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The biblical teaching on creation in modem Christian theology: a study of the relation between certain old testament scholars and certain theological writers of the twentieth century

Wiltsher, C. D. (1981) The biblical teaching on creation in modem Christian theology: a study of the relation between certain old testament scholars and certain theological writers of the twentieth century. Masters thesis, Durham University.



one problem faced by modern Christian theologians in expounding a doctrine of creation is the relationship between the biblical material relating to creation and modern scientific understanding of the universe, it has been claimed that biblical scholars have provided the necessary insights for overcoming this problem and forging fruitful links between the biblical reflection and scientific conclusions, but their work has been ignored by theologians, to the detriment of the doctrine of creation. In this enquiry the various parts of this claim are tested. The work of four twentieth century theological writers is examined to 6ee what use they make of biblical material in discussing the doctrine of creation; then the "work of four twentieth century biblical scholars is examined to see what insights are offered into the biblical reflection on creation. Drawing the results of these two studies together, it is shown that there is a close correspondence between the theological writers' and the biblical scholars' views of the biblical material on creation, and that the dominant theme of the common view is that the biblical interest in creation is secondary to the biblical concern with man and his salvation. It is further shown that this view ignores important features of the biblical reflection on creation, and a presentation of the biblical reflection is given which takes account of these neglected insights. A doctrine of citation based on this representation of the biblical material is developed in outline and it is claimed that such a doctrine offers a basis for mutually beneficial discussion of creation and related topics between scientists and theologians.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Letters
Thesis Date:1981
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:18 Sep 2013 09:20

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