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Acland, A. Sarah (1996) Magma genesis in the northern Lau Basin, S.W. Pacific. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alburki, Abduelmenam and UNSPECIFIED (2015) Aspects of the tectonics of the Greater Caucasus and Western South Caspian Basin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALLDRED, FREYA,CATHERINE (2024) Macroalgae Stable Isotope Analysis to Trace Sewage Nitrogen Pollution in Estuarine Environments. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ALLGOOD, CERI (2024) Interpreting dyke propagation and emplacement dynamics using crystal and vesicle textures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALVES-DE-MATOS, MARIA,ANTONIA (2017) An Assessment of Basement Inheritance in SE Brazil. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ANDIKAGUMI, HARISMA (2020) Lithospheric Controls on Arc Volcano Distributions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANDRAS, PETER (2018) The role of clay mineral diagenesis in overpressure generation and compaction of siliciclastic mudstones. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
APEIRANTHITIS, NIKOLAOS,ANTONIOS (2021) Understanding enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in sandstone reservoirs: the role of redox changes in clay minerals on wettability. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMITAGE, TIMOTHY,BRENDAN (2021) Structural and Geochronological
Investigations into Mid-Crustal Shear
Zones, Shetland, Scottish Caledonides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARO, OLUWAFEMI,EMMANUEL (2023) Facies Control on Fluvial Reservoir Quality. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ASHBY, DAVID,EDWARD (2013) Influences on continental margin development: a case study from the Santos Basin, South-eastern Brazil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ASHMAN, ISABEL,ROSE (2019) Weakening mechanisms in reactivated crustal-scale
faults: the Dover Fault Shear Zone, Newfoundland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ATAR, ELIZABETH,FILIZ,LINDSAY (2015) Inorganic geochemistry and palaeoenvironments of the
Early Jurassic Cleveland Basin. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ATAR, ELIZABETH,FILIZ,LINDSAY (2019) Late Jurassic Sedimentation in the Boreal-Tethyan Seaway: climate modelling, geochemistry, and petrography of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAILES, IMOGEN,RHIAN (2022) Using nitrogen isotopes in macroalgae to determine and monitor sources of nitrogen pollution in estuarine and coastal areas: an in vitro study and case study in North East England, UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BAKER, ALEXANDER,JOHN (2014) Lagrangian modelling of precipitation and speleothem proxy oxygen isotope systematics in the East Asian Summer Monsoon region. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BARROSO, AIMEE,GUIDA (2022) Stratigraphic control of slip localization within the Cambro-Ordovician Sedimentary Sequence during the late stages of emplacement of the Moine Thrust Zone, Scotland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BELL, MADELEINE,JANE (2011) Optimising carbon storage by
land-management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BELLO, ABDULWAHAB,MUHAMMAD (2021) Submarine Fan Systems: Proximal to Distal Reservoir Quality Controls. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BEZARD, RACHEL,CHRISTINE (2014) Impact of crustal assimilation on the Lesser Antilles
arc lava geochemistry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLACKMAN, EDWARD,HARRY (2024) Natural molecular hydrogen in Saskatchewan, Canada. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BOOTHROYD, IAN,MICHAEL (2014) The role of hillslope position in controlling carbon flux from peatlands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOTTRILL, ANDREW,DAVID (2014) Continental collision and slab break-off: numerical models and surface observables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOWERS, OLIVER (2019) A Detailed Field study of a Silicic Tuff ring in Southwest Tenerife, Deposited During Small, Phonolitic Eruptions. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRADLEY, SARAH,LOUISE (2011) Using sea-level and land motion data to develop an improved glacial isostatic adjustment model for the British Isles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRETAGNE, ELOISE,MARIE (2018) Mineralogical Limitations for X-Ray Tomography of Crystalline Cumulate Rocks. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRETAGNE, ELOISE,MARIE (2023) The permeability of magma mush. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BRODIE, MARK,WILLIAM (2016) Diagenesis & Reservoir Quality of the Middle Bakken Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BROWN, JOSHUA,ROBERT (2023) Magma Chemical Evolution in the
Lesser Antilles Arc Crust: Insights from
Plutonic Xenoliths. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BULLOCK, RACHAEL,JANE (2015) Fault zone architecture, microstructures, deformation mechanisms and frictional behaviour of seismogenic, shallow-crustal, lithologically heterogeneous faults. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BURROWS, KATY,ALINE (2020) Rapid Detection of Earthquake-triggered Landslides from Satellite Radar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BURTON-JOHNSON, ALEXANDER (2013) Origin, emplacement and tectonic relevance of the Mt. Kinabalu granitic pluton of Sabah, Borneo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CAIADO, CAMILA,CARNEIRO,DA,S. (2012) Bayesian Methods applied to Reflection Seismology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CALDERON-MEDINA, ERIKA,ELIZABETH (2024) Quantifying Present-Day Overpressure and its Development Through Time in Active and Passive Sedimentary Basins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CAMPBELL, JACK,WILLIAM (2022) A Statistical Modelling Approach Evaluating Explosive Volcanism as a Trigger of Millennial-Scale Climate Change. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CAO, XU (2020) Impact of Temperature and Pressure on CO2 Mineral Trapping
in Arkosic Reservoir with CaCl2 – type Formation Water. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CHAPPLOW, NATASHA (2022) New insights into turbidity current structure and behaviour from direct measurements in the deep-sea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHARLAFTIS, DIMITRIOS (2021) Assessing sandstone reservoir quality: identifying the reality. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHEUNG, HOI,DIK,ROSALIE,ASHLEIGH (2021) Carbon and sulphur isotopes in marine evaporites from the late Permian to Late Triassic, Yorkshire, UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CHRISTIE, EMMA,LOUISE (2013) Deconstructing Adsorption Variability: Investigating Controls on Pesticide Adsorption in Soil and Modelling Koc. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OFFSHORE MID-NORWAY. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CIVAN, AYLIN (2016) Phosphorus in UK Rivers: The Impact of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CLANCY, SARAH,ANTOINETTE (2019) Potential Environmental Risks from Surface Infrastructure Associated with Shale Gas Extraction by Hydraulic Fracturing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CLARK, SAMANTHA,JEAN (2014) Constraining diagenetic timings, processes and reservoir quality in igneous-affected basins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CLARKE, AMY,LOUISE (2014) Evaluating the Variability of Static Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity Estimates through Integrated Analysis of Reservoir Structure, Aquifer Performance and Thermodynamic Behaviour: Case Studies from Three Depleted Triassic Gas Fields on the UK Continental Shelf. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CLAY, GARETH,DAVID (2009) The Impacts of Heather and Grassland Burning in the Uplands:
Creating Sustainable Strategies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COGGON, JUDITH,ANN (2010) Application of the 190Pt-186Os isotope decay system to dating platinum-group minerals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CONDREN, PEARCE (2019) Effects of lava ponding on Hawaiian fountain heights: an experimental investigation. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CORNET, JULIEN,RENE,DENIS (2018) Implementation of trace element behaviour in the numerical modelling of magmatic processes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CUMMING, VIVIEN,MARY (2013) Rhenium-osmium geochronology and geochemistry of ancient lacustrine sedimentary and petroleum systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAMBY, DAVID,ERNEST (2012) From Dome to Disease: The Respiratory Toxicity of Volcanic Cristobalite. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DANABALAN, DIVEENA (2017) Helium: Exploration Methodology for a Strategic Resource. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAVIES, PHILIP,PETER (2020) The influence of salt walls on deformation band formation and implications for reservoir quality. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DEMPSEY, SCOTT,ROBERT (2013) Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Sunda Arc. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DHUNGANA, ALAVYA (2021) Ecological change and convergence; morphospace of suspension feeding tentaculate metazoans through deep time. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DHUNGANA, ALAVYA (2024) The origin and early evolution of Panarthropoda. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DICHIARANTE, ANNA,MARIA (2017) A reappraisal and 3D characterisation of fracture systems within the Devonian Orcadian Basin and its underlying basement: an onshore analogue for the Clair Group. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DIXON, SIMON,DAVID (2012) Controls on Carbon Cycling in Upland Blanket Peat Soils. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DOBRZANSKI, ANDREW,JAN (2016) Realising the CO2 sequestration potential
of steel and iron making slags. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DOMINGOS, FABIO (2009) The structural setting of the Canaã dos Carajás region and Sossego-Sequeirinho deposits, Carajás – Brazil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DU VIVIER, ALICE,DIANA,CHARLOTTE (2014) Global evaluation of Os and Ca marine isotope stratigraphy and U-Pb geochronology of the OAE 2. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DUGAN, ANDY (2023) Demonstrating Biomass Sustainability. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ELKANOUNI, IBRAHIM,ELTAIB,DAW (2014) Sedimentology, Sequence stratigraphy and Spatial-temporal Patterns of the late Paleocene Succession, western Sirt Basin, Libya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ELLIOTT, ROBERT,GILES (2019) The morphological characteristics of normal fault traces in the Apennines, Italy. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ELLIOTT, ROBERT,GILES (2022) Quantifying co-seismic and post-seismic slip on fault scarps and their erosional modification using high-resolution Pleiades optical satellite data and repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning: the 2016 Mw 6.6 Norcia earthquake (Central Italy). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EVANS, SIAN,HELENE (2016) Deformation processes along continental transform faults: the southern Dead Sea Fault System, Israel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FARANGITAKIS, GEORGIOS-PAVLOS (2020) The evolution of transform boundaries in response to plate motion changes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FEARNS-NICOL, EMILY,ELIZABETH (2024) The use of biochar to enhance carbon sequestration in peatlands. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FELL, HENRY,GILLIES (2018) Contribution of volcanism to the initiation of plague pandemics. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FELSINGER, STELLA,MARIE (2019) Untangling the tree of life: Which partitioning strategies improve phylogenetic inference? Masters thesis, Durham University.
SEDIMENTARY ROCKS AND PETROLEUM. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FORMAN, EDWARD,CHRISTOPHER,GRANT (2025) Northward Gulf Stream Migration During the Little Ice Age Revealed Using Monthly-Scale Geochemistry of a Bermudan Stalagmite. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FOSTER, ANNABELLE (2020) An Insight into the Origin of Fluidal Obsidian
Pyroclasts from a Basaltic Fissure Eruption, Ascension
Island, South Atlantic. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FOSTER, HELEN,JANE (2014) Optimising the Use of Spent Oil Shale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN,SAMUEL,GARRICK (2013) Characterising fracture systems within upfaulted basement highs in the Hebridean Islands: an onshore analogue for the Clair Field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRANZEL, MAXIMILIAN (2022) Correlation and Development of Fluvial Systems: Implications for three-dimensional Facies Models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FREEBURN, REBECCA,JANE (2016) Numerical modelling of slab breakoff and its magmatic effects. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FROEMCHEN, MALTE (2024) Inheritance Across the Scales – Assessing the Relative Importance of Crustal and Lithospheric Structures during Rift Evolution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FUNNELL, MATTHEW,JAMES (2017) Evolution of the Tonga-Kermadec forearc in response to seamount subduction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GAIANI, ILARIA (2020) Controls on pore systems and surfaces of the
carbonate-rich Eagle Ford Formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GALLAGHER, CATHERINE,RACHAEL (2021) The timing and mechanisms of sulfur release by Icelandic flood lava eruptions. Holuhraun 2014–15 CE and Laki 1783–84 CE a case study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GALLAGHER, JAMES (2011) Sedimentology, diagenesis and
geochemistry of the Great Limestone,
Carboniferous, northern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GEIFMAN, ESHBAL (2022) Determining the Effects of Cooling Rate on Magma Crystallisation Using a High Temperature Heating Stage. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GILLETT, ADAM (2024) Subsurface Voids and their Sedimentology – Implications for Drilling into Mines for Heat. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Gilliatt, Sam Matthew Rupar (2013) Extracting winter North Atlantic Oscillation information from a central European stalagmite. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GILLIES, JANINA (2024) Textural evolution of pyroclasts in weakly explosive basaltic eruptions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GODDARD, CATHERINE,REBECCA,MARIE (2017) Earthquakes, elevations and continental plateaux: An investigation into the absence of large thrust earthquakes at high elevations within fold-and-thrust belts. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GOUDARZI, SALIM (2016) Modelling Enhanced Gas Recovery by CO Injection in Partially-Depleted Reservoirs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GREEN, CHARLOTTE,EMILY (2019) Investigating the origin of a Greenland ice core geochemical anomaly near the Bølling-Allerød/Younger Dryas boundary. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GREGORY, EMMA,PHILIPPA,MAYO (2018) The seismic characterisation of layer 2 in oceanic crust around ODP borehole 504B. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIGOROVA, VILI,BOYKOVA (2017) Trace element parameterisation for slab fluid composition from K-free oceanic crust. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GROVE, CLAYTON (2014) Direct and Indirect Effects of Flood Basalt Volcanism on Reservoir Quality Sandstone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GROVES, KATHARINE (2022) Geomorphology of active fold-and-thrust belts and plateaux:
unravelling tectonic and climatic controls. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GUERIN-MARTHE, SIMON (2019) Analogue and Numerical Models of Earthquake Rupture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAMIDI, MOHAMMAD,DAUD (2023) Low-cost household water treatment: A techno-behavioural intervention for local sustainable development in Afghanistan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HANSEN, JOGVAN (2011) Petrogenetic Evolution, Geometries and Intrusive Styles of the Early Cenozoic Saucer-Shaped Sills of the Faroe Islands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARASAWA, YU,EMMA (2021) Imaging Fines Migration Induced by Salinity Changes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HARBORD, CHRISTOPHER,WILLIAM,ANTHO (2018) Earthquake nucleation, rupture and slip on rough laboratory faults. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARDMAN, KRISTIAN (2020) Fault Void Fills: pervasive and persistent fluid flow pathways in fractured crystalline and carbonate reservoirs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Hardwick, Jack (2018) Simulating hydrates in shallow marine sediments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAVARD, TEGAN,ALEXANDRA (2020) The Importance of Sintering with Crystals in Volcanic Regimes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HAWLEY, SCOTT,MICHAEL (2017) Do Glaciers Enhance Organic Carbon Burial?: An Isotopic Approach Linking Continental Weathering, Iron-(oxhydr)oxides and Climate Change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAYWOOD, FRANCESCA,LILY (2022) The Glencoe caldera ring fault(s) as a detailed record of a magmatic sub-surface transport system and its collapse mechanics. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HEDLEY, BENJAMIN,JAMES (2014) Feasibility of Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage; From Exploration to Implementation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HEEREMA, CATHARINA,JANNA (2021) Evolution of Turbidity Currents: New insights from direct field measurements. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HILLMAN, SARAH,ELIZABETH (2010) A Mineralogical and Geochemical Assessment of the Potential Respiratory Health Hazard of Ash from Sakurajima Volcano, Japan. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HIRST, CATHERINE,MARY (2017) The Geothermal Potential of Low Enthalpy Deep Sedimentary Basins in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HODSON, CATHERINE,ROBINIA (2019) Diffusion Equilibrium Times for Langmuir Isotherm Adsorption in Shale and Coalbed Methane Systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HOLT, PETER,JONATHAN (2012) Subsidence Mechanisms of Sedimentary Basins Developed over Accretionary Crust. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HORAN, KATE (2018) The oxidative weathering of organic matter and its carbon dioxide emissions: Insight from the trace elements rhenium and molybdenum. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOULT, HENRY (2019) A Lithofacies Classification of Complex Ash Aggregates from the 536 A.D. Phreatoplinian Eruption of Ilopango, El Salvador. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HUANG, HUI (2014) Continental crustal growth in collision zones on the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
INGLIS, EDWARD,CHRISTOPHER (2018) Elemental and isotopic insights into fluid mobility accompanying the subduction of oceanic lithosphere. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
IRELAND, MARK,THOMAS (2011) 3-D seismic investigation of the diagenesis and deformation of
Cenozoic siliceous sediments on the Eastern Atlantic Margin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JACKSON, LUCY,EMMELINE (2023) Volatile Bubble Resorption in Silicate Melts & Magmas via Diffusive Mass Transfer. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JAMES, HONOR,ELIZABETH (2023) A microstructural and micromechanical investigation into
shear dynamics during volcanic edifice collapse on
Ascension Island: An experimental approach. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JAMIESON, ROBERT,ANDREW (2017) Trace element geochemistry of Belizean and Bermudan stalagmites: new tools, proxies and applications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JAYEOBA, AYODEJI (2020) Numerical simulation of ground surface subsidence due to coal-bed methane extraction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JEFFERIES, ALEXANDER,JAMES,PATRICK (2022) Determining the geothermal potential of natural gas fields in the Southern North Sea. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JONES, THOMAS,JAMES (2018) Fissures and fountains: magma dynamics in basaltic conduits. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JOTHERI, JAAFAR,HAMZAH,ABDULHUSSEIN (2016) Holocene avulsion history of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the Mesopotamian floodplain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KAISLANIEMI, LARS,MIKAEL (2015) Dynamic modelling of post-collisional magmatism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KAREEM, RIKAN,MOHAMMED,ALI (2017) Nano Geochemistry of Low
Salinity Enhanced Oil Recovery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KARIMI, SEYEDHAMID (2015) Integrated characterisation of mud-rich overburden sediment sequences using limited log and seismic data: Application to seal risk. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KILLINGBACK, ZACHARY (2019) A Bigger Splat: Rock fall impact processes in wet sediment - an example from Clachtoll, NW Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Kines, M. Tuncay (1969) The geology and the ore mineralization in the Keban area, east Turkey. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KOEHLER, ANSELM (2018) High resolution radar imaging of snow avalanches. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KRAAVI, KARL,EERIK (2024) Assessing the Alterations In Berea Sandstone Mechanical Properties Induced by the Permeation of Bentonite Gels of Varying NaCl Concentrations: A Wellbore Strengthening Perspective. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LAPADAT, IOAN,ALEXANDRU (2017) Control of fault geometry, interaction and mechanical stratigraphy on strain distribution in normal fault zones. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LARK, THOMAS,ANDREW (2024) Volcanic ash in jet engines: bouncing,
sticking, and splashing of molten glass
droplets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAWLEY, CHRISTOPHER,J.M. (2012) Geochronology and Structure of the Lupa Goldfield, Tanzania. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAYA-PEREIRA, JUAN,CARLOS (2012) Permian Carbonates in the Venezuelan Andes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LE, AMY (2024) Quantifying Microplastic Contamination in the Río Bermejo (Argentina) Compared to the River Wear, Durham (UK). Masters thesis, Durham University.
LEE, JACK,KIERAN (2022) Faults, fractures and fluids in mudstones during Cenozoic extension in the Cleveland Basin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEE, JACK,KIERAN (2018) The Jurassic Source Rock Potential of the Celtic Sea and Western Approaches. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LEE, TIMOTHY,R (2010) The thermal evolution of subduction zone lithosphere:
Evidence from the chemical development of Mt. Ruapehu and surrounding vents, New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEWIS, HELENA,LOUISE (2019) Simulating salt precipitation during CO2 injection in brine aquifers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LI, ANG (2017) Three-dimensional Seismic Analysis and Modelling of Marine Hydrate Systems Offshore of Mauritania. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LI, YANG (2016) Geochronology and fluid evolution of the Qulong porphyry system: Implications for porphyry deposit formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIKELY, MATTHEW,DAVID,CALLUM (2023) Connecting mantle flow below passive margins and intraplate melt generation: an application to the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LIU, JUNJIE (2017) Re-Os Systematics of Crude Oil and Re-Os Petroleum System Geochronology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIU, ZEYANG (2019) Investigating the triggering mechanisms of palaeoceanographic disturbance across the Frasnian–Famennian, Late Permian and the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum: insights from osmium isotopes and geochemistry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Lobato, Gustavo (2024) Short-term morphodynamics and depositional architecture of river-fed turbidite systems in modern and ancient settings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LODWICK, GEORGE,RUPERT,MAGUIRE (2019) What controls the reservoir quality of andesitic arc derived volcano clastic sandstone reservoirs: An example from the Mohakatino Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LONG, EMMA,JAYNE (2019) THE ONYCHOPHORAN PROTOCEREBRUM WAS ANCESTRALLY BIPARTITE: Developmental evidence from a phosphatised early Cambrian lobopodian. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LONG, JONATHAN,JAMES (2011) Geometry, evolution and scaling of fault relay zones in 3D using detailed observations from outcrops and 3D seismic data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOVE, TARA,LEELA,GRACE,KAUR (2019) Relating shale mineralogy and microstructure to swelling activity: using Na-bentonite/sand pellets as a synthetic shale. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MACKENZIE, MICHAEL,ROGERS (2022) Modelling Mine Energy Systems: A Feasibility Study of the Implementation of a Minewater Heating System on the University Estate. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MAHONY, JOSEPHINE,RUTH (2015) Microalgae in Sewage Treatment. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MALARKEY, JACQUELINE (2010) Micro-geochemistry of the mantle and its volcanic rocks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MALLOWS, CHRISTOPHER (2011) Geophysical Studies of Oceanic Core Complexes: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13 - 14°N. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MALONEY, DOMINIC,PETER (2011) Seismic analysis of the Niger Delta gravitational detachment system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARSH, JOSHUA,RICHARD (2022) Characterisation of the Early-Late Triassic Stratigraphy of the Solway Firth, UK: Potential for CO2 storage. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MAUNDER, BENJAMIN,LOUIS (2017) The Role of the Dynamics of the Subducting Plate in Generating Arc Magmatism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAWSON, ROBERT,JAMES (2020) Carbon Neutral County Durham:
A Review of County Durham’s Low Carbon Sustainable Resource Base in Order to Become Carbon Neutral by 2050. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MCALLISTER, CHARLES,JOHN (2017) The Greenhouse Gas Impact of Shale Gas Exploitation. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MCINTOSH, IONA,MARGARET (2013) Bubble growth and resorption in magma: insights from dissolved water distributions in volcanic glass. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MCLEOD, CLAIRE,LOUISE (2012) An investigation of crustal contamination through petrology and geochemisty. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MCMONAGLE, LAURA,BEATRIX (2012) A diverse assemblage of corals from the Late Oligocene of eastern Sabah, Borneo: pre-Miocene origins of the Indo-West Pacific marine biodiversity hotspot. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MHANA, NAJWA (2016) Geothermal Methods:
Application of Time-Dependent Tomography to Detect Changes in Structure at Long Valley Caldera and the Coso Geothermal Area, California. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MICHELIOUDAKIS, DIMITRIOS (2018) Uncertainty analysis of depth predictions from seismic reflection data using Bayesian statistics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MICHNOWICZ, SABINA,ANNA,KATARZYNA (2014) Exploratory Study of the Potential Airborne Health Hazard of Dusts Generated by Quarrying Volcanic Deposits. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MONAGHAN, NIAMH,MARY (2012) Reconstructing palaeoclimate from southern Poland using stalagmites from Niedźwiedzia Cave coupled with modern day environmental monitoring data. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MOODY, CATHERINE,SARAH (2014) The Fate and Composition of In-Stream Organic Carbon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MORRIS, JOANNA,RHIAN (2023) Evolution of Permo-Triassic Fluvial Systems in the Central Iberian Basin, Spain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MOY, DAVID,JOHN (2010) The architecture, growth and tectono-stratigraphic significance of rift-oblique lineaments on the NE Atlantic Margin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MULAYA, ERNEST,STEPHANO (2023) Structural Evolution and Helium Potential
of the Rukwa Rift, Tanzania. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NAKAPREECHA, NITIDA (2012) Carbon Emissions Management of the Petrochemical Industries in Thailand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NANNE, JOSEFINE,AGNES,MARIA (2018) The mass-dependent stable osmium isotope system -
Method development and application to high-temperature systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NATTRASS, CLAIRE (2015) The crystalline silica conundrum: the effect of impurities on
the respiratory toxicity of diatomaceous earth and synthetic
cristobalite. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NELSON, CATHERINE,ELIZABETH (2010) Methods for constructing 3D geological and geophysical models of flood basalt provinces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NEWPORT, LEO,PHILIP (2016) Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of the Carboniferous (Namurian) Holywell Shale of northeast Wales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NWACHUKWU, CHIMAOBI,MAUREEN (2024) Diagenetic controls on the reservoir quality of a Lower Carboniferous Tight Gas Sandstone: The Breagh Field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
O'NEILL, SEAN,RICHARD (2018) Evolution and distribution of pore pressure across the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OBAID, AHMED,KADHIM (2018) Tectonic and fluvial geomorphology of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ONG, VEDA,LYE,SIM (2021) Artificial intelligence to detect and forecast earthquakes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
OWNSWORTH, EMMA,MARIA (2022) Assessing the palaeoceanographic and glaciological changes from the LGM to present in the Baltic Sea Basin and Baffin Bay, a multi-geochemical approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
OYE, OLAKUNLE,JOSEPH (2019) Influence of Fluid Pressure and Effective Stress on Quartz Cementation in Clastic Reservoirs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PAGE, SOPHIE,EMILY (2021) The controls on transition metal stable isotope fractionation during high-temperature magmatic processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PAINE, ALICE,RUBY (2021) Quaternary volcanic signatures in high-resolution stalagmite trace element datasets. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PASTORIZA, LORAINE,ROSALES (2017) The geological characterisation and permeability evaluation of fractures in the Southern Negros Geothermal Field, Negros Island, Philippines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PEACE, ALEXANDER,LEWIS (2016) Structural inheritance and magmatism during continental breakup in West Greenland and Eastern Canada. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PHETHEAN, JORDAN,JERAD,JOHN (2018) Breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent: East African perspectives from the Early Jurassic to Cretaceous. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PINNER, VICTORIA,JANE (2019) The application of mine waste for the removal of phosphorus from wastewater. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PITCHER, ELEANOR,GRACE (2017) Do fault-related folds follow the same scale law properties as their associated faults? Masters thesis, Durham University.
PLESS, JENNIFER,CLAIRE (2012) Characterising fractured basement using the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, NW Scotland: Implications for fracture systems in the Clair Field basement. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PORTER, SARAH,JULIE (2012) Nickel and osmium isotope and trace element geochemistry of organic-rich sedimentary rocks: The first investigation of Ni isotope systematics in marine sediments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
POZZI, GIACOMO (2019) The role of viscous deformation mechanisms in controlling fault weakening during the propagation of earthquakes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRICE, FINLAY,GUY (2020) Reviewing the correlation of two exhumed basement shear zones: The geometry, structure and kinematics of the Lleyn Shear Zone, northwest Wales and the Berw Shear Zone, Anglesey. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PROUT, EMMA-KATE (2016) Macroalgae Biogas for the Isle of Man: the Effect of Co-digestion. Masters thesis, Durham University.
QASSIM, SUZANE,MICHELLE (2015) The Effects of Upland Peatland Vegetation Management on Carbon Exports and Water Quality. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RACIONERO-GOMEZ, BLANCA (2017) Rhenium, osmium and nitrogen uptake in Phaephyceae macroalgae, Fucus vesiculosus. Masters thesis, Durham University.
RAITHATHA, BANSRI,GITESH (2017) The sealing potential of volcanic rocks in hydrocarbon systems: A case study from the Rosebank Field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RAJI, MUNIRA (2018) Unconventional Offshore Petroleum-extracting oil from active source rocks of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of the North Sea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
IN THE LOWER KUTAI BASIN, INDONESIA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
REYNOLDS, PETER,WILLIAM (2015) Monogenetic basaltic edifices: their architecture, volcanology and importance in hydrocarbon basins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RICHARDSON, STEPHEN,EDWIN,JONATHAN (2012) Tectonic, Climatic, and Sedimentary Processes Recorded by Pleistocene Fold Growth Strata, The South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RIDLEY, HARRIET,ELIZABETH (2014) Recent Central American and low latitude climate variability revealed using speleothem-based rainfall proxy records from southern Belize. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBERTS, KATIE,SARAH (2011) Mud Volcano Systems: Structure, Evolution and Processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBERTSON, JENNA (2013) Overpressure and Lateral Drainage in the Palaeogene Strata of the Central North Sea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBINSON, ADAM,HACKETT (2017) Seamount structure and subduction at the Louisville Ridge – Tonga-Kermadec collision. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBINSON, LEWIS,WILLIAM (2023) Strontium isotope variations in the early solar system revealed by calcium-aluminium inclusions (CAIs) and ureilites. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Rodriguez Millan, Inirida (2014) Gravity Anomalies, Geodynamic Modelling and the Eastern Venezuela Basin Evolution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROONEY, ALAN (2011) Re-Os geochronology and geochemistry of Proterozoic sedimentary successions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SAGI, DAVID,ADAM (2013) Characterisation of the 2D and 3D density and connectivity attributes of fracture systems in carbonate reservoir analogues: implications for fluid flow. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SALISBURY, JACK (2025) Sulphur isotopes in Permian-Triassic evaporites: A tool for stratigraphy and correlation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SANFORD, OLIVER,GEORGE (2019) Modelling Long-Offset Seismic Wave Propagation and Scattering within Heterogeneous Basalt Sequences. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SANTHA, NIPADA (2019) Understanding Clay-Oil-Brine Interactions at the Nano-scale:
Implications for Low-Salinity Enhanced Oil Recovery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SAVILLE, CHRISTOPHER (2013) Fluvial and tectonic geomorphology of orogenic plateaux. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHLIFFKE, NICHOLAS,JACOB (2019) Transient nature of convergent plate boundary dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCHOFIELD, JAMES,KYLE (2016) Relationships between Observed Hydrocarbon Column Heights, Occurrence of Background Overpressure and Seal Capacity within North West Europe. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SCHWEITZER, KATHARINA,MARGRET (2019) Siderophile element systematics and Hf-Os isotope signatures of carbonatites: Insights into the origin of Earth’s most unusual magmas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOTT, ERIN,MARGARET (2019) Geochemical evolution of Andean arc volcanism and the uplift of the Andes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SCOTT, LAURA,JANE (2019) Dyke reactivation across the frictional-viscous transition: Precambrian deformation of Scourie dyke margins in NW Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SELLICK, CATRIONA,HELEN (2022) Visual Methods of Monitoring the Effect of Wettability on Fines Migration in Sandstones. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SEMANCHIK, GUSTAV,JOHN (2024) Tephra characterisation of the 2013 eruption of San Miguel volcano, El Salvador. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SHAKEEL, ANZA (2022) Unsupervised Automatic Detection Of Transient Phenomena In InSAR Time-Series using Machine Learning. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SIMPSON, MATTHEW,JAMES,ROSS (2009) The evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet from the Last Glacial Maximum to present-day: An assessment using glaciological and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SLEATH, PHOEBE,ROSE (2021) Tectonic Evolution of the Prøven Igneous Complex within the Rinkian
Fold-Thrust Belt, West Greenland: Investigation using 3D
Photogrammetry. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SMART, ELEANOR,PAIGE (2020) Shaking loose mushy magma: the effect of seismic waves on magma mush bodies and the potential for triggering an eruption. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SMITH, ALEXANDER,PATRICK,WILLIAM (2024) Spatial Analysis of Volcano Distribution in the Hawaii-Emperor Seamount Chain. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SNELL, THOMAS,ALAN (2019) Numerical Simulation of Fluid Overpressure Driven Faulting and Seismicity In Low Porosity Rocks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SOUID, FAHAD,AHMED,M (2019) Hydro-geochemical Characterisation of Two Aquifers Overlying a Shale Basin: A construction of a water quality baseline in NW Saudi Arabia. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SPROSON, ADAM,DAVID (2017) The Osmium Isotopic Composition of Seawater: Past and Present. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STEWART, LAURA (2012) Carbon Storage in an Artificial Soil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STOW, MADELEINE,ANN (2022) The Controls on Vanadium, Iron and Zinc Stable Isotope Fractionation in Upper Crustal Plutons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STRANG, KATIE,MARGARET (2017) Aspects of the taphonomy of the Cambrian Explosion
in North Greenland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STRICKER, STEPHAN (2016) Influence of fluid pressure on the diagenesis of clastic sediments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SUTTON, RORY (2022) Assessing the Geothermal Potential of the Lower Carboniferous Fell Sandstone. Masters thesis, Durham University.
SWEI, GIUMA,HEDWI (2010) Sedimentology, Diagenesis and Reservoir Characteristics of Eocene Carbonates Sirt Basin, Libya. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TALBOT, JENNIFER,ALICE (2023) Quantifying Microplastic
Contamination in Coastal Sediments
of the Durham Heritage Coast. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TAMAS, ALEXANDRA (2022) The Nature, Consequences and Controls of Deformation During Superimposed Rifting: the Inner Moray Firth Basin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TANG, LONGXUN (2018) Reservoir Quality Evolution in Upper Devonian Strata of the North Sea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TAYLOR, JENNIFER,LOUISE (2021) Tracking past sea-level changes via isotope geochemistry: Insights from a Holocene post-Last Glacial Maximum record, NW Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TEALE, JEREMY,SEBASTIAN (2023) The effect of soil bunds as Natural Flood Management features on soil water chemistry and hydraulic conductivity. Masters thesis, Durham University.
TEDD, JOSEPH,CHARLES (2022) The Ecuador transform-fracture system and its role in the evolution of the Costa Rica and Ecuador spreading systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Thompson, A. T. (1957) The structure and stratigraphy of Nidderdale between Lofthouse and Dacre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TOLLAN, PETER,MICHAEL,EDWARD (2014) A Tale of Two Arcs: Petrogenesis of Ultramafic Xenoliths Sampling the Upper Mantle Wedge Beneath the West Bismarck Island Arc. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TOMASEK, INES (2018) Environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the respiratory toxicity of volcanic ash. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TRACEY, NIALL (2024) Novel Acoustic Methods for Directly Monitoring Seabed Sediment Transport, Geohazards & Scour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TRUBY, JENNIFER,MARY (2016) Rheology, eruption, and flow of three-phase magma. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TURNER, EMILY,KATE (2012) Source and Management of Water Colour in the River Tees
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UNDERWOOD, THOMAS,RICHARD (2017) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Clay-Oil-Brine Interfaces: Understanding Low-Salinity Enhanced Oil Recovery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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VASILOPANAGOS, CHRISTOS (2021) Clay minerals in Enhanced Oil Recovery; Implications for
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VERNIERS, TOM (2021) Establishment of Stalagmite 232Th as a Novel Proxy for Dust Flux and the Reconstruction of the Asian Monsoon System during the Late Pleistocene. Masters thesis, Durham University.
VERNON, ROWAN,EMMA (2011) The age, geological character and structural setting of quartz-pyrite veins in the Assynt Terrane, Lewisian Complex, NW Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WAKE, LEANNE,MARY (2010) Using Sea-Level Data to Constrain the Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Contemporary and Recent Sea-Level Change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALCZAK, IZABELA,WERONIKA (2016) Holocene climate variability revealed using geochemistry and Computed Tomography scanning of stalagmites from the North Atlantic Basin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WALKER, RICHARD,JAMES (2010) The Structural Evolution of the Faroe Islands, NE Atlantic Margin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WANG, HONGLIANG (2015) Numerical simulation of subcontinent
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WARD, CHRISTOPHER,JAMES (2020) The Fate of Polyacrylamide as a Slick-Water Hydraulic Fracturing Additive, and the analysis of the associated Flow-Back Fluids. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WARREN, FRANCESCA,JANE (2024) "Life finds a way”: Palaeoceanographic reconstructions of the Early Jurassic using stable isotope analyses and their relationship to extinctions and bivalve shell size changes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WASIELKA, NATALIA (2021) Controls of reservoir quality in Carboniferous tight gas sandstone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WATERS, JENNIFER,VICTORIA (2010) Deciphering climatic controls on sedimentation in a tectonically active area, Cyprus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WATSON, ANDREW,ROBERT (2019) Geodetic Network Design for Low-Cost GNSS. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WATSON, FRANCESCA,ELIZABETH (2015) Numerical simulation of CO2 storage in saline aquifers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WILCOX, JENNIFER,RUTH (2020) Oxidation state of a peatland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WILKINSON, MAXWELL (2012) The use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in
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WILSON, DEAN,JAMES (2011) Crustal structure of the Cape Verde Swell:
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WILSON, MILES,PERRY (2020) From the bottom to the top: Assessing the potential subsurface migration of fracking-related fluids along natural geological pathways. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WINSTANLEY, REBECCA (2020) A preliminary investigation into the growth of the Sisters scoria cone complex, Ascension Island. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WITHERS, CHARLOTTE (2017) Mathematical simulation of clay swelling due to water imbibition. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WITHERS, CRAIG (2021) Modelling slab age and crustal thickness: numerical approaches to drivers of compressive stresses in the overriding plate in Andean style subduction zone systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WOODBURY, RIONA (2020) Controls on the Production Performance of fip3 of the North West Hutton Field, UK North Sea. Masters thesis, Durham University.
WRIGHT, KIRSTIE,ANNE-MARIE (2013) Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Palaeocene Volcanic Rocks, Faroe-Shetland Basin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
XIAO, YUANYUAN (2012) Geochemical consequences of subduction zone metamorphism: Case studies of metamorphic rocks from Palaeozoic subduction zone complexes in Tianshan and Qilian Orogenic Belts, NW China. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
YANG, JINXIU (2013) 3D seismic analysis of subsurface gas migration and the gas hydrate system offshore Mauritania. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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ZHANG, JING (2016) A crystal window into the crustal arc magma plumbing system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ZHANG, ZHUOLI (2015) Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) management in peatlands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.