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Discordance and the Eucharist: Exploring Diasporic Iranian Christian Converts from Islam in the Church of England

TSOI, TAI,YIN (2024) Discordance and the Eucharist: Exploring Diasporic Iranian Christian Converts from Islam in the Church of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Iranian Christian converts from Islam in the Church of England (CoE) have grown numerically, yet limited research on their faith experiences exists. This study delves into their understandings and experiences of the Eucharist and how their cultural background, religious conversion, and traumatic experiences influence their faith. This research also develops theology and practice related to the Eucharist relevant to their context. Utilising qualitative research methods, lived theology and contextual theology within practical theology as the framework, this study examines the lived experiences of 13 Iranian converts from three CoE congregations. The analysis identified three key themes, capturing the concept of "discordance" with various tensions regarding these converts’ identity (“cultural self”), belonging (“social self”), and being (“inner self”). Considering knowledge from various disciplines, this study suggests that Iranian converts inhabit an "in-between space" due to their disorienting cultural and religious identity formation and disconnection in their bodies and memories stemming from trauma. They also struggled to genuinely belong to the Church. The Eucharist, a tangible and tactile sacrament that embodied Christ's wounds, helped Iranian converts’ post-traumatic “re-making” by reconnecting with their bodies and reconstructing the trauma narratives. From the “discordance” from Iranian converts’ lived experiences, this study proposes a contextual interpretation of the Lukan resurrection narratives as "narratives of discordance” and an understanding of the Eucharist as a “sacrament for discordance” and a “sacrament of ‘Rastakhiz’ (رستاخیز -Christ’s resurrection in Farsi)". These understandings signify a mutual encounter with Christ for Iranian converts, receiving a new life and reconciliation with themselves and others, echoing their New Year Nowruz celebration. Practical suggestions for the Church and Iranian converts are offered to continue their journey with humility and mutuality and to develop worship and liturgies that are contextual and intercultural. The research concludes that Christ is present amidst Iranian converts’ discordance.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Theology and Ministry
Keywords:Iranians, religious conversion, Eucharist, contextual theology, trauma, cultural identity, Church of England, practical theology, Nowruz, reconciliation
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Theology and Religion, Department of
Thesis Date:2024
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:11 Mar 2025 09:43

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