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Defining interoperability standards: A case study of public health observatory websites

Dean, Richard (2007) Defining interoperability standards: A case study of public health observatory websites. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) is a group of region-based health-information providers. Each PHO publishes health-related data for their specific region. Each observatory has taken a national lead in one or more key health area - such as 'cancer' or Obesity'. In 2003, a project was initiated to develop 'interoperability' between public health observatory websites, so the national resources published by one lead observatory could be found on the websites for each other PHO. The APHO interoperability project defined a set of requirements for each PHO - websites should comply with the current government data standards and provide webservices to allow data to be searched in real-time between different PHOs. This thesis describes the production of an interoperable website for the North East Public Health Observatory (NEPHO) and the problems faced during implementation to comply with the APHO interoperability requirements. The areas of interoperability, e-Government and metadata were investigated specifically in suitability for NEPHO and an action list of tasks necessary to achieve the project aims was drawn up. This project has resulted in the successful introduction of a new NEPHO website that complies with the APHO and e-Govemment requirements, however interoperability with other organisations has been difficult to achieve. This thesis describes how other organisations approached the same APHO interoperability criteria and questions whether the national project governance could be improved.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Science
Thesis Date:2007
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:08 Sep 2011 18:31

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