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The training and development of high technology specialists in science-based companies a comparative study: the United Kingdom and Taiwan

Yi-Hsien, Liang (1999) The training and development of high technology specialists in science-based companies a comparative study: the United Kingdom and Taiwan. Masters thesis, Durham University.



This thesis aims to examine the training and development of high technology specialists in science-based companies. It is a comparative study focused on the UK and Taiwan, The study examines through case studies, the cultural, historical and global economic factors which have a decisive impact on the development of training policies in companies. The study identifies areas of new research and action required to improve the training potential of companies employing specialist staff.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:1999
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:01 Aug 2012 11:49

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