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Number of theses: 667.


Abbas, Tariq Abdul Hameed (1984) Cosmic rays. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdelhady, A. K. (1974) Measurements of energy loss of cosmic ray μ - mesons and protons. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Muzahim Mohammed (1977) The production and decay of sigma hyperons by kaons at rest. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abdullah, Muzahim Mohammed (1982) Study of extensive air showers at sea level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Abu Leil-Cooper, Ghadir F. (1995) Testing the standard model at future high energy colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, G. W. (1966) The crystal structures of some organo-metallic compounds of Beryllium and Zinc. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, John (1958) The compensation op the effects of potential gradient variations in the measurement of the atmospheric air-earth current. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adamson, Katherine Louise (2002) Vector boson pair production at hadron colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adcock, C. (1970) An analysis of high energy muons in extensive air showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Afzal, Muhammad (1974) The proton, pion and omega final state produced by 11.7 Gev pions in hydrogen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aitken, Nicholas Maclaren (1999) Mass transport studies in the growth of cdTe crystals by multi-tube physical vapour transport. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Akeroyd, Andrew Gerard (1996) Signals of non-minimal higgs sectors at future colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Bassam, T.S. (1969) Magnetic domain structure in hexagonal crystals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Shahrani, Abdulaziz A.SH. (1993) Preparation and characterisation of ceramic and thin film Zn(_2)SnO(_4). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Trabulsy, Hussain Ali M. (1993) Investigation of some astronomical phenomena in medieval Arabic chronicles. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alabert, Josep Carles (1998) Optical vapour pressure monitoring and mass transport control during bulk CdTe crystal growth in a novel multi-tube PVT system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alexander, D. (1970) Fine structure in the charge ratio of cosmic ray muons at large zenith angles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ali, Fouad Hassan (1973) Duality and the approach to scaling in inclusive reactions. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ali, Salamat (1996) Specific heat measurements using the A.C. technique on the chevrel phase superconductor Pb(_1-x)Gd(_x)Mo(_6)S(_8) in high magnetic fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allan, Anthony Robert (1986) Signatures of new particles at high energy colliders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allen, A. W. (1951) The geology of the Lundu-Sematon-Tanjong Datu area of the first division of Sarawak. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Allen, J. E. (1959) The interactions of 88 MEV negative pi-mesons. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Allen, J.E. (1961) The sea-level spectrum of cosmic rays at large zenith angles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allen, Peter James (1991) Small angle neutron scattering from superconductors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Almaini, Omar (1996) X-ray emission from faint galaxies and quasars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aloufri, Majed Saeed (1986) Czochralski growth of metal single crystals. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alourfi, Majed Saeed (1989) Growth and characterization by x-ray topography of highly perfect crystals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alper, Turban (1968) The propagation of ultrasonic waves in mercury telluride. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alton, Paul (1996) A polarimetry study of starburst galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Altunbas, M. (1975) Some electrical and structural properties of Pr-Ce alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Amighian, J. (1975) Magnetocrystalline anisotropy nickel - vanadium alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Anastasiou, Charalampos (2001) Two loop integrals and QCD scattering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Andam, A. A. (1981) The pulse shape of optical cerenkov radiation from extensive air showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Anderson, Jeppe Rosenkrantz (2002) Monte Carlo studies of BFKL Physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Andrews, R. D. (1964) Gasdynamic shock waves. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ansari, Abdul Wahab (1990) Double axis X-Ray rocking curves simulation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Arabshahi, Hadi (2002) Simulations of electron transport in GaN devices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ashcroft, Gwynfor Rhys (2003) Structure and magnetic properties of bulk and thin film nickel manganite (NiMn(_2)O(_4)). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ashton, F. (1959) The spectrum of cosmic rays underground and at sea-level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aspinall, W. P. (1969) Atmospheric electric charge transfer in precipitation and associated synoptic conditions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Astorga-Saenz, Francisco Antonio (1994) Coupling constants and unification. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Au, King Lun (1986) Qcd and spectroscopy beyond the quark model: the search for the lightest scalar glueball. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Azzaro, Marco (1996) Some meteorological parameters affecting the image quality of the William Herschel telescope on La Palma. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Bainbridge, G. R. (1953) Emission of ionising radiation during spark discharge. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Baker, D. J. (1984) Rovibrational excitation in collisions involving diatomic molecules. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Banday, Anthony John (1991) Fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Barclay, David Thomas (1992) Topics in perturbation theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bareham, Harry (1982) Magnetic domains in terbium. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Barker, Michael Ivan (1968) On the formation and properties of positronium and its interactions with gaseous atoms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Barker, Paul Simon (1996) Gas sensing using an organic/silicon hybrid field-effect transistor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bashir, Adnan (1995) Constructing vertices in QED. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bassi, Andrea Li (2000) X-ray and light scattering from nanostructured thin films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Basu, Arnab (2002) Deposition and characterisation of sputtered Nickel manganate thin films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bates, K. L. (1965) An investigation of Ferromagnetic domains in surfaces inclined to the (110) plane of crystals of Silicon-iron. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Bawa, Ahmed Cassim (1989) Phenomenology of QCD and electroweak processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bean, Adrian John (1983) A complete redshift sample of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Beard, Alan Norman (1972) A calculation of neutron-deuteron scattering using the su(3) basis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Beasley, Michael Andrew (2001) Globular clusters as probes of galaxy formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bedford, Nigel Hugh (1979) Interactions of low momentum kaons in hydrogen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Begum, Sakina (1972) Scattering of protons from helium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bell, Eric Findlay (1999) Exploring the star formation histories of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bell, Ian George (1975) Production of resonant particles in pion-deuteron interactions at 4 GeV/c. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Benhaddou, Kamel (2003) Dynamical mass generation: from elementary fields to bound states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Benson, Andrew John (2000) Galaxy formation and clustering in a hierarchical universe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bent, Rodney, B. (1964) The electrical space charge in the lower atmosphere. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bent, Rodney B, (1964) The electrical space charge in the lower atmosphere". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Berrington, Keith A. (1972) The application of second order potentials to the scattering of charged particles from helium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Berry, David Stuart (1985) Polarimetry of the peculiar elliptical galaxy, NGC 5128. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bhuiyan, Zahirul Islam (1967) Interactions of 5 GeV/c positive pions in hydrogen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Birkett, Ailsa Jacqueline (1988) Barkhausen noise in steels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bloch, Jacques Christophe Rodolphe (1995) Numerical investigation of fermion mass generation in QED. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Block, F. May (1964) Incompatibility in the genus campanula (campanulaceae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bloomfield, George William (1948) "some investigations on the electrification of interfaces". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bolland, Ian (2003) Complex band structure calculations of the electronic structure of nitride quantum wells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bonicel, Sebastien Louis (1999) Micro-Deformable Mirror: a low cost technology for cryogenic active and adaptive optics. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Booth, Paul Anthony (2001) Optical polarimetry of bipolar planetary nebulae. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Bowden, Christopher Charles Geoffrey (1993) A search for TeV gamma ray emission from X-ray binary stars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bower, Richard Gwyn (1990) The stellar populations of early-type galaxies in groups and clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bowlzer, S. L. (1997) Imaging polarimetry of planetary and proto-planetary nebulae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bown, Gavin John (1999) Field and flow effects on tethered polymer chains. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Boyall, Nicholas Matthews (2003) Combined TEM - cathodoluminescence study of nitride semiconductor structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Boyer, M. F. (1965) The transition to conduction in diffusion-controlled gas breakdown. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Boyle, Brian John (1986) The clustering and evolution of optically selected quasi-stellar objects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bradbury, Stella Marie (1993) Atmospheric Cerenkov astronomy of cataclysmic variables & other potential gamma ray sources. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bradley, Andrew (1978) Photon and hadron interactions of radially excited states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brailsford, J.R. (1967) Electron spin resonance in cadmium sulphide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brazler, Karen Tracy Susan (1991) TeV astronomy of millisecond pulsars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Briggs, Geoffrey Arthur (1966) Pion interactions in Hydrogen and Deuterium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brindle, Christopher (1978) The radio halos of spiral galaxies. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brooke, G. (1964) A study of cosmic ray protons at ground level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Browell, R. (1975) A detailed study of drift chambers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brown, G. (1967) Spectroscopic techniques at millimetric wavelengths. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Mary Gladys (1965) Studies of fission induced by 14 MeV neutrons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Nicholas (1989) A non-perturbative study of the infra-red behaviour of QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Paul D. (1988) Structural defects in II-VI epitaxial Layers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Budgen, David (1972) The k - meson nucleon interaction & the hadron – nucleus interaction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bullock, Ben Kasmin (1994) Third generation fermions as probes of new physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bunus, Florin (1962) Radiochemical cross sections measurements on nuclear reactions induced with 14.5 MeV neutrons. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Burby, Stephen J. (2000) Direct extraction of ∆(_MS) from e(^+)e jet observables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Burke, Douglas John (1998) A high redshift sample of x-ray selected galaxy clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Burnham, J. U. (1963) An analysis of spark chamber operation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Butler, Nigel (1982) Antiproton reactions at 6 and 9 geV/c. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Büttner, Kirsten (1996) Confinement and the infrared behaviour of the gluon propagator. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Campbell, A. W. (1980) The development of a linear diode array detector system for astronomical spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Campbell, John M. (1998) Higher order corrections to multijet production in e(^+)e(^-) annihilation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Campbell, Kenneth C. (1968) Tracer investigations of catalysed chemical reactions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cantwell, Benjamin John (2004) Growth of CdTe bulk crystals by the multi tube physical vapour transport process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Caron, Christian Frédéric Roger Caron (1998) Harmonic generation in gases using Bessel-gauss beams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carraminana, Alberto (1991) Very high energy gamma ray astronomy and non pulsating low mass x-ray binaries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carrasco, Bertha Esperanza (1992) Further developments of optical fibre techniques for astronomical spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carroll, Mark (1994) Preparation of charge transfer salt/polymer composites, and characterisation by saturable absorption. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carter, M.K. (1987) Models of high energy ρρ,ρ̄ρ scattering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carty, T. F. (1979) A polarimetric study of ETA carinae and the carina nebula. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chadwick, Mary Paula (1987) Very high energy cosmic gamma rays from radio and x-ray pulsars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chaney, J. E. (1974) The development of flash tube detectors for high energy physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chang, Mark Peter Joe-Ling (1998) DAFI: a single mode optical fibre interferometer for astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chantler, M. P. (1982) The longitudinal cascade development of cosmic-ray showers from observations of atmospheric Cerenkov radiation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chatterjee, D. (1972) Magnetic properties of Terbium-Scandium Alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chaudhri, Muhammad Anwar (1983) Temperature dependence of magnetostriction of Gd/Tb alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chaudhury, Z. H. (1963) Radial jets. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chi, Xinyu (1990) Electrons in the cosmic radiation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chivers, Richard William (1997) The hymns and responds of John Sheppard. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Christopher, Joseph Theophilus (1969) Hyperfine fields in rare-earth compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Church, Christopher R. (1966) The electrification of hail. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Church, Christopher, R. (1966) The electrification of hail. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clark, D. E. R. (1970) Characterisations of euler n-spheres. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clark, Graham Fraser (1980) X-ray and neutron topography observations of domains aim dislocations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clark, J. L. (1956) The electrical breakdown of gases at ultrahigh frequencies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clark, J. L. (1956) The Electrical breakdown of gases at ultrahigh frequencies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clark, L. (1965) The preparation and properties of large single crystals of cadmium sulphide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clarke, John (1999) X'ray scattering from thin films and interfaces. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cockerton, Simon (1991) High resolution double crystal X-ray diffractometry and topography of III-V semiconductor compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Coles, Richard A. (1999) Theory of the electronic states of semiconductor heterostructures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Collin, H. L. (1969) The ground based study of clouds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Collin, H. L. (1962) Observations of the variation of precipitation electricity with height. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Collin, H. L. (1962) Observations of the variation of precipitation electricity with height. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Comyn, M. (1977) A drift chamber array for the measurement of electron trajectories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cooper, D. A. (1974) A study of particles close to the core of extensive air showers using a flash tube chamber. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Corr, D. H. (1965) The synthesis of Dipyrido [1,2-a:2’ ,1-c] Pyrazidiinium salts. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Courtney, Nathan James Daniel (2003) X-ray luminous clusters of galaxies at z > 0.3. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cousins, Michael Andrew (2001) Microstructure of absorber layers in CdTe/Cds solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cowell, T. A. T. (1968) Electron trapping effects in cadmium sulphide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Craig, M.A.B (1984) The lateral distribution of Cerenkov light in large cosmic ray showers as a measure of longitudinal development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Craig, R. (1969) The interactions of cosmic ray neutrinos. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cringean, Janey Kirkpatrick (1985) Stroboscopic X-Ray topography of surface acoustic wave devices. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Croom, Scott Martin (1997) Cosmology and large-scale structure from quasar redshift surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Crow, G.C. (1994) The transport and relaxation of holes in quantum wells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cullen, M. A. (1999) Perturbative predictions for 4 jet production at LEP and prompt photon emission at the tevatron. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curry, C. (1939) “The electrical charges on Mercury drops in sulphuric acid and other solutons”. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curry, Colin (1939) The electrical charges on mercury drops in sulphuric acid and other solutions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curry, J. R. (1971) Some properties of rare earth doped soda glass. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Curry, R. G. (1976) Neutron scattering from some light: heavy rare earth alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curtis, D. A. (1964) Microwave spectroscopy of some maser materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curtis, Duncan Charles (1991) A non-perturbative study of fermion propagators and their interactions in gauge theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Dahake, Sopan L. (1967) The electrical and optical properties of Hg Te - In(_2) Te(_3) alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daik, Rusli (1997) Synthesis and characterisation of poly(arylene vinylene)s. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dailey, Stuart (1998) A study of conjugated polymers and their applications in light-emitting diodes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daily, Kevin M. (1973) Electric potential gradient and current during steady precipitation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dale, Michael (1975) An analysis of the reaction π(^+) N → P Xº at 4 GeV/c. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Danby, Grahame (1985) Close coupling calculations of dimer energy levels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daniel, Ian James (1999) The fabrication of chevrel phase superconductors and the origin of the irreversibility field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Daniel, Michael Kevin (2002) The attenuation of atmospheric Cerenkov photons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Darjazi, Soltanzadeh Mohammad Mahdi (1983) Study of extensive air showers at sea level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Darsley, R. R. (1966) Practical considerations in the reconciliation of the direct and indirect methods or measuring the air-earth current. Masters thesis, Durham University.

David, Dugdale (2000) Electronic structure calculations on nitride semiconductors and their alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Hilary Jane (1999) An optically guided atomic fountain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, N Michael (2000) Semiclassical monopole calculations in supersymmetric gauge theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Peter George (1998) Charge exchange in ion-atom collusions relevant to fusion plasma diagnostics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dawson, Roger (1969) The electrification of ice and water at temperatures around the freezing point. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dawson, Roger (1969) The electrification of ice and water at temperatures around the freezing point. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Day, Henry Clive (1997) Floquet calculations of atomic photo-electron spectra in intense laser fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dayaratna, L. H. (1969) Atmospheric electric conduction and convection currents near the earth's surface. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

De-Ridder, Aude Gehrmann (1997) Radiative corrections to the photon + 1 jet rate at LEP. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Delap, Martin Richard (1990) Thermal conductivity studies of YBa(_2)Cu(_3)O(_7-δ). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Delivorias, Nikitas Alex (1997) Cosmic structure from phase transitions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Devasagayam, Peter (1998) Experimental investigations into charge and spin carriers in polyaniline. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dickinson, Geoffrey J. (1975) On the propagation of cosmic rays in the galaxy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dickinson, James Edwin (1995) A ground based gamma ray telescope of high sensitivity and low energy threshold. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dickinson, Mark R. (1997) Very high energy gamma ray observations of southern hemisphere blazars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dinsdale, Michael J. (2005) The scheme-dependence of power correction fits to event shape observables. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dixon, A. M. (1976) Combination coefficients of small ions with aerosol particles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dixon, M. E. (1974) Computer simulations of cosmic ray extensive air showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dodds, D. (1977) Galactic gamma bays and the origin of cosmic rays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dodson, R.G. (1997) The Mauritius radio telescope and a study of selected super nova remnants associated with pulsars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Doe, P. J. (1975) Flash tube chambers for electron and photon detection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Doe, P.J. (1975) Some problems of flash tubs operation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Doel, A.P. (1990) An adaptive optics system for astronomical image sharpening. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Done, Philip J. (1983) Calculations in perturbative QCD and analyses involving scalar mesons. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dowthwaite, J. C. (1987) Very energetic gamma rays from binary x-ray sources and other astronomical objects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Draper, Peter Walter (1988) CCD polarimetry as a probe of regions of recent star-formation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dyson, Harold Michael (2002) Micro-machined membrane deformable mirrors for cryogenic adaptive optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dzanovic, Dajana (2004) Evolution of galactic disks and spheroids. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Earnshaw, J. C. (1968) The muon component of extensive air showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edalati, M.T. (1976) Orientations of galaxies and their distribution in space. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, H. J. (1971) A study of low energy particles in cosmic rays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Michael G. (1962) A study of methods of measurement of the electric charge on a rocket and of ambient electric fields using probe techniques. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Efstathiou, George (1979) On the rotation and clustering of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Eggleston, James Michael (1997) Optical spectroscopy of thin film semiconductor structures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Eke, Vincent R. (1996) Cosmology with galaxy clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Elleson, R.K. (1976) Studies of the growth and size distribution of aerorosol particles. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ellis, H. D. (1967) Investigations into the magnetic properties of rare earth compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Enderby, Mark John (1982) A study of some aspects of extensive air showers at sea level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Evans, D. G. (1962) The electrification of ice and supercooled water drops. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Evans, Thomas (1967) Transonic flow. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Faidah, Adel Saleh (1988) Screen printed layers of cds for solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fallahi, Mohammad Taghi (1978) Cross-sections for neutral channels in K P interactions between 1470 and 1560 MeV C.M. energy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Farsari, Maria (1996) Dielectric and optical properties of organic photorefractive materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fatemi, S. J. (1981) A study of extensive air showers at sea level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fearnside, Andrew Simon (1996) Dressed autoionising states and light-induced continuum structures in an intense laser field. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Feller, Frank (1999) Spectroscopic investigations of a luminescent conjugated polymer. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Felton, Michelle Ann (1999) Optical polarimetry studies of Seyfert galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fiddes, Alexander James Crawford (1993) Deposition of zinc oxide by spray pyrolysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fitton, Alec (1974) An examination of regge cut models in high energy scattering processes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fleming, George Peter (1977) Production of y* resonances by low energy k(^-) mesons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Foley, Neasa (1995) An investigation of the active galaxies M82 and NGC 5128. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Foley, Neasa (1989) A statistical study of the Solar Eclipses recorded in Chinese and Korean history during the pre-telescopic era. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Forde, Darren Andrew (2004) Infrared finite amplitudes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fordham, R.C. (1979) An analysis of the population dynamics of draba incana, polygala amarelle and gentiana verna in upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Forster, Christine (1990) Aspects of charge exchange in ion-atom collisions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Freedman, Immanuel (1985) Some aspects of the cosmic ray origin problem. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

French, David K. (1977) The distribution of cosmic ray electrons and magnetic field in the galaxy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Friend, Christopher Michael (1994) Transport critical current density measurements on high and low temperature superconductors in magnetic fields up to 15 tesla. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Garland, Lee W. (2003) Two-loop helicity amplitudes in QCD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Garnett, Geoffrey William (1981) magnetization processes in permalloy overlays on magnetic bubble devices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gaztelu, Amaya (2000) Galaxy evolution in poor clusters. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gehrmann, Thomas (1996) Proton structure from deep inelastic and diffractive scattering. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Georgantopoulos, Ioannis (1991) AGN evolution, clustering and the X-ray background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ghazi, Mohammad Ebrahim (2002) High-resolution x-ray scattering studies of charge ordering in highly correlated electron systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, A. I. (1981) The spatial characteristics of low energy muons in cosmic ray showers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, A.I. (1976) The spatial characteristics of muons in large cosmic ray showers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, Michael Christopher (2006) Implementation and application of advanced density functionals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gilbank, David Geoffrey (2001) Exploring the selection of galaxy clusters and groups. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gillespie, Alexander Todd (1981) Instability in SU(2) gauge field theory. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gledhill, Timothy Michael (1987) Optical polarimetry of star forming regions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Glover, Edward William Nigel (1985) Studies of high energy pp collisions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Goharji, Adnan Abdullah (1986) Interpretation of IUE and other spectra of planetary nebulae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Goodfellow, T. L. (1955) The mechanical deformation of single crystals of the alkali halides and its effect on their electrical properties. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Goswami, S. N. (1966) The maintenance of sustained high frequency discharges in gases. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gouldsworthy, Simon Nicholas (1994) A model of the physical processes in the neutral envelopes of planetary nebulae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Graham, Lilian Joan (1994) Ultra high energy gamma ray point sources and cosmic ray anisotropy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gray, David (1994) Molecular organic photonics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Greatrix, G. R. (1961) A preliminary study of the relations between solar flares and solar magnetic fields. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Green, Daniel W. E. (2004) Assessment of early-modern observations of comets and supernovae: Focus on pre-telescopic European astrometric and physical data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gregory, Christopher Ian (1992) Magnetic properties of the Itinerant helimagnets MnSi and FeGe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Groom, K. N. (1963) The relation between radio-active collector current potential gradient and wind speed. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Groom, K. N. (1963) The relation between radio-active collector current potential gradient and wind speed. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Groom, Kenneth N. (1966) Disturbed weather measurements in atmospheric electricity using an instrumented van. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Groom, Kenneth, N. (1966) Disturbed weather measurements in atmospheric electricity using an instrumented van. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gunn, Katherine Frances (1999) Dust-enshrouded AGN: Implications for cosmological backgrounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Hackman, Nancy-Ann (2001) Nonlinear optical characterisation of organic chromophores and aspects of molecular aggregation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hale-Sutton, Duncan (1990) Galaxy clustering and dynamics from redshift surveys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hales, Debbie (1999) Humidity dependent impedance of Zn(_x)Co(_2-x)GeO(_4). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Halim, Mounir (1999) Light-emission from conjugated dendrimers and polymers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hallam, T.D. (1995) The characterisation of epitaxial layers of the dilute magnetic semiconductor Hg(_1-x)Mn(_x)Te. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Halliday, Claire (1998) Low luminosity elliptical galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Halliwell, Harry (1968) Resonance production by energetic pions in hydrogen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hamam, Yaqob Ali (1978) Cross-sections for charged channels in k-p interactions between 1470 and 1550 meV C.M. energy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Roldán, Carlos Antonio Calcáneo (2001) The evolution of dark matter substructure. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rolph, C.D. (1990) Imaging polarimetry of pre- and post- main sequence objects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ross, Graham G. (1969) The kaon nucleon interaction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Roychoudhury, Rajkumar (1969) Analysis of pion nucleon scattering at high energies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rushby, A. N. (1966) Electro-luminescence and associated two carrier effects in cadmium sulphide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Saad, Fathia M. (1977) Magnetic domain studies in gadolinium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Said, S. S. (1966) Properties of cosmic rays incident in the near-horizontal direction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Salamanca, Alfonso Aragón (1991) Optical and infrared studies of distant galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Sanguansak, Nuanwan (1996) A study of radio continuum emission of the Milky Way Galaxy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Scarlett, Brian (1964) The effective thermal conductivity of packed beds of metal powder. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Schwartzenberg, Jean Marc (1993) A search for galaxies producing CIV absorption in QSO spectra. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scull, P. S. (1962) Studies of cosmic ray showers using neon flash tubes. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scully, Margaret T. (1994) The characterisation of thin films of polyaniline for gas sensing. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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Shaban, Neil Tamim (1994) Dimensional regularisation and gauge theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shanks, Thomas (1979) Statistical analyses of galaxy catalogues. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sharma, Prem Kumar (1992) Polymeric thin films for integrated optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sharpless, Graham T. (1968) An experimental study of the atmospheric electric elements at a rural site in conditions of low air pollution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shaw, Graham David (1993) New techniques in astronomical multi-slit spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shaw, Simon Edward (1999) Gamma/hadron discrimination using composite cherenkov telescopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Shearer, J.A.L. (1980) Observations of Cerenkov radiation produced in large cosmic ray showers at 1500m above sea-level. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shirt, Janice Victoria (1984) A study of the bipolar nebula associated with LKHɑ208. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Sigurdsson, Haraldur (1970) The petrology and chemistry of the Setberg volcanic region and of the intermediate and acid rocks of Iceland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Simpson, D. A. (1964) Energy loss of high energy cosmic rays in a liquid scintillator. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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Sitch, Corin David (2001) Photoconductivity in conjugated polymers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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Smail, Ian Robert (1993) Gravitational lensing by rich clusters of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Smith, Alan C. (1976) An investigation of extensive air showers in the range 10(^4) to 10(^6) particles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, G. C. (1973) Some studies of multi-wire proportional chambers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Graham Peter (2002) Gravitational lensing by x-ray luminous galaxy clusters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, N. I. (1969) High energy cosmic ray neutrons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Ronald Leslie (1978) Magnetic anisotropy and domain structure in gadolinium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Sneary, Adrian Bernard (2000) The fabrication of a high temperature superconducting magnet and critical current characterisation of the component Bi(_2)Sr(_2)Ca(_2)Cu(_3)O(_x) tapes and filaments in high magnetic fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Speares, William (1988) Superstructures on graded phase space. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Speirs, Neil Alexander (1985) Composite models of weak gauge bosons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Spencer, Peter.M. (1963) The semiconducting properties of HgTe – In(_2)Te(_3) and related alloys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Stapley, Nicholas R. (1981) The origin and anisotropy of high energy cosmic rays. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Stevenson, Paul Robert Frederick (1985) Faint galaxy photometry and cosmology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Sutton, Peter John (1992) Parton distributions and small X physics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Taylor, David Matthew Joseph (2004) The strain-dependence of the critical current density in the high-field superconductor Nb(_3)Sn. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Wagstaffe, Christopher James (1980) Strange particle production by 4 Gev/c pions in deuterium. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Ward-Thompson, Derek (1987) A polarisation study of spiral galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Warren, Julian Guy (1992) Optical studies of organized dye multilayers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Watkin, Susan (1994) A study of extended red emission in reflection nebulae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Watson, C.C.R. (1993) Structural defects in CdTe and related materials. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Wilkie, Thomas D. B. (1979) Duality and neutral pion electroproduction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Wilkinson, David Adam (1987) Molecular hydrogen in galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Willcock, Simon Nicolas Murray (1985) An investigation of the magnetic properties of high tensile steels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Williams, Charles D.H. (1987) Some magnetic effects of clustering in iron doped magnesium oxide. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Wilson, Colin David (2002) X-rays from Compton scattering around accreting black holes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Worrall, Anthony Duncan (1985) The Schwinqer-Dyson Equations and Confinement in Quantum Chromo-Dvnamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Wright, A.D.M. (1978) Relations between Reggeon and photon couplings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


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Yau, Kevin Kam Ching (1988) An investigation of some contemporary problems in astronomy and astrophysics by way of early astronomical records. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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This list was generated on Thu Sep 26 22:12:11 2024 BST.