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A Unified Field Leadership framework (UFL):
Developing Employee Potential through Consistent Dual Strategy, Bionic Organization, and Quantum Thinking Processes

YAN, BIN (2024) A Unified Field Leadership framework (UFL):
Developing Employee Potential through Consistent Dual Strategy, Bionic Organization, and Quantum Thinking Processes.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

PDF (DBA thesis)


This study explores the relationship between leadership and employee potential development within unpredictable business environments, particularly focusing on private enterprises in Zhejiang Province, China. Addressing the gap in traditional leadership theories, which struggle in today's uncertain contexts, the research investigates the experiences of senior executives, middle-level managers, and employees, delving into strategic and organizational leadership and the balance between business and personal life.
Based on interviews with 46 individuals from 9 companies, the study introduces the Unified Field Leadership (UFL) framework, a novel approach designed for uncertain environments. UFL integrates three key mechanisms: dual strategy, bionic organization, and quantum thinking, to develop employee potential. This framework, inspired by natural science principles, offers a multi- dimensional perspective, incorporating time, space, psychology, and environment, and aligns with ancient Chinese philosophy, particularly the Tao Te Ching.
UFL, rooted in a high-dimensional cognitive framework, bridges science and ethics, addresses company vitality, employee creativity, and organizational evolution (VCE), and involves five alignments between enterprises and employees. These include alignments between business, management, and profit models; strategy, organization, and people's hearts; direction, motivation, and path; id, ego, and superego; and between conscience, knowledge-action unity, and unity of man and nature.
This thesis contributes to leadership theory by introducing the three worlds framework, blending psychology, behaviour, and destiny. UFL addresses the limitations of existing leadership models, making it suitable for uncertain environments and useful for government application in leadership improvement, especially in family businesses and intergenerational succession. This approach aims to elevate leadership to scientific and ethical standards, unlocking employee potential and supporting broader objectives such as comprehensive personal and corporate development, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Business Administration
Keywords:Unified Field Leadership, Dual Strategy, Bionic Organization, Quantum Thinking, Employee Potential Development
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Business > Management and Marketing, Department of
Thesis Date:2024
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:13 May 2024 11:47

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