Nath, Jharna (1970) Some aspects of the life of Indians and Pakistanis in Newcastle with special reference to women. Masters thesis, Durham University.
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As the title indicates, this thesis is a study of the way of life and the complex problems of adjustment t o a new environment faced by Indians and Pakistanis in Newcastle, with particular reference to women. Host women come as dependants of a man - wife, daughter, bride, or mother. Since both in Hindu and Muslim families a woman is expected at every stage of her life to be under the authority of at least one male member o f the family, it is difficult to understand the women's problems without knowing their background and the situation of the male member of the household. That is why personal data of both senior male and female member of the household have been recorded wherever possible. This thesis is divided in to six main chapters. For background information on Indians and Pakistanis in Britain, a brief account of the facts and figures about immigrants in Britain is presented in the first chapter. At the same time published and unpublished materials on the subject are discussed. In the second chapter I have given an account of my field work. Chapter three deals with some salient features about the informants i.e. the reasons for their coming, problems of adjustment and their family structure in Britain. In this connection some case histories have been given. Chapter four analyses the economic activities of Indians and Pakistanis, their religious and social life. Chapter five deals with socio- cultural conflicts. Here the domestic problems of the women have been discussed. Their reactions to life in Britain and views about going back home have been mentioned. The last chapter deals with the summary and conclusions.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Award: | Master of Arts |
Thesis Date: | 1970 |
Copyright: | Copyright of this thesis is held by the author |
Deposited On: | 14 Mar 2014 16:26 |