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Religious education in some first schools in Northumberland

Graham, Marjorie (1986) Religious education in some first schools in Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The purpose of the thesis is to try to ascertain the state of Religious Education in some First Schools in Northumberland, i.e. in schools for children aged from five to nine years. An attempt is made to show that because religion and education had always been related, religious clauses were built into the Education Act of 1944.The success of the religious teaching rested on the new Agreed Syllabuses. Assumptions made at the time meant that the main aim of this teaching was to be confessional, and the content was to be based on the Bible. Since 1944 the aim and content of the religious education programme have changed twice. Reasons for these changes are examined. Recent publications on the nature of Religious Education are analysed n order to identify a consensus of opinion as to the aim, objectives, content, method and approach of an up to date religious education programme. In order to measure the religious education programme in some First Schools a set of "ideas to be tested" was compiled. These ideas relate to the initial training of teachers, "in-service" training, the provision and use of resources syllabuses, religious education in practice and the Assembly. Two pilot questionnaires and a final questionnaire for head-teachers and assistant teachers were devised and distributed in order to test the ideas. Replies to the final questionnaire from head-teachers and assistant teachers in sixty five schools are analysed. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations made.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1986
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:08 Feb 2013 13:47

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