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Investigations into the synthesis, characterisation and properties of some conjugated organic polymers

Haylett, Nick (1995) Investigations into the synthesis, characterisation and properties of some conjugated organic polymers. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.



This thesis describes some work directed to the synthesis and attempted synthesis of some conjugated organic polymers. Chapter I provides a general review of the field of conjugated polymers, including their synthesis and interesting physical properties. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the field of poly(arylene vinylene)s, including their physical properties, their electrolununescence and potendal application in polymer light emitting devices and a review of the McMurry reaction. The synthesis of poly(4,4'-diphenylene diphenylvinylene) via the reductive coupling of 4,4'.dibenzoyldiphenyl is described along with work aimed at optimising this polymerisation. Characterisation details of poly(4,4'-dipheny]enediphenylvinylene) are given and results from an investigation into the electroluminescence of the polymer are recorded. The extension of this type of polymerisation reaction to include other diketone monomers is described along with the characterisation of the materials produced. Chapter 3 describes the proposed ring opening metathesis polymerisation of some quinone substituted norbomadiene monomers in an attempt to synthesise a conjugated redox polymer system. The attempted ROMP of the monomers using either Mo(N-2,6.i- Pr(_2)-C(_6)H(_3))(CHR)(OCMe(_3)) or Ru((C(_6)H(_12))(_3)P)2a2(CH=CH=CPh(_2)) is reported. Chapter 4 reports on the attempted development of a novel synthetic route to polyaniline via an triphenylarsine imine intermediate. Work concerning a model reaction and the spectral identification of the intermediate and results from die attempted synthesis of a polyanihne related polymer are reported.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Philosophy
Thesis Date:1995
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:24 Oct 2012 15:11

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