster Cores. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAMLYN, WILLIAM,JOSEPH (2020) A new platform for atom-light interactions on the nano-scale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HANLEY, RYAN,KEITH (2018) Creation of a strontium microtrap: Towards a spin-squeezed atomic clock. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARRIS, JONATHAN,DANIEL (2014) Physics from the Gamma-Ray Spectra of Blazars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARRIS, ROBERT,JAMES (2015) Photonic Spectroscopy in Astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARRISON, CHRISTOPHER,MARK (2014) Observational constraints on the influence of active galactic nuclei on the evolution of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARTLEY, KATHRYN,ELIZABETH (2024) Measuring and Correcting the Effects of Scintillation in Astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARVEY, MAX (2023) The high energy properties of the Galactic X-ray binary population, as seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HASSAN, HITHAM,THABIT (2023) High Energy and Soft-Collinear Resummation in QCD for Jet Production at Hadron Colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAWKHEAD, ZACHARY (2022) Investigations of materials hosting exotic magnetism with spin-density functional theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HE, QIUHAN (2022) Constraining the dark matter particle mass through galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lensing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HEAD, JACOB,THOMAS,CHRISTOPHER (2014) Structural Dissonance in Galaxy Decomposition: The red sequence and evolutionary pathways in the Coma Cluster. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HEIL, MARIAN (2020) High energy corrections to the production of Higgs-boson plus dijets in QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HELM, JOHN,LLOYD (2014) Soliton dynamics in the Gross–Pitaevskii equation: splitting, collisions and interferometry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HEMINGWAY, EWAN,JOHN (2015) Internally and externally driven flows of complex fluids: viscoelastic active matter, flows in porous media and contact line dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HERNANDEZ-AGUAYO, CESAR (2020) Galaxy clustering in standard and non-standard cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HERNANDEZ-MELIAN, ALBERTO (2024) Accounting for quantum effects in stopping site DFT calculations for muon spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HICKEN, THOMAS,JAMES (2021) Muon-spin spectroscopy studies of materials hosting topological magnetic states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HIGGINS, CLARE,RACHEL (2023) Quantum optics with 87Rb vapour in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HILL, MATTHEW (2022) Optical tweezer arrays of strontium atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HILL, MICHAEL,DAVID (2010) The evolution of galaxies and AGN. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOFMANN, VOLKAN,BENEDICT (2024) Design and Simulation of a Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector Spectrograph for Astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOGAN, MICHAEL,TIMOTHY (2014) The Radio Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOLCK-SANTIBANEZ, DANIEL,ALEJANDRO (2018) Implementation of Visible Wavelength Adaptive Optics
at the William Herschel Telescope. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOLDAWAY, DAVID,IAN,HENRY (2013) Many body effects in one-dimensional attractive Bose gases. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOLLINS, THOMAS,WILLIAM (2014) Local Exchange Potentials in Density Functional Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HONEY, THOMAS,JACK (2019) Use of ultrasonic Rayleigh-Lamb waves to detect defects in metal and rubber composites. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HOSTERT, MATHEUS (2019) Hidden Physics at the Neutrino Frontier: Tridents, Dark Forces, and Hidden Particles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOU, JUN (2017) Theoretical Modelling of Gas Cooling and Feedback in Galaxy Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOUCHIN, RACHAEL,MAY (2011) Spectroscopic and Microscopic Characterisation of Carbon Nanostructures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUANG, BILLY,KIAT (2013) Development of FPGA controlled diagnostics on the MAST fusion reactor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUANG, RONGJUAN (2019) Photophysical Investigations of Triplet Harvesting Mechanisms in Metal-Free Organic Emitters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUDDART, BENJAMIN,MICHAEL (2020) Muon stopping sites in magnetic systems from density functional theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUGHES, JOSHUA,GRAHAM (2024) Biological and Photophysical Analysis of Novel Diphenylacetylene Photosensitisers for the treatment of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUSKO, FILIP (2024) Simulating feedback on galaxy formation by jets from spinning black holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUTTON, SARAH JANE (2012) SED & Variability Studies of AGN. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
IKIZLERLI, NEHIR (2009) Quark and Gluon Form Factors at Three Loops in Perturbative QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ILIEVA, TEODORA,VELLCHEVA (2019) Collective Behaviour in Ensembles of Ultracold Rubidium Atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
INGRAM, ADAM,RUSSELL (2012) A physical model for the variability properties of X-ray binaries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
INNES, ANDREW,DAVID (2023) Towards a novel platform for imaging molecules in an optical lattice. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
INYANG, OTO-OBONG,ANDREW (2018) Magnetic proximity effect and interfacial spin dependent transport in ferromagnet/heavy metal thin films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
IORSH, IVAN (2013) Theoretical studies of the optical properties of photonic crystal and microcavity-based structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ismail, Nabil Abd-el-wahid (1983) Application of bit-slice microprocessors to digital correlation in spread spectrum communication systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, ANDREW,ROBERT (2023) Fast-ion deuterium-alpha measurements on MAST and MAST-U. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, FLOYD,EMMANUEL (2012) The properties of discrete X-ray sources in star-forming galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, NIAMH,CHRISTINA (2018) Rydberg spectroscopy and dressing in an ultracold strontium gas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, RYAN,ANTONY (2018) The Globular Cluster System of NGC 3115. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, THOMAS,MATTHEW (2018) The Star-Formation Properties of Nearby AGN in the Observed and Simulated Universe: BAT vs EAGLE. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JAISWAL, SAMRIDH (2016) Investigating magnetisation dynamics in magnetic thin films and micro-structures. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JAMIESON, MATTHEW,JAMES (2023) Optimizing a Rydberg Atom-based Terahertz Imaging System. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JANKUS, VYGINTAS (2010) Study of Triplet Exciton Dynamics in Small Organic Molecule Films Using Time Resolved Optical Spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JENKIN, DANIEL,LESTER (2012) Feshbach spectroscopy of an ultracold Rb-Cs mixture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JENKINS, DAVID,RICHARD (2019) A Prototype Adaptive Optics Real-Time Control Architecture for Extremely Large Telescopes using Many-Core CPUs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JENNINGS, ELISE (2011) Simulations of dark energy cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Jermak, Helen (2013) Using NIR spectral features in an SDSS sample of early-type galaxies to constrain the low-mass Initial Mass Function. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JIANG, LILIAN (2015) Cosmological Halo Formation and Mergers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JIN, CHICHUAN (2012) A Systematic Study of The Optical to X-ray Spectral Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JOHNSON, HELEN,LOUISE (2017) The Evolution of Gas Kinematics in Star-Forming Field and Cluster Galaxies Since z~1. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JOHNSON, ROGER,DOUGLAS (2011) Magnetism in crystalline rare-earth compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JOHNSON, ROSS,WILLIAM,FLETCHER (2015) Large-Scale Structure Tests of Cosmological Models. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JONES, OWEN,MATTHEW (2015) Experimental fast-ion transport studies on the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JUBB, THOMAS,WILLIAM (2017) Dark Matter : No Place for WIMPs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KALOGIROU, ANGELIKI (2013) Designing the detection system for the CORUS project. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KARAGIANNIS, DIONYSIOS (2013) Search for non-Gaussianity in Large Scale Structure surveys. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KATO, AYUMI (2015) Absorption Spectroscopy of a K+Cs Mixture Cell and Simulation of Time-Averaged Optical Potentials. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KAVIANI, DARIUSH (2013) Aspects of D-brane inflation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KEAVENEY, JAMES (2013) Cooperative interactions in dense thermal Rb vapour confined in nm-scale cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KEGERREIS, JACOB,ALEXANDER (2019) Planetary Giant Impacts: Simulating Collisions and their Consequences. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KELLY, ASHLEY,JAMES (2022) Exploring the properties of hot haloes around simulated galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KEMP, STEFAN,LIAM (2017) Laser cooling and optical trapping of Ytterbium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KENNEDY, RACHEL (2015) Warm Dark Matter Galaxy Formation. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KEOGH, DOMINIC,ROBERT (2010) The Search For Pulsar Wind Nebulae in the Very High Energy Gamma-ray Regime. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KILCAWLEY, NIAMH,AINE (2023) Development of Microfluidic Instrumentation for
Application in the Diagnosis of Rare Anaemias. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KIM, HAN,SIK (2010) The clustering of galaxies in hierarchical galaxy formation models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KIM, JAE,WOO (2011) Galaxy clustering and galaxy
clusters from the UKIDSS DXS. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KING, DANIEL,JAMES (2022) Three loop corrections to HQET Sum Rules for the Bag Parameter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Kirby, Peter Linley (1948) Measurements of some dielectric and electronic properties of Pyrex brand glass. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KIRK, MATTHEW,JOHN (2018) Charming New Physics in Beautiful Processes? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KLINDT, LIZELKE (2022) Unveiling the True Colours of Red Quasars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KLITSCH, ANNE (2019) ALMACAL: The Evolution of Gas and Dust in Galaxies Using ALMA Calibrator Observations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KOLEHMAINEN, MARI,JOHANNA (2012) The Black Hole Spin Controversy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KOLOLGI, DAKSHESH (2024) Accretion disc reverberation mapping of the
narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 1239. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KOONKOR, SUTTIKOON (2020) Application of Principal Component Analysis to Galaxy Spectral Energy Distributions. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KOPPINGER, MICHAEL,PETER (2014) Creation of ultracold RbCs molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KRYS, JAKUB,MARCIN (2024) Techniques for high-multiplicity scattering amplitudes and
applications to precision collider physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KUTTIMALAI, SILVAN,SHIWA (2016) Monte Carlo Simulations for BSM Physics
and Precision Higgs Physics at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KWOK, KA,WANG (2022) Deep Learning Applications in Flavour Tagging. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KYNOCH, DANIEL (2019) Spectral and temporal studies of accretion and ejection processes around supermassive black holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAGOS-URBINA, CLAUDIA,DEL,PILAR (2012) The physics of galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAIDLAW, DOUGLAS,JOHN (2020) Turbulence and wind velocity profiles from adaptive optics telemetry: a general and scalable solution for extremely large telescopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LALOUX, BRIVAEL,MARIE,PATRICK (2024) The demographics, obscuration, and accretion properties of X-ray AGN. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LANSBURY, GEORGE,BENJAMIN (2016) A Hard X-ray View of the Distant Active Galactic Nucleus Population with NuSTAR. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAW, JACK,OWEN (2021) Colloidal Systems Confined to Curved Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAWTON, PENELOPE,FLEUR (2015) Developing Optical Tweezers, Spectroscopy and Microfluidics to Investigate High Volume Consumer Products. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEMKE, ULRIKE (2012) Measurement Uncertainties in Fibre-coupled Spectrographs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEO, MATTEO (2019) Structure formation in alternatives to CDM. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LI, TRACEY,CHUIYEE (2010) Phenomenology of a Low-Energy Neutrino Factory and Related Experiments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIANG, JINNING (2025) Simulating AGN Feedback by Line-driven Winds in Idealized Disc Galaxies. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LINTEN, ROBIN (2018) Precision simulations in Drell-Yan production processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LITTLE, CLAIRE,ELSPETH (2011) Computational Studies of
Light-Matter Interactions in
Two- and Three-Dimensional
Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIU, XUEWEN (2021) Wavefront Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks for Adaptive Optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIVERMORE, RACHAEL,CLAIRE (2013) Harnessing the Power of Gravitational Lensing: Resolved Star Formation at Redshift 1 - 4. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LLOYD, SHERIDAN,JAMES (2021) Fundamental Physics Measurements and the Gamma-Ray Emission of Pulsars and Globular Clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOCHEAD, GRAHAM (2012) Excited state spatial distributions in a cold strontium gas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOCKWOOD, HAL (2024) Yielding, Relaxation, and Recovery in Amorphous Materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOGUE, FRASER,DAVID (2023) Improving Magneto-Optical Filter Performance:
Cascading and Oblique B-fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOMANOWSKI, BARTOSZ,ALEKSANDER (2015) Visible and near-infrared divertor spectroscopy on the MAST and JET-ILW tokamaks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOMAS-ZAPATA, ROY,ALEJANDRO (2024) Grain boundary strain, and anisotropic charge transport in thin-film Sb2Se3 photovoltaics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOTAY, AMRIT,SINGH (2018) Development of Miniature Optical Instrumentation for Skin and Epithelial Tissue. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOVELL, JACK,JAMES (2017) Development of Smart, Compact Fusion Diagnostics using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOVELL, MARK,RICHARD (2013) Halo Substructure and the Nature of Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOWERY, MATTHEW,WAYNE (2024) Multivariate Modeling of Quasar Variability with an Attention-based Variational Autoencoder. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LOWING, BENJAMIN,JOSEPH (2011) Interactions between Dark Matter Substructure and Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LUANGTIP, WASUTEP (2015) X-ray studies of ultraluminous X-ray sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LUIS, JOAO,SOUSA (2024) Understanding the induced structural and electronic changes in amorphous InGaZnO by low temperature annealing for flexible electronic applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LUNA-GARCIA, MARIA,MARGARITA (2023) Rotation curves of mock EAGLE dwarf galaxies vs simulations. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MACKENZIE, ANGUS,DUNCAN,ALAN (2024) Exploiting a new catalogue of ultraluminous X-ray sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MACKENZIE, RUARI (2018) Constraining Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution with Highly Multiplexed Spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MADAR, MAKUN,SINGH (2024) Machine Learning applied to threat detection and galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAGNIEZ, AURELIE (2024) Polychromatic measurement of the wavefront for high-contrast imaging with an MKID-based Pyramid Wavefront Sensor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAHMOUD, RA'AD,MUNIR,DAVID (2020) Spectral-Timing Models of the Central Engines in Low Luminosity Accreting Black Holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Major, Jonathan (2008) CdTe solar cells: growth phenomena and device performance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAJUMDER, PROSENJIT (2022) Towards the trapping of single potassium atoms in optical tweezers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MALIK, PETR (2012) Testing Robustness of WMAP Temperature Calibration to Timing Offsets. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MANZONI, GIORGIO (2022) Cosmological redshift surveys, big data and semi-analytical galaxy formation models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARCHANT, ANNA,LOUISE (2012) Formation of bright solitary matter-waves. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARSHALL, VIRGINIA,ROSE (2017) Experimental studies of the D2 line of 87 Rb vapour at 1.5 Tesla. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MASHNIWI, MOHSENAH,HASSAN,J (2022) Synthesis of two-dimensional structures based on exfoliation of tungsten disulphide and thin film fabrication using different deposition methods. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MATHEW, RENJU,SATISH (2021) Single-Photon Generation via Four-Wave Mixing in a Thermal Rubidium Vapour at a High Magnetic Field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MATOS, LUIS,FILIPE,PINTO,T.,A. (2010) Supersymmetry Breaking:
Models of Gauge Mediation with
Gauge Messengers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MATTHIES, ALEX (2023) Optical Conveyor-Belt Transport of Cs and Rb Atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAVROUDI, EIRINI (2016) Navigating into the realm of
Non-Supersymmetric String Theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAXWELL, DANIEL,THOMAS (2013) Light storage and control of photon-photon interactions in a cold Rydberg gas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MCALPINE, STUART,ROBERT (2018) What drives black hole and galaxy growth in the EAGLE simulation? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MCARD, LEWIS,ALEXANDER (2018) A Travelling Wave Zeeman Decelerator For Atoms and Molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MCCARRON, DANIEL,JOHN (2011) A Quantum Degenerate Mixture of Rb and
Cs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MEINZINGER, PETER (2024) Event generation at NLO for photoproduction and diffraction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MELLOR, PAUL (2011) Off-Shell Effects for Single Top-Quark Production Processes at Hadron Colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MERSON, ALEXANDER,IAN (2013) Mock Galaxy Catalogues And Their Application To Future Galaxy Surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MIAH, JUNAD,ALAM (2014) Star Formation in Merging Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MIDDLETON, MATTHEW,JAMES (2009) The Properties of AGN in the context of X-ray Binaries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MILLEN, JAMES (2011) A cold strontium Rydberg gas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MILLER, ETHAN,JOSHUA (2019) Study of lipid bilayer behaviour modified by substrate interactions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MILNE, DANIEL,LUKE (2023) The Effect of Tunnelling in Quantum Field Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MITCHELL, JAKE,ARTHUR,JACK (2022) Probing the Physics and Geometry of Active Galactic Nuclei. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MITCHELL, MYLES,ARTHUR (2021) A general framework for unbiased tests of gravity using galaxy clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MITCHELL, NIGEL,LEWIS (2010) Towards AMR Simulations of Galaxy Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MITCHELL, PETER,DANIEL (2015) Star formation and stellar mass assembly in galaxy formation models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MITCHELL, THOMAS,JAMES (2015) Adaptive beam control and analysis in fluorescence microscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MIZOURI, ARIN (2016) A Moving-Trap Zeeman Decelerator. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOFFAT, KRISTIAN,PASCAL (2019) Some theory and phenomenology of neutrino masses and the baryon asymmetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOLONY, PETER,KENNETH (2016) Creation of ultracold polar ground-state RbCs molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOODIE, RYAN,IAIN (2022) Precision QCD corrections to gluon-initiated diphoton-plus-jet production at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOODY, SAMUEL,HARRISON (2023) Probing the Nature of the Magnetic Interactions in Magnetic Skyrmions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOORE, SAMUEL,GARETH (2025) Investigating the Impact of Environment on the Galaxy Luminosity Function. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MORA-HERNANDEZ, ARIAM (2020) Magnetic Phenomena in Interface-Engineered Multilayer Thin films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MORGAN, KATHARINE,ELIZABETH (2013) The scale dependence of perturbative QCD predictions for e+e− event shape moments and LHC observables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MORGAN, THOMAS,ANTHONY (2016) Precision Z Boson Phenomenology at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MORTLOCK, JONATHAN,MAXWELL (2024) Towards Quantum Gas Microscopy of Ultracold Molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Murphy, David, Niall, Adrian (2011) Detecting large-scale structure in the era of petabyte/gigaparsec Astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MURRAY, SIMON,ANDREW (2017) Observing Star Formation in local Active Galactic Nuclei from Swift-BAT survey. Masters thesis, Durham University.
NANDI, DAVID,ANIL (2014) The Use of Hyperspectral Imaging for Remote Sensing, and
the Development of a Novel Hyperspectral Imager. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NAPOLETANO, DAVIDE (2017) Treatment of quark masses in b-associated production at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NEWTON, OLIVER,JAMES (2019) Probing the nature of dark matter with small-scale cosmology: A new estimate of the satellite galaxy complement of the Milky Way. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NICHOLSON, BEN (2022) Understanding Interfacial and Spin-Orbit Torque Effects in Thin Film Magnetic Multilayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NIKOLOUDAKIS, NIKOLAOS (2013) Exploring Cosmology and Structure Formation via High-z Galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NOBUYASU-JUNIOR, ROBERTO,SHIGUERU (2018) Photophysics of TADF Emitters and their
application in OLEDs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
O'CALLAGHAN, EIMEAR,EILEEN (2010) Traces of Extra Dimensions in Cosmology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OCHOA-VALERIANO, OSCAR (2022) Constraining anomalous couplings in the gauge-Higgs sector at high-energy colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OGDEN, THOMAS,PETER (2016) Resonant Pulse Propagation in Dense Atomic Vapours. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OKTASENDRA, FANDI (2024) Diffuse Interface Modelling of Wetting on Complex Structured Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OLESKIEWICZ, PIOTR (2020) Galaxy Formation in Standard and Modified Gravity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OLIVARES-DEL-CAMPO, ANDRES (2019) Dark Matter and Neutrinos: A Love-Hate Relationship. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ORME, CHRISTOPHER,DAVD (2009) Phenomenology of long baseline neutrino oscillation Beta Beam experiments and their related technologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ORSI-MOYANO, ALVARO,ANTONINO (2010) The Nature of Emission-Line Galaxies in Hierarchical Cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OSBORN, JAMES (2010) Profiling the turbulent atmosphere and novel correction techniques for imaging and photometry in astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PALMER, SOPHY,ELIZABETH (2009) Higgs production via weak boson fusion in the Standard Model and the MSSM. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PANDER, PIOTR,HENRYK (2019) Exciton, Excimer, Exciplex:
Study of Triplet State Harvesting in Organic Molecules
for Organic Light-Emitting Diode Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PANTER, JACK,RAMON (2019) Exploring Stability Landscapes for Optimal Material Design: Application to Wetting of Structured Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PAPANASTASIOU, ANDREW,SOFRONIS (2012) Off-Shell Effects for Top Quark Production at Hadron Colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PAREDES-BARATO, DAVID (2014) Towards optical quantum information processing using Rydberg dark-state polaritons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PARNELL, JARED,ALEXANDER,QUARRIE (2015) Depth Perception in Humans and Animals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PARRY, OWEN,HUW (2011) The Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies from LCDM Models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PASCALIUS, LAI,HO,SHIE (2013) N3LO-Renormalon-Inspired Resummations and Fully Analytic
Infra-red Freezing in Perturbative QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PATEL, PARTH,ASHVINKUMAR (2019) Quantum search at low temperature in the single
avoided crossing model. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PEAKE, ABIGAIL,KATHARINE (2022) Understanding the gamma-ray
emission from Globular
Clusters. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PEARCE, BENJAMIN,JAMES (2023) Advances in the understanding of Kohn-Sham DFT via the optimised effective potential method. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PEREIRA, DANIEL,ALFREDO,DE,SA (2019) Photophysics of Thermally-Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters and its Impact on the Performance of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PERERA, SAAVIDRA (2018) SHIMM: A Low-Cost Portable Seeing Monitor for Astronomical Observing Sites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PERRY, ROBERT,EDWIN (2015) Simulating the kinematics of damped Lyman alpha systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PETLEY, JAMES,WILLIAM (2024) Radio Emission from Broad Absorption Line Quasars: Origins and Implications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PETROV, PETAR,MARINOV (2016) Signal Classification Techniques for Searches and
Measurements at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PICKUP-GERLAUGH, ADAM,JOHN (2017) Development of Coherent Raman
Scattering Microscopy for Monitoring
Drug Delivery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PIRES, JOAO,NUNO,R,G (2010) Infrared subtraction at next-to-next-to-leading order for gluonic initial states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PITTS, THOMAS (2021) The Effective Potential in Kohn-Sham Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PLASCENCIA-CONTRERAS, ALEXIS,DAVID (2018) Theory and Phenomenology of Classical Scale Invariance, Dark Matter and Ultralight Axions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PONCIANO-OJEDA, FRANCISCO,SEBASTIAN (2021) Stokes polarimetry and magnetometry using a thermal Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry with large magnetic field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
POPPETT, CLAIRE,LOUISE (2011) A new approach to Highly Multiplexed Spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
POWELL-RUDDEN, LUCAS,SEBASTIAN (2021) The Impact of Dynamics in Protein Assembly. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRAIA-DO-AMARAL, DORIAN,WARREN (2023) A New Era for Direct Detection Experiments: Probing New Neutrino Physics at Dark Matter Detectors with Solar Neutrinos. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRICE, ALAN,COLM (2021) Precision Simulations for Future Colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRICE, SETH,RICHARD (2023) Modelling the Evaporation of a Binary Droplet in
a Well. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRITCHARD, JONATHAN,DAVID (2011) Cooperative Optical Non-linearity in a blockaded Rydberg Ensemble. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRITCHETT, JONATHAN,DENYS (2023) Microwave Induced Optical Nonlinearities in Cuprous Oxide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PUSCEDDU, ELISABETTA (2010) The superconducting properties, composition and microstructure of nanocrystalline superconductors for high magnetic field applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
QUERA-BOFARULL, ARNAU (2022) Ultraviolet line-driven disc winds as a feedback mechanism in bright active galactic nuclei. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RAICEVIC, MILAN (2010) Simulations of cosmic reionization. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RAINE, MARK,JOHN (2015) High Field Superconductors for Fusion Energy Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RAMIREZ-QUEZADA, MAURA,ELIZABETH (2021) Probing BSM Physics with CP-violation, Neutrinos and White Dwarfs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RATKATA, APICHAYAPORN (2024) Towards Quantum gas microscope for 87Rb133Cs molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RATKATA, APICHAYAPORN (2017) A Two-Species Magneto-Optical Trap Using 39K and 133Cs. Masters thesis, Durham University.
REED, DOMINIC,JAMES (2020) Working Towards a Compact Cold Ion Source. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
REEVES, ANDREW,PAUL (2015) Laser Guide Star Only Adaptive Optics: The Development of Tools and Algorithms for the Determination of Laser Guide Star Tip-Tilt. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
REID, ELLIOTT,MACKENZIE,TAYLOR (2021) Solar neutrino physics at dark matter direct detection experiments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
REINESS, JOEY,YANIR (2020) Pieces of the Higgsaw. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RENDER, RY (2021) Scattering Microscopy in Microfluidic Channels using an External Cavity Diode Laser. Masters thesis, Durham University.
RICHINGS, JACK,DAVID (2019) The influence of baryons on dark matter halos: A cosmic tale of stripping, destruction, and statistics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RIDGEON, FRANCIS,JEROME (2020) Conductor Architecture and Self-Field of Superconducting Strands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RIGBY, NATASHA,SUZANNE (2022) Learning from biology to design stimuli-responsive capsules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RIGBY, OLIVER (2024) Synthesis and Characterisation of Bournonite for Photovoltaic Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RO, GUNNAR,OYVIND,ISAKSSON (2016) Beyond the Standard Model through the Higgs Portal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBERTSON, ANDREW (2017) The Cosmological Implications of Self-Interacting Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RODGERS, MARK (2012) Automation of one-loop corrections for multi-particle processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROFFE, JOSHUA (2019) The Coherent Parity Check Framework for Quantum Error Correction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROSALES-DE-LEON, ALBERTO (2022) Photohadronic emission of VHE gamma rays in blazars and the CTA neutrino target of opportunity program. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROSAS-GUEVARA, YETLI,MARIANA (2014) The evolution of black holes in cosmological simulations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROSE, THOMAS,DAVID (2021) Molecular absorption in variable brightest cluster galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROSS-LONERGAN, MARK (2017) A multi-signature approach to low-scale sterile neutrino phenomenology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROSTAGNI, GUILLAUME (2024) Effective Operators and Long-Range Forces for Dark Matter. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROWAN-ROBINSON, RICHARD,MATTHEW (2016) Spin-orbit phenomena and interfacial proximity effects in magnetic multilayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROY, SABYASACHI (2013) Constraints on a Minimal Hidden Photon with Kaluza-Klein
Excitations in Large Extra Dimensions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RUAN, CHENG-ZONG (2022) Non-linear galaxy clustering in modified gravity cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RUIZ-BONILLA, SERGIO (2022) Planetary Giant Impacts: Simulating Moon-Forming Collisions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RUIZ-MACIAS, OMAR,ANTONIO (2021) Defining the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey target selection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RULTEN, CAMERON,BOYD (2012) Performance studies for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) with prospects for detecting pulsed gamma-ray emission. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RUTTLEY, DANIEL,KENNETH (2024) A Hybrid Quantum System of Ultracold Polar Molecules and Rydberg Atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SADLER, DANIEL,PAUL (2016) Many-body interactions in a dissipative frozen strontium Rydberg gas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SADULLAH, MUHAMMAD,SUBKHI (2020) Computational Studies of Liquid Droplet on Liquid Infused Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SAFONOVA, ALEKSANDRA (2019) Rosella: A mock catalogue of galaxy luminosities, colours and positions for cosmology. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SALCIDO, JAIME,NEGRETE (2018) The interplay between cosmology and galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SANDNES, THOMAS,DANIEL (2024) Numerical Methods for Simulations of Planetary Impacts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SARANDREA, FRANCESCO (2023) Analytic QCD Amplitudes using Finite Field Evaluation Techniques. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SATHYAPRAKASH, RAJATH (2021) The observational phenomenology of a pulsating ultraluminous X-ray source. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SAWANGWIT, UTANE (2011) Testing the Standard Cosmological Model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHALLER, MATTHIEU (2015) Effects of baryons on the dark matter distribution in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHEWTSCHENKO, JASCHA,ALEXANDER (2016) Cosmological Simulations with Dark Matter from beyond the Standard Model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHOLTZ, JAN (2019) Constraints on the impact of active galactic nuclei on star formation in galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHOONMAKER, ROBERT,TIMOTHY (2018) Emergence in Practice: Case Studies Using Density Functional Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOBIE, FRASER,CHARLES (2013) Adaptive Optical Devices in Vision Science. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOTT, DARREN,JAMES (2017) Effective Field Theories for Top Quarks at the LHC and Physics Beyond the Higgs Boson. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOTT, JOSEPH,PETER (2024) Towards precision measurement with trapped hydrogen atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOTT, PAUL,DAVID (2011) High Count Rate X-ray Detection for Liquid Threat Identification Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SEDGEWICK, AIDAN (2022) The clustering properties of the reddest galaxies
with UKIDSS-DXS. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SEGAL, JACK,DANIEL (2023) Ultracold and quantum degenerate mixtures of Cs and Yb. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SHEK, ALVIN,CHEE,MING (2022) From Binary to Ternary Fluid Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SHEPHERD, HARRY,WILLIAM (2012) Turbulence characterisation for Astronomical Observatories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SHERGOLD, JACK,DAVID (2023) Hunting for the cosmic neutrino
background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SHI, DIFU (2017) Large-scale Structure and Galaxy Formation in non-standard Cosmologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIBALIC, NIKOLA (2017) Rydberg atom ensembles under dephasing and dissipation: from single- to many-body dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIDDONS, PAUL (2011) Faraday Rotation of Pulsed and Continuous-wave Light in Atomic Vapour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIEGERT, FRANK (2010) Monte-Carlo event generation for the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SILBURN, SCOTT,ALAN (2014) A Doppler Coherence Imaging Diagnostic for the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIMPSON, JAMES,MATTHEW (2015) Resolving the properties of massive, high–redshift starbursts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIRKS, ELLEN,LAURA (2022) The dynamics of self-interacting dark matter in galaxy clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SMALL, LARA,SIOBHAN,REBECCA (2015) Peptide-based Molecular Motor Design. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SMITH, ALEXANDER,MARK,JOSEPH (2018) Mock Catalogues for Large Scale Structure Surveys and DESI. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SMITH, ANDREW (2022) The Harmonic Susceptibility Series of High Field Superconductors for Fusion Energy Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SMITH, TOMMY (2024) Electroweak Input Schemes in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SNEDDEN, EDWARD,WILLIAM (2011) Experimental investigations of excited-state dynamics in conjugated polymers using time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SO, CHLOE (2020) Zeeman-tunable Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SORIA, BRUNO,JEAN (2010) Adsorption of molecular layers on hydrophilic SiOxNy probed by DPI technique. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SPENCE, STEFAN,JOEL (2023) Assembling Single RbCs Molecules with Optical Tweezers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SPONG, NICHOLAS,LEONARD,ROBERT (2022) Coherent Manipulation of Rydberg Polaritons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SRIDHAR, SWATI (2014) Semi-Analytic Ground State Solutions of Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensate in Two Dimensions. Masters thesis, Durham University.
STACH, STUART,MICHAEL (2019) Surveys of Ultraluminous Activity in the Distant Universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STADLER, JULIA (2019) How dark is dark matter?
Robust limits on dark matter - radiation interactions from cosmological observations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STANLEY, FLORA (2016) Far-Infrared constraints on the ongoing Star Formation of distant galaxies hosting Active Galactic Nuclei. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STAVROU, KLEITOS (2024) Blue Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence OLEDs: towards improved performance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STOTHERT, LEE,JOHN (2018) Statistics in large galaxy redshift surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STROH, KAREN,PATRIZIA (2019) Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystal Ink Absorber Layers for Thin Film Solar Cells. Masters thesis, Durham University.
STUBBINGTON, LIAM,THOMAS,EDWARD (2018) Lipid Bilayers on Deformable Elastic Substrates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SUKUMARAN, SIVAKKUMARAN (2020) Two-dimensional Materials For Use In Advanced Energy Storage. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SULTAN, MUSAAB,SALMAN (2013) Experimental and micromagnetic study of magnetisation behaviour in isolated ferromagnetic nanowires. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SUNWONG, PRAPAIWAN (2013) Theoretical and experimental considerations of the critical current density of DI-BiSCCO superconducting tapes as a function of magnetic field, field orientation, temperature and strain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SUTTON, ANDREW (2013) Ultraluminous X-ray sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SWINDELLS, CHARLES,RICHARD (2020) Novel Synthetic Magnetic Materials Optimised for RF and Microwave Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SYKES, CALVIN,VERRIER (2021) Seeing the invisible: tracing cosmic structure across time and space with hydrogen lines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TALMANTAITE, ALINA (2022) Electron Compton scattering and its application to condensed matter phenomena. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TALMANTAITE, ALINA (2018) Kinetics of CVD graphene growth on
polycrystalline copper and the influence of surface
texture. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TAM, SUT-IENG (2020) Mapping Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters with Gravitational Lensing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TAN, ZHENG (2009) Optical Studies of Ordered Monomolecular Layers: Ab Initio Simulation and Experiment. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TANASITTIKOSOL, MONSIT (2011) Rydberg dark states in external fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TANKARD-EVANS, TAMSYN,AMY (2015) The Role of Environment in Galaxy Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TAO, LI (2023) Ultracold 87Rb133Cs Molecules: Production and Rotational
Coherence. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TATTERSALL, JAMIE (2010) CP-violation in cascade decays at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TAYLOR, JONATHAN,MIDGLEY (2009) Optical Binding Phenomena: Observations and Mechanisms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TAYLOR, PETER,LLEWELYN (2017) On the Shape of Dark Matter Halos in the Galaxy Cluster Abell 3827 and the Scattering Cross-Section of Dark Matter. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TEJOS, NICOLAS,ANDRES (2013) The relationship between the intergalactic medium and galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Tetlalmatzi Xolocotzi, Gilberto (2017) On new physics in non-leptonic tree level b-quark decays and hadron-quark duality violations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
THOMPSON, JENNIFER,MARY (2015) High precision simulations of electroweak physics with Sherpa. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Thompson, Sarah M. (1991) The magnetic properties of plastically deformed steels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
THORNE, JAMES (2022) Reverberation Mapping of the Accretion Discs in the Quasars 3C 273 and 1H 2106-099. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TOKAC, MUSTAFA (2016) Investigation of Interfacial Effects in Ferromagnetic Thin-Films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TOWNSON, MATTHEW,JAMES (2016) Correlation Wavefront Sensing and Turbulence Profiling for Solar Adaptive Optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TRAYFORD, JAMES,WILLIAM (2017) Forward modelling of simulated galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TREHARNE, ROBERT,EDWARD (2011) RF Magnetron Sputtering of Transparent Conducting Oxides and CdTe/CdS Solar Cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TREWBY, WILLIAM,JOHN (2019) The Structure and Dynamics of Ions at Aqueous Interfaces Studied via Atomic Force Microscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TROUGHTON, JOSEPH,GEORGE (2019) On improvements in metal oxide based flexible transistors through systematic evaluation of material properties. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TRUONG, HENRY (2023) Machine learning high multiplicity matrix elements for electron-positron and hadron-hadron colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TULLY, JONATHAN (2009) Monte Carlo simulations of hard QCD radiation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TUMMUANGPAK, PIMPUNYAWAT (2014) Gas and galaxies at z ~ 3. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TUMMUANGPAK, PIMPUNYAWAT (2009) Interaction between Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium at z = 3. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TURNBULL, LUKE,ALEXANDER (2023) X-ray Imaging Studies of Topological Magnetism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TURNER, JESSICA,MARGARET (2017) Leptonic Flavour Symmetries and their Cosmological Dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TYAS, LUKE,MARTIN,GRAHAM (2012) The SALT HRS Spectrograph. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
VAILLANT, CHRISTOPHE,LOUIS,J (2014) Long-Range Interactions in One- and Two-Electron Rydberg Atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
VAUGHAN, HELEN,LOUISE (2010) Steady-State and Ultrafast Fluorescence Depolarisation in Rigid-Rod Conjugated Polymers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
VINCENT, CHARLES,HOWARD (2021) FPGA Based Diagnostics for the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak Upgrade. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
VLAHOS, CHRISTOS (2022) Charming Decays And How To Calculate Them. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WADE, CHRISTOPHER,GRAEME (2017) Terahertz Wave Detection and Imaging with a Hot Rydberg Vapour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WADHIA, VIVEK (2021) Quantum Field Theory Simulation using Digital Quantum Computers. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WAITE, PHILIP,ADAM (2019) Precision Physics in Extensions of the Standard Model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALES, OLIVER,JOHN (2019) Splitting and recombination of bright-solitary-matter waves. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALKER, DUNCAN,MARTIN (2019) Higher Order QCD Corrections to Electroweak Boson Production at Colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALKER, JOSEPH,JAMES (2023) Transforming Data into Meaning. Data-Driven approaches for Particle Physics, Nuclear Power Safety and Humanitarian Crisis Situations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALKER, PAUL,ARBUTHNOT (2023) Caught In A Trap: Monte Carlo Methods For A Travelling-Wave
Zeeman Decelerator. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALKER, PAUL,ARBUTHNOT (2018) MT-MOT: a Hybrid Magnetic Trap / Magneto-Optical Trap. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WALLACE, CHRISTOPHER,JAMES (2015) The Low Energy Phenomenology of a Dark Force. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WANG, GUANMEI (2017) Current Transport across the Grain Boundaries of High-Field High-Temperature Micro- and Nanocrystalline Superconductors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WANG, QI (2018) Simplified Models and Effective Theories in Searches for New Physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WANG, TSE-CHUN (2018) New Physics at the Neutrino Oscillation Frontier. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WARDLOW, JULIE,LOUISE (2010) The role of obscured activity in galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WEBB, ALEXANDER,JAMES (2010) Nanoscale Morphology and Electrical Behaviour of a Pressure Sensitive Ink. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WEBB, ALEXANDER,JAMES (2014) Temperature Dependence and Touch Sensitivity of Electrical Transport in Novel Nanocomposite Printable Inks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WEBSTER, STEPHEN,JAMES (2019) Improved Monte Carlo Simulations of Massive Quarks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WELLER, LEE (2013) Absolute Absorption and Dispersion in a Thermal Rb Vapour at High Densities and High Magnetic Fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WELLS, GEORGE,HENRY (2016) Growth and Defect Formation in Graphene. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WELLS, STEVEN,CHRISTIAN (2013) Infrared Structure of Dijet Production at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WELSH, LOUISE,AMBER (2021) A window to the first stars: An investigation of chemically near-pristine environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WEST, ADAM,DANIEL (2012) Interfacing ultracold atoms with nanomagnetic domain walls. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WEST, MIA,ROBIN,BYRON (2024) Experimental probes to tell the kind of electroweak realisation apart. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WHITBOURN, JOSEPH (2013) Exploring Cosmology via Large Scale Structure. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WHITEHEAD, JAMES,CHRISTOPHER (2021) The Production of Pairs of Isolated Photons at Higher Orders in QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WHITING, DANIEL,JAMES (2017) Nonlinear Optics in a Thermal Rb Vapour at High Magnetic Fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WHITTAKER, KATE,AVRIL (2017) Construction and characterisation of ultra-thin alkali-metal vapour cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILCOCK, ALEXANDRA,HANNAH (2015) Improved Treatment of Hard Radiation in New Physics Processes at the LHC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILES, TIMOTHY,PETER (2013) Dynamics of bright solitary matter-waves. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILKINSON, RYAN (2016) Deciphering Dark Matter with Cosmological Observations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILLIAMS, CIARAN (2010) Hadronic productions of a Higgs boson in association with two jets at next-to-leading order. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILLIAMS, RHYS,EDWARD (2019) Microstructural Defects in Antimony Selenide Solar Cells. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WILLIAMS, RHYS,EDWARD (2024) Optimization of Aqueous Electric Double-Layer Capacitors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILLIAMS, ROBERT,CHARLES (2016) Correlated magnetic oxides studied using muon-spin spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILSON, DAVID,JOHN (2010) Studies of Light Scalar Particles and Dressed Gauge Propagators in QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILSON, JACK,THOMAS (2016) Image reconstruction of remotely-sensed planetary data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WINN, DAVID,ELLIOT (2013) Monte Carlo Simulations of Heavy Particles for the Large Hadron Collider. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WONG, CHAN,FAI (2012) Phenomenology Of Sterile Neutrinos At Different Mass Scales: Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay And Neutrino Oscillations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WOODHOUSE, VANESSA,JANE (2020) Structure and Activity of Antimicrobial
Peptoids. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WYMANT, CHRISTOPHER,MARK (2013) Signs of Susy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
YANG, HUIZHE (2019) Projected Pupil Plane Pattern:an alternative LGS wavefront sensing technique. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
YIP, MATTHEW WING YU (2013) Rare Decays of Heavy Baryons using Soft Collinear Effective Theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
YOUNG, LAURA,KATE (2011) Ocular higher-order aberrations and visual performance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
YU, MANFRED,MAN,HOI (2016) Towards interferometry with bright solitary waves in a ring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ZENTILE, MARK,ANTHONY (2015) Applications of the Faraday Effect in Hot Atomic Vapours. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ZHANG, HAN (2023) Implementation and Technical Developments of ExaHyPE2 for Astrophysics Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ZHANG, LAI (2024) Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging for Characterising
the Wound Healing Process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ZHANG, LIN (2009) Durham All-Sky Camera (DAC). Masters thesis, Durham University.
ZULQURNAIN, MUHAMMAD (2017) Liquid Interface Deposition of Thin Films and
van derWaals Heterostructures of Two-Dimensional Solids. Masters thesis, Durham University.