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Interpretation of Romans, chapters 9-11, in British new testament scholarship, 1930 - 1980

Stephenson, John Graham (1982) Interpretation of Romans, chapters 9-11, in British new testament scholarship, 1930 - 1980. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The study considers the detailed exegetical judgements contained within the work, both Commentaries and miscellaneous writings of most of the major British New Testament scholars writing on Romans within the period. Amongst those whose work is considered are: Bairclay, Barrett, Best, Black, Bowen, Bruce, Cranfield, Davies, Dodd, Ellison, Hanson, Hunter, Kirk, Lee, Manson, O'Neill and Robinson. In form, the Study selects central themes in Pauline thought and research, (e.g. Paul's Use of The Old Testament, The Law, The Jews, The Gentiles, Christology, Eschatology, God, Man, Election), considering how the individual exegetical judgements made bear upon more general understandings of these areas. Opening chapters consider the views advanced concerning Paul's Purpose in writing Romans, together with the Apostle's Purpose in including Chapters 9-11 within the Letter. There follows discussion of the Integrity of the Letter and of the place of chapters 9-11 within it, together with some exploration of what has been said concerning the style and exegetical procedures of Paul, himself. Concluding chapters describe, in outline, some of the major non-British interpretations, including those of Barth, Bornkamm, Bultmann, Donfried, Kasemann, Munck, Schweitzer and Stendahl, relating these understandings to the work of the British scholars considered. A final Conclusion explores, whether or not, and in what sense, there may be said to be a British 'tradition' of Interpretation.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1982
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:16 Jul 2013 11:00

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