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An Analysis of the Legal Position of Unmarried Fathers in the Context of the Acquisition of Parental Responsibility in the UK

TOOLEY, KATIE,ELIZABETH (2024) An Analysis of the Legal Position of Unmarried Fathers in the Context of the Acquisition of Parental Responsibility in the UK. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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This thesis considers the position of unmarried fathers in the UK in the context of the acquisition of parental responsibility. Specifically, the author investigates the compatibility between the UK's current position in this context with the Government's obligations to the European Convention on Human Rights. Finding that the UK may soon find itself in violation of Articles 8 and 14 of the Convention, this thesis recommends reform in the form of two novel legal models.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Jurisprudence
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Social Sciences and Health > Law, Department of
Thesis Date:2024
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:29 May 2024 13:40

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