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Durham e-Theses
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Number of theses at this level: 366.


Admin, DRO (2018) The Hero, The Monster, The Wife: Geographies of Remaking and Reclaiming the Contemporary Military Hero. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AHMED, IQBAL (2024) Understanding children’s rights: Perspectives from street children in Dhaka. Masters thesis, Durham University.

AIKEN, GERALD (2014) The Production, Practice and Potential of ‘Community’ in Edinburgh’s Transition Town Network. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AJEBON, MILDRED,OIZA (2019) Geographical perspectives on the social determinants of inequalities in under-five mortality in Nigeria: towards an integrated approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AKAY, SEMRA (2017) Rethinking the multiple dynamics of the Gezi Park protests. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AL-ALI, ABDULRAHMAN,MUBARAK,H (2015) The Effect of Land Cover on the Air and Surface Urban Heat Island of a Desert Oasis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

AL-ALI, MOHAMED,SAIF,MOHAMED,QASIM (2011) Assessment of high resolution SAR imagery for mapping floodplain water bodies: a comparison between Radarsat-2 and TerraSAR-X. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALDERTON, SIMON,MARK (2012) Heavy Metal Contamination
Along the Coast of North-East
Masters thesis, Durham University.

ALEXANDER, CATHERINE,LOUISE (2009) Assembling fear, practicing hope: geographies of gender and generation in Newcastle upon Tyne. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALHAMMADI, FAHAD,ABDULWAHED,HUSSAIN (2018) The Identity and Cultural Dimensions of the Iconic Pedestrian Territory Using Comparative Territorialism
Comparison Between Broadway at Times Square, NYC (USA), Las Ramblas De Barcelona (Spain) and İstiklal Caddesi, Istanbul (Turkey).
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Alqaisiya, Walaa A.M. (2018) The Politics and Aesthetics of Decolonial Queering in Palestine. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ALVES-DOS-SANTOS, MARIANA,FIGUEIRAS (2018) In Portfolio: Market attachments, money and capital in private wealth management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Andrews, Jonathan Boyce (2008) Use of carbon isotope and C/N geochemistry in reconstructing vegetation communities: a mid- to late- Holocene palaeoenvironmental investigation from Romney Marsh, Kent, UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.

ANSARI, MOHAMMAD,NAYEEM,AZIZ (2013) Hunger, Place and Seasonality:
Understanding Monga Vulnerability in Northwest Bangladesh.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ARMSTRONG, ANDREA,ELIZABETH (2010) Creating sustainable communities in 'NewcastleGateshead'. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ARTHUR, JENNIFER (2022) Satellite remote sensing of supraglacial lakes in East Antarctica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ASTORGA-DE-ITA, DIEGO (2020) ‘Through forests of old / mahogany and cedar’: Geographies of the music of Sotavento. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Azeez, Makki Muhammad (1968) Geographical aspects of rural migration from Amara province, Iraq, 1955-1964. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


BAINBRIDGE, WILLIAM (2014) Heritage in the Clouds: Englishness in the Dolomites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BALMFORD, DAVID,SAMUEL (2011) Spatial and temporal water quality in the River Esk in relation to freshwater pearl mussels. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BARLOW, NATASHA,LOUISE,MARY (2010) Glacial isostatic adjustment and relative sea level change over the last earthquake cycle in upper Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BASYAL, GOPI,KRISHNA (2021) Living with landslides: Integrating knowledge for landslide risk reduction in rural Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BAUGH, CALUM,ALEXANDER (2011) The Impact of Climate Change upon the Snowmelt Hydrology of an Upland UK Catchment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BAYNES, EDWIN,RICHARD,CREWS (2012) Peat bog restoration: Implications of erosion and sediment transfer at Flow Moss, North Pennines. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BEALE, NATALIE,HAZEL (2009) Young People's Health Beliefs and Behaviours: Power, Performance and Spatialities. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BEER, SIMON,HANLON (2016) The Trajectories of Industrial Change: Disrupting, Managing and Assembling Futures in Teesside. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BELETE, ROMAN,YISENI (2014) The Contest of Representation: Photographic Images of Ethiopian Women in National Print Media, Development Aid Organisations and Galleries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BELL, HEATHER,JANE,AMANDA (2018) Repeat LiDAR measurements of a lake-terminating glacier ice cliff. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BENJAMIN, JESSICA (2014) Dynamic analysis of long run-out rock avalanches: A view from the Vaigat Strait, West Greenland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BENJAMIN, JESSICA (2018) Regional-scale controls on rockfall occurrence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BENNETT, GEORGINA,LUCY (2010) Assessing glacier retreat and landform production at the ‘debris-charged’ snout of Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BEST, LOUISE,ALICE (2013) Lake Diatoms as a Proxy for Holocene Environmental Change, West Greenland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BEZZINA, LARA (2017) DISABLED VOICES IN DEVELOPMENT? The Implications of Listening to Disabled People in Burkina Faso. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BHAGAT, AYUSHMAN (2020) Departure Avenues: The Politics of (Anti-) Trafficking and Emigration Control in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BHANDARI, RAMJEE (2018) Mind the Gap: Geographical Inequalities in Health during the Age of Austerity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BICKERDIKE, HANNAH,LOUISE (2017) The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BIDDULPH, MATILDA,FRANCESCA (2013) In-stream and hyporheic water quality of the River Esk, North Yorkshire: implications for Freshwater Pearl Mussel habitats. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BIN-ISMAIL, MOHD,MUZZAMMIL (2022) Community Response to Flood Disaster:
A Case Study of Flooding in Penang,
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BLACK, MARTIN (2013) An investigation into reach scale estimates of sub-pixel fluvial grain size from hyperspatial imagery. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BLAKE, CHRISTOPHER,WILLIAM (2024) The Holocene Ecology of Pinus sylvestris in Mountain Treelines
of the Northern Cairngorms: A Synthesis of Contemporary
Ecological Theory and Holocene Research.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

BLISS, THOMAS,CHARLIE,JAMES (2021) Soil Moisture Estimation for landslide monitoring: A new approach using multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture RADAR data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BOOTHROYD, RICHARD,JAMES (2017) Flow-vegetation interactions at the plant-scale: the importance of volumetric canopy morphology on flow field dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bowes, Peter (1979) Settlement and economy in the forest and park of Weardale, Co. Durham, 1100-1800: a study in historical geography. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BRADER, MARTIN,DAVID (2012) Lateglacial to Holocene relative sea-level changes in the Stykkishólmur area, Snæfellsnes peninsula, Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BRADER, MARTIN,DAVID (2015) Postglacial relative sea-level changes and the deglaciation of northwest Iceland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRAILSFORD, POPPY-ANN (2022) Light, traces and identity: The embodied experiences of urban
explorers within abandoned spaces.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

BRAMLEY, EMMA,CATHERINE (2023) A Lithostratigraphic and Microfossil Investigation into Late Holocene Coseismic Land Level Change and Tsunami Inundation on Nagai Island, Shumagin Islands, Alaska. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BREKKE, CLARA,JAYA,ELEONORA (2019) Disassembling the Trust Machine, three cuts on the political matter of blockchain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRODIE, CHRISTOPHER,RICHARD (2011) A comparative study on the effect of acid preparation methodologies on bulk organic materials, and a long-core geochemical palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from South China. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BROWN, VICTORIA,HELEN (2012) Ice stream dynamics and pro-glacial lake evolution along the north-western margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BROWN, VICTORIA,HELEN (2009) Reconstructing Loch Lomond Stadial Glaciers and Climate in the south-west English Lake District. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BRUUN, JOHANNE,MARGRETHE (2018) Grounding Territory: Geoscience and the Territorial Ordering of Greenland During the Early Cold War. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRYANT, GILLIAN,MARGARET (2015) The health legacy of the European coal mining regions: The role of socio-economic context and individual life course histories of the over 50’s in influencing regional health differences. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BUCKLEY, CHRISTOPHER,PATRICK (2010) Inverse modelling of diffuse pollution sources in the River Eden catchment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BUCKLEY, SIMON (2011) Assessing the contribution of precipitation to urban flood inundation using a hydraulic modelling approach. Masters thesis, Durham University.

BUSTAMANTE-FERNANDEZ, JESUS,EMMANUEL (2022) Late Holocene coastal evolution and palaeoseismology in the southern region of the Jalisco subduction zone, México. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BUTTON, CATHERINE,MYRENA (2014) Domesticating Infrastructure: Mumbai’s middle class housing and rainwater harvesting. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BYERS, EDWARD,ERIC (2011) The use of catchment-scale riparian intervention measures in downstream flood hazard mitigation. Masters thesis, Durham University.


CAIRNS, JOANNE-MARIE (2013) Defying the odds?
Identifying and understanding the relationship between health and resilience.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CAREY, JONATHAN,MARTIN (2011) The Progressive Development and Post-failure Behaviour of Deep-seated Landslide Complexes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CARR, JOANNE,RACHELS (2014) Ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the Arctic Seas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CARTER, CHARLOTTE,MAY (2022) Subglacial topography and landscape evolution from radio-echo sounding data in the Evans-Rutford Region, southern Antarctic Peninsula. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHANDLER, BENJAMIN,MARC,PETER (2015) Application of “annual” moraines to assess recent patterns and rates of ice-marginal retreat at Skálafellsjökull, SE Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHEN, HUNG-YING (2018) Urban Air Rights as Market Devices: Exploring Financialization in Taipei Metropolitan Area. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CHEN, JIAO (2023) Characteristics of Supraglacial Channels and Drainage Networks on Antarctic Ice Shelves. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CHEN, PIN-CHU (2019) The Exploration of Urban Daily Life: Practising the Cultural Life Circuit in Urban Taiwan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

famine, photojournalism and the Changing Visual Economy.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CLAYTON, ALEXANDER,IAN (2012) Remote sensing of subglacial bedforms from the British Ice Sheet using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS): Problems and Potential. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CLAYTON, Harry, Alexander-Bartlett (2022) Long-term observations of terminus position change, structural glaciology and velocity at Ninnis Glacier, George V Land, East Antarctica (1963-2021). Masters thesis, Durham University.

COCKSHUT, TAHIRIH,LADAN (2012) The Way We Play: Exploring the specifics of formation, action and competition in digital gameplay among World of Warcraft raiders. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CODLING, PETER (2017) “Late Quaternary ice sheet dynamics and palaeoceanography in the Baffin Bay region”. Masters thesis, Durham University.

COLLINGWOOD, CLARE (2014) Livelihoods, Landmines and Cluster Bombs:
Assessing the impact of contamination and clearance on the livelihoods of conflict affected communities in South Lebanon.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


national-scale flood management in Bangladesh.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COOPER, CLAIR,LOUISE (2022) Can nature-based solutions improve quality of life? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

COYLE, LINDSAY-ANN (2016) ‘Not fitting in’: negotiating multiple illnesses and/ or disabilities. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CRAVEN-NIEMCZYK, LAUREN,FRANCES (2015) Tropical Pacific signals of suborbital-scale climate variability during the mid-Pleistocene climate transition. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CRAY, ALISTAIR,IAN (2010) The Dynamics of Coarse Sediment Transfer in an Upland Bedrock River. Masters thesis, Durham University.

CRUZ-SANTIAGO, ARELY (2017) Forensic Citizens: The Politics of Searching for Disappeared Persons in Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

CULLEN, BENJAMIN,JOHN (2013) Decompacting a Late Holocene sea-level record from Loch Laxford, northwest Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.


DARVILL, CHRISTOPHER (2015) The nature and timing of Late Quaternary glaciation in southernmost South America. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DAVID, RUUSA-MAGANO (2022) An assessment of tropical dryland forest ecosystem biomass and climate change impacts in the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region of Southern Africa. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DAVISON, SOPHIE,TANITH (2017) Analysis of the effect of leaf-on and leaf-off forest canopy conditions on LiDAR derived estimations of forest structural diversity. Masters thesis, Durham University.

DE-VILDER, SASKIA,JOAN (2018) Controls on the evolution of strength and failure style in shallow rock slope failures. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DESSINGTON, ROBERT,STEPHEN (2020) ‘Breaking New Ground’; An investigation into coseismic ground cracking following the 2016 Mw 7.8 earthquake near Kaikoura, New Zealand. Masters thesis, Durham University.

DICKENS, WILLIAM,ANDREW (2013) Late Quaternary palaeoceanographic evolution in the Skagerrak, north eastern North Sea. Masters thesis, Durham University.

DINGLE, ELIZABETH (2012) The effects of differential uplift and sediment supply on major Himalayan river systems at the mountain front. Masters thesis, Durham University.


DONALDSON, JOHN,WADE (2010) Marking Territory: demarcation of the DRC-Zambia boundary from 1894 to the present day. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DOODY, BRENDAN,JAMES (2015) The low carbon commute: Rethinking the habits that connect home and work in Auckland and London through John Dewey’s pragmatism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DOPPELHOFER, CHRISTOPH (2022) Travels from Winterfell to King’s Landing: The imaginary geographies of Game of Thrones and the creation of new transnational heritage landscapes through pop-culture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DOWSON, TIMOTHY (2017) Reconstruction of relative sea-level changes during the last millennium in northern West Greenland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

DUNSTONE, ROSS,BENJAMIN (2014) Testing the groove-ploughing theory for mega-scale glacial lineaton (MSGL) formation, using a large dataset of their morphology. Masters thesis, Durham University.

DURR, MIKLOS,JANOS (2023) Urbanising the Security-Development Nexus: A Revisited Perspective on Segregation Governance in Miskolc, Hungary. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DUTTA, MADHUMITA (2016) Gendering Labour Geography: Mapping women’s world of labour through everyday geographies of work-life at a Special Economic Zone in Tamil Nadu, India. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


FAIRFIELD, GEORGINA (2011) Assessing the dynamic influences of slope angle and sediment composition on debris flow behaviour: An experimental approach. Masters thesis, Durham University.

FAN, XIANGWEN (2019) The spatially-differentiated total nitrogen budget for Great Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FANG, CHENG (2024) Understanding Chinese Companies’ Overseas Stock Market Listings: Global Financial Networks and Multi-scalar States. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FERDOUS, RAIHANA (2019) Towards a Spatial Understanding of Solar Energy Transition: The making of a solar energy market in Bangladesh and the experiences of on-grid and off-grid households. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FERLONI, GRETA (2024) Cryomobilities: Vessel mobilities amidst the ice-prone waters of the Bering Strait. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FEWINGS, ROSEMARY,ANN (2014) Assessing the Impact of Peat Bog Restoration in Mitigating Carbon Loss by Upland Erosion. Masters thesis, Durham University.

FIASCONARO, MILO (2010) The localist turn in EU Regional Policy viewed from a Tuscan Perspective. Masters thesis, Durham University.

FINN, MATT (2015) Education, Data and Futurity: a data-based school in the North East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FIRNIGL, DANIELLE,ELIZABETH (2009) Tripping the light fantastic: exploring the imaginative geographies of Lord of the Rings ‘film tourism’ in New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FITZMAURICE, MATILDA,JEAN,TERESA (2022) 'Climate justice' as adaptation of the human. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FLEETWOOD, TAMLYNN (2012) Post-apartheid Education and Building ‘Unity in Diversity’: Voices of South African youth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FORMAN, PETER,JAMES (2017) Securing Natural Gas: Entity-Attentive Security Research. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

FRANCIS, JOSIE (2024) Quantifying the breeding distribution and habitat use of the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea), the world’s most southerly breeding vertebrate. Masters thesis, Durham University.


FROUDE, MELANIE,JANE (2011) Capturing and characterising pre-failure strain on failing slopes. Masters thesis, Durham University.


GAFFNEY, LIAM,ROBERT (2011) Risks to Global Primate Diversity from Climate Change and Other Pressures. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Galiatsatos, Nikolaos (2004) Assessment of the CORONA series of satellite imagery for landscape archaeology: a case study from the Orontes valley, Syria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GARBUTT, KURTIS,JAMES (2010) Media, Representation, Persistence and Relief: the Role of the Internet in Understanding the Physical and Social Dynamics of Catastrophic Natural Hazards. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GARRETT, EDMUND (2013) Biostratigraphic constraints on megathrust earthquake deformation history in south central Chile. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GARRETT, EDMUND (2010) The contemporary distribution of benthic foraminifera in the Pearl River estuary, southeast China, and their use in reconstructing mid‐ to late‐Holocene fluvial flux. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GARSIDE, GRACE,ELLEN (2016) Multiple Masculinities: an exploration of urban Mapuche youth identities in Chile. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GARSIDE, GRACE,ELLEN (2021) Towards a Decolonial, Intersectional, Intercultural Education for Indigenous Girls: Lessons from Wall Mapu (Chile). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GARTHWAITE, KAYLEIGH,ANN (2013) Incapacitated? Exploring the health and illness narratives of Incapacity Benefit recipients. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GLOVER, JAMES,MICHAEL,HARVEY (2015) Rock-shape and its role in rockfall dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GONZALEZ-SORIA, JAVIER (2012) Environmental Dynamics in Animal Waste Reclamation in the Scaling up of Livestock in Thailand. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GORDON, RACHEL,JOANNE (2012) Ordering Networks: Motorways and the Work of Managing Disruption. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GREENWOOD, MATTHEW (2010) International aid and the geopolitical imagination after the Cold War: A case study of development aims and aid policies for post-Soviet Russia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

GREER-MURPHY, AMY,ALEXANDRA (2018) Invisible Inequalities of Austerity: Everyday Life, Mothers and Health in Stockton-on-Tees. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GRIMOLDI, ELENA (2018) Devensian Ice-Sheet history of the western North Sea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GRUENEISL, KATHARINA,TANJA,SUSANNE (2021) The Fripe as Urban Economy: Market- and Space-Making in Tunis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

GUILD, AILSA (2023) Structural Glaciological Evolution of Rapidly Receding Temperate Piedmont Glaciers: Implications for Debris Entrainment and Landform Development at Svínafellsjökull, Southeast Iceland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


HAJI-MOHAMAD, SITI,MAZIDAH,BINTI (2014) Rooted Muslim Cosmopolitanism: An Ethnographic Study of Malay Malaysian Students’ Cultivation and Performance of Cosmopolitanism on Facebook and Offline. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HAMILTON, CHRISTINE,ANNE (2015) Late Glacial to Holocene relative sea-level change in Assynt, north west Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Harding, Millicent (2024) Predicting Alder shrub expansion in Sub-Arctic Alaska using machine learning, satellite data, and environmental variables. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HARPUR, CONSTANCE,MARY (2023) The recent dynamics of Moscow University Glacier and Moscow University Ice Shelf, East Antarctica (1963 – 2022). Masters thesis, Durham University.

HARVEY, ERIN,LOUISE (2019) Landslides and organic carbon erosion: Reassessing the role of landslides as transient carbon stores in the western Southern Alps, New Zealand. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HAY, ROWENA,FRIEDERIKE,CASTEL (2015) A half way house? An exploration of the impact of shared ownership’s dual status as a form of social rented and private ownership on households and front line staff in Cumbria and London. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HESLOP, JULIA,HELEN (2017) “Give Me Your Hand and I’ll Teach You How To Build”:
Travelling Practices of Participation in Housing, from Albania to the UK.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


HILL, CATHERINE,JANE (2011) The role of floodplains on the propagation of land management signals in the Vale of York. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HITCHEN, ESTHER,JULIA,ULRIKE (2019) Pessimism, Paranoia, Melancholia: The affective life of austerity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HITCHEN, ESTHER,JULIA,ULRIKE (2014) The ‘Austerian Subject’ and the Multiple Performances of Austerity. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HOLMES, HANNAH,BRIONY (2020) Spaces of demarginalisation: Processes, policy and politics in addressing territorial stigma in Middlehaven, Middlesbrough. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HOLMES, JESSICA,LAUREN (2018) An Assessment of Experimental Debris-Flow Scaling Relationships. Masters thesis, Durham University.

HOPKINS, JONATHAN (2012) Knowledge of, and response to, upland flash flooding: a case study of flood risk management of the 2005 flash flood in upper Ryedale, North Yorkshire, U.K. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HORROCKS, JENNIFER,ROSE (2018) The Formation and Late Quaternary Palaeoenvironmental History of Sediment Mounds in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HUGHES, SARAH,MARGARET (2018) Rethinking Resistance: Creativity and potentiality within the UK asylum system. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HUIJSMANS, ROY,B.C. (2010) Migrating Children, Households, and the Post-Socialist State: An ethnographic study of migration and non-migration by children and youth in an ethnic Lao village. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

A Study of The Government of Pakistan’s Housing Reconstruction Programme in Azad Jammu & Kashmir after October 2005 Earthquake.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HUSSAIN, ZAHRA (2019) The Disaster Event and its Afterlives. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

HUTTON, KATY (2018) The glacial geomorphology of the Firth of Forth. Masters thesis, Durham University.


IBARRA-COFRE, IGNACIO,EDUARDO (2023) Insights into temperature controls on rockfall occurrence and cliff erosion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

INTAKANOK, HARIT (2010) The Emergence of Private Authority in the Oil Industry: the Case of Oil Concession Agreements. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


JACKSON, EMILY,LINDSAY (2012) Broadening national security and protecting crowded places -
Performing the United Kingdom’s War on Terror,
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JAMIESON, ROBIN,F,N (2012) The archipelago of intervention: governing the awkward citizen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JARDINE, ALEXANDER,PAUL (2020) Carbon Storage and Distribution in a Temperate Saltmarsh –
A case study of the Ribble Estuary, UK.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

JENKINS, GERAINT,THOMAS-HOWARD (2015) The Lateglacial history of Bassenthwaite Lake and adjacent areas, Lake District, UK; a sub-bottom profiling and geomorphological investigation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

JOHNSON, CHARLOTTE,ELIZABETH (2019) Modelling the retreat of the Uummannaq ice stream system, central west Greenland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

JOHNSON, PAUL, HENRY (2013) Alternative Visions of Change: Jigsaw Funding, Patchwork
Professionalisation and Rural NGOs in a Neoliberal Era.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JOINER, ABIGAIL,JAYNE (2021) Finding Spirit: A Non-Representational Ethnography of the Affective Geographies of Religion at Bethel Church. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JONES, VICTORIA,JANE,EUPHORIA (2023) Waiting through Furlough:
A Geography of Disorientation.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JORDAN, GEORGINA,NORA,MARY (2012) Resilience, Pathways and Circumstances: Unpicking livelihood threats and responses in the rural Philippines. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JOYCE, HANNAH,MAY (2020) A reach, catchment and multiple catchment scale assessment of the patterns and controls of historic upland river planform adjustments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

JUNG, MUYEOL (2022) Application of Diatom Analysis to Water Quality Assessment. Case Study: The Nakdong River in the Republic of Korea. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


KAMWENGO, CYNTHIA,MWANGALA (2020) Beneficiary country ownership and the politics of partnership in trilateral development cooperation: a case study of Zambia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KELHAM, CATHERINE,MARGARET (2015) Comparison of Diatom, Total Carbon, and Grain Size Proxies for Sea-Level Reconstruction. Masters thesis, Durham University.

KHALAF, ADLA,JAMIL (2010) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in the West Bank Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KHAN, ABDUL,SATTAR (2013) Urban Expansion, Land Use Land Cover Change and Human Impacts: A Case Study of Rawalpindi. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KINCEY, MARK,ELIOT (2016) Assessing the impact of historical metal mining on upland landscapes: a nested sediment budget approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KINDELL, EMMA,JENNY (2018) The Geographies of Young People’s Experiences of Participation in Dance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KUMAR, ANKIT (2015) Energy Access in an Era of Low Carbon Transitions: Politicising Energy for Development Projects in India. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

KWONG, YIM,MING (2019) Navigating with East Asian Volunteer Tourists: Moral Landscape, Community, Transformation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


LA-ORNGPLEW, WASANA (2012) Living under the Rubber Boom:
Market Integration and Agrarian Transformations in the Lao Uplands.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LANCIONE, MICHELE (2011) Homeless Subjects and the Chance of Space. A More-Than-Human Geography of Homelessness in Turin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LANDY, JACK (2011) Sub-canopy terrain modelling for archaeological prospecting in forested areas through multiple-echo discrete-pulse laser ranging: a case study from Chopwell Wood, Tyne & Wear. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LANE, TIMOTHY,PATRICK (2013) The evolution and dynamic behaviour of the Northern Uummannaq Ice Stream System, West Greenland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LANGLEY, EMILY,SUSAN (2016) Seasonal Evolution of Supraglacial Lakes on a Major East Antarctic Outlet Glacier. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LAWRENCE, THOMAS (2016) Reconstructing abrupt, high-magnitude sea-level changes from near-field coastal environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LAWS, JENNIFER (2012) ‘Working Through’: An Inquiry into Work and Madness. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LEA, EDMUND,JAMES (2023) Understanding Landscape and Ice Sheet Evolution in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica, using Ice Sheet Surface Mapping. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LEE, CHARLOTTE,ELIZABETH (2013) The Energies of Activism: Rethinking Agency in Contemporary Climate Change Activism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LEE-BROWNE, DAISY,FREDA,JOSEPHINE (2024) Enhancing projections of sea-level rise with changing seasonality for the Northwest European Shelf for 2023 to 2053. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LEIGH, JOSHUA,ROBERT (2022) Fluctuations of mountain glaciers in
northern Norway throughout the Holocene.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lestrelin, Guillaume (2009) Changing lives, changing nature(s): socio-environmental transitions in the uplands of the Lao PDR. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LEUNG, CHUN,KAI (2014) Fuelling the Dragon: A Geopolitical Economy of Natural Gas Transition in China. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Li, Jingyi (2006) Provincial government and regional development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIAO, YU-KAI (2022) Making Shrimp Economies and Hydro-Social Lives: The Hatchery, the Shrimp Farm, and the Laboratory in the Mekong Delta. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIM, KYUTEG (2017) The Rise of the US Dollar as World Money. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIMKRIENGKRAI, JITSUDA (2010) Paper, Pottery and Prosperity:
Handicrafts and Rural Development in Thailand.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIN, YUCHENG (2023) Postglacial sea-level change: novel insights from physical and statistical modelling. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIRA BAHAMONDE, MARIA,PAZ,VERONICA (2024) Understanding the controls on the extension and the timing of the Patagonian Ice Sheet during the last glacial cycle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIU, CHAOQUN (2015) Politics between Public and Private: Land Ownership Transfer in Socialist Beijing (1950s - 1970s). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LIVINGSTONE, STEPHEN,JOHN (2010) Reconstructing ice dynamics in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LOVELL, ARMINEL,MARY (2016) The drivers of inter-annual outlet glacier terminus change in Victoria Land, Oates Land and George V Land, East Antarctica (1972-2013). Masters thesis, Durham University.

LOVELL, HAROLD (2011) Ice dynamics and glacial history from remote sensing of the Seno Skyring-Seno Otway-Strait of Magellan region, southernmost Patagonia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

LUQUE-AYALA, ANDRES,EDUARDO (2014) Reconfiguring the city in the global South:
rationalities, techniques and subjectivities in the local governance of energy.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MAASSEN, ANNE-CHRISTINE,STEPHANIE (2012) Solar Cities in Europe: a material semiotic analysis of innovation in urban photovoltaics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mabeka, Ndongala (2011) Patterns of stress and strain distribution during deep mining at Boulby, N. Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MACHEN, KATHERINE,RUTH,MARGRAVE (2016) Re-working boundaries:
values and legitimation at the climate science–policy interface.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAESTRI, GAJA,DANIELA,MELISSA (2016) Persistently Temporary. Ambiguity and Political Mobilisations in Italy's Roma camps: a comparative perspective. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAHMOOD, ABU,RUSHED,JAMIL (2015) Forest Change in the Mangroves of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta 1906-2014. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAKUNGU, CHRISTINA,MICHAELY (2011) Young people in self-care: behaviours and experiences in farming households in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MARJORIBANKS, TIMOTHY,IAN (2013) High resolution modelling of flexible submerged vegetation in rivers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAROCHOV, MELANIE (2020) Image Classification of Marine-Terminating Outlet Glaciers using Deep Learning Methods. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MARTIN, DIANA (2012) The 'Where' of Sovereign Power and Exception. Palestinian Life and Refugee Camps in Lebanon. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mason, Olivia R. (2019) Walking the Line: movement, culture and politics on the Jordan Trail. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MASSAM, ASHLEIGH (2017) Modelling the age-depth and temperature profiles of deep ice cores from the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea region. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MASSEY, CHRISTOPHER,IAN (2010) The dynamics of reactivated landslides: Utiku and Taihape, North Island, New Zealand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MATTHEYS, KATE (2017) Divided Lives: A local case study exploring austerity and inequalities in mental health. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAY, TIMOTHY,EDWARD (2021) Friends of the Lake?
The Megacolector Conflict and the Revindication of Tz’unun Ya’.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAYNARD, CARLY,MARIE (2013) Public Participation in River Research and Management: Scale, Levels of Participation and the Contexts of Knowledge Co-production. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MAYNARD, CARLY,MARIE (2010) Reservoir compensation releases and the ecology of the River Derwent, Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MAZZEI, MICAELA (2013) Squaring the challenge: reconciling business and ethical goals in social enterprises. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MCCARTHY, DAVID,JOHN (2011) Late Quaternary ice-ocean interactions in central West Greenland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MCLEAN, ANTHONY,JOHN (2013) Smart Grids in the City: Splintering Urbanism in a Smart Urban Future. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MCNIVEN, ABIGAIL (2014) (Re)collections: Engaging Feminist Geography with Embodied and Relational Experiences of Pregnancy Losses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MEDBY, INGRID,AGNETE (2017) Peopling the State: Arctic State Identity in Norway, Iceland, and Canada. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MELVIN, KATHRYN,RUTH (2022) Testing the use of biomarkers to trace organic carbon in a small rural catchment in the U.K. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MERCER, SARAH,EMILY (2019) Drones and Stones - Using UAV SfM photogrammetry to investigate petroglyph degradation of Neolithic megaliths at Cromeleque dos Almendres, Portugal. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MILES, ALBERT,WILLIAM,JOHN (2017) The patterns and drivers of recent outlet glacier change in East Antarctica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MILES, BERTIE (2013) Synchronous terminus change of East Antarctic outlet glaciers linked to climatic forcing. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MITCHELL, LAURA,THERESE (2013) 'The People Want The Regime Brought Down': Popular Geopolitics and The 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MONTERO, JERONIMO (2011) Neoliberal fashion: The political economy of sweatshops in Europe and Latin America. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MORRIS, JOHN,HOGAN (2016) Becoming (Un)Stable:
Twenty Years of Financial Stability Governance at the Bank of England.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MORSE, NUALA,MARIE (2014) Museums and Community Engagement: The Politics of Practice within Museum Organisations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MURPHY, PATRICK (2012) Securing the Everyday City: The Emerging Geographies of Counter-Terrorism. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MUZAINI, HAMZAH,BIN (2009) 'Tense Pasts, Present Tensions': Postcolonial Memoryscapes and the Memorialisation of the Second World War in Perak, Malaysia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


NADIRUZZAMAN, MD. (2012) Cyclone Sidr and Its Aftermath: Everyday Life, Power and Marginality. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NAPOLEONI, FELIPE,ANDRES (2022) Characterising the ice-water-bedrock interface of Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NARAYANASWAMY, LATA (2010) Gender, Power and the Knowledge-for-Development Agenda. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NAWAWITPHISIT, SASIWIMOL (2014) Groundwater and geotechnical controls on landslide mechanisms of coastal cliffs formed in glacial till. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NELSON, ROSIE (2018) Investigating natural variability within headwater catchments in North Yorkshire, with regards to Margaritifera margaritifera conservation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

NEWTON, MIHAELA (2022) The origin of bedrock mega-grooves in glaciated terrain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NICHOLSON, HEATHER (2015) Climate, Vegetation and the Complex History of Pinus sylvestris during the Holocene, in Wester Ross, Northwest Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

NORBURY, MICHAEL,THOMAS (2015) The hydrochemistry of the hyporheic zone:
Assessing ecotone properties for juvenile freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) survival in the River Esk, NE England.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

NORMAN, EMMA,CATHERINE (2012) Microseismic monitoring of the controls on coastal rock cliff erosion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NORRIS, SOPHIE,LOUISE (2016) The identification of former terrestrial ice stream dynamics from geomorphic evidence and till architecture: A case study of southwestern Saskatchewan. Masters thesis, Durham University.

NUGRAHA, ERWIN (2024) Resilience governmentality: Rationality, apparatus, and subjectivity in building urban resilience in Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

NYE, KATHRYN,MARY (2010) Fluctuations of the West Greenland Ice Sheet, independent ice caps and mountain glaciers during the twentieth century. Masters thesis, Durham University.


O'CONNELL, GISELE,EUGENIA (2024) Rancière, Rwanda and the Re-Distribution of the
Sensible: Performances of Equality and Recognition
in Post-Genocide Space.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

O'GRADY, NATHANIEL (2014) Governing Through Risk: The Politics of Anticipation in the British Fire and Rescue Service. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

O'NEILL, BRENDAN (2020) The role of ocean forcing in early deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum:
A micropalaeontological and sedimentological study of sediment cores from the Malin Sea and Slyne Trough.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

OATES, ROSALIND,VICTORIA (2018) Voice-hearing and emotion: an empirical study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

OGRIC, MATEJA (2021) Chemical weathering of sedimentary rocks as a source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ORMEROD, EMMA (2017) The Local State of Housing: Deepening Entrepreneurial Governance and The Place of Politics and Publics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

OSBORNE, WILLIAM,ALEXANDER (2022) Listening to Rivers: Using sound to monitor rivers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

OSUMGBOROGWU, IKENNA,EMMANUEL (2021) Gully-Landslide interactions: an ecogeomorphic investigation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

OVEN, KATIE,JANE (2009) Landscape, Livelihoods and Risk: Community Vulnerability to Landslides in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


PARKER, ROBERT,NEVILLE (2010) Controls on the distribution of landslides triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan Province, China. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PARKER, ROBERT,NEVILLE (2013) Hillslope memory and spatial and temporal distributions of earthquake-induced landslides. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PATTISON, IAN (2010) Rural Land Management Impacts on Catchment Scale Flood Risk. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PAXMAN, GUY,JOHN,GRAY (2019) Reconstructing the past topography of Antarctica and its influence on ice sheet behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PEARSON, CAITLIN,ELIZABETH (2011) Spatial patterns of habitat use by white clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) on the River Wansbeck. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PEARSON, CALLUM,JAMES (2020) Catchment-scale spatial targeting of flood management measures to reduce flood hazard: An end-to-end modelling approach applied to the East Rapti catchment, Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PEARSON, CALLUM,JAMES (2016) Modelling the potential impact of spatially targeted natural flood management at the landscape scale for a rural UK catchment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PERKINS, CHARLOTTE (2011) Spatial habitat patterning of the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, in the River Rede, North East England. Masters thesis, Durham University.


PETERS, ALEX,REBECCA (2015) Patterns of Soil Instability and Sediment Delivery from the peri-urban Red House Gill catchment, County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PICKERING, JACK (2010) Alluvial river response to active tectonics in the Dehradun region, Northwest India: A case study of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PICKUP, TIMOTHY,JAMES (2013) "Fitting their profile": A geographical study of race, racism and policing in Nottingham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PICTON, HANNAH,JANE (2023) An investigation into recent outlet glacier dynamics within Vincennes Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PINK, IVO,THOMAS (2024) Predicting the impact of climatic and geomorphic changes on flood hazards in Central Himalayan Rivers. An environmental modelling framework to predict potential flood hazards in the Karnali River in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PIPIL, SHOBHIT (2022) Network Scale Sediment Transport Modelling with the Perspective of Improved Sediment Connectivity and Delivery: A case of small dam removal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PIZER, CHARLOTTE,OLIVIA (2019) Palaeotsunami Deposits On The Southern Hikurangi Margin; Contributions From Lake Grassmere, Marlborough. Masters thesis, Durham University.

POPE, EDWARD,LEONARD (2017) Frequency and triggering mechanisms of submarine mass movements and their geohazard implications. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

POPOV, BORIS,OLEGOVITCH (2015) Social Spaces of Research Communication: Investigating atmospheres in zones of trade. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PORTER, ROBERT,ANDREW,I-HSIEN (2011) An Evaluation of a Hydrological Model Used to Predict the Impact of Flow Attenuation on Downstream Flood Flows. Masters thesis, Durham University.

POWELLS, GARETH,DOUGLAS (2009) Warming Homes, Cooling the Planet: An Analysis of Socio-Techno-Economic Energy Efficiency Policy and Practice in the UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PRESCOTT, PHILIP,WILLIAM (2013) Quantifying subglacial roughness and its link to glacial geomorphology and ice speed. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PRICE, MARTIN,WILLIAM,HENRY (2020) Diasporic Urbanism: Place, Politics and Development in a Jordanian-Palestinian Neighbourhood. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PROCTER, CHRISTOPHER,MATTHEW (2012) Debris flow dynamics: A flume study of velocity and superelevation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

PURCELL, CATRIONA,SHONA (2014) Late Quaternary glaciation of the continental shelf offshore of NW Ireland. Masters thesis, Durham University.


RAHMAN, MD,SAIDUR (2022) Mapping above- and below-ground carbon stocks in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RAMKUMAR, SHEENA (2022) Whose Responsibility is it Anyway? Accountability and Standpoints for Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RANCHOD, RUSHIL,ARVIND (2012) 'A Kind of Magic' - The Political Marketing of the African National Congress. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RAYNOR, RUTH,ISABELLA (2016) Holding Things Together (And What Falls Apart...) Encountering and Dramatising Austerity with Women in the North East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RELLA, LUDOVICO (2021) Money’s Infrastructures: Blockchain Technologies and the Ecologies of the Memory Bank. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

REZWANA, NAHID (2016) Disasters and access to healthcare in the coastal region of Bangladesh: a gendered analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RICHARDSON, ELIZABETH,CELIA,IRIS (2014) Performing Bristol: towards a cultural politics of creativity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ROBINSON, OLIVIA (2024) Ambiguity and the Archive: Feminist Historical Geographies of North East (UK) Mining Communities (1926-1931). Masters thesis, Durham University.

ROBINSON, PHILIP,ALEXANDER (2014) A political ecology of bovine tuberculosis eradication in
Northern Ireland.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ROBINSON, WILFRED,IAIN,THOMAS (2010) Transience and durability in Japanese urban space. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ROLLASON, EDWARD,DAVID (2018) Re-evaluating participatory catchment management: Integrating mapping,
modelling, and participatory action to deliver more effective risk
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ROYLANDS, TOBIAS (2022) Carbon dioxide emissions from the oxidative weathering of sedimentary rocks in highly erosive settings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RUSH-COOPER, NICHOLAS (2013) Exposures: Exploring Selves and Landscapes in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

RUSZCZYK, HANNA, ALINA (2014) Local understandings of community resilience in earthquake prone Nepal. Masters thesis, Durham University.

RUSZCZYK, HANNA,ALINA (2017) The everyday and events: Understanding risk perceptions and resilience in urban Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


SADRVAGHEFI, SEYED,HOSSAIN (2017) The Production of Post-Revolutionary Tehran: A study of transformation of contemporary Tehran through a Lefebvrian perspective. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SANCHEZ-MONTES, MARIA,LUISA (2018) Climate-ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Gulf of Alaska through
the Pliocene and Pleistocene.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SANYAL, JOY (2013) Flood Prediction and Mitigation in Data-Sparse Environments. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SATARIANO, BERNADINE (2016) Places, People and Health: A socio-geographical perspective on wellbeing of mothers and their children in deprived neighbourhoods of Malta. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SCHOFIELD, VANESSA,FAYE (2019) Understanding the Legal Constitution of a Riot: An Evental Genealogy. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SCHÜRCH, PETER (2011) Debris-flow erosion and deposition dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SEDDON, LAURA,JANE (2022) Measurement, Knowledge, and Representation: A Sociological Study of Arctic Sea-Ice Science. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SEENATH, AVIDESH (2021) Modelling mesoscale evolution of managed sandy shorelines with particular reference to Caribbean small islands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SEFTON, JULIET,PERRY (2020) Evaluating mangrove proxies for quantitative relative sea-level reconstructions. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SELLICK, JAYNE,MARGARET (2014) Becoming Disabled. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHARMA, BISHNU,PRASAD (2016) Sediment Dynamics in a Bedrock Channel. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHAW, ROBERT,EDWARD (2012) Practising the Urban Night in Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Rhythms, Frames, Affects, Assemblages and Subjectivities. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHEWLY, HOSNA,JAHAN (2012) Life, the Law and the Politics of Abandonment: Everyday Geographies of the Enclaves in India and Bangladesh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHRESTHA, CHANDIKA (2024) Post-disaster Wellbeing of Women: a Case Study of the Gorkha Earthquake in Dolakha, Nepal. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SHRESTHA, RAMESH (2024) Exploring synergies and opportunities at the interface between culture, ritual and science for landslide risk reduction. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SILVER, JONATHAN,DAVID (2013) Reconfiguring electricity infrastructures in Accra and Cape Town:
Understanding the political ecologies of networked urbanism.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SINGH, ADITYA,KUMAR (2023) Of Rurban and its Waters. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SINHA, PAMMI,NITIN (2017) An alternative approach to evaluating inter-basin water transfer links: A case study of the Inter-Linking of Rivers Project in India. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SLATCHER, SAMUEL,PETER (2018) The geographies of encounter in community-based social action projects in West Yorkshire. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SMITH, KATIE,ANNE (2012) Evaluation of land management impacts on low flows in northern England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

SMITH, REBECCA (2019) Groundwater-surface water connectivity of heavily modified rivers, County Durham, UK. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SMITH, VICTORIA (2019) Analysis of the current state of water-­resource management in the UK using Social Network Analysis and Agent-­Based Modelling: a case study in the Wear Catchment, County Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STENSON, GRAHAM,STEPHEN (2016) An experimental investigation into ALS uncertainty and its impact on environmental applications. Masters thesis, Durham University.

STERN, DANIEL,ALEXIS,WOLFE (2016) The Lost War and Battles of Environmental Justice: The Emergence of Environmental Justice in England – Political Potential in a Post-Political Context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STEVENS, JULIA (2010) A sustainable journey to school: global issues, local places, children's lives. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STORRAR, ROBERT,DAVID (2014) Reconstructing subglacial meltwater dynamics from the spatial and temporal variation in the form and pattern of eskers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STREUFF, KATHARINA,TERESA (2017) Glacimarine sedimentary processes and products at fjord-terminating tidewater glacier margins. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STRUTT, ELIZABETH (2011) Patient-centred care: Patients’ experiences of and responses to the National Health Service (NHS) Health Check programme in general practice. Masters thesis, Durham University.

STRZELECKI, MATEUSZ,CZESLAW (2012) High Arctic Paraglacial Coastal Evolution in Northern Billefjorden, Svalbard. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SUSLOVAITE, VAIDA (2017) Temporal dynamics and projected future changes in nitrate leaching in a small river catchment dominated by under-drained clay soil grasslands: analysis of high-frequency monitoring data. Masters thesis, Durham University.

SWAN, PETER,JOSEPH (2013) Exploring the tensions between organisational ethos and stakeholder demand: A case study of a community ‘arts and health’ social enterprise. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SWIRAD, ZUZANNA,MALGORZATA (2018) Multi-scale assessment of shore platform erosion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

SZABLEWSKA, LUCINDA,ALICE (2019) The linked lives of Polish worker-carers in the UK and their families in Poland: Making the case for valuing unpaid care labour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


TAN, MICHAEL,T,KOONBOON (2016) The Caring Artist: Exploring the Role of an Arts-­Health Practitioner in
a Nursing Home and a Model of Arts-­Health Practice.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TANCOCK, MATTHEW,JAMES (2014) The Dynamics of Upland River Confluences. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TELFORD, ANDREW,JONATHAN (2017) An exploration of constructions of racial and national identities in US and EU climate security discourses. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TENGKU-HAMZAH, TENGKU,ADELINE,ADURA (2011) Making Sense of Environmental Governance: A Study of E-waste
in Malaysia.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

THAKUR, JITENDRA (2015) Vegetation change detection and soil erosion risk
assessment modelling in the Man River basin,
Central India.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

THOMSON, KATIE,HANNAH (2009) Earthquakes and sea-level change in Hokkaido, north-east Japan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

THORNTON, JAMES,MATTHEW (2016) Reassessing English flood frequency relationships in light of widespread new instrumental stage maxima. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Thorpe, Harry (1936) The geography of rural settlement in the Durham region. Masters thesis, Durham University.

TIARKS, PETER,GEOFFREY,CASPAR (2012) "The Intangible Commons of the Mind"? The Problem of Dualism in Narratives of Information Enclosure. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tindale, Sophie Jade (2014) Understanding a collaborative approach to catchment-based water quality management in the UK: A study of the Lower River Wear Pilot. Masters thesis, Durham University.

TINDALE, SOPHIE,JADE (2018) Collaborative water-resource governance in the UK: Understanding network structure and functionality of a catchment-based approach to water-quality management. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TODD, JAMES,DAVID (2020) Exploring the everyday lives of young trans people. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TOMLINSON, HARRIET,MARY (2010) Perceptions of natural hazards in mountain landscapes; awareness, anticipation and mitigation in post-earthquake Beichuan, China. Masters thesis, Durham University.

TORNEL, CARLOS,ARMANDO (2023) Decolonizing energy transitions. The political economy of low-carbon infrastructure, justice, extraction and post-development in the Southeast of Mexico. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TOSNEY, JONAH,JAMES (2013) Short duration reservoir-release impacts on impounded upland rivers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TSENG, YU-SHAN (2020) A comparative analysis of Decide Madrid and vTaiwan, two Digital Platforms for Political Participation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TUITJER, ANNE,LEONIE,GEORGINE (2018) Sensing the Waterscape - Re-Assembling the Politics of Climate Change and Displacement in Bangkok, Thailand. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TURNER, BRITTA,ROSENLUND (2016) Assemblages of solar electricity: enacting power, time and weather at home in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


VARLEY, SIMON,JOHN (2019) On the physical interaction between ocean waves and coastal cliffs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


WALKER, MAI,WYNNE (2023) Pollen analysis at Loch nan Eala, western
Scotland: environmental history during
the Neolithic and Bronze Age.
Masters thesis, Durham University.


WARE, GEORGIA,EMILY,JANE (2021) Sedimentary and geomorphological signature of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream (NEGIS) on the continental shelf. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WARREN, PETER (2010) Uptake of Micro-generation among Small Organisations in the Camden Climate Change Alliance. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WATCHAM, EMMA,PEARL (2010) Late Quaternary relative sea level change in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WEILBACH, KASPER (2018) Extent, timing and nature of retreat of the
British-Irish Ice Sheet offshore of
north-western Ireland during and following
the Last Glacial Maximum.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WELLS, CECILY,FLORENCE,MARY (2024) Canada’s Role in the Global Political Economy of Critical Minerals: A Critical Approach to Geopolitics, Resource-making, and Statecraft. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WHADCOAT, SIOBHAN,KATHLEEN (2011) Landsliding and sediment dynamics following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in the Beichuan area of China. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WHADCOAT, SIOBHAN,KATHLEEN (2017) Numerical modelling of rockfall evolution in hard rock slopes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILKINS, KATHRYN,ANN (2010) Elite networks of the London Season: perspectives from the New Mobilities literature. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER,JOHN,SELLWOOD (2011) Hydrological Connectivity - a study into representative metrics for
a humid temperate catchment in northern England.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, JACK,GORDON (2017) Insights into Rockfall from Constant 4D Monitoring. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WILLIAMS, LAURENCE,JOHN (2014) Framing Fracking: Public responses to potential unconventional fossil fuel exploitation in the North of England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WILSHER, EMMA,JANE (2011) The impact of Neglected Tropical Diseases, and their associated stigma, on people’s basic capabilities. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WILSON, HELEN,FRANCES (2011) Living With Diversity: Everyday Encounter and the Politics of Tolerance. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WOOD, KAITLIN,LOUISE (2025) Detection thresholds for large to great paleoseismic subduction earthquakes in south-central Alaska from coastal marsh records. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WOODS, ASHLEY,MARTIN (2009) Tracing the Distribution of Heavy Metals in Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Masters thesis, Durham University.

WOOTTON, MATTHEW JOHN (2016) ‘Seeing Each Other for the First Time’: Politics and Social Media in Middle-Class Cairo. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WYETH, RYAN,DAVID (2022) White Coal Nation? Resource-making, identity, and hegemony in the struggle over Georgia’s hydropower development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WYNDHAM, KATHERINE,ESTER (2024) Governing ageing in Chile: from neoliberal hegemony to more hopeful demographic futures? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

WYTIAHLOWSKY, HOLLY,ELIZABETH (2023) Recent glacier change (1965 - 2021) and identification of surge-type glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Masters thesis, Durham University.


YANG, YO-HSIN (2019) Travelling for Becoming a ‘Normal’ Gay Man: Liminality, Sexual fields, and Gay Taiwanese Men’s Sex Tourism to Bangkok. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

YEH, ER-JIAN (2011) Territorialising Colonial Environments:
A Comparison of Colonial Sciences on Land Demarcation in Japanese Taiwan and British Malaya.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

YOUNG, NATHANIEL,JOSEPH,PETER (2009) Glacial Geomorphology of southern Alberta, Canada. Masters thesis, Durham University.

YU, FENGLING (2009) Reconstruction of the East Asian monsoon variability since the mid-Holocene from the Pearl River estuary, southern China. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.



ZHANG, LIPING (2024) Shaping Urban Villages in the Pearl River Delta: An Exploration of the State’s Impact from a Foucauldian Perspective. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

ZIEGLER, RAHEL,FRIEDERIKE (2010) Ageing and Mobility- Making the Connections. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 18:54:45 2025 GMT.