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- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (1362)
ABICHOU, ALEXANDER (2020) Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Poetic Conversations with Islam (1814-1818): Theological and Philosophical Contemplations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Adams, Jonathan Neil (2003) Interference patterns: Literary study, scientific knowledge, and disciplinary autonomy after the two cultures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ADDINALL-BIDDULPH, CHARLES (2015) “The Same Authority as God”: The U. S. Presidency and Executive Power in the Works of Thomas Pynchon, Philip Roth and Cormac McCarthy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AHMED, AALIA (2021) Symonds Reprismed: Science and Religion in the Poetry and Prose of John Addington Symonds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-AKHRAS, SHARIHAN,SAMEER,ATA (2017) Tales from the Levant: The Judeo-Arabic Demonic ‘Other’ and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-HAJAJ, JINAN,FEDHIL,BREYO (2016) Intellectuality, Rationality, and Awareness
in the Poetry of the Mind: An Exploration
of Philip Larkin’s Poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-HAMED, HAJER,SAUD (2017) Becoming Nothing, Becoming Everything:
Quantum Posthumanism and the Writing of J.M. Coetzee. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-MAHDAWI, ABEER,OTHMAN,KHALAF (2017) Eschatology in a Time of War: The Poetry of H.D. and Robert Lowell. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Alastair Philip Lovett, (2003) Creative aspiration and public discourse:: the prose, verse and graphic images of William James Linton (1812-1897). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALJABRI, KHADIJAH,ATI,A (2016) Elemental Narcissism and the Decline of Empathy: A Biocultural Reading of the Fall in William Golding’s Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ALTHUNYAN, RAWAN (2024) Gendered Silence in Contemporary Saudi Arabian and Nigerian Novels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANDERSON, MARK,RICHARD (2017) Theatres of contention: vital instability in the poetry of Byron and Shelley. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AQUILINA, CONRAD (2020) Narrative Simulation: Poietic Strategies and the Modelling of Fictions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AQUILINA, MARIO (2012) Blanchot, Derrida, Gadamer and the An-archy of Style. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARMSTRONG, BRYONY,FAYE (2023) The Kiss in Modernist Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Armstrong, Simon H. (1984) Paul Scott: 'a writing purpose'. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Artemel, S. S. (1965) The idea of Turkey in the Elizabethan period and in the early seventeenth century with special reference to the drama. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ARYAN, ARYA (2018) The Authorship Question and the Rise of Postmodernist Fiction: From Madness to Agency. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ASCIUTO, NICOLETTA (2015) T. S. Eliot: Turning Darkness into Light. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ATKINSON, LAURIE,RAY (2021) Dreaming of authors, authoring dreams: Literary authorship in the framed first-person allegories of John Skelton, William Dunbar, Stephen Hawes, and Gavin Douglas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ATKINSON, LUCY (2025) 'A woman’s voice is a hex’: a creative and critical exploration of witchcraft literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Aubrey, Bryan (1981) The influence of Jacob Boehme on the work of William Blake. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ayto, J. R. (1973) An edition (with commentary, a full glossary and an introduction on the language and the literary interest of the text) of the middle English version of Aelred of Rievaulx’s de Institutiona Inclusarum in the Vernon MS. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Backhouse, J. L. (1969) The sleeping beauty motif in the short stories of D. H. Lawrence. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BADRIDEEN, AHMED (2016) Aspects of Domesticity in Contemporary British, Irish and American Poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAGLAMA, SERCAN,HAMZA (2017) Rethinking Marxist Aesthetics: Race, Class and Alienation in Post-War British Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Baines, Judith M. (1973) The critical search for William Faulkner a study of five novels. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Baker, A. D. (1982) The act of seeing: poem, image and the work of William Carlos Williams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAKER, DAVID,PHILIP (2013) Literature, Logic and Mathematics in the Fourteenth Century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAKER, JACK (2014) The Impersonal Modes of Ezra Pound and Wallace Stevens. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BAKER, MICHAEL,STEPHEN (2019) Envisioned Environments and the Social Imaginary in Medieval English Literature: Interactions of Mind, Culture, and Narrative, 700–1400 AD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BANTON, NOVA (2015) The Multiplicity of Being: John Clare and the Art of 'Is'. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barbour, John Francis (1994) Byron among the classics: a study of the influence of classical poetry on the work of lord Byron. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Barlow, A. E. (1975) Imagism and after: a study of the poetry of Richard Aldington. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BECKETT, JAMES,IAIN,ROSS (2018) ‘Lo, he merys. Lo, he laghys’: Humour, Laughter, and Audience Response in the York and Towneley Plays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BECKETT, STEVEN,NELS (2019) Katniss Shrugged: The Problematic Legacy of Ayn Rand in Contemporary American Young Adult Dystopian Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BELCHER, SAMANTHA,LEE (2021) 'A most vexatious trade to make bread by': The Authorial Careers of Christian Isobel Johnstone and Catherine Gore, 1824-1846. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BELGASEM, FATIMA,ESSADEK,ALI (2013) Representations of Ottoman Sultans in Elizabethan Times. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Best, Philip Neil (1998) Apocalypticisim in the fiction of William S. Burroughs, J.G. Ballard, and Thomas Pynchon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BEVINGTON, REBECCA,LOUISE (2021) The Spatialities of Surveillance Capitalism: Shoshana Zuboff’s ‘new frontier of power’. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BITENC, REBECCA,ANNA (2017) Dementia Narratives in Contemporary Literature, Life Writing, and Film. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Blyth, Michael Graham (1978) Studies in the heroic drama of John Dryden. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOCK, EMMANUEL (2010) “If no Divells, no God”: Devils, D(a)emons and Humankind on the Mediaeval and Early Modern English Stage. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BOTHA, MARC,JOHANN (2011) The Persistence of Minimalism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Boughton, Gillian Elisabeth (1995) The juvenilia of Mrs Humphry Ward (1851-1920) : a diplomatic edition of six previously unpublished narratives derived from original manuscript sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bowan, A. (1969) Aspects of semantic change as exemplified in some representative plays of Shakespeare. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Bradbury, Agnes G. (1987) The Canadian fiction of Margaret Laurence. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRANNIGAN, WILLIAM,KIERAN (2020) Anarchy and the Violet Hour:
Eve, Adam, and the Cult of the Individual in The Waste Land. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRATTON, FRANCESCA,AMELIA (2017) Hart Crane and the Little Magazine. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brearton, Frances Elizabeth (1998) Creation from conflict: The Great War in Irish poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brewster, Richard (2002) 'Unhappily in love with God': conceptions of the divine in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill, Les Murray and R.S Thomas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Broome Saunders, Clare (2005) Re-reading the legend : medievalism as a discourse of empowerment in the work of women writers and artists, circa 1830-1900. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Brotherton, Stanley Bevan (1991) Self-consciousness and the image of self in the poetry of Stephen Spender, 1928 to 1934. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Buchanan, Alison Susan (1997) The presentation of masculine experience in the English Gothic novel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Buckingham, Mary (2003) Gaze toward paradise: Hart Crane and the poetry of quest. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Bunyan, David (1970) Virginia Woolf’s views of consciousness in relation to art and life. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Burn, Stephen J. (2001) "At the edges of perception": William Gaddis and the encyclopedic novel from Joyce to David foster Wallace. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Burnley, J. D. (1971) Aspects of patterning in the vocabulary of Chaucer with particular reference to his courtly terminology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Burnley, J. E. (1967) An Investigation of the differences in ideas and emphases in five middle English romances (Floris and Blauncheflour; King Horn; Havelok the Dane; Amis and Amiloun; Ipomadon) and the old French versions of the same subjects, with special reference to narrative technique, characterisation, tone and background. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Burns, B P. (1970) The revisions of Wordsworth’s “ yarrow revisted” volume of 1835 and the form of Wordsworth’s later poetry. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Burton, Brian (2004) 'A forest of intertextuality' : the poetry of Derek Mahon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BUSH, NICOLE,SAMANTHA (2015) The Eye in Motion: Mid-Victorian Fiction and Moving-Image Technologies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Byrne, Kirsty Nicola (1993) Literary representations of maternity in the eighteenth century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CALLAGHAN, MADELEINE,FRANCESCA (2010) "'The Life We Image': Chaos and Control in the Poetry of Byron, Shelley, and Yeats". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CARLE, NAOMI,JANE (2015) Time, Space and Dialogism in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Chamberlain, N A. (1990) Herman Melville and the mid-nineteenth-century : the narrator and the literary politics of class dissent in the first six novels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Charlton, Bruce Graham (1989) The literature of Alasdair Gray. Masters thesis, Durham University.
CHEN, HSIU-YU (2013) Romantic Dialogues: Writing the Self in De Quincey and Woolf. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHESTON, KATHARINE,ALICE (2024) Shamed and stigmatised: Narratives of complex, poorly-understood illness. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CHOU, MEGUMI,GRACE (2019) The View from Somewhere: Ambivalence in The Fiction
of Jonathan Franzen and Amitav Ghosh. Unspecified thesis, Durham University.
CLARKSON, RORY,BENJAMIN (2024) The Work of Elegy: Grief, Landscape, Perspective and Poetic Form. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CLEGG, JOHN,RICHARD (2014) The Eastern European Context of Poetry in English after 1950. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CLIFFORD, HELEN,MARGARET (2022) Bakhtin, Shakespeare, and Theatre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COATEN, MARY,ELLEN (2020) Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) in Acute Adult Psychiatry: A Mixed Methods study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COLLINS, SHANE,MAURICE (2012) The Language of the Body: An Analysis of Chaucer, Dunbar and Henryson. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COOPER, NATASHA,SOLI (2015) Rewriting the Female Tragic Hero. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COUSIN, XAVIER,ROSS,ALEXANDRE (2022) UnQuantum Woolf: The Many Intellectual Contexts of To the Lighthouse's Metaphorical Wave-Particle Binary. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Craggill, J. H. (1968) An edition of the middle English poem: A dispitison bitwene a God Man and be deuel. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Cumming, Deryck (1969) The poetry of siegfried sassoon. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DADA, ANUM,TARIQ (2019) Re-evaluating the Representation of Saracen Women in Middle English Romance: Influences from the East. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Davies, Alice Susanna (1996) Greeley Among Others: An American Poetics in Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAVIES, ORLAGH,MARIE (2023) 'When She Went To School': Dramatic Representations of Female Education, c.1590-1730. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Davison, Trevor (1974) The intellectual background of the poetry of W.H. Auden. Masters thesis, Durham University.
DAWSON, CLARA,HELEN,MARY (2012) Voice and Reception in Tennyson, Browning, and Other Victorian Poets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAY, LAURA,ELIZABETH,ANN (2023) Norman Nicholson's Next-Door Nature: The Twentieth Century Cumberland Landscape and Twenty-First Century Climate Change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DE-VILLIERS, ALBERT,RICK (2018) Humility and Humiliation
in the Works of T. S. Eliot and Samuel Beckett. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Derry, Stephen Gerald (1988) Tradition, imitation and innovation : Jane Austin and the development of the novel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Dickson, Wilma Ann (1987) The rhetoric of religious polemic: a literary study of the church order debate in the reign of queen Elizabeth I. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DOHERTY, ELIZABETH,HOPE (2022) The Virgin Mary Between Ecclesia and Synagoga:
Typology, Sin and Anti-Judaism in Medieval English Literature, c. 1200-1500. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DOW, ANNA,ELIZABETH (2017) Reading Narrative Images: Visual Literacy in Medieval Romance Texts and Illuminated Manuscripts. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DUMKE, STEPHANIE,JULIA (2013) The Influence of Calderón and Goethe on Shelley in the Context of A. W. Schlegel's Conception of Romantic Drama. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Durrant, Simon Nicholas Colin (1993) A more comprehensive and commanding delineation: Mary Shelley's narrative strategy in Frankenstein. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Eastwood, O. S. H. (1975) An edition (with a commentary, full glossary, and an introduction to the language of the text) of the Middle English life of St. Etheldreda in MS B.M Faustina B 111. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Eddy, Robert (1983) Mysticism in eighteenth-century English literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EHRENFRIED, LARA (2019) Listen to This: Sound Film and the Late Modernist Novel in Britain, 1929-1949. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EINHAUS, ANN-MARIE (2010) The British Short Story of the First World War: Form, Function, and Canonisation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
El-Shaer, Mohamed Sharaf (1987) Mysticism in the poetry of Kathleen Raine. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
EVANS, SUZANNAH,VICTORIA (2022) T. S. Eliot and the Implications of Laforgue and Corbière. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Technology and Embodiment in the Fiction of Thomas Pynchon
and Don DeLillo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FENNELL, RACHEL (2021) The Transformation of the Sleeping Corpse Motif
in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Fishwick, I. (1987) 'Conventions are conventions.....’: Some thoughts about the techniques of direction and misdirection – with particular reference to genre features - in the novels of Vladimir Nabokov, and an assessment of their intentions and effects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOO, CARISSA,CAI,LI (2017) A Literary Feminist Phenomenology of Place in Early Twentieth Century Women’s Writing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Fothergill, Gillian (1980) The major novels of Lewis Grassic Gibbon. Masters thesis, Durham University.
FOXWELL, JOHN,MAURICE,ROY (2018) The Phenomenology of Hallucinatory and Psychotic Experience in Mid-Twentieth-Century Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FRANKLIN, SOPHIE,ROSE (2019) (Un)Civilised Imaginations: The Brontës and Violence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Frendo, Maria (1999) T.S. Eliot and the music of poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GAN, LINHAN (2022) Trauma and Hauntology in Shakespeare’s Early History Plays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Gardella, D. E. (1973) The trilogy of Samuel Beckett: Molloy; Malone Dies; The Unnamable. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Gautheron, Sylvie (2003) An application of Maurice Blanchot's notion of modern literature: to an analyses of P.B. Shelley's Alastor, Julian and Maddalo and the triumph of life. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Gilbert, Christopher G. (1965) The relationship of the dramatic works of John Lyly to later Elizabethan comedies. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GLEGHORN, JAMES,MARTIN (2017) Transport, Technology and Ideology in the Work of Will Self. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GOODISON, NATALIE,JAYNE (2017) Transformations in Medieval English Romance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Gordon, John Vaughan (1983) John Clare: the theme of isolation in his poetry. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GOSDEN-HOOD, SERENA,LUCY,MONTAGUE (2015) MINDS MOVING ON SILENCE: P.B. Shelley, Robert Browning, W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRIFFITHS, MATTHEW,JOHN,RHYS (2014) 'Makings of the self and of the sun': Modernist Poetics of Climate Change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Guite, Ayodeji Malcolm (1993) The art of memory and the art of salvation : a study with reference to the works of Lancelot Andrewes, John Donne and T.S.Elliot. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HABIBI, HELENA (2020) ‘Restless Birds’: Avian Encounters in the Fiction of the Brontës and Daphne du Maurier. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Hall, Julian (2004) Music and the word in the works of T.S. Eliot and James Joyce. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Hardy, Stephen G. (2003) The death of William Golding: authorship and creativity in darkness visible and the paper men. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HARLING-LEE, KATIE,OSHA (2022) Music in Conflict: Contemporary Concepts of Classical Music in the Musico-Literary Novel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARPER, SIOBHAN,CATHERINE (2017) 'Among the healthy and the happy': Representations of Health in Novels of the Mid-Nineteenth Century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HARRIS, ANGELA,CATHERINE (2019) Virginia Woolf and Ecstasy: Feeling Beside Oneself to Touch the Thing Itself. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Harris, Maureen Elizabeth (1995) The drama, poetry and hymns of Fred Pratt Green: a bibliographic and critical study in two volumes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Harrison, James (1968) The idea of evolution in eighteenth and nineteenth century poetry. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Hassan, Ahlam Fathy (1980) Lawrence Durrell and the Alexandria quartet: influences shaping his fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Hay-Will, R. H. (1983) The use of politics by Disraeli the novelist and the use of the novel by Disraeli the politician: a study of reciprocity. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HAYNES, ANNABEL,STELLA (2015) Making Beauty: Basil Bunting and the Work of Poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HAYWARD, MATTHEW,CHRISTOPHER (2012) Advertising and Dublin’s Consumer Culture in James Joyce’s Ulysses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HODGSON, ANDREW,JAMES (2014) Poetic Individuality in Clare, Hopkins, and Edward Thomas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HODGSON, JENNIFER (2014) ‘She finds a metaphor for her condition without defining it’: Ann Quin and the British “Experimental” Novel of the Sixties. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Holland, S.W. (1987) An edition of the Admonitio ad Claustrales from Worcester Cathedral Manuscript Q.51. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Horne, B. L. (1967) Christian doctrine in the poetry of T. S. Eliot and W. H. Auden: an investigation of the religious ideas of these writers in relation to modern sensibility. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Howell, Joanne Elizabeth (2003) Immanence and transcendence : aesthetic responses to 'madness' in women's literature from 1892. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HOYT, ELIZABETH,MAY (2021) Power Plays: Forgiveness in Shakespeare. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HSU, CHING-YING (2014) Love and the Ethics of Subaltern Subjectivity in James Joyce's Ulysses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUANG, CHUN (2012) Beauty for the Present: Mill, Arnold, Ruskin and Aesthetic Education. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HULATT, LILY,RUBY,MARGARET (2022) ‘The Erasures, the Silences Where There Should Have Been Evidence’: Dismantling Archived History and Dwelling Experience Within the Works of Hilary Mantel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUNG, SHU-MING (2012) Intersubjectivity in the Fiction of Doris Lessing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUSSEIN, AMAL,RAGAA,BASSYOUNI (2011) Transatlantic Romanticism: The English Romantics and American Nineteenth−Century Poetic Tradition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Hutchinson, A. G. (1967) George Elliot and the Westminster Review. Masters thesis, Durham University.
IBRAHIM, MAJD,YOUSIF (2015) Identifying Causes of Mistranslation of Syrian Political Discourse:
A Contrastive Arabic-English Analysis of
Interviews by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
IGARASHI, NAO (2019) ‘My Road to Freedom and Knowledge’: Louis MacNeice’s Self-Conscious Art. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Innerd, J. A. (1973) An investigation into the effects of the Victorian notions of duty and obedience on the domestic novels of Charlotte Mary Yonge. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ismaili, Gezim (1997) The image of the artist as a young man in the first three novels of D.H. Lawrence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JAKOVAC, GASPER (2018) Theatre, Catholic Communities, and Popular Entertainment in England’s North-East, c.1600-1625. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Jia, Lisa Lau EE (1999) Gloria Naylor’s colours in the patchwork quilt of African American fiction. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Johnson, Owen Charles (1991) Ted Hughes : speaking for the earth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
JORDAN, AMY (2013) “The Issue of Our Common Human Life”: Poetic Self and Public World in John Berryman’s Art. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Jordan, Elizabeth A. (2003) From world war to consumer culture: an investigation into Edith Wharton and the 1920s. Masters thesis, Durham University.
JOSE, LAURA (2010) Madness and Gender in Late-Medieval English Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Jowett, Lorna Elizabeth (1994) "and silence" : Lorine Niedecker and the life of poetry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KAREKLA, MELINA (2013) Women Look into Love: Reimaginings of Heterosexual Love in Contemporary Women’s Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KATARA, BOTSA (2021) The Prosthetic Body: Disabled, Posthuman, a Cyborg, or Still Human? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KATIGBAK, KATE,ALEXIS (2014) ‘Men are grown mechanical in head and in heart’: Mythologizing the Industrial Revolution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Kendall, R. G. (1973) The English Scottish border ballads - a critical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KESHAVARZ, EMON,MACINTOSH (2020) The Injured Man – Made and Unmade:
Physical Trauma and Masculinities in Britain and America from the Fin de Siècle to the Post-War Period. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KHALIL, SARA,ABDELSABOUR,RADY (2018) Ecofeminism and the Deconstruction of Dualisms: Theorising Contemporary American Women's Writing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Kick, Donata (2006) The time is now: the roles of apocalyptic thought in early Germanic literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Killian, Lara (2005) Philosophy of time in contemporary fiction. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KINSINGER, DENISE,FERN (2016) Time, Space, and Sanctity in the Early South English Legendary. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KIRSCH, ANNA,KUCERA (2024) It’s All One Case: Ecological Crime Fiction and the Question of Scale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Kita, Yoshiko (1995) Imagism reconsidered, with special reference to the early poetry of H. D. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KITANI, ITSUKI (2011) The Pleasure of the Senses: The Art of Sensation in Shelley’s Poetics of Sensibility. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Knock, Peter J (1973) A textual and critical study of poems by Edward Thomas, selected from manuscript sources. Masters thesis, Durham University.
KRAJNIK, FILIP (2013) In the Shadow of Night: Sleeping and Dreaming and Their Technical Rôles in Shakespearian Drama. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KUNTZ, KOREN (2019) ‘Y slepe, and myn herte wakith’: Music and Visual Art in Middle English Dream Visions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LAING, ROISIN (2016) The Precocious Child in the Late Nineteenth Century. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Leask, Margaret Anne (2000) The development of English-language hymnody and its use in worship : 1960-1995. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEATHERLAND, DOUGLAS,PETER (2019) Deconstructing Anthropomorphism: The "Humanimal" Narratives of Kenneth Grahame, Beatrix Potter, and Richard Adams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEE, CHERYL,JULIA,WEI,LING (2019) Another Kind of Light: A Loving Attention in Modern British and Irish Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Lee, Yu-Mei (1990) Sexual/textual marginalities of Caribbean inspiration and origin a thesis on two texts by two women writers of Caribbean origin upon the theme of marginality. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LEWIS, ALASTAIR (2024) '“When you told people... you were a poet, didn’t you get your head kicked in?”: Precarious Manhood in the Poetry of Don Paterson and Simon Armitage' & 'By Twos': A Critical Dissertation and Creative Portfolio. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEWIS, ROSAMUND (2024) "We Cannot Live Without Our Lives”: Biomythography as Genre, Tradition and Movement in the U.S. (1978 – 1998). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEWIS, ROSAMUND,MARIE (2016) Biomythographical Tradition and Resistant Subjectivities in Audre Lorde’s
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Linares, Francisca Sempere (1992) W. Somerset Maugham and a philosophy of life. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Lister, Rachel (2005) Open destinies : modern American women and the short story cycle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LIU, YUEXI (2017) Exterior Modernism: Evelyn Waugh and Cinema. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LO, YIMON (2020) Musicality and Harmony in Wordsworth's Poetry, 1798-1814. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Lodge, Keith R. P. (2003) Writing and the rights of reality: usurpation and potentiality in Derrida, Plato, Nietzsche, and Beckett. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOHMANN, SARAH,ELIZABETH (2020) The Edge of Time: The Critical Dynamics of Structural Chronotopes in the Utopian Novel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LONG, MAEBH (2010) Derrida and a Theory of Irony: Parabasis and Parataxis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LOPEZ-LOPEZ, BEATRIZ (2022) Muriel Spark and the Political Warfare Executive: The Legacies of Covert Propaganda in Post-War Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MACBRAYNE, ISOBEL (2014) "Not Andrea" : The Fictionality of the Corporeal in the Writings of Andrea Dworkin. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MACFARLANE, CAMERON,ALASDAIR (2018) ‘A Dream of Darien’: Scottish Empire and the Evolution of Early Modern Travel Writing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MADAN, KASHISH (2024) Secularity and Religiosity in Selected Fiction by Githa Hariharan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Magarian, Barry (1993) Indeterminacy in some of Shelley’s major poems: a critical discussion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MAJUMDAR, SOUMYAROOP (2022) Cudgels Against Indifference:
Buddhism, Post-Secularism, and the Orient in the New York School of Poets;
Dr Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary: A Creative Portfolio. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARANI, TOMMASO (2012) Leiðarvísir. Its Genre and Sources, with Particular Reference to the Description of Rome. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARCHIONNI, FRANCESCO (2023) Promethean Forms of Grief in the Works of Byron, P.B. Shelley and Leopardi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARCZEWSKA, KAJA (2015) The Iterative turn. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MARKLEW, NAOMI (2011) Northern Irish Elegy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Marsh, Richard St. John Jeremy (1991) Liturgy, imagination and poetic language : a study of David Jones's The Anathemata. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Martin, Claire (1986) Outspoken dreams: Selfhood, sex and spirituality in the writings of Olive Schreiner. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Martindale, Philippa (2003) 'The ceasing from the sorrow of divided life: may Sinclair’s women, texts and contexts (1910-1923). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Masson, M.J. (1988) The influence of Congregationalism on the first four novels of D.H. Lawrence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Matthews, Christopher John (1983) EZRA pound and the ideogrammic method. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Mayhew, Jeffrey (1973) The fictional representation of the Napoleonic wars in selected nineteenth century authors. Masters thesis, Durham University.
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MILLER, EMMA,VICTORIA (2011) "Literary Incest":
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MISRA, JAHNAVI (2012) Re-visioning the ethics of care: femininity, cosmopolitanism and contemporary women’s writings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Miyasaka, Natsumi Ikoma (2002) Re-situating the body : history, myth, and the contemporary women's writings in English and Japanese. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MONFORTON, HAZEL,ELIZABETH (2018) Violence and The Mirror: Mimetic Theory and Gender Politics in Modern Fiction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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Mortlock, John (1990) The arc and the circle: linearity and return in the novels of Thomas Pynchon. Masters thesis, Durham University.
MOSCH, MATTHIAS (2012) The Faust Myth in William Gaddis and Thomas Pynchon: Postmodern Negotiations of Western Modernity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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NEWMAN, ROSALIND (2018) Invasions and Inversions: Representations of Otherness in the Writings of Bram Stoker. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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Nichols, Bridget (1994) Liturgical hermeneutics: interpreting liturgical rites in performance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
NORMAN, DANIEL,LOVELL (2020) Coleridge and Satire in the 1790s. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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PARIS, ANNE-VIVIEN (2024) Keats and Hellenism: Revisiting Grecian Forms, Influence, and Questions of Belatedness in Keats's Sonnets and the Spring Odes. Masters thesis, Durham University.
PARUI, AVISHEK (2013) The Literature of Bio-Political Panic: European Imperialism, Nervous Conditions and Masculinities from 1900 to 9/11. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PATCHETT, ALICE,HILARY (2023) Haunted Harvests: Agriculture and the American Gothic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PEAKE, GAILANN,RIVEN (2024) The Viking Sexual World: A Literary Ethno-Vikingology of Norse Sex and Sexual Behaviours as a ‘Prolonged Cultural Stimulus’. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PENN, VICTORIA,JANE (2022) ‘Bodies of water’: The Ecofeminist Water Poetry of Jorie Graham and Alice Oswald. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Peverett, Michael David Gulliksson (1987) Medieval conceptions of reason and the modes of thought in Piers Plowman. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PHIPPS, JAKE,ROWAN (2021) 'That Ill Opinion': Robert Burns and the British Romantic Tradition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PIERCY, HANNAH,ELIZABETH (2021) Unwillingness to Love in Medieval English Romance: Consent, Coercion, and the Conventions of the Genre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
POMEROY, ANDREW,DAVID (2023) Eliot as Satirist. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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RANKIN-MCCABE, CAITLIN (2024) A Body of Angels: The Angel in Early Modern English Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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RICHARDS, ABIGAIL (2019) “’Tis consent that makes a perfect slave”: Circean Poetry and Christian Liberty in Early Modern English Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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RIDDELL, FRASER,IAN (2018) Music and the Queer Body in Fin-de-Siècle Literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
RIDGE, EMILY,ANNA,MARIA (2012) From House to Case of Fiction: A Study of Modernist Literary Luggage. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Ridout, Alice Rachel (1997) The good parodist: beyond images of escape in the fiction of Doris lessing. Masters thesis, Durham University.
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Romon-Alonso, Mercedes (1998) H.D: sublimity and beauty in her early work (1912-1925). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROONEY, THOMAS,EDWARD,MARK (2016) Imperially Alone: David Foster Wallace and The Role of Fiction. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Roscoe, Jane Christine (1992) The literary significance of clothing in the Icelandic family sagas. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Rostron, David (1970) A study of Shakespeare’s Roman plays in the nineteenth century English theatre. Masters thesis, Durham University.
ROY-CHOWDHURY, SREEMOYEE (2018) Sue Bridehead: A Rorschach Test. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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Schattmann, Claudia Sybille (2001) "The emerging order of the poem": a critical study of John Montague's poetry, 1958-1999. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Schellekens, Philida M.T.A. (1989) An Edition of the middle English romance: Richard Coeur de Lion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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SHAFER, JOHN,DOUGLAS (2010) Saga-Accounts of Norse Far-Travellers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
SHALLCROSS, MICHAEL,RONALD (2014) The Worshipper's Half-Holiday: G.K. Chesterton and Parody. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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SMITH, AMY (2014) On 'the Edge of a Crumbling Continent': Poetry in Northern Ireland and the Second World War. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
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