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Open banking and changing relationships between the Chinese banks and FinTech providers

ZHU, XIAOXI (2024) Open banking and changing relationships between the Chinese banks and FinTech providers. Masters thesis, Durham University.



Open banking was originally proposed in the UK and China's open banking is catching up. However, due to their different origins, there are obvious differences in the available content.
In China, open banking is a product of the transformation and upgrading of traditional commercial banks in the context of financial technology, The aim is to build a platform business model and provide integrated services to customers by open data and business. This thesis identifies FinTech as a national strategy in China and thus promotes the development of FinTech, And it forms a new financial network that is different from the previous bank-led financial network. With fintech having built out a mature platform business model, there is no mandatory. It is rather a market-driven choice by banks to develop open banks, especially in the context of neo-statism in China. The Open Banking platform has become a new tool for banks through reintermediation, changing the relationship between banks and fintech providers. In order to provide better protection for the Open Bank, China's regulatory pilot is being tested nationwide with the aim of balancing innovation and regulation.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Arts
Thesis Date:2024
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:16 Jan 2024 13:49

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