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Eyes to see and ears to hear: Discernment of revelation in the gospel of Mark

Shaw, Frances (1993) Eyes to see and ears to hear: Discernment of revelation in the gospel of Mark. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The biblical tradition affirms that God reveals himself, but also that such revelation is hidden and diverse, surprising and paradoxical. The aim of this study is to examine how Mark understands revelation to be given and discerned. A redaction-critical approach is taken for this study of one aspect of Mark's theology, although insights from literary criticism are also used. Mark understands Jesus' death to be the most important event and place where God is revealed. In order to understand this correctly, as well as Jesus' teaching and miracles, a certain spiritual discernment is necessary, and the biblical tradition uses hearing and seeing as metaphors for this. How and under what circumstances such discernment becomes possible and what kinds of things or attitudes help or hinder the process are explored. The first two chapters show how revelation is given and discerned in the OT and in Jewish apocalyptic literature. The main part of the study, chapter 3, explores how Mark takes up and develops these themes and how he uses Jesus ‘teaching and miracles in a symbolic way to lead both the disciples and his readers on a journey of revelation, suffering and humility. Discernment of revelation also has social consequences, and for Mark the people of God are now seen as those who have discerned God's revelation in Jesus.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1993
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:16 Nov 2012 10:52

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