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Number of theses: 245.

Abdulmajeed Ibrahim al-Mubarak, (2006) Al-Munşif min al-Kalām 'alā Mughnī lbn Hishãm by Taqï al-Dīn al-Shumunnī [d. 1468]. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abuhamdah, Sawsan "Mohammad Ali" (2006) Probing novel compound classes & a new interacting protein for the Mammalian GАВА(_A) receptor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ahmet Fuat, (2006) The Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure across Primary and Secondary Care. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ajlouni, Heba Kamel (2006) The financing problems of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in Jordan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

al-Denawy, Mahmood Hassaan (2006) A reappraisal of attitudes to the 'People of the Book' in the Qur'an and hadith, with particular reference to Muslim fiscal policy and the covenant of 'Umar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Fazari, Khalifa Salim (2006) Fiscal policy and economic performance in Oman during 1970-2003. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Haddad, Maha R. (2006) Synthesis of substituted phenylene-ethynylene- based conjugated rods. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Hadhrami, Zahir (2006) The impact of GCC integration on the economy of Oman: An empirical study of the attitudes of the business community to the customs union. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aldolaimi, Ahmed H. (2006) Investigating the effectiveness of training in the public sector in Saudi Arabia : case studies of the Ministry of Education and the Institute of Public Administration. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alexandridis, George (2006) Short selling constraints, divergence of opinion and gains to acquisitions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alhnaish, Abdelhakim S. (2006) Carbonate facies, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of an eocene nummulitic seservoir interval (jdeir formation), offshore NW Libya. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alhudaithy, Ibrahim Mohammad (2006) Rights of tenderers and contractors under Saudi public procurement contract regulations: a comparative study with England and Wales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alkhalas, Tarek Jiuma (2006) Depositional architecture and petroleum potential of the Cambro-Ordovician Hawaz Formation, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Anderson, George. (2006) Crisis resolution and community mental health: An Ethnography of two teams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Archibald, Lisa M. D. (2006) Short-term and working memory in children with specific language impairment. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aristeidis Noutsos, (2006) Temporal analysis of the least energetic events in pulsar data from observations with the high energy stereoscopic system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Armitstead-Pinkney, Lucy (2006) The role of emotion in the aesthetic appreciation of nature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Arnott, Bronia Marie (2006) Bridging the transmission gap in attachment: The role of mind-mindedness in mothers and fathers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Asghar, Basim Hussain (2006) Some studies of the reactions of aromatic nitro compounds with nitrogen and carbon nucleophiles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ashcroft, Kathryn (2006) Confidence as a route to economic development in post war Vietnam. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Atkinson, Brad Randall (2006) Information technology and strategy: The role of innovation in performance in the US Hospital Sector 1997 一 2004. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ayano, Mari (2006) Intercultural experience and the process of psychological adjustment: A case study of Japanese students in England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Badger, Simon D. (2006) On-shelļ methods for perturbative QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bahra, Harjit (2006) Sectoral composition and productivity differences: A regional analysis with particular reference to the North East region of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bassett, Sophie Elizabeth (2006) Modelling sea-level observations to investigate the source and magnitude of major meltwater pulses during termination 1. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Beale, Thomas Α. W. (2006) Orbital ordering in the layered manganites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Becker, Jeffrey Marcus (2006) Armed conflict and border society: The East and Middle Marches, 1536-60. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Beggs, Daryl M. (2006) Computational studies of one and two-dimensional photonic microstructures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bibi Jan Mohd Ayyub, (2006) Developing a reading programme through an action research in a secondary school. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bjornsdöttir Pieper, Steinunn Björk (2006) An evaluation of immigration and integration policies with respect to the muslim community in Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Blackwood, Nicholas Simon (2006) Variation in response behaviours in captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Blaufuss, Kathrin (2006) Greening the revolution revisited - Farmers, NGOs and the Cuban state. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bolden, David S. (2006) Primary teachers' epistemological beliefs about the teaching and learning of mathematics : the link with and implications for their classroom pedagogy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bolton, Philip (2006) Metropolis and province configurations of identity in contemporary Austrian literature. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Boniface, Jonathan Paul (2006) The Durham gentry: social stablility and change in the palatinate of Durham, c.1286-1346. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bradbeer, Robin Sarah (2006) An evaluation of the effectiveness of studio-based teaching for a first year electronic engineering degree course. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bradford, Andrea Marie (2006) Molecular pharmacology of a Novel NR2B-selective NMDA Receptor Antagonist. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brain, Matthew James (2006) Autocompaction of mineralogenic intertidal sediments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bramall, David Graham (2006) Analysis of manufacturing operations using knowledge- Enriched aggregate process planning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Breitbach, Daniel (2006) The scope for German dual vocational training in the Egyptian hotel industry. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Brewster, Elizabeth (2006) Reactions to anarchism in the works of Maurice Barres and Georges Darien,1885-1914. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brockless, Adrian (2006) The Objectivity of Moral Judgements. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brooks, Paul M. (2006) Infrared behaviour and renormalization scheme invariance of QCD observables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Anthony Murray (2006) Very high energy emission and multi-wavelength campaigns of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Burns, Jennifer M. (2006) Experiences of bodily disorder in French books 1573-1592. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Butterley, Timothy (2006) Laser guide stars and turbulence profiling for extremely large telescopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Buxton, Sarah Victoria (2006) Saint Christopher in medieval Spanish literature. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cannon, Michael J. (2006) Transesterification of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) and Bisphenol-A-Polycarbonate. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Carlisle, James (2006) Minimal superstring theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carter, Stephen G. (2006) "Historian of the spirit": an introduction to the life and ideas of Christopher H. Dawson, 1889-1970. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cartwright, Matthew William (2006) Highly functionalised fused heterocycle synthesis from fluoropyridines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carty, George James (2006) Studies of coated and polycrystalline superconductors using the time dependant Ginzburg-Landau equations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cazzoli-Goeta, Marcela A. (2006) The L2 acquisition of Spanish non-nominative subjects by adult L1 English speakers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Celeste, Yee Soo Chuen (2006) Perspectives of looked after children on school experience – a study conducted among primary school children in a children’s home in Singapore. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Charters, Stuart Muir (2006) Virtualising visualisation: A distributed service based approach to visualisation on the Grid. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cheek, Dennis William (2006) Theology & technology: An Exploration of their relationship with special reference to the work of Albert Borgmann and intelligent transportation systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chen, Daliang (2006) Cell signalling in Paracoccidioides Brasiliensis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cho, Nancy Jiwon (2006) The ministry of song : unmarried British women's hymn writing, 1760-1936. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clayton, John Stephen (2006) Multiculturalism in question : a study of inter-ethnic relations in the city of Leicester. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Corbett, Jason CW. (2006) Photonic crystal fibres in astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cork, Edward (2006) Rethinking the Indus myths A comparative re-evaluation of the Indus Civilisation as an alternative paradigm in the organisation and structure of early complex societies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cornell, David (2006) English castle garrisons in the Anglo-Scottish wars of the fourteenth century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Croft, Adam P. (2006) Investigations into the in vitro developmental plasticity of adult mesenchymal stem cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cruz da Angela, José Antonio (2006) Clustering and redshift-space distortions in QSO and galaxy surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cumming, Jonathan (2006) Clinical decision support. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daffern, Adrian Mark (2006) The liturgical development of the cathedrals of the church of Englad 1980 to present day. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dann, Rachael Jane (2006) Aesthetics and identity at Qustul and Ballana, Lower Nubia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Gregory Tudor (2006) The effect of the environment on the evolution of galaxy colours. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Mairi Helen (2006) An archaeological analysis of later prehistoric settlement and society in Perthshire and Stirlingshire. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daya, Shari Lynne (2006) Writing the modern body : discursive constructions of the new Indian woman. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Deesomsak, Rataporn (2006) Corporate financing decisions: Evidence from the Asia Pacific region. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dharamraj, Havilah (2006) A prophet like Moses? A narrative-theological reading of the Elijah narratives. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dong, Lu (2006) Evaluation of high quality topographic data for geomorphological and flood impact studies in upland area: North York Moors, UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dowler, Robert Edward Mackenzie (2006) Songs of love : a pastoral reading of St Augustine of Hippo's Enarrations in Psalmos. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Du, Dijun (2006) Elucidation of the structure and molecular mechanism of the tripartite multidrug efflux pumps in the Gram-negative pathogens: Vibrio cholerae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Elena Martin, (2006) Iconic women: Martyrdom and the female body in early Christianity. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ennaceur, Susan Mary (2006) Analytical studies on channel forming proteins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Exell, Karen (2006) A social and historical interpretation of Ramesside period votive stelae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fawcett, Peter William (2006) Athenian Taxation from the Pisistratids to Lycurgus 550 325 ВС. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Firth, Catriona (2006) The press reception of Austrian works of Vergangenheitsbewältigung. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fleming, Craig (2006) Glycopolymers for targeted delivery applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Foumier, Romain (2006) Probing amorphous and crystalline pharmaceuticals systems using NMR. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Frederique, M.D. Tholozan (2006) The Influence of extracellular matrix on lens epithelial cell viability. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gershater, Markus Christian (2006) Plant carboxylesterases involved in pesticide hydrolysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, Harry (2006) Sources and management of water colour in the river Tees. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, Matthew Ian (2006) Synthesis and characterisation of novel polypeptide materials by the polymerisation of N-carboxyanhydrides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, Michael Christopher (2006) Implementation and application of advanced density functionals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Giles, Richard Lloyd (2006) Investigations into the utility of aminoboronates as bifunctional catalysts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Giouvris, Evaiigelos Thomas (2006) Issues in pricing, liquidity, information efficiency, asymmetric information and trading sysyems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gladstone, Jeanette Claire (2006) Analysing the atolls: X-ray spectral transitions of accreting neutron stars. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Grain, Rachel Victoria (2006) The search for a microtonal Flute. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Griffin, Amanda Jane (2006) The amateur competition movement: shaping identity through participation in the Manx music festival 1892-2005. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Groves, Sarah E. (2006) Spears or ploughshares : multiple indicators of activity related stress and social status in four Early Medieval populations from the North East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gulzar, Assum (2006) Analysis of gene expression during the macrophage to foam cell transformation using cDNA arrays. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gunasekara, Sanjika Dias (2006) Characterising the expression and interactions of the Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidoreductase Erol β. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Guo, Jie (2006) Do shareholders gain from corporate acquisitions? : evidence from market valuation, merger momentum and bidding frequency. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Halliwell, James (2006) An investigation into Quadtree fractal image and video compression. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hammond, Nigel L. (2006) Molecular expression associated with vibrissa follicle development and differentiation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hamza, Qais Н. (2006) Islamic Sukuk securities as financing instruments: An examination of bond pricing in the conventional and Islamic setting and a survey of literature on alternative benchmarks to the interest-based system. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Han, Shukang (2006) Atomic service-based scheduling for web services composition. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Handley, Heather. К. (2006) Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-O isotopic constraints on volcanic petrogenesis at the Sunda arc, Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Harris, Lee George (2006) Physicochemical lithography of functional nanolayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hartmann, Jacques (2006) International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Haslewood, Nathan Richard Dering (2006) Rawlsian liberalism a constructive critique. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hassan, Aminuddin (2006) Academic productivity and the impact of the national education philosophy in higher education institutions as viewed by Malaysian academics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Helen Mathews, (2006) Informing small business development: The impact of marketing led strategic development in a small firm. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hetherington, Ben (2006) Interference of supports used for ground vehicle wind tunnel testing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hintschich, Susanne I. (2006) Picosecond studies of excited states in conjugated polymers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hoogesteger, Naomi May Jensen (2006) Anomalous women in fifteenth-century castilian ballads. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hoskins, John Paul (2006) "The unity of the spirit": the trinity, the church and love in Saint Augustine of Hippo. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hsin Yu, Chang (2006) A molecular analysis of the microtubule associated protein MAP65-1. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Huang, Xiuquan (2006) Three-dimensional unsteady flow in the oscillating turbine blade row. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hughes, Zak Elliot (2006) New methods for the computer simulation of macromolecular liquid crystals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hurst, Catherine Elizabeth (2006) Gully morphology in a semi-arid environment: application of laser scanning techniques. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ihara, Yasushi (2006) Metaphysics of 空 (śūnyatā: emptiness).Western analytical approach to Zen philosophy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ip, Sook Kuen Joanna (2006) Language use and language attitudes of students in a bilingual immersion programme in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Iqbal, Nazalie (2006) Transnational subjectivities: the practice of relatedness among British Pakistanis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Islam, Sheikih Tawhidul (2006) Resource assessment of deciduous forests in Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jackson, Sarah (2006) "Development of wireless fire products”. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jackson, Wong Tzu Seong (2006) An empirical investigation of technical analysis in fixed income markets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jagger, Ian Michael (2006) Lightweight design of a suspension arm by friction stir welding. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jeavons, David Anthony (2006) The failing diabetic patient in primary care. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jellis, Christopher Henry (2006) Metaleaming: PGCE students learning about learning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jiang, Na (2006) China and international human rights: Capital punishment and detention for re-education in the context of the international covenant on civil and political rights. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jin, Yu (2006) A photoluminescence and electroluminescence study of the properties of polyfluorene copolymers for display applications. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Johnstone, Lisa (2006) Towards the total synthesis of vinigrol. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kallinterakis, Vasileios (2006) Herding and feedback trading : an empirical investigation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kamtekar, Kiran (2006) New charge-transport materials for OLED applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kayadibi, Saim (2006) Istihsan (juristic preference) : the forgotten principle of Islamic law. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kemeling, Ilona (2006) Persistent scatterer interferometry to monitor mining related ground surface deformation for data-driven modelling. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Khatoon, Pathema Zhura (2006) Socio-economic and cultural context of Bangladeshi women in North-East England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Khawar Siddique Khokhar, (2006) Design and development of mobile channel simulators using digital signal processing techniques. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Khoabane, Ntai Martin (2006) Application of solution state NMR to structural problems in chemistry. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kick, Donata (2006) The time is now: the roles of apocalyptic thought in early Germanic literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

King, Matthew Benjamin (2006) Mechanically milled bulk nanocrystalline Nb(_3)Sn with improved superconducting properties in high magnetic fields. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kitiabi Reginah Kiti Khatemende, (2006) Privatisation of public enterprises in COMESA: An exploration of approaches and strategies: the case of the privatization of Telkom Kenya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Knell, Mark Α. (2006) Electroactive speciation studies for metal ion sensing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Knight, Carolyn M. (2006) Utilisation of off-river habitats by lowland river fishes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Koehler, Maryan (2006) The role of education in teaching Dutch norms and values to adult newcomers: an analysis of integration policy in the Netherlands, with emphasis on the city of Rotterdam. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Latham, Ian James (2006) V.H.E. Gamma Rays From Microquasars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Le Donne, Anthony (2006) The historiographical Jesus: memory, typology and the sרon of David. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Leech, Stephen (2006) Parent infant sleep synchrony: A test of two infant sleep locations. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Legge, David Nathanial (2006) Application of ant based routing and intelligent control to telecommunications network management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Leinonen, Anu (2006) Is it democratisation? : the rule of law and political changes in Jordan since 1989. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lemon, Kirstin (2006) The climatic, eustatic and tectonic controls on the Mid Carboniferous (Visean and Namurian) strata of Northumbria, England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Li, Jingyi (2006) Provincial government and regional development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Libeskind, Noam Isaac (2006) The formation of satellite galaxies and their associated black holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lim, Michael (2006) Coastal cliff evolution with reference to Staithes, North Yorkshire. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lin, Wen-lung Laurence (2006) The strategic symbiosis between us Asian policy and Taiwanese nationalism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lin Wang, (2006) Wang Shuo and the commercialisation of contemporary Chinese culture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Looker, Nik (2006) Dependability analysis of web services. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Loureda, José Manuel Sanchez (2006) Supersymmetric probes of wrapped M5-brane backgrounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lowell, James Α. (2006) Automated retinal analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mabilat, Claire (2006) British orientalism and representations of music in the long nineteenth century ideas of music, otherness, sexuality and gender in the popular arts. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Madell, Dominie Edward (2006) Associations between social anxiety disorders and the social aspects of young people's internet and mobile phone use. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Malbon, Rowena Katherine (2006) The role of black holes in galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Markham, Paul N. (2006) Conversion converted : a new model of Christian conversion in light of Wesleyan theology and nonreductive physicalism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

McNaught, Janet Mary (2006) A clinical and archaeological study of Schmorl’s Nodes: using clinical data to understand the past. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mellor, G. Howard (2006) The development of mission theology and praxis at Cliff College, with reference to its antecedents and history. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mills, Carolyn (2006) Dynamics of fluvial fine sediment transfer in the River Esk, North Yorkshire, UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Mkhalid, Ibraheem Ahmed I. (2006) Transition metal catalysed borylation of C-H bonds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Moffatt, Stuart (2006) Forced response prediction for industrial gas turbine blades. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mohamad, Lukman Z. (2006) Children in Prostitution: A study of young women in the rehabilitation centres in Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mohammed, Nisreen Yacoup (2006) Attachment, self and autobiographical memory in middle childhood : a cross-cultural study of British and Saudi Arabian children. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mood, Jonathan William (2006) Employment, politics and working-class women in north east England, c. 1790-1914. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Müller, Lisa Johanna (2006) Stability criteria for controlled queueing networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mungham, Angela (2006) English settlers in fourteenth century Ireland. A case study of twelve landed families of South Leinster/ East Munster. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Murphy, Rosalyn F. Thomas (2006) Spirits or angels? : a study in the Book of Revelation and its background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Murray, Colin (2006) Salus populi suprema lex: The Development of national security jurisprudence prior to the first world war. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.

Muscroft, Robert J. M. (2006) Non-intrusive support of ground vehicle wind tunnel models through superconducting magnetic levitation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Newington, Samantha Jane (2006) Hesioďs Theogony. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ng, Siew Kheng (2006) An insider perspective of lifelong learning in Singapore: beyond the economic perspective. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Nicholson, Catherine Emma (2006) Crystallisation in emulsion and microemulsion systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

O'Connell, Anita (2006) A place of vision : romantic dream poetry and the creative imagination. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Obaid, Saif Hamad Ali Al Zaabi (2006) Islamic banks and service quality : an empirical study of the UAE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Orton, Jane (2006) 'This is not the truth’: A methodological inquiry into the classical Greek origins of political realism. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Othman, Abdullah (2006) Structural studies of two solid steroid compounds. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Palmer, John Paul Skiffington (2006) Image and analogy in Augustine's De Trinitate and the Dionysian Corpus: A comparative study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pang, Jianmin (2006) LFTOP: An LF based approach to domain specific reasoning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pansini, Riccardo (2006) Assessing animal welfare in a captive primate: an analysis of stress related behaviour in Mandrillus sphinx. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Parker, Sue (2006) Mothering in the new moral economy: making, marking and classing selves. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Parry, Gregory David (2006) The 'void' in Simone Weil and the 'broken middle' in Gillian Rose : the genesis of the search for salvation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Payne, Helen Louise (2006) Investigating the interplay between excitatory neurotransmission and GABAa receptor expression and trafficking in the stargazer mutant mouse. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Poole, Robert (2006) Luminescent lanthanide complexes for cellular applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pritchard, Matthew J. (2006) Manipulation of ultracold atoms using magnetic and optical fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Purves, Graham Thomas (2006) Absorption and dispersion in atomic vapours: Applications to interferometery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Raincock, Samantha (2006) An assessment model and implementation of stereo image quality. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rameker, Vicki Cheryl Yap (2006) Resilience among third culture kids attending an international school. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ramsden, Martin Francis (2006) Heeding the great commission: The significance of Matthew's gospel for Baptismal theology and practice in a post-Christian age. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Reed, Patricia (2006) Function of bacteriophage orf recombinasesin genetic exchange. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rhodes, Mark N.C. (2006) A study in grid simulation and scheduling. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Riggs, Helen Joanna (2006) Novel block Co-polymers as potential photonic materials. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rizk, Riham Ragab (2006) Corporate social and environmental disclosure practices : an international comparison of UK, Indian and Egyptian corporations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Robinson, Katherine S. (2006) Spatial patterns of fine sediment supply and transfer in the River Esk, North York Moors. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rodríguez-Cazares, Laura Miriam (2006) Constructing the child work experiences: relational processes among the children of Monte Alban, Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rutledge, Emilie Jane (2006) A gulf cooperation council currency union: appropriateness and implications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Saigo, Hideki (2006) The pragmatic properties and sequential functions of the Japanese sentence-final particles ne, yo and yone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sampson, Virginia Lynn (2006) An analysis of a broad selection of the poetry and philosophical prose of James Beattie within its eighteenth-century context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sanyal, Nandini (2006) Political ecology of environmental crises in Bangladesh. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Sarmad, Majid (2006) Robust data analysis for factorial experimental designs: Improved methods and software. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Savage, Helen (2006) Changing sex? : transsexuality and Christian theology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Savaresi, Annalisa (2006) The approach of the European court of human rights to environmental protection. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scott, Rebecca (2006) The early middle Palaeolithic of Britain; origins, technology and landscape. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sharon, Shuk-kwan Leung (2006) Local culture and political socialization of Hong Kong’s Chinese language curriculum in the period of 1960s to 1997. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sharon P. Jefferies, (2006) Microstructural and geochemical processes in long-lived reactivated crustal-scale fault zones: A case study from the Median Tectonic Line, SW Japan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Siwale, Juliana Nangogo (2006) The role of loan officers and clients in the diffusion of microfinance: A study of PRIDE Zambia and CETZAM in Zambia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smita Premchamider, (2006) Exploring the meaning of money: A study of the impact of microfinance in Koppal district of India. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Andrew John (2006) The process of change in a public-private partnership: Work and culture. A case study of Durham national savings and investments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Toby (2006) Nilhilism in Nietzsche, Heidegger and Levinas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smurthwaite, Rebecca (2006) Diet and heavy metal uptake by two top predator species in the Tees Estuary. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Srinivasan, Lakshmi (2006) Measurement of stress in bolts using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stinton, Graham William (2006) Structural studies into AM(_2)O(_7) framework materials and parametric Rietveld refinement. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tai-Yuan, Chen (2006) Payout policy, signalling, and firm value. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tao, Chi Chiu (2006) The relevance of educational reform to the job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, Ross (2006) Investigating the role of connotation in communication and miscommunication within English as a lingua franca and consequent implications for teaching. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Teale, Andrew M. (2006) Exchange representations in Kohn-Sham theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tin, Teo Guan (2006) The evolution of citizenship education in nation-building in Singapore and Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Titchener, Georgina (2006) Extending AdS/CFT: dual states for new geometries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tomioka, Noriko (2006) Inescapable choice: Wallace Stevens's new Romanticism and English romantic poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Towl, Graham J. (2006) A sustained and significant contribution to the development of forensic psychological knowledge, policy and practice in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Tulip, Sarah Caroline (2006) Medicines management in older people : an action research study in a hospital setting. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Turner Simon J.W., (2006) Learning in doing: the social anthropology of innovation in a large UK organisation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Turton, Andrew Charles (2006) Microfabricated liquid density sensors using polyimide-guided surface acoustic waves. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Vallance, Michael (2006) The impact of synchronous inter-networked teacher training in ICT integration. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Warren, Philip (2006) Aspects of red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus population dynamics at a landscape scale in northern England and the implications for grouse moor management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Watson, Deborah Elaine (2006) Paul's collection in light of motivations and mechanisms for aid to the poor in the first-century world. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Watson, Deborah Elaine (2006) Paul's collection in light of motivations and mechanisms for aid to the poor in the first-century world. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Weddle, Polly (2006) The secret life of statues; ancient agalmatophilia narratives. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wen, Jie (2006) Determination of suitable values for parameters governing B-spline based evolutionary structural optimisation using the boundary element method. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Whisker, Richard (2006) Braneworld black holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Whitaker, Richard James (2006) Measuring the star formation rate density from CNOC2. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Widdowson, Nicholas E. (2006) Electroluminescent devices based on blended polymeric thin films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, David (2006) A response to globalisation from the anglican communion with special reference to communication, social justice and culture. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, Robert W. (2006) Digital fault mapping and spatial attribute analysis of basement-influenced oblique extension in Passive margin settings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wiltshire, Andrew John. (2006) Modelling the surface energetics of patchy arctic tundra snowcover. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wong, Kai Shung (2006) A critical review of the proposals for reform of the education system in Hong Kong with particular reference to curriculum integration and lifelong learning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wood, Jonathan (2006) Law and economics: A hidden rationale for unfair dismissal. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Woodroffe, Sarah Alice (2006) Holocene relative sea-level changes in Cleveland Bay, north Queensland, Australia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Woolford, Richard J. (2006) "Reviewing the teaching of music at foundation and key stage 1 :A case study in effective change Management.". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Xiao, Hong (2006) Intellectual property theft and illicit consumer behaviour : a psychology of counterfeit buying. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Yang, Sunny (2006) Emotion and intentionally in understanding values and personal identity: A philosophical study of emotion from a humean point of view. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Yin, Marshall Warren (2006) Initiating competence in intercultural communication 一 New approaches for Chinese learners in a university English language class. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Yore, Susan Elizabeth (2006) The mystic way in postmodernity : transcending theological boundaries in the writings of Iris Murdoch, Denise Levertov and Annie Dillard. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Zhang, Lei (2006) Real-time digital signal processing system for normal probe diffraction technique. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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