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Francis Schaeffer’s Whole-of-Life Theology and the Making of the L’Abri Mind

CARTER, ANDREW,JOHN (2024) Francis Schaeffer’s Whole-of-Life Theology and the Making of the L’Abri Mind. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984) was a significant evangelical pastor and apologist, active in both the United States and Western Europe. During his life he contextualised the gospel for a new generation, produced over twenty-two books, delivered countless lectures covering dozens of subjects, made two documentary film series, and personally influenced thousands of people. In 1955, alongside his wife Edith, Schaeffer founded The L’Abri Fellowship, a Christian community established to demonstrate the reality of God through ordinary life. Today there are ten branches of L’Abri across the world, inviting guests into community to explore life’s deepest questions. Part 1 of this study introduces Schaeffer and considers why he matters. Part 2 contains four chapters examining the integrating factor in Schaeffer’s theology: the Lordship of Christ over the whole of life and his rejection of a divided-life spirituality. The conclusion of these chapters is that Schaeffer’s approach to the Christian faith is sufficiently distinct that it can be called, ‘the Schaeffer mind’. Part 3 explores how the Schaeffer mind has been taken up, modified, and developed by a new generation of L’Abri leaders and thinkers. To this end we consider three themes present in Schaeffer but developed by others from within the Fellowship: first, Jerram Barrs and Ranald Macaulay’s thesis that redemption represents the recovery of true humanity; second, Dick Keyes’ cultural apologetic; third, Wade Bradshaw’s engagement with a rival story. Finally, consideration will be given to Nancy Pearcey, who although not strictly of L’Abri, nevertheless writes within the tradition and brings Schaeffer’s teaching up-to-date and applies it into new areas. The study concludes by arguing that the Schaeffer mind has evolved into something without parallel in the wider evangelical world. I call this the L’Abri Mind. The study concludes with an attempt to summarise its key ingredients, commenting on why it matters.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Philosophy
Keywords:Francis, Edith, Schaeffer, L'Abri Fellowship, L'Abri Mind
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Theology and Religion, Department of
Thesis Date:2024
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:25 Jul 2024 10:23

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