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Graphical game Theory with Mobility

SYMONDS, ADAM,JAMES (2015) Graphical game Theory with Mobility. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.



This study aimed to resolve disparities between the human behaviour predicted by game theoretic models and the behaviours observed in the real world. The existing model of graphical games was analysed and expanded to create a new model in which agents can move themselves around the graph over time. By adopting different configurations of variables, this model can simulate a very wide range of different scenarios. The concept of meta-games was applied to expand this range yet further and introduce more real-world applications. The interactions between different elements of the configuration were investigated to develop an understanding of the model's emergent properties. The study found that this new model is more accurate and more widely applicable than all other pre-existing candidate models. This suggests that human irrationality can generally be accounted for with a better understanding of the environment within which interaction is occurring.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Philosophy
Keywords:game theory, graph theory, mobile, mobility, modelling, meta-games
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Science > Engineering and Computing Science, School of (2008-2017)
Thesis Date:2015
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:18 Nov 2015 09:58

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