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Durham e-Theses
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Number of theses: 160.


Abbara, Tariq Mustafa (1991) Testing English as a foreign language: a case study of classroom tests in Qatar. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ahmed, Abdullah Mosed (1991) The synthesis of new main-chain liquid crystalline polymers as materials for non-linear optics. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Aitken, James K. (1991) Choral odes of Euripides: interpretative problems and mythical paradigms. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Al-Mehaimeed, Ali M. (1991) The Gulf Co-operation Council, law and institutions: implications for the member states. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Al-Rakeiba, Abdullah S. (1991) Movement and transport of pilgrims in the Hajj Region, Saudi Arabia : a geographical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Aladieh, Salamah Salih Sylayman (1991) Meccan trade prior to the rise of Islam. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allen, Peter James (1991) Small angle neutron scattering from superconductors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allison, Jane Elizabeth (1991) A study of the Priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Alnajjar, Ahmed Abdulaziz (1991) The perceived needs and coping responses of adolescents in the United Arab Emirates. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Anderson, Graham (1991) Sharjah, U.A.E.: the urban conservative dilemma. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Armitge, Neil (1991) Novel screening methods for plant micropropagation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Bai, Haiping (1991) Solid-state NMR Studies of Organotin compounds and of titania pigments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bailey, Nicholas James (1991) On the synthesis and processing of high quality audio signals by parallel computers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Banday, Anthony John (1991) Fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bannister, Charlotte (1991) Teaching beekeeping in Nepal: a field test of the FAO's development communications process model. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Barbosa, Telma Regina da Costa Guimaraes (1991) Small firms competitive strategy : an exploratory study of a sample of Brazilian companies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bell, Sandra (1991) Buddhism in Britain - development and adaptation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Billing, Ian Michael (1991) British carboniferous bryozoan biogeography. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Binnington, P G. (1991) The measurement of rotary shaft seal film thickness. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Boulos, Wahib Helmy Kozman (1991) St Athanasius of Alexandria's doctrine of grace. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brazler, Karen Tracy Susan (1991) TeV astronomy of millisecond pulsars. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brett, Peter (1991) The liberal middle classes and politics in three provincial towns : Newcastle, Bristol and York - c.1812-1841. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Briggs, Jeffery (1991) A profile of the juvenile joyrider and a consideration of the efficacy of motor vehicle projects as a diversionary strategy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brooks, Malcolm (1991) A study of the diffusion & adoption of the concept of smoke control in the U.K. and U.S.A. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brotherton, Stanley Bevan (1991) Self-consciousness and the image of self in the poetry of Stephen Spender, 1928 to 1934. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Kevin (1991) Biology of Prosopis cineraria (Leguminosae) in the Sultanate of Oman. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Busit, Obaid Saqer (1991) The system of arbitration in the U.A.E. : problems and prospects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Callaghan, Gillian (1991) Young adults - views of deindustrialization and its consequences. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Carraminana, Alberto (1991) Very high energy gamma ray astronomy and non pulsating low mass x-ray binaries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chapman, Janet Elizabeth (1991) Aspects of the response of the churches to the 1984-5 industrial dispute in the British coal industry. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chen, Jian-Rong (1991) Theory and applications of artificial neural networks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chow, John Kin-Man (1991) Patronage and power: studies on social networks in Corinth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Christofis, Rev. Fr. Gus George (1991) The church's identity established through images according to St. John Chrysostom. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chung, Hilary (1991) The portrayal of women in Mao Dun's early fiction 1927-1932. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clarke, Peter Andrew (1991) Studies into the separation of the component metals of chrome residue. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clarke, Peter G (1991) NMR studies of thermally-treated Zeolite Y. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Clauben, Carsten (1991) The structure of the Pauline Churches: charisma and office. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cockerton, Simon (1991) High resolution double crystal X-ray diffractometry and topography of III-V semiconductor compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Collins, Pauline (1991) Information technology in practice a study conducted in the business education sectors of Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cottam, Sally Elizabeth (1991) A study of the work of Dr. Felix Oswald on the Oswald-plicque collection of samian pottery, now at Durham University. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cumbers, Andrew David (1991) The restructuring of an employment system: the experience of north sea oil in the north east of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curran, Thomas Heinrich (1991) Doctrine and speculation in Schleiermacher's Glaubenslehre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Curtis, Duncan Charles (1991) A non-perturbative study of fermion propagators and their interactions in gauge theories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Danahar, Gary William (1991) An investigation into the distribution of woodland invertebrates with particular reference to carabid beetles, at high beach, Epping Forest. Masters thesis, Durham University.

David, Jacqueline (1991) A spiritual pilgrimage: a biographical study of R.J. Campbell. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davis, Sylvia (1991) Education, industry and the community; Jarrow secondary school, 1911 - 1944. Masters thesis, Durham University.

De Trana, Mary Ann (1991) Letters of Pope Paul VI and pope John Paul II concerning the veneration of the virgin Mary: a study in ecumenical development. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Edgeworth, Matt (1991) The act of discovery : an ethnography of the subject-object relation in archaeological practice. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Eira Wyn (1991) Molecular biology of the Oleosin gene family of Brassica napus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

El-Magboul, Abbas Mustafa (1991) An edition and analysis of Kitab Qira'at Abi 'Amr by Al-Nakzawi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Elsegood, Simon Edward (1991) Some kinetic mechanistic and synthetic studies of the reactions of cyanide ions with aromatic nitro-compounds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Erickson, Ian Mark (1991) Lyotard and the postmodernity debate. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Evans, Katherine Mary (1991) The effects of foreign genes in transgenic Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Farouk, Abdelhalim E. El (1991) Internal migration in the Sudan some demographic and socio-economic aspects. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Farwaneh, Sahab Sadi (1991) Infrared study of hydrogen bonding of methanol in the liquid phase. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ferris, Rachel (1991) A study of stomatal patterns in Plantago lanceolata L. Acer pseudoplatanus L. Sesleria caerulea L. in relation to environmental parameters. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Findlay, Anita (1991) Solid state NMR of acid anhydride/hydroxyl crosslinking systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Findlay, Michael John (1991) Cross-hole seismic reflection surveying in coal measures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Foote, Tamarah Kay (1991) A discussion of the doctrines of god, the trinity, and the incarnation and the relation of man to each in the De Principiis and the Contra Celsum of Origen. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fordham-Skelton, Anthony P. (1991) Gene sequences encoding ribosome-inactivating proteins from soapwort (Saponaria officinalis L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fox, Jeremy Robin (1991) The shattered skull: a study of john Cowper Powys' fiction. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fox, Mark Alexander (1991) Icosahedral carborane derivatives. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Garrett, Christine (1991) Functional mapping of pea legumin upstream regulatory elements using TI plasmid vectors. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Georgantopoulos, Ioannis (1991) AGN evolution, clustering and the X-ray background. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gibbs, Margaret Joan (1991) Genetic engineering of the forage legume lotus corniculatus using Agrobacterium: mediated transformation systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gillen, Kathryn (1991) The comprehension of doubly quantified sentences. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gordon-Taylor, Benjamin Nicholas (1991) The hagiography of St Alban and St Amphibalus in the twelfth century. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gower, Paul Antony (1991) Islamic banking within the financial development of Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Graham, Alan (1991) Carbanion and enol intermediates in c-nitrosation and halogenation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Grainger, Andrew McAngus (1991) Synthesis and characterisation of new amphiphilic molecules for non-linear optics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Greasley, Philip (1991) Patriarchy, capitalism and married women’s work: constraints, opportunities and attitudes. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Griffiths, David Wyn (1991) Anglo-Saxon England and the Irish Sea region AD 800-1100 : an archaeological study of the Lower Dee and Mersey as a border area. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Hall, David Oakley (1991) Calculations of the electronic structure and optical properties of strained II-VI superlattices. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hargrave, James Flanders (1991) Competition and collusion in the British railway track fittings industry : the case of the Anderston Foundry, 1800-1960. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Harvey, Philip Kenneth (1991) The role and value of A-level geography fieldwork: a case study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Haskell, Michael Alexander (1991) The Scottish campaign of Edward I, 1303-4. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hill, Marianne C.M. (1991) The polarisation of the cone(IRN) Nebula in NGC 2264. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hodge, Simon (1991) An investigation into the species distribution of woodlice (Isopoda, Oniscidea) and millipedes (Diplopoda) within a disused Magnesian limestone quarry. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hodgkison, Sue (1991) The influence of myth on the fifth-century audience’s understanding and appreciation of the tragedies of Aeschylus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hodgson, Keely (1991) Not available. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Howe, David S. (1991) Biochemical basis of insect resistance in winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolbus): characterisation of insecticidal proteins and their encoding genes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


IordanisPsimmenos, (1991) Employee participation in a new social context : the case of the Greek Energy Corporation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Jansma, Henry Peter (1991) The prophetic office in John Calvin’s theology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jefferies, Phillip (1991) A. C. Headlam: his place in the tradition and development of the church. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jethwa, Jagdish Keshav (1991) The effect of moisture conditioning on the mechanical and physical properties of long glass fibre reinforced nylon 66 materials. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Johnson, Owen Charles (1991) Ted Hughes : speaking for the earth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jolly, Ummanga (1991) The first year nurse tutor a qualitative study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Junior, Carlos Bloch (1991) Studies on a-amylase inhibitors from seeds of sorghum bicolor. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Kalita, N. (1991) The pockels' effect in langmuir-blodgett films. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kanitz, Lori Ann (1991) The translation of identity in the satanic verses: a love song to our mongrel selves. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Karunaratne, Nanayakkara Liyanage Amaradasa (1991) Perception of, and adjustment to, drought hazard by farmers in southern SRI Lanka. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kenyon, George Edward (1991) The implication for pupils with special educational needs of the introduction of the technical and vocational educational initiative in comprehensive schools. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kornarakis, Constantine J. (1991) The monastic life according to saint Nilus. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Leonard, Damian Patrick Mapletoft (1991) An investigation of the performance of and the flow of solids and air in a vertical shaft impactor. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lewis, Ian J. (1991) Some new techniques in automated multiple-object fibre spectroscopy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lilley, Catherine Jane (1991) Heterologous expression from Agrobacterium virulence promoters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lippitt, John (1991) Philosophical perspectives on humour and laughter. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Long, Antony (1991) Holocene sea-level changes in the East Kent Fens. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Love, Gordon D. (1991) The use of liquid crystal adaptive optics devices in astronomy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MacDonald, Robin John (1991) Thermodynamics of polymer mixtures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mansolas, Ioannis (1991) Geochemistry and economic significance of the pindos ophiolite mantle sequence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Marchant, David John (1991) Roman weaponry in the province of Britain from the second century to the fifth century AD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Marsh, Richard St. John Jeremy (1991) Liturgy, imagination and poetic language : a study of David Jones's The Anathemata. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

May YungFan, (1991) A study of the company kept by a selection of English delexical verbs and the implications for the teaching of English in Hong Kong. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mayala, Nsebang-Kimanese (1991) L2 learners' knowledge of verb form-function relationships at different stages in the acquisition of English as a second language : a study of college learners' interlanguage in Zaire. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

McGlynn, Adrian Stewart (1991) It looks like a lamplit vicious fairy land behind me: Robert Louis Stevenson and Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Mohamed Ali, Sithy Kadija (1991) Industrial water pollution in a surface water system in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Moore, Ben (1991) Groups, clusters and superclusters of galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Morgan, Richard (1991) Component library retrieval using property models. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mouzakis, Demetrios I. (1991) Law and grace in St John Chrysostom's commentary on St Paul's epistle to the Galatians. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Muhammad, Ni'ma Karrar (1991) The influence of the application of Shariy'a on crime and public security. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Muller, Anton Michael (1991) The sole of Religious education in the integrated humanities curriculum. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Murphy, Paul (1991) Bounds on axion parameters from supernova emission. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Murray, J.R. (1991) Samuel Johnson: authority for an age. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Nahavandi, Saeid (1991) A control methodology for automated manufacturing. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Nanos, Archimandrite Vasilios (Christophoros) (1991) Basic aspects of St John Chrysostom's doctrine of justification according to his commentary on St Paul’s letter to the Romans. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Napis, Suhaimi (1991) Molecular genetic studies on Brassica napus L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Parker, D. (1991) Some approaches to the synthesis of dendritic polyamides. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Parker, Simon C (1991) An intergenerational theory of the consumption function. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Parry, Fiona Margaret (1991) Examination of the role of movement in brain-injured patients’ processing of facial information. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Perry, John (1991) The extent and an analysis of shallow failures on the slopes of highway earthworks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Potts, Stephen (1991) Activity, ranging, and habitat use by rodents in county Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pratt, Eric (1991) Inquiries into the status of truth-claims in religious discourse: some interpretations of the philosophical system of Donald Davidson. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Proctor, Kathleen Anne (1991) Co-operative teaching practice supervision : an analysis of how teachers, students teachers and supervising tutors may work together effectively. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Qi, Yu (1991) The evolution of education in modern China with special reference to higher education. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Rennison, Lucinda (1991) Rolf Bochhuth's interpretation of history, and its effect on the content, form and reception of his dramatic work. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Richmond, Albert Edward Robson (1991) The integration of tertiary education within the framework of further education with special reference to the problems envisaged in the design and implementation of staff development programmes. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rossall, Judith Ann (1991) God's activity and the believer's experience in the theology of John Calvin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Salamanca, Alfonso Aragón (1991) Optical and infrared studies of distant galaxies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sandford, Graham (1991) Some amine hydrofluorides and amines in organofluorine chemistry. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Scott, Derek (1991) Visual search and VDUS. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Semple, Dominic Peter (1991) Imaging polarimetry of cometary nebulae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Senior, Peter (1991) The aerodynamics of curved jets and breakaway in Coanda flares. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shariatmadari, Ali Akbar (1991) Development of phenolic concrete mixes and structural behaviour of phenolic concrete components. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shehadeh, Ali A. (1991) Comprehension and performance in second language acquisition : a study of second language learners' production of modified comprehensible output. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Simon, Amaury (1991) Requirements for a software maintenance support environment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Smalley, Rebecca Emily (1991) The role of memory in the poetry of Douglas Dunn and Tony Harrison with specific reference to elegy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Snape, Edward John (1991) Reversing the decline? Trade union strategies in Britain during the 1980s. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sousa, Marcelo Valle De (1991) Chemical and biological characterization of the cytolytic protein enterolobin from seeds of enterolobium contortisiliqumm. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Steptoe, Simon Vinson (1991) Not available. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Strachan, Ian Alexander Becket (1991) The twistor description of integrable systems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Stubley, Peter (1991) Serious religion and the improvement of public manners : the scope and limitations of Evangelicalism in Hull 1770-1914. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Tealakh, Gali Oda (1991) The Russian advance in Central Asia and the British response 1834 - 1884. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tenant-Flowers, Sarah Jane (1991) A study of style and techniques in the music of Elisabeth Lutyens. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Thompson, Jennifer Louise (1991) The significance of early hominid cranial variability. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Thompson, Sarah M. (1991) The magnetic properties of plastically deformed steels. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Trigg, Jonathan D. (1991) Baptism in the theology of Martin Luther simper ES in Motu Et Initio. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Turner, Christopher J. (1991) The evolution of the general certificate of secondary education to 1986. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Uqba, Khaled Ali (1991) The water resources of the united Arab emirates: a comprehensive empirical appraisal of their status and management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Van Dyke, Patricia Lyons (1991) Bishop Hensley Henson and the post-war social problem1918-1926. Masters thesis, Durham University.


Ward, Robin Marshall (1991) The potential for tidal power generation at western European coastal wetlands: identification of sites and their biological importance. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wassell, Belinda Ann (1991) Ancient Egyptian fauna : a lexicographical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Watkin, John (1991) The influence of wind on the distribution, feeding and time away from the nest of greater flamingos of the Camargue, S. France. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wetherall, David Michael (1991) The British archaeological association: its foundation and split. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wilcox, Peter Jonathan (1991) God, the word of god, and scripture: the mediation of the knowledge of god in Calvin's theology. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Winter, Nicholas John (1991) Homogeneous rhodium catalysed hydrocarbonylation reactions of alkenes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wood, Helen Frances (1991) Variations in access to domestic water supply in EN Nahud district, Sudan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Woolley, A.G. (1991) The estate of the Bishop of Durham in Durham city in the fifteenth century. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Woolley, Martin Fraser (1991) The synthesis and polymerisation of some conjugatively extended p-Xylylenes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Ӧnal, Nevin (1991) European monetary union: Turkey’s prospects for joining. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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