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The development of young children’s understanding of poetry

Yoxall, Janice (1998) The development of young children’s understanding of poetry. Masters thesis, Durham University.



This research aims to explore how young children's understanding of poetry develops . The teachers and pupils involved in this study were from a primary school in Middlesbrough. A wide variety of literature on poetry teaching, documentation on the teaching of English and literature relating to educational research was studied to provide background information for the research, highlight research questions and to assist in the design of the research instruments. The research involved the collection of data through questionnaires with teachers and activities with children. One of the major facts that this research highlights is the apparent lack of reasons as to why poetry should be taught. The study concludes that primary teachers still appear to be experiencing difficulties in the teaching of poetry to young children. The aims of poetry teaching have for many years been unclear to teachers and professionals. However, this study has shown that young children both enjoy and have an enthusiasm for poetry. Recent research is beginning to suggest why the teaching of poetry is important and the recent Literacy Strategy appears to have taken this research into account.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1998
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:09 Oct 2012 11:44

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