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The Hidden God of Isaiah 45:15: Whose Voice? Which Meaning?

ROHLFING-JR, RICHARD,GREG (2022) The Hidden God of Isaiah 45:15: Whose Voice? Which Meaning? Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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Author-imposed embargo until 10 August 2025.


This thesis provides a fresh answer to a deceptively simple question in the history of interpretation: In what sense is God hidden as confessed in Isaiah 45:15? To answer this question this thesis explores the dynamic relationship between the confession itself, “Surely you are God who hides himself…” (Isa 45.15a), and its interpretation in recent scholarly literature. The present work is, on the one hand, an exegetical investigation of a perennially problematic pericope, Isa 45:14–17, in its immediate literary context of Isa 40–49:13. In chapter two it is demonstrated how divine hiddenness as articulated in this poetry is made more coherent by understanding the often overlooked, yet contextually organic, juxtaposition of the addressee to the divine image (especially in the wider symbolic discourse of the Mesopotamian Mīs pî ritual). On the other hand, this thesis is a meta-critical reflection and hermeneutical case-study on the moves interpreters make towards meaning, to answer the question, “Whose voice are we hearing?” while rendering a contingent construal of divine hiddenness. The ambiguous referential features of this pericope are shown to be constructive, serving to place the audience/reader within an experience of relational dislocation and estrangement. This opens up a way of understanding Isaiah 45:15 that stresses the dynamic relationship between readerly self-involvement in the poetry’s progression, which is facilitated by key moments of dialogue in which the twin topoi of blindness/sight and hiddenness/glory figure prominently.

Item Type:Thesis (Doctoral)
Award:Doctor of Philosophy
Keywords:Divine Hiddenness; Hidden God; hiddenness of God; deus absconditus; Isaiah 40–48; Isaiah 45:14–17; Second Isaiah; Israel as divine image; tsalmu; tselem; mīs pî - pīt pî; idolatry; aniconism; wealth of nations; intertextuality; reader response; self-involvement; biblical Hebrew poetry; blindness; blindsight; theophany; theodicy; refiguration; redescription; imagination; lyric poetry; Song of Moses; Deuteronomy 32; witness; Samuel Balentine; Katie Heffelfinger; Eliezer Berkovits; Claus Westermann; Wim Beuken; אכן; מסתתר; הסתיר פנים; סתר.
Faculty and Department:Faculty of Arts and Humanities > Theology and Religion, Department of
Thesis Date:2022
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:10 Aug 2022 09:32

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