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Durham e-Theses
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Number of theses at this level: 210.


ABDALLAH, MOHAMMAD,MAHMOUD,AREF (2012) A Weighted Grid for Measuring Program Robustness. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ABDUL-SATTAR, ZUBAIDA (2012) Experimental Analysis on Effectiveness of Confocal Algorithm for Radar Based Breast Cancer Detection. Masters thesis, Durham University.

ADAMS, CHARLES,EDWARD,LLOYD (2012) Single-Touch to Multi-Touch System Conversion. Masters thesis, Durham University.

AHMAD, TANVIR (2017) Wind Farm Coordinated Control and Optimisation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


AIROLDI, GIOVANNI (2010) Numerical Investigations of Air Flow and Heat Transfer in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Electrical Machines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AL-THOBAITI, AHMED,RADAH,M (2015) Development and Implementation of the Interactive Electronic Lecture System as an Innovative
Solution to Enhance Communication Skills.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALATAWI, IBRAHIM,AWDAH,M (2016) Extended Boundary Element Method approach for Direct and Accurate Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALFADLI, IBRAHIM,MOHAMMED,M (2015) Citizen Centred e-Government Services Evaluation Model. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALGARNI, ABEER,DHAFER (2014) Video Conferencing Technology for Distance Learning in Saudi Arabia: Current Problems, Feasible Solutions and Developing an Innovative Interactive Communication System based on Internet and wifi Technology for Communication Enhancement. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALGHANIM, FIRAS,LOTFI (2013) Investigating the Impact of Co-located and Distributed Collaboration Using Multi-touch Tables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALHOSBAN, FUAD,HAMAD,MOUSA (2011) The Effectiveness of Aural Instructions with Visualisations in E-Learning Environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALLEN, JONATHAN,GEORGE (2014) A Framework for Hyper-Heuristic Optimisation of Conceptual Aircraft Structural Designs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALLSOP, DANIEL,DAVID (2013) Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied
To Draughts.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

ALNADABI, MUHAMMAD,SAEID,MUHAMMAD (2010) Speech/Music Discrimination:
Novel Features in Time Domain.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AMBROSE-THURMAN, ANDREW,MICHAEL,LUKE (2014) Autonomous, Collaborative, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Search and Rescue. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ANJUM, MARIA (2013) Design Models for Service-based Software Application. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ASHWORTH, RACHEL,HELEN,SUSAN (2014) Three-dimensional and Two-dimensional Modelling of Springback in the Single-pass Conventional Metal Spinning of Cones. Masters thesis, Durham University.

ASQUITH, JONATHAN,DAVID (2015) Use of Large Lysimeters to Monitor Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Amended Soils. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ATHERTON, JOSEPH,JAMES (2012) Development of a thermal sensor for probing small volumes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AULD, ALISON,MARGARET,CHRISTINE (2016) Benefits and barriers of organic Rankine cycles for waste heat recovery and deep geothermal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.



Baker, Nicholas Jon (2003) Linear generators for direct drive marine renewable energy converters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BAMAROUF, YASSER,AHMAD,A. (2012) Enhancing the E-Commerce Experience through Haptic Feedback Interaction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BARBER, ALASTAIR,EDWARD (2013) Estimating Epipolar Geometry With The Use of a Camera Mounted Orientation Sensor. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BARNARD, JACK,MICHAEL (2014) Simulation of non-conservative transport using particle tracking methods with an application to soils contaminated with heavy metals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BARNETT, GRANVILLE (2014) Reasoning about Locks and Transactions in Concurrent Programs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BASHERI, MOHAMMED,ZAID (2013) Multi-Touch Table for Enhancing Collaboration during Software Design. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BECCI, GRACIELA,MONICA (2010) Automation and Control Architecture for Hybrid Pipeline Robots. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BECKETT, CHRISTOPHER,THOMAS,STONE (2011) The Role of Material Structure in Compacted Earthen Building Materials: Implications for Design and Construction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BERMAN, LEWIS,IRWIN (2011) Program Comprehension Through Sonification. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BERRY, JONATHAN,STUART (2015) Quality-controlled audio-visual depth in stereoscopic 3D media. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BING, YUN (2017) B-spline based Boundary Method for the Material Point Method. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BIRCHALL, THOMAS,JOHN (2013) Energy-based models for the design of cavities located in creeping media. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BIRD, GARETH,EDWARD (2012) The coupled dual boundary element-scaled boundary finite element method for efficient fracture mechanics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BLAKE, SIMON,RICHARD (2010) Methodologies for the Evaluation and Mitigation of Distribution Network Risk. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BREMNER, NATHAN (2016) Parallel Optimisations of Perceived Quality Simulations. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BROWN, NICHOLAS,EDWARD (2010) Type Oriented Parallel Programming. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BURN, ANDREW,JAMES (2011) Supporting Project Comprehension with Revision Control System Repository Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BURTON, ZOE (2014) Analysis of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Diffuser and Exhaust Hood Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


CAMPION, JOSHUA,ROBERT (2014) Short Term Unit Commitment as a Planning Problem. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHALK, AIDAN BERNARD GERARD (2013) Applications of Bee Colony Optimization. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHALK, AIDAN,BERNARD,GERARD (2017) Task-Based Parallelism for General Purpose Graphics Processing Units and Hybrid Shared-Distributed Memory Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CHEEMA, ADNAN,AHMAD (2015) Homogeneous Test-bed for Cognitive Radio. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chen, Bindi (2010) Computer-Aided System for Wind Turbine Data Analysis. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHEN, BINDI (2014) Automated On-line Fault Prognosis for Wind Turbine Monitoring using SCADA data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CLARK, DAVID,JOHN (2011) ISM Band Systems: Power Consumption, Usability and Economics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CLARKSON, ADAM,JAMES (2015) Keyframe Tagging: Unambiguous Content Delivery for Augmented Reality Environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COOK, HENRI (2010) Promoting Informal Learning Using a Context-Sensitive Recommendation Algorithm For a QRCode-based Visual Tagging System. Masters thesis, Durham University.

COOMBS, WILLIAM,MICHAEL (2011) Finite deformation of particulate geomaterials: frictional and anisotropic Critical State elasto-plasticity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CORBIN, ANDREW,JOHN (2017) Fibre-reinforced Soil Based Construction Materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CORLETT, SIMON,CHRISTIAN (2011) Stereoscopic Sketchpad: 3D Digital Ink. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COWLING, JOSHUA,JAMES (2015) An Iterative Algorithm for Lithography on Three-Dimensional Surfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COX, STEVEN (2011) Concise Process Improvement Methods. Masters thesis, Durham University.

COX, STEVEN (2015) Simulation and Control of Univariate and Multivariate Set-Up Dominant Process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CRABTREE, CHRISTOPHER,JAMES (2011) Condition Monitoring Techniques for Wind Turbines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CRESSWELL, NICHOLAS,WILLIAM (2015) The Generation Potential of Diffuser Augmented Tidal Stream Turbines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CROSSLAND, ANDREW,FREDERICK (2014) Application of stochastic and evolutionary methods to plan for the installation of energy storage in voltage constrained LV networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CUMMINS, STEPHEN,ALEXANDER (2010) Feedback 2.0: An Investigation into Using Sharable Feedback Tags as Programming Feedback. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CURRY, RICHARD,IAN (2010) Development and modelling of a versatile active micro-electrode array for high density in-vivo and in-vitro neural signal investigation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


DAWSON, LAURENCE,JAMES (2015) Generic Techniques in General Purpose GPU Programming with Applications to Ant Colony and Image Processing Algorithms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DERRICK, BENJAMIN,JOHN (2014) Bio-inspired Dynamic Control Systems with Time Delays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


DODD, LINZI,EMMA (2014) Fabrication Optimisation of Metal-Oxide-Metal Diodes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DRUMMOND, SARAH,ANNE (2009) Investigating the Impact of Entry Qualifications on Student Performance in Computing Programmes at Undergraduate Level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DU, LONGHUAN (2016) Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Darrieus Wind Turbine Start-up and Operation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DU, XIAOFENG (2009) Semantic Service Description Framework for Efficient Service Discovery and Composition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DUAN, XIAO,XIA (2014) Lipid based sensing of organic vapours: a study combining AFM and QCM. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


ELSHERIF, MUSTAFA,ALI (2013) The Application of Superconducting Technologies in Future Electrical Power Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ETOR, DAVID (2016) Optimising the Structure of Metal-Insulator-Metal Diodes for Rectenna Applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


FARSI, MOHAMMED,ABDULWAHAB,R (2016) interactive Islamic Prayer (iIP). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FEGHALI, CARL (2016) Topics in graph colouring and extremal graph theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FINLAY, NINA,CATHERINE (2015) Using Water Treatment Residual to immobilise lead for in-situ remediation of contaminated soil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FIORANELLI, FRANCESCO (2013) Through-The-Wall Detection Using Ultra Wide Band Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave Signals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FISHER, ALISON,LAUREN (2014) A Study of Light-Emitting Diodes and Transistors based on Ambipolar Organic Materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FOSTER, CHRISTOPHER,ROSS (2011) Exploring The Impact Of Configuration And Mode Of Input On Group Dynamics In Computing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FOSTER, TIMOTHY,MARK (2013) Real-time stress analysis of three-dimensional boundary element problems with continuously updating geometry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FRONER, BARBARA (2011) Stereoscopic 3D Technologies for Accurate Depth Tasks:
A Theoretical and Empirical Study.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


GATE, JAMES,SIMON (2013) Applications of Finite Model Theory: Optimisation Problems, Hybrid Modal Logics and Games. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GODWIN, JAMIE,LEIGH (2015) Exploiting Robust Multivariate Statistics and Data Driven Techniques for Prognosis and Health Management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GORLEY, PAUL,WARD (2012) Metrics for Stereoscopic Image Compression. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GREAVES, PETER,ROBERT (2013) Fatigue Analysis and Testing of Wind Turbine Blades. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GUO, SONG (2014) Adaptive Parameter Estimation of Power System Dynamic Models Using Modal Information. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


HAMILTON, OLIVER (2017) Automatic Dense 3D Scene Mapping from Non-overlapping Passive Visual Sensors for Future Autonomous Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HAMLIN, FREDERICK,WILLIAM (2012) Effects Of Pulsation Frequency On Trailing Edge Plasma Actuators For Flight Control. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HAO, TIANQU (2016) Operation of Grid-Connected Inverter under Unbalanced Grid Conditions Using Indirect Voltage Sensoring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HASHEM-ALI, SALMA,FIDEL (2014) Analytical methods for predicting load-displacement behaviour of piles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HASSAINE, DJAMEL (2010) Efficient rendering for three-dimensional displays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HASSAN, ASEM,AHMED (2014) Electrical Resistivity Method for Water Content Characterisation of Unsaturated Clay Soil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HE, GUANHUA (2011) Program Analysis in A Combined Abstract Domain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HE, LISHA (2015) Improvement and Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics in Elastodynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HEPPENSTALL, ALAN (2015) Page Ranking Systems: Axiomatisation and Experimentation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hilfer, Michael (2016) Fluidic Sealing Fundamental Physics and Development for Turbomachinery Implementation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HILL, CARLO,ALEXANDER,KIM (2016) Simulation and Testing of Metallic Aperture Arrays at Terahertz Frequencies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HO, TERRY,CHI,YOUNG (2016) AC Voltage Control of a Future Large Offshore Wind Farm Network Connected by HVDC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HUTCHINSON, HARRIET (2017) Location Awareness in Multi-Agent Control of Distributed Energy Resources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


IORDANOU, GRIGORIOS (2009) Flat-Plate Solar Collectors for Water Heating with Improved Heat Transfer for Application in Climatic Conditions of the Mediterranean Region. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


JACKSON, PHILIP,THOMAS,GABRIEL (2016) Automatic Update of Airport GIS by Remote Sensing Image Analysis. Masters thesis, Durham University.

JEONG, YESUL (2016) Investigation of Low-temperature Solution-processed Thin-Film Transistors for Flexible Displays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JOMBERT, Alice,Stécy (2010) Electrical properties of various single-wall carbon nanotube networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JONES, DAVID,HUW (2009) Design and application of convergent cellular automata. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JONES, MATTHEW,LEWIS (2015) Examining the Links Between Organic Photovoltaic Operation and Complex Morphological Structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JUPE, SAMUEL,CHARLES,EDWARD (2010) Active Management of Distributed Generation based on Component Thermal Properties. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


KARA, DENIZ (2015) Implementing Productivity Based Demand Response in Office Buildings Using Building Automation Standards. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


KAYE, DAVID,PAUL (2017) Regular Grids: An Irregular Approach to the 3D Modelling Pipeline. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KEMP, JEREMY,MARK (2012) All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms Using CUDA. Masters thesis, Durham University.


LAL, SAURABH (2015) Isolation, Characterisation and Software Development for Polymeric Wear Particles from In Vitro Joint Simulators. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIGNOS, IOANNIS (2017) Reconfigurations of Combinatorial Problems: Graph Colouring and Hamiltonian Cycle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIM, CHIN,HONG (2010) Thermal Modelling of the Ventilation and Cooling inside Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generators. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIU, LING (2011) Systematic Measurement of Centralized Online Reputation Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LOTFIFAR, FOAD (2016) Hypergraph Partitioning in the Cloud. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LOUKARAKIS, EMMANOUIL (2016) Decentralised Optimisation and Control in Electrical Power Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LOVELADY, ELAINE (2014) In Vitro Investigation into the use of Dual Mobility for Partial Revision of a Failed Metal Hip Resurfacing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LOW, ADAM,CHRISTOPHER (2010) Approaches to Support Student Learning in Introductory Programming Laboratory Classes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LUO, CHENGUANG (2011) Verification of Pointer-Based Programs with Partial Information. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LUSH, ANNABEL,MARIE (2014) Coupling of beam and shell finite elements for the rapid analysis of tubular structures. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LYONS, PADRAIG,FIONNBHARR (2010) Experimental Investigation and Evaluation of Future Active Distribution Networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MAKHKAMOVA, IRINA (2011) Numerical Investigations of the Thermal State of Overhead Lines and Underground Cables in Distribution Networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MANKOWSKI, OLIVER,ANDREW (2013) The Wind Tunnel Simulation and Effect of Turbulent Air flow on Automotive Aerodynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAQABLEH, MAHMOUD,MOHAMMAD (2012) Analysis and Design Security Primitives Based on Chaotic Systems for eCommerce. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MASSEY, MARK,KIERAN (2013) Electrical Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks Produced by Langmuir-Blodgett Deposition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MATHIESON, LUKE (2009) The Parameterized Complexity of Degree Constrained Editing Problems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAZLAN, MOHAMMAD,NUR,AZHAR (2012) Students’ Perception of Motivation to Learn: Does an Avatar Motivate? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MCNAUGHTON, JAMES,ANDREW (2011) Adapting Multi-touch Systems to Capitalise on Different Display Shapes. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MD-RAHIM, MOHD,SYAZWAN,BIN (2016) Hydro-mechanical behaviour of a residual soil slope in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MENDES, JOAO (2011) Assessment of the impact of climate change on an instrumented embankment:
an unsaturated soil mechanics approach.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MESHKINFAMFARD, SEPEHR (2016) Randomised Algorithms on Networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MICHIORRI, ANDREA (2010) Power system real-time thermal rating estimation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MICKAEL, MICHEL,EDWAR,KHALIL (2012) Modelling Baroreceptors Function. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MILBOURN, JOSEPH,JOHN (2010) Strategies for Optimising DRAM Repair. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MOU, XIAOLIN (2017) Wireless Power Transfer Technology for Electric Vehicle Charging. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


NAGEL, LARS (2011) Randomised Load Balancing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NATTRASS, CARL (2016) Powering the Academic Web. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NAUTIYAL, GEET (2014) Fluidic Jet Barriers for the Reduction of Leakage Loss in Shrouded Turbines. Masters thesis, Durham University.

NELSON, CARL,JOHN (2017) Mathematical Morphology for Quantification in Biological & Medical Image Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NEWBON, JOSHUA,JAMES (2017) Aerodynamic Effects of the Salient Flow Features in Grand Prix Car Wakes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NGAH, AMIR (2012) Regression Test Selection by Exclusion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Norris, Glyn (1998) Flows through s-shaped annular, inter-turbine diffusers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NORRIS, SEAN,WILLIAM (2014) Preventing Wide Area Blackouts in Transmission Systems: A New Approach for Intentional Controlled Islanding using Power Flow Tracing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


OETTLE, NICHOLAS,RICHARD (2013) The Effects of Unsteady On-Road Flow Conditions on Cabin Noise. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


PEAKE, MICHAEL,JOHN (2014) Enriched and Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Wave Scattering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PINTO, PONGPAN (2010) Incorporating an Element of Negotiation into a Service-Oriented Broker Application. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

POWELL, ROBERT,DAVID (2016) Complexity Classifications for the Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


QAQISH, TAMER,AYOUB (2011) Cost Risk Management for a Small to Medium-sized Enterprise in the Cladding Industry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


RAIMUNDO, XAVIER,ZAGE (2015) FMCW Signals for Radar Imaging and Channel Sounding. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RAMLI, AHMAD,LUTFI,AMRI,BIN (2012) Bootstrap Based Surface Reconstruction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RHODES, MARK,NICHOLASCHARLES (2009) Rank Lower Bounds in Propositional Proof Systems Based on Integer Linear Programming Methods. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RICHARDSON, PAUL (2010) Relating onshore wind turbine reliability to offshore application. Masters thesis, Durham University.

RIGBY, JACOB,MARK (2013) Exploring Dual-Camera-Based Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage Sites. Masters thesis, Durham University.

RITJAREONWATTU, SUPACHAI (2011) Ion Sensitive Organic Field Effect Transistors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ROBERTS, DAVID,ANTHONY,THOMAS (2016) Validating Stereoscopic Volume Rendering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


SCHIEFER, PHILIPP (2016) Self-healing concepts involving fine-grained redundancy for electronic systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHANEB, OMAR,ALI (2012) Optimisation and Operation of Residential Micro Combined Heat and Power (μCHP) Systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHAO, HONGBO (2016) Adaptive Three-Stage Controlled Islanding to Prevent Imminent Wide-area Blackouts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHAW, PATRICIA,H (2010) Reasoning about Goal-Plan Trees in Autonomous Agents: Development of Petri net and Constraint-Based Approaches with Resulting Performance Comparisons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHETWAN, ALI,GASSIM,M. (2013) Optimum Allocation of Inspection Stations in Multistage Manufacturing Processes by Using Max-Min Ant System. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SIMPSON, ROBERT (2010) Enrichment of the Boundary Element Method through the Partition of Unity Method for Fracture Analysis using Local and Global Formulations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SIMS-WILLIAMS, DAVID,BOYD (2001) Self-Excited Aerodynamic Unsteadiness Associated with Passenger Cars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SINCLAIR, KIRSTEN,MHAIRI (2009) The Impact of Petri Nets on System-of-Systems Engineering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SMITH, JONATHAN,CHASE (2015) Examining Soil Based Construction Materials through X-Ray Computed Tomography. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SNEDDEN, GLEN,CAMPBELL (2011) The Application of Non-Axisymmetric Endwall Contouring in a 1½ Stage, Rotating Turbine. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SONG, JIAN (2013) Graph Colouring with Input Restrictions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Spinato, Fabio (2008) The reliability of wind turbines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SPROT, ADAM,JOSEPH (2013) Open-Wheel Aerodynamics: Effects of Tyre Deformation and Internal Flow. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STANLEY, MARTIN,JAMES (2011) A Prosim Knee Simulator Study of UHMWPE Wear: The
Effect of Molecular Architecture and New Generation
Radiation Crosslinking.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STEWART, ANTHONY,GRAHAM (2017) Graph Algorithms and Complexity Aspects on Special Graph Classes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STONE, RICHARD,FRANCIS,LEICESTER (2016) Electrosharpening of Tungsten Probes for Arc Discharge Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SUN, GENG (2012) Perceived Depth Control in Stereoscopic Cinematography. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SUN, LEILEI (2009) Smart Search Engine For Information Retrieval. Masters thesis, Durham University.


SYMONDS, ADAM,JAMES (2015) Graphical game Theory with Mobility. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


TAM, KWOK,LEUNG (2009) Indexing and Retrieval of 3D Articulated Geometry Models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TAVNER, PETER,JOHN (2012) Studies in Electrical Machines & Wind Turbines associated with developing Reliable Power Generation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TOKAC, NIHAN (2016) Efficiency of Algorithms in Phylogenetics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TRICHAKIS, PAVLOS (2009) Multi Agent Systems for the Active Management of Electrical Distribution Networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


ULLAH, BASEER (2014) Structural topology optimisation based on the Boundary Element and Level Set methods. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ULLAH, ZAHUR (2013) Nonlinear solid mechanics analysis using the parallel selective element-free Galerkin method. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Uromeihy, Ali (1990) Ground vibration measurements with special reference to pile driving. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


van Griethuysen, Lorna Charlotte (2012) Analysis of a Nuclear Reactor Boilure Closure Unit Through Development of a 3D Parallel Finite Element Code. Masters thesis, Durham University.

VAN-'T-HOF, PIM (2010) Exploiting structure to cope with NP-hard graph problems: Polynomial and exponential time exact algorithms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


WANG, CHONG (2010) A Service Late Binding Enabled Solution for Data Integration from Autonomous and Evolving Databases. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WANG, LIN (2012) Analysis of Material Deformation and Wrinkling Failure in Conventional Metal Spinning Process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WANGMAETEEKUL, PENNEE (2011) Using Distributed Agents to Create University Course Timetables Addressing Essential & Desirable Constraints and Fair Allocation of Resources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WATSON, CHRISTOPHER (2015) An Exploration of Traditional and Data Driven Predictors of Programming Performance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WENG, BIN (2010) Dynamic Integration of Evolving Distributed Databases using Services. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WENKENBACH, IAN (2011) Tension Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete Members with
Large Diameter Reinforcement.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

WHITTLE, MATTHEW (2013) Wind Turbine Generator Reliability: An Exploration of the Root Causes of Generator Bearing Failures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILLCOCKS, CHRISTOPHER,GEORGE (2013) Sparse Volumetric Deformation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, DAVID,NICHOLAS (2011) Depth Acquisition from Digital Images. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, RICHARD,JAMES (2009) Large Tip Clearance Flows in High Pressure Stages of Axial Compressors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, SARAH,REBECCA (2010) Tribological and Structural Characterisation of Ceramic on Metal Hip Replacements. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, Duncan (2015) Online Optimisation of Casualty Processing in Major Incident Response. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WORASINCHAI, SUPAKIT (2012) Small Wind Turbine Starting Behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WYLLIE, PETER,BRUCE (2014) Electrothermal Modelling for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Converter Reliability in Wind Power. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


XIONG, WEI (2013) Verification and Validation of JavaScript. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

XU, MENG (2016) Analysis of market incentives on power system planning and operations in liberalised electricity markets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

XU, WENBO (2014) Development of Collaborative SLAM Algorithm for Team of Robots. Masters thesis, Durham University.


YANG, BINGRU (2011) Use of Graded Laser Scanning to Generate Efficient Boundary Element Meshes. Masters thesis, Durham University.

YANG, FAN (2013) Learning Path Construction in e-Learning – What to Learn and How to Learn? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

YANG, YING (2013) Information Analysis for Steganography and Steganalysis in 3D Polygonal Meshes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

YOUSIF-MOHAMMAD, KHALID,MIRGHNEE (2013) An Investigation into Dynamic Web Service Composition Using a Simulation Framework. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

YUN, YOUNGJUN (2010) Pentacene Based Organic Electronic Devices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


ZAGGOUT, MAHMOUD,NOUH (2013) Wind Turbine Generator Condition Monitoring
via the Generator Control Loop.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZAPPALA, DONATELLA (2014) Advanced Algorithms for Automatic Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZHANG, CHENG (2011) An Empirical Assessment of the Software Design Pattern Concept. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZHENG, QINGZHENG (2011) Sketching-based Skeleton Extraction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZHUANG, XIAOYING (2010) Meshless methods: theory and application in 3D fracture modelling with level sets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 02:24:49 2025 GMT.