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Distance education with special reference to the teaching of Christian theology in sub Saharan Africa

Hurford, Colin (1993) Distance education with special reference to the teaching of Christian theology in sub Saharan Africa. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The Thesis begins by considering the situations of three ideal typical students learning theology through a Theological Education by Extension' programme which, in Africa, is the most common form of Distance Education in Christian Theology. Use of the 'ideal typical' device is justified and then a brief survey of Extension Schemes in Africa is made. This is followed by a consideration of the principles of’ Distance Education. The problems facing Africa at the present time are listed as these provide the background and context of the study of Theology. As Distance Education deals primarily with adults, adult learning is discussed in some depth followed by the learning of Christian Theology which has its own particular issues and problems. African Traditional Religion plays a part in forming the view of the African thought world and belief in God and the main aspects of this are considered alongside. the teaching of Christian Theology. Schemes of Distance Learning in Theology currently or recently in use are then considered with references to texts. Finally conclusions are drawn to suggest ways forward for good Distance Learning in Christian Theology.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1993
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:16 Nov 2012 10:53

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