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Durham e-Theses
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Number of theses: 106.

Adcock, Gwenda. A (1974) A study of the types of interlace on Northumbrian sculpture. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Albarella, Umberto (2004) The archaeology of pig domestication and husbandry: approaches and case studies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Albert, Bruce Michael Worthington (2004) Natural environment and human settlement in later prehistoric central Europe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Allen, Martin Robert (1999) The Durham mint: the control, organization, profits and out put of an ecclesiastical mint. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Anderson, Susan Mary (1989) A comparative study of the human skeletal material from late first and early second millenium sites in the north-east of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Batey, Colleen Elizabeth (1984) Freswick links, caithness.: a re-appraisal of the late norse site in its context. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Batt, Catherine Mary (1992) Archaeomagnetic dating: investigating new materials and techniques. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Beck, Anthony Richard (2004) The evaluation of Corona and Ikonos satellite imagery for archaeological applications in a semi-arid environment. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bernard, Marie-Catherine (2003) Tuberculosis: a demographic analysis and social study of admissions to a children's sanatorium (1936-1954) in Stannington, Northumberland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Bishop, C. D. (1966) The Gallic Empire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Blockley, Kevin (2000) The Anglo-Saxon churches of Canterbury archaeologically reconsidered. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Bourne, Richard John (2000) Aspects of the relationship between the central and Gallic empires in the mid to late third century ad with special reference to coinage studies. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Cambridge, Eric (1992) The masons and building works of Durham priory, 1339-1539. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Catling, Joanne Elizabeth (1998) The appropriation of meaning: an examination of roman stones re-used in an Anglo-Saxon context. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Challis, A. J. (1972) Later prehistory from the Trent to the Tyne. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Coggins, Denis (1984) The archaeology of early settlement in upper Teesdale, co. Durham. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Constable, Christopher (2003) Aspects of the archaeology of the castle in the north of England C 1066-1216. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Cottam, Sally Elizabeth (1991) A study of the work of Dr. Felix Oswald on the Oswald-plicque collection of samian pottery, now at Durham University. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Curteis, Mark Edward (1988) The coinage of housesteads: a numismatic study of the economy and chronology of a fort on Hadrian’s wall. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Davies, David Peter (2003) The taking of Joppa. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Didsbury, Michael Peter Townley (1990) Aspects of late iron age and Romano-British settlement in the lower Hull valley. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Dobson, B. (1955) The primipilares of the Roman army. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Dockerill, J R. (1969) Pottery from the mile castles and turrets on Hadrian’s Wall. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Draper, Simon Andrew (2004) Landscape, settlement and society: Wiltshire in the first millennium AD. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Ebbatson, Linda (1999) Conditions of emergence and existence of archaeology in the 19th century: the royal archaeological institute 1843 -1914. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Benjamin (2009) Pits and the architecture of deposition narratives of social practice in the neolithic of North-East England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Lloyd J (1986) Tobacco pipes. pipemakers, and tobacconists in Newcastle and Gateshead until c1800: an archaeological study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Edwards, Nancy (1982) A reassessment of the early medieval stone crosses and related sculpture of offaly, Kilkenny and Tipperary. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Elam, Jenifer Cathran (2004) Edged weapons and knives of the late bronze age southern levant. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Erdogu, Burcin (2001) Neolithic and chalcolithic cultures in Turkish Thrace. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fairless, Kenneth J. (1989) Aspects of the archaeology of the brigantes. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fell, Vanessa (1990) Pre-roman iron age metalworking tools from England and Wales: their use, technology, and archaeological context. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Ferrell, Gillian (1992) Settlement and society in the later prehistory of North-East England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Fielding, Jane (1980) A study of the buildings on the bursars manors of Durham cathedral priory1270-1540. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Gaydarska, Bisserka Ivanova (2004) Landscape, material culture and society in South East Bulgaria. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Grimshaw, Lucinda Celia (2004) Population movements into Europe during the Pleistocene: a comparative approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Guzman, Margarita Javier de (2004) Bandkeramik pit contents and stratification: a relational analysis investigating structured deposition. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Halkon, Alfred Peter Machin (1987) Aspects of the Romano-British landscape around holme on Spalding moor, east Yorkshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Halliday, Winifred Jane (1971) Roman glass with special reference to material from North Britain. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hambleton, Ellen (1998) A comparative study of faunal assemblages from British iron age sites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Harrison, Geoffrey James (2001) Migrations and material culture change in Southern and Eastern England in the fifth century AD: the investigation of an archaeological discourse. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Haycock, Bryan G (1965) The foreign relations of the Napatan-Meroitic kingdom in the Sudan from the 8th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Healey, Elizabeth Anne (1988) Lustred flint blades in the epipalaeolithic and neolithic of the near east. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Henry, Philippa Anne (1994) Current techniques of ancient textile analysis: a critical review. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hepworth, J. R. (1963) Studies in the later roman army. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hoadley, Richard (1993) Composition. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hodgetts, Lisa Maye (1999) Animal bones and human society in the late younger stone age of arctic Norway. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Hodgson, G. W. I. (1967) A comparative analysis of faunal remains from some roman and native sites in northern England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hood, J. D. (1947) Audiometry and hearing aids. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Hunter, John Rotheram (1977) Scandinavian glass vessels of the first Millennium AD: a typological and physical examination. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Isaac, Philip James (1971) A study of roman gold coins found its Britain and their implications. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Kewley, Joyce (1970) The sculptured decoration on roman votive altars and pedestals from northern Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Kruse, Susan Elizabeth (1980) Danish connections 1000 – 1066: an archaeological perspective. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lagos, Constantinos (1998) A study of the coinage of chios in the Hellenistic and roman periods. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lander, Louise Muriel (2005) From artifact to icon: an analysis of the Venus figurines in archaeological literature and contemporary culture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lawless, R. I. (1969) Mauretania Caesartiensis: an archaeological and geographical survey. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Lawson, William (1971) The construction of the military road from Newcastle to Carlisle 1751 - 1758. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Lawson, William (1966) The origin and planning of the military road from Newcastle to Carlisle. Masters thesis, Durham University.

MacGregor, Arthur (1980) Skeletal materials: their structure, technology and utilisation c. A.D. 400-1200. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Maq Mahon, Ardle J. (2000) The taberna structures of Roman Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

McNaught, Janet Mary (2006) A clinical and archaeological study of Schmorl’s Nodes: using clinical data to understand the past. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Middleton, Paul R. (1966) The siting and layout of native settlements in the north east of England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Moore, Thomas Hugh (2003) Iron age societies in the Severn-Cotswolds: Developing narratives of social and landscape change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Morrison, Jennifer (2007) Newburn Manor: an analysis of a changing medieval, post-medieval and early modern landscape in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Moss, Joyce (1969) The milecastles and turrets of Hadrian’s Wall and their allocation to legionary construction teams. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Naylor, John David (2002) An archaeology of trade in eastern england,c.650-900 CE. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Newby, Martine Sarah (1999) Form and function of central Italian medieval glass in the light of finds from the Benedictine Abbey of Farfa and the palazzo Vitelleschi at Tarquinia. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Newton, Sally (2002) In search of the ‘broad spectrum revolution': human-animal relationships at the pleistocene holocene transition in southern Europe. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

O'Connor, Anne (2003) The making of the British early Palaeolithic, 1880-1960. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

O'Sullivan, Deirdre M. (1980) A reassessment of the early Christian' archaeology of Cumbria. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Owen, Olwyan Anne (1979) A catalogue and re-evaluation of the Urnes style in England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Pagan, K. V. (1964) Roman Chichester: a survey of its investigation. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Papagiannopoulos, Konstantinos (2002) Archaeology in the community - educational aspects: Greece: a case-study. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Parish, Romola (1992) The application of sedimentological analysis and luminescence dating to waterlain deposits from archaeological sites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Peel, R. A. (1965) The crafts of Roman Britain. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Plowright, Georgina (1978) Native Pottery: hand-made pottery in the prehistoric and Roman period in northern England and southern Scotland. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Porter, J. A. F (1977) A re-assessment of pagan Anglo-Saxon burials and burial rites in Wiltshire. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rainbird, John S. (1976) The Vigiles of Rome. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Reid, Ann Elizabeth (1987) Settlement and society in north-east Yorkshire A.D. 400 - 1200. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Rutter, Graham Piers (2003) Basaltic-rock procurement systems in the southern levant: case studies from the chalcolithic-early bronze I and the late bronze-iron ages. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Said, George Alexander (1994) Phoenician and Punic tombs in Malta. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scott, P. R. (1973) Roman villas in the North of England. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Scott, Rebecca (2006) The early middle Palaeolithic of Britain; origins, technology and landscape. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sheard, Christine Margaret (1999) A sample of roman glass vessels from York: the fortress and canabae sites. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Spaul, J. E. H. (1958) Studies in the Roman province of Mauretania Tingitana. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stokes, Paul Robert George (1996) The roman fort at south shields (arbeia): a study in the spatial patterning of the faunal remains. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Stowell Phillips, Sarah Jane Fergusson (2008) Animal visual culture in the middle ages. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Sture, J.F. (2001) Biocultural perspectives on birth defects in medieval urban and rural English populations. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Swift, Catherine (1987) Irish influence on ecclesiastical settlements in Scotland a case study of the island of Islay. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, Barry (2003) A contextual analysis of the landscape of Cambridgeshire in the early Anglo-Saxon period. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Taylor, David J.A. (1999) The forts on Hadrian s wall: a comparative analysis of the form and construction of some buildings. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Temple, Ada (1940) The derelict villages of Durham County. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Turner-Walker, Gordon Howard (1993) The characterisation of fossil bone. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Waddington, Clive (1998) A landscape archaeological study of the Mesolithic Neolithic in the milfield basin, Northumberland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Waldock, Shirley Ann (1998) A re-examination of the evidence for parade-grounds at auxiliary forts in Roman Britain. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Watson, G. R. (1953) Roman military bookkeeping. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wetherall, David Michael (1991) The British archaeological association: its foundation and split. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Whimster, Rowan Pirrie (1979) Burial practices in iron age Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Whiting, Charlotte M. (2002) Complexity and diversity in the late iron age southern Levant: the investigation of 'Edomite' archaeology and scholarly discourse. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Whitworth, Alan Michael (1994) Some aspects of its post-roman influence on the landscape. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wickham-Crowley, Kelley Marie (1992) Ancillary space in Anglo-Saxon churches. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Willmott, Hugh Benedict (1995) Excavated sixteenth century glass from five English towns: a preliminary investigation of status and the role of the glass in the social context of dining. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Willmott, Hugh Benedict (1999) Tudor and early Stuart vessel glass: an archaeological study of forms and patterns of consumption in England, 1500 to 1640. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Wilson, M.E. (1972) The archaeological evidence of the Hwiccian area. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Worrell, Sally Ann (1997) Marton, north Lincolnshire: a Romano-British settlement in its context. Masters thesis, Durham University.

Wynn, G. D. (1967) Phrygillos, a die-engraver for Syracuse, and his association with certain South Italian mints. Masters thesis, Durham University.

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