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National and British schools in Teesdale and Teeside from 1833 to 1870.

Stockdale, Clifton (1972) National and British schools in Teesdale and Teeside from 1833 to 1870. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The aim of this thesis is to show how National and British Schools were established in the Teesdale -Teesside region during the period1833 to 1870. Within the region at this time three different kinds of community were evident due to the incidence of lead mining in the dale, agriculture in the villages of the lower Tees valley and industry in the towns of Darlington, Stockton and Middlesbrough. National and British Schools which served the children of the labouring poor were erected partly from public funds which were available through the National and British and Foreign School Societies and partly from financial help collected from local sources. The survival of the educational Societies and the schools which they helped to establish were matters for concern throughout the period. Both depended upon the support of individuals who were willing to subscribe personally or organise the collection of funds. Examples of educational zeal within the region were most evident among Anglican incumbents and Quakers; certain members of the Pease and Backhouse families were prominent educationists of the latter persuasion. Throughout the Voluntary period, national and local circumstances played their part in shaping the pattern of elementary education which was provided for the children of the poorer classes. Religious rivalry between Anglicans and Nonconformists, for example, had its effect here as it had in other parts of the country. Locally, other factors included the dominance of Teesdale by the London Lead Company, the influence of the Church of England in the villages and the changing phases of industry which were peculiar to Teesside. The decision to set up Voluntary Schools however, was essentially only one aspect of the role of schools' promoters, they also became involved in others. These included the administration of building grants' and building standards, schools' curricula, child employment and attendance and the selection of candidates for the teaching profession.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Education
Thesis Date:1972
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:14 Mar 2014 16:17

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