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Some approaches to the synthesis of dendritic polyamides

Parker, D. (1991) Some approaches to the synthesis of dendritic polyamides. Masters thesis, Durham University.



This thesis describes some approaches to the synthesis of dendritic polyamides, a novel class of macromolecules. A brief overview and general introduction to dendritic polymers is given in chapter one. The synthesis of model compounds based on benzoyl, isophthaloyl and trimesoyl chlorides is described in chapter two. The synthesis of the monomer, di-t-butyl-5-aminoisophthalate, and its use in a divergent synthesis is described in chapter three. The employment of a convergent approach to the synthesis of three second generation dendrimers is discussed in chapter four. The final chapter contains a brief summary of the results plus some suggestions for further work.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Science
Thesis Date:1991
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:18 Dec 2012 12:02

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