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Energy loss of high energy cosmic rays in a liquid scintillator

Simpson, D. A. (1964) Energy loss of high energy cosmic rays in a liquid scintillator. Masters thesis, Durham University.



The characteristics of a large-area liquid scintillation counter are investigated and the uniformity of response of the counter over its area is measured and compared with theory. Using a paraffin phosphor the uniformity is ±8% when the scintillation light is collected by total internal reflection and ±4% when the bottom face of the counter is covered with a diffusing surface. The response of the paraffin phosphor is found to be increased by a factor of 4 by the addition of 10% shellsol A, which makes the response comparable with that of plastic NE 102. The large area scintillation counter is used in an energy loss experiment with a horizontal cosmic ray spectrograph as a "source" of relativistic muons. The results are consistent with conventionally accepted theory to the highest momenta investigated. No evidence is found for a decrease in ionisation loss of high energy muons (momenta >10 GeV/c) as recently predicted by Tsytovich.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Award:Master of Science
Thesis Date:1964
Copyright:Copyright of this thesis is held by the author
Deposited On:14 Mar 2014 16:37

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