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Durham e-Theses
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Number of theses: 233.

Abbott, Steven J. (1988) The immunocytochemical localization of transgenically-expressed proteins in plants. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Abu-Zinada, Abdul-Aziz, H. (1971) Fine structural and biochemical studies on the infection of vicia faba l. by uromyces and botrytis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Helal, Ali A. (1985) The use of isoenzymes in the study of germination, development and breeding of legumes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mousawi, Abdullah H. A (1984) Biological studies ob algae in rice-field soil prom tee Iraqi marshes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alaib, M. A. (1985) Seedling responses to growth regulators and drought stress. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alderson, Alison Louise (1990) Sequence analysis and molecular cloning of enzyme inhibitors from seeds of rye {secale cereale l). [brace not closed] Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aldridge, C.A. (1968) An ecological study of gordon moss, Berwickshire, a spring mire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alexander, K. I. (1979) Studies in plant competition. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alexander, Roy W. (1975) A field and laboratory study of the bryophyte associations of an area of mixed mire (sensu du rietz). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alves, Robert A. (1984) The influence of membrane components on the uptake of peptides by gram-negative bacteria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ashby, Alison Mary (1988) Agrobacterium tumefaciens: chemotaxis and crop protection. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Atkinson, Susan Lesley (1987) The preparation and characterisation of novel microperoxidase biocatalysts. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Aziz, Abdul (1985) Blue-green algal nitrogen fixation associated with deepwater rice in Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bakhtiar, A. (1983) Structural studies of protein deposition in developing legume seeds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Barfield, Timothy John (1981) Investigations into the niche specialisation of the coprophilous mycoflora, with reference to herbivore faeces. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Barfield, Timothy John (1982) Investigations into the niche specialisation of the coprophilous mycoflora, with reference to herbivore faeces. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Barker, R. D. J. (1975) Proteins of developing, mature and germinating seeds of phaseolus vulgaris. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Batley, Richard Alan (1971) Byker: a study of communication between planners and the public in an area affected by slum clearance. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Bawcutt, R. A. (1966) A study on an isolate of Syncephalis from Leicester. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Belfield, Graham Paul (1986) The genetic manipulation of a cDNA encoding the seed storage protein legumin a to alter its amino acid composition. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Benham, Brian R. (1974) Studies on marginal farm ecosystems in upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Boonkerd, Thaweesakdi (1987) Eco-physiology of Primula farinosa Linn,: and some allied species. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Borek, M. J. E. (1975) Pollen analysis and vegetional history of the ‘akeld’ basin. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Bradbear, N. J. (1982) Proteolysis using enzymes in vitro. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bradshaw, Peter Martin Devenish (1965) Part 1. An absolute method tor the measurement of reflectivity. Part 2. The distribution of heavy metals in granites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bridgewater, P. (1970) Phytosociology and community boundaries of the British heath foundation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Briggs, David (1962) Experimental taxonomy of some dicranum species. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Briggs, David (1973) Some investigations of inorganic and catalytic systems by esca and other spectroscopic. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Briggs, Leslie (1986) The expression of plant vicilin DNA in yeast. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Burrows, I. G. (1981) Accumulation of heavy metals by organisms in the Derwent catchment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Campos, Francisco de Assis Paiva (1983) Studies on the structure and function of plant protein inhibitors of trypsin and α-amylase. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Carasco, J. F. (1976) Seed proteins of cowpea, vigna unguiculata (L.) walp. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Casiker, Usha (1972) A study of the vegetational history of the Pow-hill valley bog area, county Durham (April - August 1972). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chaffey, Nigel John (1983) Structure/function relationships in the graminaceous leaf. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chambers, Carl (1974) The vegetational history of Teesdale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chapman, Anthony H. (1970) An outline study of the input and output of four minerals in the upper tees river catchment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chieng, Hock Ming (1987) The synthesis and processing of pea legumin in saccharomyces cerevisiae. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Choy, Andy Kwan Yan (1988) Construction and screening of a pea root cDNA library. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Clayton, David Barry (1962) Investigations into the nature and distribution of the sandveldt soils of the central province of Zambia with observations on their land use potential. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Clifford, Harold Trevor (1955) Quantitative studies of hybridization in wild plant populations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Comeau, Paul Linus (1977) Phytosociological studies of mire ecosystems in eastern Canada. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Corfield, P.W.R. (1963) Crystal structures of some complexes of group IB ethynyl compunds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Coxell, H. (1961) A new technique for the investigation of cosmic ray showers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Critchley, Richard W. (1978) Some aspects of zinc accumulation in submerged photosynthetic plants in a high zinc-level stream. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cully, Julia (1987) Aspects of structure and functionality in legumin and vicilin from vicia faba seeds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Darke, Stuart (1976) "proline production in relation to stress in Sesleria oaerulea L..”. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Grant (1977) A contribution to the history of forest clearance in Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Davies, John Harris (1960) "Radiochemical measurements on nuclear reactions induced by fast neutrons". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Deborah, Au Mun Yee (1988) Immunological and biochemical characterization of the major seed oil-body membrane proteins. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Delauney, Ashton Joseph (1984) Cloning and characterisation of cDNAs encoding the major, pea storage proteins, and expression of vicilin in E.coli. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Derbyshire, E. (1979) Studies on the major seed proteins of some grain crops. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Diaz, Bernard M. (1981) A computer based study of the flora of highly acidic environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dockery, M. A. (1978) The vegetation of disused railway lines in the Durham area. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Donaldson, Alan (1978) Studies on the terrestrial and freshwater algae of aldabra atoll. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Donaldson, Alison M. (1975) Palynological investigations at hallowell moss near witton gilbert, Durham a history of man's impact on vegetation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Donelan, Mary (1978) An investigation into the buried viable seeds occurring across a successional series in the magnesian limestone of County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Doody, J. P. (1975) Studies in the population dynamics of some Teesdale plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Duncker, Marion (1976) A study of zinc resistance and accumulation of zinc in scapania undulata (L) Dum. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dunning, A. (1979) A study of the changes in fungal and earthworm activity associated with soil disturbance. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Eaton, R.D. (1968) Cytogenetical studies in the genus primula. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Glyn Alyn (1988) Plant transformation using an agrobacterium. Tumefadens ti-plasmid vector system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Kenneth W. (1975) A study of selected cations in a mixed mire ecosystem. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Edwards. K., (1975) A study of selected cations in a mixed mire ecosystem. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Elkington, Trevor Thomas (1962) Experimental taxonomy of some members of the Teesdale flora. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ellison, Leslie (1978) Problems in the management for recreation of Waldridge Fell, an area of lowland heath: an ecological study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fenn, S. J. (1981) Some effects of copper contaminated pig slurry on earthworms. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ferreira, Zelma M. (1978) Physiological aspects of stress in Sesleria Caerulea (L) ard. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Findlay, Ivan Walwin Onipede (1968) Studies on a marine diatom Cosinodiscus pavillardii, Forti. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Finny, Peter John (1963) The interactions of elementary particles in nuclear emulsions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fletcher, Hugo John (1972) Some aspects of the biology of Pilaira species. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gaman, Julie H. (1970) Observations on phenotypic variability within populations of elodea Canadensis in County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Garbett, Geoffrey (1980) A contribution to the study of the elm decline in the southern Lake District. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gatehouse, Laurene Neil (1985) Construction of a cDNA library encoding pea seed proteins. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gates, Phillip (1978) The use of isoenzymes as an aid to the breeding of field beans (Vicia faba L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibbons, Robert Berkeley (1978) Further studies in the population dynamics of some Teesdale plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibson, Martin T. (1986) The structure and function of hairs of chaetophorales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gledhill, D. (1964) Experimental studies on the grass axonopus compressus (sw.) beauv and related species. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Godfree, John S. (1975) A consideration of the tree layers in the peat at sites in the Northern Pennines. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Godinho Orlandi, Mirna, J. L. (1980) Microbiology of sediments in lakes of differing degrees of eutrophication. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Graham, George Gordon (1971) Phytosociological studies of relict woodlands in the North East of England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Graham J. A., (1961) The south shields school board 1871-1903. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Green-Ogles, Pamela (1979) The molecular evolution of plastocyanin from pteridopmrtes and gymnos perms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Greig, J. R. A. (1973) Studies in the vegetational history of Greece. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Griffin, Richard P. (1980) A study of the vegetation of the South Burn valley, Waldridge Fell, County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Griffith, John L. (1966) Some aspects of the effect of atmospheric pollution on the Lichen Flora to the West of Consett Co. Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hamdi, Ahmed Hamdi Ismail Hamdi Ahmed (1987) Variation in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) in response to irrigation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hankinson, E. (1972) Some ultrastructural and physiological studies of Phycomyces Sporangiophores. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Harding, J. P. C. (1978) Studies on heavy metal toxicity and accumulation in the catchment area of the Derwent Reservoir. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hargreaves, J. W. (1977) Ecology and physiology of photosynthetic organisms in highly acid streams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Harvey, Michael John (1962) The cytotaxonomy of some rostrate violets. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Harvey, Patricia Janine (1981) Protein of yam tubers (Dioscorea Rotundata). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hassan, Hasan Mustafa (1968) Experimental taxonomy of oxalis section acetosellae and maianthemum. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Henderson, Janey (1987) Protein deposition in developing barley endosperm. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hesketh, Catherine M. (1978) On aquatic hyphomycetes: a literature review and field investigation in lotic waters around Durham City. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hewetson, Valerie P. (1970) A study of the vegetational history of Widdybank Fell, in Upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hilliam, Judith (1977) Phytosociological studies in the southern Isles of Shetland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hilton, Peter J. R. (1970) Studies on the enzymic oxidation of catechins from the leaf of tea (camellia sinensis L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hirons, M. J. D. (1971) The vegetation of the Farne Islands. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ho-Man Choi, Raymond (1989) An attempt to find cDNA clones for pea pod extensin and pea pod specific protein. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hodgson, Joyce (1974) The distribution of pine in the North-East of England during the boreal period. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hope, Marion (1979) Persistence of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in some local soils. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hoque, Mohammed Shamsul (1984) Studies on the purification and characterisation of the major albumin seed proteins from pea (pisum sativum L.). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hoyle, F. J. (1958) The Church of England and the new house areas since 1945. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hughes, Jane P. (1973) Aspects of rocky shore pollution on sections of the north east coast between Redcar and Whitby. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ingram, Ruth (1964) The taxonomy and cytology of the genus sisybinchium (iridageae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

J.W. Liddell, (1972) Turnip yellow mosaic virus and cell-free protein synthesis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jackson, P (1986) Feasibility of extracting arsenic from industrially polluted waters by the exploitation of two arsenic-tolerant fungi. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jefferson, Richard Grainger (1980) The phytophagous insect fauna of mercurialis perennis L. Masters thesis, Durham University.

John, D. M. (1968) Studies on littoral and sublittoral ecosystems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jones, Alison V. (1973) A phytosociological study of Widdybank Fell in upper Teesdale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jones, D. J. (1970) Ecological studies of the fauna inhabiting the Hapteron of the kelp plant Laminaria Hyperborea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jones, Peter M. B. (1982) Investigation into the hardbean phenomenon in phaseolus vulgaris L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jupp, Diana (1979) Nucleic acids and proteins during development of leaves of festuca pratensis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kashlan, Nizar B. (1980) Studies on the structure and function of some enzyme inhibitors from plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kashmeery, Amin M. S. (1977) An investigation into the factors involved in hear death and thermal sensitivity in calliphora vicina R-D. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kelly, Martyn G. (1986) Heavy metals and aquatic bryophytes: accumulation and their use as monitors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kershaw, A. P. (1967) The investigation of a lowland peat bog in County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kipps, A.E. (1972) Free and protein amino acids of vicia faba l. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kirkby, Susan M. (1975) Biological studies on the rivulariaceae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kookorinis, Evangelos (1976) An experimental study of the factors limiting plant growth in upper Teesdale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lane, Amanda M. J. (1981) Towards a geographical information system for European economic community regional data. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lawton, J. H. (1969) Studies on the ecological energetics of damselfly larvae (Odonata: Zygoptera). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Leachman, James G. (1969) Studies of the performance of Eriophorum Angustifolium L. and Sphagnum Recurval L. along an ecological gradient. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lee, Michael J. (1979) Senescence studies of festuca pratensis. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Levasseur, M. D. (1988) Comparative studies of the nucleotide sequences of pea seed storage protein genes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lewis, Anne M. (1976) Phytosociological studies in the northern isles of Shetland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lloyd, E. J. H. (1977) Accumulation of metals by aquatic plants in the river wear system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lonsdale, D. M. (1972) The nucleic acids of vicia faba (L). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lowe, Christopher J. (1981) Some aspects of the ecology of limestone solution - hollows at gait barrows, north Lancashire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lyddiatt, Andrew (1975) Molecuiar evolution of cytochrome c from invertebrates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mahasneh, Ihsan Ali (1988) Iron accumulation by blue-green algae from saline environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mahmoud, Sayed Hassan (1985) Biochemical marker genes for molecular genetics and plant breeding in pisum sativum L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mancey, D. (1972) Ecological studies of a country park subjected to public pressure. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Marsden, Martin W. (1979) The uptake and loss of zinc am) lead by scapania undulata (l) dum, in relation to its use as a monitor. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Marshall, Clive (1971) Ecological investigations of some plant communities in the cow green area of upper Teesdale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Matta, Narender K. (1981) Structural and genetical studies on legumin of pisum sativum L. and vicia faba L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Maycock, Roy (1985) The flora of Buckinghamshire churchyards. Masters thesis, Durham University.

McCulloch, L. (1974) "An investigation of Hawthorn (cratageus monogyna) succession on the magnesian limestone soils of Co Durham". Masters thesis, Durham University.

Meatyyard, Barry T. (1974) Molecular evolution of cytochrome c from algae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mills, Leslie F. (1952) The reliability and validity of a number of intelligence tests when applied to approved school boys. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Morrell, Giles R. (1976) The behaviour of the edible winkle, littorina littorea l. in rock pools on shores differing in their degree of pollution. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Morton, Heather (1982) Cytoplasmic controls of storage protein synthesis in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Munoz Aguilar, Jose Manuel (1987) chemotaxis of rhizobium phaseoli towards flavones and other related compounds. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Myers, David A. (1974) An investigation into the temperature optima of two populations of the blue-green algae nostoc commune (vaucher). Masters thesis, Durham University.

N. T. H. Holmes, (1975) The vegetation of the River Tweed. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Newton, Susanna (1978) Weed invasion on Widdybank fell, upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Nicholson, P.B. (1967) Studies on the decomposition of the faecal pellets of Glomeris Marginata Villers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Nisbet, Timothy M. (1980) Aspects of peptide transport in saccharomyces cerevisiae and streptococcus spp. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Northfield, Janet M. (1974) Cytotaxonomy of Sisyrinchium. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Owen, C. M. (1982) Barium and heavy metals in the waters and aquatic plants of the catchment of Bleaberry Gill, North Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Palmer, C. F. (1977) An ecological study of the vegetation of Claish Moss, Argyll. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Palmer, J. A. (1983) Barium and heavy metals in the waters and aquatic invertebrates of the catchment of bleaberry gill, North Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PARKIN, M. J. (1974) An investigation into differential lateral dispersion of fossil forest tree pollen. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Parkinson, Keith James (1963) Bioelectric potentials in plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Parsons, M. (1975) An ecological evaluation of three systems of farm management using field beans. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Patrick, Paul H. (1973) Bioaccumulation of zinc and cadmium in two stream systems. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Patterson, Graeme (1983) Effects of heavy metals on freshwater chlorophyta. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Payne, E. S. (1970) Cell-free protein synthesizing systems from Vicia faba (L). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Payne, P.I. (1968) Studies: on the nucleic acids of developing, dormant and germinating seeds of vicia faba (L). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Peabody, Anthony John (1969) Diatoms of the River Wear. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Peacock, Derek (1970) Studies on formate dehydrogenases on legumes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pearson, P. L. (1967) An experimental taxonomic study of Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pfister, Andrea Ulrico (1978) The echinoids arbacia lixula and paracentrotus lividus as indicators of heavy metal levels in the Mediterranean environment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Phillips, Brenda J. (1969) A study of the effect of modern agricultural practice on the growth physiology of two crop plants, with special reference to fertilizer treatments. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pollett, Frederick C. (1972) Studies of boreal Peatland ecosystems in Britain and newfoundland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pollitt, R.A.P (1983) Pre-copulatory guarding and the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in asellus aquaticus L. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pomfret, J.R. (1974) Aspects of the acid tolerance of algae from the Durham area. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pomfret, John, R. (1973) Aspects of the acid tolerance of algae from the Durham area. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pullin, Andrew Stuart (1981) Observations on the development and mortality factors in the leaf mining stage of the beech Weevil Rhynchaenus Fagi L. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Purvis, Bryan J. (1981) The algal communities of colliery spoil heaps. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rajendran, C (1974) Laboratory studies on zinc tolerance in stigeoclonium tenue. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rajendran, Candasamy (1984) Physiology of acid stream algae. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ramadani, Ahmad Siraj (1978) Differentiation and ferritin synthesis in phvcomvces blakesleeanus; an ultrastructural and physiological study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ramshaw, John A. M. (1972) Molecular evolution of cytochrome c from plants. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Redman, T.N.R (1983) Hydroseral succession: Butterby Marsh, Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Retat, Christine (1986) Construction of a complete bovine growth hormone cDNA. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rogers, Sally, A. (1971) The ecological basis for tee conservation of thorne waste, Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Round-Turner, N.L. (1968) Some aspects of the ecology of sesleria caerulea (l.) ard. subsp. calcarea. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rowell, Thelma Kathleen (1982) Humic and pollen stratigraphy at quick moss, Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rujikietkumjorn, Charin (1980) A study on the influence of storage conditions on the subsequent rate of nitrogen fixation by nostoc commune. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Saadi, Hamoud Abdou (1980) Aspects of the growth and development of the sporangiophore of phycomyces blakesleeanus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sanderson, P.L. (1974) An investigation of the effect of lead and zinc upon the production and relative competitive ability of the grasses agrostis stolonifera, festuca ovina and festuca rubra with reference to their distribution in Upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Sawyer, Rosalind Mary (1986) Isolation of a vicilin gene from pea (pisum sativum l.), and nuclease sensitivity of seed storage protein genes in pea chromatin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Say, Philip J. (1977) Microbial ecology of high zinc level streams. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sears, John (1976) A phytosociological study of Hart Warren Dunes, County Durham, in relation to future management. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Shehata, F. H. A. (1981) Physiological studies on heavy metals and blue-green algae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sheppard, Charles (1976) The holdfast ecosystem of laminaria hyprborea (gunn,) fosl. and environmental monitoring: an ecological study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shimwell, David William (1968) The phytosociology of calcareous grasslands in the British Isles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shirsat, Anil Harishchandra (1984) A gene for legumin: a major storage protein of pisum sativum L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Simantoni-Genakos, Martha P. (1975) Patella vulgata l: an ecological study in relation to marine pollution by heavy metals. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Simpson, Caroline Anne (1976) Howden Moss: A study of vegetational history in upper Teesdale. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Sims, R. E. (1969) A study of marine fouling ecosystems. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Sims, R.E. (1969) A study of marine fouling ecosystems. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Sinclair, Christine (1977) Physiological and morphological studies on tapering blue-green algae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, D. A. S. (1969) Some aspects of the biology of Gibbula Cineraria (L.) with observations on Gibbula Umbilicalis (Da Costa) and Gibbula Pennanti (PHIL.). (Mollusca : Prosobranchia). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Judith L. (1975) Levels of free proline in a number of higher plants on collection from the field and after wilting. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Michael (1982) Factors affecting flower abscission in field beans (Vicia Faba L. Minor). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Roger Vincent (1969) Studies on the gas-vacuoles of blue-green algae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Snobel, N.S. (1978) An objective analysis of the plant communities on Claish Moss, Argyll: the relationship of these to environmental parameters, and the floristics of the development of the hummook-hollow complex. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Speed, D. J. (1973) The biosynthesis of betaine and related compounds in higher plants and fungi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Starkie, Alan (1970) An investigation of heavy metal ion concentrations in littoral and sub-littoral marine ecosystems. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stewart, Alan J.A. (1978) Reproductive strategies of six perennial plant species in relation to a successional series. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Strangeway. Geoffrey, (1977) Nucleic acids in ageing leaves of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sturludóttir, Sigrún Ása (1983) The elm decline at Pawlaw pike in Weardale county Durham: (a detailed pollen analysis). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Swales, G.J (1975) Studies in the genus gymnocalycium. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Takruri, Ishaq Abdel - Hamid (1979) Molecular evolution of chloroplast type Ferredoxins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Taverner, S.C. (1979) A study op pollution in the river team, and an investigation of the feasibility of using plant material to monitor zing levels. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Thakur, Vishnudeo (1965) Biosystematics of some species of epilobium. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Thompson, I. M. (1973) Turnip yellow mosaic virus: biochemical aspects of the infection process. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Toto, Omer A. (1980) A physio-ecological study on sesleria caerulea (L) ard.: at Thrislington common (Durham). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Trinci, A.P.J. (1965) Studies of the growth and tropisms of aspergillus giganteus and other fungi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tuffnell, Janet M. (1983) Studies on amino acid assays using Escherichia coli. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Turner, C.H. (1968) Studies on a small post-glacial peat deposit in Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Tyler, Mariete L. (1981) Characterisation of the major storage proteins of Pisum Sativum L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Valentine, Jane (1976) Some studies on a carboxypeptidase inhibitor prom potatoes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Vincent, J. H. (1966) The behaviour of an electron swarm in mixed oscillatory and undirectional electric fields. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Walker-Smith, David J. (1984) Studies on the peptide transport system in the scutellum of germinating barley. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Warburton, Johnny (1981) A comparison of variations in forest imposition in the north Pennines between the sub-boreal and Atlantic periods. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Waterhouse, Rosemary Noelle (1985) The control of expression of storage protein genes in pisum sativum L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Waughman, George John (1977) Investigations into chemical aspects of peatland ecology with special reference to nitrogen fixation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wehr, John D. (1983) Accumulation of heavy metals by aquatic bryophytes in streams and rivers in northern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wellings, Paul W. (1976) Some aspects of fielding ecology and phosphorus bedgeting in the mussel, mytilus edulis (l.). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wheeler, Bryan D. (1975) Phytosociological studies on rich fen systems in England and Wales. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

White, Gretel (1984) Studies on the reproductive development of Vicia Faba L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wickson, Alyson (1974) Geochemical studies of contrasing mire types using three phytometers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, J. I. B. (1971) Thin films of Cds and the CdS-Cu(_2)S hetherojunction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wong, Ming-Hung (1969) Some edaphic factors related to the distribution of flora (including soil fungi) along the bank of the hiver wear at Shincliffe, county Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Woodell, Stanley Reginld John (1958) Embryological studies on seed incompatibility in primula. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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