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Number of theses: 233.

Adal, Mohammed, N. (1965) A study of the motor supply to mammalian skeletal muscle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Adams, Timothy A. (1979) Characteristics of a national topographic digital database. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Anderson, R.E. (1974) A study of some Peat deposists of the sunbiggin Tarn area, near Orton, Westmorland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Archer-Thomson, John Henry Stuart (1979) The effects of refinery effluent on the invertebrate intertidal fauna and flora of Little Wick Bay, Milford Haven. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Arnall, Jane Catherine (1987) Characterization of alloimmune responses and the generation of transplantation tolerance in thymectomized, thymus-implanted xenopus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Assaggaff, A. I. M. (1982) Structural and functional characterisation of some insect central neurones. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Baggott, G. K. (1973) Studies on migratory fattening in passerine birds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Banage William, B. (1960) Studies on the nematode fauna of moorland soils. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Barker, Christopher John (1985) A study of the potential use of membrane perturbants in enhancing the hyperthermic treatment of cancer. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Barker, Susan (1981) A vegetation analysis of some woodlands in the Coniston basin Cumbria. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Barratt, Barbara I. P. (1975) Studies on a sex pheromone in Stegobium paniceum (L.) (Coleoptera; Anobiidae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bayes, K. S. (1979) Some aspects of the ecology of the ringed plover(charadrius hlaticula) during the breeding season. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Beattie, Robert C. (1977) Studies on the biology of the common frog rana temporaria temporaria (linnaeus) with particular reference to altitude. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bell, Diana M. (1977) ''Studies on the malpighian tubules of Locusta migratoria miqratorioides (R + F), with particular reference to the role of Na(^+)-K(^+) activated ATPase in fluid secretion. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Benjamin, P. R. (1968) Studies on the sensory systems of certain freshwater pulmonate molluscs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Blackburn, R. (1961) A study of the diffusion of helium in metals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Block, William C. (1986) The life histories of platynothrus peltifer (Koch 1839) and damaeus clavipes (Hermann 1804)(Acarina:cryptostigmata) in soils of Pennine moorland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Block, William C. (1963) Studies on the Acarina of moorland areas. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bloomfield, G. W. (1948) Some investigations on the electrification of interfaces". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Boddy, Alan (1983) A study of the reinnervation of stretch receptors in cat muscle following nerve injury. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bolton, P. J. (1969) Studies in the general ecology, physiology and bioenergetics of woodland lumbricidae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brearey, David Michael (1982) The feeding ecology and foraging behaviour of sanderling calidris alba and turnstone arenaria interpres at Teesmouth N. E. England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Brooks, P.M. (1969) Studies on the burrow systems of apodemus sylvaticus and clethrionomys glareolus in Houghall Wood Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Nina V. (1974) Some aspects of the ecology of ephemeropteran larvae in the rivers Deerness and Wear, co Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Brown, Nina V. (1974) Some aspects of the ecology of ephemeropteran larvae in the Rivers Deerness and Wear, Co Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bruton, Mary T. (1969) Seasonal weight changeof the house sparrow, passer domesticus. L. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Butterfield, J. E. L. (1973) Biological studies on a number of Moorland Tipulidae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Butterfield, Jennifer E.L. (1974) A study on the relationship between egg number and density in tipula subnodicornis zetterstedt. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Carter, S.P. (1990) Studies of the goosander Merqus merganser. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Casement, P. J. (1974) An investigation of the relationships between snails and vegetation at bishop middleham quarry, Co Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chabrzyk, George (1979) The effects of age on the breeding biology and recruitment of the herring gull (Larus Argentatus). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Chan, Michael C. K. (1985) The study of the food preferences of snails on a magnesian limestone habitat. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Chardine, John W. (1983) Aspects of the breeding behaviour of the kittiwake (rissa tridactyla) before egg-laying. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Charnley, Anthony Keith (1975) Some effects of the removal of the frontal ganglion on metabolism in locusta migratorla migratorioides r. and f. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cherrett, J. M. (1961) Ecological research on spiders associated with moorlands. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cody, C. B. J. (1969) Individual and seasonal variation in aggression in long-tailed field mice (apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (clethrionomys glareolus). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cole, Patricia (1955) Studies on the olfactory responses of certain calliphorine flies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cook, A. A. (1970) Polymorphism in cepaea nemoralis (l). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cossins, Andrew R. (1974) A study of some factors involved in the adaptation to temperature in the freshwater crayfish austropotamobius pallipes (lereboullet). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cotton, Gregory (1989) A study of the effects of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene on the intermediary metabolism of the African migratory locust. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Coulson, John Cameron (1956) Biological studies on the meadow pipit (anthus pratensis) and moorland tipulidae; members of a food chain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Courtney, Sarah (1984) Studies on hepatic lipid metabolism in the oestrogenized male chick (gallus domesticus). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cranna, Lesley V. (1979) The food of the red grouse, lagopus lagopus scoticus, with particular attention to the arthropod component in the diet. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Crawley, Malcolm C. (1965) Studies on the movements, population dynamics and food of Apodemus Sylvaticus (L.) and Clethrionomys Glareolus schr. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cribb, Ronald (1976) A study of heavy metal contamination of roadside vegetation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cribbin, Frances Ann (1984) Reconstitution of a T cell-dependent antibody response in the thymectomized clawed toad Xenopus laevis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Crisp, D. T. (1959) Studies on the biology of some species of British corixidae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davidson, Nicholas Charles (1981) Seasonal changes in nutritional condition of shorebirds (charadrii) during the non-breeding seasons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Lewis (1949) The temperature and humidity relations of various stages in the life history of some calliphorine flies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davies, Sharon W. (1988) An investigation of the effects of various environmental parameters on underwater foraging behaviour of the American mink, Mustela vison Schreber. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Davis, Peter S. (1971) The ecology of ancylus fluviatilis (műller) in streams and rivers in parts of Northumberland and Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Davison, T. F. (1970) An investigation into the factors involved in acclimatization to temperature and death at high temperature in calliphora erythrocephala (meig). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Debbage, P. L. (1975) The synaptology of the L4 neuron in the first visual ganglion of the fly, Musca Domestica. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Debbge, Paul (1975) The synaptology of the L4 neuron in the first visual ganglion of the fly, musca domestica. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dighton, John (1973) Aspects of seasonal variation in breeding success of herring and lesser black-backed gulls (larus argentatus and l. fuscus). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dinesen, Zena D. (1976) A study of the taxonomy and distribution of hermatypic corals of the chagos archipelago, Indian Ocean. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Diwan, Falih Hassan (1983) The effects of ischaemia and denervation on mammalian muscle spindles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dixon, Fiona (1979) A study of some factors influencing breeding of the kittiwake gull Rissa tridactyla (L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Donkin, Julie Ellison (1981) Some effects of insect hormones on Na(^+), K(^+)-ATPase and fluid secretion by the malpighian tubules of locusta migratoria L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dugan, Patrick Joseph (1981) Seasonal movements of shorebirds in relation to spacing behaviour and prey availability. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dukett, M. J. (1969) A study of activity in the water vole arvicola terrestris. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Duncan, W. N. M. (1978) Aspects of the biology of the herring gull (larus atgentatus pont.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dunn, Euan K. (1972) Studies on terns with particular reference to feeding ecology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dutton, R. (1968) Studies into the ecological energetics of the wireworm melanotus rufipes hbst. (goleoptera : elateridae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edge, V. E. G. (1968) Biological studies on some coprophilous sphaeroceridae (borboridae, diptera). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Brin (1981) Territory and feeding in the stickleback (Gasterosteus Aculeatus) a test of the resident/intruder effect. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Elliott, Judith I. (1973) A study of the planktonic rotifers (Rotatoria) of Grasmere. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Elliott, Keith (1975) Determination of the proximate factors in nest site selection of three species of waders within a large, dry salt marsh. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Erzinclioglu, Y. Z. (1984) Studies on the morphology and taxonomy of the immature stages of calliphoridae, with analysis of phylogenetic relationships within the family, and between it and other groups in the cyclorrhapha (diptera). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Falconer, Keith (1971) The ecology of the common frog (Rana Temporaria Linn) in County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fathpour, Hossein (1980) studies on fluid and ion secretion by the malpighian tubules of locusta with particular reference to the role played by ATPase enzymes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fitzgerald, Gerald B. (1970) The distribution and feeding ecology of gulls on the tidal reaches of polluted rivers in North East England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fitzpatrick, C.M. (1968) The population dynamics and bioenergetics of the isopod Asellus aquaticus L. in a small freshwater pond. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Flowers, Anne (1964) Studies on the biology of sea birds with particular reference to the Eider (Somateria mollissima). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Fowler, William Smith (1974) The visco-elastic properties of skeletal muscle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Furness, R. W. (1977) Studies on the breeding biology and population dynamics of the great skua (catharacta skua brűnnich). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gabriel, Gabriel (1981) The role of steroid hormones in the differentiation of the gonads of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis Daudin. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Gadsby, Albert Brian (1978) Territoriality and breeding biology of the coot (fulica atra (l)) at Attenborough. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gee, A. S. (1971) A study of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus L. in the river Wear, County Durham, with special reference to feeding habits. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gee, A.S. (1978) A study of minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus L. in the River Wear, County Durham, with special reference to feeding habits. Masters thesis, Durham University.

George, David R. (1969) Some aspects of the ecology of Woodlice. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gibbons, David S. (1968) Ecological studies on flies associated with dung, with particular reference to scopeuma species (diptera). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Girling, Anthea J. (1969) Comparisons of the life histories of different varieties of mitopus morio (araghnida : opiliones). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Girling, David, J. (1969) A study of the swarming behaviour and the effects of the weather on the activity of trichocera (diptera:nematocera). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gladwell, R. T. (1973) The effect of high lethal temperatures on the muscle of the crayfish, astacus pallipes lereboullet; a biochemical and electrophysiological. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Graham, Mary (1975) The survival of eider ducklings (somateria mollissima l.) hatched on Coquet Island (Northumberland) in 1975. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Greenwood, P.J. (1974) The activity of the bank vole, clethrionqmys glareolus, and the long-tailed field mouse, apodemus sylvaticus. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Greig, S. A. (1984) The feeding behaviour of larus argentatus and other larus gulls at refuse tips. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Greig, Susan (1981) Aspects of the breeding biology of Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus argentatus and L. fuscus) on Rockcliffe Marah, Cumbria. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gunnarsson, Thor (1985) Morphology and physiology of horizontal cells in the retina of the perch (perca fluviatilis.L.). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Handley, Roger (1970) A summertime study of wood mice and bank voles in Castle Eden Dene. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Harker, D. W. (1974) The structure and innervation of sheep extraocular muscles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hart-Jones, Barbara E. (1974) The investigation of a mor humus deposit in Cuthbert’s wood, Co. Surham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Heal, O. W. (1959) Investigations on protozoa with special reference to moorland forms. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Heighton, Barry N. (1964) Biological studies on certain species of British phalangida. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Henderson, D.G. (1970) Some nutritional studies on the -wood mouse apodemus sylvaticus. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Henry, Byron A. M. (1975) Dispersion, diet and criteria of age of roe deer (capreolus capreolus L.) in Hamsterley forest, county Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Higgs, Bronwen (1970) An exercise in community ecology. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hodges, A. F. (1974) A study on the biology of the kittiwake (rissa tridactyla). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hogan, Jacqueline Mary Catherine (1983) Some aspects of the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in the animal kingdom. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Holloway, Madeline (1981) Asynchronous hatching and variation in breeding success of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus Fuscus). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hopkins, W. J. (1969) The old city of Jerusalem: aspects op the development op a religious centre. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Horobin, Jean M. (1971) Studies on the breeding biology of arctic terns (sterna paradisaea) (=S macrura) with special reference to age. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Horobin, John C. (1971) Studies on the biology of moorland tipulidae with particular reference to molophilus ater meigen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Howcroft, Sarah N. (1983) A study of the role of physico-chemical factors in the control of the distribution of invertebrates in the Aln estuary, N. E. England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Huddart, H. (1965) Studies on the neuromuscular anatomy and physiology of certain Lepidoptera. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hughes, Malcolm K. (1969) Investigations of the ecosystem energetics of an English woodland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hutchinson, Raymond (1980) The effect of some injurious agents on the biochemistry of brain development and a study of some characteristics of synaptic membrane acetylcholinesterase. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ibrahim, H. S. (1985) Bird diversity in hedgerows. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ingvarsson, Sveinn (1973) Some studies on macama balthica l. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ip, M. C. (1965) The motor innervation of the mammalim muscle spindle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jennings, Amanda Louise (1982) Biological studies on certain forms of the harvestman mitopus morio (FABR.) (opiliones, arachnida). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Johnson, R. C. (1968) Some problems in strong interation dynamics. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Johnston, C. (1974) A study of a population of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in a eutrophic pond. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jones, Shirley A. (1983) Ecological studies on wading birds (Charadrii) in some upland areas of Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Jones, Trevor Howell (1965) The uptake of Radionuclides by Molluscs, with special reference to Limnaea species. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Jordan, Anthony M. (1955) Studies on coleophora caespititiella zell. (Lep.) associated with juncos squarrosus L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kalule-Sabiti, Jannat Margaret (1985) A study on the effects of various inhibitors on the ATPase activity in, and fluid secretion by Malpighian tubules of Locusta Migratoria L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kentish, Barry J (1976) Home range and territory of woodland wrens (Trogloytes Troglodytes Troglodytes linn.) In Spring and Summer. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Khalaf, N. A. B. (1986) The schooling of sumatra barbs (barbus tetrazona tetrazona) and minnows (phoxinus phoxinus). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Khan, M. Fazal Ahmad (1961) The arid zone of West Pakistan: geographical aspects of aridity in West Pakistan. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kime, R. D. (1964) A study of two bird fleas, ceratophyllus gallinae (schrank) and dasypsyllus gallinulae (dale), in the nests of hole – nesting birds. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kirby, Jeffrey.S. (1984) Aspects of the breeding biology of the black-tailed godwit (limosa limosa) with particular reference to coloniality and anti-predator defence. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Knight, D.A. (1975) Some aspects of the daily activity of the water vole, arvicola terrestris linn, and the brown rot, rattus norvegicus linn. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lachlan, Clive (1968) Energy flow through a population of great tits, with notes on blue tits. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Laidler, Elizabeth (1978) The effect of neonatal nerve crush on adult rat muscle spindles. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lallone, Roger Louis (1984) Histocompatibility Recognition in Effector and Helper T Cell Responses of Xenopus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lancaster, Ian (1977) Some aspects of the ecology of the rough periwinkle Littorina rudis Maton (Gastropoda: Prosohranchia) at Marsden Bay,. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Langham, N. P. E. (1968) The comparative biology of terns, sterna spp. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Leach, Marianthe C. Mericas (1980) Studies on the herring gull population in North Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lelliott, Anthony D. (1981) Studies of Himalayan pheasants in Nepal with reference to their conservation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lenton, Graham M (1974) A study of the activity of six species of harvest – spiders (arachnida, opiliones). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lewin, Susan A. (1970) An investigation into field population of calliphorine flies with special reference to the age structure of female calliphora. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Major, Ian Richard (1971) Effect of application of carcinogenic substances on the epidermal cell populations of mouse skin. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Malpus, C. M. (1968) Investigations into the structure and function of nerve and skeletal muscle of anisoptebous odonata, with special reference to aeschnid nymphs. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Manga, N. (1970) Bioenergetics of a predatory beetle Nebria brevicollis (F) (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

McClelland, M.H. (1975) Studies in the ecology of two species of woodlouse. Masters thesis, Durham University.

McLaehlan, K. S. (1961) A geographical study of the coastal zone between homs and misurta, tripelitania a geography of economic growth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Meese, G.B. (1969) Some aspects of energy balance in the bank vole clethrionomys glareolus. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Meyer, A.N. (1973) An investigation into certain aspects of the ecology of Fenham flats and budle bay, Northumberland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Milburn, Alice (1973) The development of muscle spindles in the rat. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mitchell-Jones, Anthony J. (1979) Population dynamics of clethrionomys glareolus and apodemus sylvaticus in relation to aggressive behaviour and genetic variation. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Mobbs, R. H. (1961) The preparation and investigation of the chloro-fluorocyclohexanes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Moon, Steve (1974) Some aspects of the feeding ecology of four small insectivorous birds in Hamsterlev Forest, County Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Moore, G. F. (1977) The status, distribution, and diet of the badger (meles meles L) in an area to the south of Durham city. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Morphy, Michael J. (1966) Some aspects of the ecology of tm freshwater pulmonate gastropods; limnaea stagnalis (l) and planorbis planarms (l,). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Moser, Michael Edward (1984) Resource partitioning in colonial herons, with particular reference to the grey heron Ardea cinerea L. and the pu rple heron Ardea Purpurea L., in the Camargue, S. France. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Murphy, Moira Jane (1985) Behavioural and sensory aspects of predation in -mustelids: studies on the sensory capabilities of the weasel, Mustela nivalis L. And the polecat, Mustela putorlus L., with particular reference to predatory behaviour. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Nash, D. (1960) "Behaviour of Lucilia sericata with special reference to genetics". Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Nicholson, P.A. (1978) A study of the biology of three species of terns on Foulney Island, Cumbria. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Oldfield, C. J. (1968) A study of the agonistic behaviour of the long-tailed field mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ozgur, M. R. (1979) Microprocessor-based on-load valve sequencing for a turbo-alternator. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pallant, Dennis (1967) Studies oh the feeding of the grey field slug Agriolimax reticulates (Muller) in the laboratory and in woodland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Parkin, A. C. (1975) Studies on the control of cation permeability in skeletal muscle of the laboratory rat. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Parsons, Jasper (1971) The breeding biology of the Herring gull (larus argentatus). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Peachey, J. E. (1959) Studies on the enchytraeidae of moorland soils. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pearson, T. H. (1964) Aspects of the feeding biology of certain sea-birds. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Peck, Kirsi Marianne (1989) Tree species preferences for foraging site and ways in which the preferences affect the distribution, abundance and species composition of arboreal woodland avifauna. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pienkowski, Michael William (1980) Aspects of the ecology and behaviour of ringed and grey plovers charadrius hiaticula and pluvialis squatarola. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Pisolkar, Ellen (1980) A study of faunal succession in sheep dung. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Porter, Julie Margaret (1985) Recruitment to the colony and other aspects of the biology of the kittiwake (rissa tvidactyla (l.)). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Porter, W.B. (1974) The construction of an energy budget for the cinnabar moth (callimorpha jacobaeae L.), and the use of this moth in the biological control of ragwort (senecio jacobaea L.). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Potts, G. R. (1966) Studies on a marked population of the shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis), with special reference to the breeding biology of birds of known age. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Priest, Sarah (1975) A study of heavy metal contamination in two intertidal invertebrates. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Quasem, Abul (1967) The preparation and properties of 4,5,5, 7-tetrafluorobenzo [b] thiophen. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Radcliffe, M. A. (1973) Studies of factors which affect the cation-permeability and electrolyte distribution in mammalian cells. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ragab, Abdel Hemid M. F. (1970) The structure and innervation of tortoise muscle spindles. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rahman, Hatiur, M. D. (1965) Radiochemical studies of the fission of heavy elements by fast neutrons. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Randriamamonjy, Frederic (1967) Studies on the overwintering of mosquitoes at Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rankin, Graham D. (1979) Aspects of the breeding biology of wading birds (charadrii) on a saltmarsh. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rashed, Rashed Mourad Ahmed (1979) "The effect of the administration of mepivacaine hydrochloride on the histological and electronmicroscopical appearance of the rat testis ". Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ratcliffe, Graham Gordon (1984) Comparative studies on the developmental rates of the larvae of certain blowflies (diptera: calliphoridae) at constant and alternating temperatures. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Reay, Richard, C. (1959) A population study oncoleophora alticolella zell (lep). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Richard, M. G. (1977) The ecology (including physiological aspects) of selected Antarctic marine invertebrates associated with inshore macrophytes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rieley, John, O. (1967) The ecology of carex flacca schreb and carex panicea L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Rimmer, John James (1976) Studies on the role of the thymus and spleen in the immune system of the clawed toad (xenopus laevis, daudin). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Roberts, D. M. (1974) Seasonal and diurnal flight activity patterns in some species of black-flies (diftera: simdliidae). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Roberts, S. A. Silyn (1971) Studies, on selected aspects of the ecology of Velia caprai and some Gerris species. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rosser, A. M. (1981) An investigation of the spring and summer diet of feral mink (Mustela Vison Schreber) in Riparian and coastal habitats. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Russ, Jane Hannah (1986) Use of organ-culture, irradiation and adoptive-transfer to investigate the role of the xenopus thymus in t lymphocyte development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Russell-Smith, A. (1974) Energy flow through a population of oribated mites. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Salmon, Wendy Jane (1980) A Study of the relative quality of various species of the Cruciferae as foodplants for the larvae of Pieris brassicae and Artoqeia napi (Lepidoptera). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scott, Jonathan (1982) A study of the recovery of cat muscle spindles after nerve-crush injury. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Shaw, Philip (1984) Factors affecting the breeding performance of the Antarctic blue-eyed shag (Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sherif, Nour El.Din H.S. (1977) Studies on the effect of sequential thymectomy on in vitro responses of lymphocytes in the amphibian, xenopus laevis. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Shirbate, Rajshree (1987) Functional aspects of gastropod mucus. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Christopher David (1969) The effects of temperature on certain life stages of Simuliidae (Diptera). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Patricia Mary (1984) Carcinoembryonic antigen in breast cancer: a retrospective study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Peter Chalmers (1975) A study of the winter feeding ecology and behaviour of the bar-tailed godwit (limosa lapponica). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Smith, Guy, R. J. (1973) Some aspects of the biology of molophilus ater meigen. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Springett, Brian P. (1967) The biology of necrophorus (col) and the mortality of terns (sterna); an ecological study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Springett, J. A. (1967) An ecological study of moorland enchytraeidae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Stacey, Michael, J. (1967) The innervation of mammalian skeletal muscle by medium and small diameter afferent nerve fibres. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Stallybrass, Hugh (1970) A study of the upland and lowland forms of the harvestman mitopus morio. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stead, G.B. (1978) A study of the earthworm populations of young mineral soils, with particular reference to colliery spoil. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stevenson-Jones, Helen (1977) The ecology and behaviour of the feral goats of the College Valley, Cheviot Hills. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stranz, W. J. (1949) The political career of Henry Goulburn. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Svendsen, John Alan (1955) Studies on the earthworm fauna of Pennine moorland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Svensson, Eric (1972) Larval development and adult life with particular reference to ovarian maturation in certain stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the upper part of the river Wear. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, Philip N. (1976) The breeding biology and population dynamics of shelduck (Tadorna tadorna L.) at Aberlady Bay. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, Roy K. (1971) Defoemational and physico-chemical properties of cereain sediments, with particular reference to colliery spoil. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, Susan J. S. (1974) Habitat selection in lapwings vanellus vanellus (L.) breeding on marginal hill farmland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Thomas, Callum S. (1980) Certain aspects of the breeding biology of the kittiwake (rissa tridactyla). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Thurston, Beryl A. (1950) Studies on the life histories of blowflies. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Townshend, David John (1981) The use of intertidal habitats by shorebird populations, with special reference to grey plover (Pluvialis Squatarola) and Curlew (Numenius Arquata). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tracey, L. (1980) some comparative effects of earthworms and leather jackets on upland improved soils. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Tremlett, M. (1981) Segregation: the interaction between spatial pattern and gene flow. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Tribe, M. A. (1967) Some aspects of the physiology of ageing in the blowfly, calliphora erythrocephala meig. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Tucker, G. M. (1984) The effects on invertebrates of Spartina control by the herbicide dalapon. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Tuffery, A. R. (1972) Growth and degeneration of motor end-plates in mammalian skeletal muscle. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Vincent, Malcolm Austin (1974) Energy utilization and activity patterns of the vole arvicola terrestris amphibius (l). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wakefield, June D. (1961) The effects of circulating iso-antibody on neoplastic cell productions. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Walton, K. C. (1968) Studies on the biology of the Polecat, Putorius Putorius (L). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wareham, A. C. (1971) Biochemical and electrophysiological studies on muscle fibres from Periplaneta Americana L. and Sphinx Ligustri L. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Warham, John (1968) Biometric studies of birds in the order Procellariiforms. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Watson, Hugh Christopher (1986) The feeding ecology of the European otter (lutra lutra l.) in a marine environment. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Watson, J. (1966) Studies on nm bioenergetics of certain terrestrial isopoda. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Watson, J. (1966) Studies on the bioenergetics of certain terrestrial isopoda. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wells, S. C. (1972) Mars - the analysis of the mars data and the absolute rate of energy loss of muons in iron. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Whitcombe, Robert Peter (1984) The biology of apis SPP. in oman with special reference to apis florea fab. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

White, Edward (1957) Ecological investigations on certain dung-inhabiting coleoptera, with special reference to the beetles of the genus aphodius (illiger). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Whitman, P. (1966) Design characteristics and some applications of the ruby laser. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Whittaker, John B. (1963) Studies on the auchenorrhyncha (hemoptera – insecta) of Pennine moorland with special reference to the ceropidae. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Widdowson, H. P. (1982) Aspects of the breeding biology of common terns (Sterna Hirundo) on Rockcliffe Marsh, Cumbria. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wignarajah, S. (1968) Energy dynamics of centipede populations (Lithobiomorpha – L. Crassipes and L. Forficatus) in woodland ecosystems. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Williams, Nigel Howard (1981) Studies on the thymus and ontogeny of lymphocyte heterogeneity in the clawed toad Xenopus laevis (Daudin). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Williamson, Phillip (1974) Studies on the effect of lead pollution from vehicle exhaust on the roadside ecosystem. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, Stuart M. (1982) The storage and secretion of protein by the rat submandibular gland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wood, Andrew Graham (1984) Time and energy budgets of the grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola) at Teesmouth. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Woodford, William James (1981) Aspects of the summer feeding ecology of a coastal population of curlew (numenius arquata). Masters thesis, Durham University.

Woodhouse, C. (1978) A study of the holly leaf miner and its parasites. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wooller, R. D. (1973) Studies on the breeding biology of the kittiwake (rissa tridactyla) using marked individuals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wotton, Roger S. (1974) Studies on blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) breeding in bog streams in upper Teesdale. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

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