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1’ždeer’žST 93 NE 1ox’žTA 07 SW 2’žfrog/toad’žTA 07 SW 2’žpig’žST 88 SW 3’žcow’žST 88 SW 3’žfallow deer’žSU 04 SE 70’ždeer’žSU 04 SE 70’žpig’žSU 04 SE 70’žsheep’žST 83 NW 12’žcow3pąĄŸ~\9÷Ö“tY9õ Ó ²  m K *  ē Ē ¦ x H (  ę Å ¤ „ d B ’ Ü ¹ – p N ,  åɾ ž x X 7  õÓ““mJ&āĆ¢‚X8īĪ¦…dH(ß¾—tS2ńŃ°‹lH&äĮƛĆqN- źĖ¦‡ĀaAńĢ«ŠdCü’žTL 47 NW 17’žpig’žTL 47 NW 17’žred deer’žTL 47 NW 17’žcow’žTL 47 NW 17’žroe deer’žTL 47 NW 17’žfox’žTL 47 NW 17’ždog’žSU 13 SE 39’žhorse ?’žSU 13 SE 39’žsheep / goat!’žSU 13 SE 39’žred deer’žSU 13 SE 39ox’žSE 76 NE 9’ždog / fox’žSK 16 SE 7ox’žTA 07 NW 1’žred deer’žTA 07 NW 1ox’žSC 28 SE 39’žbird’žSC 28 SE 39’ždog’žSC 28 SE 39’žcow’žSC 28 SE 39’žsheep’žST 89 NE 26’žunidentified!’žTQ 50 SW 26’žred deer’žTQ 50 SW 26’žsheep’žTF 47 SW 86’ždog’žTF 47 SW 86’žpig’žTF 47 SW 86’ždeer’žTF 47 SW 86’žcow’žTF 47 SW 9ox’žTF 47 SW 9’žred deer’žSV 91 SW 12’žpig’žSP 02 NW 9’ždog’žSP 02 NW 9ox’žSP 02 NW 9’žhorse’žSP 02 NW 9’žboar’žSY 78 NW 72’žpig’žSY 78 NW 72’žhorse’žSY 78 NW 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species% ’žND 48 SE 1’žseal ’žND 48 SE 1’žpig ’žND 48 SE 1’ždog ’žND 48 SE 1’žpuffin ’žND 48 SE 1’žcrow’žND 48 SE 1’žraven’žND 48 SE 1’žowl’žND 48 SE 1’žred deer’žND 48 SE 1’žgull’žND 48 SE 1’žeagle’žND 48 SE 1’žotter’žND 48 SE 1’žsheep’žND 48 SE 1’žcow’žNR 97 SE 2?€’žNX 55 SW 2’žNJ 75 NW 6’žred deer’žHY 53 NE 12’ždeer’žHY 41 SW 1’ždeer’žHY 41 SW 1’žsheep’žHY 41 SW 1’žpig’žHY 41 SW 1’žcow’žHY 41 SW 1’žhorse’žHY 21 SE 5’ždeer’žHY 21 SE 5’žbird’žHY 21 SE 5’ždog’žHY 21 SE 5’žpig3oŪµĻ•uP0īĢ§†gG ū Õ µ ” s K * ä Į ”  ] 8  ń Š Æ ‰ a E %ĖĖāŹĮŹ”Ź‚Ź_Ź<ŹŹłÉ×ɶɐÉpÉNÉ.É ÉćČĀțČwČVČ3Č ČēĒĘĒœĒ}X9łŲ“ʆĘiĘFĘ&ĘĘŚÅ»Å™yZ8 āø˜qQ/ ėĖŖ‰gG&ą½˜yW2ĀöÖ°ŠĮiĮH&’žSK 16 NE 1’žhorse’žSK 15 SE 15’ždeer’žSK 15 SE 43’ždog’žSU 59 NW 86’žcow’žSU 59 NW 86’žred deer’žNPRN 92012’žox / pony’žNPRN 92012’ždog’žNPRN 92012’žpig?€’žNPRN 101450’žSU 38 SW 5’žred deer’žSU 38 SW 5’žsheep’žSU 38 SW 5ox’žSU 38 SW 5’žroe deer’žNPRN 306039’žsheep’žNPRN 306039’ždog ?’žNPRN 306039’žhorse’žNPRN 306039’žpig’žNPRN 306039ox’žNPRN 306039’žgoat’žNPRN 306039’žcat’žNPRN 306038’žpig’žNPRN 306038ox’žNPRN 306038’ždog’žNPRN 306038’žhorse’žNPRN 94510’žbirds’žNPRN 94510’žfox’žNPRN 94510’žcat - wild’žNPRN 94510’žpig’žNPRN 94510’žsheep or goat!’žNPRN 94510’žbos primigenus"’žNPRN 94510’žbos longifrons"’žNPRN 94510’žhorse’žSE 85 NW40ox’žSE 85 NW40’žpig’žSE 85 NW40’žhorse’žST 83 NW 6ox’žSU 06 SE 14’žunidentified!’žSU 90 NW 2’žsheep’žSU 90 NW 2’žpig’žSU 90 NW 2’žcow’žSU 81 SE 5?’žTR 36 SE 24’žmarine shellfish%’žTR 36 SE 24’žcow’žSO 70 SE 6’žbird’žSO 70 SE 6’ždog’žSO 70 SE 6’žpig’žSO 70 SE 6ox’žTR 05 SE 5’žred deer’žTR 05 SE 5ox’žTF 10 NW 115’ždeer antler!’žST 45 NE 15’ždog’žST 45 NE 15’žroe deer’žST 45 NE 15’žred deer’žST 45 NE 15’žsheep’žST 45 NE 15’žpig’žST 45 NE 15’žcow’žSU 14 SW 14’žsea eagle’žSU 14 SW 14’žcow’žNN 91 NW 18’žunidentified!’žNN 91 NW 18’žpig’žHY 31 SW 2’ždog’žHY 31 SW 2’žsheep’žHY 31 SW 2’žcow’žSU 13 SE 27’žred deer’žSU 13 SE 27’ždog’žSU 13 SE 27’žpony’žSU 13 SE 27’žpig’žSU 13 SE 27’žoxen’žSU 13 SE 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8’žhorse’žSK 18 SW 8’žsheep or goat!’žSK 18 SW 8’žcow’žSK 18 SW 8’žpig’žTA 16 NW 4’ždog’žTA 16 NW 4’žpig’žTA 16 NW 4ox’žNPRN 92191’žpig’žNPRN 92191’žred deer’žNPRN 92191’žfox’žNPRN 92191’žsheep’žNPRN 92191’žcalf’žNPRN 92191’žwild pony’žSY 68 NE 173ox’žSU 28 NE 4’žroe deer’žSU 28 NE 4’žhorse’žSU 28 NE 4’ždog’žSU 28 NE 4’žpig’žSU 28 NE 4’žcow’žSU 28 NE 4’žsheep’žSU 28 NE 4’žauroch’žSU 28 NE 42 ’žSU 16 NW 59’žroe deer ’žSU 16 NW 59’žred deer’žSU 16 NW 59’žhorse’žSU 16 NW 59’ždog’žSU 16 NW 59’žpig’žSU 16 NW 59’žbeaver incisor#’žSU 16 NW 59’žboar’žSU 16 NW 59’žroebuck’žSU 16 NW 59ox’žSU 16 NW 59’žsheep/goat’žTL 15 NE 60’žsheep/goat’žTL 15 NE 60’žantler picks!’žTL 15 NE 60’žox skulls (11)#’žSU 14 SW 3ox’žNPRN 93831’žlarge ungulate"’žNPRN 93831’žpig’žNPRN 93831’žsheep/goat’žNZ 35 SE 1’žsheep’žNZ 35 SE 1ox’žNPRN 93072’žcow’žNPRN 93072’žsheep’žNPRN 93072’žpig’žNPRN 93072’žred deer’žNPRN 93072’žcat’žNPRN 93072’ždog (8)’žNPRN 93827ox’žSK 25 NW 1’žhorse’žNPRN 94129’žred deer’žND 34 SW 6’žunidentified ’žSU 17 SW 45’ždeer’žSU 17 SW 45ox’žTA 08 NW 23’žunidentified!’žSK 16 NE 8’žunspecified’žSK 25 NW 7’žunidentified ’žSK 16 NE 1’žpolecata 3Ž¾ž~Y6ķɦ…`:÷ × · “ ’žNPRN 94726’žroebuck’žNPRN 94726’žpig’žNPRN 94726’ždog’žHY 31 SW 1’žhorse’žSP 01 NE 4a’ždog’žSP 01 NE 4a’žroe deer’žSP 01 NE 4a’žaurochs’žSP 01 NE 4a’žpig’žSP 01 NE 4a’žsheep’žSP 01 NE 4a’žcow’žHY 41 SW 4’žbird bones’žHY 41 SW 4’žsheep’žHY 41 SW 4’žcow’žHY 41 SW 4’žred deer’žHY 41 SW 4’žpig’žHY 41 SW 4’ždog’žHY 41 SW 4’žfox’žHY 41 SW 4’žotter­½Ļī†‡’’ć@ŽG ‡’’ć@dq@/dir0,(" „ LVAL<ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŗlŚŽ  Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī Ī[SW Scotland - All Chambered Cairns][SW Scotland - A[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pi[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][P[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit Description].[Othe[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][P[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit [Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit [Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit 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Description].[Ot[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit Description].[Othe[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pi[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][P[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pi[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][Pit[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][[Pit Description].[Beneath mound][SW Scotland - June 7 2009].[NMR #] = [Excavation Records].[NMR #][Excavation Records].[Excavation Date][SW Scotland - June 7 2009].Status[SW Scotland - June 7 2009].[Site Type][SW Scotland - June 7 2009].[Site Name][SW Scotland - June 7 2009].[NMR #]Ä 4YĀ’’’’N ??ĄĄ Y d Y d Y x Y ž Y žx Y žd Y žd Y žx Y žxY  Y zžSite Name NMR #Excavation #(Excavation by PeriodExcavation Date"Excavation ReportExtent of Excav4Excav Record: Availability*Excav Record: QualityScaled PlansSievingƒ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’?ibj€Y’’’’.Excavation RecordsNMR #’’M Ó¦ a ž’ļ’ūß@ü’’ $’æ’’’’’@ü’’ $’æ>aČĪ% č E ŗĖ | ŽÉ=ɾČWČšĒ=¦÷^łÄR« ›ĀżYäĄc ’žSilver Barrow’žSU 04 NW 5’ž1 of 1B1801’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/'% ’ ’žSherburn 9’žSE 97 SE 461B1866’žGreenwell 1877, p 147-8’žextensive2minimal[[MK@' ’ ’žSherburn 8’žSE 97 SE 1’ž1 of 1C1866’žGreenwell 1877, p 147’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported|n`NC,$" ’ ’žSherburn 7’žSE 97 SE 45’ž1 of 1C1866’žGreenwell 1877’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH=-%# ’ ’žAldro 50’žSE 86 SW 831B1866’žMortimer 1905, p 77’žextensive2minimalUUGE:%  ’ ’žWestow’žSE 76 NE 5’ž1 of 1C1865’žGreenwell 1877, p 490-97’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB(   ’ ’žLangton 2’žSE 86 NW 4’ž1 of 1C1865’žGreenwell 1877’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;+#!  ’ ’žHeslerton VI’žSE 97 SW 28’ž1 of 1C1865’žGreenwell 1877, p 142-5’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQH/'% ’ ’žRiggs 19’žSE 85 NE 421B1864’žMortimer 1905, p 1792minimalKK=;;%  æ ’žRiggs 16’žSE 85 NE 11’ž1 of 1C1864’žMortimer 1905’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:+#!  ’ ’žGivendale Long Barrow’žSE 88 NE 34’ž1 of 1C1864’žGreenwell 1877,p 484-7’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‡ykYP80.& ’ ’žRookdale’žSE 97 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1852’žWardell 1853’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8*"   ’ ’žPickering (7 Miles East)’žSE 98 NW 94’ž1 of 1C1851’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI;31) ’ ’žMonument # 1307053’žSE 98 NW 1141B1851’žBateman 1861 pp 221-2222aMMMII0(&$ æ ’žMonument # 1307044’žSE 98 NW 1131B1851’žBateman 1861 pp 221-2222aMMMII0(&$ æ ’žSouth Cadbury’žST 62 NW 291D1966-70’žAlcock 1972publishedgoodWWO==0"  æ ’žPriddy Circle 1’žST 55 SW 1241D1956’žTaylor & Tratman 1957’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KD-%#! ’ ’žGorsey Bigbury’žST 45 NE 151C1931-35’žJones 1938’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH=1#! ’ ’žFromefield’žST 74 NE 9’ž1 of 1E1965’žVatcher & Vatcher 1973’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KD,$" ’ ’žPriddy Long Barrow’žST 55 SW 63’ž1 of 1D1928’žDobson 1931’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB5-+# ’ ’žFairy Toot’žST 56 NW 101A1788’žBere 1789’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedcUM;2' ’ ’žStoney Littleton’žST 75 NW 16’ž1 of 2B1816’žColt Hoare 1821’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD3+)! ’ ’žMurtry Hill’žST 75 SE 5’ž1 of 1D1920’žGray 1921’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC8-%# ’ ’žCropton 1’žSE 78 NE 10a’ž1 of 1C1851’žBateman 1861 p 227-28’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported|n`NE-%#  ’ ’žWhitegrounds Barrow’žSE 76 NE 9’ž1 of 1E1968’žBrewster 1984’žtotalpublishedadequate’žNot reported{m]KD5-+# ’ ’žBlansby Park 2’žSE 88 NW 741D1961’žRutter 1973’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC8+#! ’ ’žBlansby Park 1’žSE 88 NW 54’ž1 of 1E1961’žRutter 1973’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>1)' ’>cĆLĪ© 2Ķ¹Ģ m Ś [ŹśÉP ąČAŒĒRœ“Ä~š”ĀĀĮuĮåI ’žFifield Long Barrow’žSP 21 NW 4’ž1 of 1D1934’žO'Neill 1960’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LC5-+# ’ ’žHoar Stone’žSP 32 SE 5’ž1 of 2B1842’žDryden 1899’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedhZR@9,$" ’ ’žCrawley’žSP 3371 11291B1857’žAkerman 185733333%  ? ’žBalfarg’žNO 20 SE 51D1977-8’žMercer 198244444'  ? ’žMonklands A’žSE 88 SW 2’ž1 of 1D1911’žKirk 1911’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8-%# ’ ’žRectory Allotment’žSD 94 NW 41?unknown0555333%#! Ÿ ’žMonument # 44879’žSD 77 NE 14’ž1 of 1E1955?’žnone’žunknownno reportVVVD;5+)! ’ ’žGiant's Grave’žSD 87 SE 1’ž1 of 2D1936’žBennett 1937’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYeskfXF=/'% ’ ’žCatterick Racecourse’žSE 29 NW 161D1995’žMoloney 2003’žPartialpublishedZZZH?1)'% ’ ’žMurton Moor’žSE 58 NW 69’ž1 of 1C1880’žnone’žunknownno reportnoneWWO=4.&$ ’ ’žSeamer Moor A’žTA 08 NW 160’ž1 of 1C1865’žnone’žUnknownno reportnoneNo^ZR@71)' ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Round Cairn 'H'’žNZ 51 SE 73’ž1 of 1E1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedŽ€r`UI;91$ ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Round Cairn 'G'’žNZ 51 SE 72’ž1 of 1E1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedŽ€r`UI;91$ ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Ring Cairn 'C'’žNZ 51 SE 70a1D1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensive2minimaljj\ZOC531# ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Chambered Cairn’žNZ 51 SE 1’ž1 of 1E1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedq_TH:80$ ’ ’žBlack Hill Low’žSE 04 NW 6’ž1 of 1D1930’žRaistrick 1931’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@0(& ’ ’žRiggs 17’žSE 85 NE 411B1864/1872’žMortimer 1905, 177-792minimalVVHFF/  æ ’žTowthorpe 18’žSE 86 SE 5’ž1 of 1C1864-68’žMortimer 1905. 9-11’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported‚tfTI4&$ ’ ’žAldro 180’žSE 86 SW 771B1853’žProctor 1854’žunknown2noneGG?=4&  ’ ’žAldro 178’žSE 86 SW 761B1853’žProctor 1854’žunknownpublishednoneWWO=4&  ’ ’žAldro 177’žSE 86 SW 75’ž1 of 2C1853’žProctor 1854’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:,$"  ’ ’žHeslerton’žSE 97 NW 1’ž1 of 2C1851’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+#!  ’ ’žWillerby Wold Long Barrow’žTA 07 NW 1’ž1 of 2C1850’žGreenwell 1877, p 487’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‰{m[R;31) ’ ’žAcklam Wold 205’žSE 76 SE 191B1877’žMortimer 1905, 87 --88’žextensive2minimal__QOD,$"  ’ ’žAcklam Wold 204’žSE 76 SE 181B1877’žMortimer 1905, 86-87’žextensive2minimal]]OMB,$"  ’ ’žAyton Eastfield’žTA 08 NW 23’ž1 of 2B1849’žConyngham 1849’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB2*(  ’ ’žPainsthorpe 93a’žSE 85 NW 541B1867’žMortimer 1905, p 129’žextensive2minimal]]OMB,$"  ’ ’žAldro 94’žSE 86 SW 9’ž1 of 1C1867’žMortimer 1905, p 82’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?*"   ’ ’žBlack Hill’žSE 67 SW 1’ž1 of 2C1867’žGreenwell 1877’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG<,$" ’Y>d×dĪęĶĶ'Ķ‘ ļ O œ ģ R ·oĒhśÄhÄĖĆ.ƎĀļĮPĮ󡝡 ’žLitton Cheney I’žSY 59 SE 361D1974’žCatherall 1976<<<<<,$"  ? ’žWyke Down I’žSU 01 NW 1131D1982-83’žBarrett et al 1991CCCCC/! ? ’žMonument # 1431046’žSY 68 NE 1941D1986-88’žSmith 1997’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[IB6(&$ ’ ’žMonument # 1431045’žSY 68 NE 1931D1986-88’žSmith 1997’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[IB6(&$ ’ ’žMount Pleasant’žSY 78 NW 41D1970-71’žWainwright 1979’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA0"  ’ ’žKnowlton South’žSU 01 SW 1011D1994’žBurrow & Gale 1995’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG@,$"  ’ ’žMaumbury Rings’žSY 68 NE 21C1908-13’žBradley 1975’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>0"  ’ ’žDorset Cursus’žLinear 411D1982’žBowden 1983’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedj\N<5(  ’ ’žBalfarg Riding School’žNO 20 SE 201D1983-5’žBarclay & Russell-White 1993TTTTT6*(& ? ’žOldbury Hill Long Barrow’žSU 06 NW 28’ž1 of 1C1864’žCunnington 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUL;31) ’ ’žBratton Down Long Barrow’žST 95 SW 2’ž1 of 2B1800-1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedŒ~p^UD20( ’ ’žCorton Long Barrow’žST 94 SW 37’ž1 of 1B1801-04’žLambert 1806’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI;-+# ’ ’žShepherd's Shore’žSU 06 NW 14’ž1 of 1D1914’žCunnington 1925-27’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG3+)! ’ ’žBeckhampton Road’žSU 06 NE 85’ž1 of 2C1855-67’žThurnam 1869’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedxjbPG9+)! ’ ’žHorton Down’žSU 06 NE 18’ž1 of 1C1863’žThurnam 1869’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žEaston Down’žSU 06 NE 7’ž1 of 2C1853-57’žThurnam 1860’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA3%# ’ ’žSouth Street Long Barrow’žSU 06 NE 17’ž1 of 1E1964-7’žAshbee et al 1979’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reportedˆzjXR?31) ’ ’žHorslip Long Barrow’žSU 07 SE 6’ž1 of 1E1959’žAshbee et al 1979’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedƒueSH5-+# ’ ’žLongstones Barrow’žSU 06 NE 75’ž1 of 1C1850s’žMerewether 1851’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedxjbPG6,*" ’ ’žStonehenge Down’žSU 14 SW 91’ž1 of 2B1804-08’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedzldRI8*(  ’ ’žAdam's Grave’žSU 16 SW 24’ž1 of 1C1860’žThurnam 1868’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=/'% ’ ’žMonument # 1243227’žSU 14 SE 3461D1990s’žRawlings & Fitzpatrick 1996OOOOO2(&$ ? ’žFargo Plantation’žSU 14 SW 301C1938’žStone 1937-39<<<<<-%#! ? ’žDurrington Walls’žSU 14 SE 1181C1915’žFarrer 1918’žPartialpublishedVVVD;.&$" ’ ’žMarden’žSU 05 NE 31A1807-10’žColt Hoare 1812publishedKKK99(  æ ’žMoss Hill’žSU 38 SW 18’ž1 of 1C1852’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedcUM;2,$"  ’ ’žLyneham Barrow’žSP 22 SE 4’ž1 of 1C1894’žConder 1895’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=0(& ’e>aĘ0™  X ŗ  ŹgŹŹ 4 aÅ.ʔÅ-Å»ÄHđĆxåF© ’žHedon Howe’žSE 76 NE 10’ž1 of 1C1893’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG<-%# ’ ’žDuggleby Howe’žSE 86 NE 2’ž1 of 1C1890’žMortimer 1893’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>/'% ’ ’žAldro 175’žSE 86 SW 12’ž1 of 2B1849’žProctor 1854’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:,$"  ’ ’žPainsthorpe 118’žSE 85 NW 21’ž1 of 1C1868’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LA2*(  ’ ’žPainsthorpe 121’žSE 85 NW 551B1868’žMortimer 1905, p 128’žextensive2minimal]]OMB,$"  ’ ’žHanging Grimston Long Barrow’žSE 86 SW 3’ž1 of 1C1868’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVM>64,  ’ ’žAldro 113’žSE 86 SW 861B1868’žMortimer 1905, p 75-76’žextensive2minimalYYKI>&  ’ ’žAldro 97’žSE 86 SW 851B1868’žMortimer 1905, p 76-77’žextensive2minimalXXJH=%  ’ ’žAcklam Wold 124’žSE 76 SE 41B1868’žMortimer 1905, p 90-922noneMMECC+#! æ ’žBalnuaran of Clava North-East’žNH 74 SE 11C1931’žPiggott 1955’žpartialpublishedadequaterrbPG91/-! ’ ’žBalnuaran of Clava South-West’žNH 74 SE 41C1930-31’žPiggott 1955publishedadequateoo_MM?1/-! æ ’žCamster Long’žND 24 SE 1’ž1 of 4C1866’žAnderson 1868’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=.&$ ’ ’žCamster Round’žND 24 SE 16’ž1 of 2C1865’žAnderson 1866’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?0(& ’ ’žWarehouse South’žND 34 SW 70’ž1 of 2C1853’žRhind 1854’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>2*(  ’ ’žWarehouse North’žND 34 SW 41’ž1 of 2C1853’žRhind 1854’žunknownpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>2*(  ’ ’žWarehouse East’žND 34 SW 69’ž1 of 2C1853’žRhind 1854’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=1)' ’ ’žM'Cole's Castle’žND 34 SW 40’ž1 of 2C1853’žRhind 1854’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>2*(  ’ ’žCulduthel’žNH 64 SE 26?  ’žLoch Migdale’žNH 69 SW 361D1970’žWoodham 1971’žTrialno reportPPP>7)! ’ ’žCow Common Long’žSP 12 NW15’ž1 of 2C1867-8’žDavid Royce’žPartialnot publishednone’žNot reported{meKB5)' ’ ’žBelas Knap’žSP 02 NW 9’ž1 of 2C1863-5’žLawrence 1866’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?0$" ’ ’žNotgrove Long Barrow’žSP 02 SE 19’ž2 of 2D1934-5’žClifford 1936’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported…wgUJ;/-% ’ ’žCamp Barrow North’žSO 90 NW 1’ž1 of 1C1860’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB93+)! ’ ’žGatcombe Lodge’žST 89 NE 15’ž1 of 1C1870’žPlayne 1871’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>1)' ’ ’žHazleton North’žSP 01 NE 4a’ž1 of 1E1979-82’žSaville 1990publishedextensive’žYesniWEE7)' æ ’žBurn Ground’žSP 11 NW 18’ž1 of 1D1940-1’žGrimes 1960’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE?2&$ ’ ’žNympsfield Long Barrow’žSO 70 SE 6’ž1 of 3C1862’žBuckman 1865’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedwiaOF80.& ’T>bÅ&x ć iĢęĖ]ĖüŹyŹŹ³É ŠČ€Čä'łR»‚Ņ?ĀÜĮ5šĄ ’žWest Cotton’žSP 97 SE 871D1985-89’žWindell et al 1990’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KB.  ’ ’žRedlands Farm’žSP 97 SE 93’ž1 of 1E1989’žMoore & Jackson 1990’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQF0(& ’ ’žMonument # 1222494’žSP 97 SE 861D1985-89’žWindell et al 1990IIIII5'%# ? ’žCotton Henge’žSP 97 SE 561D1985-89’žWindell et al 1990’žPartialpublishednone’žYeskf^LC/! ’ ’žThickthorne Down Long Barrow’žST 91 SE 23’ž1 of 1D1933’žDrew & Piggott 1936’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedˆzlZT?75-  ’ ’žLongbury Barrow’žST 72 NE 6’ž1 of 3B1802’žWarne 1866’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=1)' ’ ’žAlington Avenue’žSY 78 NW 72’ž1 of 1E1984-87’žDavies et al 2002’žPartialpublishedadequate’žYes{vfTK8*(  ’ ’žStonehill Down’žSY 98 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1800s’žWarne 1866’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>2(& ’ ’žGiants Grave South’žST 81 SW 18’ž1 of 1E1977’žMercer & Healy 2008’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQK5-+# ’ ’žThickthorne Bar’žST 91 SE 38’ž1 of 2A1727 ?’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6*(  ’ ’žChettle Long Barrow’žST 91 SW 22’ž1 of 1A1767’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6.,$ ’ ’žForty Acre Plantation’žSY 69 SE 40’ž1 of 1C1881’žnone’žPartialnot publishednone’žNot reportedwiaG>80.& ’ ’žHoldenhurst’žSZ 19 SW 7’ž1 of 1D1936’žPiggott 1937’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;-%# ’ ’žWyke Down II’žSU 01 NW 1421D1996’žGreen 199766666*"  ? ’žMonument # 452105’žSY 68 NE 781A1800's?444442&$" ? ’žAscott-Under-Wychwood’žSP 31 NW 21’ž1 of 1E1965-69’žBenson & Whittle 2006’žFullpublishedmmm[U>0.& ’ ’žMonument # 1250181’žSP 40 SW 1551D1979’žBarclay et al 1995DDDDD0(&$ ? ’žMonument # 1250004’žSP 40 NW 3601D1982 - 84’žBarclay et al 1995NNNNN:(&$ ? ’žNorthfield Farm’žSU 59 NE 1321D1969’žGray 1970, Gray 1977’žFullpublished[[[IC-%#! ’ ’žBarrow Hills’žSU 59 NW 1371D1983-85’žBarclay & Halpin 1999GGGGG0"  ? ’žCorporation Farm’žSU 49 NE 1381D1972’žsee PAST excerpt’žPartialinterim onlyaaaI@.&$" ’ ’žWestwell’žSP 20 NW 41D1951’žnone’žTrialno reportnone’žNot reportedYKC1*$  ’ ’žDevil's Quoits’žSP 40 SW 31C1940’žGrimes 1943’žPartialpublishedRRR@7*"  ’ ’žChedworth I’žSP 01 SW 8’ž1 of 1D1941’žGrimes 1960’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE:-%# ’ ’žSale's Lot Long Barrow’žSP 01 NW 9’ž1 of 1E1963-4’žO'Neil 1966’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žNot reported†xfTI<0.& ’ ’žEyford Hill’žSP 12 NW 21’ž1 of 1C1874’žRolleston 1876’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>.&$ ’ ’žHetty Pegler's Tump’žSO 70 SE 9’ž1 of 2B1821’žClifford 1966’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MD5-+# ’ ’žSeamer 1’žTA 08 NW 22’ž1 of 2B1849?’žConyngham 1849’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=-#!  ’|>ŖĻūĪ`ĪÖĶSĶĖĢ4Ģ– õ N «  _ÓĒ/Ē‡ĘʂÅÖ0.& ’ ’žKilcoy South’žNH 55 SE 3’ž2 of 2E1997’žMacGregor & Loney 1997’žPartialnot publishedminimalwwiOF.&$ ’ ’žCarn Glas, Kilcoy’žNH 55 SE 6’ž1 of 2D1906’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<33+)! ß ’žBalnuaran of Clava Centre’žNH 74 SE 31D1953’žPiggott 1955publishedminimalccUCC5-+) æIRudh' An Dunain’žNG 31 NE 2’ž1 of 1D1931-32’žScott 1932’žextensivepublished reportminimalNo€|nNC7)' ’ ’žGrey Mare and Her Colts’žSY 58 NE 19’ž1 of 1B1800s’žGrinsell 1959’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reported„vnTK<20( ’ ’žFlagstones Enclosure’žSY 78 NW 671D1987-88’žSmith 1997’žExtensivepublishedextensiverr`NC7)'% ’ ’žHillfort Spur Enclosure, Hambledon Hill’žST 81 SW 591D1985’žMercer 1988QQQQQD<:8+ ? ’žStepleton Enclosure, Hambledon Hill’žST 81 SE 521D1974-86’žMercer 1988’žFullpublishedadequate’žYes€{kYSF864' ’ ’žHambledon Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žST 81 SW 171D1951’žFarrar 1951’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reported|nfTM@864' ’ ’žMaiden Castle Causewayed Enclosure’žSY 68 NE 1511C1934-8’žWheeler 1943publisheddddRRD864& æ ’žWinterborne Herringston 6’žSY 68 NE 176’ž1 of 1C1880’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedtf^LC=53+ ’ ’žLuton Down Long Barrow’žST 90 NW 19’ž1 of 1C1896’žCunnington - none’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reported}ogUL91/' ’ ’žBlandford Race Down’žST 90 NW 39’ž1 of 1B1840?’žWarne 1866’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD8.,$ ’ ’žPimperne Long Barrow’žST 91 SW 11’ž1 of 1B1800s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedpbZH?9/-% ’ ’žWor Barrow’žSU 01 NW 14’ž1 of 1C1893-4’žPitt-Rivers 1898’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reportedyk[IC1%# ’ ’žBokerley 3’žSU 01 NW 39’ž1 of 1B1800s’žnone’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedfXP>5/%# ’ ’žHigh Knowes’žNT 91 SE 3421D1962-63’žJobey et al 1966’žFullpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYGA/! ’ ’žMilfield South Henge’žNT 93 SW 371D1977-78’žHarding 1981’žPartialpublished```NE7)'% ’ ’žOld Yeavering Henge’žNT 93 SW 401D1976’žHarding 1981’žExtensivepublished[[[I>0(&$ ’ ’žMilfield North Henge’žNT 93 SW 131D1975-77’žHarding 1981’žExtensivepublishedbbbPE7)'% ’ ’žCoupland Henge’žNT 93 SW 281D1995’žWaddington 1996’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<+#! ’ ’žDour Hill Chambered Cairn’žNT 70 SE 101C1932’žPunshaw & Dunlop Miller 1933-4’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported‡yq_V6.,* ’ ’žAldwincle 1’žSP 98 SE 181D1967-71’žJackson 1976<<<<<.  ?z>oĻādNĻ = © XĢ»  z üÉ[ Ą ƒėLóÅRż~å’ĀōV¾ ’žLanhill Barrow’žST 87 SE 17’ž1 of 4C1855’žThurnam 1857’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedpbZH?1)' ’ ’žTow Barrow’žSU 25 NE 11’ž1 of 1D1914’žCrawford 1919-20’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?-%# ’ ’žFittleton 5’žSU 15 SE 16’ž1 of 1C1851’žCunnington 1896’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?.&$ ’ ’žKnighton Barrow’žSU 14 NW 141??’žno recordnone99111&$"  ? ’žAlton Down’žSU 14 NW 5’ž1 of 1C1864’žThurnam 1868’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:,$" ’ ’žTinhead Barrow’žST 95 SW 13’ž1 of 1C1865’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?1)' ’ ’žFussell's Lodge’žSU 13 SE 39’ž1 of 1E1957’žAshbee 1966’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?2*(  ’ ’žChute’žSU 25 NE 21’ž1 of 1D1934’žPassmore 1942’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7(   ’ ’žStaines Causewayed Enclosure’žTQ 07 SW 141D1961-3’žRobertson-Mackay 1987’žExtensivepublishedgoodyyq_T=1/-  ’ ’žFornham All Saints’žTL 86 NW 591D1960’žSt Joseph 1964?????/'%# ? ’žSwale`s Tumulus’žTL 67 SE 28’ž1 of 1E1954’žBriscoe 1957’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@2*(  ’ ’žGrub Low’žSK 05 SE 15’ž1 of 1B1849’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9+#!  ’ ’žBrown's Low’žSK 15 SW 53’ž1 of 2B1846’žBateman 1861’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG<.&$ ’ ’žLong Low’žSK 15 SW 1’ž1 of 1C1848-51’žCarrington 1864’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA0"   ’ ’žStonesteads’žSK 05 SE 28’ž1 of 1B1849’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žDinnington St. John's’žSK 58 NW 10’ž1 of 2C1862’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedoaYG>80.& ’ ’žThe Roveries’žSO 39 SW 41D1960-61’žThomas 1960’žUnknownpublishedVVVD;.  ’ ’žBroom Ridge’žNT 93 NE 15’ž1 of 1C1858’žGreenwell 1856-62’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA.&$ ’ ’žChatton Sandyford’žNU 12 NW 40’ž1 of 1E1966’žJobey 1968’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@4,*" ’ ’žBellshiel Law’žNT 80 SW 5’ž1 of 1D1935’žNewbigin 1936’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>/'% ’ ’žWhitton Hill 1’žNT 93 SW 651D1982’žMiket 198577777+#! ? ’žBattlegore’žST 04 SE 140’ž1 of 1D1931’žGray 1931’žextensivepublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD9.&$ ’ ’žShipham 3’žST 45 NE 27’ž1 of 1D1924’žRead 1924’žextensivepublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB7,$"  ’ ’žGray's Down’žST 75 NW 10’ž1 of 1B1815’žnone’žunknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedm_W=4.&$ ’HRattar East’žND 27 SW 4’ž1 of 1E1967-68’žTrialno written reportnonedd\:33%# ß ’žKinbrace Burn’žNC 82 NE 4’ž1 of 1D1909?’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žunknowncZR@71'% ’ ’žHalmie’žND 13 SW 411D1992-97’žsee Canmore’žextensiveinterim onlyadequateiiYA6)  ’T>iŠE¢ v Ģ²ĖZĖÜŹ2Ź±ÉÉ«ČeÉ'āC§ pÕ+˜ ’žSouthlawn Barrow’žSP 21 SE 1’ž1 of 1C1872’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedi[SA82*(  ’ ’žMonument # 621184’žSU 14 NW 59’ž1 of 1E1984’žWessex Archaeology - none’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported€rjXO4,*" ’ ’žNetheravon Down’žSU 14 NW 7’ž1 of 1C1865’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedhZR@71)' ’ ’žGiant's Grave’žSU 15 NE 31’ž1 of 1C1865’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>0(& ’ ’žMaiden Bradley’žST 83 NW 5’ž1 of 1B1804’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA0(& ’ ’žEnde Burgh’žSU 13 SE 18’ž1 of 1C1870-1900’žnone’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=7%# ’ ’žKnook Barrow’žST 94 SE 21’ž1 of 2B1801’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@/'% ’ ’žKnook Down’žST 94 NE 18’ž1 of 1B1801’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>-%# ’ ’žKingston Deverill’žST 83 NW 12’ž1 of 1E1964’žHarding & Gingell 1986’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRL4,*" ’ ’žThorny Down’žSU 23 SW 17’ž1 of 1E1979’žSalisbury Museum - none’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedxjbPG.&$ ’ ’žHeytesbury’žST 94 SW 6’ž1 of 1B1800’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=,$" ’ ’žBowl's Barrow’žST 94 NW 20’ž1 of 2B1801’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA0(& ’ ’žKings Play Down Long Barrow’žSU 06 NW 2’ž1 of 1D1907’žCunnington 1909’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYes~ykYN=53+ ’ ’žAvebury’žSU 16 NW 221?1922’žGray 1935publishedAAA//$  æ ’žFigsbury Rings’žSU 13 SE 271C1924’žCunnington 1925-7’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>+#! ’ ’žWoodhenge’žSU 14 SE 61C1926-28’žCunnington 1929’žExtensivepublishedYYYG<+  ’ ’žButterfield Down’žSU 14 SE 3131D1990’žRawlings & Fitzpatrick 1993’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‚tfTK.&$" ’ ’žConeybury Henge’žSU 14 SW 141D1980’žRichards 1990’žPartialpublishedVVVD;,$"  ’ ’žStonehenge’žSU 14 SW 41?see PAST records>>>>>>  ’žThe Lesser Cursus’žSU 14 SW 411D1983’žRichards 1990=====.&$" ? ’žThe Cursus’žSU 14 SW 421C1947’žStone 1947publishedEEE33' æ ’žMillbarrow’žSU 07 SE 19’ž1 of 2C1863’žThurnam 1869’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;-%# ’ ’žTidcombe Hill’žSU 25 NE 20’ž1 of 2A1750’žWillis 1787’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=0(& ’ ’žManton Down Long Barrow’žSU 17 SE 23’ž1 of 1E1952’žAtkinson - none’žFullno reportnone’žNot reportedykcQK:20( ’ ’žDevil's Den’žSU 16 NE 36’ž1 of 1D1921’žPassmore 1922’žTrialpublishednone’žYesc^VD=.&$ ’ ’žLugbury’žST 87 NW 3’ž1 of 2B1821’žColt Hoare 1822’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:)!  ’ ’žGiant's Caves’žST 88 SW 3’ž1 of 2D1932’žPassmore 1934’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>/'% ’_>gŃĪvĪÜĶ'  ņ K Ŗ Źj Ė*‰ģJ©dÅ"|Ł2Ÿ ’žWoodhead Round’žNH 66 SE 1’ž1 of 1B1817’žnone’žextensiveno reportnone’žNot reportedi[SA60(& ’ ’žKelleythorpe II’žTA 05 NW 22’ž1 of 2C1851’žLondesborough 1852’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQF2*(  ’ ’žMonument # 64464’žSE 95 NE 27’ž1 of 1C1866’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB3+)! ’ ’žGarton Slack 81’žSE 95 NE 16’ž1 of 1C1866-7’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPE6*(  ’ ’žGarton Slack 137’žTA 05 NW 16’ž1 of 1C1870’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB3+)! ’ ’žPainsthorpe 99’žSE 85 NW 17’ž1 of 1C1867’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@1)' ’ ’žHuggate Wold 230’žSE 85 NE 2’ž1 of 1C1881-2’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported|n`NE6*(  ’ ’žHuggate Wold 224’žSE 85 NE 17’ž1 of 1C1882’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB3+)! ’ ’žGrindale Barrow 1’žTA 17 SW 20’ž1 of 1E1972’žManby 1980’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@4,*" ’ ’žGarton Slack 80’žSE 95 NE 28’ž1 of 1C1866’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LA2*(  ’ ’žCowlam 57’žSE 96 NE 33’ž1 of 1C1867’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG<,$"  ’ ’žMonument # 1260758’žTA 17 SE 39’ž1 of 1C1857’žDavies 1889’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB5-+# ’ ’žHigh Easton Barrow’žTA 17 SE 9’ž1 of 1E1972’žManby 1980’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@4,*" ’ ’žCallis Wold 100’žSE 85 NW40’ž1 of 1C1867’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@1)' ’ ’žWinterbourne Stoke 35a’žSU 14 SW 487’ž1 of 1C1864’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedykcQH:20( ’ ’žDilton Middle Down’žST 84 NE 30’ž1 of 1B1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedwiaOF5-+# ’ ’žUpton Lovell 2A’žST 94 SE 6’ž1 of 2B1801’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB1)' ’ ’žHatfield Barrow’žSU 05 NE 2’ž1 of 1B1807’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedqcKB1)' ’ ’žWhitesheet Downs’žST 83 NW 49’ž1 of 1B1807’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MD3+)! ’ ’žAlton 13’žSU 16 SW 173’ž1 of 1D1937’žPhillips - none’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedn`XF=,$"  ’ ’žWinterbourne Stoke 44’žSU 04 SE 70’ž1 of 1E1959’žGreen and Rollo-Smith 1984’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedq_T80.& ’ ’žNew Wintles Farm’žSP 41 SW 251D1968’žClayton 1973’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%#! ’ ’žMount Farm’žSU 59 NE 1331D1982’žLambrick |(forthcoming)AAAAA(  ? ’žMonument # 1085421’žSU 59 NW 861D1983-85’žBradley 1992’žFullpublishedminimal’žYesni[IC5'%# ’ ’žWhitehorse Hill’žSU 38 NW 24’ž1 of 2C1857-58’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedoaYG>8*(  ’l>döĪVN© ż i Ō + ” ž o ×E¶ĒjĒÕD”ł^Ć0›õI® ’žKill Barrow’žSU 04 NW 11’ž1 of 1C1865’žThurnam 1871’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žStockton Barrow’žST 93 NE 26’ž1 of 1B1800-1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVM<*(  ’ ’žSherrington Long Barrow’žST 93 NE 1’ž1 of 2B1804’žLambert 1806’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG91/' ’ ’žShalbourne 5’žSU 25 NE 5’ž1 of 1?unknown’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedk]UC:4&$ ’ ’žSmay Down’žSU 35 NW 14’ž1 of 1?unknown’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedi[SA82$"  ’ ’žTemple Bottom’žSU 17 SW 29’ž1 of 1C1861’žLukis 1864’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<0(& ’ ’žNorton Down’žST 94 NW 28’ž1 of 1C1866’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žWhiteleaf Hill’žSP 80 SW 1’ž1 of 1D1934-9’žChilde & Smith 1954’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI4(& ’ ’žPark Farm Barrow’žSU 28 SE 15’ž1 of 1E1978-9’žRichards 1990’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MF7+)! ’ ’žSheep Down’žSU 48 SE 3’ž1 of 1D1943’žSmith 1945’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedgYQ?8,$" ’ ’žLambourn’žSU 38 SW 5’ž1 of 1E1964’žWymer 1966’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?6*"   ’ ’žBeenham’žSU 66 NW 221D1963’žWymer ? 196422222$  ? ’žEton Wick’žSU 97 NE 1101D1985’žFord 1994’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedgYK92'  ’ ’žKnocking Knoll’žTL 13 SW 11’ž1 of 1C1856’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedhZR@71)' ’ ’žShean Stemster’žND 16 SE 1’ž1 of 1D1904’žnone’žpartialnot publishedminimal’žunknownpgY?60(& ’ ’žEarl's Cairn’žND 26 NE 2’ž1 of 1D1903’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedeWO=4.&$ ’ ’žCairn of Heathercro’žND 26 SW 2’ž1 of 1D1900’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5-+# ’ ’žTongue House’žNC 55 NE 2’ž1 of 1C1866’žHorsburgh 1868’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>.&$ ’ ’žKenny's Cairn’žND 34 SW 30’ž1 of 1C1866’žAnderson 1869a, p. 225-8’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseSJ0(& ’ ’žGarrywhin’žND 34 SW 4’ž1 of 1C1866’žAnderson 1868’žextensivepublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE:+#!  ’ ’žCarn Righ’žND 34 SW 32’ž1 of 1C1865’žAnderson 1872’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD;,$"  ’ ’žSouth Yarrows South’žND 34 SW 5’ž1 of 1C1865’žAnderson 1866 (a) &(b)’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVM5-+# ’ ’žSouth Yarrows North’žND 34 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1865’žAnderson 1866 (a) & (b)’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported…wiWN5-+# ’:Ormiegill North’žND 34 SW 2’ž1 of 1C1865’žAnderson 1866a’žPartialpublished reportminimal’žNot reported†xjJA1)' ’ ’žMoyness’žNH 95 SE 71B1856’žStuart, J. 1867publishedFFF44#  æ ’žCarn Fionntairneach’žNH 67 SW 4’ž1 of 1B1848’žnone’žtotalno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB;5-+# ’p>_Ē#{ å I · ! ‚ ļ D ōČvįĒP½;¤ o(Ä®ĆsŁF“ ’žAvening Barrow’žST 89 NE 26’ž1 of 1B1806’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedhZR@71)' ’ ’žCheltenham 1’žSO 92 SW 8’ž1 of 1B1832’žWitts 1880’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:.&$ ’ ’žPinkwell’žSP 01 SW 14’ž1 of 2C1856’žAkerman 1856-9’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;+#!  ’ ’žAvenis Barrow’žSO 90 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1865-75’žJowett Burton 1925’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedzldRI5'% ’ ’žMonument # 329725’žSP 10 NW 12’ž1 of 1C1876?’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6,*" ’ ’žCondicote Henge’žSP 12 NE 51D1977’žSaville 1983’žTrialpublishedRRR@9+#! ’ ’žLechlade Cursus’žSP 20 SW 31D1965?-----+#! ? ’žBown Hill’žSO 80 SW 20’ž1 of 1C1863’žPaine & Witchell 1865’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LC,$"  ’ ’žSwell 2’žSP 12 NW 14’ž1 of 1C1874’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:*"   ’ ’žBevis's Grave’žSU 60 NE 8’ž1 of 2B1815’žButler 1817’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE</'% ’ ’žGiant's Grave’žSU 61 NW 5’ž1 of 1D1910’žnone’žunknownno reportnoneXXP>5/'% ’ ’žHoughton Barrow’žSU 33 NW 37’ž1 of 1C1895’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedi[SA82*(  ’ ’žLamborough’žSU 52 NE 13’ž2 of 2D1932’žMilner 1944’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA:-%# ’ ’žMoody''s Down Southeast’žSU 43 NW 12 a1C1940’žGrimes 1960’žFullpublishedminimalNomi[IC6.,* ’ ’žPortsdown’žSU 60 NE 3’ž1 of 1B1816’žnone’žuiknownno reportnoneTTL:1+#!  ’ ’žBeacon Hill’žSU 45 NE 391C1912’žWoolley 191366666(  ? ’žMonument # 235003’žSU 52 NW 12’ž1 of 1E1968’žWinchester Museum Archive’žUnknownnot publishednone’žunknownƒzrXO4,*" ’ ’žGreat Barrow’žSU 01 SW 106’ž1 of 1E1958’žField 1962’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC<0(& ’ ’žMonument # 1300126’žSY 68 NE 173’ž1 of 1C1800s’žWarne 1866’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedwiaOD8.,$ ’ ’žHandley Down’žSU 01 NW 15’ž1 of 2B1800s’žHoare 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=1'% ’ ’žHandley 27’žSU 01 NW 13’ž1 of 2B1800s’žHoare 1812’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB;/%# ’ ’žConquer Barrow’žSY 78 NW 3’ž1 of 1E1970-1’žWainwright 1979’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LE4(& ’ ’žCrouch Hill’žSZ 19 SE 42’ž1 of 2D1921-2’žGray 1922’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=2&$ ’ ’žWhite Barrow’žSU 04 NW 3’ž1 of 1B1800-1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI8&$ ’ ’žTilshead Old Ditch’žSU 04 NW 9’ž1 of 2B1802’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported|n`NE4,*" ’ ’žEast Down’žSU 04 NE 7’ž1 of 1C1863’žThurnam 1864’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9+#!  ’ ’žTilshead Lodge’žSU 04 NW 12’ž1 of 2B1804’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB1)' ’4>\Ź2• ł [ · y ÜÉ;ɖČ0ČÖĒ%‰ĘfÅĮÄOÄÓĆBĆŖĀ®Įz ’žBevis' Thumb’žSU 71 NE 34’ž1 of 1E1980’žBedwin & Rudling 1981’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MF/'% ’ ’žBevis' Tomb’žTQ 00 NW 110’ž1 of 1B1832’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/'% ’ ’žMonument # 1251623’žSP 25 NE 541D1965’žFord 1971:::::/'%# ? ’žWasperton Long Barrow’žSP 25 NE 501D1980-85’žHughes & Crawford 1995’žPartialpublishedadequate’žYes€{kYP8*(& ’ ’žHail End Bridge’žSP 25 NE 3’ž1 of 1E1967’žFord 2003’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB<1)' ’ ’žWasperton Hengiform Monument’žSP 25 NE 471D1980-85’žHughes & Crawford 1995publishediiiWW?1/-  æ ’žMonument # 337571’žSP 47 NW 51D1968’žSimpson 1969’žTrialpublishedTTTB;-%#! ’ ’žHigh Cross’žSP 48 NE 341D1990’žArchivenot publishedJJJ00' æ ’žCharlecote’žSP 25 NE 521D1965-70’žFord 196488888- ? ’žBarford’žSP 26 SE 881D1964-65’žOswald 1966-799999*  ? ’žWarden Law’žNZ 35 SE 7’ž1 of 1D1911’žTrechmann 1914’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<,$" ’ ’žHasting Hill’žNZ 35 SE 101D1980’žnone’žTrialno reportnone’žNot reported^PH6/)! ’ ’žCopt Hill’žNZ 34 NE 1’ž1 of 1C1877’žTrechmann 1914’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;+#!  ’ ’žBadshot Lea Long Barrow’žSU 84 NE 14’ž1 of 1D1936’žKeiller & Piggott 1939’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‰{m[R:20( ’ ’žStanwell Cursus’žLinear 911D1979-85’žO`Connell 1990@@@@@0"  ? ’žBourne Mill Spring’žSU 84 NE 71C1930-35’žKeiller & Piggott 1939LLLLL4&$" ? ’žSouthwick Causewayed Enclosure’žTL 09 SW 351D1972’žHadman 1973’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOH;31/" ’ ’žDallington Causewayed Enclosure’žSP 76 SW 531D1991’žKeevill 1992’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedykcQJ<420# ’ ’žBriar Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žSP 75 NW 411D1974-78’žBamford 1985’žExtensivepublishedgooduum[PB420# ’ ’žSeamer Moor B’žTA 08 NW 161’ž1 of 1C1860s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB93)' ’ ’žRaisthorpe Manor Barrow’žSE 86 SE 22’ž1 of 2C1891’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported‚tfTI:20( ’ ’žHelperthorpe Long Barrow’žSE 96 NE 14’ž1 of 2C1866’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported|nfTK;31) ’ ’žEsh's Barrow’žSE 96 NE 24’ž1 of 2C1866’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?/'% ’ ’žOver Silton’žSE 49 SE 2’ž1 of 1C1868’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=-%# ’ ’žCollege Plantation 1’žSO 90 NE 4’ž1 of 1C1882’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6.,$ ’ ’žJackbarrow’žSO 90 NE 6’ž2 of 2D1937’žClifford 1937’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB;,$" ’ ’žCoberley 2’žSO 91 NE 2’ž1 of 1C1800s’žBird 1876’žunknownpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9.$" ’ ’žQuerns Barrow’žSP 00 SW 19’ž1 of 1B1800s’žBuckman & Newmarch 1850’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported|nfTK2(& ’£>]ÜĪCØ ż c ¼ * Œ č C –ā;£ ÅūĈÄıĆSĆōĀŽĀ1ĀÓĮtĮéĄ ’žDorchester, Big Rings I’žSU 59 NE 31D1951-52’žAtkinson 1951’žPartialpublishedcccQH9+)' ’ ’žDorchester, Site VI’žSU 59 NE 121C1946’žAtkinson et al 1951EEEEE0(&$ ? ’žDorchester, Site V’žSU 59 NE 111C1946’žAtkinson et al 1951DDDDD/'%# ? ’žDorchester, Site I’žSU 59 NE 81C1946’žAtkinson et al 1951CCCCC.&$" ? ’žDorchester By-Pass, Site 2’žSU 59 SE 1111D1981’žWhittle et al 1992LLLLL80., ? ’žDorchester, Site IV’žSU 59 NE 101C1946’žAtkinson et al 1951EEEEE0(&$ ? ’žDorchester, Site II’žSU 59 NE 91C1946’žAtkinson et al 1951DDDDD/'%# ? ’žBarrow Hills’žSU 59 NW 901D1983-85’žBarclay & Halpin 1999FFFFF/! ? ’žGoring’žSU 67 NW 331D1987-88’žAllen 1995publishedgoodOOG55)  æ ’žBlewburton Hill’žSU 58 NW 531D1967’žnone’žUnknownnonenone’žNot reportedYKC;2,$"  ’ ’žAbingdon Causewayed Enclosure’žSU 59 NW 301C1926-27’žLeeds 1927published^^^LL@20.! æ ’žNorth Stoke Bank Barrow’žSU 68 NW 1711D1950-52’žCase 1982’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedwiaOF;-+) ’ ’žChoseley Farm’žSU 75 SW 21’ž1 of 1D1933’žnone’žPartialno reportnoneYYQ?60(& ’ ’žSouth Wonston North’žSU 43 NE 17’ž1 of 2D1939-45’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žunknownne]KB<.,$ ’ ’žWoodford G2’žSU 13 NW 13’ž1 of 1E1963’žHarding & Gingell 1986’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQF.&$ ’ ’žWinterbourne Stoke Down’žSU 04 SE 33’ž1 of 1B1800-1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedŒ~p^UD20( ’ ’žWinterbourne Stoke Crossroads’žSU 14 SW 92’ž1 of 1C1863’žThurnam 1864’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported…wiWN@86.! ’ ’žNormanton Down’žSU 14 SW 85’ž1 of 1B1804-1808’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported}ogUL;)' ’ ’žWilsford Down’žSU 14 SW 93’ž1 of 1C1865-66’žCunnington 1914’žExtensiveno reportnone’žNot reportedzldRG6(& ’ ’žEll Barrow’žSU 05 SE 22’ž1 of 1C1855-1867’žThurnam 1869’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedvh`NE7%# ’ ’žWest Woods’žSU 16 NE 1’ž1 of 1C1880’žPassmore 1923’žPartialno reportminimalNohdVD;,$" ’ ’žWarminster’žST 94 NW 17’ž1 of 2B1800-1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQH7%# ’ ’žArn Hill’žST 84 NE 5’ž1 of 1B1802’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;*"   ’ ’žKing Barrow’žST 84 SE 8’ž1 of 1B1800 - 1810’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUL;%# ’ ’žPreston Candover’žSU 64 SW 14’ž1 of 1C1893’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB93+)! ’ ’žNutbane’žSU 34 NW 6’ž1 of 1E1957’žMorgan 1959’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedqcSA6)!  ’ ’žBarkhale Camp’žSU 91 SE 311D1978’žLeach 1983’žPartialpublishedgoodYYQ?6*"  ’ ’žStoughton Down NW’žSU 81 SW 30a’ž1 of 1E1980’žBedwin & Rudling 1981’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reported{meSL5-+# ’>[Ą^ĪžĶrĶÕĢ…ĢīĖSĖØŹ ^ÉĄČvČÜC±’Å#ŊÄńĆzĆīĀOĀ»Į’Ą_Ą ’žEtton Causewayed Enclosure’žTF 10 NW 511D1982-87’žPryor 1998’žExtensivepublishedextensivexxfTI=/-+ ’ ’žHaddenham Causewayed Enclosure’žTL 47 SW 471D1981,1982,1984,1987’žEvans 1988’žExtensivepublishedextensive””‚peY31/" ’ ’žGreat Wilbraham Causewayed Enclosure’žTL 55 NW 81D1975-76’žPalmer 1976’žTrialpublishedlllZSF864( ’ ’žBarton Hill Farm Site 1’žTL 02 NE 21D1954’žDyer 1962’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>3+)' ’ ’žBunyan Centre’žTL 04 NE 421D1995’žSteadman 1999’žFullpublishedminimal’žYesd_Q?9*"  ’ ’žWaulud's Bank’žTL 02 SE 21D1953’žDyer 1955 and 1964publishedOOO==)! æ ’žBury Farm Site 2’žTL 05 SE 261D1987’žMustoe 1988’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:-%#! ’ ’žBury Farm Site 1’žTL 05 SE 231D1987’žMustoe 1988’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:-%#! ’ ’žMaiden Bower’žSP 92 SE 421C1913’žSmith 1915publishedGGG55)! æ ’žGalley Hill’žTL 02 NE 81D1951’žDyer 1955-6’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedeWO=4' ’ ’žGrickstone Farm’žST 78 SE 5’ž1 of 1B1844’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žunknowncZR@71)' ’ ’žDruid Stoke’žST 57 NE 9’ž1 of 2D1913’žWere 1913’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9.&$ ’ ’žBlackheath’žST 83 SW 38’ž1 of 1B1800-10’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimalNoqm_MD3%# ’ ’žCop Hill’žST 84 NE 9’ž1 of 1B1809’žColt Hoare 1812’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;*"   ’ ’žRodmead Hill’žST 83 NW 331?’žnot excavated00000!! / ’žGallows Barrow’žSU 14 NE 111B1890-1900’žHawley 1909-10’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedvh`NE5#! ’ ’žWilloughby Hedge’žST 83 SE 181A1803 ?’žColt Hoare 1812 ?’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD1%#! ’ ’žWest Kennet Long Barrow’žSU 16 NW 59’ž1 of 2C1859’žThurnam 1860’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQH:20( ’ ’žWhitesheet Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žST 83 NW 61D1951’žPiggott 1952’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUN@864( ’ ’žCrofton Causewayed Enclosure’žSU 26 SE 531D1984’žLobb 1995’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KD91/-  ’ ’žRobin Hood's Ball’žSU 14 NW 31D1956’žThomas 1964’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA:-%#! ’ ’žWindmill Hill’žSU 07 SE 221D1957’žSmith 196566666*"  ? ’žKnap Hill’žSU 16 SW 221C1908-9’žCunnington 1911-12’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>*  ’ ’žRybury Camp’žSU 06 SE 141D1963’žBonney 1964’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reporteddVN<5(  ’ ’žDrayton Cursus’žSU 49 SE 831C1921-1937’žLeeds 1923;1926FFFFF5#! ? ’žDorchester Cursus’žSU 59 NE 51C1947-52’žAtkinson et al 1951HHHHH3%#! ? ’žWhispering Knights’žSP 23 SE 31’ž1 of 1E1983’žLambrick 1988’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KD5-+# ’ ’žWayland's Smithy’žSU 28 NE 4’ž1 of 2D1919-20’žPeers & Smith 1921’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported}ogUL8*(  ’*>øĻaĻĻ¬Ī%ĪĶĶ†Ķ,ĶĻĢqĢ(Ģy ā 9 ąÉvɼnČŪ;”łTø"ˆīLŖv ’žWest Lanyon Quoit’žSW 43 SW 40’ž1 of 1A1700s’žHitchins 1803’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedvh`NE6,*" ’ ’žTol Creeg’žSW 43 NE 44’ž1 of 1E1963’žPool 1964’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7,$"  ’ ’žChapel Carn Brea’žSW 32 NE 20’ž1 of 1C1879’žBorlase 1886’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LA3+)! ’ ’žBallowall Barrow’žSW 33 SE 24’ž1 of 1C1874’žBorlase 1886’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LA3+)! ’ ’žChun Quoit’žSW 43 SW 29’ž1 of 1C1871’žBorlase 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%# ’ ’žPawton Quoit’žSW 96 NE 4’ž1 of 1C1870s’žnone’žUnknownnot publishednone’žunknownjaY?60&$ ’ ’žHut Barrow’žSW 42 NW 66’ž1 of 1Cpre-1863’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5%# ’ ’žMulfra Quoit’žSW 43 NE 65’ž1 of 1A1749’žBorlase 1769’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=/'% ’ ’žLesquit Quoit’žSX 06 SE 6’ž1 of 1E1973’žMiles & Trudigan 1976’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF/'% ’ ’žStreet House cairn’žNZ 71 NW 14’ž1 of 1E1979-81’žVyner 1984’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRG;-+# ’ ’žCranford’žSJ 68 NW 41’ž1 of 2D1930-1’žArmstrong 1933-6’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA/#!  ’ ’žBridestones’žSJ 96 SW 6’ž1 of 1D1936-37’žDunlop 1938’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA3%# ’ ’žFengate Depot’žTL 29 NW 49’ž1 of 1E1992’žEvans 1994’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC<0(& ’ ’žOver Barrow’žTL 37 SE 631D2001’žLewis 200244444(  ? ’žOrton Longueville Barrow 2’žTL 19 NE 103’ž1 of 1E1979-82’žMackreth 1983’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reported’„v^SD64, ’ ’žMaxey Mortuary Enclosure’žTF 10 NW 971D1979-81’žPryor & French 1985PPPPP;-+) ? ’žMonument # 1343084 Monument # 1343084’žTL 47 SW 661????????=;97* ? ’žHaddenham Long Barrow’žTL 47 NW 17’ž1 of 1E1986’žEvans & Hodder 2006’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žYes|jXM80.& ’ ’žMonument # 1327616’žTL 15 NE 60’ž1 of 1E1997’žEllis 2004’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesoj\JA5-+# ’ ’žMonument # 1328070’žTL 27 SW 115’ž1 of 1E1990-91’žMalim 1990’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reported‡ykSH<.,$ ’ ’žMonument # 1086165’žTF 10 NW 781?none//////'%#  ’žMonument # 1030952’žTF 10 NW 691D1971’žPryor & French 1985DDDDD/'%# ? ’žMonument # 1030947’žTF 10 NW 641D1965-66’žSimpson 1981CCCCC5'%# ? ’žMaxey - Site 69’žTF 10 NW 601D1964-65’žSimpson 1981@@@@@2$"  ? ’žMaxey Henge 2’žTF 10 NW 1151D1986?-----+#! ? ’žMaxey Henge’žTF 10 NW 591D1956-7/1962-3,?>>>>><  ? ’žElton Henge’žTL 09 NE 421D1978’žnone’žTrialno reportnone’žNot reported]OG5.(  ’ ’žStonea’žTL 49 SW 391D1980-85’žJackson & Potter 1996@@@@@)  ? ’žMaxey Cursus’žTF 10 NW 581D1978-81’žPryor et al 1985AAAAA/! ? ’žGodmanchester’žTL 27 SE 811D1988-91’žMcAvoy 2001=====0"  ? ’žEynesbury North’žTL 15 NE 591D1994?.....,$"  ?8>_æp Ķ ( ’ĖĖa Ź“ÉōČS±!—źÅIøÄ%ĕĆēĀ>ĀAĮz ’žTiverton Long Barrow’žSS 91 SE 11’ž1 of 1E1985’žSmith 1990’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYessn`NC7/-% ’ ’žSpinsters Rock’žSX 79 SW 11B1862’žOrmermod 1870’žUnknownpublishednoneNo`\TB9*"  ’9Lundy Chambered Tomb’žSS 14 SW 7’ž1 of 1C1851’žGosse 1865’žPartialpublished reportminimal’žNot reported‡ykKB6.,$ ’ ’žRaddon Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žSS 80 SE 671D1994’žGent & Quinnell 1999’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYes|n\S=531$ ’ ’žHembury Hill’žST 10 SW 281C1930-35’žLiddell 1932; Liddell 1935’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported†xhVK/! ’ ’žHigh Peak’žSY 18 NW 261C1921’žCarter 1930’žTrialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedhZR:3&  ’ ’žMembury Causewayed Enclosure’žST 20 SE 321D1986, 1994’žTingle 2006’žTrialpublishedkkkYRE1/-  ’ ’žStratton Henge’žST 64 NE 171D1976’žJebb ? 1977’žTrialno reportnone’žNot reportedgYQ?8+#! ’ ’žJullieberries Grave’žTR 05 SE 5’ž1 of 2D1936’žJessup 1937’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB5-+# ’ ’žMonument # 468945’žTR 36 NE 511D1976-82, 1990’žPerkins 1990’žUnknowninterim onlynone’žNot reported…woWN@&$" ’ ’žColdrum’žTQ 66 SE 2’ž1 of 3C1856’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported`RJ8/)!  ’ ’žKits Coty House’žTQ 76 SW 4’ž1 of 2A1790s’žDouglas 1793’žPartialpublishednoneNohd\JA3)' ’ ’žAddington Long Barrow’žTQ 65 NE 13’ž1 of 1C1800s’žPetrie 1880’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedxjbPG:0.& ’ ’žThe Chestnuts’žTQ 65 NE 24’ž1 of 1E1957’žAlexander 1961’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@0(& ’ ’žChalk Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žTR 36 SE 241D1997-98’žShand 1998’žPartialinterim onlynonewwoWNB420# ’ ’žKinsborough Farm’žTQ 97 SE 361D1999’žnone’žPartialno reportNNN<3-%#! ’ ’žMonument # 423842’žSW 43 NW 741B1868’žBorlase 1872<<<<<.&$" ? ’žWoolley Barrows’žSS 21 NE 1’ž1 of 1E1976’žHigginbotham 1977’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KD1)' ’ ’žCastilly’žSX 06 SW 11D1962’žThomas 1964’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedhZL:1$  ’ ’žStripple Stones’žSX 17 NW 251C1905’žGray 1908’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7,$"  ’ ’žSperris Quoit’žSW 43 NE 22’ž1 of 1E1954’žThomas & Wailes 1967’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF0(& ’ ’žZennor Quoit’žSW 43 NE 42’ž1 of 1C1881’žGrenfell 1884’žUnknowninterim onlyminimal’žNot reported{m_G>/'% ’ ’žBosporthennis Cromlech’žSW 43 NW 16’ž1 of 1C1872’žBorlase 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG91/' ’ ’žThree Brothers of Grugith’žSW 71 NE 13’ž1 of 1C1872’žBorlase 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseSJ<42* ’ ’žTregascal Barrow’žSW 33 SE 64’ž1 of 1C1879’žBorlase 1886’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA3+)! ’ ’žTregiffian Barrow’žSW 42 SW 19’ž1 of 3C1871’žBorlase 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB4,*" ’j>XĻeĢ XĶ×Ģ? £  h Å ;  zęTĮ'‹īZƬĀ#ĀĢĮGĮ°Ą ’žGospel Hillocks’žSK 07 SE1011B1865’žLukis 1868’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,$"  ’ ’žTwyford’žSK 32 NW 171D1961’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reported[ME3*$  ’ ’žArbor Low’žSK 16 SE 81A1782/1844’žBateman 1848=====/  ? ’žBull Ring’žSK 07 NE 21C1949’žAlcock 1950’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedaSK92%  ’ ’žAston Cursus’žSK 42 NW 521D1986’žGibson & Loveday 1989@@@@@)! ? ’žPotluck Cursus’žSK 32 NW 811D1969’žWheeler 1970;:::::+#! ? ’žFive Wells’žSK 17 SW 10’ž1 of 2B1846’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD;-%# ’ ’žSmerrill Moor’žSK 16 SE 21’ž1 of 1C1857’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>0(& ’ ’žHarborough Rocks’žSK 25 NW 8’ž1 of 1C1889’žWard 1890’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=2*(  ’ ’žMinning Low’žSK 25 NW 2’ž1 of 3B1843’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%# ’ ’žStoney Low’žSK 25 NW 7’ž1 of 1B1843’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:,$" ’ ’žGreen Low’žSK 25 NW 1’ž1 of 2B1843’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+#!  ’ ’žRingham Low’žSK 16 NE 7’ž1 of 2B1847’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD;-%# ’ ’žBrushfield Hough’žSK 17 SE 12’ž1 of 1D1924’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB93+)! ’ ’žBole Hill’žSK 16 NE 1’ž1 of 2B1843’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+#!  ’ ’žMiddle Hurst’žNY 83 SE 7’ž1 of 1E1978’žCoggins 1997’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žBrandon’žNZ 24 SW 3’ž1 of 1D1904’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reported`RJ8/)!  ’ ’žCrosby Garrett 174’žNY 60 NE 8’ž1 of 1C1873’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD4,*" ’ ’žBent's Hill’žNY 70 NW 8’ž1 of 1C1871-3’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA1%# ’ ’žBlack Lyne/White Lyne’žNY 58 SE 2’ž1 of 1E1953’žRichardson 1975’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedykcQH7/-% ’ ’žRaiset Pike’žNY 60 NE 1’ž1 of 1C1864’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=-%# ’ ’žSkelmore Heads’žSD 27 NE 28’ž1 of 2D1927-28’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedn`XF=7)' ’ ’žKing Arthur's Round Table’žNY 52 NW 21C1937’žCollingwood 1938publishedYYYGG5-+) æ ’žLittle Round Table’žNY 52 NW 31C1939’žBersu 1940publishedLLL::.&$" æ ’žSampson's Bratful’žNY 00 NE 11’ž1 of 1E1950's’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedoaYG>8,*" ’ ’žRitson Barrows’žSX 75 SE 3’ž1 of 1A1799’žCranch 1885’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=0(& ’ ’žFairway Hill’žSY 19 NE 241D1966’žPollard 1967; 1971=====)! ? ’žBroadsands Chambered Tomb’žSX 85 NE 6’ž1 of 1E1958’žRadford 1958’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI;31) ’h>dŃHĪaĶ×ĢD ¤  ·Ź.Ź„ÉBÉ£ČścīĘwĘʈÅ8Å“Ä‘ścÕNĮ°Ą ’žFirle Beacon’žTQ 40 NE 221A1797/1820’žHorsfield 1824’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedtf^LC3! ’ ’žAlfriston’žTQ 50 SW 261D1974’žDrewett 1975’žFullpublishedminimal’žYes_ZL:4&  ’ ’žMoney Burgh’žTQ 40 SW 5’ž1 of 1B1800’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<3-%# ’ ’žHunters Burgh’žTQ 50 SW 41’ž1 of 1?unknown’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6(& ’ ’žCamel's Humps’žTQ 41 SW 20’ž1 of 1?unknown’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<6(& ’ ’žBeacon Hill’žTQ 30 SE 1’ž1 of 1C1862’žTurner 1863’žExtensivepublishednoneNoc_WE:-%# ’ ’žLong Burgh’žTQ 50 SW 13’ž1 of 1A1767’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<3-%# ’ ’žMiddle Brow’žTQ 31 SW 171D1957’žHolleyman & Yeates 1960’žPartialpublished\\\JA(  ’ ’žPlayden’žTQ 92 SW 71C1929-31’žCheney 193566666)  ? ’žMile Oak Henge’žTQ 20 NW 901D1989-90’žRudling 2002publishedQQQ??1#! æ ’žOffham Hill’žTQ 31 SE 231D1976’žDrewett 1977’žFullpublishedNNN<6(  ’ ’žCombe Hill’žTQ 50 SE 121C1949’žMusson 1950’žPartialpublishedOOO=4' ’ ’žWhitehawk Camp’žTQ 30 SW 11C1929’žWilliamson 1930publishedMMM;;*"  æ ’žTye Field’žTM 03 SE 25’ž1 of 2E1959-63’žnone’žTrialnot publishednone’žNot reportedoaY?82$"  ’ ’žRivenhall Long Barrow’žTL 81 NW 32’ž1 of 1E1986’žBuckley et al 1988’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseSL80.& ’ ’žRivenhall Henge’žTL 81 NW 811D1996’žBrown & Foreman 1997’žTrialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedwiaIB,$"  ’ ’žSpringfield Cursus’žTL 70 NW 841D1979-85’žBuckley et al 2001IIIII5'%# ? ’žSpringfield Lyons’žTL 70 NW 1051D1990-91’žGilman 1991; Gilman 1992publishedaaaOO5'%# æ ’žOrsett Causewayed Enclosure’žTQ 68 SE 211D1975’žHedges & Buckley 1978publishedaaaOO80., æ ’žWyaston’žSK 14 SE 71B1852’žBateman 186111111#  ? ’žTideslow’žSK 17 NW 4’ž1 of 1E1968-9’žRadley & Plant 1971’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LC."   ’ ’žUpper Haddon Moor’žSK 16 NE 8’ž1 of 1B1844’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA3+)! ’ ’žLiff's Low’žSK 15 NE 8’ž1 of 2B1843’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:,$" ’ ’žWinhill’žSK 18 NE 51A1778’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedbTL:1#  ’ ’žGib Hill’žSK 16 SE 71A1824 & 1848’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@2  ’ ’žDove Holes’žSK 07 NE 221?’žnot excavated..... / ’žWhitwell Quarry’žSK 57 SW 91’ž1 of 1E1988-9’žAnon 1990’žFullnot publishedaaaGA6*(  ’ ’žLids Lowe’žSK 15 SE 43’ž1 of 1B1845’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:,$"  ’ ’žSparrowpit Barrow’žSK 08 SE 10’ž1 of 1A1700s’žBray 1783’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedrd\JA6,*" ’>\ŗ!Ī§ĶĶ^ “K s Ü K ØhōĘYøpÉ'›~ŲD ’žThe Waste’žSP 02 SE 6’ž1 of 1B1800s’žnone’žunknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedl^V<3-#!  ’ ’žThe Soldier's Grave’žSO 70 SE 13’ž1 of 1D1937’žClifford 1938’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPE6.,$ ’ ’žWotton Under Edge 2’žST 79 NE 6’ž1 of 1A1780’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5-+# ’ ’žWillersey’žSP 13 NW 11’ž1 of 1C1884’žWitts 1885’žPartialpublishednoneNo_[SA8,$"  ’ ’žOak Piece’žSP 12 NW 5’ž1 of 1D1916’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedbTL:1+#!  ’ ’žPoles Wood South’žSP 12 NE 27’ž1 of 1C1874’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LC3+)! ’ ’žPoles Wood East’žSP 12 NE 25’ž1 of 1C1875-6’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQF6*(  ’ ’žSnowshill 1’žSP 03 SE 7’ž1 of 1C1850’žArchive - Northampton Library’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reported…woUL-%# ’ ’žWindmill Tump’žST 99 NW 7’ž1 of 3C1863’žLysons 1863’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE</'% ’ ’žRandwick Long Barrow’žSO 80 NW14’ž1 of 1C1883’žWitts 1884’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB6.,$ ’ ’žCheltenham 2’žSO 92 SE 7’ž1 of 1B1845’žGomonde 1846’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žWhitfield's Tump’žSO 80 SE 31D1973’žBunce & Wilkinson 1978’žnonenonenoneZZRJD,$"  ’ ’žHoar Stone Long Barrow’žSO 90 NE 2’ž1 of 1B1806’žFreston 1812’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedwiaOF80.& ’ ’žCrippets Long Barrow’žSO 91 NW 18’ž1 of 1A1700s’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedpbZH?9/-% ’ ’žWest Tump Long Barrow’žSO 91 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1880’žWitts 1881’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD7/-% ’ ’žWest Barrow’žST 89 SW 20’ž1 of 1A1700’žnone’žExtensiveno reportnone’žNot reportedgYQ?4.&$ ’ ’žBisley Barrow’žSO 90 NW 24’ž1 of 1C1863’žPaine 1912’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<0(& ’ ’žSaltway Barn Long Barrow’žSP 10 NW 2’ž1 of 1D1940’žGrimes 1960’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MG:20( ’ ’žLamborough Banks’žSP 10 NW 1’ž1 of 1C1854’žLysons 1865’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?2*(  ’% Ablington Beehive Chamber’žSP 10 NW 10’ž1 of 2D1925’žPassmore 1934’žPartialpublished reportminimal’žNot reported‚tTK<42* ’ ’žAdlestrop Hill Long Barrow’žSP 22 NE 2’ž1 of 2D1935-36’žGardiner 1935 & 1936’žPartialpublishednone’žYes€{saXB42* ’ ’žBirdlip Camp’žSO 91 NW 101D1980-81’žDarvill 1981 & 1982’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KD/! ’ ’žCrickley Hill’žSO 91 NW 431D1969-1993’žDixon 1988publishedRRR@@4"  æ ’žSalmonsbury Camp’žSP 12 SE 21C1931-34’žDunning 1931’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedqc[I@2$"  ’ ’žBucks Head Round Barrow’žSO 91 SW 5’ž1 of 1C1880’žDorington 1881’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedzldRI91/' ’ ’žDry Heathfield Barrow’žSO 91 NW 17’ž1 of 2B1845’žBell/Gomonde 1846’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported|nfTK80.& ’Œ>kĻĻ±ĪƒĶą L Æ XĖĖŹŹ åD£ū^¾4œÄM²jŠ ’žBallaharra’žSC 28 SE 39’ž1 of 1E1971’žCreegan 1978’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%# ’ ’žAfton Down’žSZ 38 NE 14’ž1 of 1B1817’žGrinsell & Sherwin 1941’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedqiOF-%# ’ ’žWold Newton 284’žTA 07 SW 2’ž1 of 1C1894’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@1)' ’ ’žWarter 252’žSE 85 SE 11’ž1 of 1C1882’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<-%# ’ ’žSouth Side Mount Barrow’žTA 16 NW 11’ž1 of 1C1864-1877’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedq_TD20( ’ ’žCallis Wold 275’žSE 85 NW 9’ž2 of 2E1975’žCoombs 1976’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD>1)' ’ ’žEtton Wold’žSE 94 SW 161B1865?’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9) ’ ’žLing Howe Long Barrow’žSE 93 NE 6’ž1 of 1E1984’žnone’žPartialno reportnone``XF=7/-% ’ ’žMonument # 1306461’žTA 16 NW 70’ž1 of 1C1870’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedxjbPE5-+# ’ ’žMonument # 81218’žTA 16 NW 4’ž1 of 1C1870’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedug_MB2*(  ’ ’žRudstone Long Barrow’žTA 06 NE 23’ž1 of 1C1860’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRG7/-% ’ ’žMarket Weighton’žSE 94 SW 10’ž1 of 1C1866’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB2*(  ’ ’žGarton Slack 134’žSE 95 NE 31’ž1 of 1C1870’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB3+)! ’ ’žCowlam 277’žSE 96 NE 6’ž1 of 1C1892’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;,$" ’ ’žKemp Howe’žSE 96 NE 15’ž1 of 2C1878’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;,$"  ’ ’žPaddock Hill’žTA 07 SW 101D1973-87’žManby 1980’žExtensivepublishedXXXF;/! ’ ’žMaiden's Grave’žTA 07 SE 81D1964’žMcInnes 1964publishedJJJ88*"  æ ’žRudston Cursus C’žTA 06 NE 471D1978?/////-%#! ? ’žRudston Cursus A’žTA 01 NE 191B1869’žGreenwell 1877=====-%#! ? ’žKilham Long Barrow’žTA 06 NE 3’ž1 of 2C1868’žGreenwell 1877’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MD4,*" ’ ’žFive Hills’žTL 34 SW 76’ž1 of 1C1856’žNunn 1855’žUnknownnot publishednone’žunknownlc[A8-%# ’ ’žTherfield Long Barrow’žTL 34 SW 5’ž1 of 2C1855’žNunn, E.B 1855’žPartialnot publishednone’žunknown{rjPG7/-% ’ ’žBottom House Lane Enclosure’žTL 00 SE 411D1992’žWainwright 1992’žExtensiveinterim onlylllTI80., ’ ’žBredon Hill’žSO 93 NE 29’ž1 of 1E1963’žThomas 1965’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;.&$ ’ ’žBredon Henge’žSO 93 NW 951D2004’žwebsite (URL on Pastscape)EEEEE)! ? ’žWalton Green Cursus’žSO 25 NE 631D1993-7’žGibson 1999AAAAA4(&$ ? ’žMonument # 1243501’žTQ 07 NE 491D1969’žCanham 1978’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE</'%# ’`>dæ2˜ ÷Lf Ń B ¬  ‚ å‘ČČÖĒOĒ¦qŪWDÆ]ĆéĀ“ĀēA¦@nAldro 88’žSE 86 SW 19’ž1 of 1C1867’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublished reportminimal’žNot reportedseE:+#!  ’ ’žWest Rudham Common’žTF 82 NW 4’ž1 of 2D1937’žSainty et al 1938’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG4,*" ’ ’žYarmouth Road Field’žTM 39 SE 45’ž1 of 1E2001’žRobertson 2003’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF6.,$ ’ ’žSeahenge’žTF 74 NW 61D1999’žBrennand & Taylor 2003<<<<<$  ? ’žArminghall Henge’žTG 20 NW 1531C1935’žClark 1936publishedLLL::.&$" æ ’žEdgefield Heath’žTG 03 NE 31C1933’žLawson 198188888+#! ? ’žBroome Heath Bowl Barrow’žTM 39 SW 37’ž1 of 1C1858’žChester 1859’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI;31) ’oThe Calderstones’žSJ 48 NW 4’ž1 of 1A1789’žHerdman 1896no written reportnonejjb@@2*(  æ ’žSpellow Hills’žTF 47 SW 1’ž1 of 1?unknown’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5'% ’ ’žHoe Hill Long Barrow’žTF 29 NW 12’ž1 of 1E1984’žPhillips 1989’žTrialpublishednone’žYeslg_MF7/-% ’ ’žGiants' Hill 2’žTF 47 SW 86’ž1 of 1E1975-76’žEvans & Simpson 1991’žFullpublishedadequateNoyueSM7)' ’ ’žGiants' Hills 1’žTF 47 SW 9’ž1 of 1D1933-34’žPhillips 1935’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedscQF7)' ’ ’žTop Buildings’žTF 19 NW 101D1983’žPhillips 1989’žTrialpublishednone’žYes_ZR@9*"  ’ ’žStowe Farm’žTF 11 SW 561D1994?)))))' ? ’žWest Ashby’žTF 27 SW 141D1977’žField 1985’žExtensivepublishedPPP>3' ’ ’žHusband's Bosworth’žSP 68 SW 471D1999’žClay 1999:::::/'%# ? ’žSalakee Down’žSV 91 SW 38’ž1 of 1D1942’žGrimes 1960’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG</'% ’ ’žHalangy Down’žSV 91 SW 12’ž1 of 1D1929’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/'% ’ ’žBuzza Hill’žSV 91 SW 49’ž1 of 1A1752’žBorlase 1756’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%# ’ ’žPorth Hellick Down’žSV 91 SW 35’ž1 of 1D1900’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5-+# ’ ’žBant's Carn’žSV 91 SW 13’ž1 of 2C1899’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedeWO=4.&$ ’ ’žObadiah's Barrow’žSV 80 NE 7’ž1 of 1D1901’žnone’žExtensiveno reportnone’žNot reportedk]UC82*(  ’ ’žKittern Hill’žSV 80 NE 3’ž1 of 1A1790s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedgYQ?60&$ ’ Monument # 30081’žSC 26 NW 17’ž1 of 1C1885-8’žSwinnerton 1889-94published reportminimal’žNot reported‡ykKK7+)! æ ’žBellafayle’žSC 49 SE 25’ž1 of 1D1926’žKermode 1929’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%# ’ ’žBallakelly’žSC 37 SW18’ž1 of 1C1865’žnone’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedk]U;2,$" ’ ’žKing Orry's Grave’žSC 48 SW 1’ž1 of 1E1953-54’žCubbon 1971’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF9+)! ’ ’žCashtal Yn Ard’žSC 48 NE 1’ž1 of 2C1885’žJewitt 1885’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=0(& ’%>hĻĻ‘ĪĪpĶŲĢ`ĢźĖnĖšŹtŹ’ɬÉÉĄČkČĖĒ:Ē˜ĘXĘÓÅ6EµD,ÄąĆNƶĀ'ĀŽĮĮqĄ ’žForglen House’žNJ 65 SE 251C1906’žCallander 1906’žExtensivepublishedminimalNoieWE:*"  ’ ’žCairnwell’žNO 99 NW 42D1995’žRees 1997’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reporteddVH60%  ’ ’žCampstone Hill’žNO 89 SW 91D1964-5’žSmall 1965’žPartialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedqc[C:."  ’ ’žThe Nine Stanes’žNO 79 SW 81C1904’žColes 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYesgbTB7+#! ’ ’žEslie the Greater’žNO 79 SW 21B1873’žSmith 1880’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9-%#! ’ ’žSands of Forvie’žNK 02 NW 31D1951’žKirk 1953’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedj\N<6+#! ’ ’žHill of Selbie’žNJ 72 SE 391?’žnot excavated22222##! / ’žSundayswells’žNJ 60 SW 41B1889’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported_QI7.(  ’BHill of Foulzie’žNJ 75 NW 6’ž1 of 1D1902’žGordon 1902’žPartialpublished reportgggG>1)' ’;Dalladies’žNO 66 NW 27’ž1 of 1E1970’žPiggott 1972’žExtensivepublished reportminimal’žNot reportedseE:,$"  ’ ’žCraigbeg’žNO 29 SE 61B1864’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported[ME3*$  ’ ’žSands of Forvie’žNK 02 NW 131??&&&&&&$"   ’žHill of Knockollochie’žNJ 72 NW 251D1961’žWoodham 1961’žFullinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedzl^F@2*(& ’ ’žMulloch’žNJ 40 SE 91C1910?’žMichie 1910’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedi[M;2%  ’ ’žBroomend of Crichie’žNJ 71 NE 61B1883’žDalrymple 1883-4’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA/'%# ’ ’žFerrybridge Henge’žSE 42 SE 311D1991’žWright 1992;;;;;.&$" ? ’žBlackpatch’žTQ 00 NE 431C1922-30’žunpublished:::::- ? ’žNorth Marden’žSU 81 NW 451D1982’žDrewett 1986’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB7)! ’ ’žChalkpit Lane’žSU 80 NE 941D1997-8’žGrey lit.99999."  ? ’žThe Trundle’žSU 81 SE 521C1928-30’žCurwen 1929publishedMMM;;.  æ ’žCourt Hill’žSU 81 SE 51D1982’žBedwin 1984’žTrialpublishedgoodTTL:3& ’ ’žBury Hill’žTQ 01 SW 281D1979’žBedwin 1981’žPartialpublishedgoodVVN<3&  ’ ’žHalnaker Hill’žSU 90 NW 21D1981-3’žBedwin 1992publishedgoodTTL::-! æ ’žThornborough North’žSE 27 NE 311D1952’žThomas 1955publishedNNN<</'%# æ ’žNunwick Henge’žSE 37 SW 151D1961’žDymond 1963’žTrialpublishedPPP>7*"  ’ ’žHutton Moor Henge’žSE 37 SE 31C1920s’žRaistrick 1929’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedpbZH?/%#! ’ ’žYarnbury Henge’žSE 06 NW 61D1964’žDymond 1969’žPartialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedn`X@7*"  ’ ’žThornborough South’žSE 27 NE 331D1994-98’žHarding 1998; Harding 1997publishedcccQQ5'%# æ ’žThornborough Centre’žSE 27 NE 321D1952’žThomas 1955’žPartialpublishedXXXF=0(&$ ’ ’žThornborough Cursus’žSE 27 NE 11D1958’žVatcher 1960=====/'%# ? ’žScorton Cursus’žNZ 20 SW 111D1978’žTopping 1982’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9+#! ’<>Y·ĪrĪĪ‹Ķ;ĶŻĢ†ĢŚ cKĘ 1 ˆ öW”|å@§pÕQÄ‚ ’žMichael's Grave’žNR 97 SE 6’ž1 of 1D1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishedminimalNojfXF=1)' ’ ’žGlenvoidean’žNR 97 SE 2’ž1 of 1E1963-71’žMarshall & Taylor 1977’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported†xhVK3%# ’ ’žAuchoish’žNR 89 SE 8’ž1 of 1D1931’žCraw 1931-2’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYese`R@7*"   ’ ’žBaroile’žNR 89 NW 26’ž1 of 1D1929’žCraw 1930’žPartialpublishednoneNo\XP>5*"   ’ ’žKilchoan’žNR 89 NW 12’ž1 of 1C1864’žMapleton 1864-6’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<+#!  ’ ’žNether Largie South’žNR 89 NW 2’ž1 of 1C1864’žGreenwell 1864-6’žPartialpublishedadequate’žNot reported€rbPG5-+# ’ ’žGartnagreanoch’žNR 79 SE 8’ž1 of 1D1929’žCraw 1930’žPartialpublishednone’žUnknowng^VD;0(& ’ ’žBrackley’žNR 74 SE 1’ž1 of 1E1952-3’žScott 1956’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:."   ’ ’žArdnacross II’žNR 72 NE 6’ž1 of 1E1958-76’žScott 1971-1980’žunknownpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF5'% ’ ’žBeacharra’žNR 64 SE 14’ž1 of 2C1892’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,$"  ’ ’žCragabus’žNR 34 NW 6’ž1 of 1D1901’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?6*"   ’ ’žBallynaughton’žNR 34 NE 10’ž1 of 1D1902’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishednone’žUnknownh_WE<0(& ’ ’žPort Charlotte’žNR 25 NW 1’ž1 of 1E1976-79’žHarrington & Pierpoint 1980’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedŽ€p^S6(& ’ ’žBarmore Wood’žNN 00 SE 12’ž1 of 1E1963-5’žScott 1965’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žUnknownwn`H?3'% ’ ’žAchnagoul I’žNN 00 NE 8’ž1 of 1C1871’žPhene 1873’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9-%# ’ ’žAchnacreebeag’žNM 93 NW 4’ž1 of 1E1968-70’žRitchie 1969-70’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedscQF5'% ’ ’žCarn Ban’žNM 93 NW 1’ž1 of 1C1871’žSmith 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?6*"   ’ ’žDalineun’žNM 82 NE 8’ž1 of 1E1970-1’žRitchie 1972’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<."   ’kClach An T'sagairt’žNM 80 SW 19’ž1 of 1D1920’žnoneno written report]]];;5-+# æ ’žFordhouse’žNO 66 SE 4’ž1 of 1E1994-7’žPeterson 1994 - 1997’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reported„vhPE/#!  ’ ’žRed Castle’žNO 65 SE 181D1998-99’žAlexander 2005=====- ? ’žCotton of Balcathie’žNO 63 NW 61D1998’žRees & Cameron 1998DDDDD/'%# ? ’žNewbigging’žNO 56 NW 31B1850s’žJervise 185366666( ? ’žMeams Hill’žNO 35 NE 241D1967’žLaird 1967’žTrialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedhZR:3' ’ ’žDouglasmuir’žNO 64 NW 991D1979-80’žKendrick 1982=====.  ? ’žWitch Hillock’žNO 66 NW 81B1856?+++++)! ? ’žBairnie Hillock’žNJ 91 NE 111D1984’žShepherd 1984’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedzl^F;,$"  ’ ’žMidtown of Pitglassie’žNJ 74 SW 12’ž1 of 1E1978’žShepherd 1996’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žpartialvdRG80.& ’6>ué[Ć ( œ } ö ^ ½ $ żeĀ2”EŵÄbÄĆĆŪĀIĀöĮaĮŚĄ~Ą ’žDunagoil’žNS 05 SE 131A1800s’žMarshall 1914-15’žUnknownBBBB9'   ’žScalpsie’žNS 05 NE 101C1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYes_ZL:1%  ’ ’žBallymeanoch’žNR 89 NW 511C1920's’žCraw 1929’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?8-! ’ ’žNewton’žNR 36 SW 41D1980's’žMcCullagh 1988-8999999&  ? ’žGariob’žNR 78 NE 91D1977-8’žMarshall 1978’žTrialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedj\T<5&  ’ ’žBalnabraid’žNR 71 NE 21C1910-13’žM'Kinlay 1911; Galloway 1920’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUJ, ’ ’žArdentallan’žNM 82 SW 331D1992’žMcVean & Robinson 1992no reportRRR@@(  æ ’žArdnacross’žNM 54 NW 31D1989-91’žMartlew and Ruggles 1993FFFFF, ? ’žBallymeanoch’žNR 89 NW 181B1864’žGreenwell 186899999)! ? ’žUpper Largie’žNR 89 NW 1681D2005?’žCook 200577777,"  ? ’žUpper Largie’žNR 89 NW 431D1982-3’žMercer 1987’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE:-! ’mWalton Farm’žNS 37 NE 7’ž1 of 1E1954’žScott 1955’žTrialpublished reportminimal’žUnknownwn`@9-%# ’ ’žAdam's Grave’žNS 18 SE 5’ž1 of 1D1904’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYeshcUC:.&$ ’ ’žArdachearanbeg’žNS 08 NW 7’ž1 of 1D1930’žnone’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedoaY?60(& ’ ’žBicker's Houses’žNS 06 SE 17’ž1 of 1D1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishedminimal’žUnknownpgYG>2*(  ’ ’žGlecknabae’žNS 06 NW 8’ž1 of 1D1903’žBryce 1904’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žYesjeUC8,$" ’ ’žHilton’žNS 06 NE 17’ž1 of 1E1972-5’žMarshall 1976’žFullpublishedadequate’žUnknownmdTB<-!  ’ ’žCrarae’žNR 99 NE 6’ž1 of 1E1955-7’žScott 1961’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,   ’ ’žGiant's Graves South’žNS 02 SW 3’ž1 of 1D1902’žBryce 1903’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB6.,$ ’ ’žGiant's Graves North’žNS 02 SW 2’ž1 of 1D1902’žBryce 1903’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYespk]KB6.,$ ’ ’žMonamore’žNS 02 NW 10’ž1 of 2D1902’žBryce 1903’žPartialpublishednone’žYes_ZR@7+#!  ’ ’žTormore 1’žNR 93 SW 9’ž1 of 1D1900’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYese`R@7+#!  ’ ’žMoinechoill’žNR 93 NW 2’ž1 of 1D1902’žBryce 1903’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9-%# ’ ’žClachaig’žNR 92 SW 4’ž1 of 1D1900’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesd_Q?6*"   ’ ’žSliddery Water’žNR 92 SW 3’ž1 of 1D1901’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<0(& ’ ’žEast Bennan’žNR 92 SE 4’ž1 of 1D1908’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9-%# ’ ’žTorlin’žNR 92 SE 2’ž2 of 3C1896’žDuncan 1897’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedfXP>5(   ’ ’žCarmahome’žNR 92 NW 2’ž1 of 1D1924’žMann 1925’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesd_Q?6+#!  ’ ’žCarn Ban’žNR 92 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1902’žBryce 1903’žPartialpublishedminimalNoc_Q?6*"   ’>{Ļź^ĪÅ Mz Ų 1 Ÿ ü T ĒyČżĒkĒĒæĘsĘ’ÅtÅŁ(š ĆņlĮęĄLĄ ’žGask Hill’žNO 21 SE 141B1876-7’žAnderson 1878’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD9*  ’ ’žHuly Hill’žNT 17 SW 81A1830’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported\NF4+%  ’ ’žCat Stane’žNT 17 SW 31A1824’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reported\NF4+%  ’ ’žPort Seton’žNT 47 NW 9’ž1 of 1C1883’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedcUM;2,$" ’ ’žThe Law’žNS 53 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1922’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reported`RJ8/)!  ’ ’žDuncow’žNX 98 SE 1521D2002’žParry 2003’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedi[M;0$  ’ ’žKnockdoon’žNX 15 NW 5’ž1 of 1C1880s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<3-#!  ’ ’žSlewcairn’žNX 96 SW 1’ž1 of 1E1973-5’žMasters 1973, 1974, 1975,’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reported‰{mUJ/#!  ’ ’žLochhill’žNX 96 NE 24’ž1 of 1E1969-71’žMasters 1973’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE?1#!  ’ ’žPark of Tongland’žNX 65 NE 61D1986’žRussell-White et al 1992’žExtensivepublishedcccQF,$"  ’ ’žPict's Knowe’žNX 97 SE 131D1994-8’žThomas 2007publishedLLL::-! æ ’žHolm’žNX 98 SE 861D1994-8’žThomas 200722222% ? ’žHolywood North’žNX 98 SE 421D1994-8’žThomas 2007<<<<</#! ? ’žHolywood South’žNX 97 NW 231D1994-8’žThomas 2007<<<<</#! ? ’žCurriestanes’žNX 97 NE 851D2003’žBrann 2003’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedj\N<5)! ’ ’žFox Plantation’žNX 15 NW 81.001D1994-5’žMacGregor 1996publishedTTTBB2&$" æ ’žDunragit’žNX 15 NW 76.041D1999-2002?444442   ? ’žFleuchlarg’žNX 88 NE 2’ž1 of 1D1937’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedcUM;2,$" ’ ’žCairnholy II’žNX 55 SW 2’ž1 of 1D1949’žPiggott & Powell 1949’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported€rbPE.&$ ’ ’žCairnholy I’žNX 55 SW 1’ž1 of 1D1949’žPiggott & Powell 1949’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD-%# ’ ’žDrannandow’žNX 47 SW 1’ž1 of 1D1922’žEdwards 1923’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYesjeWE:,$" ’ ’žCairnderry’žNX 37 NW 1’ž1 of 1E2002-4’žCummings & Fowler 2007’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQH0$" ’ ’žBargrennan’žNX 37 NE 1’ž1 of 2D1949’žPiggott & Powell 1949’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LC,$" ’ ’žMid Gleniron II’žNX 16 SE 27’ž1 of 1E1963-6’žCorcoran 1969’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPE6*(  ’lMid Gleniron I’žNX 16 SE 14’ž1 of 1E1963-6’žCorcoran 1969’žExtensivepublished reportminimal’žNot reported‹}oOD5)' ’ ’žThe King's Cairn’žNS 50 SE 1’ž1 of 1D1928’žCurle 1930’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYesni[I>2*(  ’ ’žKerrytonlia’žNS 15 NW 31C1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reporteddVN<3' ’ ’žWatch Hill’žNS 06 SW 9’ž1 of 1D1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8,$" ’ ’žKerrycrusach’žNS 06 SE 111C1903’žBryce 1904’žPartialpublishednone’žYes]XP>5)! ’I>„Ļ | Ī’Ķś g Ö =Ė«ŹVŹÅÉ* –ČČrĒŽĘVĀ,•zŁ@§ĮĮ ’žBrodick’žNS 03 NW 9’ž1 of 1B1800s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedbTL:1+!  ’ ’žOssian's Mound’žNR 92 SE 11C1900’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesd_Q?6*"  ’ ’žKilpatrick’žNR 92 NW 271D1978-9’žBarber 1980’žPartialpublishedadequate’žNot reportedqcSA8+ ’ ’žCuff Hill’žNS 35 NE 12’ž1 of 2C1863’žPatrick 1872’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:,$"  ’ ’žHaylie’žNS 25 NW 1’ž1 of 1E1954’žAitken & Marshall 1957’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@(   ’ ’žSannox’žNS 04 SW 1’ž1 of 1D1909’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedeWO=4(   ’ ’žGlenrickard’žNS 03 SW 9’ž1 of 1C1861’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<3-%# ’ ’žDunan Beag’žNS 03 SW 8’ž1 of 1D1909’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,$" ’ ’žDunan Mor’žNS 03 SW 7’ž1 of 1D1909’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7+#!  ’ ’žDippen’žNS 02 SW 5’ž1 of 1C1800s’žMcArthur 1861’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB9*   ’ ’žTormore’žNR 83 SE 4’ž1 of 1D1909’žnone’žUnknownno reportnoneNoVRJ8/)!  ’ ’žViewfield’žNJ 26 SE 131B1850s’žWalker 1857’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5(  ’ ’žThe Law, Wallfield’žNJ 26 NE 31B1885’žMackintosh 1892’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?.&$" ’ ’žLochhill’žNJ 26 SE 301A1837’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reported\NF4+%  ’ ’žInnesmill’žNJ 26 SE 141B1850s’žWalker 1857’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5(  ’ ’žGownie Farm’žNJ 24 SE 8’ž1 of 1C1890’žAnderson 1891’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<-%# ’ ’žNewbattle Abbey’žNT 36 NW 121A1792’žWilson 1863’žFullno reportnone’žNot reportedgYQ?9,$"  ’ ’žBalnuaran of Clava’žNH 74 SE 101B1882’žJolly 1882;;;;;/'%# ? ’žBalnalick’žNH 43 SW 21B1887’žGrant 1888’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedj\N<1%  ’ ’žBallachulish House’žNN 05 NW 41D1972’žRCHMS 1972’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:.&$" ’ ’žCarn Na Feinne’žNH 67 SW 6’ž1 of 1C1876’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedgYQ?60(& ’ ’žFiscary’žNC 76 SW 5’ž1 of 1C1891’žKerr 1892’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedk]O=4)!  ’ ’žSkelpick Long’žNC 75 NW 7’ž1 of 1C1867’žHorsburgh 1870’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedpbZH?/'% ’ ’žBarns Farm’žNT 18 SE 81D1973’žWatkins 1983’žExtensivepublishedQQQ?4& ’ ’žCalais Muir’žNT 18 NW 61B1885’žBeveridge 1886publishedIII77' æ ’žAnnsmuir’žNO 31 SW 10’ž1 of 1C1870’žBrodie 1872’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8+#!  ’ ’žCairnfield Muir’žNO 21 SE 20’ž1 of 1C1870’žBrodie 1872’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedpbZH?2*(  ’ ’žGreen Hill’žNO 32 SW 181B1899-1901’žHutcheson 1902AAAAA1 ?>hŁ5—  q Ń + ‰ ī K ¢fĆ,œaÖ>§ lŠ ’žVinquoy Hill’žHY 53 NE 9’ž1 of 1C1857’žPetrie 1863’žUnknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;.&$ ’ ’žCalf of Eday, North West’žHY 53 NE 2’ž1 of 1C1855’žFarrer 1857’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedxjbPG:20( ’ ’žHuntersquoy’žHY 53 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1936’žCalder 1938’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE:-%# ’ ’žHurnip's Point’žHY 50 NW 58’ž1 of 1E1990s’žHunter 1993’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG@3)' ’ ’žPierowall Quarry’žHY 44 NW 32’ž1 of 1E1981’žSharples 1984’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYespk]KB3+)! ’ ’žCurquoy’žHY 44 NW 17’ž1 of 1C1860’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedaSK90*"   ’ ’žPoint of Cott’žHY 44 NE 3’ž1 of 1E1984-5’žBarber 1997’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported{m]K@3'% ’ ’žKnowe of Craie’žHY 43 SW 19’ž1 of 1D1941’žnone’žUnknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedn`R@71)' ’ ’žKierfea Hill’žHY 43 SW 18’ž1 of 1D1940’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/'% ’ ’žBigland Round’žHY 43 SW 13’ž1 of 1D1938’žnone’žUnknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?60(& ’ ’žKnowe of Ramsay’žHY 42 NW 22’ž1 of 1D1935’žCallander 1936’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB2*(  ’ ’žBlackhammer’žHY 42 NW 3’ž1 of 1D1936’žCallander & Grant 1937’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedxjbPE-%# ’ ’žTaversoe Tuick’žHY 42 NW 2’ž1 of 2C1898’žTurner 1903’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=0(& ’ ’žKnowe of Yarso’žHY 42 NW 1’ž1 of 1D1934’žCallander & Grant 1935’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseSH0(& ’ ’žQuanterness’žHY 41 SW 4’ž1 of 2B1805’žBarry 1975 [1805] pp 98-101’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reported{meSJ-%# ’ ’žWideford Hill’žHY 41 SW 1’ž1 of 2B1849’žThomas 1852’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE</'% ’ ’žCrantit’žHY 40 NW 17’ž1 of 1E1998’žBallin-Smith 1999’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedzl^F=*"   ’ ’žMidhowe’žHY 33 SE 1’ž1 of 1D1932-3’žCallander & Grant 1934’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPE-!  ’ ’žKnowe of Lairo’žHY 32 NE 6’ž1 of 1D1940s’žGrant & Wilson 1943’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedxjbPG2(& ’ ’žKnowe of Rowiegar’žHY 32 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1937’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedj\TB93+)! ’ ’žMaes Howe’žHY 31 SW 1’ž2 of 4E1954-55’žChilde 1955’žTrialpublishedminimal’žYesjeWE>1#!  ’ ’žCuween Hill’žHY 31 SE 1’ž1 of 1D1901’žCharleson 1902’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH=-%# ’ ’žThe Howe’žHY 21 SE 41’ž1 of 1E1978-82’žBallin-Smith 1994’žFullpublishedextensive’žNot reported|n\JD1#!  ’ ’žBookan’žHY 21 SE 10’ž1 of 2C1861’žPetrie 1863’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedgYQ?6)!  ’ ’žUnstan’žHY 21 SE 5’ž1 of 1C1884’žClouston 1885’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB7(   ’t>nĪ.” ł K µ %  ł e Ų@ȱG#y%ĘÉÅnÅąÄHÄ«ĆĆyĀßĮKĮø ’žPass of Keltnie’žNN 74 NE 33’ž1 of 1B1837’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedi[SA82*(  ’ ’žBalnabroich’žNO 15 NW 151B1860s’žStuart 1866’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>7*  ’ ’žBeech Hill Cairn’žNO 24 SW 81D1989’žStevenson 1995’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reportedrdTB<,$"  ’ ’žMonzie’žNN 82 SE 261C1938’žYoung & Mitchell 1939’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE:#  ’ ’žMoncrieffe House’žNO 11 NW 111D1974’žStewart 1985’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA;-%#! ’ ’žEast Huntingtower’žNO 02 SE 271D1980s’žBarclay 1982’žPartialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedug_G>0&$" ’ ’žNorth Mains, Strathallan’žNN 91 NW 181D1979’žBarclay 1984’žFullpublishedadequate’žYespk[IC5-+) ’ ’žBelhie’žNN 91 NE 181D1987’žRalston 1988’žTrialinterim onlynone’žNot reportedfXP81#  ’ ’žMilton of Rattray’žNO 14 SE 821D1997’žBaines et al 1998AAAAA.&$" ? ’žCleaven Dyke’žNO 13 NE 891C1939/1986’žRichmond 1940BBBBB3! ? ’žCastle Menzies’žNN 84 NW 481D1999’žHalliday 2002:::::+#! ? ’žClach Na Tiompan’žNN 83 SW 1’ž1 of 1E1954’žHenshall & Stewart 1955’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‚tfTK2*(  ’ ’žCultoquhey’žNN 82 SE 38’ž1 of 1E1957’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<3-%# ’EKindrochet’žNN 72 SW 5’ž1 of 1D1929-30’žChilde 1930’žPartialpublished reportnone’žYesuphH?2$" ’ ’žStones of Stenness’žHY 31 SW 21D1973-4’žRitchie 1976’žPartialpublishedadequate’žYespk[I@2&$" ’ ’žThe Howie’žHY 50 NE 22’ž1 of 1D1929’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedcUM;2,$"  ’ ’žWestness’žHY 32 NE 16’ž1 of 1D1933’žGrant 1934’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedfXP>7+#!  ’ ’žHoxa Hill’žND 49 SW 4’ž1 of 1C1869’žNone’žExtensivenot publishednone’žNot reportedl^V<1+#!  ’ ’žBurray’žND 49 NE 3’ž1 of 1C1863’žAnderson 1886’žUnknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7(   ’ ’žIsbister’žND 48 SE 1’ž1 of 3E1958’žRitchie 1959’žPartialpublishednone’žsample areah[SA8*"   ’ ’žQuoyness’žHY 63 NE 1’ž1 of 2C1867’žFarrer 1868’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7*"   ’ ’žHolm of Papa Westray North’žHY 55 SW 2’ž1 of 2B1849, 1854’žPetrie 1857’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported†xp^UH42* ’ ’žHolm of Papa Westray South’žHY 55 SW 1’ž1 of 1B1849’žThomas 1852’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI<42* ’ ’žEday Manse’žHY 53 SE 7’ž1 of 1B1821’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedcUM;2,$" ’ ’žSandyhill Smithy’žHY 53 SE 6’ž1 of 1D1937’žCalder 1938’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?2*(  ’ ’žCalf of Eday Long’žHY 53 NE 18’ž1 of 1D1936’žCalder 1937’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA4,*" ’ ’žWithebeir’žHY 53 NE 12’ž1 of 1C1855’žFarrer 1857’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9,$"  ’—>mĻŁNM¬  | ä ^Ėæ , ›  ¤Č ČvĒ|Ęį5–ügŃ/šĮŁ ’žBarclodiad-y-Gawres Burial Chamber’žNPRN 95545’ž1 of 1E1952-3’žPowell & Daniel 1956’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported™‹{i^H<:2& ’ ’žNask’žNL 69 NW 7.081D1989’žBrannigan & Foster 1995’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE<# ’ ’žAiridh Nan Seilicheag’žNF 86 NW 8’ž1 of 1D1910s’žBeveridge 1911’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedzldRI9/-% ’ ’žBarpa Langass’žNF 86 NW 6’ž1 of 1C1880?’žBeveridge 1911’žUnknownpublishedminimalNonj\JA1'% ’ ’žUnival’žNF 86 NW 4’ž1 of 1D1935’žScott 1948’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?4(   ’ ’žClettraval’žNF 77 SW 15’ž1 of 1D1930s’žScott 1935’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;/%# ’ ’žGeirisclett’žNF 77 NE 15’ž1 of 2D1900~’žBeveridge 1911’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@0&$ ’ ’žThe Witches Grave’žNF 71 NE 4’ž1 of 1E1999’žCummings & Sharples 2005’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVM3+)! ’ ’žCallanish’žNB 23 SW 1’ž1 of 2C1850s’žMatheson 1859’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<-#!  ’ ’žCairnpapple’žNS 97 SE 161C1947-8’žPiggott 1948; 1964’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@,  ’ ’žBannockburn West’žNS 89 SW 241D1984-5’žRideout 1997?????1%#! ? ’žStockie Muir’žNS 48 SE 6’ž1 of 1C1800s’žNimmo 1880’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedm_WE<0&$ ’ ’žBlackhill Farm’žNS 84 SW 51B1890s’žYoung 1899’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,"  ’ ’žScord of Brouster’žHU 25 SE 261D1977-9’žWhittle et al 1986FFFFF2&$" ? ’žKnowe of Heogland’žHU 59 NE 7’ž1 of 1C1865’žTate 1866’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>3+)! ’ ’žPettigarth's Field’žHU 56 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1938’žnone’žUnknownno reportnoneNoa]UC:4,*" ’ ’žHill of Dale’žHU 46 NW 3’ž1 of 1D1935’žBryce 1940’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:.&$ ’ ’žTrowie Knowe’žHU 38 NE 1’ž1 of 1D1904’žAbercrombie 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@.&$ ’ ’žPunds Water’žHU 37 SW 11C1930’žRCAHMS 1946’žnonepublishedminimalNo^ZL:4' ’ ’žIslesburgh’žHU 36 NW 1’ž1 of 1E1959’žCalder 1963’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB9,$" ’ ’žMarch Cairn’žHU 27 NW 3’ž1 of 1D1949’žCalder 1963’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:-%# ’ ’žHestinsetter Hill’žHU 24 NE 3’ž1 of 1C1866’žHunt 1866’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>3+)! ’ ’žMuckle Heog East’žHP 61 SW 12’ž1 of 1C1864-5’žTate 1866’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB7+)! ’ ’žLangknowe’žNY 58 NW 6’ž1 of 1C1850’žnone’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedbTL:1+#!  ’$ Mutiny Stones’žNT 65 NW 1’ž1 of 2C1871’žScott 1872’žPartialpublished reportnone’žNot reportedzldD;/'% ’ ’žOverhowden’žNT 45 SE 101D1950’žAtkinson 1950’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedk]O=6' ’>hĆ4‡ ģ F ± bĖ» + Ž éC’ņYF°wŚB©AĀ½Į:Į¶ĄSĄ ’žMeini Gwyr’žNPRN 3042871C1938?published;;;))' æ ’žLlandegai Henge’žNPRN 936201D1966-7’žLynch & Musson 2004’žFullpublished\\\JD/#! ’ ’žFfynnon Newydd Henge’žNPRN 3039521D1980’žWilliams 1984’žPartialpublished[[[I@1)'% ’ ’žCastell Bryn Gwyn Henge’žNPRN 938361D1959-60’žWainwright 1962published\\\JJ9+)' æ ’žWalton Green Cursus’žNPRN 3093511D1990's’žGibson 1999; Gibson 2000NNNNN4(&$ ? ’žTy Newydd’žNPRN 93834’ž1 of 1D1935’žPhillips 1936’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC:+#!  ’ ’žTy Isaf’žNPRN 305991’ž1 of 1D1938’žGrimes 1939’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB7*"   ’ ’žTyddyn Bleiddyn’žNPRN 94726’ž1 of 1C1869’žBoyd Dawkins 1870’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MD1)' ’ ’žTwlc-y-Filiast’žNPRN 304144’ž1 of 1E1953’žSavory 1956’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>1)' ’ ’žTrefignath’žNPRN 95535’ž1 of 1E1979’žSmith & Lynch 1987’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF@,$" ’ ’žTinkinswood Chambered Cairn’žNPRN 94510’ž1 of 1D1914’žWard 1915’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseSH=53+ ’# Thornwell Chambered Tomb’žNPRN 300127’ž1 of 1E1991?’žUnknownreport not publishednone’žunknownvnF=;31) ’ ’žPentre Ifan’žNPRN 101450’ž1 of 1D1936-7’žGrimes 1948’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?2&$ ’ ’žPen-y-Wyrlod Long Cairn’žNPRN 92191’ž1 of 1E1972’žBritnell & Savory 1984’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported‰{m[R:20( ’ ’žPen-y-Wyrlod Long Barrow’žNPRN 92012’ž1 of 1D1921’žMorgan 1921’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG:20( ’ ’žLligwy Burial Chamber’žNPRN 95532’ž1 of 1D1909’žBaynes 1909’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOD7/-% ’ ’žHeston Brake’žNPRN 300078’ž1 of 1C1888’žBagnall-Oakley 1888’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MD/'% ’ ’žGwernvale’žNPRN 98’ž1 of 2B1800’ž (Colt Hoare)’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedhZR@7(   ’ ’žDin Dryfol’žNPRN 93831’ž1 of 1E1969-70’žSmith & Lynch 1987’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQF2$" ’ ’žCoed-y-Cwm’žNPRN 2758581C1936’žDaniels 193755555' ? ’žCerrig-y-Gof’žNPRN 304344’ž1 of 1B1810’žFenton 1811’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE</'% ’ ’žCefn Drum’žNPRN 303002’ž1 of 1E1990s’žKissock & Phillips 2000’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG.$"  ’ ’žCarreg Sampson’žNPRN 94129’ž1 of 1E1968’žLynch 1975’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<0(& ’ ’žCarreg Coetan Arthur’žNPRN 304320’ž1 of 1E1979-80’žnone’žExtensiveno reportnone’žNot reportedvh`NC=/-% ’ ’žCapel Garmon’žNPRN 94722’ž1 of 2D1927’žHemp 1927’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesgbTB9.&$ ’ ’žBryn yr Hen Bobl’žNPRN 300180’ž1 of 1D1929-35’žHemp 1935’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOD9+)! ’ ’žBryn Celli Ddu’žNPRN 93827’ž1 of 2C1865’žLukis’žPartialnot publishednone’žNot reportedpbZ@70(& ’>"µĻæĪƒ č X Å 9 ž JhIÉæČ&¦UĒöʃĘ(ĘĢÅsÅ(ÅØ-ÄÆC1ĆŠĀqĀĀzĮĮ°ĄbĄ ’žCarn Brea’žSW 64 SE 51B1860’žPeter 1895-8;44444%  ? ’žBryn Celli Wen’žfind in library21D1990-3’žEdmonds & Thomas 1993KKKKK4(&$ ? ’žBillown’žfind in library1D1996-7’žDarvill 1997’žTrial TrenchingKKKK:,    ’žWasperton Enclosure’žSP 25 NE 401D1980-5’žHughes & Crawford 1995’žPartialpublishedadequate’žYes|wgUL4(&$ ’ ’žMonktonhall’žNT 37 SE 491D1980's’žHanson 198499999,  ? ’žStreet House enclosure’žNZ 71 NW 151D1984-86’žVyner 1988EEEEE9+)' ? ’žMarne Barracks’žSE 29 NE 161D2004’žU of Durham - OASIS onlineGGGGG+#! ? ’žCoffin Stone’žTQ 76 SW 71A1830s’žnone’žnoneno reportnoneNoTPH60*  ’jCnoc na Ciste’žND 16 SE 3’ž1 of 1C1895?’žPartialno written reportnonedd\:1/'% ’ ’žBlawearie Round Cairn’žNU 02 SE 81B1864’žGreenwell 1877publishedSSSAA1)'% æ ’žGlyn’žNPRN 300835’ž1 of 1B1800s’žnone’žUnknownno reportnonenpVRJ8/) ’ ’žBenllech’žNPRN 3026791D1965’žLynch 196611111%  ? ’žClegyr Boia’žNPRN 3053891C1940's ?’žWilliams 1952?????0  ? ’žCapel Eithin’žNPRN 435591D1980-81’žWhite & Smith 1999BBBBB.  ? ’žCroft Moraig’žNN 74 NE 121D1965’žPiggott & Simpson 1971AAAAA)! ? ’žRing of Brodgar’žHY 21 SE 11D1973’žRenfrew 1979publishedKKK99+#! æ ’žDorchester, Site XI’žSU 59 NE 171C1949’žAtkinson et al 1951EEEEE0(&$ ? ’žWhitton Hill 2’žNT 93 SW 661D1982’žMiket 198577777+#! ? ’žHazleton South’žSP 01 NE 4b’ž1 of 1E1980’žSaville 1990’žTrialpublishedXXXF?1)' ’ ’žMonkton Down’žSU 17 SW 45’ž1 of 1B1849’žMerewether 1851’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedqc[I@/'% ’ ’žMaes-y-felin’žNPRN 2272891?none’žLukis 1875’žnone;;;;5)!  ’žPen-maen Burrows’žunknown 41B1880s’žMorgan 1894:::::-#! ?! Ffostyll South’žNPRN 306039’ž1 of 1D1921-3’žVulliamy 1921’žPartialpublished reportnone’žNot reportedƒumMD5)' ’" Ffostyll North’žNPRN 306038’ž1 of 1D1921’žVulliamy 1922’žPartialpublished reportnone’žNot reportedqiI@1)' ’ ’žLittle Lodge’žNPRN 306025’ž1 of 1D1928-9’žVulliamy 1929’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KB3'% ’ ’žPant y Saer’žNPRN 95529’ž1 of 2C1875’žWilliams 1875’žPartialpublishednone’žYesd_WE<-%# ’ ’žPipton’žNPRN 93’ž1 of 1E1950’žSavory 1956’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedk]O=2%  ’ ’žMynyddtroed’žNPRN 32563’ž1 of 1E1966’žCrampton 1966’žTrialpublishedminimal’žYeshcUC<-%# ’ ’žCefn Bryn’žNPRN 94594’ž1 of 1D1939’žWilliams 1940’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE:+#!  ’ ’žBedd-yr-Afanc’žNPRN 304063’ž1 of 1D1939’žGrimes 1939’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedn`XF=0(& ’ ’žLower Luggy Long Barrow’žNPRN 309386’ž1 of 1E1994’žGibson 2000’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reported|n`NG:20( ’ ’žVaynor Farm Henge’žNPRN 4058831D2006?’žPartial99990.&$"  ’žDyffryn Ardudwy’žNPRN 95422’ž1 of 1E1970s’žPowell 1973’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported{m]K@3)' ’ ’žDyffryn Lane Henge’žNPRN 3069671B1857?11111/'%# ?Œ>‰Ļ)Ļ·ĪDĪōĶfĶĻĢOĢ¬  j ŃÉ> ŖČĆĒsĒŠĘ*Å@Å®Ä ²ĆžĀšĮaĮŌĄ ’žNore Down’žSU 71 SE 201D1982’žAldsworth 1983’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedeWO=6&  ’ ’žPistle Down’žSU 01 SE 301A1828’žWarne 1866’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedeWO=4(  ’ ’žNormanton Down Mortuary Enclosure’žSU 14 SW 1441D1959’žVatcher 1961’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported†xjXM?753% ’ ’žDorchester Site VIII’žSU 59 NE 41C1948’žWhittle et al 1992publishedVVVDD0(&$ æ ’žFochabers’žNJ 35 NE 5’ž1 of 1E1972-3’žBurl 1985’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žYesniWE:/#!  ’ ’žInchtuthil’žNO 13 NW 5.061D1961’žBarclay & Maxwell 1992AAAAA)! ? ’žPitnacree’žNN 95 SW 6’ž1 of 1E1964’žCole & Simpson 1965’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@+#!  ’ ’žBlack Beck’žNY 33 SE 21C1933’žBarker 1934’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedj\N<3& ’ ’žLinch Hill’žSP 40 SW 41C1940’žGrimes 194433333& ? ’žFive Knolls Barrow 5’žTL 02 SW 941B1850’žFisher 1971’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>1)'% ’ ’žElf Howe’žTA 07 NW 19’ž1 of 1C1864-1877’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPE5#!  ’ ’žGarton Slack 112’žSE 95 NE 141B1868-72’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MB3%#! ’ ’žAldwincle 4’žTL 08 SW 471D1971’žJackson 197666666(  ? ’žBarford A’žSP 26 SE 861D1966-7’žOswald 196777777*  ? ’žAmesbury 71’žSU 14 SE 2401D1961’žChristie 1967’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reportedn`P>8)! ’ ’žSerpent Mound’žNM 82 NE 7’ž1 of 1C1871’žPhene 1892’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD;/'% ’ ’žCarnbaan’žNS 06 NW 7’ž1 of 1B1833’žMacKinlay 1860’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:*"   ’ ’žWest Town’žNH 63 SW 471D1964’žWoodham 1964’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedqcU=4&  ’ ’žKing's Head Cairn’žNH 67 NE 3’ž1 of 1C1850s’žMacLean 1886’žUnknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedzl^LC5+)! ’ ’žCropton 2’žSE 78 NE 10b’ž1 of 1C1850’žBateman 1861, p 211-12’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedvh`NE-%#  ’ ’žStoughton Down SE’žSU 81 SW 30b’ž1 of 1E1980’žBedwin & Rudling 1981’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reported{meSL5-+# ’ ’žSilbury Hill’žSU 16 NW 211D1968-70’žWhittle 1997’žPartialpublishedXXXF=/! ’ ’žHasting Hill’žNZ 35 SE 11C1911’žTrechmann 1913’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8(  ’ ’žDrumelzier’žNT 13 SW 121C1929-30’žCraw 1931’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesfaSA8- ’ ’žSarn-y-Bryn Caled’ž3071141D1990’žGibson 199466666)! ? ’žTrelystan II’ž3069601D1979’žBritnell 1982’žFullpublishedKKK93$ ’ ’žTrelystan 1’ž3069591D1979’žBritnell 1982’žFullpublishedJJJ82# ’ ’žGardom's Edge’žSK 27 SE 371D1990s’žAinsworth & Barnatt 1998FFFFF,"  ? ’žHelman Tor’žSX 06 SE 331D1986’žMercer 1997’žPartialpublishedOOO=4' ’6>kČkĪæ h Ū C ³     hÕ<Ēœ÷Q„ méĀkĀĒxĄ ’žMaiden Castle Bank Barrow’žSY 68 NE 901C1930s’žWheeler 1943’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF8.,* ’ ’žHand in Hand Flint Cairn’žST 91 NW 64’ž1 of 1E1984’žBowden & Tingle 1984’žpartialpublishednone’žNot reported‚tlZQ;31) ’ ’žEast Heslerton’žSE 97 NW 14’ž1 of 2C1862’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported|n^LA1)' ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Enclosure’žNZ 51 SE 691D1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensive2minimalddVTI=/-+ ’ ’žGreat Ayton Moor Ring Cairn 'D'’žNZ 51 SE 70b1D1953-60’žHayes 1967’žextensive2minimaljj\ZOC531# ’ ’žThe Ord North’žNC 50 NE 16’ž1 of 1E1967’žSharples 1981’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH?0(& ’ ’žBalvraid’žNG 81 NW 9’ž1 of 1E1965’žCorcoran 1965’žextensiveinterim onlynone’žNot reportedrd\D9*"   ’ ’žTomfat Plantation’žNH 63 NE 5’ž1 of 1E1963’žWoodham & Woodham 1963’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVK3+)! ’ ’žTulloch of Assery B’žND 06 SE 16’ž1 of 1E1961’žCorcoran 1966’žpartialpublishedadequate’žNot reported~p`NE6.,$ ’ ’žTulloch of Assery A’žND 06 SE 9’ž1 of 1E1961’žCorcoran 1966’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOD5-+# ’ ’žEmbo’žNH 89 SW 9’ž1 of 1E1960’žHenshall & Wallace 1963’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?& ’ ’žPityoulish’žNH 91 NW 151D1953’žRae & Rae 1952-53’žtotalpublishedadequate’žNot reportedqcSA:' ’ ’žDruidtemple’žNH 64 SE 23’ž1 of 1E1952’žPiggott 1955’žtrialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC<.&$ ’ ’žKinchyle of Dores’žNH 63 NW 5’ž1 of 1E1952’žPiggott 1955’žtrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZHA3+)! ’ ’žCorrimony’žNH 33 SE 6’ž1 of 1E1952’žPiggott 1955’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD9+#!  ’ ’žSgarbach’žND 36 SE 25’ž1 of 1D1928’žnone’žtrialno reportJJJ81+#!  ’ ’žLower Dounreay’žNC 96 NE 6’ž1 of 1D1928’žEdwards 1929’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>0(& ’ ’žArdvreck’žNC 22 SW 1’ž1 of 1D1925’žCree 1928’žPartialnot publishednone’žNot reportedn`X>5*"   ’ ’žAvielochan’žNH 91 NW 3’ž1 of 1D1909’žCash 1910’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedpbTB7,$" ’ ’žAchaidh’žNH 69 SE 7’ž1 of 1D1909’žCurle 1910’žextensivepublishedminimal’žYese`R@5)!  ’ ’žWinterborne St Martin 140’žSY 68 NE 161’ž1 of 1B1840’žSydenham 1844’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported}ogUL=53+ ’ ’žWinterborne St. Martin 43’žSY 68 NW 133’ž1 of 1D1903’žGray & Prideaux 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedŠ|n\S=53+ ’ ’žLaunceston Down’žST 91 SE 146’ž1 of 1D1938’žPiggott & Piggott 1944’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported„vhVK3+)! ’ ’žSixpenny Handley 37’žSU 01 NW 1831B1893’žPitt Rivers 1898CCCCC1)'% ? ’žBostern Bowl Barrow’žSK 15 SE 15’ž1 of 1B1845’žBateman 1848’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD6.,$ ’ ’žThe Longstone’žSZ 48 SW 6’ž1 of 2C1850’žBeaumont 1856’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE>/'% ’Ž>pĻ×JĪøĶbĶĶC ˜ Ė… Ź±É! ČČ;ȜBĒØ,Ę“ÅőĎƶĀZĒ3ÖĄ ’žBroomend of Crichie’žNJ 71 NE 62D2000’žBradley et al 2001CCCCC/'%# ? ’žUpton Lovell 2A’žST 94 SE 6’ž2 of 2E2000’žShell 2000’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD=1)' ’ ’žBookan’žHY 21 SE 10’ž2 of 2E2002’žCard 2005’žTrialpublishedadequate’žNot reportedk]M;4)!  ’ ’žBargrennan’žNX 37 NE 1’ž2 of 2E2004-5’žCummings & Fowler 2007’žPartialpublishedadequate’žYesxscQH0$" ’ ’žLoch Migdale’žNH 69 SW 362D2003’žSmith 2003’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5)! ’ ’žDyffryn Lane Henge’žNPRN 3069672D2006?not publishedKKK11/'%# æ ’žFairy Toot’žST 56 NW 102A1822’žBulleid 1941’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5' ’ ’žThickthorne Bar’žST 91 SE 38’ž2 of 2A1776’žnone’žUnknownno reportnoneNo_[SA82*(  ’ ’žBalnuaran of Clava North-East’žNH 74 SE 12D1995’žBradley 2000’žpartialpublishedadequaterrbPG91/-! ’ ’žBalnuaran of Clava Centre’žNH 74 SE 32D1994’žBradley 2000’žpartial2adequate^^NLC5-+) ’ ’žArbor Low’žSK 16 SE 82C1901-2’žGray 1903;1904’žPartialpublishedTTTB9)  ’ ’žAsh Hill Long Barrow’žTF 29 NW 10’ž1 of 1E1986’žPhillips 1989’žTrialpublishedminimal’žYesrm_MF7/-% ’ ’žAston Cursus’žSK 42 NW 522D1994’žGarton & Elliott 1998@@@@@)! ? ’žAyton Eastfield’žTA 08 NW 23’ž2 of 2E1960’žVatcher 1961’žUnknowninterim onlynone’žNot reportedwiaI@2*(  ’ ’žBalnabraid’žNR 71 NE 22D1966’žRitchie 1967’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedeWO=4& ’ ’žBalnuaran of Clava’žNH 74 SE 102D1953?’žPiggott 1955?????1'%# ? ’žAmesbury 42’žSU 14 SW 3’ž1 of 1E1983’žRichards 1990’žTrialpublishedminimal’žYeshcUC<-%# ’ ’žAldro 180’žSE 86 SW 772B1872’žMortimer 1905, p 73’žextensive2nonePPHF;&  ’ ’žAldro 178’žSE 86 SW 762B1872’žMortimer 1905, p 73’žextensive2nonePPHF;&  ’ ’žAldro 177’žSE 86 SW 75’ž2 of 2C1872’žMortimer 1905, p 73’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA,$"  ’ ’žWoodhenge’žSU 14 SE 62D1970’žWainwright 1979’žPartialpublishedQQQ?6%  ’ ’žAdlestrop Hill Long Barrow’žSP 22 NE 2’ž2 of 2D1938’žDonovan 1938’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUJ<42* ’ ’žAblington Beehive Chamber’žSP 10 NW 10’ž2 of 2E2002’žDerham 2002’žPartialpublishednoneNopldRI<42* ’ ’žAbingdon Causewayed Enclosure’žSU 59 NW 303D1963’žAvery 1982FFFFF:20.! ? ’žAbingdon Causewayed Enclosure’žSU 59 NW 302D1954?<<<<<:20.! ? ’žBalnuaran of Clava South’žNH 74 SE 111D1995’žBradley 2000’žtrialpublishedminimaljj\JC5-+) ’ ’žMilltown of Clava North’žNH 74 SE 61D1990’žSharples 1993’žpartialpublishednoneee]KB3+)' ’ ’žShieldaig’žNG 85 SW 3’ž1 of 1E1984’žHedges 1984’žUnknownnot publishednone’žNot reportedqc[A8+#!  ’ ’žCuldoich’žNH 74 SE 22D1982’žBarber 1982’žTrialpublishedadequate’žNot reportedhZJ81$  ’E>aÄĪ'ĶLĶłĢšĢ÷ uĖõŹ^ ŗ ]ÉøČĖĒ"yĘÓÅ7ŚąÄūĆiĆĆ€Ā0Ā±Į Ą ’žCuldoich’žNH 74 SE 21D1955’žPiggott 1956’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedi[M;2$  ’ ’žDruid Stoke’žST 57 NE 9’ž2 of 2E1983’žSmith 1989’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA:.&$ ’ ’žRobin Hood's Ball’žSU 14 NW 32D1983’žRichards 1990’žPartialpublishedWWWE<-%#! ’ ’žThe Cursus’žSU 14 SW 423D1983’žRichards 199066666' ? ’žThe Cursus’žSU 14 SW 422D1959?)))))' ? ’žLiff's Low’žSK 15 NE 8’ž2 of 2E1984’žBarnatt 1996’žPartialpublishedextensive’žNot reportedugUC:,$" ’ ’žBull Ring’žSK 07 NE 22D1984-85’žBarnatt 1988’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+  ’ ’žWindmill Hill’žSU 07 SE 222D1988’žWhittle et al 1999publishedextensivebbP>>*"  æ ’žBlawearie Round Cairn’žNU 02 SE 82D1984-88’žHewitt & Beckensall 1996QQQQQ7)'% ? ’žLechlade Cursus’žSP 20 SW 32D1985?-----+#! ? ’žMaiden Castle Bank Barrow’žSY 68 NE 902D1951’žAtkinson 1952’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LE6.,* ’ ’žMaiden Castle Bank Barrow’žSY 68 NE 903D1985-6’žSharples 1991’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPI:.,* ’ ’žMaiden Castle Causewayed Enclosure’žSY 68 NE 1512D1985-6’žSharples 1991’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYes|n\SD864& ’ ’žSouth Wonston North’žSU 43 NE 17’ž2 of 2E1986’žWinchester Museum Archives?’žunknownno reportnone’žunknownvn\S6.,$ ’ ’žPotluck Cursus’žSK 32 NW 812D1988-1992?777775#! ? ’žMillbarrow’žSU 07 SE 19’ž2 of 2E1989’žWhittle 1994’žpartialpublishedadequate’žNot reportedtfVD;-%# ’ ’žWhitesheet Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žST 83 NW 62D1990’žRawlings 2004’žTrialpublishedadequate’žYes}xhVO@864( ’ ’žMeini Gwyr’žNPRN 3042872D1990-91’žKirk & Williams 2000CCCCC- ? ’žGeirisclett’žNF 77 NE 15’ž2 of 2E1996-7’žDunwell & Armit 2003’žPartialpublishedadequate’žpartial|scQH2&$ ’ ’žEaston Down’žSU 06 NE 7’ž2 of 2E1991’žWhittle et al 1993’žTrialpublishedadequate’žYesojZHA-%# ’ ’žWhitehawk Camp’žTQ 30 SW 13D1991-3’žRussell & Rudling 1996publishedXXXFF."  æ ’žWhitehawk Camp’žTQ 30 SW 12C1932-5’žCurwen 1934; Curwen 1935publishedZZZHH."  æ ’žWhitehorse Hill’žSU 38 NW 24’ž2 of 2E1993’žMiles et al 2003’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD2*(  ’ ’žCleaven Dyke’žNO 13 NE 892D1993-6’žBarclay & Maxwell 1998EEEEE-! ? ’žUpper Largie’žNR 89 NW 432D1993-7’žTerry 199799999-! ? ’žCairnwell’žNO 99 NW 41B1858?'''''%  ? ’žBalnuaran of Clava South-West’žNH 74 SE 42D1995’žBradley 2000’žpartialpublishedadequaterrbPG91/-! ’ ’žPinkwell’žSP 01 SW 14’ž2 of 2E1996’žMarshall 1997’žTrialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedugYA:+#!  ’ ’žMembury Causewayed Enclosure’žST 20 SE 322D2000’žTingle 2006’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedug_MF91/-  ’ ’žStoney Littleton’žST 75 NW 16’ž2 of 2E2000’žThomas 2003’žpartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@3+)! ’e>„ĻDĻ¤NPĪĪĶQĶīĢN µ  | ÅÉ/ ‰ļOŃĘ_ĘĘČÅBŤ\»!Ā˜Į÷Ą­Ą ’žDurrington Walls’žSU 14 SE 1184D2005?00000.&$" ? ’žDurrington Walls’žSU 14 SE 1183D1966-68, 1970’žWainwritght & Longworth 1971’žPartialpublishedyyyg^@&$" ’ ’žDurrington Walls’žSU 14 SE 1182D1950-52’žStone et al 1954’žPartialpublishedaaaOF4&$" ’ ’žPriddy Circle 1’žST 55 SW 1242D1967’žTratman 1967’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;-%#! ’ ’žCamster Long’žND 24 SE 1’ž2 of 4E1967-8’žRitchie (Archived)’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedwiaOF2&$ ’ ’žKemp Howe’žSE 96 NE 15’ž2 of 2E1967-8’žBrewster 1969’žUnknowninterim onlyminimal’žNot reported|n`H?0$"  ’ ’žTregiffian Barrow’žSW 42 SW 19’ž2 of 3E1967-8’žDudley 1968’žPartialinterim onlynone’žNot reported|nfNE8,*" ’ ’žCrouch Hill’žSZ 19 SE 42’ž2 of 2E1969’žCunliffe 1987’žPartialno reportminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=.&$ ’ ’žMarden’žSU 05 NE 32D1969’žWainwright 1971’žPartialpublishedadequate^^N<3"  ’ ’žCarn Brea’žSW 64 SE 52D1970-73’žMercer 198188888+  ? ’žWaulud's Bank’žTL 02 SE 22D1971?+++++)! ? ’žDevil's Quoits’žSP 40 SW 33D1988’žBarclay 1995publishedJJJ88*"  æ ’žDevil's Quoits’žSP 40 SW 32D1972-3’žGray 1975’žExtensivepublishedVVVD9."  ’ ’žMinning Low’žSK 25 NW 2’ž3 of 3E1973-74’žMarsden 1982’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA3%# ’ ’žMinning Low’žSK 25 NW 2’ž2 of 3C1849-51’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA3%# ’ ’žNympsfield Long Barrow’žSO 70 SE 6’ž2 of 3D1937’žClifford 1938’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG80.& ’ ’žBevis's Grave’žSU 60 NE 8’ž2 of 2E1974-76’žNone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedl^VD;5'% ’ ’žHambledon Hill Causewayed Enclosure’žST 81 SW 172D1974-86’žMercer & Healy 2008’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žYesŠxf[F864' ’ ’žCallis Wold 275’žSE 85 NW 9’ž1 of 2C1892’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I@1)' ’ ’žIsbister’žND 48 SE 1’ž2 of 3D1976-8’žHedges 1984’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD;."   ’ ’žDinnington St. John's’žSK 58 NW 10’ž2 of 2E1977’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedoaYG>80.& ’ ’žGwernvale’žNPRN 98’ž2 of 2E1977-8’žBritnell & Savory 1984’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žYesxsaOD,   ’ ’žDrayton Cursus’žSU 49 SE 832D1979-1982’žAinslee et al 1987IIIII5#! ? ’žMaxey Henge’žTF 10 NW 592D1979-81’žPryor & French 1985publishedUUUCC.  æ ’žThe Trundle’žSU 81 SE 522D1980’žBedwin & Aldsworth 1981’žTrialpublishedZZZHA(  ’ ’žHembury Hill’žST 10 SW 282D1980-83’žTodd 1984:::::/! ?hCallanish’žNB 23 SW 1’ž2 of 2E1980s’žAshmore 1984’žPartialInterim report onlyminimal’žNot reported†xjD;-#!  ’ ’žSixpenny Handley 37’žSU 01 NW 1832D1980s’žBarrett et al 1991GGGGG3)'% ? ’žDorchester Cursus’žSU 59 NE 52D1981’žWhittle et al 1992AAAAA-%#! ?B>kOĀ/Ī õĢQ ³ ū ŒŹ÷ÉkÉŻČF„iĒĒÄ(•žNŗ*„ ’žWindmill Tump’žST 99 NW 7’ž2 of 3D1939’žClifford & Daniel 1940’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG/'% ’ ’žLamborough’žSU 52 NE 13’ž1 of 2B1800s’žnone’žunknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/%# ’ ’žQuoyness’žHY 63 NE 1’ž2 of 2E1951-2’žChilde 1952’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD;."   ’ ’žWest Kennet Long Barrow’žSU 16 NW 59’ž2 of 2E1955-56’ž Piggott 1962’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedˆzlZO@20( ’ ’žKits Coty House’žTQ 76 SW 4’ž2 of 2E1956’žMcCrerie 1956’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG@1)' ’ ’žThe Longstone’žSZ 48 SW 6’ž2 of 2E1956’žHawkes 1957’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC</'% ’ ’žSkelmore Heads’žSD 27 NE 28’ž2 of 2E1957’žPowell 1963’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedwi[I>1)' ’ ’žRudston Cursus A’žTA 01 NE 192D1957-8’žDymond 1966>>>>>1%#! ? ’žWillerby Wold Long Barrow’žTA 07 NW 1’ž2 of 2E1960’žManby 1963’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRG;31) ’ ’žGiant's Grave’žSD 87 SE 1’ž2 of 2E1960’žJ Radley,MSS Vol 6, Sheffield Museum’žextensivenot publishedzzz`U/'% ’ ’žParc Le Breos Cwm’žNPRN 93072’ž2 of 2E1960-1’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedn`XF=7+)! ’ ’žParc Le Breos Cwm’žNPRN 93072’ž1 of 2C1869’žLubbock & Douglas 1871’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported|nfTK3+)! ’ ’žGiant's Caves’žST 88 SW 3’ž2 of 2E1960-2’žCorcoran 1970’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB3'% ’ ’žMonamore’žNS 02 NW 10’ž2 of 2E1961’žMackie 1964’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8+#!  ’ ’žGalley Hill’žTL 02 NE 82D1961’žDyer 1974’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedfXJ82' ’ ’žKnap Hill’žSU 16 SW 222D1961’žConnah 1965’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reporteddVN<3&  ’ ’žHigh Peak’žSY 18 NW 262D1961-4’žPollard 1996’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedm_Q?8*  ’ ’žCombe Hill’žTQ 50 SE 122D1962’žDrewett 1994publishedGGG55' æ ’žWayland's Smithy’žSU 28 NE 4’ž2 of 2E1962-63’žAtkinson 1965/ Whittle 1991’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reported‚r`U8*(  ’ ’žGreen Low’žSK 25 NW 1’ž2 of 2E1963-64’žManby 1965’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH=1#!  ’ ’žBeckhampton Road’žSU 06 NE 85’ž2 of 2E1964’žAshbee et al 1979’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reported|n^LF3+)! ’ ’žGorsey Bigbury’žST 45 NE 152D1965’žTratman 1966’žpartialpublishedminimalbbTB9+#! ’ ’žRaisthorpe Manor Barrow’žSE 86 SE 22’ž2 of 2E1965’žBrewster 1966’žExtensiveinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedˆzlTI:20( ’ ’žGarton Slack 37’žSE 95 NE 21D1865’žMortimer 1905’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedk]UC:+#! ’ ’žKilham Long Barrow’žTA 06 NE 3’ž2 of 2E1965-71’žManby 1976’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žNot reportedscQF:,*" ’iCamster Round’žND 24 SE 16’ž2 of 2E1966’žNMRS’žPartialpublished reportminimal’žNot reported{m_?60(& ’^>lĻqĪ€ Ś ? — h Ö 1 ” yāJ°c¼ †ģO  ’žTilshead Old Ditch’žSU 04 NW 9’ž2 of 2C1865’žCunnington 1913-14’žPartialnot publishedminimal’žNot reported‡ykQH4,*" ’ ’žWarehouse North’žND 34 SW 41’ž2 of 2C1865’žAnderson 1866’žextensivepublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LA2*(  ’ ’žWarehouse East’žND 34 SW 69’ž2 of 2C1865’žAnderson 1866’žunknownpublishednone’žNot reportedqc[I@1)' ’ ’žM'Cole's Castle’žND 34 SW 40’ž2 of 2C1865’žAnderson 1868’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA2*(  ’ ’žKnook Barrow’žST 94 SE 21’ž2 of 2C1866’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=/'% ’ ’žBratton Down Long Barrow’žST 95 SW 2’ž2 of 2C1866’žThurnam 1868’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcQH:20( ’ ’žHelperthorpe Long Barrow’žSE 96 NE 14’ž2 of 2C1868’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUJ;31) ’ ’žKelleythorpe II’žTA 05 NW 22’ž2 of 2C1870-72’žMortimer 1905’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedzldRG8*(  ’ ’žHandley Down’žSU 01 NW 15’ž2 of 2C1894’žPitt Rivers 1898’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA/'% ’ ’žHandley 27’žSU 01 NW 13’ž2 of 2C1894’žPitt Rivers 1898’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedpbZH?-%# ’ ’žTormore 2’žNR 93 SW 15’ž1 of 1D1908’žBryce 1909’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedoaSA8,$"  ’ ’žTorlin’žNR 92 SE 2’ž1 of 3C1850s’žMcArthur 1861’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9*   ’ ’žColdrum’žTQ 66 SE 2’ž3 of 3D1928’žFilkins 1928’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@7)!  ’ ’žColdrum’žTQ 66 SE 2’ž2 of 3D1910’žBennett 1913’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedhZR@7)!  ’ ’žBelas Knap’žSP 02 NW 9’ž2 of 2D1929-30’žBerry 1929; 1930’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOD2$" ’ ’žCranford’žSJ 68 NW 41’ž2 of 2D1934’žGrealey 1976’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+#!  ’ ’žNotgrove Long Barrow’žSP 02 SE 19’ž1 of 2C1881’žWitts 1883’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedzl^LC7/-% ’ ’žFive Wells’žSK 17 SW 10’ž2 of 2C1899’žWard 1901’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedqcUC8-%# ’ ’žLanhill Barrow’žST 87 SE 17’ž3 of 4D1936’žKeiller & Piggott 1938’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported€rdRI1)' ’ ’žLanhill Barrow’žST 87 SE 17’ž2 of 4D1909’žCunnington 1909’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedse]KB1)' ’ ’žCalf of Eday, South East’žHY 53 NE 3’ž1 of 1D1937’žCalder 1938’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported~pbPG:20( ’ ’žTaversoe Tuick’žHY 42 NW 2’ž2 of 2D1937’žGrant 1939’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG<0(& ’ ’žMaiden Bower’žSP 92 SE 422C1937-39’žDyer 1955:::::/! ? ’žWest Rudham Common’žTF 82 NW 4’ž2 of 2D1938’žHogg 1940’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?4,*" ’ ’žKing Arthur's Round Table’žNY 52 NW 22C1939’žBersu 1940AAAAA5-+) ? ’žWindmill Tump’žST 99 NW 7’ž3 of 3E1988’žSaville 1989’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedl^VD=/'% ’.>eĄ ÓĶ7 „  V ø  ~ ćR®8ēĘgFćSE³%žCC}õaȟĄvĄ ’žxxxxxxx2?   ’žxxxxxxx1?   ’žCamster Long’žND 24 SE 1’ž4 of 4E1976-80’žMasters 1997’žExtensivepublishedextensive’žNot reportedq_MB4&$ ’ ’žCamster Long’žND 24 SE 1’ž3 of 4E1971-3’žCorcoran (archived)’žPartialno reportnone’žNot reportedxjbPG2&$ ’ ’žPea Low’žSK 15 NW 22’ž2 of 2B1848’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8*"   ’ ’žJackbarrow’žSO 90 NE 6’ž1 of 2C1875’žnone’žunknownno reportminimal’žNot reportedi[M;2,$" ’TNM 57 SW 2’ž1 of 1E2006-7’žRichardson & Cobb 2007’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedrdVD=$ ž+SO 70 SE 9’ž2 of 2C1854’žThurnam 1854’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported_QI7.  ž ’žEsh's Barrow’žSE 96 NE 24’ž2 of 2C1868’žHicks 1969’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;/'% ’ ’žAldro 175’žSE 86 SW 12’ž2 of 2C1874’žMortimer 1905, p 74’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA,$"  ’-SE 97 NW 14’ž2 of 2E1962’žVatcher 1965’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedhZL:/! ž ’žBlack Hill’žSE 67 SW 1’ž2 of 2E1985’žWilson 1988’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedhZR@9,$" ’SU 43 NW 12’ž1 of 1D1940’žGrimes 1960’žFullpublishedminimalNoXTF4.! ž ’žND 15 SW 31D2008’žBradley - not yet published77777 > ’žBeacharra’žNR 64 SE 14’ž2 of 2E1959-61’žScott 1964’žPartialpublishedYYYG>2$"  ’ ’žTidcombe Hill’žSU 25 NE 20’ž2 of 2B1845’žLukis / Thurnham - none’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedzldRI0(& ’ ’žPea Low’žSK 15 NW 22’ž1 of 2B1845’žBateman 1848’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8*"   ’ ’žBrown's Low’žSK 15 SW 53’ž2 of 2C1850’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE<.&$ ’ ’žLugbury’žST 87 NW 3’ž2 of 2C1854-55’žThurnam 1857’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedvhZH=/!  ’ ’žRingham Low’žSK 16 NE 7’ž2 of 2C1855’žBateman 1861’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;-%# ’ ’žWarminster’žST 94 NW 17’ž2 of 2C1855-1867’žThurnam 1869’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedvh`NE7%# ’ ’žStonehenge Down’žSU 14 SW 91’ž2 of 2C1855-67’žThurnam 1869’žUnknownnot publishedminimal’žNot reported…wiOF8*(  ’ ’žSherrington Long Barrow’žST 93 NE 1’ž2 of 2C1856’žThurnam 1869’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedxjbPG91/' ’ ’žBole Hill’žSK 16 NE 1’ž2 of 2C1859’žBateman 1861’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB9+#!  ’ ’žDry Heathfield Barrow’žSO 91 NW 17’ž2 of 2C1860’žBird 1876’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedtf^LC80.& ’ ’žCrawley’žSP 3371 11292B1864’žThurnam 186833333%  ? ’žBowl's Barrow’žST 94 NW 20’ž2 of 2C1886’žCunnington 1889’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\JA0(& ’ ’žHeslerton’žSE 97 NW 1’ž2 of 2C1865’žGreenwell 1877’žextensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF;+#!  ’ ’žWarehouse South’žND 34 SW 70’ž2 of 2C1865’žAnderson 1866’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedrd\JA2*(  ’>qOŪNPĢM/ Ø L’Kž yJėIXÉĶH@Hµ2Ē­ĘF™ ÅÄčCUĀ=°AAįĄ_ ’žHoar Stone’žSP 32 SE 5’ž2 of 2E1956’žCase 1958’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedfXP>7,$" ’ ’žSP 31 NW 321?none’žnone!!!!! >SW 42 SW 19’ž3 of 3E1973’žApSimon 1972, 1973’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5! ž.SC 48 NE 1’ž2 of 2D1932’žFleure & Neely 1936’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYese`R@5  ž ’žBant's Carn’žSV 91 SW 13’ž2 of 2E1976’žAshbee 1976’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB;.&$ ’ ’žCapel Garmon’žNPRN 94722’ž2 of 2E1989’žYates & Jones 1991’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]KB.&$ ’ ’žPant y Saer’žNPRN 95529’ž2 of 2D1930-32’žScott 1933’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedxj\J?3%# ’WHY 55 SW 2’ž2 of 2E1982-3’žRitchie 1982’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedoaS;2$ ž ’žNR 92 NW 27 b1D1978-9’žBarber 1997’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reporteddVF4.! ž ’žNR 92 NW 27 a1D1978-79’žBarber 1997’žFullpublishedadequate’žNot reportedfXH60# ž ’žIsbister’žND 48 SE 1’ž3 of 3E1987’žSmith 1989’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reportedeWO=6*"   ’hHY 41 SW 1’ž2 of 2D1935’žKilbride-Jones 1973’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedi[M;5  ž ’žNO 15 NW 11B1860's’žnone’žPartialno reportminimal’žNot reported[M?-$ ž ’žNT 17 SW 32B1864’žHutchison 1864-6’žTrialpublishednone’žNot reported[ME3, ž ’žTye Field’žTM 03 SE 25’ž2 of 2E1971’žShennan et al 1985’žPartialpublishedminimal’žYesni[I@,$"  ’)ST 65 SE 5’ž1 of 1D1909’žWickham 1912’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedeWI7.  žST 87 SE 17’ž4 of 4E1963’žKing 1966’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedcUG5,! ž ’žTL 02 SW 942C1926-9’žDunning & Wheeler 1932’žFullpublishedminimal’žNot reportedk]O=7 ž(ST 72 NE 6’ž3 of 3E1951-2’žFarrar 1954’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedfXJ81$ ž' ST 72 NE 6’ž2 of 3C1855’žWarne 1866’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported]OG5,  ž ’žSeamer 1’žTA 08 NW 22’ž2 of 2E1960’žSimpson 1961’žPartialinterim onlyminimal’žNot reportedvhZB9+#!  ’SU 04 NW 12’ž2 of 2C1865’žThurnam 1869’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reported`RJ8/! žTL 34 SW 5’ž2 of 2D1935’žPhillips 1935’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedfXJ8/  ž ’žCuff Hill’žNS 35 NE 12’ž2 of 2C1874’žLove 1876’žExtensivepublishednone’žNot reportedj\TB7,$"  ’ ’žKilcoy South’žNH 55 SE 3’ž1 of 2E1956-7’žWoodham & Woodham 1957’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedƒugUJ2&$ ’PNT 65 NW 1’ž2 of 2D1924’žCraw 1925’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported\NF4+  ž ’žTorlin’žNR 92 SE 2’ž3 of 3D1900’žBryce 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedk]O=4(   ’VNH 55 SE 6’ž2 of 2E1955-56’žWoodham & Woodham 1957’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žYesni[I>& ž*SP 12 NW15’ž2 of 2C1874’žRolleston 1876’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedgYK90  ž³> xźdN×MĶ M§L!L— Ėw ŹįÉ^I5ɲČKČæ@æ+F©E8E±~Ä ~ųmżu ’žFairy's Toot’žST 56 SW 10’ž2 of 2B1822’žnone’žUnknownno reportnoneXXP>5/'% ’ ’žFairy's Toot’žST 56 SW 10’ž1 of 2A1799’žBulleid 1941’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedn`XF=/'% ’ ’žMaes Howe’žHY 31 SW 1’ž4 of 4E1991’žRichards 2005’žTrialpublishedSSSA:+#!  ’ ’žMaes Howe’žHY 31 SW 1’ž3 of 4E1974’žRenfrew 1979’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedn`R@9+#!  ’ ’žMaes Howe’žHY 31 SW 1’ž1 of 4C1861’žStuart 1864’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8+#!  ’ ’žWillie Howe’žTA 07 SE 1’ž1 of 1C1887’žGreenwell 1890’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedtfXF=-%# ’ ’žQuanterness’žHY 41 SW 4’ž2 of 2E1974’žRenfrew 1979’žPartialpublishedVVVD;-%# ’ ’žNN 91 NW 1711979  ’žSetter’žHY 53 NE 28’ž1 of 1E1998’žDownes 1998’žUnknowninterim onlynone’žNot reportedm_W?6)!  ’/SC 16 NE 3’ž1 of 1D1911’žKermode 1914’žUnknownpublishedIII7.  žQNS 05 SE 7’ž1 of 1E1969’žScott 1969’žFullpublishednone’žNot reportedZLD2,  žUNJ 70 SE 3’ž3 of 3E1952’žAtkinson 1952, 1962’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5  ž ’žEast Finnercy’žNJ 70 SE 3’ž2 of 3D1925’žnone’žUnknownno reportnone’žNot reportedfXP>5/'% ’ ’žEast Finnercy’žNJ 70 SE 3’ž1 of 3D1925’žnone’žTrialno reportnone’žNot reporteddVN<5/'% ’ ’žAtherb’žNJ 94 NW 31’ž1 of 1C1890’žMilne 1892’žUnknownpublishedminimal’žNot reportedl^P>5)!  ’ ’žSU 16 NW 2221939’žKeiller 1936, 1939published???-- ¶ ’žNR 99 NE 111923’žScott 1963’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported[M?-$ ö ’žST 89 NE 12 ī306725’ž1 of 1C1887’žDawkins 1901’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported[ME3*  ž ’žTL 05 SE 41’žDawson 1996 " ’žTL 04 NE 1141’žDawson 1996’žTrialpublished888& ę ’žKilburn’žSE 58 SE 39’ž1 of 1C1869’žGreenwell 1877’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedseWE:*"   ’ ’žLinear 4121984-85’žBarrett et al 1991’žTrialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedfXJ81  ö ’žPerryfoot’žSK 18 SW 8’ž1 of 1C1874’žPennington 1874’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reportedm_WE<+#!  ’RNPRN 94571’ž1 of 1C1893’žMorgan 1894’žUnknownpublishednone’žNot reported^PH6-  žiNN 02 SE 7’ž1 of 1D1925’žnoneno report888&&  ¾SNPRN 93827’ž2 of 2D1920s’žHemp 1930’žExtensivepublishedadequate’žYes_ZJ8-" ž ’žSE 95 NE 221965’žBrewster 1980’žFull----' v,SO 70 SE 6’ž3 of 3E1974’žSaville 1979’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedeWI7.  žTR 05 SE 5’ž2 of 2D1937’žJessup 1939’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reported^PH6-  ž ’žCrawley’žSP 31 SW 14’ž2 of 2C1864’žThurnam 1869 p 175’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedoaYG>*"   ’ ’žCrawley’žSP 31 SW 14’ž1 of 2C1857’žAkerman 1857’žPartialpublishednone’žNot reportedi[SA8*"   ’³ >o € bd@Bbs<VjbxD8bs8@^kkf:BkQFFKlko<@bs8>Imm`6<kQ:@gnWo:>bQ<\Wo:@kQ:B\ Wo:Dbs<\WoBbs<\ Wo@BbQ8\ Wo@HbQD\ Wv:8kQ8^Wv:8kQ86ZWv:8kQ86aWv:8kQ>8ZWv:8kQ@ZWv<8kQ8ZWv<8ks8ZWv<8ks8hWv<8ks8hWv<8ks8hWv<8ks:[ Wv<:bQ8ZWv<:bQ8B[ Wv<:bQBZWv<<kQ8ZWv>6bs8DZWv>8ks8Z Wv>8ks8gWv>8ks>Z Wv>8ks>hWv>:bs8Z Wv>:bs:Z Wv>:bs:eWv>:bs::ZWv>:bs<Z Wv><ks8<ZWv><ks8FZWv><ks8HZWv>>bQ<ZWv>>bs8DZWv>>bs<:ZWv@6bQ::[ Wv@6bs@FZWv@<bQ8ZWv@<bQ8:[Wv@<bQ8F[Wv@<bQ:ZWv@<bQ:FhWv@<bQ<eWv@<bQHZWv@<kQB[Wv@<kQD[Wv@@ks8[Wv@@ks:[Wv@@ks:gWvB<bQ8[WvB<bQ8d^YbQJi>8B^YbQJi>8h ^YbQJiH8K bL:<ks8\bL:<ks8cbM::ks8`bM@6bQ8B`bM@@bQ:IbMD@bsDYbMDBks@YbMF:bQ>FbMHBbQB` bO6BkQ86EbO6BkQ8B`bO6BkQH`bO8<ks>8FbO8@ks<fbO8BkQ8I bO8BkQ<^bO:>kQ8CbO:>kQ8cbO:>kQ8fbO:>kQ8fbO:>kQ8BCbO:>kQ8BdbO:BbQ:I 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 Ū « | Q  ų Ä  e ;  ę ¼ ‰ ^ # ł æ Ž ] ( śÅ˜l3žÓØoDÕ•c4ÕŖ~SÅģŗ„P õČˆWĆ$łĶ±Ā†[.żĪ£mCĮśĄąĄĘĄ’žxxxxxxx3 ’žxxxxxxx2 ’žxxxxxxx1 ’žSX 06 SW 11’žflint flakes (2)""’žSE 85 NW 175’žleaf point’žSE 85 NW 174’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSE 85 NW 173’žflint knife’žSE 85 NW 172’žserrated flakes""’žSE 85 NW 171’žflint flakes (21)$$’žTA 05 NW 162’žflint scraper ’žTA 05 NW 161’žflint flake’žSE 97 SE 11’žflint flakes’žSE 97 SE 45’žSE 97 SE 453’žflint flakes’žSE 97 SE 452’žflint knife’žSE 97 SE 451’žflint round scraper&&’žSE 95 NE 141’žwhite flint punch$$’žSE 95 NE 271’žpolished greenstone axe fragment33’žSE 95 NE 163’žflint scraper ’žSE 95 NE 162’žflint flake’žSE 95 NE 161’žflint knives (2)##’žSE 97 NW 11’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSE 97 SW 61’žarrowhead, hollow-based))’žSE 88 NW 542’žplano convex knife%%’žSE 88 NW 541’žflint scraper ’žSO 91 NW 101’žleaf shaped arrowheads (6)--’žSU 25 NE 211’žblack flint’žSU 06 NW 281’žflint flakes’žSK 15 NE 85’žflint flakes’žSK 15 NE 84’žflint spearheads""’žSK 15 NE 83’žflint chisels (2)##’žSK 15 NE 82’žflint knives (2)""’žSK 15 NE 81’žflint arrowheads -2%%’žSK 25 NW 12’žpolished greenstone axe fragments33’žSK 25 NW 11’žflint flakes’žSK 16 NE 71’žwhite flint leaf shaped arrowheads -577’žSK 25 NW 82’žflint flakes’žSK 25 NW 81’žleaf shaped arrowheads (3),,’žSK 16 SE 213’žflint knife’žSK 16 SE 212’žflint flake’žSK 16 SE 211’žwhite flint spearhead((’žSK 15 SW 11’žleaf shaped arrowheads (3),,’žSK 05 SE 283’žFlint flakes’žSK 05 SE 282’žflint scraper ’žSK 05 SE 281’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSK 15 SW 534’žflat sandstone!!’žSK 15 SW 533’žwhite flint spearhead((’žSK 15 SW 532’žwhite flint knife$$’žSK 15 SW 531’žflint instruments$$’žSK 05 SE 151’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2)--’žNR 97 SE 62’žflint flake’žNR 89 NW 123’žunfinished flint implements..’žNR 89 NW 122’žflint knife’žNS 06 NW 84’žchipped white quartz&&’žNS 06 NW 83’žflint knife’žNS 06 NW 82’žflint flakes’žNM 82 NE 82’žflint flake’žNM 82 NE 81’žflint point’žSP 10 NW 21’žflint flakes’žSO 91 SW 62’žflint flakes (worked)''’žSO 91 SW 61’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSP 01 NW 93’žflakes’žSP 01 NW 92’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSP 01 NW 91’žscrapers - 2’žSO 80 NW141’žflint flakes (8)""’žSP 02 SE 192’žflint flakes (2)##’žSP 02 SE 191’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSP 10 NW 11’žflint flakes’žSE 86 SE 221’žfused flint’žSO 70 SE 91’žflint flakes (2)""’žSP 01 SW 141’žflint flakes’žSP 22 NE 23’žflint scraper’žSP 22 NE 22’žflint blade’žSP 22 NE 21’žflint flakes’žSE 96 NE 142’žlump of 'foreign' flint**’žSE 96 NE 141’žflint flake’žSE 98 NW 942’žplano convex knife (burnt)--’žSE 98 NW 941’žpolished greenstone axe**’žSE 86 SW 192’žlozenge arrowhead$$’žSE 86 SW 191’žflint flakes (3)##’žSE 76 NE 101’žleaf arrowhead!!’žSE 86 SW 122’žflint knives (3)##’žSO 91 NW 106’žshale objectpUęĻĢĻ¢qDę³ƒT)ś Ķ ˜ }ĶP  õ Į — ] 3 Ž “ … \ 3 ś Ė ” m C  šÉĘ  r K  ģĮ•e<ČČŻ¬}Q%ūŹŠ]1ŲŸvJīÅšnÄ? Ņ›d,ōČšqFą·‘e2Ź’žST 94 SE 68’žhollow flint nodules (5)**’žST 94 SE 67’žpebble hammerstone$$’žST 94 SE 66’žshale ring and beads&&’žST 94 SE 66’žsarsen muller’žST 94 SE 64’žmullers’žST 94 SE 63’žwhetstones’žST 94 SE 62’žperforated battle axe''’žST 94 SE 61’žground flint axes 3%%’žST 87 NW 33’žflint flakes’žST 87 NW 32’žflint disc’žST 87 NW 31’žflint implement!!’žST 83 NW 121’žflint flakes’žTA 08 NW 1611’žpolished greenstone axe++’žTA 08 NW 1601’žgreenstone axe fragment++’žTA 16 NW 115’žgreenstone axe fragment**’žTA 16 NW 114’žflint pointed tools (2)**’žTA 16 NW 113’žleaf shaped arrowheads (3)--’žTA 16 NW 112’žflint scrapers (17)&&’žTA 16 NW 111’žflint saws (79)""’žTL 00 SE 411’žflint flakes’žTL 34 SW 52’žflint flakes’žTL 34 SW 51’žflint core’žSP 11 NW 182’žflint flakes’žSP 11 NW 181’žflint blades (2)##’žSO 70 SE 131’žflint flakes’žST 99 NW 72’žflakes (3)’žST 99 NW 71’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2),,’žTA 17 SW 203’žflint scrapers!!’žTA 17 SW 202’žflint cores’žTA 17 SW 201’žflint flakes’žSO 93 NE 292’žflint scraper ’žSO 93 NE 291’žbarbed and tanged arrowheads (4)33’žNR 92 SW 41’žpolished stone axe$$’žNR 92 NW 21’žflint knife’žNH 55 SE 31’žflint scraper’žNH 69 SE 71’žflint scraper’žHU 27 NW 32’žquartz chips (3)""’žHU 27 NW 31’žphyllite discs (2)$$’žHU 36 NW 11’žsandstone implements&&’žNT 13 SW 122’žflint flakes’žNT 13 SW 121’žflint saw’žNR 93 SW 152’žflint arrowheads##’žNR 93 SW 151’žflint flakes’žNR 93 SW 94’žflint flakes’žNR 93 SW 93’žflint knives (3)""’žNR 93 SW 92’žpitchstone flakes##’žNR 93 SW 91’žmacehead’žNR 83 SE 42’žflint flakes’žNR 83 SE 41’žpitchstone’žNR 92 SE 21’žflint knife’žNR 92 SE 11’žflint flake’žNR 92 SW 33’žchert chip’žNR 92 SW 32’žflint knife’žNR 92 SW 31’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNS 02 SW 23’žflint flake’žNS 02 SW 22’žflint knives (3)""’žNS 02 SW 21’žleaf shaped arrowheads (4),,’žNR 92 SE 41’žpitchstone’žNS 03 SW 73’žpitchstone’žNS 03 SW 72’žflint flakes (3)""’žNS 03 SW 71’žflint knife’žNS 03 SW 83’žflint scraper’žNS 03 SW 82’žpitchstone’žNS 03 SW 81’žflint flake’žNH 55 SE 63’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žNH 55 SE 62’žflint flake’žNH 55 SE 61’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSE 96 NE 333’žflakes’žSE 96 NE 332’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSE 96 NE 331’žflint scraper ’žSE 85 NW 9’žSE 85 NW 93’žleaf shaped arrowheads((’žSP 12 NE 251’žworked flints ’žSP 12 NW151’žflint flakes (2)""’žSS 21 NE 11’žflint flakes’žSW 43 NE 443’žflint chips (2)""’žSW 43 NE 442’žflint flakes (2)##’žSW 43 NE 441’ždomed flint scraper&&’žSW 43 NE 224’žslate plaque’žSW 43 NE 223’žplano convex knife%%’žSW 43 NE 222’žflint scraper ’žSW 43 NE 221’žflint flakes (12)$$’žSX 06 SE 61’žflint flake’žxxxxxxx5 ’žxxxxxxx4 pSÕ§rB鳊_2ņĶÅ — ] /ĶĶÓĢ¦ĢnĢ; ć · ‰ X ) ’ Ė š l A  Ņ ™ h <  Ō©|Q&õÉŽ\0ĒŠ uJōÅ—eÅ:Å ā«€V+žČh3Ö©~R'ūĪ”uĮGĮĮīĄµ’žTM 03 SE 251’žMesolithic microliths (4),,’žSP 40 SW 41’žflint knife’žSU 81 NW 453’žflint arrowhead""’žSU 81 NW 452’žflint scrapers!!’žSU 81 NW 451’žflint flakes’žSU 81 SW 30a1’žflint flakes ’žSU 81 SW 30b1’žflint flakes ’žSU 71 NE 341’žflint flakes’žST 65 SE 53’žflint flakes’žST 65 SE 51’žflint scraper’žSU 07 SE 193’žflint knife’žSU 07 SE 192’žflint scraper ’žSU 07 SE 191’žflint flakes’žSU 84 NE 143’žlozenge arrowhead$$’žSU 84 NE 142’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSU 84 NE 141’žpolished axe fragment((’žST 75 SE 51’žflint flakes’žST 04 SE 1405’žflint scraper (burnt)))’žST 04 SE 1403’žflint flakes ’žST 04 SE 1402’žflint core’žST 04 SE 1401’žarrowhead’žNZ 51 SE 721’žflint flake’žNZ 51 SE 731’žflint flakes (unworked)**’žNZ 51 SE 12’žflint core’žNZ 51 SE 11’žflint knives (3)""’žSK 07 SE1012’žflint chips’žSK 07 SE1011’žpolished flint axe%%’žST 55 SW 633’žGravette point!!’žST 55 SW 632’žkeeled scrapers""’žST 55 SW 631’žflint knife’žSP 22 SE 41’žunidentified’žST 94 NW 204’žflint flake’žST 94 NW 203’žflint knife’žST 94 NW 202’žsarsen fragments##’žST 94 NW 201’žbluestone fragments&&’žSU 14 SE 2401’žflint flakes ’žST 87 SE 171’žflint flakes’žSU 14 SW 4872’žlozenge arrowhead%%’žSU 14 SW 4871’žleaf shaped arrowheads (3)..’žSK 17 NW 43’žflint scraper’žSK 17 NW 42’žblack chert flakes$$’žSK 17 NW 41’žflint chisel’žSC 48 SW 12’žflint flakes’žSC 48 SW 11’žflint scrapers ’žSE 85 NE 171’žflint knife’žSE 85 NE 21’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2)--’žNT 93 NE 153’žflint scrapers!!’žNT 93 NE 152’žflint flakes’žNT 93 NE 151’žlaurel leaf point$$’žNY 83 SE 72’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2),,’žNY 83 SE 71’žMesolithic microliths''’žSZ 19 SE 424’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead..’žSZ 19 SE 423’žflint cores’žSZ 19 SE 422’žflint scrapers!!’žSZ 19 SE 421’žhorseshoe scraper$$’žSS 91 SE 111’žMesolithic microlith''’žNY 60 NE 82’žflint knife’žNY 60 NE 81’žflint fabricator""’žSJ 68 NW 412’žlozenge arrowhead$$’žSJ 68 NW 411’žleaf arrowhead!!’žSJ 96 SW 62’žflint scraper’žSJ 96 SW 61’žflint blade’žSP 80 SW 12’žflint cores (2)!!’žSP 80 SW 11’žflint flakes (500 +)&&’žTL 02 SW 941’žground-edged flint knife++’žTL 04 NE 424’žflint scraper ’žTL 04 NE 423’žchisel arrowhead##’žTL 04 NE 422’žflint flakes’žTL 04 NE 421’žleaf arrowhead!!’žST 75 NW 101’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2)--’žSY 68 NW 1331’žflint scraper!!’žSY 68 NW 1331’žflint flakes ’žSU 01 SE 301’žbarbed and tanged arrowheads (4)33’žSZ 19 SW 72’žflint scrapers ’žSZ 19 SW 71’žflint flakes’žST 91 SE 231’žmicrolith’žST 91 SE 1461’žleaf shaped arrowhead))’žSW 71 NE 131’žflint chip’žSW 43 NW 161’žfractured flint""’žSU 14 SW 921’žflint blade core##’žSU 15 NE 311’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žST 84 NE 91’žpolished flints!!’žST 88 SW 31’žflint flakespVøŒnĻ=弍oĪCĪēĶ“Ķ… P  ó æ • k > Ś ¦ u I  ÷ Ā Ž cŹ6 Ś Æ ‚ S ( żÓ¦{P%żŠ„xLōĖ—l2ŚÆ…\2ŻÆ}`Ä+Ņ§|Q%śĪĀšĀ_Ā3Āß“Į‚X)žŃ’žNS 02 NW 102’žflint scraper ’žNS 02 NW 101’žflint blade’žNR 92 NE 11’žpitchstone flake""’žNR 92 NE 11’žflint flake’žNS 25 NW 11’žflint scraper/knife%%’žNR 71 NE 22’žflint knives’žNJ 75 NW 62’žstone axe’žNJ 75 NW 61’žflint scraper’žNJ 91 NE 111’žflint flakes’žNJ 65 SE 251’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead..’žNJ 72 NW 252’žpolished whet-stones''’žNJ 72 NW 251’žflint flakes’žHY 53 NE 13’žflint flakes’žHY 53 NE 12’žsandstone axe’žHY 53 NE 11’žaxe fragment’žHY 21 SE 55’žstone rubber’žHY 21 SE 54’žflint flakes’žHY 21 SE 54’žflint fabricator""’žHY 21 SE 53’žflint knife’žHY 21 SE 51’žleaf shaped arrowheads((’žHY 53 SE 64’žHY 53 SE 63’žcylindrical pounder%%’žHY 53 SE 62’žsandstone tools!!’žHY 53 SE 61’žflint flakes’žHY 33 SE 11’žflint knife’žHY 42 NW 19’žflint burin’žHY 42 NW 18’žflint core’žHY 42 NW 17’žflint blade’žHY 42 NW 16’žflint flakes’žHY 42 NW 15’žflint scrapers ’žHY 42 NW 14’žflint knives’žHY 42 NW 13’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žHY 42 NW 12’žtanged point’žHY 42 NW 11’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žHY 32 NE 13’žflint core’žHY 32 NE 12’žflint flakes’žHY 32 NE 11’žflint scrapers ’žHY 42 NW 222’žflint flakes’žHY 42 NW 221’žflint scraper ’žHY 43 SW 192’žflint chips’žHY 43 SW 191’žflint scraper ’žHY 32 NE 61’žstone axe’žHY 43 SW 181’žflint knife’žHY 53 SE 71’žflint flakes’žHY 31 SE 12’žsteatite urn’žHY 31 SE 11’žsandstone ball ’žHY 21 SE 104’žstone disc’žHY 21 SE 103’žhammerstone’žHY 21 SE 102’žanvil stone’žHY 21 SE 101’žflint lancehead""’žHY 42 NW 34’žflint scrapers ’žHY 42 NW 33’žflint flakes’žHY 42 NW 32’žplano convex knife$$’žHY 42 NW 31’žpolished axe’žHY 43 SW 131’žflint scraper ’žNN 82 SE 261’žflint flake’žNN 72 SW 51’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNN 82 SE 381’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žNJ 35 NE 52’žwhetstone’žNJ 35 NE 51’žflint chips’žNX 55 SW 13’žflint scraper’žNX 55 SW 12’žplano convex knife$$’žNX 55 SW 11’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNX 55 SW 27’žplano convex knife$$’žNX 55 SW 26’žjadeite axe fragment&&’žNX 55 SW 25’žsandstone disc ’žNX 55 SW 24’žschist disc’žNX 55 SW 23’žflint knife’žNX 55 SW 22’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNX 55 SW 21’žpitchstone’žNX 96 SW 13’žserrated flint flakes''’žNX 96 SW 12’žleaf shaped arrowheads((’žNX 96 SW 11’žflint knives (2)""’žNX 98 SE 1522’žwhetstone fragment&&’žNX 98 SE 1521’žflint flake’žNO 66 SE 41’žpitchstone blades##’žSP 41 SW 251’žflint flakes’žST 75 NW 161’žTA 05 NW 221’žflint arrowhead""’žTA 17 SE 94’žflint core’žTA 17 SE 93’žflint scrapers ’žTA 17 SE 92’žflint flakes’žTA 17 SE 91’žstone axe fragment$$’žTL 81 NW 323’žTL 81 NW 322’žflint flakes’žTL 81 NW 321’žMesolithic flints’žRivenhall Long Barrow;$pSĘŖĻS(īĀšf4Ł ® ‚ ` 9  Ü Æ  L ! ā µ „ O  š Ą “ e 0  Ś ® ‚ M " 龄X-’ćĒÆ~D ĒŁĘ¬ĘĘU)łĢ”uDåŗÄLÄÄÕĆ¢ĆrĆFĆĆėĄ•k:ܬ€S'óĘ’žHY 42 NW 22’žflint scrapers ’žHY 42 NW 21’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNJ 74 SW 126’žhammerstones’žNJ 74 SW 125’žquartz flakes ’žNJ 74 SW 124’žflint flakes’žNJ 74 SW 123’žflint fabricator##’žNJ 74 SW 122’žflint awl’žNJ 74 SW 121’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žNG 31 NE 25’ždolerite implement$$’žNG 31 NE 24’žchert point’žNG 31 NE 23’žquartz chips’žNG 31 NE 22’žflint flakes’žNG 31 NE 21’žflint scrapers ’žNR 92 NW 27 b4’žflint flakes!!’žNR 92 NW 27 b3’žflint core’žNR 92 NW 27 b2’žflint scrapers##’žNR 92 NW 27 b1’žpitchstone flakes&&’žNR 92 NW 27 a3’žMesolithic blade core’žFernie Bank 16/2<*’žNR 92 NW 27 a2’žflint flakes!!’žNR 92 NW 27 a1’žpitchstone flakes & scrapers (89)77’žNR 92 NW 271’žpitchstone’žNF 71 NE 44’žflint blades’žNF 71 NE 43’žflint scrapers ’žNF 71 NE 42’žquartz flakes (402)%%’žNF 71 NE 41’žflint flakes (268)$$’žNF 86 NW 42’žquartz flakes’žNF 86 NW 41’žflint flakes’žNC 50 NE 164’žquartz flakes ’žNC 50 NE 163’žpitchstone flake##’žNC 50 NE 162’žflint flakes’žNC 50 NE 161’žflint blades’žNH 64 NE 64’žflint flakes’žNH 64 NE 63’žflint scrapers ’žNH 64 NE 62’žserrated flint blade&&’žNH 64 NE 61’žpetit tranchet arrowheads++’žNO 66 SE 43’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žNO 66 SE 42’žtranchet arrowhead$$’žNO 66 SE 42’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNX 16 SE 27’žNX 16 SE 274’žflint scrapers!!’žNX 16 SE 273’žflint lumps’žNX 16 SE 272’žflint flakes’žNX 16 SE 271’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2)--’žNX 16 SE 143’žflint blade’žNX 16 SE 142’žflint round-nosed scraper,,’žNX 16 SE 141’žflint point’žHY 53 NE 185’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žHY 53 NE 184’žflint knives’žHY 53 NE 183’žflint flakes’žHY 53 NE 182’žflint scrapers!!’žHY 53 NE 181’žaxes (2)’žHY 53 NE 31’žsandstone axe fragment((’žNX 37 NE 14’žbattle axe head!!’žNX 37 NE 13’žquartz scraper ’žNX 37 NE 12’žMesolithic flints##’žNX 37 NE 11’žflint fabricator""’žNF 77 NE 154’žflint flakes (7)##’žNF 77 NE 153’žquartz flakes (1000+)((’žNF 77 NE 152’žquartz blades (3)$$’žNF 77 NE 151’žflint scraper ’žHY 44 NE 31’žMesolithic flints’žPoint of Cott2#’žHY 44 NE 31’žflint flakes’žND 48 SE 110’žsandstone "mattocks"((’žND 48 SE 19’žpebble pounders!!’žND 48 SE 18’žsiltstone tool ’žND 48 SE 17’žcobble "club"’žND 48 SE 16’žard-share fragment$$’žND 48 SE 15’žmacehead’žND 48 SE 14’žaxe’žND 48 SE 13’žhaematite axe’žND 48 SE 12’žflint flakes’žND 48 SE 11’žflint scrapers ’žHY 21 SE 411’žstone axes (2)!!’žNG 81 NW 92’žstone spindle whorl%%’žNG 81 NW 91’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNF 86 NW 64’žmica disc’žNF 86 NW 63’žflint scraper’žNF 86 NW 62’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žNF 86 NW 61’žflint flakes’žNN 95 SW 62’žquartz flakes’žNN 95 SW 61’žflint flakes’žNS 02 NW 10’žNS 02 NW 103’žpitchstone fragments (128)--'pRÖ§}M#ė¾”j=Ž · ‰ J Ņ ž s F  į · Š U  ę ČŹ” m 7 ß © } . ÷Ģœh=ę¹‹`4Ū°M!ĘöŽŒ`5 ĢŖ}ÄR(ūŠ”vHĆĆź³‡]1ūŹ qFŁ’žTL 67 SE 282’žflint flakes’žTL 67 SE 281’žpolished greenstone celt fragment44’žSU 06 NE 71’žflint flakes’žSE 96 NE 62’žflint slingstone""’žSE 96 NE 61’žflint knife’žTL 47 NW 172’žMesolithic flints$$’žTL 47 NW 171’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSU 13 SE 391’žflint flakes’žSE 76 NE 91’žflint blade’žSZ 48 SW 61’žflint scraper’žSC 37 SW182’žflint arrowhead fragment**’žSC 37 SW181’žflint knife fragment&&’žSK 16 SE 72’žaxe fragment’žSK 16 SE 71’žflint arrowhead!!’žSW 42 SW 191’žflint knife’žTA 07 NW 15’žquartzite rubber""’žTA 07 NW 14’žflint knives’žTA 07 NW 13’žflint scrapers ’žTA 07 NW 12’žflint cores’žTA 07 NW 11’žflint flakes’žSU 68 NW 1711’žflint flakes ’žSP 25 NE 34’žawl’žSP 25 NE 33’žleaf shaped arrowhead fragment00’žSP 25 NE 32’žflint scraper’žSP 25 NE 31’žflint flakes’žSC 28 SE 393’žstone chisel’žSC 28 SE 392’žflint scraper saw$$’žSC 28 SE 391’žrhomboid flint arrowheads,,’žTQ 50 SW 262’žflint cores’žTQ 50 SW 261’žflint flakes’žTF 82 NW 43’žpolished axe fragment''’žTF 82 NW 42’žflint fabricator""’žTF 82 NW 41’žflint flakes’žTF 47 SW 863’žflint scraper ’žTF 47 SW 862’žflint blades’žTF 47 SW 861’žflint flakes’žTF 47 SW 91’žflint flakes’žSC 48 NE 11’žflint fragments!!’žSY 78 NW 723’žflint scraper ’žSY 78 NW 722’žflint cores’žSY 78 NW 721’žflint flakes’žTM 39 SE 454’žflint knife’žTM 39 SE 453’žflint serrated blade''’žTM 39 SE 452’žflint blade core##’žTM 39 SE 451’žflint blade’žNPRN 3001806’žpolished stone axes (4)**’žNPRN 3001805’žpetit tranchet derivative -transverse arrowheadBB’žNPRN 3001804’žend scrapers’žNPRN 3001803’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žNPRN 3001802’žflint awls’žNPRN 3001801’žflint scrapers!!’žNPRN 325631’žcherty flint flakes (5)))’žNPRN 931’žflint flake ’žNPRN 3059915’žsandstone discs (10)''’žNPRN 3059914’žNPRN 3059913’žpolished axe fragment((’žNPRN 3059912’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2)--’žNPRN 3059911’žpolished axe complete((’žNPRN 3041441’žflint scraper ’žNPRN 947221’žflint flake’žNPRN 954221’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNPRN 955322’žplano convex knife$$’žNPRN 955321’žflint scrapers ’žNPRN 938343’žflint flakes’žNPRN 938342’žpolished axe fragment''’žNPRN 938341’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žNPRN 955295’žpolished 'axe-shaped implement'11’žNPRN 955294’žlozenge shaped arrowhead - chert22’žNPRN 955293’žstone discs (2)!!’žNPRN 955292’žscrapers’žNPRN 955291’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNPRN 3060251’žflint flake’žHY 55 SW 2w3’žquartz tools ’žHY 55 SW 22’žchert tools’žHY 55 SW 21’žflint tools’žHY 42 NW 29’žwhetstones (2) ’žHY 42 NW 28’žsteatite vessel fragments++’žHY 42 NW 27’žshale beads’žHY 42 NW 26’žmacehead fragment##’žHY 42 NW 25’žchert knife’žHY 42 NW 24’žflint fabricator""’žHY 42 NW 23’žflint knifepQŅ¦l<ć¶zD× Ŗ  :  Ļ › j 8 Ł „ y K ĖėŹæŹ“Ź^Ź3ŹŹÜɱɄÉOÉ#É÷Č»ČČ]Č1ČČŪĒ®Ē„ĒYĒ)ĒóĘČʒĘbĘ2ĘĘŹÅÅdÅ:ÅÅćøg ä¬~T*õŹ–kAģĆ“`,÷ĄÄĄ’žSP 75 NW 411’žstone axe fragments&&’žTR 36 SE 241’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSE 86 NE 26’žtransverse arrowheads''’žSE 86 NE 25’žpolished flint knife&&’žSE 86 NE 24’žlozenge arrowhead##’žSE 86 NE 23’žflint adze’žSE 86 NE 22’žflint cores’žSE 86 NE 21’žflint flakes’žSE 88 SW 22’žhammerstone’žSE 88 SW 21’žflint flakes’žSO 70 SE 61’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSK 17 SW 102’žflint knife’žSK 17 SW 101’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žTQ 65 NE 246’žflint saws’žTQ 65 NE 245’žflint awls’žTQ 65 NE 244’žflint scrapers!!’žTQ 65 NE 243’žpetit tranchet arrowhead++’žTQ 65 NE 242’žbarbed and tanged arrowheads//’žTQ 65 NE 241’žMesolithic flint scatter’žThe Chestnuts:+’žTQ 66 SE 21’žflint saw’žTR 05 SE 53’žflint core’žTR 05 SE 54’žpolished axe’žTR 05 SE 51’žflint flakes’žTF 10 NW 591’žflint flakes’žTF 10 NW 1151’žflint axe’žST 45 NE 153’žflint knife’žST 45 NE 152’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead..’žST 45 NE 151’žMesolithic microliths (18+)..’žSU 14 SE 3131’žflint flakes ’žSU 14 SW 41’žflint fabricators##’žSU 05 NE 31’žMesolithic flints##’žNS 97 SE 161’žpolished axe fragments))’žNO 11 NW 111’žflint flake’žNN 91 NW 183’žpitchstone flakes (10)))’žNN 91 NW 181’žagate pieces (2)##’žSU 59 NE 31’žflint flakes’žSP 40 SW 31’žflint flake’žHY 31 SW 22’žflint scrapers ’žHY 31 SW 21’žflint flakes’žNT 93 SW 281’žflint flake’žSU 13 SE 271’žflint flakes’žSP 47 NW 51’žMesolithic flints##’žNT 91 SE 3421’žflint scraper!!’žSU 49 NE 1381’žpolished flint axe fragment//’žSP 97 SE 561’žflint flakes’žTL 81 NW 811’žflint flakes’žTQ 20 NW 901’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žSK 07 NE 22’žflint scrapers ’žSK 07 NE 21’žflint flakes’žTL 02 NE 23’žflint scraper’žTL 02 NE 22’žflint blades’žTL 02 NE 21’žflint flakes’žTL 05 SE 261’žsaddle quern fragment((’žTL 05 SE 231’žflint flakes’žSX 17 NW 251’žflint flakes’žNJ 71 NE 62’žflint blade’žNJ 71 NE 61’žperforated stone hammer))’žSU 06 NE 852’žflint scrapers!!’žSU 06 NE 851’žflint flakes’žSU 07 SE 69’žsarsen quern fragment''’žSU 07 SE 68’žflint borers (14)##’žSU 07 SE 67’žflint knives (7)""’žSU 07 SE 66’žflint scrapers (35)%%’žSU 07 SE 65’žoblique arrowheads$$’žSU 07 SE 64’žchisel form arrowhead''’žSU 07 SE 63’žbarbed and tanged arrowheads (2)22’žNZ 71 NW 142’žflint flakes’žSU 07 SE 62’žMesolithic flints’žHorslip Long Barrow8#’žSU 07 SE 61’žflint flakes’žSU 06 NE 176’žflint scraper ’žSU 06 NE 176’žmicrolithic blade$$’žSU 06 NE 175’žmicrolithic lanceolate point//’žSU 06 NE 174’žlaurel leaf arrowheads))’žSU 06 NE 173’žbarbed and tanged arrowheads//’žSU 06 NE 172’žsickle flints ’žSU 06 NE 171’žflint flakes’žTA 06 NE 32’žflint scrapers ’žTA 06 NE 31’žMesolithic flints##’žTL 67 SE 285’žleaf shaped arrowheads (4)--’žTL 67 SE 284’žflint borers’žTL 67 SE 283’žflint scrapers!!pRŅĻØĻrĻ<Ļ ĻŽĪ³ĪĪIĪĪņĶæĶ“ĶhĶ<ĶĶŻĢØĢsĢAĢĢŽ ² | M  ą ± ‡ S # ų Ķ ”Éf : Ł®ƒ[/Ļ˜^3Ū²†R'ō¹„OÅÅķÄÄĘÄnCŽ²‚Z/Ś›bEĀą“†Z+É’žNPRN 938272’žpetit tranchet arrowhead**’žNPRN 938271’žflint flakes’žHY 21 SE 415’žflint arrowhead""’žHY 21 SE 414’žflint flakes’žHY 21 SE 413’žflint scrapers!!’žHY 21 SE 412’žSkaill knife’žSK 25 NW 13’žMesolithic flints’žGreen Low.#’žNT 80 SW 51’žflint flake’žNZ 35 SE 75’žNZ 35 SE 74’žleaf shaped arrowheads (2),,’žNZ 35 SE 73’žpolished greenstone axe fragment22’žNZ 35 SE 72’žflint flakes’žNZ 35 SE 71’žflint cores’žNPRN 941292’žflint flakes’žNPRN 941291’žmicrolith’žTA 08 NW 231’žflint arrowheads##’žSW 43 NE 421’žflint flakes’žSK 16 NE 81’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žSK 25 NW 71’žplano convex knife$$’žSK 15 SE 151’žunspecified’žNH 55 SE 32’žflint flake’žSU 59 NW 865’žflint blades’žSU 59 NW 864’žflint awl’žSU 59 NW 863’žflint scrapers!!’žSU 59 NW 862’žpolished flint knife''’žSU 59 NW 861’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žNZ 71 NW 144’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žNZ 71 NW 143’žpolished stone axe fragment..’žNZ 71 NW 141’žMesolithic flints ?&&’žNPRN 920121’žflint flakes’žNPRN 1014502’žtriangular arrowhead''’žNPRN 1014501’žflint flakes’žSU 38 SW 57’žflint core’žSU 38 SW 56’žflint borers’žSU 38 SW 55’žflint scrapers ’žSU 38 SW 54’žflint flakes’žSU 38 SW 53’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead--’žSU 38 SW 52’žpetit tranchet arrowhead**’žSU 38 SW 51’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNPRN 3060391’žflint flakes’žNPRN 3060381’žflint flakes’žNPRN 945104’žwhetstone’žNPRN 945103’žsling stones’žNPRN 945102’žflint flakes’žNPRN 945101’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žTF 29 NW 102’žflint scraper ’žTF 29 NW 101’žflint flakes’žTF 29 NW 121’žbarbed and tanged arrowhead..’žTF 19 NW 101’žflint flakes’žTA 06 NE 34’žflint knives’žTA 06 NE 33’žflint blades’žTA 06 NE 231’žflint flakes (2)##’žSE 85 NW407’žpolished axe fragment''’žSE 85 NW406’žsling stone’žSE 85 NW405’žflint knives (3)""’žSE 85 NW404’žflint discs (12)""’žSE 85 NW403’žleaf shaped arrowhead fragments11’žSE 85 NW402’žbarbed arrowhead""’žSE 85 NW401’žflint flakes (numerous)))’žNO 66 NW 272’žflint flakes’žNO 66 NW 271’žplano convex knife%%’žTA 07 SW 101’žMesolithic flints$$’žSS 80 SE 671’žMesolithic flints?%%’žST 20 SE 321’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žST 10 SW 281’žMesolithic flints(19)((’žSU 97 NE 1102’žlaurel leaf point%%’žSU 97 NE 1101’žflint flakes ’žST 83 NW 62’žflint scraper’žST 83 NW 61’žflint flakes’žSU 06 SE 141’žflint flakes’žSU 14 NW 32’žflint serrated blade&&’žSU 14 NW 31’žflint flakes’žSU 26 SE 531’žflint flakes’žSU 59 NW 302’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSU 59 NW 301’žMesolithic microlith''’žSU 81 SE 51’žflint flakes’žTQ 01 SW 281’žflint flakes’žSU 58 NW 531’žpolished stone axe%%’žSP 76 SW 531’žpolished axe fragments))’žSP 75 NW 414’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSP 75 NW 413’žflint saws’žSP 75 NW 412’žflint scrapers!!pSŌØ~S óČĪ›n?ī Æ … XĶ+Ķł Ē › m A  ź “ | N % ś Į † P " ų Ļ ”Éu J  č«xJģĒøĒ‚ĒMĒ!ĒóĘÄʙĘrĘDĘĘŁÅ£ÅoÅ;Å ÅĪÄ£Ä|ÄQÄ&ūĆĻ¢p: ßĀ±Ā{Ā]Ā.ĀĀŁĮ¦ĮuĮEĮĮõĄČĄ’žSY 78 NW 42’žflint scrapers ’žSY 78 NW 41’žflint cores’žLinear 417’žmacehead ’žLinear 416’žplano convex knife## ’žLinear 415’žpolished axe flakes$$ ’žLinear 414’žtransverse arrowheads&& ’žLinear 413’žflint scrapers ’žLinear 412’žflint cores ’žLinear 411’žMesolithic flints"" ’žST 81 SW 174’žST 81 SW 173’žleaf-shaped arrowheads))’žST 81 SW 172’žflint scrapers!!’žST 81 SW 171’žPortland chert!!’žST 81 SW 184’žflint scraper ’žST 81 SW 184’žsarsen quern fragments))’žST 81 SW 183’žquartzite polisher%%’žST 81 SW 182’žaxe fragments ’žST 81 SW 181’žflint flakes’žSU 16 SW 221’žflint chips’žSU 01 NW 141’žflint flake’žSY 68 NE 23’žflint knives’žSY 68 NE 22’žscrapers’žSY 68 NE 21’žflint flakes’žSS 80 SE 673’žleaf shaped arrowheads ( 6)..’žSS 80 SE 672’žpolished stone axe%%’žSY 68 NE 901’žstone axes (cornish)''’žST 10 SW 284’žgreeenstone axe (15)''’žST 10 SW 283’žleaf-shaped arrowheads))’žST 10 SW 282’žpolished stone axes (20)++’žSY 18 NW 2611’žpolishing pebbles&&’žSY 18 NW 2610’žsling stones!!’žSY 18 NW 269’žpounder’žSY 18 NW 268’žflint cache’žSY 18 NW 267’žflintn scrapers""’žSY 18 NW 266’žflint piercers!!’žSY 18 NW 265’žflint knives’žSY 18 NW 264’žlaurel leaf arrowhead((’žSY 18 NW 263’žleaf-shaped arrowheads))’žSY 18 NW 262’žPortland chert flake''’žSY 18 NW 261’žpolished stone axe%%’žSX 85 NE 61’žworked flints’žSC 26 NW 176’žquartz scraper!!’žSC 26 NW 175’žMesolithic scrapers&&’žSC 26 NW 174’žMesolithic awls’žPort St Mary0"’žTA 17 SE 391’žleaf shaped arrowhead((’žTA 16 NW 42’žflint scrapers ’žTA 16 NW 41’žflint flakes’žTA 16 NW 701’žflint flakes’žSP 25 NE 501’žflint scrapers!!’žNPRN 921913’žmicrolith?’žNPRN 921912’žflint knife’žNPRN 921911’žflint arrowhead!!’žSE 78 NE 10a3’žflint sickle fragment))’žSU 28 NE 42’žpolished flint axe fragments..’žSU 28 NE 41’žleaf shaped arrowheads (3),,’žNX 37 NW 12’žflint flakes’žNX 37 NW 11’žpitchstone’žSU 16 NW 596’žflint scrapers!!’žSU 16 NW 595’žpetit tranchet arrowhead++’žSU 16 NW 591’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSU 16 NW 593’žflint cores’žSU 16 NW 592’žflint knives’žSU 16 NW 591’žflint flakes’žTL 15 NE 603’žflint scrapers!!’žTL 15 NE 602’žflint flakes’žTL 15 NE 601’žpolished stone axe%%’žSU 14 SW 31’žflint knapping site%%’žSU 59 NE 1332’žflint flakes ’žSU 59 NE 1331’žflintt knife ’žSC 26 NW 173’žmicroliths’žSC 26 NW 172’žMesolithic flints’žPort St Mary2$’žSC 26 NW 171’žarrowhead’žNPRN 938314’žstone axe’žNPRN 938313’žflint fabricator""’žNPRN 938312’žstrike-a-light ’žNPRN 938311’žflint scrapers ’žNZ 35 SE 11’žflint flakes’žNPRN 930724’žflint bladelet ’žNPRN 930723’žleaf shaped arowhead&&’žNPRN 930722’žflint flakes’žNPRN 930721’žflint cores’žNPRN 938274’žchert scraper’žNPRN 938273’žflint scraperŪp1ŪĻ­Ļ|ĻIĻĻó¾—a-Ų ¤ w G  ń Ę ’ j =  ē ŗ ƒ X & ü × ¶  b 6 Ō © ~ Q  龐b,öĄ•iKĒ’žTA 17 SW 204’žSP 01 NE 4a9’žflint flakes’žSP 01 NE 4a8’žflint cores’žSP 01 NE 4a7’žpolished axe fragments))’žSP 01 NE 4a6’žlaurel-leaf arrowheads))’žSP 01 NE 4a5’žleaf shaped arrowheads))’žSP 01 NE 4a4’žflint piercers!!’žSP 01 NE 4a3’žflint scrapers!!’žSP 01 NE 4a2’žmicroburins’žSP 01 NE 4a1’žmicroliths (80)""’žHY 41 SW 44’žperforated hammer/macehead,,’žHY 41 SW 43’žflint scrapers ’žHY 41 SW 42’žflint knives’žHY 41 SW 41’žflint flakes’žSP 31 NW 214’žflint blades’žSP 31 NW 213’žpolished axe fragments))’žSP 31 NW 212’žflint flakes’žNPRN 989’žpolishing stone ’žNPRN 988’žrubbing stone ’žNPRN 987’žblade ’žNPRN 986’žmicrolith ’žNPRN 985’žflint scrapers ’žNPRN 984’žleaf-shaped arrowheads%% ’žNPRN 983’žquern fragments ’žNPRN 982’žpolished stone axe fragment** ’žNPRN 981’žMesolithic flints ’žHY 63 NE 11’žskail knives’žNPRN 955359’žflint knives’žNPRN 955358’žflint scrapers ’žNPRN 955357’žflint saw’žNPRN 955356’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNPRN 955355’žflint sickle’žNPRN 955354’žflint flakes’žNPRN 955353’žchert flakes’žNPRN 955352’žchert hammerstone##’žNPRN 955351’žsandstone disc ’žSC 16 NE 31’žleaf shaped arrowhead''’žNJ 75 NW 61’žflint flakes’žNJ 70 SE 32’žflint flake’žNJ 70 SE 31’žleaf-shaped arrowhead''’žNJ 94 NW 312’žleaf-shaped arrowheads))’žNJ 94 NW 311’žaxehead’žSP 31 NW 211’žleaf-shaped arrowhead((’žSE 58 SE 391’žflint flakes’žSY 68 NE 1511’žstone axe’žSY 78 NW 46’žtransverse arrowhead&&’žSY 78 NW 45’žpolished axe flake$$’žSY 78 NW 44’žserrated flakes!!’žSY 78 NW 43’žblades• ~€@ € €€@JbY`J^LdbQkoLSdi`QuMJqJmYdbiQMdiOkkoLSdi`fYmOQkMiYfmYdbfdmmQivkoLSdi`"iJOYdMJiLdbOJmQkkoLSdi`8#kYmQYbSdi`JmYdbSdi`ļLkmdbQkoLSdi`JO`Yb) 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w”ģ…Kķć@%ģ…Kķć@¦ EBGGKK_VLADICEZFCNKQKHAKESEGVRN w“ģ…Kķć@· ģ…Kķć@„ ANTVGRFSYFASBECKOUJGJGESQCAGVRN wŖė…Kķć@Jžė…Kķć@¤ AcessVBAData62. w/].Aķć@KĀ].Aķć@£ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w{Ÿ[.Aķć@{Ÿ[.Aķć@¢ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w)[.Aķć@<[.Aķć@” BlobCopyć .*& wĄÖ}>ķć@ØĶÖ}>ķć@  TypeInfoCopyć 62. węwÕ}>ķć@ęwÕ}>ķć@Ÿ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w§Õ}>ķć@ÆqÕ}>ķć@ž BlobCopyć .*& w[ó¤;ķć@ījó¤;ķć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wz5ń¤;ķć@z5ń¤;ķć@œ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w„š¤;ķć@EŲš¤;ķć@› BlobCopyć .*& w¤ų7ķć@ńĻų7ķć@š TypeInfoCopyć 62. w†÷7ķć@†÷7ķć@™ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w‘÷7ķć@†÷7ķć@˜ BlobCopyć .*& w6čę6ķć@#čę6ķć@— TypeInfoCopyć 62. w¾Łęę6ķć@¾Łęę6ķć@– BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w1ęę6ķć@ˆÓęę6ķć@• BlobCopyć .*& wĄ V6ķć@Ę V6ķć@” TypeInfoCopyć 62. w‚KŸV6ķć@‚KŸV6ķć@“ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w¶ŸV6ķć@‚KŸV6ķć@’ BlobCopyć .*& w£Q 6ķć@3āQ 6ķć@‘ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wļ‰M 6ķć@ļ‰M 6ķć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w=L 6ķć@ō„L 6ķć@ BlobCopyć .*& wūˆŗ0ķć@*Rˆŗ0ķć@Ž TypeInfoCopyć 62. wž‡ŗ0ķć@ž‡ŗ0ķć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wź‡ŗ0ķć@ž‡ŗ0ķć@Œ BlobCopyć .*& w¹gn.ķć@akgn.ķć@‹ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wEŃen.ķć@EŃen.ķć@Š BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w“en.ķć@Ėen.ķć@‰ BlobCopyć .*& w’;Ż+ķć@:o;Ż+ķć@ˆ PROJECT,($ w‹;Ż+ķć@i;Ż+ķć@‡ PROJECTwm0,( w©$;Ż+ķć@§{;Ż+ķć@… Ų @‡_VBA_PROJECTB>:" &6«ĻhĻ)ĻčĪĪTĪĪČĶĶ>ĶóĢŖĢiĢĢÕĖ”ĖIĖĖ·ŹNŹåɜÉeÉ"ÉćČ¢ČWČČĶĒ‚Ē9ĒųĘ­ĘdĘ#ĘŲŏÅNÅÅŗÄyÄ.ÄåƤĆYĆĆĻĀ„Ā;ĀņĮ‰Į Įץ ĄņSƎķć@}īSƎķć@š dir$  w’SƎķć@}īSƎķć@ļ _VBA_PROJECT62. wńSƎķć@ŁŪSƎķć@ī DFDFWKHRDEAVSDAKOVLKMFSIFCJEVRN wšSƎķć@žĀSƎķć@ķ THERZVMRFJFYTDZYZBOLLSKQNPHDVRN w«SƎķć@¶SƎķć@ģ AcessVBAData62. wįQQŽķć@N•QQŽķć@ė TypeInfoCopyć 62. wN•QQŽķć@N•QQŽķć@ź BlobDeltaCopyć 840 weQQŽķć@N•QQŽķć@é BlobCopyć .*& wœŽķć@ŲœŽķć@č TypeInfoCopyć 62. w+4šŽķć@+4šŽķć@ē BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wšŽķć@+4šŽķć@ę BlobCopyć .*& w^żķć@D^żķć@å TypeInfoCopyć 62. wŠ¼\żķć@Š¼\żķć@ä BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wž\żķć@Š¼\żķć@ć BlobCopyć .*& wZ#°ķć@X#°ķć@ā TypeInfoCopyć 62. wž!°ķć@ž!°ķć@į BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wN!°ķć@ž!°ķć@ą BlobCopyć .*& w,:ķć@µM,:ķć@ß TypeInfoCopyć 62. wtĢ*:ķć@tĢ*:ķć@Ž BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w’*:ķć@tĢ*:ķć@Ż BlobCopyć .*& wóČõŒķć@»ŲČõŒķć@Ü 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wkß>_ķć@kß>_ķć@æ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w¢>_ķć@kß>_ķć@¾ BlobCopyć .*& w˜µP^ķć@­‚µP^ķć@½ PROJECT,($ w’µP^ķć@v|µP^ķć@¼ PROJECTwm0,( wŅiµP^ķć@戵P^ķć@ŗ Ų @‡_VBA_PROJECTB>:" Ū «ĻhĻ)ĻąĪwĪ.Ī÷Ķ2NL•ķć@ū­NL•ķć@dir$  w2NL•ķć@ħNL•ķć@_VBA_PROJECT62. w1NL•ķć@ •NL•ķć@ LSQHUPBXMEBASDBUAXMPJTIADJFNVRN w–NL•ķć@²ˆNL•ķć@ AcessVBAData62. w˜™Ü”ķć@6Į™Ü”ķć@ PROJECT,($ wŽ™Ü”ķć@»™Ü”ķć@ PROJECTwm0,( w%¢™Ü”ķć@mĒ™Ü”ķć@« @‡_VBA_PROJECTB>:" 1LVAL5Š¾€'ę„d#ā £ a ī ‡ I  É Š K ˜ X .  Ū Ūɛ ,  …)’U“Š@į¬Pż–8ÄÄĆtI öˆ©Nearly 70 pieces of Mesolithic flint found nearby thro’žNearly 70 pieces of Mesolithic flint found nearby through fieldwalking. No surviving trace of a buried soil.’žBorlase 1769 p 220 'we found neither bone nor urn, but some strong unctuous earth, which smelt cadaverous& '’žno information provided in the 'report'. Only 'a low flat cairn to the west of the Ward gave me no results.'’žNo information on buried ground surface.’žNo information on buried ground surface’žA LN round barrow concealing an EN cairn.’žA free-standing portal dolmen which may once have been covered by a long mound’žMortimer 1905 pp 346-50  Five cists found on original ground surface . No information on buried land surface.’žHayes 1967 - some stone slabs had been burnt. Burnt quartz pebble found in central position’žHayes 1967 - Central stone slab placed on subsoil; some of the cairn stones and slabs had been burnt.’ž No information on ground surface; sketches and notes available in RCAHMS archive’žMortuary area at E end - many skeletons in complete disorder under a large heap of flints.’žTrial excavation - no information on ground surface’žbarrow destroyed. No information on ground surface.’žNo information on buried ground surface.’žBryce 1902 p 113: 'there was none of the black mould met with elsewhere'’žNo information on buried ground surface.’ž No information on buried ground surface Could not locate Proctor's account.’žNo information on buried ground surface. Could not locate Procotr's account.’žNo excavation report - information on buried ground surface’žHenshall (1972) notes that Phene's account of his excavation is unsatisfactory and should be treated with caution.’žNo information on ground surface.’žBeveridge 1911 - notes that contents had been disturbed; no information on ground surface.’žSite was destroyed in 1863; demolition was observed by Petrie who made sketches and notes, but no other records were kept.’žNo information on buried ground surface.’žExcavation report consists of a short entry in D & E Scotland 1998 - no information on buried ground surface.’žSubterranean chamber; no finds; no mention of ground surface.’žNo information on buried ground surface.’žNo information on buried ground surface’žNo information on buried ground surface.’žOriginal ground surface is not mentioned in excavation report.’žTurner 1863 - barrow was removed to make improvements to a cricket-ground. No information on buried ground surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žTomb was opened by locals before 1796 - No excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No excavation records - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation records - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation record - no information on buried ground surface.’žPastscape reports an excavation in 1800s by Colt Hoare, but I can find no record of it.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation records - no information on buried ground surface.›«ŲŲž+ä@?A,ä@i« @‡_VBA_PROJECTB>:" H čX‹sśB’žSK 57 SW 91’žWhitwell’žMonument #1255641’žlong cairn’žround cairn’žnone’žSK 532 748’ž4532 3748’ž453200’ž374800’žDerbyshire’žBolsover’žWhitwell’žnone’žnone’žHedges et al 1994yesyesyes13Š@O2’žn/ano’žCentral England’žSchulting, R. J., 2000. New AMS dates from the Lambourn long barrow and the question of the earliest Neolithic in southern England: repacking the Neolithic package? Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 19(1), 25-35.’žHedges, R. E. M., R. A. Housley, C. Bronk Ramsey & G. J. Van Klinken, 1994. Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry Datelist 18. Archaeometry, 36, 337-374.’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žSheridan, A., (2007). From Picardie to Pickering and Pencraig Hill? New information on the 'Carinated Bowl Neolithic' in northern Britain, in Going Over: The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in NW Europe, eds. A. Whittle & V. Cummings; OUP, 441-492.’ž250±±¬¬±zŹ÷÷÷÷÷ęęęęāāŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪŪŪĻĻĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÅæææ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ š†zrj_SM@4! q’2$€"¼17³ĻrĻ'ĻŽĪĪRĪ ĪČĶ}Ķ4ĶóĢØĢ_ĢĢÓĖŠĖIĖžŹµŹtŹ)ŹąÉŸÉTÉ ÉŹČČ6ČõĒŖĒaĒ ĒÕʌĘCĘśÅ±ÅpÅ%ÅÜěÄPÄÄĘĆ{Ć2ĆńĀ¦Ā]ĀĀĖĮ‚Į9ĮųĄ­ĄSb’üūģć@Sb’üūģć@‘ BlobDeltaCopy-840 w‹’üūģć@Sb’üūģć@ BlobCopy-.*& wŒūūģć@Ą§ūūģć@ PropDataCopy*62. wvūūģć@Š”ūūģć@Ž PropDataCopy 62. wźūūģć@Š”ūūģć@ PropDataCopy-62. wūūģć@Š”ūūģć@Œ AcessVBAData62. wéūūģć@S›ūūģć@‹ TypeInfoCopy-62. wA|ūūģć@Ą§ūūģć@Š BlobDeltaCopy-840 wčūūģć@ vūūģć@‰ BlobCopy-.*& w‹ūūģć@fcūūģć@ˆ TypeInfoCopy*62. wUDūūģć@÷­ūūģć@‡ BlobDeltaCopy*840 wŠūūģć@UDūūģć@† BlobCopy*.*& wuūūģć@°1ūūģć@… TypeInfoCopy 62. wŸūūģć@÷­ūūģć@„ BlobDeltaCopy 840 wtūūģć@h ūūģć@ƒ BlobCopy .*& w—Ŗļūģć@E‰Ŗļūģć@‚ TypeInfoCopy62. wWŖļūģć@WŖļūģć@ BlobDeltaCopy840 wĘŖļūģć@WŖļūģć@€ BlobCopy.*& wĄGīūģć@›ÄGīūģć@ PropDataCopy62. w®Gīūģć@›ÄGīūģć@~ PropDataCopyć 62. w–Gīūģć@›ÄGīūģć@} AcessVBAData62. w­Gīūģć@÷±Gīūģć@| TypeInfoCopyć 62. w5\Fīūģć@ŅŹGīūģć@{ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wŖFīūģć@5\Fīūģć@z BlobCopyć .*& w¾Eīūģć@JĶEīūģć@y TypeInfoCopy62. wĖ”Eīūģć@ŃGīūģć@x BlobDeltaCopy840 w¼Eīūģć@Ė”Eīūģć@w BlobCopy.*& wUQŚūģć@ą8QŚūģć@v TypeInfoCopy62. w*QŚūģć@*QŚūģć@u BlobDeltaCopy840 wRQŚūģć@*QŚūģć@t BlobCopy.*& wpÕūģć@ZĶÕūģć@s TypeInfoCopyć 62. w¤›Õūģć@¤›Õūģć@r BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wmÕūģć@n•Õūģć@q BlobCopyć .*& wāmĒūģć@PÆmĒūģć@p TypeInfoCopy462. wu–mĒūģć@u–mĒūģć@o BlobDeltaCopy4840 wąmĒūģć@u–mĒūģć@n BlobCopy4.*& w•lĒūģć@yčlĒūģć@m TypeInfoCopy 62. wŌÕlĒūģć@ŌÕlĒūģć@l BlobDeltaCopy 840 w”lĒūģć@ŌÕlĒūģć@k BlobCopy .*& w“lĒūģć@Œ°lĒūģć@j TypeInfoCopy62. wčlĒūģć@člĒūģć@i BlobDeltaCopy840 w’lĒūģć@člĒūģć@h BlobCopy.*& wŅlĒūģć@ŸxlĒūģć@g TypeInfoCopy*62. wūelĒūģć@ūelĒūģć@f BlobDeltaCopy*840 wŃlĒūģć@ūelĒūģć@e BlobCopy*.*& wWlĒūģć@”!lĒūģć@d TypeInfoCopyć 62. w³jĒūģć@³jĒūģć@c BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wSjĒūģć@Ķ¬jĒūģć@b BlobCopyć .*& w“a`ūģć@č¾a`ūģć@a TypeInfoCopy*62. w ™a`ūģć@ ™a`ūģć@` BlobDeltaCopy*840 w’a`ūģć@ ™a`ūģć@_ BlobCopy*.*& w‘Yūģć@ŁYūģć@^ TypeInfoCopy 62. wń¹Yūģć@ń¹Yūģć@] BlobDeltaCopy 840 wYūģć@»³Yūģć@\ BlobCopy .*& w×A$Vūģć@×A$Vūģć@Y @LäUɽBlobCopy :62" Ė‹Ļ"ĻŁĪ¢ĪYĪ"ĪßĶ Ķ_ĶĶĖĢŠĢ?ĢöĖ­ĖdĖĖ²ŹiŹ2ŹļÉ°ÉgIIŻČ’ČIČȗĒNĒĒ“™Ü”ķć@\ؙܔķć@ dir$  wŒ™Ü”ķć@%¢™Ü”ķć@_VBA_PROJECT62. w’™Ü”ķć@·•™Ü”ķć@RGLSVEDPAAUMIEIOSHQDNVVHCDDDVRN w™™Ü”ķć@J‰™Ü”ķć@AcessVBAData62. w LõŽķć@r`LõŽķć@TypeInfoCopyć 62. wVĘJõŽķć@VĘJõŽķć@BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wJõŽķć@VĘJõŽķć@BlobCopyć .*& wåœóŽķć@–ÕœóŽķć@DirDataCopy 62. wäœóŽķć@)ɜóŽķć@PropDataCopy 62. w,7ĖŽķć@fl7ĖŽķć@PROJECT,($ w+7ĖŽķć@ł_7ĖŽķć@’ PROJECTwm0,( w(7ĖŽķć@TM7ĖŽķć@ž dir$  w*7ĖŽķć@G7ĖŽķć@ż _VBA_PROJECT62. wó7ĖŽķć@°:7ĖŽķć@ü DFDFWKHRDEAVSDAKOVLKMFSIFCJEVRN w.7ĖŽķć@y47ĖŽķć@ū AcessVBAData62. wŹ”ĮŽķć@³×”ĮŽķć@ś DirDataCopy?62. wȔĮŽķć@ė†”ĮŽķć@ł PropDataCopy?62. wwĒ¼Žķć@WiĒ¼Žķć@ų TypeInfoCopy*62. wEJĒ¼Žķć@EJĒ¼Žķć@÷ BlobDeltaCopy*840 wsĒ¼Žķć@EJĒ¼Žķć@ö BlobCopy*.*& w+#øŽķć@Ōų#øŽķć@õ TypeInfoCopy*62. wĀŁ#øŽķć@ĀŁ#øŽķć@ō BlobDeltaCopy*840 w)#øŽķć@ĀŁ#øŽķć@ó BlobCopy*.*& w›TƎķć@XTƎķć@ņ PROJECT,($ w˜TƎķć@!TƎķć@ń PROJECTwm0,( w¢;Ż+ķć@©$;Ż+ķć@† dir$  wŠ;Ż+ķć@©$;Ż+ķć@… _VBA_PROJECT62. w†¾s ķć@½é¾s ķć@ dir$  wˆ¾s ķć@½é¾s ķć@ _VBA_PROJECT62. w’¾s ķć@½é¾s ķć@ ZTLRJIJSOFLNWDGPCCJHGECJFFSGVRN w½é¾s ķć@fæs ķć@ E@DMBZQKDWBRJAPDJCWXURNGJPYSUEb^Z" ”±œ×’+ä@uG,ä@kA@+PROJECTwm<84" „µ ä’+ä@uG,ä@lĶ@MPROJECT840"  šLVALŠĢam’  äś*\G{000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#4.0#9#C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\VBA\VBA6\VBE6.DLL#Visual Basic For Applications*\G{4AFFC9A0-5F99-101B-AF4E-00AA003F0F07}#9.0#0#C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACC.OLB#Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library¼*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#C:\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation*\G{00000201-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.1#0#C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado21.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library:*\G{4AC9E1DA-5BAD-4AC7-86E3-24F4CDCECA28}#c.0#0#C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\OFFICE12\ACEDAO.DLL#Microsoft Office 12.0 Access database engine Object LibraryZ*\G{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#5.3#0#C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6EXT.OLB#Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 ’’’’’’’’h‹dN’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’^8GIYGDPKJVHZFNDCTMPEYMWXEYHTI0450e37385’’(Form_Pit Description’’’’ł’’’’’’ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Iał\”9@”Ń_„\’’’’’’’’`€’@(AccessVBA÷āWin16Į~Win32Mac³²VBA6­#Database - 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Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 9, 151-36666666««««§šoDD@@@>88888888888888620.,*%!      żł÷õõóļėēćįŻŪ×ÕÓŃĻĶĖÉĒĆæ»·³Æ«§£ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›—•••‰~xrjbUGA;-' q’Ą’’’½ł’`zLVALŹcarbon dates…=SITE DESCRIPTION.Animal Remainsƒ;SITE DESCRIPTION.Plant Remains…/SITE DESCRIPTION.Pottery‰9SITE DESCRIPTION.Flaked Stone‡=SITE DESCRIPTION.Polished Stoneƒ?SITE DESCRIPTION.Other artefacts‰;SITE DESCRIPTION.Pits (Number)…?SITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Pits‰7SITE DESCRIPTION.# Postholes‰ISITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Postholes‡9SITE DESCRIPTION.# Stakeholes‡KSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Stakeholes…ASITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Timber Structure‰=SITE DESCRIPTION.Other FeaturesƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Other Features…)SITE DESCRIPTION.Fire‡=SITE DESCRIPTION.Turf Clearanceƒ3SITE DESCRIPTION.Dark Soil…ISITE DESCRIPTION.Cultivation Evidence‡-SITE DESCRIPTION.Hearthƒ7SITE DESCRIPTION.Inhumations‰5SITE DESCRIPTION.CremationsƒASITE DESCRIPTION.Floor/Pavement 1‡+SITE DESCRIPTION.Notes…CSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Hearth…-SITE DESCRIPTION.Statusƒ;SITE DESCRIPTION.HR frag-burnt…?SITE DESCRIPTION.HR frag-unburnt‰9SITE DESCRIPTION.Charcoal/ash‡-SITE DESCRIPTION.QuartzƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Marine shell/pebbles/sand…?SITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Fire‰OSITE DESCRIPTION.Location-Turf Clearance‰MSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - CultivationƒWSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Floor/Pavement 1‰ASITE DESCRIPTION.Floor/Pavement 2‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Floor/Pavement 2‰ESITE DESCRIPTION.Disturbance/Re-UseƒISITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Dark Soil‡KSITE DESCRIPTION.Pre-monument Evidence…GSITE DESCRIPTION.Mesolithic evidence‰9SITE DESCRIPTION.Study Region‡USITE DESCRIPTION.Standing Stone/Timber Postƒ?SITE DESCRIPTION.Occupation area‰GSITE DESCRIPTION.Structural Features‰ƒ&d{KƒKƒˆ&d{„ēLƒ˜ d{„P&d{˜’’…Čd{’’’’ˆ&c·Nīć@ˆ’’’’„X%d{€%d{„’’’ś d{ą±ŗŌŗ‚ R d{ą±ŗ„ Š d{ą±ŗ„Ā d{ą±ŗ°“ŗś d{ą±ŗ„ : d{ą±ŗ„ z d{ą±ŗ„ ² d{ą±ŗ„ ź d{ą±ŗ„ "d{ą±ŗ„ jd{ą±ŗ„ Ād{ą±ŗ„ ņd{ą±ŗ„ :d{ą±ŗ„ ‚d{ą±ŗ„ ŗd{ą±ŗ„ śd{ą±ŗ„ 2d{ą±ŗ„ bd{ą±ŗ„ ’d{ą±ŗ„ Śd{ą±ŗ„ 2d{ą±ŗ„ rd{ą±ŗ„ ²d{ą±ŗ„ ņd{ą±ŗ„ 2d{ą±ŗ„ ‚d{ą±ŗ„ Ād{ą±ŗ„ śd{ą±ŗ„ Bd{ą±ŗ„ ‚d{ą±ŗ„ Ād{ą±ŗ„ śd{ą±ŗ„ :d{ą±ŗ„ !zd{ą±ŗ„ "Ād{ą±ŗ„ #d{ą±ŗ„ $Jd{ą±ŗ„ %Šd{ą±ŗ„ &Śd{ą±ŗ„ 'd{ą±ŗ„ (jd{ą±ŗ„ )²d{ą±ŗ„ *d{ą±ŗ„ +Rd{ą±ŗ„ ,Ŗd{ą±ŗ„ -Śd{ą±ŗ„ .d{ą±ŗ„ /Rd{ą±ŗ„ 0¢d{ą±ŗ„ 1Ņd{ą±ŗ„ 2d{ą±ŗ„ 3Jd{ą±ŗ„ 4’d{ą±ŗ„ 5Ād{ą±ŗ„ 6 d{ą±ŗ„ 7:d{ą±ŗ„ 8zd{ą±ŗ„ 9Ād{ą±ŗ„ :d{ą±ŗ„ ;2d{ą±ŗ„ <Šd{ą±ŗ„ =Ņd{ą±ŗ„ >*d{ą±ŗ„ ?zd{ą±ŗ„ @Śd{ą±ŗY LVALč   Ł   u uĢno information provided in the 'report'. Only 'a low ’žno information provided in the 'report'. Only 'a low flat cairn to the west of the Ward gave me no results."’ž No information on buried ground surface.’žSmall scale trial trenching - no info on ground surface’žThe barrow was constructed over a solution pipe in the chalk.’žBarnatt 1996 - p 22 - round barrow superimposed at eastern end of mound. No information on buried ground surface’žNo information on buried ground surface - Hoare describes only an intrusive Saxon burial.’žMarsden 1982 p 9 - Chamber 1  The basal paving slabs had long since disappeared and the presence of limestone bedrock proved that the chamber had been built on a rising knoll. A deposit of boulder clay, 0.30m in average thickness, gave some idea of the position of the old turf line and the height of the original paving. Page 11-12  The floor of the passage was partly paved and partly of natural rock. All four chambers had been robbed before Bateman's excavations- much Roman pottery and other material was found.ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y …€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p …€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p …€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ€ž £y €ž £y €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ€ž £y €ž £y €ž £y €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ€ž £y €ž £y €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p z€ž £y z€ž £y z€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻz€ž £y y č‰Œs##’žSP 97 SE 93’žRedlands Farm’žMonument #1252941’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 965 710’ž49650 27100’ž496500’ž271000’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SW1050xnonononononoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx0x0’žpalisaded trench’ž3 sides of mound’žcist’žSW end of moundnononono000noo@|x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žstone cistyesxnono’žCentral Englandnono’žMoore, J. & Jackson, D. A. 1990 Stanwick, Redlands Farm. South Midlands Archaeology (Newsletter of the Council for British Archaeology S Midlands Group), 20, 55-635‚‚~~~~~ŲŌŌŌŠæææ»···µÆÆÆÆÆ££žžžžžžžœ˜–”’‹‡ƒ{vrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLH71   ł÷óļėåįŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖĒĆ¼øø²¬¤{sk^RLF9& q’Ą’’’½ł’@af†kō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€ ol G‰€’r‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€ ol G‰€’rol‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€ ol‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€ ol‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 ‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPT„€rol€’„€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = „€rol€’„€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 '„€ol__NMR #„€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 „€rol€’„€rol€’„€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = „€rol€’„€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 '„€rolRadiocarbon „€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 '„€’rol €„ō`8Ķr@0€A)a * *ąB € €S ,Z`ˆÄH„ €Ä°$ 'Heˆų?ą.1»Hēˆ€¦E@Ž°€­Ī9"’ūż÷@öŪæ(~Žę€¾š ­Ÿ’ @~'d€’Ū>Tßž’’’’`ć’×’’ūżņ’ß’?÷ *üŸbĉR.Ai čy‹s’žSW–’žSW 43 NW 16’žBosporthennis Cromlech’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žsurface cist’žnone’žSW 4356 3654’ž14356 03654’ž143560’ž036540’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpx’ž.09’ž1.5’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcist’žunknownno00’žunknown•@Cx1’žyesnononononononpnono’ž50°102 23.953 N, 005°352 33.833 W’ž50°102 21.813 N, 005°352 30.443 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay : illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans ( p 66-69)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone PressnpŒŒŒ œŚŚŚŚÖŹŸtpllllhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhd`\XTPKKKIGG;;200..***!   ż÷ńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁĖĖĖ½½ø³±­­­§”™†~vi[UG5/ q’^Ā’’O­ł ~œ8½ĻzĻ;ĻņĪ‰Ī Ī×Ķ Ķ]ĶĶė ²LqL. ķKøĖĖ>ĖūŹŗŹyŹ.ŹåɤÉYÉÉĻȄČ;ČśĒÆĒfĒ%ĒŚĘ‘ĘPĘĘ¼ÅsÅ Å”ÄXÄ!ĮƟĆ^ĆĆŹĀ‰Ā>ĀõĮ¬ĮcĮĮŁĄŽĄ¼“žśģć@¼“žśģć@ BlobDeltaCopy840 w°žśģć@…žśģć@ BlobCopy.*& w®„‰śģć@0„‰śģć@ PropDataCopy-62. w „‰śģć@0„‰śģć@ PropDataCopyć 62. w‰„‰śģć@0„‰śģć@ AcessVBAData62. w„‰śģć@Œ„‰śģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wÖӃ‰śģć@g„‰śģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wƒ‰śģć@ÖӃ‰śģć@ BlobCopyć .*& w­ƒ‰śģć@5ƒ‰śģć@ TypeInfoCopy-62. w$ō‚‰śģć@$„‰śģć@ BlobDeltaCopy-840 w¬‚‰śģć@ķķ‚‰śģć@ BlobCopy-.*& wµĆ'śģć@®Ć'śģć@ PROJECT,($ w“Ć'śģć@w‰Ć'śģć@ PROJECTwm0,( wŖĆ'śģć@œpĆ'śģć@ dir$  w³Ć'śģć@ejĆ'śģć@ _VBA_PROJECT62. w©Ć'śģć@TKĆ'śģć@ STLDKHDRZDBSDEDPCUVIBHSRMECJVRN wØĆ'śģć@y2Ć'śģć@ QNJXDRMZPGWTQDYEXDTS_NYLYMQIVRN wŗĆ'śģć@žĆ'śģć@’ AcessVBAData62. w»ķ#öģć@źµķ#öģć@ž TypeInfoCopyć 62. w4„ķ#öģć@4„ķ#öģć@ż BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wõķ#öģć@ż}ķ#öģć@ü BlobCopyć .*& wBŃöģć@?ēŃöģć@ū TypeInfoCopyć 62. wŠµŃöģć@ŠµŃöģć@ś BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w>Ńöģć@ŠµŃöģć@ł BlobCopyć .*& wŗĮ*õģć@ÕŲĮ*õģć@ų TypeInfoCopyć 62. wU­Į*õģć@U­Į*õģć@÷ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wĮ*õģć@§Į*õģć@ö BlobCopyć .*& w$×įōģć@ѝ×įōģć@õ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wl×įōģć@l×įōģć@ō BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w!×įōģć@l×įōģć@ó BlobCopyć .*& w* }ōģć@?) }ōģć@ņ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w‰÷ }ōģć@‰÷ }ōģć@ń BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w' }ōģć@‰÷ }ōģć@š BlobCopyć .*& w}Öčóģć@“ŖÖčóģć@ļ TypeInfoCopyč 62. wMÖčóģć@üĻÖčóģć@ī BlobDeltaCopyč 840 wuÕčóģć@”¾Õčóģć@ķ BlobCopyč .*& wė£Įņģć@ęH£Įņģć@ģ PropDatač .*& w|Ž¢Įņģć@ĆÖčóģć@ė BlobDeltač 0,( wé¢Įņģć@żb¢Įņģć@ź TypeInfoč .*& w×¢Įņģć@żb¢Įņģć@é Blobč &" wżb¢Įņģć@jÜÖčóģć@č 10 " wŖžŸņģć@¼SžŸņģć@ē PropDatać .*& wļ‚›Ÿņģć@(’LõŽķć@ę BlobDeltać 0,( w©›Ÿņģć@Žc›Ÿņģć@å TypeInfoć .*& w¦›Ÿņģć@Žc›Ÿņģć@ä Blobć &" w§]›Ÿņģć@»…LõŽķć@ć 0   w«PČīģć@‹ęPČīģć@ā PROJECT,($ w§PČīģć@ŚPČīģć@į PROJECTwm0,( w¤PČīģć@BĮPČīģć@ą dir$  w¦PČīģć@BĮPČīģć@ß _VBA_PROJECT62. w¹PČīģć@ž®PČīģć@Ž VQPCPWEBGGRPGEXESRHHLRXIJVRGVRN wøPČīģć@ŲPČīģć@Ż YKEXZTDPEJJTYDAZPLPKIBGVEMNDVRN w¶OČīģć@żķOČīģć@Ü AcessVBAData62. w³“Ēźģć@Ļć“Ēźģć@Ū PROJECT,($ w®“Ēźģć@aדĒźģć@Ś PROJECTwm0,( w«„“Ēźģć@sö“Ēźģć@Ł G@¢dir0,(" — 觋sÕU’žSK 15 SE 15’žBostern Bowl Barrow’žMonument #308075’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1514 5338’ž41514 35338’ž415140’ž353380’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žNewton Grange’žPeak’žnonexx’ž23.519’žBarnatt 1996nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcist / chamber’žcentralnononono031’žrock“@>x1nononononononpxxx’žallnoxnoxnono’ž53°042 38.933 N, 001°462 31.373 W’ž53°042 37.843 N, 001°462 26.053 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derb, London. (pp 70-71)’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’ž213FFAAAATšÅš–’’’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†}{wsokgc___][[OIGEEC?;73*  üöņīčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŹŹĘĄ¾¼¼¼¶°”ƒ{sfXRL>, q’^Ą’’’½ł’`~Œc¬ č¼Œs’žNO.’žNO 21 SE 20’žCairnfield Muir’žLadybank’žround barrow’žsaucer barrow’žbell barrow’žNO 2992 1114’ž32992 71114’ž329920’ž711140’žFife’žFife’žCollessie’žnone’žnone46x’ž9.6xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĢ@>x1nononononononoxxxxnoxnpxno’ž56°172 15.213 N, 003°082 00.903 W’ž56°172 15.563 N, 003°072 55.693 W’žSE Scotlandno’žBrodie, J. 1872 Note of the excavation of some tumuli at Melville Moor. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 9, 151-3MMMMMMMĀĀĀĀ¾±†[[WWWUQQQQQQQQQQQQQQOKIGEC?;73/+'''%##  żū÷õńļķėéēåćįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·µ°®ŖŖ¤ž“‡wj\O@2( q’Ą’’’½ł’`zr čŒsk‰’žNR 92 NW 2’žCarmahome’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žNR 9149 2686’ž19149 62686’ž191490’ž626860’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’ž137’žWSW-ESE6xx’žARN 18’žHenshall 1972’žnonenononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabĶ@>x1nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavementyesxnonono’ž55°292 27.513 N, 005°182 07.283 W’ž55°292 27.623 N, 005°182 03.193 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMann, L. M. 1925 Recent discoveries in Arran. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 59, 252-256’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressźƒ~~~~~    łĪ££Ÿ›—•€~zqomkgb^ZVRNNNLJJ>86442.*&"   žųōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÖÖÖĒæ½»¹°««„ž•ˆxph[M>8'! q’Ā’’’½ł’ą{„—• č„‹s [’žNS 06 NW 7’žCarnbaan’žLenihuline Wood’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0063 6930’ž20063 66930’ž200630’ž669300’žArgyll and Bute’žArgyll & Bute’žNorth Bute’žBute91’žNE-SWx5415’žBUT 3’žHenshall 1972’žBryce 1904’žJones 2001’žHewison 1895nono1no’ž55°522 31.923 N, 005°112 18.443 W’ž55°522 32.193 N, 005°112 14.253 W’žSW Scotland’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 (p 27-33)’žMackinlay, J. 1859 Description of a cairn in the Isle of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 3, 180-2’žHewison, J. K. 1893 The Isle of Bute in the olden time, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, W. Blackwood (Vol 1, p 73-78)12’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressdżłłł zzzzzmB    ūļćććŌĶÉÅĆ¼øøø²¦—†~vi[HB1  q’?Ī:œw”±Ļź4 ‡’’ć@ŽG ‡’’ć@eA@/PROJECTwm<84" t.‹ĻBĻĻ¶ĪmĪ,ĪįĶ˜ĶOĶĶ½Ģ|Ģ1ĢčĖ§Ė\ĖĖŹŹŹ8Ź÷ɬÉcÉ"É×ȎČMČČ¹ĒxĒ-ĒäĘ£ĘXĘĘĪŃÅ:ÅłÄ®ÄeÄ$ģƐĆGĆŽĀ‘¾s ķć@½é¾s ķć@ DMBZQKDWBRJAPDJCWXURNGJPYSUEVRN wŽ¾s ķć@½é¾s ķć@ AcessVBAData62. w‡–’ģć@‡–’ģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w†[–’ģć@†[–’ģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wƒ–’ģć@OU–’ģć@ BlobCopyć .*& wJÉžģć@õwÉžģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w“öĒžģć@“öĒžģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wFĒžģć@}šĒžģć@ BlobCopyć .*& wśZŪżģć@aõZŪżģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wśŒYŪżģć@śŒYŪżģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w÷YŪżģć@śŒYŪżģć@ BlobCopyć .*& w;·Čżģć@žy·Čżģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w¶Čżģć@¶Čżģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wZ¶Čżģć@¶Čżģć@ BlobCopyć .*& w£¦żģć@F¦żģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. w*n¦żģć@*n¦żģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w¦żģć@óg¦żģć@ BlobCopyć .*& w3o¦żģć@ÜNo¦żģć@ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wćņm¦żģć@ćņm¦żģć@ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w&m¦żģć@ćņm¦żģć@ BlobCopyć .*& wEźüģć@~Rźüģć@ TypeInfoCopy62. wŁ?źüģć@Ł?źüģć@ BlobDeltaCopy840 wDźüģć@Ł?źüģć@’ BlobCopy.*& wYxÕüģć@ xÕüģć@ž TypeInfoCopyć 62. wÆvÕüģć@ÆvÕüģć@ż BlobDeltaCopyć 840 w¤vÕüģć@ÆvÕüģć@ü BlobCopyć .*& w-nÅüģć@Ņ#nÅüģć@ū PropDataCopy62. w nÅüģć@Ņ#nÅüģć@ś PropDataCopyć 62. w2nÅüģć@Ņ#nÅüģć@ł AcessVBAData62. w nÅüģć@.nÅüģć@ų TypeInfoCopyć 62. w#–lÅüģć@ *nÅüģć@÷ BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wlÅüģć@ķlÅüģć@ö BlobCopyć .*& w+lÅüģć@J&lÅüģć@õ TypeInfoCopy62. wĖśkÅüģć@?0nÅüģć@ō BlobDeltaCopy840 w)kÅüģć@ĖśkÅüģć@ó BlobCopy.*& w0 ½üģć@|÷ ½üģć@ņ PropDataCopy62. w ½üģć@|÷ ½üģć@ń PropDataCopyć 62. wÖ ½üģć@|÷ ½üģć@š AcessVBAData62. w ½üģć@Ųä ½üģć@ļ TypeInfoCopyć 62. wŸ½üģć@锽üģć@ī BlobDeltaCopyć 840 wŸ½üģć@Ÿ½üģć@ķ BlobCopyć .*& w/Ÿ½üģć@s%Ÿ½üģć@ģ TypeInfoCopy62. waŸ½üģć@锽üģć@ė BlobDeltaCopy840 w.Ÿ½üģć@aŸ½üģć@ź BlobCopy.*& wŌD üģć@< D üģć@é PropDataCopy462. wTKĆ'śģć@œĆ'śģć@ ) @STLDKHDRZDBSDEDPCUVIBHSRMECJb^Z" „µĻ!; ‡’’ć@ŽG ‡’’ć@fĶ@KPROJECT840" RLVALššĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘšĘMR2Z€ODBCTimeouMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] MR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] ’’’’MR2\€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionDecimalPlacesRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues.     ĢUF¬÷vä7@¬-$p>Ś”ń9±”Sć@D #Animal Bone¦¤“ėžøO‘C?v¼ģ¦%F¬÷vä7@¬-$p>Ś”AnimalĆŲ ,xGšhiU¬°É‘F¬÷vä7@¬-$p>Ś”Animal Bone #āĻć„peķG&š>Ż×äŽF¬÷vä7@¬-$p>Ś”NMR   F¬÷vä7@¬-$p>Ś”          œ ”[Animal Bone].[NMR], [Animal Bone].[Animal], [Animal Bone].[Animal Bone #]— NMR ’’’’     m     ’’’’ āĻć„peķG&š>Ż×䎱 Animal ·     o     ’’’’ ¦¤“ėžøO‘C?v¼ģ¦% Value ListŒ !„"Cow";"Pig";"Goat/Sheep";"Red Deer";"Rodent";"Bird";"Fish";"Other" " # $ %1440 & '1440twip ( ) + Animal Bone # ¢   ’  m  ’’’’ ĆŲ ,xGšhiU¬°É‘Ū™9ßø‰h=ķ¶}0ń “ k " å ¢ e  é Ź § „ a @  č ½ ‚ 9 × ¤ [ <  Ų¹‚S ÓŒOłĀÉŠIöŸ@÷š[a€Site Information Form€40V€Site IdentificationRadiocarbon DatesRNU€Site IdentificationPottery>:T€Site IdentificationExcavation RecordsTPR€SITE DESCRIPTIONRadiocarbon DatesLHQ€SITE DESCRIPTIONPit DescriptionHDP€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint162O€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint40N€SITE DESCRIPTIONAnimal Bone@<L€SW Scotland - CC's - Exc Dates - June 7 2009 QuerynjčSITE DESCRIPTION*&×Radiocarbon Dates,(ŹPotteryPit Description($™MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.“MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8ŽMSysNavPaneGroups,(ŠMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:…MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessStorage,(pStone>Excavation Records.*3Animal Bone %€Admin €€Radiocarbon Dates Subform1€>:€Pottery Subform€($ €Pit Description€($ €Stone Subform€$  €Excavation Records subform€>: €Animal Bone Subform€0,€UserDefined € €SummaryInfo € €AccessLayout €"€SysRel€Scripts€Reports€Modules€Forms€DataAccessPages($'MSysComplexType_Attachment>:%MSysComplexType_Text2.#MSysComplexType_Decimal84!MSysComplexType_GUID2.MSysComplexType_IEEEDouble>:MSysComplexType_IEEESingle>:MSysComplexType_Long2.MSysComplexType_Short40MSysComplexType_UnsignedByteB>MSysComplexColumns.*MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesF čV‰sd ’žNR 72 NE 6’žArdnacross II’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 7680 2598’ž17680 62598’ž176800’ž625980’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCampbelltown’žKilmartin13’žNE-SWx’ž24.517’žARG 35’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1972’žScott 1958nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono00’žunknown’žslabx1’žMiddle Neolithic (Scott 1972)nonononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnoxyesxnonono’ž55°282 35.753 N, 005°322 00.123 W’ž55°282 35.863 N, 005°312 56.143 W’žSW Scotlandno’žScott, . J. G. 1980 Ardnacross (Saddell and Skipness p.): chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 30; Scott, J. G. 1979 Ardnacross (Kintyre): chambered cairn. D&ES, 31’žScott, . J. G. 1978 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 22; Scott, J. G. 1977 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 7’žScott, J. G. 1976 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 15; Scott, J. G. 1975 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 11-12; Scott, J. G. 1974 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 17-8’žScott, . J. G. 1973 Ardnacross: chambered cairn. D&ES, 13; Scott, . J. G. 1972 Ardnacross, Kintyre: chambered cairn. D&ES, 8-9; Scott, . G. 1971 Ardnacross: Neolithic chambered cairn. D&ES, 10’ž100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressbūöö-užAAAA=0ŚŚÖŅĪĢĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ­«©§¢™•‘‰jjhfff`WUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'#  żżżżńåååÖĪŹÄĀ»···¬ž‘€xpcUB<+% q’?Ę’’’ż’ą{¼W1 čA‹sz’žNS 18 SE 5’žArdnadam’žAdam's Grave; Adam's Cave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 1618 8003’ž21618 68003’ž216180’ž680030’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žDunoon and Kilmun’žnone’žnone30’žNE-SWx118’žARG 18’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nox1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’ž55°582 40.793 N, 004°562 51.273 W’ž55°582 41.093 N, 004°562 46.963 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370 (p 363-366)’žRennie, E. B. & al, e. 1984 Excavations at Ardnadam, Cowal, Argyll, 1964-1982. Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 11, 13-39’ž122’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¼UPPPPŌöĖ  œ˜”’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~zuqmieaaa_]]]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’’’’’ńńńāŚŲŌŅĖĒĒĮ»Ø›Š‚zm_RL;  q’Ā’’’ł’ą{ŒN2‹Ļ"ĻŁĪ¢Ī_Ī Ī×ĶnĶĶ¼Ģ…ĢBĢĢŗĖQĖ謟ŹhŹ%ŹęɝÉ4ÉĖȂČKČČÉĒ€ĒĒ®ĘeĘ.ĘėŬÅcÅśÄ‘ÄHÄÄĪƏĆFĆŻĀtĀ+ĀōĮ±ĮrĮ)ĮĄĄšI„éŽć@¹WI„éŽć@— GMATVEDZRZKRWDPJLPYTGSDCWOTFVRN wĄI„éŽć@¹WI„éŽć@– AcessVBAData62. w»ē}ŪŽć@ą¾ē}ŪŽć@• PROJECT,($ wŗē}ŪŽć@ą¾ē}ŪŽć@” PROJECTwm0,( w±ē}ŪŽć@u[ē}ŪŽć@“ dir$  w¹ē}ŪŽć@u[ē}ŪŽć@’ _VBA_PROJECT62. włē}ŪŽć@u[ē}ŪŽć@‘ XGTVRFKZQSKCSDRHNYVBDOOUIPVIVRN wųē}ŪŽć@u[ē}ŪŽć@ OEPBJMLLGHRMCECJVBXC_LAEULCHVRN wśē}ŪŽć@u[ē}ŪŽć@ AcessVBAData62. wæ2]ĪŽć@Œ×2]ĪŽć@Ž PROJECT,($ w¾2]ĪŽć@Œ×2]ĪŽć@ PROJECTwm0,( w²2]ĪŽć@Œ×2]ĪŽć@Œ dir$  w·2]ĪŽć@Œ×2]ĪŽć@‹ _VBA_PROJECT62. wń2]ĪŽć@ t2]ĪŽć@Š NICPDO_DPXIYXDXYSQEALKXIBEXHVRN wš2]ĪŽć@ t2]ĪŽć@‰ PRNKTXEAAZSNGECOBKXYCUVNCWF_VRN wņ2]ĪŽć@ t2]ĪŽć@ˆ AcessVBAData62. w½óóŹŽć@•vóóŹŽć@‡ PROJECT,($ w»óóŹŽć@•vóóŹŽć@† PROJECTwm0,( wµóóŹŽć@•vóóŹŽć@… dir$  wŗóóŹŽć@•vóóŹŽć@„ _VBA_PROJECT62. włóóŹŽć@•vóóŹŽć@ƒ ZYDQSVLXWXITRDLXABTYCBQIXXO_VRN wųóóŹŽć@)óóŹŽć@‚ BQRVSZ_CQRUSIEPQTCMNCWLPNSK_VRN wśóóŹŽć@)óóŹŽć@ AcessVBAData62. wņQ˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@€ PROJECT,($ wĄQ˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@ PROJECTwm0,( w¶Q˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@~ dir$  w¾Q˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@} _VBA_PROJECT62. wńQ˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@| ORANOSKWASBMDELAQAYXGULTESRGVRN wšQ˜½Žć@NåQ˜½Žć@{ VUDBGRIHJDTBUDGILZWMCPSKJIPKVRN w9Q˜½Žć@ćQ˜½Žć@z AcessVBAData62. w½HdiŽć@°,HdiŽć@y PROJECT,($ w»HdiŽć@y&HdiŽć@x PROJECTwm0,( wµHdiŽć@ HdiŽć@w dir$  wŗHdiŽć@ HdiŽć@v _VBA_PROJECT62. włHdiŽć@gHdiŽć@u IOOZTHNIYMXVYDPFMRYSKHXNHWGCVRN wųGdiŽć@"4GdiŽć@t BJHXDXCKIRCXWDNADLTVEOZSBSWMVRN wæGdiŽć@µ'GdiŽć@s AcessVBAData62. wó|V1Žć@©W|V1Žć@r PROJECT,($ wņ|V1Žć@©W|V1Žć@q PROJECTwm0,( w¶|V1Žć@©W|V1Žć@p dir$  wĄ|V1Žć@©W|V1Žć@o _VBA_PROJECT62. wń|V1Žć@©W|V1Žć@n ICTNZJCVKZNTTDPAJAAGENBQZZODVRN wš{V1Žć@Ņ{V1Žć@m XCQPDJ_OPYKXXDNQOGJXEAXUBHYCVRN wō{V1Žć@Ņ{V1Žć@l AcessVBAData62. w¾ÄēŽć@9ßÄēŽć@k PROJECT,($ w½ÄēŽć@9ßÄēŽć@j PROJECTwm0,( w¹ÄēŽć@Ķ{ÄēŽć@i dir$  w»ÄēŽć@Ķ{ÄēŽć@h _VBA_PROJECT62. w±ÄēŽć@˜ÄēŽć@g CFUQCKBRWRTFSDLWIVYWJMCYXMHJVRN wģ9ĀēŽć@9ßÄēŽć@f E@6ZMQICOMUEVKLPDRYNJHNJJPTFANCb^Z" E½ĻzĻ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;ĻŚĪeĪšĶ›ĶXĶ Ķ¾ĢuĢ Ģ£ĖZĖ#ĖąŹ”ŹXŹļɆÉ=ÉÉĆȄȄȄȄȄȄȄȄČ#Č®Ē9ĒäĘ”ĘRĘĘ¾ÅUÅģÄ£ÄlÄ)ğƔĆ8ĆĻĀ†ĀOĀ ĀĶĮ„ĮĮ²Ąńąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Ā WBFTXMNNFAONUDVBCOKDGBGOJZVDVRN wšąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Į ENJPABHUIHSNGEPFOTPQHBHZEOP_VRN w»ßœ9čć@»ßœ9čć@Ą AcessVBAData62. wü€”9čć@Lꀔ9čć@æ PROJECT,($ wū€”9čć@‰€”9čć@¾ PROJECTwm0,( wł€”9čć@‰€”9čć@½ dir$  wś€”9čć@¬%€”9čć@¼ _VBA_PROJECT62. wų~”9čć@k¤~”9čć@» ALCZFWIAUHKNXDSXKTQUHGTSIXKJVRN w±{”9čć@F8{”9čć@ŗ GRPYSDNWTYJUIEOOQRUZHROIXJYFVRN w6z”9čć@Ūz”9čć@¹ AcessVBAData62. w¾ÖīMēć@–^ÖīMēć@ø PROJECT,($ w½ÖīMēć@_XÖīMēć@· PROJECTwm0,( w¹ÕīMēć@«ĻÕīMēć@¶ dir$  w»ÕīMēć@­xÕīMēć@µ _VBA_PROJECT62. w·ŅīMēć@ŅīMēć@“ SIBKKNKUZQDCRDEXBJCXFCAFBJR_VRN w²ĢīMēć@\wĢīMēć@³ IATHVOLCPVKUVDHQPINFBLJIRJXNVRN wšĢīMēć@p?ĢīMēć@² AcessVBAData62. w"“>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@± @µPROJECT840" "“>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@° Č@£PROJECTwm<84" "“>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@Æ L@£dir0,(" "“>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@® Ų @±_VBA_PROJECTB>:" ·/>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@­ ) @96RIBEDTDDUZJYODDBTMWIEEKLQFSGb^Z" ·/>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@¬ E@86JVBCMNBTBFFPFESTHDKGDZZBOAPCb^Z" ·/>Ąļåć@"“>Ąļåć@« €AcessVBADataNJF. »ˆ^ßć@égˆ^ßć@£ PROJECT,($ wŗˆ^ßć@égˆ^ßć@¢ PROJECTwm0,( w±ˆ^ßć@égˆ^ßć@” dir$  w¹ˆ^ßć@égˆ^ßć@  _VBA_PROJECT62. włˆ^ßć@égˆ^ßć@Ÿ GWASEBEFJNRSQDDZNXQCGMFRVNOFVRN wųˆ^ßć@~ˆ^ßć@ž RGAOQKHFLMWWQDYBJUVJCXUXWIYIVRN wśˆ^ßć@~ˆ^ßć@ AcessVBAData62. w¾I„éŽć@%»I„éŽć@œ PROJECT,($ w½I„éŽć@%»I„éŽć@› PROJECTwm0,( w²I„éŽć@%»I„éŽć@š dir$  w·I„éŽć@%»I„éŽć@™ _VBA_PROJECT62. wńI„éŽć@¹WI„éŽć@˜ OZDWRVIPWUUZSDWSPRSUBZXWTMAIVRN wÆĀēŽć@ģ9ĀēŽć@f ZMQICOMUEVKLPDRYNJHNJJPTFANCVRN wæĮēŽć@€ÖĮēŽć@e AcessVBAData62. w¾ė2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@d @6PROJECT840" ¾ė2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@c Č@«PROJECTwm<84" ¾ė2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@b J@«dir0,(" ¾ė2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@a Ų @¶_VBA_PROJECTB>:" ¾ė2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@` ) @6CTTWCBIHMUPCFERUOUXJJFUWHSPLb^Z" ‰Ž2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@_ E@6OFUECYENJGMAXDOFMYMXGLDNTKVIb^Z" ‰Ž2ēõŻć@¾ė2ēõŻć@^ €AcessVBADataNJF. ¹cŻć@CŖcŻć@O PROJECT,($ w¶cŻć@CŖcŻć@N PROJECTwm0,( wCŖcŻć@CŖcŻć@M G@Ædir0,(" ¼ ŠŠŠŸĻ*ĻµĪ`ĪĪĪĶƒĶ:ĶŃĢhĢĢčĖ£“Ēźģć@«„“Ēźģć@Ł dir$  w­“Ēźģć@«„“Ēźģć@Ų _VBA_PROJECT62. w”Ēźģć@ `Ēźģć@× XYYFFRCXPPFJRDRMKFTXISDFBOLKVRN w Ēźģć@ŗhĒźģć@Ö YBJRNOIZENAIZDOKCQSVCOYGIBGIVRN wµĒźģć@©IĒźģć@Õ AcessVBAData62. w>å„AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Ō @ PROJECT840" >å„AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Ó Č@«PROJECTwm<84" šŅ„AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Ņ K@«dir0,(" šŅ„AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Ń Ų @¶_VBA_PROJECTB>:" ęI„AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Š ) @ CIRNCWBXOBREBERALFAJGISJYISHb^Z" K„‚AŪģć@>å„AŪģć@Ļ E@WQWAUAIKBKQKPDFBDNXVCCWXASSDb^Z" ~‚AŪģć@<<…AŪģć@Ī €AcessVBADataNJF. ½ĻzĻ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ;Ļ±Ķ§Œéć@ĀĶ§Œéć@Ė dir$  wŗĶ§Œéć@‹‰Ķ§Œéć@±Ķ§Œéć@ĀĶ§Œéć@Ė dir$  wŗĶ§Œéć@‹‰Ķ§Œéć@±Ķ§Œéć@ĀĶ§Œéć@Ė dir$  w”Ģ§Œéć@·Ģ§Œéć@É GOTEPUDBGIPSNDBXSTEIIMTTIARNVRN w Ź§Œéć@šŃŹ§Œéć@Č YEQREVFTTNLTVDGIUYFXGKDAXWHDVRN w¹ąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Ę PROJECT,($ wøąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Å PROJECTwm0,( włąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Ä D@«dir0,("  č%Œs’žNPk’žNPRN 94594’žCefn Bryn’žNicholaston’žchambered cairn’žnone’žCotswold-Severn, long’žSS 5076 8878’ž25076 18878’ž250760’ž188780’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žIlston’žCotswolds’žnone’ž107’žNE-SWx’ž36.6’ž20.1’žGLA 11’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992nono’žUpper Limestone Shalesnonononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žpavementx1nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’ž51°342 41.223 N, 004°092 18.353 W’ž51°342 39.613 N, 004°092 14.223 W’žWalesno’žWilliams, A. 1940 A megalithic tomb at Nicholaston, Gower, Glamorgan Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 6, 178-181’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus䌌ŒŒŒŒ Ū°¬ØØئ              žš‘‹‡‚~zuqmmmkiii_][[YUQMIGCA=;97531/-)%!łõńńńńńńńńÖĪČĀĄ¹““®£›‡wj\E?.! q’Ą’’’ł’`~6 čŒs’žNP.’žNPRN 304344’žCerrig-y-Gof’žCerrig Atgof’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSN 0365 3890’ž20365 23890’ž203650’ž238900’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNewport’žSW Wales’žnone46x12xx’žPEM 4’žNash 2007nonononononoyesnono’žblack sea pebbles00)@"ź1no’žyes?’žyesno’žyes’žyesnonono’ž52°002 49.483 N, 004°512 45.203 W’ž52°002 48.093 N, 004°512 41.323 W’žWales’žFenton, R. 1811 A historical tour through Pembrokeshire, London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Co’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastonģ{{{{{ŖŖŖŖŖ£xMMIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA<73.($$$"""’ū÷ńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁĪĪĪĪĒÅĆæ½¹¹³© ‘‚zreWQK3% q’?Ā’,ł : ī} 荩sō’žSP 01 SW 8’žChedworth 1 Round Barrow’žMonument #327660’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 0408 1285’ž40408 21285’ž404080’ž212850’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žChedworth’žCotswold’žnonex18xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020’žslabC@ >x1’žEarly Bronze Age (Grimes 1960 p 132)nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žcistnoxnpxno’ž51°482 51.523 N, 001°562 31.733 W’ž51°482 49.913 N, 001°562 26.653 W’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO (p 129-135)’žMarshall, A. 1996 Archaeological Review 1995: Chedworth 1 Long Barrow. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 114, 170-1’žMarshall, A. 1997 Chedworth 1 Long Barrow in Rawes, J. and Wills, J., (eds) Archaeological Review No. 21, 1996. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 115, 279’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930||xxå!„öĖ  œœœš––––––––––––––”Šˆ†„€{wsokgAA?==1+)''%!  ’żūłõńķéåįŻŁÕŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĻĶÉĒĒĒĮ·¬¢‘‰tf`ZB0 q’Ą’’’½ż’`z¼LVALŪćx>–:Pu7Ā¢=5B>b* c–he” gž jÆAk /ČK J[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #]Īl;µšTć@Šx dŅfģśŌ.K®7ŅĖę/Sܜ "Radiocarbon DatesŻ 4Radiocarbon Dates Subform1ē  @Calibriź½ 8h)h”ė¾ Ą%œ$%C’€ź odXXLetter’’’’DINU"P Œ ˜v6UP SMTJ@ HP Photosmart C3100 seriesInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsTrueHPEmulateLaserJetMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueDuplexNONEHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTrueJobUITruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsLEGALHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl4v2.cabHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsPREPRINTEDHPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_TIMESTAMPHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPXMLFileUsedhpoc3103.xmlHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueColorModeColor24MediaTypeAUTOMATICResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPMirrorPrintFalseHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3A054PSServicesOptionServiceFileEndHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPInputColorSpaceCOLORSMARTHPDriverDataDriverDataHPICCProfileNamesRGB_0Color_0Space_0Profile_1icmHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPSendPreloadCommandTRUEESPRITSupportedTrueHPRESDLLNameHPFRS4v2HPRedEyeReductionOffHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessLowHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_DEFAULTHPMDSideCountTrueHPHagakiPrintingTRUEHPHTDLLNameHPFIG4v2HPMHDLLNameHPFIE4v2HPHPAFilterTrueHPIntentPERCEPTUALHPInstalledPrintCartridgesBLACKHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPICCPrinterFamily5700_6500HPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPPaperSizeTreeviewPopupMetricHPSimplifiedUITrueHPPosterPrintingOptionSUIFalseHPAutoEnhanceFalseHPNWatermarkTrueHPPhotoFixBASICHPConvertAPIVersionOverride3˜IUPHdLetterź o’’’’’’’’’’’’ [none] šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50 ^ W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -… č•‹sš’žSO 92 SE 7’žCheltenham 2’žMonument #117680’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSO 9858 2270’ž39858 22270’ž398580’ž222700’žGloucestershire’žCheltenham’žPrestbury’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx’ž9.1np’žCrawford 1925nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0nox’žcentral ridge of earth & clay’žcentrenononono000noż@ >x1nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žridge of earth & clayyesnono’ž51°542 10.383 N, 002°012 19.103 W’ž51°542 08.813 N, 002°012 14.053 W’žSW Englandno’žGomonde, W. H. 1846 On barrows near Cheltenham. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1, 152-4’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž285ttooo܃Ł®Ŗ¦¦¦¦       ‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{wsokfb^^^\ZZNJHFFD@<84,  ’żūł÷óļėē毣ÕŃĶĶĶĶĶ¾¾¾¾¾ŗµ³®®®Ø¢—‹zrj]OIC6$ q’Ā’’’½ł’@ ~œLVAL[ó³ĒMR2”€OrientationOrderByOnNameMapDefaultView"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColorColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression FormatGUIDValidationRuleValidationText FilterOrderByDescriptionInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueSmartTags(DatasheetForeColor128DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesą   ˆ ĢUc3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:ś)HÆrć@ēŽyvP<•Excavation Records# „".ósKŠĢč*Ģ…c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcavation by PeriodŒ§ŠA°B‚{ƃ_c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcavation DateH_ŹxÄjK©Œ¹ŲDp¬ c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śSite Name?ńDR(ėŹCĢ§³ÄĆLc3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śNMR #ė²Vż öAžźĄ#÷v½c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcavation #¤uūŌR @©1?ĢģÄü$c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcavation Report>³eFI¹Å>õVdtc3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExtent of Excav*|9WE€S=ģ4!c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcav Record: AvailabilityՄ¾ÅŗóG¢ļEāU“c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śExcav Record: QualityųOL‹ā¹ZA£qäĮvųˆkc3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śScaled PlansīłˆÉ>Õ¤L‰Yl:Ŗc3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:śSieving    Arial        "   c3łX-AKŸ•Ś@:ś   ! " # $ %x p[Excavation Records].[Site Name], [Excavation Records].[NMR #], [Excavation Records].[Excavation #], [Excavation Records].[Excavation by Period], [Excavation Records].[Excavation Date]£Site Name  Ž      m    H_ŹxÄjK©Œ¹ŲDp¬ & '’’’’› NMR #  Æ      m    ?ńDR(ėŹCĢ§³ÄĆL & '’’’’³("Excavation Report  ą      m    ¤uūŌR @©1?ĢģÄü$ & '’’’’›$Extent of Excav  &      o    >³eFI¹Å>õVdt (Value Listd )\"Trial";"Partial";"Extensive";"Full";"Unknown" * + , -1440 . /1440twip 0 & 1 '’’’’ 3Æ$Excavation Date        m    Œ§ŠA°B‚{ƃ_ & '’’’’Į:4Excav Record: Availab± čĮ‹sä’žSO 91 NE 2’žCoberley Long Barrow’žMonument #117373’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9552 1563’ž39552 21563’ž395520’ž215630’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž228’žE-W’žn/a4115’žGLO 62’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoF@ķ1nono’ž51°502 21.493 N, 002°032 58.883 W’ž51°502 19.893 N, 002°032 53.853 W’žSW England’žBird, H. 1876 Notes on the tumuli of the Cotteswold Hills. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 6, 332-40’žGomonde, W. H. 1846 On barrows near Cheltenham. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1, 152-4’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’ž274’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusHšėėė’#ŖŖŖŖŖžsHHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@@@@@@@@>>>2222222222222222222222222222.*&"""" śśśģäąÜ×ŅĶĶĒ¼²Ø—‡zl[U>, q’Ę :œo3 čCŒs’žSZ’žSZ 19 SE 42’žCrouch Hill’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSZ 1694 9185’ž41694 09185’ž416940’ž091850’žDorset’žChristchurch’žChristchurch’žnone’žnonex48xxnonononononoyesyesnonono01ż@”1’žyes ?no’žyesnonono’žyes?’žlarge burnt patchyesxno’ž50°432 33.863 N, 001°452 40.673 W’ž50°432 31.793 N, 001°452 35.663 W’žSW England -WC’žGray, H. S. G. 1922 Excavation of a mound at Christchurch, Hants. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 9, 320-3’žCunliffe, B. 1987 Hengistbury Head, Dorset. Vol. 1, The prehistoric and Roman settlement, 3500 BC-AD 500 Oxford, Oxford University Committee for ArchaeologynpČČÄÄÄÄ$’’’’’‚W,,(&&&                    ’ūöņėėėéé鯯ŪŁŁŁŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃĶĒĮ½¹µ±­©©©©©©©©©©§„”ŸŸŸ™“…wog_RD>8*$ q’Ą’@,ł€ ;Œg LVALl ķ { Reports of the exploration of the site in 1913, and very limited trial trenching during nearby construction in 1983 contain no information on the buried Colt Hoare 1812 - found 'several sekeltons that had bee’žColt Hoare 1812 - found 'several sekeltons that had been disturbed before'. No information on ground surface.’žMilner 1944: dug several trenches, for the primary purpose of investigating the ditches. No information on ground surface.’žReports of the exploration of the site in 1913, and very limited trial trenching during nearby construction in 1983 contain no information on the buried land surface, although the trial trenches did reveal a small area of buried land surface. If there was originally a covering mound, it was destroyed long before 1913 (possibly due to ploughing in the Roman period) and only the chamber stones remain. A human toe bone was found on the buried land surface - it appeared to be in a primary context and 'sealed' by mound rubble. However the C14 date on the bone is problematical, as it is very late for Cotswold-Severn tombs, even if it was a later re-use.6čŠ¹ĶHŹ`…NĀsś^’žSK 25 NW 7’žStoney Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2185 5784’ž42185 35784’ž421850’ž357840’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žAldwark’žPeak District’žnone’ž350xx4835’žBarnatt 10:9; Kinnes Dd2’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žManby 1958nonononoyesnoyesyesnono’ž11+1)@'ģ4ano’žyesnononono’žyesyesno’žCentral England’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žManby 1958’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’ž250’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979żęŚĢææææææ®®®®ŖŖŖŖ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Ÿ›—“Š†††‚‚‚vvtoooooooooooooooooookga[WQMIEAA5'čĪŹĘÄĀ½½·ØŸyqdV?9(" q’Ž’,ł "ų7sä_’žSK 16 NE 1’žBole Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žnone’žSK 1832 6776’ž41832 36776’ž418320’ž367760’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBakewell’žPeak District’žnonenpxnpnp’žBarnatt 1996nonononoyesnoyesnonono7+0Ž@C1nononononononpyesno’ž53°122 23.913 N, 001°432 37.543 W’ž53°122 22.873 N, 001°432 32.183 W’žCentral England’žBateman, T., 1848. Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby,London. (pp 47-48)’žBateman, T., 1978 [1861]. Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, (pp 104-5) Stafford and York, Buxton: Moorland’žBarnatt, J., (1996). Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations, in Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research, eds. J. Barnatt & J. R. Collis Sheffield: J.R. Collis Publications, 3-94.’žManby, T. G., 1958. The chambered tombs of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 78, 25-39.’ž228ÖÖŃŃkyā–––––…Z//++++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!    ūūłõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńķéćߣÕŃĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ»»·³±­­­§˜Ž|ph`SE?9'! q’^Ą’,ł :¼Ksk[’žNR 92 SE 4’žEast Bennan’žCraigdhu’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9935 2075’ž19935 62075’ž199350’ž620750’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone91’žE-Wx3021’žARN 14’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth and charcoalÅ@lx4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of black earth and charcoalyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°262 22.013 N, 005°102 24.283 W’ž55°262 22.093 N, 005°102 20.143 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBalfour 1910’ž107’žHenshall 1972|mhhhhZZZZZVIóļäąÜÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶŖؤ›™—•‘Œˆ„{wwwussgMKIIGC=953/-)'%#! żłõńķķķķķßßߊČÄĄ¾¹µµÆ؟’‚zreWD>-# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąˆos’žNC‚’žNC 82 NE 4’žKinbrace Burn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNC 8757 2830’ž28757 92830’ž287570’ž928300’žHighland’žSutherland’žKildonan’žnone’žnone’ž130npx’ž17.2’ž16.6’žSUT 33’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononono’žserpentine amulet@@ ź2c’žyesnoyes’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995R99999999999----))$$ņņņņņņīźęāāāāāāāāÉĮ»µ³ÆŖŖ¤ž”ˆ~vnaSB<+% q’Ąƒ  "ķ čż‹sq‰’žNS 02 SW 2’žGiant's Graves North’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0430 2467’ž20430 62467’ž204300’ž624670’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž137’žN-Sx’ž29.421’žARN 11’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žcharcoal layer­@Ėx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of charcoalyes’žchambernononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1903 On the cairns of Arran - a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 37, 36-67 ( p 44-52)’ž113’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press›–––––ßßßßŪĪĪĪŹĘĀ¾µÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆœš–‹‰‡ƒ~zvqmhhhfddXHFDDB>840.*($"  üųōšģččččččččŁŃĶĒÅĄ»»µ®¤—‡wj\IC2, q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg„ č‘Šs'*’žST 57 NE 9’žDruid Stoke’žCromlech’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 5609 7619’ž35609 17619’ž356090’ž176190’žAvon’žCity of Bristol’žBristol’žCotswolds’žnone42’žE-Wxnpnp’žGLO 28’žDarvill 2004nono’žCarboniferous Limestoneyesnonononononononono”@¼1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žpossiblynpno’ž51°282 58.783 N, 002°382 01.183 W’ž51°282 57.063 N, 002°372 56.433 W’žSW England -WC’žWere, F. 1913 Report on the excavation at Druid Stoke Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 36, 216-9’žSmith, G. H. 1989 Evaluation work at the Druid Stoke megalithic monument, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, 1983. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 107, 27-37’žGrinsell, L. V. 1979 The Druid Stoke megalithic monument, Bristol. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 97, 119-21’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows39’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusb ­WĢĢĢĢĢ¼‘ffbbbb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^TOKGC>:::888,,($$$$                éåįįįįįįįįÓĖĒĆĮ¼øø²§ž‡wj\KE.$ q’Ą’@,ł :¼w“ LVAL£ Conquer Barrow is constructed over the enclosure bank of Mt Pleasant Henge. Wainwright 1979: excavation consisted only of trenching parts of the ditch and mound during work which focussed mainly on the henge. An early C14 date (2127 + 52bc) from an antler pick from the primary ditch fill led Wainwright to suggest that it must have been derived from an earlier context, perhaps a nearby pre-enclosure settlement. P 67:  As the barrow demonstrably post-dates the enclosure bank, which in this sector was probably added to around 1800 bc, the sam’žConquer Barrow is constructed over the enclosure bank of Mt Pleasant Henge. Wainwright 1979: excavation consisted only of trenching parts of the ditch and mound during work which focussed mainly on the henge. An early C14 date (2127 + 52bc) from an antler pick from the primary ditch fill led Wainwright to suggest that it must have been derived from an earlier context, perhaps a nearby pre-enclosure settlement. P 67:  As the barrow demonstrably post-dates the enclosure bank, which in this sector was probably added to around 1800 bc, the sample pick must be derived from an earlier context. This context may well be the pre-enclosure settlement, which from an area 18 m to the south of the ditch cutting (XLVI) produced sherds of plain Neolithic bowls and charcoal, the latter providing a C14 date of 2122+73 bc. Traces of this settlement beneath the enclosure bank may well have been disturbed when the ditch was dig and some materials incorporated in its basal deposits. Sparey Green 1984 - Conquer Barrow should be considered a Late Neolithic barrow, not Bronze Age as assumed by Wainwright.Z čj‹s’žSYH’žSY 78 NW 3’žConquer Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 7079 8990’ž37079 08990’ž370790’ž089900’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnonex30xx’žnone’žSparey-Green 1994’žantler pick]@Ą1npno’ž50°422 28.953 N, 002°242 53.893 W’ž50°422 26.903 N, 002°242 49.143 W’žSW England -WC’žWainwright, G. 1979 Mount Pleasant, Dorset: Excavations 1970-1971, incorporating an account of excavations undertaken at Woodhenge in 1970, London, Society of Antiquaries of London’žSparey-Green, C. 1994 Observations on the site of the "Two Barrows", Fordington Farm, Dorchester, with a note on the Conquer Barrow. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings, 116, 45-54’žPiggott, S. & Piggott, C. M. 1939 Stone and Earth Circles in Dorset. Antiquity, 13, 138-58’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society (p 105)npŸŸ››,ĪüDDDDD4 ŽŽŚŚŚŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŌŌŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»ØØØ¢¢ žš˜˜˜˜’†yqiaTF@:,& q’?^€  :¼Ķ LVALŻ Rolleston 1876: P 144-45  Large quantities of ashes and charcoal were found here and there both at the east and west end of the barrow. The structure of the eastward end of the barrow..was quite different than that of the west, and this mainly by virtue of a line of deposit of ashes along and on both sides of its centre line. This deposit was said to have consisted of heaps of ashes lying on stones, with stones again laid over them. The heaps of ashes were not in a continuous line, but were, as reported, sep’žRolleston 1876: P 144-45  Large quantities of ashes and charcoal were found here and there both at the east and west end of the barrow. The structure of the eastward end of the barrow..was quite different than that of the west, and this mainly by virtue of a line of deposit of ashes along and on both sides of its centre line. This deposit was said to have consisted of heaps of ashes lying on stones, with stones again laid over them. The heaps of ashes were not in a continuous line, but were, as reported, separated by intervals of 3 m or so. The ashes themselves were reported as being of a  pinkish, fleshy colour, not at all like the ashes from turf-burning, and as having no grit in them, as field ashes usually have, but feeling soft and greasy when taken between the thumb and the forefinger. Blacker ashes were also found to the north of the central deposit; and in a deposit from 2.4 to 3 m to the north of the central axis were found two serrated flint flakes, burnt stones and a splinter of glass [evidence of disturbance]. LVALŠFL;Phillips 1935: P 50 - A pit was found 'on the middle line of the barrow at a point nearly halfway between the revetment trench and the burials& it originally had a kind of hurdle surround& At three points small stakeholes were seen& and there probably had been more which could not be recognized.' The pit was filled 3/4 full with chalk rubble, and then with a deposit of loam. The hurdling was put up after the pit was filled, and the area enclosed by the hurdles was filled with loam and loamy rubble. P 52  Scattered among this loamy material was a certain amount of chalk rubble with a well-defined band of much blacker material. A small amount of this black matter was also found beneath and outside the hurdle enclosure& fragments of Neolithic pottery and many flint flakes were& concentrated in the black band. The black band was not likely the product of fires and occupation on this actual spot...but occupation soil brought from some other place.  P 53 - 'B' Beaker pottery scraps were found in the mound, not as intrusive material but likely scraped off the ground with other loose material and piled on the barrow. So Beaker was already in use nearby when the barrow was built. P54 - A platform of chalk slabs (9.5 ft x 3.5 feet) was laid on the ground and a line of stone placed along the W side. A large bank of loam was then placed along the W side of the pavement and around its SW corner. Bands of black material similar to those seen in the pit feature were contained in the loam. P 59:  At the far W end of the barrow [were]& eight postholes set up in a line...across the middle line of the barrow& [They} had no connection with the side posts& they may have symbolized the 8 people buried in the tomb. P 60 A fence of hurdles was discovered along the medial line of the barrow at the W end. DITCH - p 66 - broken hazel nut shells found on old ground surface indicating barrow builders cracked and ate them as they worked. Secondary deposits of an ox skeleton and a hearth, both associated with Beaker A potter¼ čĢŠs,¼’žSP 12 NW15’žCow Common Long’žSwell 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1352 2627’ž41352 22627’ž413520’ž226270’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’žnone’ž188’žSSE-NNW’žn/a4623’žGLO 22’žDarvill 2004’žGreenwell 1877’žSaville 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žlinear deposit of ash heaps’žmesial line of barrownononono080no#@Āx1no’žyes’žyesnonono?xxxxnox’žlinear deposit of ashesxnono’ž51°562 05.363 N, 001°482 16.873 W’ž51°562 03.793 N, 001°482 11.723 W’žSW Englandno’žRolleston, G. 1876 On the people of the long barrow period. Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 5, 120-173’žSaville, A. 1979 Recent Work at Cow Common Bronze Age Cemetery, Bristol, CRAAGS’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 513-514)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’ž300’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus=åąąs'Ō````\P%śöņņņšššššššš×××××××ÕŃĻĶĖÉĒĆ滶±­­­«©©™—••“‹‡ƒlOMIGECA?=;951+%!    żķķķß×ÓĻŹĮ¼¼¶«¤š‰yl^MG0' q’Ę’’’½ł’@@~¼‡y č‰Œs›Æ’žSE 78 NE 10b’žCropton 2’žMonument #59973b’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 7623 8956’ž47623 48956’ž476230’ž489560’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žCropton’žTabular Hills’žnone’žN-S’žn/a2112’žSE 19’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesyes@ >1nono’ž54°172 45.693 N, 000°492 48.623 W’ž54°172 45.063 N, 000°492 42.693 W’žN England’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland’ž155’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum€ yyyyynCüöööņīźęęęęęęęęŁŅĪŹÅĄĄĄŗ«¢™ˆ€xk]HB5# q’~Ą3 :„g= čM‹sŒ’žNY 60 NE 8’žCrosby Garrett 174’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 60 08’ž36000 50800’ž360000’ž508000’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx’ž20.1’ž12.2’žEb2’žKinnes 1979’žMasters 1984’žMasters 1984nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin; boar tusk blades; antler macehead; iron pyrite0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žSSE of centrenononono060no@ >x1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxnono’ž49°462 17.743 N, 007°332 09.743 W’ž49°462 15.503 N, 007°332 07.183 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 388-391)’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald’ž140’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§D????›NNNNJ?éåįįįߣŁŁŁŁŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹČÄĀĄ¾¼ø“°¬Ø£žžžœššŽŠˆ††„€|xteVTPNLJHFDB@üöņģčäąÜÜÜÜĪĄĄĄ³®Ø¢ ›››•yph`SIC=0* q’~Ę’’’½ł’a~Œ’j LVALz ility        o    *|9WE€S=ģ4! 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Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later barrow - cists were cut into it, linking the pre-barrow occupation with the later use of the barrow. At least 50 years separated the midden from the barrow  but it may have bee’žPPre-Mound Occupation: Benson & Whittle - Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later barrow - cists were cut into it, linking the pre-barrow occupation with the later use of the barrow. At least 50 years separated the midden from the barrow  but it may have been either visible or remembered. P 33- Flint assemblage is characteristic of general domestic activity, including knapping and scraping, piercing and archery. Domestic and wild animals were present, and the remains of at least 48 pottery vessels were identified. Not clear if timber structures were houses . The pre-barrow midden is located in the vicinity of the timber structures and contained large quantities of pottery, flints, bone etc and some patterns of deposition were identified. Other possible pre-barrow features were identified, but due to uncertainties regarding their origin, have not been included here. SEE BAYLISS 2007 F0R COMPLETE LIST OF RADIOCARBON DATES7 LVALG Morgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half in-filled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protruded over its inner edge and ’žMorgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half in-filled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protruded over its inner edge and pieces of the near intact pot crushed by the weight of these bones, and the super-incumbent cairn, fell into it, to be found as the infill was removed, and subsequently joined. Cairn construction completed the infill of this pit. Completely beneath the burials was the smaller pit (B), filled to within 9 in. of its lips, the upper space being filled almost entirely with broken bones. In the flint nodule and chalk infill were pieces of burnt and weathered bone and charcoal fragments. Ashbee 1966 p 12 - Upon either side of the burials was black soil which was, as far as could be seen, identical with the ancient soil beneath the barrow. This could represent top-soil stripped from the site of the ditch. P 29 - re cultivation marks - ' a natural soil phenomenon seems a more likely explanation' SEE WYSOCKI 2007 F0R COMPLETE LIST OF RADIOCARBON DATES¹ŠɏTablesĢ"wLVALѐMd{—’’’’’„Š d{˜Md{—’’’’’„Š Rd{ Md{—’’’’’„Š Ŗd{ØMd{—’’’’’„Š Śd{°Md{—’’’’’„Š d{øMd{—’’’’’„Š Rd{ĄMd{—’’’’’„Š ¢d{ČMd{—’’’’’„Š Ņd{ŠMd{—’’’’’„Š d{ŲMd{—’’’’’„Š Jd{ąMd{—’’’’’„Š ’d{čMd{—’’’’’„Š Ād{šMd{—’’’’’„Š d{ųMd{—’’’’’„Š :d{Nd{—’’’’’„Š zd{Nd{—’’’’’„Š Ād{Nd{—’’’’’„Š d{Nd{—’’’’’„Š 2d{ Nd{—’’’’’„Š Šd{(Nd{—’’’’’„Š Ņd{0Nd{—’’’’’„Š *d{8Nd{—’’’’’„Š zd{@Nd{—’’’’’„Š Śd{HNd{—’’’’’„Š "d{PNd{—’’’’’„Š ‚d{XNd{—’’’’’„Š Źd{`Nd{—’’’’’„Š d{hNd{—’’’’’„Š jd{pNd{—’’’’’„Š ŗd{xNd{—’’’’’„Š śd{€Nd{—’’’’’„Š Rd{ˆNd{—’’’’’„Š šd{Nd{—Ų d{„0 d{„h d{„  d{„Ų d{„ d{„X d{„ d{„Č d{…d{„Hd{„ d{„Šd{„d{„`d{„˜d{„Ųd{„d{„@d{„pd{„ød{„d{„Pd{„d{„Šd{„d{„`d{„ d{„Ųd{„ d{„`d{„ d{„Ųd{„d{„Xd{„ d{„ąd{„(d{„hd{„ød{„ųd{„Hd{„d{„šd{„0d{„ˆd{„ød{„ųd{„0d{„€d{„°d{„šd{„(d{„pd{„ d{„čd{„d{„Xd{„ d{„ąd{„d{„hd{„°d{„d{„Xd{„ød{…d{„`d{„Ød{„ųd{„Hd{„˜d{„Ųd{„0d{„xd{„ ”d{„(ud{ƒid{K‡ 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The structures at the E end of the barrow consisted of the foundation trenches of a forecourt enclosure 40 x 20 feet, in front and to the E of a mort. encl. of post & log construction, 20 x 18 feet, containing 4 crouched burials. P 24 'Under [the 3 original burials] was a layer of decayed wood& .All the skeletons were covered by a thick layer of soil& Fragments of a Windmill Hill bowl and cup were lying on the old ground surface." P 24 [The Forecourt Encl.]  As soon’žMorgan p 20: 'The Neolithic ground surface under the mound was a clearly marked layer of dark-brown densely textured soil& Beneath this surface were several pre-Neolithic tree holes filled with red clay. The structures at the E end of the barrow consisted of the foundation trenches of a forecourt enclosure 40 x 20 feet, in front and to the E of a mort. encl. of post & log construction, 20 x 18 feet, containing 4 crouched burials. P 24 'Under [the 3 original burials] was a layer of decayed wood& .All the skeletons were covered by a thick layer of soil& Fragments of a Windmill Hill bowl and cup were lying on the old ground surface." P 24 [The Forecourt Encl.]  As soon as the modern plough layer was removed from the forecourt large patches of blue and red burnt chalk were revealed. There were patches of charcoal on the surface, and one hole, which was 10 inches in diameter, filled with powdered chalk and easily probed to 6 feet. P 25 "There was a great deal of charcoal in the central [post] hole& . Over the central area of the forecourt... was a scatter of charcoal to a depth of several inches on the old ground surface. P 29 "On the buried surface S of the mort. encl. was a small hearth, likely of pre-barrow date, contained fragments of hazel charcoal& ..The structures at the E end were built or altered in 5 separate phases [sequence described p. 29].äLVALōMR2h€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues&AllowMultipleValuesŠ    ĢUéßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°ćdk³Sć@©/gwFlint9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°NMR‰ę¦ „«ōA„'u[4Néßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint #%’ļŁgĒB”īšEfméßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint Type   éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°          N F[Stone].[Flint Type], [Stone].[NMR]— NMR ’’’’     m     ’’’’ 9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $ŸFlint # ’’’’     m     ’’’’ ‰ę¦ „«ōA„'u[4NPFlint Type [     o     ’’’’ %’ļŁgĒB”īšEfm Value List "Neolithic";"Mesolithic";"flakes";"pitchstone";"bloodstone";"knapping debris";"blade";"microblade";"scraper";"chips";"plano convex knife" ! " # $1440 % &1440twip ' ( * +JSite Name B     m Table/Query( SITE DESCRIPTION ! " # $ 0;1440 % &1440twip '    +  ( ’’’’ *RLVALęę bAtkinson 1965 PHAtkinson 1965 PHASE 1 BARROW p 130 'Beneath the barrow, the old surface yielded two flakes struck from a polished flint axe, and a dozen plain sherds of Primary Neolithic pottery,all with copious flint filler. [occupation layer?] PHASE 2 BARROW P 132 'A few sherds of Primary Neolithic pottery .. Came from the old surface beneath the southern part of barrow 11. These, in contrast to the flint-filled pottery associated with barrow I, had a filler of crushed shell." "Immediately before the building of barrow 11, the site had evidently been cleared of vegetation by fire; many patches of charcoal were found on the berm and ditch-silt of barrow I, esp. On the east side." Whittle 1991: p 68 "The old land surface [beneath Barrow i]was fully excavated, but no definite features were recorded in or under it& Few finds were recovered from the old ground surface& struck flints inluded a few cores..two conjoining flakes from a polished flint axe, several sherds of..Neolithic pottery and fragmented animal bones from domestic and wild species." POSSIBLE PRE-BARROW PITS: p 69-70 - Features 161 and 224 may represent pre-barrow features. P 81 " The soil [beneath Barrow II] contained fragments of charcoal and calcined bone, sarsen chips, struck flints and Neolithic sherds." P85 "The flints found on the old land surface& ..may reflect one or more occupations before the mortuary structure was constructed& ..The range of tool types is very small, but this is a fearure of many EN sites. There is no sign of a Mesolithic presence. The flakes from a polished flint axe could be a clue ot the nature of the pre-barrow occupation& .The deliberate destruction of high quality axes& .suggests that special activities could have been carried out at the site." P 90 "Of the unidentified fragments, 81 from the old land surface..were burnt." See p 93 for a discussion of the possibility of standing timber posts preceding the barrow. SEE WHITTLE ET AL 2007 F0R COMPLETE LIST OF RADIOCARBON DATESČ čŲ‹s’ž30ś’žNPRN 306725’žGop Cairn’žGop-y-Goleuni’žcairn’žtumulus’žnone’žSJ 0866 8015’ž30866 38015’ž308660’ž380150’žFlintshire’žFlintshire’žTrelawnyd and Gwaenysgor’žnone’žnone’ž'on the brow of Gop Hill at the northern end of the line of hills forming the eastern boundary of the Vale of Clwyd; outstanding views in all directions' (Nash 2006)’ž250x’ž100xx’žFLT 1nononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no*@x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/ano’ž53°182 37.543 N, 003°222 20.203 W’žWalesno’žBoyd Dawkins, W. 1901 The cairn and sepulchral cave at Gop, near Prestatyn Archaeological Journal, 58, 322-341’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston3ĀĀĀĀĀĀPPPPLEE  ’żūł÷óīźęāŽŚŚŚŲÖÖŹĘÄĀĀĄ¼ø“°®Ŗؤ¢ žœš˜–”Œˆ„€zvvrnnnnnnnnngec^\W°Ŗ¤Š~rjbUGA81" q’’?Ąž’’½ł’ąkNLVAL7¤– čMR2"€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation 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LVAL1 Thurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than above’žThurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than above. The bones were nearly all those of animals likely to have been used for food& .Beneath the black stratum, the chalk rubble& & extended to a depth of 2 feet and in this were found [human remains]." PIGGOTT 1962: p 11 "On the old ground surface beneath the barrow were a number of sherds of Windmill Hill ware" P 23 "The burials had normally been laid on the old land surface, which consisted of a thick chocolate coloured layer of soil overlying the chalk& " P 29-30 attributes the 'black layer' found above the burials to re-deposited occupation soil. SEE BAYLISS ET AL 2007 F0R COMPLETE LIST OF RADIOCARBON DATESLVALńĀK Ē É2’’’’6Jų7K¦8L.9M‡žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6–a¦b–c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü 0Surface Cremations_LabelŻ CremationsŽ" @Calibriå 0Surface_Cremations_Labelźx e}·Åcõ@ÆšCq?©ó7ĮĀKĒÉJ–K¦L­M‡żo0\5ŸU8Į9ˆD{bš c6Üde–Œf,įh¦ø i„l# m%¼n%ž)€¾x *œ““ÜŲI¾Ś‰ā12ĄÜ Pavement/FloorŻ  Floor/Pavement 1Ž] Value Listß[ V"slab";"clay";"sand";"ash/charcoal";"other"ą 1440ź" @ Corbel÷ Pavement_FloorĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É2’’’’6JÜ7K8Lh 9Möžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kab–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü (Pavement/Floor_LabelŻ "Pavement/ Floor 1å (Pavement_Floor_Labelźx jPāĘŅ¼IŖŁIS'ŅĮĀ-ĘĒČÉJKKLĶMöżp3Ÿ÷`6aĀb–!c,¢dœ)€Ü 4Excavation Records SubformŻ„ >Form.Excavation Records SubformŽ1  NMR #ß2  NMR #ä 4Excavation_Records_Subformåx ńoH1{œKŸE¾ĀĶ”ž’’’’JKĀL>Mdżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘a¦b–6c,įi# j%¼k>)€ŸĢ???Ü Animal RemainsŻ Animal Remainsõ Animal_Remainsśx 1/ą}Jx CžĮ5ĀrĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/K¦0LĒ1M‡žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦a¦b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label167Ż Animal RemainsŽ" @Calibriźx #u`• ¢D»±ļ’šˆ“ĮĀEĒÉJ¦LVALņK¦LFM‡żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘a†b–6c,įe¦‰i# j%¼k@)€ŸĢ???Ü  FlintŻ Flaked Stoneśx z"qģ· ŖE†™m?boĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/K†0LĒ1Mg žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦a†b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label168Ż Flaked StoneŽ" @Calibriźx •]/§Ä·N“›'Ńv.ĮĀEĒÉJ¦K†LFMg żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘av b–6c,įi# j%¼kA)€ŸĢ???Ü Polished StoneŻ Polished Stoneõ Polished_Stoneśx ±$Ąq›L”&4%5ĪK·ĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/Kv 0LĒ1MW!žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦av b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label169Ż Polished StoneŽ" @Calibriźx Īå>YīC¼cļĢ‚ŽhĮĀEĒÉJ¦Kv LFMW!żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘a–b–6c,įe¦‰i# j%¼k?)€ŸĢ???Ü PotteryŻ Potteryśx qIæy’ā2D‹ąLŪ-²ąaĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/K–0LĒ1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦a–b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label170Ż PotteryŽ" @Calibriźx æńČÄØO„ó ’ v†ŸĮĀEĒÉJ¦K–LFMwżm7ŸUF{`6a[b–6c,Ōe¦‰i# j%¼k)€Ü Soil AnalysisŻ Soil Analysisõ Soil_Analysisśx U»9PśL…·ĀT?ä»ÄĮ8ĀS+’’’’.J/K[0LÅ 1M/žd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆLVALó`6xa[b–Ģc,Ōd#)€žĢ???Ü Label171Ż Soil AnalysisŽ" @Calibriźx vdöVJBŖ|į|ģ ¬Į8ĀSJxK[LDM/żm7ŸUF{`6a™b–6c,įe¦ėi# j%¼k)€Ü Pollen AnalysisŻ ,Environmental Analysisõ Pollen_Analysisśx Kc„ėÖ7IŗŒŃMŃŗ68Į:ĀS+’’’’.J/K™0LÅ 1Mzžd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6xa™b–Ģc,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label172Ż ,Environmental AnalysisŽ" @Calibriźx fI*ꀱEŗ/oŻŁ®QŲĮ:ĀSJxK™LDMzżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Üaõb–Œc,įi# j%¼k))€Ü Dark soilŻ Dark Soilč" @ Corbelõ Dark_soilśx “ŅµķߙG·Ļü~|3+ĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/Kõ0Lh 1MÖžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kaõb–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label175Ż Dark soilźx ™ Ū\«BŹA¢HK kõA4ĮĀ-ĘĒČÉJKKõLĶMÖżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6®#ab–c,ći#j%¼k1m€np„q…’’’ŸĢ???Ü  HearthŻ  Hearthśx ¢Æ3héBČBWZ/zm¹SĮ>ĀTĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.J®#/K0L²:1Mćžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6=ab–bc,ćd#g€hj„k…’’’žĢ???Ü Label176Ż Hearthsźx 4÷Ō$D¼Ź¤ĢŠhŸ!Į>ĀTĘĒČÉJ=KLŸ#Mćżm7ŸU:ĮLVALōF{`6ÜaEb–Œc,įi# j%¼k)€Ü FireŻ Fireč" @ Corbelśx r³Ķ&ŽįīE#9^ķćĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/KE0Lh 1M&žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6KaEb–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label177Ż Fireźx MiIA" ¼…½§ĆŲĮ ĀK Ē É+’’’’.Jų/K–0L.1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6–a–b–c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label183Ż .HR -burnt - fragmentaryŽ" @Calibriźx lõl²bF¾Y‘¾#ķ"‡Į ĀKĒÉJ–K–L­Mwżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6ųa†b–6c,įi# j%¼k<)€ŸĢ???Ü FFragmentary human remains - unburntŻ HR frag-unburntõ FFragmentary_human_remains___unburntśx “‰ø]Q4aDøžBŹ\˜[ŻĮ!ĀK Ē É+’’’’.Jų/K†0L.1Mg žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6–a†b–c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label184Ż 0HR -unburnt -fragmentaryŽ" @Calibriźx :…šŹĘ¦ĒF’*°t×!ĘĮ!ĀKĒÉJ–K†L­Mg żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a–b–Rc,įi# j%¼kD)€ŸĢ???Ü Charcoal/ashŻ Charcoal/ashõ Charcoal_ashśx &Ķźu.C@‹ĪĆĆ½¢ŸĖĮĀH LVALõĒ É+’’’’.J "/K–0L]*1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša–b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label185Ż Charcoal/ashŽ" @Calibriźx Śä¬Ō¦ÉźGø¤UUŻŗ¶žĮĀHĒÉJŠK–LĄ!Mwżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a¶b–Rc,įi# j%¼kB)€ŸĢ???Ü  QuartzŻ  Quartzśx „hØ sˆōE ^õĄ ŸœćĮĀH Ē É+’’’’.J "/K¶0L]*1M—žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša¶b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label186Ż  QuartzŽ" @Calibriźx ¼4T)ĮߤMžsŠ¶N |ĮĀHĒÉJŠK¶LĄ!M—żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a¦b–Rc,įi# j%¼kC)€ŸĢ???Ü 2Marine shell/pebbles/sandŻ 2Marine shell/pebbles/sandõ 2Marine_shell_pebbles_sandśx vÆĘŗĻ”ėD“zŲ?ģ ĮĀH Ē É+’’’’.J "/K¦0L]*1M‡žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša¦b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label187Ż ,Marine shell,/sand,etcŽ" @Calibriźx ć¶`%ü L«teAiÉĖĮĀHĒÉJŠK¦LĄ!M‡żd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆaģb–Ōc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text189Ż 0Ground Surface TreatmentŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx īĆ[-ų{ĮN‹Yóŗ(‹WKģLŌM żd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6zab–±!c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text191Ż 4Excavation and PublicationŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ńא‡JIŽ(ŪųžaŲJzKLVALöL+>M†żd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6.ahb–W!c,’d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text193Ż .Ground Surface FeaturesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ā!vßphG¢īŗŪ„lJ.KhL…>Mgżd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆab–N*c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text196Ż ,Human Remans and FindsŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‰`›ˆwŒEØ,žn?Źz·KLN*Mżd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6-ab–¦c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text198Ż @Site Identification and LocationŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‡ņ,”I„ģm•2J-KLÓM†żd23I4 5ŸW6Į7ˆ`6ab–\ c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text200Ż  Site DescriptionŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx I¾L°÷:@§ĘĢūJJKLkM†żd23I4 5Ÿw6Į7ˆ`6Š*aōb–Żc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text202Ż  NotesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‡ģēNLPN“Čą~†ņJŠ*KōLg>Mżm7Ÿ×:ĮF{`6śa? b–øc,i# j%¼km€)€Ü Review StageŻ  Statusõ Review_Stageśx WdĘźNśK¤6K,g€ŪĮĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/K? 0L²1M\ žd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6a? b–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü Label214Ż  StatusŽ" @Calibriźx söåģ5šJ”ŗZņįt§|ĮĀMĘĒČÉJK? LėM\ żm5I7ŸLVAL÷U:ĮF{`6*!a b–c,ļe¦3 i#km€???Ü Reference 1Ż Reference 1õ Reference_1śx 9ĒøfD™zā„I3=Į4ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/K 0LF>1Mžd25Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6ća b–üc,ļd#???žĢ???Ü Label216Ż Reference 1źx •‚Åka¬A³{Ń’m"MbĮ4ĀQJćK Lß Mżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6®#aäb–c,ći#j%¼k5m€np„q…’’’ŸĢ???Ü Other FeaturesŻ Other Featuresõ Other_Featuresśx „¹-ȍ‡YH XŻĆRę˜¾Į@ĀTĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.J®#/Kä0L²:1MĒžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6=aäb–bc,ćd#g€hj„k…’’’žĢ???Ü Label218Ż Other Featuresźx 7ĘÜsv ?Aėʘ™SjĮ@ĀTĘĒČÉJ=KäLŸ#MĒżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6XaEb–M c,įi# j%¼k ’’’Ü Fire: LocationŻ Location - Fireč" @ Corbelõ Fire__Locationśx  ³E=×=ZI„ ėŠaĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/KE0L„1M&žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å aEb–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label230Ż Locationźx ŹĆŠ’móB—ƒ;²[ŁŠĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ KELIM&żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xa5b–M c,įi# j%¼k"’’’Ü $Turf Cl - LocationŻ .Location-Turf Clearanceč" @ Corbelõ $Turf_Cl__LVALų_Locationśx ˜SLqĪDاyÜKŅ=ŸĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K50L„1Mžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å a5b–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label231Ż Locationźx ®gh«uņG½•6v‚u…ĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ K5LIMżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xa%b–M c,įi# j%¼k$’’’Ü *Cult Marks - locationŻ ,Location - Cultivationč" @ Corbelõ *Cult_Marks___locationśx U4ż’ŅJFóGłæęäĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K%0L„1Mžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å a%b–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label232Ż Locationźx Źt2ĮŵF€U«”zł¦ĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ K%LIMżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xab–M c,įi# j%¼k&’’’Ü &Pavement - locationŻ 6Location - Floor/Pavement 1č" @ Corbelõ &Pavement___locationśx āDo[ūÜL”ü āV•jäĮ Ā6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K0L„1Möžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å ab–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label233Ż Locationźx ‹yŒžC·O“°ƒÖ¤VĮ Ā6ĘĒČÉJÅ KLIMöżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0ab–w c,ći#j%¼k,’’’Ü (Postholes - LocationŻ (Location - Postholesč" @ Corbelõ (Postholes___Locationśx ĢĪ€0ŽĮN¶ėüo­ĖĮ Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K0Lģ=1MžžLVALłd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-ab–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label234Ż Locationźx эĪ$=A¶­ŚCą™_Į Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-KLf0Mžżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0a b–w c,ći#j%¼k.’’’Ü *Stakeholes - LocationŻ *Location - Stakeholesč" @ Corbelõ *Stakeholes___Locationśx j;h¬½Z+D³ćÄī(¢‹Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K 0Lģ=1Mšžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-a b–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label235Ż Locationźx G½Ūeü«IA/kŽ«hUĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-K Lf0Mšżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0a’b–w c,ći#j%¼k0’’’Ü Pits - LocationŻ Location - Pitsč" @ Corbelõ Pits___Locationśx 5jä·Ū%@šę®€Æ,8—Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K’0Lģ=1Māžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-a’b–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label236Ż Locationźx I+‡ūšK¶©SJzäyūĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-K’Lf0Māżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0ańb–w c,ći#j%¼k2’’’Ü "Hearth - LocationŻ "Location - Hearthč" @ Corbelõ "Hearth___Locationśx LŪ¶ōtäF‘iż0ō2Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/Kń0Lģ=1MŌžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-ańb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label238Ż LLVALśocationźx ’|Œ_?Dƒ­W@’X–ÉĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-KńLf0MŌżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0aćb–w c,ći#j%¼k4’’’Ü 6Timber Structure - LocationŻ 6Location - Timber Structureč" @ Corbelõ 6Timber_Structure___Locationśx źH! ‹,I‘i…¢ķ(fĮĀ8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/Kć0Lģ=1MĘžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-aćb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label239Ż Locationźx $6‡ņüVØNæ›*bG”‚-ĮĀ8ĘĒČÉJx-KćLf0MĘżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0aÕb–w c,ći#j%¼k6’’’Ü 2Other Features - LocationŻ 2Location - Other Featuresč" @ Corbelõ 2Other_Features___Locationśx ō­ä«ƒäB©^-Ž¼e¬ŌĮĀ8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/KÕ0Lģ=1Møžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-aÕb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label240Ż Locationźx Ō²ļ×HķL¢D=A?“GYĮĀ8ĘĒČÉJx-KÕLf0Møżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Üab–Œc,įe¦Si# j%¼k')€Ü  Pavement/Floor 2Ż  Floor/Pavement 2č" @ Corbelõ  Pavement_Floor_2śx £‰ŁRbŹOÅœāwjH ĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/K0Lh 1Męžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kab–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label241Ż $Pavement / Floor 2źx ©†zfgż)O†ń˜sø*ĮĀ-ĘĒČÉLVALūJKKLĶMężm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xab–M c,įe¦i# j%¼k(’’’Ü *Pavement 2 - LocationŻ 6Location - Floor/Pavement 2č" @ Corbelõ *Pavement_2___Locationśx ę9ĢżkI2±ĒĒxöĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K0L„1Męžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å ab–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label243Ż Locationźx œ}Śä`SMĮń&ųēŸĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ KLIMężd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆa“!b–…>c,,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label208Ż LPit and Grave Description and ContentsŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx mī«¹ŁH»J‹+÷‰–ėčK“!L…>Mæ"żp3ŸU`60 am)b–_ c,“dIœ’’’Ü &Animal Bone SubformŻ„ 0Form.Animal Bone SubformŽ1 NMRß2  NMR #ä &Animal_Bone_Subformåx ‚3ł„o÷ŠD‰`J &ōF’’’’J0 Km)LM-żp3ŸU`6Kam)b–| c,„dGœ’’’Ü Flint SubformŻ„ $Form.Stone SubformŽ1 "NMR;NMR;Site Nameß2 *NMR #;NMR #;Site Nameä Flint_Subformåx ęīJų7@­»¼ =åd ’’’’JKKm)LĒ Mń,żp3ŸW`6­a^)b–§ c,±dHœ’’’Ü Pottery SubformŻ„ (Form.Pottery SubformŽ1  NMR #ß2  NMR #ä Pottery_Subformåx o.$Ķ„ˆI©N5 ‡Ė’’’’J­K^)LT$M-żd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6Za2(b–ø c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label114Ż Worked StoneŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx Ņā:ę©āHøźæ—ƍJZK2(L MO)żd2LVALż3I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6ź$a2(b–Čc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label115Ż "Radiocarbon DatesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx åYŹ0ÜŃO¢t)N“ƒ`ļJź$K2(L²>M@)żd23I4 5Ÿ_6Į7ˆ`6€a2(b–Lc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label116Ż  PotteryŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx é5į O°@ä­µLJ€K2(LĢ$MO)żd23I4 5Ÿ×6Į7ˆ`6Ö a2(b–Ŗ c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label211Ż Animal BoneŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx „5¢qX G¶e„'č=ęJÖ K2(L€MO)żp3Ÿ×`6Ģ$a|)b–õc,9dJœ’’’Ü 4Radiocarbon Dates Subform1Ż„ >Form.Radiocarbon Dates Subform1Ž1  NMR #ß2  NMR #ä 4Radiocarbon_Dates_Subform1åx ¹ht%ÆJšZā:?‚Ó’’’’JĢ$K|)LĮ>Mµ,žd”5Ÿ]`6ą-a)b–É c,Ü Label213Ż 4Radiocarbon Dates Subform1źx [ĆåÓÄł Bæ}" Œ5Ją-K)L©7Mœ*żv0ŸWaĄ!Ü PageBreak265ßx ?H)0{MŖóz‰–qįöżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6azb–6c,Ōe¦‰i# j%¼k)€Ü "Radiocarbon datesŻ "Radiocarbon datesõ "Radiocarbon_datesśx aVA…ęA{C¶Šń­ WöĮ9ĀS+’’’’.J/Kz0LÅ 1MNžd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6xazb–Ģc,Ōd#)€žĢ???Ü Label267Ż "Radiocarbon datesŽ" @Calibriźx ū¤I°’ŸEØUÕ@…”„¬Į9ĀSJxKzLDMNżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6śa b–øc,i# j%¼km€)€Ü (Previous DisturēLVALŠŠŠĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻForm_Pit DescriptionForm_Pit DescriptionReport_SW Scotland - 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E. 1881 Remarks on a round barrow, in Hungerfield, in the parish of Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 133-4’žRolleston, G. 1881 Notes on bones, concrete, charcoal, etc. found in the round barrow, near Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 135-6’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž274’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum†#‹Ņ####č½¹§§§„ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‘Œˆ„€{wrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLH9-+'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļąąąÓĪĢŹÄĀĀĀ¼¶­„”Œ„wi\VH0 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~œgįLVALńDESCRIPTION].[Site Name] FROM [SITE DESCRIPTION];     ! 0;1440 " #1440twip $ % & ' +  ( ’’’’ *XLVALhW—’’’’’„Š  W W—’’’’’„Š H W(W—’’’’’„Š € W0W—’’’’’„Š ø W8W“˜W„ąW„W„@W„pW„ W„ŲW„W„PW„˜W„ąW„(W„XW„ˆW„øW„čW„W„PW„€W„øW„čW„( W„` W„˜ W„ ”W„Ų+Wƒą&W‡ Ų W8W˜WųWXWøW@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W”8Wˆ(.WƒČ(Wƒ"ø“b”€ˆWH$Wƒ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“b”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹”W„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šü‡’’’’„*W Ą-W„8*W Xg…X WƒWˆƒ@W`%W„ƒxWp%W„ƒ°W€%W„ƒčW%W„ƒ W %W„ƒX W°%W„ƒ WĄ%W„ƒČ WŠ%W„„!Wą%W„ƒ8!Wš%W„ƒp!W&W„ƒØ!W&W„ƒą!W &W„ƒ"W0&W„ƒP"W@&W„ƒˆ"WP&W„ƒĄ"W`&W„ƒų"Wp&W„ƒ0#W€&W„ƒh#W&W„ƒ #W &W„ƒŲ#W°&W„ƒ$WĄ&W„ƒ ‡ž‚Wƒ ‡ž‚@Wƒ ‡ž‚xWƒ ‡ž‚°Wƒ ‡ž‚čWƒ ‡ž‚ Wƒ ‡ž‚X Wƒ ‡ž‚ Wƒ ‡ž‚Č Wƒ ‡žƒ!Wƒ ‡ž‚8!Wƒ ‡ž‚p!Wƒ ‡ž‚Ø!Wƒ ‡ž‚ą!Wƒ ‡ž‚"Wƒ ‡ž‚P"Wƒ ‡ž‚ˆ"Wƒ ‡ž‚Ą"Wƒ ‡ž‚ų"Wƒ ‡ž‚0#Wƒ ‡ž‚h#Wƒ ‡ž‚ #Wƒ ‡ž‚Ų#Wƒ ‡ž‚$Wˆ‡`P)WX)W`)Wh)Wp)Wx)W€)Wˆ)W)W˜)W )WØ)W°)Wø)WĄ)WČ)WŠ)WŲ)Wą)Wč)Wš)Wų)W*W*W؝W„@W„xW„°W„čW„ W„X W„ W„Č W…!W„8!W„p!W„Ø!W„ą!W„"W„P"W„ˆ"W„Ą"W„ų"W„0#W„h#W„ #W„Ų#W„$W„H$W„Pit Descriptionƒ@*Wƒž”W„ż‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚P-Wƒü‡’’’’„0-WŲ”W„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Ų+WŲ+qWŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+Wˆ‡°-W„ƒ @WĄ-Wƒƒ˜-W.W„%Ą*W’’’’Pit Descriptionƒ”b”€ˆWĄ*W„‹ƒP-WŠ&W„ƒ‹P-W„Ž”b”€ˆWŲ+WƒŒƒĄ-Wˆ-W„‡’’’’ƒƒĄ-Wų-W„H$W„LVAL”BW–:Pu7Ā¢=5B>b* c–že” gž3j”@k ČK Ģ[Excavation Records].[Excavation Report], [Excavation #], [Excavation Records].[Excav Record: Quality]ĪlĻYhSSć@Šx äąn˜ł‰ŽN¬Ģj-h£ Üœ $Excavation RecordsŻ 4Excavation Records Subformē  @Calibriź½ 8ź °h”ė¾ 8 œœC’€š 4dXXA4œBJDM 0££Rt,T`Oäp,T`OäpRt,TTō`Oäp,TTō,TTō`OäpXXDRAFTSample 1' d VT$m VT$m“H ’’ ’’Rtē’ ēCanon MP160 Printer ܜ߁ š 4dż’A4u3cøģæ 70USB0011ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%Ģ82eä" @ CorbeLVALlĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# F¦½č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė ĢLVAL  Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż™`,Tß FormHeaderēx ČeśŠć,_C”q„[-čŊ’d25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6-aZb–Įc,įd#žĢ???Ü $Excavation #_LabelŻ Excav.#ä  DetachedLabelå $Excavation___Labelźx u4ūɾUĄG½½“ø9w!ŻJ-KZLīM;żd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aZb–Żc,įd#)€žĢ???Ü *Excavation Date_LabelŻ Excav. 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" # $ ' ( ) * - šLVALŠMR2Ą€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOn1 <   N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2Ų€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientation: <     N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ŽLVALžy were found in the ditches. P 74: at the W end, several small ditches in the OGS were noticed which must have been made and silted up..before the building of the barrow. .w 臊s’žSU˜’žSU 16 NE 36’žDevil's Den’žClatford Bottom’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1520 6965’ž41520 16965’ž415200’ž169650’žWiltshire’žKennet’žPreshute’žCotswolds’žnone’ž152’žSE/NWx70’ž39.6’žWIL 8’žDarvill 2004’žGrinsell 1957nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nov@>x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnpxno’ž51°252 32.533 N, 001°462 57.723 W’ž51°252 30.753 N, 001°462 52.623 W’žSW England -WCno’žPassmore, A. D. 1922 The Devil's Den, dolmen, Clatford Bottom. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 41, 523-30’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBowen, H. C. & Fowler, P. J. 1962 The archaeology of Fyfield and Overton Downs, Wilts (Interim Report) Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 58, 98-115’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414np’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus‚*&&¢ö‰ńĘ››———•‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‹‰‡…ƒzvrnjfffdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$"  üųųųųųéééŪŌĪŹČĮ¼¼¶«”™Ž†~qcRL5$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`z¼n č)‹sr‚’žNS 02 SW 5’žDippen’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 0444 2263’ž20444 62263’ž204440’ž622630’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žN-Sx23’ž16.2’žARN 12’žHenshall 1972’žBryce 1902nonononononoyes?nonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŗ@4x1’žyes ?nononono’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’ž55°272 30.153 N, 005°052 39.853 W’ž55°272 30.233 N, 005°052 35.673 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son (p 24)’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 ( p 77-78)’ž114’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressąyttttėėėėēŚÆ„„€€€~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxvrpnljhc_[WSLLLJHH<86442.*&"   žśņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĪĪĪæ·±­«¦¦¦ ™ƒskcVH;5$ q’~Ā’’’½ł’`zŒLVAL? [none]Arial4PĄĄĄĄĄĄd€?JAN<Automatic>44LVAL@dMicrosoft Office AccessNoneFactory DefaultsōB ōB ųI õC ōE öD ’’’’MSACCESS.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXEIPACDRWDSGATCAPI;«F‡4čEŌß8Q;KišŻ…&ųE‰%ź9ŖxČPPBHAERPģæ N#GUSB0071ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%Ģ82eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻLVALAŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# F¦½č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d#LVALD ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż™`,2ß FormHeaderēx  ö(Ģ›OŒņ×Ę~G~K’d3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6’ab–3c,d# ’’’žĢ???Ü $C14 Sample #_LabelŻ  #ä  DetachedLabelå $C14_Sample___Labelźx ¶¹ ‚,NrNœ:%¶¹ĄĀĘ Ē Č É J’KL2M%żd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6[ab–öc,d# ’’’žĢ???Ü *Lab Reference #_LabelŻ Lab Ref #ä  DetachedLabelå *Lab_Reference___Labelźx M.Ļ¤ĖźŹFŖžz\&w>ĄĀĘ Ē Č É J[KLQM%żd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6zab–dc,d# ’’’žĢ???Ü &C14 Date (BP)_LabelŻ C14 Det. (BP)ä  DetachedLabelå &C14_Date__BP__Labelźx iU`ō sLšāCÄrÆŌĄĀĘ Ē Č É JzKLŽ M%żd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6 ab–c,d# ’’’žĢ???Ü "Sample Type_LabelŻ Sample Typeä  DetachedLabelå "Sample_Type_Labelźx z“Jc»7O½ŠļŞ•BĄĀĘ Ē Č É J KLM%żd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6>ab–ųc,d# ’’’žĢ???Ü (Sample Context_LabelŻ Sample Contextä  DetachedLabelå (Sample_Context_Labelźx µkĢwLF“ą0Ärœ BĄĀĘ Ē Č É J>KL6M%ż˜`,ß  Detailēx t2–šŽć„B®»"!Śg? ;ļļļ’m J2˜7ŸU:ĮF{`6’ab–3c,ve¦ šLVALŠMR2š€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewC <       N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’X LVALh Colt Hoare 1812: 'a circular barrow, about 18.2 m in diameter, and 1.4 m in elevation; it is not encompassed as usual, by a ditch, but has several almost circular excavations around it, from whence earth was taken to raise the sepulchral mound. On opening it, we found its interior corresponding in a great measure with the long b’žColt Hoare 1812: 'a circular barrow, about 18.2 m in diameter, and 1.4 m in elevation; it is not encompassed as usual, by a ditch, but has several almost circular excavations around it, from whence earth was taken to raise the sepulchral mound. On opening it, we found its interior corresponding in a great measure with the long barrows, and differing from any of the circular tumuli hitherto examined; for amongst several large sarsen stones and flints, we discovered seven or eight skeletons lying in every direction; the thigh bones of one by the head of another, a skull on the breast of a second, &c. &c. But no trinkets or warlike or domestic instruments.'@LVALPø i#j%¼’’’Ü C14 Sample #Ż C14 Sample #õ C14_Sample__śx %žØ« nCŗe{ŠĪĄĀĘ Ē Č É +’’’’.J’/K0L21M…żm J2˜7ŸU:ĮF{`6[ab–öc,ve¦ø i#j%¼k’’’Ü Lab Reference #Ż Lab Reference #õ Lab_Reference__śx ĀėVņO6QDŸ Ā]£ŸS(ĄĀĘ Ē Č É +’’’’.J[/K0LQ1M…żm J2˜7ŸU:ĮF{`6zab–dc,ve¦ø i#j%¼k’’’Ü C14 Date (BP)Ż C14 Date (BP)õ C14_Date__BP_śx h«ä×xŅK•3®`CuĮ›ĄĀĘ Ē Č É +’’’’.Jz/K0LŽ 1M…żo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6 de–f,vh¦ø l#m%¼nž’’’¾x Ŗ~™“K…dJ«"Ļi× Į‰Ü Sample TypeŻ Sample TypeŽ] Value Listß[ Z"Charcoal";"human bone";"animal bone";"other"ą 1440÷ Sample_TypeĄĀĘ Ē Č É 2’’’’6J 7K8L9M…żo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6>de–ųf,vh¦ø l#m%¼nž’’’¾x ąVś2ĀŁF‡ĖA@h rÜ Sample ContextŻ Sample ContextŽ] Value Listß[ b"ground surface";"mound";"pit";"posthole";"other"ą 1440÷ Sample_ContextĄĀĘ Ē Č É ’’2’’’’6J>7K8L69M…żš`,ß FormFooterēx ŖŽ==Cø Į®~mż šLVALŠMR2h€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues&AllowMultipleValues‚    ĢUéßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°ćdk³Sć@©/gwFlint9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°NMR‰ę¦ „«ōA„'u[4Néßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint #%’ļŁgĒB”īšEfméßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint Type   éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°          — NMR ’’’’     m     ’’’’ 9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $ŸFlint # ’’’’     m     ’’’’ ‰ę¦ „«ōA„'u[4NPFlint Type [     o     ’’’’ %’ļŁgĒB”īšEfm Value List "Neolithic";"Mesolithic";"flakes";"pitchstone";"bloodstone";"knapping debris";"blade";"microblade";"scraper";"chips";"plano convex knife" ! " # $1440 % &1440twip ' ( * +JSite Name B     m Table/Query( SITE DESCRIPTION ! " # $ 0;1440 % &1440twip '    +  ( ’’’’ * šLVALŠMR2š€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultView[ <        då­qæ7]Kæś;<ĶĒéN<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’š č‹s’žTFF’žTF 47 SW 9’žGiants' Hills 1’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTF 4278 7126’ž54278 37126’ž542780’ž371260’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žSkendleby’žnone’žnone70’žNW-SEx7535’žTF 7’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknoyes’žhazelnut shell; wheat ?yesyesno’žbone chisel1’žSE end of barrow on medial line64 ; 8’žalong each side of the barrow; at W end of barrowx3’žaround pit0’žrevetment of split tree trunks’žSE end of barrow’žpre-barrow ditches; burial platform; hurdling fence’žW end of mound; E of centre on medial line; W of centre on medial linenonoyesno080noFĆŠFLx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žnear pit/hurdle enclosure’žpit; postholes; occupation debris; ditchesno’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žPhillips, C. W. 1935 The excavation of the Giants' Hills Long Barrow, Skendleby, Lincs. Archaeologia, 85, 37-1061np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŒˆˆˆˆ†    ųųųōČČČ­§§§§§§§§§§§§§§„”Ÿ›™”‹‡‚}yyywuuiecaa_[UQMŠ¾žœŽŒYM,* ōīźćŻŁŁŁŁŁĢĢĢæ¹µ±Æؤ¤ž˜qiaTF@:-' q’Ā’’’½ł’`fŽŌ čä‰s’žTF:’žTF 47 SW 86’žGiants' Hills 2’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTF 4292 7088’ž54292 37088’ž542920’ž370880’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žSkendleby’žnone’žnone’žon a gentle south-facing slope of a small river valley58’žSE-NWx7719’ž TF 6’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žchalkyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žflanking burial area4; 31’žN edge of mound; facade trenchx1+?0’žfence’žburial area’žoccupation debris?, facade trench, fence, potsherds, flints and bone’žSE end of moundnonono’žyes03+0nop@x1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxx’žN and centre of moundxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation debris?, cultivation; timber structure, 2 mortuary pitsno’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žyes’žEvans, J. G. & Simpson, D. D. A. 1991 Giants' Hills 2 long barrow, Skendleby, Lincolnshire Archaeologia, 109, 1-45’žEvans, J. G. & Simpson, D. D. A. 1986 Radiocarbon dates for the Giants' Hills 2 long barrow, Skendleby, Lincolnshire. IN GOWLETT, J. A. J. & HEDGES, R. E. M. (Eds.)’žEvans, J. G. 1990 Notes on some Late Neolithic and Bronze Age events in long barrow ditches in southern and eastern England. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 56, 111-6np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum'±­­­ūSŻŲŲÓĻ¾¾¾ŗvqmkeeeeeeeeeeeeeec_]FDB=83/*%!!!  üųō材‰‡…_U?=95/)% łņīźčįŻ„Ÿ™Ž€rjbUGA;.( q’’Ą’’’½ł’ąēž.› č«Œs’žNNk’žNN 02 SE 7’žPortsonachan’žCarn Ban’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0504 2066’ž20504 72066’ž205040’ž720660’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilchrenan and Dalavich’žnone’žnone’žon the edge of a terrace on a steep hillside above the SE side of Loch Awe; built on a low ridge of outcrop’ž107’žE-Wx’ž29.513’žARG 5’žHenshall 1972’žCampbell 1955>@2ź2’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žCampbell, M. 1955 Port Sonachan, Loch Awe. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 8’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressOčččččč’’’’’…………|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zzznnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn___PIE?=83ĘĄŗ””ƒ{sfXE?.$ q’’ €"6ß čļ‰sR’žSD 27 NE 28’žSkelmore Heads’žMonument #37819’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSD 2742 7540’ž32742 47540’ž327420’ž475400’žCumbria’žSouth Lakeland’žUrswick’žnone’žnone’žon the northern slope of Skelmore Heads, an isolated flat-topped hill82’žE-Wx’ž18.2’ž10.67’žSD 1’žKinnes NZ 2’žMasters 1984’žKinnes 1992nono’žCarboniferous Limestonenonononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (4)’žaligned E-W within the moundnononono000no×@ x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’ž2 standing stones’ž2 standing stonesyesxno’žn/a’ž4 standing stonesno’žN England’žstanding stones(4)’žPowell, T. G. E., Fell, C. I., Corcoran, J. X. W. P. & Barnes, F. 1963 Excavations at Skelmore Heads near Ulverston, 1957 and 1959. Trans of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Ant and Arch Society, 63, 1-30’žPowell, T. G. E. 1972 The tumulus at Skelmore Heads near Ulverton. Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 72, 53-6’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald 52-7315’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¢žžžōM~~~~j___[HC?=777$  ’śöņīźęęęäāāÖŅŠĪĪĢČÄĄ¼ž‰‡ƒ}{ywusokgc_[W>:6666)ūłōš©£”„{sk^PJD8' q’’Ę’’’½ł’ęgœ šLVALŠMR2 €ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadd <        då­qæ7]Kæś;<ĶĒé  N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2&€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadm <        då­qæ7]Kæś;<ĶĒé    N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType 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CC's - Exc Dates - June 7 2009 QuerynjčSITE DESCRIPTION*&×Radiocarbon Dates,(ŹPotteryPit Description($™MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.“MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8ŽMSysNavPaneGroups,(ŠMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:…MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessStorage,(pStone>Excavation Records.*3Animal Bone š€Radiocarbon dates query84•€Radiocarbon Dates€,(%€Admin €€Radiocarbon Dates Subform1€>:€Pottery Subform€($ €Pit Description€($ €Stone Subform€$  €Excavation Records subform€>: €Animal Bone Subform€0,€UserDefined € €SummaryInfo € €AccessLayout €"€SysRel€Scripts€Reports€Modules€Forms€DataAccessPages($'MSysComplexType_Attachment>:%MSysComplexType_Text2.#MSysComplexType_Decimal84!MSysComplexType_GUID2.MSysComplexType_IEEEDouble>:MSysComplexType_IEEESingle>:MSysComplexType_Long2.MSysComplexType_Short40MSysComplexType_UnsignedByteB>MSysComplexColumns.*MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables¢×²’žHY 31 SW 18’žSRR-522’ž1685 ± 45’žpeat’žS ditch section;;*$?¢×²’žNJ 35 NE 51’žSRR-686’ž4898 ± 60’žcharcoal’žblack layer;;.$? ‹Ļ"ĻŁĪ¢Ī_Ī ĪßĶ”ĶKĶĶ™Ģ0ĢēĖ°ĖgĖ0Ė²ąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Ä dir$  w·ąœ9čć@łąœ9čć@Ć _VBA_PROJECT62. w°cŻć@CŖcŻć@M dir$  wµcŻć@CŖcŻć@L _VBA_PROJECT62. wńcŻć@McŻć@K KCZUWKCEQNAXFERKSZHCMLIFKZBNVRN wšcŻć@)cŻć@J DUTPBRCHSGBCWDDXQLDR_IOATWGFVRN wŗcŻć@–ÅcŻć@I AcessVBAData62. w cžŃÜć@wWcžŃÜć@H TypeInfoCopy/62. w ōbžŃÜć@ ōbžŃÜć@G BlobDeltaCopy/840 wžbžŃÜć@j3bžŃÜć@F BlobCopy/.*& w4ŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@E PROJECT,($ w3ŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@D PROJECTwm0,( whŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@C dir$  w/ŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@B _VBA_PROJECT62. w€ŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@A WDJWVOLHKUXYAEAMOAXLEGTIEHVKVRN wg€ŠpÜć@œŻŠpÜć@@ E@ 6GKZGYENWOLWGPDPJEHBJDBBXFEK_b^Z" Ę LVALß Ÿ ` `ĶŽ No excavation report - no information on buried ground surface. COFLEIN reporNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. ’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. No record of the 18th C excavation except a mention in Bray 1783.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation records. No information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface. COFLEIN reports that an excavation took place, revealing a drystone revetment, three chambers (one with a porthole), and human remains. I can find no excavation records for this site; it is not discussed in the 1996 publication on the Thornwell Farm excavation (Hughes, Gwilym 1996 The excavations of a late prehistoric and Romano-British settlement at Thornwell Farm, Chepstow, Gwent, 1992. Oxford : Tempus . May 13 2009 - wrote to GGAT requesting information - no reply čs’žNP ’žNPRN 300127’žThornwell Farm Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 5394 9167’ž35394 19167’ž353940’ž191670’žMonmouthshire’žMonmouthshire’žChepstow’žSE Wales’žnone’žon the northwest--facing slope of a small hill overlooking the Severn Estuarynp’žNE-SWx1311yesyesyes6!@€2’žyesyesnonono’žWales’žPowell, M. J. 2005 A note on the Thornwell Farm chambered tomb, Chepstow,ööööööönnnnnggggc_[[UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPNNNBBB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:44..............*&$ŹÄŗ°”’Š‚ugVP93 q’’4$ #³  @€ @€ @€ @€ @€ @€ @€ @€ €€€€€€ €€€€ € € € € €€€ €!€"€#€$€*€+€,€-€.€4$€5%€6&€7'€8(€9)€:*€=+€>,€?-€qŻ%€rŻ&€sŻ'€tŻ(€uŻ)€vŻ*€wŻ+€xŻ,€yŻ-€zŻ.€{Ż/€|Ż0€}Ż1€~Ż2€Ż3€-0€.0€/0€00 €10 € ć£ € ä£ € å£ € ę£ € ē£€‘€‘€g2#€h2$€i2%€j2&€k2'€l2(€M1€N1 €N1 €91 €91 €91 €91 €21€31€31€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ś‘€ ņ‘€ ņ‘€ ņ‘€ ņ‘€ ņ‘€ ÷‘ € ų‘ € ų‘ € ^ˆ€ _ˆ€ _ˆ€ _ˆ€ _ˆ€ čØ6€ čØ6€ čØ6€ čØ6€ é©€ é©€ é©€ é©€ ;•€ ;•€ 7•€ 8•€ 8•€ 8•€ 8•Z @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@€€€€€€ €€=+€€>,€€?-€€qŻ%€€rŻ&€€sŻ'€€wŻ+€€~Ż2€€Ż3€€€€€€g2#€€€€k2'€€l2(€€h2$€€i2%€€j2&€ €€ € € € € €*€ €4$€ €9)€ €:*€ €-0€ € ć£ € €‘€ €‘€€€€€€ €€ €€ €€ €€€€€ €!€ €"€ €#€ €$€*€+€*€,€*€-€*€.€4€5%€4€6&€4€7'€4€8(€s€tŻ(€s€vŻ*€t€uŻ)€w€xŻ,€w€zŻ.€w€}Ż1€x€yŻ-€z€{Ż/€z€|Ż0€-€.0€-€/0€-€00 €-€10 € ć€ ä£ € ć€ å£ € ć€ ę£ € ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€€2 €€2 €€2 €€2€€2€€2€€2€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ^ˆ€ ć€ ^ˆ€ ć€ ^ˆ€ ć€ ^ˆ€ ć€ ^ˆ€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ ć€ ē£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£€ č€ ģ£— €€€@@ @ @€@€ €@€  @€@€ €€M`OLJik+Mokmd`UidofkŻ2OJmJJMMQkkfJUQkŻ3OJmJLJkQkŻ'Sdi`kY`QukfQMkŻ+`dOo^Qk,`kvkJMMQkkkmdiJUQ+iddmfidfOJmJŻ&iQfdimk-kMiYfmkŻ%qLJ`kvkJMMQkkkmdiJUQ+kMiJmMWJMQkkqLJOJmJ2#qLJfid[QMmfid[QMm2(fid[QMms`2'qLJ+qLJ+fid[QMm2%OYi2&`\vQJuY\iYMYLQ[Y[MUWYSxqM^xL2$ 6£ 8 :0 < > B F$ OYiOJmJ€) OYiOJmJMdfv€‘ fidfOJmJ* fidfOJmJMdfv‘L^dLL^dLOQ^mJ fidfOJmJmvfQYbSd L^dL L^dLOQ^mJfidfOJmJ mvfQYbSd L^dL L^dLOQ^mJ fidfOJmJ mvfQYbSd*L^dL*L^dLOQ^mJ*fidfOJmJ*mvfQYbSd4L^dL%4L^dLOQ^mJ(4fidfOJmJ&4mvfQYbSd's6Ż(sOYiOJmJ€Ż*tL^dLŻ)w6Ż,w8Ż.wOYiOJmJ€Ż1xL^dLŻ-zL^dLŻ/zfidfOJmJŻ0-L^dL0-L^dLOQ^mJ0 -fidfOJmJ0 -mvfQYbSd0 ćL^dL£ ćL^dLOQ^mJ£ ćfidfOJmJ£ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ Sd2 mvfQYbSd2 vfQYbSd2 mvfQYbSd2 2mvfQYbSd2 2mvfQYbSd2 mvfQYbSd2 mvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćfidfOJmJ£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ QYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ YbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£  ćmvfQYbSd£ vfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ 0ˆ vfQYbSdMdfvˆ ćmvfQYbSdMdfvˆ ćmvfQYbSdMdfvˆ ćmvfQYbSdMdfvˆ vfQYbSdMdfvˆ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ £ ćmvfQYbSd£ ćmvfQYbSd£ ££ čmvfQYbSd££ čmvfQYbSd£ čmvfQYbSd£mvfQYbSd0(€L^dL0,€L^dLOQ^mJ0.€fidfOJmJ0/€mvfQYbSd0-€L^dL01€L^dLOQ^mJ03€fidfOJmJ04€mvfQYbSd02€L^dL~€L^dLOQ^mJ~€fidfOJmJ~€mvfQYbSd~€ ćL^dL£ € ćL^dLOQ^mJ£ € ćfidfOJmJ£€ ćmvfQYbSd£ € čL^dL£€ čL^dLMdfv£€ čL^dLOQ^mJ£€ čfidfOJmJ£€ čmvfQYbSd£S „YN††Y 0Æ Y Y K Y ,‚ Y ,–‚ Y –KžId LValueObjectGuidObjectNameProperty Valueƒ’’,’’’’K’’–’’,’’’’K’’–’’,†‡–K,‰ƒ’’’’K’’–’’,’’’’K’’–’’,†ˆ–K,ƒ’’’’K’’–’’,’’’’K’’–’’,†‰–K,Y’’’’Y’’’’Y’’’’Id$ObjectGuidProperty$ObjectNameProperty†’’H»v1ģ§b€ … … …>ŗYN‹‹ Y ’’žY ÆHY  Y žY ,–Y –KY K Filter FlagsIdNamePosition SelectedObjectIDTypeƒ’’’’K’’–’’,’’’’K’’–’’,’’‹,–K‰Y’’’’Id’’»v1 €€]ŠŪ¦OqCustomę" ~ĻablesĢ"w VŠ€Œ€Œ€Œ¦ RYNY Y Y  Y žY ,vY vKY K FlagsGroupCategoryIDIdName"Object Type GroupObjectIDPositionƒ’’’’K’’v’’,’’’’K’’v’’,’’‘,vK€ƒ’’’’K’’v’’,’’’’K’’v’’,’’’,vK‰Y’’’’Y’’’’GroupCategoryIDId’’Ö»v1ģ; 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Nash 2006’žLynch 1991nononono>@6ź2’žyesyesnonono’žWales’žLynch, F. 1991 Prehistoric Anglesey : the archaeology of the island to the Roman conquest. 2nd Ed., Llangefni, Anglesey Antiquarian Society’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, LogastonZééééééZZZZZSSSSOKGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<<<<<<<<:::............................*&"śņšīźčč“®œ’ˆvnfWGA;* q’’~Ā  #W ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠķvccĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻy€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž £y y€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻt€ž ¢y t€ž ¢y s€ž £y s€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­t€ž ¢y t€ž ¢y r€ž £y r€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p r€ž ¢y ‰ oYćNžž Y ž Y ž Y +ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y -ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ¤ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y ž Y žNMR Pit # Length Width DepthDiameterLong AxisHR - Burnt Frag"HR - Unburnt Frag Cremation Burial"Inhumation BurialPottery Flint Plant Animal RubbleCharcoalDetailsLocation'Empty'Other materialC14 DatesChronologyBeneath mound’’Ä ėÖ Ž_C „ų€’’’ų.ĮČ ą Ć ż ÓóSP ;X’žNO 66 SE 43npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žLimited information - short interim reports only’žunknownyesono’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yes¬£‹‰ƒzHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žNO 66 SE 42npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žLimited information - short interim reports only’žunknownyesnono’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yes®„‘‰ƒzHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žHY 31 SW 11’ž2.0np’ž1.0x2.0nono00nonononoyesno’žpossible held a standing stone - part of stone circle?’žrear platformyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes, damagedĘ“”™“„LHB>:620.*& ’’’’žTA 07 SE 11’ž1.2’ž0.50’ž3.7x1.2nono00noflint flakes (6)noyes (np)yesno’žshaft grave?; filled with chalk and earth; small pit at the bottom 0.4 x 0.3 and 0.3 m deep’žcentralnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesüóčäąÜÓvrl\X8420,(" ’’’’žSP 31 NW 214xx’ž0.17’ž0.800.80nono00noflint flakes (3)nononono’žF53’žS side of barrow, SW of pre-barrow timber structure 1nonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĢƱ­©„niea]Y9531-)!’’’’žSP 31 NW 211’ž1.5’ž0.80’ž0.18x1.5nopossible00noflint flakes (9); flint core; flint blade; flint piercernopossiblenoyes’žF14 - ; bone fragment’žS side of barrow, SW of pre-barrow timber structure 1no1 fossil belemniteno’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesi`NJ&"ėŌĪŹŗ¶FB@>.*$"’’’’žSP 31 NW 212’ž0.74’ž0.60’ž0.29x0.74nono00carinated bowl;flint flakes (47); polished axe fragment; 21 worked flints; flint baldes; flint core; flint scrapernopignoyes’žF7; associated with Hearth F48; signs of fire’žcentre of barrownono’žBM-491b; GrA-23933’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes© Žzvr`1+'!W9751-%#’’’’žSP 31 NW 213’ž1.2’ž0.80’ž0.32x1.2nono00noflint flakes (16)nopignoyes’žF12; pre-mound; some fill stones showed signs of burning’žN side of barrow; inside timber structure 2nonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes’öäąÜŲŖpjf`\:642.*$"’’’’žTA 06 NE 319’ž2.2’ž1.5’ž0.91x2.2nopossible00nononopossiblenono’žtwo weathered bone fragments’žinside enclosurenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes½“¢žš–„fb^NJFB@>.*$"’’’’žTA 06 NE 318’ž1.5’ž0.80npx1.5nono00nononononono’žPit 5’žinside enclosureyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes†tplfTMIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žTF 47 SW 862’ž1.5’ž0.80’ž0.40x1.5nono00nonononoyesyes’žS pit - one of 2 pits flanking burial area; D-shaped - pits may have held split trunks posts’žSE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesęŻĻĖĒĮ°RLFB>:642.*$"’’’’žNZ 51 SE 13’ž4.5’ž3.6’ž1.0x4.5nono00nonononoyesyes’žPit A1; sandstone and burnt sand’žEnclosureyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - no±©Š†‚|qOIC?;731/+'!’’’’žNZ 51 SE 12’ž2.4’ž1.8’ž0.90x2.4nono00nonocarbonized woodnoyesyes’žPit A2; boulders, sand’žEnclosure Anonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - noĀŗ›—“‚jd^Z<8420,(" ’’’’žSE 95 NE 163npnpnpnpnpnono01noflint scraper; flint knife; flint flakenononono’žsecondary?; filled with clean white chalk gravel’ž1.8 m S of centrenobone pinno’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes’šģÜŲœ‹‡ƒ51/-)%!’’’ (& F w  )XŠ–ņĶą1’žSE 95 NE 284’ž1.7’ž1.2’ž0.40x1.7nono01Beakernonononono’žF2; dark matter’žcentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesŽ…zvrnfUQMIEA531-)#!’’’’žSE 95 NE 283npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononoyesno’žPit D - dark matter’ž7.5 m S of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes© }ys`KGA=951/-)%!’’’’žSE 95 NE 282xx’ž0.30’ž0.760.76nono00nonononoyesno’žPit C’ž7.5 m N of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesŸ–wsoiVOKEA=9531-)!’’’’žSE 95 NE 281npnp’ž0.76npnpnono00nonoburnt woodnonoyes’žPit B - burnt gravel; dark matter; one of two pits at either end of a linear Mortimer referred to this as a grave’ž7 m E of centrenonono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž1 - yesüķéåįŠ]WSO;731/+'#’’’’žSE 94 SW 161xx’ž0.30’ž0.500.50nono1?0nononononoyes’žcentralnonono’žgravemmfb^ZQQKGC?;751-)!’’}’žSE 96 NE 332xx’ž0.45’ž0.760.76nono00nonononoyesno’žfilled with same material as mound’žSE of centre (3 m)yesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes°§•‘‡sOKEA=9531-)!’’’’žST 75 SE 51npnp’ž0.15npnpnonononononononoyesno’žNE end of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes—ŽokgaPPLFB>:62.*&"’’ż’žSO 91 NW 171’ž1.8’ž0.6’ž0.6x1.81?noyesnonononononoyes’žlined with drystone walling’žcentralnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesš‘†‚~zqTNJFB>:60,(" ’’’’žSC 28 SE 393npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žshallow depression or hearth’žnear cremation pityesnono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž3 - unknown, destroyed²š‹‡ƒ}iKEA=951/-)%!’’’’žSC 28 SE 392xxnp’ž0.80.8yesno310Ronaldsway minature bowlrhomboid arrowhead fragmentsnodog, bird, sheep/goatnoyes’žCremation pit 1’žE of chambernono’žBM-768; BM-769’ž5 - grave’ž3 - unknown, destroyed. ū÷óåŌĪŹ œd42.*$’’’’žSK 17 NW 41’ž1.0np’ž0.30x1.0nono01nononodeer teeth, oxnono’žGrave’žSE of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes˜„€|xjc_[?;731/+'!’’’’žSE 97 SE 454npnpnpnp0100nononononono’žgrave - 'shallow depression'’žW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesŒƒxtpl_A=951-)'%#!!æ’’’žSE 95 NE 164npnpnpnpnp0100noflint knife; worked flint flakenonoyesno’žsurrounded by clean white chalk gravel’ž3 m S of centrenobone pinno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesęŻŅĪ¾ŗ©}wso1-+)'%!’’’’žSU 06 NE 171’ž1.7’ž1.4’ž0.1x1.7nono00nodebitagenononono’žsecondary feature; dug into chalk rubble at front of barrow’žat W end of moundnonono’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - noĖĆ“°¬Ø•XTPLH8420,(" ’’’’žSU 01 NW 131npnp’ž1.4xnpnono00nononored deer antlernono’žoutside ditch to the NEnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - no®¦‡ƒ{bb^Z<840.,($ ’’ż’žNO 66 SE 44npnp’ž1.5npnpnono00nononononono’žpassage grave; lined with drystone walling to form a passage grave’žcentrenonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes¼³”™•IEA=951/-)%!’’’v÷ģ gĶĘĢ'ĢĖŪŹEŹn ©Č‚m4›Ć}¦Ø’žSE 94 SW 103’ž1.1’ž0.50’ž0.40x1.1yesno00Neolithic Bowl sherdnonooxnono’žanimal bones overlay pit’ž9 m from E end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesĒ¾³Æ«§Žtplhd`8640*$"’’’’žSE 94 SW 102’ž1.4’ž0.80’ž0.40x1.4yesno20nononononoyes’žtrench; burnt earth’ž5 m from E end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes —Œˆ„€gRLHD@<8640*$"’’’’žSE 94 SW 101’ž2.9’ž2.0’ž1.7x2.9nono00Neolithic Bowl sherdnononoyesyes’žtrench containing burnt chalk, charcoal and black sooty matter’žE end of moundnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesēŽŠĢČÄ“tnhd`\420,(" ’’’’žNN 05 NW 41’ž1.3.7.6nonononoyesnonononono’žcist’žN of centrenonobbbb^ZMGC?;73-)%!Ÿ’’žSO 70 SE 131’ž3.3’ž1.4’ž1.1x3.3noyes028+EBA sherdsflint flakesnoox, pig, dognono’žboat shaped pit; "an enormous mass of human and animal bones, mixed with soil"’žcentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesłīźęāŚŠ†‚jfN:42,(" ’’’’žST 99 NW 72npnpnpnpnpnono00nononopignono’žstone-lined; 1 pig bone was placed near the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom.’žforecourtnonono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - forecourtŽĻ¼ø“°„JFB<840.,($ ’’’’žST 99 NW 71npnpnpnpnpnono01+nononononono’žgrave marked out by three holes about 5 cm across and 7.5 cm deep’žSouth chambernobone pendantsno’ž5 - grave’ž2 - chamberÖɾŗ œJFB>:62.,($ ’’’’žSO 93 NE 291’ž1.7’ž0.90npx1.7noyes02Beakerarrowheads(4); flint scrapernononono’žrock-cut grave containing 2 burials’žcentrenobone pinno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesćŚĻĖ»·ÆŠ†‚~zB642,(" ’’’’žNJ 26 SE 141npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žashes, charcoal & clay’žnot specifiedyesnono’žno informationŽŽ~zvpaIC?;73/-+'#’’’žNH 55 SE 31npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žblackened stones’žentrance to antechamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber “}ysZHB>:62.,*&"’’’’žNT 13 SW 1221’ž.51’ž0 .63x1nono00nononononono’žcist’žcentreyesno____[UMGC?;73/-+'#!’’’žNT 13 SW 121’ž1.47’ž0.3m ?x1.4nono00nononononoyes’žsoil’žsouth of centreyesnoooookeTNHD@<8420,(" ’’’žNH 91 NW 153’ž2.0’ž0.7’ž0.78xnono0yesnononononono’žiron knife?’žE of centrenoyesooooieXKGC?;73-+'##!æ’’žNH 91 NW 152’ž0.67’ž0.52’ž0.45xnono00nonononoyesno’žsand’žW of centreyesnohhhhd^QKGA=951/-)%%#æ’’žNH 91 NW 151’ž0.3’ž0.45’ž0.44xnono00nonononoyesyes’žsand’žNE of centreyesnojjjjf`RLF@<840.,($$"æ’’žNH 43 SW 2nononononononononono’žBronze razornoyesNNNNHDD62.*&"’’žTA 17 SW 201’ž2.4’ž1.65’ž0.87x2.4noyes?00noflint flakes (14)nonoyesyes’žunidentified bone fragment’žcentrenoyesno’ž5 - contemporary/secondary’ž1 - yes, damagedŌĀ¦¢œ˜tnhd`>:86.*$"’’’’žSE 95 NE 285xx’ž0.45’ž0.760.76nono10nononononoyes’žPit E ; D-shaped; one of two pits at either end of a linear crematorium 'trough'’žW of centrenonono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž1 - yesŅÉŗ¶²®”OIEA=9531-)!’’’äoĶÄĢĢW ~ sI€¾ŌÖīĀ–j>’žTA 07 SW 24’ž1.8’ž0.40’ž0.25x1.8nono00nononononono’žKinnes suggests these pits may represent a mortuary enclosure; posthole / timber slot?’žSW of centreyesnono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesćŚĮ½¹³„MIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žTA 07 SW 23’ž1.8’ž0.40’ž0.25x1.8nono00nononononono’žKinnes suggests these pits may represent a mortuary enclosure; posthole / timber slot?’žSW of centreyesnono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesćŚĮ½¹³„MIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žTA 07 SW 22’ž1.8’ž0.40’ž0.25x1.8nono00nononononono’žKinnes suggests these pits may represent a mortuary enclosure; posthole / timber slot?’žSW of centreyesnono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesćŚĮ½¹³„MIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žTA 07 SW 21’ž1.8’ž0.40’ž0.25x1.8nono00nononononono’žKinnes suggests these pits may represent a mortuary enclosure; posthole / timber slot?’žSW of centreyesnono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesćŚĮ½¹³„MIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 85 SE 111’ž3.2’ž1.5’ž0.20x3.2yesno02Beakers (2);nonononoyes’ževidence of burning at base of pit’žcentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes±Ø™•‘‰e_[WSO753/)#!’’’’žSU 06 NW 282npnpnpnpnpnono03Plain sherdsflint flakesnononoyes’ž abundant charcoal and wood ash’žSE side of barrownonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesĒ¾³Æ«§”smieaI1/-)%!’’’’žSU 04 SE 702npnpnpnpnpnoyes00nononosheepnono’žsheep burial & foetal bones’žnorth of centrenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes³Ŗ‹‡ƒnQMI?;731/)%!’’’’žSU 04 SE 701’ž0.90’ž0.60’ž0.20x0.90yesno00nononononono’žash & loam’žcentrenonono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž1 - yes‹‚sokg_SOKGC?;973-%#’’’’žSU 06 NW 22xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žsame chalk rubble as mound’žE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yesƦˆ„€zjNJD@<8420,( ’’’ASU 06 NW 21xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nononodeer hornyesno’ždark earth; same chalk rubble as mound’žE end of moundnonono’ž3 - posthole? - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesŌĖ œ˜”„\XR@<8420,( ’’’’žST 87 NW 31npnpnpnpnpnono01notoolnononoyes’žlined with pavement of thin stones’žE end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes¢™ŽŠ†‚rNHD@<40.,($ ’’’’žTA 16 NW 111’ž1.5’ž0.91npx1.5nono01nonowoodnonono’žlined with wood’žNNE of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes‡|xtpaPLHD<8420,(" ’’’’žTF 27 SW 143’ž1.62’ž1.32’ž.85xnonononoyesnonononoyes’žcharcoal/sand’žcentrenonoooookg_PJFB>:40,($$"æ’’žTF 27 SW 142xx.6’ž1.8nonononoyesyesnononono’žsame as ditch’žSE ditch terminalnonottttplYJFB>:4.*&"æ’’žTF 27 SW 141???yesnonononononononoyes’žheat-cracked stones’žS of centrenonommmmieXC=951-)%!Ÿ’’žSE 94 SW 105’ž0.86’ž0.76’ž0.30x0.86yesno00nononononono’žtrench’ž17.7 m from east end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesš‘†‚~z[SOKGC?;973-%#’’’’žSE 94 SW 104’ž1.0’ž0.60’ž1.1x1.0yesno20Neolithic Bowl sherdnonored deer, ox, goatnoyes’žtrench; burnt chalk’ž9.6 m from E end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesåÜŃĶÉÅŖ•‹gc_753/)#!’’’ "@   ° ĢOĒ4ėT—Įߥ=Ą’žTL 04 NE 421’ž1.3’ž1.3’ž0.4x1.3nononoyesnoyesyesnonono’žcentralnononokkkgc_VVRNJD>:40,(" ’’=’žTL 02 NE 82npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žburning of twigs’ž1.5 m N of graveyesnono’žunknownxtpjXFB>:62.,*&"’’’žTL 02 NE 81’ž1.2’ž0.75’ž0.75x1.2noyesnononononononono’žunsure if primary’žW of centrenonono’žgrave††{wsfSOKGC?;73-)#!’’’žSY 68 NW 1331’ž2.3’ž1.5’ž0.66x2.3nono01nonononoyesno’žunknownnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesypea]YPPLFB>:642.*$"’’ż’žSZ 19 SW 71xxnp’ž0.600.60nono00nononononono’žcontained a heap of burnt flints’žSW of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes°§ˆ„€zlJFB>:620.*&’’’’žST 91 SE 231’ž3.6’ž2.4’ž1.1x3.6nono00noflint coresnonoyesyes’žPit 1; found beneath unbroken turf line; tree hole?; chalk rubble, burnt flints and charcoal’žSW of centrenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesõģŚÖŅĪĄb\VRN8420,(" ’’’’žST 91 SE 232’ž3.0’ž2.1’ž1.1x3.0nono00nonononoyesyes’žPit 2 ; found beneath unbroken turf line; tree hole?; chalk rubble, burnt flints and charcoal’žSW of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesęŻĖĒĆ½ÆPJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žST 91 SE 233’ž1.8’ž1.2npx1.8nono00nonononoyesyes’žPit 3; found beneath unbroken turf line; tree hole?; chalk rubble, burnt flints and charcoal’žW of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesäŪÉÅĮ»®OIC?;731/+'!’’’’žST 83 SE 181’ž1.5’ž0.90npx1.5nono00nononononono’žgrave?’žunknownnojet beads, amberno’žgraveŒŒ…a]TLHD@<8420,(" ’’’žST 83 NW 491npnpnpnpnpnono10urnnonononono’žcremation pit’žunknownnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesƒzokgcZKGC?;71/-)%!’’’’žST 94 SE 61npnp’ž0.90npnpnono02noground flint axes(4); hollow flint nodules (5); stone battle axe; whetstones, mullersnoboar's teethnono’žunknownnobone points (36); shale ring, shale beads, bone bead, bronze awl,no’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes­¤™•žęā620.*&"’’ż’žST 94 SW 61xx’ž0.76’ž1.51.5nono00nonononoyesno’žblack earth; located N of mortuary deposit’žS of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes© ’ŽŠ„wKGA=951/-)%’’’’žST 84 NE 91npnp’ž0.60xnpnono12nononononono’žgrave?’žN of centrenoivory beads (6); sea shell (nerite)no’ž5 - grave?’ž1 - yes, damagedÉ·«§a]PHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žSW 71 NE 131npnp’ž1.2npnpnono00nononononono’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - grave?’ž3 - unknownyl`\XRJJFB>:620.*&"’’ż’žST 94 NE 181npnp’ž0.90npnpnono00nononononono’žcontained no ash or bones; near mortuary deposit’žcentralyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes«¢”Œ†}KGC?;731/+'#’’’’žST 93 NE 11xx’ž0.40’ž0.600.60nono00nononoox head; deer hornnono’ž'neat circular cist'’žS of centrenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesĆŗ›—“‚lhd@<8420,( ’’’’žST 93 NE 261npnp’ž1.2npnpnono00nonononoyesno’žnear human interments; chalk rubble and flint’žN of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes­¤–’Žˆ{LHB>:620.*&"’’’ܝNĻœĪźĶöĢ Ģ-ĖlŹŁÉŪBlŒ‘„³Ž’žST 94 NW 171’ž2.4’ž1.2’ž1.2x2.4nono01rude British cupnonononono’žE end of barrownonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes™…}yhhd`\XT420,(" ’’ż’žSE 85 NE 171’ž0.76’ž0.53’ž1.1x0.76nono00nonononoyesyes’žgrave?; burnt earth’ž0.6 m W of centreyesnono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesž•Š†‚|iTNHD@<8640,$"’’’’žSE 85 NE 21npnpnpxnpnono02noleaf arrowheads (2)nononono’ž2 inhumations each with a leaf arrowhead’žcentralnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes»²§£Ÿ›’hd`\X2.,*&"’’’’žSP 97 SE 931xxnpnpnpnoyes?00nononononono’žtwo pieces of bone; limestone blocks’žcentre of barrownonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesµ¬‰…oIEA=951/-%!’’’’žSS 91 SE 111xx’ž0.46’ž1.401.4nono00nononononono’ž7 layers of silty loam’žE end of mound; central to width of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesÄ»œ˜”ŽcKGC?;731/+'!’’’’žTL 19 NE 1033npnpnpnpnpnono01nononononono’žgrave - Phase 4; burial laid on a stone bed’žW of centre?nonono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes© ‘‰…wJFB>:620.*&"’’’’žTL 19 NE 1032npnpnpnpnpnono01Collared Urnnonononono’žgrave - Phase 3’žE of centrenonono’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - noŸ—ˆ„€|o^ZVRNJ20.*&"’’’’žTL 19 NE 1031npnpnpnpnpnono00nononooxnono’žox shoulder bladenpnonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesˆmiea]JFB>:620.*&"’’’’žSP 80 SW 11’ž2.4’ž1.5’ž0.60x2.4nono00nononononono’žsurrounded by stakeholes’žNE lobe of barrowyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes£š‡ƒyfLHD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSU 28 SE 151npnpnpnpnpnono03nononononono’ždescribed as an "irregular pennanular slot"’žSW of centrenono’žHAR-3883; HAR-3884; HAR-3898’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes, damagedĒµŖŒˆ„vIEA=951/-)%!’’’’žTL 02 SW 9411’ž0.7’ž0.9xnononoyesnoyesnononono’žcentralnono\\\\XTKKGC?;51+'#æ’’žTL 04 NE 428npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’ž#318 ; sandy silt & charcoal flecks’žSE of barrowyesnonoŠŠŠ†‚|nIC?;73/-+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 427npnpnpxnpnonononoshers (undiagnostic)nohazelnutnonoyes’ž#316 ; sandy silt & charcoal flecks’žSE of barrownonono¼¼¼ø“°¢}wso_[3/+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 426npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’ž#252; sandy clay with charcoal and fired clay inclusions’žSE of barrowyesnonoŸŸŸ›—‘ƒIC?;73/-+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 425npnpnpxnpnononononoflakes (2)hazelnutnonoyes’ž#247; sandy clay with charcoal and fired clay inclusions’žSE of barrownonono½½½¹µ±£ic_[K73/+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 424npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’ž#362; sand & gravel’žbarrow entranceyesnono{{{wsm\GC?;73/-+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 423npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’ž#363; sand & gravel’žbarrow entranceyesnono{{{wsm\GC?;73/-+'#’’?’žTL 04 NE 422npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žsandy silt & gravel fill’žS of graveyesnono{{{wsmaGC?;73/-+'#’’?ę%B & ° ø É 2_Œ1ć’žSU 07 SE 191’ž1.2np’ž0.40x1.2noyes00nonononoyesno’ž#401; soil, chalk and sarsen pieces’žE end of barrownono’žOxA-3171’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damaged¼Ŗ˜ŽŠ†uPLFB>:642,(" ’’’’žNZ 51 SE 11xx’ž0.38’ž0.450.45nono00nononononoyes’žburnt sand and stones’žchamber - Cairn Byesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber„˜†‚~xeNHD@<8420,( ’’’’žST 55 SW 631xxnp’ž0.760.76nono00nononononono’ž Phase 1 pre-mound feature; centrally placed between 2 hearths; cremation spread above pit; contained large stones - possible posthole’žcentralyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesüźęāÜÓKGC?;731/+'’’’’žSP 22 SE 41npnp’ž0.22xnpyesno00noflints (no further info)nononoyes’žconsiderable traces of burning’ž2.1 m w of standing stonenonono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yesŪŅæ»·³˜xrnjf620.*$ ’’’nonononononoyesno$$$$  ų’žSU 14 SW 923xx’ž0.50’ž0.500.50nono00nononononono’žnear primary inhumation’žNE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesœ“…}wfMIEA=9531-)!’’’’žSU 14 SW 922xx’ž0.50’ž0.500.50nono00nononononono’žnear primary inhumation’žNE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesœ“…}wfMIEA=9531-)!’’’’žSU 14 SW 921xx’ž0.50’ž0.500.50nono00nononononono’žnear head of primary inhumation’žNE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes¤›‰…nMIEA=9531-)!’’’’žST 94 NW 201’ž1.8’ž0.90’ž0.60x1.8nono00nononononono’žgrey earth different to other soil in barrow' near mortuary deposit’žE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesČæ±­©£“NJFB>:642.*$"’’’’žSU 14 SE 2401’ž2.7’ž1.5’ž1.8xnononoyesnonononoyesno’žflint pebble; 2 stakeholesnoyesuuuuokkOKEA=95/+'##!æ’’žSU 14 NW 51’ž0.83np’ž0.30x0.83nono00nononononono’ž'empty cavity' located within 0.5 m of primary inhumation’žjust SE of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĮøŖ¦¢œ‰NJFB>:642.*" ’’’’žST 87 SE 171npnpnpnpnpnono00Ebbsfleet - 37 sherds of one vesselsaddle quern fragmentnonoyesno’žcovered by revetment wall; "no reliable dimensions can be given"’žforecourt at E end of moundnonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž2 - forecourt?0õ³Æ©„”w1/-)%!’’’’žST 94 SE 211npnpnpnpnpnopossible00nonovegetable mouldpossiblenoyes’ž"2 bits of bone"; D-shaped pit; near crematorium deposit’žcentrenoyesno’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesåÜĪŹÄĄø}wscEA=;9)%!’’’’žSU 04 NW 91’ž0.90’ž0.50’ž0.76x0.90nono00nononononoyes’žnear mortuary area; vegetable mould’žW end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes¬£•‘‡wRLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žSU 04 SE 332npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žnear cremation deposit; immense quantity of wood ash’žE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes¶­Ÿ›—‘KEA=951/-)%!’’’’žSU 04 SE 331npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’ž near cremation deposit; immense quantity of wood ash’žE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes·® œ˜’‚KEA=951/-)%!’’’ѝūō ļ Ż é Å Ö½PJĀūĄ’žSP 41 SW 252’ž0.90’ž0.30’ž0.50x0.90yesno00Middle Neolithic sherds (2)flint chipnononoyes’žPit 2; stone setting; cornbrash; stony loam, gravel’žS of centrenoburnt quartzite pebbleno’žmortuary?  ŻŁĢ—‘‰…q;973-%#’’’žSP 41 SW 251’ž0.60’ž0.50’ž0.50x0.60yesno00nononononoyes’žPit 1; stony loam, gravel’žN of centrenonono’žmortuary?••Š†‚~qUOKGC?;973-%#’’’žSE 96 NE 153npnp’ž0.90xnpnono00nonononoyesno’žchalk filled; Mortimer suggests all 3 pits had once contained interments’žE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĖĀ°¬Ø¢•KGA=951/-)%!’’’’žSE 96 NE 152npnp’ž0.45xnpnono00nonononoyesno’žchalk filled; Mortimer suggests all 3 pits had once contained interments’žN of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĖĀ°¬Ø¢•KGA=951/-)%!’’’’žSE 96 NE 151’ž2.6’ž2.0’ž0.25x2.6nono00nonoburnt woodnonoyes’žchalk filled; Mortimer suggests all 3 pits had once contained interments’žN of centrenofilm of dark matterno’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes’öäąŗ¶©_YUQ=9531-)#!’’’’žTA 05 NW 221’ž1.2’ž0.76’ž0.76x1.2nono01Beakerstone bracer;nohawk's head and beaknono’žsecondary grave; Beaker burial in stone cist’žcentrenocopper dagger; amber beads; linen fabricno’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes6-ŹĘ¾Œˆ`\B642.*$"’’’’žTM 03 SE 253’ž1.5’ž1.2’ž0.40x1.5nono00Grooved Ware sherds (2)microlithnononono’žsecondary / modern?; F4300 / 4850’žE of centrenonono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes, damagedāŠĮ½¹µØ…}yuc531-)#!’’’’žTM 03 SE 252xx’ž0.10’ž0.350.35nono00Grooved Warenonononono’žF3637/5058 ; dark fill’žN of centrenonono’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yes, damagedø¦’ŽŠ†ya]YUQM531-)!’’’’žTM 03 SE 251npnpnpnpnpnono00Grooved Ware sherds; Plain Bowl sherdsyes (np)nononono’žno further info’žSE quadrantnonono’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yes, damagedķŪĒĆæ»®™•‘}1/-)%!’’’’žST 65 SE 51npnpnpnpnpnono00noflint flakesnoantlernono’ž "a flint knapper's workshop"’žSW end of moundnonono’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yes½“ œ˜”ƒd`\PL40.,($ ’’’’žSU 07 SE 195’ž4.8np’ž0.90x4.8noyes00Plainnonononono’ž#548; pre-mound feature; clay soil, chalk & sarsen fragments’žE end of barrownono’žOxA-3172’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedŪÉ·­©„“TPLHD@642,(" ’’’’žSU 07 SE 194’ž0.80np’ž0.30x0.80nono00nononononono’ž#536 ; pre-mound feature; clay soil, dense chalk fragments’žE end of barrowyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedĪ¼Ŗ¦¢œ‹OKGC?;753/+#!’’’’žSU 07 SE 193’ž3.5np’ž0.40x3.5nono00nononoPigyesno’ž#497; pre-mound feature; clay soil, chalk & sarsen fragments’žE end of barrownonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedŠ¾¬Ø¤ PLF@<8420,(" ’’’’žSU 07 SE 192’ž1.0np’ž0.30x1.0nono00nononononono’ž#482; possibly a natural feature; chalk/clay with sarsens’žE end of barrowyesnono’ž3 - natural feature?’ž1 - yes, damagedĪ¼¦¢ž˜‡LHD@<8420,(" ’’’óĪĪ,Ķę ļ Ē §ČYĒT{Å/@D?6’žNJ 35 NE 55’ž0.46’ž0.22’ž0.13x0.46nono00nononononono’žHollow D; overlain by black layer; red & white sand above dark grey sand’žNW of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŅÉ·³Æ©›PLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 54’ž1.4’ž0.90’ž0.10x1.4nono00nononononoyes’žHollow C; overlain by black layer; dirty sand; 1 stakehole 20 cm to E’žNW of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĪųƫ„—OIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žNJ 35 NE 53xx’ž0.16’ž0.300.30nono00nononononoyes’žHollow B; dark sand; possible posthole’žN of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yesż‘‰ƒvNHD@<8420,( ’’’’žNJ 35 NE 52xx’ž0.03’ž1.81.8nono00nononononono’žHollow A; yellow brown sand; probably a tree hollow’žN of centreyesnono’ž3 - natural feature?’ž1 - yesøƙ•‘‹~IEA=951/-)%’’’’žNJ 35 NE 51’ž0.70’ž0.50’ž0.60x0.70nono00Beaker - sherds of 3 vessels; AOC sherdsnonononoyes’žsecondary feature; earth filling & Beaker sherds’ž2 m outside of mound edgenono’žSRR-687’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - no žõńķŅ š–’ŽŠ8640,$"’’’’žNJ 26 SE 131npnp’ž0.45npnpnono00nononononoyes’žclay, charcoal and ash’žfoot of the barrowyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary¢¢‡ƒyeMGC?;731/+'#’’’žNX 55 SW 21’ž1.2’ž0.90’ž0.30x1.2nono00nononononono’žpossibly held standing stone; earth & stones’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - forecourtĪ攐Œ†{MIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žNX 98 SE 1522xx’ž0.3’ž0.4nonononoyesnonononono’žintact cremation in urn’žcentralnonottttplcJFB>:60,($ æ’’žNX 98 SE 1521xx’ž0.32’ž1.0nonoyesnonoyesnoyesnono’žstony silt’žcentralnonollllhd[OKGA=73/)%!!æ’’žSU 07 SE 197’ž1.2np’ž0.40x1.2nono00medievalnonononono’ž#551; possibly pre-mound; medieval pottery; clay loam with chalk & sandstone’žE end of barrownonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedēÕĆæ»·¦XTPLHD420,(" ’’’’žSU 07 SE 196’ž0.50np’ž0.40x0.50nono00nononored deer antlernono’ž#534; pre-tomb; packed stone; clay loam with sarsen & sandstone’žE end of barrownono’žOxA-3170’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedńßĶĆæ»ŖieaC?;753/+#!’’’’žSW 33 SE 242’ž1.95’ž1.2’ž0.70x1.95nono00nononononono’žunknown / secondary?; may be the work of miners or robbers’žSE of centreyesnono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesĄ·Ø¤ šŒPLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žSW 33 SE 241’ž2.5’ž0.70’ž1.2x2.5nono00nononononono’žunknown / secondary?; T-shaped pit that decsended in steps; black greasy earth and ashes; may be the work of miners or robbers’žNE of centrenostone beadno’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes÷óßŪĶMIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSP 41 SW 255xx’ž0.05’ž0.250.25yesno00Neolithic sherd?nonononoyes’žPit 5; stony loam’žNW of centrenonono’žmortuary?„„š–’Ž€mgc_[W753/)!’’’žSP 41 SW 254npnp’ž0.09npnpyesno00Middle Neolithic rim sherdnonononono’žPit 4; stony loam’žW of centrenonono’žmortuary?““©„”}yuqmi531-'#’’’žSP 41 SW 253’ž0.50’ž0.12’ž0.15x0.50yesno00Neolithic sherds (2)nonononoyes’žPit 3; stony loam’žW of centrenoburnt clay crumbs (2)no’žmortuary?ÖÖĖĒ™Œysokgc;973-%#’’!1 | O ; 4)(ØBśĮ4Į;’žHY 43 SW 131’ž0.50’ž0.40’ž0.16x0.50nono00nononononono’žexternal; clay bottom; black peaty ash fill’žoutside cairn on S sideyesnono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - externalĀ“„”—~QMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNO 21 SE 142npnp’ž1.2xnononononononononoyes’žbronze dagger; gold fillet’žoutwith kerb cairn; Secondarynoyes‰…fJD@<840,($ æ’’žNO 21 SE 141npnp’ž1.8xnonononoyesnonononoyes’žBeaker among ashes and charcoal?nonowwwwsomLFB>:60,($ æ’pNJ 35 NE 517’ž1.32’ž0.98’ž0.66x1.32nono00Grimston Lyles Hill -11 sherdsstruck quartz;nononoyes’žCentral Pit; overlain by black layer; layers of sand; burnt bone; animal burrow at pit bottom’žcentralnono’žSRR-683’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes8/ ¤žš–’v:862.&$’’’’žNJ 35 NE 516’ž0.35’ž0.28’ž0.08x0.35nono00nononononono’žHollow Q; overlain by black layer; dark sand & small stones; 2 stakeholes to N’žSE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŚŃæ»·±£RNJFB>:862.&$’’’’žNJ 35 NE 515’ž0.22’ž0.13’ž0.11x0.22nono00nononononono’žHollow P; overlain by black layer; dark sand; 2 stakeholes to W’žS of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŹĮÆ«§””RNJFB>:862.&$’’’’žNJ 35 NE 514’ž0.28’ž0.13’ž0.04x0.28nono00nononononono’žHollow N; overlain by black layer; dark grey sand’žS of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes¼³”™“†RNJFB>:862.&$’’’’žNJ 35 NE 513xx’ž0.03’ž0.500.50nono00nononononoyes’žHollow M; overlain by black layer; lightish sand; small stones; burnt sand beneath’žS of centreyesno’žSRR-685’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesįŲĘ½¹³¦PJFB>:642.*"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 512xx’ž0.17’ž0.600.60nono00nononononono’žHollow L; overlain by black layer; dark sand; line of 4 stakeholes to NW’žSE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŠĒµ±­§™NJFB>:642.*"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 511’ž1.1’ž1.0’ž0.10x1.1possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žHollow K; overlain by black layer; dark grey sand; burnt bone’žSE of centrenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŻŌĀ¾ŗ¶Øhb^NJFB@>:*$"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 510’ž0.63’ž0.48’ž0.10x0.63nono00Grimston-Lyles Hill sherds (2)nonononono’žHollow J; overlain by black layer; brown-yellow sand’žSE of centrenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesöķŪ×ÓĻĮŠ†‚~zv:862.&$’’’’žNJ 35 NE 59’ž0.92’ž0.47’ž0.27x0.92nono00nononononono’žHollow H; overlain by black layer; brown sand; 2 stakeholes nearby’žSW of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĢƱ­©£•PLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 58’ž1.8’ž0.90’ž0.37x1.8nono00Grimston-Lyles Hill sherdflint flakenononoyes’žHollow G; overlain by black layer; white sand, stones, burnt sand; half-circle of heavier stones lined the entire SW side of the hollow like a crude wall, the edge almost vertical’žW of centrenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes{r`\XTG‰…}g531-)#!’’’’žNJ 35 NE 57’ž0.32’ž0.14’ž0.15x0.32nono00nononononoyes’žHollow F; overlain by black layer; dark sand’žS of centre ?yesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes¹°žš–RLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNJ 35 NE 56xx’ž0.17’ž1.051.05nono00nononononono’žHollow E; overlain by black layer;’žNE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes؟‰…qLHD@<8420,( ’’’ӝ*š gĖ§ŹĢÉÉYČ°ĒĒ¦¬ĆÓ’žHY 44 NE 32’ž0.25’ž0.17’ž0.04x0.25nono00nononononono’ždark soil fill’žN end of cairnyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes™~zvp`PLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žHY 44 NE 31npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žresult of floor levelling?; clean subsoil’žChamber - compartment 3yesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber¹¬š–’ŒsHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žNY 60 NE 12’ž0.84’ž0.69’ž0.69x0.84nono00nononononoyes’ž'cremation flue"’žSE end of cairn at edge of burial areayesnono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž1 - yes²©š–’ŒdRLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNY 60 NE 11’ž2.39’ž0.91’ž0.61x2.39yes?no00nonononoyesyes’žcremation pit; also contained burnt bone’žSE end of cairnnoburnt boneno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesĆŗÆ«—“‚XRLHD@<:84,$"’’’’žNN 95 SW 62’ž2.4’ž1.4’ž1.0x2.4nono00yes (np)flint flakes; quartz flakesnonoyesyes’žone of two postholes that possibly supported a timber structure; quartz & flint flakes and a minute sherd of pottery’žcentral (east)nonono’žposthole’ž1 - yes2)‡}yC31/+'!’’’’žNN 95 SW 61’ž2.4’ž1.4’ž1.0x2.4nono00nonononoyesyes’žone of two postholes that possibly supported a timber structure’žcentral (west)yesnono’žposthole’ž1 - yesĮø®Ŗ¦ OIC?;731/+'!’’’’žNK 02 NW 31xx’ž1.8 ?’ž3.6?yesnononoyesnonononoyes’žblack greasy soil’žcentrenonorrrrnjbOIEA=93/+'!!æ’’žNO 79 SW 81xx’ž0.25’ž0.65yesnonononononononoyes’ž"funnel-shaped" pit’žcentralnonorrrrnjaLFB>:62.*& æ’’žNO 79 SW 21’ž1.8np’ž0.76xnononononononononono’ž"black marks and pieces of bone"’žcentralnoyes~~~~xtkIEA=951-)%!!æ’’žNR 71 NE 22npnpnpxnonoyesnoyesnonononono’žCist 4 - cremation burial; Food Vessel’žS of centrenono‡‡‡‡ƒrJFB>:60,&"æ’’žNR 71 NE 21npnpnpxnononoyesyesyesnononono’žCist 6 - inhumation?; Beaker, 2 jet beads; flint flake’žN of centre (Cist 6)noyes¤¤¤¤žš„LHD@<60*&"æ’’žNJ 65 SE 251xx’ž0.3’ž1.51.5nono01nonocharred woodnonoyes’žcharred wood’žcentralnonono’žgrave‰‰‚~zvm_YUQ951/-)%’’’žNJ 72 NW 251npnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žempty - an artificial cavity in the rock’žcentralyesno‚‚‚‚~xoEA=951-+)%!!æ’’žHY 53 NE 91xx’ž0.12’ž0.400.40nono00nononononono’žsloping sides’žcentral chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber™Œzvrl[LHD@<8420,( ’’’’žHY 43 SW 191xx’ž0.23’ž0.450.45possibleno00yes (np)flint chips (6)nopossiblenono’žashes, burnt bone, flint chips and potsherds’žnear cairn entrancenoyesno’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - noūÜŲŅĪ¹‹‡ƒsoQA?=9)!’’’’žHY 21 SE 102xx’ž0.05’ž0.200.20nono00nononononoyes’ždark, charcoal-flecked material’ž2 m S of passage entranceyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes“«™•‘‹pOIEA=9531-)!’’’’žHY 21 SE 101xx’ž0.05’ž0.200.20nono00nononononoyes’ždark, charcoal-flecked material’ž2 m S of passage entranceyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes“«™•‘‹pOIEA=9531-)!’’’€Ļ{ G V e t n‹pĢÅŃÄļĆNƚĀĀfĮ²Ą’žNH 64 NE 69???xnonononoyesyesnononono’žGrooved Ware; flint arrowhead’žPhase ? - Pit 50nono}}}}yucD@<84.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 68???xnonononoyesnonononono’žFood Vessel’žPhase 3 - Cist1nonohhhhd`OB>:62.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 67???xnonononoyesyesnononono’žPhase 2 - Pit 19nono^^^^ZVDD@<84.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 66???xnonononoyesyesnononono’žGrooved Ware; flint arrowhead’žPhase 2 - Pit 49nono}}}}yucD@<84.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 65???xnonononoyesnonononono’žGrooved Ware’žPhase 2 - Pit 21nonojjjjfbPB>:62.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 64???xnonononoyesnonononoyes’žPhase 1 - Pit 6nono]]]]YUDD>:62.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 63???xnonononoyesnonononono’žPhase 1 - Pit 4nono[[[[WSBB>:62.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 62???xnonononoyesyesnononono’žGrooved Ware; flint flake & core’žPhase 1 - Pit 41nono€€€€|xfD@<84.($ æ’’žNH 64 NE 61???xnononononononononono’žcup-marked stone’žPhase 1 - Pit 9noyesmmmmgcR@<840,($ æ’’žNO 66 SE 41npnpnpxnpnono00nopitchstone bladeshazelnut shellsnonono’žLimited information - short interim reports only’žunknownnoyesno’ž1 - no information’ž1 - yesäŪĒĆ½¹°~zvrT2.,*&"’’’’žNPRN 955351npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žno information provided’žforecourt of E chamberyes?nono’ž1 - no information’ž2 - forecourt¬‰…yaHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žNH 63 NW 51xx’ž0.25’ž0.450.45nono00nononononono’ždark soil; near a scatter of cremated bones with dark earth on the old surface’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž2 - chamberĻĀ“°¬¦LHD@<8420,( ’’’’žNX 16 SE 143npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žpossibly held a standing stone’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - forecourtŗ«€|xrgGC?;73/-+'#’’’’žNX 16 SE 142npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žpossibly held a standing stone’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - forecourtŗ«€|xrgGC?;73/-+'#’’’’žNX 16 SE 141npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žpossibly held a standing stone’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - forecourtŗ«€|xrgGC?;73/-+'#’’’’žNX 37 NE 13’ž0.35np’ž0.35x0.35nono00EBA potsherdsnobarley grainsnonoyes’žPit 3 - secondary (EBA) feature; silt, small stones and burnt stones’žforecourtnono’žGU-14105’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - forecourtżīßÕŃĶĀ|vrnTP642.*" ’’’’žNX 37 NE 12’ž0.65’ž0.50’ž0.35x0.65nono10Collared Urnbattleaxenononono’žPit 2 - secondary (EBA) feature; cremation in an inverted collared urn; battle axehead’žforecourtnobone belt hook’žGU-13906’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - forecourt’õŁÕŹrnjfbP8640,$"’’’’žNX 37 NE 11xx’ž0.30’ž0.600.60yesno00noflint fabricatornononoyes’žPit 1 - secondary (EBA) feature; black soil; clay lined with pit sides burnt’žpassage entrancenono’žGU-12908’ž2 - secondary’ž3 -unknownśīßÕŃĶ»lfb^Z:642.( ’’’xEĻ²ĪĪ Ö īĖWĖu “ ÕķÕĄ­ÜœˆØ’žSP 01 NW 91’ž2.4’ž0.76’ž0.15x2.4nono01nononononono’žedged with a roughly built drystone wall’žNW end of barrownonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes© •‘‰wMIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSO 91 SW 61’ž4.5’ž1.2’ž0.38x4.5noyes01+Neolithic Aleaf arrowheadnonoyesno’žthe chamber was located in this pit’žSE end of moundnonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamberŻŠ¾ŗ¶²”|xrnjN842,(" ’’’’žNT 80 SW 51’ž1.8’ž1.0’ž0.60x1.8nono00noflint flakenononono’ž"a rock cut grave of BA type"; black soil; high phosphoric acid content; surrounded by a semi-circular setting of stones’žE end of cairnnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes õńķéŁ^ZVRN8420,(" ’’’’žNZ 35 SE 71npnpnpnpnpnoyes00noflint cores (2)nononono’žgrave?’žSE of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesš‘†‚~zld`\XT620.($ ’’’’žND 24 SE 11xx’ž0.15’ž0.450.45nono00nononononoyes’žcovered by forecourt blocking; black soil, grey soil, red soil, charcoal flecks’žSW forecourtyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž2 - forecourtÜĶ»·³­ŸNHD@<8420,( ’’’’žNPRN 941291’ž8.0+’ž5.25+’ž0.80x8.0+nono00nomicrolithnonoyesno’žthe entire megalithic structure was constructed in the pit’žallnochamberno’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes, destroyedŽŹø“¦¢a]WSO=9751-%#’’’’žNM 57 SW 22npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žno information provided; interim reports only; evidence for burning; C14 dates forthcoming’žforecourtyesno’žno?’ž1 - no information’ž2 - forecourtįŅ¾¹µÆ¤HB>:62.,*&"’’’’žNM 57 SW 21npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žno information provided; interim reports only’žforecourtyesnono’ž1 - no information’ž2 - forecourt±¢ŽŠ†€uFB>:62.,*&"’’’’žSW 43 SW 291npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žgrave?’žcentralunknownnono’ž5 - grave?’ž2 - chamber‡znjfXOGC?;73/-+'#’’’’žTL 34 SW 52npnp’ž0.45’ž0.60?0.60nono00nononononono’žashes; about 0.6 m east of interment’žW end of cistyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes«¢”Œ†wQMIEA=9751-%’’’’žTL 34 SW 51npnp’ž0.45’ž0.60?0.60nono00nononononono’žashes; about 0.6 m east of interment’žW end of cistyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes«¢”Œ†wQMIEA=9751-%’’’’žNR 92 NW 27 a2???xnono00nononononono’žPit 10 - SW of cairnyesno````\V??;73/+'%#æ’’žNR 92 NW 27 a1???xnono00nonononoyesno’žlarge recumbent stone lying over a loosely stone-packed pit’žPit 9 - SW of cairn (fallen orthostat?)yesno±±±±­§~A=73/+'%#æ’’žNC 50 NE 162npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žcreated by the removal of large boulders ?’žchambernoquartz pebblesno’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamberĮ“¢ž‚~uIEA=951/-)%!’’’’žNC 50 NE 161npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žcreated by the removal of large boulders ?’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber­ ŽŠ†€wKEA=951/-)%!’’’’žNH 64 NE 6112??xnono00nononononono’žpost-hole’žPhase 1yesno\\\\XRI>:62.*&$"æ’’žNH 64 NE 610???xnonononoyesyesnononono’žGrooved Ware; serrated flint blade’žPhase ? - Pit 44nono„„„„€|jFB>:60*&"æ’¢ž ų  % 8 JHÖō™Ø”ĪĄ’žNZ 35 SE 11’ž0.65’ž0.35’ž0.32xnononoyesyesnonoyesyesno’žstone cist containing a child burial’žN of centrenono‹‡zTPJD@<60,($$"æ’’žSU 43 NW 121xx’ž0.30+’ž0.900.90nono00nononononono’žfilled and covered with a 'heap of flints'; located near inhumation burial’žW end of mound, on long axisyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesŻŌĘĀ¾øšNJFB>:642.*"’’’’žNPRN 938275npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žwhite quartz pebbles’žinner circlenowhite quartz pebblesno’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yesŗ±žšrn`JD@<840.,($ ’’’’žNPRN 938274xx’ž0.30’ž0.600.60nono10nononononono’žcremation pit; cremation on a layer of quartz stones; signs of burning’žinner circlenostanding stone (phallic?) 0.4 m high; white quartz pebblesno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes2)¦¢”LHD@<8420,( ’’’’žNPRN 938273npnp’ž2.5xnpyesno00nononononono’ža deposit of 12 fragments of cremated bone in a 'small hollow'’žouter passagenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes»²¤ œ˜‰IEA=951/-)#’’’’žNPRN 938272npnpnpxnpnono00nononoox skeletonnono’žox skeleton - not certainly ancient’žentrancenonono’ž1 - uncertain’ž1 - yes«¢“‹‡}XTP:62.,*&"’’’’žNPRN 938271xx’ž0.76’ž1.41.4noyes00nonohazel woodnoyesyes’žPhase 1; set within a stone circle; signs of burning; clay & stone filling; decorated stone nearby’žcentrenored jasper pebbles; lump of purple clayno’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes=4"ŠĢÄ_YSO;731/)%’’’VND 34 SW 301npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žseveral 'scoops' or pits in the chamber floor’žchamberyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes·®‹‡xIC?;73/-+'#’’’’žTL 27 SW 1152npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žBronze Age (Malim 2001p 70’žW side of monument - cutting S ditchnpno’žGU-5265’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - no¶®Ÿ–’ŽhLFB>:620.*&"’’’’žTL 27 SW 1151npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononoyes’žBronze Age (Malim 2001p 70’žW side of monumentnpno’žGU-5264’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - no¤œ„€|hLFB>:620.*&"’’’’žHY 21 SE 412’ž2.0’ž1.2’ž1.1x2.0nono00nononononono’žPhase 2; drystone walls; referred to as a chamber 'cell'’žcentral chamberyesnono’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - chamber, mound damagedŠ“„”—†LHD@<8420,(" ’’’’žHY 21 SE 411’ž3.0’ž2.0’ž1.0x3.0nono00nonononoyesno’ž Phase 1 ; pit setting for a large standing stone’žNE side of mound?yesno’žposthole’ž1 - yes, damagedŗ؞žš”NJD@<8420,(" ’’ß’žSP 01 SW 142’ž2.5’ž1.5’ž0.70x2.5nono00noflint fragmentsnononoyes’žforms part of trapezoidal enclosure’žE end of forecourtnonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtĻĄ®Ŗ¦¢Žic_[W9531-)#!’’’’žSP 01 SW 141’ž3.0’ž2.0’ž0.45x3.0nono00noflint fragmentsnononoyes’žforms part of trapezoidal enclosure’žE end of forecourtnonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtĻĄ®Ŗ¦¢Žic_[W9531-)#!’’’’žSP 01 NW 92’ž1.8’ž1.2npx1.8noyes00noflint arrowheadnononono’žedged with a roughly built drystone wall ?’žNW end of barrownonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesż±­©„“fb^ZV8420*& ’’’¶&LZ K D , dœ¾¾P}¤ęĄ’žNX 97 NE 851npnpnpxyesno00yesnonononoyes’žcursus interiornonobbbb^ZIIC?;73-+)%æ’’žNPRN 921911’ž0.80’ž0.50npx0.80nono00nononononoyes’žcontained dark soils with charcoal flecks; may relate to a pre-cairn structure with vertical posts’žportalyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damagedīÜŹĘĀ¼“PJFB>:642.*" ’’’’žSU 06 NW 141’ž1.0np’ž0.40x1.0nono00nononononono’ž 'no skeletal remains or artefacts found'’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - grave?’ž1 - yes¢™‰…wLHD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSE 78 NE 10a5npnpnpnpnpnono01no'rough spearhead'nononono’žgrave’žW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesœ“ˆ„€|ohd`\X620.*&"’’’’žSE 78 NE 10a4npnp’ž0.90npnpnono01nononononono’žgrave’žW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes€wlhd`SLHD@<8420,($ ’’’’žSE 78 NE 10a3npnp’ž0.60npnpnono01nononononono’žgrave’žW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes€wlhd`SLHD@<8420,($ ’’’’žSE 78 NE 10a2npnp’ž1.2npnpyesno01nosickle fragmentnonoyesno’žblackened bones above stone filled inhumation pit’žS of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesÉĄµ±­©œie_[W9531-'#’’’’žSE 86 SE 53npnp’ž0.30npnpnono01nononononono’ž"small oval dish-shaped grave"’žNNE of mound centre (3.3 m)nonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes§ž“‹‡jJFB>:620.*&"’’’’žTL 47 NW 172’ž1.3’ž0.60’ž0.08x1.3yesno00nononononoyes’žbeneath mortuary structurenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes‘ˆzvrnRRLHD@<8640*$"’’ż’žTL 47 NW 171’ž5.0’ž0.50’ž0.25x5.0yesno00nononononoyes’žbeneath mortuary structurenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes‘ˆzvrnRRLHD@<8640*$"’’ż’žTL 15 NE 602’ž0.95’ž0.65’ž0.25x0.95nono00nononononono’žPit #443’žN end of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedŖ˜yuqk[QMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žTL 15 NE 601npnpnpxnpnono00nonooak tree trunknonono’žPit #6332; secondary; tree-felling post-dated mound construction by 500-600 years’žNW side of moundnono’žNZA-1428’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - ditch, mound damagedę×ĶÉų_[WS73/-+'#’’’’žSE 98 NW 941npnpnpxnpnono03noplano-convex knife (burnt)nonoyesno’žS of centrenopolished greenstone axeno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesŠĒ¼øŠ†yyuokg3/-+'#’’ż’žNPRN 938314’ž1.0’ž0.80’ž0.20x1.0nono00Iris Sea Warenonononoyes’ž3 layers of large stones; not certain it is ancient’žchamber 3/4 junctionnonono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - chamberŲĖ¼ø“°še_[WSO531-)#!’’’’žNPRN 938313npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žgravelly clay and stones ; not definitely ancient’žSW corner of chamber 4yesnono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - chamber»®Ÿ›—‘yFB>:62.,*&"’’’’žNPRN 938312npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žclay ; not definitely ancient’žW end of chamber 4yesnono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - chamber£–‡ƒyeFB>:62.,*&"’’’’žNPRN 938311npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žclay ; not definitely ancient’žW end of chamber 4yesnono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - chamber£–‡ƒyeFB>:62.,*&"’’’Wķ     QĮ…Ą’žST 45 NE 152xx’ž0.20’ž0.60nononononoyesnonoyesno’žbrown loamy soil; ORS blocks, tiny fragment of flint’žentrancenono••••‘ƒMIC?;51-)%!!æ’’žST 45 NE 151xx’ž0.45’ž0.20nonononononononoyesno’žbrown loamy soil; some blocks of Old Red Sandstone’žentrancenono‘‘‘‘‰KGA=951-)%!!æ’’žTA 17 SE 3913xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¦ƒic_OKGCA?;+#’’’’žTA 17 SE 3912xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¦ƒic_OKGCA?;+#’’’’žTA 17 SE 3911xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¦ƒic_OKGCA?;+#’’’’žTA 17 SE 3910xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¦ƒic_OKGCA?;+#’’’’žTA 17 SE 399xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 398xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 397xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 396xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 395xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 394xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 393xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 392xx’ž0.30’ž0.230.23possibleno00nononopossiblenoyes’žcalcined bone & charcoal’ž12 pits surrounding central gravenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĒ¾°¬Ø¤ga]MIEA?=9)!’’’’žTA 17 SE 391’ž1.7’ž0.60’ž0.45x1.7nono02urnleaf arrowheadnononono’žcircled by 12 pits’žcentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes¤›Œˆ„|hd`\X<642.*$"’’’’žNR 99 NE 62’ž1.0’ž0.60npx1.0nono00nononomarine shells - 2500nono’ž2500 marine shells’žSE corner of rear chamber compartmentnono’žOxA-7880’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - chamberÜĻ¼²®Ŗƒokg?;731/+'!’’’¦LĻµĪ ĪqĶ£ĢŁĖĖ'ŹfɕȦĒĒ/ʎÅÓÄÄHĆkĀ¹ĮÜĄ’žST 10 SW 2816xxnpnpnonononoyesyesnoyesnoyes’žblack ash ; nut shells; burnt sandstone; grain’žCutting XIX - Cooking Hole 14nono¦¦¦¦¢žOIE?;5/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 2815xxnpnpnonononononoyesnonono’žblack fill’žCutting XIL - Cooking Pit 17nono{{{{wsUIEA=73/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 2814xxnpnpnononononoyesyesnonono’žblack sooty fill, 56 pieces of burnt red sandstone;’žCutting XIL - Cooking Pit 16nono¦¦¦¦¢ž€KGC?93/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 2813xx’ž0.4nononononoyesyesnonoyes’žash, charred wheat; flint axe’žXIL - Cooking Pit 15nono‡‡‡‡ƒiJD@<60,($ Ÿ’’žST 10 SW 2812xxnpnpnonononoyesyesyesnonono’žash; flint sickle; charred nuts’žCutting XI H - Cooking Hole 13nono––––’ŽnMIEA;5/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 2811xxnp’ž0.8nonononoyesnonononono’žblack ash; ringed with burnt stones’žCutting XXInono„„„„€|oJFB>:60,($ æ’’žST 10 SW 2810xx’ž0.3’ž1.5+nononononononononono’žblack ash’žCutting XXInonojjjjfbUJFB>:62.*&""æ’’žST 10 SW 289’ž2.7’ž2.3’ž0.6nonononoyesnoyesnonoyes’žfoxmould and clay filling; ash and charcoa; deposit of wheat grains’žCutting XE - Pit QnonoÆÆÆÆ«§“NHD@:60,($ Ÿ’’žST 10 SW 288xxnpnpnonononoyesnonononoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash’žCutting Xif - Cooking pit 8nonoŽŽŽŽŠ†iIC?;73-)%!æ’’žST 10 SW 287xxnpnpnononononononononono’žtiny pot made by a child’žCutting Xic - Cooking pit 7nono„„„„€|_EA=951-)%!æ’’žST 10 SW 282xxnpnpnononononoyesnononoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash; pot-boilers’žCutting XI - Cooking Pit 5nonošššš–’vIC?;71-)%!æ’’žST 10 SW 285xxnpnpnononononononononoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash’žCutting XI - Cookng Pit 3nonoŠŠŠŠ†‚gGA=951-)%!æ’’žST 10 SW 284xx’ž0.9npnonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash; crab apple core; wheat grains’žCutting XI - Cooking Pit 4nono±±±±­©NHD@:4.*&"æ’’žST 10 SW 283xx’ž0.9’ž1.3nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash’žCutting XI - Cooking Pit 2nono““““‹oOIEA;5/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 282xx’ž0.6’ž1.1nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash’žCutting XI - Cooking Pit 1nono““““‹oOIEA;5/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 281xx’ž0.4’ž1.4nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’ždark sooty material, black ash’žcentre of guardhouse structurenono————“oOIEA;5/+'#æ’’žSY 18 NW 264xx’ž00.075’ž0.18nononononoyesnononono’žflint cache in dark soil’žterracenonoxxxxtpgMIEA=73/+'##æ’’žSY 18 NW 263’ž0.45’ž0.45’ž0.45xnononononononononono’žterracenono^^^^ZVMMIEA=951-)%%#æ’’žSY 18 NW 262’ž0.60’ž0.35’ž0.30xnonononoyesnonononono’žterracenono````\XOOKGC?;51-)%%#æ’’žSY 18 NW 261np’ž1.5’ž0.45xnonononoyesyesnononoyes’žgreenstone axe fragment’žcliff facenono}}}}yuiPJFB>82.*&"" æ’w Ļ7ĪeĶ°ĢĢĖhŹ„ɾČČ_ĒĆĘĘ!+/‰ĀĮ«Ą’žSY 68 NE 902npnpnp’ž0.700.70nono00nononononono’žQ2 ; relates to earlier occupation’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monumentŸŸ‘‰ƒsOKGC?;753/+#’’’žSY 68 NE 901xx’ž0.68’ž0.800.80nono00Neolithic 'A' sherdsnonolimpet shellsnono’žQ1 - 'ritual' pit’žE end of mound on main axisnonono’žcontemporaryŃŃĆæ»·š‡ƒea]531-)!’’’žST 81 SW 171nononononononononono’žWOWK3 F5 - under inner south cross-dyke banknonoooookg9951-)%!ƒ’’žST 81 SW 181’ž1.0np’ž0.10x1.0nono00nononononono’žF12; loamy material with flint and chalk fragments’žEast ditch; near NW buttyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - ditchÅŗؤ š€LHD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSU 01 NW 142’ž1.2’ž0.50’ž0.90x1.2nono00noflint flakenononono’žone of two pits bracketing primary interment’žSE of centrenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesæ¶Ø¤ œŽ`\XTP:642.*$"’’’’žSU 01 NW 141npnp’ž0.25npnpnono00potsherdnonononono’žone of two pits bracketing primary interment’žN of primary intermentsnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĮøŖ¦¢ž…WSOKGC31/+'#’’’’žSS 80 SE 671xx’ž2.2+’ž3.6nonononoyesyesnononoyes’žvarious’žwell shaft? Area DnonossssokWNHD@<60,($ æ’’žST 10 SW 2828xxnpnpnononononononononononp’žCutting XXVIIINnonoeeeea]KGC?;73/+'#æ’’žST 10 SW 2827’ž2.1’ž1.2npxnononononononononono’žwuern fragment at base of pit’žCutting XXVIIINnono„„„„€|jKGC?;73/+'##!æ’’žST 10 SW 2826’ž1.5’ž1,0npxnonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’žCutting XXVIIINnonommmmieSSMIE?93/+'##!æ’’žST 10 SW 2825xxnp’ž1.2nononononononononono’žcomplete pot, crushed ,resting on a heap of stones in burnt soil at the base’žCutting XXVIIINnono°°°°¬Ø–HD@<840,($ æ’’žST 10 SW 2824xx’ž0.20’ž1.2nonononoyesyesnononoyes’žśsual filling of a cooking hole'’žCutting XXVIIINnonoŒŒŒŒˆ„rPJFB>82.*&""æ’’žST 10 SW 2823xx’ž0.2’ž0.75nononononononononono’žburnt filling’žCutting XXIIInonopppplhYJFB>:62.*&""æ’’žST 10 SW 2822xx’ž0.7’ž0.8nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’žearth in dark burnt filling, nuts, 15 lumps of burnt red sandstone’žCutting XX! - N of W entrancenono¼¼¼¼ø“•QKGC=71-)%!!æ’’žST 10 SW 2821’ž1.7’ž1.1’ž0.45xnononononononononono’žash’žCutting XIM - Cookng Pit 19nonowwwwsoRMIEA=951-)%%#æ’’žST 10 SW 2820xx’ž0.2’ž0.6nonononoyesyesnononono’žsmall bowl’žCutting XIM - Cookng Pit 18nono~~~~zvYMIEA=71-)%!!æ’’žST 10 SW 2819xx’ž0.45’ž1.0nonononoyesyesnononono’žno nuts or grain; a Levallois flake’žCutting XIF&G - Cooking Pit 12nono››››—“sNJFB>82.*&""æ’’žST 10 SW 2818xx’ž0.3’ž0.8nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’žthis pit had been filled with stones to form a posthole’žCutting XIF&G - Cooking Pit 10nono²²²²®ŖŠQKGC=71-)%!!æ’’žST 10 SW 2817xx’ž0.3’ž0.8nonononoyesyesyesnonoyes’ža 'phenomenal' number of burnt nutshells, grain’žCutting XIF&G - Cookng Pit 9nono©©©©„”ƒQKGC=71-)%!!æ’G,ĻWĪ€Ķ°ĢóĖ6ĖyŹŗÉżČ?ȁĒŚĘ.ʊÅÕÄ×CfyA{’žNR 99 NE 61’ž1.0’ž0.60’ž0.15x1.0nono00nononomarine shells - 2500nono’ž2500 marine shells’žS end of forecourtnonono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - forecourtĒø„”™…qmiA=9531-)#!’’’WNR 97 SE 21’ž0.40’ž0.20’ž0.18x0.40nono00nononononono’žpebbles in N half and soil in south half’žW lateral chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - no¶®›—“zPLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNR 74 SE 11npx’ž0.23’ž0.450.45nono00nononononoyes’ž"sealed with clean yellow clay akin to the subsoil, so that its purpose, though unexplained, must have been served before the cairn was built." Scott 1956 p 29’žS of the southern portal stoneyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes:1ńPJFB>:642.*"’’’YNR 25 NW 11npnp’ž0.60xnpnono00nononononoyes’žsill stone; described as a 'massive' pit’žin front of entrancenosill stone’žHAR-2405’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yesĒ¾¬¢ŽŠtJD@<840.,($ ’’’’žST 81 SE 521’ž2.45’ž1.99’ž0.50xnononononononononoyes’žempty’ž4C F500 - bank area of outworknono~~~~zvVOIEA=951-)%%#æ’’žST 81 SW 174xx’ž0.30’ž0.50nononononononononono’žempty’žF507 - Hanford SpurnonommmmiePIEA=951-)%!!æ’’žST 81 SW 173’ž2.5’ž2.0’ž0.40xnononononononononono’žempty’žHN 82 F773 - Hanford SpurnonouuuuqmRKGC?;73/+'##!æ’’žST 81 SW 172’ž2.5’ž2.51xnononononononononono’žempty’žHN82 F279 - Hanford SpurnonopppplhNGC?;73/+'#æ’’žSY 68 NE 9013npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’ž#2276’žTrench IIIyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary‡‡lhd^RKGC?;731/+'#’’’žSY 68 NE 9012npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’ž#2261’žTrench IIIyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary‡‡lhd^RKGC?;731/+'#’’’žSY 68 NE 9011npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’ž#807’žTrench IIIyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary††kgc]QKGC?;731/+'#’’’žSY 68 NE 9010npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononononoL4’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporaryˆˆmie_OKGC?;731/+'#’’’žSY 68 NE 909npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononononoL3’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary††kgc]MIEA=951/-)%!’’’žSY 68 NE 908npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononononoL2’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary††kgc]MIEA=951/-)%!’’’žSY 68 NE 907npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononononoL1’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary††kgc]MIEA=951/-)%!’’’žSY 68 NE 906npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žQ3 ; relates to earlier occupation’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument™™‹‡ƒ}mIEA=951/-)%!’’’žSY 68 NE 905npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žQ12; associated with Neolithic 'village'’žE end of moundyesnono’žpre-monument  ’ŽŠ„tIEA=951/-)%!’’’žSY 68 NE 904xxnp’ž0.600.60nono00nononononono’žQ11; associated with Neolithic 'village'’žE end of moundyesno’žpre-monumentžžŒ†vKGC?;731/+'’’_’žSY 68 NE 903xxnp’ž0.700.70nono00nononononono’žQ10; associated with Neolithic 'village'’žE end of moundyesno’žpre-monument‹…uKGC?;731/+'’’_¹#UŁĶ 2 > B Y _jķ׏Äē’žSE 97 SW 281’ž1.8’ž1.8’ž0.20x1.8nono00nonononoyesyes’žburnt earth’žSW end of trenchyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes¦~zvp^QKEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 96 NE 243xx’ž1.4’ž2.02.0possibleno00Plain Bowl sherdsnonononoyes’žburnt earth’žcentre of facade trenchnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesĻʧ£Ÿ›‚uokgc_=;95%’’’’žSE 96 NE 242xx’ž0.46’ž0.760.76possibleno00nononored deer antler and bone; shellnono’žon axial linenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesÖĶ®Ŗ¦¢““‹MIEA?=9)!’’ż’žSE 96 NE 241’ž1.0’ž0.76’ž0.45x1.0possibleno00nononononoyes’žsecondary?; three skulls found on the OGS above the pit; burnt earth’žcentral point of barrownonono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesßÖĒĆ滢\VRNJFB@>:*$"’’’’žSE 86 SE 52xx’ž1.4’ž1.01.0nopossible00nononopossiblenoyes’žsecondary?; funnel-shaped; 1 m wide at top; 0.3 m wide at bottom - may be secondary feature’žN of centrenonono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesšēŲŌŠĢæb\XHD@<:8($’’’’žSE 86 SE 51’ž2.1’ž1.4’ž0.80x2.1nono00nononored deer antlernono’žmound also made of Kimmeridge clay’žN of centrenoKimmeridge clay from a source 1.6 km distantno’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes ÷󛗊fb^@<8420,(" ’’’’žSE 86 SW 92’ž2.1’ž0.60’ž0.30x2.1nono00nonononoyesno’žone of two pits bracketing interment of 2 individuals’ž2.4 m W of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes¾µ§£Ÿ™†OKEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 86 SW 91’ž2.1’ž0.60’ž0.60x2.1nono00nononoyes (np)yesyes’žgrave? , soil, 'foreign' clay, chalk, wood ash’ž2.4 m E of centrenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĆŗ¬Ø¤ ]WQA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 86 NW 43xx’ž0.60’ž1.01.0nono00nonononoyesno’žmortuary / secondary; near secondary female burial’žS of centreyesnono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yes²©š–’ŒKGA=951/-)%’’’’žSE 86 NW 42xx’ž0.75’ž1.01.0nono00nononononono’žnear feet of central interment; one of two pits bracketing central interment’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesż®Ŗ¦ ˜IEA=951/-)%’’’’žSE 86 NW 41xx’ž0.60’ž1.01.0nono00nononononono’žnear head of interment; one of two pits bracketing central interment’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes½“¦¢ž˜IEA=951/-)%’’’’žSE 78 NE 10a1npnpnpnpnpnoyes01noleaf arrowheadnononono’žgrave’žE of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes˜„€|xkd`\XT8420*&"’’’’žSU 34 NW 61xx’ž1.8’ž0.250.25nono00nononononono’žfilled with powdered chalk’žforecourtyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž2 - forecourt”’€|xrgKGC?;731/+'’’’’žSU 43 NW 12 a1nononononoyesnonononononoEEEEA===951-'#ƒ’’žNR 25 NW 12npnpnpxnpnono00Neolithic sherdsnonononono’žchambernonono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - chamber—Šwsokbb^ZVRN.,*&"’’ż’žNR 74 SE 12xx’ž0.10’ž0.120.12nono00nononononono’žnear a 'shadow' burial; phosphate rich’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž2 - chamber¦™‹‡ƒ}tLHD@<8420,( ’’’SC% ŲKĖJÆI–HOGu]eu“’žST 94 SW 371’ž1.2np’ž0.75x1.2nono00nononononono’žone of two pits at either end of a deposit of 8 skeletons; all covered with an ridged cairn of flints and chalk’žat end of mortuary deposityesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesžõēćߣ½LHD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSP 10 NW 21’ž56.0’ž26.0npx56.0nono00nononononono’žthis pit contained the entire monument’žallyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes¤›‰…{vNJFB>:642.*" ’’’’žSP 02 SE 193’ž0.23’ž0.18npx0.23nono00nononononoyes’ž'depression'; burnt black material’žforecourtyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtÆ ŽŠ†€uQKGC?;753/+#!’’’’žSP 02 SE 192’ž0.25’ž0.23npx0.25nono00nononononoyes’žstone-lined depression; burnt black material’žforecourtyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourt¹Ŗ˜”ŠQKGC?;753/+#!’’’’žSP 02 SE 191’ž0.66’ž0.51npx0.66noyes00nononononono’žstone-lined 'depression' containing smaller circular hole’žforecourtnonono’ž5 - mortuary?’ž2 - forecourtĮ²£Ÿ›—ŒQMIEA=975/+#!’’’’žSE 86 SE 221’ž3.0’ž1.5’ž1.5x3.0nono00plain bowl sherdsflint flakesnononoyes’žcremation pit; horizontal chalk slabs, bone ash’žE end of moundnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesįŲĶÉÅĮ±€zvrnV420,(" ’’’’žSO 90 NE 61npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’žcentral pit; no information provided’žcentreyesnono’ž1 - no information’ž3 - damaged£–‚~ztlFB>:62.,*&"’’’CSE 96 NE 145npnpnpnpnppossibleno00noflint flakenopossiblenoyes’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter; burnt bone’žaxial line of barrownonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesčäąÜĘuok[WA=;95%!’’’TSE 96 NE 144’ž1.8’ž1.4’ž0.76x1.8yesyes00nonononoyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter’žaxial line of barrownonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesāŁŗ¶²®˜SOIEA=975/)#!’’’USE 96 NE 143’ž2.3’ž2.0’ž1.8x2.3nono00yes (np)nonodogyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter’žW end of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesåܽ¹µ±”\XRLHD420,(" ’’’SSE 96 NE 142xx’ž3.6’ž3.33.3nono00nononooxyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; broken chalk’žW end of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesÖĶ®Ŗ¦¢‘KGA=951/-)%’’’DSE 96 NE 141npnpnpnpnpnono00no'foreign black flint'nononono’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; no information on dimensions or contents’žW end of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes īźęāŅokgc_51/-)%!’’’’žSE 86 SW 31’ž1.4’ž0.60’ž0.80x1.4nono00nononopignoyes’žgrave? ; on the floor of the pit was a small hole filled with burnt wood and one piece of bone’žaxial line of barrownonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesēŽÓĻĖĒ±QKGA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 97 SW 283npnp’ž0.46npnpnono00nononononono’žcrouched inhumation on ground above’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes”†‚~xpKGC?;731/+'#’’’’žSE 97 SW 282’ž0.60’ž0.30’ž0.50x0.60nono00nononoyes (np)nono’žburnt earth’ž4.9 m SE of centrenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes²©Š†‚~j]YUEA=9751-%#’’’ŪĖ® Ń Ä Ó ÷ Ź¾óēē’žSE 97 SE 451npnp’ž0.45npnpnono00nonononoyesno’žone of 3 pits forming a triangle at the centre of the mound’žN of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary?/posthole?’ž1 - yesĒ¾„”—ŠMIC?;731/+'#’’’’žSE 95 NE 162npnpnpnpnpnono00Grimstonnonononono’žPit D’ž6 m E of cremation troughnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes«¢ƒ{w\UQMIEA1/-)%!’’’’žSE 95 NE 161’ž2.1’ž1.7’ž0.65x2.1noyes03Beakernonoyes (np)nono’žsecondary’žNW end of linear crematorium troughnojet pendantno’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesÉĄ±­—“nc_[KGC753-)#!’’’’žSE 97 NW 13’ž1.4’ž0.90’ž0.76x1.4nono00nonononoyesno’žone of 2 pits flanking linear mortuary depositearth and chalk (same material as mound)’žcentralyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÕĢ¾ŗ¶°§OKEA=9531-)#!’’’’žSE 97 NW 12’ž1.5’ž1.0’ž0.76x1.5nono00nonononoyesno’žone of 2 pits flanking linear mortuary deposit; earth and chalk (same material as mound)’žcentralyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÖĶæ»·±ØNJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSE 97 NW 11’ž1.5’ž1.0’ž0.76x1.5nono00nonononoyesno’žhuman skull placed on top of pit; earth and chalk (same material as mound)’žSSE of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesĪÅ·³Æ©šNJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žTA 07 NW 191’ž2.1’ž2.0’ž0.76x2.1nono01Mortlakenonononono’žcentralnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes‚ynjfbYYUQMIE531-)#!’’ż’žSE 88 NW 542xx’ž1.4’ž1.41.4nono00nonononoyesno’žsmall boulders and compacted soil' about 0.6m from an interment on the ground surface’žNW of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÕĢ¾ŗ¶°¢KGA=951/-)%’’’’žSE 88 NW 541’ž2.1’ž1.5’ž0.67x2.1nono08Peterborough wareplano-convex knife; scrapernonoyesno’ž'central hollow'’žcentralnocup-marked stoneno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesöķāŽ¾ŗ±Ÿ›•‘W531-)#!’’’’žSK 15 NE 83npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononoyesyes’žPit 63’žNorthern addition - Lower Barrowyesno’žOxA-2354’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes„œŠ€|vTLF@<840.,($ ’’’’žSK 15 NE 82’ž0.30’ž0.30’ž0.14x0.30nono00nononononono’žPit 22; associated with cluster of stakeholes’žS half of barrowyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesŗ±Ÿ›—‘PLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žSK 15 NE 81npnp’ž0.23npnpnono00nononononoyes’žPit 18; only partially excavated; associated with cluster of stakeholes’žS half of barrowyesno’žOxA-2290’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesÖĶ»±­§•LFB>:620.*&"’’’’žSK 25 NW 81xx’ž0.30’ž1.01.0nono00nonononoyesno’žlimited information’žcentralnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damaged¦”uqmi`KGA=951/-)%’’’’žNM 82 NE 81’ž1.5’ž1.15’ž0.60x1.5nono20nononopig phalangesnono’žsecondary; cist containing cremated remains and pig phalanges (Phase 2);’žin front of chambernonono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesęŻĪŹĘĀ­c_[A=9531-)#!’’’’žST 94 SW 372’ž1.2np’ž0.75x1.2nono00nononononono’žone of two pits at either end of a deposit of 8 skeletons; all covered with an ridged cairn of flints and chalk’žat end of mortuary deposityesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesžõēćߣ½LHD@<8420,(" ’’’| 4 N < @ ¼żņ[¢ŃŌ¬’žSE 85 NW 91’ž1.52’ž1.21’ž1.51x1.52noyes10Towthorpenonored deer; roe deernono’žpossible posthole; oval’žW of mortuary platformnonono’ž5 - mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesą×½¹µ±™€|xTPL:860,$"’’’’žSW 43 NE 221xx’ž0.30’ž0.280.28yesno00noflint flakenononoyes’žcremation pit; dark soil’žsouth of centre, outside chambernonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesĘ½«§£Ÿ}c]YUQ;753/)!’’’’žSW 43 NE 651npnp’ž0.51npnpnono00nononononono’žblack soil; clay’žnot providedyesnono’ž1 - no information’ž3 - unknownšyuqk]KGC?;731/+'#’’’’žSX 06 SE 63npnp’ž0.35npnpnono00nononononono’žsouth of dolmen stonesyesnono’žposthole’ž2 - no‚zplhbJJFB>:620.*&"’’ż’žSX 06 SE 62npnp’ž0.25npnpnono00nonononoyesno’žsouth of dolmen stonesyesnono’žposthole’ž2 - no„|rnjdLLHB>:620.*&"’’ż’žSX 06 SE 61npnp’ž0.20npnpnono00nononononono’žsmall stones’žsouth of dolmen stonesyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - no„~zvpXJFB>:620.*&"’’’’žSW 32 NE 201np’ž0.45npx0.45yesno00coarse sepuchral potsherdsnonononono’žstone-lined trench’žW of centrenononp’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesŌĖ¬Ø¤ “{wsok753/)!’’’’žSE 85 NW 171’ž1.7’ž1.2’ž0.25x1.7noyes1?0nononononoyes’žgrave’žSW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesˆtplhZSMIEA=973-)#!’’’’žSE 85 NW 212’ž1.5’ž1.1’ž0.70x1.5noyes01nononoox; dog/foxnono’žcentralnojet sliderno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesš‘†‚njaa]YC?;753-)#!’’ż’žSE 85 NW 211’ž1.5’ž1.0’ž0.50x1.5nono01nononononono’žNE of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes{rgc_[MMIEA=9531-)#!’’ż’žTA 05 NW 162’ž2.3’ž1.2’ž0.60x2.3nono10noflint scraper; flint flakenononono’žbronze awl’žE of centenobronze awlno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesż±­™•‰}yuqm9531-)#!’’’’žTA 05 NW 161npnp’ž0.45npnpyesno00Grimston Bowlnonoox teeth; animal bonenono’žcremation grave’žNNE of centrenoantler combno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesŪŅĒĆ­©š‰…WSO531-'#’’’’žSE 97 SE 13’ž1.5’ž0.90’ž0.76x1.5noyes00yes (np)flint chippings (2)nonoyesno’žgrave?’žcentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesƦ›—“‡{uqmG753-)#!’’’’žSE 97 SE 12npnpnpnpnpnono00nononooxyesno’žnearby deposit of charcoal, human bone and pottery’žNE of centrenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesƦ˜”Œ~JF@<840.,($ ’’’’žSE 97 SE 11npnpnpnpnpnono00nonononoyesno’žnearby deposit of charcoal, human bone and pottery’žSE of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes±Øš–’Œ~JF@<840.,($ ’’’’žSE 97 SE 453npnp’ž0.45npnpnono00nonononoyesno’žone of 3 pits forming a triangle at the centre of the mound’žSW of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary?/posthole?’ž1 - yesČ榢ž˜ŠMIC?;731/+'#’’’’žSE 97 SE 452npnp’ž0.45npnpnono00nonononoyesno’žone of 3 pits forming a triangle at the centre of the mound’žSE of centreyesnono’ž5 - mortuary?/posthole?’ž1 - yesČ榢ž˜ŠMIC?;731/+'#’’’‰"6Ķ„Ģ} s ± ĶõŸ­Õ ·’žNJ 74 SW 1212xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG2’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes, partial² uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 1211xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG1’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - noØ uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 1210’ž0.55’ž0.45’ž0.14x0.55yesno00Carinated Bowl sherd (same pot as in CP1?)leaf-shaped arrowheadnononoyes’žCP3 - dark grey-brown silty fill; carinated bowl sherd; leaf shaped arrowhead’žNE quadrantnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesLC51-)ĶĒĆ滑=;95/'%’’’’žNJ 74 SW 129’ž0.75’ž0.30’ž0.05x0.75yesno00nononononoyes’žCP2 - grey-brown soil’žNE quadrantnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesœ“…}ylUOKGC?;973-%#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 128’ž0.25’ž0.20’ž0.08x0.25yesno00nononononoyes’žnear CP1 - grey-brown soil’žNE quadrantnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes”˜Š†‚~qUOKGC?;973-%#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 127xx’ž0.22’ž0.600.60nono00Carinated Bowl sherds (5)nonononoyes’žCP1’žNE quadrantnono’žGU-2014’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes»² —“‚}wsokg531-)!’’’’žNJ 74 SW 126’ž2.25’ž1.7’ž0.35x2.25nono00nononononono’žsealed by topsoil off the edge of the mound and not mound material proper so its relationship to other pre-mound activity is uncertain’žSE limit of moundyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes, partial śöņģŁPLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNJ 74 SW 125’ž0.65’ž0.40’ž0.08x0.65nono00nononononono’žOF5 - purple brown fill’ž E of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes”˜†‚~xjQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 124npnp’ž0.05npnpnono00nononononono’žOF4 - purple-brown materal - root action?’ž E of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes­¤’ŽŠ„vKGC?;731/+'#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 123xx’ž0.25’ž0.450.45nono00nononononoyes’ž OF3’žE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes‹‚plhbUOIEA=9531-)!’’’’žNJ 74 SW 122’ž0.85’ž0.70’ž0.30x0.85nono00Neolithic bowl sherd; Beaker sherdnonononono’žOF2 - earth fill’žCentralnonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesÓŹø“°¬£‘‰…}9751-%#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 121xx’ž1.3’ž2.32.3nono00nononononono’žsecondary?; large rounded stones; 3 slabs; no indication of when the pit was cut’žcentral areayesnono’ž2 - secondary’ž1 - yesŠĒø“°ŖœIEA=951/-)%’’’’žNR 92 NW 27 b1???cnono00nononononono’žpossible burial?’žPit 1 - central, under Cist 1yesno{{{{wqQ?;73/+'%#æ’’žNR 92 NW 27 a3???xnono00nonononoyesno’žfeature included a large stone set in a pit packed with small stones’žPit 11 - SW of cairn (orthostat?)yesnoµµµµ±«‡A=73/+'%#æ’’žSE 96 NE 331xx’ž0.30’ž0.900.90nono01nononononoyes’žhuman remains and much charcial on top of grave’žNW of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes®„š–’Ž€OIEA=9531-)!’’’’žSE 85 NW 92’ž1.4’ž0.70npx1.4noyes00nononononono’žpossible posthole; D-shaped’žE of mortuary platformnonono’ž5 - mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yes±ØŽŠ†‚jMIEA=9531+'!’’’! 7W w ° š Ÿ ¶{ =M’žNPRN 947224’ž0.90’ž0.80npx0.90nono00nonononoyesno’žF60; loamy soil and tightly packed stone’žS of western chamberyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes¹°žš–zPLFB>:642.*" ’’’’žNPRN 947223’ž0.70’ž0.50npx0.70nono00nononononono’žF62’žS of western chamberyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes’‰wsoiSNJFB>:642.*" ’’’’žNPRN 947222’ž0.53’ž0.45’ž0.35x0.53nono00nononononoyes’žfilled with clay similar to surrounding soil’žpassage between 2 doorposts of inner entranceyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes, damagedāŠ½¹µÆ€RLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žNPRN 947221npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žfloor levelling?’žpassage and extending under the wallingyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes, damaged¶¤‘‰ƒZHD@<840.,($ ’’’’žNPRN 954222xx’ž0.22’ž0.430.43nono00Mid-Neolithic plainwarenonononono’žstone socket?’žE nd of E chambernonono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - chamberĻĀ¤ œ˜…vrnjfb420,( ’’’’žNPRN 954221’ž1.5’ž1.1’ž0.18x1.5nono00Early-Middle Neolithicnononoyesyes’žunlikely to predate the cairn based on pit filling, clean nature of forecourt and lack of other pits (Powell 1973)’žforecourt of western chambernonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes2) ķxrlhd`420,(" ’’’’žNPRN 3030021npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žsecondary?; Kissock 2000 notes that C14 dating is underway’žbetween the hornsnounidentifiable cremated bone’žno?’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - passage, mound damagedčŁŌœ˜…IC?;73/-+'#’’’’žNPRN 955321’ž4.2’ž3.3npx4.2nono030+Grooved Wareflint scrapers (4); flint flakesnoox, sheep, pig; red deer; roe deer; fox; otter; limpet chells, mussel shellsnono’žthis rock-cut pit forms the chamber’žcentralnobone pin; black earthno’ž5 - contemporary’ž3 -unknown²¦”fbY40,’ŽN60.*& ’’’’žNPRN 955292xx’ž0.37’ž2.72.7nono00nononomarine shellsnoyes’žthis pit formed the forecourt of the tomb’žforecourtnonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtĵ£Ÿ›—Œa[W=951/-)%’’’’žNPRN 955291’ž4.8’ž3.0’ž0.90x4.8nono00nononomarine shellsnoyes’žcut into the solid limestone, this pit formed the chamber of the tomb’žchambernonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamberßŅĄ¼ø“«d^Z@<8420,(" ’’’’žHY 55 SW 21npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žcentre of 2nd compartmentyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamberƒqmicHHD@<840.,($ ’’ż’žNJ 74 SW 1216xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG6’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes© uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 1215xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG5’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes© uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 1214xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG4’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes, partial² uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’’žNJ 74 SW 1213xx’ž0.15’ž0.350.35nono00nonononoyesno’žSG3’žmound peripheryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes© uqmgVQMGC?;753/+#’’’|č4 E V H X hza¤b/gŖ’žTF 82 NW 43npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žnear cremation platformyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes†}okgaHHD@<840.,($ ’’ż’žTF 82 NW 42’ž0.90’ž0.60’ž0.45x0.90nono00nononononono’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes‘ˆiea[PPLHD@<8640,$"’’ż’žTF 82 NW 41’ž0.76’ž0.25’ž0.23x0.76nono00nononononono’ža gutter led away from the pit; Hogg suggests it was used for 'libations'’žforecourt - E end of mound on axial lineyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesüóŌŠĢʛPLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žTF 47 SW 861’ž1.25’ž0.80’ž0.50x1.25nono00nonononoyesyes’žN pit - one of 2 pits flanking burial area; D-shaped - pits may have held split trunks posts’žSE end of moundyesno’žCAR-821; CAR-822’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes÷īąĪŹÄ³UOIEA=9751-%#’’’’žTF 47 SW 91’ž3.3’ž2.1’ž0.90x3.3nono00nonononoyesno’žsurrounded by a hurdle fence and covered with 'occupation soil'’žon medial line at SE end of barrowyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yesŻŌĮ½¹³NJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žTM 39 SE 451npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žnot providedyesnono’ž1 - no information’ž3 - unknown†yea]WIIEA=951/-)%!’’ż’žNPRN 3001805npnpnpnpnpnono00Peterboroughnonononoyes’žburnt sandstone’žeast of terrace wall; sealed by external rubblenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - collapsed rubbleāĢ­©„”p_YUQMI1/-)%!’’’’žNPRN 3001804xxnp’ž0.200.20nono00nononononono’žs of terrace; sealed by external rubbleyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - collapsed rubble·”‚~ztKKGC?;731/+'’’ż’žNPRN 3001803xxnp’ž0.200.20yesno00nononononoyes’žs of terrace; sealed by external rubblenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - collapsed rubble¹£„€|xOOIEA=9531-'’’ż’žNPRN 3001802xxnp’ž0.200.20yesno00nononononoyes’žs of terrace; sealed by external rubblenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - collapsed rubble¹£„€|xOOIEA=9531-'’’ż’žNPRN 3001801’ž0.71’ž0.30’ž0.30x0.71yesno00noyes (np)noyes (np)noyes’žs of terrace; sealed by external rubblenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - collapsed rubble×Į¢žš–mmgcSO?;973-%#’’ż’žNPRN 931xx’ž0.23’ž0.450.45nono00nononononoyes’žsandstone slab; evidence of burning’žE end of galleryyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesøƐŒˆ‚pKEA=951/-)% ’’’’žNPRN 3041443’ž1.5’ž0.70’ž0.30x1.5nono00nononononono’žlight brown earth and "no significant objects"’žforecourtyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtø©—“‰~NJFB>:642.*$"’’’’žNPRN 3041442’ž0.60’ž0.30’ž0.15x0.60yes?no00nononononoyes’žburnt bone - not certainly human’žantechambernonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber±¤’ŽŠ†yWQMIEA=;95-%#’’’’žNPRN 3041441’ž0.30’ž0.20’ž0.15x0.30nono00nononononoyes’ždark earth’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber•ˆvrnh_SMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 947225’ž0.25’ž0.10npx0.25yesno00nononononono’žF54; silty clay fill - quartz & human bone - ritual deposit?’žS of western chambernoquartz pieceno’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesįŲĘĀŖ¦PLHD@<8640*" ’’’CcĪ_ĶĪ Ž ēŖq|œnA’žSE 96 NE 61’ž1.4’ž0.80’ž0.80x1.4noyes01?Grimstonnonored deernoyes’žgrave?; "there were no bones, but evidence of interment"'. Over the grave were traces of burning’žCentrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesöķāŽŚÖĪkeaQMI953-)#!’’’’žSU 13 SE 396xxnp’ž0.500.50nono00Mortlakeflint flakes (6)nononoyes’žPit III’žS of trapezoidal enclosurenoburnt clay, marcasite pelletsno’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1-yesöļÜŲžš~uokgcC31/+'’’’’žSU 13 SE 395xx’ž0.30’ž0.300.30nono00Windmill Hillnonononono’žPit II’žInternal lip of ditchnonono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1-yesØ”ŽŠ†‚kc_[WSO531-)!’’’’žSU 13 SE 394xx’ž0.30’ž0.300.30nono00nononononoyes’žPit I; deposit of charcoal topped with flints’žInternal lip of ditchyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1-yes½¶£Ÿ›•~OIEA=9531-)!’’’’žSU 13 SE 393’ž1.1’ž0.50’ž0.60x1.1yesno00nonononoyesyes’žPit B; burnt bones;one of 3 pits that defined a linear mortuary zone; covered by a flint cairn’žon axial line of trapezoidal enclosurenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesłėēćß·TNHD@<8640*$"’’’’žSU 13 SE 392’ž1.4’ž0.90’ž0.60x1.4nono00Windmill Hillnononoyesno’žPit A; one of 3 pits that defined a linear mortuary zone; covered by a flint cairn’žon axial line of trapezoidal enclosurenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesżļėēć»fb\XTP642.*$"’’’’žSU 13 SE 391’ž1.5’ž0.90’ž0.90x1.5nono00nonononoyesyes’žPit C; one of 3 pits that defined a linear mortuary zone; covered by a flint cairn’žentrance to trapezoid enclosure - C14 dateyesno’žBM-134’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesżōꎌŌØRLFB>:642.*$"’’’’žSW 42 SW 192npnpnpnpnpnono10collared urnnonononono’žcremation pit - secondary?’žchambernono’žBM-935’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - chamber®”’Š†‚y]YUQMI1/-)%!’’’’žSW 42 SW 191npnpnpnpnpyesno00collared urnnonononono’žcremation pit - secondary?; sand and shell; ashes & bone; potsherds’žchambernonono’ž2 - secondary’ž2 - chamberÕČ¹µ±­¤_[WSOK31/+%!’’’’žTA 07 NW 12’ž2.1’ž1.2’ž0.60x2.1nono00nonononoyesno’žburnt rubble and soil’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber›Ž|xtneNJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žTA 07 NW 11xx’ž1.1’ž1.51.5nono00nononononono’žassociated with crematorium deposit’žcentre of mortuary enclosureyesno’žBM-189’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes¹°•‘‹mHD@<840.,($’’’’žSC 28 SE 391’ž5.5’ž4.5’ž1.6x5.5noyes00Carinated Bowl; remains of 8 vesselsrhomboid arrowhead; scraper; chiselnononono’ž12 post-holes; black burnt layer; slab packing’žcontained the entire chambernonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž3 - unknown, destroyedZB0,($ÖŅĪŹĘ~642,(" ’’’’žTQ 50 SW 262’ž1.0’ž1.0npx1.0nono00nonononoyesno’žone of two pits bracketing interment of 2 individuals; subsidiary hollow on W side of pit’žN of centreyesnono’žmortuaryĶĶĆ滵ØMIC?;731/+'!’’’žTQ 50 SW 261’ž1.8’ž1.2’ž0.90x1.8nono01nonononoyesyes’žsubsidiary hollow on W side of pit 10-20 cm deep’žSW of centrenono’žHAR-942’žgrave©©¢™•‘ƒQKEA=9531-)#!’’’žTF 82 NW 44npnpnpnpnpnono00nononononono’žnear cremation platformyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes†}okgaHHD@<840.,($ ’’żĝ &Ī  5 « ĆŹĆÉÓźŪš’žTA 06 NE 39’ž1.0’ž0.50’ž0.20x1.0nono00noflint flakes (3)nononono’žPit C; soil, chalk’žbeneath a hearthnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yes“«›—“}iea]Y9531-)#!’’’’žTA 06 NE 38’ž2.1’ž1.7npx2.1nono00noMesolithic flintshazelnut shellsyes (np)nono’žPit B; chalk & soil’žE end of moundnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yesŲĻæ»·³£ŽŠ†vX620.*& ’’’’žTA 06 NE 37’ž3.0’ž1.5+npx3.0nono00noflint flakes (4)nononoyes’žPit A; soil; chalk’žE end of moundnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yes²©™•‘}ic_[W731/+'!’’’’žTA 06 NE 36xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žearth and stone (Greenwell's excavation)’ž9m SE of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes涗“‰xNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTA 06 NE 35xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žearth and stone (Greenwell's excavation)’ž13.5 m NE of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesĆŗ›—“xNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTA 06 NE 34xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žPart of Pit B; earth and stone (Greenwell's excavation)’ž16 m NE of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesŠĒؤ š‡NJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTA 06 NE 33xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žearth and stone (Greenwell's excavation)’ž18 m ENE of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesĀ¹š–’ŒxNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTA 06 NE 32xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 4; earth and stone’ž18.6m NE of centreyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes£šˆ„€zfNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTA 06 NE 31xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nonononoyesno’žearth and stone (Greenwell's excavation)’ž22.5m ENE of centre (Manby-Post Hole 3)yesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes×ĪÆ«§”xNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žTL 67 SE 283’ž2.1’ž1.0’ž0.90x2.1yesno00Mildenhall sherdspolished celt fragmentcharred wooden boardsnoyesyes’žblack soil, burnt flints, half a polished celt’žN of centre (beneath Pit 2)noburnt wooden containerno’ž5 - grave’ž2 - noSK@< ļ湳ƅY753/)#!’’’’žTL 67 SE 282’ž1.2’ž0.60’ž0.60x1.2nono00nononoyes (np)yesyes’žblack soil, burnt stones’žN of centrenonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - no«£‘‰…x^XRB>:642.*$"’’’’žTL 67 SE 281’ž6.0’ž3.6’ž0.60x6.0yesno1+0Mildenhall sherdsnonononoyes’žcremation pit; burnt earth and flint’žN of centrenonono’ž5 - grave’ž2 - noĆ»°¬Ø¤—qkgc_[973/)#!’’’’žSU 06 NE 71xx’ž0.40’ž0.600.60nono00nononononono’žtree hollow?; chalk fragments & soil; sealed by buried soil, probably a tree holllow’žW end of moundyesnono’ž3 - natural feature’ž1 - yesŽÕĄ¼ø²¢LHD@<8420,( ’’’’žSP 97 SE 871nononononononoyesnonononoCCCC?;;;73-)%!ƒ’’žNU 12 NW 401’ž1.5’ž0.90’ž0.50x1.5nono00nononononoyes’žgrave?; a deeper slot at base of pit may have been stonehole/posthole; sandy yellow fill so the edge of the pit showed clearly against the surrounding grey subsoil;’žcentralyesno’žGaK-1507’ž5 - grave?’ž1 - yes)  ÷PJFB>:642.*$"’’’§*Q\ t s 8 ! '-3é+[Ā˜ĮÕĄ’žSX 17 NW 252’ž1.4’ž0.8?xnono00nononononono’žpeaty mold and pieces of granite’žPit X - around central holeyesnoŒŒŒŒˆ‚eC?;73/+)'#æ’’žSX 17 NW 251’ž1.7’ž1.21xnono00nononononono’žpeaty mold and pieces of granite’žPit W - around central holeyesnoŒŒŒŒˆ‚eC?;73/+)'#æ’’žNJ 71 NE 61xx’ž4.5nonoyesyesnononononono’žsmall rounded stones’žcentre; deposit of burnt bones was overlying the pitnono™™™™•‘[EA=951-'!Æ’’žSU 07 SE 69xx’ž0.25’ž0.380.38nono00nonononoyesno’ždistal pit’žW-centre area of moundyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes, damaged¤’€|xrZNJD@<8420,( ’’’’žSU 07 SE 68’ž1.0’ž1.0’ž0.76x1.0nono00nonononoyesno’žproximal pit’žW area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damaged¬š{wsm\NJD@<8420,(" ’’’’žSU 07 SE 67’ž2.0’ž1.0npx2.0nono00noflint flake; flint nodule; sarsen flakenoantleryesno’žPit 7 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW area of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedāŽŚÖŞš”ˆ„620.*& ’’’’žSU 07 SE 66’ž2.5’ž1.0npx2.5nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 6 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedƱ’ŽŠ„sLHB>:620.*& ’’’’žSU 07 SE 65’ž4.0’ž2.0npx4.0nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 5 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedƱ’ŽŠ„sLHB>:620.*& ’’’’žSU 07 SE 64’ž3.0’ž2.0npx3.0nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 4 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedƱ’ŽŠ„sLHB>:620.*& ’’’’žSU 07 SE 63’ž6.0’ž3.0npx6.0nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 3; antler pick marks on bottom; one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedąĪÆ«§”LHB>:620.*& ’’’’žSU 07 SE 62’ž3.0’ž2.0’ž0.60x3.0nono00noflint scraper; flint flakes (7)nonoyesno’žPit 2 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW-centre area of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedņÓĻĖĒƈ„~zv8420,(" ’’’’žSU 07 SE 61’ž5.0’ž3.0npx5.0nono00nonononoyesno’žPit 1 - one of 7 interconnecting pits’žW-centre area of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedŹø™•‘‹sLHB>:620.*& ’’’’žTA 06 NE 313npnp’ž0.45xnpnono00nonononoyesno’žPit 1; one quartzite cobble’žcentre of trapezoid enclosureyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes±Ø–’ŽˆiLHB>:620.*&" ’’’’žTA 06 NE 312npnp’ž0.60xnpnono00noflint flakes (2)noyes (np)noyes’žPit F; soil, chalk’ž25 m W of Pit Bnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yes¾µ„”™ˆtnjZV620.*&" ’’’’žTA 06 NE 311’ž1.5+’ž1.0+’ž0.23x1.5+nono00noflint flakesnononono’žPit E’žE end of moundnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yes¢™‰…}mfb^ZV>:862.&$’’’’žTA 06 NE 310’ž1.5’ž0.80’ž0.26x1.5nono00noflint flakesnononono’žPit D’žE end of moundnonono’ž4 - Mesolithic’ž1 - yesŸ–†‚~zjc_[WS;753/+%#’’’‡;ĻxĪÕĶ9ĶµĢ1Ģ­Ė’ŹęÉOÉ­ČśĒ5Ē ĘĘwÅŌÄ'ĊĆķĀ<Ā“ĮĆĄ’žSU 13 SE 277’ž2.1’ž0.9’ž0.6-0.9xnono00nonononoyesno’žhole at base of pit - 0.38 in diameter and 0.22 m deep’žPit A - ?yesno™™™™•„LHB>:620.*&&$æ’’žSU 13 SE 276xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nonononoyesnonononoyes’žburnt flint; bone’žFH 6noyesrrrrlhbOIEA=93/+'##æ’’žSU 13 SE 275xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nononononononononoyes’žburnt flint; haematite bowl’žFH 5noyeszzzztpjMGC?;73/+'##æ’’žSU 13 SE 274xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nono00nononononoyes’žburnt flint’žFH 4yesnoffffb\VIC?;73/-+'##æ’’žSU 13 SE 273xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nono00nononononoyes’žburnt flint’žFH 3yesnoffffb\VIC?;73/-+'##æ’’žSU 13 SE 272xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nonononoyesnonononoyes’žburnt flint; burnt clay’žFH 2nonovvvvrnhOIEA=93/+'##æ’’žSU 13 SE 271xx’ž~ 0.4’ž~ 0.6nono00nononononoyes’žburnt flint; slag’žFH 1yesnollllhb\IC?;73/-+'##æ’’žNO 02 SE 272???xnono00nononononono’žoutside bank in SE sectoryesnobbbb^X==951-)%#!æ’’žNO 02 SE 271???xnono00nononononono’žoutside entranceyesnoYYYYUO==951-)%#!æ’’žNN 91 NE 181???xnonononoyesnonononono’žexternal to hengenono^^^^ZVCC?;73/)%!æ’’žTL 02 NE 23’ž1.0’ž0.9’ž0.23xnononoyesnononoyesyesno’žshale bead’žS grave - Eastern side of central areanoyesŽŽŽŽˆ„\PLF@<84.*&"" æ’’žTL 02 NE 22’ž1.2’ž0.6’ž0.23xnononoyesnononononono’žN grave - Eastern side of central areanono||||xtLLHD@<84.*&"" æ’’žTL 02 NE 21xx’ž0.3’ž0.3nono00nononononono’žorange clay’žSW face of ditchyesnokkkkgaOB>:62.*(&"æ’’žTL 05 SE 266???xnononoyesnononononono’žcentre of enclosurenono````\XCC?;73/+%!æ’’žTL 05 SE 265???xnononoyesyesyesnononono’žspherical stone’žcentre of enclosurenonouuuuqmXGC?;71+%!æ’’žTL 05 SE 264???xnonononoyesnoyesnonono’žpolished axe’ž? ( ~ 7 pits found containing hazelnuts, pottery fragments, ground stones and a broken polished flint axe - no more details provided)noyesäää䎌SEA=93/)%!æ’’žTL 05 SE 263???xyesnonononononononono?nonoMMMMIECC?;73/+'#æ’’žTL 05 SE 262???xyesnonononononononono?nonoMMMMIECC?;73/+'#æ’’žTL 05 SE 261???xyesnonononononononono?nonoMMMMIECC?;73/+'#æ’’žTL 05 SE 231???xnono00nononononono’žditch terminal near entranceyesnoeeeea[==951-)%#!æ’’žSX 17 NW 255xx’ž1.0’ž1.0nono00nononononono’žpeaty mold’žNW of the plateauyesnollllhbOC?;73/+)'#æ’’žSX 17 NW 254’ž1.4’ž0.9?xnono00nononononono’žpeaty mold and pieces of granite’žPit Z - around central holeyesnoŒŒŒŒˆ‚eC?;73/+)'#æ’’žSX 17 NW 253’ž0.94’ž0.64?xnono00nononononono’žpeaty mold and pieces of granite’žPit Y - around central holeyesnoŽŽŽŽŠ„gEA=951-+)%!!æ’tPĻ»ĪģĶ+Ķ—ĢģĖPĖŖŹÕÉÉ*Č{Ē§ĘāÅłÄ9Ä~ĆęĀ0ĀlĮ¬Ą’žNN 91 NW 183’ž1.6’ž0.7’ž0.38xnono00nononononono’žloam & stones’žPit F48 - Phase 1 - henge interior at Syesno‰‰‰‰…VGC?;73/-+'##!æ’’žNN 91 NW 182’ž2.3’ž1.35’ž0.35xnono00nononononono’žsilt & gravel’žPit F7 - Phase 1 - beneath henge bank at Nyesno‰ƒWHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNN 91 NW 181’ž1.3’ž1.1’ž1.4xnono00nononononoyes’žPit F1 -Phase 1 - beneath henge bank at NEyesno{uHHB>:62.,*&"" æ’’žSU 59 NE 31nonononoyesnonononono’žInner ditch beside N entrancenonoaaaa]Y::62.*& ƒ’’žHY 31 SW 25’ž0.9’ž0.85’ž0.15xnono00nononononono’žreddish burnt material’žPit E ~ 5 m S of centralyesno„„„„€z_GC?;73/-+'##!æ’’žHY 31 SW 24’ž0.4’ž0.37’ž0.15xnonononoyesnonononono’žyellow gravel’žPit D ~ 5 m S of central structurenono‰‰‰‰…\MIEA=93/+'##!æ’’žHY 31 SW 23’ž0.95’ž0.85’ž0.58xnonononononoyesnonono’žblack earth and stones; organic smear at base of pit’žPit C - ~ 5 m S of central structurenono²²²²®Ŗ„NJFB<840,($$"æ’’žHY 31 SW 22’ž0.65’ž0.5’ž0.34xnonononononoyesnonono’žcarbonized cereal’žPit B - ~ 5 m S of central structurenonoŽŽŽŽŠ†`MIEA;73/+'##!æ’’žHY 31 SW 21xx’ž0.6’ž1.05nonononoyesnonononoyes’žslab-lined?; earthy charcoal stain’žPit A - ~ 5 m S of central structurenono™•oKEA=95/+'#æ’’žNT 93 SW 284xx?’ž~1.5nono00nononononono’ž'featureless pit'’ž between ditch terminalsyesnoxxxxtnTA=951-)'%!æ’’žNT 93 SW 283xx?’ž0.3nonononoyesnoyesnonoyes’ž'black fill', Grimston ware, hazelnut shells’žPit 3 - near W droveway ditchnonoŸŸŸŸ›—xJD@<62,($ æ’’žNT 93 SW 282xx?’ž0.3nonononoyesnoyesnonoyes’ž'black fill', Grimston ware, hazelnut shells’žPit 2 - nearW droveway ditchnonožžžžš–xJD@<62,($ æ’’žNT 93 SW 281xx?’ž0.3nonononoyesnoyesnonoyes’ž'black fill', Grimston ware, hazelnut shells’žPit 1- near E ditch terminalnonožžžžš–xJD@<62,($ æ’’žSU 13 SE 2715xx’ž0.76’ž1.2nonononoyesnononoyesno’žburnt flints’žPit I - ?nonoooookg\NJD@<82.*&""æ’’žSU 13 SE 2714’ž1.8’ž0.76’ž0.76xnonononoyesnononoyesno’žPit H - ?nonoeeeea]RRNHD@<62.*&&$æ’’žSU 13 SE 2713’ž0.68’ž0.53’ž0.38xnononononoyesnonoyesno’žburnt flints’žPit G - ?nonottttplaSOIEA;73/+''%æ’’žSU 13 SE 2712’ž2.4’ž1.5’ž0.6nono00nonononoyesno’žPit F - ?yesno]]]]YSHHD>:62.,*&"""Ÿ’’žSU 13 SE 2711xx’ž4.8 (?)?nonononoyesyesnonoyesno’žburnt flints; mealing stone fragment;’žPit E - ?nonoŠŠŠŠ†‚wPLFB>82.*&"" æ’’žSU 13 SE 2710’ž1.8’ž1.4’ž0.76nonononoyesyesnoyesyesyes’žburnt flint;deer horn, mealing stone fragment;’žPit D - ?nono˜˜˜˜”…UOIC?93/+'###Ÿ’’žSU 13 SE 279’ž2.1’ž1.8’ž0.76xnono00nonononoyesno’žPit C - ?yesno^^^^ZTIIE?;73/-+'##!æ’’žSU 13 SE 278’ž2.4’ž2.1’ž0.76xnonononoyesnononoyesyes’žsarsen stone pieces’žPit B - ?nonoyyyyuqfQKEA=93/+'##!æ’ NĻ‡ĪĄĶłĢ2ĢkĖ¤ŹŽÉÉPȏĒćĘ5ĘbÅ“ÄÄUĆ­ĀĀsĮŪĄGĄ’žNS 97 SE 1611’ž1.7’ž1.15’ž0.6xnono00nonononoyesno’žCove Syesno]]]]YSKKGA=951/-)%%#æ’’žNS 97 SE 1610’ž1.5’ž1.2’ž0.5xnono00nonononoyesno’žCove Centreyesnoaaaa]WJJF@<840.,($$"æ’’žNS 97 SE 169’ž2.3’ž1.15’ž0.68xnono00nonononoyesno’žCove Nyesno\\\\XRJJF@<840.,($$"æ’’žNS 97 SE 168’ž0.6’ž0.6’ž0.1xnono00nononononono’žHole X - Beside Phase 2 Hole 8yesnopppplfFFB>:62.,*&"" æ’’žNS 97 SE 167’ž0.9’ž0.76’ž0.2xyesnononononononoyesno’žHole G - E side of hengenonoqqqqmiOOKEA=951-)##!æ’’žNS 97 SE 166’ž1.0’ž1.0’ž0.3xyesnononononononoyesno’žstones’žHole F - E side of hengenonoxxxxtpVNJD@<840,("" æ’’žNS 97 SE 165’ž0.9’ž0.7’ž0.23xyesnononononononoyesno’žstones’žHole E - E side of hengenonoyyyyuqWOKEA=951-)##!æ’’žNS 97 SE 164’ž1.0’ž0.65’ž0.3xyesnonononononononono’žstones’žHole D - E side of hengenonowwwwsoUMIEA=951-)##!æ’’žNS 97 SE 163’ž0.9’ž0.9’ž0.53xyesnononononononoyesno’žbone pin; stones; burnt flint fragments’žHole C - E side of hengenoyesœœœœ–’xOKEA=951-)##!æ’’žNS 97 SE 162’ž1.0’ž0.76’ž0.4yesnononononononoyesno’žstones’žHole B - E side of hengenonowwwwsoUMIC?;73/+'!!!Ÿ’’žNS 97 SE 161’ž1.2’ž1.0’ž0.18xnono00nonononoyesno’žstones’žHole A - E side of hengeyesnouuuuqkQIE?;73/-+'##!æ’’žNO 11 NW 1110’ž0.48’ž0.48’ž0.26xyesnonononononononono’žchild's tooth’žcremation pit - outside entrancenonoŠŠŠŠ†‚`QMIEA=951-''%æ’’žNO 11 NW 119’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 9 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 118’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 8 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 117’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 7- pit -defined circleyesno‹…iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 116’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 6 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 115’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 5 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 114’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 4 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 113’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 3 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 112’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 2 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNO 11 NW 111’ž0.45’ž0.5’ž0.42xnono00nononononono’ždark loam (dimensions averaged)’žPit 1 - pit -defined circleyesnoŒ†iHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žNN 91 NW 184???xnonoyesnonononononono’žBurial A - Phase 1 - benaeath henge bank at SWnono{{{{wsCC?;73/+'!æ’ĄfĻŌĪ>Ī©ĶĶ~ĢēĖ@Ėā ×öžÓĶĆ2ƟĀ Āō’žSE 95 NE 311xx’ž2.2’ž2.92.9nono00nonononoyesyes’žfacade trench; (Mortimer interpreted it as a 'pit dwelling') ;burnt gravel and charcoal’ž12 m E of barrowyesnono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - noįŁĘĀ¾ø¦MGA=951/-)%’’’’žSU 97 NE 1101npnpnpnpnono00yesnonononono’žTrench 1yesno\\\\XRHHD@<84.,*&""æ’’žST 62 NW 292noyesnononononononono’žred clay fill’žPit C187nono\\\\XTJ;73/+'#ƒ’’žST 62 NW 291noyesnonoyesyesyesyesnono’žred clay fill’žPit P154nonodddd`\RC?;5/)#ƒ’’žSP 75 NW 411xx’ž0.5’ž~2.0nono00nononononoyes’žburnt sand, ironstone’žPit 156 - interioryesno{{{{wq]F@<840,*($ æ’’žSE 86 NE 22npnp’ž0.25xnpnonono1noflint flakes 913); worked flints (6)nooxnono’žEast of shaft gravenoboar tusks (12), beaver incisors (2); .bone pinno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes §£ŽŽŠ†‚~620,($ ’’ż’žSE 86 NE 21’ž4.8’ž3.0’ž2.7x4.8nonono5Towthorpe Bowlflakes (9); flint cores (2)decayed woodnonono’žshaft grave; gritty chalk fill’žcentralnonono’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesōėąÜŲŌĖ«§£Ÿ‡Q53/+'!’’’’žSO 70 SE 63’ž1.0’ž0.60npx1.0nono00nononononoyes’žF14 - very shallow with soil fill’ž S side of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes, damagedĮƐŒˆ‚pMGC?;731/+'!’’’’žSO 70 SE 61xx’ž0.38’ž0.380.38noyes?00nononononono’žloose brown earth and one bone’žforecourtnoyesno’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - forecourtŖ›‰…{pPLHD@<864,( ’’’’žSO 70 SE 62’ž1.4’ž0.40’ž0.30x1.4yesno03noflint flakenoox; dognono’žparts of 3 skeletons’žW end of passagenobone tools (2)no’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yes, damagedŌĀ·³—“kgcUQ;753/)#!’’’’žTR 05 SE 51’ž0.73’ž0.60’ž0.30x0.73nono00yes (np)flint core, scraper, flakes (2)nobird bonenono’žmarked by four large flint nodules; no trace of a wooden post or stone packing’žcore moundnonono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes' ō¤ œŠ†H8640,$"’’’’žTL 02 SE 21nononononoyesnoyesnono’žpig skeleton’žbeneath bank (may be recent)nonopppplhJ<84.*$ ƒ’’žSU 14 SE 3137’ž2.2’ž0.7’ž0.35xnono00nononononono’žFeature 2998yesno````\VHHD@<840.,($$"æ’’žSU 14 SE 3136xx’ž0.45’ž1.5noyesnononononononono’žPit 2964nono]]]]YUKKGC?;73/+%!!æ’’žSU 14 SE 3135xx’ž0.6’ž1.2nononoyesyesyesnononono’žPit 3004nono````\XNNJFB>82,($ æ’’žSU 14 SE 3134xx’ž0.6’ž2.0nonononoyesyesnononono’žPit 2943nono^^^^ZVLLHD@<60,($ æ’’žSU 14 SE 3133’ž1.0?’ž0.35xnonononoyesyesnononono’žPit 2948nono____[WMMIEA=71-)%!!æ’’žSU 14 SE 3132xx’ž0.15’ž0.75nononononoyesnononono’žPit 6nono[[[[WSLLHD@<62.*&""æ’’žSU 14 SE 3131xx’ž0.3’ž0.8nonononoyesyesnononono’žBeaker’žPit 2nonocccc_[TLHD@<60,($ æ’ߝ * , C Z R sŠˆŽ`j ’žSU 38 SW 51’ž1.2’ž0.45npx1.2nono00noflint flakenononono’žuniform grey, chalky filling’žS edge of moundnonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yes, damagedÕƘ”Œ{]YUQM731/+'!’’’’žTF 29 NW 101’ž0.52’ž0.42’ž0.11x0.52nono00Mortlake ware - 15 sherds from same vesselscraper; 18 flakesnononono’žF4; external’žexternal - 3.5 m W of quarry ditchnonono’ž1 - uncertain’ž2 - external’ū÷óĻĮ½¹µ±9751-%#’’’’žTA 06 NE 317npnp’ž0.25xnpnono00noflint flakenononono’žsoil’žBetween first 2 postholes of the N line of the avenuenonono’ž4 - Mesolithic?’ž1 - yes涄”™b\XTPL620.*&" ’’’’žTA 06 NE 316’ž2.1’ž1.6’ž0.12x2.1nono00noflint flakenooyster shell fragmentyesyes’žPit 7; soil, burnt chalk’žIn timber enclosure on main axis of barrownonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes÷īÜŲŌŠ¤Š„~TP:642.*$"’’’’žTA 06 NE 315’ž1.2’ž0.80npx1.2noyes?00noflint flakesnonoyesno’žPit 3; soil, chalk, bone fragments’žForecourtnonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž2 - forecourtĆ“¢žš–‹gc]YU=975-)#!’’’’žTA 06 NE 314’ž1.5’ž1.3npx1.5nono00potsherds (np)nonononoyes’žPit 2; brown soil and small chalk fragments’žForecourtnonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž2 - forecourtĖ¼Ŗ¦¢ž“f`\XTP420,(" ’’’’žTA 06 NE 236’ž3.6’ž1.8’ž1.4x3.6noyes00nonononoyesyes’žburnt chalk and earth’ž5.4 m ESE of centrenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes²©Š†‚~iRLFB>:642,(" ’’’’žTA 06 NE 235’ž1.2’ž0.90’ž0.45x1.2nono00nonononoyesno’žearth & chalk’ž4.5m NW of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes؟€|xr_PLFB>:642.*$"’’’’žTA 06 NE 234’ž1.2’ž0.76’ž0.35x1.2yesno00noflint flakes (2)nonoyesyes’žchalk, earth & charcoal’ž2.7 m SE of centrenonono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yesŃČ©„”‰pjd`\<8640*$"’’’’žTA 06 NE 233xx’ž0.60’ž0.800.80nono00nonononoyesyes’žchalk, earth & charcoal’ž6m WSW of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes²©Š†‚|jQKEA=9531-)!’’’’žTA 06 NE 232xx’ž0.60’ž0.800.80nono00nonononoyesyes’žchalk, earth & charcoal’ž6 m SW of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes²©Š†‚|jQKEA=9531-)!’’’’žTA 06 NE 231’ž0.90’ž0.60’ž0.60x0.90nono00nonononoyesyes’žchalk, earth & charcoal’ž6 m SW of centreyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes¶­ŽŠ†€nUOIEA=9751-%#’’’’žSE 85 NW401’ž2.4’ž1.2’ž1.2x2.4nono02Beakerflint flakes (14)decayed barkox, pig,noyes’žclay and soil’žcentrenobone pointno’ž5 - grave’ž1 - yesŚŃĘĀ®Ŗ¢“‰ya?31/+'!’’’’žNPRN 3093861npnp’ž0.10xnpnono00nononononono’žorange-pink clayey soil’ž1 m beyond palisade trenchyesnono’ž3 - natural feature?’ž2 - noŖ¢Œˆ„~bIEA=951/-)%!’’’’žSE 95 NE 312xx’ž1.0’ž2.12.1nono00nonononoyesno’žfacade trench? 'pit dwelling'? ; gravel and dark earth’ž12 m W of barrowyesnono’ž5 - contemporary?’ž2 - no¾¶£Ÿ›•ƒKGA=951/-)%’’’ęĖ Ž ź ļ  . Og}““€F<Į’žSU 59 NW 861’ž1.7np’ž0.50x1.7nono00Abingdon Ware sherds (EN)nonononono’ž F2144; Phase 3; gravelly silt’žS end of outer enclosurenonono’žnot pre-monumentÓÓĮ½¹µ›zvrnjf420,(" ’’’žNZ 71 NW 142’ž1.54’ž0.60’ž0.20x1.54yes?no00noflint flakenononono’žF125 - 2 tiny fragments of burnt bone; gravel and sand; sealed by clay bank’žnorth of W end of mortuary structurenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesųęāŽŚ“gc_[WA=;95-%#’’’’žNZ 71 NW 141’ž2.0’ž1.5’ž0.20x2.0nono00nononononono’žF123 - gravel & boulder clay, sealed by an upcast clay bank’žE end of mortuary structure (pre-cairn)yesnono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yesÜÓĮ½¹³ŠMIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žTA 08 NW 221npnpnpxnpnono00nononononono’ža transverse slot which divided a rectangular crematorium area’žnear rectangular burnt areayesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¤‡GC?;73/-+'#’’’’žNPRN 1014509’ž0.90’ž0.76’ž0.55x0.90nono00nononononono’žPit B - partly slab-lined’žE side of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes³Ŗ‹‡ƒ}lQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014508’ž0.90’ž0.76’ž0.55x0.90nono00nononononono’žPit A - partly slab-lined’žE side of moundyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž1 - yes³Ŗ‹‡ƒ}lQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014507’ž0.85’ž0.53’ž0.30x0.85nono00nononononoyes’žfirepit (hearth) ; dark earth’žAt foot of Stone IXyesnono’ž4 - pre-monument?’ž1 - yes±Ø•‘‡rSMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014506’ž0.60’ž0.30’ž0.38x0.60nono00nononononono’ž"soft filling"’žforecourtyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - forecourtؙzvrlaQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014505’ž6.0’ž5.2’ž0.45x6.0nono00nononononono’žpit dug for the chamber’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamberœ}yuofMIEA=9531-)#!’’’’žNPRN 1014504npnp’ž0.12npnpnono00nononononono’žPit F - possibly used in chamber construction’žbehind the chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yes·®œ˜”ŽzKGC?;731/+'#’’’’žNPRN 1014503’ž0.40’ž0.23’ž0.20x0.40nono00nononononono’žPit A - probably a stone hole’žnorthwest side of chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - chamberÄ·™•‘‹pQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014502’ž0.45’ž0.30’ž0.20x0.45nono00nononononono’žPit B - probably a stone hole’žSW side of chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž2 - chamber½°’ŽŠ„pQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNPRN 1014501’ž0.53’ž0.45’ž0.20x0.53nono00nononononono’žPit C - featureless dark filling’žmain axis of chamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber¶©—“‰sQMIEA=9751-%#’’’’žNZ 34 NE 12’ž0.90’ž0.50’ž0.55x0.90yesno00nononononoyes’žburnt limestone; dark deposit containing burnt bones’žW end of cremation deposit; possible flue or postholenonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesäŪĶÉÅĮŠTNJFB>:862,$"’’’’žNZ 34 NE 11’ž1.0’ž0.43’ž0.45x1.0nono00nononononoyes’žburnt earth; lined with limestone & whinstone boulders’žE end of cremation deposit; possible flue or postholeyesnono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesćŚĢČľ‡OIEA=9531-)#!’’’(äĪĪHĶa a  l>BæÄÄמ6T’žNPRN 984npnp’ž0.21npnpnono00Irish Sea Waremicrolithnononpnp’žF149; irregular gully’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes«¦˜”Œ„miea]K/-+'# ’’’’žNPRN 983npnp’ž0.15npnpnono00yes (np)nonononpnp’žF72; irregular hollow’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyes‘Œ~zvrjSOKGC?/-+'# ’’’’žNPRN 982’ž2.2’ž1.7’ž0.58x2.2noyes00Irish Sea wareyes (np)nononpyes’žF68’žArea 4nono’žCAR-113’žpre-monument’žyes¢†‚~vqkgc_O31/)% ’’’’žNPRN 981’ž0.70’ž0.34’ž0.14x0.70nono00nononononoyes’žF308; possibly a Mesolithic hearth; lower fill consisted of black ashy soil and charcoal, sealed by a layer of thin sandstone slabs’žN side of cairnyesno’žCAR-118’žpre-monument?’žyes ųļėåŌOIEA=9531-)! ’’’’žSE 95 NE 23yes’žcremation pit; enclosed by 2 crescentic slots’žhalfway along centre line of barrownonnnnnjEƒ’žSE 95 NE 22xx’ž0.2’ž1.5yes’žburnt fill’žbeyond palisade trenchnoLLLLLH0$$$$$$$$$$æ’žHY 63 NE 11xx’ž0.20’ž0.800.80noyes00nononononono’žstone-lined burial pit’žSE corner of the chamber floor; covered with a stone slabnonono’ž5 - grave’ž2 - chamberÅø­©„”fNJFB>:642,( ’’’’žNJ 70 SE 31npnpnpnpnpnono00EN (Carinated Bowl?) sherdsnonononoyes’žlimited information as site was not published by original excavators’žSE of centrenonono’ž4 - pre-monument’ž1 - yes÷īÜŲŌŠĀ|vrnjf0.,($ ’’’’žSE 58 SE 393’ž1.2’ž0.90’ž1.4x1.2yesno00plain dark sherdnononoyesyes’žfilled with burnt earth and stone; S end of mound beneath mesial line of cremated remains’žS end of mound; 0.6 m north of Pit 2; at northern end of medial bone deposit (N end of this pit is 6 m from southern edge of Pit 1)nonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yessj\XTPĖoic_[W753/)#!’’’’žSE 58 SE 392’ž1.1’ž0.80’ž0.60x1.1yesno00plain dark sherdnononoyesyes’žfilled with burnt earth and stone; S end of mound beneath mesial line of cremated remains’žS end of mound; 3.3 m north of Pit 1nonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yes żłõńĖpjd`\X8640*$"’’’’žSE 58 SE 391’ž1.8’ž0.90’ž0.80x1.8yesno00plain dark sherds (3)nonoyes (np)yesyes’žwest extension 1 m x 1 m, forming an 'L' shape; all filled with burnt earth and stone, charcoal, burnt human bones; single piece of unburnt animal bone; 3 sherds plain dark pottery; S end of mound beneath mesial line of cremated remains’žS end of mound, at start of mesial bone depositnonono’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesÉĄ²®Ŗ¦u†€zjfb8640*$"’’’’žSU 06 NW 281’ž0.91’ž0.60’ž2.0x0.91nono00nononononoyes’žgrave?; cist - possible rifled’žcentreyesnono’ž5 - grave?’ž1 - yes”ˆ„€zrRLHD@<8640,$"’’’’žSE 95 NE 21xx’ž1.8’ž2.5nono00nononononoyes’žash, burnt earth and charcoalcarbonized wooden flues; cremationfurnace’žforecourtnonoŸŸŸŸ›—ŒD>:62.*(&"æ’’žNZ 20 SW 111’ž4.19’ž2.10’ž.60xnononononoyesnononono’žtimber post?/ silt, clay, loam’ž.5 m from eastern ditchnono‹‡nNJFB>840,($$"æ’’žSU 59 NW 862’ž1.9’ž1.3’ž0.10x1.9nono02noleaf shaped arrowhead; polished knifenononono’žPhase 1 or 2’žcentralnojet belt slider’žBM-2707; BM-2708’žgraveååŽĢ®Ŗ”“‹‡ƒ9531-)#!’’.eˆ ¹ ź  V ‘ øö $9N_€6ĀĮĮ|Į7Į’žST 83 NW 6’žSU 05 NE 3’žSU 05 NE 31nono00nonononoyesyesyes>>>>>8882,($ ƒ’ ’žSE 86 SW 76no’žNPRN 9820npnp’ž0.04nonpnono00nononononpnp’žF146; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9819’ž0.30’ž0.20’ž0.03x0.30nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF145; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9818xx’ž0.03’ž0.300.30nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF144; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9817xx’ž0.08’ž0.400.40nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF143; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9816’ž0.60’ž0.20’ž0.07x0.60nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF142; short gully; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesÅĄ„”™‘[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9815npnp’ž0.15npnpnono00Irish Sea warenonononpnp’žF287; irregular gully’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyesŸšŒˆ„€xa]YUQM1/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9814’ž1.1’ž0.70’ž0.24x1.1nono00noburin spallnononpnp’žF284’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyes‹†xtpld^ZVRN8420,("  ’’’’žNPRN 9813np’ž0.20’ž0.23xnpnono00Irish Sea warenonononpnp’žF259; steep-sided trench’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyes¢‹‡ƒ{a]YUQM1/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9812npnp’ž0.14npnpnono00Irish Sea warenononononp’žF255’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyesŽ‰{wsoga]YUQM1/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9811xx’ž0.18’ž0.300.30nono00Irish Sea warenonononpnp’žF252’žArea 4nonono’žpre-monument’žyes‹}yuqic_[WSO31/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9810’ž2.0’ž1.3’ž0.29x2.0nono00Irish Sea wareburinnononpnp’žF170’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes–‘ƒ{woiea]YO31/+'! ’’’’žNPRN 989npnp’ž0.15npnpnono00Irish Sea wareyes (np)nononpnp’žF167’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes˜“…}yqkgc_[K/-+'# ’’’’žNPRN 988npnp’ž0.06npnpnono00Irish Sea wareyes (np)nononpnp’žF163’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes˜“…}yqkgc_[K/-+'# ’’’’žNPRN 987npnp’ž0.11npnpnoyes00Irish Sea wareleaf arrowheadnononpnp’žF162’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes¦”“‹‡yuqmiM1/-'# ’’’’žNPRN 986npnp’ž0.05npnpnono00Irish Sea wareburinnononpnp’žF151’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes’{wskea]YUK/-+'# ’’’’žNPRN 985’ž1.0’ž0.50’ž0.11x1.0nono00Irish Sea Wareyes (np)nononpnp’žF150’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument’žyes›–ˆ„€|tnjfb^N20.*&  ’’’$ę$ 5 J _ p ˜©ŗĻč’9T’žNPRN 9836’ž0.20’ž0.10’ž0.04x0.20nono00nononononpnp’žF180; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes®©ŽŠ†€xOKGC?;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9835’ž0.40’ž0.30’ž0.07x0.40nono00nononononpnp’žF179; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes®©ŽŠ†€xOKGC?;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9834xx’ž0.07’ž0.400.40nono00nononononpnp’žF176; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9833npnp’ž0.15npnpnono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF169; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes²­’ŽŠ†~UQMIE51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9832npnp’ž0.12npnpnono00noscrapernononpnp’žF168; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes°«Œˆ„|SOKGC51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9831xx’ž0.04’ž0.200.20nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF165; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9830’ž0.40’ž0.30’ž0.09x0.40nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF164; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9829’ž0.30’ž0.20’ž0.12x0.30nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF160; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9828’ž0.50’ž0.30’ž0.12x0.50nono00noburinnononpnp’žF159; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes²­’ŽŠ†~UQMIE;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9827’ž0.40’ž0.20’ž0.09x0.40nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF158; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9826’ž0.50’ž0.40’ž0.06x0.50nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF157; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9825xx’ž0.06’ž0.300.30nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF154; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9824xx’ž0.07’ž0.100.10nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF153; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9823’ž0.20’ž0.10’ž0.08x0.20nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF152; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesø³˜”Œ„[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9822xx’ž0.04’ž0.300.30nono00nononononpnp’žF148; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9821xx’ž0.05’ž0.200.20nono00nononononpnp’žF147; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žSU 06 NW 23np’ž0.60’ž0.30xnpnono00nonononoyesno’ždescribed as a 'trench'; same chalk rubble as mound; facade trench?’žE end of moundyesnono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yesÖĶÆ«§”‘LHB>:620.*&" ’’’½>] | ° Ö ß ü>]\s”µÖķ’žNPRN 9853npnp’ž0.40npnpnono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF296; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes²­’ŽŠ†~UQMIE51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9852npnp’ž0.48npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF295; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9851npnp’ž0.16npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF289; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9850npnp’ž0.16npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF286; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9849npnp’ž0.20npnpnono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF278; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes²­’ŽŠ†~UQMIE51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9834’ž1.40’ž0.20’ž0.10x1.4nono00nononononpnp’žF257; ?part of pre-cairn structure; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŹÅŖ¦¢œ”MIEA=9531-)#! ’’’’žNPRN 9847xx’ž0.09’ž0.300.30nono00nononononpnp’žF256; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9846npnp’ž0.08npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF254; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9834npnp’ž0.09npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF253; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9844’ž0.30np’ž0.09x0.30nono00nononononpnp’žF251; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 4yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes¬§Œˆ„~vMIEA=9531-)! ’’’’žNPRN 9843’ž0.70’ž0.40’ž0.11x0.70nono00noburin; knifenononpnp’žF231; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 2nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesĄ» œ˜”Œc_[WS;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9842’ž0.50’ž0.30’ž0.32x0.50nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF206; ?posthole with post’žArea 3nonono’žposthole/stonehole’žyes£žŠ†‚~v[WSOK;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9841xx’ž0.28’ž0.500.50nono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF205; ?posthole’žArea 3nonono’žposthole/stonehole’žyes•|xtphWSOKG731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9840xx’ž0.09’ž0.200.20nono00nononononpnp’žF196; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9839xx’ž0.05’ž0.100.10nono00nononononpnp’žF195; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9838xx’ž0.06’ž0.200.20nono00nononononpnp’žF194; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9837xx’ž0.10’ž0.200.20nono00nononononpnp’žF193; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 3yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesŖ„Š†‚|tKGC?;731/+' ’’’Ż0K E } Į ķ ēR‰Åųįł ’žHY 41 SW 44npnpnpnpnpnono01Neolithic sherdsnonosheepnono’žPit C - grave - secondary?; extended burial’žCentre of W wallno’žQ-1480,SRR-755’ž2 - secondary’ž3 - unknownŁĢ½­­©—jfbXTP0.,($ ’’ļ’žHY 41 SW 43npnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnpnp’žPit D - not investigated’žN end of chambernpnpno’ž1 - no information’ž2 - chamber„˜„€|xfLHD@<840,($ ’’’’žHY 41 SW 42’ž1.15’ž0.65npx1.15nono01nononononono’žPit B - cist containing a crouched skeleton’žJust N of Pit 1nonono’ž5 - grave’ž2 - chamber±¤™•‘|NJFB>:642.*" ’’’’žHY 41 SW 41’ž1.5’ž0.90’ž0.25x1.5noyesno1Neolithic sherdsnonononoyes’žPit A - crouched skeleten covered by flat slabs’žS end of chamberno’ž Q-1479, SRR-754’ž5 - grave’ž2 - chamberąÓȶ¶² oiea]Y973-)#!’’ļ’žNPRN 9878xx’ž0.10’ž0.400.40nono00round botton bowlnonononpnp’žF326’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyes–‘ƒ{woiea]YU31/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9877’ž1.0’ž0.80’ž0.10x1.0nono00Peterboroughnonononpnp’žF325’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyesˆzvrnf`\XTPL420,("  ’’’’žNPRN 9876’ž0.50’ž0.30’ž0.08x0.50nono00Peterborough?nonononpnp’žF277’žArea 5nonono’žcontemporary’žyes’{wskea]YUQ753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9875’ž0.30’ž0.20’ž0.06x0.30nono00yes (np)yes (np)nononpnp’žF271’žArea 3nonono’žcontemporary’žyes”}yumgc_[WG753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9874npnp’ž0.20npnpnono00round bottom bowlnonononpnp’žF67’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyes“Ž€|xtlgc_[WS1/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9870xx’ž0.30’ž0.800.80nono00Irish sea wares; round bottom bowlburin; scrapernononpnp’žF60’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyesĻŹ¼ø“°Ø£Ÿ›—“w31/+' ’’’’žNPRN 9872’ž1.1’ž0.70’ž0.30x1.1nono00Peterboroughyes (np)nononpnp’žF58’žArea 4nono’žCAR-114’žcontemporary’žyes˜Š}yqlhd`\L420,("  ’’’’žNPRN 9871’ž3.0’ž1.7’ž0.30x3.0nono00nomicrolithnononpnp’žF54’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyes…€rnjf^YUQMI731/+'! ’’’’žNPRN 9870’ž1.5’ž0.60’ž0.35x1.5nono00Peterboroughnonononpnp’žF47’žArea 4nono’žCAR-116’žcontemporary’žyes‘Œ~uqme`\XTPL420,("  ’’’’žNPRN 9869npnp’ž0.25npnpnono00shouldered bowl; vessel with inturned rimyes (np)nononpnp’žF46’žArea 4nonono’žcontemporary’žyesĻŹ¼ø“°Ø£Ÿ›—“ƒ1/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9856’ž0.80’ž0.80’ž0.10x0.80nono00nononononpnp’žF299; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes®©ŽŠ†€xOKGC?;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9855’ž0.50’ž0.30’ž0.10x0.50nono00nononononpnp’žF298; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes®©ŽŠ†€xOKGC?;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9854npnp’ž0.60npnpnono00noyes (np)nopignpnp’žF297; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes“ƔŒˆ€WSOIE51/-)%! ’’’Ō!8Y z › ¼ Õ ö2OpJž’žNJ 35 NE 518xxnp’ž0.400.40+nono00nowhetstonenonoyesyes’žPOSTHOLE; the post had once stood on a setting of little pebbles which themselves rested on the 4cm thick black layer’ž0.60 m W of central pitnono’žSRR-688’žposthole’ž1 - yes łõńŲ`ZTPL:642.* ’’’’žSE 86 SW 191’ž0.25’ž0.12npx0.25nono00nononononono’žnear the head of a human interment; very fine argillaceous sedimet’žSW of centreyes'something perishable'no’ž5 - mortuary’ž1 - yesļęŲŌØ¢”OKGC?;753/+#!’’’’žNPRN 9868npnp’ž0.05npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF328; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9867’ž0.40np’ž0.20x0.40nono00nononononpnp’žF324; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes¬§Œˆ„~vMIEA=9531-)! ’’’’žNPRN 9866’ž0.60’ž0.40’ž0.20x0.60nono00nononononpnp’žF323; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes®©ŽŠ†€xOKGC?;753/+#! ’’’’žNPRN 9865npnp’ž0.10npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF319; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9864npnp’ž0.10npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF317; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9863npnp’ž0.11npnpnono00nopiercernononpnp’žF311; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 1nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes°«Œˆ„|SOKGC51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9862npnp’ž0.25npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF305; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9861npnp’ž0.25npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF304; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9860npnp’ž0.15npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF303; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9859npnp’ž0.20npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF302; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9858npnp’ž0.36npnpnono00noyes (np)nononpnp’žF301; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5nonono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyes²­’ŽŠ†~UQMIE51/-)%! ’’’’žNPRN 9857npnp’ž0.35npnpnono00nononononpnp’žF300; undated, but sealed beneath cairn’žArea 5yesnono’žpre-monument/contemporary’žyesØ£ˆ„€zrIEA=951/-)%! ’’’Ų _ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠāĦˆ8öĢ¢xN$¤ ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ¤Ķ €’J€pt J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].ReJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionB oJ€’ž1 €J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].ReJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionB oJ€J€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionBJ€’ž1 Expr2€’ž[SITE DESCRIPTION].RegionB oL€ SE SW Scotland - June 7 2009Excavation Records„@&=sgC L€ SE L@%= gL€ SE D@$= gL€ SE N@#= gL€ SE N@"= gL€ SE F@!= gL€36 SE Excavation Records555 L€36 SE SW Scotland - June 7 2009CCC L€ SE  GL€ SE  GL€’36 SE  L€ SE  GP 0® @€ @€LČ3LČ5LČ6LČ7LČ8LČ9LČ:LČ;LČL’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4L’Č4M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@M’Č@]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*]’Ō*`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&`’]&d]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]Id]I¼<YäČLlLNĖĖä} Y ų dY  Y Lž NMR #Pottery #Pottery Typeƒ’’’’l’’’’P’’’’X’’’’P’’ĖÓP$€Y’’’’PotteryNMR #’’-C†Axš½?š½?ŹXŲĻ¬†ĻeĻ=ĻĻźĪæĪŽĪeĪ=Īķ Ć ˜ u M " ö Ķ ¤ ~ U 2Ģ Č ¬Ėx E  ł Ļ ¤ q @  ā Ø | `ÉEÉ)ÉÉĢ¦‹Hc7Ō©yFāøh@걄P'ļ¼‹U+šCĘ•e,Š•eĀ8ä“~O#śŃ’žSE 98 NW 94’žincense cup ’žSE 98 NW 94’žFood Vessel ’žSE 86 SW 19’žTowthorpe bowl#’žSE 96 NE 24’žplain Bowl’žSE 96 NE 24’žNeolithic pot (complete)-’žSE 86 SE 5’žTowthorpe bowls (2)'’žSE 86 SW 9’žTowthorpe bowl"’žSE 86 NW 4’žcinerary urn ’žSE 76 NE 5’žplain Bowl’žNZ 20 SW 11’žunidentified sherd'’žSE 97 NW 14’žNeolithic’žSE 78 NE 10b’žfragments of 2 urns)’žSU 34 NW 6’žWindmill Hill!’žND 24 SE 1’žnumerous unidentified sherds0’žND 24 SE 1’žGrimston Lyles Hill'’žND 24 SE 16’žunidentified!’žND 24 SE 16’žBeaker¼’žND 06 SE 16’žWestern Neolithic - 107 sherd2’žNC 96 NE 6’žBeaker’žNC 96 NE 6’ž Neolithic’žND 34 SW 30’žunidentified!’žND 34 SW 30’žCarinated bowl#’žND 34 SW 4’žnumerous undecorated sherds/’žND 34 SW 4’žUnstan’žND 06 SE 10’žundecorated Neolithic?+’žND 34 SW 5’žunidentified (2)$’žND 34 SW 2’žWestern Neolithic%’žND 34 SW 70’žunidentified!’žNR 89 NW 2’žcinerary urn ’žNR 89 NW 2’žFood Vessel’žNR 89 NW 2’žbowl’žNR 34 NW 6’žplain’žNR 34 NW 6’žBeaker’žNR 64 SE 14’žunidentified!’žNS 06 NE 17’žCarinated Bowl#’žNS 06 NE 17’žCarinated Bowl#’žNM 93 NW 1’žunidentified ’žNM 93 NW 1’žCarinated Bowl"’žNS 06 SE 17’žUnidentified!’žNN 00 SE 12’žUnidentified - Neolithic-’žNN 00 SE 12’žCarinated Bowl#’žNR 72 NE 6’žFood Vessel—’žNN 00 NE 8’žNM 93 NW 4’žBeacharra’žNM 93 NW 4’žNeolithic - Western (A)+’žNS 05 NE 10’žFood Vessel ’žNR 89 NW 51’žNR 78 NE 9’žNR 89 NW 18’žNS 06 SE 17’žCarinated Bowl#’žNS 06 NW 8’žUnidentified ’žNS 06 NE 17’žNeolithic bowl#’žNR 99 NE 6’žBeacharra? 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Hanford SpurHH.$?’žST 81 SW 174’žOxA-7845’ž8400+60’žCharcoal’žHN82 F279 - Hanford SpurHH.$?’žSY 78 NW 411’žBM-665’ž1695+43 bc’žCharcoal’žpalisade trench - constructionQQ0&?’žSY 78 NW 410’žBM-662’ž1687+63 bc’žantler’žpalisade trench - constructionOO.&?’žSY 78 NW 49’žBM-669’ž1324+51 bc’žCharcoal’žtimber structure - secondaryLL.$?’žSY 78 NW 48’žBM-668’ž1680+60 bc’žCharcoal’žtimber structure - secondaryLL.$?’žSY 78 NW 47’žBM-667’ž2038+84 bc’žanimal bone’žtimber structure - primaryMM1$?’žSY 78 NW 46’žBM-666’ž1991+72 bc’žantler’žtimber structure - primaryHH,$?’žSY 78 NW 45’žBM-663’ž1961+89 bc’žCharcoal’žTimber structure - primaryJJ.$?’žSY 78 NW 44’žBM-664’ž1460+131 bc’žCharcoal’ženclosure ditch - secondaryLL/%?’žSY 78 NW 43’žBM-646’ž1778+59 bc’žantler’ženclosure ditch - primaryGG,$?’žSY 78 NW 42’žBM-645’ž1784+41 bc’žantler’žEnclosure ditch - primaryGG,$?’žSY 78 NW 41’žBM-644’ž2122 + 73 bc’žCharcoal’žpre-enclosure settlementJJ0&?’žSY 68 NE 908’žOxA-1576’ž4790 + 100’žanimal bone’žsecondary ditch fillJJ4'?’žSY 68 NE 15117’žOxA-1142’ž4750+80’žanimal bone’žfinal ditch fill - Trench IIRR4'?’žSY 68 NE 15116’žOxA-1141’ž4360+80’žanimal bone’žfinal ditch fill - Trench IIRR4'?’žSY 68 NE 907’žOxA-1336’ž4570+80’žanimal bone’žbank between ditchesGG1$?’žSY 68 NE 15115’žBM-2452’ž4640+50’žanimal bone’žouter ditch@@3&?’žSY 68 NE 15114’žBM-2451’ž4860+70’žhuman bone’žouter ditch??2&?’žSY 68 NE 15113’žOxA-1340’ž4650+70’žanimal bone’žouter ditch - Trench VLL4'?’žSY 68 NE 15112’žOxA-1339’ž4740+80’žanimal bone’žouter ditch - Trench VLL4'?’žSY 68 NE 15111’žOxA-1338’ž4930+90’žhuman bone’žouter ditch - Trench IILL3'?’žSY 68 NE 15110’žBM-2454’ž4830+60?’žsecondary midden fill - inner ditchMM(&?’žSY 68 NE 1519’žBM-2448’ž4710+70?’žsecondary midden fill - inner ditchKK&$?’žSY 68 NE 1518’žBM-2447’ž4800+45?’žsecondary midden fill - inner ditchKK&$?’žSY 68 NE 1517’žOxA-1147’ž4690+80’žanimal bone’žsecondary midden fill - inner ditch - Trench Ibb2%?’žSY 68 NE 1516’žOxA-1143’ž4730+80’žanimal bone’žsecondary midden fill - inner ditch - Trench IIcc2%?’žSY 68 NE 1515’žBM-2450’ž5030+40’žCharcoal’žprimary fill - Inner ditchJJ.$?’žSY 68 NE 1514’žBM-2449’ž5050+60’žCharcoal’žprimary fill - Inner ditchJJ.$?’žSY 68 NE 1513’žOxA-1337’ž5030+80’žanimal bone’žprimary fill - Inner ditch - Trench IIZZ2%?’žSY 68 NE 1512’žOxA-1148’ž4810+80’žhuman bone’žprimary fill - Inner ditch - Trench IXX1%?’žSY 68 NE 1511’žOxA-1144’ž4550+80’žanimal bone’žprimary fill - Inner ditch - Trench IIZZ2%?’žLinear 413’žOxA-624’ž4570+120??&&$" ?’žLinear 412’žOxA 625/626’ž4575+77?>?++)% ?’žLinear 411’žBM-2438’ž4490+60??%%#! ?÷SU 01 NW 143’žBM-2284R’ž4740±130?’žditch?//'%?’žST 81 SW 173’žOxA-8862’ž4690+45’žCharcoal’žposthole WOWK3 F4AA.$?’žST 81 SW 172’žOxA-8861’ž4780+45’žCharcoal’žposthole WOWK3 F4AA.$?’žST 81 SW 171’žOxA-7816’ž8725+55’žCharcoal’žposthole WOWK3 F4AA.$?×-ÆĻ6OåŽ7ć … 1 į „ % Å r  Ā h  ™ < ßv%Ō‚/Õ…/Ū†0Ó„;å†&ĖĀuĀ(ĀŚĮ†,Ļ’žSU 28 SE 151’žHAR-3898’ž4800 ± 90’žhuman bone’žgrave pit==2&?’žST 57 NE 91’žHAR-8083’ž4070 ± 80’žhuman bone’žburied land surfaceGG2&?’žSY 78 NW 31’žBM-795’ž4077 ± 52’žantler pick’žprimary ditch fillDD0#?’žST 91 SE 231’žBM 2355’ž5160 ± 45’žantler’žold ground surfaceAA-%?’žSU 05 NE 32’žBM 557’ž3938 ± 48’žCharcoal’žditch bottom;;-#?’žSU 05 NE 31’žBM 560’ž4604 ± 59’žCharcoal’žburied soil::-#?’žTF 27 SW 142’žHAR-3270’ž1530 ± 70’žCharcoal’žSE ditch terminalCC0&?’žTF 27 SW 141’žHAR-3290’ž1720 ± 80 bc’žCharcoal’žcharcoal/sand layerHH3)?’žTA 17 SW 203’žHAR-267’ž4470 ± 120’žCharcoal’žinner ditch - upper fillJJ0&?’žTA 17 SW 202’žHAR-266’ž4510 ± 90’žCharcoal’žinner ditch - upper fillII/%?’žTA 17 SW 201’žHAR-269’ž4910 ± 120’žantler’žinner ditch base@@.&?’žSE 85 NW 92’žBM-1167’ž4803 ±71’žCharcoal’žpit22-#?’žSE 85 NW 91’žBM-1170’ž4933 ± 64’žCharcoal’žfcade trench<<.$?’žSK 15 NE 84’žOxA 2355’ž5270 ± 70’žCharcoal’žnorthern barrow extensionJJ/%?’žSK 15 NE 83’žOxA 2354’ž4960 ±70’žCharcoal’žpit - north barrowCC/%?’žSK 15 NE 82’žOxA2291’ž4850 ± 80’žCharcoal’žold ground surfaceBB.$?’žSK 15 NE 81’žOxA2290’ž5000 ± 80’žCharcoal’žpre-barrow pit #1AA.$?’žSE 86 SE 221’žNPL-140’ž5505 ± 145’žCharcoal (old wood)’žfaēadeCC;&?’žSE 86 SW 31’žHAR-2160’ž4710 ± 90’žpig jaw’žfaēade trench==.%?’žSU 34 NW 61’žBM-49’ž4680 ± 150’žburnt wood’ž2nd forecourt buildingGG/#?’žND 24 SE 14’žGU-1706’ž4780 ± 170’žCharcoal’žcairn forecourt@@/%?’žND 24 SE 13’žGU-1709’ž4920 ± 125’žCharcoal’žpre-cairn soil??/%?’žND 24 SE 12’žGU-1708’ž4915 ± 60’žCharcoal’žpre-cairn soil>>.$?’žND 24 SE 11’žGU-1707’ž4950 ± 80’žCharcoal’žpre-cairn soil>>.$?’žND 06 SE 164’žGU-1336’ž4655 ± 60’žOx, Ovicaprid bone’žunder chamber paving stonesVV9%?’žND 06 SE 163’žGU-1333’ž4670 ± 65’žDeer, Ovicaprid bone’žchamber floorJJ;%?’žND 06 SE 162’žGU-1332’ž4965 ± 60’žDeer, Ovicaprid bone’žchamber floorJJ;%?’žND 06 SE 161’žGU-1339’ž4840 ± 65’žbirch charcoal’žoccupation surface under chamberWW5%?’žND 06 SE 92’žGU-1329’ž3055 ± 60’žhuman bone’žburial deposit on collapsed roofRR0$?’žND 06 SE 91’žGU-1338’ž4800 ± 60’žhuman bone’žburial A on platformGG0$?’žND 06 SE 103’žGU-1331’ž4055 ± 70’žOx, deer bone’žchamber fillingEE4%?’žND 06 SE 102’žGU-1330’ž4210 ± 60’žOx, deer bone’žchamber fillingEE4%?’žND 06 SE 101’žGU-1334’ž4685 ± 60’žhuman bone’žchamber floor@@1%?’žNR 25 NW 16’žHAR-3487’ž5020 ± 90’ž hazelnut & charcoal’žoccupation levelMM;%?’žNR 25 NW 15’žHAR-3486’ž4940 ± 70’žhazelnut & charcoal’žoccupation levelLL:%?’žNR 25 NW 14’žHAR-2836’ž4660 ± 90’žcharcoal and nuts’žoccupation levelJJ8%?’žNR 25 NW 13’žHAR 2405’ž1860 ± 70’žCharcoal’žbase of pit==0&?’žNR 25 NW 12’žHAR 2406’ž4710 ± 70’žcharcoal’žbeneath monolithAA/%?’žNR 97 SE 21’žI-5974’ž4860 ± 115’žburnt material’žaxial chamber floorII4$?’žNR 25 NW 11’žHAR-2084’ž4540 ± 70’žCharcoal’žbeneath monolithAA/%?’žNPRN 984’žCAR-114’ž4390 ± 70’žCharcoal’žpits on S side of cairnDD+! ?’žNPRN 983’žCAR-116’ž4590 ± 75’žCharcoal’žpits on S side of cairnDD+! ?’žNPRN 982’žCAR-113’ž5050 ± 75’žCharcoal’žpit beneath cairn>>+! ?ŌNPRN 981’žCAR-118’ž4945±80bc’žCharcoal’žhearth possibly associated with Late Mesolithic flintworkff+! ?’žSE 95 NE 22’žNPL-195’ž3110+150bc’žCharcoal’žcremation pit>>/%?×/°` ŗĪnĪ«ĶTĶżĢ£ WL · k  Ę w " Ū ‘ E ū³iČĢĒyĒ#Ķw½eE­]±^°Tł˜<Ų|’žND 48 SE 116’žQ-3017’ž4030 ± 50’žhuman bone’žsame sample as GU-1186II1%?’žND 48 SE 115’žGU-1186’ž4040 ± 100’žhuman bone’žstone infilling sealing tombQQ3'?’žND 48 SE 114’žQ-3014’ž3830 ± 50’žhuman bone’žsame sample as GU-1183II1%?’žND 48 SE 113’žGU-1183’ž3910 ± 80’žhuman bone’žStall 5 under intact shelfNN2&?’žND 48 SE 112’žQ-3018’ž4285 ± 45’ždeer bone’žsame sample as GU-1190HH0%?’žND 48 SE 111’žGU-1190’ž4260 ± 55’ždeer bone’žbackfill abutting tombII1&?’žND 48 SE 110’žQ-3015’ž4260 ± 55’žhuman bone’žsame sample as GU-1184II1%?’žND 48 SE 19’žGU-1184’ž4365 ± 90’žhuman bone’žSide cell 3==0$?’žND 48 SE 18’žGU-1181’ž4410 ± 130’žhuman bone’žStall 4 floor@@1%?’žND 48 SE 17’žGU-1180’ž4420 ± 90’žhuman bone’žStall 4 floor??0$?’žND 48 SE 16’žQ-3016’ž4360 ± 55’žhuman bone’žsame sample as GU-1185GG/#?’žND 48 SE 15’žGU-1185’ž4420 ± 95’žhuman bone’žSide cell 3==0$?’žND 48 SE 14’žQ-3013’ž4375 ± 50’žhuman bone’žsame sample as GU-1182GG/#?pND 48 SE 13’žGU-1182’ž4480±80’žhuman bone’žStall 5 under intact shelfJJ."?’žND 48 SE 12’žGU-1178’ž4245 ± 100’žhuman bone’žfoundation depositEE1%?’žND 48 SE 11’žGU-1179’ž4430 ± 55’žhuman bone’žfoundation depositDD0$?’žNN 95 SW 62’žGaK-602’ž4220 ± 90’žcarbonized wood’žbeneath standing stoneMM5$?’žNN 95 SW 61’žGaK-601’ž4810 ± 90’žCharcoal’žold land surface@@.$?’žNS 02 NW 102’žQ-676’ž4190 ± 110’žCharcoal’žForecourt (Layer 4)CC.$?’žNS 02 NW 101’žQ-675’ž5110 ± 110’žCharcoal’žForecourt (Layer 4)CC.$?’žNR 89 NW 433’žGU-1977’ž2970 ± 55’žCharcoal’žPit - Feature 2@@/%?’žNR 89 NW 432’žGU-1976’ž3000 ± 65’žCharcoal’žPit - Feature 2@@/%?’žNR 89 NW 431’žGU-1978’ž3595 ± 70’žCharcoal’žCist 377/%?’žHY 42 NW 11’žQ-1225’ž4225 ± 60’žanimal bonenp440#?’žHY 32 NE 12’žQ-1227’ž4005 ± 60’ždeer bonenp22.#?’žHY 32 NE 11’žQ-1221’ž4305 ± 60’žcattle bonenp440#?’žHY 42 NW 22np’žQ-1224’ž4300 ± 60’žred deer bonenp995&?’žHY 42 NW 222’žQ-1223’ž4340 ± 65’žbovine ribnp440$?’žHY 42 NW 221’žQ-1222’ž4010 ± 60’žox bonenp11-$?’žNJ 35 NE 58’žSRR-690’ž6006 ± 60’žCharcoal’žbeneath West CairnBB.$?’žNJ 35 NE 57’žSRR-689’ž4959 ± 110’žCharcoal’žblack layer<</%?’žNJ 35 NE 56’žSRR-688’ž4124 ± 200’žCharcoal’žbeneath black layerDD/%?’žNJ 35 NE 55’žSRR-687’ž3867 ± 70’žCharcoal’žbeaker pit;;/%?’žNJ 35 NE 54’žSRR-685’ž5031 ± 100’žCharcoal’žHollow M99/%?’žNJ 35 NE 53’žSRR-684’ž4823 ± 60’žcharred oak’žblack layer>>1$?’žNJ 35 NE 52’žSRR-683’ž4946 ± 175’žCharcoal’žcentral pit<</%?~NJ 35 NE 51’žSRR-686’ž4898±60’žcharcoal’žblack layer99,"?’žNX 96 NE 241’žI-6409’ž5070 ± 105’žtimber plank’žmortuary structureGG3%?’žNX 98 SE 1524’žAA-54309; GU-10797’ž3020 ± 75’žhuman bone’žPit 2DD=1&?’žNX 98 SE 1523’žAA-54308; GU-10796’ž2900 ± 80’žhuman bone’žPit 1DD=1&?’žNX 98 SE 1522’žAA-54311; GU- 10799’ž2100 ± 40’žCharcoal’žditch re-cutJJ<2'?’žNX 98 SE 1521’žAA-54310; GU-10798’ž3635 ± 40’žCharcoal’žprimary ditch depositsSS;1&?’žNZ 51 SE 11’žHAR-2091’ž2940 ± 80?’žsecondary burial99'%?’žSU 14 SE 2401’žNPL-77’ž2010 ± 110 bc’žCharcoal’žgrave pit>>3)?’žSS 91 SE 111’žHAR-8544’ž8310 ± 100’žCharcoal’žsoil around pitBB1'?’žSU 28 SE 153’žHAR-3883’ž4870 ± 70’žhuman bone’žgrave pit==2&?’žSU 28 SE 152’žHAR-3884’ž4780 ± 70’žhuman bone’žgrave pit==2&? ×1¢Wł§Rż ² g  Ė ~ 1 ä — C ō „ V  æ t & ŗNć~¤QžŖUŗlŃƇĆ>ĆõĀ¬ĀcĀĀŠĮ‡Į;ĮšĄ„Ą}Ą’žSU 34 NW 62’žBM-’žNH 64 NE 612’žSRR-429’ž3890 ± 60’žCharcoal’žPit 21880&?’žNH 64 NE 611’žSRR-428’ž3890 ± 50’žCharcoal’žPit 19880&?’žNH 64 NE 610’žSRR-427’ž3270 ± 100’žCharcoal’žPit 45991'?’žNH 64 NE 69’žSRR-426’ž4890 ± 60’žCharcoal’žPit 4166.$?’žNH 64 NE 68’žSRR-425’ž4100 ± 70’žCharcoal’žPit 4966.$?’žNH 64 NE 67’žSRR-424’ž5000 ± 100’žCharcoal’žPit 1877/%?’žNH 64 NE 66’žSRR-423’ž2940 ± 80’žCharcoal’žPit 2866.$?’žNH 64 NE 65’žSRR-422’ž2710 ± 70’žCharcoal’žPit 2466.$?’žNH 64 NE 64’žSRR-421’ž5270 ± 650’žCharcoal’žPit 466/%?’žNH 64 NE 63’žSRR-420’ž553 ± 150’žCharcoal’žPit 2666.$?’žNH 64 NE 62’žSRR-188’ž4983 ± 130’žCharcoal’žPit 9770&?’žNH 64 NE 61’žSRR-187’ž4732 ± 90’žCharcoal’žPit 655.$?’žNO 66 SE 48’žOxA-8844’ž2010 ± 120’žhuman bone’žchamber fill@@2&?’žNO 66 SE 47’žOxA-8777’ž2050 ± 110’žhuman bone’žPhase 6;;2&?’žNO 66 SE 46’žOxA-8593’ž2165 ± 70’žhuman bone’žPit 24991%?’žNO 66 SE 45’žOxA-8226’ž5660 ± 40’žhazelnut shell’žPit 7<<5%?’žNO 66 SE 44’žOxA-8225’ž8100 ± 45’žhazelnut shell’žPhase 1 pitBB5%?’žNO 66 SE 43’žOxA-8224’ž4965 ± 40’žoak timber’žPhase 3B moundAA1%?’žNO 66 SE 42’žOxA-8223’ž4920 ± 45’žoak plank’žPhase 3B mound@@0%?’žNO 66 SE 41’žOxA-8222’ž5035 ± 40’žoak plank’žPhase 3B mound@@0%?’žHY 44 NW 326’žGU-1584’ž4030 ± 65’žcattle bone’žLayer 10 - - secondary occupation layer[[2%?’žHY 44 NW 325’žGU-1583’ž4140 ± 60’žcattle bone’žLayer 10 - secondary occupation layerYY2%?’žHY 44 NW 324’žGU-1582’ž4140 ± 60’žCattle bone’žLayer 21 - secondary structureRR2%?’žHY 44 NW 323’žGU-1586’ž4330 ± 110’žsheep bone’žLayer 22 - cairn reventment collapseXX2&?’žHY 44 NW 322’žGU-1587’ž4065 ± 90’žcattle bone’žLayer 22 - cairn reventment collapseYY2%?’žHY 44 NW 321’žGU-1588’ž4105 ± 120’žsheep bone’žLayer 20 - cairn reventment collapseYY2&?’žNX 37 NE 18’žGU-14108’ž4915 ± 35’žCharcoal’žunder kerb;;/%?’žNX 37 NE 17’žGU-14107’ž4150 ± 35’žCharcoal’žsubsoil88/%?’žNX 37 NE 16’žGU-14105’ž3500 ± 35’žCharcoal’žPit 366/%?’žNX 37 NE 15’žGU-10218’ž3470 ± 35’žCharcoal’žcore cairn;;/%?’žNX 37 NE 14’žGU-13906’ž3475 ± 35’žcremated bone’žPit 2<<5%?’žNX 37 NE 13’žGU-13905’ž3650 ± 35’žcremated bone’žPit 4<<5%?’žNX 37 NE 12’žGU-12908’ž3560 ± 35’žcremated bone’žPit 1<<5%?’žNX 37 NE 11’žGU-12907’ž3505 ± 35’žcremated bone’žcist & urnAA5%?’žHY 44 NE 313’žut-1658’ž4680 ± 50’žhuman bone’žComp 3::2&?’žHY 44 NE 312’žut-1660’ž4680 ± 50’žhuman bone’žcomp 2::2&?’žHY 44 NE 311’žut-1659’ž4600 ± 50’žhuman bone’žComp 1::2&?’žHY 44 NE 310’žGU-2936’ž4390 ± 60’žhuman bone’žComp 3::2&?’žHY 44 NE 39’žut-1663’ž4380 ± 90’žanimal bone’žchamber::1$?’žHY 44 NE 38’žGU-2940’ž4360 ± 50’žhuman bone’žComp 1 & 2<<0$?’žHY 44 NE 37’žut-1661’ž4300 ± 50’žhuman bone’žComp 3880$?’žHY 44 NE 36’žGU-2934’ž4250 ± 90’žhuman bone’žComp 3880$?’žHY 44 NE 35’žGU-2941’ž4110 ± 50’žsheep bone’žpassage blockingBB0$?’žHY 44 NE 34’žut-1665’ž4040 ± 50’žotter bone’žN end of passageBB0$?’žHY 44 NE 33’žut-1664’ž3870 ± 80’žanimal bone’žpassage fill??1$?’žHY 44 NE 32’žGU-2942’ž3670 ± 70’žanimal bone’žcollapse of chamber roofKK1$?’žHY 44 NE 31’žGU-2945’ž3610 ± 100’žbird bone’žComp 4880%?’žND 48 SE 117’žGU-1187’ž3250 ± 55’žhuman bone’žcist burial in backfillKK2&? ×.“ĻfĻĻŠĪn„ N ņ ¢ B Ū …  ø R ž Ŗ Q ɟČ6ČźŠ1Ų~GĘņ£Tō“@ī˜IźšKüŖ[ĮĆĄs@õSC 28 SE 391’žBM-768’ž4225 bc’žCharcoal’žcremation pit 1==,"?’žTQ 50 SW 262’žHAR-942’ž2590 ± 90’žhuman bone’žburial pit==1%?’žTQ 50 SW 261’žHAR-940’ž4310 ± 110’žantler’žditch55.&?’žTF 47 SW 8614’žCAR-816’ž3830 ± 60’žCharcoal’žditch (4)<<1'?’žTF 47 SW 8613’žBM-2346’ž4120 ± 45’žanimal bone’žditch (4)??4'?’žTF 47 SW 8612’žCAR-817’ž4370 ± 70’žCharcoal’žditch (5)<<1'?’žTF 47 SW 8611’žCAR-818’ž4450 ± 70’žCharcoal’žditch (5)<<1'?’žTF 47 SW 8610’žCAR-819’ž4840 ± 70’žCervus antler’žmound==6'?’žTF 47 SW 869’žCAR-820’ž4800 ± 80’žCervus antler’žDitch (6) primary fillLL4%?’žTF 47 SW 868’žHAR-1850’ž4700 ± 80’žCervus antler’žditch<<5&?’žTF 47 SW 867’žHAR-1869’ž5090 ± 80’žCervus antler’žDitch bottomCC5&?’žTF 47 SW 866’žOxA-640’ž4770 ± 80’žhuman bone’žburial area???1%?’žTF 47 SW 865’žOxA-639’ž4650 ± 80’žhuman bone’žburial area ?@@1%?’žTF 47 SW 864’žCAR-822’ž4970 ± 100’žCharcoal’žNorth post pit (burial area)NN0&?’žTF 47 SW 863’žCAR-821’ž5100 ± 80’žCharcoal’žNorth post pit (burial area)MM/%?’žTF 47 SW 862’žOxA-642’ž5140 ± 80’žCharcoal’žfaēade post<</%?’žTF 47 SW 861’žOxA-641’ž5450 ± 80’žCharcoal’žfaēade post<</%?’žSY 78 NW 721’žHAR-8597’ž4450 ± 80’žanimal bone’žbase of ditchBB3&?’žNPRN 3030021’žcharcoal from pit$$#’žHY 55 SW 23’žGU-2069’ž2120 ± 60 bc’žbone’žfill of entrance passageGG-'?’žHY 55 SW 22’žGU-2068’ž2480 ± 60 bc’žbone’žprimary context in tombFF-'?’žHY 55 SW 21’žGU-2067’ž2445 ± 60 bc’žbone’žPrimary context in tombFF-'?’žNJ 74 SW 122’žGU-2049’ž4660 ± 50’žCharcoal’žblack layer at base of moundMM/%?’žNJ 74 SW 121’žGU-2014’ž4935 ± 105’žCharcoal’žPit CP1990&?’žNR 92 NW 27 b2’žGU-1562’ž3810 ± 65’žCharcoal’žburied soil beneath secondary moundVV1'?’žNR 92 NW 27 b1’žGU-1561’ž5895 ± 75’žCharcoal’žburied soil beneath primary moundTT1'?’žNR 92 NW 27 a1’žGU-1177’ž3735 ± 55’žCharcoal’žmound881'?’žNB 23 SW 110’žAA-24963’ž4115 ± 45’žCharcoal’žlower level of D315FF1'?’žNB 23 SW 19’žAA-24961’ž4055 ± 50’žCharcoal’žard-marked layerAA/%?’žNB 23 SW 18’žAA-24960’ž4205 ± 50’žCharcoal’žard-marked layerAA/%?’žNB 23 SW 17’žAA-24962’ž3555 ± 50’žCharcoal’žDark brown clay soil with ardmarksSS/%?’žNB 23 SW 16’žAA-24956’ž3580 ± 45’žCharcoal’žardmark in green-yellow clayMM/%?’žNB 23 SW 15’žAA-24968’ž3575 ± 45’žCharcoal’žgreasy brown layer under ard-marked layerZZ/%?’žNB 23 SW 14’žAA-24966’ž4210 ± 50’žCharcoal’žcairn constructionCC/%?’žNB 23 SW 13’žAA-24964’ž4185 ± 45’žCharcoal’žlayer of green clay under the cairnTT/%?’žNB 23 SW 12’žAA-24969’ž4095 ± 45’žCharcoal’žPrimary pit of Ring Stone 42MM/%?’žNB 23 SW 11’žAA-24959’ž4145 ± 45’žCharcoal’žFeature B871==/%?’žNC 50 NE 165’žGU-1173’ž4465 ± 60’žCharcoal’žmain chamber above floorII/%?’žNC 50 NE 164’žGU-1172’ž4510 ± 100’žCharcoal’žMain chamber floorDD0&?’žNC 50 NE 163’žGU-1169’ž4665 ± 70’žCharcoal’žantechamber below Unstan bowlNN/%?’žNC 50 NE 162’žGU-1168’ž4260 ± 60’žCharcoal’žantechamber - assoc with Unstan bowlUU/%?’žNC 50 NE 161’žGU-1167’ž3435 ± 65’žCharcoal’žcremation in collapsed roofingOO/%?’žNH 64 NE 616’žSRR-433’ž4100 ± 45’žCharcoal’žPit 37880&?’žNH 64 NE 615’žSRR-432’ž4650 ± 120’žCharcoal’žCairn881'?’žNH 64 NE 614’žSRR-431’ž6920 ± 150’žCharcoal’žCist III;;1'?’žNH 64 NE 613’žSRR-430’ž3720 ± 100’žCharcoal’žCist 1991'?×-°ONĻó”Kš — ; ź Š + Š j  ŗ b  ® L ņ˜>äŠ0Ö|"Čn ²X“fĶ1Ō€*Հ’žTL 47 NW 1712’žUB-3170’ž4893 ± 18’žwood’žfloor timber, ringsBB-'?’žTL 47 NW 1711’žUB-3169’ž4891 ± 18’žwood’žfloor timber, ringsBB-'?’žTL 47 NW 1710’žUB-3168’ž4900 ± 18’žwood’žfloor timber - ringsCC-'?’žTL 47 NW 179’žUB-3167’ž4947 ± 20’žwood’žfloor timber - ringsAA+%?’žTL 47 NW 178’žHAR-9171’ž4660 ± 50’žCharcoal’žcremation benath MS bankJJ0&?’žTL 47 NW 177’žHAR-9173’ž4730 ± 80’žwood’žfaēade timber;;,&?’žTL 47 NW 176’žHAR-9174’ž4930 ± 60’žwood’žfaēade timber;;,&?’žTL 47 NW 175’žHAR-9175’ž4950 ± 70’žwood’žfloor timber::,&?’žTL 47 NW 174’žHAR-9172’ž4960 ± 90’žwood’žwall timber99,&?’žTL 47 NW 173’žHAR-9176’ž5050 ± 60’žwood’žfaēade timber;;,&?’žTL 47 NW 172’žHAR-9177’ž5140 ± 70’žwood’žroof timber99,&?’žTL 47 NW 171’žHAR-9178’ž5770 ± 140’žhuman bone’žsecondary burialEE3'?’žSU 13 SE 3926’žOxA-13187’ž4932 ± 34’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3925’žOxA-13329’ž4894 ± 39’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3924’žOxA-12281’ž4850 ± 31’žsame as GrA-23183’žsame as GrA-23183OO<)?’žSU 13 SE 3923’žGrA-23183’ž4950 ± 50’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3922’žOxA-14458’ž4859 ± 35’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3921’žGrA-28290’ž4860 ± 50’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3920’žOxA-13186’ž4824 ± 39’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3919’žGrA-28208’ž4940 ± 50’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3918’žGrA-28207’ž4760 ± 50’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3917’žGrA-28175’ž4850 ± 45’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3916’žOxA-12280’ž4991 ± 32’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3915’žGrA-28174’ž4940 ± 45’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3914’žOxA-12279’ž4857 ± 31’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3913’žGrA-28219’ž5050 ± 50’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3912’žOxA-13185’ž4955 ± 42’žsame as GrA-23195’žsame as GrA-23195OO<)?’žSU 13 SE 3911’žGrA-23195’ž4955 ± 45’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 3910’žOxA-14480’ž4865 ± 39’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositGG5)?’žSU 13 SE 399’žOxA-12278’ž5021 ± 31’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositEE3'?’žSU 13 SE 398’žOxA-13174’ž5075 ± 40’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositEE3'?’žSU 13 SE 397’žOxA-12277’ž4971 ± 31’žhuman bone’žmortuary depositEE3'?’žSU 13 SE 396’žOxA-13326’ž4757 ± 39’žanimal bone’žditch just above primary siltSS4'?’žSU 13 SE 395’žOxA-13206’ž4877 ± 37’žanimal bone’žunder flint cairnHH5(?’žSU 13 SE 394’žOxA-13173’ž4728 ±_49’žanimal bone’žsurface of flint cairnLL4'?’žSU 13 SE 393’žGrA-28199’ž4880 ± 50’žsame as OxA-13205’žsame as OxA-13205MM:'?’žSU 13 SE 392’žOxA-13205’ž4851 ± 37’žantler’žbase of ditch>>/'?’žSU 13 SE 391’žBM-134’ž5180 ± 150’žcarbonized oak’žmortuary structureII5%?’žSE 76 NE 92’žHAR-5587’ž4520 ± 90’žhuman bone’žRound Barrow burialFF1%?’žSE 76 NE 91’žHAR-5580’ž4950 ± 90’žhuman bone’žEntrance grave burialHH1%?’žSW 42 SW 191’žBM-935’ž3489 ± 59’žCharcoal’žpit33.$?’žTA 07 NW 12’žBM-188’ž4900 ± 150’žcharred timber’žcrematorium depositII4$?’žTA 07 NW 11’žBM-189’ž4960 ± 150’žcarbonized timber’žpit at E endEE7$?’žSU 68 NW 1711’žBM-1405’ž4672 ± 49’žantler’žEast linear ditch - basal levelOO.&?öSC 28 SE 392’žBM-769’ž4233 bc’žCharcoal’žcremation pit 1==,"?.×,ŖGüØTū £ G ō ” I ī ¦ V  ¶ f „ ? ŽČŒČ7ČŲĒ‚Ē(Ē¹ĘJĘųÅ”ÅIÅ÷Ä„Ä=ÄÜĆwĆ Ć”Ā4ĀåĮ–Į3ĮŪĄ”Ą’žSP 75 NW 413’žHAR-2625’ž2340 ± 80 bc?’žPit 15644+)?’žSP 75 NW 412’žHAR-2389’ž1590 ± 80 bc?’žpit in inner ditch recutEE+)?’žSP 75 NW 411’žHAR-2282’ž3490 ± 110 bc’žCharcoal’žprimary fill - outer ditchPP4*?’žTF 10 NW 592’žGaK-658’ž1640 ± 90’žPit 3 of Pit Circle B<<%%/’žTF 10 NW 591’žGaK-657’ž1730 ± 90’žPit 9 of Pit Circle A<<%%/’žST 45 NE 156’žBM-1089’ž3782 ± 62’žCharcoal’žhearth on W side of causeway’žST 45 NE 15ZM/%’žST 45 NE 155’žBM-1088’ž3800 ± 74’žCharcoal’žbottom half of occupation’žST 45 NE 15WJ/%’žST 45 NE 154’žBM-1087’ž3602 ± 71’žCharcoal’žditch, lower part of hearth’žST 45 NE 15YL/%’žST 45 NE 153’žBM-1086’ž3663 ± 61’žCharcoal’žbottom of occupation’žST 45 NE 15RE/%’žST 45 NE 152’žBM-1091’ž3606 ± 67’žbone’žbottom of occupation’žST 45 NE 15NA+%’žST 45 NE 151’žBM-1090’ž3666 ± 117’žbone’žbottom of occupation layer’žST 45 NE 15UH,&’žSU 05 NE 34’žBM-559’ž1676 ± 81 bc’žbase of enclosure ditch??&&/’žSU 05 NE 33’žBM-558’ž1576 ± 99 bc’žbase of enclosure ditch??&&/’žNN 91 NW 185’žGU-1436’ž2180 ± 60 bc’žCharcoal’žPhase 2 - Pit A13EE2(?’žNN 91 NW 184’žGU-1435’ž2065 ± 65 bc’žCharcoal’žPhase 2 - Pit A1DD2(?’žNN 91 NW 183’žGU-1352’ž2330 ± 60 bc’žoak’žPhase 2 - Pit A7??-(?’žNN 91 NW 182’žGU-1353’ž2155 ± 60 bc’žCharcoal’žPhase 2 - primary fill of posthole A5/A7\\2(?’žNN 91 NW 181’žGU-1354’ž2090 ± 70 bc’žCharcoal’žPhase 2 - primary fill of posthole A5/A7\\2(?’žSP 40 SW 32’žHAR-1888’ž1640 ± 70 bc’žbone’žsurface of primary siltGG.(?’žSP 40 SW 31’žHAR-1887’ž2060 ± 120 bc’žbone’žprimary ditch siltCC/)?’žHY 31 SW 24’žSRR-592’ž1730 ± 270 bc’žwood’žrectangular timber structureLL.(?’žHY 31 SW 23’žSRR-351’ž2238 ± 70 bc’žCharcoal’žcentral featureBB1'?’žHY 31 SW 22’žSRR-352’žAD 519 ± 50’žCharcoal’žbase of Pit C??0&?’žHY 31 SW 21’žSRR-350’ž2356 ± 65 bc’žanimal bone’žorganic deposit in ditchNN4'?’žSU 06 NE 853’žBM-506a’ž4257 ± 90’žantler (same as 506b)’žon OGS under moundPP<%?’žTA 06 NE 31’žBM-293’ž4830 ± 125’žCharcoal’žtimber from trapezoid enclosureOO.$?’žSU 06 NE 852’žNPL-138’ž5200 ± 160’žCharcoal’žbeneath OGS under moundII0&?’žSU 16 NW 594’žOxA-451’ž4780 ± 90’žhuman bone’žSW chamber==1%?’žSU 16 NW 593’žOxA-450’ž4700 ± 80’žhuman bone’žNE chamber==1%?’žSU 16 NW 592’žOxA-563’ž4780 ± 90’žhuman bone’žNW chamber==1%?’žSU 16 NW 591’žOxA-449’ž4825 ± 90’žhuman bone’žNW chamber==1%?’žSU 06 NE 174’žBM-358b’ž4530 ± 110’žantler’žmound55.&?’žSU 06 NE 173’žBM-358a’ž4620 ± 140’žantler’žprimary fill north ditchHH.&?’žSU 06 NE 172’žBM-357’ž4700 ± 135’žbone’žprimary fill north ditchEE+%?’žSU 06 NE 171’žBM-356’ž4760 ± 130’žCharcoal’žOGS under mound@@/%?’žSU 07 SE 61’žBM-180’ž5190 ± 150’žantler’žprimary ditch fill@@,$?’žSU 06 NE 74’žOxA-3761’ž3860 ± 60’žanimal tooth’žsecondary ditch fillII3%?’žSU 06 NE 73’žOxA-3762’ž4535 ± 65’ždeer tooth’žprimary ditch fillEE1%?’žSU 06 NE 72’žOxA-3760’ž4730 ± 65’ždeer antler’žprimary ditch fillFF2%?’žSU 06 NE 71’žOxA-3759’ž4610 ± 60’žanimal bone’žbone from OGSAA2%?’žSU 06 NE 851’žBM-506b’ž4467 ± 90’žantler’žon OGS under moundAA-%?’žNU 12 NW 401’žGaK-1507’ž4840 ± 90’žCharcoal’žpit550&?’žTL 47 NW 1714’žBeta-180721’ž4340 ± 90’žCharcoal’žbase of burnt flint moundPP5+ ?’žTL 47 NW 1713’žUB-3171’ž4874 ± 20’žwood’žfloor timber, ringsCC-'?<×,›Ļ=ĻöĪ§Ī]ĪĪĀĶbĶūĢœĢ>ĢāĖƒĖ0ĖšŹ” 7 Ų I( ¼f¼Oą“:߉Bś³R鈓l¹\ü¢’žNZ 71 NW 1411’žBM-2013’ž4510 ± 90’žCharcoal’žF 111, faēade trenchGG1'?’žNZ 71 NW 1410’žBM-2012’ž4610 ± 80’žCharcoal’žGF 105, old ground surfaceMM1'?’žNZ 71 NW 149’žBM-2011’ž4630 ± 80’žCharcoal’žF105 - old ground surfaceJJ/%?’žNZ 71 NW 148’žBM-2010’ž3170 ± 45’žCharcoal’žF 11666/%?’žNZ 71 NW 147’žBM-2009’ž3360 ± 50’žCharcoal’žinterface between BA mound & Neo cairnWW/%?’žNZ 71 NW 146’žBM-2008’ž2485 ± 45’žCharcoal’žF 4655/%?’žNZ 71 NW 145’žBM-2007’ž3220 ± 45’žCharcoal’žinterface between BA mound & Neo cairnWW/%?’žNZ 71 NW 144’žBM-1969’ž4720 ± 50’žCharcoal’žvertical post 10 of mortuary structureWW/%?’žNZ 71 NW 143’žBM-1968’ž4960 ± 60’žCharcoal’žPlank 3 of mortuary structureNN/%?’žNZ 71 NW 142’žBM-1967’ž4620 ± 60’žCharcoal’žVertical post 9 of mortuary structureVV/%?’žNZ 71 NW 141’žBM-1966’ž4720 ± 60’žCharcoal’žplank 3 of mortuary structureNN/%?’žSK 57 SW 913’žOxA-4326’ž5115 ± 70’žhuman bone?442&?’žSK 57 SW 912’žOxA-4177’ž5190 ± 100’žhuman bone?553'?’žSK 57 SW 911’žOxA-4176’ž5380 ± 90’žhuman bone?442&?’žSU 38 SW 55’žOxA-7899’ž4395 ± 65’žhuman bone’žsecondary burialCC1%?’žSU 38 SW 54’žOxA-7693’ž4955 ± 45’žhuman bone’žsecondary ditch siltsHH1%?’žSU 38 SW 53’žOxA-7694’ž4915 ± 45’žhuman bone’žprimary ditch sitlsFF1%?’žSU 38 SW 52’žOxA-7962’ž4870 ± 45’žantler’žditch floor::-%?’žSU 38 SW 51’žGX-1178’ž5365 ± 180’žCharcoal’žunder primary ditch fill (old wood effect?)\\/%?’žNPRN 3043204’žCAR-394’ž4700 ± 80’žCharcoal (grouped sample)’žchamber orthostat pocketZZ@%?’žNPRN 3043203’žCAR-393’ž4470 ± 80’žCharcoal’žmound material??/%?’žNPRN 3043202’žCAR-392’ž4830 ± 80’žCharcoal’žbeneath stone 'kerb'EE/%?’žNPRN 3043201’žCAR-391’ž4560 ± 80’žCharcoal’žold ground surfaceCC/%?’žTF 29 NW 121’žHAR-6400’ž4930 ± 100’žanimal bone’žprimary silts of long barrow ditchXX4'?’žNPRN 3093862’žBM-2955’ž4710 ± 40’žcharred wood’žtrench 2 postholeFF3%?åNPRN 3093861’žBM-2954’ž4830±45’žcharred wood’žtrench 1 postholeDD1#?’žNO 66 NW 273’žSRR-290’ž4535 ± 55’žcharred wood’žPhase II structureGG3%?’žNO 66 NW 272’žSRR-289’ž4660 ± 50’žcharred wood’žPhase II structureGG3%?’žNO 66 NW 271’žI-6113’ž5190 ± 105’žcharred wood’žPhase 2 structureFF3%?’žSY 18 NW 261?’ž3130-2830 BC?’žTrench A--#!?’žST 10 SW 283’žBM-136’ž5190 ± 150’žCharcoal’žOccupation site@@/%?’žST 10 SW 282’žBM-138’ž5280± 150’žCharcoal’žCutting XA- Ditch Layers 4-6LL.$?’žST 10 SW 281’žBM-130’ž5100 ± 150’žCharcoal’žditch bottom, Cutting XAII/%?’žSU 97 NE 1102’žBM-2535’ž4680 ± 50’žbone’žOccupation debris in trench 6KK,&?’žSU 97 NE 1101’žBM-2534’ž4680 ± 110’žbone’žOccupation debris in trench 6LL-'?’žSU 16 SW 222’žBM-208’ž3790 ± 130’žCharcoal’žUpper silting of ditsh - Cutting IITT/%?’žSU 16 SW 221’žBM-205’ž4710 ± 115’žantler’žprimary ditch fill - Cutting 1MM-%?’žSU 90 NW 21?’ž850 ± 90 bc’žanimal bone’žnear ditch floor>>,?’žTQ 01 SW 282?’ž3640-3140 cal BC?’žfloor of ditch77'%?’žTQ 01 SW 281?’ž3600-3040 Cal BC?’žfloor of ditch77'%?’žST 62 NW 292?’ž2755 ± 115 bc’žhazelnut shells’žunknown<<3"?’žST 62 NW 291?’ž2510 ± 120 bc’žantler’žPit P15444*"?’žSU 67 NW 331’žBM-2835’ž4360 ± 45’žhuman bone’župper half of ditch fillKK1%?’žSP 75 NW 414’žHAR-2607’ž2060 ± 90 bc’žCharcoal’žSlot for timber structure 145RR3)?*×1¦9ą}ĪĪĄĶhĶĶĄĢm  Ą l Ņ „ 7 ģ £ÉZÉɵoČ&ČāĒ§ĒtĒAĒĒ¼@Žz%ÅÓÄ|+Ķ†C>C÷B°BeBÓA‰A?Aķ@š@jSP 01 NE 4a2’žOxA-738’ž4970±80’žanimal bone’žsub-cairn soil@@0#?ŠSP 01 NE 4a1’žOxA-646’ž4875±80’žhuman bone’žsub-cairn soil??/#?{HY 41 SW 49’žQ-1451’ž4110±100’žhuman bone’žchamber77."?sHY 41 SW 48’žQ-1363’ž4540±110’žhuman bone’žchamber77."?qHY 41 SW 47’žPta-1626’ž4300±60’žhuman bone’žPit A66/#?’žHY 41 SW 46’žPta-1606’ž4130±60’žhuman bone’žPit C66/#?rHY 41 SW 45’žQ-1294’ž4590±75’žorganic soil’žchamber88/!?ńHY 41 SW 44’žQ-1480’ž3905±70’žhuman bone’žPit C44-!?óHY 41 SW 43’žSRR-755’ž3870±60’žhuman bone’žPitC44."?ņHY 41 SW 42’žSRR-754’ž4360±50’žhuman bone’žPit A55."?šHY 41 SW 41’žQ-1479’ž4170±75’žhuman bone’žPit A44-!?’žSP 31 NW 213’žGrA-23933’ž5105 ± 45’žpig bone’žpre-barrow pit F7DD1'?’žSP 31 NW 212’žBM-492’ž4735 ± 70’žCharcoal’žsoil surface<<.$?’žSP 31 NW 211’žBM-491b’ž4893 ± 70’žCharcoal’žPre-barrow pit F7BB/%?’žSP 31 NW 212’žOxA-12678’žCharcoal’žpre-barrow posthole F16??&7’žSP 31 NW 211’žOxA-12677’žCharcoal’žF16 - pre-barrow stakeholeBB&7’žSE 85 NW 95’žHAR-1448’ž3480 ± 80’žCharcoal’žBeaker spread over first moundOO/%?’žSE 85 NW 94’žBM-1169’ž3677 ± 68’žCharcoal’žlayer with mixed Beaker waresMM.$?’žSE 85 NW 93’žBM-1168’ž3794 ± 70’žCharcoal’žcontinuation below turf mound of layer dated by BM-1169gg.$?’žTA 08 NW 231’žNPL - 73’ž3080 ± 90’žCharcoal?220&?’žNS 06 NE 171’žcheck’žcheck’žcheck’žcheck--&?’žSO 91 NW 106’žOxA-416??? ?’žSO 91 NW 105’žOxA-417??? ?’žSO 91 NW 104’žOxA-444??’žPhase ?((?’žSO 91 NW 103’žOxA-638’ž4290 ± 80?’žPhase IV11'%?’žSO 91 NW 102’žOxA-446’ž4810 ± 90’žtooth’žPhase II66,%?’žSO 91 NW 101’žOxA-445’ž4670±90’žbone’žPhase II33)#?’žTA 17 SE 91’žHAR-268’ž4840 ± 80’žCharcoal’žcentral feature ditchEE.$?’žSU 81 NW 453’žHAR-5544’ž4710 ± 110np’žContext 6577+'?’žSU 81 NW 452’žHAR-5543’ž3590 ± 80np’žContext 5566*&?’žSU 81 NW 451’žHAR-5542’ž3550 ± 80np’žContext 2566*&?’žSU 71 NE 341np’ž2595 ± 95bc’žCharcoal’žditch fill88,"?’žSU 07 SE 198’žBM-2731’ž4560 ± 50’žantler’žouter ditch::-%?’žSU 07 SE 197’žOxA-3198’ž4480 ± 80’žhuman bone’žchamber;;2&?’žSU 07 SE 196’žOxA-3169’ž4620 ± 90’žhuman bone’žchamber;;2&?’žSU 07 SE 195’žOxA-3170’ž4630 ± 100’žantler’žpit #53499/'?’žSU 07 SE 194’žOxA-3172’ž4900 ± 110’žhuman mandible’žpit #548AA7'?’žSU 07 SE 193’žOxA-3171’ž4750 ± 120’žhuman mandible’žpit #401AA7'?’žSU 07 SE 192’žBM-2729’ž4450 ± 60’žantler crown’žInner Ditch NorthFF3%?’žSU 07 SE 191’žBM-2730’ž4560 ± 70’žantler’žInner Ditch North@@-%?’žSU 59 NW 866’žBM-2391’ž4330 ± 80’žantler’žPhase 5 ditch<<-%?’žSU 59 NW 865’žBM-2390’ž4320 ± 130’žantler’žPhase 4 ditch terminalFF.&?’žSU 59 NW 864’žBM-2393’ž4420 ± 70’žantler’žPhase 4 ditch terminalEE-%?’žSU 59 NW 863’žBM-2391’ž4500 ± 50’žantler’žPhase 3 ditch terminalEE-%?’žSU 59 NW 862’žBM-2708’ž3860 ± 50’žhuman bone’žcentral grave (female skeleton)RR1%?’žSU 59 NW 861’žBM-2707’ž4120 ± 60’žhuman bone’žcentral grave (male skeleton)PP1%?’žNZ 71 NW 1414’žBM-2061’ž5070 ± 50’žCharcoal’žF 99, faēade trenchFF1'?’žNZ 71 NW 1413’žBM-2060’ž4500 ± 130’žCharcoal’žF 92, under kerb of mortuary enclosureZZ2(?’žNZ 71 NW 1412’žBM-2014’ž4630 ± 70’žCharcoal’žF 110, faēade trenchGG1'?y×­OQOšN‘1NŃMk MšL2LÉKaKłJ 'J½ TIģHƒHH°EGč™KżE®_ĆD}HY 31 SW 18’žSRR-522’ž1685’žpeat’žS ditch section66%?’žHY 31 SW 17’žSRR-523’ž2880 ± 45’žpeat’žS ditch section;;*$?’žHY 31 SW 16’žSRR-504’ž3660 ± 45’žpeat’žN ditch section;;*$?’žHY 31 SW 15’žSRR-524’ž3445 ± 50’žpeat’žS ditch section;;*$?kHY 31 SW 14’žQ-1481’ž2250BC±110’žpeat’žS ditch section;;*$?’žHY 31 SW 13’žQ-1482’ž3970 ± 70’žpeat’žN ditch section::)#?’žHY 31 SW 12’žSRR-505’ž4135 ± 65’žpeat’žN ditch section;;*$?’žHY 31 SW 11’žSRR-791’ž5094 ± 60’žpeat’žbelow bank in N ditch sectionII*$?iSP 01 NE 4a24’žOxA-914’ž4970±70’žanimal bone’žforecourt - monument use/decay phaseXX2%?’žSP 01 NE 4a23’žOxA-913’ž4960±70’žanimal bone’žforecourt - monument use/decay phaseXX2%?LSP 01 NE 4a22’žOxA-644’ž4840±80’žhuman bone’žNorth chamber - monument use phaseUU1%?JSP 01 NE 4a21’žOxA-903’ž4840±60’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseVV1%?×SP 01 NE 4a20’žOxA-905’ž4950±70’žhuman bone’žNorth chamber - monument use phaseUU1%?äSP 01 NE 4a19’žOxA-902’ž4820±70’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseVV1%?’žSP 01 NE 4a18’žOxA-643’ž4600±120’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseWW2&?MSP 01 NE 4a17’žOxA-904’ž4860±70’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseVV1%?’žSP 01 NE 4a16’žOxA-912’ž5200±150’žhuman bone’žSouth chamber - monument use phaseVV2&?įSP 01 NE 4a15’žOxA-645’ž4780±80’žhuman bone’žSouth chamber - monument use phaseUU1%?HSP 01 NE 4a14’žOxA-911’ž4830±80’žhuman bone’žSouth chamber - monument use phaseUU1%?ŃSP 01 NE 4a13’žOxA-906’ž4880±70’žhuman bone’žSouth entrance - monument use phaseVV1%?kSP 01 NE 4a12’žOxA-910’ž5000±70’žhuman bone’žSouth passage - monument use phaseUU1%?hSP 01 NE 4a11’žOxA-907’ž4970±60’žhuman bone’žSouth entrance - monument use phaseVV1%?ēSP 01 NE 4a10’žOxA-908’ž4830±60’žhuman bone’žSouth passage - monument use phaseUU1%?’žSP 01 NE 4a9’žOxA-1177’ž4640±80’žhuman bone’žSouth entrance-monument use phaseSS0$?ćSP 01 NE 4a8’žOxA-916’ž4810±70’žanimal bone’žmonument construction phaseMM0#?KSP 01 NE 4a7’žOxA-915’ž4840±70’žanimal bone’žmonument construction phaseMM0#?’žSP 01 NE 4a6’žOxA-383’ž4450±90’žhuman bone’žentrance-monument use phaseLL/#?ęSP 01 NE 4a5’žHAR-8349’ž4830±60’žanimal bone’žMonument construction phaseNN1$?ÖSP 01 NE 4a4’žHAR--8350’ž4950±60’žanimal bone’žmonument constructionII2%?ÓSP 01 NE 4a3’žOxA-739’ž4915±80’žanimal bone’žsub-cairn soil@@0#?ō 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NameAlt NameSite TypeAlt Site TypeSite Sub TypeGrid RefEastingNorthingCounty(Council)0District (Former Region) Parish"Island/Sub-region"Landscape settingElevationOrientationDiameter Length Width$Gazetteer Number 1.Gazetteer Publication 1Reference 1Reference 2Reference 3Reference 4,Environmental AnalysisSoil AnalysisGeology"Radiocarbon datesAnimal RemainsPlant RemainsPotteryFlaked StonePolished StoneOther artefactsPits (Number)Location - Pits# Postholes(Location - Postholes# Stakeholes*Location - Stakeholes Timber Structure6Location - Timber StructureOther Features2Location - Other FeaturesFireTurf ClearanceDark Soil(Cultivation Evidence HearthInhumationsCremations Floor/Pavement 1 Notes"Location - Hearth StatusHR frag-burntHR frag-unburntCharcoal/ash Quartz2Marine shell/pebbles/sandLocation - Fire.Location-Turf Clearance,Location - Cultivation6Location - Floor/Pavement 1 Floor/Pavement 26Location - Floor/Pavement 2$Disturbance/Re-Use(Location - Dark Soil*Pre-monument Evidence&Mesolithic evidenceStudy Region4 Ū–} d dĢdĢ ˆĄ&ˆĄˆĄ` tH @ aH€XF€+PjØ@ B€ƒ„€0…h0¬ dF Ń&š FĢĄQH€0b@ €DP@HHŌ  Ø@€€H@Œ€J@@T   `( ōH @  aH€QXF€+ˆ‘P zØ@ B€ƒ„€0…h[0¬ gFĄČYŁČ&ś vģĄQH€0b@ €2DP@HHŌ Ø@€€€H@Œ€€J@Ą•*d t¦”€„ō`8ķr@0€‘įėQ;Vóž”zWn憧1’|Ōwn£±„F«æÅ÷*ć¼~’lä:Z_Or—ĪÖ¤Ź ī'€Ä°$„ 'Heˆų?ą.1»Hēˆ€¦E@Ž°€­Ī9"’ūż÷@öŪæ(~Žę€¾š ­Ÿ’ @~'d€’Ū>Tßž’’’’`ć’×’’ūżņ’ß’?÷ *üŸbĉR.A§LVALIŠŠĀĀĻĀĻĀĻĀĻĀĻĀĻ‚‚Ļ‚ĻCCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻCĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻóóĪĢ££Ī£Īe'Å ‡ I Ķ  Q  Õ — Y  Ż ŻŹŻŹž ` " ä ¦ h õ·yČß””Ē”ĒGe of a possible chambered tomb; threatened by house constr’žSite of a possible chambered tomb; threatened by house construction; excavated No excavation report - no inf’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. No record of the 18th C excavation except a mention in Bray 1775.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound dismantled in 18th C.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land No excavation report - no information on bu’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žMo’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žExcavated by Salisbury Museum Archaeol’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žExcavated ’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surfac’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žNo ex’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žNo excavation repo’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žNo excavation report - no infor’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žNo excavation report - no in’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound destroyed in 1860 -’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Mound dismantled in 18th C.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Excavation took place in 1950s but was unrecorded.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žMound partially destroyed in 1821; No excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo information on buried ground surface’žNo information on buried land surface’žno information on buried ground surface’žno information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report; no information on buried ground surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surfaceNč3Ī_H”Cd@įHY’žHY 21 SE 5’žUnstan’žOnstan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round, stalled’žHY 2829 1172’ž32829 101172’ž328290’ž1011720’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnone0x’ž13.7xx’žORK 51’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žunknown0’žwhite clay; rude pavementĄ@īx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchamber’žlayer of dark soil’ž1st, 2nd, 3rd compartment and passageyes’žchamber’ždark soilno’žN Scotlandno’žDavidson & Henshall 1989;!!!!!!!!!! łóóóóóóóóóóóóóóĖ·®¬ŖؤŸ›—’‰‰‰‡……y^\SSQMGC?=9731/-+)'%# żłõõõõõõõõŪÓŃĻÉĒÅÅ浫›‹‚zl^=7& q’Ą’’’½ł’`fv™HY’žHY 21 SE 41’žHowe’žHowe of Howe, Hillock of Howe’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 2759 1092’ž32759 1010920’ž327590’ž1010920’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStromness’žMainland’žnone’žon gently sloping ground29x25xx’žORK 66’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyes’žStromness Flags - Middle Old Red Sandstone, covered with boulder clay glacial driftnononoyesyesyes’ž2 wooden 'scoops'; pumice; cup-marked stone1’žchamber (Phase 2)1’žpit setting for standing stone - NE side of mound (Phase 1)x0x0nox’žstone structures (Phase 1); sunken chamber; cultivation (pollen analysis); paved path between pre-c airn structures; standing stone’žallnonono’žyes200’žflagstoneŻ@ķ’žPhase 1 stone structures4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxx’žpollen analysis’žwest cell of chamber’žclay’žPhase 1 tomb chambers; Phase 2 tomb’žpaving in W cellyesxnono’žstone structuresno’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žDavidson & Henshall 1989Ö¼¼¼¼¼¼¼···³§§§£‘‰‡oJD. žśśśųŽŽŅĒÅĆĆĮ¼ø“°«&$ ŚŲÅĆ•‰ƒ{w"üōņšģźęĢĘ¼±”‘ˆ€qcSM< q’’Ą’’’½ł’ągfåHY’žHY 21 SE 10’žBookan’žBuckan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 2864 1412’ž32864 101412’ž328640’ž1014120’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSandwick’žMainland’žnone’žon the crest of a ridge with views over the Brodgar Peninsula and the Lochs of Stenness and Harray26x’ž13.4xx’žORK 4’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyes’žMiddle Old Red Sandstonenononoyesyesnono2’ž2 m S of passage entrance0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono0’žunknown0’žflagstone¤@ģx4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesx’žentire surfacex’žpassage & chambers’žimported clean grey clayx’žflagstone paving’žflagstone paving’žflagstone paving’žflagstone pavingyesxno’žpits (2); ground preparationno’ž59°002 29.633 N, 003°142 38.503 W’ž59°002 31.163 N, 003°142 32.873 W’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žCard, N. 2005 Excavation of Bookan chambered cairn, Sandwick. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 135, 163-190’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney : an inventory of the structures and their contents, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žDavidson & Henshall 1989ßÅÅÅÅ!œFFFFB6 ąÜ¾¾ŗø²²²²²²²²²² Ž|jhN:8(&! ÷ģźįįßŪ×ŅĪĢČĘĀĄ¾¼ŗø¶›™•‘‹…}y_YSSSSSSSS920.(&"½·­£“ƒzrdV>8' q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą~h’žHY 21 SE 1’žRing of Brodgar’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass II henge’žHY 2945 1335’ž32945 101335’ž329450’ž1013350’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnonexx’žHarding 288’žHarding 1987’žRitchie 1988yes6b’žN ScotlandģģģąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖČČČŗ­«©©©©©£™of^PB2,%h’x LVALKŠŚŚĻŚĻŚĻŚĻŚĻ||Ļ|ĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻööĪöĪöĪöĪöĪxxĪOOĪOĪŪ ŪĶ _ ! ć ćĢ„ „Ģ„Ģg gĢ) ė ­ 7 ł » J Ź ŹĶ  P PÉPÉ §§Č§Č§Č§ČThe excavation referred to in theBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 1’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No adequate record.No excavation records’’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No adequate’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No adequate record.No excavation records’žBarrow dug into by ch’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No adequate record.No excavation records’žBarrow dug into by chalk diggers in’žBarrows had been levelled before end of 19th C. No adequate record.No excavation records’žTomb was opened by locals before 1796 - No excavation report - no information on buried land surface. No excavation records’žExcavator did not publish a report, but’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. ’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. No informati’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. No ’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. No information on buried land surface’ž’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. No information on buried land surface’žsite is located 300 m from Neolithic village of Rinyo’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Not certainly a barrow; not certain of location.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation repo’žExcavator did not publish a report, but O'Neil 1960 summarized his notes. No information on buried land surface’žsite is located 300 m from Neolithic village of Rinyo’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Not certainly a barrow; not certain of location.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Excavated by Borlase - 1870's - report not published.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface’žNeither of the excavation reports make any reference at all as to the nature of the ground surface of this barrow.’žno information on buried ground surface’žBarnatt 1996 - p 92 - Unpublished excavation - not certain the site is a chambered cairn, not certain the site is Neolithic’žNo information on buried ground surface’žCairn E. Located in a cairnfield. Mound covered a pit, and an area of burning. No finds.’žCraw (1925) found a wall face running for a length of 4.3m parallel to the end of the cairn.’žonly 2 small trenches were excavatedh LVALŠŗŗĻ~~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ((ĻēēĪēĪēĪ‹‹Ī‹Ī‹Ī‹Ī‹Ī‹Ī‹Īī īĶīĶŖ pit within 45 cm of primary inh’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’ž’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker bu’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beake’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žnot excavated. The site is pa’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žnot e’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratton Camp IA hillfort’žKin’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituat’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker bu’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary be’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker b’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratton Camp IA hillfort’žKinnes 1992: Mo’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsitua’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratt’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation seconda’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsitu’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratton Camp IA hillfort’žKi’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratton Camp IA hillfort’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area near centre with pit (D 0.9) to W of 3 Ad at E and 1 Ad at W; covering of black earth’žsmall quantity of calcined human bone on surface. no information on buried land surface’žNo information on buried ground surface from either excavation.’žA free-standing portal dolmen which may once have been covered by a long barrow.’žstanding stone likely erected prior to barrow construction as 0.9 m was below ground’žBarrow destroyed by construction of a rail station in 1846’žAccount of excavation is minimal - no info at all on ground surface.’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: two phases of Neolithic activity. P 176 "The earliest actvity is represented by two extremely ruined stone stuctures on either side of a narrow N to S passage, each containing a stone-lined hearth. (Ballin Smith 1994 p 11 - neither of these structures was excavated ; p 269 - suggests a ritual rather than domestic use for the hearths). & .These structures were demolished and sealed with clay before the mound was built. In the clay covering the E structure were one stone axe and a fragment of a second." The second phase involved the construction of a large chambered tomb - the mound contained a passage on almost the same axis as the W structure. In later phases of activity, the centre of the mound was almost entirely removed before building a round house in the early Iron Age.; the roundhouse was followed by two consecutive brochs founded on the remains of the mound. Carter 1984: The Phase 1 structure is an Orkney Cromarty chambered cairn {NOTE: Ballin-Smith (1994) refers to it as a stalled tomb) Challands 2005 -p 247 the pre-’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated wit’ž pit within 45 cm of primary inhumation secondary beaker burial’žsituated within Bratton Camp IA hillfort’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area near centre with pit (D 0.9) to W of 3 Ad at E and 1 Ad at W; covering of black earth’žsmall quantity of calcined human bone on surface. no information on buried land surface’žNo information on buried ground surface from either excavation.’žstanding stone likely erected prior to barrow construction as 0.9 m was below ground’žBarrow destroyed by construction of a rail station in 1846’žAccount of excavation is minimal - no info at all on ground surface.) LVAL(ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠø‘‘Ļ‘Ļ0ČČĪČĪČĪČĪČĪČĪČĪČĪOOĪOĪOĪß ßĶßĶßĶ‡ ‡Ķ‡ĶShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excav’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excav’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no information on th’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavat’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale resc’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no information on this site or on buried ground s’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no i’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no info’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no information on th’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no information o’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scal’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale’žShort interim reports discuss only a larger scale rescue excavation - no information on this site or on buried ground surface.’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on ’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information o’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no inform’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information o’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surfac’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no inf’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNot certainly a ba’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surf’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground sur’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 pieces of Mesolithic flint fo’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 pieces of Mesolithic flint fou’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 piece’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buri’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavat’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žN’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 pieces of Mesolithic flint found through fieldwalking. No surviving trace of a buried soil.’žLocated near the north Eynesbury cursus; Inverted tree trunk buried in a pit; structured deposits in ditches’žTrial excavation only - no information on buried land surface.’žTrial excavation - a pit was located west of the barrow’žBorlase 1769 p 220 "w’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 pieces of Me’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žNearly 70 piec’žOnly two small, poorly reported excavations - no information on buried ground surface.’žLocated near the north Eynesbury cursus; Inverted tree trunk buried in a pit; structured deposits in ditches’žTrial excavation only - no information on buried land surface.’žTrial excavation - a pit was located west of the barrow’žGrimes 1960: p 171 - doubful whether the site would have been prepared before the monumenrt was built.’žremains of one primary inhumation found on chamber floor; numerous cremations in inverted urns.’žno information on buried land surface’žtrial trench across ditch only - no information on buried land surfacerLVALi©P‚Greenwell 1877 pp 486-7: '[beneath the upper mound material was] loose oolitic rubble, which lay in a deposit 3 1/2 feet broad running for about 40 feet east and west& along the central line of the barrow. The deposit was 3 feet in height and had above it a layer 2 feet in thickness of earth and small stones, while it rested upon a thick stratum of yellow clay, which itself was laid upon the natural surface. Amongst the loose rubble were deposited the remains of at least fourteen bodies, not laid in any order, but with the component bones broke, scattered and lying in the most confused manner& there were most certain indications that the bones had been originally deposited exactly as they were found. ..Towards the east [of the loose rubble deposit] there were found signs of burning, at first slight but gradually becoming more evident, attested by the appearance of burnt clay, stones and bones, together with charcoal& Beyond the limits of this line of burnt stone and clay (which was..3 1/2 feet wide) the contiguous and enclosing material on each side of it showed only very slight traces of burning. The transition indeed was very marked, and the passage from matter burnt in the highest degree to that almost untouched by fire was as distinct and well-defined as it could be. & As the exploration advances from the [central starting point] (there unaffected by fire) towards the west, the deposit of bones, which were also unburnt, became gradually more sparing, until before reaching the end of the rubble, all remains of them had ceased. At its west end, the line of rubble expanded into a regularly constructed cairn of stones...placed upon the stratum of clay already mentioned. The diameter of this cairn was 18 ft& There was nothing found beneath it. The cairn itself, being enclosed within the larger mound, must have been first constructed; and no doubt was made at the same time as the line of oolitic rubble of which, indeed, it seemed to form a part.'¤čœLĖH<ʀC¼@r’žH HY’žHY 32 NE 16’žWestness’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žnone’žHY 3840 2898’ž33840 102898’ž338400’ž1028980’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone30x12xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žbed or hearth-like arrangement"’žchambernononono000’žflags{@óx4a’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’ž"bed or hearth-like arrangement"yesxnono’žN ScotlandnoĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĖæææ»···µÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆƍ‹‡~|zxtokgb^YYYUSSG@><<:62.*!žśųöōņšīģźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾ŗø““®¦’‚riaSE?9'! q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŸHY’žHY 32 NE 1’žKnowe of Rowiegar’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 3733 2978’ž33733 102978’ž337330’ž1029780’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone6’žNW-SEx’ž27.4’ž6.6’žORK 31’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žperforated ox phalange’žunknown0>@ź2cno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesyes’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žDavidson & Henshall 1989Ē­­­­­­­­­­­””””˜˜’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ˆ„€|wsssoooccaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@<60,& śņķēåŽÜÜÖĪŗŖš‘‰{mF@/) q’Ą’,ł "¾h’žHY 31 SW 2’žStones of Stenness’žnone’žhenge’žstone circle’žClass II henge’žHY 3067 1252’ž33067 101252’ž330670’ž1012520’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnone4N46xx’žHarding 289’žHarding 1987’žRichards 2005yesyesyes’žcerealyesyes5’ž5 m S of central structure’žcentral rectangular structure; organic deposit’ženclosure centre; ditch @ņ6b’žyes?’žyes’žyes’žyesyes’žN Scotland®®®¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢œœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœœ———’‡‡‡ƒƒƒwwwwwwwwww^......... üöšššźźźźźŪŪŪĶĄ¾¼ø¶““®¤šŠzqi[M=/("h’B> 9 …HY’žHY 31 SW 1’žMaeshowe’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 3182 1277’ž33182 101277’ž331820’ž1012770’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnone’žon flat land about 500 m from the Loch of Harray20x30xx’žORK 36’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRichards 2005yesyesnoyesyesnononono’ždecorated stones1’žrear platform1?’žpit/posthole - rear platformx0x0nox’žstanding stones (4); pre-mound structure?’žmain chamber; allnononono000’žstones4@ńx4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner passagenoxyesxnono’žstanding stone; posthole/stonehole; structure?no’žN Scotland’žstanding stones(4)’žyes’žRichards 2005’žDavidson & Henshall 1989ÜĀĀĀĀĀ³³®®®šŽŽŽŠZVRPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHD531/*%!  ųöōōņīźęāĻ¤¢žœš˜–xtecQMIEA;51+%%%%%üōņšģźę“®¤šŠzqi[M=7&  q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąg ]HYL’žHY 31 SE 1’žCuween Hill’žKewing Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 3642 1277’ž33642 101277’ž336420’ž1012770’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žFirth’žMainland’žnone76x’ž16.8xx’žORK 12’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žBradley 1998nonononoyesnoyesnono’žincised motifs in linel stone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno08+0no\@ļx4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žchamber’žground preparationno’ž58°592 50.423 N, 003°062 29.593 W’ž58°592 51.943 N, 003°062 23.903 W’žN Scotlandno’žBradley 1998’žDavidson & Henshall 1989oUUUUUGGGGGC7 įŻÉÉÉĄŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø“²°®¬§¢žš–‘ŒŒŒŠˆˆ|xvrrplfb^\XVRPNLJHFDB# ’ūūūūūķķķÓĖÉĒĮæ»»µ«¤”„{seWGA0# q’Ā’’’½ł’`~nLVALYöžūMR2h€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToListIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompression&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues&AllowMultipleValues–  ˆ € ĢUO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ Jjwoc×E;šTć@³jØrRadiocarbon Datesɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½éŪ –ÓXć@€7(s#SITE DESCRIPTIONŸ?#ĶG&O†]ō˜;ÕrĘɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½NMR #ꎎ„@įOhY.¦ćšO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoNMR #Š«2ŸĄJ“qņ{ØNO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoC14 Sample #1=Ė^^OL…i2ÜüqO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoLab Reference #yJG·} G¾ŹÓÉX¼}BO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoC14 Date (BP)ń§ZžFąĘ” šŠ”O'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoSample Typex!ƒ›°®QB ‚æ†ļO'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ JjwoSample Context   O'œ³Ń­ØD„_æ Jjwo          œ ”[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #], [Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)]Ī NMR # ’’’’     o Table/Query  ˜SELECT [SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] FROM [SITE DESCRIPTION] ORDER BY [NMR #];     !1440 " #1440twip $ % & '  ( ’’’’ * ꎎ„@įOhY.¦ćš +©C14 Sample #       m % & '  ’’’’ Š«2ŸĄJ“qņ{ØN« C14 Date (BP) "     m % & '  ’’’’ yJG·} G¾ŹÓÉX¼}BšSample Type 1     o Value Listb Z"Charcoal";"human bone";"animal bone";"other"     !1440 " #1440twip $ % & '  ( ’’’’ * ń§ZžFąĘ” šŠ” +Ø"Sample Context      o Value Listj b"ground surface";"mound";"pit";"posthole";"other"     !1440 " #1440twip $ % & '  ( ’’’’ * x!ƒ›°®QB ‚æ†ļ +Æ$Lab Reference # ē     m % & '  ’’’’ 1=Ė^^OL…i2ÜüqŽSite Name ’’’’     o Table/Query¼ “SELECT [SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #], [SITE `  é LVALł Greenwell 1877 p 551:  At a distance of 20 ft from the south end of the barrow& was a line of flat stones laid upon white-coloured fine sand, just above the level of the natural surface, running for a length of 10 feet & A very careful failed to discover any trace of an original interment&  P 552  Some flint chippings, charcoal burnt stone and a few ch’žGreenwell 1877 p 551:  At a distance of 20 ft from the south end of the barrow& was a line of flat stones laid upon white-coloured fine sand, just above the level of the natural surface, running for a length of 10 feet & A very careful failed to discover any trace of an original interment&  P 552  Some flint chippings, charcoal burnt stone and a few charred acorns were met with in the mound. The acorns...showed that the barrow must have been erected after they had been shed. [Greenwell doesn t confirm that the items were found on the ground surface (with the exception of the acorns) so they are not recorded] Wilson's 1985 rescue excavation focussed on two areas near the mound, not the mound itself; no new information resulted.¤č%M'JGĄC¼Cq’žHY’žHY 41 SW 4’žQuanterness’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 4177 1292’ž34177 101292’ž341770’ž1012920’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnone’žbuilt on a small natural rise on the lower slope of Wideford Hill45x31xx’žORK 43’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žLawrence 2006’žHingley 1999’žMolleson 1981’žRenfrew et al 1976nonoyesyesnoyesnono’žsaddle quern fragments; bead made from lead ore; bone pin fragment; bone tools, bead (fish vertebra)4’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž157+0’žslab$@öx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žpassagenoxyesxnono’žgrave pit (2); pitno’žN Scotlandno’žHingley 1999; Lawrence 2006’žMolleson 1981’žRenfrew et al 1976ņćĘĘĘĘĘĀ¶¶¶²žš–”ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŒˆ}{rmhd`[VRRRPNNB<:442.*&   ’ż—“‰…å HYs’žHY 41 SW 1’žWideford Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 4090 1211’ž34090 101211’ž340900’ž1012110’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnone’ž115x’ž14.5xx’žORK 54’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žsoil & claya@õx4nonononono’žyesnox’žcairnx’žCell 2 and 3, passage, antechamber’žclay’žCell 1’žclay flor’žsoil and clay floor’žsoil and clay floor’žsoil and clay floornpx’žground preparationno’žN Scotlandno’žDavidson & Henshall 1989^DDDDDDDDDD@4440ģ×Ģľš˜‘‹†‚~zvrrrpnnbUSQQOKGA=;751/-+)'%#! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ŻÕÓŃĖÉÄľ“Ÿvn`RB<+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`fę#HY’žHY 40 NW 17’žCrantit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žHY 440 098’ž34400 100980’ž344000’ž1009800’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnonex25xx’žBallin-Smith et al 1998nonononono’žyes?nononono0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žallnononono040’žclayÉ@ üx4ano’žyesnononono’žyesxxx’žchambernoxnoxnono’ž58°582 19.713 N, 002°582 29.263 W’ž58°582 21.213 N, 002°582 23.503 W’žN Scotlandno’žBallin-Smith et al 1998öĖ œ˜˜˜–’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Œƒ}xtplhc___[YYMGECCA=951,  üųōšźęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖ½½½½½»¹µ³³³­£Ž~ne]OC=7&  q’Ā’’’½ł’`~"HY ’žHY 33 SE 1’žMidhowe’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 3722 3048’ž33722 103048’ž337220’ž1030480’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone10’žSE-NWx’ž32.513’žORK 37’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž25+0’žpavementx4ano’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber - partialnox’žpaving (partial)yesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žDavidson & Henshall 1989 ļļļļļļļļļļėßßßŪ×××ÕĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻ½»·¤¢ ž™”‹‡‚~~~zxxxnlggea]YUSOMIGECA?=;951+%!        ńéå߯ÖŅŅĢÄ° ‡qc<6% q’Ą’’’ł’`f!HY’žHY 32 NE 6’žKnowe of Lairo’žHullion; Frotoft’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 3988 2796’ž33988 102796’ž339880’ž1027960’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone15’žESE-WNWx17’ž45.7’žORK 28’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesnoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no=@źx4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno’žDavidson & Henshall 1989ęĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢČ¼¼¼¼øøø¶°°°°°°°°°°°°°°®Ŗئ¤¢ž™•‘ˆ„„„€~~rnljjhd`\XVRPLJHFDB@><82.($ öīčäāŁÕÕĻĒ³£“Š‚tfOI8& q’Ą’’’½ł’`bfLVALŠMR2„€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues&AllowMultipleValuesDecimalPlacesÜ  j b ĢU`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^^Ē~q~ć@PžPit Description“æ'¶L˜RÕŌIłmž`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^OtheręEWÅSØJ,ō¼d÷ļ`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^NMRÅw|I€NNcnFH§$`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Pit #ŽL6ÄéMæŸ&u陰`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Length{ōOHOŗeœYāæŠ`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Width%f°=KD–•pņ˜MEŹ`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Depth½1Ķ“­D¬äw®`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Diameterį>ÜMCnĄG›4$‰˜ `ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Human Bone - Burnt -Fragment^*ŽšnxE˜?ū[+Ķ`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Human Bone - Unburnt Fragment²Ą,±|ßCŽ›Į•µ–#`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Burial - Cremationy?Ģ°©]ėC—2q+.1¼`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Burial - InhumationĄOįĢčC…¢SŪ{[`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^PotteryœyZ\q™CšÖ’†ģ*`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Flint%p$—ķĀM”‡£.¤Ś3`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Plant Remains“ėē5©~RE½ŸČDślö²`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Animal Boneļʔ6”(*BøW—Hŗ¶¬`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Rubble­ŸmĖČå*NœG®ĘYÕd`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Charcoal@ę(s³C«EsÓ_ƒy`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Locationœb”jõ;H¼rĆÄśČׅ`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^'Empty"E•(ĶżÖ@›¤¢Ļi¤@`ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^Other material   `ÖÄ!AočDŚ}^          — NMR ’’’’     m     ’’’’ ęEWÅSØJ,ō¼d÷ļ› Pit # ±     m     ’’’’ Åw|I€NNcnFH§$ Length      m     ’’’’ ŽL6ÄéMæŸ&u陰› Width Ļ     m     ’’’’ {ōOHOŗeœYā抛 Depth G     m     ’’’’ %f°=KD–•pņ˜MEŹ”Diameter Ą     m     ’’’’ ½1Ķ“­D¬äw®ŸDetails f     m     ’’’’ “æ'¶L˜RÕŌIłmž”Location å     m     ’’’’ @ę(s³C«EsÓ_ƒy—$HR - Burnt Frag °     m     ’’’’›( LVAL' Henshall 1972 p 412 - 'the cairn was found to consist of large and small stones, many of which were quartz, resting on a stratum of black soil. Under part of the cairn, below this stratum was a shell midden 30 to 60 sm deep, which lay on the clay subsoil. The midden covered an area of about 10.5m by 7.5m in the middle of the original cairn, and extended under the NW chamber.' Bryce 1904: p 42:-3 "When the bottom of the chamber was reached...the spade brought up quantities of shells of many varieties - whelks, limpets, clams, oysters, mixed with ash and charcoal and fragments of ox bones. The shel’žHenshall 1972 p 412 - 'the cairn was found to consist of large and small stones, many of which were quartz, resting on a stratum of black soil. Under part of the cairn, below this stratum was a shell midden 30 to 60 sm deep, which lay on the clay subsoil. The midden covered an area of about 10.5m by 7.5m in the middle of the original cairn, and extended under the NW chamber.' Bryce 1904: p 42:-3 "When the bottom of the chamber was reached...the spade brought up quantities of shells of many varieties - whelks, limpets, clams, oysters, mixed with ash and charcoal and fragments of ox bones. The shell layer was more than 30 cm deep and extended underneath the stones of the chamber, which therefore it appeared, had been placed on the top of a refuse heap or kitchen midden& .The cairn consisted of large and small stones, many of which were quartz from the shore P 47: Chamber -  the soil contained many water-worn quartz stones from the beach, and at one place the floor seemed to have been paved with a layer of these rounded stones, all about 5-7 cm in diameter& ..The floor had the usual dark charcoal layer resting on it, beneath which was the undisturbed till. There was no shell layer in this part of the cairnččpL®HIEžA$HY<’žHY 42 NW 3’žBlackhammer’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, stalled cairn’žHY 4142 2761’ž34142 102761’ž341420’ž1027610’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone60’žSE-NWx228’žORK 3’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žbone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020noa@źx4ano’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’ž59°072 52.683 N, 003°012 30.653 W’ž59°072 54.253 N, 003°012 24.883 W’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989V<<<<<.....*óČČÄÄÄĀ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ŗ¶“²°®©¤ œ˜“‹‰‰}ywuusokgca][WUSQOMKIG=71+'!éāąÜŚÓĻĻÉĮ­„|n`@:)# q’Ā’’’½ł’`z>WHY7’žHY 42 NW 22’žKnowe of Ramsay’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular stalled’žHY 4004 2800’ž34004 102800’ž340040’ž1028000’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone55’žSE-NWx’ž34.4’ž8.2’žORK 30’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’žunknown0’žrough pavingx4’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesno’žcompartments 6 - 11xx’žall compartmentsnox’žrough pavingyesx’žfireno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew et al 1976’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989pVVVVH444440$$$ žģźčÓĻŹÅĮ½ø³³³±ÆÆÆ”Ÿ––”Œˆ‚€|zvtrpnljhfb^XRNHB>:6666"śņķēåŽŚŚŌĢøؘ‡ykE?.( q’Ę’’’ł’`fßHYA’žHY 42 NW 2’žTaversoe Tuick’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4257 2761’ž34257 102761’ž342570’ž1027610’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone65x’ž9.2xx’žORK 49’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žReynolds 1987’žRenfrew 1979’žBradley 1998nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žpumice pendant; 35 shale beads; steatite vessel fragment0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; narrow 'drain-like' feature’žwest of centrenonoyesno03+3?’žslabP@ųx4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenoxno’žrecesses of lower chamber’ždark soilno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žBradley 1998’žReynolds 1987’žDavidson & Henshall 1989Ķ³³³¤–ˆˆˆˆˆ„xxxtiiiNJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHD;9750+'#’ū÷÷õńėēćÓ žš˜–”’ŽŒŠPLF@<62.*&&& ūūūįŁ×ÕŠĪŹŹÄ¼Ø˜ˆwi[C=,& q’Ī’’’½ł’`f8ZHYd’žHY 42 NW 1’žKnowe of Yarso’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 4048 2795’ž34048 102795’ž340480’ž1027950’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’ž100’žNW-SEx’ž15.2’ž7.8’žORK 32’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nono’žOld Red Sandstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin, bone points0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž29+0’žrough pavementx4’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žchamber and passagenox’žrough pavement’žrough pavementyesx’žfireno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew et al 1976’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989›s_____[OOOKEEEC==========---žõšėęāŻŲÓÓÓŃĻĻĻæ½øø¶²®Ŗ¤¢žœ˜–”’ŽŒŠˆqmga]WQ>:6666"śņķēåŽŁŁÓĖ·§—Ž†xjC=,& q’Ę’’’ł’ `f& č6Šsx’žNS 06 NW 8’žGlecknabae’žCraigenew’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0075 6825’ž20075 66825’ž200750’ž668250’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone30x’žn/a918’žBUT 4’žHenshall 1972’žCormack 1985’žCormack 1986nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žquern fragment0x0xx0x0Nox’žMesolithic shell midden’žallnonoyesno020’žbeach stonesŁ@öx1’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žchamber floor’žblack soil’žallyes’žallnono’žMesolithic shell midden’žshell midden’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 ( p 37-52)’žMercer, R. J., (2004). Enclosure and monumentality, and the Mesolithic-Neolithic continuum, in Monuments and Material Culture, eds. R. Cleal & J. Pollard Salisbury: Hobnob, 39-46.’žPollard, T., (1996). Time and tide. Coastal environments, cosmology and ritual practice in early prehistoric Scotland., in The Early Prehistory of Scotland, eds. T. Pollard & A. Morrison Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 198-21’ž120’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÕniii~É7772.!!!śöņķēēēēēēēēēēēēēēāÖĒÅĆĮ½ø³®©„   žœœ‚€~~|xrnjeLJFDB@><:86&" üüüüīąąąŃŹĘÄæ½¹¹³­””ƒ{sfXD>-" q’Ę’’’½ł’ąēœLVAL“oTśMarshall & Taylor - 1977 - p 3 - Widespread traces of small fires were found on the original ground surface beneath and around the cairn. P4 - [axial chamber] 'Pot 2 lay on a patch of burnt soil. The soil around the pots was darker than the rest of the fill. ..Patches of burning of varying intensity were found at the same level as the pots and also on the floor of the chamber, where they extended under the W side-slabs. Fragments of charcoal were found among the burnt soil in the NW corner. P 6 [forecourt] - 'Some flat stones, 152 mm to 203 mm, possibly paving, lay in front of the portal. Traces of burning showed over the whole breadth of the forecourt, extending by 2-13 m out in front of upright A. This burning varied in depth and in the intensity of its blackness. It ran up to and under the stones of the faēade. It lay very black over and between the paving stones, but not under them. & .. No pits were found P 8 - [E Lateral Chamber] "Blackened earth was found over most of the floor of the chamber& .Black soil, with flecks of charcoal, lay on the floor of the chamber. It was blacker and more concentrated at the centre, spreading more towards the W than the E. It did not run under the sides of the chamber& ..An area of dark burnt soil lay 0-46 m in front of and to the N of the N stone of the porch. It was a distinct oval patch, 0-76 m by 0-46 m, but the blackened soil was not more than 25 mm deep. About 1-52 m N of this was an oval pit, 405 mm by 200 mm and 180 mm in depth. The N half was filled with pebbles, the other with dark gravelly soil . Page 11 - OCCUPATION AREA : About halfway between the entrance to the W lateral chamber and the end of the cairn, 1-52 m to 1-83 m from it, was an area of what appeared to be occupation debris. There was light cobbling, two cobbles deep in places, and the soil was patchy black among red earth. Connected with this vague floor were four stake holes, 88 mm in diameter and in depth. One was in earth under a kerb stone, one in brown soil and one built up slighŠ LVALš tly among stones. The fourth was sunk into a small but distinct hearth which lay under the cobbling. The dense black of the hearth, 0-76 m in diameter, was 100 mm deep at the centre. This black soil was different in character from the other burnt patches found round the cairn, being slightly greasy. No bone was found. The slight stake holes were set in a curve which, if continued round, would have made a circle of about 2-44 m.. įLVALńDESCRIPTION].[Site Name] FROM [SITE DESCRIPTION];     ! 0;1440 " #1440twip $ % & ' +  ( ’’’’ *£LVAL ŠŠÅÅĻÅĻÅĻÅĻÅĻÅĻÅĻBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and n’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensiv’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil sampl’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žRCAHMS 1946: "Both chamber and passage were paved. Some fragments of pottery were found but they were too much broken up to be identifiable." Excavated by J Stewart 1938 - No e’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet publishe’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žBryce 1940: Limited excavation - purpose was to discover if it was a heel-shaped cairn. In addition, the cairn stones were removed down to ground level along the central axis, but no chamber or passage was revealed.’žCalder 1963: p 46: "the floor of both passage and chamber is roughl’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žBryce 1940: Limited excavation - purpose was to discover if it ’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žBryce 1940: Lim’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žNo information on ground surface contained in the report.’žHunt 1866: "we explored one side of the cairn, which remained apparently undisturbed, but found nothing of importance." Tate 1866: on the outside of the inner wall [of the cairn] I found several flat stones, varying from 45-60 cm in length and about 23-30 cm in breadth. The stone in each case covered a few human bones, prinicpally teeth and phalanges, with a few remains of horse, birds and fish. The bones were reposing on a slight bed of angular gravel, beneath which was a bed of 2.5 cm or so in thickness of a black, stiff, unctuous, clayey substance. This was overlying a bed of red, or yellowish clay 5-7.5 cm in thickness, which covers the solid rock. In every case there were the same materials and order of superposition observed; the black material in no instance was found extending beyond the confines of the covering stone. An examination of the human bones prove them to be those of children. The black material is such as I have seen in kists where the body had evidently been burnt and the ashes only preserved; and this substance probably results from the impregnation of the clayey floor of the grave w’žBallin-Smith 1998 - "Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it." Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žNo information on ground surface contained in the report.‚čĒL×ĖŗHdF„ĜA'HU=’žHU 27 NW 3’žMarch Cairn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žsquare’žHU 2216 7891’ž42216 117891’ž422160’ž1178910’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone61’žNE-SWx’ž10.2’ž10.1’žZET 27’žHenshall 1963; 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabs on stone layeré@üx4ano?no’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žpassage’žslabs on stone layer’žchamber’žslab pavement’žslab pavement?xnono’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall 1963; 1972’’’’’’’’’’ūļļļėēēēåććććććććććŌŌŌż¦›™—“ŽŠ…{{{wuuiSQOOMIEA=;751/-+)'%#!  żłõõõõõõõõąŲŅĢŹĆæ湦™‡uldVH@:)# q’Ą’’’½ł’ `f>h’žHU 25 SE 26’žScord of Brouster’žnone’žkerb cairn’žhouse, settlement’žnone’žHU 2560 5165’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žWalls and Sandness’žMainland’žnone“@ü€’žNot Neolithic2bno’žN ScotlandŽŽŽŅŅŅŅĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪŹŹÆ£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££“m[[[[MG4("h|`"&HUl’žHU 24 NE 3’žGiant's Grave (Shetland)’žHestinsetter Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone?’žHU 2920 4572’ž42920 114572’ž429200’ž1145720’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žSandsting’žShetland Mainland’žnone’ž108’žSSE/NNW ?’ž9-12xxnonononononoyesnononono00;@ü4a’žyesnononono’žyesnoyesno’žN ScotlandaaaaaaaaaaaaUUUUQQQQKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKGB>:62---)))  ’ū÷óļėėėėėėėėėėéēįÖŃŃĖø­›‰€xj\ZTC0 q’Ą’@,ł "Ņ…HPk’žHP 61 SW 12’žMuckle Heog East’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped?’žHP 6315 1081’ž46315 121081’ž463150’ž1210810’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUnst’žnone’ž107?x??’žZET29’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nonononoyesnononono’ž6 steatite vessels & fragments0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno00?’žseveral ?’žgravel bedo@üx4’žyes’žyesnononononoxxx’žoutside inner wall beneath burialsnox’žbeneath burials’ždark soil depositno’žN Scotlandno’žBryce 1940’žHenshall 1963(      żżżłęęęÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓĻ«©§„”™•‘Œ‡‡‡…ƒƒwk`\\ZVPLHFB@<:86420., üöņīźęęęęꌌŚĖÄĀĄ¾¼··±«„“xpbTF@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’@fh’žDate()’žn/a h€Ö30ś’ž306725’žGop Cairn’žGop-y-Goleuni’žcairn’žtumulus’žnone’žSJ 0866 8015’ž30866 38015’ž308660’ž380150’žFlintshire’žFlintshire’žTrelawnyd and Gwaenysgor’žnone’žnone’žon the brow of Gop Hill at the northern end of the line of hills forming the eastern boundary of the Vale of Clwyd; outstanding views in all directions (Nash 2006)’ž250x’ž100xxnononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŖ@·x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/ano’ž53°182 37.543 N, 003°222 20.203 W’žWalesnoDDDDDDDDDDD@99 ’łłłłłłłłłłłłłł÷óńļķėēāŽŚÖŅĪĪĪŹČČ¼ø¶““²®Ŗ¦¢ œš–”’ŽŒŠˆ†‚~zvrlhhd``````````^\WUP«„Ÿ…yme]PB<3, q’’Ąž’’½ł’ąkJøčkLgLāHµDŠAh’žHY 44 NW 17’žCurquoy’žKorkquoy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 431 473’ž3431 10473’ž343100’ž1047300’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žWestray’žWestray’žnonenp’žS-Nx3015’žORK 34’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononononononononono’ž60-700·@€’žNo excavation records2cno’žyesno’žyesnononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°182 31.423 N, 003°r’žHY$’žHY 44 NW 1·HY$’žHY 44 NW 17’žCurquoy’žKorkquoy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 431 473’ž3431 10473’ž343100’ž1047300’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žWestray’žWestray’žnone’žS-Nx3015’žORK 34’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononononononononono’ž60-700×@2cno’žyesno’žyesnononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°182 31.423 N, 003°002 00.793 W’ž59°182 33.073 N, 002°592 54.973 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žHenshall 1963šįįįįįĒĒĒĒĒĒ»eeaa\\XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTPLGC>:::666**(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  żłłłłłßßߊČÄĄ¾¹¹¹³Ŗ”‘xpdXA;*  q’~Ā’,ł :n4HY’žHY 44 NE 3’žPoint of Cott’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty long’žHY 4654 4746’ž34654 104746’ž346540’ž1047460’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žWestray’žWestray’žnone’žon the edge of a low cliff, at the far end of the Point of Cott peninsula4’žN-Sx30’ž13.5’žORK 41’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyesnoyesyesnoyesyesno’žwhale tooth beads; pumice; beach pebbles2’žComp 3; N end of cairn0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic activity? ; pre-mound pit and slot features;’žN end of cairnno’žno / yesnono0’ž13+0noŚ@ßx4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesx’žcairn / chamber & forecourtxxnox’žpre-mound pit & slot featuresyes - erosionxnono’žMesolithic activity; pit and slot feature’žflint; activity’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žDavidson & Henshall 19898   ųĢČÄĀØØØØØ؉‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒb`[VQMHC???=;;/+)$$" üĆĮ½»¹·µ³±™—mic]YSMIC========# ½·®„•…|tfXB<+% q’’Ą’’’½ł’€ąēösHYn’žHY 43 SW 19’žKnowe of Craie’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4196 3153’ž34196 103153’ž341960’ž1031530’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’žin a level position in a gently sloping field’ž110x’ž10.5-11.7xx’žORK 27’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žoutside cairn near entrance0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyes?no000’žclay over dark ashesĒ@łx4’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žclay floor over dark ashesyes’žchambernono’žpitno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989vvvvvhhhhhdXXXTOKG>8888888888888   žśöńģęęęäāāÖĄ¾¼¼ŗ¶®Ŗ¦¤ žš˜–”’Žqokga[WQMIEAAAAA333 ūĖŽ©™‰€xj\D>-' q’’Ā’’’½ł’ągvØ“HY#’žHY 43 SW 13’žBigland Round’žFaraclett Head’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4383 3250’ž34383 103250’ž343830’ž1032500’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’žon the edge of a terrace overlooking a valley35x12xx’žORK 2’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononononoyesyesnono1’žoutside cairn on the S side0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no7@Eģx4nonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnpx’žpit - externalno’ž59°102 31.913 N, 002°592 03.623 W’ž59°102 33.513 N, 002°582 57.833 W’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989 †††††xxxxxth=žžžüųųųųųųųųųųųųųųöņšīģźęįŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĖÉɽ¹·µµ³Æ«§£”›—•“‘‹nlhd^XTPLHD@@@@@222  ŌĪĘ²¢’‰seMG6& q’’Ā’’’½ł’`~ čüO²ĶŸJņG_E:Co’žHU 59 NE 7’žThe Ward’žKnowe of Heogland’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 5994 9951’ž45994 119951’ž459940’ž1199510’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUyea’žnone46npx68’žZET 73’žHenshall 1972nonononon@ź4anounknownno’žN Scotland        ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷óóóēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēćßŪ××××××××ČĄ¾¼ŗ¶²²¬¦ Ž|sk]OB<+o’Ą  "o’žHU 56 NE 1’žPettigarth's Field’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žsquare’žHU 5850 6530’ž45850 116530’ž458500’ž11653*HU.’žHU 59 NE 7’žThe Ward’žKnowe of Heogland’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 5994 9951’ž45994 119951’ž459940’ž1199510’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUyea’žnone46npx68’žZET 73’žHenshall 1972nonononon@ź4anounknownno’žN Scotland’žHenshall 19720!!!!!!!!!!!’’’’’’’’ūūūļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėēćßßßßßßßߊČĘÄĀ¾ŗŗ“®Ø–„{seWJD3  q’Ą  "ž)HU.’žHU 56 NE 1’žPettigarth's Field’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žsquare’žHU 5850 6530’ž45850 116530’ž458500’ž1165300’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNesting’žWhalsay’žnone46x’ž5.4’ž5.1’žZET32’žHenshall 1963’žCalder 1961nonononoyesnonono’žunknown pavementü@4a’žyesxxx’žpassage’žunknown pavement’žchamber’žpavement’žpavementno’žN Scotland’žCalder 1961’žHenshall 1963ž‚‚‚‚‚‚vvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhh^UC:8644////////+++       ūūū÷óļėėėėėŽŽŽĻČĆ¾¼¼øø²© Ž|sk]OGA0* q’}Ā°0ż "žEHUÕ’žHU 46 NW 3’žHill of Dale’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel shaped’žHU 4129 6994’ž44129 116994’ž441290’ž1169940’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žDelting’žShetland Mainland’žnone’ž213’žESE-WNWX’ž7.2’ž10.2’žZET15’žHenshall 1963nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŚ@üx4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall 1963ø©©©©©©©©©©„™™™™•••“‹‡…ƒ{vrnjfbbb^\\PLJHHFB>:640.*(&$"  žśöņņņņņņņņćÜÖŃĻĘĮĮ»ØŸ{rj\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`b6DHU’žHU 38 NE 1’žTrowie Knowe’žBeorgs of Housetter’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 3620 8552’ž43620 118552’ž436200’ž1185520’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone30’žE-W’ž8.1xx’žZET42’žHenshall 1963nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žflat stonesĮ@>x4anono’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žChamber A’žflat stones’žChamber B’žpavement of flat stones’žpavement of flat stonesyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall 1963 ’’’ū÷÷÷õļļļļļļļļļļļļÖ½²„š˜–”‹†‚}yuuuqoocVTRRPLHD@>:8420.,*(&$  üüüüüüüüķęäāŻŲŌŌĪ»®œŠyk]PJ9$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`f&h’žHU 37 SW 1’žPund's Water’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 3245 7124’ž43245 117124’ž432450’ž1171240’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone61’žE-Wx’ž9.615’žZET33’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nononono’žpebbles in clayŸ@ü8@ū2a’žyes’žchamber’žpebbles in clayyesnono’žN Scotlandiii]]]YUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOO>>>5555500000000,, ’ū÷óóóóóēēēŲŃĶČĘĮ½½·¤—…sjbTF93"h’Āp! &(„ 蔋s˜©’žSE 67 SW 1’žEast Gilling’žBlack Hill’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 6018 7417’ž46018 47417’ž460180’ž474170’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žGilling East’žHambleton; Howardian Hills’žnone’ž169’žNNW-SSE’žn/a4226’žSE16nono’žGreat and Inferior Oolitenono’žcharred acornsno?nono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žwhite sand@óx1nono?nono’žyes’žyesxxx’žS end of barrownoxyesxnono’ž54°092 35.523 N, 001°042 47.343 W’ž54°092 34.853 N, 001°042 41.553 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (pp 550-553)’žWilson, P. R. 1988 Excavations at East Gilling long barrow. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 60, 1-3’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumcķčččč3333/$łĪŹĘĘĘľ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼ø§„£”œ—“‰………ƒuigeec_[WSQMKGECA?=;973/-)öņīīīīīīīīīčäąŪŅĶĶĒ«”ƒ{sfXC=0$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`~Œ¤čüOÖM™K,H|D¾@h’žHY 53 NE 18’žCalf of Eday Long’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 5786 3861’ž35786 103861’ž357860’ž1038610’žOrkney IslandsåHY’žHY 53 NE 18’žCalf of Eday Long’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 5786 3861’ž35786 103861’ž357860’ž1038610’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žCalf of Eday’žnone17’žENE-WSWx20’ž8.2’žORK 8’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žChilde 1946’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?yesno000’žblue clayš@x4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žwhole cairnx’žentire cairnnox’žall - blue clay floorno’žchamber’ždark soil deposit; ground preparationno’ž59°132 55.283 N, 002°442 24.373 W’ž59°132 56.893 N, 002°442 18.443 W’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žChilde 1946’žDavidson & Henshall 1989ÉÆÆÆÆ¢”””””„Y.*śöößßßßßßßßßßß߯ŁĖɼŗµ°¬Ø£žššš˜––Š}{{yuoiec_]YWUSQOMKIE?93/)%! žžžäŻŲŌŅÉÅÅ汫›‹‚zl^GA0* q’Ę’’’½ł’h~įHY2’žHY 53 NE 12’žWithebeir’žMill Hill’žchambered cairn?’žuncertain’žnone’žHY 5675 3537’ž35675 103537’ž356750’ž1035370’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50np’žn/a1814’žORK 55’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyes€’žno info on ground surface4a’žyesnonpnpno’žN Scotland’žFarrer, J. 1857 Notes on the bronze and iron remains dug up in a 'Pict's House', in the Holm of Eday, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 178-9’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney : an inventory of the structures and their contents, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall 1963»¬¬¬¬¬XXXXXLLLLHHHHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@<<<<7777333                           żłõõõõõŪŪŪĢÄĄ¼·³ÆÆ©£}tl^PJ?-" q’Ā  " ÓHY’žHY 53 NE 1’žHuntersquoy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5626 3774’ž35626 103774’ž356260’ž1037740’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone20x’ž10 - 11xx’žORK 23’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žWatson 2000’žSharples 1985nonononononoyesnoyes’žpumice0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; two-storey monument’žallnononono100’žblue clay@’žwest of cairn4nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambers and passagesnox’žblue clay floor’žblue clay flooryesx’žhearthno’žN Scotlandno’žSharples 1985’žWatson 2000’žDavidson & Henshall 1989x^^^^QBBBBB>222.&&&$   üśö߯ŪŁÕŠĢČÄĄ¼¼¼ŗ««Ÿ”’ŽŠ†‚~yNLHFDB@><:80*&  łģģģŅŹČĘ½»··±«„•…|tfX@:)# q’Ę’’’½ł’ `f¶+HY’žHY 50 NW 58’žHurnip's Point’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’ž?passage grave’žHY 5448 0634’ž35448 100634’ž354480’ž1006340’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSt Andrews and Deerness’žMainland’žnone’žE-Wx6015’žnonenono’žRousay Flags of the Middle Old Red Sandstoneno™@4a’žyesnoyesno’žN ScotlandHHHHHHHHHHHH<<<<888822222222222222222222.))))))))%%%ēćßßßßßßßßߣÕŃĻŹŹŹÄŗ”‘xpbTD>-' q’>Ą  "ĮHY’žHY 50 NE 22’žThe Howie’žHowan Greenie; Roana Bay; Nedwbanks’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žnone’žHY 5885 0550’ž35885 100550’ž358850’ž1005500’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSt Andrews and Deerness’žMainland’žnonenp’žNW-SEx2415nononono>@(ź2cnonpnp’žn/ano’žN Scotland111111111111%%%%!!   üųōššššššššššģčęßŪŪÕĖ²¢’‰se_YG" q’Ą  "55LVALE"HR - Unburnt Frag Ļ     m     ’’’’™& Cremation Burial Ü     m     ’’’’›("Inhumation Burial U     m     ’’’’‡Pottery t     m     ’’’’ƒ Flint V     m     ’’’’ƒ Plant W     m     ’’’’… Animal      m     ’’’’… Rubble Ą     m     ’’’’‰Charcoal )     m     ’’’’‡'Empty' ’’’’     m     ’’’’"Other material ’’’’     o Table/Query ! " # % & 0twip '    +  ( ’’’’ *‹C14 Dates ’’’’     m     ’’’’‹Long Axis ’’’’     m     ’’’’Chronology ’’’’     m     ’’’’“ Beneath mound ’’’’     m     ’’’’JčĄLŃJĶJLHOEdBh’žHY 53 SE 7’žEday Manse’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’ž?Maes Howe type’žHY 5602 3242’ž35602 103242’ž356020’ž1032420’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50’žNNE-SSWx3716’žORK 16’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesyesno’žincised stone00\@ź€’žNo excavation records2cnononononononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°102 34.513 N, 002°462 15.923 W’ž59°102 36.103 N, 002°462 10.023 W’žN Scotlandčččܱ††‚‚}}yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuqmiea]]r’žHY2’žHY 53 ĀHY2’žHY 53 SE 7’žEday Manse’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’ž?Maes Howe type’žHY 5602 3242’ž35602 103242’ž356020’ž1032420’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50’žNNE-SSWx3716’žORK 16’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesyesno’žincised stone00b@*ź2cnononononononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°102 34.513 N, 002°462 15.923 W’ž59°102 36.103 N, 002°462 10.023 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žHenshall 1963öēēēēēĶĶĶĶĶĶĮ–kkggbb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ZVRNJFBBB>>>220................... ’ū÷÷÷÷÷ŻŻŻĪĘĀ¾¼³ÆÆ©£}tl^P?9(" q’Ā’,ł :^HY’žHY 53 SE 6’žSandyhill Smithy’žSandhill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5612 3299’ž35612 103299’ž356120’ž1032990’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone30x8xx’žORK 47’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono1?00noi@’žchamber4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxyesx’žfire; ground preparationno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989īīīīīąąąąąÜŠŠŠĢ²²²°ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ ›™”‹†}yyywnnb^\ZZVRNHDB><86420.,*($  üüüüüīīīŌĢŹČĘÄĄĄŗ“®žŽ…}oaIC2( q’Ā’’’½ł’`fHYH’žHY 53 NE 9’žVinquoy Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 5601 3812’ž35601 103812’ž356010’ž1038120’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone72x’ž17.7xx’žORK 53’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1863nononono1’žcentral chamber0xx0x0noxnox0r@x4’žyes’žyesyes’žpitno’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie 1863’žDavidson & Henshall 1989ŒrrrrreeeeeaUUUQLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA<<<<<<<<:88,,,,,*****($"’’’’’’’ū÷óļļļļļāāāČĄ¾¼¶“°°Ŗ¤žŽ~um_QA;*$ q’Ā’” fn¹-HY’žHY 53 NE 28’žSetter’žMill Loch’žchambered cairn’žbarrow’žnone’žHY 5651 3702’ž35651 103702’ž356510’ž1037020’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney’žEday’žEday’žnonenpnpnpnpnpnonono00o@4anonoyesnonpno’žN ScotlandśśśśśśśśśśśśīīīīźęāāÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŌŌŌŠŠŠÄÄĀĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼¼ø““““““““““°¬Ø¤  š”Ž†vmeWIC;* q’Ą, #:,HY’žHY 53 NE 2’žCalf of Eday NW’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5788 3858’ž35788 103858’ž357880’ž1038580’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žCalf of Eday’žnone15x’ž7.5xx’žORK 9’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1863nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchambernononono000noŸ@x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’ž59°132 54.323 N, 002°442 23.093 W’ž59°132 55.923 N, 002°442 17.163 W’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie 1863’žDavidson & Henshall 1989K11111$$$$$ é¾¾ŗŗŗø““““““““““““““²®¬Ŗئ¢™•‘‰‰‰…ƒƒwsqoomiea]T><86420.,*($  óóóŁŅŠĪÉĒĆĆ½Æ©™‰€xj\D>-' q’Ā’’’½ł’`znLVALŠŠŠĻGosden 1994 - evidence for Late Neo settlement within the Cursus; Johnston 1999 - p 42 -" a Mesolithic flint scatter has been found along the line of the cursus. (see Entwhistle & Bowden 1991); the chronology of these scatters , based on typology, is restricted to before 5000 BC (Arnold et al 1988). In addition there are two late sixth millennium BC radiocarbon dates, both from (residual) bones in the primary silts of the cursus ditch. Early Neolithic occupation in the region is also sparse , although distributed in different areas to that of the Mesolithic scatters." Johnston 1999 p 42 - "two long barrows (Gussage Cow Down ’žGosden 1994 - evidence for Late Neo settlement within the Cursus; Johnston 1999 - p 42 -" a Mesolithic flint scatter has been found along the line of the cursus. (see Entwhistle & Bowden 1991); the chronology of these scatters , based on typology, is restricted to before 5000 BC (Arnold et al 1988). In addition there are two late sixth millennium BC radiocarbon dates, both from (residual) bones in the primary silts of the cursus ditch. Early Neolithic occupation in the region is also sparse , although distributed in different areas to that of the Mesolithic scatters." Johnston 1999 p 42 - "two long barrows (Gussage Cow Down and ?? ) were incorporated into the structure of the cursus and pre-dated it. A small ditch running parallel and close to the NW ditch of the cursus is good evidence of a precursor to the monument. " Johnston 1999 - P 43 - a Beaker settlement over lies the ditch. Johnston 1999 - p 46 - human processions along the route of the Cursus occurred PRIOR to the construction of the bank and ditch - they effectively commemorated the site, and the nature of the constructrion - with the ends sealed, excluded people and processions. The Cursus "marked a pathway which was already well established, possibly through the act of procession."’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 157 :in the SE corner of the chamber floor is a shallow circular stone-lined pit 0.8 m in diameter and 0.2 m deep dug through the natural clay to the rock ; it formerly had a stone cover (Petrie).’žDavidson & ’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 157 :in the SE corner of the chamber floor is a shallow circular stone-lined pit 0.8 m in diameter and 0.2 m deep’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 157 :in the SE corner of the chamber floor is a shallow circular stone-lined pit 0.8 m in diameter and 0.2 m deep dug through the natural clay to the rock ; it formerly had a stone cover (Petrie).’ž Calder 1938 - p 205 "the cairn was founded on the clay subsoil" - turf stripping? P. 207 ; there was a "much later domestic occupation of the chamber, which was attested by a thin layer of compacted peaty earth, representing a secondary floor. The accumulation rested on a layer of blown sand 10 or 12 inches above the original floor, and it was thickest in the central compartment." P 208 : "Pottery from Sandyhill cairn was found crushed and embedded in the original clay floor of the central compartment. The fragments represented two different vessels, one plain and one decorated with incised ornamentation. Both are assignable to the S’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 157 :in the SE corner of the chamber floor is a shallow circular stone-lined pit 0.8 m in diameter and 0.2 m deep dug through the natural clay to the rock ; it formerly had a stone cover (Petrie).‰č˜LII`Å”Ćh’žLinear 91’žStanwell Cursus’žcursus’žTQ 0545 7431’ž50545 17431’ž505450’ž174310’žSurrey’žSpelthorne’žAshfordyesalignment’žMesolithic pitsS@ź€’žCursus6d’žMesolithic pits’žpits’žSE EnglandŽŽŽŅŅŅĢ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»··£———————————††††††††ttnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneYQIA4&&& hĖ`&h’žLinear 41’žDorset Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žnone’žnone’žST 9695 1240’ž39695 11240’ž396950’ž112400’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žCranborne Chase’žDorset cursus’žtakes a slightly sinuous course across gently undulating downland’žvariable’žNE-SWx’ž980090’žAtkinson 1955’žBradley 1983yesyes’žchalk downlandyesyesnoyesyesyesnoarc of pits’žnear the E ditch0xx0x0noxh’žLh’žLinear 91’žStanwell Cursus’žcursus’žTQ 0545 7431’ž50545 17431’ž505450’ž174310’žSurrey’žSpelthorne’žAshfordyesalignment’žMesolithic pitsS@ź€’žCursus6d’žMesolithic pits’žpits’žSE EnglandŽŽŽŅŅŅĢ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»··£———————————††††††††ttnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneYQIA4&&& hĖ`&h’žLinear 41’žDorset Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žnone’žnone’žST 9695 1240’ž39695 11240’ž396950’ž112400’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žCranborne Chase’žDorset cursus’žtakes a slightly sinuous course across gently undulating downland’žvariable’žNE-SWx’ž980090’žAtkinson 1955’žBradley 1983yesyes’žchalk downlandyesyesnoyesyesyesnoarc of pits’žnear the E ditch0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic flint scatter; long barrows’žinteriornononono000noż@x6dno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žMesolithic flint scatter’žflint scatter’ž50°542 39.973 N, 002°022 40.853 W’ž50°542 37.993 N, 002°022 35.943 W’žSW England -WCĪĪĪ¾“hY?:64..............,(&$"  żūūļėéēēåįŻŁÕĖ£”›™—•“‘ie_YSOIC3-''''     ž÷ķŖ›ŠviaYQD60*" h’’Ę’’’½ł’ą? ŒHY’žHY 55 SW 2’žHolm of Papa Westray North’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular’žHY 5044 5228’ž35044 105228’ž350440’ž1052280’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žPapa Westray’žPapa Westray’žnone5’žNW-SEx’ž11.8’ž6.3’žORK 21’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRitchie 1986nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone bead, bone points, whalebone object; pumice1’žcentre of 2nd compartment0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono08+0’žslab@Žx4’žArchive?no’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesnox’žchamberx’žpassagenoxyesx’žpitno’žN Scotlandno’žRitchie 1986’žRenfrew 1979’žDavidson & Henshall 1989vvvvhZZZZZVJJJFAAA?9999999999999973*( żżóńļļćŻŪ××ÕŃĶĒĆĮ½»·µ³±Æ­«Ž\XRLHB<840000"śņķēåŽÜÜÖČŗŖš‘‰{mOI82 q’Ę’’’½ū’`f..HY’žHY 55 SW 1’žHolm of Papa Westray South’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 5091 5183’ž35091 105183’ž350910’ž1051830’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žPapa Westray’žPapa Westray’žnone15’žNNE-SSWx’ž34.5’ž16.5’žORK 22’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1857’žRenfrew 1979’žThomas 1852’žWilson 1851nonononononononono’ždecorated stones0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žclay overlaid with sand@x4anononono’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxnoxnono’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žThomas 1852’žWilson 1851’žPetrie 1857’žDavidson & Henshall 1989sYYL?2$$$$$     ÷õóńķčćßŪ×ÓÓÓĻĶĶĮئ¤¤¢žš–’ŒŠ†„‚€~|zxvd`\XTPLHD@@3&   ńéćŻŪŅĪĪČŗ¬œŒƒ{m_OI82 q’Ž’’’½ł’`fxfE čU‰s Z’žNR 97 SE 2’žGlenvoidean’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9970 7056’ž19970 67056’ž199700’ž670560’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone’žon a steep grassy hillside facing southwest90’žN-S’žn/a159’žBUT 1’žHenshall 1972’žMarshall 1969’žMarshall 1976nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žburnt bone1’žW lateral chamber0xx4’žoccupation area - W side of cairn0’žpossible’žoccupation area - W side of cairn’žoccupation area’žW side of cairnyesnoyesno100’žlight cobblingJł“oT’žoccupation area - W side of cairn1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žbeneath and around the cairnxx’žoccupation area - W side of cairnnox’ždark soil’žpit’žoccupation areayes’žchamber floor; occupation areano’žoccupation area; extensive burningno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMarshall, D. N. & I. D. Taylor, 1977. The excavation of the chambered cairn at Glenvoidean, Isle of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 108, 1-39.’žMarshall, D. N., 1976. The story of the excavation of the Neolithic burial cairn at Glenvoidean (Part 2). Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society, 20, 27-33.’žMarshall, D. N., 1969. The story of the excavation of the Neolithic burial cairn at Glenvoidean (Part 1). Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society, 17, 39-43.11’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¶OKKKžńD??:6)))%żŻ×××ĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĮ¶“°‹‰kfa]XSOKKKI&& śöšßĪ«”Ÿ|zxvta_SOIC?;51-))))   üõóļźåį“®Øœ~vnaS@:)# q’’Ę’’’½ł’äęžLčĒKŪH,E(EdBo’žNC 75 NW 7’žSkelpick Long’žSkelpick Burn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žNC 7225 5672’ž27225 95672’ž272250’ž956720’žHighland’žHighland’žFarr’žnone’žnone32’žNW-SEx72’ž20.4’žSUT 53’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no€’žno description givenx4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žN Scotlandno®®®®®®®®®Ŗžžžžššš˜””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚}yuqmiiieccA= NC ’žNC 75 NW 7’žSkelpick Long’žSkelpick Burn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žNC 7225 5672’ž27225 95672’ž272250’ž956720’žHighland’žHighland’žFarr’žnone’žnone32’žNW-SEx72’ž20.4’žSUT 53’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no€’žno description givenx4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995Ļ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶²¦¦¦¦¢¢¢ œœœœœœœœœœœœœœš–”’ŽŠ…}yuqqqmkkIECAA?;73/-)'#! ’ū÷óļėėėėėėėėŅŹÄĄ¾·³³­§”—…}pbKE4% q’Ą’’’½ł’`bn*čNC˜’žNC 50 NE 16’žThe Ord North’žThe Ord’žchambered cairn’žnone’žshort, horned’žNC 5733 0560’ž25733 90560’ž257330’ž905600’žHighland’žSutherland’žLairg’žnone’žnone’žon a spur just below the summit of a low hill’ž152x26xx’žSUT 48’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žCorcoran 1967 a’žCorcoran 1967 bnononoyesno’žyes but lostyesyesno’žpitchstone, pumice; quartz pebbles; bone/antler mount2+’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žplatform/cist structure’žchambernononono2+00’žclay?ź@’žfront of entrance4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žpits (2+); hearths (2+)no’žN Scotlandno’žCorcoran 1967 a and b’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995ŗ”””””ŠŠŠŠŠ†zzzv]YUSMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKG><:83.*% öļķėėēćßŪ×Īµ³Æ­«©§„£š–_[UOA=73/++++   ščę乎Ł©£–Š€xpcUF@/& q’’Ę’’’½ł’ągF0NCL’žNC 22 SW 1’žArdvreck’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round gallery grave’žNC 2414 2371’ž22414 92371’ž224140’ž923710’žHighland’žSutherland’žAssynt’žnone’žnone76’žSE-NWx’ž15.211’žSUT 9’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žCallander & Cree n.d.nononononononononono10 @4anonononono’žyesnpyesno’ž58°102 01.823 N, 004°592 28.443 W’ž58°102 03.073 N, 004°592 23.823 W’žN Scotland’žCallander & Cree n.d.’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995÷ŽŽŽŽŽĒĒĒĒĒĒ»eeaaaa[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[WRNJFB>>>:::..,*******************&" ėėėŅĖĒĮæø““®Ø ”Š‚zm_=7&  q’Ā’,ł :NB’žNB 23 SW 1’žCallanish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žstone circle, stone row’žpassage grave, round’žNB 2130 3301’ž12130 93301’ž121300’ž933010’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žUig’žLewis’žnone’žon a low rocky ridge15’žE-W (chamber)’ž6.3xx’žLWS 3’žHenshall 1972yesnonoyesnpnpyesnpnpnp????x??0’žpre-monument structure’žinside eastern area of stone circle’žstone circle; stone row; pre-monument charcoal-producing activities;timber structure; pre-monument cultivation;’žallnonoyes’žyes000’žclay<@\x4’žyesno’žyesnpnp’žyes’žyesxx’žall’žcairnnoxno’žchamber & passage’žoccupation area; cultivation; stone circles and rowno’ž58°112 51.213 N, 006°442 42.083 W’ž58°112 52.543 N, 006°442 38.333 W’žN Scotland’žstone circle, stone row’žyes’žyes’žHenshall 1972D555555500+Ū°¬wwwd``````````````^ZSNLJE@<83/***(&& ’ūö…`HFDB@><:840,&"        ūōņšėÜŲĀ¼µ°”’Š‚ugQ8'! q’’Ą’’’½ł’`žčģLčLčH¦E7Br’žNDA’žND 06 SE 16’žTulloch of Assery B’žLoch Calder’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 0676 6186’ž30676 96186’ž306760’ž961860’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65x’ž33.5xx’žCAT 70’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone-Caithness Flagstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žrock crystal; bone 'scoop'0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žchamberyesnonono020’žslab. tx4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žchamber (beneath paving)xx’žchaøNDA’žND 06 SE 16’žTulloch of Assery B’žLoch Calder’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 0676 6186’ž30676 96186’ž306760’ž961860’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65x’ž33.5xx’žCAT 70’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone-Caithness Flagstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žrock crystal; bone 'scoop'0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žchamberyesnonono020’žslab. tx4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žchamber (beneath paving)xx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žfire; artefact scatterno’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žSharples 1986’žDavidson & Henshall 1991z`````QQQQLH<<<8  ’żćߌÖŃĢĒĆĆĆĮææ³­«©©§£Ÿ›•ŒxvrpnljhfdbFB<62,&’ū÷÷÷÷÷čččĪĘÄĀ¼ŗ¶¶¶°§“‹ƒvhPJ9, q’?Ā’’’½ł’ąēF1NDA’žND 06 SE 10’žTulach An T'sionnaich’žLoch Calder; Mound of the Fox’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 0704 6192’ž30704 96192’ž307040’ž961920’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65’žNNW-SSE’žn/a6218’žCAT 58’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone (Caithness Flagstone)yesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žyes0’žslabTA‡ÄXx4ano’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber’ždiscontinous paving’žpassageyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žSharples 1986’žDavidson & Henshall 1991M33333$$$$$     ūęŻŪŁ×ŅĶČÄæŗ¶¶¶²°°¤žœ——•‘‰…ƒ}ywusqomkiea[UQKEėćßŪÖĶÉÉÉĆŗ°¦ž–‰{d^M. q’?Ā’’’½ł’`f'NC’žNC 96 NE 6’žLower Dounreay’žCnoc Na H'useig’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short’žNC 9969 6772’ž29969 96772’ž299690’ž967720’žHighland’žHighland’žReay’žnone’žnone30’žE-W’žn/a22’ž17.5’žCAT 38’žDavidson & Henshall 1991nonononoyesnoyesnoyes’žpierced ox bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono040’žslab and clayé@8x4anono’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žEdwards, A. J. H. 1929 Excavations at Reay Links and at a horned cairn at Lower Dounreay, Caithness. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 63, 138-50’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žDavidson & Henshall 1991 ńńńńń~ŌŌŌŌŠÄÄÄĄ¼¼¼ŗ““““““““““““““²®„£”Ÿš•Œ‡ƒ{yym^\ZZXTPLHFB@<:86420., żłõńńńńńńńń×ĻÉÅĄ»··±«„›‘‰tfNH7& q’Ą’’’½ł’`f . NC€’žNC 76 SW 5’žFiscary’žCarn Chaoile’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNC 7311 6260’ž27311 96260’ž273110’ž962600’žHighland’žHighland’žFarr’žnone’žnone’ž128x16xx’žSUT 29’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no @œx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyes’žchamber’ždark soil depositno’ž58°312 58.793 N, 004°102 51.523 W’ž58°322 00.163 N, 004°102 46.453 W’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995öĖ œ‰‰‰€zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpnlgb^ZUQMMMKII=97553/)%!   żłõńķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻÄ¼ŗø“²­­§”›‘‡wj\D>- q’Ą’’’½ł’`~ø LVALČ Anderson 1891: 'we removed all stones so as to expose the original surface for a width of about 3.6m through the centre of the cairn. Traces of charcoal and ashes were met with in small isolated patches here and there towards the centre, and a little to the west of centre we found three slabs which evidently formed part of the wall of a central chamber& .The floor of the chamber had been much disturbed. In its upper layer, which was mixed with ashes, we found about a dozen small fragments of sepuchral pottery& ..Nearly in the centre of the chamber and about 15 cm under the upper layer of the floor, we found an irregularly circular deposit of ash’žAnderson 1891: 'we removed all stones so as to expose the original surface for a width of about 3.6m through the centre of the cairn. Traces of charcoal and ashes were met with in small isolated patches here and there towards the centre, and a little to the west of centre we found three slabs which evidently formed part of the wall of a central chamber& .The floor of the chamber had been much disturbed. In its upper layer, which was mixed with ashes, we found about a dozen small fragments of sepuchral pottery& ..Nearly in the centre of the chamber and about 15 cm under the upper layer of the floor, we found an irregularly circular deposit of ashes and charcoal, containing the remains of an interment after cremation. The patch of burnt matter was about 60 cm in diameter and from 5-7.5 cm in thickness in the centre& ..It consisted chiefly of a fine black unctuous ash mingled with small lumps of charred wood and calcined human bones much comminuted& .This appeared to have been the original interment. It was at a lower level than that portion of the floor in which the broken fragments of the urns occurred and it did not seem to have been deposited in, or covered by, an urn. In the deposit of ashes there were a number of fractured pieces of white quartz, but no flint chips or implements were met with.' šLVALŠ™™Ī¬ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ4ņ’’’’’’’’$0 ĄœPit Descriptionš €œSITE DESCRIPTION LVAL" Lynch 1975: p 20   the chamber floor consisted of yellow clay, which was cleaner than the clay found in the lower levels of the underlying pit, so it must have been laid down when the construction of the chamber was complete to provide a clean floor. P 23   a quantity of sherds, all from the same pot, were scattered over the NW quadrant of t’žLynch 1975: p 20   the chamber floor consisted of yellow clay, which was cleaner than the clay found in the lower levels of the underlying pit, so it must have been laid down when the construction of the chamber was complete to provide a clean floor. P 23   a quantity of sherds, all from the same pot, were scattered over the NW quadrant of the chamber. P 25 - The microlith found in the large pit might be explained by 'the proximity of a small Mesolithic site which appeared as a scatter of flint cores and chips on the surface of the next field.' Nash (2006) suggests a pit was found on the N side of the monument "similar to that at Pentre Ifan", but I could find no mention of that in Lynch's account.² čĀ‰s’žNP*’žNPRN 94129’žCarreg Sampson’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žround cairn?’žSM 8483 3350’ž18483 23350’ž184830’ž233500’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žMathry’žsouth west Wales’žnone’ž"on gently sloping land at the head of a narrow creek running down to a sheltered inlet"42npxnpnp’žPEM 18nono’žOrdovician - white conglomerates and grits of the Arenig seriesnoyesnoyesyesnono1’žall0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; Mesolithic site on next field’žallnononono000’žyellow clayŽ@ x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchamber’žslate paving’žchamberyesxnono’žMesolithic flint’žflint’ž51°572 29.843 N, 005°072 58.763 W’ž51°572 28.443 N, 005°072 55.003 W’žWalesno’žLynch, F. 1975 Excavations at Carreg Sampson megalithic tomb, Mathry, Pembrokeshire. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 124, 15-35’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru’žBarker, C. T. 1992 The chambered tombs of south-west Wales : a re-assessment of the Neolithic burial monuments of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, Oxford, Oxbow’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston"±±±± jīīīīźćø†tpljdddddddddddddd[MDB@>:51-($žžüųōšģē²°¬Ŗئ¤¢ ›™•‘‹…{w62.........&"ŗ“¢š‹|tl_QC=,& q’’?Ą’’’½ł’ąF šLVALŠ™™Ī¬ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ`ņ’’’’’’’’$0 ĄœPit Descriptionš €œSITE DESCRIPTIONŪčąLRĖ·É—FóCćNDm’žND 16 SE 3’žCnoc na Ciste’žSordale Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 1572 6198’ž31572 96198’ž315720’ž961980’žHighland’žCaithness’žBower’žnone’žnone’ž109’ž18.5xx’žCAT 19’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žDavidson & Henshall 1991>@,ź2c’žn/ano’ž58°322 15.983 N, 003°262 57.313 W’ž58°322 17.323 N, 003°262 51.873 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žDavidson & Henshall 1991Æ•••••{{{{{{oD   ęęęĢÄĀĄŗŗµµÆ©¢—…}pbJD3% q’} €:_ND’žND 16 SE 1’žShean Stemster’žSithean’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 1742 6260’ž31742 96260’ž317420’ž962600’žHighland’žHighland’žBower’žnone’žnone’ž127’žSSE-NNWx46’žunknown’žCAT 46’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žNicolson n.d.nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstone setting - contemporary’žchamberno’žyes?nono010’žbroken stone under slabB@ x4nonononono’žyes’žyesx’žpassagex’žchambernoxx’žstone settingno’žN Scotlandno’žNicolson n.d.’žDavidson & Henshall 1991+žņņņīßß߯ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪ×ĪĢĆĮ¼·³Æ«§£££”ŸŸ“zxvvtplfbY;9531/-+)'%!  żżżżżīīīŌĢĆ潓ÆÆ©£œ’ˆ€xk]F@/& q’Ā’’’½ł’@fh’žND 15 SW 3’žPullyhour’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žND 1147 5449’ž31147 95449’ž311470’ž954490’žHighland’žCaithness’žHalkirk’žnone’žnone’ž19.4xx6b’žContact excavator for details’žN Scotlandŗŗŗ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰‡{ulaWOG:,,&hß h’žND 13 SW 41’žHalmie’žnone’žcairn’žND 1171 3345’žHighland’žHighland’žLatheron’žnone’žnone16’žnone’žCanmoren’žquartz, jet armlet¬@ @@ ū2b’žN Scotland­­­”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””‘…………………………………………………………qqqqqqqoooooooooof```\\\\VPF<2222$$$hO|d` ®NDA’žND 06 SE 9’žTulloch of Assery A’žLoch Calder’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short-horned’žND 0682 6188’ž30682 96188’ž306820’ž961880’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65’žN-Sx’ž18.4’ž13.7’žCAT 69’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone - Caithness Flagstoneyesnononoyesno’žnone0x0xx0x0noxnoxyes?nonono09+0no@ x4no’žyesnonono’žyesno’žE side of chamberxxxnoxyesx’žfireno’žN Scotlandno’žSharples 1986’žDavidson & Henshall 1991+žņņņīčččęąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŽŚŲÖŌĮ½ø“°¬§£££”ŸŸ“‰‰‡ƒ{sqmkgeca_][YWQMGC?;5 õõõŪÓĶĒÅĄ¼¼¼¶­£™‘‰|nOI8+ q’?Ā’’’½ł’`f šLVALŠMR2š€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewC <       F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] ’’’’J82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’Z čjŒs’žNJ’žNJ 24 SE 8’žGownie Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava?’žNJ 28 42’ž32800 84200’ž328000’ž842000’žMoray’žGrampian’žAberlour’žnone’žnonex12xx’žnone’žHenshall 1963nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono1+01no8@ ’žchamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyesnono’žyes ?noxxxnox’žcremation deposityesxnono’žSE Scotlandno’žAnderson, J., 1891. Notice of two cairns on the Estate of Aberlour, Banffshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 25, 20-24.’žHenshall, A. S., 1963. The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ( p 28,31,29)'””””ƒƒƒ{{{ysssssss```````^ZXVTPIEA<73...,## ’ūłõóļķėéēåćįßŪ×ÓĶÉÅĮ½¹µµµµµ¦¦¦¦ žœ˜–––Š€vog_RH@:)# q’>Ā’’’½ł’@`f NčÄJĄJoG”DfBk’žND 27 SW 4’žRattar East’žRattar; Dun 015’žchambered cairn’žnone’žND 2492 7371’ž32492 97371’ž324920’ž973710’žHighland’žCaithness’žDunnet’žnone’žnone’ž15.5’ž12.5’žCAT 74’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žCanmore’žBatey 1984’žmarine shell5@€’žNo excavation records2c’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žCanmore;22222&&&&""öźźźčččččččččččččččččč茌ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĪÅÅÅ«£—————‘‹ƒxnf^QCC=,kßx€d€"r’žND r’žND ’žND 2r’žND r’žND ÄND ’žND 27 SW 4’žRattar East’žRattar; Dun 015’žchambered cairn’žnone’žND 2492 7371’ž32492 97371’ž324920’ž973710’žHighland’žCaithness’žDunnet’žnone’žnone’ž15.5’ž12.5’žCAT 74’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žCanmore’žBatey 1984’žmarine shell5>@.ź2c’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žBatey 1984’žCanmore’žDavidson & Henshall 1991F,,,,#    žžžņņņšššššššššššššššššššāāāāāāāāāāāāāÖĶĶĶ³«„ŸŸŸŸŸ™“‹€vnfYKKE4# qßx€$€"ĆNDS’žND 26 SW 2’žCairn of Heathercro’žSeater; Heathercrow’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 2431 6017’ž32431 96017’ž324310’ž960170’žHighland’žCaithness’žBower’žnone’žnone83’žNE-SW’žn/a49’žCAT 11’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žNicolson n.d.’žChilde 1941nononono2@82c’žyes’žn/ano’ž58°312 23.173 N, 003°182 04.153 W’ž58°312 24.493 N, 003°172 58.643 W’žN Scotland’žChilde 1941’žNicolson n.d.’žDavidson & Henshall 1991Łææææ°££££££—lAA==8888888888888888888888833333333///############################÷÷÷ŻÕÕŃĢÅĮĮ»µ®£™‘‰|nWQ@+ q’oĘ €:īēNDF’žND 26 NE 2’žEarl's Cairn’žHollandmaike, Inksrack’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 2629 6973’ž32629 96973’ž326290’ž969730’žHighland’žCaithness’žDunnet’žnone’žnone7013xx’žCAT 23’žDavidson & Henshall 1991>@+ź2c’žn/ano’ž58°362 33.403 N, 003°162 12.983 W’ž58°362 34.763 N, 003°162 07.443 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žDavidson & Henshall 1991\BBBBBŪhhhhh\1żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķÓĖÉĒĆĆææ¹³« –Ž†ykSM<$ q’} €: yŗNDs’žND 24 SE 1’žCamster Long’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 2601 4420’ž32601 94420’ž326010’ž944200’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žat the south end of a low north/south ridge, in an area of peat-covered moorland 10 km from the coast'’ž115’žNNE-SSW’žn/a’ž60.517’žCAT 12’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886’žMasters 1978’žAnderson 1869a & bnoyes’žOld Red Sandstone - Upper Caithness Flagstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žsaddle quern; decorated stones1’žSW forecourt8-16’žtail of the cairnx19’žtail of the cairn0’žyes?’žtail of the cairn’žoccupation layer’žvariousyesnono’žyes'burnt areas'00’žslab¼¬Č=’žon main axis of cairn4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žallx’žsaddle quern’žbeehive chamber’žclay and ash’žtripartitie chambernox’žoccupation area; potsherd scatter;Mesolithic flints; stakeholes , hearth’žflint’ž58°222 48.003 N, 003°162 00.503 W’ž58°222 49.263 N, 003°152 55.003 W’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMasters 1978’žAnderson 1869a & b’žAnderson 1886’žDavidson & Henshall 1991G--- üü÷÷ņīā·Œ…;;;955555555555555 óńģčćßŪÖŃĢĢĢŹ³³§”Ÿƒ~zvpgUB<:'#!ųöÖŅĢĘĀ¼¶‡}}}i[LLL2*&  ¤¤ž˜ƒ{sfXA;*$ q’æĪ’’’½ł’`ž:&ä™<ßø‰h=ķ¶}0ń “ k " å ¢ e  é Ź § „ a @  č ½ ‚ 9 × ¤ [ <  ĀK ēČ‘bā›^+Ńœ#Ų™X®O©ja€Site Information Form€40V€Site IdentificationRadiocarbon DatesRNU€Site IdentificationPottery>:T€Site IdentificationExcavation RecordsTPR€SITE DESCRIPTIONRadiocarbon DatesLHQ€SITE DESCRIPTIONPit DescriptionHDP€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint162O€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint40N€SITE DESCRIPTIONAnimal Bone@<L€SW Scotland - CC's - Exc Dates - June 7 2009 QuerynjčSITE DESCRIPTION*&×Radiocarbon Dates,(ŹPotteryPit Description($™MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.“MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8ŽMSysNavPaneGroups,(ŠMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:…MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessStorage,(pStone>Excavation Records.*3Animal Bone ¢€Pit Description Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTIONlhš€Radiocarbon dates query84•€Radiocarbon Dates€,(%€Admin €€Radiocarbon Dates Subform1€>:€Pottery Subform€($ €Pit Description€($ €Stone Subform€$  €Excavation Records subform€>: €Animal Bone Subform€0,€UserDefined € €SummaryInfo € €AccessLayout €"€SysRel€Scripts€Reports€Modules€Forms€DataAccessPages($'MSysComplexType_Attachment>:%MSysComplexType_Text2.#MSysComplexType_Decimal84!MSysComplexType_GUID2.MSysComplexType_IEEEDouble>:MSysComplexType_IEEESingle>:MSysComplexType_Long2.MSysComplexType_Short40MSysComplexType_UnsignedByteB>MSysComplexColumns.*MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTablesB čRŠskL’žNR 92 SW 3’žOscar's Grave’žSliddery Water’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9427 2375’ž19427 62375’ž194270’ž623750’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone76’žNW-SEx10’ž6.5’žARN 17’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack matterT@&x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žall 3 chambersnox’žlayer of black matter’žlayer of black matter’žlayer of black matteryes’žchambersnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (pp 91-95)’žPerry, C. 1983 A spatial analysis of the Neolithic chambered cairns on Arran: a preliminary report. IN PROUDFOOT, B. (Ed.) Site, environment and economy [St. Andrews Symposium, September 1980]. Oxford, British Archaeological Reports BAR S173’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressKäßßßßźžśöņčāāāāāāāāāāāĖ“›—‡…ƒ}xtpkfbbb`^^RDB@@>:40,*&$  üųōšģčääääääääÕĶČÄĀ»··±Ŗ””„|tgYLF5% q’Ą’’’½ł’ągŒ?xčüOŗL-JüFżC’Ah’žND 34 SW 41’žWarehouse North’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3056 4227’ž33056 94227’ž330560’ž942270’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž170x16xx’žCAT 63’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886’žAnderson 1866nonono@4a’žyesno’žN Scotland666****&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&4NDŖ’žND 34 SW 41’žWarehouse North’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3056 4227’ž33056 94227’ž330560’ž942270’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž170x16xx’žCAT 63’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886’žAnderson 1866nonono@4a’žyesno’žN Scotland’žAnderson 1866’žAnderson 1886’žDavidson & Henshall 1991v\\\\M>>>>>>2222.........................))))))))%%%    žļļļÕĶĖÉÅĆ¾¾ø²¬”—‡zlTN=( q’F "–ėNDs’žND 34 SW 40’žMcCole's Castle’žM'Coul's Castle’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 316 433’ž33160 94330’ž331600’ž943300’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž115x20xx’žCAT 39’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žStuart 1868’žAnderson 1886nononononono?nono’žburnt bone?0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno020no9@x4?no’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchamber’ždark soilno’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1886’žStuart 1868’žDavidson & Henshall 1991 ššššćŌŌŌŌŌŠÄÄÄĄµµµ¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš˜”‹‡‚~|||zxxlhfddb^XTPNJHDB@><:864'#  öéééĻĒÅĆæ½øø²¬¦›‘‰thPJ9( q’Ę’’’½ł’`f3NDn’žND 34 SW 4’žGarrywhin’žCairn of Get’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short’žND 3132 4112’ž33132 94112’ž331320’ž941120’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž110x18xx’žCAT 26’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1869 (a)’žAnderson 1869 (b)’žAnderson 1886nonononoyes’žcharred woodyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono07+0’žash/charcoalæ@x4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1869 (b)’žAnderson 1886’žAnderson 1869 (a)’žDavidson & Henshall 1991<"""ķķķķķ鯯ŻŻŁŁŁ×ŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĻĖĀĄ¾¼ø³Æ«¦”œœœ˜––Š|zvvtplhdb^\XVTRPNLJHD@:4& īŪŪŪĮ¹·µ±ÆŖŖŖ¤ž“‰yl^F@/! q’?Ī’’’½ł’`b8ž2NDd’žND 34 SW 32’žCarn Righ’žCarn Reain’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3109 4429’ž33109 94429’ž331090’ž944290’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž100’žCAT 16’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886nononono{@ ź4anoyesno’ž58°222 53.903 N, 003°102 47.963 W’ž58°222 55.153 N, 003°102 42.423 W’žN Scotland’žAnderson 1886’žDavidson & Henshall 1991˜~~~~~ooooooc8      ’’’’’’’’ūūūļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėēćßßßßߊŠŠ¶®®®®®©©©£’ˆ€xk]E?." q’?aĀ  :ND‡’žND 34 SW 30’žKenny's Cairn’žCairn Hanach or Bruan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3100 4084’ž33100 94084’ž331000’ž940840’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž135x17xx’žCAT 31’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1872 p. 292-4’žAnderson 1886. p 258-60nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tool1+’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žslab and clayķ@x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnox’žallx’žchambernoxnox’žpitsno’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1886. p 258-60’žAnderson 1872 p. 292-4’žDavidson & Henshall 1991M3333žņņņīčččęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāąÜÓŃĢŹĘĮ½¹“°«««©§§›ŒŠˆˆ†‚~xtrnlhfdb`^\SOD@:40*&"éééĻĒÅĆæ½øøø²¬”—‡zlTN=& q’?Ę’’’½ł’`f&05 čE‹s’žNZ 51 SE 1’žGreat Ayton Moor Chambered Cairn’žMonument #27642’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žNZ 5937 1147’ž45937 51147’ž459370’ž511470’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’ž285xx17’ž15.8’žPierpoint 1979’žKinnes 1979, p 15nono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Ooliteyesnononoyesnono3’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žcharcoal patches’žchamber flooryesnonono000no@x1nono’žyes’žyes (with secondary burial)no’žyes’žyes’žchamber floorxxxnox’žcharcoal patchesyesxnono’žN Englandno’žHayes, R. H., 1967. The chambered cairn and adjacent monuments on Great Ayton Moor, Northeast Yorkshire Scarborough & District Archaeological Society Research Report 7’žKinnes, I., 1979. Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London: British Museum. ( p 15)’žPierpoint, S. J. 1979 Three radiocarbon dates for Yorkshire prehistory. Antiquity, 53, 224-22515ĄĄ¼¼¼ZīEEEEA6662...,&&&&&&&&&&&&&  łōļėĪÉÅĮĮĮæ½½±­«©©§£Ÿ›•†trnljhfdbYWSOIEA=7 ōääää䎌ŲÖŃŃŃĖ¾³¢š’…w`ZI8 q’?Ę’’’½ł’`fœLVALŠŠ--Ļ-Ļ-ĻDavidsoThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: SOUTH COMPARTMENT: flagstone pavement covered a cavity about 0.1 m deep; below were the earliest deposits from the chamber, made "while it was being built" consisting of human and animal bone (remains of 15 individuals). Lawrence 2006 - suggests far fewer individuals were represented at Isbister than the first analysis suggests. Hedges 1983 - this tomb was excavated by the landowner, and recording was done several years after the excavation. Very little information provided on the nature of the ground surface.’žRhind 1854 p 102 - Compartment A -" chamber was cleared to & when hard and undisturbed clay was reached& . At least three urns ha’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žDavidson & Henshall’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: SOUTH COMPARTMENT: flagstone pavement covered a cavity about 0.1 m deep; below were the earliest deposits from the chamber, made "while it was being built" consisting of human and animal bone (remains of 15 individuals). Lawrence 2006 - suggests far fewer individuals were represented at Isbister than the first analysis suggests. Hedges 1983 - this tomb was excavated by the landowner, and recording was done several years after the excavation. Very little information provided on the nature of the ground surface.’žRhind 1854 p 102 - Compartment A -"’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: SOUTH COMPARTMENT: flagstone pavement covered a cavity about 0.1 m deep; below were the earliest deposits from the chamber, made "while it was being built" consisting of human and animal bone (remains of 15 individuals). Lawrence 2006 - suggests far ’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber, simialr to other early chambered cairns, such as first-phase Clyde cairns. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žRhind found the remains of three fragmentery and crushed human skulls. Chamber and passage were already roofless when he excavated. No info on land surface. Anderson doesn't mention the land surface at all. šLVALŠPPre-Mound Occupation: Benson & Whittle - Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later barrow - cists were cut into it, linking the pre-barrow occupation with the later use of the barrow. At least 50 years separated the midden from th’žPPre-Mound Occupation: Benson & Whittle - Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later barrow - cists were cut into it, linking the pre-barrow occupation with the later use of the barrow. At least 50 years separated the midden from the barrow  but it may have been either visible or remembered. P 33- Flint assemblage is characteristic of general domestic activity, including knapping and scraping, piercing and archery. Domestic and wild animals were present, and the remains of at least 48 pottery vessels were identified. Not clear if timber structures were houses . The pre-barrow midden is located in the vicinity of the timber structures and contained large quantities of pottery, flints, bone etc and some patterns of deposition were identified. Other possible pre-barrow features were identified, but due to uncertainties regarding their origin, have not been included here.źÄõkć@2‚Ē¼Žķć@,€PropData*PLH8 kč’LIŗF°CƒAÅND’žND 36 SE 25’žSgarbach’žAuchingill; CAN 083’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3731 6393’ž33731 96393’ž337310’ž963930’žHighland’žCaithness’žCanisbay20’žNNE-SSW61’žCAT 76’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žBatey 1984>@-ź2c’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žBatey 1984’žDavidson & Henshall 19918żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķįįįĒææ»»²®®®®¤™‡rdMG6! q’k €"9ND“’žND 34 SW 70’žWarehouse South’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3057 4208’ž33057 94208’ž330570’ž942080’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž180x18xx’žCAT 64’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886nonononononoyesnono’žburnt bones0x0xx0x0nox’žlong horned cairn’žs end of cairnnononono000’žsandy loamP@x4a?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpxxx’žChamber Dnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1886’žDavidson & Henshall 1991ūūūūūģģģģģčÜÜÜŲŌŌŌŅĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘ»¹·µ±¬Ø¤Ÿš˜˜˜”’’†zxvvtplhdTA?;97531/-+ üųųųųųéééĻĒÅĆæ½øøø²¬”—‡zlTN=( q’?Ā’’’½ł’`f:ND–’žND 34 SW 69’žWarehouse East’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3091 4232’ž33091 94232’ž330910’ž942320’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž150npx1816’žCAT 62’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886nonononoÓ@4a’žyes’žyesno’žN Scotland’žAnderson 1886’žDavidson & Henshall 1991dJJJJJ;;;;;;////+++++++++++++++++++++++++&&&&!!!!  ņņņŲŠĢČĘĀ½½·±« –Ž†ykSM<' q’Ā "fĪND‚’žND 34 SW 6’žSouth Yarrows North’žYarhouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3049 4346’ž33049 94346’ž330490’ž943460’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž130’žENE-WSW’žn/a5217’žCAT 54’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1868’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886nonononoyesnononono’žlignite beads (secondary)0x0xx0x0nox’ž'hard trodden floor' - contemporary?’žchambernononono000’žcompact clay and ash layerätx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambersnoxyesx’žtrodden floorno’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886’žAnderson 1868’žDavidson & Henshall 1991ŠpppaRCCCCC?333/   żųōšėęįįį߯ŻŃµ³±±Æ«§£Ÿ–pnjhfdb`^\Z?;73/)%! ūģģģŅŹĘĀ½“ÆÆÆ©£˜Ž†~qcLF5+ q’?Ī’’’½ł’`f8žĻNDŒ’žND 34 SW 5’žSouth Yarrows South’žYarhouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3046 4319’ž33046 94319’ž330460’ž943190’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž140’žE-Wx7329’žCAT 55’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1868’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’ž'hard trodden floor' - contemporary’žchambernononono000’žclay and small flat stones’tx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’ž3rd chamber’žashes’žchambernox’žtrodden floorno’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886’žAnderson 1868’žDavidson & Henshall 1991y___PA22222."""               łģźčęāŻŁÕŠĖĘĘĘÄĀĀ¶š˜––”Œˆ„{VTPNLJHFDB@<82,("ōåååĖĆ滹“ÆÆÆ©£˜Ž†~qcLF5+ q’?Ī’’’½ł’`f8žB čRŒs į’žSE 85 NW 21’žPainsthorpe 118’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8335 5838’ž48335 45838’ž483350’ž458380’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonex’ž18.6xx’žDb2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnononono’žjet slider2’žcentre; NE of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020no9@&x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxxxxxxx’žgrave’žgravexxxxxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 125-129)’ž160’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¬IDDDDDÉÉÉÉÅŗŗŗ¶²²²°Ŗئ¤¢ ™’ŽŒŠˆ†„€~|zxsokgc^ZZZXVVJFDBB@<840.*($" ōšģč䎌ÖŅĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮ¼ŗø²°°°Ŗ™„skcVHB<.( q’~Ą’’’½ł’’f„ šLVALŠMorgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half in-filled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protr’žMorgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half in-filled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protruded over its inner edge and pieces of the near intact pot crushed by the weight of these bones, and the super-incumbent cairn, fell into it, to be found as the infill was removed, and subsequently joined. Cairn construction completed the infill of this pit. Completely beneath the burials was the smaller pit (B), filled to within 9 in. of its lips, the upper space being filled almost entirely with broken bones. In the flint nodule and chalk infill were pieces of burnt and weathered bone and charcoal fragments. Ashbee 1966 p 12 - Upon either side of the burials was black soil which was, as far as could be seen, identical with the ancient soil beneath the barrow. This could represent top-soil stripped from the site of the ditch. P 29 - re cultivation marks - ' a natural soil phenomenon seems a more likely explanation'ÅčKLVIĪF+DŻ@ĘNF’žNF 77 NE 15’žGeirisclett’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNF 7684 7520’ž07684 87520’ž076840’ž875200’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone0’žESE-WNW???’žUST 18’žHenshall 1972noyesnonoyes’žyesyesyesno’žhammerstone0x1’žSW corner of outer chamberx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno200’žslab?į@’žNE & NW corner of inner chamber4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnox’žhearths - 2’žpostholeyes’žbelow paving in inner compartment’žposthole; hearth (2)no’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žHenshall 1972YJJJJJJJEEEA5551ųņņņņņņņņņņņņčŪŁÕĀĄ¾¼·²®©¤ ›››™xxlecaa_[UQMKGEA?=;9 śõļėēįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĪĘÄĀĄ·µµÆ£—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`fN'NF’žNF 71 NE 4’žLeaval’žThe Witches Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žround cairn’žNF 7540 1509’ž07540 81509’ž075400’ž815090’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žSouth Uist’žSouth Uist’žnone15np???’žUST 21’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no @x4anonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall 1972®ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›‹‡‡‡…}ywusqlgc_[WSSSOMMA=;9973/+'%!  żłõńķéåįįįįįįįįŅŹČĘÄĄ¼¼¶Ŗž€xpcUHB1 q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŗND<’žND 49 SW 4’žHoxa Hill’žThe Wart’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 4333 9357’ž34333 99357’ž343330’ž993570’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSouth Ronaldsay’žSouth Ronaldsay’žnone60x’ž9.7xx’žORK 67’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononononononononono’žunknown0?@ ź2cno’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žDavidson & Henshall 1989“yyyyyyyyyyymmmmiidd````````````````````\WSOJEAAA===11/&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" žžžžžžžžäÜŚŲÓŃĶĶĒ¶„•…}uhZB<+! q’Ą’,ł "žNND’žND 49 NE 3’žBurray’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, stalled’žND 4887 9880’ž34887 99880’ž348870’ž998800’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSouth Ronaldsay’žBurray’žnone7’žE-Wx’ž15.5’ž13.5nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0220’žunknownx@ źx4ano’žyesnononononoxxx’žchambernox’žpaved floornpxnono’ž58°522 24.853 N, 002°532 18.023 W’ž58°522 26.303 N, 002°532 12.243 W’žN ScotlandnoüšÅš–’’’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ}ypnljfb^ZVQMMMIGG;20,,*&"  žśöņīźäąÜŲŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌĪČĘĮææ¹± €xpcU;5$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`~ZKND’žND 48 SE 1’žIsbister’žTomb of the Eagles’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, oval’žND 4704 8449’ž34704 98449’ž347040’ž984490’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSouth Ronaldsay’žSouth Ronaldsay’žnone30’žN-Sx’ž40.515’žORK 25’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žHedges 1983’žLawrence 2006yesnonoyesyes’žyesyesyesyes’žbone and antler awls; bone beads; shell beads; limpet shell necklace?; jet ring; V-bored jet button;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž331+ (?)0’žslab!@x4a’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žsouth compartmentnox’žslab flooring - Comp 1yesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žLawrence 2006’žHedges 1983’žDavidson & Henshall 1989Ą¦¦¦¦™ŠŠŠŠŠ†zzzvrrrpjjjjjjjjjjjjjRPL9753.)$    ’ł÷ķķėēćßŪŁÕÓĻĶĖÉĒÅĆĮæYSMGB<62.((((   ņźęąŽŁÕÕĻ¾­…}pbKE4  q’Ę’’’½ł’`ffóLVAL Passmore 1934: Excavated three chambers - found human bone, pottery - but all was much disturbed. Throughout the excavation no trace of fire was seen in the chambers or outside; however in the W chamber were found 2 pieces of human skull that had been burnt. Corcoran 1970: Chamber A: Human bones were recovered, presumable belonging to the bone deposits found by Passmore in the same chamber. Fragments of burnt bone were also found in the chamber. Human bones lay scattered on the former ground surface of the passage. Chamber B: More human bones recovered, along with a single sherd of pottery and several flakes of flint. Chamber C: Fragments of bone, human and animal, burnt and unburnt, seven flints, sherds of Romano-British pottery, glass and a 16th C token were found. Deposits of burnt bone were found close to the possible remains of orthostats in the W wall o fthe passag’žPassmore 1934: Excavated three chambers - found human bone, pottery - but all was much disturbed. Throughout the excavation no trace of fire was seen in the chambers or outside; however in the W chamber were found 2 pieces of human skull that had been burnt. Corcoran 1970: Chamber A: Human bones were recovered, presumable belonging to the bone deposits found by Passmore in the same chamber. Fragments of burnt bone were also found in the chamber. Human bones lay scattered on the former ground surface of the passage. Chamber B: More human bones recovered, along with a single sherd of pottery and several flakes of flint. Chamber C: Fragments of bone, human and animal, burnt and unburnt, seven flints, sherds of Romano-British pottery, glass and a 16th C token were found. Deposits of burnt bone were found close to the possible remains of orthostats in the W wall o fthe passage. The bone appears to be animal and was associated with a quantity of flint flakes, some of which were burned, charcoal and other evidence of burning. 'This may represent the remains of a 'ritual' hearth.' Chamber D: The disarticulated and broken remains of at least seven individuals were found, along with flint flakes. The burials do not appear to have been disturbed after their interment. Romano-British pottery was found, but Corcoran suggests it may have slipped down from higher levels of the mound. In none of the chambers was evidence of the paving that was suggested in Aubrey's 17thC account of the barrow. Forecourt: Forecourt was a V-shaped structure; remains of three closely set hearths were found on the longitudinal axis of the monument; the burnt layers were approximately 5 cm thick. Finds included a few fragments of human and animal bone and some flint flakes.¶č+LøH“H EĪAk’žNG 31 NE 2’žRudh' An Dunain’žSoay Sound’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNG 3934 1636’ž13934 81636’ž139340’ž816360’žHighland’žHighland’žBracadale’žSkye’žnone9x19xx’žSKY 7’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1934nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žwhite quartz pebbles, pumice0x1’žforecourtx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno06+0’ždark soil@ x4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber, anteYNG ’žNG 31 NE 2’žRudh' An Dunain’žSoay Sound’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNG 3934 1636’ž13934 81636’ž139340’ž816360’žHighland’žHighland’žBracadale’žSkye’žnone9x19xx’žSKY 7’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1934nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žwhite quartz pebbles, pumice0x1’žforecourtx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno06+0’ždark soil@ x4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber, antechamber, vestibulenoxyes’žchamber, antechamber, vestibule’ždark soil deposit; postholeno’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žScott 1934’žHenshall 1972G88888,,'''#öööÕĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĶÉئ¤¢ž™•‹†‚‚‚€~~rgeaa_[UQMKGEA?=;9.,*( śöšģčäąąąąąŌŌŌž¼ŗ¶“²²¬¦›‘‡wj\JD3' q’Ā’’’½ł’`f uNF’žNF 86 NW 8’žAiridh Nan Seilicheag’žLoch Scadavay’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean group, long?’žNF 8366 6878’ž08366 86878’ž083660’ž868780’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone30’žWNW-ESEx’ž40.8’ž23.5’žUST2’žHenshall 1972’žnonenonononoą@4a’žyes’žyesyesno’ž57°352 52.063 N, 007°172 49.963 W’ž57°352 53.153 N, 007°172 46.563 W’žN Scotland’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn ( p 249-250)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall 1972µ¦¦¦¦¦?žžžžž’g<<8888222222222222222222222----(((($$$ óķēįßÖŅŅĢĄ“„–Ž†ykSM<- q’Ā  : ­æNFL’žNF 86 NW 4’žUnival’žLeacach an Tigh Chloiche’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, square’žNF 8003 6685’ž08003 86685’ž080030’ž866850’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone76xx’ž16.1’ž16.1’žUST 34’žHenshall 1972’žBeveridge 1911’žKinnes 1987nonononononoyesyesno’žstone ball; pumice'axe' pendant;0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’ž 6.9 m SW of tombyesnoyesno01+0’žslabŌ@x4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žantechambernox’žslab pavement’žcist’žstanding stone; fireno’žN Scotland’žstanding stone’žKinnes 1987’žBeveridge 1911’žHenshall 1972~oooo_RRRRRB6662ōņšēāŻŁŌĻĖĘĘĘÄĀĀ¶°®ŖŖؤžš”qokigeca_][95/)%!ōōōåŻ×ŃĻĶÉÉĆ·«œ…}pbOI8 q’Ę’’’½ł’@f5NFk’žNF 77 SW 15’žClettraval’žCarry Tighary’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNF 7499 7135’ž07499 87135’ž074990’ž871350’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone’ž107’žE-Wx29np’žUST 12’žHenshall 1972’žBeveridge 1911’žScott 1948nonononoyesnoyesnono’žpumice; quartz pebbles; granite balls0x0xx0x0nox’žpaved path’žforecourtnonoyesno000’žslabĆ@x4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žforecourt’žslabs / clay’žchamber’žslab/clay floor’žslab pavementyes’žchamber’žpaved path; dark soil depositno’ž57°362 52.643 N, 007°262 42.213 W’ž57°362 53.743 N, 007°262 38.883 W’žN Scotlandno’žScott 1948’žBeveridge 1911’žHenshall 1972ąŃŃŃŃĮµµµµµ±„zOK,,,#żōęŪŁ×ÕŠĖĒĀ½¹“““²°°¤žœšš˜”ŽŠ†{omigeca_][Y2.*$     žīīīß×ÓĻĶČĆĆ½±„–‡wj\IC2# q’Ę’’’½ł’`~> LVALN Manby 1965 P 7  The entrance [to the chamber] was paved and n the spaces between the stones ...were portions of a human skull and some loose teeth. Page 9 - The chamber filling was a layer of black soil, containing numerous animal and human bones. The same layer continued over the floor of the passage, resting on a layer of brown gravelly soil, except where it filled a pit dug through the paved floor of the passage down to the natural rock. In the black soil were large quantities of broken human and animal bones, small quartzite pebbles and crumbs of prehistoric and Roman pottery. P 11  In the forecourt area, in the dark brown soil beneath the blocking material were found numerous fragments of burnt quartzite pebbles (pot-boilers) flint flakes, sherds of prehistoric pottery and small pieces of animal and human bones a’žManby 1965 P 7  The entrance [to the chamber] was paved and n the spaces between the stones ...were portions of a human skull and some loose teeth. Page 9 - The chamber filling was a layer of black soil, containing numerous animal and human bones. The same layer continued over the floor of the passage, resting on a layer of brown gravelly soil, except where it filled a pit dug through the paved floor of the passage down to the natural rock. In the black soil were large quantities of broken human and animal bones, small quartzite pebbles and crumbs of prehistoric and Roman pottery. P 11  In the forecourt area, in the dark brown soil beneath the blocking material were found numerous fragments of burnt quartzite pebbles (pot-boilers) flint flakes, sherds of prehistoric pottery and small pieces of animal and human bones and teeth. Only minute specks of charcoal were noticed and one small flake of burnt bone.  P 17  In the forecourt area were sherds of plain Neolithic pottery, flints, pot-boilers and animal bones. These may represent ritual scatter of occupation debris in this area as part of the burial rites, or they belong to a pre-chamber tomb occupation of the site. This is certainly the implication of the stone ax fragments and flint flakes beneath the cairn material. As most of the flints from the site have a Mesolithic aspect and are densely patinated due to weathering effects in the thin alkali soil, these flints may have been on the site a long time before the erection of the cairn. The chamber had been disturbed prior to Bateman's excavation. Note Manby's comment (p 9) that black soil layer on chamber floor contained crumbs of Roman pottery. č*Šsś0’žSK 25 NW 1’žGreen Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2315 5804’ž42315 35804’ž423150’ž358040’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žAldwark’žPeak District’žnone’žon the crest of a carboniferous limestone ridge ; extensive views to N, E and SW.’ž304x’žn/a’ž22.519’žBarnatt 1996’žDaniel 1950nono’žcarboniferous limestonenoyesnoyesyesyes’žMesolithic flints; pebbles0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žforecourtno’žyesyesno000’žslab²@x1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žchamber and passagex’žchamber entrance; passage’žblack soil’žchamber, passageyes’žchamberno’žartefact scatter; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London ( p 44)’žManby, T. G. 1965 The excavation of Green Low chambered tomb. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 85, 1-24’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’ž250įįÜÜo‚ĖĖĖĘĀ±±±Ŗ††‚yssssssssssssssaU:8#! ’’’żūūļéēååćߣŌŠÅ³±­«©§„£”Ÿ{uokeaHD@@@@@333%%!¼¶§žŒ€xpcU>8'! q’’_Ā’’’½ł’ąę¼#hč©LÉJ8G=Ā@9NH}’žNH 55 SE 3’žKilcoy South’žKilcoy West; Kilcoy V’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 5701 5160’ž25701 85160’ž257010’ž851600’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žKillearnan’žBlack Isle’žnone’žon gently sloping land with wide views over Beauly Firth to the S’ž125’žESE-WNWx1815’žROS 24’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žWoodham 7 Woodham 1958nonononononoyesyesno’žsaddle quern1’žentrance to antechamber0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žsand@x4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žno?xxx’žmain chamber and inner compartmentnox’žsand layer’žentrance to antechamber - pityesxnono’žpitno’žN Scotlandno’žWoodham 7 Woodham 1958’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001ČÆÆÆÆÆ—————“‡‡‡ƒ~zvtnnOOOOOOOOOOOCA= ū÷ņņņšīīāÜŚŲŲÖŅĪŹĘÄĄ¾ŗø¶“²°®•“…{uqmiea]]]]EEEE,$  ÉĆ·«˜Ž†~qcRL;$ q’’Ä’’’½ł’čgh’žNH 43 SW 2’žBalnalick’žGlen Urquhart’žkerb cairn’žcist’žnone’žNH 4379 3120’ž24379 83120’ž243790’ž831200’žHighland’žInverness’žUrquhart and Glenmoriston’žnone’žnone’ž243 asl16xx’žnone’žColes 1964nonononoyesnoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žash/charcoal layerš@"#@ūx2dno’žyes’žyes’žyesnononoxxx’žbelow cistnox’žash/charcoal layer below cistyes’ž57°202 40.203 N, 004°352 50.413 W’ž57°202 41.073 N, 004°352 45.733 W’žN Scotlandćøøøøøø²²““““““““““““‘}{wsoje`\\\XVJ>*(&&$   žüśųöņīźäąŚÖŅĪŹŹŹŹŹ¾¾¾¾ø¶“°°§§”›€ukc[N@:4(h’=Ā’’’żł’(8=NH–’žNH 33 SE 6’žCorrimony’žDruids' Circle’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 383 303’ž23830 83030’ž238300’ž830300’žHighland’žInverness’žUrquhart & Glenmoriston’žnone’žnone’ž150x18xx’žINV 17’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononononono’žcup marked stone, bone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žinhumation stain’žchamber - centralnononono01?0’žslabŗ@ x4anono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber (central area)’žyellow sand’žchamber’žinhumation stain; sand layeryesxnono’ž57°202 05.743 N, 004°412 13.723 W’ž57°202 06.623 N, 004°412 09.083 W’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001œƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒsH             ļęŁĮæ½»·²®©¤ œœœ˜––Š„‚~~|xtplYGEA?=;97531 üųōšššššššš×ĻĶĖĒÅĄĄŗ“›†~vi]HB1! q’Ą’’’½ł’`~ĘNG ’žNG 85 SW 3’žShieldaig’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žstone circle’žNG 815 538’ž1815 8538’ž181500’ž853800’žHighland’žHighland’žApplecross’žnone’žnonenpxnpxxnononoŸ@82cnonp’žn/anpno’žN ScotlandėėėėėėėėėėėėßßßßŪ×ŅŅĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹĘĘĘŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¶¶²®®®®®®®®®®¬Ŗ¦¤  š”ˆ~tldYM?9'! q’Ą  #"<NG,’žNG 81 NW 9’žBalvraid’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean group, square cairn’žNG 8451 1662’ž18451 81662’ž184510’ž816620’žHighland’žInverness’žGlenelg’žnone’žnone44’žE-Wx1916’žINV 51’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žCorcoran 1965 a’žCorcoran 1965 b’žCorcoran 1972’žHenshall 1972 p 558nonononononoyesyesno’žlignite beads, spindle whorl00Ą@ 4anonononono’žyesnpyesno’ž57°112 22.653 N, 005°342 04.223 W’ž57°112 23.503 N, 005°342 00.033 W’žN Scotland’žCorcoran 1965 a and b’žCorcoran 1972’žHenshall 1972 p 558’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001bIII4%׬¬ØØØØ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ž™•‘‰………uusqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqSOIC?;73/++öåååĢÄĄ¼ŗµ±±«„œ‘‡wj\=7&  q’Ž’,ł :8LVALŽź_#Pastscape: 'Pre-barrow activity was represented by Neolithic flints and pottery. The site was defined by two irregular concentric ditches. Antler from the base of the ditch produced a C14 date in the early 4th mill.BC while charcoal samples from the upper fill produced C14 dates in the late 4th mill. BC. The only feature in the enclosed area was a central elongated pit 2.4 metres by 1.65 metres, and up to 87 centimetres deep. The only finds were some flint flakes & a bone fragment. A small area of intact pre-mound soil west of the pit contained Neolithic Towthorpe sherds & Grooved Ware. ' Manby 1980: p 24 - 'Cultivation had removed the pre-barrow soil over most of the site...only in the area immediately west of the central pit did this soil remain to its full depth.' P 25-27 THE PHASE 1 INNER DITCH:  A thick layer of charcoal rested on the& secondary silt& the charcoal layer had burnt soil and chalk resting on it; only rarely had the burning affected the filling underneath. ..The charcoal layer resulted from the collapse into the ditch hollow of some sort of timber structure, backed by chalk rubble and soil, from the inner side of the ditch. Careful excavation in the SE quadrant and the planning of all pieces of charcoal failed to recognize any structural elements other than a vague radial alignment& .The depth of silting and the order of the C14 dates indicate the burnt feature belonged to a later phase of activity long removed in time from the digging of the inner ditch. PHASE 2 OUTER DITCH  Primary silts were largely devoid of finds, only an occasional flint flake or a scrap of bone. The secondary silt contained an extensive flint industry scattered throughout its depth. A few sherds of Neolithic and beaker pottery came from the base of the soil or resting on the wall slope. Notes: The timber structure also built and burned after the initial digging of the Phase 1 ditch, so not pre-barrow (Manby 1980 p 46). The potsherds and Neo flints and pottery on old ground surface near the LLVAL\central pit are likely contemporary with the monument, rather than pre-monument.’č«L”I®F’ĆĮh’žNH 64 NE 6’žStoneyfield’žRaigmore’žkerb cairn’žClava platform cairn’žnone’žNH 6878 4549’ž26878 84549’ž268780’ž845490’žHighland’žInverness’žInverness & Bonanono20x18xx’žINV 47’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žRomans 1975noyesnoyesyesnoyesyesno’žcup marked stone47’žwithin and outside kerb55’žallx0x0’žyes’žyes’žsettlement? pre-moundxnonono’žyes110noĀ%tm@ū’žcentral2d’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxx’žsoil analysisxnoxyesx’žN Scotland’žyesöööööööōīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģčę×ÕÓĪÉÅĮ½¹“““°§›‹‰‡‡…€|xtr[VQOMKID@'# ż÷ńķēćććććÖÖÖ½µ³±­«§§£Ÿ‚xph[MG1%h’Ā’’’żł’` h’žNH 63 SW 47’žWest Town’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žClava (?)’žNH 6217 3258’ž26217 83258’ž262170’ž832580’žHighland’žInverness’žDores’žnone’žnone’ž222.5?20xx’žINV 50’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žHenshall 1963’žHenshall 1972’žWoodham 1958nonononononononono’žiron slag0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono100no”@#’žcentre2d’žyes ?nononono’žyes?’žcentrexxxnox’žhearth containing iron slagyes’žN ScotlandĪĪĪĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‹‰„€|xtmmmiaaUQOMMKGC?9731-+)'%#! žśöņīīīąŃĀĀĀ©”Ÿ™—Š„}rh`XK=2, h’Ī’’’½ł’@ źNHA’žNH 63 NW 5’žKinchyle of Dores’žScaniport’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 6215 3896’ž26215 83896’ž262150’ž838960’žHighland’žInverness’žDores’žnone’žnone65x’ž9.5xx’žINV 37’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žLisowski 1957nononononononononono1’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no'@#x4’žyesnononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpityes’žpit’žpit - mortuaryno’žN Scotlandno’žLisowski 1957’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001ńŲŲŲŲŲÉÉÉÉÉŹ¹¹µ„„„ ššššššššššššš•“‹‰‡ƒ~zvrniiigeeYUSQQOKEA=;751/-+)'% žśöņņņņņćććŹĀĄ¾¹·³³­§ •‹ƒ{n`KE4) q’Ā’’’½ł’`ftNHś’žNH 63 NE 5’žTomfat Plantation’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 6780 3742’ž26780 83742’ž267800’ž837420’žHighland’žInverness’žDaviot & Dunlichity’žnone’žnone’ž250’žENE-WSW17xx’žINV 52’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxxxnononono300’žsandź@#’žchamber and passage4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žsand layer; patches of black earth’žpatch of black earthyesx’žhearths (3)no’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001"          łłłõčččęąąąąąąąąąąŹŹŹ¦¤ —•“‘ˆ„zvrrrp[[OIGEEC?;731/-)'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļļļļÖĪĢŹĘ½øø²¬—Œ‚zreWF@/) q’Ą’’’½ł’ `f¾>NH}’žNH 55 SE 6’žCarn Glas’žKilcoy I’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNH 5784 5206’ž25784 85206’ž257840’ž852060’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žKillearnan’žBlack Isle’žnone’ž125’žE-W21xx’žROS 12’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žsand @#x4ano’žno ?’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassage’žsand’žchamber’ž5 cm layer of sand’ž5 cm layer of sandyesxnono’ž57°322 10.733 N, 004°222 34.383 W’ž57°322 11.683 N, 004°222 29.563 W’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001`GGGGGGGGGGC7 įŻŁŁŁ×ŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃ½½½© š‘‹†}xsmiiieccWQOMMKGC?;953/-+)'%#! ’ū÷óóóóóóóóŚŅŠĪŹÅĄĄŗ®¢…}uhZB<+! q’Ą’’’½ł’ `~¾š čŖ‰s,’žSP 02 NW 9’žBelas Knap’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0210 2542’ž40210 22542’ž402100’ž225420’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žSudeley’žCotswolds’žnone’žon a gentle hillside above a steep river valley’ž300’žN-Sx5922’žGLO 1’žDarvill 2004’žHemp 1929nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone scoop0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž30+0’žblocks of stone W’Üx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žChamber B’žlarge stones’žChamber Eyesxnono’ž51°552 38.423 N, 001°582 14.863 W’ž51°552 36.853 N, 001°582 09.783 W’žSW Englandno’žLawrence, W. L. 1866 [Examination of a chambered long barrow in Gloucestershire]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 3, 275 - 285’žBerry, J. 1929 Belas Knap long barrow, Gloucestershire: Report of the excavations of 1929. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 51, 273-303’žBerry, J. 1930 Belas Knap long barrow, Gloucestershire. Second report: the excavations of 1930. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 52, 123-50’žHemp, W. J. 1929 Belas Knap long barrow, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 51, 261-27230’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus_r¼ hhhhdX-žśśśųņņņņņņņņņņņņņņēŁĪĢŹČÄæ»·²­©©©§„„™ˆ†{wsomigca_][YWUSGC=73-)%!żłõóīéø²§ž’yqdVE?(" q’’Ā’’’½ł’`~¼h čxŒsŒF’žNY 70 NW 8’žBent's Hill’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 7060 0677’ž37060 50677’ž370600’ž506770’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnonex11xx’žACd3’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono090no¹@Cx1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’ž54°272 19.823 N, 002°272 17.643 W’ž54°272 19.353 N, 002°272 12.413 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 387-388)’žPastscape:’ž140’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum“0++++ ĀĀĀĀ¾³ˆ]]YYYWQQQQQQQQQQQQQQOKIGEC>:62.)%%%#!!   ’ūłõóļķėéēåćįßŪ×ÓĻĖÅĮ½¹µµµµµµµµØ¢ žš˜˜˜’Œ|vme]PB<6)# q’~Ą’’’½ł’`zŒičßLĢŹG D‡AƒAk’žNH 67 SW 6’žCarn Na Feinne’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular chamber’žNH 6155 7479’ž26155 87479’ž261550’ž874790’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone’ž198????’žROS 52’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žMaclean 1886nonononoyes2=@ź€’žNo excavation records2cnonpr’žNHČ„NH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone????’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2cno’žyes?’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001‘xxxxxxxxxxxlA                      žžžņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņģģģģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĆ»¹·µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :+NH ’žNH 67 NE 3’žKing's Head Cairn’žKinnie Wood; Kinrive’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNH 6977 7513’ž26977 87513’ž269770’ž875130’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žKilmuir Easter’žnone’žnone’ž160’žE-W28xx’žROS 25’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žHenshall 1963’žHenshall 1972nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žblack earthŌ@"x4’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of black earthno’žchamber’ždark soilno’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall 1972’žHenshall 1963’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001žžžžļąąąąąÜŠŠŠĢĮĮĮø“““““““““““““žœ˜‹‰…€€€€€€€€~||pcccca]WSOMIGCA?=;9753333333/+'####ģäāąÜ×ŅŅĢʶ£™‘‰|nVP?) q’Ę’’±’`fžUNH¹’žNH 66 SE 1’žWoodhead Round’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 6507 6100’ž26507 86100’ž265070’ž861000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žResolis’žBlack Isle’žnone’ž185?24xx’žROS 42’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0?0no>@5źx2cno?nonono’žyesnoxxxxnox?x’žn/ano’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žWoodham, A. A. 1956 A survey of prehistoric monuments in the Black Isle. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 65-93’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001¾„„„„„™‰‰„‚€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zxvtrniea][WWWSQQEA?==;73/+)%# ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēĪĘÄĀ¾¼··±„œ‰wobTC=,& q’Ą’’’½ł’ąb žh’žNH 64 SE 26’žCulduthel’žnone’žring cairn?’žnone’žClava type’žNH 6619 4176’žHighland’žInverness’žInverness & Bona’žnone’žnone46’žINV 22’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001p@ź€’žNot excavated2a’ž57°262 47.093 N, 004°132 52.373 W’ž57°262 47.993 N, 004°132 47.493 W’žN Scotland222&ūŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢĢ±„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„Œ„„„„„€€ztbWMMMM?3- h|a`8?NH‚’žNH 64 SE 23’žDruidtemple’žLeys’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 6851 4201’ž26851 84201’ž268510’ž842010’žHighland’žInverness’žInverness & Bona’žnone’žnone’ž130’ž13-14xx’žINV 30’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žLisowski 1957nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no}@"x4a’žyesnono’žyesno’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyesxno’ž57°262 57.613 N, 004°112 33.803 W’ž57°262 58.513 N, 004°112 28.913 W’žN Scotlandno’žLisowski 1957’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001,ōÉžžššš˜’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ŒŠˆ†„zvqmiddd`^^RNLJJHD@<8620,*(&$"  üųōōōōōåååĢÄĀĄ¹¹““®Ø–‹yqdVA;*$ q’}Ā’’’½ł’`zf¦čŽL‘ÉŽĒ ÅųĀĄĄh’žNH 74 SE 11’žBalnuaran of Clava South’žClava’žring cairn’žnone’žClava cairn’žNH 7585 4441’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy and Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107xxx’žnone’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žyes’žquartzG@ź €’žBronze Age2b’žyes’ž57°282 22.613 N, 004°042 18.193 W’ž57°282 23.513 N, 004°042 13.243 W’žN ScotlandWWWK õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõššššššģģŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ»»»»»»»»»»¢œš˜˜–‘‘‹…rg]]]]OB<0)h|{`A8h’žNH 74 SE 10’žBalnuaran of Clava’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNH 7568 4442’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy and Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107x’ž3.6xx’žBradley 2000G@ź €’žBronze Age2b’žyes’ž57°282 22.763 N, 004°042 28.413 W’ž57°282 23.673 N, 004°042 23.463 W’žN Scotland000$łĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪÉÉÉÉÉÉÅÅ­””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””“““““‘Šˆƒƒ}wdYOOOOA;5)#h|`A8h’žNH 74 SE 1’žBalnuaran of Clava NE’žnone’žchambered cairn’žpassage grave’žClava cairn’žNH 7576 4447’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy & Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107x’ž16.5xx’žINV 9’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žBradley 1990’žBradley 1996’žsee Canmore’žmarine shell, quartz, cup marked stoneH@ź €’žBronze Age2b’ž57°282 24.463 N, 004°042 23.703 W’ž57°282 25.363 N, 004°042 18.753 W’žN Scotland¤¤¤˜mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>>&ņņņņņņņņņņņņå×ÉÉÉ°©§„Ÿ˜˜’Œ{pffffXK<+%h|€`8h’žNH 74 NW 14’žNewton of Petty’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNH 7348 4858’žHighland’žInverness’žPetty’žnone’žnone15x15xx’žINV 45’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žBradley 2000, p 131-159yes’žmarine shells, cup marked stone—@) €’žBronze Age2b’žyesyes’žN Scotland"""         ļććććććććććććććććććććććĀĀĀĀĀĀ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼£££Š‚€~zxttnhaVLLLL>82& h|‚` h’žNH 69 SW 36’žLoch Migdale’žLochend; Migdal’žhenge’žnone’žmini-henge’žNH 6242 9160’ž26242 89160’ž262420’ž891600’žHighland’žSutherland’žCreich’žnone’žnone40’žESE12xx’žHarding 278’žHarding 1987nononononononononono0x1; posthole ring’žjust off centre; concentric with henge ditchx’ž'several'?0noxnoxyesnoyesno000no±@)Y@ūx6bnono’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žsouth of centrexxxnox’žposthole’žfire’žposthole ring at inner lip of ditchno’žN Scotland ēēēēįį×××××××ÕŃĻĶĖŗ¶±­Ø£Ÿ›››—•‰}ywuusoie_]YWSQODBōņšģčäąÜŲŌŠĢČČČČČČČČŗ­«©„ œœ–ˆ|rjbUG;5.h’Ą’’’żł’@1 QNH 69 SE 7’žAchaidh’žAchu; Cairn of the Red Dog’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 6715 9116’ž26715 89116’ž267150’ž891160’žHighland’žSutherland’žCreich’žnone’žnone’ž140x’ž17.720’žSUT 2’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žCurle 1909 (a) and (b)nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010’žslabÜ@",@ūx4a’žyes ?’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes?xxx’žchambernox’žflag pavement covered with black earth layer and sand layeryes?xnono’ž57°532 24.303 N, 004°142 32.803 W’ž57°532 25.393 N, 004°142 27.873 W’žN Scotlandno’žCurle 1909 (a) and (b)‚‚‚‚hhhhhdX-žśśśųššššššššššššš³±­¤¢ žœ—“Ž‰„}}}ywk_YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’ūūūūūįįįČĮ½·µµ°°Ŗ¤œ†~vi[JD3o’}Ā’’’żł’`~ šLVALŠMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’čTĢņɑĒ»Å6@RNH ’žNH 89 SW 9’žEmbo’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNH 8177 9265’ž28177 89265’ž281770’ž892650’žHighland’žSutherland’žDornoch’žnone’žnone10?x1310’žSUT 63’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žHenshall & Taylor 1957’žHenshall 1960noyesnonoyesnoyesnono’žpumice0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0’ždark earthy layerx4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber (N)’žslab; dark earthy layer’žchamber (S) and antechamber’ždark earthy layer’žslab paving; dark earthy layer, charcoal spread’žslab paving; dark earthy layeryes’žchamber’ždark soilno’ž57°542 27.263 N, 003°592 48.363 W’ž57°542 28.353 N, 003°592 43.303 W’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall, A. S. & Wallace, J. C. 1963 The excavation of a chambered cairn at Embo, Sutherland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 96, 9-36’žHenshall, A. S. & Taylor, H. 1957 A Bronze Age burial at Embo, Sutherland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 90, 225-7’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1995 The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995wwwwrŠŠŠŠĢĄ•jf[[[RLLLLLLLLLLL,ūčĖ²„£”Ÿš•Œ‡‚~~~|zzzgeaa_[UQMKGEA?=;97531)%!  ’’’’šŲŲŲ淳ƭ«§§”›’†|tl_Q93" q’Ę’’’ł’`~h’žNH 74 SE 6’žMilltown of Clava’žMilltown of Clava North’žring cairn’žnone’žClava cairn’žNH 7524 4397’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy & Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107x10xx’žINV 43’žHenshall 1963n^@ź €’žBronze Age2b’žN ScotlandõõõéééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééååĶĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮææææææææææ°Ø¦¤ ž™™“|qggggYLF:!h|` h’žNH 74 SE 4’žBalnuaran of Clava SW’žnone’žchambered cairn’žpassage grave’žClava cairn’žNH 756 443’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy & Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107x’ž15.6xx’žINV 10’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žBradley 1990’žBradley 1996’žcup marked stonee@ź €’žBronze Age2b’ž57°282 20.303 N, 004°042 30.373 W’ž57°282 21.213 N, 004°042 25.423 W’žN Scotland€€€tIööööööööööööööööööööööäääääääääääääÖČČČƧ„£›––ŠynddddXK<+%h|€`8h’žNH 74 SE 3’žBalnuaran of Clava Centre’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žClava cairn’žNH 7571 4443’žHighland’žInverness’žCroy & Dalcross’žnone’žnone’ž107xx18’ž15.6’žINV 8’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žBradley 1990’žBradley 1996’žquartz, cup marked stone„@  €’žBronze Age2b’ž57°282 23.113 N, 004°042 26.633 W’ž57°282 24.023 N, 004°042 21.683 W’žN ScotlanduJ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĻĮĮĮØ”›—•“ŽŽˆ‚qf\\\\NA;/)h|€`8h’žNH 74 SE 2’žCuldoich’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žClava’žNH 7511 4378’ž27511 84378’ž275110’ž843780’žHighland’žInverness’žStrathnairn’žnone’žClava’ž10718xx’žINV 21’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žLisowski 1956yes’žDevonian Old Red Sandstonenononoyesnono’žcup marked stone0x3’žSW of monument - not certainly Neolithicx0x0nox’žspread of charcoal/cremated bone’žcentreno’žyesno’žyes002?no¢@)x2d’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnox’žcentre’žSW of monument - not certainly Neolithicxnox’žspread of charcoal/cremated bone; turf clearance’žard marks, postholes - SW of cairnno’ž57°282 01.523 N, 004°052 01.423 W’ž57°282 02.423 N, 004°042 56.483 W’žN ScotlandĖĖĖæ”iiiiiieeAAAAA  ŻÕÓĻŹĘĀ½¹“““°®®¢žš˜˜–‘ˆ„|ZXTRPNL"  üųōšŌĪĪĪĪĪĪææ榞œš––‘‘Š„wlbZRE70*h’}‚’’’½ł’@(8 šLVALŠMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’@ čƒŠķvcP=*³ zš Ż Ź · @ -  £  } j ó ą Ķ ŗ C 0  ÷ € m Z G Š ½ Ŗ — É É Éśƒp]ęÓĄI66Ē6Ē6Ē6Ē6Ē6Ē#¬™†üüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅüÅ„€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­‡€ž ¢y ‡€ž ¢y ‡€ž ¢y †€ž £y †€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­‡€ž ¢y ‡€ž ¢y €’’£y €’’£y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­€’’£y €’’£y €’’£y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­€’’£y €’’£y €’’£y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­€’’£y €’’£y €’’¢y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ€’’¢y €’’¢y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ€’’¢y €’’¢y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ€’’¢y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y  €’’¢y  €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p  €’’£y  €’’¢y  €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p  €’’£y  €’’¢y  €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p  €’’£y  €’’¢y  €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p  €’’£y €£y €£y  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p £y ¢y ’ž£y ’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p ’ž¢y ž£| €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y ’’£y ’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p ¢y ž£| €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y ¢y €’’£| €’’¢y €’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p €’’£y  šLVALŠMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’O LVAL_ Coles & Simpson 1965: p 36 THE KERB 'the lowest course rested directly on the mixed sand and gravel subsoil& ' [turf clearance?] p 40 THE OLD LAND SURFACE :  the fossil soil was 9 -12 inches thick. Lying on its surface was a considerable quantity of carbonized wood probably indicating the burning off of vegetation before construction began. &  Potsherds were found on this surface, along with pebbles and flints, and many of these were  set on edge or at an angle in the soil indicating some disturbance of the surface. This feature, and the unusual thickness of the soil layer, suggests pre-barrow cultivation. Unfortunately no trace of pollen was found&  Four separate deposits of cremated bone were also found on this surface  One of the cremations occurred as two deposits 6 inches apart and vertically’žColes & Simpson 1965: p 36 THE KERB 'the lowest course rested directly on the mixed sand and gravel subsoil& ' [turf clearance?] p 40 THE OLD LAND SURFACE :  the fossil soil was 9 -12 inches thick. Lying on its surface was a considerable quantity of carbonized wood probably indicating the burning off of vegetation before construction began. &  Potsherds were found on this surface, along with pebbles and flints, and many of these were  set on edge or at an angle in the soil indicating some disturbance of the surface. This feature, and the unusual thickness of the soil layer, suggests pre-barrow cultivation. Unfortunately no trace of pollen was found&  Four separate deposits of cremated bone were also found on this surface  One of the cremations occurred as two deposits 6 inches apart and vertically separated by 2 inches of barrow material, indicating that it had been laid down during the construction of the mound. THE POSTHOLES: p 40  Cut into the undisturbed gravel subsoil at the centre of the mound were two oval pits& filling consisted of a core of dark loamy earth containing minute flecks of charcoal surrounded by coarser gravel and waterworn stones. The nature of the fill suggests that the pits had contained massive timbers that had decayed in situ.  CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: Phase 1 saw the excavation of two large postholes to accommodate timber uprights. These were allowed to decay in situ. Phase 2 - A horseshoe shaped bank of stone with a roofed entrance was constructed, and within it three cremations were laid on the old land surface; then quickly covered by a long rectangular enclosure. Phase 3 - secondary cremations.OčĶ­IčĒLE«ĀiĄh’žNJ 26 SE 13’žViewfield’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žbowl shaped’žNJ 287 646’ž32870 86460’ž328700’ž864600’žMoray’žGrampian’žUrquhart’žnone’žnonenpxnpnpnpnononononononononono1’žfoot of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noY@2x2dnono’žyesnonononpxxxxnoxnpxnono’žSE ScotlandaaaTTTPLLLJFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD@><:840,(# ’ū÷óļķéēćį߯ŪŁ×ĒÅĮ½¹µ±­©„”™•‘‹‹…ukd\TG;.( h’Ą’’’½ł’`&h’žNJ 26 NE 3’žThe Law, Wallfield’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žWessex platform barrow’žNJ 2949 6523’ž32949 86523’ž329490’ž865230’žMoray’žGrampian’žUrquhart’žnone’žnone??18xx’žnone’žWalker 1857’žPhillips 1898nonononoyesnoyesnono’žworked bone pendants0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010no1@2F@ūx2dnononono’žyesnonoxxxxnox’žcist containing an interment?nono’žSE ScotlandĄĄĄ³³³Æ««««©©©©©©©‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}yuplhd```\ZNB><::840,(&"  öņīč䎌ÖŅĪĪĪĪæ²²²²¬Ŗؤ¢  š”Š€yqi\N60("h’?Ę’’’żł’@ &NJ’žNJ 24 SE 8’žGownie Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava?’žNJ 28 42’ž32800 84200’ž328000’ž842000’žMoray’žGrampian’žAberlour’žnone’žnonex12xx’žnone’žHenshall 1963nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono1+01no8@9’žchamber4’žyesno’žyes’žyesnono’žyes ?noxxxnox’žcremation deposityesx’žhearthno’žSE Scotlandno’žHenshall 1963§§§§§§˜˜˜˜˜”‡‡‡ƒ{{{ysssssss```````^ZXVTPIEA<73...,## ’ūłõóļķėéēåćįßŪ×ÓĶÉÅĮ½¹µµµµµ¦¦¦¦ žœ˜–––Š€vog_RH@:)# q’>Ā’’’½ł’@`fh’žNH 95 SE 7’žMoyness’žMains of Moyness’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNH 9527 5366’žHighland’žHighland’žAuldearn’žnone’žnone’ž107x18xx’žNRN 6’žHenshall 1963’žBradley 2000nononono €’žring cairn2d’žN ScotlandäääŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŌŌ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ø“°¬¬¬¬¬žžžˆ†„€~yysmcYOOOOA;5)h|Ā@ zNHš’žNH 91 NW 3’žAvielochan West’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 9094 1672’ž29094 81672’ž290940’ž816720’žHighland’žInverness’žDuthil & Rothiemurchus’žnone’žnone’ž240x12xx’žINV 5’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononononono’žjet armlet0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žrough pavement@0x4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber (NW section)nox’žpavement?no’žchamber and passage’ždark soilno’ž57°132 41.603 N, 003°482 28.763 W’ž57°132 42.383 N, 003°482 23.723 W’žN Scotlandno’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001cJJJJJJJJJJF:äąÕÕÕĄ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼±Æ«•“‘Š…}xtpppnll`PNLLJF@<8620,*(&$"  üųōšģģģģģģģģÓĢŹČÄĀ½½·±™Ž„|tgYD>-' q’Ą’’’½ł’`~6h’žNH 91 NW 15’žPityoulish’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žNH 9316 1528’ž29316 81528’ž293160’ž815280’žHighland’žHighland’žAbernethy & Kincardine’žnone’žnonenp’žn/a’ž7.2xx’žnonenonononononononono’žvitrified sandstone pieces (oven?)2’žNE of centre, W of centre0x’žE of centre0x1noxnoxyes’žyesnono510no@0‹@ū’žcentral, head of burial pit, ditch edges(3)2bnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?’ž5 fire spots’žentire barrowxxnox’žNE - pit’žgrave’žpityes’žN ScotlandüüņņņņņņņņšģźčŁĖÅĄ¼ø³Æ«««§znb^\ZZXTPKEC?=9753&$"įŻŁÕŃĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½½·µ³®©„„Ÿ™wme]PB5/!h’?Ą’’’żł’€& Y či‹sz.’žNS 25 NW 1’žHaco's Tomb’žMargaret's Law; Hayley’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 2094 5858’ž22094 65858’ž220940’ž658580’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žLargs’žFirth of Clyde’žnone46’žESE-WNWx’ž6.61’žAYR 1’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono200no@Ķ’žchamber1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žAitken, W. G. & Marshall, D. 1957 Excavation of burial chamber at Haylie, Largs, Ayrshire in 1954. Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Collections, 4, 255-7’žChilde, V. G. & Graham, A. 1943 Some notable prehistoric and medieval monument recently examined by the RCAHMS. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 77, 31-49 ( p 33-34)’ž122’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressš3....oææææ»®®®Ŗ¦¢žœ––––––––––––––”ŽŒŠˆ„{wrmiiig^^RNLJJHD@<8620,*(&$" üųōššššššššįŚŲÓŃČÄľ®§šŠ‚zm_RL;# q’Ą’’’½ł’ągŒ?č²Ķ\Ė’D”ĀWĄh’žNJ 60 SW 4’žSundayswells’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 6165 0365’ž36165 80365’ž361650’ž803650’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žKincardine O'Neil’žnone’žnone’ž228x’ž14.4xx’žABN 9’žHenshall 1963’žRitchie 1919nonononononoyesnonono00=@ź€’žNo excavation records2d’žyes?nononono’žyesnpyesno’žSE Scotlandiii\\\\XXXXRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNIEA=9333// žüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüųōšźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅÄÄĵ®¬Ŗ¤¢—‘~te]UH:4."h’Ā’lł "h’žNJ 40 SE 9’žMulloch’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 4723 0082’ž34723 80082’ž347230’ž800820’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žAboyne and Glentanar’žnone’žnone’ž274x’ž3.9xx’žOgston 1931nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?yesno000noƒ@2x2dnononononononox’žcistxxnoxyes’žbottom of cist’žSE Scotland}}}ppppppp`ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXTRPJHD@<840,,,(&& üśöōšīģźčęäāąÜŲŌŠĢČÄĄ¼øøøøø«««««©§¢ ››•yo`XPC5/)h’Ā’’’½ł’` ×NJL’žNJ 35 NE 5’žBoghead Mound’žBellie Grave Mound; Fochabers’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 3594 5922’ž33594 85922’ž335940’ž859220’žMoray’žMoray’žBellie’žnone’žnone’žon an undulating terrace of glacial sands and gravels, about 6 km from the ocean76x15xx’žKinnes Ab2’žKinnes 1979’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002’žDavidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;yesyes’žOld Red Sandstoneyesnonoyesyesnono18’žcentral; outside the edge of the mound; scattered hollpws3?’žcentre (1); pit/posthole(2)x’ž21 +’žscattered0’žtimber postx’žoccupation surface? / agriculture - pre-cairn / timber post / pits’žbeneath moundyes’žpossibleyes’žyes000’žblackened sand and charcoal 3 cm thickD4?x4’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žlarge patches beneath moundx’žpre-mound’žbeneath cairnnox’žpit; postholeno’žlarge patches beneath moundno’žoccupation area; cultivation; pitsno’ž57°372 06.353 N, 003°042 26.203 W’ž57°372 07.273 N, 003°042 20.743 W’žSE Scotland’žtimber post’žyes’žyes’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002; Davidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;’žKinnes 1979h[[2é““ŽŽ‰|oDńńķŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ½½½½½½½»·Ø›~ytpkfb\\\ZXXL$"   ō°®”Ÿ”ŽŒok0,($ ÷ńėĀ¤yG### üŖ¤ž–ˆ€xk]WQD% q’’ž’’’½ł’@ąžzh’žNJ 26 SE 30’žLochhill Barrow’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNJ 295 645’ž3295 8645’ž329500’ž864500’žMoray’žGrampian’žUrquhart’žnone’žnone?????’žnone’žWalker 1857nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noŠ@2€’žNo excavation recordsx2dnononononononoxxxxnox?no’žSE Scotlanduuuhhhhddddbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\ZXVTPLHD@<88842’żūūłõńķéēćįŻŪŁ×ÕÓŃĻĶÉÅĮ½¹µ±­©„„„„„˜˜˜˜’ŽŒŠˆˆ‚|rhaYQF:4.& h’?Ā’’’żł’ "h’žNJ 26 SE 14’žInnesmill’žViewfield’žbarrow’žnone’žbowl barrow ?’žNJ 28 63’ž32800 86300’ž328000’ž863000’žMoray’žGrampian’žUrquhart’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žnone’žnonenononononononononono1’žnot specified0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no?@2x2dnono’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxnpxnono’žSE Scotlandmmm```\XXXVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPLJHFD@<84/+'''#!!   ’ūłõóļķėéēåćŌŅĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶²®ŖŖŖŖŖ¤¤¤¤žœš–”Š„zpiaYLB3-%h’?Ā’’’½ł’`&„č”ˆs’žHY’žHY 44 NE 3’žPoint of Cott’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty long’žHY 4654 4746’ž34654 104746’ž346540’ž1047460’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žWestray’žWestray’žnone’žon the edge of a low cliff, at the far end of the Point of Cott peninsula4’žN-Sx30’ž13.5’žORK 41’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyesnoyesyesnoyesyesno’žwhale tooth beads; pumice; beach pebbles2’žComp 3; N end of cairn0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic activity? ; pre-mound pit and slot features;’žN end of cairnno’žno / yesnono0’ž13+0noO@3x1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesx’žcairn / chamber & forecourtxxnox’žpre-mound pit & slot featuresyesxnono’žMesolithic activity;? Pit and slot feature’žflint; activity’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBarber, J. 1997 The Excavation of a Stalled Cairn at the Point of Cott, Westray, Orkney, Edinburgh, Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research’žBarber, J. 1992 Megalithic architecture. IN SHARPLES, N. & SHERIDAN, A. (Eds.) Vessels for the Ancestors: Essays on the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland in Honour of Audrey Henshall. Edinburgh University Press 13-32’žRitchie, A. 2004 The use of human and faunal material in chambered cairns in Orkney. IN GIBSON, A. M. & SHERIDAN, A. (Eds.) From Sickles to Circles: Britain and Ireland at the Time of Stonehenge. Stroud, Tempus 92-105’žSharples, N. M. 1985 Individual and community: the changing role of megaliths in the Orcadian Neolithic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 51, 59-74’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PresscóóóUx   öööåø“°®ØØØØØ؉‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒb`[VQMHC???=;;/+)$$" üĆĮ½»¹·µ³±™—mic]YSMIC========# ½·®„•…|tfXB<+% q’’Ą’’’½ł’€ąē<ö¹ LVALÉ Excavation was undertaken in advance of roadwork in 1977-8. Britnell 1979 - TURF CLEARANCE - p 132 - ' the buried surface was greatly disturbed and was unturfed, although there were no indications that it had been specially prepared for the construction of the monument.' Britnell 1984 - p 49 -  There is no evidence the ground had been specially prepared for the construction of the long cairn. P 50 - LATE UPPER PALAEOLITHIC AND MESOLITHIC ACTIVITY:  The earliest periods of activity at the site are represented by ...flint implements characteristic of the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic industries. Mesolithic pit or hearth found on N side of cairn. C14 date (4945 bc (CAR-118). P 50 - PRE-CAIRN NEOLITHIC ACTIVITY: takes the form of flintwork, pottery, charred’žExcavation was undertaken in advance of roadwork in 1977-8. Britnell 1979 - TURF CLEARANCE - p 132 - ' the buried surface was greatly disturbed and was unturfed, although there were no indications that it had been specially prepared for the construction of the monument.' Britnell 1984 - p 49 -  There is no evidence the ground had been specially prepared for the construction of the long cairn. P 50 - LATE UPPER PALAEOLITHIC AND MESOLITHIC ACTIVITY:  The earliest periods of activity at the site are represented by ...flint implements characteristic of the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic industries. Mesolithic pit or hearth found on N side of cairn. C14 date (4945 bc (CAR-118). P 50 - PRE-CAIRN NEOLITHIC ACTIVITY: takes the form of flintwork, pottery, charred organic remains and other finds scattered throughout the buried soil and from various features. It is dated by a single C14 determination of c 3100 bc (CAR-113). Not clear if it represents continuous or episodic activity. Postholes and bedding trenches indicate settled occupation - but not clear if it was essentially or exclusively of a domestic nature. P 51 - A trench built timber structure followed the earliest Neolithic activity, and was then followed by a second six-posted building which may have had ceremonial functions and which was almost certainly still standing when cairn construction began. Fourteen Neo features were sealed beneath the cairn, and another 53 undated features were also sealed beneath the cairn. A further 10 pits were likely contemporary with the cairn.Õ LVALå Pierpoint 1976 : ' The front chambers were almost intact apart from a shallow pit dug into the first chamber which included Neolithic sherds in the fill.' "Both chambers had layers of slab paving , the lowest layers of which were associated with uncarinated Neolithic pottery with heavy rims. In the second chamber was a small free-standing stone beneath which was a charcoal spread. Under the slab paving were four flint knives Pierpoint 1978: "Underneath [the rear of the cairn] was a 'clean' old ground surface with a few flints. An occupation level with c2000 flints and charcoal lay below this." Harrington & Pierpoint 1980 p 113: ’žPierpoint 1976 : ' The front chambers were almost intact apart from a shallow pit dug into the first chamber which included Neolithic sherds in the fill.' "Both chambers had layers of slab paving , the lowest layers of which were associated with uncarinated Neolithic pottery with heavy rims. In the second chamber was a small free-standing stone beneath which was a charcoal spread. Under the slab paving were four flint knives Pierpoint 1978: "Underneath [the rear of the cairn] was a 'clean' old ground surface with a few flints. An occupation level with c2000 flints and charcoal lay below this." Harrington & Pierpoint 1980 p 113:  A massive pit was situated immediately in front of the entrance in the back of which stood the sill stone; the pit was 60 cm in depth and charcoal from the bottom gave a C-14 assay& " p 114  In areas M1 and M4, an occupation level was found below the old land surface. The debris on this level formed a rough arc, but no associated features were revealed. The material was composed of carbonized hazelnut shells, over 200 flint flakes, along with several scrapers and fragments of bone; these have been identified as from sheep. Three C-14 assays were obtained from this material." Henshall (1972) notes the cairn material consists of beach pebblesč{Ķ+J²Ē&Å/Ćh’žNJ 72 SE 39’žHill of Selbie’žLittle Hillbrae’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7977 2282’ž37977 82282’ž379770’ž822820’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žKeithhall and Kinkell’žnone’žnone’ž190x’ž12.2xxnonononop@6€’žNot excavated2anonpyes’žSE Scotland        ’ūūūūūūūū÷÷ÜŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼¶“ÆÆ©£Œ‚skcVHB<0h’Ą` h’žNJ 72 NW 25’žHill of Knockollochie’žCrowmallie House’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7025 2528’ž37025 82528’ž370250’ž825280’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žChapel of Garioch’žnone’žnone’ž160xx’ž4.9’ž3.7’žRitchie et al 1975nononononononoyesyesno1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono000no@6x2d’žyesnono’žyesnononp’žnorthern area of cairnxxxnoxnpx’žSE Scotland«««žžžžžžžœ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒtplhc_[VVVRPPD@><<:62.(&" üöņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĘĘĘĘĘĮ¼ŗø³³­§”Š{sk^PJD8&h’Ā’’’½ł’` h’žNJ 71 NE 6’žBroomend of Crichie’žBuckie, Inverurie, Port Elphinstone’žhenge’žstone circle’žClass II’žNJ 7792 1967’ž37792 81967’ž377920’ž819670’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žKintore’žnone’žnone61x15xx’žHarding 254’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987’žRitchie 19201106b’žPending: Bradley - not yet published’ž57°162 01.903 N, 002°222 03.533 W’ž57°162 02.643 N, 002°212 57.793 W’žSE Scotland˜˜˜‹`5555555555555555555555555555555555     ÷éééŪĪĢŹĘÄĄĄŗ“«”’Š‚ug]OH#h’ 8ŲNJd’žNJ 70 SE 3’žEast Finnercy’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7647 0429’ž37647 80429’ž376470’ž804290’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žEcht’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of a low ridge running E/W’ž100x27xx’žLeivers 2000nononononoyesyesnono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žcentreyesnonono1+00noPD"Śnp4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žlayers of ashxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation area; pit; hearthsno’ž57°072 44.293 N, 002°232 24.813 W’ž57°072 44.963 N, 002°232 19.113 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žLeivers 2000[[[[[[MMMMHD7 įŻ¾¹µ³­­­­­­­­­­­­­­«§„£”’’‰…€{vvvtppd`^\\XTPLF>*($"  śōšģččäąąąąąŅŅŅŅŅŠĪŹČƚ”Žˆ~og_RD>8+% q’’Āž’’½łżą’h’žNJ 65 SE 25’žForglen House’žnone’žbarrow’žtumulus’žnone’žNJ 6983 5091’ž36983 85091’ž369830’ž850910’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žForglen’žnone’žnone91x20xxnonononononoyesyesnono1x0x’žcentral0x1noxnoxyesnoyesnoseveral30no-@6€’žprobably Bronze Age’žvarious2b’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žvariousxxxnoxno’žvarious’žSE Scotland¤¤¤———————ŽŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠˆ„‚€~uqlhc^ZUUUQH'ū÷ńļėéåćįßÖŌŅŠĪŹĘĄŗ¶²®Ŗ¦¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ žš˜””Žˆuf^VI;5,$h’Ą’’’żł’` LVAL ’’’’rGD Pżl` P$Ü… † †œ?ƒž‹€żl—Pżl„øżl„żlƒƒÆ«£ Æ’’’’@ŌżlüżlżlDżlČżlšżlżl8żlążlążlążlążlŌżlüżlżlDżlƒ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ d… ’Stone.NMR‡ Stone‡Stone.Flint #‡Stone.Flint Type‰Stone.Site Nameƒƒˆżlƒƒ€żl„ēƒ(żl„Xżl˜’’…Xżl’’’’pų£»Žķć@ˆ’’’’„ xżlˆżlt«‚ ŌżlŠ…V„,üżlŠ…VżlŠ…V9.DżlŠ…V‚ Stone‡ƒČżlƒóƒxżl„øżl˜’ž` żlXżl’’’’ü–ė°Žķć@ˆ’’’’„#~sq_fStone Subform…ˆżl‘Š ČżlXżl›„Š šżl`żl›„Š żlhżl›„Š 8żlpżl“Čżl„šżl„żl„8żl„ ŌżlŠ…Vs(ƒ;üżlŠ…VatżlŠ…VScDżlŠ…VusStone‹’’’’’„Š Ōżl˜żl—’’’’’„Š üżl żl—’’’’’„Š żlØżl—’’’’’„Š Dżl°żl“Čżl„šżl„żl„8żl„ ”żl„ żlƒø żl‡ Xżl8żlHżlXżlhżlxżløżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl„øżl’’’’–żl”øżlˆ`żlƒżlƒø“V^”€ˆżl` żlƒ ‹ø“V^”€ˆżl` żl‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆżl` żl‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆżl` żl‚ ‹”żl„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„pżl ųżl„€żl ˆV…ˆżlƒ€ żlˆƒø żlx żl„ƒš żlˆ żl„ƒ( żl˜ żl„ƒ ‡ž‚€ żlƒ ‡ž‚ø żlƒ ‡ž‚š żlƒ ‡dƒ( żl8‡HżlPżlXżl`żlØ€ żl„ø żl„š żl„( żl„` żl„ Stone‡ˆżlƒž”żl„ł‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚ˆżlƒž‡’’’’„xżlŲ”żl„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ żl żql żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żl żlˆ‡čżl„ƒ øżlųżlƒƒŠżlHżl„żl’’’’Stone‡”V^”€ˆżlżl„‹ƒˆżlØ żl„ƒ‹ˆżl„Ž”V^”€ˆżl żlƒŒƒųżlĄżl„‡’’’’ƒƒųżl0żl„` żl„M>] ’žLundy Chambered Tomb’žSS 14 SW 7’ž1 of 1C1851’žChanter 1877’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported{m_MD6.,$ ’X čh‹sFk’žSU 01 NW 13’žHandley 27’žMonument # 213496’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0122 1738’ž40122 11738’ž401220’ž117380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chasex’ž17.5xx’žGrinsell 1959’žBarrett et al 1991nonononoyes1’žoutside ditch to the NEų@Ķ1’žyes’žyesyesnononono’žSW England -WC’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 242)’žBarrett, J. C., Bradley, R. & Greene, M. 1991 Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žPitt Rivers, L. G. 1898 Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 1893-1896, Vol. IV, London, Harrison and Sons (p 58-61, 136-142)’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith (tovp 32)70””ņB¦QQQQQAAA=9511++++++++++++++++++++&!!!!!!!!śųųųųņņņīźęāāāāāĪĪĪææ½»µ³³³³¢ƒ{sk^PJD6# q’?^Ā  '¼ LVAL Located only 1 km SE of the Neolithic village of Barnhouse Stuart 1864: no buried pre-mound features reported Childe 1955: no buried pre-mound features reported Renfrew 1979: no buried pre-mound features reported Challands et al 2005 : p 229 -standing stones in the main chamber; p 242 - pit in the platform at the rear of the monument likely once held a standing stone - possibly part of an earlier stone circle? It is also possible that the standing stone was erected after the construct’ž Located only 1 km SE of the Neolithic village of Barnhouse Stuart 1864: no buried pre-mound features reported Childe 1955: no buried pre-mound features reported Renfrew 1979: no buried pre-mound features reported Challands et al 2005 : p 229 -standing stones in the main chamber; p 242 - pit in the platform at the rear of the monument likely once held a standing stone - possibly part of an earlier stone circle? It is also possible that the standing stone was erected after the construction of the tomb. P 246  the architecture of Maeshowe may have been designed around the 4 standing stones in the chamber - they may have been representations of the dead? P 247 - the presence of a drain under the clay platform upon which Maeshowe was built may be evidence that the monument was constructed on the site of an earlier structure. The original structure was demolished and the glacial knoll upon which it sat was levelled with clay, in preparation of the construction of the passage grave.ųčXLÕHĘęBĮhh’žNK 02 NW 13’žSands of Forvie Kerb Cairn’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNK 0117 2657’ž40117 82657’ž401170’ž826570’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žSlains’žnone’žnone’žRalston 1980yesyesį@> €’žring cairn2d’žyes’žSE ScotlandõõõččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččćććßßĒ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»µÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ”””””””””””›•ƒtldWIC=1+h’0` 4NJY’žNJ 94 NW 31’žAtherb’žnone’žround cairn’žcairn’žnon-megalithic round mound’žNJ 9291 4969’ž39291 84969’ž392910’ž849690’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žNew Deer’žnone’žnone’žon a prominent ridgexnpxx’žHenshall 1983 (no. 6)nononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žallyesnonono0no1+noĘ@kx4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žcremation areaxxxnoxnpxnp’žn/a’žfire-cremationno’ž57°322 14.413 N, 002°072 11.973 W’ž57°322 15.243 N, 002°072 06.073 W’žSE Scotlandno’žHenshall 1983 (no. 6)??????((((($ģĮ½­Ø¤¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’‚‚~zvqmhhhfddXTPLLJFB>83&$  śöņīīźęęęęęĻĻĻĻĻĶĖĒÅÅÆ©£™€xpcU92% q’’Āž’’½łżą2h’žNJ 91 NE 11’žBairnie Hillock’žHatton Farmhouse’žbarrow’žround cairn’žnone’žNJ 9627 1621’ž39627 81621’ž396270’ž816210’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žBelhelvie’žnone’žnone26x14xxnononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono000no–@60@=x2d’žyesnonononono’žyes’žcairnxxxnoxyesxnono’ž57°142 11.893 N, 002°032 48.063 W’ž57°142 12.603 N, 002°032 42.183 W’žSE ScotlandŚŚŚĶ¢wsooomggggggggggggggea_][TOKGC?;66620$ üśöōšīģźčęäāąÜŲŅĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶“²®¬ØØ¢œ‘‡xph[MG:2 h’Ą’’’żł’`>}NJz’žNJ 75 NW 6’žHill of Foulzie’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7244 5978’ž37244 85978’ž372440’ž859780’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žKing Edward’žnone’žnone’žat the top of a gentle rise, with extensive views in all directions; "a, most exquisite view of sea and land" (Gordon 1902)’ž122’žE-W18’ž14.4’ž7.2’žABN 4’žHenshall 1963nonononoyesnonoyesyes’žpebbles; small piece of wood;0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žCist 1nonoyesno000’žblue slateõ@6x4’žyes’žyes ?no’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žcist 1’žsoft clay slate’žcist 2yes’žcist 2no’žyes’ždark soilno’žSE Scotlandno’žHenshall 1963Ž{nnnj_ZVNHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@/'%#! ’’’żūūļćįß߯ŁÓĻĖĆ­«§„£”Ÿ›™—xrlhd^ZVRNNNNNNNN?83-)$¢œ–‰ph`SE?9-' q’’Ą’’’½ł’ągž“NJŒ’žNJ 74 SW 12’žMidtown of Pitglassie’žnone’žround cairn’žbarrow’žnone’žNJ 7022 4352’ž37022 84352’ž370220’ž843520’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žAuchterless’žnone’žnone’žon the summit of a low ridge, on the edge of the Buchan plateau.’ž140x12xx’žBradley 2000’žBarclay 2003yesnonoyesnonoyesyesnono16’ž1 central; 6 at edges of mound6?’žSG1-6 pits/postholes - at edges of moundx0x0nox’žoccupation debris?’žNE of centreyes’žyesyesno303noT "Ś’žNE of centre4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žcentral area’žcairnxxnoxyes’žNE of centre’žpits, postholes, occupation debrisno’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žBarclay 2003’žBradley 2000³³³³³„——’’’Ž}YYYKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEC?=;4&" ööźęäāāąÜÖŃĖ½©§£”Ÿ›qmMIEA;51-'# żżżżżūłõóī¬¦ “‰zrj]OIA4. q’’Ę’’’½ł’`frLVALŲÕŃB–:u7Ā¢=5B>b* c–m e” gžj”@k ĪlĀŁ#øŽķć@Šx `Ūg`Į(ÓEøĄ”ƒ•Hsrܜ  StoneŻ Flint Subformē  @Calibriź½ 8m h”ė¾ Ą%œ$%C’€ź odXXLetter’’’’DINU"P Œ ˜v6UP SMTJ@ HP Photosmart C3100 seriesInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsTrueHPEmulateLaserJetMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueDuplexNONEHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTrueJobUITruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsLEGALHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl4v2.cabHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsPREPRINTEDHPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_TIMESTAMPHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPXMLFileUsedhpoc3103.xmlHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueColorModeColor24MediaTypeAUTOMATICResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPMirrorPrintFalseHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3A054PSServicesOptionServiceFileEndHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPInputColorSpaceCOLORSMARTHPDriverDataDriverDataHPICCProfileNamesRGB_0Color_0Space_0Profile_1icmHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPSendPreloadCommandTRUEESPRITSupportedTrueHPRESDLLNameHPFRS4v2HPRedEyeReductionOffHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessLowHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_DEFAULTHPMDSideCountTrueHPHagakiPrintingTRUEHPHTDLLNameHPFIG4v2HPMHDLLNameHPFIE4v2HPHPAFilterTrueHPIntentPERCEPTUALHPInstalledPrintCartridgesBLACKHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPICCPrinterFamily5700_6500HPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPPaperSizeTreeviewPopupMetricHPSimplifiedUITrueHPPosterPrintingOptionSUIFalseHPAutoEnhanceFalseHPNWatermarkTrueHPPhotoFixBASICHPConvertAPIVersionOverride3˜IUPHdLetterź o’’’’’’’’’’’’ [none]h LVALx Mortimer 1905  pp 102-5: A to trench cut across the east end of the mound (Mortimer referred this as a  pit dwelling ) 15 m long x 0.6-2 m deep, containing pottery , burnt wood and  decayed matter ; an adult femur; an ox/deer vertebra, roe deer antler, four heaps of pig jaw bones.  & Many streaks of burnt and decayed matter ran obliquely  and in some places almost vertically  into the pit dwelling, reaching in places nearly to the bottom. (Kinnes 1979 has interpreted this as a burnt post setting).  At a depth of 2 m the undisturbed chalk floor was reached, on which was a dark stratum containing small pieces of burnt wood and near the west side was a’žMortimer 1905  pp 102-5: A to trench cut across the east end of the mound (Mortimer referred this as a  pit dwelling ) 15 m long x 0.6-2 m deep, containing pottery , burnt wood and  decayed matter ; an adult femur; an ox/deer vertebra, roe deer antler, four heaps of pig jaw bones.  & Many streaks of burnt and decayed matter ran obliquely  and in some places almost vertically  into the pit dwelling, reaching in places nearly to the bottom. (Kinnes 1979 has interpreted this as a burnt post setting).  At a depth of 2 m the undisturbed chalk floor was reached, on which was a dark stratum containing small pieces of burnt wood and near the west side was a considerable quantity of decayed substance, from which we obtained a well-preserved rib of an animal about the size of a rabbit, and also bits of bone in the last stages of decay& ..Altogether the appearance of this structure was strongly suggestive of a dwelling that had been covered by a horizontal roof& there is much evidence that it had been destroyed by fire. Numerous potsherds were found on the surface and in the mound. PIT : on axial line; L 1.4 x .W6 x D.8 - contained pig scapula, charcoal, and on the floor of the pit was a small hole filled with burnt wood and one piece of bone. A timber structure or post setting at the east end of the mound was burned prior to monument construction.®č…Ķ&ĖɓEEČBk’žNM 82 NE 7’žSerpent Mound’žLochnell North’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunclassified, round’žNM 8801 2688’ž18801 72688’ž188010’ž726880’žArgyll and Bute’žArgyll & Bute’žKilmore and Kilbride’žnone’žnone15x27xx’žARG 46’žHenshall 1972’žCallander 1928’žSomerville 1923nonononono’žyesnoyesno’žburnt boneno00€’žno info on ground surface4a?no’žyesnononono’žSW Scotland’žCallander 1928Ŗššššš‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰…}xtrrrnnnGGECCCC???????????????3/)%     ūėėėÜŌŅŠĢŹĘĘĄŗ¤•„|@NM’žNM 82 NE 7’žSerpent Mound’žLochnell North’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunclassified, round’žNM 8801 2688’ž18801 72688’ž188010’ž726880’žArgyll and Bute’žArgyll & Bute’žKilmore and Kilbride’žnone’žnone15x27xx’žARG 46’žHenshall 1972’žCallander 1928’žSomerville 1923nonononono’žyesnoyesno’žburnt boneno00€’žno info on ground surface4a?no’žyesnononono’žSW Scotland’žSomerville 1923’žCallander 1928’žHenshall 1972ŅĆĆĆĆ³¢¢¢¢¢¢••••‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‰…€|zzzvvvOOMKKKKGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG;71-($ óóóäÜŚŲŌŅĪĪČĀ¬Œ„|oaLF5% q’Ę’@,ł"É0NM’žNM 57 SW 2’žCladh Aindreis’žAllt ordail; Swordale’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNM 5470 7076’ž15470 77076’ž154700’ž770760’žHighland’žHighland’žArdnamurchan’žArdnamurchan’žnone30’žNW-SE’žn/a4730’žARG 1’žHenshall 1972’žRichardson & Cobb 2006nononoyes ?nononononono2’žforecourt0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono100no„@|’žforecourt4nono’žyesno’žyesnono’žforecourtxxxnox’ž2 pits; hearthyesx’žhearth; pits (2) no’ž56°452 49.343 N, 006°002 55.203 W’ž56°452 50.033 N, 006°002 51.283 W’žN Scotlandno’žRichardson & Cobb 2006’žHenshall 1972‡xxxxx`````\P%śöćććįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĖĖĖĖĖÉÅĆĮæ“°¬§£žš–––”‰‰}ywuusokga_[YUSQOMKI><840,($öööēąÜŲÓĢČČĀ“¦œ’Š‚ugTN=& q’Ā’’’½ł’`~h’žNM 54 NW 3’žArdnacross [Mull]’žnone’žkerb cairns (3)’žnone’žnone’žNM 541 491’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilninian and Kilmore’žMull’žnone’žMartlew and Ruggles 1996r@ź €’žkerb cairn2d’ž56°342 10.953 N, 006°002 13.543 W’ž56°342 11.553 N, 006°002 09.643 W’žSW Scotland666)žÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĻĻ·««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‹…naPPPPD>8'!h|`8h’žNL 69 NW 7.08’žNask’žTangavel Peninsula’žchambered cairn?’žunknown’žunknown’žNL 6471 9766’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žBarra’žBarranp’žSSE-NNWnpnpnp’žnonenononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no @>€’žNot definitely Neolithicx2bnonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žN Scotland~~~rrrrrrrpjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhdb`^\WRNJFB>>>:8žžüųōšģźę乎܌ŲÖŌŅŠĢČÄĄ¼ø“°¬ØØØØØØØØØ¢žš–‰‰‰‚{l]]]]OF=+hx2d’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpityes’žcentral pit’žSE Scotlandššš€zzzzzzzuuuuuuusomkigc^ZUPLGGGCAA51/--+'!   ųöņīźäąÜŲĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅŶƭ«¦¤  š”Œ‚skcVHB<0*h’Ą’’’½ł’@` & LVAL6 Pastscape: The cairn had been constructed over evidence for Mesolithic activity, comprising a large quantity of flints including blades, cores, scrapers, awls and microliths. Woodman 1978 - p 121 - A 'flint earth' layer of a 'red clayey nature' was sealed below the Neolithic monument. Clark 1935, p 21 - refers to the Mesolithic flints as Tardenoisian type; notes that Swinnerton was a careful observer and had justified his grounds for believing the Mesolithic flint layer had preceded the erection of the cairn. p 78 notes that pottery sherds found at the top of the flint earth are likely Neolithic A S’žPastscape: The cairn had been constructed over evidence for Mesolithic activity, comprising a large quantity of flints including blades, cores, scrapers, awls and microliths. Woodman 1978 - p 121 - A 'flint earth' layer of a 'red clayey nature' was sealed below the Neolithic monument. Clark 1935, p 21 - refers to the Mesolithic flints as Tardenoisian type; notes that Swinnerton was a careful observer and had justified his grounds for believing the Mesolithic flint layer had preceded the erection of the cairn. p 78 notes that pottery sherds found at the top of the flint earth are likely Neolithic A Swinnerton 1888 - - human remains found in small cist near the larger cist; many shells also present p 138 - the flints which are so plentiful in the 'flint earth' layer below the cairn are rarely found above it, and never found below it - there are plenty of stones etc in the dark earth layer above the flint earth, so if the actions of earthworms moved the flints down, they must have been especially interested in flints! - the flint earth was not disturbed by the placement of the smaller cists above it; the cists rested on top of it; the larger cist was cut through the flint earth to the gravel below.€čüO ĪŚIŁD˜Ak’žNN 00 NE 8’žAchnagoul I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0616 0561’ž20616 70561’ž206160’ž705610’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žInverary’žnone’žnone’ž115’žNE-SWx4611’žARG 7’žHenshall 1972’žCraw 1931-2’žCampbell & Sandeman 1964nonononoNN 00 NE 8’žAchnagoul I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0616 0561’ž20616 70561’ž206160’ž†NN 00 NE 8’žAchnagoul I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0616 0561’ž20616 70561’ž206160’ž705610’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žInverary’žnone’žnone’ž115’žNE-SWx4611’žARG 7’žHenshall 1972’žCraw 1931-2’žCampbell & Sandeman 1964nonononononoyesnono’žbones - no info0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nog@@t@=x4a’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’ž56°122 12.743 N, 005°072 35.263 W’ž56°122 13.153 N, 005°072 30.993 W’žSW Scotlandno’žCampbell & Sandeman 1964’žCraw 1931-2QQQD*****&īĆĆæææ½··············µ±Æ­«©„ œ—’Žˆˆˆ„‚vjfdbb`\XTPNJHDB@><:864#  żżżżćÖÖÖĒĄ¼ø¶ÆŖŖ¤ž”‡vnfYK82!o’Ę’’’żł’`z„NM’žNM 93 NW 4’žAchnacreebeag’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, oval’žNM 9296 3639’ž19296 73639’ž192960’ž736390’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žArdchattan and Muckairn’žnone’žnone23SEx’ž20.718’žARG 37’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000’žDavidson & Carter 2003nonononononoyesyesno’žjet0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono3’žScattered00noZ@‹’žSW end of mound; NW chamber, outside chamber1’ž4000 BC (Sheridan 2000)nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žallxxxnoxyesxno’ž1-yes 2 -no’žcharcoal spreads (3)no’ž56°282 26.553 N, 005°212 47.123 W’ž56°282 27.083 N, 005°212 42.933 W’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie, J. N. G. 1970 Excavation of the chambered cairn at Achnacreebeag. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 102, 31-55’žSheridan, A. 2000 Achnacreebeag and its French connections: Vive the 'Auld Alliance'. IN HENDERSON, J. C. (Ed.) The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe. Oxford, Archaeopress’žHenshall 1972 żżżżż@°°°°¬ŸtIE/"  ū÷óīźęĶĶĖ‘‹‰~|xtpjhdb^\ZXVTRPNIE?951-)%!!! śģģģŻÕŃĖÉÅĮĮ»µœ~vnaSB<+% q’Ī’’’æż’ą ĄNM’žNM 93 NW 1’žAchnacree (Carn Ban)’žMoss of Achnacree’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNM 9227 3636’ž19227 73636’ž192270’ž736360’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žArdchattan and Muckairn’žnone’žnone15x’ž24.4xx’žARG 36’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žloose dark soila@@x4anonono’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žallnoxyesxno’žyesnono’ž56°282 24.493 N, 005°222 27.293 W’ž56°282 25.023 N, 005°222 23.103 W’žSW Scotlandno’žSmith, R. A. 1872 Descriptive list of antiquities near Loch Etive. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 9, 396-418 ( pp 409-415)’žnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 268-271)’žHenshall 1972;,,,,,Į++++'ļÄĄ¼·³±««««««««««««««©„ žœš–‘ˆ„€|||xvvjYWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'#  żżżżżżżżīęäāÜŚÖÖŠŹ±¤“‹ƒvhVP?, q’Ą’’’½ł’ą h’žNM 82 SW 33’žArdentallan’žkerb cairn’žNM 829 233’ž1829 7233’ž182900’ž723300’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmore and Kilbride€’žNo excavation records2dno’ž56°212 09.213 N, 005°302 52.353 W’ž56°212 09.703 N, 005°302 48.253 W’žSW ScotlandŁ®®ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ¦¦ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒm`OG?4(((hĖ@:ŹLVALM [none]Arial4PĄĄĄĄĄĄd€?JAN<Automatic>44ÅčüOUM˜Ź\FõĆßAk’žNN 74 NE 33’žPass of Keltnie’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 772 496’ž2772 7496’ž277200’ž749600’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žDull’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žWilson 1851nononono=@ź€’žNo excavation records2c’ž(review Wilson )’žyesnonpnp’žn/ano’žSE Scotland’žWilson 1851</////""""    öņņĻĆr’žNNŸ’žNN 74 NE 33’žPass of ŹNNŸ’žNN 74 NE 33’žPass of Keltnie’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 772 496’ž2772 7496’ž277200’ž749600’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žDull’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žWilson 1851nononono>@3ź2c’ž(review Wilson )’žyesnonpnp’žn/ano’žSE Scotland’žWilson 1851!!!!!!žžśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśöņņņņķķķŪ×××ĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĆæ»»»»»®®®®®Ŗ¦¤ œœ–Šnf^SGA;.( q’Ā  "2h’žNN 74 NE 12’žCroft Moraig’žnone’žstone circle’žhenge?’žnone’žNN 7975 4726’ž27975 74726’ž279750’ž747260’žPerth and Kinross’žPerth and Kinross’žDull’žnone’žnone’ž122np’ž18.3xx’žHarding 308’žHarding 1987’žBradley & Sheridan 2005€’žstone circle6b’žBradley - work in progress’ž56°362 06.503 N, 003°572 36.873 W’ž56°362 07.033 N, 003°572 32.003 W’žSE Scotland†††yN##################################éééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé銊ŠĀµ³±«§¢¢œ–}jbZM?91#h’@8‰NN[’žNN 72 SW 5’žKindrochat’žKindrochet’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 7231 2297’ž27231 72297’ž272310’ž722970’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žComrie’žnone’žnone91’žE-Wx49’ž10.8’žPER 2’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no'@źx4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žSE Scotlandno’žChilde, V. G. 1930 Excavations in a chambered cairn at Kindrochat, near Comrie, Perthshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 264-72’žhilde, V. G. 1931 The chambered long cairn at Kindrochat, near Comrie, Perthshire Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 65, 281-93’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall 1972G8888Ń:™™™™•ˆˆˆˆ„„„‚||||||||||||||zvtrpnjea]YTPPPLJJ>:86640,($"  śöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĻČĀ¾¼·³³­§Ÿ–ƒ{sfXE?." q’Ą’’’½ł’`bh’žNN 05 NW 4’žBallachulish House’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNN 0488 5951’ž20488 75951’ž204880’ž759510’žHighland’žHighland’žLismore and Appin’žnone’žnonex’ž11.48’žnonenonononononoyesnonono0x0x’žN of centre0x1noxnoxnononono000no@Bx2dnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žcist dug into natural gravelyes’ž56°412 11.463 N, 005°112 14.353 W’ž56°412 12.073 N, 005°112 10.043 W’žN ScotlandÜÜÜŠ„zzzzzzttttttVVVVVVVVTPNLJHD?;73/+++'%% ’żł÷óńļķąŽÜŚŲŌŠĢĘĀ¾ŗ¶²®®®®®®®®®Ø¦ žžžž˜’ukc[N@:4("h’<Ą’’’½ł’€ 8INNk’žNN 02 SE 7’žPortsonachan’žCarn Ban’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0504 2066’ž20504 72066’ž205040’ž720660’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilchrenan and Dalavich’žnone’žnone’žon the edge of a terrace on a steep hillside above the SE side of Loch Awe; built on a low ridge of outcrop’ž107’žE-Wx’ž29.513’žARG 5’žHenshall 1972’žCampbell 1955>@2ź2c’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žCampbell 1955’žHenshall 1972²£££££””””””‡‡‡‡ƒƒ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~zzznnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn___PIE?=83ĘĄŗ””ƒ{sfXE?.$ q’’ €"6«±čōĢšL@IEĒüÄĖĀh’žNN 91 NW 17’žNorth Mains Barrow’žStrathallan’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 926 162’ž2926 1762’ž292600’ž176200’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žBlackford’žnone’žnone’žon level ground at the junction of the River Earn and the Machany Water44xx’žcup-marked stone’žyes @> €’žBronze Age2b’žallyesno’žSE ScotlandPPPCCCCCC??9999999999999999944444444444400      õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõóńķķķ¤ž˜„qiaVJD>0#h’’€€`  h’žNN 91 NE 18’žBelhie’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass I Henge’žNN 9774 1610’ž29774 71610’ž297740’ž716100’žPerth and Kinross’žTayh’žNN 91 NW 17’žNorth Mains Barrow’žStrathallan’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 926 162’ž2926 1762’ž292600’ž176200’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žBlackford’žnone’žnone’žon level ground at the junction of the River Earn and the Machany Water44xx’žcup-marked stone’žyes @> €’žBronze Age2b’žallyesno’žSE ScotlandPPPCCCCCC??9999999999999999944444444444400      õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõóńķķķ¤ž˜„qiaVJD>0#h’’€€`  h’žNN 91 NE 18’žBelhie’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass I Henge’žNN 9774 1610’ž29774 71610’ž297740’ž716100’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žAuchterarder’žnone’žnonenpnp5xx’ž#304’žHarding & Lee 1987nonononoyes1’žexternalB@ź6b’žyesnpnpno’ž56°192 34.513 N, 003°392 18.503 W’ž56°192 34.903 N, 003°392 13.533 W’žSE Scotlandhhh[0żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłōōōōōōōōšššääääääääääääääääääääŚŲŲŲŲŅŅŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ®Ø¦¤¢žšš”Ž€wd\TG9*$h’Ą  :h’žNN 84 NW 48’žCastle Menzies Cursus’žFarleyer’žcursus’žnone’žpit-defined cursus’žNN 8304 4939’ž28304 74939’ž283040’ž749390’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žWeem€’žCursus6d’ž56°372 18.353 N, 003°542 27.543 W’ž56°372 18.883 N, 003°542 22.643 W’žSE Scotland ā···································³³ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™}um`R>80&h’@8+NN’žNN 83 SW 1’žClach Na Tiompan’žGlen Almond’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 8296 3289’ž28296 73289’ž282960’ž732890’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žMonzievaird and Strowan’žnone’žnone’ž274’žSE-NWx57’ž11.4’žPER 1’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žpossibleyesno000’žslabs set on clayé@|x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnox’žSE chamberx’žSE chamber’žslab’žcentral chamber’žslab pavement set on clay’žsmall rough pavement set on larger slabsyes’žSE chamber faēade’žground preparationno’ž56°282 24.933 N, 003°542 05.433 W’ž56°282 25.403 N, 003°542 00.553 W’žSE Scotlandno’žHenshall 1972»¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ø›pEA---źĻ¾ø¬Ŗžœ˜“‹†‚~~~|zzn[YWWUQKA=;751/-+)'%#!  żłłłłłłłłźćŻŁ×ŠĖĖÅ榝Š‚zm_LF5( q’Ą’’’½ł’`~>Šh’žNN 82 SE 26’žMonzie’žnone’žkerb cairn’žcairn circle’žnone’žNN 8816 2417’ž28816 72417’ž288160’ž724170’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žCrieff’žnone’žnone’ž120x’ž5.5xxnono’žLower Old Red Sandstonenono’žhazelyesyesno’žcup and ring marked stone; cannel coal0x2 possible’žnear stone 5x0x0noxnoxyes’žyesyesno002’žrough cobblesQ@Bx2d’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesnp’žcentre’žwhole area with stonesx’žcauseway connecting cairn to ring-marked slabnox’žblack layer; fireyes’žcentre’žSE Scotland+++żżżżżżżū÷ČĘ®¦¢™”‹†††‚€€tecaa_[UPJHDB><:86(čäŽŲŃĶÉ°¬ØØØØØØØØØئ¤Ÿ˜˜’Œ„{h`XK=7)h’Ą’’’½ł’@`  č#‹s³é’žSE 86 SW 3’žHanging Grimston’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8082 6088’ž48082 46088’ž480820’ž460880’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žE-W’žn/a’ž23.815’žSE 8’žKinnes 1992’žPierpoint 1979’žPhillips 1935, p 49’žPierpoint 1979nononoyesyesnoyesnonono1’žaxial line of barrow0xx0x0’žpost setting/ timber structure’žE end of mound’žfaēade trench’žE end of moundyesnoyesno000noˆ@>x1nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žE end of moundxxxnoxno’žold ground surface’žpost setting / timber structureno’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 102-105)’žPierpoint, S. J. 1979 Three radiocarbon dates for Yorkshire prehistory. Antiquity, 53, 224-225’ž179’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŃ[VVVVōytttpeeea@@@,((((((((((((((&"  ’ūöńķééēååŁÕÓŃŃĻĖÅĮ»«œŒljhfdb`JHD@<62,&" õåååŲŅĪČĆ¾¾¾ø§›’yqdVA;.( q’~Ī’’’½ż’`fŽičDĶQIEĒwčĀƒĄh’žNO 13 NW 5.06’žIh’žNO 13 NW 5.06’žInchtuthil’žnone’žmortuary enclosure’žNO 1254 3956’ž31254 73956’ž312540’ž739560’žPerth and Kinross’žPerth and Kinross’žCaputh’žnone’žnone’žKinnes Nob’žKinnes 1992’žBrophy 1999’žBarclay & Maxwell 1998’žBarclay & Maxwell 1989yes€’žmortuary enclosure2d’žSE Scotland)))ųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųņņņņņņŚĀµµµØœœœœœœœ–ˆubZRE777#hĻ`@ h’žNO 13 NE 89’žCleaven Dyke’žcursus’žNO 1735 3990’ž31735 73990’ž317350’ž739900’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žCaputh’žAdamson & Gallagher 1986€’žCursus6d’ž56°322 37.843 N, 003°202 44.423 W’ž56°322 38.313 N, 003°202 39.273 W’žSE Scotland   üѦ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¢¢ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽtttttttttttttlcPH@3%%%hĖ@8h’žNO 11 NW 11’žMoncrieffe House’žMoncreiffe House’žhenge’žstone circle’žClass I’žNO 1328 1933’ž31328 71933’ž313280’ž719330’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žDunbarney’žnone’žnone31’žNNE9xx’žHarding 318’žHarding 1987’žCaseldine 1982nono’žglacial drumlinnononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone9’ž pit-defined circle in interior0x’žoutside entrance’ž45+’žouter lip of ditch101?@G€’žreview Phases 2 - 46b’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesyes’žSE ScotlandķķķąąąąąąąąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚÕŠĢČÄĄ»»»··–ŠŠ†„„„„„„„„„„„‚niWUS20 ńķéééé飣ŁĖ¾¼ŗø³ÆÆ©£˜|tl_QH:3!h’Ā’’lł h’žNO 02 SE 27’žEast Huntingtower’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass I henge’žNO 0814 2495’ž30814 72495’ž308140’ž724950’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žTibbermore’žnone’žnone36’žjust N of E36xxnononono2’žoutside entrance; outside bank in SE sector;@ź6b’žyesnpyesno’žSE Scotland+++        ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūĪĢĢĢĢĢĢĢČÄĄ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ŗø“§££—‹‚og_RD5/("h’Ą  "–NNC’žNN 95 SW 6’žPitnacree’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 9287 5337’ž29287 75337’ž292870’ž753370’žPerth and Kinross’žPerth and Kinross’žLogierait’žnone’žnone’žon the gravel floor of the Tay Valley67x27xx’žKinnes Ad3’žKinnes 1979’žBarclay 1991’žBarclay 2003’žBarclay 1999’žCowie 1993’žHenshall 1983; Kinnes 1985noyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono2’žcentral2?’žpits/postholesx0x0’žtimber postsx’žhorsehoe-shaped stone bank?yes’žyes?no’žyes003noŒ@Ex4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žall’žouter kerb’žcentralxnox’ž2 pitsnox’žcultivation; ground preparation?; postholesno’žSE Scotland’žtimber posts’žyes’žBarclay 2003; Barclay 1991’žBarclay 1999’žCowie 1993’žHenshall 1983; Kinnes 1985’žKinnes 1979žńńÕÉ»ŸŸšššŒ{NNNLHHHHHHH@@@@@@@>:8/# żżżūłłķéēåå掌ŌĪĢ°® žœš˜ˆ„{yuqkea]WSMI-!÷÷÷źŽÜŚÖŌŠ©£’ld\OA;5'! q’’ž’’’½ł’@`fzvh’žNN 91 NW 18’žNorth Mains Henge’žStrathallan’žhenge’žnone’žClass II henge’žNN 9285 1625’ž29285 71625’ž292850’ž716250’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žBlackford’žnone’žnone35’žENE, WSW65xx’žHarding 322’žHarding 1987’žHulme & Shirriffs 1985yesyes’žgravel terraceyesyesyesyes3’žbeneath henge bank24’žinternal ring’žbeneath henge bank1’žpre-henge activity (Period I)’žyes3+’ž13+k@E6b’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žhenge bankyes’žSE ScotlandŪŪŪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČ¼¼¼·²²²­Ø£££ŸŸŸ““ŽŠŠŠ……………fffdddPA=)'''!’łóóóóóŪŪŪĶĄ¾¼ø®ŖŖ¤ž“ŠwogZL<6/"h’Ā7Ÿ„,9 n LVAL~ Ward 1890 - p 119 - 'midway, there was a depression in the natural soil, about 1 m across and 30 cm deep and extending in an east-west direction beyond the sides of our cutting.' This trench contained scattered human bones, animal remains, pottery and flint. P 120 - Farther south, a limestone slab was reve’žWard 1890 - p 119 - 'midway, there was a depression in the natural soil, about 1 m across and 30 cm deep and extending in an east-west direction beyond the sides of our cutting.' This trench contained scattered human bones, animal remains, pottery and flint. P 120 - Farther south, a limestone slab was revealed at a slightly higher level than the natural surface. The natural surface was discoloured, as by particles of charcoal and ash trodden into it. P 121  At various levels in the made-ground were broken human bones Page 121-2  In a recess, a mass of jumbled human bones were discovered. - the floor was 'rudely paved'Ä čŌŠs’žTR'’žTR 05 SE 5’žJulliberries Grave’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTR 0774 5324’ž60774 15324’ž607740’ž153240’žKent’žAshford’žChilham’žMedway39’žNW-SEx4415’žTR 2’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1996’žThurnam 1868’žJessup 1939’žAshbee 1984yesnononoyesnoyesyesyesno1’žcore mound0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono000no”@¦x1nonononono’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxyesxnono’žSE Englandno’žJessup, R. F. 1937 Excavations at Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham. Antiquaries Journal, 17, 122-37’žJessup, R. F. 1939 Further excavations at Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham. Antiquaries Journal, 19, 260-81’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žAshbee, P. 1996 Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham: retrospective and perception. Archaeologia Cantiana, 116, 1-33’žunknown’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum„œœ,‘&ĆĆĆĆæ³³³Æ«««©££££££££££££££”›™”’ˆ„€|xtttrppd`^\\ZVRMIGCA=;97531%#  ’ū÷ńńä×ɼ¼¼Æ©„”Ÿ˜”””ŒƒztldWIC=0* q’?Ž’’’½ł’`f¼n č'Šsśn’žSK 25 NW 8’žHarborough Rocks’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2427 5533’ž42427 35533’ž424270’ž355330’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBrassington’žPeak District’žnone’ž'on top of a staircase of magnesian limestone'xx’ž20.517’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989’žDaniel 1950’žPiggott 1954nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž16-+0’žrudely paved‚@Gx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žpitno’ž53°052 40.833 N, 001°382 20.233 W’ž3°052 39.743 N, 001°382 14.843 W’žCentral Englandno’žWard, J. 1890 On some diggings near Brassington, Derbyshire. Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 12, 108-38 ( p 118-131)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žManby, T. G. 1958 The chambered tombs of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 78, 25-39’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications 3-94’ž250ääßßķˆ||||xg= ’łłłłłłłłłłłłłł÷óźčęäąŪ×ÓĪÉÅÅÅĆĮĮµ§„ŸŸ™•‘‹‡…}{ywuljfb\VRLHD@<<<.!ūł÷÷ĒĮ²„“‡wj\E?.( q’’^Ī’’’½ł’ą¼3ĖčGMĖ«Č FzĚĀēĄhh’žNO 64 NW 99’žDouglasmuir’žcursus’žNO 6153 4812’ž36153 74812’ž361530’ž748120’žAngus’žTayside’žInverkeilor’žnone’žnone’žKinnes NO a’žKinnes 1992’žKendrick 1995’žBrophy 1999€’žCursus6d’žN ScotlandŅŅŅĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĀĀ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®”’’’…xxxxxxxrl_VOG?2$$$hĖ`@ h’žNO 35 NE 24’žMeams Hill’žnone’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNO 3736 5736’ž33736 75736’ž337360’ž757360’žAngus’žTayside’žKirriemuir’žnone’žnonenpx10xx’žnonenononono=@ź€’žNo excavation records2dnonpnpno’žN Scotland’’’óóóóļļļļėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėēććććććććßß¼°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬Ø¤         š˜–’ŒŒ†€tkd\TG93-!h’?Ą` "h’žNO 32 SW 18’žGreen Hill’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNO 3443 2285’ž33443 72285’ž334430’ž722850’žFife’žFife’žBalmerino’žnone’žnone €’žBronze Age2b’žSE Scotland°°°£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ŸŸ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡{pjd\TG93-!h’@ šNO6’žNO 31 SW 10’žAnnsmuir South’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNO 3017 1115’ž33017 71115’ž330170’ž711150’žFife’žFife’žCollessie’žnone’žnonex15xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noD@Ix4anononononono’žyesxxxxnoxnpxno’ž56°172 15.673 N, 003°072 46.373 W’ž56°172 16.023 N, 003°072 41.163 W’žSE Scotlandno«««««««««««§šoDD@@@>::::::::::::::8420.,'#   żł÷õõóļėēćįŻŪ×ÕÓŃĻĶĖÉĒĆæ»·³Æ«§£ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›—•••‰~xrjbUGA;-' q’Ą’’’½ł’`zh’žNO 29 SE 6’žCraigbeg’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNO 26 93’ž326 793’ž326000’ž793000’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žCrathie and Braemar’žnone’žnonenpx’ž4.5xx’žSmith 1876nononono’žcarved stone ball=@ź€’žNo excavation records2d’žyesnonpnpno’ž49°462 26.843 N, 007°332 12.483 W’ž49°462 24.613 N, 007°332 09.923 W’žSE Scotland|||oD    ŻŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃ¾¾¾¾¾¾ŗ¶²®®®®®¢¢¢¢¢ ž™—““‡rhYQI@60*h’Āƒ`! :h’žNO 24 SW 8’žBeech Hill Cairn’žCoupar Angus’žkerb cairn’žring ditch’žnone’žNO 2201 4040’ž32201 74040’ž322010’ž740400’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žCoupar Angus’žnone’žnonex’ž8.5xxyesyes±@I €’žBronze Age2b’žyesnpyes’ž56°322 56.883 N, 003°162 12.213 W’ž56°322 57.353 N, 003°162 07.023 W’žSE Scotland^^^Q&ūūūūūūõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńģģģģģģģģččŠÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄľ¾¾øøøøøøøøøø¶“Æ­­­§”“ŠwogZLF:. h’@` 8„NO.’žNO 21 SE 20’žCairnfield Muir’žLadybank’žround barrow’žsaucer barrow’žbell barrow’žNO 2992 1114’ž32992 71114’ž329920’ž711140’žFife’žFife’žCollessie’žnone’žnone46x’ž9.6xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĢ@Ix4anononononononoxxxxnoxnpxno’ž56°172 15.213 N, 003°082 00.903 W’ž56°172 15.563 N, 003°072 55.693 W’žSE ScotlandnoÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĄ³ˆ]]YYYWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSQMKIGEA=951-)))%##  żū÷õńļķėéēåćįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·µ°®ŖŖ¤ž“‡wj\O@2( q’Ą’’’½ł’`zr šLVALŠMR2Z€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUID" < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’Ūč LJI±ĘÄóĮh’žNO 89 h’žNO 89 SW 9’žRaedykes South East’žCampstone Hill’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNO 8330 9060’ž38330 79060’ž383300’ž790600’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žFetteresso’žnone’žnone’ž182x’ž12-14xx’žKNC 6’žHenshall 1963’žThom 1980nononononononononono00N@ ź2dnonononono’žyesnoyesno’žSE ScotlandJJJ====999933333333333333333333/*&"žśöņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĻĻĻĄ¹·µ®¬§§”›…vnfYKE?3#h’Ā’,ł "h’žNO 79 SW 8’žThe Nine Stanes’žGarrol Wood; Mulloch Wood’žring cairn’žrecumbent stone circle’žnone’žNO 7233 9122’ž37233 79122’ž372330’ž791220’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žBanchory-Ternan’žDee Valley’žnone’ž245x12xx’žColes 1900nonononononoyesnonono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noµ@ME@=x2d’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpityesx’žSE Scotland²²²„„„„„„„£˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒŠ†}ytpkkkgeYMIGEEC?;731-+'%#! 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żūöń·±Ÿ—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąg ¾h’žNO 99 NW 4’žCairnwell’žKingcausie’žring cairn’žnone’žnone’žNO 9071 9733’ž39071 79733’ž390710’ž797330’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žBanchory-Devenick’žnone’žnoneyesyesž@M €’žBronze Age2b’žyes’ž57°042 01.053 N, 002°092 17.093 W’ž57°042 01.683 N, 002°092 11.293 W’žSE Scotland<<</ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŠŠø¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¦¦¦                š”wh`XK=71%h’@`8D LVALT Barrow is located within Marden Henge. Colt Hoare 1812 : Vol 2 p 6 'From the depth of two or three feet from the summit of the tumulus to the bottom, the men frequently met with 'charred wood, animal bones of red deer, swine, and those of a large bird, as well as two small parcels of burned human bones. Upon the floor of the barrow, we found charred wood scattered over the part that we cleared, and in one place, where there were large quantities of charred wood, we picked up some small pieces of human burned bones' Cunnington, R H 1956 : quotes the text of a letter written by W ’žBarrow is located within Marden Henge. Colt Hoare 1812 : Vol 2 p 6 'From the depth of two or three feet from the summit of the tumulus to the bottom, the men frequently met with 'charred wood, animal bones of red deer, swine, and those of a large bird, as well as two small parcels of burned human bones. Upon the floor of the barrow, we found charred wood scattered over the part that we cleared, and in one place, where there were large quantities of charred wood, we picked up some small pieces of human burned bones' Cunnington, R H 1956 : quotes the text of a letter written by W Cunnington to Colt Hoare after the Hatfield excavation in 1807:  We explored 7 m by 7.3 m of the floor of the barrow and found ashes, charred wood, and some fragments of burnt bones, also two or three small pieces of pottery, but missed the primary interment. The finding [sic] so many stag horns, animal bones, two small parcels of burnt human bones, together with a floor scattered with ashes, charred wood, etc.. So similar to what we discover in tumuli when cremation has been practiced, convinced me& that the Barrow was sepulchral. NB - large quantities of charred wood - timber structure? šLVALŠSaville 1990 - PRE-CAIRN PHASE - P 13 Later Mesolithic flints were scattered throughout the buried soil, esp. toward the western edge of the excavation. There was spatial separation between the Mesolithic and Neolithic material, implying a chronological gap. (p 14) Pre-barrow Neolithic activity was recognized by: (1) a general distribution of Neolithic artefacts in the buried soil (2) a concentration of Neolithic artefacts in one area and (3) several sub-soil features. The distributions of flint, pottery, stone, animal bone and cereals indicates a scatter of generally domestic debris across the area. One area of darker soil was identifie’žSaville 1990 - PRE-CAIRN PHASE - P 13 Later Mesolithic flints were scattered throughout the buried soil, esp. toward the western edge of the excavation. There was spatial separation between the Mesolithic and Neolithic material, implying a chronological gap. (p 14) Pre-barrow Neolithic activity was recognized by: (1) a general distribution of Neolithic artefacts in the buried soil (2) a concentration of Neolithic artefacts in one area and (3) several sub-soil features. The distributions of flint, pottery, stone, animal bone and cereals indicates a scatter of generally domestic debris across the area. One area of darker soil was identified as a 'midden' - artefact concentrations were greater in that area. Three radiocarbon dates relate to the pre-cairn phase: OxA-646, 738, 739 Several features were found that relate to the pre-cairn phase: #402 - a shallow depression probably natural; #437 - a possible decayed timber; #581 , 582 and 598 - possible post/stakeholes. There was also a group of features (hearth and 13 postholes and stakeholes) that may represent a structure. Other features were found outside the cairn revetment so cannot be securely related to pre-cairn activity. A total of 264 potsherds can be attributed to the pre-cairn occupation - mainly Carinated bowlsDčÜKgI;Ē3D\Āh’žh’žNPRN 303952’h’žNPRN 303952’žFfynnon Newydd Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSN 4943 2116’ž24943 22116’ž249430’ž221160’žCarmarthenshire’žCarmarthenshire’žLlanegwad’žnone’žnone60’žESEx9080’žHarding 223’žHarding 1987’žgravel terrace6b’žyesyes’žWalesöööļļļļļļļļéééééééééééééééééééééääääääääąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĀµ±­«¦¢¢œ–‹ziaYL>82+%h’ #NP¹’žNPRN 303002’žCefn Drum’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSN 6136 0453’ž26136 20453’ž261360’ž204530’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žPontardulais’žnone’žnone’ž185npx?’ž5.6nononoyes ?nononononono1’žbetween horns0xx0x0nox’žstone setting’žchambernononono000noü@|x4’žFind C14 datesno’žyes?’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes?xxxxnox’žstone setting’žpityesx’žpitno’ž51°432 20.463 N, 004°002 30.513 W’ž51°432 18.913 N, 004°002 26.303 W’žWalesnoŻ²®©©©§”””””””””œœœœ‹‡…ƒytpkf`\\LJHH<86442.*&" žüśųéēćßŪ×ÓĻÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹“²°¬§§”›‚yqi\N?9(" q’Ą’’’½ū’`~2h’žNPRN 302679’žBenllech’žDrws y nant’žchambered cairn’žmodern agricultural structure’žnone’žSH 51910 82667’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfair’žAnglesey’žnone’žANG 26’žPowell 1969’žLynch 1991H@!ź€’žNot Neolithic2b’ž53°192 12.563 N, 004°132 28.923 W’ž53°192 11.693 N, 004°132 24.623 W’žWalesKKKDīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźźĻĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆ···Ŗ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢œ’ˆ~llll\V7&h|``8›NPI’žNPRN 300835’žGlyn’žCoed y Glyn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSH 51413 81728’ž251413 381728’ž251413’ž381728’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfair’žIsle of Anglesey’žnone’žgentle E-facing slope at edge of limestone terracex14xx’žANG 12’žPowell 1969; Nash 2006’žLynch 1991nononono>@6ź2c’žyesyesnonono’žWales’žLynch 1991’žPowell 1969; Nash 2006€hhhhh\\\\\\UUUUQMIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC>>>>>>>>:::............................*&"śņšīźčč“®œ’ˆvnfWGA;* q’’~Ā  #·NP!’žNPRN 300180’žBryn yr Hen Bobl’žHill of the Old People’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSH 51888 69005’ž251888 369005’ž251888’ž369005’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanddaniel Fab’žAnglesey’žon a terrace bordering the Main Straits, 33 m above high water33npx4030’žANG 8’žLynch 1991yesnononoyes ?’žhazelnutyesyesyes’žbone pin; bone call; stone ball; p in portal stoneorthole5’žoutside terrace0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface? / stone setting’žterrace / forecourtno’žyesnono1’ž20+0’žclayĖ@G’žforecourt4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesx’žterracex’žterracenoxyesxnono’žoccupation area; stone setting; hearth; pitsno’ž53°112 50.773 N, 004°132 07.203 W’ž53°112 49.853 N, 004°132 02.913 W’žWalesno’žyes’žLynch 1991//////####č½¹‹‡ƒ{{{{{{{{{{{{{{yulja_ZUPKFB===;00$ ļŹČÄĀĄ¾¼ŗø§„jd^XND@<822222&&&& ĶĶĆ²Ø–Ž†wgXRA) q’æ?Ā’’’½ł’ą’b•č:MJTČTEØBÆĄh’žNPRN 305389’žClegyr Boia’žnone’ženclosure’žsettlement’žnone’žSM 7373 2509’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žSt Davids’žnone’žSt David's’žVyner 20014@#ź €’žEnclosure2d’ž51°522 42.223 N, 005°172 19.443 W’ž51°522 40.793 N, 005°172 15.763 W’žWalesę»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»·· ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ|vk\MMMM?9-"h|`8“NP.’žNPRN 304344’žCerrig-y-Gof’žCerrig Atgof’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSN 0365 3890’ž20365 23890’ž203650’ž238900’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNewport’žSW Wales’žnone46x12xx’žPEM 4’žNash 2007nonononononoyesnono’žblack sea pebbles00)@"ź4ano’žyes?’žyesno’žyes’žyesnonono’ž52°002 49.483 N, 004°512 45.203 W’ž52°002 48.093 N, 004°512 41.323 W’žWales’žNash 2007······¬¬¬¬¬¬„zOOKKKKGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGC>950*&&&"""’ū÷ńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁĪĪĪĪĒÅĆæ½¹¹³© ‘‚zreWQK3% q’?Ā’,ł :źĢNP’žNPRN 304320’žCoetan Arthur’žCareg Coetan; Coetan Arthur’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSN 0602 3935’ž20603 23935’ž206030’ž239350’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNewport’žSW Wales8’žNW-SExnpnp’žPEM 3nononoyesnonoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žstone setting’žS of chambernononono000no³@4x2c’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žn/anono’ž52°012 07.043 N, 004°492 41.433 W’ž52°012 05.653 N, 004°492 37.543 W’žWalesno           ׬ؤ¤Ÿ——————————————•‘‹‰…€|xsojjjfddXTRPPNJFB>0!  ’łõńėēćßßßßßßßßßŲŌŠĪĒÅÅÅ»²£”Œ„wiZTC& p’??Ą’’’½ł’ą~‚h’žNPRN 304287’žGlandy Cross’žBuarth Arthur; Meini Gwyr’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSN 1417 2658’ž21417 22658’ž214170’ž226580’žCarmarthenshire’žCarmarthenshire’žCilymaenllwyd’žnone’žnoneNW22xx’žDarvill et al 20036b’žyes’žWalesćććÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ××××××××ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓæææææ½»·³³³­§˜‡vnfYKE?8h’ ¹NP|’žNPRN 304144’žTwlc y Filiast’žKennelofthebitchgreyhound; Ebenezer&Arthurs Table’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSN 3381 1618’ž23381 21618’ž233810’ž216180’žCarmarthenshire’žCarmarthenshire’žLlangynog’žnone’žnone’ž124’žNNE-SSWx189’žCRM 6nonononononoyesyesno’žstone pendant3’žchamber; antechamber; forecourt3’žchamberx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono000noĶ@Hx4’žyes ?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnox’žpit; 3 postholes’žpit’žpityesx’žpits; postholes, ground preparationno’žWalesno’žyes--------((($ōōōņģģģģģģģģģēēēāŠĪŹČĘĮæŗµ±¬§£œœœš˜˜Œˆ†„„‚~zuqokieca_]TR1/  üųųųųųųųųųńļėéąŪŪÕĻij¢š’…wqkZ' q’?Ą’’’½ł’`fr+NPŽ’žNPRN 304063’žBedd yr Afanc’žBryn Berian’žlong cairn’žnone’žgallery grave’žSN 1079 3459’ž21079 23459’ž210790’ž234590’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žEglwyswrw’žnone’žnone’ž142’žE-Wx218’žBarker1992nononononononononono00’žflags?é@8€’žNo excavation records2cnonononono’žyes’žgalleryyes’žn/ano’ž51°582 39.073 N, 004°452 22.553 W’ž51°582 37.663 N, 004°452 18.633 W’žWales’žBarker1992ÓÓÓÓÓĒĒĒĒĒĒĄ•jjffaa[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[RRRRRMIEA=99955žüśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśöņīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ¾¹““®ØŽwobTE?3& p’Ā’|ł! :¶ĪčŽˆsś’žSP 01 NE 4a’žHazleton North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 072 188’ž40720 21880’ž407200’ž218800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHazleton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž250’žENE-WSWx5422’žGLO 54’žDarvill 2004’žMeadows et al 2007’žSaville 1984’žSaville et al 1987’žSaville 1989yesyes’žlimestone; Great Oolite series of the Middle Jurassicyesyes’žcereal grainsyesyesyesno0x16+’žpre-cairn surfacex’žsee postholesx0’žpossible’žpre-cairn surface’žMesolithic; Neo occupation layer’žpre-cairn surfacenononono1’ž41+0noS@ķ’žpre-cairn surface1 -’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žyes’žMesolithic & Neolithic occupation’žflint’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žSaville, A. 1990 Hazleton North: the excavation of a Neolithic long cairn of the Cotswold-Severn Group, London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.’žSaville, A. 1989 A Mesolithic flint assemblage from Hazleton, Gloucestershire, England, and its implications. IN BONSALL, C. (Ed.) The Mesolithic in Europe. Edinburgh, John Donald 258-63’žMeadows, J., Barclay, A. & Bayliss, A. 2007 A Short Passage of Time: the Dating of the Hazleton Long Cairn Revisited. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, Supplement S1, 45-64’žSaville, A., Gowlett, J. A. J. & Hedges, R. E. M. 1987 Radiocarbon dates from the chambered tomb at Hazleton: a chronology for Neolithic collective burial. Antiquity, 61, 108-11930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĮ½½S•éääßŪĻĻĻČ„ œš””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚}ytpkffb`MMA=;6640,($ļÜŅŠĪæ½Ŗ¤¢ œ–Š{uo82,, üčččŚŅĪŹČæŗŗ“©Ÿ•„|tg[JD-' q’Ž’’’½ū’ąē¾7LVALŠQQĻQĻQĻQĻAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermi’žAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragmentary state." ’žAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragm’žAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragmentary state." Vulliamy (1921) suggests that the excavation methodology was poor, and it it likely that the bones retrieved from the chamber had been disturbed and likely include later burials.’žCrampton & Webley 1966 - purpose of excavation was to extract information on the prehistoric pollen content from the pre barrow surface. So a trench was cut into the extra-revetment material of the mound. P 73 "As far as can be ascertained, the cairn was constructed upon an unprepared sloping surface." P 74 "The surface vegetation had been burnt and the topsoil trampled before the erection of the cairn. Just like the Pipton cairn, the buried topsoil contains abundant charcoal fragments.’žVulliamy 1929 - no info on ground surface Darvill 2004 - possibly a multi-period monument with a simple passage grave later incorporated into the mound of the long barrow’ž’žAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragmentary state." Vulliamy (1921) suggests that the excavation methodology was poor, and it it likely that the bones retrieved from the chamber had been disturbed and likely include later burials.’žCrampton & Webley 1966 - purpo’žAccording to Nash (2006) the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 "The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragmentary state." Vulliamy (1921) suggests that the excavation methodology was poor, and it it likely that the bones retrieved from the chamber had been disturbed and likely include later burials.’žVulliamy 1929 - no info on ground surface Darvill 2004 - possibly a multi-period monument with a simple passage grave later incorporated into the mound of the long barrow#čMŖIąF D,Ā=Ąh’žNPRN 306960’žTrelystan II’žnoh’žNPRN 306960’žTrelystan II’žnone’žround barrow’žNeolithic pit grave and settlement’žnone’žSJ 2613 0492’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žForden’žnone’žnone’ž370x25xx’žBritnell 1980’žSilurian and Devonian siltstoneyes@T €’žBronze Age2b’žyes’žWalesžžęŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŌ³³³³³³³¤¤¤¤¤¢ œš••‰piiii[U1#h|` h’žNPRN 306959’žTrelystan 1’žnone’žround barrow’žNeolithic settlement’žnone’žSJ 2605 0491’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žForden’žnone’žnone’ž370x28xx’žBritnell 1980’žSilurian and Devonian siltstoneyes@T €’žBronze Age2b’žyes’žWales’’’ųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųóóóóóóóóļļ×ĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖŤ¤¤¤¤¤¤•••••“‘‹††€zraZZZZLF0"h|` NP8’žNPRN 306039’žFfostyll South’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1788 3488’ž31788 23488’ž317880’ž234880’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanelieu’žCotswolds’žnone’ž312’žNNE-SSWx3220’žBRE 4’žDarvill 2004’žVulliamy 1922nonononoyesnoyesyesnono9+2+)@%ź4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpyesno’ž52°002 22.693 N, 003°112 51.703 W’ž52°002 21.223 N, 003°112 47.123 W’žWales’žVulliamy 1922’žDarvill 2004ßŃŃŃŃŃĀĀĀĀĀĀ»eeaaaa[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[WRNJE@;;;777++'################### żłõõõõõęęęŲŃĶÉĒ¾¹¹³Ø†~vi[JD-' q’Ā’,ł :NP8’žNPRN 306038’žFfostyll North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1790 3497’ž31790 23497’ž317900’ž234970’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanelieu’žCotswolds’žnone’ž312’žE-Wx’ž22.5’ž40.5’žBRE 3’žDarvill 2004’žNash 2006nonononoyesnoyesyesnono’ž10+0'@$ź4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpyesno’ž52°002 25.613 N, 003°112 50.733 W’ž52°002 24.143 N, 003°112 46.153 W’žWales’žNash 2006’žDarvill 2004ÕĒĒĒĒĒ¼¼¼¼¼¼µŠ__[[[[UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQLHD?:666222&&$ żłõńńńńńęęęŲŃĖÅĆ¾¹¹³Ø†~vi[JD-' q’Ā’,ł :uNP‰’žNPRN 306025’žLittle Lodge’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1822 3808’ž31822 23808’ž318220’ž238080’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žAberllynfi’žCotswolds’žnone’ž137’žN-Sx5622’žBRE 2’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono05+0noÆ@Tx4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’žWalesno’žVulliamy, C. E. 1929 Excavation of an unrecorded long barrow in Wales Man, 29, 34-36’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill 2004tfffffõ™’’’’ŽŽŽŒ††††††††††††††„€~|zxrmie`[WWWSQQEA?;;951-)'#!  ’ū÷ńķéåįįįįįįįįÓĢČÄĀ½øø²§›‹„|tgYHB+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`b næNPÓ’žNPRN 305991’žTy Isaf’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1819 2905’ž31819 22905’ž318190’ž229050’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’ž211’žN-Sx3116’žBRE 5’žDarvill 2004nono’žOld Red Sandstonenoyesnoyesyesyes’žsandstone pendant; bone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž33+0’žslabs@Tx4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žLateral Chamber 1;’žclay ?’žChamber IIIyesxnono’žWalesno’žDarvill 2004ųźźźźźźźźźźęßßßŪ×××ÕĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĀŗ¦¤¢ ›–’Ž‰„{yymge``^ZVRNLHFB@><:8642 ’łõāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĢÅĮ½»¶±±± –†wobTC=&  q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f†wč7ĪĢ&Ė"K?GœÅ“Bo’žNPRN 92012’žPen y Wyrlod Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2248 3987’ž32248 23987’ž322480’ž239870’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanigon’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž250’žSW-NEx1810’žBRE 1’žDarvill 2004’žVulliamy 1922nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’ž12+ ?0’žirregular paving slabsŃ@Tx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyes’žterminal chambRNPś’žNPRN 92012’žPen y Wyrlod Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2248 3987’ž32248 23987’ž322480’ž239870’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanigon’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž250’žSW-NEx1810’žBRE 1’žDarvill 2004’žVulliamy 1922nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’ž12+ ?0’žirregular paving slabsŃ@Tx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyes’žterminal chamber’ždark soilno’žWalesno’žVulliamy 1922’žDarvill 2004÷÷÷÷÷óģģģ误ŻĖÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆ涓²°¬§£Ÿš•ŽŒŒ€hf__]YSOKIEC?=;97531/+'!  ņņņ䯣ÕÓĢĒĒĮ°¦–‡rdSM60 q’Ā’’’½ł’`f~h’žNPRN 405883’žVaynor Farm Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSN 2468 1418’ž22468 21418’ž224680’ž214180’žCarmarthenshire’žCarmarthenshire’žLlanddowror’žnone’žnone’žNE, SWxx6b’žArchive?’žWalesĀĀĀ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»±­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­«©©”””›•ˆwf^VI;5/("h’ NP^’žNPRN 32563’žMynydd Troed’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSO 1614 2842’ž31614 22842’ž316140’ž228420’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž350’žNNE-SSWx18’ž25.5’žBRE 10yesyes’žOld Red Sandstonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žsurface vegetation burnt’žallsurface vegetation burntxnono000noń@|x4’žyes?no’žyesnono’žyesnp’žallxxxnoxyesx’žground preparationno’žWalesno’žCrampton, C. B. & Webley, D. 1966 A section through the Mynydd Troed long barrow, Brecknock. Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 22, 71-7’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastonīīīīīī}ėėėėēąąąÜČČČĘĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“Æ«¦¢ž™•‹‹{ywwuqmk;6  žųņīźęÓĶĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒæ¹µ³Ŗ„„ŸŽ„tme]PB<6*$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f Āxh’žNPRN 309351’žWalton Green Cursus’žcursus’žSO 2652 5989’ž32652 25989’ž326520’ž259890’žPowys’žRadnorshire’žOld Radnor€’žCursus6d’žWales–––‹‹wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwk^WOG:,,,$$hĖ@ h’žNPRN 307114’žSarn-y-Bryn Caled’žcursus/pit circle’žSJ 219 049’ž32190 30490’ž321900’ž304900’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žWelshpool’žGibson 1992~@&ź€’žCursus6d’žWales¹¹¹²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²®®šŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽve^VNA555""hĖ` h’žNPRN 306967’žDyffryn Lane Henge’žnone’žhenge’žround barrow’žnone’žSJ 20441 01409’ž320441 301409’ž320441’ž301409’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žBerriew’žnone’žnone79’žWNWxx’žHarding 240’žHarding 19876b’žArchive?’žyesyes’žWalesčččįįįįįįįįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪÖÖÖÖÖÖÖĢČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČŗ­«©©¤  š”‹zskcTD>0)#h’{ Ķ LVALŻ Renfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside the chamber were dug after the cairn was constructed, and dug through burnt levels which terminate at the walls of the chamber' Davidson & Henshall 1989 P 152: "The Neolithic deposits in the chamber and SW cell were similar and the excavator recorded ’žRenfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside the chamber were dug after the cairn was constructed, and dug through burnt levels which terminate at the walls of the chamber' Davidson & Henshall 1989 P 152: "The Neolithic deposits in the chamber and SW cell were similar and the excavator recorded five strata...Stratum 1 on the uneven natural bedrock was thin containing little bone but much burnt material and evidence of fires having been lit (absent from the SW cell); stratum 2 was represented by three shallow pits dug through the stratum below and sealed by that above; strata 3 - 5 contained 90% of the bone recovered from the tomb...there was clear evidence of burning in strata 3 and 4...«čŒL‰IąEĮĆh’h’žNPRN 93620’žLlandegai Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žSH 5938 7104’ž25938 37104’ž259380’ž371040’žGwynedd’žCaernarfonshire’žLlandygai’žnone’žLlandegai ritual complex41’žWSW88xx’žHarding 231, 232, 233, 234; Kinnes Fb10’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979’žHoulder 1967’žgravel plainyes6b’žyesyes’žWales>>>77777777111111111111111111111,,,,,,,,((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("ėĀĄ¾ŗµ±±—‘†uld\OA2,%h’ NP’žNPRN 93072’žParc Le Breos Cwm’žParc Cwm Long Cairn’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSS 5373 8982’ž25373 18982’ž253730’ž189820’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žIlston’žCotswolds’žnone15’žN-Sx2213’žGLA 4’žDarvill 2004’žWhittle & Wysocki 1998’žBurrow 2006’žDaniel 1937’žLubbock et al 1887’žLubbock 1870nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žquartz crystals; stalactite pieces0x0xx0x0nox’ž'ritual deposits'’žforecourtnononono0’ž40+0’žcobbledų@*x4nonono’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambersnoxyesx’žritual depositno’žWalesno’žBurrow 2006; Whittle & Wysocki 1998’žDaniel 1937’žLubbock et al 1887’žLubbock 1870’žDarvill 2004“¦¦˜„wRRRRRNGGGC3331++++++++++++++)% žśöööōņņęŻŪÖÖŌŠĢČŦ¤ žœš˜–”’lhb\XRLHD@2ģģģŽ×ÓĻĶČÄľ³« —‡zl[U>) q’ž’’’½ł’`fxĘ6NP–’žNPRN 93’žPipton’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1603 3728’ž31603 23728’ž316030’ž237280’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žBronllys’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž150’žN-Sx3722’žBRE 8’žDarvill 2004nonononoyes’žhazelnutyesyesnono1’žE end of gallery0xx0x0nox’žfoundation deposit’žChamber IIno’žyesnono07+0’žslabb@Wx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnox’žcairnx’žchambers; gallery; forecourtnoxnpx’žpit, ground preparationno’žWalesno’žDarvill 2004üõõõńŲŲŲÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŠĢ®¬„£Ÿš–’ˆ„„„‚€€tnlhhfb^YUI53/-+)'%# ūńėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶĘĀ¾¼·²²¬›‘zrj]O>8! q’Ą’’’½ł’`fžNP’žNPRN 92191’žPen y Wyrlod Long Cairn’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1505 3156’ž31505 23156’ž315050’ž231560’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž260’žNW-SEx6025’žBRE 14’žDarvill 2004’žSavory 1973nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žmusical instrument?; sandstone disc1’žportal0xx0x0’žyes?’žportal’žpre-cairn structure?’žportalyesnonono02+0’žslab9@Wx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žvariousxx’žpassage; Lateral Chambers NE I, II and IInoxyesx’žstructure?; pit; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žWalesno’žyes?’žSavory 1973’žDarvill 2004qqqqqdd^^^ZSSSL)))'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!šīģćߌÖŅĶČĆĆĆĮææ³­«§§„”™“‹umgeca_][SQ,(" óóóåŻŁÕÓĢĒĒĮ°¦–‡rdSM60 q’Ā’’’½ł’`f  č%‹s’žTAT’žTA 17 SW 20’žGrindale Barrow 1’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1489 7043’ž51489 47043’ž514890’ž470430’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGrindale’žnone’žnone’žon a level wold top, flanking a dry valley84x25xx’ž BDa2’žKinnes 1979’žManby 1973nono’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0’žtimber structure’žinner ditch’žNeo flints and pottery on OGS’žwest of central pitnononono000noˆ"Žź_x1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žtimber structureyesxno’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žManby, T. G. 1980 Excavation of barrows at Grindale and Boynton, East Yorkshire, 1972. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 52, 19-47’žManby, T. G. 1973 The Yorkshire Archaeological Register: Grindale, E.R. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 45, 199’žPastscape; www.pastscape.orgnp’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĮ^ZZZ<ĒA<<73((($ żżżżżżųųųųųųųöņšīģźåąÜŲÓĻĖĖĖÉĒĒ»·µ³³±­©„”Œm`NLJHFDB973/)#žžžžžņņņåŽÜŚÖŌŠ¤ž˜ŽumeXJD>0* q’’Ā’’’½ł’@šēž«čėJēJóGĮÅh’žNPRN 93836’žCastell Bryn Gwyn Henge’žnone’žhenge’ždefended enclosure’žnone’žSH 46528 67061’ž246528 367061’ž246528’ž367061’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanidan’žAnglesey’žnoneSW56xx’žHarding 230’žHarding 1987’žLynch 19916b’žyes’žyes’ž53°102 42.443 N, 004°172 52.443 W’ž53°102 41.523 N, 004°172 48.193 W’žWalesQQQJōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōļźźźźźźźźęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęꌌŚĢæ½»·³³³­£™}um^NH4-'h’~8o’žNPRN 93834’žTy Newydd’žnone’žchambered cairn’žburial chamber’žpassage grave?’žSH 34422 73863’ž234422 373863’ž234422’ž373863’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfaelog’žAnglesey’žnone37x’ž32 ?xx’žANG 3’žLynch 1991nonononononoyesyesyes’ž3 beach pebbles;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno100’žblack earth@Y’žchamber entrh’žh’žNPRN 93836’žCastell Bryn Gwyn Henge’žnone’žhenge’ždefended enclosure’žnone’žSH 46528 67061’ž246528 367061’ž246528’ž367061’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanidan’žAnglesey’žnoneSW56xx’žHarding 230’žHarding 1987’žLynch 19916b’žyes’žyes’ž53°102 42.443 N, 004°172 52.443 W’ž53°102 41.523 N, 004°172 48.193 W’žWalesQQQJōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōļźźźźźźźźęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęꌌŚĢæ½»·³³³­£™}um^NH4-'h’~8»NP%’žNPRN 93834’žTy Newydd’žnone’žchambered cairn’žburial chamber’žpassage grave?’žSH 34422 73863’ž234422 373863’ž234422’ž373863’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfaelog’žAnglesey37x’ž32 ?xx’žANG 3’žLynch 1991nonononononoyesyesyes’ž3 beach pebbles;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno100’žblack earth@O’žchamber entrance4nono’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žblack earth layeryes’žchamber’žhearth; dark soilno’žWalesno’žLynch 1991’’’’’’óóóóóļčččäŃŃŃČĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀÆ­© žœš•‹†}yyyweeYLJHHFB<842.,(&$" śōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜŠŠŠŠÉĒÅæ½¹¹¹Æ£™‡whXH8'! q’??Ā’’’½ł’`f"8rNP!’žNPRN 93827’žBryn Celli Ddu’žLlwyn Llwyd’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSH 50761 70185’ž250761 370185’ž250761’ž370185’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanddaniel Fab’žAnglesey’žon a low ridge of glacial moraine33x48xx’žHarding 229; Kinnes Fb9’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979’žHemp 1931’žO'Kelly 1969’žLynch 1991nono’žridge of glacial morainenoyes’žhazel woodnoyesno’ždecorated stone; stone bead; red jasper5’žcentre (Phase 1); entrance; outer passage;Phase 1 inner circle5’žentrancex0x0nox’žstanding stone; stone bench; ditched enclosure?’žchamberyesnonono2+01’žslab ? / small paving stones›@M’žforecourt4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žcentral pit; Phase 1 ditch; purple clay floorxx’žchamber / passage’žclay ?/ purple clay’žforecourt / Phase 1 stone circleyesxnono’žpostholes, hearths, pitsno’ž53°122 27.793 N, 004°142 09.873 W’ž53°122 26.883 N, 004°142 05.593 W’žWales’žstanding stone’žyes’žO'Kelly 1969’žLynch 1991’žHemp 1931’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979 śīąąŪŪŪĖÄ™njPLHF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ öōņĆæŗµ°«¦”””Ÿ””ˆjhffb^ZVPG  žüŗø‹…uokQMIII=/$$$ šīģčęāæ浤šˆ€xiYJD3& q’æĪ’’’½ł’ą:q 聋sÓ,’žSK 05 SE 15’žGrub Low’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 0804 5254’ž40804 35254’ž408040’ž352540’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWaterhouses’žPeak District’žnonexx109’ž ACd2’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono011noģ@x1nono’žyesnononono’žallxxxnoxnoxnono’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland ( p 147-148’žBarnatt, J. 1996 A multiphased barrow at Liff's Low, near Biggin, Derbyshire. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications 95-136’ž211’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum}D««««§–––’ŽŽŽŒˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ†‚€~|wsokgb^ZZZXVVJFDBB@<84.,(&"  üųōšģčččččŪŪŪĪĒÅĮæ½½½·Ø›‚skcVH;5'! q’~Ā’’’½ł’`fŒwč3JńFµDAr’žNPk’žNPRN ³NPk’žNPRN 94594’žCefn Bryn’žNicholaston’žchambered cairn’žnone’žCotswold-Severn, long’žSS 5076 8878’ž25076 18878’ž250760’ž188780’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žIlston’žCotswolds’žnone’ž107’žNE-SWx’ž36.6’ž20.1’žGLA 11’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992nono’žUpper Limestone Shalesnonononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žpavementx4anono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’ž51°342 41.223 N, 004°092 18.353 W’ž51°342 39.613 N, 004°092 14.223 W’žWalesno’žWilliams, A. 1940 A megalithic tomb at Nicholaston, Gower, Glamorgan Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 6, 178-181’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992©ŽŽŽŽŽŽŻ²®ŖŖŖØ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ œ“‘‰„€|wsoookiii_][[YUQMIGCA=;97531/-)%!łõńńńńńńńńÖĪČĀĄ¹““®£›‡wj\E?.! q’Ą’’’ł’`~6/NP.’žNPRN 94571’žPenmaen Burrows’žPen-Maen Burrows’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSS 5315 8810’ž25315 18810’ž253150’ž188100’žWest Glamorgan’žIlston’žPen-maen’žCotswolds46npxnpnp’žGLA 5’žDarvill 2004’žNash 2006nononono?@4anoyesnonono’žWales’žNash 2006’žDarvill 2004G99999......''''#   żłõńńńńńęęęŲŃĶÉĒĆæææ“Ŗ¢’Š‚ugVP9' q’?Ā  #f6NPK’žNPRN 94510’žTinkinswood’žSt Nicholas’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 0921 7330’ž30921 17330’ž309210’ž173300’žVale of Glamorgan’žGlamorgan’žSt Nicholas and Bonvilston’žCotswolds’žnone75’žENE-WSWx40’ž17.5’žGLA 9’žDarvill 2004’žWard 1916nono’žTriassic formationnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žstone rows (3)’žNW corner of moundno’žyesnono0’ž50+0noB@[x4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žchamberxxnoxyesxno’žstone rows; ground preparationno’žWales’žstone rows(3)’žWard 1916’žDarvill 2004M?????44444%śśöōīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģčęäŪŁŌĻĖĒĀ½¹¹¹·µµ©„£žžœ˜”‹wgea_][YWUSQGC=73-)     ōķēćįŲŌŌĪƧœ‰yl^MG0# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąf& NP*’žNPRN 94129’žCarreg Sampson’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žround cairn?’žSM 8483 3350’ž18483 23350’ž184830’ž233500’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žMathry’žsouth west Wales’žnone’ž"on gently sloping land at the head of a narrow creek running down to a sheltered inlet"42’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknown’žPEM 18nono’žOrdovician - white conglomerates and grits of the Arenig seriesnoyesnoyesyesnono1’žall0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; Mesolithic site on next field’žallnononono000’žyellow clayÉ@Ux4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchamber’žslate paving’žchamberyesxnono’žMesolithic flint; Mesolithic site nearby’žflint’ž51°572 29.843 N, 005°072 58.763 W’ž51°572 28.443 N, 005°072 55.003 W’žWalesno’žLynch, F. 1975 Excavations at Carreg Sampson megalithic tomb, Mathry, Pembrokeshire. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 124, 15-35’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru’žBarker, C. T. 1992 The chambered tombs of south-west Wales : a re-assessment of the Neolithic burial monuments of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, Oxford, OxbowŲŲŲŲŲ2‘ ß“­ƒ{yssssssssssssssj\SQOMID@<73...,**   ’ūöĮ滹·µ³±ÆŖؤ š”Š†EA=========5,#!ŗ“¢š‹|tl_QC=,& q’’?Ą’’’½ł’ąB! č1ŠsL’žNPRN 98’žGwernvale’žCrickhowell’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2111 1921’ž32111 21921’ž321110’ž219210’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žCrickhowell’žCotswolds’žnone’žon level ground on a sand and gravel terrace76’žESE-WNWx45’žBRE 7’žDarvill 2004’žBritnell 1979noyes’žsand and gravel terraceyesyes’žyesyesyesyes’žquern fragments78’žbeneath cairnnumerous’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtx10’žnear timber structure0’žyes - two’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourt’žMesolithic; Neolithic occupation layer’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtno’žpossibleno’žyes000no7@5x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesx’žall’žcharred cereal grainsxnoxx’žMesolithic and Neolithic occupation’žflint; activity’žWalesno’žyes’žyes’žBritnell, W. & Savory, H. 1984 Gwernvale and Penywyrlod: two Neolithic Long Cairns in the Black Mountains of Brecknock, Cardiff, Cambrian Archaeological Association’žBritnell, W. 1979 The Gwernvale Long Cairn, Powys. Antiquity, 53, 132-34’žBritnell, W. 1980 Radiocarbon dates from the Gwernvale chambered tomb, Crickhowell, Powys. Antiquity, 54, 1470’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŚ‚€€€Ć õŠŠŠĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĢČĘÆŖØØ£Ÿ›–‘‹‰‰}ywuusnj`\6čŻŪÄĄ¾˜ˆyud^XRMGA("śśöōėē¹³Ø›‹„|tgYHB+ q’’oĀ’’’½łż@ęž'LVALcČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# F¦½č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖōčļKėK±F Co’žNPRN 95529’žPant y Saer’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSH 50971 82401’ž250971 382401’ž250971’ž382401’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfair-Mathafarn-eithaf’žAnglesey’žnone99xx1815’žANG 13’žLynch 1991nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesyesyes’žantler point; incised pebble; iron pyrite2’žcentral (forms the chamber); forecourt0xx0x0nox’žstone setting; subterranean chamber’žchamberyes’žyesnono0540’žclay?{@`€’žsubterranean cr’žNPcr’žNPc’žNPRN 95529’žPant y Saer’žnone’žchambr’žNPc’žNPRN 95529’žPant y Saer’žn†NPc’žNPRN 95529’žPant y Saer’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSH 50971 82401’ž250971 382401’ž250971’ž382401’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfair-Mathafarn-eithaf’žAnglesey99xx1815’žANG 13’žLynch 1991nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesyesyes’žantler point; incised pebble; iron pyrite2’žcentral (forms the chamber); forecourt0xx0x0nox’žstone setting; subterranean chamber’žchamberyes’žyesnono0540’žclay?{@‡x4no’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žpassage; forecourt’žallx’žchamber’žclay?’žforecourt’žclay floor ?’žclay floor ?yesx’žfire; ground preparation; pit; stone settingno’žWalesno’žLynch 1991²²²²²²¦¦¦¦¦¢›››—iiigaaaaaaaaaSSSSE:3*(# ūöńķķķėééŻÖŌŠŠĪŹĘĮ»²‹‡…ƒ}{SQ&  óļėėėėėßßßß×ÓĻĶĖĒĒĒ½¢˜†~vgW@:)# q’??Ā’’’½ł’`f"ņNP2’žNPRN 95422’žDyffryn Ardudwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSH 5886 2284’ž25886 32284’ž258860’ž322840’žGwynedd’žMerioneth’žDyffryn Ardudwy.’žnone50’žSW-NEx2815’žMER 3yesyes’žLlanbedr slatenononoyesyesno’žstone pendants (2)2’žforecourt of W chamber; E end of E chamber1?’žpit/posthole - E end of E chamberx0x0nox’žE chamber floor had been dug out’žE chamberno’žground 'cleaned'?yesno001’žnatural flat slab„@…x4’žyesnononono’žyes’žyes ?xxx’žwestern chambernoxno’žeastern chambernono’žpit, posthole/stoneholeno’ž52°472 04.833 N, 004°052 38.893 W’ž52°472 03.733 N, 004°052 34.603 W’žWalesno’žyes’žPowell, T. G. E. 1973 Excavation of the megalithic chambered cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy, Merioneth, Wales. Archaeologia, 104, 1-49’žPowell, T. G. E. 1963 The Chambered Cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy. Antiquity, 37, 19-24’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol CymruEEEEE¤NŹÅÅÅĮŗd`GC?.**************($ żłõńģģģźččÜÉĒÅÅĆ湦¢—usomkigD@žśōīźęāŅĢĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘæ»·µ®ŖŖŖ¤’‡~vnaSD>-' q’??Ą’’’½ł’ąo»NP’žNPRN 94722’žCapel Garmon’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žCotswold-Severn, long ?’žSH 8180 5432’ž28180 35432’ž281800’ž354320’žConwy’žDenbighshire’žBro Garmon’žnone’žnone’žon a highland terrace with a commanding view of the 'whole eastern sweep of Snowdonia'; near a small rock outdrop’ž264’žE-Wx2712’žDEN 3nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žpassage (2); S of western chamber (3)3’žpassage (1); W chamber (2);x0x0nox’žfoundation deposit?’žS of western chamberyes’žyesnono100’žyellow clayFd¾Ś’žpassage4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žpassage’žcairnx’žallnox’žpostholes; pits’žpitsyesx’žpostholes; 3 pits; ground preparationno’ž53°042 22.943 N, 003°452 56.373 W’ž53°042 21.953 N, 003°452 51.903 W’žWalesno’žyes į¶²ŠŠŠˆ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚|kkkie`^WNID@;62---+"" ’ūöšŚÅĆæ½»¹·š˜qokga[WQMIEAAAAAAAAA:620+&²¬¦šŒ…}uhZA;*$ q’’?Ą’’’½ł’ `~bŸLVALÆGreenwell 1877 - no information Mortimer 1905: p 334-5: A cluster of three large pits at the west end of the mound (Mortimer refers to them as  graves but no interments found). PIT #1  a large lump of  foreign black flint found, no dimensions or description of pit fill given; PIT #2 : diam 3.3 m; depth  3.6 m -  filled, to within about 0.6 m of the top, with the broken chalk such as would be obtained in making it, on the top of which was chalk grit mixed with soil. Several ox bones were found mixed with the broken chalk. PIT # 3  L: 2.3m; W: 2 m; D: 1.8m. Fill consisted of broken chalk mixed with  ferrugionous soil.  At about 30 cm from the bottom of this grave, in separate places, were portions of the upper jaw of a dog...also pieces of animal bone.  A thin stratum of dark coloured matter rested on the floor . Also on the floor ’žGreenwell 1877 - no information Mortimer 1905: p 334-5: A cluster of three large pits at the west end of the mound (Mortimer refers to them as  graves but no interments found). PIT #1  a large lump of  foreign black flint found, no dimensions or description of pit fill given; PIT #2 : diam 3.3 m; depth  3.6 m -  filled, to within about 0.6 m of the top, with the broken chalk such as would be obtained in making it, on the top of which was chalk grit mixed with soil. Several ox bones were found mixed with the broken chalk. PIT # 3  L: 2.3m; W: 2 m; D: 1.8m. Fill consisted of broken chalk mixed with  ferrugionous soil.  At about 30 cm from the bottom of this grave, in separate places, were portions of the upper jaw of a dog...also pieces of animal bone.  A thin stratum of dark coloured matter rested on the floor . Also on the floor were pieces of burnt wood, pottery sherds and the upper jaw of a large dog. TRENCH  L 4.9m ; W .9m; D .76m.  connected the three large pits. Contained 2 animal bones  no further description of fill. Two more pits were located on the axial line of the barrow; between Pit 1 and Pit 4  at a depth of about 25 cm (probably the original land surface) was a considerable area covered with wood ashes . PIT #4  located about 7.6m east of Pit#1; L 1.8m; W 1.4m; D .76m. Filled with gritty chalk mixed with soil; contained cremated human remains, and some unburnt bones of another individual. A thin covering of dark matter and wood ash was found at the bottom of the pit. PIT # 5  no dimensions provided; traces of burning in the upper portion; dark matter and burnt wood at the bottom; fill contained 2 small pieces of burnt bone and a flint flake. Ashbee 1984 - suggest pits may have held posts for pitched mortuary structureRčÅLI—EhArL’žNPRN 98’žGwernvale’žCr]L’žNPRN 98’žGwernvale’žCrickhowell’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2111 1921’ž32111 21921’ž321110’ž219210’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žCrickhowell’žCotswolds’žnone’žon level ground on a sand and gravel terrace76’žESE-WNWx45’žBRE 7’žDarvill 2004’žBritnell 1979noyes’žsand and gravel terraceyesyes’žyesyesyesyes’žquern fragments78’žbeneath cairnnumerous’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtx10’žnear timber structure0’žyes - two’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourt’žMesolithic; Neolithic occupation layer’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtno’žpossibleno’žyes000no0@fx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesx’žall’žcharred cereal grainsxnoxx’žMesolithic and Neolithic occupation’žflint; activity’žWalesno’žyes’žyes’žBritnell 19790’žDarvill 2004:,**** õŠŠŠĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĢČĘÆŖØØ£Ÿ›–‘‹‰‰}ywuusnj`\6čŻŪÄĄ¾˜ˆyud^XRMGA("śśöōėē¹³Ø›‹„|tgYHB+ q’’oĀ’’’½łż@ęŠ's’žNPRN 95545’žBarclodiad y Gawres’žThe Giantess's Apronful’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, round’žSH 32895 70723’ž232895 370723’ž232895’ž370723’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žAberffraw’žAnglesey19x27xx’žANG 4’žLynch 1991yesyes’žMona Complexnononoyesnono’ždecorated stones; bone pin; shale pebbles;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno102no’„N,’žcentral chamber4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnoxxxxnox’žhearthyes’žS chamber; W chamber’žhearthno’ž53°122 26.043 N, 004°302 12.983 W’ž53°122 25.143 N, 004°302 08.823 W’žWalesno’žLynch 19910wwuuuuiiiiie^3üüüęąąąąąąąąąąąąąŲÖŅŠĪĢŹĘĮ¼·²®©©©§––Š†„‚‚€|vrnlhfb`^\ZXVTR&" žųņņņņņęęęę߯Ū×ÕŃŃŃĒ¼² ˜q[UD+ q’??Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆ+©NP’žNPRN 95535’žTrefignath’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žlong grave’žSH 25858 80546’ž225858 380546’ž225858’ž380546’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žTrearddur’žAnglesey / HolyHead Island’žon a rocky ridge19npx’žunknown’žunknown’žANG 1’žLynch 1991’žSmith 1981yesyesyesnonoyesyesno’žsandstone disc1’žbeneath the east chamber4’žcentral chamber (pre-cairn)x’žarc’žbeneath the east chamber0nox’žoccupation debris; cultivation (pollen)’žwestern chamber (primary cmonument)nonono’žyesno00no‹ĪŚx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxx’žpollen evidencexnoxyesxnono’žartefact scatter; timber posts; cultivationno’žWalesno’žyes’žyes’žSmith 1981’žLynch 1991ĶĶĶĶĶĮµµ°°«§   œokge______________]YWFDB=840+'###!   žśöŃئ¢ †b`FD40*$     žņņņņėāŁ×ÓĻ½½”–Œzrj[K?9(" q’æ?Ęž’’½ł’ąēb©NP?’žNPRN 95532’žLligwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žburial chamber’žsub-megalithic’žSH 50136 86039’ž250136 386039’ž250136’ž386039’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žMoelfre’žAnglesey’žin undulating landscape with extensive views63npnpnpnp’žANG 14’žLynch 1991nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin1’žcentral (forms the chamber)0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchambernonoyesno0’ž15-300’žshellE@ˆx4no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žrock-cut pit forms chamberyes’žchamberno’žpitno’žWalesno’žLynch 1991FFFFFF:::::6///+&&"÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õńčęäāŻŲÓĻĖĘĀĀĀĄ¾¾²«©¢¢ œ–’Ž…omigeca_]?=3/)#      żżżżõńķéåį³³© –„|teUE5$ q’æ?Ā’’’½ł’@ąf‚Ī 莊s„’žSE 96 NE 14’žHelperthorpe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9631 6792’ž49631 46792’ž496310’ž467920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žE-W’žn/a29’ž14.6’žSE 15’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963’žAshbee 1970nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žW end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)5?’žpits/postholes - W end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)x0x0’žtimber structure?x’žtrench’žW end of moundnonoyesno00’žyes’žashQ@`x1nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žbetween pit 1 and pit 4noxno’žPits 3, 4 and 5nono’žN Englandno’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 53, 489)’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 333-335)’žAshbee, P. 1984 The Earthen Long Barrow in Britain (2nd Edition), Norwich, Geo Books19’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum›———?Åxsssoddd`\\\KGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEA(&$" ’’żūūļźåććįŻ×ÓĻæ·µ¢ žœš[W)'# żłłłłģąąąÓĢĘĀ½øøø²”˜~vnaS>8+% q’~Ę’’’½ż’`fž:LVALJ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż™`,Fß FormHeaderēx ¢!œo>#F½W²ƒ¹ź‘’d25ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6„a<b–vc,įd#e%¼žĢ6]Ü Flint #_LabelŻ  #Ž" @Calibriä  DetachedLabelå Flint___Labelźx n³Ļ’>¢«G™gÉŃ`/Ę Ē Č É‚J„K<LMżd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Įa8b–Ąc,d# ģģģžĢ???Ü  Flint Type_LabelŻ Stone TypeŽ" @Calibriä  DetachedLabelå  Flint_Type_Labelźx »e¼Óį}>DˆµĒĶ1¹|Ę Ē Č É‚JĮK8LMFż˜`,ß  Detailēx -9HĀŪC£©|Ą~Ÿµ ;ļļļ’m J2˜7ŸU;ˆF{`6Ŗab–c,’e¦ø i# j%¼’’’Ü Flint #Ż Flint #õ Flint__śx ČGyōkĄB—a€”÷†\1Ę Ē Č É +’’’’.JŖ/K0L°1Mżo0\5ŸUD{bš c6Łde–Žf,’h¦ø l# m%¼nž’’’¾x rœ&ą†1N½7ŽÅ5v»Ü Flint TypeŻ Flint TypeŽ] Value Listß[ Ų"Neolithic";"Mesolithic";"flakes";"pitchstone";"bloodstone";"knapping debris";"blade";"microblade";"scraper"ą 1440÷ Flint_TypeĘ Ē Č É 2’’’’6JŁ7K8Lg 9Mżš`,œļļļß FormFooterēx ś˜fź*('Kž ŚŠSawŪż“ LVAL£ Greenwell 1877  p 142-5: : A trench, 4.9 m in length and was found  cut into the chalk , on the east side of the mound. Its fill consisted mainly of burnt earth, burnt chalk, charcoal and potsherds. .  Midway along this trench was a row of large blocks of flint, lying close together and 46 cm above the bottom, having underneath them a considerable number of potsherds. (Kinnes 1979 defines the trench as a 'faēade trench' and identifies the potsherds as Grimston.) The earth surrounding the trench showed no sign of burning, so the burnt material was likely brought from elsewhere. PIT 1  An extension at the SW end of the trench 1.8 ’žGreenwell 1877  p 142-5: : A trench, 4.9 m in length and was found  cut into the chalk , on the east side of the mound. Its fill consisted mainly of burnt earth, burnt chalk, charcoal and potsherds. .  Midway along this trench was a row of large blocks of flint, lying close together and 46 cm above the bottom, having underneath them a considerable number of potsherds. (Kinnes 1979 defines the trench as a 'faēade trench' and identifies the potsherds as Grimston.) The earth surrounding the trench showed no sign of burning, so the burnt material was likely brought from elsewhere. PIT 1  An extension at the SW end of the trench 1.8 m long x 1.8 m wide x 20 cm deep filled with burnt earth and charcoal  which indeed rose above the natural surface as high as the present surface of the barrow. Again,  the burning did not appear to have taken place on the spot. Near this hollow lay a partially burnt oak log. PIT 2 - Located 4.9 m SE of centre; .6 m long x .3 m wide x .5 m deep.; filled with burnt earth  having amongst it very few burnt bones, apparently animal. INHUMATION: At the centre of the mound was a crouched inhumation, lying  at the level of the natural surface, but the chalk had been removed below it to a depth of 46 cm, the hollow thus produced having been filled in with stiff clayey soil.  šLVALŠThurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than abov’žThurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than above. The bones were nearly all those of animals likely to have been used for food& .Beneath the black stratum, the chalk rubble& & extended to a depth of 2 feet and in this were found [human remains]." PIGGOTT 1962: p 11 "On the old ground surface beneath the barrow were a number of sherds of Windmill Hill ware" P 23 "The burials had normally been laid on the old land surface, which consisted of a thick chocolate coloured layer of soil overlying the chalk& " P 29-30 attributes the 'black layer' found above the burials to re-deposited occupation soil. Bayliss 2007 - 25 radiocarbon dates - not yet included hereLVAL“F¤Mortimer 1905, p 18: '..we reached the centre [of the mound] and found only the shoulder blades of an ox or a deer, and a few bones of a smaller animal, mixed with wood ashes, lying on the old surface line& .[6 or 8 feet east of the centre] we came upon a brecciated material composed chiefly of chalk, mixed with wood ashes and sandy soil, and in places with what was thought might be the traces of bones. ..[the mass] measured 10 feet in length and 5 feet in width& 2 1/2 feet thick. It was quite apparent that fire had been an active agent in its formation, as the soil all around it was reddened by intense heat and blackened with burnt matter. .. We carefully broke this breccia to pieces and at the east end found a cylindrical bead..made from a leg bone of a small animal& Near the same place were calcined bones and much charcoal from which was picked a partly-burned human lower jaw. .. After the whole of the brecciated mass had been removed, we observed under it the residue of a large fire, from which& we took the lower jaw-bones of three adults, and a thigh bone.' Brewster: 1965 -  ditches 4 feet deep on the north and south sides [contained] ox bones, flint artifacts, charcoal and Neolithic sherds.  At the eastern end was an outcurved faēade bedding trench with round terminals, and a 1.5m deep cremation pit in the centre partly lined with horizontally laid chalk slabs with upright spacers. The contents of this cremation pit were vertical blocks of charcoal, bone ash, red ash, sherds and fused flint& .Traces of fused flint and bone cremation deposit reported in 1863 were found in situ to the west of this pit. & .Within the mound was a 1.2m deep pit, a hearth, scattered burnt and unburnt bone and pockets of charcoal. Part of the cremation area was paved, and near the western end were the remains of a shallow ditch across the mound and a deep grave containing an inhumation with an amber bead. Pit, grave, hearth found in the mound. - BA round barrow over W end of long barrow Schulting (2000) notesQčīKźKhGŠÅiBo’žNR 64 SE 14’žBeacharra’žBeacharr’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 6926 4334’ž16926 64334’ž169260’ž643340’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKillean and Kilchenzie’žKintyre’žnone76’žNNE-SSWx2115’žARG 27’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnoóL’žNR 64 SE 14’žBeacharra’žBeacharr’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 6926 4334’ž16926 64334’ž169260’ž643340’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKillean and Kilchenzie’žKintyre’žnone76’žNNE-SSWx2115’žARG 27’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noS@hx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?xxxxnoxnp’žchambersno’žyes?’ždark soilno’ž55°372 43.563 N, 005°402 00.823 W’ž55°372 43.743 N, 005°392 56.893 W’žSW Scotlandno’žSheridan 2000’žRitchie 1997’ž100’žHenshall 1972rc^^^PAAAAA=0ŚÖĖÅĮ·³³³³³³³³³³³³³³±­«©§„Ÿš–’‰………ƒuqommkga]YWSQMKIGECA?=95/)%!ōōōåŻŁÕÓŹĘĘĄ·Ÿ’yqdVC=," q’Ę’’’½ł’ą˜gh’žNR 36 SW 4’žNewton’žnone’žbarrow’žEnclosure’žnone’žNR 341 628’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKillarow and Kilmeny’žIslay’žnoneŸ@` €’žsettlement2d’žSW Scotland···ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ¦¦Ž‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚|u_RAAAA5/$h|` ŽB’žNR 34 NW 6’žCragabus’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 3292 4518’ž13292 64518’ž132920’ž645180’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKildalton and Oa’žIslay’žnone’žENE-WSWxnpnp’žILY 3’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’ž3 m to NE of cairnnonoyesno000noŗ@`x4no’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchambersnono’ždark soilno’ž55°372 36.003 N, 006°142 39.503 W’ž55°372 36.203 N, 006°142 35.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (pp 110-111; 172-173)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press10’žHenshall 1972~zzzz2222.!öĖĒ¼ø“Ŗ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢žœš˜–’‰„€{wwwussgca__]YSOK7'%!ūõńėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĢÅĮ½»²²²¬„“†umeXJ=7&  q’~Ą’’’½ł’ąŒoą ’žNR 25 NW 1’žPort Charlotte’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 2482 5761’ž12482 65761’ž124820’ž657610’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilchoman’žIslay’žnone’žon the raised beach on the Rhinns Peninsulanp’žNNE-SSWx2222’žILY 1’žHenshall 1972’žPierpoint and Harrington 1976’žPierpoint and Harrington 1978’žBryce 1902’žRitchie 1997nononoyesyes’žyesyesyesnono2’žchamber; front of entrance0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone; occupation layer’žrear of cairnnononono1??’žslabW@ą’žchamber 24??’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’žoccupation area; standing stoneno’žSW Scotland’žstanding stone’žyes’žPierpoint and Harrington 1978’žBryce 1902’žRitchie 1997’žPierpoint and Harrington 197610’žHenshall 1972 ėŻŃ²²²²­Œkgca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUKIGEA<73.,***(  żłõęÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶“²–”Œ†€{uokgccUI*   üõńķėāŽ±«¤™Œ{sk^PC=,& q’’Ž’’’½ł’ąēų† č–‹sʚ’žSE 97 NW 1’žHeslerton-on-the-Wolds’žMonument #64841’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9488 7537’ž49488 47537’ž494880’ž475370’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonex24xx’žBa4’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 146nonononononoyesyesno’žclay bead; bone point3’ž2 central ; 1 SSE of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0160noˆ@kx1no’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’ž2 pits; 15 inhumations’žSSE - oval pit and skullxnono’žN Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland (p 230-231)’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 145-146)’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumh³   ’’’’’’ååĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖĒÅĆĮæ»·³Æ«¦¢¢¢ žž’ŽŒˆˆ†‚~zvtpnjhfdb`^A?($ ąąąąÓĪĢŹĘÄÄľø®„”Œ„wiSM?. q’~Ä’’’½ł’@AfŒĒ čĶÆIŻEÅĆ"@LNR £=’žNR 79 SE 8’žGartnagreanoch’žKnapdale’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, ?long’žNR 7899 9037’ž17899 69037’ž178990’ž690370’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Knapdale’žnone’žnone61npx109’žARG 25’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noL@Dģx4anonononono’žyesxxxxnoxxno’žSW Scotland’žCraw, J. H. 1930 Excavations at Dunadd and at other sites on the Poltalloch Estates, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 111-46’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž100’žHenshall 1972®Ÿšššš3‘‘‘‘‘„„„„€€€~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|xvtrppkgc_[WWWSQQEA?==;73/+)%# ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēŲŠĪŹČÄĄĄŗ“¤—†~vi[GA0& q’Ą’’’½łż@"Œwh’žNR 78 NE 9’žGariob’žGariob Cottage’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNR 7801 8910’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Knapdale’žnone’žnonenpx8xxnonononononononononono00"€’žNo information on ground surface €’žkerb cairn2dnono’žyes’žyesnonono’žSW Scotland777****************************&"   šĀĀĄ¾¾¾¾ŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¶²®Ŗ¦¢žš–’’’’’’’’’’ŽŒŠ††€zj]LLLL>82&h|Ą’@lł ŻNR 74 SE 1’žBrackley’žCarragh An Talaidh’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 7937 4187’ž17937 64187’ž179370’ž641870’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žSaddell and Skipness’žKintyre’žnone27’žunknownx’ž8.5’ž8.5’žARG 28’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1952, 1953’žAnon 1972nono’žplatform of water laid sands, clays and gravelsnononoyesyesnono2’žs end of mound; chamber0xx0x0nox’žtimber post (burnt oak)’žentrance to chamberno’žyes?nono01+0noß@h*@ =x4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žchamberxxnoxyesxnono’žpits; timber postno’ž55°372 12.993 N, 005°302 19.663 W’ž55°372 13.163 N, 005°302 15.643 W’žSW Scotland’žtimber post’žAnon 1972’žScott 1952, 1953āāāŠÅÅÅÅÅø«€UQ>:64..............,(&$ žśśśųöźŽŚŲŌŌŅĪŹÄĄ«’ŒŠˆ†„‚€fd`\VPLHD    īīīß×ŅĶĖĀ¾¾øƙŒ{sk^PC=,o’Ę’’’żł’ą­NR 72 NE 6’žArdnacross II’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 7680 2598’ž17680 62598’ž176800’ž625980’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCampbelltown’žKintyre’žKilmartin13’žNE-SWx’ž24.517’žARG 35’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1972’žScott 1958nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono00’žunknown’žslabĆ@h€Ix4a’žMiddle Neolithic (Scott 1972)nonononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnoxyesxnonono’ž55°282 35.753 N, 005°322 00.123 W’ž55°282 35.863 N, 005°312 56.143 W’žSW Scotlandno’žScott 1958’žScott 1972vvvj^^^^^ZM"÷÷óļėéććććććććććććććįŻŹČĘÄæŗ¶²®Ŗ¦‡‡ƒsgaXVVTPLHDB><86420.,*($  žžžžņęęę×ĻĖÅĆ¼øø­¤–‰xph[M:4#o’Ę’’’żż’ą{˜h’žNR 71 NE 2’žBalnabraid’žnone’žkerb cairn’žnone’žnone’žNR 7679 1550’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCampbelltown’žnone’žnone9’žN/Sx’ž14.5’ž7.5nonononononoyesyesno’žbone toggle, bronze razor; jet beads; red sandstone rubber20xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno02?6?no,@h€’žkerb cairn / Bronze Agex2d’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žCist 12’ž55°222 57.383 N, 005°312 30.473 W’ž55°222 57.443 N, 005°312 26.493 W’žSW Scotland   żŅ§§§§§ž˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒŠ…€{vqlgggca<0,($$" žüśųųöŗ¶°Ŗ¦¢žš–’’’’’’’’’’‡…€~~xrdWFFFF82, h|Ą’ż’żł’`8&čĘL°IȧÅDB@Bo’žNR 89 NW 26’žBaroile’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, ?round’žNR 8476 9548’ž18476 69548’ž184760’ž695480’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone30’žNNE-SSWx2624’žARG 21’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no)@ģx4anonononononononpxxxxnoxyesxno’ž56°062 12.603 N, 005°272 45.323 W’ž56°062 12.973 N, 005Ø‚’žNR 89 NW 2’žNether Largie South’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNR 8286 9792’ž18286 69792’ž182860’ž697920’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žKilmartin15’žNE-SW40xx’žARG 23’žHenshall 1972’žCraw 1930’žRitchie 1997nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žpebbles beneath a dark earthy layerŽ@lx4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žsouth chamber’ždark earthy matter and pebbles’žsecond chamberyes’žsouth chambernono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie 1997’žCraw 1930’ž107’žHenshall 1972n_ZZZOAAAAA=000,! ōŌÅĆĮæŗµ±¬§¢›™™hfddb^XTPNJHDB@><:864($ žžžžšåååÖĪĢŹĘæ»»»°„˜‡wj\HB1+ q’?Ę’’’½ł’ąg˜h’žNR 89 NW 18’žBallymeanoch Henge’žnone’žhenge’žhenge with 2 central cists’žClass II henge’žNR 8331 9627’ž18331 69627’ž183310’ž696270’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žKilmartin Glen’žnonexx’žHarding 290’žHarding 1987’žAbernethy 1995’žBurl 1969’žHarding 19876b’žsee Harding & Lee 1987’ž56°062 35.743 N, 005°292 11.393 W’ž56°062 36.123 N, 005°292 07.313 W’žSW Scotland———Š_4444444444444444444444444444444444 ’ļļļįŌŅŠŠŠŠŠŹŗ„˜‡wj\L0)#h’x8h’žNR 89 NW 168’žUpper Largie Cursus’žcursus’žNR 835 998’ž18350 69980’ž183500’ž699800’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žTerry 1997€’žCursus6d’žSW Scotland°°°£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ŸŸ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹tgVNF9---%%hĖ@ ,’žNR 89 NW 12’žKilchoan’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 8079 9649’ž18079 69649’ž180790’ž696490’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žKilmartin30’žENE-WSWxnpnp’žARG 24’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone; round stone0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono000’žyellow sand (Imported)ę@kx4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žcompartment 3xx’žCompartment 1 and 2’žpavement of stone’žCompartment 3yesxnono’žfireno’žSW Scotlandno’ž107’žHenshall 1972!          üüüųņīźčāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÓĄ«©§˜”‹†|wwwussgOMKKIEA=751/+)'%#!žųņīčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÉĮ½¹·®ŖŖŖŸ”‡vnfYK>8'! q’?Ą’’’½ł’ąg€Ÿ¤’žNR 83 SE 4’žTormore Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žshort cist’žuncertain’žNR 8945 3242’ž18945 63242’ž189450’ž632420’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žNW-SE???’žARN 3’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nononononoyesyesno’žjet necklace pieces00?@9ź2cnono’žyesnonononpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žBalfour, J. A. (Ed.) 1910 Book of Arran Vol. 1 - Archaeology, Glasgow, Arran Society of Glasgow’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž104’žHenshall 1972E61111ŹfffffYYYYUUPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHD@<73///+++üöņīźźęāāāāāŌŌŌž¼ŗø±±±«¤›Ž~vnaSH<*$ q’~Āž,ł "Œ/h LVALx Bateman 1861 - p 230 - Fifteen skeletons placed 'without much arrangement' were located at the centre of the barrow, along with a bone point and clay bead. One skeleton had a leaf-shaped arrowhead inside the skull. Greenwell 1877 - p 145 - A circle of chalk stones (kerb?) with an opening to the east enclosed an area 18m in diameter. 5.4 m SE of centre and 45 cm above the surface was a skeleton. 6 m SSE of centre was an oval pit - 1.5m x ’žBateman 1861 - p 230 - Fifteen skeletons placed 'without much arrangement' were located at the centre of the barrow, along with a bone point and clay bead. One skeleton had a leaf-shaped arrowhead inside the skull. Greenwell 1877 - p 145 - A circle of chalk stones (kerb?) with an opening to the east enclosed an area 18m in diameter. 5.4 m SE of centre and 45 cm above the surface was a skeleton. 6 m SSE of centre was an oval pit - 1.5m x 1 m x 0.76 m deep. Its fill consisted of the same material of which the barrow was formed; placed on top of the pit was a human skull. Page 146 - At the centre of the barrow were two pits  0.45 m apart, lying in a direction NE and SW; one was 1.5 m long and 1 m wide, the other 1.4 m long and 0.9 m wide, both being 0.76 m deep, and having their long diameter NW by SE. Like the first mentioned hole, they contained nothing except chalk and earth. !LVALŠŠŠŠ;;ĻBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag wa’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried ’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had c’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried and examined under the microscope, [the black matter] proved to be a mixture of earthy particles and minute fragments of charcoal, most, if not all, of them being wood-charcoal."’žBryce 1909: In the first two compartments was found a layer of black earth with charcoal& The only relics recovered were a small flake of Corriegill pitchstone and a fragment of a clay vessel.’žThe orientation is unclear - Bryce says WNW-ESE; Henshall refers to the "upper, NE end" . Bryce 1903 p 41 "At all levels charcoal in particles and larger pieces was observed, and the bottom of each compartment was covered by a charcoal layer of about 5 cm thick.’žGreenwell 1866 p 343: SOUTH CHAMBER: "On removing [a small cist from the SE corner] we found beneath a layer of dark earthy matter, thickly interspersed with burnt bones; this layer spread throughout nearly the whole compartment. Just north of the small cist, and on a level with its bottom stone, was another flat slab, also covering burnt bones amongst dark mould. Down the centre of the compartment, running from south to north, was a pavement of small pebbles, very carefully laid down, about 9 inches wide, having at its south end one flat stone laid on the same level, and at the north end three small stones, a’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoa’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 "the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried and examined under the microscope, [the black matter] proved to be a mixture of earthy particles and minute fragments of charcoal, most, if not all, of them being wood-charcoal."’žBryce 1909: In the first two compartments was found a layer of black earth with charcoal& The only relics recovered were a small flake of Corriegill pitchstone and a fragment of a clay vessel.—čĪIĖ+GŹCÆ@rk‰’¦‰’žNR 92 NW 2’žCarmahome’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žNR 9149 2686’ž19149 62686’ž191490’ž626860’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’ž137’žWSW-ESE6xx’žARN 18’žHenshall 1972’žnonenononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslab²@‹x4anonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavementyesxnonono’ž55°292 27.513 N, 005°182 07.283 W’ž55°292 27.623 N, 005°182 03.193 W’žSW Scotlandno’žnone’ž107’žHenshall 1972&     ūŠ„„”™—‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‚€|sqomid`\XTPPPLJJ>86442.*&"   žųōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÖÖÖĒæ½»¹°««„ž•ˆxph[M>8'! q’Ā’’’½ł’ą{ˆ—¼’žNR 92 NE 1’žCarn Ban’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9910 2620’ž19910 62620’ž199100’ž626200’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’ž274’žWNW-ESE?x3018’žARN 10’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žcharcoal layer @lx4’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žcharcoal layerno’žchamber’žyes’žyes’žcharcoal layer depositno’ž55°292 17.673 N, 005°102 52.663 W’ž55°292 17.773 N, 005°102 48.523 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBalfour 1910’ž107’žHenshall 1972l]XXXXJJJJJF9ćßĒĀ½“°°°°°°°°°°°°° žš‘‹‡‚~zupjjjhffZJHFFD@:620,*&$" üųōšģģģģģŽŽŽĻĒĆæ½³®®Ø”˜‹{sk^P=7&  q’Ā’’’½ł’ąˆŖ‰’žNR 89 SE 8’žAuchoish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 8704 9111’ž18704 69111’ž187040’ž691110’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone’ž137’žNNE-SSWx4015’žARG 19’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žrough pavingM@lx4anonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxno’ž56°032 55.183 N, 005°252 21.073 W’ž56°032 55.543 N, 005°252 16.973 W’žSW Scotlandno’žCraw, J. H. 1932 Two long cairns (one horned) and an Ogham inscription, near Poltalloch, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 66, 445-50’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž107’žHenshall 1972)®÷Ģ””›••••••••••••••“†„‚€|wsokgccc_]]QCA??=951-+'%!  żłõńķééééééééŚŅĪŹČæŗŗ“®™Œ{sk^P=7&  q’Ą’’’½ł’`zŒh’žNR 89 NW 51’žBallymeanoch Barrow’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNR 8352 9637’ž18352 69637’ž183520’ž696370’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žKilmartin’žnonenpx30xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žash/charcoalT@ģ€’žnot definitely Neolithicx2bnono’žyesnonononoxxx’žallnoxyesx’ž56°062 39.323 N, 005°282 59.553 W’ž56°062 39.703 N, 005°282 55.473 W’žSW Scotlandōōōē¼‘‘‘‘‘‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ~|zxtplhc_[[[WU/# ’żł÷óńļķėéēåćßŪ×ÓĻĖĒĆæ»»»»»»»»»»¹·³±­­§œ‡ziaYL>82*$h’Ą’’’żł’`8h’žNR 89 NW 43’žUpper Largie Cairn Complex’žCorlarach’žcairn complex’žnone’žnone’žNR 8319 9933’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žnone’žKilmartin35xxxx’žTerry 1998nononoyesyes €’žBronze Age2b’žyesnpyes’žSW ScotlandōōōōōōōōīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźååååååååįįÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉĆĆĆ½¹µ±±±±±„„„„„£”Ÿ™™Žˆ}p____QKE6+h|Ā@ # LVAL3 Colt Hoare 1812 - p 71-2 'At the depth of 2.4 m, he came to the black earth, which increased in height as he proceeded, and on working about 0.9 m further, he found it rise into the form of a circular barrow, and the soil was intermixed with large flints, marl, and a few sarsen stones, which by their frequent falling down, made a continuation of the operations on this spot dangerous; he therefore made another section immediately over the conical mound of black earth, and after removing a great quantity of earth, found a large circular cist about 1.5 m wide, and 0.76 m deep, cut very neatly in the chalk, which contained nothing but black earth intermixed with stones and marl. By the side of this cist, and further to the south,’žColt Hoare 1812 - p 71-2 'At the depth of 2.4 m, he came to the black earth, which increased in height as he proceeded, and on working about 0.9 m further, he found it rise into the form of a circular barrow, and the soil was intermixed with large flints, marl, and a few sarsen stones, which by their frequent falling down, made a continuation of the operations on this spot dangerous; he therefore made another section immediately over the conical mound of black earth, and after removing a great quantity of earth, found a large circular cist about 1.5 m wide, and 0.76 m deep, cut very neatly in the chalk, which contained nothing but black earth intermixed with stones and marl. By the side of this cist, and further to the south, lay the remains of a great many human skeletons crossing each other in every direction, but the decayed state of the bones prevented his ascertaining the number of bodies. Goddard 1917: Extract from notes by C P H Wyndham : 'pursued the excavation on a level with the original surface of the soil. We had not proceeded more than 1.5 m before we observed a narrow stratum of a very black substance& ..As we proceeded toward the centre, this black stratum gradually increased in depth, and when we advanced as far 7.9m, it was no less than 45 cm thick. ..We found a few pieces of human bones, scattered here and there, in different parts of this black animal earth which extends itself thro' the whole length and breadth of the tumulus& 'eč8Ķ“ŹEȁC}Crk[’žNR 92 SE 4’žEast Bennan’žCraigdhu’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9935 2075’ž19935 62075’ž199350’ž620750’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone91’žE-Wx3021’žARN 14’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth and charcoalÅ@lx4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of black earth and charcoalyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°262 22.013 N, 005°102 24.283 W’ž55°262 22.093 N, 005°102 20.143 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBalfour 1910’ž107mhhhhZZZZZVIóļäąÜÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶŖؤ›™—•‘Œˆ„{wwwussgMKIIGC=953/-)'%#! żłõńķķķķķßßߊČÄĄ¾¹µµÆ؟’‚zreWD>-# p’Ā’’’½ł’Ō’žNR 92 SE 2’žTorlin’žTorrylin’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9551 2107’ž19551 62107’ž195510’ž621070’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSE???’žARN 15’žHenshall 1972’žDuncan 1896nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0no‘@nx4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 78-84, 138-155)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 22-23)’ž107’žHenshall 1972ĻĄ»»»žĄĄĄĄ¼ÆÆÆ« œ˜‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{upkgb]YYYWUUIEC??=93/+)%# ū÷ńķéåįįįįįŌŌŌŽ»¹·®ŖŖ¤”‡wogZL?9( q’Ā’’’½ł’ągœh’žNR 92 SE 1’žOssian's Mound’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNR 9502 2143’ž19502 62143’ž195020’ž621430’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žN-Sx’ž10.7’ž8.8’žnonenonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcists (2)’žcentre and SE of centrenonoyesno000noJ@nx2bnonononono’žyes’žno ?xxxxnox’žcist’žcistyes’žSW ScotlandŽŽŽ{{{{{uuooooooomigeca[VRNJFBBB><<0,*((&"ūšīźčęäāąŽÜŚÖŅĢĘĀ¾ŗ¶²®®®®®®®®®Ø£›–––‰€sc[SF82,$h’>Ą’’’½ł’@! h’žNR 92 NW 27 b’žFernie Bank 16/3’žKilpatrick’žkerb cairn’žring cairn’žnone’žNR 9075 2644’ž19075 62644’ž190750’ž626440’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’ž100x13xxyesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noj@n€’žmulti-phase monumentx2dnonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpityesx’žSW Scotland£££–––––––”ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{vqmiea]]]YW5)%#!!  ’żūł÷īģčäŽŲŌŠŹĘĄŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø¶²°««„ž•ˆxph[MG;/#h’Ą’’’żł’@` h’žNR 92 NW 27 a’žFernie Bank 16/2’žKilpatrick’žkerb cairn’žclearance cairn’žnone’žNR 9081 2637’ž19081 62637’ž190810’ž626370’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone80x6xx’žBarber 1978’žBarber 1979yesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono3’žSW of cairn0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic flintxnonoyes’žyes000noį@n€’žmulti-period monumentx2d’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxx’žE of cairnxnoxyes’žcairn’žflint’žSW ScotlandēēēŚŚŚÓÓÓÓĢĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ¾²°®©¤ œ˜”‹‰fZVTRRPKEA=;)'#! śōšģęāÜÖÖÖÖɼ¼¼¼¼ŗø¶“°°Ŗ£š}um`RL;/#h’Ę’’’żł’`$očüOĄLJmGĘʼnBk’žNR 93 SW 9’žTormore 1’žCrochandoon’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9031 3106’ž19031 63106’ž190310’ž631060’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone30’žNNE-SSWx’ž32.6’ž19.8’žARN 4’žHenshall 1972’žBarber 1980nonononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0000’žblack soilĖ@qx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxx’žall 3 chambersnox’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soilyes’žchambersnono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBarber 1980, ’ū÷ķēēēēēēēēēēēŅ½Ø¦¢’v’žNR 93 SW 9’žTormore 1’žCrochandoon’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9031 3106’ž19031 63106’ž190310’ž631060’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone30’žNNE-SSWx’ž32.6’ž19.8’žARN 4’žHenshall 1972’žBarber 1980nonononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0000’žblack soilĖ@qx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxx’žall 3 chambersnox’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soilyes’žchambersnono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBarber 1980’ž109’žHenshall 1972H94444'''''#’õļļļļļļļļļļļŚÅ°®Ŗš˜–”Š†‚}xtttrppdXVRRPLFB><8620.,*(&$" üųōōōōōēēēŲŃĖÅĆŗ¶¶°© “ƒ{sfXE?.! q’Ā’’’½ł’ągˆoh’žNR 93 SW 5’žMachrie Water’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group?’žNR 9030 3290’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone•@k€’žNot excavated2a’žyes’žSW ScotlandĘĘĘ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹“““““°°•‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰ƒ|sfVVVVH:4#h|`! ¼’žNR 93 SW 15’žTormore 2’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNR 9063 3224’ž19063 63224’ž190630’ž632240’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran309xx’žARN 5’žHenshall 1972’žMcArthur 1861nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nol@kx4anonononono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur 1861’ž108’žHenshall 1972·Ø££££”””””ƒƒƒƒ}wwwwwwwwwwwwwwuqomkid_[WSOKKKGEE95311/+'#   ’ūõńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁŹŹŹ»“²°®®ŖŖŖ£š}um`R?9(" q’?}Ā’’’½ł’`bˆO%L’žNR 93 NW 2’žMoinechoill’žMonyquil’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9407 3526’ž19407 63526’ž194070’ž635260’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone76’žE-Wx3215’žARN 2’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no€’žnonex4anonononono’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Scotlandno’ž107’žHenshall 1972²£žžžžžžžžžš‰‰‰‡{ywusmhd`\XTTTPNN<86442.*&"   žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĻČÄĄ¾¹µµÆ؟’‚zreWD>-# q’Ą’’’½ł’`b€-’žNR 92 SW 4’žClachaig’žLimekiln Cairn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long?’žNR 9493 2118’ž19493 62118’ž194930’ž621180’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSEx18’ž14.3’žARN 16’žHenshall 1972’žPiggott 1954nonononoyesnoyesnoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0140noę@kx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxno’žchamber’žyes’ždark soilno’ž55°262 29.313 N, 005°142 36.523 W’ž55°262 29.393 N, 005°142 32.413 W’žSW Scotlandno’žPiggott 1954’ž107’žHenshall 1972G83333%%%%%!é¾ŗÆÆŖ”›—•“‘Š…}xsooomkk_[YUUSOIEA?;9531/-+)'%! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷éééŚŅĢČĘ½¹¹³¬£–†~vi[GA0  q’Ā’’’½ł’ą~ˆg LVAL°Marshall 1976 The Early Occupation: p 9 - 'Postholes set in a cobbled floor were found under the cairn just above the bedrock'.  Postholes found under the earliest cairn showed there had been occupation on the site before the burial cairn was built. Postholes and hearth material were also found to the SE of the cairn edge.  NE end - On the top of the upper [slab] was a considerable deposit of black greasy earth & This ran under the edge of the cairn.  To the SW& .just above the live rock was a firmed, tramped level with flecks of black into which two stakeholes had been dug. These postholes& were on a slightly lower level than posthole 1. There were also three possible stakeholes set fairly close together.  the natural slope of the ground had been levelled up with earth and stones. On this was a cobbled floor into which were set thr’žMarshall 1976 The Early Occupation: p 9 - 'Postholes set in a cobbled floor were found under the cairn just above the bedrock'.  Postholes found under the earliest cairn showed there had been occupation on the site before the burial cairn was built. Postholes and hearth material were also found to the SE of the cairn edge.  NE end - On the top of the upper [slab] was a considerable deposit of black greasy earth & This ran under the edge of the cairn.  To the SW& .just above the live rock was a firmed, tramped level with flecks of black into which two stakeholes had been dug. These postholes& were on a slightly lower level than posthole 1. There were also three possible stakeholes set fairly close together.  the natural slope of the ground had been levelled up with earth and stones. On this was a cobbled floor into which were set three post holes THE CHAMBER p 11 -  the slope of the hill had been partially levelled up with earth before the actual cairn was built& .The space between the base of the wall and the edge of the & live rock& .had been levelled up with turf and earth& making a not very definite floor. In this was a deposit of clay which seemed to have been moulded into a small mound to receive a pot THE APPROACH WAY p 11:  A deposit of 8 quartz pebbles placed in a straight line against a stone, was uncovered in a setting of stones lying across the approach way. The tramped pathway did not extend the whole way along in front of the tilted stones. THE PORCH: p 12:  There were several layers of flat stones and earth with some patches of black soil packed against them.  DISCUSSION: P 16 - pollen analysis  shows that the land beside it had been tilled and grazed before the cairn was built. p 18 -  round the cairn was a tramped walkway .¦ LVAL¶ Hogg 1940: P 321 'At the S end of the mound, a platform had been formed about 12 inches above natural ground level. ..Part of this platform was deeply reddened to a depth of about 12 inches& The reddened space was roughly oval in plan& Near but outside this oval were 2 shallow pits cut in the natural soil. & this area was the site of a funeral pyre.' [but no trace of bone or charcoal was found]. P’žHogg 1940: P 321 'At the S end of the mound, a platform had been formed about 12 inches above natural ground level. ..Part of this platform was deeply reddened to a depth of about 12 inches& The reddened space was roughly oval in plan& Near but outside this oval were 2 shallow pits cut in the natural soil. & this area was the site of a funeral pyre.' [but no trace of bone or charcoal was found]. P 323 An interesting feature in area B [forecourt] is the pit cut into the natural soil& very nearly on the axis of the mound& the sides were nearly vertical. A gutter& led away to the south. This suggests that libations formed part of the funeral ceremonies. " A large cooking hearth was located on the east of the mound, but was laid down after the formation of the primary silting in the ditch, so a secondary feature. šLVALŠMR2r€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks+ <  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’Xč–K»HÕĘŃFpCk’žNS 02 NW 10’žMonamore’žMeallach's Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0175 2889’ž20175 62889’ž201750’ž628890’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž126’žNE-SWx’ž13.5’ž10.5’žARN 9’žHenshall 1972’žDavidson & Carter 2003’žRomans & Robertson 1975yesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono2100’žslab @w’žforecourt4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber entrancenox’ž21 charcoal spreadsyesxnono’žhearths (21)no’žSW Scotlandno’žDavidson & Carter 20037 üųōņģģģģģģģģģ×××××ÕŃæ½»¹µ°¬§¢žššš˜{ywwsokgca][WUSQOMKIGC?93/+%!üäääÕĪČĀĄ¹““®§€xpcUB<+k’Ę’’’½ł’ągk’žNR 99 NE 6’žCrarae’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyV~’žNS 02 NW 10’žMonamore’žMeallach's Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0175 2889’ž20175 62889’ž201750’ž628890’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž126’žNE-SWx’ž13.5’ž10.5’žARN 9’žHenshall 1972’žDavidson & Carter 2003’žRomans & Robertson 1975yesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono2100’žslab @w’žforecourt4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber entrancenox’ž21 charcoal spreadsyesxnono’žhearths (21)no’žSW Scotlandno’žRomans & Robertson 1975’žDavidson & Carter 2003’ž110’žHenshall 1972l]XXX@'''''#üśōōōōōōōōōßßßß߯ŁĒÅĆĮ½ø“ÆŖ¦¢¢¢ ••‰ƒ{wsokiec_][YWUSQOKGA;73-)#ģģģŻÖŠŹČĮ¼¼¶Æ„˜ˆ€xk]JD3! q’Ę’’’½ł’ąg˜šh’žNR 99 NE 1’žFairy Knowe’žnone’žCairn’žnone’žnone’žNR 9874 9736’žArgyll and Bute’žArgyll and Bute’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnonenpx25xxnonono’žmesolithic shall midden; standing stonei@qK@=2b’žyesyesno’žn/a’žSW ScotlandųųųųųóļļéééééééééééééééééééééääääääääąąŌČČČČČČČČČČȟŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ››—““““““““““‘‹‰……ydSBBBB4.(!h|Ą` !ģ’žNR 97 SE 6’žMichael's Grave’žKilmichael’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9947 7031’ž19947 67031’ž199470’ž670310’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone30’žESE-WNW’žn/a134’žBUT 2’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth"@qx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyes’žchambersnono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’ž110’žHenshall 1972ę×ŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪĮĮĮ½²®Ŗ šššššššššššššš˜”Šˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUHFDDB>840.*($"  üöņīźęęęęęęęę׊ĪŹÅ¼øø²¬ “‚zreWJD3' q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg€gZ’žNR 97 SE 2’žGlenvoidean’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9970 7056’ž19970 67056’ž199700’ž670560’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone’žon a steep grassy hillside facing southwest90’žN-S’žn/a159’žBUT 1’žHenshall 1972’žMarshall 1969’žMarshall 1976nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žburnt bone1’žW lateral chamber0xx4’žoccupation area - W side of cairn0’žpossible’žoccupation area - W side of cairn’žoccupation area’žW side of cairnyesnoyesno100’žlight cobblingJr?’žoccupation area - W side of cairn4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žbeneath and around the cairnxx’žoccupation area - W side of cairnnox’ždark soil’žpit’žoccupation areayes’žchamber floor; occupation areano’žoccupation area; extensive burningno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMarshall 1976; Marshall 196911’žHenshall 1972ufbbbbDD??:6)))%żŻ×××ĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĮ¶“°‹‰kfa]XSOKKKI&& śöšßĪ«”Ÿ|zxvta_SOIC?;51-))))   üõóļźåį“®Øœ~vnaS@:)# q’’Ę’’’½ł’äęŠN č^‹sud’žNS 06 NE 17’žHilton’žBute’žchambered cairn’žnonenp’žNS 0666 6858’ž20666 66858’ž206660’ž668580’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone’ž100’žNW-SE30xx’ž Ad2’žKinnes 1979’žMarshall 1973’žMarshall 1974’žMarshall 1975’žMarshall 1976yesyes’žschistose rock?no’žpollenyesyesyesno0x7’žvariousx0x0’žyes?’žoccupation layer; tramped 'walkway'; cultivation (nearby cairn)’žallnonoyes’žyes100’žcobbledP@q’žSE of cairn edge1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxx’žnearby cairn’žallnoxyes’žNE end of cairnno’žyes ?’žpostholes; cobbled floor; cultivationno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMarshall, D. N. 1976 The excavation of Hilton cairn Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society, 20, 8-26’ž117’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumm Ž‰‰„€sssoHA=,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$    ’ūöńķéééēÕÕÉĄ¾¼¼ŗµÆ«§¢aa[YWUSJHFD@:4.&"  õę×ČČČ»µ³±­¦””›•‰|kc[N@<6% q’Ž’’ż½ł’ąē†š LVAL Piggott 1937 - Ditch: 3 roughly circular holes found in the ditch bottom - but almost certainly caused by the roots of bushes growing in the ditch bottom in Neolithic times. P 4 'The old turf line, showing as a greyish white sandy streak, could be traced beneath the mound& ' Primary Burial Mound:  beneath the highest point of the mound an oval pile of mixed grey sand and turfy matter, 5.2 m by 3 m and with a maximum height of 0.46 m, lay on the old ground surface with its long axis SE and NE, and askew to that of the barrow. It contained charcoal flecks, and on the old surface at its north-west end was a patch of ’žPiggott 1937 - Ditch: 3 roughly circular holes found in the ditch bottom - but almost certainly caused by the roots of bushes growing in the ditch bottom in Neolithic times. P 4 'The old turf line, showing as a greyish white sandy streak, could be traced beneath the mound& ' Primary Burial Mound:  beneath the highest point of the mound an oval pile of mixed grey sand and turfy matter, 5.2 m by 3 m and with a maximum height of 0.46 m, lay on the old ground surface with its long axis SE and NE, and askew to that of the barrow. It contained charcoal flecks, and on the old surface at its north-west end was a patch of charcoal, while another patch lay 10 m to the southeast. Ritual Hole:  After the excavations had been completed, and sewer trenches were being dug along the line of the new roads through the barrow, a heap of burnt flints, between 0.3 and 0.6 m in diameter, was cut through; apparently in a small pit dug below the old surface below the mound and within the revetment. Mr Calkin examined the site the day after the discovery and from his notes and measurements the site has been inserted on the plan. The pit would seem to be analogous with those frequently noted beneath long barrows, whose purpose can only be guessed at as ' ritual.  šLVALŠMR2r€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks+ <  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’Qč MQJOG½DiArs˜’žNS 0Ń˜’žNS 03 SW 7’žDunan Mor’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0280 3315’ž20280 63315’ž202800’ž633150’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž152x’ž23.4xx’žARN 8’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack soil & charcoalM@wx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žsouth chambernox’žlayer of black earth and charcoalyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°332 07.573 N, 005°072 40.003 W’ž55°332 07.703 N, 005°072 35.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’ž115’žHenshall 1972_PKKKKKKKKKG:äąÕŃĶľ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾›™•†„‚€|wsojfaaa_]]Q:86640*&"   üöšģčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÉĀĄ¾ø¶±±«¤š}um`R>8'! q’Ą’’’½ł’ą€ƒ’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone????’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no>@=ģx2cnoxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur 1873’ž114˜˜˜˜‰‰‰‰‰…xM""    ’’óļļļļķééåįßŪŁÕÓŃĻĶĖÉĒÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĮ½¹µµµµµ¦¦¦¦ žœš˜˜˜’‹td\TG93-% q’>Ā’æ±ż zˆ»=‚’žNS 02 SW 5’žDippen’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 0444 2263’ž20444 62263’ž204440’ž622630’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žN-Sx23’ž16.2’žARN 12’žHenshall 1972’žBryce 1902nonononononoyes?nonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no¶@wx4a’žyes ?nononono’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’ž55°272 30.153 N, 005°052 39.853 W’ž55°272 30.233 N, 005°052 35.673 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce 1902’ž114’žHenshall 1972 žłłłłķķķķķéܱ††‚‚‚€zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpnljea]YUNNNJHH<86442.*&"   žśņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĪĪĪæ·±­«¦¦¦ ™ƒskcVH;5$ q’~Ā’’’½ł’`zˆ‰’žNS 02 SW 3’žGiant's Graves South’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0431 2463’ž20431 62463’ž204310’ž624630’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž137’žWNW-ESEx’ž12.6’ž10.8’žARN 19’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no5@wx4a’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’ž114’žHenshall 1972Ę·²²²²²²²²²®””””™•“‹‡…ƒ{vrnie```\ZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"  žśöņīīīīīīīīß×ŃĖÉĄ»»µ®¤—‡wj\IC2, q’Ą’’’½ł’ąc€¾‰’žNS 02 SW 2’žGiant's Graves North’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0430 2467’ž20430 62467’ž204300’ž624670’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž137’žN-Sx’ž29.421’žARN 11’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žcharcoal layer­@wx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of charcoalyes’žchambernono’žcharcoal layerno’žSW Scotlandno’ž113’žHenshall 1972’šėėėėėėėėėēŚŚŚÖĘĀ¾µÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆœš–‹‰‡ƒ~zvqmhhhfddXHFDDB>840.*($"  üųōšģččččččččŁŃĶĒÅĄ»»µ®¤—‡wj\IC2, q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg€æ čĻ‹sC€’žST 94 SW 6’žHeytesbury’žHeytesbury 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9249 4417’ž39249 14417’ž392490’ž144170’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx’ž48.8’ž27.4’žST 30’ž Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno01+0’žblack earth layerĶ@nx1no’žyesnononononoxxc’žentire barrownox’žmortuary area, pityes’žallnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 71-72)’žGoddard, E. H. 1917 "MS Collections for Wilts" by C H P Wyndham. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 39, 395-40167’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum'±­­­­&ŠŠŠŠĢ¼¼¼ø“““Æ©©©©©•••••••••“€~|zvrnjfa]]][YYM:8442.($   ūłõńķéåßŪ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĮŗ“®¬§§§”›tldWIC=0" q’~Ą’’’½ł’afŒwčtL­IGŽÄsu ’žNS 05 SE 7’žLittle Dunagoil’žBute’žburial chamber’žcist’žnone’žNS 0859 5322’ž208 653’ž208000’ž653000’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKingarth’žBute’žnone’žat the foot of the NE slope of Little Dunagoil; overlooks Dunagoil Bay to the NW and extensiveviews to the SEnpnpnpnpnononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no–@4x1nonononono’žyes’žunknownxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’žScott, J. G. 1969 A possible protomegalith at Dunagoil, in Bute. Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society, 17, 36-8’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 (p 70)’ž117ōōļļļļbŽŽŽŽŚĶĶĶĶÉÅĮæ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·³±Æ­«¢™•‘‰‰‰‡……yusqqokgc_]YWSQOMKIGEC??;73/++'##########¤ž˜Žph`WIC=-' q’’Ą¾’’½ł’ącŒh’žNS 05 NE 10’žScalpsie’žBute’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0596 5873’ž20596 65873’ž205960’ž658730’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnonenpx14xx’žChilde 1946nonononononoyesyesno’žbronze pin, jet bead0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žgravel and 'beach stuff'”@y €’žBronze Agex2b’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žnone’žSW Scotland˜˜˜‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹……ƒzuplhccc_]E9  żūł÷õóńļķ×ÓĶĒĆæ»·³ÆÆÆÆÆ¢¢¢¢¢ žš˜””Žˆ|o^VNA3-'h’Ā’’’żł] e=’žNS 04 SW 1’žSannox’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNS 0172 4481’ž20172 64481’ž201720’ž644810’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone61’žWNW-ESEx’ž18.614’žARN 1’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no‰@yx4a’žyesnononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’ž115’žHenshall 1972±¢™ŒŒŒŒˆ„€~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxvrpnljfa]YUQLLLHFF:64220,($   üųōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĶĘĀ¼ŗ±­­§ –‰yqi\N;5$ q’Ą’’’½ł’ąc€ßĪ[’žNS 03 SW 9’žGlenrickard’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0051 3466’ž20051 63466’ž200510’ž634660’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone91’žN-Sx’ž14.3’ž10.6’žARN 6’žHenshall 1972’žMcArthur 1861nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no>@>ģx2c’žyesnononono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyesx’žn/ano’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur 1861’ž115’žHenshall 1972ŅĆ¾¾¾¾ÆÆÆÆÆ«žžžžšš•“‹‡…ƒzuqmie```\ZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"  žśöņīīīīīßßߊÉĆ½»¶²²¬„›Ž~vnaS@:)# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąbˆ§Šz’žNS 03 SW 8’žDunan Beag’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0267 3299’ž20267 63299’ž202670’ž632990’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž122’žNE-SWx4221’žARN 7’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žperforated jet plate0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’žat eastern edgenonoyesno030’žblack earth & charcoalŖ@yx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxx’žsouth chambernox’žlayer of black earth & charcoalyes’žsouth chambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°332 02.213 N, 005°072 47.003 W’ž55°332 02.343 N, 005°072 42.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’ž115’žHenshall 1972—ˆƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒrG  öšššššššššššššĻĶÉŗø¶“ÆŖ¦¢™”””’„ljhhfb\XTC31-+)'%#!ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĪĒĆ潶±±«¤š}um`R?9(" q’Ą’’’½ł’ą€W$ č4Œs’žTAY’žTA 17 SE 9’žHigh Easton Barrow’žBoynton’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1570 7043’ž51570 47043’ž515700’ž470430’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBoynton’žnone’žnone89x30xx’ž Ce2’žKinnes 1979nono’žUpper Chalkyesnonoyesyesyes’žjet pebbles, jet ring,0x1’žInner enclosure ditchx0x0’žyes?’žcentralnoxnononono000no @Ķx1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žunknownxxxxnx’žtimber structure?yesxnono’žN Englandno’žyes’žManby, T. G. 1980 Excavation of barrows at Grindale and Boynton, East Yorkshire, 1972. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 52, 19-47np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĖhdddddŽŁŁŁÕŹŹŹĘĀĀĀĄŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ§§§§§§§„£”Ÿ›’‰…|xxxvtthdb``^ZVRNLH?97531üöšźęāÜĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒŗ“²°¬Ŗ¦¦ š‘„xph[MGA3* q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f†>…č+LI%FōƝ@³[’žNS 06 SE 17’žBicker's Houses’žBute’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0607 6042’ž20607 66042’ž206070’ž660420’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone91’žNNE-SSWx’ž27.512’žBUT 5’žHenshall 1972’žCallander 1928nonononononoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žash/charcoal½@}x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°472 53.103 N, 005°052 43.083 W’ž55°472 53.333 N, 005°052 38.853 W’žSW Scotlandno’žCallander 1928’ž120’žHenshall 1972bSNNNN>>>>>:-×ÓČÄĄ·±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Æ«¢ žœ˜“‹†‚~~~|zzn`^\\ZVPLHFB@<:86420.,  üųųųųųčččŁŅĪČĘ½¹¹³­””ƒ{sfXE?.( q’Ā’’’½ł’ąˆh’žNS 06 SE 11’žKerrycrusach’žScoulag Moor’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0888 6103’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKingarth’žBute’žnone’žE-W’žn/a1311’žnonenononononononononono0000nonononoyesno00’žyesno€@}€’žNot definitely Neolithic2bnonono’žyesnonono’žSW ScotlandPPPCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC?;72.*&&&""üšģēååćߣÕŃŃĶĶÉĒĒÅÅÅĆĆĮ½¹µ±­©„”™™™™™“““““‹†{uk^MMMM?93+h|Ā’„õ}ł ų’žNS 06 NW 8’žGlecknabae’žCraigenew’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0075 6825’ž20075 66825’ž200750’ž668250’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone30x’žn/a918’žBUT 4’žHenshall 1972’žCormack 1985’žCormack 1986nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žquern fragment0x0xx0x0Nox’žMesolithic shell midden’žallnonoyesno020’žbeach stonesÓ@}x4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žchamber floor’žblack soil’žallyes’žallnono’žMesolithic shell midden’žshell midden’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žCormack 1986’žCormack 1985’ž120’žHenshall 1972gXSSSE77772.!!!śöņķēēēēēēēēēēēēēēāÖĒÅĆĮ½ø³®©„   žœœ‚€~~|xrnjeLJFDB@><:86&" üüüüīąąąŃŹĘÄæ½¹¹³­””ƒ{sfXD>-" q’Ę’’’½ł’ąē˜§[’žNS 06 NW 7’žCarnbaan’žLenihuline Wood’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0063 6930’ž20063 66930’ž200630’ž669300’žArgyll and Bute’žArgyll & Bute’žNorth Bute’žBute91’žNE-SWx5415’žBUT 3’žHenshall 1972’žBryce 1904’žJones 2001’žHewison 1895nono4ano’ž55°522 31.923 N, 005°112 18.443 W’ž55°522 32.193 N, 005°112 14.253 W’žSW Scotland’žJones 2001’žHewison 1895’žBryce 190412’žHenshall 1972µ¦¢¢–ˆ||||||oD    ūļćććŌĶÉÅĆ¼øøø²¦—†~vi[HB1  q’?Ī:øwud’žNS 06 NE 17’žHilton’žBute’žchambered cairn’žnonenp’žNS 0666 6858’ž20666 66858’ž206660’ž668580’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone’ž100’žNW-SE30xx’žKinnes Ad2’žKinnes 1979’žMarshall 1973’žMarshall 1974’žMarshall 1975’žMarshall 1976yesyes’žschistose rock?no’žpollenyesyesyesno0x7’žvariousx0x0’žyes?’žoccupation layer; tramped 'walkway'; cultivation (nearby cairn)’žallnonoyes’žyes100’žcobbled@{’žSE of cairn edge4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxx’žnearby cairn’žallnoxno’žNE end of cairnno’žyes ?’žpostholes; cobbled floor; cultivationno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMarshall 1974; Marshall 1973’žMarshall 1975’žMarshall 1976’ž117’žKinnes 1979ąÓĪĪæ°’’ˆ„wwwsLEA0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*&! ü÷óļļļķŪŪĻĘÄĀĀĄ»µ±­Øgga_][YPNLJF@:4,(&  ūģŻĪĪĪĮµ³±­¦””›•‰|kc[N@<6% q’Ž’’ż½ł’ąēŗņ č‹s’žNJz’žNJ 75 NW 6’žHill of Foulzie’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7244 5978’ž37244 85978’ž372440’ž859780’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žKing Edward’žnone’žnone’žat the top of a gentle rise, with extensive views in all directions; "a, most exquisite view of sea and land" (Gordon 1902)’ž122’žE-W18’ž14.4’ž7.2’žABN 4’žHenshall 1963nonononoyesnonoyesyes’žpebbles; small piece of wood;0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žCist 1nonoyesno000’žblue slateó@Ėx1’žyes’žyes ?no’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žcist 1’žsoft clay slate’žcist 2yes’žcist 2no’žyesnono’žSE Scotlandno’žGordon, J. T. 1901-2 Stone cists on the Hill of Foulzie, King Edward. Transactions of the Banffshire Field Club, 25-45’žLindsay, S. & Lindsay, W. J. 2005 Hill of Foulzie (King Edward parish), fieldwalking. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 6, 16’žCanmore;’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press››››wņxxxxtgggc_ZVNHHHHHHHHHHHHHH@/'%#! ’’’żūūļćįß߯ŁÓĻĖĆ­«§„£”Ÿ›™—xrlhd^ZVRNNNNNNNN?83-)$¢œ–‰ph`SE?9-' q’’Ą’’’½ł’ągž č‹M‡MXĖ,H\E#Bk’žNS 35 NE 12’žCuff Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, long’žNS 3859 5509’ž23859 65509’ž238590’ž655090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žBeith’žnone’žnone’ž152’žNW-SEx’ž44.8’ž19.2’žAYR5’žHenshall 1972’žPatrick 1872nonononoyes ?nono?nonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno010no\@x4’žno?’žyes’žno?nono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žpassagenono’ždark soilno’ž55°452 43.933 N, 004°342 26.373 W’ž55°452 44.123 N, 004°342 21.91 ˜’žNS 35 NE 12’žCuff Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, long’žNS 3859 5509’ž23859 65509’ž238590’ž655090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žBeith’žnone’žnone’ž152’žNW-SEx’ž44.8’ž19.2’žAYR5’žHenshall 1972’žPatrick 1872nonononoyes ?nono?nonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno010no\@x4’žno?’žyes’žno?nono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žpassagenono’ždark soilno’ž55°452 43.933 N, 004°342 26.373 W’ž55°452 44.123 N, 004°342 21.913 W’žSW Scotlandno’žPatrick 1872’ž122’žHenshall 1972D50000"""""ę»·¬Ø¤›••••••••••••••“‹‰‡ƒ~zvqlgggeccWSQOOMIC?;953/-+)'%#!  ’ū÷óļļļļļįįįŅĢĘĄ¾·²²¬¦Ÿ’‚zreW?9(" q’Ā’’’½ł’ąˆW2.’žNS 25 NW 1’žHaco's Tomb’žMargaret's Law; Hayley’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 2094 5858’ž22094 65858’ž220940’ž658580’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žLargs’žFirth of Clyde’žnone46’žESE-WNWx’ž6.61’žAYR 1’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono200no @}’žchamber4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žhearth (2)no’žSW Scotlandno’ž122’žHenshall 1972ŪĢĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒƶ¶¶²¦¢žœ––––––––––––––”ŽŒŠˆ„{wrmiiig^^RNLJJHD@<8620,*(&$" üųōššššššššįŚŲÓŃČÄľ®§šŠ‚zm_RL;# q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg€®’žNS 18 SE 5’žArdnadam’žAdam's Grave; Adam's Cave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNS 1618 8003’ž21618 68003’ž216180’ž680030’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žDunoon and Kilmun’žnone’žnone30’žNE-SWx118’žARG 18’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noD@}x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’ž55°582 40.793 N, 004°562 51.273 W’ž55°582 41.093 N, 004°562 46.963 W’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie 1997’ž122’žHenshall 19727(####Ł®®Ŗ¦¢ šššššššššššššš˜”’ŽŒˆƒ{wsoookii]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’’’’’ńńńāŚŲŌŅĖĒĒĮ»Ø›Š‚zm_RL;  q’Ā’’’½ł’ą{ˆh’žNS 15 NW 3’žKerrytonlia’žBute’žtwin barrows’žnone’žnone’žNS 1113 5636’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKingarth’žBute’žnone13xx’žHewison 1893-5’žMarshall 1986nononononononononono0000nonoyesnonono000no5@}€’žNot Neolithic2bnono’žyesno’žyesnono’žSW ScotlandNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=940+'###ųōņššīźęāÜÜŲŲŌŅŅŠŠŠĪĪĢČÄĄ¼ø“°¬Ø¤¤¤¤•……………ƒ}}}}wqgZIIII;5/!h|Ę’„õ}ł Ķ$’žNS 06 SW 9’žWatch Hill’žArdroscadal’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0376 6439’ž20376 66439’ž203760’ž664390’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnonenpx12xx’žBryce 1904nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĪ@4x4anononononononoxxxxnoxxno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce 1904’ž122€€{{{{oooook^^^^ZZZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVRPNLJFB>:62...*(( üśöōņšīģźčęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀ¾¾¾¾¾²²²²²°®Ŗؤ¤ž˜Œnf^QC=7/" q’Ā’’’½ł’@bˆ šLVALŠMR2r€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocks < L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’•č&MjJŖG@E—ĀÆĄhh’žNS 89 SW 24’žBh’žNS 89 SW 24’žBannockburn West’žcursus’žNS 8163 9014’ž28163 69014’ž281630’ž690140’žStirling’žCentral’žSt Ninians’žBrophy 1999’žCowie 1993€’žCursus6d’ž56°052 21.823 N, 003°542 14.063 W’ž56°052 22.133 N, 003°542 09.243 W’žSE ScotlandśĻ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤  ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ€sssssssssssssg^TLD7)))!!hĖ@8h’žNS 84 SW 5’žBlackhill Farm’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 8278 4404’ž28278 64404’ž282780’ž644040’žSouth Lanarkshire’žStrathclyde’žLesmahagow’žnone’žnone’ž?npx52xx’žnone’žnonenononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0noi@x2dno’žyesnononononoxxxxnoxno??nono’ž55°402 32.523 N, 003°512 55.683 W’ž55°402 32.643 N, 003°512 50.903 W’žSW ScotlandČČČ»ea]]][UUUUUUUUUUUUUUSOMKIGC?;73.***&$$ žśųōņīģźčęäāąŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶¶¶¶¶°°°°Ŗئ¢ ››•ƒvc[SF82,$h’?Ā’’’½ł’`>ąÕ’žNS 53 NE 1’žThe Law’žLoanfoot’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered long cairn, unclassifiable’žNS 5923 3596’ž25923 63596’ž259230’ž635960’žEast Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žGalston’žnone’žnone’ž213’žENE-WSWx’ž101.524’žAYR 6’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono10>@:ź2cnono’žyes’žunknownyes’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’ž125’žHenshall 1972ufaaaaaaaaaaTTTTPPKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE<73//////+++ ’ū÷óóóóóóóó䯣ŅŠĒĀĀ¼¶­ ‘‰tf@:) q’Ą’,Į "€{0’žNS 50 SE 1’žThe King's Cairn’žWater of Deugh’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, round’žNS 5542 0114’ž25542 60114’ž255420’ž601140’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žCarsphairn’žnone’žnone’ž304x21xx’žKRK 13’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no1@x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Scotlandno’ž125’žHenshall 1972Ė¼·········³¦¦¦¦¢¢¢ šššššššššššššš˜”’ŽŒˆƒ{wsoookii]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’’’’’’’’ščę乎ŁŁÓĶĮŖ“‹ƒvhOI8( q’Ą’’’½ł’`b€Ļ¶’žNS 48 SE 6’žStockie Muir’žAucheneck’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 4793 8130’ž24793 68130’ž247930’ž681300’žStirling’žCentral’žDrymen’žnone’žnone’ž182’žNE-SWx18’ž11.6’žSTR1’žHenshall 1972’žGoldesbrough 1949nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0??noĘ@<x2c??nonono’žyesnoxxxxnox?x’žn/ano’žSE Scotlandno’žGoldesbrough 1949’ž124’žHenshall 1972Ēø³³³³     œ‹‹†„‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚€|zxvtpkgc_][[[WUUIECAA?;73/-)'#! ’ū÷óļėėėėėŲŲŲÉĆ½¹·°««„Ÿ—Ž„|tgYF@/$ q’Ā’’’½ł’ąbˆĮŒ’žNS 37 NE 7’žWalton Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde’žNS 3634 7818’ž23634 67818’ž236340’ž678180’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCardross’žnone’žnone’ž140’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknown’žDNB 1’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1954’žScott 1953nonononononononoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no.@x4anonono’žyesno’žyesnpxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’žScott 1953’žScott 1954’ž122’žHenshall 1972åÖŃŃŃŹ¹¹¹¹µØØØؤ œš””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚}ytplhhhdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$"  žśööööźŽŽŽĻČ涓«¦¦ šƒrjbUG@:)# q’Ę’’’½ł’ąc˜†čLIƒEœBrO’žSC 48 SW 1’žKing OrOļO’žSC 48 SW 1’žKing Orry's Grave’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, long’žSC 4389 8438’ž24389 48438’ž243890’ž484380’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žLaxey’žIsle of Man’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žHenshall 1978nonononononoyesyesno’žporthole entrance0x0xx0x0nox’žflint scatter’žforecourtyesnonono110no@ ’žforecourt4nono’žyesnononono’žforecourtxxxnox’žhearthnp’žhearth; flint scatterno’žN Englandno’žHenshall 197815ņņīīīīßßßßßŪŠŠŠĢµµµµ±±±±±±±±±©©©©©§£”Ÿ’ŽŠ†‚}yuuushh\XVTTRNJF@5&$ żłóķéåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕĘĘĘĘĘĀ¾¼ø““®”š“†~vi[F@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’ fˆ”˜’žSC 48 NE 1’žCashtal Yn Ard’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSC 4622 8922’ž24622 48922’ž246220’ž489220’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žMaughold’žIsle of Man’žnone’ž152’žW-Ex3921nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žburnt area and platform; steps & pathway (contemporary or later)’žeast of centre on medial line of mound; east end of moundyesnoyesno000’žslab@’x4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žburnt platformxx’žforecourtnox’žblack soil’žslab pavingyes’žchambers; forecourt’ždark soil depositno’ž54°162 31.713 N, 004°212 47.513 W’ž54°162 31.263 N, 004°212 43.163 W’žN Englandno15§§£££££££££Ÿ”i>:'''         ’’’’óńķāąŽĪŹÅĮ¼·²®®®¬ŖŖž˜–””’Žˆ„~C’ūł÷õóńļķėēćŻ×ÓĻĖĒĆææææææææææ»·µ°««„˜Ž‡zrj]OIC,& q’Ą’’’½ł’`~€›‡[’žSC 37 SW18’žBallakelly’žOatland Circle’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSC 3214 7199’ž23214 47199’ž232140’ž471990’žIsle of Man’žMiddle’žSanton’žIsle of Man’žnonexnpxx’žCubbon 1971’žHenshall 1978nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone00’žyellow clayØ@Ÿ4a’žyes ?nononono’žyesnp’žchamberyesno’ž54°062 58.863 N, 004°342 10.523 W’ž54°062 58.353 N, 004°342 06.273 W’žN England’žHenshall 1978’žCubbon 197115ššģģģߊŠŠŠŠŠÅšookkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\\\\XSOKGC<<<888, ’łõńķéåįįįįŅÅÅÅÅÅĆĮ½»»»µØ ˜‹ƒ{n`IC2" q’Ę’<ł# :˜3<’žSC 28 SE 39’žBallaharra’žMonument #30455’žchambered cairn’žcremation cemetery’žnone’žSC 2640 8241’ž22640 48241’ž226400’ž482410’žIsle of Man’žGlenfaba’žGerman’žIsle of Man’žnone’žat the foot of a gentle hillock, in rolling pasturenpxnpnpnononoyesyesnoyesyesnono3’žchamber; E of chamber; NE side of tomb12’žgrave pitx1+’žfrom N of grave pit to cremation deposit0nox’žsubterranean chamber; black spreads & hollows;’žvariousyesnoyesno2 ?4’ž40+’žpaving@ń’žE of tomb4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žsouth of chamberxx’žchambernoxyes’žchambernono’žpostholes, 3 pits, hearthsno’ž54°122 28.773 N, 004°392 47.913 W’ž54°122 28.303 N, 004°392 43.703 W’žN Englandno’žyes15žžžśļÄ™•yuqhbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\SQO=83/+&!ūöōōīźäąŚŃ”Ÿ›™oki^Z1/+'! ’’’’’’’’’’ū÷õńń¼¶©”—Š‚zm_YE4# q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą‚>čM1J†FhÄ2ĀXĄh’žST 77 NE 16’žMouse Barrow’žMonument # 204835’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žST 7530 7689’ž37530 17689’ž375300’ž176890’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žDyrham and Hinton’žnone’žnonex2727’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķéééĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪČĀ¾ŗøøøø²¬™‚|tl_QK=0h’|  h’žST 76 NE 23’žBanner Down’žMonument # 203304’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žST 7933 6865’ž37933 16865’ž379330’ž168650’žAvon’žBath and NE Somerset’žBatheaston’žnone’žnone’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknown’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž51°242 59.513 N, 002°172 54.783 W’ž51°242 57.753 N, 002°172 49.903 W’žSW EnglandUUUIóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļļļŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌĪČ涓«««„Ÿ“}wogZLF@/h’~ 8h’žST 75 SW 5’žBig Tree’žBuckland Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7273 5173’ž37273 15173’ž372730’ž151730’žSomerset’žMendip’žBuckland Dinham’žMendips’žnone’žN-Sx3630’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž51°152 50.813 N, 002°232 31.753 W’ž51°152 48.993 N, 002°232 26.933 W’žSW England -WC===-×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××ÓÓÓøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø²¬Ø¤¢—Ž}ukc[N@:4'h’~ 8Ņu’žST 75 SE 5’žOrchardleigh’žMurtry Hill’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7626 5069’ž37626 15069’ž376260’ž150690’žSomerset’žMendip’žBuckland Dinham’žCotswolds’žnone’žat the west end of a level plateau with good views to the west’ž117’žSE-NWx’ž15.211’žSOM 8’žDarvill 2004’žGray 1929’žDaniel 1950nono’žForest Marblenonononoyesnono1’žNE end of mound0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (recent?)xnononono21+no’žred earth stratum?y@’žE end of mound?4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žentire barrownox’žcharcoal spreadsyesxnono’žhearth; pitno’žSW England -WC’žstanding stones’žDaniel 1950’žGray 192942’žDarvill 2004¶Ø¤¤¤™ŒŒŒŒŒ{kkkgZVRPJJJJJ88888888862#! żżżūźźŽŹĘĀĀĄ¼ø“°®“‘‹‰‡…ƒpnjf`\XTPA=9999,!!! łō³­¢‘‰wobTNH1$ q’’Ę’’’½ł’įg˜g^H’žST 75 NW 16’žStoney Littleton’žWellow or Bath Tumulus’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 7349 5721’ž37349 15721’ž373490’ž157210’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žWellow’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž32.1’ž16.2’žSOM 1’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBulleid 1941nonononononoyesnono’žammonite fossil on entrance jamb0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žunknown’žunknown’žsmall stones ?4@x4a’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žgallery floornox’žfloor of small stones’žpit algnment?yesxno’žSW England -WCno’žBulleid 1941’žDaniel 1950’ž402’žDarvill 2004widddWIIIIIE5555111/))))żīģźčäßŪ×ÓĪÉÉÉÅĆĆ·§ž••“‹‡ƒ}{wusqomkigEA=73/+'#öļéćįŚÖ֊Ž š’Š}o^XA) q’Ę’’’½ł’bb˜W4ƒ’žST 75 NW 10’žGray's Down’žBrays Down’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 7091 5619’ž37091 15619’ž370910’ž156190’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žShoscombe’žCotswolds’žnone’žSE/NWx’ž18.3’ž12.2’žSOM 21’žDarvill 2004’žGrinsell 1971, p 87yesyesŖ@·2c’žyes’žyesnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell 1971, p 8740’žDarvill 2004n`\\\\GGGGGG;;;;7722.........................)$$$   óóóåŻ×ŃĻČČČĀ·¬‰yl^MG0$ q’~0  "ˆŅčüOśLČJāF×DģAŒSU 43 NW 12’žMoody's Down Southeast’žNone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4347 3862’ž44347 13862’ž443470’ž138620’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žBarton Stacey’žnone’žMoody's Downnp’žSE-NWx49np’žKinnes SU 46’žKinnes 1992’žRCHME 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žyes0no˜@@z@ņx4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnr’žSUG’žSr’žSUG’žSU 43 NW r’žSUG’õSUG’žSU 43 NW 12’žMoody's Down Southeast’žNone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4347 3862’ž44347 13862’ž443470’ž138620’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žBarton Stacey’žnonenp’žSE-NWx49np’žKinnes SU 46’žKinnes 1992’žRCHME 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žyes0no@x4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnp’žW end of moundnono’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW Englandno’žRCHME 1979np’žKinnes 1992öéååååŁŁŁŁŁÕÉÉÉŬؤ”ŽŠˆ†„‚~yuqmieeecaaUQOJJHD>:640.*(&$"  žśöņīźęāāāāāÖÖÖÉ»·³±Ŗ¦¦¦ ‘„yqi\NHB5/ q’?Ā’’’½ł’ągˆ¶ņSU\’žSU 43 NE 17’žSouth Wonston North’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4700 3675’ž44700 13675’ž447000’ž136750’žHampshire’žWinchester’žWonston’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWX52np’žRCHME 1979nononono>@<ź2cnonpnp’žn/ano’žSW Englandnp’žRCHME 1979 śśśśööńńķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķéååååååååįįįÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅŹ¹µ±Æ¦¢¢œ–vnfYKE?2, q’_Ą  "€n}SU£’žSU 38 SW 5’žLambourn’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barow’žSU 3232 8338’ž43232 18338’ž432320’ž183380’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žat the top of a gentle rise onto Westcot Downnp’žENE-WSWx6721’žBRK 2; Kinnes SU 95’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žSchulting 2000nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žperforated marine shells; iron pyrite; perforated chalk piece; grooved chalk1’žS edge of mound1’žpit/posthole - S edge of moundx0x0’žterminal chamber??noxnonoyesno000no,@|x4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žditch fillno’žn/a’žpit/postholeno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žSchulting 2000np’žDarvill 2004; ; Kinnes 1992äĒĆĆĆĆ³³®®®ŖžžžšŒ‡ƒwqqqqqqqqqqqqqqokigec^YTPKFBBB@>>2.,**($ūł÷õóÓŃĄ¾oke_[UOKGCCCCC333 ōšģźįŻ®®“ƒxph[M93&  q’æĀ’’’½ł’ągŠžńSUĪ’žSU 38 SW 18’žMoss Hill’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 336 843’ž4336 1843’ž433600’ž184300’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žSparsholt’žnone’žnonenp’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknown’žCase 1950’žGrinsell 1936nononono4>@;ź2cnonpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell 1936’žCase 1950np==999.  žžžžžžžžśśśīīīģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģčäąÜÜÜÜĶĀĀĀĀĀ¹°®„””›•Šuh`XMA;5(" q’Ę$ "˜šõSUł’žSU 38 NW 24’žWhitehorse Hill’žMonument #229274’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 3000 8652’ž43000 18652’ž430000’ž186520’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žUffington’žCotswolds’ž249’žE-Wx2512’žBRK 5’žDarvill 2004’žMiles & Palmer 1995yesyesnononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?no’žyes?000noõ@<x4nonononono’žyes’žyesx’žmound’žsoil analysisxnoxyesx’žcultivation?; ground preparationno’žSW Englandno’žMiles & Palmer 1995np’žDarvill 2004 ’ūūūūęęęęęāÖÖÖŅ°°°®ØØØØØØØØØØØØØئ¢ ‘Šˆƒ~zvrnjjjhffZVTRRPJF@<:640.,*(&$"  śōōōōōßßßŃŹĘĀĄ»¶¶¶« ‹~vnaSMG:( q’?Ā’’’½ł’`fˆĘšIčvĶĖJ1ÉKEBcĄh’žTL 27 SE 81’žGodmanchester Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žTL 2555 7092’ž5255h’žTL 27 SE 81’žGodmanchester Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žTL 2555 7092’ž52555 27092’ž525550’ž270920’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žGodmanchester’žMalim 1999’žMalim 2001€’žCursus6d’žSE EnglandŹŹŹ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ŗŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦šŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽn^VNA333+%hĻ@ TL’žTL 19 NE 103’žOrton Longueville Barrow 2’žnone’žround barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 1641 9700’ž51641 29700’ž516410’ž297000’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žOrton Longueville’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx145nonononononoyesnonono3’žnp; E of centre; W of centre3’žSW of centre (1) SE of centre (2)x0x0nox’žstone & turf linear feature’žcentrenononono030no5@¢x4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žstone & turf linear feature’žposthole’žD-shaped postholes’žgrave pitnox’žpits (3)no’žSE Englandno’žyesnpHHDDDDDD???;///+!!!üņņÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓĻĶĖÉĒĀ¾ŗ¶²­©©©§„„™•“‘‘‹‡ƒwZXTRPNL)' ’ūõńķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪ×ÕĪŹŹÄ¾«…}pb\H:4 q’Ą’’’½ł’@gf‚2 TL’žTL 15 NE 60’žEynesbury’žMonument #1327616’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 1812 5872’ž51812 25872’ž518120’ž258720’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žEynesbury Hardwicke’žGreat Ouse Valley’žon the floodplain of the Great Ouse River. But on a false crest created by a natural gravel ridge15’žNNE-SSWx’ž58.529’žMalim 1999yesyes’žterrace gravels overlying oxford clay depositsyesyes’žoak tree trunknoyesyes’žquernstone fragment2’žNW side of mound; N end of monument0xx0x0noxnoxnononono05+0nop@!īx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žn/a’žpits (2)no’ž52°122 50.723 N, 000°162 20.913 W’ž52°122 49.183 N, 000°162 15.083 W’žSE Englandno’žMalim 1999npńńķķķķįįįįįŻŃ¦{wmhhf``````````````^ZXVTRMHD@;62220.." žśųöōņšīÉĒ²¬¦¢’Œ†VPJJJJJ>>>>>:42)%ĀĀƚ‰yqi\NHB5" q’æĀ’’’½ł’`ˆŖh’žTL 15 NE 59’žEynesbury North’žcursus’žTL 1812 5867’ž51812 25867’ž518120’ž258670’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žEynesbury Hardwicke’žMalim 1999€’žCursus6d’žSE England¹¹¹­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­©©•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰tcSKC6((( hĖ@ óTLq’žTL 13 SW 11’žKnocking Knoll’žnone’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žnone’žTL 1333 3105’ž51333 23105’ž513330’ž231050’žBedfordshire’žMid Bedfordshire’žShillington’žChilterns’žnonenp’žW-Ex30x’žDyer 1961nonononoR@€2cnonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žDyer, J. F. 1964 [Knocking Knoll]. Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 2, 74-8’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24np¶¶²²²²b’’śśöööööööööööööööööööööņņņņņņņņīīīāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæŗ¶¶°„˜†xph[MG:-' q’Ā  "Œ"h’žTL 09 SW 35’žSouthwick CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTL 0406 9295’ž50406 29295’ž504060’ž292950’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žSouthwick’žnone’žnone’žon low lying ground a short distance NW of the course of the River Nene.npnp’ž210xx’žOswald et al 2001nononono0x0xx0x00xnoxnononono0noA@}x6cno’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žCentral England©©©˜˜˜˜˜“‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡…}{ytppppppppljj^ZZZZXTPLHFB@><:86420.......*&"   žś°Ŗ¤™‚ph`SE?9#h’’_Ą’’±’ą!ČčŲˆs’žHY’žHY 31 SW 1’žMaeshowe’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 3182 1277’ž33182 101277’ž331820’ž1012770’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnone’žon flat land about 500 m from the Loch of Harray20x30xx’žORK 36’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRichards 2005yesyesnoyesyesnononono’ždecorated stones1’žrear platform1?’žpit/posthole - rear platformx0x0nox’žstanding stones (4); pre-mound structure?’žmain chamber; allnononono000’žstonesļ@;x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner passagenoxyesxnono’žstanding stone; posthole/stonehole; structure?no’žN Scotland’žstanding stones(4)’žyes’žStuart, J. 1864 Notice of Excavations in the Chambered Mound of Maeshowe, in Orkney, and of the Runic Inscriptions on the Walls of its central Chamber. . PSAS, 5, 247-79’žChilde, V. G. 1955 Maes Howe. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 155-72; Renfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žChallands, A., Muir, T. & Richards, C. 2005 The great passage grave of Maeshowe. IN RICHARDS, C. (Ed.) Dwelling among the monuments Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 229-248’žRichards, C. (Ed.) 2005 Dwelling among the monuments: an examination of the Neolithic village of Barnhouse, Maeshowe passage grave and surrounding monuments at Stenness, Orkney, Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press3ĆĆĆÓ `³®®®šŽŽŽŠZVRPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHD531/*%!  ųöōōņīźęāĻ¤¢žœš˜–xtecQMIEA;51+%%%%%üōņšģźę“®¤šŠzqi[M=7&  q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąg>h čxŠs’žNPc’žNPRN 95529’žPant y Saer’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSH 50971 82401’ž250971 382401’ž250971’ž382401’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanfair-Mathafarn-eithaf’žAnglesey99xx1815’žANG 13’žLynch 1991nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesyesyes’žantler point; incised pebble; iron pyrite2’žcentral (forms the chamber); forecourt0xx0x0nox’žstone setting; subterranean chamber’žchamberyes’žyesnono0540’žclay?{@)x1no’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žpassage; forecourt’žallx’žchamber’žclay?’žforecourt’žclay floor ?’žclay floor ?yesxnono’žWalesno’žWilliams, W. W. 1875 Excavations at Pant y Saer Cromlech, Anglesey Archaeologia Cambrensis, 30 (4th Ser Vol 6), 341-348’žLynch, F. 1991 Prehistoric Anglesey : the archaeology of the island to the Roman conquest. 2nd Ed., Llangefni, Anglesey Antiquarian Society ( p 79-83)’žScott, W. L. 1933 The chambered tomb of Pant-y-saer, Anglesey Archaeologia Cambrensis, 88, 185-228’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastoniųųųų’÷||||xqqqmiiigaaaaaaaaaSSSSE:3*(# ūöńķķķėééŻÖŌŠŠĪŹĘĮ»²‹‡…ƒ}{SQ&  óļėėėėėßßßß×ÓĻĶĖĒĒĒ½¢˜†~vgW@:)# q’??Ā’’’½ł’`f&& č6‹s[’žSC 37 SW18’žBallakelly’žOatland Circle’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSC 3214 7199’ž23214 47199’ž232140’ž471990’žIsle of Man’žMiddle’žSanton’žIsle of Man’žnonexnpxx’žCubbon 1971’žHenshall 1978nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone00’žyellow clayQ@H1’žyes ?nononono’žyesnp’žchamberyesno’ž54°062 58.863 N, 004°342 10.523 W’ž54°062 58.353 N, 004°342 06.273 W’žN England’žGale, J. & Darvill, T. 1998 A survey of the Ballakelly Chambered Tomb, in Darvill, T; Billown Neolithic Landscape Project, Isle of Man, 1997, Bournemouth and Douglas, Bournemouth University & Manx National Heritage’žPastscape:’žCubbon, A. M. (Ed.) 1971 Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man, Douglas, The Manx Museum and National Trust’žHenshall, A. S. 1978 Manx megaliths again: an attempt at structural analysis. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R.15ÕÕŃŃ6Ē©ĪĪĪĪĪĆ˜mmiiiiccccccccccccccccZZZZVQMIEA:::888, ’łõńķéåįįįįŅÅÅÅÅÅĆĮ½»»»µØ ˜‹ƒ{n`IC2" q’Ę’<ł# :¼3 šLVALŠMR2Ž€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType( <  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2œ€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType Filter( <  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’‹čĪĢŪÉÕGÓD„Āh’h’žNT 70 SE 10’žDour Hill Chambered Cairn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered long cairn’žNT 7923 0212’žNorthumberland’žTynedale’žRochester’žnone’žnone’ž345’žNW-SEx50’ž8.4’žNewbigin 1936’žWaddington et al 1998’žJobey 1977nononono’žcup marked stone‚@ģ€’žNot excavated2a’žyes’žyesyes’žN EnglandMMMBBBBBBBB<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<722222222..õõõõõõńķéåååŁĀ³³³³³®ŖØ”œœ–…{kkkk]GA0*h|Īƒ` ,}’žNT 65 NW 1’žMutiny Stones’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 6225 5902’ž36225 65902’ž362250’ž659020’žScottish Borders’žBorders’žLongformacus’žnone’žnone’ž381’žENE-WSWx’ž82.327’žKinnes NT 8; BRW 1’žKinnes 1992; Henshall 1972’žAshbee 1984nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’ždrystone wall’žeast end of cairnnononono000no^@ģx4anonononono’žyes’žno ?xxxxnox’ždrystone wallyesxno’žSE Scotlandno’žAshbee 1984’ž127’žKinnes 1992; Henshall 1972 ńģģģģßßßßßŪĪĪĪĪŹŹŹČĀĀĀĀ³³³³³³³³³³±­«©§„Ÿš–’ŽŠ†††‚€€tpnlljfb^ZG8620.,*(&$" žśśśśśķķķŃ½¹³±Ø££—‰€nf^QC=7+% q’Ā’’’½ł’bbˆßō’žNT 47 NW 9’žPort Seton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žunknown’žNT 40 75’ž340 675’ž340000’ž675000’žEast Lothian’žLothian’žTranent’žnone’žnone’žunknown’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknownnononono1|@ 82cno’žunknownunknown’žn/ano’žSE Scotland’ž126          ’’’’ūūööččččččččččččččččččččßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ×××ĖĖĖÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹°§„œ““‡~ug_WND;5(" q’Ą$ "€h’žNT 45 SE 10’žOverhowden’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass 1’žNT 4869 5227’ž34869 65227’ž348690’ž652270’žScottish Borders’žBorders’žChannelkirk’žnone’žnone’ž296NW’ž97.5xx’žHarding & Lee #244’žHarding & Lee 1987nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žnarrow gulley; charcoal spread’žedge of dtichnononono000noū@ˆx6bnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žnarrow gully; charcoal spreadno’žSE ScotlandÅÅÅøøøøøøøø“•••••••••••••“‹‰‡ƒ~zvrnjjjfddXTRPPNJFB>/  ’żūłõńķéåįŻŁÕŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃ½©§„Ÿ›––Š}tbZRE7.(!h’Ą’’’½ł’0 h’žNT 37 SE 49’žMonktonhall’žWestfield’žcursus’žNT 3505 7100’ž33505 67100’ž335050’ž671000’žEast Lothian’žLothian’žInveresk’žnone’žnone€’žCursus6d’žSE Scotland¬¬¬ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ››‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡{qhZRJ=///'hĻ@ h’žNT 36 NW 12’žNewbattle Abbey’žnone’žbarrow’žlong cist’žnone’žNT 333 660’ž3333 6660’ž333300’ž666000’žMidlothian’žLothian’žNewbattle’žnone’žnonenpx27xx’žChalmers 1810nononono1-@ģ€’žNo excavation records2dnonpnpno’žSE ScotlandüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüųōōōōōōōōššĶĮĮĮæææææææææææææææææææææææææ»·³ÆÆÆÆÆ     žœ˜–’’Œ†{rf^VK?9.& h’Ād ".čżKõɉFÄFĮh’žNT 93h’žNT 93 SW 28’žCoupland Henge’žnone’žhenge’žcircular enclosure’žClass II henge’žNT 9405 3307’ž39405 63307’ž394050’ž633070’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žEwart’žMilfield Basin’žnone47’žNNW, SSE68xx’žHarding 120’žHarding 1987’žWaddington 1997’žHarding 1989’žgravel terraceno’žhazelnutyesyesnono4’žvarious2’ženclosure entrancex0xnonox’žburnt deposit’žlower fill of droveway ditchnononono000noR@Œ7@=x6bnono’žyesnono’žyesnpxxxxnoxyesx’ž55°352 28.583 N, 002°052 45.193 W’ž55°352 28.583 N, 002°052 39.623 W’žN Englandiii^3žśųöōņīéåįÜŲŌŌŌŠĪĀ¶²°®®¬Ø¤ œ~omieca_KI@>:60*       žķķķßŅŠĪŹĄ¼¼¶¦Ÿ‹{sk^P@,%h’ż’’żł’`8h’žNT 93 SW 13’žMilfield North Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žNT 9338 3490’ž39338 63490’ž393380’ž634900’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žMilfield’žnone’žMilfield38’žNNE, S15xx’žHarding 127’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987’žgravel terraceyes6b’žyes’žN England                             žīīīīīīīąąąŅÅĆĮ½µ±±§”—‚rjbUG82+%h’ g”’žNT 93 NE 15’žBroom Ridge’žMonument #3608’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 9650 3705’ž39650 63705’ž396500’ž637050’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žFord’žnone’žnonex’ž4.9xx’žKinnes Ab1’žKinnes 1979’žGreenwell 1877’žKinnes 1979nono’žsandstonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žpatches of burnt matter’žvariousyesnonono00’žunknownno@Œx4’žyesno’žyesnononono’žvariousxxxnoxnox’žpatches of burnt matterno’ž55°372 37.413 N, 002°032 25.433 W’ž55°372 37.423 N, 002°032 19.843 W’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1979’žGreenwell 1877’ž129’žKinnes 1979wjeeeUHHHHHD9ćßĘĘĘÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“«§£Ÿ›–’‹‰‰}ypnnlhd`ZQ8620.,*(&$" ÷óļļļļāŅŅŅŹ·µ°®®®Ø¢œˆxph[MGA4$ q’~Ę’’’½ł’`~˜wh’žNT 91 SE 342’žHigh Knowes’žMonument #1197321’žhengiform monument’žnone’žnone’žNT 967 122’žNorthumberland’žAlnwick’žAlnham’žnone’žnone’ž320’žN, S’ž9.5xx’žHarding 126’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987nonononoyes’žjet fragment'@ ģ €’žhengiform2d’žyesyes’žN England'''  öźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźÜÜÖÖÖÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘøøøŖ›™”Ž‰‰ƒ}ul\\\\PJD0h|Ā£` ²3’žNT 80 SW 5’žBellshiel Law’žMonument #263’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 8131 0117’ž38131 60117’ž381310’ž601170’žNorthumberland’žTynedale’žRochester’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of an escarpment just below the summit of Bellshiel Law hill’ž307’žE-Wx’ž112’ž15.5’žKinnes NT 1’žKinnes 1992’žNewbigin 1935’žMasters 1984’žAshbee 1984yesnonononononoyesno’žcup marked stone; grooved or 'tracked' stone1’žE end of cairn0xx0x0nox’žstone setting, semi-circular’žE end of moundnonoyesno000no@x4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žgraveno’žgrave pitno’ž55°182 15.533 N, 002°172 45.123 W’ž55°182 15.413 N, 002°172 39.693 W’žN Englandno’žMasters 1984’žAshbee 1984’žNewbigin 1935’ž128’žKinnes 1992üüķąŅŅŅŅŅĪĆ˜mi^^ZSMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKGECA?;62.*&"""    žśöęČĘĀĄ¾¼ŗø¶¦¤vrlhd`\XTNNNA3$$$ ’żųóØ¢œ‘‡wogZLF@4% q’’Ī’’’½ł’ą~ø× čē‰s’žHY’žHY 55 SW 2’žHolm of Papa Westray North’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular’žHY 5044 5228’ž35044 105228’ž350440’ž1052280’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žPapa Westray’žPapa Westray’žnone5’žNW-SEx’ž11.8’ž6.3’žORK 21’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRitchie 1986nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone bead, bone points, whalebone object; pumice1’žcentre of 2nd compartment0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono08+0’žslab@Ėx1’žArchive?no’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesnox’žchamberx’žpassagenoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie, G. 1857 Description of antiquities in Orkney recently examined, with Illustrative drawings. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 56-62’žRitchie, A. 1982 Holm of Papa Westray North (Papa Westray p) chambered tomb. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 19’žRitchie, A. 1986 Holm of Papa Westray: an insight into the Neolithic use of chambered tombs. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 116, 583-4’žPetrie, G. 1866 Notice of the brochs and the so-called Picts' Houses of Orkney. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 216-25’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press#³³³yYYYYUIIIEAAA?9999999999999973*( żżóńļļćŻŪ××ÕŃĶĒĆĮ½»·µ³±Æ­«Ž\XRLHB<840000"śņķēåŽÜÜÖČŗŖš‘‰{mOI82 q’Ę’’’½ū’`f<.čĪ ĢgŹŻČįĘŹCĘCĀh’žNX 15 NW 76.04’žDunragit’žcursus’žNX 1497 5745’ž21497 55745’ž214970’ž557450’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žOld Luce’žThomas 2004’žThomas 2006€’žCursus6d’žSW ScotlandĘĘĘ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹µµ”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡}fOG?2$$$hĖ@ h’žNX 15 NW 5’žKnockdoon’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNX 132 551’ž2132 5551’ž213200’ž555100h’žNX 15 NW 76.04’žDunragit’žcursus’žNX 1497 5745’ž21497 55745’ž214970’ž557450’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žOld Luce’žThomas 2004’žThomas 2006€’žCursus6d’žSW ScotlandĘĘĘ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹µµ”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡}fOG?2$$$hĖ@ õ)¶’žNU 12 NW 40’žChatton Sandyford’žMonument #1321304’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNU 100 266’ž41000 62660’ž410000’ž626600’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žChatton’žnone’žnone’žon the flat crest of a ridge’ž182+x’ž3.6xxnononoyesnononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono100no]@ ģ’žW side of mound4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnox’žpit - grave?; hearthno’ž55°322 00.523 N, 001°502 32.403 W’ž55°322 00.483 N, 001°502 26.723 W’žN Englandno13""ä¹µŸŸŸ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™—“‘‹‡‚~zuqmmmkZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"   żłóļėēēēēēēēēēēåćŽÜÖø²¬£wobVPJ=* q’’Ą’’’½ł’`~€ėh’žNU 02 SE 8’žBlawearie Round Cairn’žMonument #5748’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNU 0815 2230’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žBewick’žnone’žnonex11xx €’žBronze Age2b’ž55°292 40.103 N, 001°522 20.943 W’ž55°292 40.043 N, 001°522 15.283 W’žN Englandåŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¶¶žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžœš–”””Žˆ€l\\\\NHB5%h|@8h’žNT 93 SW 66’žWhitton Hill 2’žring ditch’žNT 9325 3452’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žMilfield’žHarding 131’žHarding 1987 €’žring ditch2d’žN England©©©žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžšš‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚tggggggggg]I9999+++hK`@ h’žNT 93 SW 65’žWhitton Hill 1’žhengiform monument’žNT 9334 3460’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žMilfield’žHarding 130’žHarding 1987’žMiket 1984’žHarding 1981’žHarding 1987 €’žhengiform2d’žN EnglandŲŲŲĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉɲ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²¤–ŠŠŠ|oooooooooeQAAAA333hK`@ h’žNT 93 SW 40’žOld Yeavering Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žNT 9285 3043’ž39285 63043’ž392850’ž630430’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žKirknewton’žnone’žnone68’žESE, WNW19xx’žHarding 132’žHarding 1987’žsand and gravel terraceyes6b’žyes’žyesyes’žN England                    žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžųßßßßßßßßßßŃÄĀĄ¼²®®Ø¢–qiaTF71*$h’ h’žNT 93 SW 37’žMilfield South Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žNT 9396 3351’ž39396 63351’ž393960’ž633510’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žMilfield’žnone’žMilfield45NW25xx’žHarding 128’žHarding 1987’žgravel terraceyes6b’žN EnglandöööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņģÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĪĮæ½¹µ±±§”—‚rjbUG82+%h’ čĪłIĶF„A©r’žNX 37 NE 1’žBargrennan’žThe White Cairn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, round’žNX 3524 7835’ž23524 57835’ž235240’ž578350’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žMinnigaff’žnone’žnone’žon gently undulating hillside between 2 streams; positioned on a natural rise, but not the highest point locally’ž114x’ž13.5xx’žKRK 5’žHenshall 1972’žCummings & Fowler 2004’žCummings & Fowler 2005yesyes’žSilurian rocks / upper carboniferousyesnonoyesyesno’žbone belt hook3’žentrance to passage1’žE side of cairnx1’žE side of cairn0nox’žMesolithic activity’žs end of cairnyesnoyesnoyes02’žslabŌ(Y>;’žpassage entrance; pit4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žpassage entrance/ritual pitxx’žpassagenox’žslab pavement; pit’ž2 pitsyes’žpassage entrance / ritual pitnono’žMesolithic activity; EN activity’žflint; activity’ž55°042 20.053 N, 004°342 55.063 W’ž55°042 19.943 N, 004°342 50.703 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žCummings & Fowler 2005’žCummings & Fowler 2004’ž130’žHenshall 19723$ļļźźåįŌ©~mKGC$üóńļŅĶČÄĄ»·²²²°™™‡…ƒƒ}ysoiYDB><+)'’żķé毣ÕĻ©£…mmm^WUSMKFÓĶĒ¼„Ž†~qcJD3" q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą’šS’žNX 16 SE 27’žMid Gleniron II’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 1877 6093’ž21877 56093’ž218770’ž560930’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Luce’žnone’žnone83’žNNE-SSWx’ž14.3’ž9.1’žWIG 2’žHenshall 1972’žCorcoran 1969nono’žtillnono ?noyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono200no«@Œ’žentrance to lateral chamber; forecourt4’žno ?no’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žhearth’žhearthyesxnono’žhearths (2)no’žSW Scotlandno’žCorcoran 1969’ž130’žHenshall 19727(####’ņīźčāāāāāāāāāŚŚŚŚŅŠĢŹČĘÄĄ»·³®Ŗ¤¤¤¢zznjhffd`\XTRNLHFDB@><:840*$  ÷÷÷čįÜÖŌĖĒĒĮ»±šƒ{sfXE?.( q’Ā’’’½ł’ągˆS’žNX 16 SE 14’žMid Gleniron I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 1867 6100’ž21867 56100’ž218670’ž561000’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Luce’žnone’žnone’žon a gently sloping bench of till, 1/2 mile east of the Water of Luce83’žN-Sx2112’žWIG 1’žHenshall 1972’žCorcoran 1969nono’žtillnononoyesyesnono3’žforecourt3?’žpit/posthole - forecourtx0x0nox’žstone setting; standing stones’žforecourtnononono200’žslab@@Œ’žforecourt4no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žN chamber’žslab’žS chamber’žpaved floor’žslab pavement’ž3 hollows; 2 hearthsyesxnono’žstone setting; pit/posthole; hearth; standing stones?no’žSW Scotland’žstanding stones’žyes’žCorcoran 1969’ž130’žHenshall 1972žžžžļļźźźŁĢĢĢČ‘‰‡kkk\OD>31/-(#    ’’óķėééēćßŪ×Ģ¬Ŗ¦¤¢ ž„€usoke_[WSMIEEEEE666'  ĘĄŗ°™‚zreWD>-' q’’Ā’’’½ł’ągŠh’žNX 15 NW 81.00’žFox Plantation Cursus’žnone’žcursus’ženclosure’žpit-defined cursus’žNX 1147 5710’ž21147 55710’ž211470’ž557100’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žInch’žnone’žnone’žCullen & James 199524np€’žCursus6d’žDDS Request August 15 2009’žSW ScotlandöņņŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ»µÆ˜yqdVB7/)h’@ Ź LVALŚ Ashbee et al 1979: Pre-Barrow Activity - p 264 - barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. Certain features post-date the cultivation but association with barrow is unclear: concentrations of flint knapping debris, patches of charcoal on the OGS, stak’žAshbee et al 1979: Pre-Barrow Activity - p 264 - barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. Certain features post-date the cultivation but association with barrow is unclear: concentrations of flint knapping debris, patches of charcoal on the OGS, stakeholes not part of the fencing system, areas of fine chalk rubble on the OGS. A line of 34 stakeholes extended diagonally across the site. A pit dug into the chalk rubble at the extreme front of the monument s a secondary feature - likely LN or Beaker (Ashbee 1966 p 257)Ž LVALī Jewitt 1885: 'A cutting was made across the [forecourt] ..when layers of grey unctuous earth with fragments of charcoal were found about 2 feet below the present surface. .. In Chamber 1 were found black carbonaceous and grey unctuous earth, with fragments of charcoal. On the north and south, under side stones, were pieces of bones& also pieces of two different urns In chamber 2 were found layers of black carbonaceous earth with charcoal on flat stones& underneath a layer of the same grey unctuous earth as in chamber 1& In chamber 3 was the same kind of black carbonaceous and grey unctuous clay, with fragments of charcoal and a few pieces of flint.' Fleure 1936:  we came upon quantities of burnt shale fragments,..along with some ’žJewitt 1885: 'A cutting was made across the [forecourt] ..when layers of grey unctuous earth with fragments of charcoal were found about 2 feet below the present surface. .. In Chamber 1 were found black carbonaceous and grey unctuous earth, with fragments of charcoal. On the north and south, under side stones, were pieces of bones& also pieces of two different urns In chamber 2 were found layers of black carbonaceous earth with charcoal on flat stones& underneath a layer of the same grey unctuous earth as in chamber 1& In chamber 3 was the same kind of black carbonaceous and grey unctuous clay, with fragments of charcoal and a few pieces of flint.' Fleure 1936:  we came upon quantities of burnt shale fragments,..along with some fragments of charcoal and black powdery material. This was discovered 62 feet east of the western portal of the chambers. Continued clearing revealed a mound of burnt material 20 feet E-W, 12 feet N-S. and 4 feet high. & it was ascertained that the mound contained a central platform& ..We looked for pits and have not as yet been satisfied that they exist. P 385  we found some overlapping stones forming shallow steps. must have been some special path& Whether [it[ s contemporary with the rest we cannot decide; it may be later, we feel confident it is not an earlier feature to which the rest of the monument was added. P 388  Here and there are found water worn white quartz beach pebbles, but in the eastern area just discussed no fewer than 125 were collected. ` LVALp Davidson & Henshall 1989: two phases of Neolithic activity. P 176 'The earliest activity is represented by two extremely ruined stone structures on either side of a narrow N to S passage, each containing a stone-lined hearth. Ballin Smith 1994 p 11 - neither of these structures was excavated ; p 269 - suggests a ritual rather than domestic use for the hearths. & .These structures were demolished and sealed with clay before the mound was built. In the clay covering the E structure were one stone axe and a fragment of a second.' The second phase involved the construction of a large chambered tomb - the mound contained a passage on almost the same axis as the W structure. In later phases of activity, the centre of the mound was almost entirely removed before building a round house in the early Iron Age.; the roundhouse w’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: two phases of Neolithic activity. P 176 'The earliest activity is represented by two extremely ruined stone structures on either side of a narrow N to S passage, each containing a stone-lined hearth. Ballin Smith 1994 p 11 - neither of these structures was excavated ; p 269 - suggests a ritual rather than domestic use for the hearths. & .These structures were demolished and sealed with clay before the mound was built. In the clay covering the E structure were one stone axe and a fragment of a second.' The second phase involved the construction of a large chambered tomb - the mound contained a passage on almost the same axis as the W structure. In later phases of activity, the centre of the mound was almost entirely removed before building a round house in the early Iron Age.; the roundhouse was followed by two consecutive brochs founded on the remains of the mound. Carter 1984: The Phase 1 structure is an Orkney Cromarty chambered cairn {NOTE: Ballin-Smith (1994) refers to it as a stalled tomb) Challands 2005 -p 247 the pre-mound structure is best interpreted as a house, due to the presence of a hearth in the building. The Phase 2 Maes Howe chambered tomb was built on boulder clay. ..Below the main chamber and cut down to bedrock was a lower cell 2m x 1.5 m x 60 cm high& Ballin Smith 1994 - p 10 A pit setting for a standing stone is the earliest structure on the site. P 14 - The Phase 1 structures were levelled and covered with a layer of clay prior to Phase 2 construction. P 19 There was no artefactual evidence to suggest a lengthy occupation of the site - a variety of reasons might account for this.JčüOĒLI5EbĆh’žNX 65 NE 6’žPark of Tongland’žnone’žkerb cairn’žcremation cemetery’žnone’žNX 6996 5609’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žTongland’žnone’žnone€’žBronze Age cremation cemetery €’žBronze Age2b’žSW Scotlandņņņåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååįįɞžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžž˜’ˆqZZZZLF2& h|` ‡NX 55 SW 2’žCairnholy I’žCairn Holy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 5176 5389’ž25176 55389’ž251760’ž553890’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmabreck’žnone’žnone’ž122’žE-Wx42’ž9.9’žKRK 2’žHenshall 1972nono’žLloandovery subdivision of Siluriannono’žyesyesyesyes’žcup and ring marked stone; jet bead1’žforecourt1h’žNX 65 NE 6’žPark of Tongland’žnone’žkerb cairn’žcremation cemetery’žnone’žNX 6996 5609’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žTongland’žnone’žnone€’žBronze Age cremation cemetery €’žBronze Age2b’žSW Scotlandņņņåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååįįɞžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžž˜’ˆqZZZZLF2& h|` Ģz’žNX 55 SW 2’žCairnholy I’žCairn Holy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 5176 5389’ž25176 55389’ž251760’ž553890’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmabreck’žnone’žnone’ž122’žE-Wx42’ž9.9’žKRK 2’žHenshall 1972nono’žLloandovery subdivision of Siluriannono’žyesyesyesyes’žcup and ring marked stone; jet bead1’žforecourt1?’žpit/posthole - forecourtx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žforecourtyesnoyesno600’žrough paving slabs”O’žforecourt4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žcairn; forecourtxx’žantechambernox’ž6 hearths; pit /posthole’žantechamber - pavingyes’žantechambernono’žoccupation area; hearths; potsherd scatter; woodland clearanceno’ž54°512 28.163 N, 004°182 38.963 W’ž54°512 27.953 N, 004°182 34.503 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’ž137’žHenshall 1972cTOOOOOOJJEA4 ŽŚš–’…iiiiiiiOOOOOMI<:8&!  ÷÷ė×ÕÓÓŃĶĒĆ½² žš˜–”’xtigB<60+'#žśööööööööēąŪ×ÕŠĖĖÅ沛„|tgYF@/# q’Ą’’’½ł’č’‚ßс’žNX 55 SW 1’žCairnholy II’žGaldus's Tomb’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 5181 5403’ž25181 55403’ž251810’ž554030’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmabreck’žnone’žnone’ž129’žNE-SWx2112’žKRK 3’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono100no’žantechamber4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žantechamber - hearthyesxnono’žhearthno’ž54°512 32.743 N, 004°182 36.423 W’ž54°512 32.533 N, 004°182 31.963 W’žSW Scotlandno’ž137’žHenshall 1972E6111111111- õŹĘ¾ŗ¶“®®˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒŠ…€|xtplllj]]]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’ūūūūūūūūģåįŻŪŌĻĻÉƶŸˆ€xk]JD3$ q’Ą’’’ł’č€ļĪĘ’žNX 47 SW 1’žDrannandow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 4083 7135’ž24083 57135’ž240830’ž571350’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žMinnigaff’žnone’žnone’ž198’žE-Wx’ž23.715’žKRK 8’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noQ@“x4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žblack soilyes’žChambers A and Cnono’ždark soilno’ž55°002 40.383 N, 004°292 26.163 W’ž55°002 40.253 N, 004°292 21.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’ž137’žHenshall 1972@1,,,,,,,,,(šÅĮ¶²®œ–––––––––––ŠŠŠˆ„‚€~|wrnjfb^^^\ZZNJHFFD@:620,*&$"  žśöņīīīīīīīīßŲŌĪĢĒĀĀ¼¶«”}um`R?9(" q’Ą’’’½ł’ą€ĀULVAL ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠuuĻMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of t’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposit’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The ’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. "’žThe excavation was not published by the original excavator; her notes were reviewed and published by Richardson - no info on land surface’žMaughan 1854: [Th’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 ’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. "’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. "’žThe excavation was not published by the original excavator; her notes were reviewed and published by Richardson - no info on land surface’žEdwards 1923: the long cairn was found’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 "[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. "’žThe excavation was not published by the original excavator; her notes were reviewed and published by Richardson - no info on land surface” 豊s˜’žSC 48 NE 1’žCashtal Yn Ard’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSC 4622 8922’ž24622 48922’ž246220’ž489220’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žMaughold’žIsle of Man’žnone’ž152’žW-Ex3921nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žburnt area and platform; steps & pathway (contemporary or later)’žeast of centre on medial line of mound; east end of moundyesnoyesno000’žslab@x1no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žburnt platformxx’žforecourtnox’žblack soil’žslab pavingyes’žchambers; forecourt’ždark soil depositno’ž54°162 31.713 N, 004°212 47.513 W’ž54°162 31.263 N, 004°212 43.163 W’žN Englandno’žFleure, H. J. & Neely, G. J. H. 1936 Cashtal yn Ard, Isle of Man. Antiquaries Journal, 16, 373-95’žJewitt, L. 1885 [Cashtal yn Ard]. The Reliquary, Jan 1885, 166-167’žHenshall, A. S. 1978 Manx megaliths again: an attempt at structural analysis. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R.’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press15ZZVVéN££££Ÿ”i>:'''         ’’’’óńķāąŽĪŹÅĮ¼·²®®®¬ŖŖž˜–””’Žˆ„~C’ūł÷õóńļķėēćŻ×ÓĻĖĒĆææææææææææ»·µ°««„˜Ž‡zrj]OIC,& q’Ą’’’½ł’`~¼›ī LVALž Kissock & Philips 2000 - p 48 : the passage 'appeared to end in a pit between horns. Plentiful charcoal and a small amount of unidentifiable bone were recovered from the base of the pit. ' P 49 The chamber contained a placement of three white, smo’žKissock & Philips 2000 - p 48 : the passage 'appeared to end in a pit between horns. Plentiful charcoal and a small amount of unidentifiable bone were recovered from the base of the pit. ' P 49 The chamber contained a placement of three white, smoothed quartzite stones. The passage and possibly the pit were later additions to the chamber and cairn - this may imply a reuse of the cairn with changes in constructional technique and ritual practice. Radiocarbon dating of the charcoal is 'underway'.čJMÓIF£ĆčĮ3Ąh’žNX 97 SE 13’žPict's Knowe’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žNX 9538 7213’ž29538 57213’ž295380’ž572130’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žTroqueer’žnone’žnonexx’žThomas 20006b’žThomas 2007’žSW ScotlandŌŌŌĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒŗ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶©©©©©§„„„„„Ÿ™xaYQD60*#h’ h’žNX 97 NW 23’žHolywood South’žNewbridge Cursus; Holywood 1’žcursus’žNX 9489 7966’ž29489 57966’ž294890’ž579660’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žHolywood’žThomas 1999€’žCursus6d’žSW ScotlandŚŚŚĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉɵµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµØØØØØØØØØØØØ؞‡ph`SEEE=hĻ@ h’žNX 97 NE 85’žCurriestanes Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žnone’žditch defined cursus’žNX 9599 7517’ž29599 57517’ž295990’ž575170’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žTroqueer’žnone’žnonenp’žW-Ex’ž30095yesyes1’žinterior of the cursus€’žCursus6d’žsee COWLEY 2001npyes’ž55°032 36.463 N, 003°372 47.553 W’ž55°032 36.303 N, 003°372 42.763 W’žSW Scotland€U******$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$          ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷߯ŻŻŻ×××ŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĶČĘĮ½½·±§yqi\N82*$h’@ 8”Ņ’žNX 96 SW 1’žSlewcairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žunchambered’žNX 9239 6142’ž29239 56142’ž292390’ž561420’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žColvend and Southwick’žnone’žnone’ž210’žN-Sx2213’žKinnes NX 6’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972’žMasters 1975’žMasters 1974nonononono’žyesyesyesnono0x2?’žchamberx0x0’žyes’žN part of cairn’žstanding stones (5)’žN of centenononono000’žpaving stones@‹x4’žyesno’žyesnonononoxxx’žsouth end of cairnnox’žpaved area; mortuary structurenox’žyes’žn/a’žposthole (2); mortuary structure’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žMasters 1975’žMasters 1974’žHenshall 1972’ž137’žKinnes 1992ĶĄ»»¬ž‹ook^^^^<720,,,,,          ņšīģčäąÜ×ÓĪĪĪĢŹŹ¾Æ­««©„”™xgb`^\ZQMKIEA;50,($ ńńńäÖŅĪĢĒĀĀ¼¶ŸˆqiaTF93'! q’Ī’’’½ł’įcŗ‡0’žNX 96 NE 24’žLochhill’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNX 9688 6507’ž29688 56507’ž296880’ž565070’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Abbey’žnone’žnone48’žNE-SWx2514’žKinnes NX 7’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972nononoyesnonoyesnonono0x3; 16’žmortuary structure; timber faēadex0x0’žmortuary structure; faēade’žNE end of cairnnonoyesnonono000’žoak plank@|x4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žfaēade; mortuary structurexx’žmortuary structurenox’žtimber faēadeyesxnono’žtimber structureno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žHenshall 1972’ž137’žKinnes 1992‚uppppaa\\\XKKKG51-+%%%%%%%%%üśųÜ×ŅĪÉÄĄ»»»¹··« žœœš–’Žˆ„€oRPNLJ' ’łõńķķķķķŽŽŽŃÄĄ¼ŗ³ÆÆ©£˜jbZM?93'! q’Ā’’’½ł’ągŠÓ‚’žNX 88 NE 2’žFleuchlarg’žWhite Cairn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žNX 8543 8734’ž28543 58734’ž285430’ž587340’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žGlencairn’žnone’žnone’ž130’žNNE-SSWx46’ž25.5’žKinnes NX 5’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972nononono>@>ź2c’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž137’žKinnes 1992Į“ÆÆÆÆÆHHHHH;;;;7722....................*%%%%%%%%!!!  öööéÜÖŅŠĒĀĀ¼¶«”}um`RF@/" q’Ā  "„oÅč)ĶtĖÖÉŌG½Å¼ĆįĮh’žNY 52 NW 3’žLittle Round Tablh’žNY 52 NW 3’žLittle Round Table’žnone’žhenge’žcircular enclosure’žnone’žNY 5240 2818’ž35240 52818’ž352400’ž528180’žCumbria’žEden’žYanwath and Eamont Bridge’žnone’žnone90xx’žHarding 034’žHarding 1987’žTopping 1992’žHarding 198716b’žN EnglandśśśļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėééééééééééééééééŪĶĶĶæ²°®ŖŖŖŖ¤žƒ}tldWIC/("h’| h’žNY 52 NW 2’žKing Arthur's Round Table’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žclassic henge’žNY 5233 2838’ž35233 52838’ž352330’ž528380’žCumbria’žEden’žYanwath and Eamont Bridge’žnone’žnone’ž122’žSE. NW’ž51.2xx’žHarding 033’žHarding 1987’žBradley 1994’žHarding 1987’žBersu 19406b’žyesyes’žN England           śģŽŽŽŠĆĮæ¹±¬¬¦ …vnfYK<6/)h’ h’žNY 33 SE 2’žBlack Beck’žnone’žround cairn’žhut / potash kiln’žnone’žNY 352 343’žCumbria’žAllerdale’žCaldbeck’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žKinnes Af2’žKinnes 1979’žTurner 1991nonoF@“2b’žyesnpnp’ž54°412 59.983 N, 003°002 22.473 W’ž54°412 59.643 N, 003°002 17.443 W’žN England666+ÕÕÕÕÕÕŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĶČČČČČČČČÄÄÄøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø“““°°°°°£££–Šˆ†‚€||vpf[RRRRF@- h|B  8ö’žNY 00 NE 11’žSampson's Bratful’žnone’žlong cairn’žburial cairn’žnone’žNY 0984 0805’ž30984 50805’ž309840’ž508050’žCumbria’žCopeland’žEnnerdale and Kinniside’žnone’žnone’ž260’žSE-NWx25’ž13.5nonononos@?ź2cnoyes’žn/ano’žN England14            žžžžśśõõļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėėėėėėėėēēēŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÅĮæø³³­§Ž„{sk^PJ<0* q’Ą  "€#h’žNX 98 SE 86’žHolm’žHolm Farm’žcursus’žNX 9596 8038’ž29596 58038’ž295960’ž580380’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žHolywood’žThomas 2000€’žCursus6d’žSW Scotland½½½°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬¬˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹jSKC6((( hĻ@ h’žNX 98 SE 42’žHolywood North’žHolywood 2’žcursus’žNX 9502 8012’ž29502 58012’ž295020’ž580120’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žHolywood’žThomas 1999‡@“€’žCursus6d’žSW ScotlandŌŌŌĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆĆÆ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££–––––––––––––Œu^VNA333+hĻ` h’žNX 98 SE 152’žKerrick's Farm’žDuncow’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNX 9500 8374’ž29500 58374’ž295000’ž583740’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmahoe’žnone’žnone10x8xxnono’žLower Permian sedimentary deposits overlain by alluvial gravelsyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono004no;@“ €’žBronze Agex2b’žBronze Age’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’ž2 cremation pitsnox’žn/a’žSW ScotlandöööéééééääāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘÄĀĄ¾¹“°¬§£ž’’ŽŒthdb``^ZVRNLHFB@><:86-+'# ĘĀ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¼ŗø¶²²¬¦›„me]PB<6( h’Ą’’’żż’@`!YčlL0J»FACq@rŒF’žNY 70 NW 8’žBent's &F’žNY 70 NW 8’žBent's Hill’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 7060 0677’ž37060 50677’ž370600’ž506770’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnonex11xx’žKinnes ACd3’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono090no°@ x4ano’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxnoxno’ž54°272 19.823 N, 002°272 17.643 W’ž54°272 19.353 N, 002°272 12.413 W’žN Englandno’ž140’žKinnes 1979ŪĪÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÅŗdd```^ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXTRPNLGC?;72...*(( üśöōņšīģźčęāŽŚÖŅĢČÄĄ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼Æ¢ žš˜˜˜’Œ|vme]PB<6)# q’~Ą’’’½ł’`z€Ę’žNY 60 NE 8’žCrosby Garrett 174’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 60 08’ž36000 50800’ž360000’ž508000’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx’ž20.1’ž12.2’žKinnes Eb2’žKinnes 1979’žMasters 1984’žMasters 1984nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin; boar tusk blades; antler macehead; iron pyrite0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žSSE of centrenononono060nox@™x4a’žyes’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxnono’ž49°462 17.743 N, 007°332 09.743 W’ž49°462 15.503 N, 007°332 07.183 W’žN Englandno’žMasters 1984’žMasters 1984’ž140’žKinnes 1979…xssseWWWWWSHņīźźźčāāāāāÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŃĶĖÉĒÅĮ½¹µ±¬§§§£””•‘‹‡ƒ{l][WUSQOMKIG  żłóļėēććććÕĒĒĒŗ®Ø¢ ›››•yph`SIC=0* q’~Ę’’’½ł’a~˜’ē’žNY 60 NE 1’žRaiset Pike’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 6840 0725’ž36840 50725’ž368400’ž507250’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’ž275’žNW-SEx’ž54.5’ž18.9’žKinnes NY 2’žKinnes 1992’žMasters 1984; see Ashbee 1984nononononononononono2’žSE end of cairn0xx0x0’žyes?’žSE end of cairn’žmortuary structure’žSE end of cairnyes’žyes?nono00’ž6-7no@“x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentral (mesial) line of mound’žcentral (mesial) line of moundxxnoxnox’žtimber structure?; grave pit; mortuary pit; fire; ground preparationno’žN Englandno’žyes?’ž140’žKinnes 1992€snnnnnnhhhdYYYU               ’ßæŗµ±­Ø£žžžœššŽŠ…ƒƒ}ysm\H71/-+)'% žśöņīźźźźźĖĖĖ¾±«„£œ——‘‹{uld\OA;5)# q’Ā’’’½ł’`f‚§,’žNY 58 SE 2’žLamb Crag’žMonument #13107’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 570 808’ž35700 58080’ž357000’ž580800’žCumbria’žCarlisle’žBewcastle’žnone’žnone’ž300’žNNW-SSEx’ž15.2’ž9.1’žMasters 1984nononono’žcremation trench?’žs of centre‹@“4ano’žcremation trench?npno’žN Englandno’žMasters 1984’ž140GGBBBB444440%%%%!!!!                ööööööööööéÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘøøøøø³­«¢—‘†|skcVJD>2! q’Ā !bˆcļ’žNY 58 NW 6’žLangknowe’žLong Knowe’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 5272 8621’ž35272 58621’ž352720’ž586210’žScottish Borders’žBorders’žCastleton’žnone’žnone’ž271’žNE-SWx’ž53.3’ž13.7’žROX 1’žHenshall 1972’žMaughan 1854nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no“@žx2cnono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žn/ano’žSE Scotlandno’žMaughan, J. 1854 The Maiden Way, section IV - survey of the Maiden Way to Castleton in Scotland Archaeological Journal, 11, 345-52’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž140’žHenshall 1972Ÿ‹‹‹‹$žžžžš‰‰„‚||||||||||||||zvtrpnjea]XTPPPLJJ>:86640,($"  üųōšģčäąąąąąŅŅŅĆ¼¶°®§¢¢œ–‹‚ph`SE?9-! q’Ā’’’½ł’ąbŒcčsˆs’žHY’žHY 21 SE 41’žHowe’žHowe of Howe, Hillock of Howe’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 2759 1092’ž32759 1010920’ž327590’ž1010920’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStromness’žMainland’žnone’žon gently sloping ground29x25xx’žORK 66’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyes’žStromness Flags - Middle Old Red Sandstone, covered with boulder clay glacial driftnononoyesyesyes’ž2 wooden 'scoops'; pumice; cup-marked stone1’žchamber (Phase 2)1’žpit setting for standing stone - NE side of mound (Phase 1)x0x0nox’žstone structures (Phase 1); sunken chamber; cultivation (pollen analysis); paved path between pre-c airn structures; standing stone’žallnonono’žyes200’žflagstone@‘’žPhase 1 stone structures1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxx’žpollen analysis’žwest cell of chamber’žclay’žPhase 1 tomb chambers; Phase 2 tomb’žpaving in W cellyesxnono’žstone structuresno’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBallin-Smith, B. 1994 Howe. Four Millennia of Orkney Prehistory, Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland’žMackie, E. 1998 Continuity over three thousand years of northern prehistory: The 'Tel' at Howe, Orkney. Antiquaries Journal, 78, 1-42’žCarter, S. P., Haigh, D., Neil, N. R. J. & Smith, B. 1984 Interim report on the structures at Howe, Stromness, Orkney. Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 11, 61-73’žChallands, A., Muir, T. & Richards, C. 2005 The great passage grave of Maeshowe. IN RICHARDS, C. (Ed.) Dwelling among the monuments. Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research p 229-248’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press˜((([·.¼···³§§§£‘‰‡oJD. žśśśųŽŽŅĒÅĆĆĮ¼ø“°«&$ ŚŲÅĆ•‰ƒ{w"üōņšģźęĢĘ¼±”‘ˆ€qcSM< q’’Ą’’’½ł’ąg>f—čģL3ŹGCÆĄh’žNZ 35 SE 1’žHasting Hill h’žNZ 35 SE 1’žHah’žNZ 35 SE 1’žHasting Hill Round Barrow’žMonument #26327’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNZ 3526 5445’žTyne and Wear’žSunderland’žSunderland’žnone’žnonenpx13xx’žTrechmann 1914’žManby 1973nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0x’žN of centre0x1noxnoxnononono04+3+no\@›x2b’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žN England………zzzzzzzxrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpljhfd_[VRNIDDD@>>2.*&&$  õóńļķéåߣÕĻĖĒĆææææ³£££££”Ÿ›™••‰}qbbbbTNH:)h|Ę’’’½ł’` <t’žNZ 34 NE 1’žCopt Hill’žSeven Sisters’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNZ 3534 4922’ž43534 54922’ž435340’ž549220’žTyne and Wear’žSunderland’žSunderland’žnone’žnone’žin a false crest location on the scarp slope of the East Durham Plateau, with excellent views to the south, east and west.x’ž19.8xx’žKinnes Aa8’žKinnes 1979’žTrechmann 1914nononononononononono2’žat either end of the cremation deposit0xx0x0’žmortuary structure’žS of centrenoxyesnonono002+noŻ@›x4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematoriumxxxnoxnpx’žtimber structure; paired mortuary pitsno’ž54°502 11.793 N, 001°272 04.453 W’ž54°502 11.433 N, 001°262 58.713 W’žN England’žstone setting’žyes’žTrechmann 1914’ž145’žKinnes 1979żżżżķķčččŁĪ£xtLLLJFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD@><:-($    žśöōōņīźęąŽŚĶ¹·µ³±Æ­…ƒ{wsokgc_[[[[[KKK>20.(&&Ø¢œ„umeXJD>0! q’’~Ā’’’½ł’`~Š’‚ ’žNZ 24 SW 3’žBrandon’žMonument #24613’žlong barrow’žEBA Round Barrow’žnone’žNZ 2072 4003’ž42072 54003’ž420720’ž540030’žDurham’žDurham’žBrandon and Byshottles’žnone’žnone?xnp?’žTrechmann 1914nonononoē@ 2nonp’žn/ano’ž54°452 17.423 N, 001°402 46.223 W’ž54°452 17.043 N, 001°402 40.593 W’žN England’žTrechmann, C. T. 1914 Prehistoric Burials in the County of Durham. Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd series, 11, 119-176’žRCHME 1963 Monuments Threatened or Destroyed - Interim report, London, HMSO’ž142%%    Ń^^^^^S(żżłłōōšššššššššššššššššššššģģģģģģģģźźźŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚÖŅĪĪĪĪĪ¾¾¾¾¾¼ø¶“““®Øˆ€xpcUO=0 q’Ā  :Œ“h’žNZ 20 SW 11’žScorton Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žbank barrow’žnone’žNZ 234 010’ž42340 50100’ž423400’ž501000’žNorth Yorkshire’žRichmondshire’žScorton’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx’ž210039noyes’žgravel river terracenononoyesyesnono1’ž.5 m from eastern ditch1’žeastern ditchx0x0’žpost’ž.5 m from eastern ditchnoxnononono000noį@›x6d’žLate Neo - EBA (Topping 1982)nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žN EnglandŲŲŲĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆæ½»¹·³®Ŗ¦”™zzvtthdb``^ZVRNLH/)'%#!÷õńķēįŻŁÕæ¹µµµµµµµµµµ±«©¢žž˜’‰ziaYL@:-%h’Ą’’’½ż’` ÆÉ’žNY 83 SE 7’žMiddle Hurth’žMonument #16146’žlong mound’žnone’žnone’žNY 868 308’ž38680 53080’ž386800’ž530800’žDurham’žTeesdale’žForest and Frith’žnone’žnone’ž457’žE-Wx558yesno’žlimestoneyes- IA & post-Romannononoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic occupation layer’žbelow moundnononono000’žsandstone slabsY@łx4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žcental spine of the moundnox’žsandstone slabsnox’žMesolithic flint’žflint; activity’žN Englandno’žyes’ž140õćććįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘ«©§„ œ˜“ŽŠ†††„‚‚vecaa_[WSOB%# żłõĶĀ¾øøøøøøøøøø¶²°«¦¦ šˆ~vnfYMGA5$ q’Ą’’’½ł’@`ę€£LVALŠŠŠŠŠ55Ļpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - p’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial 2 pits found in enclosure adjacent to the chambered cairn’žTrechmann 1914: p 167 the bones found just SE of centre were in a shallow hole d’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial 2 pits found in enclosure adjacent to the chambered cairn’žTrechmann 1914: p 167 the bones found just SE of centre were in a shallow hole dug in the original surface level. Ford 1982 - refers to microliths found by Trechmann in the ploughsoil on Warden Law.’žTrechmann 1914: "The primary deposit was situated some 5 feet south of the centre of the mound and had an east and west direction. It measured about 34 feet in length and 6 feet in width and at each end was found a hole presently to be described. The way in which the interments had been made, the fire applied and the bones consumed, tallies very exactly with what has been observed in [other long barrows in Yorkshire]." Young 1985 - p 10 - ...:the writer is of the opinion that the feature [mortuary platform and pi’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial ’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial 2 pits found in enclosure adjacent to the chambered cairn’žTrechmann 1914: p 167 the bones found just SE of centre were in a shallow hole dug in the original surface level. Ford 1982 - refers to microliths found by Trechmann in the ploughsoil on Warden Law.’žTrechmann 1914: "The primary deposit was situated some 5 feet south of the centre of the mound and had an east and west direction. It measured about 34 feet in length and 6 feet in width and at each end was found a hole presently to be described. The way in w’žpit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; extensive evidence for fire a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial 2 pits found in enclosure adjacent to the chambered cairn’žTrechmann 1914: p 167 the bones found just SE of centre were in a shallow hole dug in the original surface level. Ford 1982 - refers to microliths found by Trechmann in the ploughsoil on Warden Law.ņč!ĪN¶J(ɇĒ¼ÅCo’žNZ 51 SE 72’žGro’žNZ 51 SE 72’žGreat Ayton Moor Cairn 'G'’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNZ 5937 1150’ž45937 51150’ž459370’ž511500’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’žnone’ž285x’ž4.3xxnono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Oolitenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabY@ģx4anono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žcentrenox’žstone slabnoxnono’žN Englandno­­­­­­­­­©žžžš–––”„„„„„„„‚~vtrplgc_ZVRRRNLL@:86640,($"  śöņīźĀ¾ŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø¶±ÆŖŖ¤ž‘†umeXJD>1+o’Ą’’’½ł’@`fh’žNZ 51 SE 70b’žGreat Ayton Moor Ring Cairnr’žNZQ’žNZ 51 SE 72’žGreat Ayton Moor Cairn 'G'’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNZ 5937 1150’ž45937 51150’ž459370’ž511500’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’žnone’ž285x’ž4.3xxnono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Oolitenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabY@ģx4anono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žcentrenox’žstone slabnoxnono’žN Englandno15¹¹µµµµµµµµµ±¦¦¦¢žžžœ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†~|zxtokgb^ZZZVTTHB@>><840,*&$  žśöņŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾¹·²²¬¦™Ž}um`RLF93 q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f€h’žNZ 51 SE 70b’žGreat Ayton Moor Ring Cairn 'D'’žnone’žring cairn (BA)’žNZ 5940 1150’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žKinnes Cd2 (?) see notes’žKinnes 1979y’ž2 stone ballsV@ģ €’žring cairn2d’žN EnglandźźźßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪŪĆ······················ØØØØØØئ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦™rgVVVVHHH71hO`` h’žNZ 51 SE 70a’žGreat Ayton Moor Ring Cairn 'C'’žnone’žring cairn (BA)’žNZ 5940 1150’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Aytony’žstone ballK@ģ €’žring cairn2d’žN EnglandĄĄĄµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµ±±™rgVVVVHHH71hO` h’žNZ 51 SE 69’žGreat Ayton Moor Enclosure’žnone’ženclosure (BA)’žNZ 5942 1154’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Aytony;@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žN England­­­¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢žž†zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxk`OOOOAAA1+hO` ’žNZ 51 SE 1’žGreat Ayton Moor Chambered Cairn’žMonument #27642’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žNZ 5937 1147’ž45937 51147’ž459370’ž511470’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’ž285xx17’ž15.8’žPierpoint 1979’žKinnes 1979, p 15nono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Ooliteyesnononoyesnono3’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žcharcoal patches’žchamber flooryesnonono000no @›x4nono’žyes’žyes (with secondary burial)no’žyes’žyes’žchamber floorxxxnox’žcharcoal patchesyesx’žpits (3)no’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1979, p 15’žPierpoint 197915rrnnn^KKKKKG<<<8...,&&&&&&&&&&&&&  łōļėĪÉÅĮĮĮæ½½±­«©©§£Ÿ›•†trnljhfdbYWSOIEA=7 ōääää䎌ŲÖŃŃŃĖ¾³¢š’…w`ZI8 q’?Ę’’’½ł’`f˜h’žNZ 35 SE 10’žHasting Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’ženclosure’žnone’žNZ 3551 5409’ž43551 55409’ž435510’ž554090’žTyne and Wear’žSunderland’žSunderland’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx9265±@›€’žNo excavation records6cno’žN EnglandžžžóóóóļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėėČ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ø“²«««„Ÿ“‡xph[MG<& h’`"/čRM5I±Ē:E/ĆI@r’žSC „’žSC 26 NW 17’žPort St Mary’žAlfred Pier; Monument #30081’žburial cairn’žnone’žnone’žSC 212 673’ž22120 46730’ž221200’ž467300’žIsle of Man’žRushen’žPort St Mary’žIsle of Man’žnonenpnpnpnpnp’žClarke 1935nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic occupation layer’žallnononono030noĮ@Ÿx4no’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxxxnoxnpxnpnp’žMesolithic occupation’žflint; activity’žN Englandno’žyes’žClarke 193515ńńķķķķąąąąŪ×ĢĢĢ»¤ œš––––––––––––––”ŽŒŠˆˆ„zvqmmmkii]YWUUSOKGC>!  ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄ¼¼¶©›“†~vi]WQC% q’Ā’’’½łżąēˆ{h’žSC 26 (no NMR)’žBillown CE’žcausewayed enclosure’žSC 2674 7018’ž22674 47018’ž226740’ž470180’žIsle of Man’žMalew’žOswald et al 2001’žDarvill 1998on’žMesolithic avtivity7@ģ8@=6c’ž54°052 53.913 N, 004°392 03.863 W’ž54°052 53.393 N, 004°382 59.653 W’žN England***ōÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÅŹ­­­­­­­­­­­˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜”””””†††ssssssssssll_WOB444hĖ@B`8!•’žSC 16 NE 3’žMeayll Circle’žMull Hill’žround cairn’žpassage grave’žnone’žSC 1895 6778’ž21895 46778’ž218950’ž467780’žIsle of Man’žRushen’žRushen’žMan’žnonenpxnpxxnononononoyesyesno’žwhite quartz pebbles0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono001+noü@žx4a’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žN Englandno15‚‚~~~~~~~~~zooookgca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUSQOMMMID@<777311%!  żūł÷õóńļķ×ÓĶĒĆæ»»·³³³³³³³³³³±Æ«©„„Ÿš’Š}um`RL=0% q’Ąž’’½łüąc€3h’žNZ 71 NW 15’žStreet House enclosure’žpalisaded enclosure’žNZ 7390 1892’žCleveland’žRedcar and Cleveland’žLoftus€’žpalisaded enclosure2d’žN England£££˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜””sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssskUJJJJ<<<''hK@ üØ’žNZ 71 NW 14’žStreet House Long Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žNZ 7365 1960’ž47365 51960’ž473650’ž519600’žCleveland’žRedcar and Cleveland’žLoftus’žnone’žnone’žabove high cliffs on the North Sea coast’ž168’žE-Wx’ž23.610’žKinnes NZ 2’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žVyner 1988nononoyesnonoyesyesyes’žcup marked stone2’žW and E of mortuary structurenumerous’žvariousx0x0’žfaēade, mortuary structure, post setting’žE end of mound’žpre-mound pits; rectangular enclosure’žwest end of moundyes’žyesnono002+’žslab@žx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žbeneath mortuary structurex’žrectangular enclosurenoxyesx’žpits; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žVyner 1988’žKinnes 199215’žKinnes 1992( žžłłłõźźźćĖĖĖÉĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĮ½¦¤ˆtojfb]YTTTRPPD>:8862.)#éŁÆ­«©§žŽom[UOIEA;73////# üųņšėę¼¶°Ø’‡wj\VB60 q’’Ę’’’½ł’`fšU’žNZ 51 SE 73’žGreat Ayton Moor Cairn 'H'’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNZ 593 113’ž45930 51130’ž459300’ž511300’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’žnone’ž285x’ž4.9xxnono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Oolitenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noP@ģx4anono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnox’žburnt quartz pebblenoxnono’žN Englandno15¹¹µµµµµµµµµ±¦¦¦¢žžžœ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywuqlhc^ZVVVRPPD@><<:62.*($" üųōšČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼·µ°°Ŗ¤—Œ{sk^RLF93 q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f€" č2ŒsžĢ’žSE 85 NE 17’žHuggate Wold 224’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8713 5768’ž48713 45768’ž487130’ž457680’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žHuggate’žnone’žnonex18xx’ž Aa2’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono1’ž0.6 m W of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono01’žunknownnoį@Ėx1’žyesno’žyesnononono’žeastern half of moundxxxnox’žinhumation’žcremation deposit’žpitnpxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 300-301)’žPastscape;’ž158’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĢiddddFĖĖĖĖĒ¼¼¼ø“““²®®®©–––ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠˆ„‚€~gc_[WRNIIIGEE95,**($  žėéåįŪ×ÓĻĖĒĆæææææææ沬Ŗؤ¢¢¢œ–€tldWIC=/) q’~Ą’’’½ł’@ffŒo|LVALŚnVŒZAnderson 1866 (Memoirs) p 240-1: 'In the floor of the 2ndAAnderson 1866 (Memoirs) p 240-1: 'In the floor of the 2nd compartment of the chamber were found a small quantity of broken animal bones, among which was a portion of a human upper jaw and some phalanges of fingers or toes. ..The whole floor of the chamber was carefully trenched up from the undisturbed bottom clay, and examined thoroughly piece by piece.. It contained a large percentage of charcoal and bone ash, with fragments of bones, but not a single flint chip, and not a vestige of pottery, or any manufactured object. ' Anderson 1868 (PSAS) p 497-8: "There lay on the floor of the (2nd) chamber a small quantity of animal bones, unburnt, but broken and splintered, and among them human bones, also broken and unburnt. & .. The floor itself, which, like that of No 1 [South Yarrows South] appeared to have been hard trodden, was almost the same in character and composition, but more irregularly interspersed with charcoal throughout its substance. It presented in some places a layer of clay and ashes fully 6 inches deep. Burnt bones occurred frequently, as well as bones unburnt, both human and animal, imbedded in it. In each of the four corners were a number of human teeth .... A few teeth were also found here and there on the floor, as if skulls had lain in different spots til they had all decayed except the crowns of the teeth." ANDERSON 1886 p 240 - "The floor of the chamber itself, in all of the compartments, consisted of a layer of compacted clay and ashes, fully 6 inches in thickness, intermixed with charcoal and burnt bones, human and animal. On the surface of this compacted floor there was a loose layer, in which were greatly decayed fragments of human bones, unburnt; and in the corners of the compartments of the chamber were numbers of human teeth& . Not a vestige of pottery, not a single chip of flint, no manufactured object whatever, occurred either in or on the floor - except the urn and the beads enclosed within the cist."ź LVALŠźźĪ ĶĶ Raistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield ’žRaistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield 1938 - Describes three 'pilla’žRaistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield 1938 - Describes three 'pillar stones' found on the centre line of the cairn - there was evidence for fire at the base of the stones.’žBennett 1937: "near the east end [of the mound] is a cist& no floor stone was present, among the sifted soil were found broken [human] bones and five [human] te’žRaistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield 1938 - Describes three 'pillar stones' found on the centre line of the cairn - there was evidence for fire at the base of the stones.’žPowell 1963: old turf line identifiable under mound; no concentrations of charcoal and no hearths. Four standing stones are aligned within the mound, (2 still standing and 2 stumps) and ther axis (ENE-WSW) differs by about 15° from the axis of the tumulus. The area between the two standing stones has been greatly disturbed; Powell suggests that is where a burial may have been; unlikely to be a cremation as some cremated remains would likely have been found.’žKermode 1928: P 153: "About the middle of the cairn human remains were met with& .they rested on the clay floor of the cairn, crushed in among the packing, and giving the impression that the body had been laid on a pyre of peat and branches of wood and burned on the spot& " P 154: white shore pebbles were "scattered throughout the cairn at different levels, a large one being on the clay close to the cremated bones."’žCubbon 1971: sherds of a plain shouldered bowl were found in 1st compartment, with traces of an inhumation; hearth located in forecourt along with many flint scrapers and flakes. Henshall 1978- a possible multi-period site; porthole entrance to the chamber at the SW end.’žJewitt 1885: "A cutting was made across the [forecourt] ..when layers of grey unctuous ear’žRaistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield 1938 - Describes three 'pillar stones' found on the centre line of the cairn - there was evidence for fire at the base of the stones.’žPowell 1963: old turf line identifiable under mound; no concentrations of charcoal and no hearths. Four standing stones are aligned within the mound, (’žRaistrick 1931 - A cist was found under the cairn, containing human bones and burnt stones. No info on ground surface. Butterfield 1938 - Describes three 'pillar stones' found on the centre line of the cairn - there was evidence for fire at the base of the stones.’žPowell 1963: old turf line identifiable under mound; no concentrations of charcoal and no hearths. Four standing stones are aligned within the mound, (2 still standing and 2 stumps) and ther axis (ENE-WSW) differs by about 15° from the axis of the tumulus. The area between the two standing stones has been greatly disturbed; Powell suggests that is where a burial may have been; unlikely to be a cremation as some cremated remains would likely have been found.’žCubbon 1971: sherds of a plain shouldered bowl were found in 1st compartment, with traces of an inhumation; hearth located in forecourt along with many flint scrapers and flakes. Henshall 1978- a possible multi-period site; porthole entrance to the chamber at the SW end.qčLhH;F!C‰Įh’žSD 94 NW 4’žRectory Allotmenth’žSD 94 h’žSD 94 NW 4’žRectory Allotment’žMonument #46280’žring cairn’žSE 9295 4768’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žThornton in Craven’žstone axe¤@  €’žring cairn2d’žN England···¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Øؐ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye]LLLL>>>2!hO€` z’’žSD 87 SE 1’žGiant's Grave [N Yorkshire]’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žSD 8564 7335’ž38564 47335’ž385640’ž473350’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žHalton Gill’žnone’žnone’ž402x17xx’žFeather & Manby 1970nono’žYoredale limestonenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žgrey sand layerµ@x4’žArchive - Sheffield Museumno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesx’žW end of moundx’žW end of moundnoxyesx’žground preparationno’žN Englandno’žFeather & Manby 1970’ž150%%         ūūū÷ćććįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÅĆ³±¬§£Ÿ›–’’vtrrfUSQQOKGA=;751/-+)'%#! ļėēēēēēŃŃŃŃŃĻĶÉĒĀĀ¼¶©”ˆ€seMG93 q’Ā’’’½ū’`fˆ÷T’žSD 77 NE 14’žCraven Round Cairn’žMonument #44879; Ribblehead’žround barrow’žSD 7655 7840’ž37655 47840’ž376550’ž478400’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žIngleton’žKing 1985®@42c’žn/ano’ž54°122 03.083 N, 002°212 39.203 W’ž54°122 02.503 N, 002°212 33.973 W’žN England’žKing 198515884444))))))óČČÄÄæææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ»»»ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆƤ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤š’yqdVVVH+ qĻ €:ˆ+JR’žSD 27 NE 28’žSkelmore Heads’žMonument #37819’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSD 2742 7540’ž32742 47540’ž327420’ž475400’žCumbria’žSouth Lakeland’žUrswick’žnone’žnone’žon the northern slope of Skelmore Heads, an isolated flat-topped hill82’žE-Wx’ž18.2’ž10.67’žKinnes SD 1’žKinnes NZ 2’žMasters 1984’žKinnes 1992nono’žCarboniferous Limestonenonononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (4)’žaligned E-W within the moundnononono000no×@ x4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’ž2 standing stones’ž2 standing stonesyesxno’žn/a’žstanding stones (4)no’žN England’žstanding stones(4)’žKinnes 1992’žMasters 198415’žKinnes NZ 2³¦¢¢¢”‡‡‡‡‡shhhdOJFD>>>+  żłõńķķķėé鯣×ÕÕÓĻĖĒĆ„ŽŠˆ†„‚€~|zvrnjfb^EA====0"""ūłōš©£”„{sk^PJD8' q’’Ę’’’½ł’ęg˜;Œ’žSC 49 SE 25’žBallafayle’žBellafayle’žlong cairn’žnone’žhorned long cairn’žSC 4775 9012’ž24775 49012’ž247750’ž490120’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žMaughold’žIsle of Man’žnone’žon the slope of a hill overlooking the sea’ž140’žWNW-ESEx’ž16.8np’žSC1’žKinnes 1992’žKermode 1928’žCubbon 1971nonononononononono’žwhite shore pebbles0x0xx0x0’žmortuary enclosure?’žWNW end of mound’žcrematorium’žcentre line of WNW end of moundyesnonono002+’ž'single stones'Ŗ@ x4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žcentre of cairnxx’žforecourtnoxyesxno’žfire-cremationno’ž54°172 02.453 N, 004°202 24.653 W’ž54°172 02.003 N, 004°202 20.283 W’žN Englandno’žyes?’žCubbon 1971’žKermode 192815’žKinnes 1992ūīźźźÜĻĻÉÉÉÅŗd`PPLJDDDDDDDDDDDDDDB>31/ üüüśųųģŪ×ÕÕÓĻĖĒĮ “ljhfdb`^\GC?;73/+'####ūöņģźįÜ°Ŗ“ŒwobTA;/# q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą~š€čSLOŹŹČłĘÅSƜĮh’žSE 29 NEh’žSE 29 NE 16’žMarne Barracks’žnone’žpalisaded enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSE 2510 9695’žNorth Yorkshire’žRichmondshire’žCatterick’žnone’žnone’žMesolithic knapping floor€’žpalisaded enclosure2d’žN EnglandÖÖÖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĒ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹…teTTTTF@:%h|@ h’žSE 27 NE 33’žThornborough South’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 2895 7885’ž42895 47885’ž428950’ž478850’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žEast Tanfield’žnone’žThornborough43’ž244xx’žHarding 216’žHarding 1987’žHarding 19986b’žN EnglandėėėąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĪĪĪĄ³±ÆŖŖ¦¦˜’ƒxg_WJ<60)#h’} h’žSE 27 NE 32’žThornborough Centre’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 2854 7946’ž42854 47946’ž428540’ž479460’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žEast Tanfield’žnone’žThornborough43’žNW, SE’ž238xx’žHarding 215’žHarding 1987’žHarding 19876b’žyes’žN Englandłłłīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīééééééééååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååå×××ɼŗø³«§§™“„yh`XK=71*$h’ h’žSE 27 NE 31’žThornborough North’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 2805 8005’ž42805 48005’ž428050’ž480050’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žWest Tanfield’žnone’žThornborough43’ž244xx’žHarding 214’žHarding 1987’žHarding 19986b’žyes’žN EnglandšššåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĪĪĪĪĄ³±ÆŖŖ¦¦˜’ƒxg_WJ<60)#h’} h’žSE 27 NE 1’žThornborough Cursus’žcursus’žSE 2808 7899’ž42808 47899’ž428080’ž478990’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žWest Tanfield€’žCursus6d’žN England¤¤¤™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™••rgVNF9+++##hĖ@ h’žSE 06 NW 6’žYarnbury Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass I henge’žSE 0140 6541’ž40140 46541’ž401400’ž465410’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žGrassington’žnone’žnone’ž335’žESE35xx’žHarding 217’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987’žWainwright 1965nononono@Ÿ6b’žyesyesno’žN England###        łłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłõńķééééŲŹŹŹ¼Æ­«§¢—‘„|kc[N@1+$h’Ę  "µö’žSE 04 NW 6’žBlack Hill Low’žBradley Moor’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 0092 4756’ž40092 44756’ž400920’ž447560’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žBradleys Both’žnone’žNW-SEx6713’žPiggott 1954, p 271’žButterfield 1938’žAshbee 1984nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’ž3 standing stones’žalong centre line of barrowyesnonono011no @ x4’žLate Neolithic/EBA (Raistrick 1931)nonononono’žyes’žyes’žbase of pillar stonesxxxnox’žcist’žstanding stones (3)no’ž53°552 27.193 N, 001°592 14.643 W’ž53°552 26.473 N, 001°592 09.293 W’žN England’žstanding stones (3)’žButterfield 1938’žAshbee 1984’žPiggott 1954, p 271’ž150øø³³ž‘j_4 šššššššššźźźźźźźźźčäāąŽĒĀ½¹µ±­©„„‚€€tpnlljfb^X;(&"  žśöņīźźźŻĖ¶¶¶¶¶²®¬„„„„ŸˆwogZLF@4& q’?Ī’’’½ż’~ø‹yčĪ Ģ@ŹVȐEŁ•@r˜$ś’žSE 58 SE 39’žKilburn’žWass long barrow’žlong barrow’žround barrow?’žnone’žSE 5624 8016’ž45624 48016’ž456240’ž480160’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žByland with Wass’žnone’žnone’žon the southern slope of Hambleton Hill’ž250’žN-Sx1815’žKinnes SE 17’žKinnes 1992nononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žS end of mound along line of mesial bone deposit0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono001+no×@„x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmesial bone deposit 1 m wide 6 m longxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žmortuary pits (3)no’žN Englandno’ž152’žKinnes 1992OB=========9...* žüśÓĪÉÅĮ¼ø³³³±ÆÆ£Ÿ›™™—“‹…ƒ}ywusqom;951+%!ōšģźåą·±«™wobTN?2  q’’Ąž’’½ł’ąg€ws˜’žSE 58 NW 69’žMurton Moor’žMonument #1260850’žround barrow’žSE 530 880’ž4530 4880’ž453000’ž488000’žNorth Yorkshire’žYork’žMurton’žnone’žnonen>@@ź2’žn/ano’žN England’ž152ĄĄ»»»»»»»»»»°°°°¬¬§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§„„„™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™——————————————————‘‹ƒ}ld\QEEE7$ qĻ €"€æu’žSE 49 SE 2’žKepwick Moor’žOver Silton’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 4915 9033’ž44915 49033’ž449150’ž490330’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žKepwick’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SW’žn/a319’žKinnes SE 18’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono05+0no'@¤x4no’žyesnononononox’žallxxnoxnox’žground preparationno’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1992’ž150’žKinnes 1992ŃÄææææ²²²²²®£££Ÿ‹‹‹‰……………………………………ƒ}{vtplhd`[WWWUSSGCA==;73.*($" üųōšģčäääää××׏¼ŗ¶±Ŗ¦¦ š‘†umeXJD>1$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆ7h’žSE 42 SE 31’žFerrybridge Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 4746 2424’ž44746 42424’ž447460’ž424240’žWest Yorkshire’žWakefield’žWakefield’žnone’žnonex’ž212xx’žHarding 218’žHarding 1987’žMcHugh 1993’žMilles 1993€’žhenge6byesno’žn/a’žN England   žžžžžłõõļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėėŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲĖ¾¾¾°£”Ÿš˜˜˜’Œvf^VI;5/("h’~@ !h’žSE 37 SW 15’žNunwick Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 3229 7484’ž43229 47484’ž432290’ž474840’žNorth Yorkshire’žHarrogate’žHutton Conyers’žnone’žnone27’žNNW, SSE’ž210xx’žHarding 212’žHarding 1987’žgravel terrace6b’žN EnglandėėėąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ¾±Æ­Øžšš”Ž~sbZRE71+$h’ h’žSE 37 SE 3’žHutton Moor Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass II henge’žSE 3526 7353’ž43526 47353’ž435260’ž473530’žNorth Yorkshire’žHarrogate’žHutton Conyers’žnone’žnone52’žNNW, SSE’ž254xx’žHarding 209’žHarding 1987nononono(@ģ6b?npyesno’žN England    ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ūłłłłłłłłõõõééééééééééééééééééééééééééééåįŻŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁĖ¾¼ŗµ«§§”›‹€og_RD4.'!h’Ą  "h’žSE 29 NW 16’žCatterick Racecourse’žMonument #52343’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSE 2304 9854’ž42304 49854’ž423040’ž498540’žNorth Yorkshire’žRichmondshire’žCatterick’žnone’žnonexx6b’žyes’žyes’ž54°222 54.783 N, 001°382 48.103 W’ž54°222 54.243 N, 001°382 42.523 W’žN Englandč½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ø³³³³³³³³ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ­«««««„Ÿ”…tldWIC=6%h’8ŠLVALš early C14 date is attributed to old wood effect.y č‰Œsž×’žSE 85 NE 2’žHuggate Wold 230’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8575 5734’ž48575 45734’ž485750’ž457340’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žHuggate’žnone’žnonexnpxx’žCf1’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020’žblue clayT@Éx1’žyesnonononononoxxx’žcentralnox’žgravenpxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 307-308)’ž158’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumt     ‘‘‘‘‚‚‚~zzzxtttttttmmmmmmmkg^\ZXTPLHD@;;;977+  žüśųöōņéēćߣÕŃĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½°«©§£”””›•ŒskcVHB<.( q’~Ą’’’½ł’@`f„ŽčjLfLOIāEöĆųĮh’žSE 76 SE 19’žAcklam Wold 205’žbell barrow’žSE 7961 6211’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAcklam’žMortimer 205n’žbronze dagger€’žshallow inhumation pit €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°022 55.903 N, 000°472 07.793 W’ž54°022 55.173 N, 000°472 01.893 W’žN Englandē¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øø ||||||||||||||||||||||mmmmmmmkkkkkkkkkkk]]]]]]]]]Uh’žSE 76 SE 19’žAcklam Wold 205’žbell barrow’žSE 7961 6211’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAcklam’žMortimer 205n’žbronze dagger€’žshallow inhumation pit €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°022 55.903 N, 000°472 07.793 W’ž54°022 55.173 N, 000°472 01.893 W’žN Englandē¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øø ||||||||||||||||||||||mmmmmmmkkkkkkkkkkk]]]]]]]]]UL;;;;--- hK `8h’žSE 76 SE 18’žAcklam Wold 204’žnone’žbell barrow’žSE 7964 6211’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAcklam’žMortimer 204’žMortimer 1905n>@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°022 55.883 N, 000°472 06.143 W’ž54°022 55.153 N, 000°472 00.243 W’žN England   ÕŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ¦¦Ž‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚€€€€€€€€€€qccccccccc[RAAAA333& hO``8*-’žSE 76 NE 9’žWhitegrounds Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žround barrow’žentrance grave, round’žSE 7825 6824’ž47825 46824’ž478250’ž468240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBurythorpe’žnone’žnone’žin a broad valley that lies between the Wolds and the Howardian Hillsnp’žE-Wx’ž7.2?’žKinnes Af1/Db1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 12, 16nono’žsandstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žamber bead, jet slider0x0xx0x0’žpassage roof’žpassagenoxnononono080’žsandstone slab–@>x4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenoxnoxnonono’žN Englandnono’žKinnes 1979’ž152’žKinnes 1979xkffffYYUUUQFFFB>>:8444444444444442.%#! ’’’ūłłķŻŪŁŁ×ÓĻĖĒÅĮøŖئ¤¢ žœš‚~xrnhbWSOOOOO:::- ľø¬£’Š‚ugPB1+ q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąfŠß1’žSE 76 NE 5’žWestow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 7696 6516’ž47696 46516’ž476960’ž465160’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWestow’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’žSE-NW’žN/A2312’žKinnes SE 9’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963, p 194nonononononoyesnono’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0nox’žcremation flue’žE end of moundyesnonono007’žslab¬@§x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcremation trenchxx’žabove crematorium trenchnoxnox’žfire (cremation)no’žN Englandno’žManby 1963, p 194’ž152’žKinnes 1992"żżżżżłīīīźŲŲŲÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŠĢ²°®œ—’ŽŠ…|||zxxlfdbb`\XTN>.,(&$"  žśöņīźęęęęęÓÓÓĘ¹µ±¬„””›Š‚yh`XK=71$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆ·¹©’žSE 67 SW 1’žEast Gilling’žBlack Hill’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 6018 7417’ž46018 47417’ž460180’ž474170’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žGilling East’žHambleton; Howardian Hills’žnone’ž169’žNNW-SSE’žn/a4226’žGreenwell 233nono’žGreat and Inferior Oolitenono’žcharred acornsno?nono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žwhite sand@„x4anono?nono’žyes’žyesxxx’žS end of barrownoxnoxnono’ž54°092 35.523 N, 001°042 47.343 W’ž54°092 34.853 N, 001°042 41.553 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (pp 550-553)’žKinnes 1992 (SE16)’ž152””œœœœˆ<<<<8-×ÓĻĻĻĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉĒĆ²°®¬§¢žš˜”ŒŠŠ~rpnnlhd`\ZVTPNLJHFDB@<862"’ū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷čäąŪŅĶĶĒ«”ƒ{sfXC=0$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`~Œč LVALų Scott 1932: cairn is bullt on solid rock; p 197 CHAMBER, ANTECHAMBER & VESTIBULE ' From 3 feet to 1 foot above the floor was a layer of brown earth mixed with fallen stones, which will be referred to as the ' beaker stratum." From 1 foot above floor-level down to the solid basalt floor was a layer of black earth of an extremely slimy character containing only a few small stones; this will be referred to as the  Neolithic stratum. The dividing plane between these two strata was sharply marked.’žScott 1932: cairn is bullt on solid rock; p 197 CHAMBER, ANTECHAMBER & VESTIBULE ' From 3 feet to 1 foot above the floor was a layer of brown earth mixed with fallen stones, which will be referred to as the ' beaker stratum." From 1 foot above floor-level down to the solid basalt floor was a layer of black earth of an extremely slimy character containing only a few small stones; this will be referred to as the  Neolithic stratum. The dividing plane between these two strata was sharply marked. The same strata were found at the same levels in the antechamber and vestibule& Page 201" FORECOURT : "consisted of a lower stratum, approximately a foot thick, of black earth not slimy like that within the tomb and above this brown earth." Scott 1934: p 195 : FORECOURT "there was a hole, 6 inches by 5 inches by 4 inches deep, in the original peaty floor" P 197 "The evidence of burning in the forecourt is virtually negligible, and it is clear that no substantial fires were made on the floor of the forecourt.'¾čāĶŽMUKc~EŲBoo’žSE 85 NE 2’žHuggate Wold 230’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8575 5734’ž48575 45734’ž485750’ž457340’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žHuggate’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žKinnes Cf1’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020’žblue clayS@§x4’žyesnonononononoxxx’žcentralnox’žgravenpx’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno›››››››››—ŒŒŒˆ}}}{wwwwwwwpppppppnja_][WSOKGC>>><::.#!  ’żūł÷õģźęāÜŲŌŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ³§„£Ÿ™™“„wkc[N@:4& o’Ą’’’½ł’@`f€o’žSE 85 NE 17’žHuggate Wold 224’žnone„×’žSE 85 NE 2’žHuggate Wold 230’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8575 5734’ž48575 45734’ž485750’ž457340’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žHuggate’žnone’žnonexnpxx’žKinnes Cf1’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020’žblue clayS@§x4’žyesnonononononoxxx’žcentralnox’žgravenpx’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’ž158’žKinnes 1979±¤ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›Œ{{{{{{{tttttttrneca_[WSOKGBBB@>>2'%##!  ’żūłšīźęąÜŲŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·«©§£”””›•ŒskcVHB<.( q’~Ą’’’½ł’@`f€žĢ’žSE 85 NE 17’žHuggate Wold 224’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8713 5768’ž48713 45768’ž487130’ž457680’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žHuggate’žnone’žnonex18xx’žKinnes Aa2’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono1’ž0.6 m W of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono01’žunknownnoŽ@§x4’žyesno’žyesnononono’žeastern half of moundxxxnox’žinhumation’žcremation deposit’žpitnpx’žgrave pit, fireno’žN Englandno’ž158’žKinnes 1979šćŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚĻĻĻĖŗŗŗø“““ÆœœœŽŠˆ†„miea]XTOOOMKK?;200.*&"  ńļėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅø¬Ŗؤ¢¢¢œ–€tldWIC=/) q’~Ą’’’½ł’@ff€osžŠ’žSE 85 NE 11’žRiggs 16’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8515 5880’ž48515 45880’ž485150’ž458800’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonex’ž5.7xxnonononononononono’žjet slider0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010no?@œx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žsurface inhumationxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 177)’ž158ūūööööö}rrrnjjjhhhhhhhhTTTTTTTRNLJHFB>:62.***(&& žśųōņšīģźčęäŲŌŠĢČÄĄ¼ø““““““““““²°«©©©£’†}ld\OA;5'! q’Ą’’’½ł’@@f„#ÅÆ’žSE 78 NE 10b’žCropton 2’žMonument #59973b’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 7623 8956’ž47623 48956’ž476230’ž489560’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žCropton’žTabular Hills’žnone’žN-S’žn/a2112’žKinnes SE 19’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesyes@4anono’ž54°172 45.693 N, 000°492 48.623 W’ž54°172 45.063 N, 000°492 42.693 W’žN England’ž155’žKinnes 1992”‡‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚wL!!                        żżżłõńķķķķķķķķąŅĪŹÅĄĄĄŗ«¢™ˆ€xk]HB5# q’~Ą3 :€gōh’žSE 76 SE 4’žAcklam Wold 124’žbowl barrow’žSE 7935 6232’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAcklam’ž207’žMortimer 124’žMortimer 1905n’ž2 bone pins, jet buttons, amber buttons, jet ring,+@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 02.843 N, 000°472 21.893 W’ž54°032 02.113 N, 000°472 15.993 W’žN England===2ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŲĄ““““““““““““““““““““““€€€€€€€~~~~~~~~~~oaaaaa\\\\TK::::,,,hKa`8:čnĪÜĢ˜I»FųÄTĆh’žSE 85 NW 55’žPainsthorpe 121’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8358 5839’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žMortimer 121’žMortimer 1905n’žbone pin\@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žN EnglandĆĆĆøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø““œ†††††††„„„„„„„„„„uggggggggg[RAAAA333 hK`` h’žSE 85 NW 54’žPainsthorpe 93a’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8387 5838’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žMortimer 93a’žMortimer 1905n’žbone pin€’žpit containing cremated bones €’žBronze Age2b’žN Englandāāā×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××ÓÓ»†††††††„„„„„„„„„„uggggggggg[RAAAA333 hK`` į’žSE 85 NW 21’žPainsthorpe 118’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8335 5838’ž48335 45838’ž483350’ž458380’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonex’ž18.6xx’žKinnes Db2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnononono’žjet slider2’žcentre; NE of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020no9@x4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxxxxxxx’žgrave’žgravexxxxxx’žgrave pits - 2no’žN Englandno’ž160’žKinnes 1979čŪÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŅĒĒĒĆ³³³±±Æ­«©§ ™—•“‘‹‡…ƒzvrnjeaaa_]]QMKIIGC?;751/+)'%#! ū÷óļėåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕČ¼ŗø²°°°Ŗ™„skcVHB<.( q’~Ą’’’½ł’’_f€ļ’žSE 85 NW 17’žPainsthorpe 99’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8267 5846’ž48267 45846’ž482670’ž458460’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirby Underdale’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žKinnes Cc4’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes et al 1983’žKinnes et al 1983nononononononoyesno’ž2 jetstuds1’žSW of centre0xx0x0nox’žtimber/stone chamber??nononono052noĶ@Ŗx4no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes?xxxxnox’žsurface inhumation’žoval grave pit; surface cremation’žsurface inhumations (4)x’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’žKinnes et al 1983’ž160’žKinnes 1979OB====*****&       ńńĪŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø“²°®¬¦¢žš•ŒŒŒŠˆˆ|xvttrnjfb`IGCA?=;97)'  żłõõõõāĻĻĻĀ¶“²®¬ØØ¢œ‹~rjbUGA;-' q’Ę’’’½ł’€EfˆÆh’žSE 85 NE 42’žRiggs 19’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8522 5897’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žMortimer 19’žMortimer 1905nU@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žN England±±±¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¢¢Š~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||||||||||m`````````TK::::,,,hK`` h’žSE 85 NE 41’žRiggs 17’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8527 5890’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žMortimer 17’žMortimer 1905n,@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žN England±±±¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¢¢Š~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||||||||||m`````````TK::::,,,hK`` šLVALŠMR2¬€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderBy( <  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2Ą€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOn1 <   L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’« LVAL» Consists of an upper and lower chamber; the upper chamber is greatly destroyed, but the lower chamber, which is entirely subterranean, was built into the hillside and has not been destroyed, although it is usually flooded. Calder 1938: Hearth : P 197 'On the surface of the clay subsoil, 7 feet 6 inches in front of the outer end of the trench, a thin flat stone had been laid for use as a hearth. It measured 2 feet 6 inches by 1 foot 6 inches and had been cracked and discoloured by the action of fire. On top and around it was a quantity of peat ash and small-sized, jaggedly fractured, burnt stones& The hearth may be contemporary, but no ’žConsists of an upper and lower chamber; the upper chamber is greatly destroyed, but the lower chamber, which is entirely subterranean, was built into the hillside and has not been destroyed, although it is usually flooded. Calder 1938: Hearth : P 197 'On the surface of the clay subsoil, 7 feet 6 inches in front of the outer end of the trench, a thin flat stone had been laid for use as a hearth. It measured 2 feet 6 inches by 1 foot 6 inches and had been cracked and discoloured by the action of fire. On top and around it was a quantity of peat ash and small-sized, jaggedly fractured, burnt stones& The hearth may be contemporary, but no evidence was found to prove whether it was associated originally with the burial rites or with a later use for domestic purposes.' Lower Passage Floor p 198  The [passage] floor seemed to have been levelled with a layer of prepared blue clay. Lower Chamber Floor p 198  As in the passage a layer of blue clay seems to have levelled up the unevenness of the rough floor. Upper Chamber Floor p 201  the original floor, which is a thick layer of prepared clay, still survives to a large extent. Upper Passage Floor p 204  The prepared clay also covered the passage for the greater part of its length, growing thinner till it died out some 3 feet or so from the mouth. cčŃKŹGŅDy@r¤’žSE 86 NEu’žSE 86 NE 2’žDuggleby Howe’žnone’žround barrow’žcircular enclosure’žnone’žSE 8804 6688’ž48804 46688’ž488040’ž466880’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žKirby Grindalyth’žGreat Wold Valley’žnone’žon a hillsidex38xx’žKinnes Cf2/Db4/Eb1/Fc1’žKinnes 1979’žMortimer 1905, p 23-30’žLoveday 2002’žKinnes 1979, Kinnes et al 1983’žCole 1902, Garson 1893nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žantler macehead, bone pins; boar tusk implements; beaver tooth chisel2’žcentral0xx0x0nox’žshaft grave’žpre-moundnononono05’ž53+no"@Ŗx4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žshaft grave; grave pitno’ž54°052 25.273 N, 000°392 19.433 W’ž54°052 24.543 N, 000°392 13.463 W’žN Englandno’žLoveday 2002’žKinnes 1979, Kinnes et al 1983’žCole 1902, Garson 1893’žMortimer 1905, p 23-30’ž164’žKinnes 1979dWR:"ōōōōōšåŗ‹snjhbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\ZXVTOJFB>9444200$  üļķéēåćį߯ŌŅ‹…yuokgc__G'ōÜŚŲŌŅŅĆ½Ŗ˜~vnaSM9+% q’’~Ž’’’½ł’ąųĮµ’žSE 85 SE 11’žWarter 254’žMonument #61775’žround barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žSE 8509 5302’ž48509 45302’ž485090’ž453020’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWarter’žnone’žnonenpx?xx’žKinnes Ae2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx1’žin grave0nox’žfaēade trench’žE side of barrowyesnonono030no’@¬x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcentral gravexxxnox’žoblong grave’žfaēade trenchyes’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’žyes’ž163’žKinnes 1979öńńńńńńģģģ误ŻŁĪĪĪĪČČČČ¹¹¹«««««««©„£”Ÿ‹‡ƒzupppnll`\ZXXVRNJD2#!   ’ū÷óķéćßŪ×ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĘŗø¶“²®®Ø¢šyqdVHB4# q’Ą’’’½ł’@"f‚';ź’žSE 85 NW40’žCallis Wold 100’žMonument #61720’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8345 5595’ž48345 45595’ž483450’ž455950’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnone’žnonex’ž25.6xx’žMortimer 100’žMortimer 1905nonononoyes’žbrushwood stumps; barkyesyesyes’žbone point1’žcentre0xx0x0’žwooden "receptacle"’žSE of centre’žwood pavement’žSE of centrenononono021’žburnt wood fragmentsŗÜx4no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxx’žE and W of centre’žwood’žbeneath cinerary urn, S of centre’žgrave’žwood pavement under urn’žlayer of burnt wood fragments’žlayer of burnt wood fragmentsnox’žyes’žn/a’žgrave pitno’ž53°592 34.463 N, 000°432 42.793 W’ž53°592 33.703 N, 000°432 36.873 W’žN Englandnono’ž161’žMortimer 1905žžžžžžśśśöėĄ•‘†|zvvvW8õļÜŚŲÖŅĪŹĘĮ¼øøø¶““Ø’ŽŽŒˆ„€|n_Q<:86420(&šźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĖ½»¹³±±±«„–‰}um`RLF8' q’~Ą’’’½ł’@ē‚Fš’žSE 85 NW 9’žCallis Wold 275’žMonument #61627’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8310 5593’ž48310 45593’ž483100’ž455930’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnonex27xx’žKinnes Ba3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979’žCoombs 1986nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žeither end of central paved area2?’žpits/postholes -either end of central paved areax0x0nox’žcurved faēade trench; stone platform’žW of centre (faēade trench) E of centre (platform)nononono0101noŻ@¬x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtimber mortuary structure; stone platform’žfaēade trenchyesxno’žn/a’žpaired mortuary pit/ postholesno’ž53°592 34.013 N, 000°442 02.023 W’ž53°592 33.263 N, 000°432 56.113 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žKinnes 1979’žCoombs 1986’ž160’žKinnes 1979:-(((   śĻ¤ €{wuooo`55555555553/-+)'" öņšģģźęāŽŚ¦€~zxvtr@< śōšģčččŪĪĪĪĪĮµ³±­««««„–‰}um`RLF8' q’?~Ģ’’’½ł’ęš’F LVALV Pastscape : 'Rudstone Long Barrow& was the most northerly of two mounds joined to form a V-shaped structure& No burials were recovered from the southern mound. The southern 'mound' is actually part of a linear earthwork (TA 06 NE 22)' Greenwell 1877 p 497-501 : The northern mound contained at least 5 pits, 4 of which contained just earth, chalk and charcoal., while the fifth also contained a few calcined bones and two flint flakes. There was a further lar’žPastscape : 'Rudstone Long Barrow& was the most northerly of two mounds joined to form a V-shaped structure& No burials were recovered from the southern mound. The southern 'mound' is actually part of a linear earthwork (TA 06 NE 22)' Greenwell 1877 p 497-501 : The northern mound contained at least 5 pits, 4 of which contained just earth, chalk and charcoal., while the fifth also contained a few calcined bones and two flint flakes. There was a further large pit containing burnt material, and a linear deposit of chalk rubble which showed evidence of burning at the east end, which diminished westward. Kinnes 1992 " Crematorium at E, formed by chalk rubble (L 11.6 m, W 1.8 m, H 0.8 m) with burning decreasing westward from calcined (to 4.3 m) to unburnt ( after 9 m)"; crematorium contained the calcined and incomplete remains of several individuals, including the false articulation of an unmatched cranium and mandible. č#Œs’žTAV’žTA 06 NE 23’žRudstone’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTA 0758 6779’ž50758 46779’ž507580’ž467790’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žnone’žnonenp’žESE-WNWx64’ž22.5’žTA 3’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono6’žvarious0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žE side of moundyesnonono003+noŖ@®x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematorium deposit; pit contentsxxxnox’ž1 pit’žlarge pit; crematorium’ž4 pitsyesxnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 497-501)’žPastscape; www.pastscape.orgnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumālhhhhJüüüüųķķķéååå毯ŻÕ½¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶“°®¬Ŗ‡‚~zvqlgggeccWSOMMKGC?9(   žśöšģčäąÜŲŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌĒĮ»·µ¬ØØ¢œ“†zrj]O:4'! q’Ą’’’½ł’gfŒščpLOI…F¶C²@“SE 86 SW 19’žAldro 88“&SE 86 SW 19’žAldro 88’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSE 8200 6282’ž48200 46282’ž482000’ž462820’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žYorkshire Wolds’žAldronpx’ž14 mxx’žKinnes Cc3’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’ž SW of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnoyesno072’žclayä@²x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnononono’žpitxx’žmortuary areanoxno’žpit’žmortuary pitno’ž54°032 17.523 N, 000°442 55.723 W’ž54°032 16.793 N, 000°442 49.803 W’žN EnglandnoŚÆ«˜””””””””””””””’Ž}{vrnjfa\WWWUSSGA?==;71-'%!žśöšźęąÜŲŌŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĆ·µ³­«§§ …|kc[N@3-o’Ą’’’½ł’`~%SE 86 SW 12’žAldro 175’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8112 6298’ž48112 46298’ž481120’ž462980’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žYorkshire Wolds’žAldronpx23xx’žKinnes Dc3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, p 17nononononononoyesnono21R@²q@«4anononononono’ž2 inhumations’žheap of burnt bonesnpnpnpno’ž54°032 23.203 N, 000°452 43.953 W’ž54°032 22.473 N, 000°452 38.043 W’žN England’žKinnes 1979ßßßßŅŅŅŅŅŅĒœqqmieeaaaaaaL==============951-)%%%!!  ż÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪČČČ»Æ­«§„””š‰ve]UH:4. o’Ā’lłĄ ;ØÅ’žSE 86 SE 5’žTowthorpe 18’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8981 6495’ž48981 46495’ž489810’ž464950’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žKirby Grindalythe’žGreat Wold Valleynpx22xx’žKinnes Cc5’žKinnes 1979, p 15nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žN of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono070noØ@x4no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnoxnox’žpre-monument pit; grave pitno’žN Englandno17’žKinnes 1979, p 15ÕĀ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ŗÆÆÆ«ŽŽŽŒˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ†‚€~|zuqmid_[[[YWWKGECCA=951/+)%#!  üöņģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜɽ»¹µ³ÆÆƜ‰€og_RD>8*$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f€_¼Ź’žSE 86 SE 22’žRaisthorpe Manor’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8506 6266’ž48506 46266’ž485060’ž462660’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWharram’žYorkshire Woldsnp’žE-W’žn/a2415’žKinnes SE 10’žKinnes 1992nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone bead, amber bead1’žE end of mound0xx0x0nox’žmortuary enclosure?yesnonono01’žmore than 3’žchalk slab paving¼9lĮQx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentrexx’žbehind centre of faēadenoxnpx’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’ž169’žKinnes 1992,   üüüśööööööööööööööōš×ÕÓĖĘĮ½¹“ÆŖŖŖئ¦š‡zxxvrnjdbNLHFDB@><,* ’łóļėēēēēēēēēŚĢČÄæŗ¶¶¶„œ“‚zreWB</) q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f€~]’žSE 86 NW 4’žLangton 2’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8032 6837’ž48032 46837’ž480320’ž468370’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLangton’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žKinnes Ad1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 11’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 32-33nonononoyesnoyesyesno’ž3 bronze awls; dentalium, belemnite3’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žinner cairn; stone wall; mortuary enclosure?’žvariousyesnonono030’žsmall stones|ćIx4’žyesno’žyesno’žyesno’žyes?’žground surface of entire barrowxx’žmortuary areasnoxnox’žn/a’žmortuary pits - 2no’žN Englandno’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 32-33’žKinnes 1979’ž168’žKinnes 1979›Ž‰‰‰|ZZZZZVKKKG4//-))))))))))))))'#īčäßŪÖŅĶĶĶĖÉɽƭ««©„”—Ž`^ZXVTRPNFD żłõõõõÓĀĀĀµ©§„”Ÿ››•†}ld\OA;5'! q’Ę’’’½ł’`g˜ šLVALŠMR2Ų€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientation: <     L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’hLVAL5N0xxPitt Rivers 1898 - p 64 - excavated ' down to tPitt Rivers 1898 - p 64 - excavated ' down to the old surface line which..., was marked by a very distinct line of the old mould, ' P 65: Timber Structure -" on the old land surface line beneath the barrow was found an oblong trench cut in the solid chalk, 1 ½ to 3 ½ feet wide by 3 feet average depth, enclosing an oblong area 93 feet long by 34 feet wide with an opening on the south side 8 ½ feet wide. The opening appeared to have been defined by a ditch on each side, of the same dimensions,& ..The trench had perfectly upright sides all round and was filled with loose nodules of flint, 1,370 in number, and 8 small fragments of sandstone. The use of these nodules of flint was shown in the soil above, in which traces of wooden piles were discovered, three of which were seen sticking into the trench..It is evident that for some purpose, an oblong enclosure of wooden piles was formed on the surface of the ground before the Ditch was dug and the soil thrown over the primary interments. & On clearing the old land surface line within the above-mentioned oblong enclosure, we at last came to the primary interments& P 66  These were buried beneath a small mound of turf or mould 2-3 feet high, and resting on the old surface line, & two small oval pits, 10 inches and 3 feet deep respectively on the N and S of the primary interments, filled with mould, but containing nothing except a flint flake and a small fragment of coarse pottery& ..graves& .the centre of the primary interments was about 20 feet to the SE of the centre of the barrow and we could not find any trace of a corresponding primary interment on the NW side. P 82 Primary Interments: In a little pit filled with mould..was a small fragment of pottery& ..There was also an oval shaped hole dug in the old surface of the ground & nothing but mould was found in it, except a small flint flake. It was 4 feet long, 1 8 feet wide, and 3 feet in depth, below the old surface line. Johnston 1999 - p 42 C14 date BM-2284RA LVALQ O'Neil 1966 - p 8 - 'Two shallow stone-lined graves dug into the natural surface were found in the tail end of the barrow.'  A thin surface of red clayey loam remained as the original ground surface and into this a roughly set paving of stones was inserted as foundation for the barrow. No evidence for pits, trenches or for a surrounding ditch was forthcoming. p 9 the burial chamber was  paved with tightly packed knobbly stones, as was also the short length of passage .  The whole of the forecourt floor was found to be covered with a 60 - 90 cm depth of occupation ashy loam, burnt red and black.: From the whole of the burnt area many fragments of human bone were recovered, burnt and unburnt, with flint& and pottery. On removal of the burnt occupation debris a hearth, seven post-holes, a shallow gully and a slot ’žO'Neil 1966 - p 8 - 'Two shallow stone-lined graves dug into the natural surface were found in the tail end of the barrow.'  A thin surface of red clayey loam remained as the original ground surface and into this a roughly set paving of stones was inserted as foundation for the barrow. No evidence for pits, trenches or for a surrounding ditch was forthcoming. p 9 the burial chamber was  paved with tightly packed knobbly stones, as was also the short length of passage .  The whole of the forecourt floor was found to be covered with a 60 - 90 cm depth of occupation ashy loam, burnt red and black.: From the whole of the burnt area many fragments of human bone were recovered, burnt and unburnt, with flint& and pottery. On removal of the burnt occupation debris a hearth, seven post-holes, a shallow gully and a slot for a door sill were found. ..The evidence deduced from the layout of the post-holes, in which use had been made of the barrow walls, shows that some form of occupation had taken place, and was subsequent to the building of the barrow. Samples of the original ground surface were examined for pollen, but none was found, probably due to the lime-rich soil. P 22 - The roofing material of the dwelling may have been thatch, as some fragments of human skull were found in the ante-chamber, calcined to an intense black colouring - pronounced to be the result of very slow combustion. A thatched roof falling on to the floor would be likely to smoulder for days and bring about this effect. Darvill 2004: Multi-period monument overlying an area of occupation; Primary simple passage grave and round barrow/rotunda grave joined to form a long barrow.gčTLPLoŹ}Č‰Ę£ÄƒĀh’žSE 86 SW 86’žAldro 113’žround barrow’žSE 8009 6300’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žMortimer 113’žMortimer 1905n’žbronze picker, 7 bone pins,€’ž2 pits containing inhumations €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 24.423 N, 000°462 40.563 W’ž54°032 23.693 N, 000°462 34.653 W’žN England???4 ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚĀ——————————————————————zzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxi[[[[[[[[[PG6666(((hK``8h’žSE 86 SW 85’žAldro 97’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8004 6294’žNohh’žSE 86 SW 86’žAldro 113’žround barrow’žSE 8009 6300’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žMortimer 113’žMortimer 1905n’žbronze picker, 7 bone pins,€’ž2 pits containing inhumations €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 24.423 N, 000°462 40.563 W’ž54°032 23.693 N, 000°462 34.653 W’žN England???4 ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚĀ——————————————————————zzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxi[[[[[[[[[PG6666(((hK``8h’žSE 86 SW 85’žAldro 97’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 8004 6294’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žMortimer 97’žMortime 1905nƒ@³ €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 22.513 N, 000°462 43.373 W’ž54°032 21.783 N, 000°462 37.463 W’žN EnglandśĻ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤  ˆ|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zzzzzzzzzzl_________TK::::,,,hK``8h’žSE 86 SW 83’žAldro 50’žMonument #1260076’žround barrow’žSE 8005 6307’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žMortimer 50’žMortime 1905nÆ@³ €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 26.713 N, 000°462 42.693 W’ž54°032 25.983 N, 000°462 36.793 W’žN EnglandŻ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²®®–ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆzmmmmmmmmmbYHHHH:::,hO``8h’žSE 86 SW 77’žAldro 180’žround barrow’žSE 8114 6301’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žMortimer 180’žMortime 1905n€’žinhumation pit €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 24.163 N, 000°452 42.823 W’ž54°032 23.433 N, 000°452 36.913 W’žN EnglandŪ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬¬”xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvhZZZZZZZZZPG6666(((hK``8h’žSE 86 SW 76’žAldro 178’žround barrow’žSE 8116 6301’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žMortimer 178’žMortimer 1905'@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’ž54°032 24.143 N, 000°452 41.723 W’ž54°032 23.423 N, 000°452 35.813 W’žN EnglandõŹŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ››ƒwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhZZZZZZZZZPG6666(((hK``8¶Eé’žSE 86 SW 3’žHanging Grimston’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8082 6088’ž48082 46088’ž480820’ž460880’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žE-W’žn/a’ž23.815’žKinnes SE 8’žKinnes 1992’žPierpoint 1979’žPhillips 1935, p 49’žPierpoint 1979nononoyesyesnoyesnonono1’žaxial line of barrow0xx0x0’žpost setting/ timber structure’žE end of mound’žfaēade trench’žE end of moundyesnoyesno000noŒ@³x4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žE end of moundxxxnoxno’žold ground surface’žpost setting / timber structureno’žN Englandno’žyes’žPhillips 1935, p 49’žPierpoint 1979’ž179’žKinnes 1992·Ŗ„„„•€€{{{wlllhGGG3//////////////-)'%# żųōššīģģąÜŚŲŲÖŅĢČĀ²£“sqomkigQOKGC=93-)%!!!üģģģßŅĪČĆ¾¾¾ø§›’yqdVA;.( q’~Ī’’’½ż’`fšBčŁKŗHE#ĆZ@&p’žSE 88 SW 2’žMonklands A’žMonument #62723’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8368 8468’ž48368 48468’ž483680’ž484680’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThornton le Dale’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žElgee 1930, p 56’žManby 1988, p 83’žSmith 1994, p 126-7’žBartlett 1968, p 116nonononononoyesyesnono00)@ģ4anononononono’žyesyesno’žN England’žManby 1988, p 83; Elgee 1930, p 56’žSmith 1994, p 126-7’žBartlett 1968, p 116’ž182ŌŌĻĻ¹¤€€€€€€uuuuqqqqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfb^ZVRNNNJJJ>><:::::::::::::::::::62,&"ųćŃæææææ½»·µ±±«„“Šyqi\NHB4# q’Ž’,ł "øh’žSE 88 NW 74’žBlansby Park 2’žround barrow’žSE 8143 8656’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žPickering’žSmith 1994, p 125nononono4@ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žyesyes’ž54°162 05.763 N, 000°452 04.003 W’ž54°162 05.123 N, 000°442 58.053 W’žN England į¶¶¶¶¶¶°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°««««««««§§ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ{wsssss`````````````UL;;;;---hKĀ` 8ęś’žSE 88 NW 54’žBlansby Park 1’žWest Park Farm’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 8141 8652’ž48141 48652’ž481410’ž486520’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žPickering’žnone’žnone’ž250+x7xx’žKinnes 1979, p 17’žSmith 1994’žSmith 1994, p 124-5nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone2’žbarrow centre; northwestern edge of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnononono080nož@@x4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxxxxxxx’žshallow oval depressionxxx’žpitxx’žpits - 2no’ž54°162 04.483 N, 000°452 05.143 W’ž54°162 03.843 N, 000°442 59.193 W’žN Englandno’žSmith 1994, p 124-5’ž180’žKinnes 1979, p 17Ŗ—’’’’}}}}}ynC     ’żūāąŽÜŚŲÖŌŠĪĢŹČĆ¾ŗ¶²­©©©§„„™•“‘‘‹‡ƒ}ywsqomkig;9'# ’’’’źŽŽŽĖĖÉĒÅĆ½½·±¦Œ„|oaKE7' q’_Ę’’’½ł’’~ˆ—Ė’žSE 88 NE 34’žGivendale Long Barrow’žHowe Hill’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8920 8605’ž48920 48605’ž489200’ž486050’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAllerston’žTabular Hills’žnone’žE-Wx50’ž16.5’žGreenwell 221’žGreenwell 1877nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž14+0’žyellow clayx7Üx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentral line of barrow at E endxx’žcentral line of barrow; inner cairnnoxnox’žfireno’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1992 (SE21)’ž180’žGreenwell 1877*żņņņīčččęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāąÜ·µ³’ˆ„€{vrrrpnnbUSNNLHD@:842.,*(&$"  žśööööööööę×ŃĶĖĘĘĘĄ±¦Œ„|oaLF9. q’~Ą’’’½ł’`fˆ''ā’žSE 86 SW 9’žAldro 94’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8000 6250’ž48000 46250’ž480000’ž462500’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žYorkshire Woldsx18xx’žKinnes Cb1’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono2’žW of mound centre; E of mound centreyes?xx0x0’žyes?x’žtimber slots?’žmortuary areanonoyesno020’žclay@Bx4nono’žyesnonononoxxx’žmortuary areanoxno’žmortuary area’žpaired mortuary pitsno’ž54°032 08.303 N, 000°462 45.983 W’ž54°032 07.573 N, 000°462 40.083 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 82)’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum18’žKinnes 19792%!!!!¾JJJJF;åįĖĖĖ¼øøøøøøøøøøøøøø¶²£”Ÿ™•‘ˆ„€€€~||pjhffd`ZVRC42,*(&$"ōņīźäŽŚŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·«©§£””””…|kc[N@:4&  q’?~Ą’’’½ł’`~Œ’ šLVALŠMR2š€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewC <       L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’²čß ĄI8ĒTÄŹ@r¹’’žSE 95 NE 16’žGarton Slack 81’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9790 5755’ž49790 45755’ž497900’ž457550’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnone’žon a low natural ridgex25xx’žKinnes Aa5’žKinnes 1979’žManby 1963’žManby 1963nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin4’žN of centre and E of centre; S of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono033+no/@¹x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematorium troughxxxnox’žhead of disarticulated bones’žoval grave’žshallow grave’žcrematorium trough; small pityesxno’žn/a’žpit; grave pit; fireno’žN Englandno’žManby 1963’ž185’žKinnes 1979•ˆƒƒƒƒwwwwwshhhdNIEC====åååååååć߯ŪŁÅĄ¼ø“ÆŖ„„„£””•‘‹‹‰…}wuqokigeca_53)% ’’’’óēēēŚĪĢŹĘÄĬ¬¦œƒ{sfXB<.( q’æ~Ę’’’½ł’Ąćgˆh’žSE 95 NE 14’žGarton Slack 112’žnone’žround barrow’žring ditch’žnone’žSE 9865 5752’ž49865 45752’ž498650’ž457520’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnone’žGarton Slackx21xx’žKinnes Ea2’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesyesno’žbone pins (3)0x0x’ž2 N of centre; 1 S of centre0x3nox’žring ditch’žcentralnononono050no+@ø;@ «x2b’žyes’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žinhumations -adult and child’ž2 shallow graves’ž1 shallow gravenono’žN EnglandųųųōšššššššššßĶÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ­©§„£”œ˜”Œ‡‚‚‚~|pd`^\\ZVRNJA53/-+)  ōšźäąÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ泱ƫ©©©›•‹~rjbUGA5'!h’~Ą’’’żł’Ą&h’žSE 94 SW 16’žEtton Wold’žMonument #64354’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 936 439’ž49360 44390’ž493600’ž443900’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žEtton’žnone’žnone46’žE-Wx21’ž18.5’žGreenwell LXXX’žGreenwell 1877nono’žMiddle Chalkyesnononononono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono001nod@øx2dnono’žyesnononono’žcentre?xxxnox’žcremation pitnono’žN England§§§œœœ˜”””””””””””…………………ƒ}{yplhd`[WSSSOMMA=;9973/+%# ’ū÷óļėå×ÓĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻæÆ©„£žšš”Ž‡znf^QE?9,h’Ą’’’½ł’@&ź|’žSE 94 SW 10’žMarket Weighton’žGreenwell 226’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9062 4098’ž49062 44098’ž490620’ž440980’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žMarket Weighton’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž33.5’ž22.8’žKinnes SE 5’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesnono’žbone pin5’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žE end of moundyesnonono0026no‡@øx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žE end of moundxxxnox’žcrematorium; 5 pits/trenchesnox’žgrave pits (4), 1 mortuary pit, fireno’žN Englandno’ž185’žKinnes 1992*   ßß߯ŁŁŁŁ»»»»»»»»»»¹µ³±ÆŸ›–’Ž‰…€€€~||plhffd`\XRB53/-+)'%# üųņīźęāāāāāāāāÕČĀ¼ŗµ±±«„”‡{sk^PJD7( q’Ą’’’½ł’bf€§s¶{’žSE 93 NE 6’žLing Howe Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9650 3580’ž49650 43580’ž496500’ž435800’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWalkington’žnone’žnone’žnonexnono’žMiddle Cretaceous Chalkno>@Aź2no’žn/ano’žN England’žBartlett, J. 1968 The Yorkshire Archaeological Register: Walkington, E.R. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42, 117’žLinford, P. K. 2000 Ling Howe long barrow, Walkington, Humberside. Report on geophysical survey 1989. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Report, p. 36,10’ž182+     ’’’’ūūöööööööööööööööööööööööņņņņņņņņšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääąĒĆæææææ½½½········±«Ÿ’†~vi[F@3- q’@Ā €"Œū šLVALŠMR2š€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultView[ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’" LVAL2 tThis was a small rescue excavation in advance of road construction - only a small area to the NW of the mound was excavated. P 13-14 'Excavation revealed an area of scattered angular stones, under the modern topsoil& .not carefully laid down but thrown down to form a consistent stone surface up to 0.10 m thick. & it extended up to 9 m from the conjectured edge of the mound& Resting upon this stone surface in trench 4 was a small hearth, consisting of an oval area, 0.60m by 0.70 m bounded by siltstone blocks, at the centre of which the soil had been scorched to a light red colour. However this ’žtThis was a small rescue excavation in advance of road construction - only a small area to the NW of the mound was excavated. P 13-14 'Excavation revealed an area of scattered angular stones, under the modern topsoil& .not carefully laid down but thrown down to form a consistent stone surface up to 0.10 m thick. & it extended up to 9 m from the conjectured edge of the mound& Resting upon this stone surface in trench 4 was a small hearth, consisting of an oval area, 0.60m by 0.70 m bounded by siltstone blocks, at the centre of which the soil had been scorched to a light red colour. However this hearth need not be contemporary with the stone surface since it was only thinly covered with topsoil& Similarly, a small area, 0.50 m in diameter, of burning in the natural clay was located under modern topsoil in Trench 4 beyond the end of the barrow mound. It is impossible to date this since there is no stratigraphical relationship with other archaeological contexts. ' p 15 "there is no definite evidence to relate the barrow to the stone surface and without more extensive excavation it can only be assumed that they are contemporary. this small scale excavation took place outside of the barrow itself .³čĶķIéI~FĖBk’žSE 96 NE 14’žHelperthorpe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9631 6792’ž49631 46792’ž496310’ž467920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a29’ž14.6’žKinnes SE 15’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963’žAshbee 1970nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žW end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)5?’žpits/postholes - W end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)x0x0’žtimber structure?x’žtrench’žW end of moundnonoyesno00’žyes’žashP@¾x4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žbetween pit 1 and pit 4noxno’žPits 3, 4 and 5’žposthole/stoneholes (5)no’žN Englandno’žyes’žManby 1963r„b„’žSE 96 NE 14’žHelperthorpe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9631 6792’ž49631 46792’ž496310’ž467920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žE-W’žn/a29’ž14.6’žKinnes SE 15’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963’žAshbee 1970nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žW end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)5?’žpits/postholes - W end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)x0x0’žtimber structure?x’žtrench’žW end of moundnonoyesno00’žyes’žashP@¾x4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žbetween pit 1 and pit 4noxno’žPits 3, 4 and 5’žposthole/stoneholes (5)no’žN Englandno’žyes’žAshbee 1970’žManby 196319’žKinnes 1992¾±­­­”””‹€€€|cccRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNLH/-+)%  öńģźźč䎌ÖĘ¾¼©§„£”b^0.*&  óēēēŚĢĘĀ½øøø²”˜~vnaS>8+% q’~Ę’’’½ż’`fšģ’žSE 95 NE 31’žGarton Slack 134’žnone’žlong barrow’ženclosure/linear feature’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9873 5774’ž49873 45774’ž498730’ž498730’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGarton’žnone?Ex3017’žKinnes SE 6’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono2’ž12 m w of barrow; 12 m E of barrow0xx0x0’žyes?’ž12 m E of barrow’žcrematorium trench; faēade bedding trench?yesnoyesno00’žunknownno.@½x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žtrenchxxxnox’ž12 m E - pit; 12 m W - pityes’žfaēade bedding trench; western pit’žpits - 2 large externalno’žN Englandno’žyes?19’žKinnes 1992vieeeeee___[PPPL333  ķķķķķķķķķķķķėēåćįŁŌĻĖĒĀ¾¹¹¹·µµ©„œšš˜”ŽŠ„‚WE?=;9753  żłõńķéååååååååŲĖĒĆĮ½½½½·Æ¢–Ž†ykV</) q’?~Ą’’’½ł’hf‚’žSE 95 NE 27’žGarton Slack 79’žMonument #64464’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9796 5771’ž49796 45771’ž497960’ž457710’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnonex37xxnonononononononoyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žtrench’ž?under the mound?nononono00’žyesnon@Ax1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxxxnox’žsecondary grave ; cremated bone depositsxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 271-273’ž1886611111øøøø“©©©„”””ŸŸŸŸŸŸuuuuuuuuusomkigb^ZVRNIIIGEE950..,($  ’ūł÷õóńļķėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮæ½¹····±§šŽ†~qcMG9( q’?Ą’’’½ł’Af„óh’žSE 95 NE 2’žGarton Slack 37’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9572 5970’ž49572 45970’ž495720’ž459700’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGarton’žnone’žGarton Slack’žin a broad shallow valley filled with chalk and flint gravelnp’žNW-SEx5418’žKinnes SE 7’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1979’žBrewster 1975yesyes3’žcentre (1); NW of centre (1); forecourt (1)’žmortuary enclosure’žbehind faēade’žcausewayed ditch’žE end of barrow©@¹€’žDurham - Microfiche2’žyes’žyesyesno’žN EnglandśśśśśśööššššššššššššššššššššėęęęęęęęęääĆ··········¦”…qqqqqqqDBBBB<<<6666666' üųöļė­Ÿ™‘„xph[M82%h’’`  j LVALz GGrimes 1960 - P 7  9 'the monument proved to be an elaborate arrangement of walls and stone masses, the whole set in a large pit [56m x 26m] dug into the rock.' The depth was variable and the floor was irregular, following the natural bedding planes. The plan of the pit was irregular; it consisted of a main area with numbers bays and annexes. There was a central 'island' in the centre - an area of uncut rock which still retained a 23 cm ’žGGrimes 1960 - P 7  9 'the monument proved to be an elaborate arrangement of walls and stone masses, the whole set in a large pit [56m x 26m] dug into the rock.' The depth was variable and the floor was irregular, following the natural bedding planes. The plan of the pit was irregular; it consisted of a main area with numbers bays and annexes. There was a central 'island' in the centre - an area of uncut rock which still retained a 23 cm layer of soil. The stone quarried from the pit was to be used in the building of the cairn. Page 9 - The chamber was sunk in its own pit - its rock floor was 89 cm below the modern surface datum. Chamber had been disturbed in 18th or 19th C. Around the chamber was a narrow seat or bench 35-43 cm above the floor level. P 29 - Chamber is of the 'beehive' variety, resembling others (known asm'shepherd's cots) including Ablington and Cow Common,LVAL–ŁAnderson 1866 (Memoirs) p 236-7: third chamber: 'The floor itself was composed of clay, in which a rough paving of small flat stones appeared to have been partially and irregularly laid. For a depth of four to five inches, the clay was plentifully mixed with ashes, charcoal of wood, and broken and calcined bones. ... though the clay was literally charged with [bone fragments], and the fragments that were uncalcined were in good preservation, the largest piece found, after diligent search, did not exceed an inch in length by half in inch in breadth. About a dozen flint chips and a few fragments of pottery& were all the manufactured relics found.' Anderson 1868 (PSAS) p 496-7 - "After clearing the chamber from stones and rubbish, we found a floor of blackish clay and ashes, having the appearance of being hard trodden. On the top of this floor lay a few animal bones, and some fragments, apparently human. The floor, to the depth of nearly 6 inches, was entirely composed of ashes, caked on the undisturbed clay below, and partially mixed with it. In some parts, traces of an irregular paving of flat stones remained, having ashes both above and below them. Wood charcoal and comminuted and calcined bones were most plentifully intermixed with the whole substance of this floor, and uncalcined but equally comminuted fragments of bone were also of frequent occurance& ." Anderson 1886 p 235-6 : " The floor itself was formed of a dark clay, firmly compacted, in which a rough paving of small flattish stones appeared to have been partially though irregularly laid. The surface of the clay was hard, and had the appearance of a well-trodden floor. But reflection showed that this appearance did not necessarily imply anything that might not have been produced by the pressure of many tons of loose material for a great length of time on an originally soft flor of ashes and earth, occasionally moistened by rains. The substance of the floor was a compacted mass of about 5 inches thick of earthy clay& .. ThiĄ LVALŠ Thomas & Wailes 1967: p 10 - excavation was confined to the centre of the monument. P 11 - 'a small cremation pit was found& & [it] was circular, about 45 cm across at ground level, and opened into a constricted regular hole 28 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep. It contained a dark filling, a fine peaty soil, with fragments of charcoal and cremated bone. P13 'A sparse, but overall scatter of flecks of charcoal suggested to us that the pre-tomb surface had been affected by some nearby fire (not actually found) and it might just possibly be inferred that this surface was also trampled upon at this stage. The small cremation pit apparently antedates the construction of the megalithic tomb. The pit itself, dug into the rab [the coarse, yellow-brown granitic gravel which form’žThomas & Wailes 1967: p 10 - excavation was confined to the centre of the monument. P 11 - 'a small cremation pit was found& & [it] was circular, about 45 cm across at ground level, and opened into a constricted regular hole 28 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep. It contained a dark filling, a fine peaty soil, with fragments of charcoal and cremated bone. P13 'A sparse, but overall scatter of flecks of charcoal suggested to us that the pre-tomb surface had been affected by some nearby fire (not actually found) and it might just possibly be inferred that this surface was also trampled upon at this stage. The small cremation pit apparently antedates the construction of the megalithic tomb. The pit itself, dug into the rab [the coarse, yellow-brown granitic gravel which forms the undisturbed surface] , contained little more than a handful of finely-crushed cremated bone, some charcoal flecks, and a small flint flake, all in a matrix of loose dark soil. The pit was sealed by a compacted lens of rab material which contained charcoal flecks again and which was on the surface distinguishable from the rab surface around it by being much yellower in tone. The sealing layer is regarded as the rab spoil produced in cutting the pit, the upper portion of which would contain charcoal from the earlier scatter. The erection of the stones then took place& Sperris is one of five West Penwith chambered tombs (Chun, Mulfra, Lanyon, Zenor & Sperris) in which a pit was the only noticeable internal feature - may represent the original rite (Thomas & Wailes 1967 p 20)‡ LVAL— Calder 1938 - p 205 'the cairn was founded on the clay subsoil' - turf stripping? P. 207 ; there was a "much later domestic occupation of the chamber, which was attested by a thin layer of compacted peaty earth, representing a secondary floor. The accumulation rested on a layer of blown sand 10 or 12 inches above the original floor, and it was thickest in the central compartment." P 208 : "Pottery from Sandyhill cairn was found ’žCalder 1938 - p 205 'the cairn was founded on the clay subsoil' - turf stripping? P. 207 ; there was a "much later domestic occupation of the chamber, which was attested by a thin layer of compacted peaty earth, representing a secondary floor. The accumulation rested on a layer of blown sand 10 or 12 inches above the original floor, and it was thickest in the central compartment." P 208 : "Pottery from Sandyhill cairn was found crushed and embedded in the original clay floor of the central compartment. The fragments represented two different vessels, one plain and one decorated with incised ornamentation. Both are assignable to the Stone Age. Some fairly large pieces of charcoal (willow) were mixed with the potsherds and the clay round about was discoloured by soot and burning." P 209 "The sandstone implements may be tentatively assigned to the Iron Age".Āč!KŖG+DŲ@k¬’žSE 96 NE 6’žCowlam 277’žMonument #64634’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9590 6635’ž49590 46635’ž495900’ž466350’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnonex’ž16.5xx’žKinnes SE 13; Kinnes Aa3’žKinnes 1992; Kinnes 1979’žManby 1988nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žNW end of mound0xx0x0nox’žcremation trench’žabove pityesnonono01?0nox4’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žabove pitxxxnoxnox’žgrave pitno’ž54°052 03.073 N, 000°322 07.573 W’ž54°052 02.343 N, 000°322 01.553 W’žN Englandno’žManby 1988’ž198’žKinnes 1992; Kinnes 1979^D????33333/$łĪŹæææ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·³±Æ­¢™•‘Œ‡‚‚‚€~~~zxttrnjf`UCA=;97531  üųōšššššää䏰®¬¦¤¤¤ž˜ƒwogZLF@3" q’~Ā’’’ł’`~ˆ×rž’žSE 96 NE 33’žCowlam 57’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9754 6715’ž49754 46715’ž497540’ž467150’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnonex17xx’žKinnes Ba5/Dc5’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žantler macehead; boar tusk blade2’žSE of centre; NW of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž13+0’žslab³@Įx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žNW of centrenox’žNW - chalk slab pavement’žSE of centre - pityesxno’žn/a’žpit; grave pitno’ž54°052 27.843 N, 000°302 36.423 W’ž54°052 27.113 N, 000°302 30.393 W’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1979’ž198’žKinnes 1979Š}xxxxkkkkkg\1ņķéēįįįįĶĶ³³³³³³³³±­Ÿ›™”‹‡‚}yyywuuica\\ZVRNJHDB><:8642ņīčāŽŲŌŠĢČČČČČ»»»®žœš–””””Ž†yme]PB<6(" q’?~Ā’’’½ł’€āˆ/lz’žSE 96 NE 24’žEsh's Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9594 6892’ž49594 46892’ž495940’ž468920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’ž16.5xx’žKinnes SE 12’žKinnes 1992’žHicks 1969nonononoyesnoyesnono’žbone pin; bronze dagger3’žcentre point of barrow; centre of trench0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono032?noŒš—JBx4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žcremation areaxxxnoxnox’žpits (2), fireno’ž54°062 26.173 N, 000°322 02.443 W’ž54°062 25.453 N, 000°312 56.423 W’žN Englandno’žHicks 1969’ž198’žKinnes 1992‚uppppddddd`U*’ūėėėéååååååååååååååć߯ŪŁÉÄĄ¼·²­ØØئ¤¤˜”ŽŽŒˆ„€zxtrnljhfdb86 żłõõõõõéééÜĪĢŹÄĄĄĄŗ© —†~vi[F8+% q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆwS¬’žSE 96 NE 15’žKemp Howe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9616 6628’ž49616 46628’ž496160’ž466280’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnone’žSE-NWxnpnp’žKinnes SE 14’žKinnes 1992nononoyesyesnoyesnono’žsaddle quern3’žN of centre (2); E of centre6+’žfaēade bedding trenchx0x0’žfaēade bedding trench’žS of centre’žsubterranean chamber’žchamberyesnoyes’žyes100nop@¾’žcentre of faēade trench4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žfaēade bedding trenchx’žsaddle quernxnox’ž2 pits’žfaēade bedding trench’žpityes’žpit 1no’žn/a’žpits - 3 pre-monumentno’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire London. ,(pp 336-338)’žrewster, T. C. M. 1968 Kemp Howe. Archaeological Excavations 1967 - Department of the Environment, 12’žBrewster, T. C. M. 1969 Kemp Howe. Archaeological Excavations 1968 - Department of the Environment, 13, 30’ž193’žKinnes 1992źŻŲŲŲhż‚}}}ynnnjSNJC====8!źåąÜŲÓĪÉÉÉĒ®®¢žœšš˜“‰ƒzdW@><:8!’żļėēįŻ×ŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅøŖ¦¢ ™™™“…xld\OA;5(" q’~Ą’’’½ł’€ćgž šLVALŠMR2 €ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadd <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘  L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’Ā čŅŠsLg’žSU 04 SE 33’žWinterbourne Stoke 53’žWinterbourne Stoke Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0915 4279’ž40915 14279’ž409150’ž142790’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx36’ž19.5’ž SU 66’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono2’žE end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono001+’žyeso@|x1’žyesno’žyesnononono’žE end of moundxx’žcremation area - East end of moundnox’žcremation platform;, 2 pitsyesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 117)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press76’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum#­©©© †1111-  ēēēēēēēēēēåį½»¹©„”™”‹‹‹‰‡‡{vrppnjfb\ZVTPNLJHFD42.*&"    żģģģŽÖŠĢŹÅĮĮ»µ”–‹ƒ{n`ZTG. q’Ę’’’½ł’āgœæįč“L IŌEŽBłĄh’žSE 97 SE 46’žSherburn 9’žround barrow (BA)’žSE 9614 7471’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 34n1@!ģ €’žBronze Age2b’žN England“““©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©„„`````````````VM<<<<...hK` b ’žSE 97 SE 45’žSherburn 7’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9601 7475’ž49601 47475’ž496010’ž474750’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žKinnes Cc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 34nonononoyesnoyesyesnono4’žN, SE , SW and W of centre3?’žpits/postholesx0x0noxnoxnononono080no3@Äx4no’žyes’žyesnonono?xxxxnox’ždeposit of pottery sherds’žpit’ž2 pits’žgravex’žmortuary (?) pit/postholes (3) ; grave pitno’žN Englandno’žyes’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 3420’žKinnes 1979QD@@@@!!    ŻŻŻŪŪŪŪŌŌĢĒ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ŗ¦¤¢ žœ˜”‹†‚‚‚€~~rnljjhd`\XVRPLJHFD40 žśōšģčäääääÅÅÅø¬Ŗؤ¢žž˜’ˆnf^QC=7)# q’Ā’’’½ł’ĄEfŠ_d ’žSE 97 SE 1’žSherburn 8’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9606 7476’ž49606 47476’ž496060’ž474760’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonenpx15xx’žKinnes Ae4’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žNE and SE of centre; centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono050no @Ćx4no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žoval hollow’žpit filled with chalk; charcoal spread’žpit filled with chalk’ždeposit of human bones’žentire barrow - human teeth’žpaired mortuary pits; grave pitno’žN Englandno2’žKinnes 1979C64444444440%%%!ććĖ“Œ}ywusqmiea\WSSSQOOC?=;;951-)'#!ōņīźäŽŚŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·«©§£”—‘‡~me]PB<6(" q’Ą’’’½ł’Ą f€— ž’žSE 97 NW 14’žEast Heslerton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9385 7524’ž49385 47524’ž493850’ž475240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žHeslerton’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’ž158’žE-W’žn/a’ž14023’žKinnes SE 11’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žMiddle Chalknononoyesyesno’žstone axe0xnumerous’žvariousx’žnumerous’žvarious0’žmortuary enclosure’žE end of moundnoxnononono000noˆ@ƒx4’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpxno’žn/a’žtimber structure; postholes and stakeholesno’ž54°092 51.983 N, 000°332 50.413 W’ž54°092 51.283 N, 000°332 44.393 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žAshbee 19842’žKinnes 1992³¦¤¤¤¤——’’’ŽƒX-)żųōņīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģčęäāąŪÖŅĪŹĘĮĮĮæ½½±­«©©§£Ÿ›—•‘mkbXVM=;9.*$üüüüüļļļāŌŠĖĘĮ¼¼¶„š‘€xpcU@:-' q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŠohš’žSE 97 NW 1’žHeslerton-on-the-Wolds’žMonument #64841’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9488 7537’ž49488 47537’ž494880’ž475370’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonex24xx’žKinnes Ba4’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 146nonononononoyesyesno’žclay bead; bone point3’ž2 central ; 1 SSE of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0160no@Įx4no’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’ž2 pits; 15 inhumations’žSSE - oval pit and skullx’žpits (3)no’žN Englandno’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 146’ž198’žKinnes 1979WJEEEE%%%%%!ģģŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŅĪĢŹČĘĀ¾ŗ¶²­©©©§„„™•“‰…}{wuqomkigeHF/+% ēēēēŚĪĢŹĘÄÄľø®„”Œ„wiSM?. q’~Ä’’’½ł’@AfˆĒ½ LVALĶ It seems likely that the area of the mound base had been stripped of any topsoil, for the material later deposited to create the mound lay immediately above the chalk bedrock. Amongst this material were found Grooved Ware sherds. A pit was cut near the barrow centre. It contained twenty fragments of cremated bone which had been mixed with ash & loam. This had been covered with a flint cairn which in turn was sealed by a layer of turfy loam 5 cm thick. The chalk and earth of the mound directly sealed the pit. Similarly, a pit ’žIt seems likely that the area of the mound base had been stripped of any topsoil, for the material later deposited to create the mound lay immediately above the chalk bedrock. Amongst this material were found Grooved Ware sherds. A pit was cut near the barrow centre. It contained twenty fragments of cremated bone which had been mixed with ash & loam. This had been covered with a flint cairn which in turn was sealed by a layer of turfy loam 5 cm thick. The chalk and earth of the mound directly sealed the pit. Similarly, a pit to the north which contained the partly dismembered carcase of a sheep, was directly covered by the mound material. The carcase had been cut at the shoulders. Above the tail were what appeared to be a group of foetal bones. Green did stress the undisturbed nature of the mound above the pit and it should be noted that a nearby barrow Winterbourne Stoke 64a had also produced a sheep burial - in this case deposited in a chalk cut. Later re-use - Romano-British disturbance, hut platform dug through the mound into the chalk bedrock. šLVALŠMR2&€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadm <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘    L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’&LVALŠ::ĻGreenwell 1877  p 142-5: TRENCH: A trench, 4.9 m in length and was found  cut into the chalk , on the east side of the mound. Its fill consisted mainly of burnt earth, burnt chalk, charcoal and potsherds. .  Midway along this trench was a row of largBateman 1861 : p 221-2  Near the centre of the mound  a Food Vessel containing an incense cup was found. To the south a grave was located, covered with ’žBateman 1861 : p 221-2  Near the centre of the mound  a Food Vessel containing an incense cup was found. To the south a grave was located, covered with a  large stone . The skeletons of an adult and two children were lying  a little below the surface , accompanied by a burnt plano-convex knife and a polished greenstone axe.’žWardell 1853: p 68-9 - 18 inhumations on the ground surface beneath limestone slabs, in the centre of the barrow. One inhumation associated with a flint arrowhead and the lower jawbone of a dog.’žGreenwell 1877  p 142-5: TRENCH: A trench, 4.9 m in length and was found  cut into the chalk , on the east side of the mound. Its fill consisted mainly of burnt earth, burnt chalk, charcoal and potsherds. .  Midway along this trench was a row of large blocks of flint, lying close together and 46 cm above the bottom, having underneath them a considerable number of potsherds. (Kinnes 1979 defines the trench as a 'faēade trench' and identifies the potsherds as Grimston. ) The earth surrounding the trench showed no sign of burning, so the burnt material was likely brought from elsewhere. PIT 1  An extension at the SW end of the trench 1.8 m long x 1.8 m wide x 20 cm deep filled with burnt earth and charcoal  which indeed rose above the natural surface as high as the present surface of the barrow.  Again,  the burning did not appear to have taken place on the spo’žBateman 1861 : p 221-2  Near the centre of the mound  a Food Vessel containing an incense cup was found. To the south a grave was located, covered with a  large stone . The skeletons of an adult and two children were lying  a little below the surface , accompanied by a burnt plano-convex knife and a polished greenstone axe.’žWardell 1853: p 68-9 - 18 inhumations on the ground surface beneath limestone slabs, in the centre of the barrow. One inhumation associated with a flint arrowhead and the lower jawbone of a dog.č5 >>0"ł÷õńģē¬¦ Œuh’žSK 07 NE 2’žBull Ring’žDove Holes’žhenge’žstone setting’žClassic henge’žSK 0784 7824’ž40784 37824’ž407840’ž378240’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žChapel en le Frith’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of a slight ridge, clearly visible from 1 km’ž335’žN,S85xx’žHarding 040’žHarding 1987’žBarnatt 1990’žHarding 1987’žBarnatt 1989nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesyesnono00š@Ē6bnonononono’žyes’žyesyesxx’ž53°182 03.963 N, 001°532 01.493 W’ž53°182 02.973 N, 001°522 56.183 W’žCentral England ā···µ³³­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Ø£Ÿ›—“‹‹‹}{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{wsmgc]YFB>>>0"ł÷õńģē¬¦ ŒumeXJ;,%h’’Ī’,ł 9Ūń’žSK 05 SE 28’žStonesteads’žWaterhouses’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 0841 5054’ž40841 35054’ž408410’ž350540’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWaterhouses’žPeak District’žnonenpx12xx’žKinnes Cc2’žKinnes 1979’žPiggott 1954’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesno’žboar's tusk blade; bone ring0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono010’žthin flat stones:@Ēx4’žyesno’žyesnononono’žfloor of barrowxx’žSE of centrenoxnox’žfireno’žCentral Englandno’žPiggott 1954’žKinnes 1979’ž213’žKinnes 1979>1,,, üüüųņņņšģģģģģģģģģģģģģģźęŲÖŌĆæ»·³®Ŗ„„„£””•ƒ}yuqkiec_][YWUSQO1-'#    üüīīīįÕÓŃĶĖĒĒĮ²„Œ}um`RE?1$ q’Ź’’’½ł’`f˜'[,’žSK 05 SE 15’žGrub Low’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 0804 5254’ž40804 35254’ž408040’ž352540’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWaterhouses’žPeak District’žnonexx109’žKinnes ACd2’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono011noä@Ēx4nono’žyesnononono’žallxxxnoxnox’žfire (mortuary)no’žCentral Englandno’žKinnes 1979’ž211’žKinnes 1979ŻŠĖĖĖĖ¾¾¾¾¾ŗ©©©„”””’ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŒˆ†„‚}yuqmhd```^\\PLJHHFB>:42.,(&$"  žśöņīīīīīįįįŌĒÅĮæ½½½·Ø›‚skcVH;5'! q’~Ā’’’½ł’`fˆwĻn’žSJ 68 NW 41’žCranford’žGrappenhall’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSJ 6370 8661’ž36370 38661’ž363700’ž386610’žCheshire’žWarrington’žGrappenhall and Thelwall’žnonexnpxxnononononononoyesnonoyesno0’žunknown4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes?’žyesnpnp’žfire (cremation)’ž53°222 30.493 N, 002°322 49.263 W’ž53°222 29.573 N, 002°322 44.223 W’žCentral England’žArmstrong, L., 1933-36. [Cranford - Grappenhall]. Proceedings of the Warrington Literary and Philosophical Society, 22-26.’žClark, J. G. D. & e. al, 1934. Notes on excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1934 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, 7(3), 402-416.’ž209āāŻŻŻŻ’’’’’V++  üųóóóńńńńńčęęęęāāÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŌĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶²²²²²²²²²²°®ŖØØØØ¢ˆ|rjbUGA;.! q’?Ą’P ł :Œ+č ĶN ¬ĒØG‰DAh’žSK 15 SE 15’žBostern Bowl Barrow’žMonument #308075’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1514 5338’ž41514 35338’ž415140’ž353380’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žNewton Grange’žPeak’žnonenpxx’ž23.519’žBarnatt 9:14’žBarnatt 1996nonononoyesnon¤U’žSK 15 SE 15’žBostern Bowl Barrow’žMonument #308075’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1514 5338’ž41514 35338’ž415140’ž353380’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žNewton Grange’žPeak’žnonexx’ž23.519’žBarnatt 9:14’žBarnatt 1996nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcist / chamber’žcentralnononono031’žrock @Źx4anononononononpxxx’žallnoxnoxnono’ž53°042 38.933 N, 001°462 31.373 W’ž53°042 37.843 N, 001°462 26.053 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derb, London. (pp 70-71)’ž213’žBarnatt 1996widddddÕŖ¦¢¢¢ œœœœœœœœœœœœœœš–‘‹‡ƒ{wsoookii]WUSSQMIEA8(&"  üöņīźęęęęęęęęŲŹĘĄ¾¼¼¼¶°”ƒ{sfXRL>, q’~Ą’’’½ł’`~„gH’žSK 15 NW 22’žPea Low’žSteep Lowe’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 1307 5646’ž41307 35646’ž413070’ž356460’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žAlstonefield’žPeak District’žnonenpxx’ž45.538’žBarnatt 11:10’žBarnatt 1996nonononoc@Ź4ano’žyesyesno’žCentral England’žBateman, T., 1848. Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London. (pp 76-77)’žBateman, T.,1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York (p 121) , Buxton, Moorland’ž213’žBarnatt 1996*ƒ66666%%%%!!!!žśöņņņņņņņņäÕŃĖÉĒĆĆ½® ‡xph[M@:,  q’Ą  "Œoéh’žSK 14 SE 7’žWyaston’žnone’žround barrow’žSK 1911 4200’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žEdlaston and Wyaston’žnone’žnone’ž11.9xx’žBarnatt 1989€’žNot Neolithic2b’žCentral EnglandĮĮĮ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬¬‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ƒƒƒƒƒyyyysmWE9999+++hO|@ sÕz’žSK 08 SE 10’žHarrod Low’žSparrowpit Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 0984 8058’ž40984 38058’ž409840’ž380580’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žPeak Forest’žPeak District’žnone’žE-Wx4222’žBarnatt 1989’ž?? 1908nononono‚@€2nonp’žn/ano’žCentral England’žBray, W. 1783 Sketch of a tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, including part of Buckingham, Warwick, Leicester, Nottingham, Northampton, Bedford, and Hertford-shires. Second Ed., London, Eighteenth Century Collections Online. Gale Group’žHart, C. 1986 Searches for the early Neolithic: a study of Peakland long cairns. IN MANBY, T. G. & TURNBULL, P. (Eds.) Archaeology in the Pennines. Oxford, BAR British Series 158’ž213ÄÄææææ ’’ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õõõééééééééééééééééééééééééééééåįŻŁŁŁŁŠĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗø³³³­ž‘†zrj]OIC6# q’Ę  "Œh’žSK 07 SE101’žGospel Hillocks SW’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žSK 0863 7148’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žKing Sterndale’žPeak District’žnone’ž305-335’žE-Wx32’ž18.5’žKinnes BDc1’ž Kinnes 1979’žWard 1897-9’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesyesyes’žjet buttons0x0xx0x0nox’žpaved mortuary area’žcentrenononono050’žslab€’žNot definitely Neolithicx2bno’žyesnononononoxxx’žcentral mortuary areanox’žpaved mortuary areano’žCentral EnglandģģģģģģģźęĻĶĖÉÅĮ½¹µ°¬¬¬Ø¦€€zxvvtplhd\GEA?=;97531$ žśśśķÖÉÉÉ»®Ø¤¢””ŽodXXXXJD6)#h|Ī’’’Żł’@ LVALŠŠŠ77Ļ7Ļ7ĻBarnatt (1996) notes the possibility that dating of this site is problematic, and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human sekeltel remains but no mention of gro’žBarnatt (1996) notes the possibility that dating of this site is problematic, and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human sekeltel remains but no mention of ground surface. Bateman 1848: reports on the destruction of the barrow some years befor’žBarnatt (1996) notes the possibility that dating of this site is problematic, and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human sekeltel remains but no mention of ground surface. Bateman 1848: reports on the destruction of the barrow some years before and his subsequent excavation of five 'vaults' which remained on the ground. No information on buried ground surface’žBateman 1861 p 168-9 : "at the natural level [we found] a pavement of flat stones, whereon were many disjointed human bones belonging to several skeletons, mixed with numerous implements of calcined flint. The most perfect skeleton lay in the centre of the pavement& and was accompanied by a knife, a spearhead and other instruments of white flint. Nearer to the centre of the barrow was a deposit of burnt bones and one implement of flint."’žBarrow opened by villagers in 1844 and a local man in 1845 - primary interment was found in a cist in the centre of the barrow - Bateman records the results - no information on buried ground surface.’žBateman 1848 p 70 - " In the centre of this tumulus was a very large cist, the sides of which were formed of limestones, standing edgeway on t’žBarnatt (1996) notes the possibility that dating of this site is problematic, and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human sekeltel remains but no mention of ground surface. Bateman 1848: reports on the destruction of the barrow some years before and his subsequent excavation of five 'vaults' which remained on the ground. No information on buried ground surface’žBateman 1861 p 168-9 : "at the natural level [we found] a pavement of flat stones, whereon were many disjointed human bones belonging to several skeletons, mixed with numerous implements of calcined flint. The most perfect skeleton lay in the centre of the pavement& and was accompani’žBateman 1861 p 168-9 : "at the natural level [we found] a pavement of flat stones, whereon were many disjointed human bones belonging to several skeletons, mixed with numerous implements of calcined flint. The most perfect skeleton lay in the centre of the pavement& and was accompanied by a knife, a spearhead and other instruments of white flint. Nearer to the centre of the barrow was a deposit of burnt bones and one implement of flint."’žBarrow opened by villagers in 1844 and a local man in 1845 - primary interment was found in a cist in the centre of the barrow - Bateman records the results - no information on buried ground surface.’žBateman 1861 - No information on land surface, or on Neolithic finds. Due to the size and composition of the mound "it was impossible to lay bare any p’žBarrow opened by villagers in 1844 and a local man in 1845 - primary interment was found in a cist in the centre of the barrow - Bateman records the results - no information on buried ground surface.ĀčćMĢJČJÄJŠGÜDh’žr’žSK 16 NE 8’žUpper Haddon Moor’žMonument #308444’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1837 6649’ž41837 36649’ž418370’ž366490’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnonenpxnpnpnp’žKinnes Ae1’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono60’žrock floor£@Ģ4anononononononp’žallnpno’žCentral England’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 198923¬ØØØš||||xxxxttttttttttttttttooookgc_[WSSSOOOC753333333333333333333/+%  ųźźźŻŃĶÉÅĆææ¹Ŗ‹wobTNH;) p’Ę’<ł# "˜r’žSK 16 NE 7’žRingham Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1695 6642’ž41695 36642’ž416950’ž366420’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnone’ž274npx4530’žBarnatt 8:2’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0180’žlimestone slabJ@Ģx4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’ž53°112 40.713 N, 001°442 51.643 W’ž53°112 39.673 N, 001°442 46.293 W’žCentĄ’žSK 16 NE 8’žUpper Haddon Moor’žMonument #308444’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1837 6649’ž41837 36649’ž418370’ž366490’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnonenpxnpnpnp’žKinnes Ae1’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono60’žrock floor£@Ģ4anononononononp’žallnpno’žCentral England’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 198923’žKinnes 1979¹¬ØØØš||||xxxxttttttttttttttttooookgc_[WSSSOOOC753333333333333333333/+%  ųźźźŻŃĶÉÅĆææ¹Ŗ‹wobTNH;) q’Ę’<ł# "˜7’žSK 16 NE 7’žRingham Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1695 6642’ž41695 36642’ž416950’ž366420’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnone’ž274npx4530’žBarnatt 8:2’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0180’žlimestone slabJ@Ģx4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’ž53°112 40.713 N, 001°442 51.643 W’ž53°112 39.673 N, 001°442 46.293 W’žCentral Englandno’žBarnatt 198923’žBarnatt 1996E73333%%%%%!åŗ¶²²²°ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤš˜–”‹‡ƒ~yuuuqoocSQMMKGC?;953/-+)'%#! żłõńķķķķķßßßŃÄĄ¼ŗ¶±±«œ}qiaTF@:)# q’Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆw½ė2’žSK 15 SW 1’žLong Low’žnone’žround barrow’žlinear earthwork’žtwin bowl barrows joined by linear earthwork’žSK 1210 5383’ž41210 35383’ž412100’ž353830’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWetton’žPeak District’žnonenpxxxx’žKinnes Cd1’žKinnes 1979’žBateman 1861nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbone spear0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0130’žlimestone#@|x4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žNE end of large moundnoxnoxnono’žCentral Englandno’žBateman 1861’ž215’žKinnes 1979"žķķķéåååćßßßßßßßßßßßßß߯ŁĀĄ¾¼·³Æ«¦”œœœ˜––Š}yywsokgea_[YWUSQOMK?;51-'#   üšīģźčääŽĻĒ®Ÿ—‚tF4&  q’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆļŪ’žSK 15 SE 43’žLid's Lowe’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow?’žnone’žSK 1623 5078’ž41623 35078’ž416230’ž350780’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žThorpe’žnone’žnonenpnpx’ž10.8’ž7.2nonononoyesyes40É@Ź4anonp’žprimary intermentyesno’žCentral England’ž213((##########õõõõõõõõõõõõõńķķķķķķķķéé鯯ŪŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁÓÓĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½½½ø²°¬ØØ¢œ”‚vnfYKE6)# q’Ą,@ "€cGLVALŠ]]Ļ]ĻEH: An Early Bronze Age round cairn on top of a Neolithic oval barrow. During the 1824 excavation, a smaller mound of stiff [red] clay was found beneath the oval barrow. 3-4 yards across and 1.5 yards high, it contained layers of charcoal and cremated human bone with a possible arrowhead fragment and part of a polished axehead. Within the oval mound were found flints and an iron ’žEH: An Early Bronze Age round cairn on top of a Neolithic oval barrow. During the 1824 excavation, a smaller mound of stiff [red] clay was found beneath the oval barrow. 3-4 yards across and 1.5 yards high, it contained layers of charcoal and cremated human bone with a possible arrowhead fragment and part of a polished axehead. Within the oval mound were found flints and an iron brooch. The latter indicates a reuse of the barrow in the Roman or Anglian periods. Thomas Bateman noted that the oval mound consisted of limestone and soil, and beneath it on the old land surface were four small clay mounds arranged in a square. Radley 1969 "The red clay core would appear to& incorporate contemporary neolithic refuse" Kinnes (1992) suggests a possible crematorium..’žBateman 1861 - p 102 - notes in discussing the female skeleton found in Compartment B, that the soil in which the bones were embedded had acquired a dark colour, apparently from the decomposition of wood. Comnpartment A had been plundered before Bateman's excavation and contents 're-interred in confusion".’žopened by labourers digging stone in 1844 - they dug into a barrow - human remains found on the level surface of the rock, which was about a foot below the turf.’žBateman 1861 - Chamber #1 - p 94 - "the floor of the chamber was 'paved with five slabs of limestone, pretty’žBateman 1861 - p 102 - notes in discussing the female skeleton found in Compartment B, that the soil in which the bones were embedded had acquired a dark colour, apparently from the decomposition of wood. Comnpartment A had been plundered before Bateman's excavation and contents 're-interred in confusion".’žopened by labourers digging stone in 1844 - they dug into a barrow - human remains found on the level surface of the rock, which was about a foot below the turf.äčLœÉ4Ē“Cü@ųō’žSK 17 SE 12’žBrushfield Hough’žMonument #309155’žchambered cairn?’žRomano-British barrow’žnone’žSK 1679 7094’ž41679 37094’ž416790’ž370940’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBrushfield’žnone’žnonenpnpnpnp’žBarnatt 5:14’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989nononono~@%ģ2cno’žyesnp’žn/ano’ž53°142 06.993 N, 001°442 59.413 W’ž53°142 05.973 N, 001°442 54.053 W’žCentral England’žBarnatt 1989’ž243’žBarnatt 1996Ƶ°°°°¢¢¢¢¢¢‘f;;7722....................)%%%%%%%%!!!  ÷÷÷éŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖÅæ³”•…xjdM;) q’~Ā  :ˆ }’žSK 17 NW 4’žTideslow’žnone’žround cairn’žcist’žnone’žSK 1499 7795’ž41499 37795’ž414990’ž377950’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žTideswell’žPeak District’žnone’ž381x’ž40.2xx’žKinnes BDb4’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1996’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesno’žperforated boar's tusk1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’žcentre; W of centreyesnonono130’žyellow clay & limestone!@Ī’žSE of centre4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno?xcx’žcentralnox’žcist’žcistyes’žstanding stone, pit (grave), charcoal depositno’žCentral England’žstanding stone’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1996’ž240’žKinnes 1979‹~yyyk^^^^^N===9    žžžžųųųųųųųöņéåćįŻŲŌŠĖĒĀĀĀĄ²²¦‹‰‰‡ƒ{u`PNJHFDB@>0. žśöņīīīīįÓÓÓĘ¹·µÆ­ØØ¢“ˆvjbZM?93&  q’Ę’’’½ł’@$f˜oh’žSK 16 SE 8’žArbor Low’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žSK 1603 6355’ž41603 36355’ž416030’ž363550’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žMiddleton and Smerrill’žnone’žnone90xx’žHarding 037’žHarding 1987’žRadley 1969’žHarding 1987’žBarnatt 1989’žBarnatt 1990’žWard 1908’žstone setting6b’ž53°102 07.943 N, 001°452 41.733 W’ž53°102 06.893 N, 001°452 36.383 W’žCentral England‡‡‡vK                                                        ōęŲĖĖĖ½°®¬ØØØØ¢œ„rf^VI;,&h’|>8h’žSK 16 SE 7’žGib Hill’žnone’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1582 6332’ž41582 36332’ž415820’ž363320’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žMiddleton and Smerrill’žPeak District’žArbor Low’ž366npx3621’žBarnatt 8:7; Kinnes SK 1’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1992’žBarnatt 1989’ž?? 1940’ž Bateman 1861’žWard 1908nonononoyesnonoyesyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium?’žinner moundyesnonono000no@Ģx2d’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žinner moundxxxnoxnoxnono’žCentral England’’’ū÷÷÷õńńńńńńńńńńńńńńļėéēåŲÓĪŹĘĮ½øøø“²²¦¢ žžœ˜”Š}omigeca_][YUOIEA;73/++ śśśßÅĮ½»·²²§˜€nbZRE71+h’Ž’’’½ł’`&¢)’žSK 16 SE 21’žSmerrill Moor’žMonument #308701’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 1844 6080’ž41844 36080’ž418440’ž360800’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žMiddleton and Smerrill’žPeak District’žnonenpxx1210’žKinnes Ag1’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt & Collis 1996nonononoyes’žcharred woodyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0130no9@Ox4’žyesno’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyes’žcompartment B’ždark soilno’žCentral Englandno’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’žBarnatt 1989’ž237’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979~c^^P9,,,,,(łóóóóóóóóóóóóóóńķėéēåįŻŁÕŠĢĒĒĒÅĆĆ·³±­­«§”™—“‘‹‰‡…ƒ}yuoi[UQMIEEE.!ųģčäāąÜÜÖĒƝ‘‰tfOI8& q’Ī’’’½ł’`føo šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ čüOĪAJ‡Č¬D#@$SK 25 NW 2’žMinning Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2095 5728’ž42095 35728’ž420950’ž357280’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBallidon’žPeak District’žnone’ž365xx4538’žBarnatt 10:5’žBarnatt 1996nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono011’žslab?ō@Š‰@«x4ano’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassage & chambernoxyesxnono’ž53°062 44.433 N, 001°412 18.253 W’ž53°062 43.353 N, 001°412 12.883 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London. (pp 39-40)’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, (pp 54, 82) Buxton, Moorland’žMarsden, B. M. 1982 Excavations at the Minning Low Chambered Tomb (Ballidon I), Ballidon, Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 102, 8-22™™™k Ž³Æ«««©££££££££££££££”Šˆ†„zvrnieeea_SG@><<:62.*($" üųōšģčääääääääÖČÄĄ¾¼··±¢˜†zrj]O82!o’Ą’’’żł’`~œ SK 25 NW 1’žGreen Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2315 5804’ž42315 35804’ž423150’ž358040’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žAldwark’žPeak District’žnone’žon the crest of a carboniferous limestone ridge ; extensive views to N, E and SW.’ž304x’žn/a’ž22.519’žBarnatt 10:12’žBarnatt 1996’žDaniel 1950nono’žcarboniferous limestonenoyesnoyesyesyes’žMesolithic flints; pebbles0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žforecourtno’žyesyesno000’žslab@Š£@«x4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žchamber and passagex’žchamber entrance; passage’žblack soil’žchamber, passageyes’žchamberno’žartefact scatter; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žDaniel 1950ėėėėŽŽŽŽŁÕÄÄĽ™™•Œ††††††††††††††thMK64/*&!öšīģģźęąŪ×Ģŗø“²°®¬Ŗئ¤ˆ‚|vrlhOKGGGGG:::, “®Ÿ–„xph[M60o’’Ā’’’żł’ąęh’žSK 18 SW 9’žOx Low’žMonument # 309614’žround barrow’žoval barrow’žnone’žSK 1300 8053’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žPeak Forest’žnone’žnonex12xx’žBarnatt 1996Õ@Ī €’žBronze Age2b’žCentral EnglandŁŁŁČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČÄĬ                                       ’’ŽŠˆˆˆ‚|odXXXXJD7)h|^` 2SK 18 SW 8’žPerryfoot’žMonument #309611’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1092 8119’ž41092 38119’ž410920’ž381190’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žPeak Forest’žPeak District’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx5427’žBarnatt 1996’ž1:4nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesnonono20t@&ģ4anonononono’žyesyesnpnpno’žCentral England’žPennington, R. 1874 Notes on barrow opening near Castleton. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 14, 85-8’žPennington, R. 1877 Notes on the Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire, London, MacMillan’žHart, C. 1986 Searches for the early Neolithic: a study of Peakland long cairns. IN MANBY, T. G. & TURNBULL, P. (Eds.) Archaeology in the Pennines. Oxford, BAR British Series 158ąąą*Ī]]]]]LLLLHD@@:::::::::::::::::::::51-)%!!!                    ū÷ńķŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĶææ»·µ¬ØØ¢“†{og_RD>8+o’ߥ’,ł #œh’žSK 18 NE 5’žWinhill’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1868 8509’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žAston’žPeak’žnonenpnpnpnpnp’žKinnes Fa1’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’žKinnes 1979nononono±@Ī2bnonpnp’žCentral England   łłłłłłłłõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńķķķķķķķķéé鯯ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĄ©›››Ž‚~zvrnnhb[PDDDD60*h|Ī  ߊ čš‹sÖ’žSU 06 NE 18’žHorton Down’žBishops Cannings 91’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0768 6581’ž40768 16581’ž407680’ž165810’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnone’žNW-SE’žn/a4011’žWIL 20’žDarvill 2004nononononononononono0x0xx0x0’žyes??noxnononono01+0noŒ@$4x1nononononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žyes?’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press8’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusb iÅææ滫««§£££”››››››ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~zvrnjfbbb`^^RNLHHFB>:640.(&$"  üųōššššššššāŚÖŅĶĘĘĘĄ·„’Š‚ugVP9$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’€`fŽo¼čüOFL«Ź”ČōĘÅŲBB’žSK 57 SW 91’žWhitwell’žMonument #1255641’žlong cairn’žround cairn’žnone’žSK 532 748’ž4532 3748’ž453200’ž374800’žDerbyshire’žBolsover’žWhitwell’žnone’žnone’žHedges et al 1994yesyesyes13ō@Š3@«2c’žn/ano’žCentral England’žHedges et al 1994’ž250ōōōōššėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėēēŪĻĻĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÅæææ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ š†zrj_SM@4! p’2d€"ˆh’žSK 42 NW 52’žAston Cursus’žcursus’žSK 416 284’ž44160 32840’ž441600’ž328400’žDerbyshire’žSouth Derbyshire’žWeston Upon Trent€’žCursus6d’ž52°512 07B’žSK 57 SW 91’žWhitwell’žMonument #1255641’žlong cairn’žround cairn’žnone’žSK 532 748’ž4532 3748’ž453200’ž374800’žDerbyshire’žBolsover’žWhitwell’žnone’žnone’žHedges et al 1994yesyesyes13'@>2c’žn/ano’žCentral England’žHedges et al 1994’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’ž250HHCCC łłłłłłččččääßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪŪŪĻĻĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÅæææ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ š†zrj_SM@4! q’2$€"˜h’žSK 42 NW 52’žAston Cursus’žcursus’žSK 416 284’ž44160 32840’ž441600’ž328400’žDerbyshire’žSouth Derbyshire’žWeston Upon Trent€’žCursus6d’ž52°512 07.003 N, 001°222 58.633 W’ž52°512 05.793 N, 001°222 53.173 W’žCentral EnglandžžžķĀ———————————————————————————————————““lZNF>1%%%hĖ@8h’žSK 32 NW 81’žPotluck Cursus’žFindern Cursus’žcursus’žSK 315 287’ž43150 32870’ž431500’ž328700’žDerbyshire’žSouth Derbyshire’žFindern’žGuilbert 1996€’žCursus6d’žCentral Englandæææ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®ŖŖ–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡~l`XPC777/hĻ@ h’žSK 32 NW 17’žTwyford’žMonument #313133’žhenge’ženclosure’žnone’žSK 318 290’ž4318 3290’ž431800’ž329000’žDerbyshire’žSouth Derbyshire’žTwyford and Stenson’žnone’žnone45npnpxx’žHarding 1987’žHughes? 1962nononono?@(ģ€’žNo excavation records6bnonpyes’žCentral England666%%%%%%%%šääääääääääääääääääääääääääääąÜŲŌŌŌŌĘøøøøø¶“°¬ØØ¢œ‡uiaYNB<1*h’Ę` h’žSK 27 SE 37’žGardom's Edge’žD shaped enclosure’žSK 2720 7290’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBaslow and Bubnell’žOswald et al 2001€’žD-shaped enclosure2d’žCentral Englandŗŗŗ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©„„…………………………………………………………………………………………………………rrrrrrrrrr^L@@@@222hK@@ In’žSK 25 NW 8’žHarborough Rocks’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2427 5533’ž42427 35533’ž424270’ž355330’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBrassington’žPeak District’žnone’ž"on top of a staircase of magnesian limestone"xx’ž20.517’žBarnatt’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989’žDaniel 1950’žPiggott 1954nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž16-+0’žrudely paved~@Nx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žpitno’ž53°052 40.833 N, 001°382 20.233 W’ž3°052 39.743 N, 001°382 14.843 W’žCentral Englandno’žDaniel 1950’žPiggott 1954’žBarnatt 1989’ž250’žBarnatt 1996Į³®® ’……………pF üóńļķéäąÜ×ŅĪĪĪĢŹŹ¾°®Øئ¢žš–”ŽŠˆ†„‚€~usoke_[UQMIEEE7*ūł÷÷ĒĮ²„“‡wj\E?.( q’’~Ī’’’½ł’ąø7_ŻčüOYĪuĢŻG C÷@o’žSO 70 SE 9’žHetty Pegler's Tump’žUley Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 7896 0003’ž37896 20003’ž378960’ž200030’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žUley’žCotswolds’jü’žSO 70 SE 9’žHetty Pegler's Tump’žUley Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 7896 0003’ž37896 20003’ž378960’ž200030’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žUley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž252’žESE/WNW’žn/a3725’žGLO 14’žDarvill 2004’žBrown 1894’žBrown 1894nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žpierced boar's tuskno150t@*ģ4ano’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žSW England’žBrown 1894’ž250+’žDarvill 2004“¦    ””””””ˆˆˆˆ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„zuqlgccc___SSQMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII40*$     žņņņäÜŲŌĻĘĮĮ»°Ŗ¢‘‰tfUO8+ q’Ę’@,ł"ˆ'žķ’žSO 70 SE 6’žNympsfield’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 79383 01321’ž379383 201321’ž379383’ž201321’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žFrocester’žCotswolds’žnone’žon the edge of a scarp with expansive views’ž237’žE-Wx2718’žGLO 13’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBuckman 1864yesno’žInferior Oolite limestone / Clypeus Gritnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools, carved bone object; holed stone; shell bead;3’žS side of mound, forecourt, W end of passage (grave)2’žTrench II and Trench IIIx0x0noxnoxyes’žyes?nono2+’ž17+0’žclay?@Ó’žantechamber; forecourt4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žpre-mound surface; Chamber C’žallx’žallnoxyesxnono’žpostholes, pits, hearths; fire; ground preparationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBuckman 1864’žDaniel 1950’ž250’žDarvill 2004H:555(ĶÉÅĆ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½»·²°«‰„€{vqllljRRF?=8840,&  ņšŗø~ztnjd`62,,,,ū÷óńģēŗ“©ž–…}ufVE?(" q’’Ę’’’½ł’ągš'īŲ’žSO 70 SE 13’žThe Soldier's Grave’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSO 7937 0152’ž37937 20152’ž379370’ž201520’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žFrocester’žCotswolds’žnonenpx17xx’žKinnes BDb1’žKinnes 1979’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž28-440no­@Óx4’žEba / LN (Pastscape)no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žboat-shaped pityesx’žgrave pitno’žSW Englandno’žClifford, E. M. 1938 The Soldier's Grave, Frocester, Gloucestershire Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 4, 214-218’žDarvill, T. 1984 Neolithic Gloucestershire. IN SAVILLE, A. (Ed.) Archaeology in Gloucestershire from the earliest hunters to the industrial age. Cheltenham, Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeology Society’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’ž250’žKinnes 1979£–‘‘‘.`ååååįÕÕÕŃĘĘĘľ¾¾¾¾¾¾­­­­­­­«§„£”Ÿ›–’ŽŠ…kkigg[WUNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$ üųōšģģģģÓÓÓÓĘ¹·µ±Æ««„š‡vnfYKE?2, q’Ä’’’½ż’@`fœh’žSO 39 SW 4’žThe Roveries CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žSO 325 924’ž3325 2924’ž332500’ž292400’žShropshire’žSouth Shropshire’žLydham’žnone’žnonexx’žThomas 1961’žThomas 1962’žThomas 1963@Š€’žNo excavation records6c’žCentral EnglandņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņīīĖæææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ沄˜˜˜˜˜–”””””Žˆ€nbZRG;;;%hĻ` h’žSO 25 NE 63’žWalton Green Cursus’žcursus’žSO 2682 6000’ž32682 26000’ž326820’ž260000’žHereford & Worcester’žHerefordshire’žLower Harpton’žWalton Basin€’žCursus6d’žCentral EnglandĀĀĀ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±­­™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™‹‹|mWOG:,,,$$hĖ_@ ń čŠs’žHY’žHY 53 NE 1’žHuntersquoy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5626 3774’ž35626 103774’ž356260’ž1037740’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone20x’ž10 - 11xx’žORK 23’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žWatson 2000’žSharples 1985nonononononoyesnoyes’žpumice0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; two-storey monument’žallnononono100’žblue clayE@¬’žwest of cairn1nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambers and passagesnox’žblue clay floor’žblue clay flooryesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1938 Excavations of three Neolithic chambered cairns -one with an upper and lower chamber- in the islands of Eday and the Calf of Eday, in Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 72, 193-213’žSharples, N. M. 1985 Individual and community: the changing role of megaliths in the Orcadian Neolithic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 51, 59-74’žWatson, A. & Keating, D. 2000 The architecture of sound in Neolithic Orkney. IN RITCHIE, A. (Ed.) Neolithic Orkney in its European context. Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 259-63’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press––––Ę(>>>>:...*&&&$   üśö߯ŪŁÕŠĢČÄĄ¼¼¼ŗ««Ÿ”’ŽŠ†‚~yNLHFDB@><:80*&  łģģģŅŹČĘ½»··±«„•…|tfX@:)# q’Ę’’’½ł’ `f¶ čÜL½Ź‚FDD'Ak’žSO 90 NE 6’žJackbarrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9573 0718’ž39573 20718’ž395730’ž207180’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Abbots’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W?x’žunknown’žunknown’žGLO 27’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinseląą’žSO 90 NE 6’žJackbarrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9573 0718’ž39573 20718’ž395730’ž207180’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Abbots’žCotswolds’žnone’žE-W?x’žunknown’žunknown’žGLO 27’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononononononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noa@Īx4no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žpitno’žSW Englandno’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’ž260’žDarvill 2004ųźååååĶĶĶĶĶɽ½½¹“““²¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ŗ¦¤¢ žš•‘‰„€€€~||pljhhfb^ZVTPNJHFDB@>53/+'#     ņņņäÜÓŹČĀĀĀ¼±œ’yqdVE?(" q’~Ā’’’½ł’`fˆ?śŃ’žSO 90 NE 2’žHoar Stone [Gloucestershire]’žDuntisbourne Abbots 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9649 0659’ž39649 20659’ž396490’ž206590’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Abbots’žCotswolds’žnone’žN/A4828’žGLO 9’žDarvill 2004nononono’ž8-9"€’žNo information on ground surface4anono’žSW England’ž260’žDarvill 2004ugbbbbbbbbbbVVVVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNJJJ łņīźååååßŌ浤œ”‡yhbK4 q’|Ą$"€/ƒć’žSO 80 SW 20’žBown Hill’žWoodchester 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 8230 0179’ž38230 20179’ž382300’ž201790’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žWoodchester’žCotswolds’žnone’žENE-WSW’žn/a5622’žGLO 20’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nononono’žbone chisel¶@Ó4anono’ž51°422 52.573 N, 002°152 27.083 W’ž51°422 50.933 N, 002°152 22.143 W’žSW England’žPaine, A. E. W. & Witchell, E. 1865 [The Bown Hill Barrow]. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 199-200’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žCrawford 192526’žDarvill 2004F844%Ģ9øøøøø¬VVRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNJJJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>111111-)%!!!üķķķß×ÓĻŹĮĮĮ»°£›Š‚zm_NH1" q’~Īƒ :¼gh’žSO 80 SE 3’žWhitfield's Tump’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 854 017’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMinchinhampton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž204’žESE-WNW’žn/a2211’žGLO 77’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925nonononoh@+ģ€’žNot excavated2ano’žSW England>>>22222222222222222222222222222........**’ū÷óóóóäĖĖĖ½µ±­ØŸšš”‰yq````TC=& h|Ę` 6Õ’žSO 80 NW14’žRandwick Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 8249 0690’ž38249 20690’ž382490’ž206900’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žRandwick’žCotswolds’žnone’ž213’žENE-WSWx34np’žGLO 10’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono07+0nož@Óx4a’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950’žCrawford 1925’ž252’žDarvill 2004/! ēēēēēć×××ÓĻĻĻĶĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæ½»¹µ°¬Ø¤Ÿššš–””ˆ„‚~~|xtpljfd`^\ZXVTRPLHB<82.*&"""üķķķß×ÓĻĶÄææ¹®¤œ‹ƒ{n`OI2, q’Ī’’’½ł’`føoč3M,I@FdCĄh’žSO 91 NW 10’žBirdlip Camp CE’žPeak Camp’žcausewayed enclosure’žpromontory enclosure’žpromontory enclosure’žSO 9242 1493’ž39242 21493’ž392420’ž214930’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCowley’žCotswolds’žCrickley Hill’ž270x’žencloses I hectarexx’žOswald et al 2001nononoyesyes’žyesyesyesno’žshale object0x0xx0x0nox’žE-W ditchxnonono’žyes100no³@Ö’žE-W ditch bottom6cnonononono’žyesnoxx’žditch (cereal grain)xnoxxxxxxxxxxxxx’žhearthnpx’ž51°492 58.713 N, 002°062 40.803 W’ž51°492 57.113 N, 002°062 35.793 W’žSW Englandiii]2ł÷õóńļķėéēåćįßŪŁĆĮ滶²®Ŗ¦¢¢¢žŒŒ€|zxxvqmiecXVRPNLJHFDB40*$ ōōņšÜŚÕÕĘ»³©˜ˆ{mWA+ h’_Ą’’’½ł’’8ŗä’žSO 91 NE 2’žCoberley Long Barrow’žMonument #117373’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9552 1563’ž39552 21563’ž395520’ž215630’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž228’žE-W’žn/a4115’žGLO 62’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoF@ķ4anono’ž51°502 21.493 N, 002°032 58.883 W’ž51°502 19.893 N, 002°032 53.853 W’žSW England’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’ž274’žDarvill 2004ēŁŌŌŌŬ¬¬¬¬¬ uJJFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBB>>>2222222222222222222222222222.*&"""" śśśģäąÜ×ŅĶĶĒ¼²Ø—‡zl[U>, q’Ę :˜o‰’žSO’žSO 90 SW 6’žAvenis Barrow’žSolomon's Court’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9060 0373’ž39060 20373’ž390600’ž203730’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žBisley with Lypiatt’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a8720’žGLO 75’žDarvill 2004’žLysons 1865’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nononono@Ī€’žNo excavation records2cno’žn/ano’ž51°432 56.093 N, 002°082 14.783 W’ž51°432 54.453 N, 002°082 09.793 W’žSW England’žLysons 1865’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’ž271łōōōÜĻĻĻĻĻĻĆ˜mmiiddddddddddddddddddddddd````````\\9----------------------------)%!ųųųźāŽŚÕĪĪĪČ½Ø ‡rdSM6% p’~Ź`€:˜äā’žSO 90 NW 24’žBisley Barrow’žTwizzle Stone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9140 0505’ž39140 20505’ž391400’ž205050’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žBisley with Lipiatt’žCotswolds’žnone’žESE/WNW’žn/a2722’žGLO 74’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nonononoI@*2cno’žn/ano’ž51°442 38.863 N, 002°072 33.203 W’ž51°442 37.233 N, 002°072 28.213 W’žSW England’žPaine, A. E. W. 1912 Note on a long barrow, near Bisley. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 17, 341-3’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14927’žDarvill 2004m—————‹`5511,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(((((((($$$ łłłėćßŪÖĶĶĶĒ¼§ŸŽ†~qcRL5& q’~Ā €:œ@’žSO 90 NW 1’žCamp Barrow North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9136 0908’ž39136 20908’ž391360’ž209080’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMiserden’žCotswolds’žnone’žSSE/NNW’žn/a4622’žGLO 11’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nononono>@,ģ2cno’žn/ano’ž51°462 49.303 N, 002°072 35.653 W’ž51°462 47.693 N, 002°072 30.653 W’žSW England’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’ž264’žDarvill 2004ŲŹÅÅŶžžžžžž’g<<8833333333333333333333333////////+++÷čččŚŅĪŹÅ¼¼¼¶«”™ˆ€xk]LF/) q’~Ę €:˜’9 LVALI Meyrick 1948: "Upon the floor of the barrow we discovered four skeletons& ; the skeletons lay in a most irregular manner and were covered by a conical pile of flints; close to these skeletons was an oblong cist nearly four feet deep, which was filled with flints and marl. I am of the opinion there are more skeletons under this barrow as we d’žMeyrick 1948: "Upon the floor of the barrow we discovered four skeletons& ; the skeletons lay in a most irregular manner and were covered by a conical pile of flints; close to these skeletons was an oblong cist nearly four feet deep, which was filled with flints and marl. I am of the opinion there are more skeletons under this barrow as we discovered the skull of a fifth on the S side of the cist, but finding so great a resemblance in the contents of this to most of our long barrows, we discontinued our researches." Colt Hoare 1812 : In the arable lands between this ridge and the village of Stockton, is a long barrow, which we opened, and found similar to those of the same class.";č(MaJČĻDS@i’žSO 91 SW 6’žWest Tump’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9114 1322’ž39114 21322’ž391140’ž213220’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBrimpsfield’žCotswolds’žnone’ž274’žESE-WNW’žn/a4623’žGLO 8’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchamberyesnonono0210’žstones°@Sx4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyes’žexterior wall on SW side of barrowxx’žchambernoxnox’žfireno’žSW Englandno’žWitts, G. B. 1881 Description of the long barrow called West Tump in the parish of Brimpsfield, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 201-211’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149 p 73’ž275’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992‡lggggĻųųųōīīīģččččččččččččččęāŁ×Õ±¬§£Ÿ›–’’’ŽŽ‚zxttrnjf`WA?;97531/&$  žśööööööööŪŌŠĢĒ¾¹¹³Ø›‘€xpcUD>'! q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŒÆ’žSO 91 SW 5’žBuck's Head Round Barrow’žHungerfield; Cranham 3’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSO 9131 1259’ž39131 21259’ž391310’ž212590’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žCranham’žnone’žnonex’ž22.8xx’žKinnes Aa1’žKinnes 1979’žRoleston 1881nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žtree roots’žbeneath moundnononono002noo@ x4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnoxnox’žfireno’ž51°482 42.913 N, 002°072 38.583 W’ž51°482 41.313 N, 002°072 33.583 W’žSW Englandno’žRoleston 1881’ž274’žKinnes 1979=0++++ į¶²¬¬¬Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš˜“‹‡‚~yyywuuiecaa_[WSO@42.,*(&$"  žśöööööēēēŚĪĢŹÄĀĀĀ¼¶­„”Œ„wi\VH0 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆgh’žSO 91 NW 43’žCrickley Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žSO 9265 1610’ž39265 21610’ž392650’ž216100’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žnone’žnone’žKinnes SO 3’žOswald et al 2001; Kinnes 1992’žDixon & Borne 1977’žWilliamson & Loveday 1988’žDixon 1972’žDixon 1976’žSmith 19716c’ž51°502 36.593 N, 002°062 28.883 W’ž51°502 35.003 N, 002°062 23.863 W’žSW EnglandsH õŚĘĘʦ™™™™™™™“ƒyh`XK==='!hĻ`>8A’žSO 91 NW 18’žCrippets Long Barrow’žShurdington Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9342 1737’ž39342 21737’ž393420’ž217370’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž260’žE-W’žn/a7034’žGLO 7’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žWright 1848nononono—@}2cno’žn/ano’ž51°512 17.733 N, 002°052 48.733 W’ž51°512 16.143 N, 002°052 43.713 W’žSW England’žWright 1848’žDaniel 1950’ž274’žDarvill 2004ŅÄææ沄„„„„„™nCC??:::::::::::::::::::::::66666666222&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" üüüīēćßŚÕŠŠŹæµ«š’Š}o^XA- q’Ę €:˜Ļž’žSO 91 NW 17’žDry Heathfield Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žSO 9352 1711’ž39352 21711’ž393520’ž217110’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žnone’žnonex22xx’žKinnes BDb2’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesnonono1’žcentrenoxno70@‚4no’žyes’žyesnononono’žstone lined cistnp’žgrave pit’ž51°512 09.323 N, 002°052 43.483 W’ž51°512 07.733 N, 002°052 38.463 W’žSW Englandno’ž274’žKinnes 1979ćÖŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĶĮ–kk````\\\\\\\JJJJJJJJJJJJJFB>:50,,,***žśōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĻĀĄ¾ŗøøø²¬¢˜‡wj\OB4. q’~Ą’L,ł@ z€Sč(LIÕčĆkA5s’žSP 00 SW 19’žQuerns Barrow’žMonument #327369’žlong barrow’žplague pit?’žnone’žSP 0197 0151’ž40197 20151’ž401970’ž201510’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCirencester’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žESE-WNW’žN/A5515’žGLO 79’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nononono’ž'several'€’žno info on ground surface4anono’žSW England’žO'Neil & Grinsell 196029’žDarvill 2004ˆzvvvv^^^^^^RRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNJJJJJJJJFFF ģģģŽÖŅĪÉĄ¼¼¶«ž”ƒ{sfXRE8& q’Ā$"ˆgh’žSO 93 NW 95’žBredon Henge’žnone’žhenge’žcircular enclosure’žSO 9302 3756’ž39302 23756’ž393020’ž237560’žHereford & Worcester’žWychavon’žBredon’žnone’žnonexx6b’ž52°022 11.203 N, 002°062 11.133 W’ž52°022 09.693 N, 002°062 06.093 W’žCentral England   ūŠ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””Ÿ—‘‰iaYL>>*#hß8s ’žSO 93 NE 29’žBredon Hill’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSO 953 398’ž39530 23980’ž395300’ž239800’žHereford & Worcester’žWychavon’žKemerton’žnone’žnonex’ž9.7xx’žnonenono’žoolitic limestonenononoyesyesno’žbone pin1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono020noĪ@Žx1no’žyesnonono’žyesnox’žall excavated areasxxnox’žrock-cut graveyesnono’ž52°032 25.243 N, 002°042 09.233 W’ž52°032 23.743 N, 002°042 04.183 W’žCentral Englandno’žThomas, N. 1965 A double Beaker burial on Bredon Hill, Worcestershire Birmingham Archaeological Society: Transactions and Proceedings, 82, 58-76’ž285¦¦”””””    öĖ œ˜˜˜˜’’’’’’’‚‚‚‚‚‚‚€|zxca]XTPLGCCCA??3/-++)%!  ’÷õėēįŪ×ÓĻ¼ø“““““““““®¬Ŗ„£££—ƒme]PD>8*$ q’>Ą’’’½ł’@ ~„[Å=’žSO 92 SW 8’žCheltenham 1’žMonument #117736’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSO 944 225’ž39440 22250’ž394400’ž222500’žGloucestershire’žCheltenham’žCheltenham’žnone’žnone’žunknownx??’žBird 1876’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nonononoyesyes<@ķ4ano’žyesnono’ž51°542 05.273 N, 002°042 55.463 W’ž51°542 03.703 N, 002°042 50.433 W’žSW England’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’žBird 1876’ž285¦¦”””–~~~~~~rG  ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūõļļļėēćßßßßĒ¼¼¼¼¼ŗø¶­­­§”•‰xph[OIC6$ q’Ę3 :˜+øš’žSO 92 SE 7’žCheltenham 2’žMonument #117680’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSO 9858 2270’ž39858 22270’ž398580’ž222700’žGloucestershire’žCheltenham’žPrestbury’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx’ž9.1np’žCrawford 1925nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0nox’žcentral ridge of earth & clay’žcentrenononono000no@Öx4anono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žridge of earth & clayyesnono’ž51°542 10.383 N, 002°012 19.103 W’ž51°542 08.813 N, 002°012 14.053 W’žSW Englandno’žGomonde, W. H. 1846 On barrows near Cheltenham. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1, 152-4’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’ž285ć掎ŽŽ…Ū°¬ØØØØ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}yuqmhd```\ZZNJHFFD@<84,  ’żūł÷óļėē毣ÕŃĶĶĶĶĶ¾¾¾¾¾ŗµ³®®®Ø¢—‹zrj]OIC6$ q’Ā’’’½ł’@ ~ŒbLVALŠŠ||Ļ|Ļ|ĻLysons 1865: "Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two’žLysons 1865: "Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two which appear to have undergone any ’žLysons 1865: "Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two which appear’žLysons 1865: "Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two which appear to have undergone any manipulations. An interment was found at the small end of the mound in a grave made of rough stones, which contained a skeleton& " This barrow is adjacent or near to the Ablington Beehive chamber.’žSaville 1990 - P 137-140 Trial trenching only to establish the nature of the monument - no information on buried ground surface’žSaville 1990 - PRE-CAIRN PHASE - P 13 Later Mesolithic flints were scattered throughout the buried soil, esp toward the western edge of the excavation. There was spatial separation between the Mesolithic and Neolithic material, implying a chronologoical gap. (p 14) . Pre-barrow Neolithic activity was recognized by: (1’žSaville 1990 - P 137-140 Trial trenching only to establish the nature of the monument - no information on buried ground surface’žSaville 1990 - PRE-CAIRN PHASE - P 13 Later Mesolithic flints were scattered throughout the buried soil, esp toward the western edge of the excavation. There was spatial separation between the Mesolithic and Neolithic material, implying a chronologoical gap. (p 14) . Pre-barrow Neolithic activity was recognized by: (1) a general distribution of Neolithic artefacts in the buried soil (2) a concentration of neolithic artefacts in one area and (3) several sub-soil features. The distributions of flint, pottery, stone, animal bone and cereals indicates a scatter of generally domestic debris across the area.One area of darker soil was identified as a 'midden' - artefact concentrations were greater in that area. Three radiocarbon dates relate to the pre-cairn phase: OxA-646, 738, 739 Several features were found that relate to the pre-cairn phase : #402 - a shallow depression probably natural; #437 - a possible decayed rimber; #581 , 582 and 598 - possible post/stakeholes. There was also a group of features (hearth and 13 postholes and stakeholes) that may represent a structure . Other features were found outside the cairn revetment so can not be secur’žSaville 1990 - P 137-140 Trial trenching only to establish the nature of the monument - no information on buried ground surfacenčĢKeI²EŠB†Bk’žSP 01 SW 8’žChedworth 1 Round Barrow’žMonument #327660’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 0408 1285’ž40408 21285’ž404080’ž212850’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žChedworth’žCotswold’žnonenpx18xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020’žslab™@Ūx4a’žEarly Bronze Age (Grimes 1960 p 132)nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žcistnoxnpxno’ž51°482 51.523 N, 001°562 31.733 W’ž51°482 49.913 N, 001°562 26.653 W’žSW EnglandnoōÉžžššš˜””””””””””””””’Žˆ†„‚~yuqmie??;99-'%##!µ’Ņ’žSP 01 SW 14’žPinkwell’žChedworth 1 Long Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0452 1057’ž40452 21057’ž404520’ž210570’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žChedworth’žCotswolds’žNonenp’žSE-NW’žn/a5427’žGLO 65’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nononononononononono2’žE of forecourt0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean floor; trapezoidal structure’žall; E end of forecourtnononono030noÕ@Ūx4nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyesx’žpits (2)no’žSW Englandno’žCrawford 192530’žDarvill 20043%!!!!žōōōņģģģģģģģģģģģģģģźęäāąŽŚÖŅĪÉÅĮĮĮæ½½±­«©©§£Ÿ›—~SQMKIGECA1/+'# ųųųźāŽŚÕĪŹŹÄ¹®¤“‹ƒvhWQ:! q’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆhĮ’žSP 01 NW 9’žSale's Lot’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0487 1578’ž40487 21578’ž404870’ž215780’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žWithington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž193’žNW-SE’žn/a3618’žGLO 94’žDarvill 2004yesno’žLower inferior Oolitenoyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žbone pin fragments; stone rubber2’žNW end of barrow7’žforecourtx0x0nox’žoccupation debris’žforecourtyesnonono120’žsmall stonesŲ@Ū’žforecourt4’ž2500 BC (O'Neil 1966)’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žforecourtxx’žall’žtightly packed knobbly stones’žchamber and passagenox’žoccupation debris;; grave pits -2; postholes (7)no’žSW Englandno’žyes30’žDarvill 2004¾°¬¬¬¬¬¬§§§£———“aaa_[[[[[[[[[[[[[[F'"  ü÷ņŪŪŁĪĪĀ“²°°®Ŗ¦¢œ‘~|xvtrpecQO-)#  ņīččččččččŚŅĪŹÅ¾¹¹³Øœ’yqdVE?(" q’Ą’’’½ż’`f‚ėś’žSP 01 NE 4b’žHazleton South’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 072 188’ž40720 21880’ž407200’ž218800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHazleton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž250’žSE/NWx5024’žGLO 33’žDarvill 2004nono’žlimestone; Great Oolite series of the Middle Jurassicno„@Ł4a’žyesnpyesnonpno’žSW England30’žDarvill 2004rd``````````TTTTPLHHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>99999999555))))))))))))))))))))))))))))%īźęęęęęęęęŲŠĢČĘæŗŗ“©Ÿ•„|tg[JD-' q’Ą  #€wSś’žSP 01 NE 4a’žHazleton North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 072 188’ž40720 21880’ž407200’ž218800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHazleton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž250’žENE-WSWx5422’žGLO 54’žDarvill 2004’žMeadows et al 2007’žSaville 1984’žSaville et al 1987’žSaville 1989yesyes’žlimestone; Great Oolite series of the Middle Jurassicyesyes’žcereal grainsyesyesyesno0x16+’žpre-cairn surfacex’žsee postholesx0’žpossible’žpre-cairn surface’žMesolithic; Neo occupation layer’žpre-cairn surfacenononono1’ž41+0no@Ł’žpre-cairn surface4 -’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žyes’žMesolithic & Neolithic occupation’žflint’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žSaville 1984’žSaville et al 1987’žSaville 1989’žMeadows et al 200730’žDarvill 2004?1- ÷ééääßŪĻĻĻČ„ œš””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚}ytpkffb`MMA=;6640,($ļÜŅŠĪæ½Ŗ¤¢ œ–Š{uo82,, üčččŚŅĪŹČæŗŗ“©Ÿ•„|tg[JD-' q’Ž’’’½ū’ąēśM LVAL] Grinsell 1957:  Primary cremation in urn 'rudely formed and badly baked'; secondary or intrusive interment of skeleton. Colt Hoare 1812   No 1, the [barrow] nearest to the edge of the hill, had certainly been opened, and appears to have contained a double interment. The primary one was an interment of burned bones dep’žGrinsell 1957:  Primary cremation in urn 'rudely formed and badly baked'; secondary or intrusive interment of skeleton. Colt Hoare 1812   No 1, the [barrow] nearest to the edge of the hill, had certainly been opened, and appears to have contained a double interment. The primary one was an interment of burned bones deposited within a shallow cist, in an urn rudely formed, and badly baked. Above it was a skeleton with its head laid towards the south, and which from its position and perfect preservation appears not to have been disturbed. Its mouth was wide open, and it " grinn'd horribly a ghastly smile," a singularity we have never before met with. šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’?č„LŅHFDWA˜’žSP 10 NW 1’žLamborough Banks’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žSP 1075 0941’ž41075 20941’ž410750’ž209410’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž152’žSSE-NNW’žn/a9838’žGLO 25’žDarvill 2004nononononononoyesno’ž'foreign' pebbles0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noÕ@Łx4anono’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno30’žDarvill 2004Ęø“““““““““°¤¤¤ œœœš””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚~zvqmiiieccWSQOOMIEA=;751/-+)'%#! üųōšģččččččččŚŅĪŹÅ¼··±¦ž”ƒ{sfXA;.( q’Ą’’’½ł’`f€gī’žSP 03 SE 7’žSnowshill 1’žMonument #328146’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0908 3337’ž40908 23337’ž409080’ž233370’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žSnowshill’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE/W’žn/a4624’žGLO 40’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoõ@Ł2c’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žO'Neil & Grinsell 196030’žDarvill 2004xjffffNNNNNNBBBB>>99555555555555555555551,,,,,,,,(((     óóóåŻŁÕŠĖĒĒĮ¶«ŸŽ†~qcRL5# q’Ā  "ˆC’žSP 02 SE 6’žThe Waste’žHawling 10A’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSP 0554 2175’ž40554 22175’ž405540’ž221750’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žHawling’žnone’žnonex18xx’žKinnes BDb3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononono#@I2cno’žn/ano’žSW England’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žKinnes 197930’žKinnes 1979^QMMM@''''''   žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžśöņīīīīÕČČČ»®¬Ŗ¦¤¤¤ž˜ƒrjbUGA;.! q’~Ę €"˜oŹó’žSP 02 SE 19’žNotgrove Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 09576 21203’ž409576 221203’ž409576’ž221203’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žNotgrove’žCotswolds’žnone’ž243’žE-Wx4824’žGLO 4’žDarvill 2004’žKinnes 1979 (ACc1)noyes’žInferior Oolitenoyesnoyesyesno’žshale bead, bored stone; bone ring3’žforecourt0xx0x0noxnoxyes’žyes?nono1+’ž2 + 10’žclayžX>L’žantechamber; forecourt (several)4no’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žChamber E’žallx’žall’žsmall flat stone; Stonesfield Slate’žchambers; chamber Eyesx’žpits (3) ; hearth; fire; ground preparationno’žSW Englandno’žKinnes 1979(Acc1)30’žDarvill 2004½Æ««««˜˜˜˜˜”ˆˆˆ„WWWUOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: żłōļźåąÜÜÜŚøø¬¦¤™•‘‹…ƒ}ywusqomb`<82,(" ļļļįŚÖŅŠĖĘĘĄµ«”ˆ€qaPJ3- q’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆļ%,’žSP 02 NW 9’žBelas Knap’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0210 2542’ž40210 22542’ž402100’ž225420’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žSudeley’žCotswolds’žnone’žon a gentle hillside above a steep river valley’ž300’žN-Sx5922’žGLO 1’žDarvill 2004’žHemp 1929nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone scoop0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž30+0’žblocks of stone˜Ü^x4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žChamber B’žlarge stones’žChamber Eyesxnono’ž51°552 38.423 N, 001°582 14.863 W’ž51°552 36.853 N, 001°582 09.783 W’žSW Englandno’žHemp 192930’žDarvill 2004‡yuuuujjjjjfZ/üüüśōōōōōōōōōōōōōōéŪŠĪĢŹĘĮ½¹“Æ«««§„„™ˆ†{wsomigca_][YWUSGC=73-)%!żłõóīéø²§ž’yqdVE?(" q’’Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆU čeŒs-ä’žST 83 NW 49’žWhitesheet Downs’žMonument #206973’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 8019 3509’ž38019 13509’ž380190’ž135090’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žKilmington’žnone’žnonenpx19xxnonononononoyesnonono1?0xx0x0noxnoxnononono001no£@Ūx1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit / unknown locationyesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 41-42)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press45››————ų££££Ÿ‹‡‚~|vv^^^^^^^^^^^^\XVTRPKGC?;73331//#  żūł÷õóńļķéåįŪ×ÓĻĖĒĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĮ滹µµÆ©’‡wj\OI;) q’Ą’’’½ł’čgŒc č0‹są’žSO 90 NE 6’žJackbarrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9573 0718’ž39573 20718’ž395730’ž207180’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Abbots’žCotswolds’žnone’žE-W?xnpnp’žGLO 27’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononononononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noa@Éx1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žClifford, E. M. 1937 Jackbarrow, Duntisbourne Abbots. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 59, 334-337’žGardiner, C. I. 1933 Jackbarrow: A recently discovered Cotswold long barrow. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 25, 69-75’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž260’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŠxsssąOĀĀĀĀ¾²²²®ŖŖŖØ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ œš˜–”‹‡ƒzvvvtrrfb`^^\XTPLJFD@><:864+)%!  čččŚŅĪŹČĀĀĀ¼±œ’yqdVE?(" q’~Ā’’’½ł’`fœ?Ļ čߊs’žSWŻ’žSW 43 NE 42’žZennor Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4668 3802’ž14668 03802’ž146680’ž038020’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971’žDaniel 1950’žThomas & Wailes 1967nonononononoyesyesnono??0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žyesQ@Éx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žmain chambernoxnp’žinner chambernono’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans (p 51)’žThomas, C. & Wailes, B. 1967 Sperris Quoit : the excavation of a new Penwith chamber tomb. Cornish Archaeology, 6, 9-23’žPatchett, F. M. 1944 Cornish Bronze Age pottery. Archaeological Journal, 101, 17-49’žGrenfell, H. 1880-4 Report and account of the annual excursion. Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Archaeology Society, 1, 195-204npųųōō` ŽŃŃŃŃĶĮĮĮ½¹¹¹Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ ’ŽŒˆƒ{vrmmmkii]XVTTRNHD@>:8420.,*(&$  üųųųāÕĒĒĒ¹¹·µ±Æ««„Ÿ—Ž„|tgYIC+% q’_Ī’’’½ł’`f¼r+čKUIQI“ECBo’žSP 12 NE 25’žPole's Wo’žSP 12 NE 25’žPole's Wood East’žSwell V’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1716 2652’ž41716 22652’ž417160’ž226520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’ž198’žNNE-SSWx3612’žGLO 24’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools; bone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žcentralnononono0190no/@įrĘ’žSP 12 NE 25’ž/Ę’žSP 12 NE 25’žPole's Wood East’žSwell V’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1716 2652’ž41716 22652’ž417160’ž226520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’ž198’žNNE-SSWx3612’žGLO 24’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools; bone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žcentralnononono0190no/@įx4ano’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtrench-chamberxnono’žSW Englandno’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950’žO'Neil & Grinsell 196030’žDarvill 2004[MII1$żżżūūūūūūūūėėėėėėėéåćį߯ŲÓĻĖĒĀ¾¾¾ŗøø¬Ø¦¢¢ œ˜”‡qokigeca_][EA;51+'#’ęęęŲŠĢČĘ½øøø­¦œ‹ƒ{n`OI2) q’?Ī’’’½ł’@@føG¤Ó’žSP 11 NW 18’žBurn Ground’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1042 1607’ž41042 21607’ž410420’ž216070’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHampnett’žCotswold’žnone’žE-Wx’ž30.516’žGLO 60’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žsaddle quern?’žseveral holes noted - stone sockets?0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter; ground stripping/levelling’žaround the entire cairnno’žyesnono0’žunknown0’žslab ć^x4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement’žground strippingyes’žpotsherd scatter; ground preparationno’ž51°502 35.453 N, 001°512 00.293 W’ž51°502 33.853 N, 001°502 55.173 W’žSW Englandno30’žDarvill 2004É»·········³§|QM''''!!žśńļķėęįŻŁÕŠĢĢĢŹČČ¼¶“««©„”œ˜QOKIGECA? ’łõļėēćßßßßßßßßŃÉÅæ½øøø²Øž”ƒ{sfXGA*$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’(~€•†›’žSP 10 NW 12’žPitcherwell Copse’žMonument #329725’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 1160 0952’ž41160 20952’ž411600’ž209520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswold’žnone??3012’žColchester-Wemyss 1897’žGrimes 1960nonononoM@2cno’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrimes 1960’žColchester-Wemyss 189730FFBBB*  ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōšģčääää×æææææ»·µ³³³­£›‘€xpcUOI<* q’Ę €"˜ū—œ’žSP 10 NW 10’žAblington Beehive Chamber’žGarne's Barn Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žSP 1091 0925’ž41091 20925’ž410910’ž209250’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswold’žnone’žWNW-ESE’žn/a4614’žGrimes 1960nono’žWhite Limestone formation of the Great Oolite groupnonononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; stone seats and 3 cupboard niches’žallnononono000noĮ@įx4anononononononoxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž51°462 54.673 N, 001°502 35.453 W’ž51°462 53.053 N, 001°502 30.343 W’žSW Englandno’žPassmore, A. D. 1934 A beehive chamber at Ablington, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 56, 95-98’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO30{{wwwwkkkkg[0żżżūõõõõõõõõõõõõõõóļķėéēćßŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖĒÅŹµ³±±Æ«§£Ÿša_[YWUSQOMKGC?;73/śöņņņņņåååååįŻŲĻĻĻÉæ·­œ”ŒqZTG2 q’Ā’’’½ł’`~Œ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’. č>‹s’žSYF’žSY 78 NW 72’žAlington Avenue’žFordington’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 702 899’ž37020 08990’ž370200’ž089900’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žon a S to SE facing slope of a gently rounded E-W ridge’žE-W?x7516’žA2: Sya;’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žactivity areas contemporary with monument’žditchesnononono000noƒ@“x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/anono’ž50°422 30.303 N, 002°252 21.683 W’ž50°422 28.263 N, 002°252 16.943 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žDavies, S. M., Bellamy, P. J., Heaton, M. J. & Woodward, P. J. 2002 Excavations at Alington Avenue, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset, 1984-87 Dorchester, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Societynp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum©3/////bbb]YIóļėęāąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŲŌŅŠĪĢĒĀ¾ŗ¶²®®®¬ŖŖžš˜––”Œˆ„{PNJHFDB@><:62,&" żżżżżżżżšęāŽÜÖ֝—‹~vnfYMGA4( q’æ~Ą’’’½ł’ą’„čøLŒŹŻ•CArÉ’žSP 12 NųÉ’žSP 12 NW 5’žOak Piece’žTemple Guiting II’žchambered long barrow’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1331 2879’ž41331 22879’ž413310’ž228790’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žTemple Guiting’žCotswold’žE/W’žn/a4818’žGLO 43’žDarvill 2004’žWesterling 1937’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononono¹@2cno’žn/ano’žSW England’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žWesterling 193730’žDarvill 2004ƒuqqq`GGGGGG;;;;7722222222222222222222222........***õäääÖĪŹĘĮ¼¼¼¼²¢˜‡wj\KK4! qļ?~Ę €"˜¼’žSP 12 NW 21’žEyford Hill’žMonument #330299’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1426 2580’ž41426 22580’ž414260’ž225800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žUpper Slaughter’žCotswolds’žnone’ž188’žNE-SWx3313’žGLO 3’žDarvill 2004’žGreenwell 1877nonononoyesnoyesnono’žshale bead0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0190’žslab@įx4a’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’ž51°552 50.083 N, 001°472 38.203 W’ž51°552 48.513 N, 001°472 33.043 W’žSW Englandno’žGreenwell 187730’žDarvill 2004SEAAAA11111-!öĖĒĆĆĆĮ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»¹µ¬Ŗئ”œ˜”Œ‡‡‡ƒuomiigc_[WUQOKIGECA?=;/+'! ÷÷÷éāŽŚŲŃĢĢĘ»Ŗ ‡rdSM6$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`~ˆ’sĻ’žSP 12 NW 14’žSwell 2’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 132 263’ž41320 22630’ž413200’ž226300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’žnonex11xx’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono1?00’žyes^@7’žchamber - north side1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žchamber - sw sidenox’žpavementyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press. (pp 446-447)’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930™™••••µµµµ±„„„”›•••••••••••••‹‰…rpnlgc_[VRNNNL66*%#!!  ’żūł÷õóńķéåįŻŁÕŃĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ°°®¬Ø¦¦¦ •Ž„skcVJD>&  q’^Ą’’’½ł’`fŒ;h’žSP 12 NE 5’žCondicote Henge’žnolne’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSP 1539 2837’ž41539 22837’ž415390’ž228370’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCondicote’žCotswolds’žnone’ž112xx’žHarding 078’žHarding 1987’žO'Neil 1957’žHarding 1987yes6b’žyes’ž51°572 13.163 N, 001°462 38.623 W’ž51°572 11.603 N, 001°462 33.463 W’žSW EnglandKKK?ééééééééééééééééééééééééééäääääääääąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĢææ汤¢ ››››•Šud\TG93-&h’|84Ų’žSP 12 NE 27’žPole's Wood South’žSwell IV’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1673 2637’ž41673 22637’ž416730’ž226370’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’ž216’žE-Wx5317’žGLO 2’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950’žRolleston 1876nonononoyesnoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0120’žslab×@8x4ano’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenox’žflag pavementxnono’žSW Englandno’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950’žRolleston 1876’žO'Neil & Grinsell 196030’žDarvill 2004SEA) żżżżżłķķķéåååćććććććććććŌŌŌŌŅĪÅĆĮæŗµ±­©¤   œššŽˆ†‚‚€|xtpnjhdb`^\ZXVTPLHB>840,(( üćććÕĪŹĘÄæŗŗŗÆ؞…}pbQK4* q’?Ž’’’½ł’@fų’ū č s’žTA3’žTA 07 SE 1’žWillie Howe’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0616 7235’ž50616 47235’ž506160’ž472350’žHumberside’žEast Riding of Yorkshire’žThwing’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonex50xxnononoyesnonoyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nox1nononononoxxxxnoxnox’žyes?’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1890 Recent researches in barrows in Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire, etc. Archaeologia, 52, 1-72npččäääääqqqqmbbb^ZUOMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGCA?=;;;73/+'''%###  żūł÷õóńéēćߣÕŃĖĒĒĆææææææææææ½»·µµµÆœ”znf^QC=7)# q’Ąž’’łüąg„BčüO§Ķ.KżČ{ĒzD^Bh’žSP 21 SE 1’žSouthlawn Barrow’žMonument #332330’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2933 1387’ž42933 21387’ž429330’ž213870’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žSwinbrook and Widford’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx7520’žClifford 1937@@ķ€’žNo excavation records2cnpyes’žn/ano’žSW England...""""  čÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĶĶĶĶĶÉÅĆ¼øø²¬•ƒvnfYKE?2 h’`r0¤’žSP 21 SE 1’žSouthlawnś¤’žSP 21 SE 1’žSouthlawn Barrow’žMonument #332330’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2933 1387’ž42933 21387’ž429330’ž213870’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žSwinbrook and Widford’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx7520’žClifford 1937>@-ģ2cnpyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žClifford 1937’ž304''""""žžųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųōōōōōōōōōšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääÕÕÕÕÕŃĶĖÄĄĄŗ“‹~vnaSMG:( q’  "ˆ Ó’žSP 21 NW 4’žFifield Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2169 1865’ž42169 21865’ž421690’ž218650’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žFifield’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SWx4828’žOXF 11’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesr@Fģ4a’žyesnoyesno’ž51°512 57.803 N, 001°412 10.803 W’ž51°512 56.203 N, 001°412 05.613 W’žSW England’žO'Neil, H. E. 1960 Fifield Long Barrows I and II. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 298-301’ž304’žDarvill 2004 žłłłłłpppppd9    ūūūūū÷÷÷ėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėåååįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕĒæ»·µ®®®Ø”‚umeXJD>1+ q’~Ą ! :„h’žSP 20 SW 3’žLechlade Cursus’žnone’žcursus’žSP 2124 0048’ž42124 20048’ž421240’ž200480’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žLechlade€’žCursus6d’žSW England”””•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••‘‘}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}siXPH;---%hĻ@ h’žSP 20 NW 4’žWestwell Henge’žMonument #332170’žhenge’žcircular enclosure’žnone’žSP 2278 0997’ž42278 20997’ž422780’ž209970’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žWestwell’žnone’žnone’ž129’ž110xx’žHarding 163’žHarding 1987’žAtkinson 1949nono’žoolitic limestoneno@@ķ€’žsee Atkinson 19496b’žyesnpnp’žSW EnglandPPPDDDDDDDD@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<7777777733ńķéééé錌ŚĢæ½»¶¶±±«„›‰|tl_QK70h’}Ā` ,’žSP 13 NW 11’žWillersey I’žMonument #330622’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1177 3826’ž41177 23826’ž411770’ž238260’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žWillersey’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE/W’žn/a4212’žGLO 34’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nonononoĀ@č4anono’žSW England’žDaniel 1950’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’ž300’žDarvill 2004„vqqqYLLLLLL@@@@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<88888888444(((((((((((((((((((((((((((($  ņņņäÜŲŌĻŹĘĘĄµŖ ‡rdSM6$ q’Ę "˜oh’žSP 12 SE 2’žSalmonsbury Camp CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSP 1732 2090’ž41732 22090’ž417320’ž220900’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBourton on the Water’žnone’žnone’ž located on almost flat ground in the angle between the Rivers Windrush and Dikler.npnpxx’žOswald et al 2001’žMarshall 1995’žDunning 1976 @č6c’žyesyesno’žn/a’žSW Englandttthhhhhc__YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTTTTTTTTTPPPDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD6''' ³­§‘‡vnfYKE?)#h’’^  !ÄÜLVALVńAģSite excavated by Lindsay Scott, but not published. Childe has published an account based on his notes and drawings. Clark 1935: 'The floor, which is composed of a thin layer of clay above the solid chalk, contains postholes, trenches and a considerable pit (not yet excavated). A central group of postholes is shown have contained a wooden structure.. Probably a chamber. A made chalk floor extended north and south of this.' Animal bones, flint flakes, pottery sherds and charcoal were abundant in the inner mound. Clark 1936:  The inner mound of earth, which enclosed the wooden chamber, was contained on 3 sides, N, W & S, by large tree trunks laid horizontally. The inner mound was enclosed by a much larger mound of chalk. Childe 1954: p 216: 'The chamber is defined by 4 postholes 0.45 - 1 m deep; & Under the NE lobe, excavation revealed a large irregular pit (Pit 2) approx. 2.4 by 1.5 m across and over .60 m deep.. Surrounded by a system of small post or stake holes 30-45 cm deep. No relics were recovered.  No concentrations of potsherds was found in or around the chamber, and no artefacts were found in the pits, but the inner mound contained an enormous number of sherds of Neolithic pottery (10.8 kilos) and flint flakes (about 570), and a modest number of animal bones. There is no indication these artefacts formed part of the grave goods, but the whole assemblage gives the appearance of being perfectly homogenous and attributed to one and the same Neolithic period. The artefacts may derive from (a) feasts held on the site during the piling of the inner mound, (b) sherds and flints ceremonially scattered on the mound as a ritual (c) the inclusion in the primary mound of refuse from an adjacent encampment.  Hearths are mentioned in the provisional reports, but the ashes or burnt material incorporated in the mound could have derived from the hearths of the hypothetical encampment.,čJK(GĢDČDDĀh’žSP 25 NE 40’žWasperton CE’žMonument #1072756’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSP 2698 5845’ž42698 25845’ž426980’ž258450’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žWasperton’žnone’žnone45x’ž105xx’žOswald et al 2001yes’žMid-Devensian terrace gravelsnono’žyesyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no‰@ź0@«x6cnonononono’žyesxxxxnoxxxx’žCentral England£££’’’’’ŽŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~~yuqmieeh’žSP 25 NE 40’h’žSP 25 NE 40’žWasperton CE’žMonument #1072756’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSP 2698 5845’ž42698 25845’ž426980’ž258450’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žWasperton’žnone’žnone45x’ž105xx’žOswald et al 2001yes’žMid-Devensian terrace gravelsnono’žyesyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no‰@ź0@«x6cnonononono’žyesxxxxnoxxxx’žCentral England£££’’’’’ŽŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~~yuqmieeea_SGCA??=951-+'%!  ’śöņÓÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶŗŗø¶±Æ««„Ÿ”‹}um`RLF0h’_@’’’żłżĄ!)Ų’žSP 23 SE 31’žWhispering Knights’žFive Knights’žportal dolmen’žnone’žchambered tomb’žSP 2993 3084’ž42993 23084’ž429930’ž230840’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žRollright’žnonenp’žNW-SE ?x’žunknown’žunknownyesyesnonononoyesnononononono00R@ķ4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnpxxxyesno’žSW England’ž312ggbbbbbbbbbbVVVVRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLJHFB=951,((($$$ üöņīźęąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŃČĘ½¹¹¹³Ø–‰yl^NH9+ q’?Ą’°,ł "€ūĘ’žSP 22 SE 4’žLyneham Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2975 2106’ž42975 22106’ž429750’ž221060’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žLyneham’žCotswolds’žnone’ž198’žNNE-SSWx5219’žOXF 8’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žholed paving stone1’ž2.1 m w of standing stone0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone - pre-mound’žNE endyesnonono000’žslabV@ķx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNE end of moundxx’žchamber 1’žholed paving stone’žchamber 2’žslab pavement’žholed paving stone’žmortuary area; standing stone’žpitnox’žstanding stone; pit; fireno’žSW England’žstanding stone’žConder, E. 1895 Account of the exploration of Lyneham barrow, Oxon. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 15, 404-410’ž312’žDarvill 2004-‡‡‡‡wkkkgLLLJFFFA""""""""’ōąÕÓŃĄ»¶²®©¤ŸŸŸ››‰‡……ƒ{wqiMKGECA?=;  śöšģčäąąąąąąąąŅĖĒĆĮø³³­¢™‡zrj]OIC,& q’Ą’’’½ł’ff„‡žÜ’žSP 22 NE 2’žAdlestrop Hill Long Barrow’žMonument #332463’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 2536 2827’ž42536 22827’ž425360’ž228270’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žAdlestrop’žCotswold’žnone’žESE-WNWx2513’žGLO 44’žDarvill 2004’žGardiner 1935 & 1936nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono070’žslab@čx4ano’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxnoxnono’ž51°572 08.613 N, 001°372 56.393 W’ž51°572 07.043 N, 001°372 51.163 W’žSW Englandno’žGardiner, C. I. 1935 Adlestrop Hill Barrow. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 25, 301-2’žGardiner, C. I. 1936 Adlestrop Hill Barrow, Second Report. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 26, 104’žDonovan, H. 1938 Adlestrop Hill barrow, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 60, 152-164’ž307’žDarvill 2004Į³®®®”1111-!öĖĒĆĆĆĮ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½»·®¬ŖؤŸ›–‘Œˆˆˆ„‚‚vpnlljfb^ZXTRNLJHFDB@>:60,("üüüīęāŽÜÓÓÓĶĆø®•€ra[D2 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~œw šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H yčNĪ ĖɏĒžÅ“@qx’žSP 31 NW 21’žAscott Under Wychwood’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3001 1755’ž43001 21755’ž430010’ž217550’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žAscott Under Wychwood’žCotswolds’žon a small spur in the valley of the upper Evenlode’ž120’žE-Wx5418’žOXF 6’žDarvill 2004’žBayliss et al 2007’žChesterman 1977’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 1971yesyes’žJurassic limestone; Great Oolite boundaryyesyesyesyesyes4’žvariousnumerous’žallx’žnumerous’žall0’žyes (2)’žNorth centre and south centre’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation; pre-monument pits; cultivation period?;’žallnononono5’ž20+no@ģ’žcentral (F48); F47, F49, F50, F51 - all pre-barrow4’žyes’žyes’žlimitedxxxxnoxyesxno’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation’žactivity’ž51°512 20.823 N, 001°332 56.173 W’ž51°512 19.203 N, 001°332 50.933 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žChesterman 1977; Bayliss et al 2007’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 197133’žDarvill 2004öéŌÆÆŖŖ„”•j?5  żūł÷õģēēēāāāāāą¬¬ œœ——•‘‰…€1 ųöńįŲÖÖŠŹÄľø‡sfQ@,,, ĪĪƬš…}pbQK4. q’æžw’’µ!’ąžśgh’žSP 26 SE 88’žBarford’žhengiform monument’žSP 281 619’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žBarford’žHarding 180’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987’žKinnes 1979 €’žhengiform2d’ž52°152 18.033 N, 001°352 20.533 W’ž52°152 16.583 N, 001°352 15.243 W’žCentral England’Ō©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©„„ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽssseXXXXXXXXXOF8888,,,hK`@8h’žSP 26 SE 86’žBarford Site 83’žhengiform monument’žSP 283 620’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žBarford’žHarding 180; Fb8’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979 €’žhengiform2d’ž52°152 21.233 N, 001°352 09.953 W’ž52°152 19.783 N, 001°352 04.673 W’žCentral EnglandžÓØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØؤ¤r`````````WN@@@@444 hK`@8h’žSP 25 NE 52’žCharlecote’žcursus’žSP 2689 5795’ž42689 25795’ž426890’ž257950’žWarwickshire’žStratford On Avon’žCharlecote’žKinnes SP a’žKinnes 1992’žFord 1965’žFord 1967’žFord 1968’žFord 1969€’žCursus6d’ž52°132 08.953 N, 001°362 27.853 W’ž52°132 07.503 N, 001°362 22.583 W’žCentral England@@@/ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁÕÕĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ¶« •••ˆ{{{{{{{{{o\NF>1###hĖ`@8h’žSP 25 NE 50’žWasperton Long Barrow’žMonument #1251243’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSP 2637 5815’ž42637 25815’ž426370’ž258150’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žWasperton’žnone’žnone45’žE-Wx’ž15.55yesyes’žMid-Devensian gravel terracenonononoyesnono1’žW end of S ditch7’ž3 at W end of N ditch; 4 between ditchesx2’žS ditch0noxnox000¬@ź8@«x2bnonononono’žyes’žyes?yesxx’žCentral EnglandĶĶĶ¼¼¼¼¼ŗøø²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²¬§£Ÿ›—“““uusqqooooomigcaXVT*( žśöŲŅĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹÄĀ½¹¹³­¢™‹ƒ{n`ZF9&h’Ą’’ķł !h’žSP 25 NE 47’žWasperton Hengiform Monument’žMonument #1251162’žhengiform monument’žSP 2646 5841’ž42646 25841’ž426460’ž258410’žWarwickshire’žWarwick’žWasperton45 €’žhengiform2d’žCentral EnglandŃŃŃĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼¼„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„””””–wobTTT@-hĻ@ VLVALŠhPRE-MOUND OCCUPATION: Benson & Whittle - Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later A small excavation by Dryden in 19th C - found only Roman and late materia’žA small excavation by Dryden in 19th C - found only Roman and late material. (see Crawford 1925 for report) No information on buried ground surface’žPRE-MOUND OCCUPATION: Benson & Whittle - Summary - Mesolithic flints indicate an 8th millennium cal BC occupation, and a few flints from a possible 5th millennium cal BC occupation. Occupation features from EN included small pits, hearths, and 2 small timber post structures. Fig 2.3 p 27 - plan of Neolithic pre-barrow features. Finds included pottery, flint, axe fragments, stone querns and animal bone. A large midden of this material had been deliberately incorporated into the later barrow - cists were cut into it, linking the pre-barrow occupation with the later use of the barrow. At least 50 years separated the midden from the barrow  but it may have been either visible or remembered. P 33- Flint assemblage is characteristic of general domestic activity, including knapping and scraping, piercing and archery. Domestic and wild animals were present, and the remains of at least 48 pottery vessels were identified. Not clear if timber structures were houses . The pre-barrow midden is located in the vicinity of the timber structures and contained large quantities of pottery, flints, bone etc and some patterns of deposit’žA small excavation by Dryden in 19th C - found only Roman and late material. (see Crawford 1925 for report) No information on buried ground surfacešč„Ķ”M'KŸÉČÅ Ćh’žSP 40 SW 4’žLinch Hill’žMonument #336523’žring ditch’žnone’žnone’žSP 4162 0497’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žStanton Harcourt’žnone’žnone’žKinnes Da1’žKinnes 1979’žGrimes 1960’žBarclay et al 1995yes’žjet belt slider0x’žcentre1s@ ķ €’žring ditch2d’žyes’žgrave’žSW England..."""""""""""""""śīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģģģäääāąĻĻÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɵØØ؛‰ƒq_RRRRD>8,h|` “`@ h’žSP 40 SW 3’žDevih’žSP 40 SW 4’žLinch Hill’žMonument #336523’žring ditch’žnone’žnone’žSP 4162 0497’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žStanton Harcourt’žnone’žnone’žKinnes Da1’žKinnes 1979’žGrimes 1960’žBarclay et al 1995yes’žjet belt slider0x’žcentre1s@ ķ €’žring ditch2d’žyes’žgrave’žSW England..."""""""""""""""śīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģģģäääāąĻĻÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɵØØ؛‰ƒq_RRRRD>8,h|` “`@ h’žSP 40 SW 3’žDevil's Quoits’žnone’žhenge’žstone circle’žClassic henge’žSP 4111 0471’ž44111 20471’ž441110’ž204710’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žStanton Harcourt’žnone’žnone68’žENE , WSW’ž120xx’žHarding 148’žHarding 1987’žHarden & Treweeks 1945’žGrimes 1960’žBarclay et al 1995’žgravel terraceyesyesyesyes’žantler pick17’žhenge interior2’žSW ditch terminalyes€’žsee Barclay 1995’žditch6b’žyesyes’ž51°442 22.703 N, 001°242 21.463 W’ž51°442 21.033 N, 001°242 16.173 W’žSW England ß““““““®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©©©©©©©©„ž€€€€€€zzzzzzzzzzzzzgeUQDD>882,ūćććÕČĘÄæ“°°Ŗ¤’€skcVH9+$h’·Į 8h’žSP 40 SW 155’žStanton Harcourt Ring Ditch XXII’žhengiform monument’žSP 4129 0489’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žStanton Harcourt €’žhengiform2d’žSW England¬¬¬                                     œœ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………saTTTTFFF22hK@ h’žSP 40 NW 360’žStanton Harcourt Ring Ditch’žhengiform monument’žSP 4022 0521’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žStanton Harcourt €’žhengiform2d’žSW England§§§›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››——€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€n\OOOOAAA--hK@ £’žSP 32 SE 5’žHoar Stone [Oxford]’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3779 2375’ž43779 22375’ž437790’ž223750’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žEnstone’žCotswolds’žnone’ž163npx??’žOXF 2’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nononononononononono00˜@ģ4anonononono’žyesnonpno’žSW England’žCrawford 1925’ž349’žDarvill 2004…wrrrrccccccWWWWSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKFB>:6222...""  žśöööööēēēŁŅŠĪĢČĆĆ½²©—Š‚zm_NH1+ q’Ā’,ł "ˆ7”h’žSP 31 NW 32’žAscott Under Wychwood II’žMonument #334721’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 3141 1852’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žAscott Under Wychwood’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žNW-SEx6025’žOXF 6’žDarvill 2004€’žsite not excavated€’žNot excavated2ayes’ž51°512 51.943 N, 001°322 42.673 W’ž51°512 50.333 N, 001°322 37.423 W’žSW EnglandzzznCóÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓžŗ¶“­©©£˜obbbbTNH;)h|` 8LVAL+—° #’’’’rGDŲ˜0p~˜00Ė1… † †W?ƒž‹h%p~—˜0p~„ųp~„š%p~ƒƒÆ«’|” Æ<“$p~|p~¼p~p~Dp~…p~Xp~˜p~ąp~ p~„0p~0p~0p~0p~0p~„$p~|p~¼p~p~Dp~‡ d… ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ d… š-Radiocarbon Dates.NMR #ƒ!Radiocarbon Dates‡;Radiocarbon Dates.C14 Sample #…ARadiocarbon Dates.Lab Reference #‡=Radiocarbon Dates.C14 Date (BP)ƒ5Radiocarbon Dates.Site Nameƒƒųp~ƒƒšp~„ēƒ(p~„ˆp~˜’’…Xp~’’’’12īĆTīć@ˆ’’’’„˜p~Ąp~† p~øp~† $p~č]±† |p~č]±„ ¼p~č]±„ p~č]±„ Dp~č]±„%Radiocarbon Dates‡ƒų p~ƒóƒ€ p~„Š p~˜’žŲ p~Xp~’’’’óĀuE“»ć@ˆ’’’’„SITE DESCRIPTION‰ƒø p~KƒK÷ p~„ p~˜’ž#p~Xp~’’’’<w9•ķć@ˆ’’’’„eRadiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTIONƒĄp~øp~‹p~8p~ˆ’„Š @p~ˆp~ˆ’„Š p~ąp~ˆ’„Š čp~0 p~ˆ’„Š 8 p~x p~ˆŽ5[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #]„p~„C[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #]…@p~„I[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #]‡p~„E[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)]ƒčp~„=[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name]ƒ8 p~„$p~č]±† |p~č]±„ ¼p~č]±„ p~č]±„ Dp~č]±„%Radiocarbon Dates‹’’’’’„Š $p~h p~‡’’’’’„Š |p~p p~‡’’’’’„Š ¼p~x p~‡’’’’’„Š p~€ p~‡÷’’’’’„Š Dp~ˆ p~‡p~„@p~„p~„čp~„8 p~„SITE DESCRIPTION’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ē ”p~„ (p~ƒ@"p~‡ 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Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’*čüOĪ„ĖßÉŗĒDDo’žSP 97 SE 93’žRedlands Farm’žMonument #1252941’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 965 710’ž49650 27100’ž496500’ž271000’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SW1050xnonononononoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx0x0’žpalisaded trench’ž3 sides of mound’žcist’žSW end of moundnononono000noo@ļx4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žstone cistnpx’žpitno’žCentral EnglandnonoĻĻĻĻĻĻĖĖĖĒ¶¶¶²­­­«§§§§§››–––––––”ŽŒŠˆƒ{wsnjjjhffZVTRRPLHD@/)’żūłńļėē毣ÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆ滓°°Ŗ¤œ…skcVJD>1o’Ą’’’½ł’@afh’žSP 97 SE 87’žWest Cotton’žMonument #1222560’žoval barrow’žmound’žnone’žSP 9748 7237’ž49748 27237’ž497480’ž272370’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRauŸ#’žSP 97 SE 93’žRedlands Farm’žMonument #1252941’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 965 710’ž49650 27100’ž496500’ž271000’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SW1050xnonononononoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx0x0’žpalisaded trench’ž3 sides of mound’žcist’žSW end of moundnononono000noo@|x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žstone cistyesxno’žCentral Englandnono’žMoore, J. & Jackson, D. A. 1990 Stanwick, Redlands Farm. South Midlands Archaeology (Newsletter of the Council for British Archaeology S Midlands Group), 20, 55-635~~zzzzzŌŠŠŠĢ»»»····µÆÆÆÆÆ££žžžžžžžœ˜–”’‹‡ƒ{vrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLH71   ł÷óļėåįŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖĒĆ¼øø²¬¤{sk^RLF9& q’Ą’’’½ł’@ad†kh’žSP 97 SE 87’žWest Cotton’žMonument #1222560’žoval barrow’žmound’žnone’žSP 9748 7237’ž49748 27237’ž497480’ž272370’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žnone35x3020’žKinnes SP 3 and b’žKinnes 1992’žWindell 1989nono’žgravel terraceyesyes1¤@ļ2d’žyes’žyesyes’žCentral EnglandDDD33333333--------------------(######## õńķķķķķßßßŅæ»·µµ±±«„†tldWIC</h’}Ā  h’žSP 97 SE 86’žRaunds Hengiform Monument’žhengiform monument’žSP 9762 7255’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žWindell 1989’žDix 1986-87 €’žhengiform2d’žCentral EnglandÄÄij³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ÆƘ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜‹}}}}}}}}}}}}}u^LLLL>>>**hK@ h’žSP 97 SE 56’žCotton Henge’žnone’žhenge’žceremonial circle’žnone’žSP 983 725’ž4983 2725’ž498300’ž272500’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žRaundsx70xx’žWindell 1989’žHumble 1993-94no’žNorthampton sands with Ironstonenoyes®@ļ6b’žDDS - Windell et al 1990’žyesyes’ž52°202 31.993 N, 000°332 27.993 W’ž52°202 30.533 N, 000°332 22.263 W’žCentral EnglandŒa666666000000000000000000000+++++++   ūūūū÷ÕÕŃŃŃŃĮ³³³³³±Æ«©©©”›“|jbZOC=*#h’F#  8h’žSP 92 SE 42’žMaiden Bower CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSP 9966 2247’ž49966 22247’ž499660’ž222470’žBedfordshire’žSouth Bedfordshire’žHoughton Regis’žnone’žnonex’ž235’ž228’žOswald et al 2001; Thomas 1964’žMatthews 1976’žLower Chalkyes6c’žyes’žyes’žSE England                            ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’łłłłģģģģģģģŻŻŻ½½ø³±±±±«„•skcVHB<& h’\ tč½ĶKā«ÄŒĮh’žSS 80 h’žSS 80 SE 67’žRaddon Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSS 8855 0313’ž28855 10313’ž288550’ž103130’žDevon’žMid Devon’žStockleigh Pomeroy’žnone’žnone’žimpressive views to Dartmoor and Exmoor; Hembury , Cadbury and High Peak are visible’ž205x’ž200xx’žOswald 20’žOswald et al 2001yesyes’žCadbury Breccia of the Permian successionyesno’žyesyesyesyesno1’žArea D0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic flint?xnononono000no€@óx6cnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žMesolithic’žflint’žSW England>>>222+ ūöņīéåįįįŻŪŪĻĖÉĒĒÅĮ½¹µ³ žš˜–”’Ž†„€ztnie_4.(((((((( ’ś¤ž˜„yrjbUGA;%h’’Ą’’’½ł’ą'h’žSS 64 SE 22’žParracombe Common’žMonument # 34733’žhenge’ždisc barrow’žnone’žST 6918 4489’ž36918 14489’ž369180’ž144890’žDevon’žNorth Devon’žParracombe’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of an ESE-facing slope near the head of a valley’ž358np’ž40 (25)xx’žHarding 047’žHarding & Lee 1987€’žNot excavated2ayes’žn/a’žn/a’žSW EnglandVVVJJJJJE@@:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::666śųöķéä„Ÿ™€yqi\NH;4"h’’  !s^×’žSS 21 NE 1’žWoolley Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSS 2623 1656’ž22623 11656’ž226230’ž116560’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žMorwenstow’žnone’žnone’ž215’žENE-WSWx’ž68.5’ž39.5’žnone’žMercer 1986nono’žlaminated silt & sandstone/ Carboniferous culm measuresnonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono2 ?00’žstonesĪ@¹’žNW of the barrow mound1nonono’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žNW of the barrow moundnox’žNW of barrow - 2 hearths & pavementxnono’žSW Englandno’žHigginbotham, E. A. K. 1977 Excavations at Woolley Barrows, Morwenstow. Cornish Archaeology, 16, 10-16’žDudley, D. 1968 Woolley Barrow, Morwenstow. Cornish Archaeology, 7, 80’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’ž350;;666ÉżżżūūūÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŌŠø¶“²®©„ œ˜”””’zznfdbb\XTPLJFD@><:86420,("ŁÕŃŃŃŃŃÄÄÄľø²°§¢¢œ–Šzph`SE?9,& q’?Ā’’’½ł’Hfœk¬s’žSS 14 SW 7’žLundy Chambered Tomb’žnone’žchambered cairn’žcist’žchambered round cairn’žSS 1362 4372’ž21362 14372’ž213620’ž143720’žDevon’žTorridge’žLundy’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žChanter 1877nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no@`x4nononononononoxxxxnoxnp’žchamber?npnp’ždark soilno’žSW Englandno’žChanter 187735®®ŖŖŖŖœœœœœ˜ŒŒŒˆ}yukggggggggggggggea_][YUQMIEA===;99-)'%%#  ’żūł÷õńķéćßŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖ½½½½½»¹µ³ÆÆ©£œ’‹ƒ{n`IC2, q’Ā’’’½ł’ągˆh’žSP 98 SE 18’žAldwincle 1’žmortuary enclosure’žSP 9963 8031’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žAldwincle’žHarding 115; Kinnes Ba1’žHarding 198; Kinnes 1979’žJackson 1977’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Jackson 1971€’žmortuary enclosure2d’ž52°242 42.383 N, 000°322 11.813 W’ž52°242 40.953 N, 000°322 06.063 W’žCentral EnglandbbbQ&ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷÷××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××ץ³„„„‹rrrrrrrrrgP>>>>000hK`@8 šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’6 LVALF Pastscape:  The tomb was erected in an area of extensive Mesolithic settlement which had long been known from surface collections, but was now found stratified under the floor and wall stones. Alexander 1961 P 3 - Mesolithic occupation evidence including hearths and flint scatters has been found over a large area around the tomb -at lea’žPastscape:  The tomb was erected in an area of extensive Mesolithic settlement which had long been known from surface collections, but was now found stratified under the floor and wall stones. Alexander 1961 P 3 - Mesolithic occupation evidence including hearths and flint scatters has been found over a large area around the tomb -at least 3 or 4 acres. P 5 - possible Mesolithic posthole. P 3 - 3 or 4 inches of white sand lay on the hard green-sand bedrock P 9 - chamber was paved with greensand slabs set in a layer of clean yellow sand - neither occur naturally at the site and must have been brought in. None of the barrow mound remained when the site was excavated in 1957ĶLVALŻAn Early Neolithic cairn overlain by an Early Bronze Age round barrow. Vyner 1984: PRE-CAIRN FEATURES - p 153 - two features can be definitely assigned to a period before the construction of the Neolithic monument - pit features 123 and 125. FAĒADE TRENCH: The trench contained a series of contiguous post-holes; the post which had occupied the proximal pit yielded a C14 date that was much earlier than any other timber on the site. P 156 'To the east of the faēade trench was a group of 5 post holes which had been set in 2 rows running in an E-W direction. These may have been the beginnings of an avenue or the remains of a fore-structure.' MORTUARY STRUCTURE: Three posthole pits were found at the proximal, distal and centre areas of the mortuary structure. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE: p 161 "To the west of the mortuary structure and its enclosing clay and stone mound was a rectangular encl’žAn Early Neolithic cairn overlain by an Early Bronze Age round barrow. Vyner 1984: PRE-CAIRN FEATURES - p 153 - two features can be definitely assigned to a period before the construction of the Neolithic monument - pit features 123 and 125. FAĒADE TRENCH: The trench contained a series of contiguous post-holes; the post which had occupied the proximal pit yielded a C14 date that was much earlier than any other timber on the site. P 156 'To the east of the faēade trench was a group of 5 post holes which had been set in 2 rows running in an E-W direction. These may have been the beginnings of an avenue or the remains of a fore-structure.' MORTUARY STRUCTURE: Three posthole pits were found at the proximal, distal and centre areas of the mortuary structure. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE: p 161 "To the west of the mortuary structure and its enclosing clay and stone mound was a rectangular enclosure delineated by a kerb of sandstone slabs. Probably contemporary with the mortuary enclsoure, though no evidence of intense fire was found. Possibly an excarnation area? MESOLITHIC FLINTS - p 172  There are no diagnostically Mesolithic types among the assemblage, but the presence of a blade core and several blades among the pre-Neolithic cairn assemblage is suggestive in this regard. PROPOSED SEQUENCE: Phase I - Mesolithic activity in the area; EN activity resulting in clearance of the site and the excavation of several shallow pits; Phase II - construction of funerary structure (faēade trench, clay and stone mound, timber faēade and mortuary structure, kerbed mortuary enclosure) Phase III - mortuary use of structures; Phase IV - conclusion of mortuary deposition; Phase V - completion of neo monument ; Phase VI - subsequent damage due to quarrying; Phase VII - Bronze Age funerary activity.\ čl‹s’žSUł’žSU 38 NW 24’žWhitehorse Hill’žMonument #229274’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 3000 8652’ž43000 18652’ž430000’ž186520’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žUffington’žCotswolds’ž249’žE-Wx2512’žBRK 5’žDarvill 2004’žMiles & Palmer 1995yesyesnononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?no’žyes?000noõ@#*x1nonononono’žyes’žyesx’žmound’žsoil analysisxnoxyesx’žcultivation?; ground preparationno’žSW Englandno’žMiles, D., Palmer, S., Lock, G., Gosden, C. & Cromarty, A. 2003 Uffington White Horse and Its Landscape: Investigations at White Horse Hill Uffington, 1989-95 and Tower Hill Ashbury, 1993-4, Oxford, Oxford Archaeological Unit’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 An analysis and list of Berkshire Barrows. Part II. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 20-58np’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŸGCCCCĖęęęęāÖÖÖŅ°°°®ØØØØØØØØØØØØØئ¢ ‘Šˆƒ~zvrnjjjhffZVTRRPJF@<:640.,*(&$"  śōōōōōßßßŃŹĘĀĄ»¶¶¶« ‹~vnaSMG:( q’?Ā’’’½ł’`fŒĘ|č% KI8ÅwĀ”Ąh’žST 41 NE 118’žHam Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žST 483 164’ž34830 11640’ž348300’ž116400’žSomerset’žSouth Somerset’žMontacute’žnone’žnone’žunknown’žunknownxx’žOswald 74’žOswald et al 2001€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņīīīÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĄµ³±ØŸŸŸ™“ˆxnf^QE?9#h’~  h’žST 20 SE 32’žMembury’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure?’žpit cluster’žnone’žST 273 034’ž32730 10340’ž327300’ž103400’žDevon’žEast Devon’žMembury’žnone’žnone’žat the end of a hilltop spur at the southern edge of the Blackdown Hills; the site faces west and has a commanding view to the S and W.’ž190’žunknown’žunknownxx’žOswald et al 2001’žTingle 1995nono’žclay-with-flints overlying chalknoyesyesŲ@ó(@ņ2d’žyesnounknown’žn/a’žn/a’žSW EnglandąąąŌŌŌŌŌĻŹŹ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øøø³³³³³ÆÆ£————————————————————————‘‹‹‹‡ea]]]]]PPP==;90'"™“„xqiaTHB5h’’_Ā3`! !h’žST 10 SW 28’žHembury Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žST 1125 0298’ž31125 10298’ž311250’ž102980’žDevon’žEast Devon’žPayhembury’žnone’žnone’žsituated on the southern tip of a flat-topped ridge, with expansive views of neighbouring valleys, the sea and the tors of Dartmoor 40 km away’ž270’žunknown’žunknownxx’žOswald 17’žOswald et al 2001’žLiddell 1930’žLiddell 1931nono’žgreensand with clay-with-flint cappingyesno’žyesyesyesyes’žjet and steatite beads26’žS end of enclosure15’žguardhouse (12); Pit Q (3);x5+’žS end of enclosure0’žgateway and structure’žMesolithic flints’žvariousyesnono’žyesnumerous00noT÷^’žall6cnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žditch (Cutting XIIC)x’žcooking pitsxnoxyesx’žn/a’žn/a’žMesolithic’žflint’žSW England222&&& ’ūłėéÓĪÉÅĮ¼ø“““°««Ÿ›™——‡‚~ztkXXA?+'%šģŌĪČĀ½¹³‹‡ƒƒƒƒugggTIGE<3.ž˜’†zskcVHB<& h’’Ę’’ż½ł’ą'ā’žST 04 SE 140’žBattlegore’žWilliton I’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 0745 4162’ž30745 14162’ž307450’ž141620’žSomerset’žWest Somerset’žWilliton’žCotswolds’žnone30npxnpnp’žSOM 11’žDarvill 2004nonononoyes4@ ķ4anonpno’ž51°092 58.883 N, 003°192 29.933 W’ž51°092 57.073 N, 003°192 25.513 W’žSW England -WC’žGray, H. S. G. 1931 Battlegore, Williton. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 77, 7-36’ž365’žDarvill 2004å×ŅŅŅŅŅrrrrrb7  üüüššššššššššššššššššššššššźźźźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĢÄĄ¼ŗ¶²²¬”—ˆ~vnaSMG0$ q’Ą#  :„gs^’žSS 91 SE 11’žTiverton Long Barrow’žLong Burrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSS 9847 1364’ž29847 11364’ž298470’ž113640’žDevon’žMid Devon’žTiverton’žnone’žnone’žon a slight promontory some 7m above the floor of the adjoining broad shallow valley7’žWSW-ENEx9218nono’žDevon red-earths over Permo-Triassic sandstonesyesnononoyesnono1’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic activity site’žbeneath moundyesnonono000no6õķ cx1nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žnear pitxxxnox’žpityesxno’žn/a’žMesolithic activity; pit’žflint’žSW Englandno’žyes’žSmith, G. 1990 A Neolithic long barrow at Uplowman Road, Tiverton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Society, 48, 15-26’ž350ęęįįįįį```[WKKKD*%!  žśõńķčäąąąŽÜÜŠĢŹČČĘĀ¾ŗ“„‹‰…ƒ}{yljfb\XTPJ  žü¦ š…~vnaSMG:- q’’Ą’’’½ł’āē„] čm‰s:b’žST 91 SE 23’žThickthorn Down’žMonument #210037’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9719 1225’ž39719 11225’ž397190’ž112250’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žCranborne Chase’žon top of a ridge on Thickthorn Downnp’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.5’ž18.3’žST 10’žKinnes 1992’žBradley & Entwhistle 1985’žKinnes 1992’žThomas 1991’žAshbee 1984molluscanno’žchalkyesyes’žyesyesyesno’žcarved chalk phallus3’žcentral3’žditch causewayx0x0’žtimber posts’žditch causeway’žmortuary house (turf & chalk)’žSE endnononono000noÖęˆÄ_x1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary house at SE’žditch causeway - 3 postholesyesx’žyes’žn/a’žtimber posts; pits (3); flint knapping; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žDrew, C. D. & Piggott, S. 1936 The excavation of long barrow 163a on Thickthorn Down, Dorset. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 77-96’žJohnston, R. 1999 An empty path? Processions, memories and the Dorset Cursus. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbow 39-48’žBradley, R. & Entwistle, R. 1985 Thickthorne Down Long Barrow - a new assessment. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings, 107, 174-17658’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum…   j› ’ūėėėäŖ„ ž˜˜zzzdddddddddb^\ZXVQLHD?;777533'#! ęÖČĘÄĀĄ°®„£‰ƒ}xrleaOOB5(   łóķėāŽøø§“†~vnaSMG:( q’排’’½ł’éēžg šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’Ź LVALŚ Cunnington 1914: Excerpt from MS Cat:  There was no stratum of black earth, but under the eastern apex, on the floor of the barrow, was a confused mass of skeletons spread over a space about 2.4 m long and 0.9 m broad. .. The only other relics found with these human remains consisted of a round battered nodule of flint weighing 1.7 kilos, the greater part of a curious rude shallow va’žCunnington 1914: Excerpt from MS Cat:  There was no stratum of black earth, but under the eastern apex, on the floor of the barrow, was a confused mass of skeletons spread over a space about 2.4 m long and 0.9 m broad. .. The only other relics found with these human remains consisted of a round battered nodule of flint weighing 1.7 kilos, the greater part of a curious rude shallow vase of black pottery with two handles. There was also one large horn of red deer with the human remains& . Thurnam 1869: p 194  there was a curious globular ball or nodule of flint, much battered and weighing 1.7 kilos. It lay close to one of the skulls, and had obviously been appropriated for some special purpose. It was possibly the instrument by which so many of the skulls had been fractured. čŒĢ®IįĒÕÅöĆ7Ā!Ąh’žST 54 NE 34’žPen Hill Long Barrow’žSt Cuthbert Out I’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 5633 4868’ž35633 14868’ž356330’ž148680’žSomerset’žMendip’žSt Cuthbert Out’žMendips’žnone’žon south side of Pen Hill, below the crest of the hill’ž289’žE-Wx4413’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WC555%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!!!śöņšėę®ØŸŽ†|tl_QKE8%h’’  h’žST 54 NE 26’žPriddy 51’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žST 5548 4979’ž35548 14979’ž355480’ž149790’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žnone’žE-Wx2418’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCŽŽŽĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪŹŹŹÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ©£Ÿ›™”””Ž†~vld\OA;- h’~  h’žST 54 NE 17’žGrove Hill Long Barrow’žSt Cuthbert Out II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 5857 4961’ž35857 14961’ž358570’ž149610’žSomerset’žMendip’žSt Cutherbert Out’žnone’žnone’žESE-WNWx2912’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCžžžīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźźźĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻÉĆ滹°°°Ŗ¤‘‰wobTNH;'h’~  h’žST 54 NE 16’žHunter's Lodge’žMonument # 196871’žhenge’ždisc barrow’žmini-henge’žST 5591 4978’ž35591 14978’ž355910’ž149780’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žnone’žat the head of a shallow valley’ž253N’ž47 (9.1)xx’žHarding 166’žHarding & Lee 1987€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WC+++üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüčŪŁ×ĶĖĘ„Ÿ—‡}um`RF92h’’  h’žST 46 SE 5’žRedhill Long Barrow’žMonument # 195094’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 4995 6360’ž34995 16360’ž349950’ž163600’žAvon’žNorth Somerset’žWrington’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx4715’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandģģģąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜÜÜĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ»µ±­«¦¦¦ š€zrj]OIC6#h’~  ST 45 NE 27’žShipham 3’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žST 4612 5844’ž34612 15844’ž346120’ž158440’žSomerset’žSedgemoor’žShipham’žMendip’žnonenpx’ž11.3xxnononono\@ ķ4a’žyesnonono’žSW England -WC’žRead, R. F. 1924 Second Report on the excavation of Mendip Barrows. Proceedings of the Spelaeological Society, University of Bristol, 2, 132-146’žGrinsell, L. V. 1971 Somerset barrows. Part II - north and east. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History 115, 44-137īīīīuįįįįįŃŃŃŃĶĶĶĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÅÅÅÅÅĄĄĄ¼¼¼°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬Ø¤          žœ–”Š‚ynd\TG93- o’Ą  "Œh’žST 45 NE 15’žGorsey Bigbury’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClass I henge’žST 4844 5583’ž34844 15583’ž348440’ž155830’žSomerset’žSedgemoor’žCheddar’žMendip’žnone’žon gently sloping ground on a limestone spur in the Mendips’ž240N’ž46 (22)xx’žHarding 165’žHarding 1987’žApSimon 1951’žApSimon et al 1976nono’žlimestoneyesyesnoyesyesnono0x2’žeither side of the entrancex0x0nox’žMesolithic flints; post-construction occupation floor;’žditchyesnonononumerous30’žstone½@ł’žditch bottom6bno’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žditch bottomxx’žditch bottomnoxyesx’žn/a’žn/a’žMesolithic’žflint’žSW England -WC“““ƒƒƒ|pkfd^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\XJHF83.*&!śóńļļßŪ×ÓĶĘŽŒˆ†„‚€ca_]YUOIE?9.*&&&&öéēåÜŚÕ˜’Švld\OA2,%h’’Ę’’’½ł’ą'(č!ĪõŹŚČĢĘÅÄB@āś’žST 55 SW 63’žPriddy Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žoval barrow’žnone’žST 5142 5092’ž35142 15092’ž351420’ž150920’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žnone’žsited on a gentle north-east facing slope with wide-ranging views onto the West Mendip Plateau’ž250’žSSE-NNWx2612’žSOM 16; Kinnes ST 43’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992’žPhillips & Taylor 1972’žLewis 2002nono’žCarboniferous Limestonenonononoyesnono1’žcentral1?’žcentral (pit may have held timber post)x0x0nox’žpre-barrow activity area?’žcentral pit & 2 hearthsno’žpossiblenono201’žOld Red Sandstone slabs©@ü’žSSE end (7.3m from) ; 4.6 m from NNW end4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žsouth of Hearth IInox’žpit’žhearth’žhearthyes’žactivity area; pit; ground preparation; hearths’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žLewis 2002’žPhillips & Taylor 1972’ž381’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992ŽrmmmUIIDD?;+++$óóóóķķķķķåŻŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÖŅ¾¼ŗø“Æ«§¢˜˜˜–ll`GECCA=9/+÷õńļķėéĄ¼³±­©£Ÿ›—“zvrrrrfNNN2 ¤ž–Ž†|tl_QK>1+ q’’Ę’’’½ł’Ą!ęš7h’žST 55 SW 127’žPriddy Circle 4’žnone’žhenge?’ženclosure’žnone’žST 5421 5355’ž35421 15355’ž354210’ž153550’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žPriddy Circles’žon flat ground on the Mendiup Plateau’ž275’ž?SW’ž192 168)xx’žHarding 170’žHarding 1987€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WC&&&÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷éÜŚŲĪÉĝ…}ukc[N@:/'!h’’  h’žST 55 SW 126’žPriddy Circle 3’žnone’žhenge?’ženclosure’žnone’žST 5409 5302’ž35409 15302’ž354090’ž153020’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žPriddy Circles’žon flat ground on the Mendiup Plateau’ž275’žSSW’ž190 (152)xx’žHarding 169’žHarding 1987€’žNot excavated2ayes’žSW England -WC---ųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųźŻŪŁĪÉĝ…}ukc[N@:/'!h’’  h’žST 55 SW 125’žPriddy Circle 2’žnone’žhenge?’žround barrow’žnone’žST 5401 5279’ž35401 15279’ž354010’ž152790’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žPriddy Circles’žon flat ground on the Mendiup Plateau’ž275’žNNE’ž185 (154)xx’žHarding 168’žHarding 1987€’žNot excavated2ayes’žn/a’žn/a’žSW England -WC:::*****%  ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūķąŽÜŃĢĒ ˆ€xnf^QC=/'!h’’  !h’žST 55 SW 124’žPriddy Circle 1’žnone’žhenge?’žuncertain circular enclosure’žnone’žST 539 525’ž35390 15250’ž353900’ž152500’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žPriddy Circles’žon flat ground on the Mendiup Plateau’ž275’žNNE’ž194xx’žHarding 167’žHarding 1987nono’žMendip Plateau / Dolomitic Conglomerate over Carboniferous Limestonenononononono’žmarcasite nodules4’žunder E bank terminal20+’žaround the bankx’ž20+’žaround the bank0noxnoxnononono000no[@üx6bnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žn/a’žn/a’žSW England -WCKKK;;;;;61/))))))))))))))'#! žžžśųųģčęääāŽŚÖŅŠĢŹĘij®¬›•~|iea]YUQ õčęäßŚÕ®ž–Ž†|tl_SM/'!h’’Ą’’’½ł’ą!h’žST 54 NE 37’žPen Hill Bank Barrow’žMonument # 196934’žbank barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 5650 4877’ž35650 14877’ž356500’ž148770’žSomerset’žMendip’žSt Cuthbert Out’žMendips’žnone’žESE-WNWx’ž204’ž7.2’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCžžžīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźźźĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻÉĆ¾¹·®®®ØŸŽ†|tl_QKE8%h’~  Ę č։sØ’žNZ 71 NW 14’žStreet House Long Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žNZ 7365 1960’ž47365 51960’ž473650’ž519600’žCleveland’žRedcar and Cleveland’žLoftus’žnone’žnone’žabove high cliffs on the North Sea coast’ž168’žE-Wx’ž23.610’žNZ 2’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žVyner 1988nononoyesnonoyesyesyes’žcup marked stone2’žW and E of mortuary structurenumerous’žvariousx0x0’žfaēade, mortuary structure, post setting’žE end of mound’žpre-mound pits; rectangular enclosure’žwest end of moundyes’žyesnono002+’žslab#@ōx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žbeneath mortuary structurex’žrectangular enclosurenoxyesx’ž2 pits; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žVyner, B. 1984 The excavation of a Neolithic cairn at Street House, Loftus, Cleveland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 50, 151-195’žVyner, B. 1985 Evidence for mortuary practices in the Neolithic burial mounds and cairns of northern Britain. Scottish Archaeological Review, 4, 11-16’žBarcham, R. C. 1982 Excavation of the Street House Farm long cairn, Boulby, Cleveland: an interim report. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 54, 1-515’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum3½¹¹¹"ˆłōōōšåååŽÄÄÄĀ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ŗ¶Ÿmhc_[VRMMMKII=7311/+'" āŅئ¤¢ —‡hfTNHB>:40,((((üųņšėę¼¶°Ø’‡wj\VB60 q’’Ę’’’½ł’`fžčĪNTĢiI™ĒĄÅ Äh’žST 64 NE 17’žStratton Henge’žnone’žhenge?’ženclosure’žnone’žST 654 498’ž36540 14980’ž365400’ž149800’žSomerset’žMendip’žStratton on the Fosse’žMendips’žnoneī@ž2d’žSW England -WCæææÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ«««ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™yqg_WJ>8-%h’  h’žST 62 NW 29’žSouth Cadbury CE’žMonument #1007704’žcausewayed enclosure?’žnone’žnone’žST 628 251’ž36280 12510’ž362800’ž125100’žSomerset’žSouth Somerset’žSouth Cadbury’žnone’žnone’žnone’žOswald 2001yes2+?1?ć@ž2d’žSW England -WCųh’žST 64 NE 17’žStratton Henge’žnone’žhenge?’ženclosure’žnone’žST 654 498’ž36540 14980’ž365400’ž149800’žSomerset’žMendip’žStratton on the Fosse’žMendips’žnoneī@ž2d’žSW England -WCæææÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ«««ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™yqg_WJ>8-%h’  h’žST 62 NW 29’žSouth Cadbury CE’žMonument #1007704’žcausewayed enclosure?’žnone’žnone’žST 628 251’ž36280 12510’ž362800’ž125100’žSomerset’žSouth Somerset’žSouth Cadbury’žnone’žnone’žnone’žOswald 2001yes2+?1?ć@ž2d’žSW England -WCųųųčččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččäääŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÖŌŌŌŌŅĪĪĪĪĪĪĪČČČČČČČČČČČ»µµµµµµµÆ©šŠ€xpcWQK4!h’`c  h’žST 60 SE 3’žHigh Cank’žnone’žhengiform monument’žround barrow’žnone’žST 6572 0319’ž36572 10319’ž365720’ž103190’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žUp Cerne’žnone’žnone10xx’žHarding 057’žHarding 1987€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCļļļßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪŪŪĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ²„£”—‘‡zrjbUGA3h’|  æ*’žST 57 NE 9’žDruid Stoke’žCromlech’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 5609 7619’ž35609 17619’ž356090’ž176190’žAvon’žCity of Bristol’žBristol’žCotswolds’žnone42’žE-Wx’žunknown x unknown’žunknown’žGLO 28’žDarvill 2004nono’žCarboniferous Limestoneyesnonononononononono”@ž4ano’žyesnonono’žyes’žpossiblynpno’ž51°282 58.783 N, 002°382 01.183 W’ž51°282 57.063 N, 002°372 56.433 W’žSW England -WC39’žDarvill 2004öčääääääääääŌ©~~zzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvlgc_[VRRRNNNBB>::::6666666666666662.*&"’ū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷éįŲĆĮ¼øø²§ž‡wj\KE.$ q’Ą’@,ł :€wh’žST 56 SW 3’žWater Stone Dolman’žnone’žChambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 5006 6439’ž35006 16439’ž350060’ž164390’žAvon’žNorth Somerset’žWrington’žnone’žnone’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉÉÉ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®Ø¢¢¢¢¢¢¢œ–Œ|vnfYKE?("h’`  h’žST 56 NE 13’žThe Soldier's Grave’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 5533 6672’ž35533 16672’ž355330’ž166720’žAvon’žNorth Somerset’žDundry’žnone’žnone’žunknown’žunknown’žunknown’žunknown’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated - now destroyed2a’žSW England   żżżŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĢĘ½“«¢¢¢œ–Ž~xph[MGA*$h’~   LVAL AAnderson 1872 p 293-4: ' On raising the flag which formed the floor, another was found beneath it, and underneath them 4 inches of clay, plentifully intermixed with charcoal, ashes, and burnt bones; and beneath that again a third large flag, which lay on the undisturbed subsoil of the hill. [turf clearance?] The whole floor of the main chamber and of the passage, more than halfway outwards, consisted of an accumulation of ashes and broken and burnt bones, about a foot in depth, impacted so closely that it rose to the pick in cakes, and was with difficulty reduced to a sufficiently friable condition to be examin’žAAnderson 1872 p 293-4: ' On raising the flag which formed the floor, another was found beneath it, and underneath them 4 inches of clay, plentifully intermixed with charcoal, ashes, and burnt bones; and beneath that again a third large flag, which lay on the undisturbed subsoil of the hill. [turf clearance?] The whole floor of the main chamber and of the passage, more than halfway outwards, consisted of an accumulation of ashes and broken and burnt bones, about a foot in depth, impacted so closely that it rose to the pick in cakes, and was with difficulty reduced to a sufficiently friable condition to be examined for the included remains. These consisted of human and animal bones& .Flint chips occurred in less abundance than in the neighbouring cairns, but the quantity of broken pottery was extraordinarily large. Several hundreds of fragments of vessels differing in size, ornamentation and fineness, were turned up. ' Anderson 1869(Memoirs) p 227: On the chamber floor and extending halfway down the passage was a layer of 'ashes and calcined and broken bones which was fully a foot thick. The clay below this layer of ashes was scooped, in pits in some parts, in the centre, and at those places, of course, the ashes were deeper .Öč“L†Ź°Č¤Ę–Cš@PS’žST 74 NE 9’žFromefield’žMonument #202689’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 7819 4898’ž37819 14898’ž378190’ž148980’žSomerset’žMendip’žFrome’žCotswolds’žnone83npxnpnp’žSOM 6; Frome I’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1971’žBulleid 1941nono’žlimestonenononoyesnonono’ž15+0@ž4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnpyesno’žSW England -WC’žBulleid 19414’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1971±”’’’’„„„„„„ttttppppjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfa]YUPLLLHHH<<:55555555555555555551-)# öööŁÉÅĮæ»··±¦Ÿ—…}pbQK4" q’Ā’,ł "ˆ_‚a’žST 72 NE 6’žLongbury Barrow’žSlaughter Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7875 2723’ž37875 12723’ž378750’ž127230’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žGillingham’žnone’žnone’žlow-lying flattish ground97’žE-Wx4013’žKinnes ST 1’žKinnes 1992’žWarne 1866nono’žCorallian Bedsnononoyesnono’žround clay balls0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono03+0noY@žx4no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesx’žmost of barrowxxnoxnpx’žn/a’žground preparationno’žSW England -WCno’žWarne 18664’žKinnes 1992     žžžžžśźźźęŅĶĶĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæ½­«¦¢žš•ŒŒŒŠˆˆ|xvrrplhc_]YWSQOMKIGEC1-)#’’’’’óóóęŁÕŃĻŹĘ«„Ÿ“…}um`RLF9' q’’Ā’’’½ł’`gˆh’žST 66 SW 2’žStanton Drew Great Circle’žHautvilles Quoit’žhenge’žstone circle’žnone’žST 6000 6327’ž36000 16327’ž360000’ž163270’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žStanton Drew’žnone’žnoneNE’ž135xx’žGrinsell 1994numerous’ž9 concentric circles€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England+++źŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĖĖĖĖĖÉĒĀ¾¾¾ø²¤‡yqdVPB;)h’  h’žST 65 SW 25’žMountain Ground’žChewton Mendip I’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žST 6010 5333’ž36010 15333’ž360100’ž153330’žSomerset’žMendip’žChewton Mendip’žMendips’žnone’žE-Wx33’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCõõõåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååįįįĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĄŗŗ¶“ÆÆÆ© ˆ~vnaSM?2 h’n  h’žST 65 SW 11’žChilcompton’žChilcompton 1A and 1B’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žST 6305 5119’ž36305 15119’ž363050’ž151190’žSomerset’žMendip’žChilcompton’žMendips’žnone’žE-Wx3116’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž51°152 31.363 N, 002°312 50.993 W’ž51°152 29.553 N, 002°312 46.223 W’žSW England -WCMMM=ēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēćććČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĀ¼ø“²­­­§ž‘‰wobTN@3h’~ 8¤’žST 65 SE 5’žGiant's Grave [Somerset]’žHolcombe 1; Charmborough’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 6783 5129’ž36783 15129’ž367830’ž151290’žSomerset’žMendip’žKilmersdon’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SWx35’ž18.3’žSOM 4’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBulleid 1941nonononoyesnonoyesno’žsaddle quern fragment; bone pendant; pebbles1’žunknown0xx0x0noxnoxnonono’žyes04+nonoƒ@žx4no’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesxx’žquern fragmentxnoxyesxnpnp’žpit; flint knappingno’žSW England -WCno’žBulleid 1941’žDaniel 19504’žDarvill 2004WIGGG:,,,,,(’ū÷õļļļļļļļļļļļļļļķéē×ÕÓĪÉÄ滶²²²°®®¢žš––”‹‡ƒ}{wusqomkb`2.($     üļļļįŚŌŠĪĒĒĒĮ¶Ŗ¢˜ˆ{mgaJ0 q’~Ę’’’½ł’ąg˜o šLVALŠMR2R€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthy <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’hJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒbPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’vč&ĪJĢ½ÉXGTGµÄ’Āh’žST 81 SW 11’žGiant's h’žST 81 SW 11’žGiant's Grave North[Dorset]’žThe Giant's Grave’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8452 1265’ž38452 11265’ž384520’ž112650’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žnone’žHambledon Hill’ž188’žSSE-NNWx6616’žChild Okeford I’žGrinsell 1959’žWarne 1872nononono²@2anonpnpno’žSW England -WCBBB2222....********************&"""""""" öööēÖŅĪĢĆ¾¾®Ø™‹ƒ{sfXRL?,h’Ā  "h’žST h’žST 81 SW 11’žGih’žST 81 SW 11’žGiant's Grave North[Dorset]’žThe Giant's Grave’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8452 1265’ž38452 11265’ž384520’ž112650’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žnone’žHambledon Hill’ž188’žSSE-NNWx6616’žChild Okeford I’žGrinsell 1959’žWarne 1872nononono²@2anonpnpno’žSW England -WCBBB2222....********************&"""""""" öööēÖŅĪĢĆ¾¾®Ø™‹ƒ{sfXRL?,h’Ā  "h’žST 81 SE 52’žStepleton Enclosure CE’žHambledon Hill’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žST 85403 11526’ž385403 111526’ž385403’ž111526’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žHanford’žnone’žHambledon Hill’ž194’žn/a’ž110xx’žOswald et al 2001’žMercer 1980’žMercer 1985yesyes’žMiddle Chalkyes’žcharred grainnumerous’žcentral areanumerous’žcentral area’žnumerous’žcentral area@6c’žyes’žyes’žyesyesno’žn/a’žSW England -WC¾¾¾®®®®®©„„ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸš•••ŒŒŒ€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€rhhZJ<,,,,, żżżżšćć把ĪĢĒĀ½½­§žˆ€xiYSM7'h’_Ę o ! !7ż’žST 78 SE 5’žHorton’žMonument #205132’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7827 8326’ž37827 18326’ž378270’ž183260’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žHorton’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx33’ž25.5’žGLO 19’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nonononoyes’ž22+0>@.ģ2cnonononpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žO'Neil & Grinsell 196042’žDarvill 2004pb^^^^FFFFFF::::6611--------------------)%%%%!   üųōšššššŲŲŲŹĀ¼ø¶ÆÆÆ©£›„~vnaSMG0 q’~Ā, "ˆ'h’žST 78 NE 7’žHawkesbury Knoll’žMonument # 205058’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7683 8721’ž37683 18721’ž376830’ž187210’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žHawkesbury’žnone’žnone’ž situated upon the summit of Hawkesbury Knoll; situated upon the summit of Hawkesbury Knoll; it lies at the very edge of the escarpment and commands magnificent views over the valley’žN-Sx2015’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England¬¬¬                                     œœœ{uqmkff¬¦ ”}wogZLF@3 h’’~  h’žST 78 NE 4’žHawkesbury II’žMonument # 205049’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7939 8792’ž37939 18792’ž379390’ž187920’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žHawkesbury’žnone’žnone’žtop of a ridgex23’ž7.5’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandūūūļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėėėŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŹÄ滹¹¹©£‘ztldWIC=0h’’|  h’žST 77 SW 7’žWick’žMonument # 204955’žchambered round barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žST 7059 7188’ž37059 17188’ž370590’ž171880’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žWick and Abson’žnone’žnone’ž3.5xx’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķéééĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪČĀĄ¾¹¹¹¹³­†€xpcUO?'h’|  ģ čüŠsA¬’žST 94 NW 28’žNorton Bavant 13’žNorton Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9259 4595’ž39259 14595’ž392590’ž145950’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žNorton Bavant’žnone’žnonenp’žE/Wx5527’žST 34’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957nonononoyesnoyesnono’žflint hammerstone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0180no&@łx1no’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areanoxno’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 182, 194-5, 198)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press65’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum —“““ōpĮĮĮĮ½­­­­©©©§££££””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚~zvrmiiigeeYUSOOMIEA=;751/-+)'%#! üöņīźęęęęę××׏Ć滹“°°Ŗ¤•…zrj]OIC6) q’Ā’’’½ł’bbœWĢ č܊s’žTQ’žTQ 65 NE 24’žThe Chestnuts’žLong Warren’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6257 5917’ž56257 15917’ž562570’ž159170’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAddington’žMedway’žin the greensand belt, on the southwest slope of a hill30’žE-Wxnp18’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žHolgate 1981nono’žsandstonenononoyesyesno’žclay pendant0x1’žTrench 7x0x0nox’žMesolithic flint scatter’žaround and beneath the tombnononono00’ž10+’žgreensand slabs over yellow sandŗ@óx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber; forecourtnox’žpavement’žpavementyesxnono’žMesolithic flint concentration’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes’žAlexander, J. 1961 The excavation of the Chestnuts megalithic tomb at Addington, Kent. Archaeologia Cantiana, 76, 1-57’žPastscape; www.pastscape./org’žAshbee, P. 2000 The Medway's megalithic long barrows. Archaeologia Cantiana, 120, 319-345’žBarber, M. 1997 Landscape, the Neolithic, and Kent. IN TOPPING, P. (Ed.) Neolithic Landscapes. Oxford, Oxbownp**&&¶Y:Ą»»¶²¦¦¦Ÿ{wuoooooooooeeee[YUA?=;61-)$ čćįįßŪ×ÓĻ²˜–’ŽŒŠ€~|zlhb\XTPEA==/"’żųō»»³Ø‘‹ƒ{n`ZJ3& q’排’’½ł’ąē¾č^ĢžHĻĘĖFÅh’žST 83 NW 33’žRodmead Hill’žMonument #206909’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8236 3565’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žMaiden Bradley’žnone’žnonenp’žSW/NEx2316€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WCĢĢĢ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øø™•“Œˆˆ‚|laVVVVHB</h|@ o’žST 83 NW 12’žKingston Deverill’žMonument #206826’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žST 8490 3794’ž38490 13794’ž384900’ž137940’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKingston Deverill’žnone’žnone’žaligned E-W across a spur which slopes gently E to the Wylye valley.’ž213’žE-Wx189’žKinnes ST 23’žKinnes 1992’žHarding & Gingell 1986-7nono’žUpper Chalknoyesnoyesyesnono0x7’žE end of moundx0x0’žmortuary chamber; timber facade’žE end of mound’žmortuary chamber’žE end of moundnononono00h’žST 83 NW 33’žRodmead Hill’žMonument #206909’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8236 3565’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žMaiden Bradley’žnone’žnonenp’žSW/NEx2316€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WCĢĢĢ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øø™•“Œˆˆ‚|laVVVVHB</h|@ h’žST 81 SW 59’žHillfort Spur Enclosure, Hambledon Hill’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure?’žnone’žST 8435 1290’ž38435 11290’ž384350’ž112900’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žHambledon Hill’žOswald et al 2001?@ņ2d’žSW England -WCīīīŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪ»»»»»»»»««œŽ†~vi[[U>8hß_@@ §³’žST 81 SW 18’žGiant's Grave South [Dorset]’žHambledon Hill South’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8489 1206’ž38489 11206’ž384890’ž112060’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žnone’žon a gentle S- facing slope, just below the highest part of the hill’ž179’žNNW-SSEx2613’žKinnes ST2’žGrinsell 1959; Kinnes 1992’žGrinsell1982’žWessex chalk / clay with flintsyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesyesno1’žEast ditch1’žcauseway between E and S ditchesx0x0nox’žcausewayed enclosurexnonono?0nonono=@x4’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxx’žquernxnoxyesxnox’žcausewayed enclosure; cultivationno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žGrinsell198244’žGrinsell 1959; Kinnes 1992ĖÆ««««˜˜˜”„„„€][WUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMIG@><<73/*% ’ū÷óńŪŁÕÓŃĻĶ«©›—‘‹…{uoNNNNNNN@@@$ŗŗ“„—‡rd^XK5 q’æ’’’½łżągŠGh’žST 81 SW 17’žHambledon Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žST 8492 1226’ž38492 11226’ž384920’ž112260’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žnone’žHambledon Hill’žsurrounds the domes central summit of Hambledon Hill’ž194’žn/a’ž300xx’žOswald 24a’žOswald et al 2001’žHealy 2004’žMercer 2004’žAllen & Gardiner 2002yesyes’žjunction of Wessex chalk and Greensandyesyesyesyes’žbone beads4+’žsouth cross-dyke; Hanford spur18’žunder inner south cross-dyke bank (1); central area (17)’žditches8’žditch segment 141+’žMesolithic pits?’žouth cross-dyke; Hanford spurnononono1+0no ^6c’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW England -WCĮĮĮ±±±±±¬Ø¦              žš˜–”’ˆˆˆƒ~~~~zzznjhddd`\XT5###  ČĤ ””Žˆˆ‚|TNHHH1$ł÷õšėę° š‹}umeXJD>("h’’Ī·’ü<1’ą!$ č4Šs’žND‡’žND 34 SW 30’žKenny's Cairn’žCairn Hanach or Bruan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3100 4084’ž33100 94084’ž331000’ž940840’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž135x17xx’žCAT 31’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1872 p. 292-4’žAnderson 1886. p 258-60nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tool1+’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žslab and clayź@žx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnox’žallx’žchambernoxnoxnono’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson, J. 1869 Report on excavations in Caithness cairns. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 3, 216-42’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 258-60)’žAnderson, J. 1872 Notice of the excavation of 'Kenny's Cairn', on the Hill of Bruan: Carn Righ, near Yarhouse. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 9, 292-96’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56 ( p 225-228)’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressČUUU„ņ…üšššģčččęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāąÜÓŃĢŹĘĮ½¹“°«««©§§›ŒŠˆˆ†‚~xtrnlhfdb`^\SOD@:40*&"éééĻĒÅĆæ½øøø²¬”—‡zlTN=& q’?Ę’’’½ł’`f<&čžĶ¢JŗG’ÅĆCr.Č’žST 83 SW 38’žBlackheath’žMere 13d’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8435 3455’ž38435 13455’ž384350’ž134550’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žMere’žnone’žnonex?xx’žKinnes Ac1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1957nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žchalk projection’žunknownnononono00’žunknownno‘@x4a’žyesnonononononoxxxxnoxnoxnono’ž51°062 36.263 N, 002°132 29.503 W’ž51°062 34.373 N, 002°132 24.633 W’žSW England -WCno’žGrinsell 195746    ūūūūū÷ē¼‘‰‰‰‡ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywuqmiea]XXXTRRFB97751-)% žüśųöōšģčāŽŚÖŅĪŹŹŹŹŹ»»»®¢ žœššš”Žˆ}rjbUGA;-# p’~Ā’’’½ł’h’žST 83 SE 18’žWilloughby Hedge’žEast Knoyle 1’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8806 3402’ž38806 13402’ž388060’ž134020’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žChicklade’žnone’žnonenpxx3322nonononononononono’žjet beads, amber1?0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nox@x2dnononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit / unknownpossiblexnono’žSW England -WC“““ƒƒƒ{{{yiiZZZZZZZZZZZZXTRPNLGC?;73///+)) żū÷õóńļķėéēÕŃĶÉÅĮ½¹µ±±±±±±±±±±­©§„””›•ŠtldWIC=0!h’Ą’’’½ł’h&h’žST 83 NW 6’žWhitesheet Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žST 8017 3519’ž38017 13519’ž380170’ž135190’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žKilmington’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx’ž194’ž137’žOswald et al 2001yes’žMiddle chalkyesyesyesyes11’žinterior’žyes?Ļ@6c’žyes’žyes’žaround ditchyes’žSW England -WCGGG77777777111111111111111111##        łõõõļééćŻĻĻÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɶ¶±¬Ŗ£££—‹€umeXJD>("h’^@7  Ń’žST 83 NW 5’žMaiden Bradley 8A’žMonument #206795’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 825 360’ž38250 13600’ž382500’ž136000’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žMaiden Bradley’žnone’žnonenp?x??’žKinnes ST 20’žKinnes 1992nonononor@ķ4anoyesno’žSW England -WC’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 34, 47)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’ž457’žKinnes 1992óęįįįįkśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśööööööööņņņęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÉ»¹·µ³ÆÆ©£“ˆ}um`TNH;) q’Ą  "Œßä’žST 83 NW 49’žWhitesheet Downs’žMonument #206973’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 8019 3509’ž38019 13509’ž380190’ž135090’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žKilmington’žnone’žnonenpx19xxnonononononoyesnonono1?0xx0x0noxnoxnononono001no‘@hx4nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit / unknown locationyesxno’žn/a’žcremation pitno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 41-42)45®®®®Ŗššš–‡‚~|vv^^^^^^^^^^^^\XVTRPKGC?;73331//#  żūł÷õóńļķéåįŪ×ÓĻĖĒĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĮ滹µµÆ©’‡wj\OI;) q’Ą’’’½ł’čg„ch’žST 83 NW 46’žCold Kitchen Hill’žMonument #206958’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8469 3837’ž38469 13837’ž384690’ž138370’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žBrixton Deverill’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx7224’žBrixton Deverill 2’žGrinsell 1957€’žno written records2anpnpno’ž51°082 39.953 N, 002°132 12.603 W’ž51°082 38.083 N, 002°132 07.733 W’žSW England -WCqF   ėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėÜČÄĄ¾µ±±«„“ƒxph[MGA4"h’  :»LVALŠŠŠŠÓPastscape: excavated by CunningtoColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones ’žColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones , charred wood, ashes and coarse pottery; horse skeleton also found. Darvill 2006 - p 79 - suggests the barrow was constructed over a tree throw pit.’žPastscape: excavated by Cunnington and Colt Hoare in October 1809. SE of the centre, and at a depth of 0.6 m, they found an adult skeleton accompanied by some flints "which appeared to have been polished by use" and "some fragments of stag's horns, the butt end of one of which had been cut off and perforated, and from its appearance used as a hammer" (’žColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones , charred wood, ashes and coarse pottery; horse skeleton also found. Darvill 2006 - p 79 - suggests the barrow was constructed over a tree throw pit.’žPastscape: excavated by Cunnington and Colt Hoare in October 1809. SE of the centre, and at a depth of 0.6 m, they found an adult skeleton accompanied by some flints "which appeared to have been polished by use" and "some fragments of stag's horns, the butt end of one of which had been cut off and perforated, and from its appearance used as a hammer" (?antler ma’žColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones , charred wood, ashes and coarse pottery; horse skeleton also found. Darvill 2006 - p 79 - suggests the barrow was constructed over a tree throw pit.’ž3 inhumations lying on a pavement; D Field (2006) p 84 notes that the standing stone was found with its pointed end in the ground, in the same location where pits are found on other sites upright sarsen stone - 1.5 m high - was found at the south end. Near it were 3 inhumations on a rough stone pavement under a cairn.’žPastscape: During excavation its interior was found to correspond more with that of a long barrow. Amongst several large sarsen stones and flints were discovered seven or eight skeletons lying in every direction, the thigh bones of one by the head of another, a skull on the breast of a second. Colt Hoare 1812: a circular barrow, a’žColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones , charred wood, ashes and coarse pottery; horse skeleton also found. Darvill 2006 - p 79 - suggests the barrow was constructed over a tree throw pit.’ž3 inhumations lying’žColt Hoare 1812: barrow floor was lined with yellowish clay and was about 0.8 m below the adjoining ground; it was strewn with animal and bird bones , charred wood, ashes and coarse pottery; horse skeleton also found. Darvill 2006 - p 79 - suggests the barrow was constructed over a tree throw pit.¬čDM@MåI%ČīDĘĀh’žST 85 SW 1’žDevil's Bed and Bolster’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8149 5333’ž38149 15333’ž381490’ž153330’žSomerset’žMendip’žBeckington’žMendip’žnone’žE-Wx2518’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž51°162 43.873 N, 002°162 00.083 W’ž51°162 42.063 N, 002°152 55.203 W’žSW England -WCGGG7 įįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŻŻĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¼¶²®¬§§§”™…{sk^PJD-'h’~ 8h’žST 84 SE 8’žKing Barrow’žWarminster 14’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8976 4445’ž38976 14445’ž389760’ž144450’žWiltshire’žWh’žST 85 SW 1’žDevil's Bed and Bolster’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8149 5333’ž38149 15333’ž381490’ž153330’žSomerset’žMendip’žBeckington’žMendip’žnone’žE-Wx2518’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž51°162 43.873 N, 002°162 00.083 W’ž51°162 42.063 N, 002°152 55.203 W’žSW England -WCGGG7 įįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŻŻĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¼¶²®¬§§§”™…{sk^PJD-'h’~ 8‡z’žST 84 SE 8’žKing Barrow’žWarminster 14’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8976 4445’ž38976 14445’ž389760’ž144450’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNNW-SSEx’ž62.817’žKinnes ST 37’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žCunnington 1913-14nonononoyesnoyesnono’žhard stone of violet colour0x0xx0x0nox’žtree throw pit’žallnononono000’žyellow clay-@x4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire excavated areanoxnox’žpitno’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington 1913-14’žGoddard 1913-1446’ž Kinnes 1992B4000     ÷÷÷óīīīģččččččččččččččęāĖÉĒÅĄ¼ø“Æ«¦¦¦¤¢¢–‰‡……ƒ{wsn^\XVTRPNLJH+'# ļŽŽŽŠĀ¾ø¶­©©£‘vnfYKE?2# q’Ę’’’½ł’`f˜h’žST 84 SE 4’žSutton Common Henge’žSutton Veney’žhenge’žnone’žST 8854 4194’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žLongbridge Deverill’žnone’žnone’ž14080xx€’žNot excavated€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WCßßßĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĖĖ°•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“‘ˆˆ‚|gWLLLL>>81#h_|` :Ŗ’žST 84 NE 9’žCop Heap’žCop Hill’žround barrow’žoval barrow’žnone’žST 8798 4558’ž38798 14558’ž387980’ž145580’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonex20xx’žKinnes Dc1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14nonononoyesnonoyesno’ž6 bone beads; antler macehead1’žN of Centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono041no›@x4’žyesnonono’žyesno’žyesxxxxnox’žgraveno’žgrave pitno’ž51°122 33.633 N, 002°102 24.173 W’ž51°122 31.783 N, 002°102 19.263 W’žSW England -WCno’žGoddard 1913-14’žGrinsell 195746’žKinnes 1979fYUUUF555551!öĖĒ¼¼¼¼øøøøøø±±±±±±±±Æ«©§„£žš•‘‰„„„‚€€tpnlljfb^ZXTRNLJHFDB53 üųōšģģģģŪĢĢĢ泱ƫ©©©£‘vnfYKE8*  q’~Ę’’’½ł’€ ~˜(©’žST 84 NE 30’žWestbury 7’žDilton Middle Down’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 8854 4950’ž38854 14950’ž388540’ž149500’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWestbury’žnone’žnonenpx’ž18.2xx’žWestbury 7’žGrinsell 1957’žKinnes 1979nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž7-80noæ@x4anononononononoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 197946’žGrinsell 1957Ēø““““§§§§§£““““‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{wsokgc___[YYMIGBB@<840.*($"  üųōšģģģģģßßߊÄĀĄŗø““®ØžŽƒ{sfXKE7# q’Ā’’’½ł’`bˆ×ę čö‰s’žNP’žNPRN 93072’žParc Le Breos Cwm’žParc Cwm Long Cairn’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSS 5373 8982’ž25373 18982’ž253730’ž189820’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žIlston’žCotswolds’žnone15’žN-Sx2213’žGLA 4’žDarvill 2004’žWhittle & Wysocki 1998’žBurrow 2006’žDaniel 1937’žLubbock et al 1887’žLubbock 1870nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žquartz crystals; stalactite pieces0x0xx0x0nox’ž'ritual deposits'’žforecourtnononono0’ž40+0’žcobbledų@)x1nonono’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’žWalesno’žLubbock, J., Sir (Lord Avebury) & Douglas, D. M. 1871 Description of the Parc Cwm tumulus. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 26 (4th S Vol 2), 168-72’žLubbock, J., Sir (Lord Avebury), Douglas, D. M. & Vivian, H. H. 1887 Description of the Parc Cwm tumulus. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 42 (5th S Vol 4), 192-201’žDaniel, G. 1937 The chambered barrow in Parc le Breos Cwm, south Wales Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 3, 71-86’žWhittle, A. & Wysocki, M. 1998 Parc le Breos Cwm transepted long cairn, Gower, West Glamorgan: date, contents and context. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 64, 139-182’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusū£££ńvÖFFFFB;;;73331++++++++++++++)% žśöööōņņęŻŪÖÖŌŠĢČŦ¤ žœš˜–”’lhb\XRLHD@2ģģģŽ×ÓĻĶČÄľ³« —‡zl[U>) q’ž’’’½ł’`f<ĘóčüOCL+HVĘ Crµ’žST 89 NE 15’žGatcombe Lodge’žMinchinhampton 2’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8838 9972’ž38838 19972’ž388380’ž199720’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMinchinhampton’žCotswolds’žnonenpx6125’žGLO 15’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nonononoyesyes1"€’žNo information on ground surface4anono’žSW England’žPlayne, G. F. 1871 On the early occupation of the Cotteswold Hills by Man. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 5, 277-293’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows5HFFFFķcccccWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOKKK ’’vµ’žST 89 NE 15’žGatcombe Lodge’žMinchinhampton 2’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8838 9972’ž38838 19972’ž388380’ž199720’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMinchinhampton’žCotswolds’žnonenpx6125’žGLO 15’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nonononoyesyes1"€’žNo information on ground surface4anono’žSW England’žPlayne, G. F. 1871 On the early occupation of the Cotteswold Hills by Man. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 5, 277-293’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows5’žDarvill 2004VHFFFFķcccccWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOKKK ’’’’’šššāŚÖŅŠĢĢĢĘ»«£’Š‚ugVP9' q’~Ā$"Œh’žST 89 NE 12’žTingle Stone’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8823 9899’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žAvening’žCotswolds’žnone’žN-Sx3921’žstanding stone’žN end of moundd@ķ€’žnot excavated2ayesno’žn/a’žSW EnglandōōōčččččćßߣŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁÕÕŗ®®®®®®®®®®žŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŠ†„yne[JJJJ<60#h| ` !­r’žST 88 SW 3’žGiant's Caves’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8200 8296’ž38200 18296’ž382000’ž182960’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žLuckington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž114’žE-Wx’ž40.5’ž25.9’žWIL 2’žDarvill 2004nono’žOolitic Limestonenoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono47+0nož@ ’žChamber C (1?); Forecourt (3); passage4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žhearth?’ž3 hearthsyesx’žhearths (4)no’žSW England -WCno’žPassmore, A. D. 1934 The Giant's Caves long barrow, Luckington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 46, 380-6’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1970 The Giant's Caves, Luckington (WIL 2). Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 65B, 39-6348’žDarvill 2004#ŠņņņīįįįߣŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁĪĪÅÅÅĆæ½»¹·²­©„ ›–––”kk_[YUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ņīźźźźźźźźÜÕĻÉĒĀ½½·¬ „|tgYHB+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŒ7p’žST 87 SE 17’žLanhill Barrow’žHubba's Low’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8773 7472’ž38773 17472’ž387730’ž174720’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žChippenham Without’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž56.4’ž27.4’žWIL 3’žDarvill 2004’žCunnington 1909nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žporthole entrance; iron stone nodule; pebbles; saddle quern fragment1’žforecourt at E end of mound0xx0x0nox’žoccupation - pre-barrow domestic site?’žmainly at E end of barrownonono’žyes0’ž20+0’žslabņ@ x4no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxx’žsaddle quern’žnorth chambernox’žslabyes’žflint scatter; pitno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žCunnington 190946’žDarvill 2004Ķ²²²²””””œ˜ˆˆˆ„ppppjjjjjjjjjjjjddb^OA?=940,(# ū÷óļŌ¬Ŗ¦¤¢ žœš}{51+%!     śśśģåߣ×ŅĪĪČ½©˜…}pbQK4' q’Ā’’’½ł’ ęˆ'«f čvŠs’žHYs’žHY 41 SW 1’žWideford Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 4090 1211’ž34090 101211’ž340900’ž1012110’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnone’ž115x’ž14.5xx’žORK 54’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žsoil & clay¼@Éx1nonononono’žyesnox’žcairnx’žCell 2 and 3, passage, antechamber’žclay’žCell 1’žclay flor’žsoil and clay floor’žsoil and clay floor’žsoil and clay floornpxnono’žN Scotlandno’žThomas, F. W. L. 1852 Account of some of the Celtic antiquities of Orkney, including the Stones of Stenness, Tumuli, Picts-houses, etc. with plans Archaeologia, 34, 88-136 ( p 124-127)’žKilbride-Jones, H. E. 1973 On some aspects of Neolithic building techniques in Orkney. Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica, 4, 75-96’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press…Ļyń44440$$$ ģ×Ģľš˜‘‹†‚~zvrrrpnnbUSQQOKGA=;751/-+)'%#! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ŻÕÓŃĖÉÄľ“Ÿvn`RB<+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`f<ęĮ čыsLt’žSU 04 NW 3’žWhite Barrow’žTilshead 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0329 4685’ž40329 14685’ž403290’ž146850’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž77.7’ž47.5’žSU67’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth stratumØ@Éx1nononononononoxxx’žentire barrownoxno’žallnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 91)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41476’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum&°¬¬¬¬(ŌŌŌŌŠĄĄĄ¼øøø³ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ­©š˜–”Œˆ„€|xxxvtthSQOOMIC?;953/-+)'%#! żłõõõõč×××ČĀ¼¶“Æ««„”ŠtldWIC=0$ q’Ę’’’½ł’`fŒ’ęčüO©LbIżE4Äo’žST 91 NW 64o’žST 91 NW 64’žHand in Hand Flint Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žST 948 157’ž39480 11570’ž394800’ž115700’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žFarnham’žnone’žnonenpnpx’ž44.2’ž15.2’žGrinsells6r’žST 91 NW 64’žHand in Hand Flint Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žST 948 157’ž39480 11570’ž394800’ž115700’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žFarnham’žnone’žnonenpx’ž44.2’ž15.2’žGrinsell 1982, p 30nono’žclay with flintsnoń@•1nonpno’žSW England -WC’žBowden, M. & Tingle, M. 1984 Hand-In-Hand Flint Cairn, Tollard Farnham. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings, 106, 109-110’žGrinsell, L. V. 1982 Dorset Barrows Supplement, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society’žPastscape: www.pastscape.org54<<888©žžžžśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśööööööööōōōččččččččččččččččččččččččččččäŅĪŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹµµÆ©§£££—Ž€xph[OIC71 q’^Ą  "œh’žST 90 NW 4’žTelegraph Clump’žMonument # 209324’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9227 0933’ž39227 10933’ž392270’ž109330’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Hinton’žnone’žnone’žWNW-ESEx’ž10723’žnone’žnone<@ķ2a’žSW England -WCčččŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŌŌŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĀ¼ø³±ØØØ¢œŒ~vnfYKE?2h’~  ¶k’žST 90 NW 39’žBlandford Race Down’žTarrant Launceston I’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9294 0884’ž39294 10884’ž392940’ž108840’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Launceston’žnone’žnone’ž107’žSE-NWx4418’žKinnes ST 5’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959’žPiggott & Piggott 1944nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no@8x4nononononono’žyesxxxxnoxnp’žsouth of centre’ždark soil’ž50°522 44.603 N, 002°062 05.943 W’ž50°522 42.603 N, 002°062 01.043 W’žSW England -WCno’žPiggott & Piggott 1944’žGrinsell 195950’žKinnes 1992pc___P888884$łĪĪĆĆĆ²®®®®®®®®®®®®®®¬Ø¦¤¢ ›—“‹‡ƒƒƒsomkkie_[WUQOKIGECA?=;73/+'#ūģģģßŅĪŹČĮ¼¼¶°œŽ†~vi[UOB, q’Ę’’’½ł’`z˜wh’žST 90 NW 19’žLuton Down Long Barrow’žMonument # 209347’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9156 0666’ž39156 10666’ž391560’ž106660’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Rawston’žnone’žnone’ž104’žSE-NWx4222’žKinnes ST 4’žKinnes 1992’žRichardson 1897nono’žChalknoyesJ@ķ4anono’žSW England -WC’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’žRichardson, N. M. 1897 Proceedings during the season 1896-7 Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 18, xxi-lv50’žKinnes 1992REAAAA±;;;;;++++'''''''''''''''''''''''''########    žśśśśśéééÜĻĖĒž¹¹³­œŽ†~vi[UOB/ q’Ā "ŒĒž³’žST 89 SW 20’žWest Barrow’žLeighterton’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8192 9130’ž38192 19130’ž381920’ž191300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBoxwell with Leighterton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž179’žE-W’žn/a6745’žGLO 18’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nonononok@>2cno’žn/ano’žSW England’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žWitts, G. B. 1883 Archaeological Handbook of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, G Norman’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus50’žDarvill 2004^PLLLōžEEEEE99995500000000000000000000000,,,,,,,,(((     żżżļēćßŚÕŠŠŹæ„›Š‚zm_NH1$ q’Ā €"œÆ# č3Œs˜1’žSE 76 NE 5’žWestow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 7696 6516’ž47696 46516’ž476960’ž465160’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWestow’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’žSE-NW’žN/A2312’žSE 9’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963, p 194nonononononoyesnono’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0nox’žcremation flue’žE end of moundyesnonono007’žslabp@Éx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcremation trenchxx’žabove crematorium trenchnoxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 490-497)’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum²<77777źźźźęŪŪŪ×ÓÓÓŃĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÉÅ«©§•‹‡ƒ~zuuusqqe_][[YUQMG7'%!ż÷óļėēćßßßßßĢĢĢæ¹µ±¬„””›Š‚yh`XK=71$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`f„·†čĪ‚J¶ČĻĘyB Ąh’žST 91 SE 27’žParsonage Hill’žMonument # 210041’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9813 1138’ž39813 11138’ž398130’ž111380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žnone’žnone’žSSE-NNWx3223’žKinnes ST 8’žKinnes 1992@2a’žSW England -WCųųųčččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččččäääŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲĖ¾ŗ¶“«««„Ÿ‹~vnfYKE?2h’~  ÷b’žST 91 SE 23’žThickthorn Down’žMonument #210037’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9719 1225’ž39719 11225’ž397190’ž112250’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žCranborne Chase’žon top of a ridge on Thickthorn Downnp’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.5’ž18.3’žKinnes ST 10’žKinnes 1992’žBradley & Entwhistle 1985’žKinnes 1992’žThomas 1991’žAshbee 1984molluscanno’žchalkyesyes’žyesyesyesno’žcarved chalk phallus3’žcentral3’žditch causewayx0x0’žtimber posts’žditch causeway’žmortuary house (turf & chalk)’žSE endnononono000noÖDŠgZx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary house at SE’žditch causeway - 3 postholesnox’žyes’žn/a’žtimber posts; pits (3); flint knapping; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žKinnes 1992’žThomas 1991’žAshbee 1984’žBradley & Entwhistle 198558’žKinnes 1992aTP5(  šššéÆŖ„£ŸŸkkkkkkkkkieca_]XSOKFB>>><::.*(&&$  ķŻĻĶĖÉĒ·µ¬Ŗ”Š„yslhVVI</łóķėāŽøø§“†~vnaSMG:( q’排’’½ł’éēśgh’žST 91 SE 21’žGussage St Michael 11’žMonument # 210031’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9703 1238’ž39703 11238’ž397030’ž112380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žSE-NWx4318’žKinnes ST 9’žKinnes 19929@2a’žSW England -WCöööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööņņņęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęŁĢČÄĀ»»»¬¦’…}um`RLF9&h’~  h’žST 91 SE 17’žGussage Down South’žMonument # 210023’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9930 1310’ž39930 11310’ž399300’ž113100’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žESE-WNWx6125@2a’žSW England -WCėėėŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ×××ĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĆĮøøø©£‚zrj]OIC6#h’  ‚F’žST 91 SE 146’žLaunceston Down (B13)’žTarrant Launceston 4’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 9562 1064’ž39562 11064’ž395620’ž110640’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Launceston’žnone’žnone’žopen downland in the middle of Cranborne Chase70x’ž12.2xx’žKinnes ACd1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1959nono’žchalk capped with clay-with-flintsnonononoyesnono0x1’žcentrex0x0no’žcentral’žtimber postxnononono010’žflint nodulesĒ@x4nonononono’žyesnoxcx’žcentrenox’žpavment of flint nodules; postholesnoxnp’žn/a’žpostholes - mortuaryno’žSW England -WC’žtimber post’žyes’žGrinsell 195955’žKinnes 1979£–’’’’ƒƒ~~~qaaa]GB><8888888 ’ūöņīźęāāāąŽŽŅĆĮææ½¹µ±­«ž•‘‹‰}{wsmiea]9511111!!!żū÷ĒĮ»§™‘‰tfYSE/ q’’Ā’’’½ł’@ągŠ÷h’žST 91 SE 13’žGussage Down Centre’žMonument # 210019’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9947 1359’ž39947 11359’ž399470’ž113590’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žNW-SEx4722’žKinnes ST 14’žKinnes 1992T@ 2a’žSW England -WCõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńńńåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååŲŹĘĀĄ¹¹¹Ŗ¤ƒ{sk^PJD7$h’~  E LVALU Briscoe 1957: A primary Neolithic mound was later covered by a much larger BA mound. P 104 'Old ground level was indicated by a layer of discoloured soil, containing traces of humus , only 3 or 4 in thick in places, especially in the south quadrants. On the north side the layer was about a foot thick, dark grey in colour and containing numerous remnants of pottery and bones. Below this was yellow sand extending to the surface of the natural chalk rock.' Blacke’žBriscoe 1957: A primary Neolithic mound was later covered by a much larger BA mound. P 104 'Old ground level was indicated by a layer of discoloured soil, containing traces of humus , only 3 or 4 in thick in places, especially in the south quadrants. On the north side the layer was about a foot thick, dark grey in colour and containing numerous remnants of pottery and bones. Below this was yellow sand extending to the surface of the natural chalk rock.' Blackening caused by a fire covered an area 6m x 3.6 m and 0.6m deep. A hollow had been made in the ground surface and a bed of chalky marl laid down prior to the fire being started. A mass of burnt bone and small pieces of cremated bone were detected in the fill. 'Remains of two small fires containing numerous Neolithic sherds lay to the west on old ground level." P 106 - "No sign of postholes was found..." [Bronze Age cremation burial and mound not described here]]LVALmRobertson 2003: P 229 - 2 postholes in the base of the ditch may have been part of a structure . Four postholes, a pit and a short section of ditch were found within the enclosure, but, it is not ’žRobertson 2003: P 229 - 2 postholes in the base of the ditch may have been part of a structure . Four postholes, a pit and a short section of ditch were found within the enclosure, but, it is not clear if they were all contemporary. Four pits containing EN pottery were located within 35m of the enclosure, but their relationship to the enclosure is not clear, nor whether they are contemporary..w č‡ŒsÕH’žSK 15 NW 22’žPea Low’žSteep Lowe’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 1307 5646’ž41307 35646’ž413070’ž356460’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žAlstonefield’žPeak District’žnonenpxx’ž45.538’žBarnatt 1996nononono`@1no’žyesyesno’žCentral England’žBateman, T., 1848. Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London. (pp 76-77)’žBateman, T.,1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York (p 121) , Buxton, Moorland’žBarnatt, J. & Collis, J. R. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research, Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’ž213‚‚}}}r%%%%%                    ’’’óóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėēććććććććÕÕŃĖÉĒĆĆ½® ‡xph[M@:,  q’_Ą  "œkØčM1Ė'ɬF¹CĀĮh’žST 92 SW 10’žWh’žST 92 SW 10’žWhitesheet Hill Long Barrow’žMonument #210660’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žST 9424 2419’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAnsty’žnone’žnone’žENE-WSW’žn/a4122’žCunnington 1913-14nonononoÜ@€’žNot excavated2ano’žSW England -WCžžć××××××××××××××××××××××××××××ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒ³³³³³Æ«¦—‘ŠttttfQK>,h|Ā` r’žST 91 SW 22’žChettle Long Barrow’žChettle II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9373 1355’ž39373 11355’ž393730’ž113550’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChettle’žnone’žnone’ž114’žSE/NWx’ž57.9’ž19.8’žKinnes ST 13’žGrinsell 1959’žDrew & Piggott 1936’žWarne 1866nononono’žmortuary area’žSSE’žunknown„@\2cnonp’žmortuary areanp’žn/ano’ž50°552 17.103 N, 002°052 25.813 W’ž50°552 15.133 N, 002°052 20.913 W’žSW England -WCno’žDrew & Piggott 1936’žWarne 186660’žGrinsell 1959žļėėėėߏŹŹŹĘ¶‹``\\WWSSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@<<<<<<<<888,,,####### ’’’’óŽŽŽĻĮ»µ³¬§§”›’„|tl_QKE8, q’Ę $”zŒoüq’žST 91 SW 11’žPimperne Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9175 1049’ž39175 11049’ž391750’ž110490’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Hinton’žnone’žnone’ž113’žNNW/SSEx’ž100.6’ž19.8’žPimperne I’žGrinsell 1959’žWoolls 1839nonononor@Hģ2cnonp’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žWoolls 1839’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žGrinsell 1959†wsss<//////   žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžśöņīīīīīįįįŅĘĄ¹·®©©£wogZLF@3- q’Ā  "˜_h’žST 91 SE 9’žGussage Down North’žMonument # 210013’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9930 1382’ž39930 11382’ž399300’ž113820’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žLocated on the crest of Gussage Hill’žSE/NWX4719’žKinnes ST 15’žKinnes 1992ģ@2a’žSW England -WC)))                                       üīźę䯯·Ø¢Žyqi\NHB5"h’’~  h’žST 91 SE 39’žThickthorne Farm’žMonument # 210069’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9644 1317’ž39644 11317’ž396440’ž113170’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Hinton’žnone’žDorset Cursus85’žSSE-NNWx3321’žKinnes ST12’žKinnes 1992s@2a’žSW England -WCōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōšššäääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää׏ĘĀĄ·³³¤žŽ€xph[MGA4!h’  ūT’žST 91 SE 38’žChettle I’žThickthorn Bar’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9506 1280’ž39506 11280’ž395060’ž112800’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChettle’žnone’žnone’ž83.8’žENE/WSWx’ž97.5’ž19.8’žKinnes ST 11’žKinnes 1992’žBanks 1900’žHutchins 1813’žWarne 1866’žKinnes 1992nononono’žunknownČ@\2cno’žyesnp’žn/ano’ž50°542 52.873 N, 002°042 17.653 W’ž50°542 50.893 N, 002°042 12.743 W’žSW England -WC’žHutchins 1813’žWarne 1866’žKinnes 1992’žBanks 19006’žKinnes 1992õčęŚĶĮ²²²²²²¢wLLHHCC????????????????????:66666666222&&&  ōåŁŁŁĢ¾ø²°§””›•Œ~vnfYKE?2" q’Ž$ :ų’ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ nPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’ ^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’CčM(J#GŠÅ[B…±’žST 94 NW 17’žWarminster 6’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9024 4717’ž39024 14717’ž390240’ž147170’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx’ž32.3’ž16.5’žKinnes ST 39’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957’žCunnington 1913-14’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono1’žE centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010nod@x4nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žgravenpx’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington 1913-14’žKinnes 1992; Grinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-1463’žKinnes 1992:-))üčččččäŌŌŌŠÅÅÅĆææææøøøøøøøøøø¶²°®¬Ŗ„”™•‘‹‰‰}ywuusokgca][WUSQOMKA?;73/+'#łåÖÖÖÉ»µÆ­¦¢¢œ–Šzog_RD>8+% q’Ž’’’½ł’bføoh’žST 94 NE 7’žImber 4A’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9620 4815’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx2623€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WCøøøØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØؤ¤‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰…xxxrl`PEEEE71+h|@ 1•’žST 94 NE 18’žKnook 5’žKnook Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9675 4625’ž39675 14625’ž396750’ž146250’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKnook’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx2412’žKinnes ST 36’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957nononononononononono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno040’žblack earth stratums@ķx4nononononononoxxx’žbarrow floornox’žmortuary area; pitno’žmortuary area’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW England -WCno’žGrinsell 195761’žKinnes 1992’’’’šššššģÜÜÜŲæææ°¬¬¬¬¬¬¬˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’„‚€~zvrnjfbbb`^^R=;9973-)%# ’ū÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪĢĢĢæ±­©§¢žž˜’‹{ph`SE?9,  q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fˆ’Ś–’žST 93 NE 26’žStockton Barrow’žMonument #210822’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9657 3763’ž39657 13763’ž396570’ž137630’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žStockton’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx2912’žKinnes ST 25’žKinnes 1992’žMeyrick 1948nononononononononono1’žN of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono050no…@x4no’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žpit filled with flints and marlnox’žmortuary pitno’žSW England -WCno’žMeyrick 194861’žKinnes 1992’ņīīīīąąąąąÜĢĢĢČŗŗŗø““““““““““““““‘‹‰‡…}yuqlhhhfddXTRPPNJFB><8620.,*(& ’ū÷óļļļļļįįįŌĘĀ¾¼³ÆÆ©£™‰~vnaSMG:( q’Ā’’’½ł’€`fˆ†P’žST 93 NE 1’žSherrington Long Barrow’žMonument #210759’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9687 3918’ž39687 13918’ž396870’ž139180’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žSherrington’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž32.9’ž24.4’žKinnes ST 26’žKinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 1812nonononoyesnonononono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no"@x4nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnox’žpitnox’žpitno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare 181261’žKinnes 1992ļāŽŽŽŽĶĶĶĶĶɹ¹¹µ°°°®ŖŖŖŖŖ„„„„„„„„„£Ÿ›™—’ŽŠ†}yyywuuiecaa_[WSOMIGCA?=;97*($  žžžžžķķķąŅĢĘĽ¹¹³­ …}uhZTNA/ q’Ā’’’½ł’afˆgč+J'JGéC@GŒ’žST 94 SW 37’žCorton Long Barrow’žBoyton 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žST 9308 4033’ž39308 14033’ž393080’ž140330’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žBoyton’žSalisbury Plain’žnone’žfalse-crested; on a chalk slope above the River Wylie, with good views’ž140’žE-W’žn/a3618’žKinnes ST 28’ž Kinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 1812’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žMiddle Chalknonononononono2’žE end of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnononono080no×@sx4’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žpaired mortuary pitsno’ž51°092 43.993 N, 002°062 00.973 W’ž51°092 42.123 N, 002°052 56.043 W’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 181265’ž Kinnes 1992ŲŹĘĘʵØØØØؤ”i>:$   ū÷óļėęęęäāāÖŅŠĪĪĢČÄĄ¼ŗ¶“°®¬Ŗئ¤“‘‰…}yuga[[[[N===/! Ā¼«£“ˆ€xk]HB5+ q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą˜gx¤’žST 94 SE 6’žUpton Lovell 2A’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 9586 4277’ž39586 14277’ž395860’ž142770’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žUpton Lovell’žnone’žnonenpx?xx’žGrinsell 1957’žShell 2002nonononoyesnononoyes’ž60 bone points, boar tusks, eagle stones, shale ring & beads, bone bead; bronze awl1?0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020no¾nx4nononononononoxxxxnox’žgrave / unknown locationnpx’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCno’žShell 200265’žGrinsell 1957$ńńńķāāāąÜÜĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¼ŗø¶“°¬Ø¤ œ˜˜˜–””ˆ„‚€€~zvrnlhfb`^\ZXVTRż÷óļėåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÉÉÉŗŗø¶“²®®Ø¢”„yqi\NA;-' q’_Ā’’’½ł’hfˆo„¹’žST 94 SE 21’žKnook Barrow’žKnook 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9561 4461’ž39561 14461’ž395610’ž144610’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKnook’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx1530’žKinnes ST 31’žKinnes 1992nono’žchalknoyesnonononono1’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium deposit’žE of centrenononono00’ž7-8’žflint nodulesč@x4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žE of centre - 4.6 m long by 1.8 m widenox’žpit’žcrematorium depositnox’žmortuary pitno’žSW England -WCno65’žKinnes 1992 śśśöčččęāāāāĶĶĶČČČČČČČĘĀš˜–”‹‡ƒ~zuuusqqeVQOOMIEA=0   ’ū÷óļėåįŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅÅ·³Æ­¤  š”}rjbUGA;.% q’Ą’’’½ł’@bf€»’žST 94 NW 20’žBowl's Barrow’žHeytesbury 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9420 4678’ž39420 14678’ž394200’ž146780’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx’ž45.7’ž28.6’žKinnes ST 33’žKinnes 1992’žCunington 1922nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbluestone, sarsen fragments1’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žflint knapping area; paved mortuary area;’žE ; SE edge of barrownonoyesno0160’žflint floorm@x4no’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žmortuary area at Enox’žflint kanpping area’žpaved mortuary areano’žbarrow’žflint knapping; mortuary pit; dark soilno’ž51°132 12.833 N, 002°052 03.693 W’ž51°132 10.983 N, 002°042 58.753 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 87-88)’žCunnington, B. H. 1922 "Blue hard stone, ye same as at Stonehenge," found in Boles [Bowls] Barrow (Heytesbury I). Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 41, 172-74’žCunnington, W. 1889 Notes on Bowl's Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 24, 104-125’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum65’žKinnes 1992ąÓĻĻYē0ŚŚŚÕŃĮ–kg>>>62222īģźčćßŪÖŃĢČČČĘÄÄø«©„„£Ÿ™•‘zOMIGECA?=0. ’łõńķéééé飣ŁĢ¾ø²°«««„Ÿ“ƒxph[MGA4& q’~Ā’’’½ł’cž¼?É LVALŁ Greenwell 1877 p 510:  The burials, which were discovered along the mesial line of the barrow and towards the east end, had been placed on the natural surface, but the turf appeared to have been pared off, there being no layer of dark mould overlying the sandy soil, such as would naturally have been found if the old surface had been left intact. The mound was made of earth, but there wer’žGreenwell 1877 p 510:  The burials, which were discovered along the mesial line of the barrow and towards the east end, had been placed on the natural surface, but the turf appeared to have been pared off, there being no layer of dark mould overlying the sandy soil, such as would naturally have been found if the old surface had been left intact. The mound was made of earth, but there were some stones along the middle of the barrow over that part where the burial deposits had been made. [Greenwell goes on to describe the interments  they comprised the disarticulated remains of at least five people, and several flint flakes ]  none of them had been placed there in a complete condition, all having the appearance as though they had been brought from some previous place of deposit. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  ^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ź LVALś Nash 2006 - Beaker pottery & arrowhead are likely evidence of later use. Phillips 1936 argues they are a primary deposit. Phillips 1936 : p 96 '..a practically uniform layer of fine black earth containing much charcoal was covering the whole fl’žNash 2006 - Beaker pottery & arrowhead are likely evidence of later use. Phillips 1936 argues they are a primary deposit. Phillips 1936 : p 96 '..a practically uniform layer of fine black earth containing much charcoal was covering the whole floor& it seldom exceeded 5 cm in thickness& scattered freely through this deposit were three beach pebbles and 110 pieces of broken white quartz of varying size& P 97 'At the entrance to the chamber there was a small patch of earth fired to a bright red colour & 'ųč MÕHŃH=EĆAqF’žSU 01 NW 13’žHandley 27’žMonument # 213496’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0122 1738’ž40122 11738’ž401220’ž117380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chasex’ž17.5xx’žHandley 27’žGrinsell 1959’žBarrett et al 1991nonono:k’žSU 01 NW 13’žHandley 27’žMonument # 213496’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0122 1738’ž40122 11738’ž401220’ž117380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chasex’ž17.5xx’žHandley 27’žGrinsell 1959’žBarrett et al 1991nonononoyes1’žoutside ditch to the NE÷@4’žyes’žyesyesnono’žpit?no’žSW England -WC’žBarrett et al 199170’žGrinsell 1959†wssss______OOOKEA==777777777777777777772--------+++žžžśöņīīīīīŚŚŚĖæ½»µ³³³³¢ƒ{sk^PJD6# q’?~Ā  'ˆh’žSU 01 NW 113’žWyke Down I’žnone’žhenge?’žClassic henge’žSU 0065 1528’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žHarding 058’žHarding 1987’žGreen 1983’žGreen 1984 €’žhengiform2d’žSW England -WCĻĻĻæææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ»»¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤˜ŒŒŒ~qqqqqqqqq]PHHHH:++#ho`@ 8’’žST 99 NW 7’žWindmill Tump’žRodmarton’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 9326 9730’ž39326 19730’ž393260’ž197300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žRodmarton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž146’žENE-WSWx5322’žGLO 16’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žbone pendants; haematite2’žforecourt; south chamber3’žsouth chamber - around gravex0x0nox’žcromlech’žE end of moundyesnonono0’žunknown0?d¬x4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žeast end of moundxx’žNorth Chambernox’žpavement?’žgrave’žfire; triliths & dsw; pityesxnono’žpits; postholes; stone settingno’žSW Englandno’žyes7’žDarvill 2004Ÿ‘ŠŠŠ†zzzvUQMKEEEEEEEEE)))"žėēāŻŲÓĪÉÉÉĒÅŹ·µ¬¬Ŗ¦¢ž˜ˆ~|xvtrpRP64žśöņīīīīīīīīąŲŌŠĪÅĄĄŗƤš‰yl^MG0% q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg‚oŚ’žST 95 SW 13’žTinhead Barrow’žEdington 7’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9389 5239’ž39389 15239’ž393890’ž152390’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žEdington’žnone’žnonenp’žENE/WSWx6321’žKinnes ST 41’žKinnes 1992nonononononoyesnonono’žmortuary area’žeast of centreno’žunknown0@4anonononononono’žmortuary areayesno’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180, 194-195)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum69’žKinnes 1992B5111»7‹‹‹‹‡wwwwssssmmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ZVRNJFBBB>>>220''''###üųņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĶæ»·µ¬ØØ¢œ’‚wogZLF@3' q’Ą’L,ł"bœoy€’žST 94 SW 6’žHeytesbury’žHeytesbury 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9249 4417’ž39249 14417’ž392490’ž144170’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx’ž48.8’ž27.4’ž Kinnes ST 30’ž Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno01+0’žblack earth layerĶ@tx4no’žyesnononononoxxc’žentire barrownox’žmortuary area, pityes’žall’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW England -WCno67’ž Kinnes 1992’ńķķķķķķķķķ飣ŁÕ¼¼¼·±±±±±›—ˆ†„‚~zvrnieeecaaUB@<<:60,(&" żłõńķēćßŪ××××××××Éŗ“®¬§§§”›tldWIC=0" q’~Ą’’’½ł’af€BLVALRs layer of clay and ashes was easily detached from the natural subsoil below, from which it separated in large cake-like masses. Each of these masses was carried out into the open to be crumbled and searched& .."-LVAL=Site is located 30 m east of the east end of Stonehenge cursus. Richards 1990: Only a single 10 m x 4 m trench was excavated, the purpose was to examine the surviving structure of the barrow. p. 97-8 Pre-excavation surve’žSite is located 30 m east of the east end of Stonehenge cursus. Richards 1990: Only a single 10 m x 4 m trench was excavated, the purpose was to examine the surviving structure of the barrow. p. 97-8 Pre-excavation survey showed that the mound ..had been totally destroyed [by ploughing] with the consequent loss of the buried soil. Excavation confirmed this observation.. P 96 - the inhumations recovered by Thurnam were probably not primaryU čeŠs[p’žSU 14 SW 3’žAmesbury 42’žMonument #219431’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1374 4318’ž41374 14318’ž413740’ž143180’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žN-Sx8115’žSU 62’žGrinsell 1957; Kinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žCunnington 1913-14yesnoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx2’žS end of mound; mound destroyed0nox’žfint knapping site in ditch - contemporary’žditch basenonoyesno000’ždark stratumĆ@x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žbarrownoxyes’žallnono’ž51°112 15.823 N, 001°482 16.953 W’ž51°112 13.943 N, 001°482 11.903 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žRichards, J. 1990 The Stonehenge Environs Project, London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press91’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŠqķvqqlhX-žśśśõļļļļļļļļļļļļļļķéį߯ŪÖŃĶÉÅĮ½½½»¹¹­Ÿ››™•‹‡{OMIG&$"  üųųųņņņņŽŃŃѵ®Ŗ¦¤ŸŸŸŸ™„yqi\NHB5# q’?~Fž’’½ł’`žžOI čYŠs.¤’žST 84 NE 5’žArn Hill’žWarminster 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8738 4706’ž38738 14706’ž387380’ž147060’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnone’žSSW-NNEx’ž40.2’ž22.8’žST 38’ž Kinnes 1992’žThurnam 1869’žCunnington 1913-14nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone; paved mortuary area’žSSW; south endnononono030’žchalk block / marl.@x1nononononononoxxx’žSSWnox’župright sarsen stone’žpaved mortuary areanpxnono’ž51°132 21.493 N, 002°102 55.283 W’ž51°132 19.653 N, 002°102 50.383 W’žSW England -WC’žstanding stone’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 65)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žField, D. 2006 Earthen Long Barrows, Stroud, Tempus (p 84)46’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¦0,,īSĻ||||l\1žžžüųųųććĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖĒĀĄ¾¼ø“°¬Ø¤   žœœ|zxxvrnjfV1/+)'%#! ’ū÷óóóóßŃŃŃĆ¼¶°®„„„Ÿ™}rjbUGA;.  q’~Ę’’’½ł’e~¼otčüOnĪZKÉ'GYŐĆh’žSU 01 NW 42’žPentridge 20’žMonument # 213535’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0416 1876’ž40416 11876’ž404160’ž118760’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žNNW-SSEx8014’žnone’žnoneŲ@ 2a’žSW England -WCčččŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŌŌŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĀ¼ø“²©©©š”‰|tldWIC=0h’~  h’žSU 01 NW 40’žPentridge 21’žMonument # 213531’žlong barrow’žbank barrow’žnone’žSU 0410 1909’ž40410 11909’ž404100’ž119090’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žSE-NWx5518’žnone’žnonem@ 2a’žSW England -WCķķķŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĒĮ½¹·°h’žSU 01 NW 42’žPentridge 20’žMonument # 213535’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0416 1876’ž40416 11876’ž404160’ž118760’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žNNW-SSEx8014’žnone’žnoneŲ@ 2a’žSW England -WCčččŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŌŌŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĀ¼ø“²©©©š”‰|tldWIC=0h’~  h’žSU 01 NW 40’žPentridge 21’žMonument # 213531’žlong barrow’žbank barrow’žnone’žSU 0410 1909’ž40410 11909’ž404100’ž119090’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žSE-NWx5518’žnone’žnonem@ 2a’žSW England -WCķķķŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĒĮ½¹·°°°”›ƒ{sk^PJ=0h’~  0r’žSU 01 NW 39’žPentridge 23’žBokerley 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0394 1951’ž40394 11951’ž403940’ž119510’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žCranborne Chasenp’žSE-NWx2821’žPentridge III’žGrinsell 1959’žBowen 1990; Hoare 1812 Pp 234-5nonononoį@4ano’žyesyesno’žSW England -WC’žBowen 1990; Hoare 1812 Pp 234-570’žGrinsell 1959sd````>>>>>>....****$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                            ’ūūūūūŁŁŁŹ»·³±Ŗ¦¦¦•Š}umeXJD>1% q’?Ā  "ˆh’žSU 01 NW 183’žHandley 37’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 0098 1654’ž40098 11654’ž400980’ž116540’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chase’žnone7xx’žHandley 24’žGrinsell 1959yesyesZ@2b’žyes’žSW England -WCźźźŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃŃŃÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅææ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹Ŗžœš˜˜˜˜’obZRJ=///"hĻ|  šk’žSU 01 NW 15’žHandley 26’žMonument #213498’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 0128 1726’ž40128 11726’ž401280’ž117260’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chasex12xx’žKinnes Dc2’žKinnes 1979’žBarrett et al 1991nononoyesnoyesnono’žshale slider10-@4anononononono’žyesnpnpnpno’žSW England -WC’žBarrett, J. C., R. Bradley & M. Greene, 1991. Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.70’žKinnes 1979ssssscccc_[WWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSNJFB>:666222&&$""""""""""""""""""" üųųōšššššÜÜÜĻĆĮ滹¹¹¹Ø–‰yqdVIC5# q’?~Āž,ł #„'h’žSU 01 NW 142’žWyke Down II’žnone’žhengiform monument’žSU 0063 1526’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žFrench at al 2001 €’žhengiform2d’žSW England -WC­­­™™‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚ooooooooooooo[NFFFF888$hO@ Š LVALš Pastscape: Hayes considered this to be the remains of Wass long barrow excavated by Greenwell (3). Greenwell 1877 - p 502 - human remains were found not at the higher broader end of the mound, but at the lower, narrower end. P 502 - PITS - 'excavated holes, something of the same character as [Pit 1} and occupying the same position with regard to the place of burial, have already been described in the account of the Westow and ’žPastscape: Hayes considered this to be the remains of Wass long barrow excavated by Greenwell (3). Greenwell 1877 - p 502 - human remains were found not at the higher broader end of the mound, but at the lower, narrower end. P 502 - PITS - 'excavated holes, something of the same character as [Pit 1} and occupying the same position with regard to the place of burial, have already been described in the account of the Westow and Rudstone long barrows; and...I should be included to consider this one, as well as the other two, to have been designed with a view to aid in the application of fire to the deposit of bones it was sought to calcine, after the manner practiced in the long barrows.' P 503 - MESIAL BONE DEPOSIT: this material had undergone the action of a very fierce fire to which intense burning the absence of charcoal is probably to be attributed."eč9ĪĢÉ?Ē`Å_CĮh’žSU 01h’žSU 01 SW 12’h’žSU 01 SW 12’žWimborne St Giles 38’žMonument # 213773’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0146 1476’ž40146 11476’ž401460’ž114760’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWimborne St Giles’žnone’žnone’žSW-NEx3627’žnone’žnone€’žNot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCżżżķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķéééĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĒĮ½¹·°°°Ŗ¤‘„|tl_QKE8%h’~  V6’žSU 01 SW 106’žGreat Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0254 1028’ž40254 11028’ž402540’ž110280’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnonex’ž44.1xx’žBarrett et al 1991nonononoÅ@"4a’žyesnpno’žSW England -WC’žBarrett et al 199170  ōōōōōōääääąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ××××××××ÓÓÓĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ»·····£££££”Ÿ™————‘†yqiaTF@:,& q’?Ā  "ˆh’žSU 01 SW 103’žKnowlton North’žnone’žhenge’žlong barrow’žnone’žSU 0230 1045’ž40230 11045’ž402300’ž110450’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnone’žKnowlton Circles’žNW, SE94xx’žHarding 050’žHarding 1987€’žnot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCžžžīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźźźĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĄ³±Æ«£££‘‹€skc[N@:-& h’~  h’žSU 01 SW 102’žChurch Henge’žKnowlton Central Circle’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSU 0239 1028’ž40239 11028’ž402390’ž110280’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnone’žKnowlton Circles’žNE, SWx’ž10694’žHarding 051’žHarding 1987€’žnot excavated.2a’ž50°532 31.363 N, 001°582 02.353 W’ž50°532 29.363 N, 001°572 57.403 W’žSW England -WCaaaQ&ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷÷÷ŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶĄ¼·µ­­­›•Š}umeXJD>7h’~ 8h’žSU 01 SW 101’žKnowlton South’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žSU 02461 09967’ž402461 109967’ž402461’ž109967’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnone’žKnowlton Circlesnp’žunknown’ž250xx’žHarding 052’žHarding 1987pendingpendingnonononononono2’žditch (slot trenches)0xx0x00xnoxnononono000noā@"x6bnonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žn/an/a’žSW England -WC¹¹¹©©©©©©”Ÿ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™—“‘‹†}yuqmmmigg[WUSSQMIEA?;97531/-+ žśöö茌ŚŚŚŚŚŚĢæ½»¶­©©—‘†yqiaRB3-& h’Ąž’’½ł’ą h’žSU 01 SE 30’žPistle Down’žMonument #213703’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0927 1038’ž40927 11038’ž409270’ž110380’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žVerwood’žnone’žnonenp’žNW/SEx’ž19.8’ž16.5’žKinnes Su1’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959nonononoyes"€’žno information on ground surface2dnono’žSW England -WC===----)))))))))))))))))))))))))%%%%%%%%!!!óóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóķķķķéåįŻŻŻŻŻĪĪĪĮµÆ©§ œœ–‡zrjbUGA;.h’Ā# "h’žSU 01 NW 47’žPentridge 18’žMonument # 213548’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0258 1694’ž40258 11694’ž402580’ž116940’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žNE-SWx4215’žnone’žnoneL@ 2a’žSW England -WCęęęÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŅŅŅĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĄŗ¶²°©©©š”‰|tldWIC=0h’~  šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  ^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’1č?Ī;N-K*H/EKCqL’žSU 04 NW 5’žSilver Barrow’žOrcheston 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0455 4723’ž40455 14723’ž404550’ž147230’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žOrcheston’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx4035nonono7å@"€’žNo excavation records2c’žn/ano’žSW England -WC76          śśśśööńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńķķŹ¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼øø“°°°°°°°°°°¬Ø¦ŸŸŸ™“ˆ}rjbUGA;.!p’Ąd€"€qL’žSU 04 NW 3’žWhite Barrow’žTilshead 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0329 4685’ž40329 14685’ž403290’ž146850’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž77.7’ž47.5’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnononorL|’žSU 04 NW 5’žSilver Ba|’žSU 04 NW 5’žSilver Barrow’žOrcheston 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0455 4723’ž40455 14723’ž404550’ž147230’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žOrcheston’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx4035nonono7å@"2c’žn/ano’žSW England -WC76ļļėėėėėėėėėėŪŪŪŪ××ŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪĪĪĀĀĀĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼¼ø““““““““““°¬Ŗ£££—ŒvnfYKE?2% q’Ą$€"€ t’žSU 04 NW 3’žWhite Barrow’žTilshead 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0329 4685’ž40329 14685’ž403290’ž146850’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž77.7’ž47.5’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth stratumų@yx4nononononononoxxx’žentire barrownoxno’žall’ždark soilno’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-1476’žGrinsell 1957÷óóóāÕÕÕÕÕŃĮĮĮ½²²²­©©©©©©©©©©©©©©§£”’ŽŠ†‚~zvrrrpnnbMKIIGC=953/-)'%#!  ’ū÷óļļļļāŃŃŃĀĀ¼¶“Æ««„”ŠtldWIC=0$ q’_Ę’’’½ł’`f˜’ ‚’žSU 04 NW 12’žTilshead Lodge’žTilshead 5’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0211 4751’ž40211 14751’ž402110’ž147510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx5313’žKinnes SU 70’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno020’žblack earth stratum&@$x4nononononono’žyesxxx’žallnoxno’žall’ždark soilno’žSW England -WCno’žGoddard 1913-14’žGrinsell 195776’žKinnes 1992żżżīŻŻŻŻŻŁÉÉÉÅŗŗŗµ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Æ«¦¤¢ ›—“‹‡ƒƒƒs^\ZZXTNJFD@>:86420.,*&" ļąąąÓÅĮ½»²®®Ø—‚wogZLF@3' q’Ę’’’½ł’`f˜’|”’žSU 04 NW 11’žKill Barrow’žTilshead 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0001 4789’ž40001 14789’ž400010’ž147890’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž51.220’žKinnes SU 69’ž Kinnes 1992’žCunnington 1914’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žE of centrenononono003+no @$x4a’žyesnonononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areanoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žGoddard 1913-14; Cunnington 191475’ž Kinnes 1992 åååååįŃŃŃĶÉÉÉĒĆĆĆĆ““““““““““²®¬Ŗئ”™•‘ˆˆˆ„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZM><86420.,*($  ļŽŽŽŠĀ¾ø¶Æ««„”ŠtldWIC=0$ q’Ę’’’½ł’bfˆ h’žSU 01 SW 81’žOld Churchyard’žnone’žhengiform monument’ženclosure’žnone’žSU 0224 1037’ž40224 11037’ž402240’ž110370’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnone’žKnowlton’žNW,SE60xx’žnone’žnoneK@ķ2a’žSW England -WCąąąŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢĢĢĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄŗ“²°¬„„„›•Š}umeXJD9%h’~  ß čļ‹s˜ś’žSE 58 SE 39’žKilburn’žWass long barrow’žlong barrow’žround barrow?’žnone’žSE 5624 8016’ž45624 48016’ž456240’ž480160’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žByland with Wass’žnone’žnone’žon the southern slope of Hambleton Hill’ž250’žN-Sx1815’žSE 17’žKinnes 1992nononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žS end of mound along line of mesial bone deposit0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono001+nof@ x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmesial bone deposit 1 m wide 6 m longxxxnoxyesxno’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 501-505)’žPastscape:’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum —’’’’t''''# ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’żł÷õóĢĒĀ¾ŗµ±¬¬¬ŖØØœ˜”’’Œˆ„~|xvrpnljhf42.*$ ūōšģźåą·±«™wobTN?2  q’’Ąž’’½ł’ągŒw‘čYLčHFC©Ąh’žSU 05 h’žSU 05 NE 3’žMarden’žh’žSU 05 NE 3’žMarden’žHatfield Earthworks’žhenge enclosure’žnone’žSU 0908 5820’ž40908 15820’ž409080’ž158200’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBeechingstoke’žnone’žnone’ž105’žN, Ex’ž280’ž429’žHarding 196’žHarding 1987’žCunnington 1955-6yesyesyes1numerous’žpost-hole circle’žoccupation floor’žbeneath the bank at the N entrance1L@(+@ ņ6b’žoccupation’žflint’žSW England -WC}}}vjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjffZNNNLLLLLLL(ōōņņņģęęąąąąąąąąąĶĶĶ沭ئ ››•€xme]PBB<+hß4 d&k’žSU 05 NE 2’žHatfield Barrow’žBeechingstoke 1’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 0918 5820’ž40918 15820’ž409180’ž158200’žWiltshire’žKennet’žMarden’žnone’ž107x’ž64-73xx’žMeyrick 1947’žCunnington 1955’žWainwright 1971nono’žUpper Greensand bedrocknononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono00’žunknownno®@zx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žallxxxnoxnox’žfire - cremation?no’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington 1955’žWainwright 1971’žMeyrick 194776  łč×××××ÓĆĆĆ欬¬Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš•‹‡ƒ~zuuusqqeaXVVTPLHB@<:6420.,*(&" ļėēēēÖÅ·····µ³¬Ŗ„„„Ÿ—„|tgYLF8' q’?Ī’’’½ł’`føŸe’žSU 04 SE 70’žWinterbourne Stoke 44’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbell barrow’žSU 0902 4351’ž40902 14351’ž409020’ž143510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenpx23xxnonononoyesnoyesnonono2’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono001no7@<x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žentire barrowxxnox’žpit - cremation’žpit -sheep burialnoxno’žpits; ground preparationno’žSW England -WCno76ÜÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŌÄÄÄĄ¦¦¢ œœœœœœ‰xxxxxxxvrpn_]XSOKFB===;99-)'%%#  žüśņšģč䎌ŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀĄ¼ŗ¶¶°Ŗ–‹€xpcUHB4. q’Ą’’’½ł’Ąąf€sĮg’žSU 04 SE 33’žWinterbourne Stoke 53’žWinterbourne Stoke Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0915 4279’ž40915 14279’ž409150’ž142790’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx36’ž19.5’žKinnes SU 66’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono2’žE end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono001+’žyeso@#4x4’žyesno’žyesnononono’žE end of moundxx’žcremation area - East end of moundnox’žcremation platform;, 2 pitsyesxno’žn/a’žmortuary pits - 2; fireno’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-1476’ž Kinnes 1992|njjjYLLLLLH8884    ķķķķķķķķķķėēĆĮæÆ«§£Ÿš–‘‘‘|xvvtplhb`\ZVTRPNLJ:840,($ ņņņäÖŠĢŹÅĮĮ»µ”–‹ƒ{n`ZTG. q’Ę’’’½ł’āg˜æˆ~’žSU 04 NW 9’žTilshead Old Ditch’žTilshead 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0230 4683’ž40230 14683’ž402300’ž146830’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž118.9’ž30.5’žKinnes SU 68’ž Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono1’žSW end of mound beside mortuary area0xx0x0nox’žpaved mortuary area & platform cremation; paved mortuary area’žNE end of mound; SW end of moundnonoyesno052’žblack earth stratum|@"x4nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire barrow’žflint pavement’žmortuary areas’žpaved mortuary area’žpaved mortuary areano’žall’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW England -WCno76’ž Kinnes 1992²¤         œŒŒŒˆooojfffQ<<<<<<<<<<,   žśöńķéééēååŁÄĀĄĄ¾ŗ“°¬ŠKIECA?=;9  ż÷óļėēēēēēēēēŁĖž¼µ±±«š…zrj]OIC6* q’Ą’’’½ł’ff€oLVALRUu'–:Pu7Ā¢=5B>b* c–že” gž3h6ZiFējg>k ŚéČK Ģ[Excavation #], [Excavation Records].[Excavation Report], [Excavation Records].[Excav Record: Quality]ĪlĻYhSSć@Šx äąn˜ł‰ŽN¬Ģj-h£ Üœ $Excavation RecordsŻ 4Excavation Records Subformē  @Calibriź½ 8ź °h”ė¾ 8 œœC’€š 4dXXA4œBJDM 0££Rt,T`Oäp,T`OäpRt,TTō`Oäp,TTō,TTō`OäpXXDRAFTSample 1' d VT$m VT$m“H ’’ ’’Rtē’ ēCanon MP160 Printer ܜ߁ š 4dż’A4u3cøģæ 70USB0011ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%ĢLVALC82eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# F¦½č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelĘĒČÉYLVALŠŠŠŠŠsWhittle 1991: P 200 - "base part of the apparent mound is in fact therefore solid chalk. It is unclear whether this is tNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording.’žWhittle 1991: P 200 - "base part of the apparent mound is in fact therefore solid chalk. It is unclear whether this is the result of artifical scarping of the original ridge, or of massive erosion of the original berm& " P 200 "Careful search for marks of cultivation was made, but none were seen and it is doubtful whether such a soil woud preserve any.." P 230 - Mollusca and pollen evidence suggest the barrow was sited close to the edge of former cultivated areas. (Detailed environmental analysis and reconstruction)’žDarvill 2004 - p 253 "The mound possibly covers a timber chamber" Thurnam 1868: "rifled before; skeletons N end; no secondary interments"’žAshbee et al 1979: PRE-BARROW ACTIVITY - p 264 - barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. Certain features post-date the cultivation but association with barrow is unclear: concentrations of flint knapping debris, patches of charcoal on the OGS, stakeholes not part of the fencing system, areas of fine chalk rubble on the OGS. A line of 34 stakeholes extended diagonally across the site. A pit dug into the chalk rubble at the extreme front of the monument s a secondary feature - likely LN or Beaker (Ashbee 1966 p 257)’žCunnington 1914: "Opened by Thurnam but it had been rifled before and he only found the remains of skeletons. No particulars are given." He also found a secondary Saxon burial.’žWainwright 1971: "Evidence for occupation of the site which preceded ’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording.’žWhittle 1991: P 200 - "base part of t’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording.’žWhittle 1991: P 200 - "base part of the apparent mound is in fact therefore solid chalk. It is unclear whether this is the result of artifical scarping of the original ridge, or of massive erosion of the original berm& " P 200 "Careful search for marks of cultivation was made, but none were seen and it is doubtful whether such a soil woud preserve any.." P 230 - Mollusca and pol’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording.’žAshbee et al 1979: PRE-BARROW ACTIVITY - p 264 - barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. Certain features post-date the cultivation but association with barrow is unclear: concentrations of flint knapping debris, patches of charcoal on the OGS, stakeholes not part of the fencing system, areas of fine chalk rubble on the OGS. A line of 34 stakeholes extended diagonally across the ’žNo information on buried ground surface. Kinnes excluded this site from his gazeteer of excavated sites, probably due to poor recording.®čMĆHæH1EĘBrS¢’žSU 06 NE 75’žLongstones Barrow’žAvebury 17’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 0870 6914’ž40870 16914’ž408700’ž169140’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žNE-SW’žn/a6836’žWIL 34’žDarvill 2004’žCunnington 1914nonononoyes’žbronze fragment@(4a’žyesnonpyesno’žSW England -WC’žCunnington 191483hddddSSSSSSCCCC????99999999999999999999511111,,,(((   żłõõõõõäääÖĪŹĘĮŗ¶¶°„œ”‰yl^IC6* p’Ā“  "ˆ3rRČ’žSU 06 NE 7’žEaston Down’žBishops Cannings 65’žchambered long bar¢’žSU 06 NE 75’žLongstones Barrow’žAvebury 17’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 0870 6914’ž40870 16914’ž408700’ž169140’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žNE-SW’žn/a6836’žWIL 34’žDarvill 2004’žCunnington 1914nonononoyes’žbronze fragment@(4a’žyesnonpyesno’žSW England -WC’žCunnington 191483’žDarvill 2004vhddddSSSSSSCCCC????99999999999999999999511111,,,(((   żłõõõõõäääÖĪŹĘĮŗ¶¶°„œ”‰yl^IC6* q’Ā“  "ˆ7ŪČ’žSU 06 NE 7’žEaston Down’žBishops Cannings 65’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0637 6610’ž40637 16610’ž406370’ž166100’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnone’ž200’žE-W’žn/a4525’žWIL 19’žDarvill 2004’žThurnam 1868yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žpollennoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx2’žW end of mound0noxnoxno’žyes?no’žyes040no@(x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnox’žmound’žpollen evidencexnoxyesx’žcultivation?; stakeholesno’ž51°232 38.213 N, 001°542 35.143 W’ž51°232 36.423 N, 001°542 30.113 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žThurnam 186982’žDarvill 2004™‹‡‡‡‡yytttp`5 ģģģźääääääääääääääāŽÜĖÄĀ¾¹µ±¬Ø¤¤¤¢  ”ŽŒŒŠ…{wuqokiYWUSQA?;71-% ņņņäÜŲŌĻŹÅÅ涤œ‘‰tfUO8# q’Ā’’’½ł’`~ŠŠĢ¤’žSU 06 NE 17’žSouth Street Long Barrow’žAvebury 68’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0900 6927’ž40900 16927’ž409000’ž169270’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnone’žin an area of low ground just to the north of a low hill’ž164’žESE-WNWx’ž41.315’žWIL 36; Kinnes SU 107’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992’žEvans & Burleigh 1969’žAshbee et al 1979’žAshbee 1984yesyes’žMiddle Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin1’žin frontal chalk rubble0xx’ž65 (not related to fencing system)’žvarious0’žwooden fencing; system of bays;’žall’žard marks’žbeneath barrownonono’žyes300no&@(’žvarious4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxx’žallxnoxyesx’žcultivation; pit, stakeholes, hearth; Mesolithic flints’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žAshbee et al 1979’žAshbee 1984’žEvans & Burleigh 196976’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992Y>::#žžžśźźźćŖŖŖØ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ œš•“‘ˆ„€{vrrrpgg[WUSSQLHD@0% ’żōŠĪĢŹ±Æ„”›•‘‹…wqkkk^K444žųöķč®Ø”ŒyqdVPJ=1 q’’Ī’’’½ł’`fŗ7¶’žSU 05 SE 22’žEll Barrow’žWilsford 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0730 5136’ž40730 15136’ž407300’ž151360’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWilsford’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx’ž51.536’žKinnes SU 73’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žCunnington 1913-14nonononononononononono’žunknown0“@(4ano’žyesnononono’žyesyesno’ž51°152 41.043 N, 001°532 48.093 W’ž51°152 39.193 N, 001°532 43.073 W’žSW England -WC’žCunnington 1913-14’žGoddard 1913-1476’žKinnes 1992śķéééŲÄÄÄÄÄÄ“‰^^ZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOKGC?:666222&&$ ’ū÷óļļļļŪŹŹŹ½Æ«„£œœœ–†~skcVHB</# q’~Ę’@,ł :˜æP LVAL` Mapleton 1866 - P 354 Compartment 1 - 'On removing the stones and rubbish which had filled it up, I found a kind of white concrete, full of charcoal, extending over the whole surface. On this concrete were deposits of burnt bone, but chiefly at the sides and in the corners. ...Under the concrete were about 3 or 4 inches of imported yellow sand. In this we found two manufactured oblong flint implements...several unfinished implements, and chips of flint. These were found under the concrete and deposit of bone. The concrete appeared as if it had never been disturbed.' Compartment 2: also lined with sand;  A cross bar of stone had formerly been placed near the top at the west end; and it was found lying at the bottom with burnt bones upon it, behind it, and under it. The bone was coarsely burnt. Rather large flat st’žMapleton 1866 - P 354 Compartment 1 - 'On removing the stones and rubbish which had filled it up, I found a kind of white concrete, full of charcoal, extending over the whole surface. On this concrete were deposits of burnt bone, but chiefly at the sides and in the corners. ...Under the concrete were about 3 or 4 inches of imported yellow sand. In this we found two manufactured oblong flint implements...several unfinished implements, and chips of flint. These were found under the concrete and deposit of bone. The concrete appeared as if it had never been disturbed.' Compartment 2: also lined with sand;  A cross bar of stone had formerly been placed near the top at the west end; and it was found lying at the bottom with burnt bones upon it, behind it, and under it. The bone was coarsely burnt. Rather large flat stones were placed in various parts of this compartment, forming recesses, in which were burnt bone. Compartment 3: Page 355:  A pavement of stones, not very carefully made, covered the surface under the rubbish, and under this was a great quantity of imperfectly burnt bone, chiefly at the sides and in the corners& ..On digging through the sand to the rock beneath it, we found charcoal, almost on the rock itself. Some pieces were very large (i.e. in diameter as large as a shilling), and in one spot especially the sand was run, hardened, and reddened by fire. The whole surface of sand gave me the impression of being baked, even, in compartments one and two ; but there could be no possible mistake with respect to number three. No  unctuous matter' or discoloured soil was found. Broken quartz pebbles were found in all three compartments.)čüOŽL\IGFAÄh’žSU 06 SE 14’žRybury Camp CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žcross-dyke’žnone’žSU 0847 6372’ž40847 16372’ž408470’ž163720’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAll Cannings’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001nonononoyesnonoyesnono00F@ķ6cnononononono’žyes’žSW England -WC%%% üųųųōōōččęäääääääääääääääääääąÜÖŅĪČÄĄ¼øøøøøøøø„„„„„„„„Ÿ™‹ƒxph[MG;%h’@Ą’,ł k’žSU 06 NW 28’žOldbury Hill’žMonument #215903’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0468 6931’ž40468 16931’ž404680’ž169310’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žCalne’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a’ž54.88’žWIL 17’žDarvill 2004nono’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesno’žsarsen stone meal-rubber/muller2SE0xx0x0’žterminal chamber?’žsee Darvill 2004noxnononono030no*@-x4nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcist’žgravepossiblex’žgrave pits - 2no’žSW England -WCno’žyes?h’žSU 06 SE 14’žRybury Camp CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žcross-dyke’žnone’žSU 0847 6372’ž40847 16372’ž408470’ž163720’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAll Cannings’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001nonononoyesnonoyesnono00F@ķ6cnononononono’žyes’žSW England -WC%%% üųųųōōōččęäääääääääääääääääääąÜÖŅĪČÄĄ¼øøøøøøøø„„„„„„„„Ÿ™‹ƒxph[MG;%h’@Ą’,ł ¤ß’žSU 06 NW 28’žOldbury Hill’žMonument #215903’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0468 6931’ž40468 16931’ž404680’ž169310’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žCalne’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a’ž54.88’žWIL 17’žDarvill 2004nono’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesno’žsarsen stone meal-rubber/muller2SE0xx0x0’žterminal chamber?’žsee Darvill 2004noxnononono030no*@-x4nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcist’žgravepossiblex’žgrave pits - 2no’žSW England -WCno’žyes?’ž83.8’žDarvill 2004       ņņņīŽŽŽÜĢĢĢĢĢÅÅæææææææ½¹·µ³±­©„”œ˜”””’„€~||zvrnjhdR?=;9753/- üųōšćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶÅĆ½ø³ÆÆ©ž—†{sk^PJD7% q’Ą’’’½ł’@af‚-Ū’žSU 06 NW 2’žKing's Play Down’žHeddington 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0106 6598’ž40106 16598’ž401060’ž165980’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žHeddington’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx308’žWIL 31’žDarvill 2004’žAshbee 1970nononononononoyesnono3’žE end of the mound3’žpits/postholes - E end of the moundx0x0’žterminal chamber’žE end of mound’žtimber facade ? Mortuary house?’žE end of moundnonoyesno010noķ@zx4nononononononoxxxxnox’žtimber faēade? Wooden chamber? 2 pits, trenchnox’žposthole/stoneholes (3)no’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žAshbee 197083’žDarvill 2004{{{{nniiieUUUQ88862222żūł÷õńķéåįŻŁŁŁ×ÕÕÉÅĆĮĮ滵±­|lZXVTR-+ ’ū÷óļėėėėėŽŽŽŠČĘĀĄ·³³­¢–…zrj]OIC6( q’Ā’’’½ł’bfŠG`ø’žSU 06 NW 14’žShepherd's Shore’žBishops Cannings 38’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0387 6608’ž40387 16608’ž403870’ž166080’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a2717’žWIL 18’žDarvill 200’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žcentre of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno041+’žthin flat stones“@}x4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žSE side of moundnoxyes’žallno’žn/a’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 199283’žDarvill 200)     ÷÷÷óčćߌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŅĪ¼ŗø¶²­©„”œ———•““‡uqoomic_[YUSOMKIGEC1/+'# śśśķåįŻŲĻĖĖżŖ¢—‡zl[U>) q’Ā’’’½ł’ągˆg€ģ čü‹sk’žNR 89 NW 12’žKilchoan’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 8079 9649’ž18079 69649’ž180790’ž696490’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žKilmartin30’žENE-WSWxnpnp’žARG 24’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone; round stone0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono000’žyellow sand (Imported) @*x1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žcompartment 3xx’žCompartment 1 and 2’žpavement of stone’žCompartment 3yesxnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žMapleton, R. J. 1866 Notice of a Cairn at Kilchoan, Argyleshire, and its Contents. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 351-5’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press ¦”””””    śśśöņīźčāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÓĄ«©§˜”‹†|wwwussgOMKKIEA=751/+)'%#!žųņīčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÉĮ½¹·®ŖŖŖŸ”‡vnfYK>8'! q’?Ą’’’½ł’ąg„ŸĘLVALŠŠŚPastscape: Chalk digging in 1864 revealed three skeletons in a grave surrounded by sarsens near the E end. Much rude pottery and flint flakes were found in the filling of the grave. Cunnington 1872: The opening madAshbe et al 1979: P 211 pre-barrrow soil was near-black. - an arc of pits on W side of barrow, from centre to north P 218 :'There was activity ’žAshbe et al 1979: P 211 pre-barrrow soil was near-black. - an arc of pits on W side of barrow, from centre to north P 218 :'There was activity prior to the construction of the barrow., represented by flint, pottery crumbs and bone fragments. Mesolithic flints found in secondary ditch fill.’žLong’žAshbe et al 1979: P 211 pre-barrrow soil was near-black. - an arc of pits on W side of barrow, from centre to north P 218 :'There was activity prior to the construction of the barrow., represented by flint, pottery crumbs and bone fragments. Mesolithic flints found in secondary ditch fill.’žPastscape: Chalk digging in 1864 revealed three skeletons in a grave surrounded by sarsens near the E end. Much rude pottery and flint flakes were found in the filling of the grave. Cunnington 1872: The opening made by the labourers was on the SE side.They found three a large shallow grave surrounded by small blocks of sarsen stone. As far as I could ascertain nothing had been found with the bones. In the earth with which the grave had been filled up was an abundance of rude pottery and flint flakes. Although none of the bones had been burned, there was a considerable quantity of charcoal and wood ashes towards the bottom of the cavity, particularly on the north side. Many of the flint flakes were burnt. On digging in the centre of the barrow a cist 2 m in depth and .6m wide by .91m long was discovered. It contained no traces whatsoever of human remains or art. {NOTE: Kinnes (1992) interprets this feature as a pit ) It is probable that this part of the barrow had been rifled at some for’žAshbe et al 1979: P 211 pre-barrrow soil was near-black. - an arc of pits on W side of barrow, from centre to north P 218 :'There was activity prior to the construction of the barrow., represented by flint, pottery crumbs and bone fragments. Mesolithic flints found in secondary ditch fill.čZLļÉėI"E„Br S’žSU 13 SE 18’žEnde Burgh’žHand Barrow’žlong barrow’žBronze Age /Roman’žnone’žSU 1587 3404’ž41587 13404’ž415870’ž134040’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žLaverstock’žnone’žnone’žNNE/SSWx4522’žStone 1935-37nonononoŒ@v2cno’žyesunknown’žn/ano’ž51°062 19.753 N, 001°462 28.683 W’ž51°062 17.843 N, 001°462 23.623 W’žSW England -WC’žStone 1935-379ˆ††††wwwwwwg<  śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśõńńńńńńńńķķķįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŁr S’žSU 13 SE 18’žEnde BurghS’žSU 13 SE 18’žEnde Burgh’žHand Barrow’žlong barrow’žBronze Age /Roman’žnone’žSU 1587 3404’ž41587 13404’ž415870’ž134040’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žLaverstock’žnone’žnone’žNNE/SSWx4522’žStone 1935-37nonononoŒ@v2cno’žyesunknown’žn/ano’ž51°062 19.753 N, 001°462 28.683 W’ž51°062 17.843 N, 001°462 23.623 W’žSW England -WC’žStone 1935-379ˆˆ††††wwwwwwg<  śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśõńńńńńńńńķķķįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŁÕŃŃŃŃŃĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗøÆÆÆ©£—ŒyqdVP=0# q’Ā  :ˆkRk’žSU 13 NW 13’žWoodford G2’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žSU 1007 3772’ž41007 13772’ž410070’ž137720’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWoodford’žnone’žnone’žsituated on the end of a slight spur on the S slope of a deep combe’ž107’žS-Nx’ž20.4’ž13.7’žKinnes SU 65’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1964nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no…@=x4anonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpits, postholes’žtimber structure?noxno’žn/a’žnone (unreliable data)no’žSW England -WCno’žHarding, P. & Gingell, C. 1986 The excavation of two long barrows by F. de M. and H.F.W.L. Vatcher. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 80, 7-22’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. F. 1964 Woodford Long Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 59, 185’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum89’žKinnes 1992ŌĒĆĆĆMĶ&&&&"öńķėēēēēŌŌŌĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĮ½»¹·µ°«§£Ÿ›———“‘‘…}}{wsokiec_][YWUSQOKGC?;73/+''''' žųņšėę”›•‹€umeXJ=7*$ q’’Ā’’’½ł’@āgœ'ńh’žSU 07 SE 22’žWindmill Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 086 714’ž40860 17140’ž408600’ž171400’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žnone’žAvebury’žOswald et al 2001’žWhittle & Pollard 1998; Whittle 1993’žWhittle et al 1999; Whittle 1977; Whittle 1990;’žKinnes 1992; Smith 1966; Hedges 1992’žEvans 1986; Whittle 1990’žpre-enclosure burial6c’žWhittle et al 1999’žyes’žSW England -WCŠŠŠzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuua]]]]]]]]]]]]]]GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG-Ö°°°”Ž…}rjbUIC='!h’@ T¤’žSU 07 SE 19’žMillbarrow’žKing's Millbarrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0943 7221’ž40943 17221’ž409430’ž172210’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWinterbourne Monkton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž65.5’ž16.7’žWIL 11’žDarvill 2004molluscanyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono7’žE end of barrow (5); front of barrow (2)8’žE end of barrowx0x0’žpossible’žE end of barrow’žoccupation area? pre-barrow’žE end of barrownonoyesno000no,@-x4no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpre barrow occupation area; pits’žfront - 2 pitsyes’žchamberno’žpits; postholesno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes84’žDarvill 2004±£ŸŸŸŸŸŸšš•‘}llh_YYII''''''''''%! ’ūūūł÷÷ėēåććįŻ×ÓĻ¾”†„‚€~mkA?;71+'!öööööööö蹌ŌŅĶÉÉĆø¢š‡rdSM6# q’Ą’’’½ł’źę‚' LVAL Charcoal and burnt bones were found on chamber floor, covered with a layer of sand; pit containing charcoal & burnt stones Henshall & Ritchie 2001 [incorporates information from discussions with Woodham, whose excavations were published only in D& E, and info from MacGregor & Loney's unpublished report): P 154 'In front of the cairn, in the part of the forecourt area examined in 1997, there remained only a thin spread of cobbles and small stones on the subsoil, and on the N side several small patches of charcoal. In 1958 a trench had been dug eastwards from the portal stones and a patch of charcoal was found which stretched 2.5m E from the portal stones by 3 m across. P 155 'Between [the portal stones in the entry to the antechamber] embedded in the floor, was a flat sill-stone covering a shallow hollow containing blackened stones and charcoal’žCharcoal and burnt bones were found on chamber floor, covered with a layer of sand; pit containing charcoal & burnt stones Henshall & Ritchie 2001 [incorporates information from discussions with Woodham, whose excavations were published only in D& E, and info from MacGregor & Loney's unpublished report): P 154 'In front of the cairn, in the part of the forecourt area examined in 1997, there remained only a thin spread of cobbles and small stones on the subsoil, and on the N side several small patches of charcoal. In 1958 a trench had been dug eastwards from the portal stones and a patch of charcoal was found which stretched 2.5m E from the portal stones by 3 m across. P 155 'Between [the portal stones in the entry to the antechamber] embedded in the floor, was a flat sill-stone covering a shallow hollow containing blackened stones and charcoal. P 156 On the floor of the passage, ante-chamber and main chamber there were several patches of charcoal, which, with the exception of the two in the passage, also contained cremated bone& .the blocking between the ante-chamber and the main chamber contained two pockets of charcoal and burnt bone about 0.6m above the floor, and one of them also contained a sherd of coarse pottery. Over the floor deposits in the main chamber, the inner passage and inner compartment, but not in the ante-chamber or passage, was a layer of clean sand. It was between 0.15 to 0.23m deep in the main chamber and increased in depth in the inner passage, and filled the inner compartment almost to the tops of the orthostats. There were sherds of several beakers on the sand& The ante-chamber and above the sand in the main chamber, were filled with large slabs, which included a saddle quern. ĪčĶVICĒ~ÅęĀh’žSU 14 NW 3’žRobin Hoodh’žSU 14 NW 3’žRobin Hood's Ball CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 1022 4594’ž41022 14594’ž410220’ž145940’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žStonehenge’žoverlooks a broad sweep of rolling downland, including Stonehenge and its cursus’ž137’žNE-SW’ž450xx’žOswald et al 2001no’žchalkyesyesyes1’žoccupation surface’žbeneath outer rampartz@16c’žRichards 1990’žyes’žyesyesno’žn/a’žSW England -WC···§§§§§¢žž˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜“““ŽŽŽŽ{{{ooooooooooXDDDDDDDDBBBBB<6660)%%%%%%%%% ż«Ÿ™‚wogZLF@*$h’’_€3 # !h’žSU 14 NW 14’žKnighton Barrow’žFigheldean 27’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1278 4535’ž41278 14535’ž412780’ž145350’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx5521€’žnot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCäääŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŠŠŠ“““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““°¬Ŗ„””›•‰~skcVHB</ h’  h’žSU 14 NE 11’žGallows Barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1556 4800’ž41556 14800’ž415560’ž148000’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononoyesnonono00Ņ@12dnononononononoyesno’žSW England -WC222"""" üüüųųųģģźččččäääääääääääääääąÜÖŅĪŹĘĀ¾ŗŗŗŗŗ©©©©©„”Ÿ›——‘‹tiaYL>82%h’Ā’@,ł "yk’žSU 13 SE 39’žFussell's Lodge’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1914 3245’ž41914 13245’ž419140’ž132450’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žClarendon Park’žnone’žnone’ž107’žNE-SWx5020’žKinnes SU 34’žKinnes 1992’žWysocki et al 2007’žAshbee 1984noyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono6’žtrapezoid enclosure (3); ditch (3)4’ženclosure entrancex0x0’žmortuary structure’žmound’žflint knapping evidence in ditches and near burials’žditchesnonoyes’žyes?0’ž55+0no~@1x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxx’žallxnoxyes’žburial area’žcultivation?; 4 postholes; 6 pitsno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žAshbee 1984’žWysocki et al 200790’žKinnes 1992ŗ­©©©•ˆˆƒƒ~zjjjfCCC600000000000000.*(#! ’’’żūūļėéääāÜÖŅĪŐ‰usqomYW31-)# śööööéÕÕÕČŗ¶²°©¤¤ž˜ˆ}rjbUGA;.( q’Ę’’’½ł’`ęš'h’žSU 13 SE 27’žFigsbury Rings’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSU 1881 3380’ž41881 13380’ž418810’ž133800’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFirsdown’žnone’žnone’ž147’žENE, WSW’ž219xx’žHarding 195’žHarding 1987’žDunn 2004nono’žchalknoyesnoyesyesno’žhaematite bowl15’žvarious0xx0x0nox’žflint knapping area’žfloor of inner ditchnononono200no®@/€’žfind pit locations on plan’žfloor of inner ditch; inner edge of SW rampart6bno’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žSW England -WC       žüśųöńģčäߌÖÖÖŅ¢znjhffd`\XT>)'#! śöšźęąÜÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĀĀĀ“§„£ž”‰ƒync[SF82,%h’Ā’’’żł’` } č‹s’žSUÜ’žSU 16 NE 1’žWest Woods’žWest Overton 12’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1567 6563’ž41567 16563’ž415670’ž165630’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWest Overton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx3830’žWIL 15’žDarvill 2004nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noĘ@Æx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žchambernono’žSW England -WCno’žPassmore, A. D. 1923 Chambered long barrow in West Woods. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 42, 366-7’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Pressnp’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusw|‘‘‘‘}}}yuuullllllllllllllljfdb`^ZVRNJFBBB@>>2.,**($ žüśöņīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅļø“²­©©£˜Š‚wogZLF@3" q’Ą’’’½ł’@fœvVčĀL{ HÆÅnĀh’žSU 14 SE 240’žAmesbury 71’žnoh’žSU 14 SE 240’žAmh’žSU 14 SE 240’žAmesbury 71’žnone’žring ditch’žbowl barrow’žnone’žSU 1840 4188’ž41840 14188’ž418400’ž141880’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žnone’ž122x’ž100xx’žBDa1’žKinnes 1979nono’žUpper chalk with flintyesno’žwoodyesyesnono0x0x’žcentre’ž17 in circular setting; 2 in grave pit’žvarious1’žyes’žin grave pitnoxno’žyes?no’žpossible020noC@1€’žmulti-period monumentx2dno’žyes’žyesnono’žyesx’žunknown’žunknownxnox’žgrave pit;no’ž51°102 33.273 N, 001°442 17.153 W’ž51°102 31.383 N, 001°442 12.083 W’žSW England -WC```P%śśśśśśöööööööźźźźźźźčäāŁŠĪÉÉÅĮ¼·³³³Æ­Š~zxvvtjf`\ZVHCA8üųņģęāÜÄĄ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼Æ©§„ ž™™“ƒxme]PB</#h’Ą’’’żłž@ 8h’žSU 14 SE 118’žDurrington Walls’žnone’žhenge enclosure’žTimber circle’žClass II henge’žSU 1501 4375’ž41501 14375’ž415010’ž143750’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žDurrington’žnone’žStonehenge91’žNW,S Ex’ž490’ž470’žHarding 192’žHarding 1987’žCrawford 1929’žWainwright 1968’žWainwright 1967’žRichards & Thomas 1984yesyes6b’žParker Pearson et al - in progress’žyesyes’žSW England -WC‚‚‚rrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllllllllgggggggC????????????????????????????99933333 łźźźÜĻŹÅĆ»··«„™Žƒ{sfXH9("h’ t’žSU 14 NW 7’žNetheravon 6’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1143 4667’ž41143 14667’ž411430’ž146670’žWiltshire’žKennet’žNetheravon’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx3318’žKinnes SU 83’žKinnes 1992’žThurnam 1868nonononononononononono20™@2cno’žyesnononononoyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žThurnam 186991’žKinnes 1992tgccccUUUUUUEEEEAA<<666666666666666666662.*&"  żłõńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁĖĖĖ¾°¬Ø¦™™“ynf^QC=7*$ q’Ā’@,ł "ˆÆs[z’žSU 14 NW 59’žNorth of Robin Hood's Ball’žMonument #621184’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1087 4663’ž41087 14663’ž410870’ž146630’žWiltshire’žKennet’žNetheravon’žnone’žnone’ž122npx3025’žnonenononononononoyesnonono00A@2nonononononononp’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žnone91PPLLLLFFFFFF666622--))))))))))))))))))))%!      ’’żūūūū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷óļéåįŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĒĒĒĒĒĆæ½¹““®Øœ”‰yl^XRE3 q’Ā’@,ł "ˆ’žSU 14 NW 5’žFigheldean 31’žAlton Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1088 4588’ž41088 14588’ž410880’ž145880’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žSE-NWx4715’žKinnes SU 82’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žjust SE of centrenonoyesno010’žblack earth stratumD@ķx4nononononono’žyesxxx’žbarrownox’žpitnp’žall’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’ž51°122 43.443 N, 001°502 43.983 W’ž51°122 41.583 N, 001°502 38.943 W’žSW England -WCno91’žKinnes 1992I<8888888884$łĪŹ±±±¬ØØØØØ£££££££££”•“‘Š†‚~zvrrrpnnbMKIIGC=95"   óńķéåįŻŁÕŃĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɼ®Ŗ¦¤—‹€umeXJD>1% q’?~Ą’’’½ł’a~€÷”č&ĶKĖCɧʗĻ@p’žSU 14 SW 3’žAmesbury 42’žMonument #219431’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1374 4318’ž41374 14318’ž413740’ž143180’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žN-Sx8115’žAmesbury 42; Kinnes SU 62’žGrinsell 1957; Kinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žCunnington 1913-14yesnoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx2’žS end of mound; mound destroyed0nox’žfint knapping site in ditch - contemporary’žditch basenonoyesno000’ždark stratum@/x4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žbarrownoxyes’žall’žstakeholes (2); flint knappingno’ž51°112 15.823 N, 001°482 16.953 W’ž51°112 13.943 N, 001°482 11.903 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žCunnington 1913-14’žKinnes 199291’žGrinsell 1957; Kinnes 1992ēĖĒĒĒŗ¦¦””œ˜ˆ]2. żõóńļźåįŻŁÕŃŃŃĻĶĶĮ³±ÆÆ­©£Ÿ›ca][:86420.*&    ņåååÉ®Ŗ¦¤ŸŸŸŸ™„yqi\NHB5# q’?~Fž’’½ł’`žšOh’žSU 14 SW 144’žNormanton Down Mortuary Enclosure’žMonument #219834’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 1143 4100’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWilsford Cum Lake’žnone’žnone97’žESE-WNWx3621’žKinnes Sua’žKinnes 1992’žCleal et al 1995’žUpper Chalkno€’žmortuary enclosure2d’žSW England -WC///ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷źźźźźźźŲŲŲĖæ»·µ¬ØØ¢œ‰~sssse_YE3h|@ h’žSU 14 SW 14’žConeybury Henge’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žSU 1342 4160’ž41342 14160’ž413420’ž141600’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žStonehenge’ž115NE65xx’žHarding 190’žHarding 1987’žRichards 1984’ž Richards 1990yesyesyesyesnumerous’žarc of postholes concentric to ditch’žpre-henge activity6b’žyes’ž51°102 24.703 N, 001°482 33.653 W’ž51°102 22.823 N, 001°482 28.603 W’žSW England -WC»»»«€UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLL8888888üüüöššźźźźźźźźŚĖĖĖ½°®¬Ø¤ŸŸ“ƒxme]PB3-& h’4 8h’žSU 14 SE 6’žWoodhenge’žnone’žhenge’žtimber circle’žClass I henge’žSU 1506 4337’ž41506 14337’ž415060’ž143370’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žDurrington’žnone’žStonehenge99NW85xx’žHarding 203’žHarding 1987’žPollard 1995yes2€’žPits pre-dated the enclosure6b’žyes’žSW England -WC'''äääāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĪĪĪĄ³±Æ«§££—‘…zog_RD5&h’$ h’žSU 14 SE 346’žButterfield Down 2’žMonument #1243227’žhengiform monument’žSU 1649 4106’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury €’žhengiform2d’ž51°102 06.943 N, 001°452 55.653 W’ž51°102 05.053 N, 001°452 50.583 W’žSW England -WCśśśźæ”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyodYYYYKKK7$hO@8h’žSU 14 SE 313’žButterfield Down’žMonument #931313’žhenge’žnone’žpit-ring henge’žSU 167 412’ž41670 14120’ž416700’ž141200’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žnone’ž110np10xx’žRichards 1992 and 1993nono’žCretaceous Upper Chalknononoyesyesnono6’žvarious0x?0x1noxnoxnononono010noH@ ņx6bno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’ž51°102 12.903 N, 001°452 42.493 W’ž51°102 11.013 N, 001°452 37.423 W’žSW England -WCłłłé¾“““““‘‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}xsokgb^^^ZXLLHFDDB>:620,*&$"  ū÷óļ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻ·····µ³Æ«¦¦ š…zrj]QA;4"h’Ā’’’Żł’`8ĆčkĪčĖBŹžČäEąEßBrak’žSU 14 SW 91’žAmesbury 14’žStonehenge Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1154 4175’ž41154 14175’ž411540’ž141750’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.515’žKinnes SU 77’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno030’žblack earth stratumV@5x4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxx?noxnp’ždark soilno’ž51°102 29.713 N, 001°502 10.443 W’ž51°102 27.823 N, 001°502 05.403 W’žSW England -WCno97’ūūūūūūūūū÷ē¼‘‚‚‚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|xvtrpkgc_[VRRRPNNB-+))'#  ’żūłõńķéåßŪ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻ~k’žSU 14 SW 91’žAmesbury 14’žStonehenge Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1154 4175’ž41154 14175’ž411540’ž141750’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.515’žKinnes SU 77’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno030’žblack earth stratumV@5x4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxx?noxnp’ždark soilno’ž51°102 29.713 N, 001°502 10.443 W’ž51°102 27.823 N, 001°502 05.403 W’žSW England -WCno97’žKinnes 1992 ’ūūūūūūūūū÷ē¼‘‚‚‚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|xvtrpkgc_[VRRRPNNB-+))'#  ’żūłõńķéåßŪ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĀ“°Ŗ؟ŸŸŸ™„yqi\NHB5$ q’?~Ą’’’½ł’@~€-1s’žSU 14 SW 487’žWinterbourne Stoke 35a’žMonument #948791’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 1031 4345’ž41031 14345’ž410310’ž143450’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenpx’ž15?xx’žKinnes Cg1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010nox4anononononononoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW England -WCno’žKinnes 197991’žKinnes 1979Åø““““§§§§§£““““‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{wsokgc___[YYYUSQQOKGC?=9731/-+)'%#  żłłłłłģģģßÓŃĻŹČÄľø¤™Ž†~qcVPB0 q’Ā’’’ł’`bˆh’žSU 14 SW 42’žThe Cursus’žcursus’žSU 1232 4305’ž41232 14305’ž412320’ž143050’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žStonehenge’žCleal et al 1995’žChristie 1963€’žCursus6d’žSW England -WCĆĆĆ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³Æƛ›››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››ŒzzzzzzzzzzznndYNF>1###hĖ_@ h’žSU 14 SW 41’žThe Lesser Cursus’žcursus’žSU 1035 4343’ž41035 14343’ž410350’ž143430’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žStonehenge’žCleal et al 1995€’žCursus6d’žSW England -WCÅÅŵµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµ±±‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹k`UME8***""hĖ_@ h’žSU 14 SW 4’žStonehenge’žnone’žhenge’žstone circle’žClassic henge’žSU 1224 4218’ž41224 14218’ž412240’ž142180’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žnone’ž101NW’ž114xx’žHarding 199; Kinnes Fb1’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979yesyes’žchalk plainyesyesyes’žbone pins6b’žWainwritght & Darvill - IP’žyes’ž51°102 43.573 N, 001°492 34.343 W’ž51°102 41.693 N, 001°492 29.303 W’žSW England -WC¢¢¢’g<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<7777777  śķēįįįįįįįįĘ­«©¤ ››•…zog_RD5' h’Ą³8h’žSU 14 SW 30’žFargo Plantation’žhengiform monument’žSU 1125 4280’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žHarding 194’žHarding 1987’žcentral1 €’žhengiform2d’žSW England -WC“““¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤  ‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡‡‡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pcccccccccYNCCCC555!!hK`@ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  ^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’čßLŪLJĶE.C*Cr’žSU˜’žSU 16 NE 36’žDevil's Den’žClatford Bottom’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1520 6965’ž41520 16965’ž415200’ž169650’žWiltshire’žKennet’žPreshute’žCotswolds’žnone’ž152’žSE/NWx70’ž39.6’žWIL 8’žDarvill 2004’žGrinsell 1957nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noo@7x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnpxno’ž51°252 32.533 N, 001°462 57.723 W’ž51°252 30.753 N, 001°462 52.623 W’žSW England -WCno’žGrinsell 1957npóȝ™™™—““““““““““““““‘‹‰‡…|xtplhhhdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$"  üųųųųųéééŪŌĪŹČĮ¼¼¶«”™Ž†~qcRL5$ p’Ā’’’½ł’<1SUÜ’žSU 16 NE 1’žWest Woods’žWest Overton 12’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1567 6563’ž41567 16563’ž415670’ž165630’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWest Overton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx3830’žWIL 15’žDarvill 2004nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noĘ@7x4nononononononoxxxxnox’žchamber’ždark soilno’žSW England -WCnonp’žDarvill 2004Ŗœ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜”„„„€uuullllllllllllllljfdb`^ZVRNJFBBB@>>2.,**($ žüśöņīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅļø“²­©©£˜Š‚wogZLF@3" q’Ą’’’½ł’@f€vSU“’žSU 15 SE 16’žFittleton 5’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1988 5166’ž41988 15166’ž419880’ž151660’žWiltshire’žKennet’žFittleton’žnone’žnone’žNNE-SSWx4517’žKinnes SU 85’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žE endnononono01+0no[@īx4anononononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areanoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington, W. 1896 Opening of barrows etc near Haxon. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 28, 172-173’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumnp’žKinnes 1992L?;;;Å ££££Ÿ‹‡‡‡…rrrrrrrrrrpljhfd`\XTPLHHHDBB620,,*&"žüśųöōņšīźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ¹«§£”˜˜˜’Œynf^QC=7*$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’bfœž‡SUą’žSU 15 NE 31’žGiant's Grave [Wilts]’žMilton Lilbourne 7’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1891 5820’ž41891 15820’ž418910’ž158200’žWiltshire’žKennet’žMilton Lilbourne’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx’ž10121’žKinnes SU 86’žKinnes 1992’žThurnam 1864-67nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž3-40noh@·x4anononononononoxxxxnoxnoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam 1864-67np’žKinnes 1992ŲĖĒĒĒĒ¶¶¶¶¶²¢¢¢žššš˜””””””””””””””’ŽŒŠˆ†‚~zvrnjjjfddXTRMMKGC?;953/-+)'%#!  żłõõõõõäää×ÉÅĄ¾···±«™‘†~vi[UOB. q’~Ā’’’½ł’`fˆ.‘n’žSU 14 SW 92’žWinterbourne Stoke 1’žWinterbourne Stoke Crossroads’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1000 4151’ž41000 14151’ž410000’ž141510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx7522’žKinnes SU 75’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957nononononononoyesnono3’žNE end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno010no@5x4nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areano’žbarrow’žyes’žn/a’žmortuary pits (3); dark soilno’žSW England -WCno’žGrinsell 195797’žKinnes 1992,     ųųųōÖŃĢÄĄĄĄĄĄĄ±±±±±±±±Æ«©§„£žš–’ŽŠ†††„‚‚vrpnnlhb^ZXTRNLJHFDB1/+'!  öööéŪ×ÓŃŹĘĘĄŗ¦›ˆ€se_YL- q’Ā’’’½ł’€ągˆ’ LVAL¢ Greenwell 1877 - p 448 'Upon the natural surface of the ground, throughout the whole area of the mound, charcoal was found scattered in abundance. ' A circular  beehive chamber was found at the centre of the mound. The chamber was semi-subterranean - sunk .8m into the ground.  The bottom [of the chamber] was partly flagged at the SW side, the remaining portion being formed by the natural rock; this fl’žGreenwell 1877 - p 448 'Upon the natural surface of the ground, throughout the whole area of the mound, charcoal was found scattered in abundance. ' A circular  beehive chamber was found at the centre of the mound. The chamber was semi-subterranean - sunk .8m into the ground.  The bottom [of the chamber] was partly flagged at the SW side, the remaining portion being formed by the natural rock; this flagging being probably due to the irregularity of the level...than to any intentional design.  On the north side of the chamber the stones were reddened by the action of fire, but not to any great extent .and on that floor were remains of charcoal. The chamber had been disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation - iron horseshoes etc were found in the chamber - he suggests the fire may have been lighted by the later intruders.~č:ĪĢL'Źš˜Ćh’žSU 16 SW 22’žKnap Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 1210 6365’ž41210 16365’ž412100’ž163650’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAlton’žnone’žnone’žin a commanding position on Knap Hill with wide views east and south east’ž250x’ž180xx’žOswald et al 2001’žConnah 1969’žCunnington 1909yesyes’žchalk capped with clay-with-flintsyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x00x’žflint working’žditch floornononono000noć@9x6cno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW England -WC!!! žśųöōņķčäąÜ×ÓÓÓĻĶĶĮ½»¹¹·³Æ«§š‹‰‡…ƒ}{ywsoic_YS/)####ņņšīéēā–Šƒ{ph`SE?9#h’’_Ę’’’½ł’ą!k’žSU 16 SW 173’žAlton 13’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl bh’žSU 16 SW 22’žKnap Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 1210 6365’ž41210 16365’ž412100’ž163650’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAlton’žnone’žnone’žin a commanding position on Knap Hill with wide views east and south east’ž250x’ž180xx’žOswald et al 2001’žConnah 1969’žCunnington 1909yesyes’žchalk capped with clay-with-flintsyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x00x’žflint working’žditch floornononono000noć@9x6cno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW England -WC!!! žśųöōņķčäąÜ×ÓÓÓĻĶĶĮ½»¹¹·³Æ«§š‹‰‡…ƒ}{ywsoic_YS/)####ņņšīéēā–Šƒ{ph`SE?9#h’’_Ę’’’½ł’ą!s’žSUć’žSU 16 SW 173’žAlton 13’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 1210 6355’ž41210 16355’ž412100’ž163550’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAlton’žnone’žnonexnpxx’žGrinsell 1957’žConnah 1965nonononoyes1ć@*2no’žn/ano’ž51°222 15.343 N, 001°492 38.973 W’ž51°222 13.543 N, 001°492 33.903 W’žSW England -WC’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press’žConnah, G. 1965 Excavations at Knap Hill, Alton Priors, 1961. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 60, 1-23np}}yyyyųYYYYYIóóļļźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźęęęęęęęęäääŲŲŲÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄ³³³¤¤¢ œššš”Ž‡tldWI<6(" q’^Ā$€:Œbh’žSU 16 NW 64’žEast Kennet Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1163 6685’žWiltshire’žKennet’žEast Kennet’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSE-NWx9930’žWIL 5’žDarvill 2004’žBarker 1985€’žnot excavated€’žNot excavated2a’žSW England -WCżżāĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒŗŗŗ¬„”›”Šrj____QKE.(h|` Ąh’žSU 16 NW 22’žAvebury’žnone’žhenge enclosure’žstone circle’žnone’žSU 1026 6996’ž41026 16996’ž410260’ž169960’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žnone’žAveburyxxx’žHarding 186’žHarding 1987€’žhenge6b’žn/a’ž51°252 42.963 N, 001°512 13.473 W’ž51°252 41.183 N, 001°512 08.403 W’žSW England -WC<<<,ÖÖÖŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĶĶŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¬Ÿ››™™™Šynf^QC=/h’z@9h’žSU 16 NW 21’žSilbury Hill’žnone’žmonumental mound’žnone’žnone’žSU 1001 6853’ž41001 16853’ž410010’ž168530’žWiltshire’žKennett’žAvebury’žnone’žAveburyx’ž160xx’žsee Pastscape records’žchalkyes6b’žyes’žyes’žSW England -WCåååÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŠĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĮŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ£££££”Ÿš˜˜˜‰€wld\OA;5#h’ ‘ 蔉s’žNH}’žNH 55 SE 3’žKilcoy South’žKilcoy West; Kilcoy V’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 5701 5160’ž25701 85160’ž257010’ž851600’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žKillearnan’žBlack Isle’žnone’žon gently sloping land with wide views over Beauly Firth to the S’ž125’žESE-WNWx1815’žROS 24’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žWoodham 7 Woodham 1958nonononononoyesyesno’žsaddle quern1’žentrance to antechamber0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žsandą@/x1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žno?xxx’žmain chamber and inner compartmentnox’žsand layer’žentrance to antechamber - pityesxnononono’žN Scotlandno’žMacGregor, G. & Loney, H. 1997 Excavation at Kilcoy South chambered cairn, Glasgow, (Copy housed in the National Monuments Record of Scotland)’žWoodham, A. A. 1956 Kilcoy West. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1956, 23-24 ; Woodham, A. A. & Woodham, M. F. 1957 Kilcoy West. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1957, 32’žWoodham, A. A. & Woodham, M. F. 1958 Report on excavation at Kilcoy West. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 1958, 32-3’žWoodham, A. A. 1956 A survey of prehistoric monuments in the Black Isle. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 65-93’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressiīīīać(––––’†††‚~zvtnnOOOOOOOOOOOCA= ū÷ņņņšīīāÜŚŲŲÖŅĪŹĘÄĄ¾ŗø¶“²°®•“…{uqmiea]]]]EEEE,$  ÉĆ·«˜Ž†~qcRL;$ q’’Ä’’’½ł’čg<RčÜKrICF?FhÄlr’žSUe’žSU 23 SW 17’žThorny Down’žMonument #223508’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žSU 2163 3422’ž42163 13422’ž421630’ž134220’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žIdmiston’žnone’žnonenpnpnpnpnpnonononof@Fź2cnonp’žn/ano’žSW England -WCnpóóóóļļźźęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęāāāāāāāāŽŽŽŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗ¶²®®Ø¢˜‚zreWQC6$ p’Ą  "€:h’žSU 17 SW 46’žOldr’žSUe’žSU 23 SW 17’žThorny Ds’žSUe’žSU 23 SW 17’žThorny Down’žMonument #223508’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žnone’žSU 2163 3422’ž42163 13422’ž421630’ž134220’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žIdmiston’žnone’žnonenpnpnpnpnpnonononoŽ@*2nonp’žn/ano’žSW England -WCnpńńńńķķččäääääääääääääääääääääąąąąąąąąŽŽŽŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗ¶²®®Ø¢˜‚zreWQC6$ q’Ą  "€:h’žSU 17 SW 46’žOld Chapel’žPreshute 10c’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1290 7290’žWiltshire’žKennett’žPreshute’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žNW/SEx’ž30.48’ž8.2’žWIL 14’žDarvill 2004€’žNot excavated2anp’žSW England -WCöööęęęęęęęęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŽĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆƵ­Ø”Ÿ˜””ŽƒypeeeeWF@)h|@ (zSU©’žSU 17 SW 29’žTemple Bottom’žOgbourne St Andrew 19’žchambered round barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žSU 1486 7251’ž41486 17251’ž414860’ž172510’žWiltshire’žKennet’žOgbourne St Andrew’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’ž14.3xx’žWIL 10’žDarvill 2004’žLukis 1885’žLukis 1867nonononononoyesnono’žbone chisel; stone rubber0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono00’žunknownnoĘ@9x4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcremation area’žmortuary areayesxnonono’žSW England -WCno’žLukis 1867’žLukis 1885np’žDarvill 2004:,((( üüüųōōšīčč裣ŁŁÉÉÉÉÉÉÉĒĆĮæ½»·³Æ«¦”œœœ˜––Š†}{{yuqmigca][YWUSQOM2.*$     ōōōęŽÜŚŌĻĖĖÅŗ¦ž“‹ƒvhbU=& q’Ę’’’½ł’@äf˜SUĮ’žSU 17 SE 23’žManton Down Long Barrow’žDoghill Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1512 7140’ž41512 17140’ž415120’ž171400’žWiltshire’žKennet’žPreshute’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž20.1’ž12.2’žWIL 7’žDarvill 2004’žPiggott 1947 (plan)nononono>@1ģ2c’žyesyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žPiggott 1947 (plan)np’žDarvill 2004ugccccNNNNNN>>>>::55/////////////////////********&&&     õõõēąŚŌŅĖĒĒĮ¶¬¤™‘‰|n]W@0 q’Ā  "ˆ6ŗSUō’žSU 16 SW 24’žAdam's Grave’žOld Adam’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1124 6340’ž41124 16340’ž411240’ž163400’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAlton’žCotswolds’žnone’žSE/NWx61’ž30.5’žWIL 6’žDarvill 2004nononononononoyesnonono’žpossible0ģ@ *2cnononononono’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž51°222 10.553 N, 001°502 23.463 W’ž51°222 08.743 N, 001°502 18.403 W’žSW England -WC’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 203 and 230)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žDarvill 2004/!ęb·····§|QQMMHHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB=951-)%%%!!!    ż÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶĘĄ¼ŗ³³³­¢›“ˆ€xk]LF/% q’~Ą’@,ł :œåč!MAI FFżĀh’žSU 26 SE 53’žCrofton CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 2633 6259’ž42633 16259’ž426330’ž162590’žWiltshire’žKennet’žGreat Bedwyn’žnone’žnone’žstraddles the steep-sided valley of the River Dunnnpx’ž600xx’žOswald et al 2001yesno’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x00x’žflint knapping?’žditch bottomnononono000no?@<x6cnonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’ž51°212 42.543 N, 001°372 23.323 W’ž51°212 40.723 N, 001°372 18.173 W’žSW England -WC)))īĆĆĆh’žSU 26 SE 53’h’žSU 26 SE 53’žCrofton CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 2633 6259’ž42633 16259’ž426330’ž162590’žWiltshire’žKennet’žGreat Bedwyn’žnone’žnone’žstraddles the steep-sided valley of the River Dunnnpx’ž600xx’žOswald et al 2001yesno’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x00x’žflint knapping?’žditch bottomnononono000no?@<x6cnonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’ž51°212 42.543 N, 001°372 23.323 W’ž51°212 40.723 N, 001°372 18.173 W’žSW England -WC)))īĆĆĆ¾ŗø²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°¬Ŗئ¤ ›—“‹‡‡‡ƒuqommkgc_[M<:86420.,*($  ū÷ńńńńńńńńŽŽÜŚÕÓĻ›•ynf^QC=7!h’’_Ą’’’½ł’ą9ż}SUė’žSU 25 NE 21’žChute’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 2845 5609’ž42845 15609’ž428450’ž156090’žWiltshire’žKennet’žChute’žSalisbury Plain’žnone’žSE-NWx’ž13.7’ž11.9’žKinnes SU 88’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabæ@^x4a’žyesnonononono’žyesxxx’žcentrenox’žcircular arrangement of bones’žcircular arrangement of bonesxnono’ž51°182 11.773 N, 001°352 35.563 W’ž51°182 09.933 N, 001°352 30.413 W’žSW England -WCnonp’žKinnes 1992A4000000000,ńĘĀ¾¾¾¼¼¼¼¼¼~~~~~~~|xpnljea]YUQLLLHFF:4200.*&"  žśōšģčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲĖ½·±ÆØØØ¢‘Š‚wogZL71$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’@A~€6¾SUō’žSU 25 NE 20’žTidcombe Hill’žTicombe Great Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 2925 5760’ž42925 15760’ž429250’ž157600’žWiltshire’žKennet’žTidcombe and Fosbury’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSSE/NNWx’ž59.4’ž22.8’žWIL 9’žDarvill 2004nonononoÖ@C2cnoyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žWillis, R. 1787 An essay towards a discovery of the great Iknield-Streets of the Romans. Archaeologia, 8, 88-99 ( p 91)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 229)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414np’žDarvill 2004ėŻŁŁŁU²77777''''##üųōōōōōōōōęߣÓŃČÄľ³•Š‚zm_YS<& q’Ą  "œ~wSUų’žSU 25 NE 11’žTow Barrow’žWexcombe Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 2742 5775’ž42742 15775’ž427420’ž157750’žWiltshire’žKennet’žGrafton’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx’ž27.4’ž18.3’žKinnes SU 89’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter’žS end of moundnononono000noņ@9x4nononononononoxxxxnoxnox’žpotsherd scatterno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žAshbee 1984np’žKinnes 1992źŻŁŁŁŁĢĢĢĢĒĆ³³³Æ›——————————————•‘‹‰…}yuqmmmkii]YWUUSOKGC3!  ’łõńķéåįįįįįŌŌŌĒ¹³­«¢žž˜’‰vnfYKE?2# q’Ā’’’½ł’`ęˆ LVAL Round barrow over the east end of long barrow. Manby 1971 P 51 'The earliest evidence of human activity on the site was a scatter of Mesolithic flint implements and waste associated with pits and a hearth site.' Manby 1976 p 171 - Flakes of quartzite and a piece of haematite came from the area of Mesolithic flint distribution. Sequence: Mesolithic pit; early ditches; trapezoid enclosure; Manby 1976 -P 117 - Mesolithic evidence; 6 Pits and 3 hearths identified as Mesolithic. Ancient ground surface protected by mound (Mandy 1976 p 117) The barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. P 121 TRAPEZOID ENCLOSURE : the timber posts had been burned in situ, but bases were well preserved. P 123 BURIAL AREA & FORECOURT: 3 post’žRound barrow over the east end of long barrow. Manby 1971 P 51 'The earliest evidence of human activity on the site was a scatter of Mesolithic flint implements and waste associated with pits and a hearth site.' Manby 1976 p 171 - Flakes of quartzite and a piece of haematite came from the area of Mesolithic flint distribution. Sequence: Mesolithic pit; early ditches; trapezoid enclosure; Manby 1976 -P 117 - Mesolithic evidence; 6 Pits and 3 hearths identified as Mesolithic. Ancient ground surface protected by mound (Mandy 1976 p 117) The barrow was situated in an area that was formerly cultivated. P 121 TRAPEZOID ENCLOSURE : the timber posts had been burned in situ, but bases were well preserved. P 123 BURIAL AREA & FORECOURT: 3 postholes marked the northern extent of the forecourt. P 123: OTHER FEATURES - " a concentration of post holes and pits at the mid-point of the timbered enclosure may belong to a building or square enclosure". P 125 THE MOUND - rested directly on the pre-barrow soil. P 126 THE AVENUE: "the area immediately east of the long barrows was denuded and the thick reddish brown soil of the pre-barrow surface was absent , as was the chemically weathered top of the natural chalk. " A redeposited layer of former plough soil had been placed there - it contained numerous flint flakes and potsherds. Two lines of post holes were traced for some 18 m east from the long barrow" P 144: Sequence summary Long sequence of use from Mesolithic through Romano-Britishƒ LVAL“ Ashbee et al 1979: p 244 PRE-BARROW ACTIVITY 'the presence of several coherent patches of charcoal at similar depths below the apparently unbroken surface. Three of them were around one feet in diameter but the fourth measured 15 ft in length and 4-5 feet in width and formed a continuous layer about one inch thick at a depth of 2 in below the surface. It lay obliquely across the axis of the barrow, towards the distal end, and several stakes of the axial fence had been driven through it. Thin reddened zones in the soil immediately beneath and ab’žAshbee et al 1979: p 244 PRE-BARROW ACTIVITY 'the presence of several coherent patches of charcoal at similar depths below the apparently unbroken surface. Three of them were around one feet in diameter but the fourth measured 15 ft in length and 4-5 feet in width and formed a continuous layer about one inch thick at a depth of 2 in below the surface. It lay obliquely across the axis of the barrow, towards the distal end, and several stakes of the axial fence had been driven through it. Thin reddened zones in the soil immediately beneath and above the charcoal& ..suggested that a fire or glowing embers, had been smothered beneath a layer of soil or turves. & it was thought the fire had immediately preceded construction of the barrow. Subsequently a specimen of charcoal& .produced a C14 date within the 4th mill BC, much earlier than a second date from an antler pick that was undoubtedly used during construction of the barrow. Removal of the charcoal and underlying soil revealed a closely-spaced group of 5 stakeholes& .' P 247 Three ox-skulls had been placed at intervals along the length of the mound.čqJ!FF/Bo’žSU 34 NW 6’žNutbane’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 3310 4952’ž43310 14952’ž433100’ž149520’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žPenton Grafton’žnone’žnone’žon the contour of a gentle slope above a small dry valley’ž110’žENE-WSW’žn/a6026’žKinnes SU 56’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1959’žAshbee 1984noyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesnono’žantler pick fragments1’žforecourt40+’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary enclosures (2)’žforecourt’žhearth pre-barrow; timber post ? (see FiĶSUn’žSU 34 NW 6’žNutbane’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 3310 4952’ž43310 14952’ž433100’ž149520’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žPenton Grafton’žnone’žnone’žon the contour of a gentle slope above a small dry valley’ž110’žENE-WSW’žn/a6026’žKinnes SU 56’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1959’žAshbee 1984noyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesnono’žantler pick fragments1’žforecourt40+’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary enclosures (2)’žforecourt’žhearth pre-barrow; timber post ? (see Field 2006 p 83)’žforecourtyesnonono140no!@|’žforecourt4nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žforecourtxxxnoxyesx’žpit; fire; hearth; mortuary enclosure;no’žSW England’žtimber post’žyes’žAshbee 1984’žVatcher 1959np’žKinnes 1992łģčččŚĶĶČČČ»ÆÆÆ«ƒƒƒ{{{{{{{{{{{{{{yusqod`[WSNJFFFD99-)'%%#ĪĆŖئ¤¢—‘†„mie_[UOB<8888+žśõģē¬¦ ƒxph[M82% q’’Ę’’’½ł’`fš+SU»’žSU 28 SE 15’žPark Farm Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnatural rise’žnone’žSU 2963 8143’ž42963 18143’ž429630’ž181430’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žnonenpx’ž15.5xxnono’žchalkyesnononononono1’žSW of centre3’žSW of centrex0x0’žtimber structure?’žSW of centre’žshallow features containing sarsen’žcentralnononono030no‘@ˆx4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žshallow features containing carsen’žgrave pit; postholesyesx’žtimber structure?; postholes, grave pitno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žRichards, J. 1986-90 Death and the past environment. The results of work on barrows on the Berkshire Downs. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 73, 1-42’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 An analysis and list of Berkshire Barrows. Part II. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 20-58np[[WWWWßD???;///+śśśśśä䥥ĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“²®©„”™•••“‘‘…}}{wsokb>0÷õńķéåįŻ×ŠĢČČČČČČČČČČĘľ¼øø²”—‡|tl_QK=/) q’Ą’’’½ł’@afŽbĀSUÕ’žSU 28 NE 4’žWayland's Smithy’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 2809 8539’ž42809 18539’ž428090’ž185390’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žAshbury’žCotswolds’žnone’žjust back from the north scarp of the Downs above the Vale of White horse’ž213’žN-Sx5514’žBRK 1; Kinnes SU 94’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žWhittle 1991’žWhittle et al 2007’žSimpson 1968’žAshbee 1984yesno’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žwoodyesyesyes’žquern stone fragments?x2 converging lines; 2 postpits’žS of mortuary structure; each end of mortuary structurex0x0’žmortuary structure’žS end of barrow’žoccupation layer? Timber posts? Possible pre-barrow pits’žvariousyes’žyesnono0’ž22+0’žsarsen slabs¾‡]Żx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žunder barrow, esp E side’žmortuary structurex’žmortuary structurenoxyesx’žoccupation area; timber posts; pits; fire; postholesno’ž51°342 00.243 N, 001°352 45.823 W’ž51°332 58.513 N, 001°352 40.633 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žWhittle et al 2007’žSimpson 1968’žAshbee 1984’žWhittle 1991np’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992Œpl^QC//**%!źæ»………ƒ}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{wcaM3.)%!õóīīģčäߣŠ–…qomki0ōņšŁÓĶĒĮ»µØ¤žž‘ƒoaaa7"Ć½²©”‡wj\KE.( q’’Ž’’’½ł’`žś& šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  jLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’— LVAL§ Vatcher 1965 :  It & was flanked by ditches which yielded Neolithic pottery, antler and animal bones. Post-holes, many of them re-curt to receive replacement posts, provided evidence for a timber faēade and a mortuary house. No human skeletal material was recovered, as ploughing had partially removed even the protected surface beneath the barrow mound. Harding & Gingell 1986 - 'All traces of the pre-barrow soil had been removed by ploughing. A surface of upstanding weathered chalk 15.8m E-W by 7.35m N-S, which had been protected by the mound, indicated its approximate original level. & . 'Mortuary chamber: At the E end, the surface enclosed a mortuary cham’žVatcher 1965 :  It & was flanked by ditches which yielded Neolithic pottery, antler and animal bones. Post-holes, many of them re-curt to receive replacement posts, provided evidence for a timber faēade and a mortuary house. No human skeletal material was recovered, as ploughing had partially removed even the protected surface beneath the barrow mound. Harding & Gingell 1986 - 'All traces of the pre-barrow soil had been removed by ploughing. A surface of upstanding weathered chalk 15.8m E-W by 7.35m N-S, which had been protected by the mound, indicated its approximate original level. & . 'Mortuary chamber: At the E end, the surface enclosed a mortuary chamber and extended 3.04m beyond both ditch terminals to a faēade." "Evidence for a mortuary chamber was slight but was suggested on the basis of two post-holes 3.35 m apart& .Any contents of the chamber had been destroyed by ploughing." "Timber faēade: An arc of five postholes was found at the E end of the former mound. Two other postholes were located at the E of the mound. " It is possible to interpret the postholes differently than the excavators - the W post of the 'mortuary chamber' may be added to those of the faēade to form a hexagonal setting of six posts." " Mound: ploughing had completely destroyed the mound. "Ditches: contained cattle bones and antler picks."čĪW ’Č[Ē„D€D$Āh’žSU 58 NW 53’žBlewburton Hill CE’žMonument #1181832’žcausewayed enclosure?’žIron Age Hillfort’žnone’žSU 5455 8610’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žAston Upthorpe’žnone’žnone?xx’žOswald et al 2001’žHolgate 1988’žMercer 1990’žHarding 1976yes²@@'@ņ2d’žyes’ž51°342 16.263 N, 001°122 51.243 W’ž51°342 14.513 N, 001°122 45.903 W’žSW England{{{oDh’žSU 58 NW 53’žBlewburton Hill CE’žMonument #1181832’žcausewayed enclosure?’žIron Age Hillfort’žnone’žSU 5455 8610’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žAston Upthorpe’žnone’žnone?xx’žOswald et al 2001’žHolgate 1988’žMercer 1990’žHarding 1976yes²@@'@ņ2d’žyes’ž51°342 16.263 N, 001°122 51.243 W’ž51°342 14.513 N, 001°122 45.903 W’žSW England{{{oDųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųņņņņņņņņņņņä×ÉÉɶ¶“²°°°°Ŗ¤”ttttf`M6#h|\@`8SU\’žSU 52 NE 13’žLamborough Lane’žBramdean’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 5927 2839’ž45927 12839’ž459270’ž128390’žHampshire’žWinchester’žBramdean and Hinton Ampner’žSE Wessex’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a6936’žKinnes SU 23’ž Kinnes 1992’žGodwin 1904nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no@@x4anonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW Englandno’žGodwin 1904np’ž Kinnes 1992āŌŠŠŠŠĆĆĆĆĆæ³³³³ÆÆÆ­©©©©©©©©©©©©©©§£”Ÿ›—’ŽŠ†‚~~~zxxlhfddb^ZVRPLJFDB@><:862.*$      ’’’ńćßŪÖĶÉÉĆøœ…}uhZE?2( q’Ā’’’½ł’`bˆh’žSU 49 SE 83’žDrayton Cursus’žcursus’žSU 4885 9418’ž44885 19418’ž448850’ž194180’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žSutton Courtenay’žLeeds 1934’žKinnes 1979€’žCursus6d’žSW EnglandĆĆĆ·····································³³ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ’†††††††††††††t_RJB5'''hĖ@ h’žSU 49 NE 138’žCorporation Farm’žMonument #124189’žhengiform monument’žditched enclosure’žnone’žSU 4968 9572’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žAbingdon’žnone’žnone52’žNE, SW11xx’žHarding 145’žHarding 1987yesyesyes’žantler pick €’žhengiform2d’žyes’ž51°392 29.243 N, 001°162 59.293 W’ž51°392 27.533 N, 001°162 53.963 W’žSW Englandwwwk@  õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõčāāÜÜÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖČ»¹·³«§§”›‘|ooooa[H4"h|Ō@8s’žSU…’žSU 48 SE 3’žSheep Down’žAbingdon Lane Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4923 8236’ž44923 18236’ž449230’ž182360’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žWest Ilsley’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wxnonpnono’žChalkno9@œ1nonpno’žSW England’žSmith, C. N. 1945 East Ilsley, Berks. Oxoniensia, 10, 94’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 An analysis and list of Berkshire Barrows. Part II. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 20-58np²²®®®®6śśśśśīīīīźźźźęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęāāāāāāāāąąąŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŠÉÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ½¹·²®®Ø¢•…zrj]OIC6" q’Ą  "Œh’žSU 45 NE 39’žBeacon Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure?’žSU 4585 5727’žHampshire’žBasingstoke and Deane’žBurghclere’žOswald 2001’žEagles 1991Ź@@€’žNot excavated2a’ž51°182 45.893 N, 001°202 36.533 W’ž51°182 44.043 N, 001°202 31.273 W’žSW Englandč½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½¹¹ž’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’………xxxxxxxxxxlUJJJJ<<<%hO@`8E LVALU Cunnington 1909: A skeleton was discovered 7 m from E end of mound; four flint flakes found with the bones. 'For an irregular space of from 0.9 m to 1.5m round about the skeleton, the soil appeared to the composed of decayed turf and mould and was quite different from the material of the rest of the barrow. It seems not unlikely that the first step towards building the barrow had been made by piling up round the body the turf and mould which must have been taken from the ditch before the chalk...could be got at& & The dark seam of the old surface turf was plainly visible under the ’žCunnington 1909: A skeleton was discovered 7 m from E end of mound; four flint flakes found with the bones. 'For an irregular space of from 0.9 m to 1.5m round about the skeleton, the soil appeared to the composed of decayed turf and mould and was quite different from the material of the rest of the barrow. It seems not unlikely that the first step towards building the barrow had been made by piling up round the body the turf and mould which must have been taken from the ditch before the chalk...could be got at& & The dark seam of the old surface turf was plainly visible under the whole area of the mound. The ground was picked over down to the undisturbed chalk in search of any cist, but with the exception of two holes and a trench nothing was found. These two holes were 60 cm in depth and diameter; the trench was 60 cm wide and 30 sm deep in the chalk. It ran from side to side beneath the mound in a slightly oblique direction from NE to SW& Both the holes and the trench were filled with the same rubbly chalk of which the barrow was built. Darvill 2004 reports that the barrow contained a 'wooden terminal chamber with ?one cell and a timber faēade at the east end."LVALUŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż™`,Tß FormHeaderēx ČeśŠć,_C”q„[-čŊ’d25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6-aZb–Įc,įd#žĢ???Ü $Excavation #_LabelŻ Excav.#ä  DetachedLabelå $Excavation___Labelźx u4ūɾUĄG½½“ø9w!ŻJ-KZLīM;żd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aZb–Żc,įd#)€žĢ???Ü *Excavation Date_LabelŻ Excav. Dateä  DetachedLabelå *Excavation_Date_Labelźx øy‡y¤ŖĆJü˜“™!RŻJKZLųM;żd25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6%aZb–hc,įd#???žĢ???Ü .Excavation Report_LabelŻ "Excavation Reportä  DetachedLabelå .Excavation_Report_Labelźx +ćןGä ŁÓ|ŹŻJ%KZLM;żd25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6JaZb– c,įd#???žĢ???Ü *Extent of Excav_LabelŻ Excav. Extent ä  DetachedLabelå *Extent_of_Excav_Labelźx Āš2V€3"J®µo²ČŪ0ŻJJKZLTM;żd25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aZb–c,įd#???žĢ???Ü @Excav Record: Availability_LabelŻ Site Reportä  DetachedLabelå @Excav_Record__Availability_Labelźx  B‘Ł÷‡”H’įÉŅūņŅŻJKZL©M;żd25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6åaZb–°c,įd#???žĢ???Ü 6Excav Record: Quality_LabelŻ Info on BLSä  DetachedLabelå 6Excav_Record__Quality_Labelźx š%HŽrĶįHƶ§V¬Ą«CŻJåKŃč‹ĢŠŹrČ7FćCėAr’žSU\’žSU 61 NWr’žSU\r’žSU\’žSU 61 NW SU\’žSU 61 NW 5’žGiant's Grave [Hampshire]’žOld Winchester Hill’žlong barrow’žSU 637 195’ž4637 1195’ž463700’ž119500’žHampshire’žWinchester’žCorhampton and Meonstoke’žnone’žnone’žNE-SW60’žRCHME 1979Ą@ 42c’žn/ano’žSW Englandnp’žRCHME 1979÷óóóóóóóóóóēēēēć掎ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĀĀĀ¾¾···±«‘…zrj_SSSF1 qĻJ €"€āSU2’žSU 60 NE 8’žBevis's Grave’žnone’žlong barrow’žSU 69236 06426’ž469236 106426’ž469236’ž106426’žHampshire’žHavant’žHavant’žnone’žnone’žE-W’žKinnes SU 28’žRCHME 1979; Kinnes 1992’žchalkyes@*2c’žn/ano’ž50°512 11.583 N, 001°012 04.063 W’ž50°512 09.523 N, 001°002 58.733 W’žSW Englandnp’žRCHME 1979; Kinnes 1992_FBBBBBBBBBB6 ąąÜÜ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××ÓÓÓĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĮĮŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ”““““ŽŽŽˆ‚zrg_WH888+% qĻb €:€SUS’žSU 60 NE 3’žPortsdown’žMonument #238389’žlong barrow’žchambered long barrow’žSU 6665 0641’ž46665 10641’ž466650’ž106410’žHampshire’žPortsmouth’žPortsmouth’žnone’žnone’žKinnes SU 27’žKinnes 1992’žBradley & Lewis 1968’žRCHME 1979€@Iģ2c’žn/ano’žSW England’žRCHME 1979’žBradley & Lewis 1968np’žKinnes 1992F9555žžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžśśśīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīāĢĢĢæ±±±±±±±«„™‚zreW@@3! qļ` €"˜†h’žSU 59 SE 111’žDorchester By-Pass, Site 2’žhengiform monument’žSU 5812 9488’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žDorchester’žDorchester’žHarding 155’žHarding 1987’žBradley & Chambers 1988 €’žhengiform2d’ž51°382 59.153 N, 001°092 40.603 W’ž51°382 57.433 N, 001°092 35.223 W’žSW England777+ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃŃŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ”””“†††††††zzn[NNNN@@@,,hK\`@8h’žSU 59 NW 90’žBarrow Hills’žcausewayed ring ditch’žSU 51316 98078’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žRadley’žHarding 139’žHarding 1987’žBradley 1984€’žCausewayed ring ditch2d’ž51°402 44.873 N, 001°152 33.173 W’ž51°402 43.173 N, 001°152 27.833 W’žSW England   é¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ŗŗ—————————————————————————————————————‰‰‰{nnnnnnnnnfQDDDD444hK`@8h’žSU 59 NW 86’žAbingdon Oval Barrow’žMonument #1085421’žoval barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSU 5124 9820’ž45124 19820’ž451240’ž198200’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žAbingdon’žnone’žBarrow Hills57’žNE-SWxnpnp’žKinnes Su98’žKinnes 1992’žBarclay & Halpin 1999nononoyesyesnoyesyesyes’žjet/shale belt slider2’žS end of outer enclosure16+’žvarious (see Notes)’žcentral0x1noxnoxnononono020no@@€’žmulti-phase monumentx2dno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž51°402 49.003 N, 001°152 36.803 W’ž51°402 47.303 N, 001°152 31.463 W’žSW England”””ˆ]2.***(""""""""""""""  žłõõõńļĶĮ½»¹¹·³Æ«§„”Ÿ›™—•ŒwqWU>82,("łłłģßŪ×ÕĪŹŹ¼¶¬—Š‚zm_YE8%h’Ā’’’żł’`>,č£MśĖ)ŹČ×ÅCBHĄh’žh’žSU 71 SE 20’žNore Down’žnone’žoval barrow’žflint mine’žnone’žSU 7731 1306’ž47731 11306’ž477310’ž113060’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žCompton’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx2512’žKinnes Su29’žKinnes 1992’žAldsworth 1979nononono’žflint mineŠ@@2d’žyesnpno’žSE England    żżżńńńńńńńńńńńåååååååååååååååååįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÅÅÅø«§£”œ˜˜’ŒƒwjbZM?9- h’Ā  "`SUy’žSU 71 NE 34’žBevis's Thumb’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 7876 1551’ž47876 11551’ž478760’ž115510’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žCompton’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx7016’žKinnes SU 30’žKinnes 1992nononoyesyesyesyesH@ī4’žyesnp’ždark soil’ž50°562 01.373 N, 000°522 49.773 W’ž50°552 59.343 N, 000°522 44.383 W’žSE England’žDrewett, P., Bedwin, O. & Rudling, D. 1981 Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1980. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 18, 21-47 ( p 22-24)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumnp’žKinnes 1992Ÿ’ŽŽŽŽpppppd9’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’śśśśśśśśųųųģģģģģģģęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęę까ŚŚŌŠĢČČČČČČČČ»­©„£žžž˜’‰}ph`SE?9,& q’~Ą3@  :Œh’žSU 68 NW 171’žNorth Stoke Bank Barrow’žnone’žbank barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 6112 8573’ž46112 18573’ž461120’ž185730’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žCrowmarsh’žnone’žnone46’žN-Sx’ž23512’žKinnes SU 99’žKinnes 1992noyes’žValley Gravelyesnononoyesnono00X@ ī2dnonononono’žyesnpyesno’žSW EnglandYYYMMMMIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC?:62.*&&&""" üųņ毣ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁĢ¾ŗµ³®ŖŖ¤ž“€skcVHB</)h’Ą’,ł "h’žSU 68 NW 170’žNorth Stoke Mortuary Enclosure’žnone’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 6109 8561’ž46109 18561’ž461090’ž185610’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žCrowmarsh’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx2015noyes’žValley Gravel00€’žmortuary enclosure2dnonononono’žyesnpyes’žSW England777++++++++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! äääāąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŃĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ½øøø²¬”ŽyqdVPJ60h’ĄLł h’žSU 67 NW 33’žGoring CE’žGatehampton Farm’žcausewayed enclosure?’žnone’žnone’žSU 6036 7974’ž46036 17974’ž460360’ž179740’žOxfordshire’žSouth Oxfordshire’žGoring’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001yesyes1L@ ī2d’žyes’žSW EnglandšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääßßßßßßßßßŪŪŪĻĻĻĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĒĒĒĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ®®®®®®®®Ø¢š‡zrj]OIC,h’@$ h’žSU 66 NW 22’žBeenham’žring ditch’žSU 6040 6786’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žBeenhamR@ņ2d’ž51°242 23.773 N, 001°072 58.633 W’ž51°242 21.953 N, 001°072 53.273 W’žSW EnglandČČČ¼‘fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbbVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVM=2222$$$hK@8°SUn’žSU 64 SW 14’žPreston Grange’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow ?’žearthen long barrow’žSU 6046 4032’ž46046 14032’ž460460’ž140320’žHampshire’žBasingstoke and Deane’žPreston Candover’žNorth Downs’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a74’žKinnes SU 110’ž Kinnes 1992’žWilson 1893nononono[@Jģ2cno’žyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žWilson 1893np’ž Kinnes 1992hZVVVVIIIIII====994444444444444444444444/++++++++'''     žžžšįįŻŲŃŃŃĖ¾¬•Š‚zm_J:-' q’nĀ €"ˆ¬čüO=Ī6ĖÉ0ĒņDČBo’žSU 81 SW 30b’žStoughton Down SE’žMonument #246539’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8218 1281’ž48218 11281’ž482180’ž112810’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žStoughton’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx24’ž13.5’žKinnes SU 33’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes'@ī4a’žyesnpno’žSE England    ’’’óóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóķķķķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŠySUf’žSU 81 SW 30b’žStoughton Down SE’žMonument #246539’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8218 1281’ž48218 11281’ž482180’ž112810’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žStoughton’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx24’ž13.5’žKinnes SU 33’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes'@ī4a’žyesnpno’žSE Englandnp’žKinnes 19925($$$$$$$$$$        ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūõõõõńķéååååååååŲŹÄĄ¾µ±±«„šŽyqdVPJ=+ q’Ą#  "€dSUf’žSU 81 SW 30a’žStoughton Down NW’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8218 1281’ž48218 11281’ž482180’ž112810’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žStoughton’žnone’žnonenp’žSE-NWx36’ž23.4’žKinnes SU 32’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes"€’žNo information on ground surface4a’žyesnpno’žSE Englandnp’žKinnes 1992I<8888888888,,,,(((($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķēēēēćßŪ×××××××׏¼¶²°©„„Ÿ™Ž‚umeXJD>1+ q’Ą#  "€&h’žSU 81 SE 52’žThe Trundle CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 8774 1107’ž48774 11107’ž487740’ž111070’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žSingleton’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žBradley 1969’žCurwen 1931yesyes6c’žyes’žSE EnglandńńńåååååååååååååååååååååååååååååąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÖÖÖŠŠŠŠĆµµµ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢œ–‹rjbUGA;%h’@F h’žSU 81 SE 5’žCourt Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’ženclosure’žnone’žSU 8976 1375’ž48976 11375’ž489760’ž113750’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žSingleton’žnone’žnonex’ž170’ž170’žOswald et al 2001yesyesyesyes6c’žsee Bedwin 1984’ž50°542 58.633 N, 000°432 27.933 W’ž50°542 56.583 N, 000°432 22.483 W’žSE EnglandSSSGńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÖŠŠŹÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄı±¬§„„„„Ÿ™Ž‚umeXJD9#h’\68h’žSU 81 NW 45’žNorth Marden’žnone’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8009 1560’ž48009 11560’ž480090’ž115600’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žMarden’žnone’žnonenpnpx4630’žKinnes SU 31’žKinnes 1992molluscannonoyesyesnoyesyesno’žcarved chalk objects0x0xx0x0nox’žditch deposit’žDitch segment 6 - west end of moundnononono100no1@G*@ņ’žditch segment 4 above primary silts2d’žyes?’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žditch deposit’žBeaker period hearthyesnono’žSE England&&& ööēēēēēēēēēēēåį߯ŪŁŌĻŹĘĮ¼¶¶¶²uqommkgc_[6'%!ū÷ńėēįŪ×ÓĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ“¦¢žœ˜””Žˆ€tg_WJ<60#h’Ą’’’żł’4&h’žSU 80 NE 94’žChalkpit Lane’žhengiform monument’žSU 8659 0943’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žLavant €’žhengiform2d’ž50°522 40.563 N, 000°462 13.923 W’ž50°522 38.493 N, 000°462 08.483 W’žSE EnglandŽŽŽŅ§|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||xxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaYM@@@@222hK@89RLVALŠhhĻhĻA Neolithic causewayed enclosure was discovered at Eton Wick following the examination of an aerial photograph in 1976. A trial trench in 1984 discovered a Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age ditch. A second trench in 1985 revealed a ditch terminal containing neolithic pottery, 950 struck flints, an antler comb and animal bones. Ford 1994 - Ashbee 1976: (Abstract) "Chambered cairns on Scilly, and related structures elsewhere, are seen as not primarily for the burial of the dead but as repositories for occupation earth, sometimes leavened with human remains, which re’žAshbee 1976: (Abstract) "Chambered cairns on Scilly, and related structures elsewhere, are seen as not primarily for the burial of the dead but as repositories for occupation earth, sometimes leavened with human remains, which reflect a non-material approach to the problems of soil fertility." Ashbee's small excavation was undertaken while doing restoration work on the monument ; the site was first excavated in 1899 by G Bonsor, but no report was written.’žA Neolithic causewayed enclosure was discovered at Eton Wick following the examination of an aerial photograph in 1976. A trial trench in 1984 discovered a Late Bronze Age - Early Iron Age ditch. A second trench in 1985 revealed a ditch terminal containing neolithic pottery, 950 struck flints, an antler comb and animal bones. Ford 1994 - excavation comprised 6 trial trenches. P 33-34 - The earliest episodes on the floor and sides of the ditch comprise dark deposits with few stones but quantities of bone, pot, stone tools, and charcoal. Two shallow spreads (025 and 026), 0.2- 0.3m across and occupying slight hollows, occur on the slope of the terminal but are of the same material as the overlying more extensive deposit covering the whole of the terminal (019). A similar situation occurs at the opposite (north) end of the trench with a more distinct deposit (028) 0.2- 0.3m across, occurring under or within a more general deposit (035). At the terminal end, 019 is overlain by coarser gravel (018) probably reflecting a natural infilling of the ditch with gravel sorting. This layer does, though, contain quantities of 'occupat’žAshbee 1976: (Abstract) "Chambered cairns on Scilly, and related structures elsewhere, are seen as not primarily for the burial of the dead but as repositories for occupation earth, sometimes leavened with human remains, which reflect a non-material approach to the problems of soil fertility." Ashbee'’žAshbee 1976: (Abstract) "Chambered cairns on Scilly, and related structures elsewhere, are seen as not primarily for the burial of the dead but as repositories for occupation earth, sometimes leavened with human remains, which reflect a non-material approach to the problems of soil fertility." Ashbee's small excavation was undertaken while doing restoration work on the monument ; the site was first excavated in 1899 by G Bonsor, but no report was written.’žSite was not recognised until much of it had been destroyed by quarrying - rescue excavations identified the ditches and recovered pottery and flints.č±LŹIČĘbĆAr’žSV’žSV 80 NE 3’žKittern H SV’žSV 80 NE 3’žKittern Hill’žGugh 2’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSV 889 086’ž0889 0086’ž088900’ž008600’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Agnes’žSt Agnes’žGugh’žnonenpxxxno’žTroutbeck 1796nonononononoyesnonono00~@Gģ2cnonononono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žTroutbeck 1796npQQMMMM======1111--(($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÉÉÉɹ¹¹¹¹µ³±Æ««„Ÿ•‹zrj_SC=,$ q’Ā’,ł "ˆh’žSU 97 NE 110’žEton Wick CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 9502 7810’ž49502 17810’ž495020’ž178100’žBerkshire’žWindsor and Maidenhead’žEton’žnone’žnone’žnorth bank of River Thamesnp’žn/anpxx’žOswald et al 2001’žFord 1986nonoyesyesnoyesyesno’žantler comb0x1’žTrench 1x0x00x’žoccupation debris’žTrench 6nononono000noF@Gx6cnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW EnglandÕÕÕÉÉÉÉÉÄĄ¾øøøøøøøøøøøøøø¶²°®¬Ŗ„ œ˜“‹‹‹‡……yusqqokgc_UB@><:86,*(& ’łłõńńńńńęęęÓÓŃĻĖĘĀ¦ š”|qiaTF@:$h’’_Āž’’½ł’ą!h’žSU 91 SE 31’žBarkhale Camp CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSU 9758 1261’ž49758 11261’ž497580’ž112610’žWest Sussex’žArun’žArundel’žnone’žnonex’ž215’ž145’žOswald et al 2001’žPiggott 1954’žSmith 19716c’žsee Leach 1983’žyes’ž50°542 17.183 N, 000°362 48.683 W’ž50°542 15.113 N, 000°362 43.183 W’žSE EnglandPPPDīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīééééééééŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÉ»»»ØØ£žœœœœ–‡tldWIC='!h’\8h’žSU 90 NW 2’žHalnaker Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žhilltop enclosure’žnone’žSU 9205 0970’ž49205 10970’ž492050’ž109700’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žBoxgrove’žnone’žnone’žSSW-NNEx’ž175’ž145’žOswald 92’žOswald et al 2001’žBedwin 1983’žBedwin 1982’žRudling 1985’žPitts 1979yes’žchalk bluffyesyes6c’žsee bedwin 1992’žyes’žyesyes’žSE EnglandfffZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTOJJJJJJJ95555555555555555555555555555//))  üļāāāĻÄæŗøÆÆÆ©£™€xpcUO<& h’~® h’žSU 84 NE 7’žBourne Mill Spring CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure?’žSU 8528 4792’žSurrey’žWaverley’žFarnham’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žClarke & Rankine 1939y@ī!€’žnot a causewayed enclosure site2d’ž51°132 26.973 N, 000°462 48.333 W’ž51°132 25.053 N, 000°462 42.853 W’žSE England@@@4 ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚ­””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””ŠŠŠwwwwwwwwqkbXPPPPBBB+%hO|@`8:SUU’žSU 84 NE 14’žBadshot Lea’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8607 4792’ž48607 14792’ž486070’ž147920’žSurrey’žWaverley’žFarnham’žnone’žnone85’žNE-SWx’ž42.7’žunknown’žKinnes SU 111’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984’žUpper Chalkyesnoyesyesyesno0x1’žentrance causeway at E end; mound damagedx0x0noxnoxnononono000no˜@Gx4nonononononoxxxxnox’žposthole in entrance causewayyesx’žpostholeno’ž51°132 26.543 N, 000°462 07.613 W’ž51°132 24.623 N, 000°462 02.133 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žAshbee 1984np’žKinnes 1992ZMIIII<<7773'üŃĶĆĆĆĮ»œœœœœœœœœœœœœš–”’ŽŠŠ†‚~zvvvtrrfb`^^\XTPLJFD@><:8   ż÷ńķēēŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĶĶĶĄ±Ø¢ ™••‰€vnf^QC=7*$ q’ż’’½łžp~Š&ČčM‹JOG¬DąAr’žSV’žSV 91 SW r’žSVr’žSV’žSV 91 ScSV’žSV 91 SW 38’žSalakee Down’žMonument #304056’žchambered cairn’žkerb cairn’žchambered round cairn’žSV 9231 1025’ž09231 01025’ž092310’ž010250’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnonenpx12xx’žAshbee 1974’žDaniel 1950nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noh@īx4anonononono’žyes’žpossiblexxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žDaniel 1950’žAshbee 1974np××ÓÓÓĘ¹¹¹¹¹µ©©©„”””Ÿ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™—“‘‹|xtplhhhdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$"  žśööööéÜÜÜÜÜŚŲŌŅĪĪČ½²§–Ž†ykTH7% q’Ę’’’½ł’`f˜B SV’žSV 91 SW 35’žPorth Hellick Down’žGreat Tomb H1:D7’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 928 107’ž0928 0107’ž092800’ž010700’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnonenpnp12xx’žHencken 1932’žAshbee ? 1980’žAshbee 1963nonononononoyesnono’žpumice00>@7ģ2cnonononono’žyesnpyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žAshbee ? 1980’žAshbee 1963’žHencken 1932np®®ŖŖœssssoojjdddddddddddddddddddd`[WSOKGGGCCC7753333333333333333333+'#  ų茌ŚŚŚŲÖŅĪŹŹÄ¹®£’Š‚wkTN=+ q’Ī’,ł "øbąSV’žSV 91 SW 13’žBant's Carn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, round’žSV 9099 1230’ž09099 01230’ž090990’ž012300’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žHalangy Down’žnonex13xx’žHencken 1933’žAshbee ? 1980’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono004?noŠ@Hx4a’žyesnononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnpxno’ž49°552 51.093 N, 006°182 26.673 W’ž49°552 48.883 N, 006°182 23.593 W’žSW Englandno’žAshbee ? 1980; Hencken 1933’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004npGGCC8+      żŅ§§£££”›—•“‘‹†‚~zvqqqmkk_[WUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'#  żżņåÕĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½½½·©ž“‚zreWA;*$ q’Ž’’’½ł’`zør SV ’žSV 91 SW 12’žHalangy Down Lower’žH2a:D14’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 9095 1240’ž09095 01240’ž090950’ž012400’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnone’žNE-SW10xx’žAshbee 1974’žHencken 1932’žDaniel 1950’žAshbee 1963nonononoyesyes>@6ģ2c’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žHencken 1932’žDaniel 1950’žAshbee 1963’žAshbee 1974npŒreWWWWWWKKKKGGBB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:55555555111%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   üļįŌŌŌŌŌŅŠĢÅÅÅæ“©ž…}pbKE4+ q’Ž  "ųSV’žSV 80 NE 7’žObadiah's Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 8880 0851’ž08880 00851’ž088800’ž008510’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Agnes’žSt Agnes’žGugh’žnonenp’žSE-NW7xx’žAshbee 1980’žAshbee ? 1980’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004nonononononoyesnono’ž2 bone points0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno01’ž12+noa@īx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’ždark soil’žSW Englandno’žAshbee ? 1980’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004npūū÷÷ģßĻĻĻĻĻĖææææ“““²¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ŗ¦¤¢ ž™”Œ‡‚~~~|zznjecca]WSOMIGCA?=;9753$  žžóęÖÉÉÉÉÉĒÅĆ¼øø²¬¢˜‡wj\E?.( q’Ž’’’½ł’`bøŅ#č©L{IčE9C;Ar’žSW†’žSW 42 Nr’žSW†’žSW 42 NW 66’žHut Barrow’žBrane Br’žSW†’žSW 42 NW 66’žHut Barr SW†’žSW 42 NW 66’žHut Barrow’žBrane Barrow’žchambered round barrow’žentrance grave’žnone’žSW 4018 2818’ž14018 02818’ž140180’ž028180’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSancreed’žnone’žnone’žN-S’ž4.6xx’žBlight 1865>@8ģ2c’žyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žBlight 1865np  ųųųųųųģģģģččćććććććććććććććććććććć掎ŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮĮĮĮĮæ½ø³³³­§”Š‚zm_YI1# q’ €"ˆŗ½SW•’žSW 33 SE 64’žTregaseal Barrow’žTregascal’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?’žSW 3804 3213’ž13804 03213’ž138040’ž032130’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx129’žnone’žBarnatt 1982nonononononoyesnono’žwhetstone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žunknownr@Kx4a’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žpavementxnono’žSW Englandno’žBarnatt 1982npŗŗ¶¶¶¶ØØØØؤ˜˜˜”ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽ„‚~usqojfb^YUPPPLJJ>5311/+'#   ųōšźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅÄÄÄľ¼ø¶ÆÆÆ©£š‘‡wj\KE4) q’>Ā’’’½ł’@fˆ=SWY’žSW 33 SE 24’žBallowall Barrow’žCarn Gluze’žchambered cairn’žplatform cairn’žentrance grave, round’žSW 35526 31252’ž135526 031252’ž135526’ž031252’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnonex’ž23.75xx’žBarnatt 1982’žBorlase 1878nonononoyesnoyesnono’žperforated stone bead2’žNE of centre ; SE of centre0xx0x0nox’žcists (4)’žcentralnonoyesno000’žpavement@Kx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žentire entrance gravenox’ž4 funerary cists’ž2 pits’žpityes’žpits(2)no’ž50°072 20.213 N, 005°422 05.043 W’ž50°072 18.063 N, 005°422 01.693 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase 1878np’žBarnatt 1982žŒŒŒŒ~~~~~znC    ųęęęęęęęäąÉĒÅĆ¾¹µ±¬Ø£££”ŸŸ“‰‡……ƒyuqh][WUSQOMK., żłõńķķķķķßßßŃŃĻĶĘÄÄľøƦœ”Œ}mVF5) q’^Ā’’’½ł’Ą!~ˆžæSW¼’žSW 32 NE 20’žChapel Carn Brea’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?, round’žSW 3858 2806’ž13858 02806’ž138580’ž028060’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnonex23xx’žnone’žHencken 1932nonononononoyesnono’žwhetstone1’žW of centre0xx0x0nox’žsunken chamber’žcentrenonoyesno000noō@‹x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žchamber’žtrenchyes’žstone-lined trenchno’ž50°052 42.123 N, 005°392 23.453 W’ž50°052 39.953 N, 005°392 20.093 W’žSW Englandno’žHencken 1932np995555'''''#ģĮ½©©©©£££››››’’’’’’’ŒŠˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUQOMMKGA=91!õńķēćßŪ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻĮĮĮĮ»¹·³±±±«„œ“‰yl^F@/) q’>Ā’’’½ł’@$~ˆøSV’žSV 91 SW 49’žBuzza Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave, round cairn’žSV 9059 1037’ž09059 01037’ž090590’ž010370’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnone’žNE-SWnpxx’žBorlase 1769’žAshbee 1974’žHencken 1932’žTroutbeck 1756nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000nop@3x4nonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnp’žchamber’ždark soilno’ž49°542 48.033 N, 006°182 41.113 W’ž49°542 45.813 N, 006°182 38.033 W’žSW Englandno’žAshbee 1974’žHencken 1932’žTroutbeck 1756’žBorlase 1769npbb^P@2%%%%%!źæ»°°°§££££££££££££££”›™—•‘Œˆ„€|xxxvtthdb``^ZTPLJFD@><:86420,($  ųźŻĻĻĻĻĻĶĖĒĄĄĄŗƤ™ˆ€xk]@:)# q’Ž’’’½ł’`~ųŠ› LVAL« The cairn covers 2 separate chambers, one directly above the other. The upper chamber is at ground level, lower chamber is subterranean. UPPER CHAMBER - floor was made up of the lintels of the lower chamber, and levelled with clay. LOWER CHAMBER - the floor is bedrock. Grant 1939: P 159 :’žThe cairn covers 2 separate chambers, one directly above the other. The upper chamber is at ground level, lower chamber is subterranean. UPPER CHAMBER - floor was made up of the lintels of the lower chamber, and levelled with clay. LOWER CHAMBER - the floor is bedrock. Grant 1939: P 159 : 'The most striking fact about the lower chamber, ... is that it is built entirely in an artificial excavation in the hillside..' Turner 1903 : P  about a foot above the paved floor was a flagstone, which divided the recess into an upper and a lower compartment, both filled with dark greasy mud. VčćL­I¼F÷CnAr’žSW×’žSW 43 NE 65’žMulfra QuoisSW×’žSW 43 NE 65’žMulfra Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSW 4518 3535’ž14518 03535’ž145180’ž035350’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’žnone’žBarnatt 1982nononononononononono1?0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noū@Žx4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxx’žpitno’žSW Englandno’žBarnatt 1982np””‚‚‚‚‚~rrrniiigggggggggggggggea_][YUPLHD@<<<:88,(&$$" žüśųöōšģčäąÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢ¾¾¾¾ø¶“°®ŖŖ¤ž–ƒ{sfXIC+% q’?Ā’’’½ł’@fˆŖ”SW¶’žSW 43 NE 44’žTolcreeg Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?’žSW 4529 3606’ž14529 03606’ž145290’ž036060’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žnone’ž16.5xx’žnone’žMercer 1986nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žlarge flat rock (natural feature?)’žcentralnononono000no‚@Mx4anononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žlarge flat rock (natural?)xnono’žSW Englandno’žMercer 1986npŠŠĢĢĢĢæææææ»ÆÆÆ«§§§„„„„„„„„‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{vrnjfb^^^ZXXLHFDDB>:62)’żūł÷õóńļėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅøøøø²°®ØØØØ¢œ”‹yqdVE?.( q’<Ā’’’½ł’@@fˆbįSW 43 NE 42’žZennor Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4668 3802’ž14668 03802’ž146680’ž038020’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971’žDaniel 1950’žThomas & Wailes 1967nonononononoyesyesnono??0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žyesP@Mx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žmain chambernoxnp’žinner chamber’ždark soilno’žSW Englandno’žDaniel 1950’žThomas & Wailes 1967’žRussell 1971óŻŠŠŠŠŠĢĄĄĄ¼±±±¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜Šˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUPNLLJF@<8620,*(&$" üųōšššŚĶææ汱ƭ©§££—†|tl_QA;#o’_Ī’’’½ł’`f8ŲSWÕ’žSW 43 NE 22’žSperris Quoit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave, portal dolmen’žSW 4709 3825’ž14709 03825’ž147090’ž038250’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’ž213np12xx’žnone’žBarnatt 1982’žDaniel 1950nono’žrab (granitic gravel)nononoyesnonono1’žsouth of centre, outside chamber0xx0x0nox’žtrampled ground ?’žcentralyesnonono000no0@x4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žcentralxxxnox’žtrampled ground’žcremation pitx’žtrampled ground?; pit; fireno’žSW Englandno’žDaniel 1950’žBarnatt 1982npAA===/"""""ńńńļļļļļļąąĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĶÉĒÅĆŗ¶±­©¤ ›››™——‹‡…ƒƒ}yuofSQMKIGECA ’čäąąąąÓÅÅÅÅæ½»·³®®®Ø —…}pbC=,& q’??Ę’’’½ł’@Af˜źSWa’žSW 42 SW 19’žTregiffian Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4304 2442’ž14304 02442’ž143040’ž024420’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Buryan’žnone’žnone97x15xx’žBarnatt 1982’žMercer 1986nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žcupped stones; pebbles2’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žpre-barrow surfacenononono002?noB@Œx4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žoccupation debris; postholes; cultivationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žMercer 1986np    ōōōšÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§¢˜”‹†††„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZF42.,*(&$"’ūõļėēįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕČČČŗŗø¶²°¬¬¦ •Œ‚zreWGA0* q’_Ā’’’½ł’ąēˆ LVAL Henshall & Ritchie 1995: p 122 ' In the main chamber the floor consisted of a thin layer of grey glayey soil, & either an old turf line or the result of water action& The floor was very irregular with some shallow pits contained charcoal and another some quartz pebbles...charcoal had been scatted on the floor. Main chamber contained a platform /cist structure. Sharples 1981: 'the floors of the chambers where there were distinctive but discontinuous patches of blue-grey clay.’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995: p 122 ' In the main chamber the floor consisted of a thin layer of grey glayey soil, & either an old turf line or the result of water action& The floor was very irregular with some shallow pits contained charcoal and another some quartz pebbles...charcoal had been scatted on the floor. Main chamber contained a platform /cist structure. Sharples 1981: 'the floors of the chambers where there were distinctive but discontinuous patches of blue-grey clay. These had been thought of as turf patches but it seems more likely that they are the result of water percolation through the roof. Numerous pits were found in the old ground surface& ..the general impression is that they were caused by the removal of large boulders before the tomb's construction& ..Underneath the platform in front of the tomb's entrance were several charcoal patches and two distinct groups of pottery& - a clay layer in the chamber may have been introduced as a 'ritual' act (p 57)" LVAL2 Clifford 1938 - p 214 'the old turf line showed as a thin band of clay. The removal of the debris of the cairn revealed a rock-cut boat-shaped tomb, neatly lined with blocks of stone and at the north end an enormous mass of human and animal bones, mixed with soil, in a state of disorder& .there was a ledge on the side of the accommodate the slabs of stone which would be necessary to cover [it] before the cairn could be built over it. Two such slabs& ..were fo’žClifford 1938 - p 214 'the old turf line showed as a thin band of clay. The removal of the debris of the cairn revealed a rock-cut boat-shaped tomb, neatly lined with blocks of stone and at the north end an enormous mass of human and animal bones, mixed with soil, in a state of disorder& .there was a ledge on the side of the accommodate the slabs of stone which would be necessary to cover [it] before the cairn could be built over it. Two such slabs& ..were found lying in the undergrowth on the E side of the barrow& .The floor [of the tomb] was solid rock and sloped from N to S in four shallow steps, the difference in height between the 2 ends being 22 cm. ' The bones included the remains of between 28-44 people. Pottery (EBA) was found on the ledge, as well as two pieces actually in the tomb, together with flint flakes. P 215  This barrow is dated to the EBA by pottery, but it retains the collective burial rites of the Neolithic. šč*MüI>GØÅĀĆ Ar’žSWb’žSW 71 NE 13’žThree Brother€SWb’žSW 71 NE 13’žThree Brothers of Grugith’žCrouza Downs’žchambered cairn?’žnatural feature’žnone’žSW 7616 1978’ž17616 01978’ž176160’ž019780’žCornwall’žKerrier’žSt Keverne’žnone’žnonenpnpx??’žDaniel 1950nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no@@x4nononononononoxxxxnox’žpitpossiblex’žgrave? Pitno’žSW Englandno’žDaniel 1950npĆĆææææ²²²²²®¢¢¢ž’’’€€€€€€€{{{{{{{yusqomiea]YUQQQOMMA=;9973/+'%!üöņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĶĶĶĶĶĖÉĒĆææ¹³§ž”Œ„wicR@2 q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fˆĀh’žSW 64 SE 5’žCarn Brea’žtor enclosure’žSW 6850 0760’ž16850 00760’ž168500’ž007600’žCornwall’žKerrier’žCarn Brea’žOswald et al 2001€’žtor enclosure2d’ž49°552 25.423 N, 005°132 35.693 W’ž49°552 23.173 N, 005°132 32.173 W’žSW EnglandłĪ£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ŸŸ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„qqqqqqqqqqf]SKC6(((hĖ@@8h’žSW 43 SW 41’žLanyon Quoit’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSW 4297 3368’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx2712€’žnot excavated2a’žSW Englandµµµ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©„„„ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ†‚€{{{uog^TTTTF@:#h|  SWŸ’žSW 43 SW 40’žWest Lanyon Quoit’žGiant's Quoit’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSW 4231 3378’ž14231 03378’ž142310’ž033780’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnonenp’žNE-SW’žMercer 1986’žBorlase 1872’žDaniel 1950nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žyes’žyesno'@äx4ano’žyesnononono’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Englandno’žBorlase 1872’žDaniel 1950’žMercer 1986npÉÉÅÅø«™‰‰‰‡{ywusmiea]XTTTPNNB>9442.*&"   žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŃƶ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶Æ«««„”Š‚zm_PJ9* q’?Ī’’’½ł’`bøź*SWŹ’žSW 43 SW 29’žChun Quoit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSW 4022 3395’ž14022 03395’ž140220’ž033950’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMorvah’žnone’žnone’žon an open moor 300 m from the summit of a prominent hill’žN-S15xx’žBarnatt 1982nononononononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no9@|x4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žpit - grave?no’ž50°082 55.023 N, 005°382 15.513 W’ž50°082 52.883 N, 005°382 12.143 W’žSW Englandnonp’žBarnatt 19829+'''''''''#ģĮ½Æ«§„ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‘ˆ„€|xtttrppd`^\\ZVRNJHDB><:8642)'# ’’’’’’’’ńńļķéää©£•Œ‚zreW@:)# q’’^Ą’’’½ł’ą€Ž¢SW 43 NW 16’žBosporthennis Cromlech’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žsurface cist’žnone’žSW 4356 3654’ž14356 03654’ž143560’ž036540’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpnpx’ž.09’ž1.5’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcist’žunknownno00’žunknownB@Nx4a’žyesnononononononpnono’ž50°102 23.953 N, 005°352 33.833 W’ž50°102 21.813 N, 005°352 30.443 W’žSW Englandno’žRussell 1971ęęęęŲŲŲŲŲŌȝrnjjjjffffffffffffffffffffb^ZVRNIIIECC77.,,**&&&   żłóķéåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕĒĒĒ¹¹“Æ­©„„Ÿ™‘ˆ~vnaSM?-'o’_Ā’’O­ł ~ˆģč½M ĢˆHĒÅ,ĆĮh’žSX 64 NE 18’žBigbury Long Bh’žSX 64 NE 18’žBigbury Long Barrow’žMonument # 440988’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSX 6667 4700’ž26667 04700’ž266670’ž047000’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žBigbury’žnone’žnone’žSW-NEx60’ž37.5’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž50°182 28.363 N, 003°522 25.253 W’ž50°182 26.213 N, 003°522 21.143 W’žSW EnglandEEE9ćććććććććććććććććććććććććććććććććććßßßÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄľø²®¬„„„Ÿ™„}um_PJD7$h’~ 8h’žSX 17 NW 25’žStripple Stones’žnone’žhenge’žstone circle’žClass I henge’žSX 1437 7521’ž21437 07521’ž214370’ž075210’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žBlisland’žnone’žnone’ž275’žWSW73xx’žHarding 031’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987nonononoyesnonoyesno’žpieces of wood5’žaround central stone; NW of the plateau0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nox6bnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žSW Englandŗŗŗ®®®®®®®¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš˜”‹‡ƒ{{{wuuuqommkgc_[YUSOMKIGECžśöšģčäąąąąąŅŅŅÄ·µ³ÆŖ„„Ÿ™umeXJ;-& h’Ā’’’ł’` h’žSX 06 SW 1’žCastilly Henge’žnone’žhenge?’žnone’žClass I’žSX 0311 6274’ž20311 06274’ž203110’ž062740’žCornwall’žRestormel’žLuxulyan’žnone’žnone’ž152N’ž29-49xx’žHarding 027’žHarding 1987’žBarnatt 1982nono’žweathered slate plateaunonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noO@Qx6bnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’ž50°252 53.273 N, 004°462 24.903 W’ž50°252 51.213 N, 004°462 21.143 W’žSW EnglandąąąŌ©~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|xvtrplgc_[WSSSOMMA=;9973/+'%!  żłõńķŌŠĢĢĢĢĢ¾¾¾°£”Ÿ˜–‘‘‹…{pf^VI;2,$h’Ā’’’½ł’8ƒSX ’žSX 06 SE 6’žLesquite Quoit’žLanivet Quoit’žchambered round barrow’žWest Penwith’žportal dolmen’žSX 0707 6275’ž20707 06275’ž207070’ž062750’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žLanivet’žnone’žnone’ž160x’žn/axx’žnone’žDaniel 1950nono’žgranite outcropnonononoyesnono3’žsouth of dolmen stones4?’žpit/posthole (3) - south of dolmen stonesx0x0’žpossible’žsouth of dolmen stones’žtimber postxnononono000noö@x4’ž3rd mill. BC (Miles & Trudgian 1976)nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpits, posthole, timber structureyesxnono’žpostholes; pitno’žSW England’žtimber post’žyes’žDaniel 1950npŒŒŒŒzzzmaaa]MIEC=====  üųōšŹŹČĘĘŗ¶“²²°¬Ø¤ ž‘yomkig<8  ļėēēēēēŚŚŚŚŌŅŠĖÉÄľøƟ•…xj[M5& q’?Ā’’’½ż’įgŠh’žSX 06 SE 33’žHelman Tor’žnone’žtor enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSX 0618 6164’ž20618 06164’ž206180’ž061640’žCornwall’žRestormel’žLanlivery’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žMercer 1986\@ī6c’žSW EnglandĻĻĻĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆæææ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³¦¦¦““““““““‡|qg_WJ<60!h’@  SW‡’žSW 96 NE 4’žPawton Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žSW 9657 6960’ž19657 06960’ž196570’ž069600’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žSt Breock’žnone’žnonenp’žN-Sx’ž21.3’ž15.2’žDaniel 1950; Borlase 1871nonononov@9ģ2c’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žDaniel 1950; Borlase 1871npNNJJJJ//////####           żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłõńķķķķķŅŅŅŅŅĢĘÄæ»»µÆ¤”Š‚zm_YB*$ q’Ā  "ˆŚ LVAL BA oval barrow overlies E end of long barrow. C14 dates pertain to secondary Saxon inhumations. Pastscape: From the terminals of the faēade bedding trench ran a double line of postholes in a SE direction. In the packing holes of these was a saddle quern and Windmill Hill derived pottery. Mortimer p 337: F’žBA oval barrow overlies E end of long barrow. C14 dates pertain to secondary Saxon inhumations. Pastscape: From the terminals of the faēade bedding trench ran a double line of postholes in a SE direction. In the packing holes of these was a saddle quern and Windmill Hill derived pottery. Mortimer p 337: Found 3 pits 'the digging of these had preceded the erection of the mound'. Mortimer identified a subterranean dwelling - 7.5m by 1.4 m and up to 1.8 m deep; this has since been identified as a faēade bedding trench. The abundant wood ash and charred timbers are evidence of the burning of the wooden structure.,čĄĶqĖńČŃĘ©Ä;BHĄh’žSX 79 SW 1’žSpinster's Rock’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSX 7009 9078’ž27009 09078’ž270090’ž090780’žDevon’žWest Devon’žDrewsteignton’žDartmoor’žnone’ž244’žunknown’žunknown’žunknown’žunknown’žnone’žnonenononono±@N2anounknown’žSW EnglandųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųōōōōōōōōšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääąÜŲŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌĪČ涭¤ŸŸ™€tme]PB<6%h’Ą  VSXÅ’žSX 75 SE 3’žRitson Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSX 7750 5199’ž27750 05199’ž277500’ž051990’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žHalwell and Moreleigh’žnone’žnonenpxnpxxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no/@‘x4no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxnp’žcist’ždark soil’žSW EnglandnonpyyuuuuuuuuuqeeeeZZZTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPNJHFDB>:62-($$$"     üųöņšģźčęäāąŽÜŲŌŠĢČÄĄ¼ø““““““““““²°¬Ŗ¦¦ šƒwph`SE?9+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`b€jh’žSX 68 NE 74’žGidleigh South’žMonument # 443681’žpassage grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žSX 6567 8855’ž26567 08855’ž265670’ž088550’žDevon’žWest Devon’žGidleigh’žnone’žnone’žsituated on a gentle west hill slope (east facing) in stone-strewn moorland’ž365’žNW-SEx10’ž6.5’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW EnglandGGG;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;777 žł¬¦ –Šƒ{sfXRA2h’’  h’žSX 68 NE 73’žGidleigh North’žMonument # 443678’žpassage grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žSX 6587 8895’ž26587 08895’ž265870’ž088950’žDevon’žWest Devon’žGidleigh’žnone’žnone’žsituated in stone strewn moorland on a west hill slope (east facing)’ž319’žNE-SW ?x269’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England???3333333333333333333333333333333333333///÷ņ¬¦ –Šƒ{sfXRA2h’’  h’žSX 66 SE 45’žCorringdon Ball’žMonument # 441904’žlong barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žSX 6694 6131’ž26694 06131’ž266940’ž061310’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žSouth Brent’žnone’žnone’žSituated on a saddle between Brent Fore Hill and Corringdon Ball,np’žNNW-SSEx’ž42.618€’žNot excavated2aunknown’ž50°262 11.633 N, 003°522 29.843 W’ž50°262 09.533 N, 003°522 25.723 W’žSW EnglandŸŸŸ“h======/////////////////////////////+++ ū÷“®Ø›ˆ€xk]F@3 h’’  8h’žSX 65 NE 4’žButterdon Hill’žMonument # 441109’žlong barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žSX 6601 5859’ž26601 05859’ž266010’ž058590’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žUgborough’žDartmoor’žnone’žon a slight south-east slope’ž319’žN-Sx23’ž12.5’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž50°242 42.853 N, 003°532 13.453 W’ž50°242 40.753 N, 003°532 09.343 W’žSW Englandnnnb7                                   ķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķēįŪ×ÕŠĖ­§’†wobTN>1h’’ 8h’žSX 65 NE 34’žCuckoo Ball’žnone’žchambered cairn’žchambered tomb’žchambered long cairn’žSX 6596 5819’ž26596 05819’ž265960’ž058190’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žUgborough’žDartmoor’žnone’žon a hill slope’žN-Sx2312’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž50°242 29.873 N, 003°532 15.473 W’ž50°242 27.763 N, 003°532 11.363 W’žSW England___S(żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłłłŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŲŅĪŹČĆĆ²¬¢—‹„|tgYC3"h’’~ 8‘ 蔊sĮ¬’žSE 96 NE 15’žKemp Howe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9616 6628’ž49616 46628’ž496160’ž466280’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnone’žSE-NWxnpnp’žSE 14’žKinnes 1992nononoyesyesnoyesnono’žsaddle quern3’žN of centre (2); E of centre6+’žfaēade bedding trenchx0x0’žfaēade bedding trench’žS of centre’žsubterranean chamber’žchamberyesnoyes’žyes100noq@Q’žcentre of faēade trench1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žfaēade bedding trenchx’žsaddle quernxnox’ž2 pits’žfaēade bedding trench’žpityes’žpit 1no’žn/a’ž3 pitsno’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire London. ,(pp 336-338)’žrewster, T. C. M. 1968 Kemp Howe. Archaeological Excavations 1967 - Department of the Environment, 12’žBrewster, T. C. M. 1969 Kemp Howe. Archaeological Excavations 1968 - Department of the Environment, 13, 30’žPastscape;’ž193’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum[åąąĀRēlgggcXXXTLGC<66661  üśćŽŁÕŃĢĒĀĀĀĄ§§›—•““‘Œ†‚|s]P97531ųöč乌֊ŹĘĀ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾±Ŗ¦¢ ™™™“…xld\OA;5(" q’~Ą’’’½ł’€ćg¾č§LĮÉ_ČŁEÄ%Ā1Ąh’žSY 59 SE 3’žWeh’žSY 59 SE 3’žWest Compton Down’žMonument # 450920’žchambered long barrow’žstanding stone’žnone’žSY 5548 9377’ž35548 09377’ž355480’ž093770’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWest Compton’žnone’žnone’žunknownx’žunknown’žunknown’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WC’’’äääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääŽŲĻĘÄ»»»µÆ””Œ„|oa[K4!h’~  h’žSY 59 SE 27’žLong Bredy Bank Barrow’žnone’žbank barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 5716 9115’ž35716 09115’ž357160’ž091150’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žLong Bredy’žnone’žnone’žprominent position on a ridge crest’žNE-SWx’ž19520’žnone’žnone&W¬2a’žSW England -WCńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńķķķįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŪÕŃĢŹĆƞ˜’†yqiaTF@:-'h’’~  h’žSY 58 NE 21’žHampton Barn’žPortesham I’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 5965 8688’ž35965 08688’ž359650’ž086880’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žPortesham’žnone’žnone’žE-W ?x’ž16?16’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCńńńįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŻŻĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ¼¶²­«¤¤¤ž˜€xph[MGA*h’~  SYÄ’žSY 58 NE 19’žGrey Mare and Her Colts’žGorwell’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered long cairn’žSY 5838 8706’ž35838 08706’ž358380’ž087060’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žLong Bredy’žnone’žnone’žNNW-SSEx2413’žLong Bredy IV’žGrinsell 1959’žDaniel 1950 p 235nono’žPurbeck Limestonenoyes’žunknown0˜@Ü2c’žyesnoyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žDaniel 1950, p 235np’žGrinsell 1959‘‚~~~~jjjjjjZZZZVVQQKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKGBBBBBBBB>>>220''''''''''''''''''''''!!! ļļļąŃĶÉĒ¾¾¾ø²¦™‘‰tfPJ90 q’~Ā, "ˆ&h’žSY 19 NE 24’žFairway Hill’žnone’žring cairn’žSY 1649 9741’žDevon’žEast Devon’žHoniton €’žring cairn2d’žSW EnglanduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuqqYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPD====///#hO@ h’žSY 18 NW 26’žHigh Peak CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSY 1035 8595’ž31035 08595’ž310350’ž085950’žDevon’žEast Devon’žOtterton’žnone’žnone’žon the S Devon coast’ž156’žunknown’žunknownxx’žOswald 18’žOswald et al 2001’žPollard 1967’žGrant 1995noyes’žclay-with-flint plateauyesyesnoyesyesyesno4’žcliff face (1); terrace (3)0xx0x00x’žoccupation areasxnononono000norU¬x6cnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žn/a’žn/a’žSW Englandłłłłłōļķēēēēēēēēēēēēēēåį߯ŪŁŌĻĖĒĀ¾ŗŗŗ¶““ؤ¢  žš–’ŽŒzxvtrpnljMKGA;51+% öčččÕŹČĘ½“ƙ“ƒwph`SE?9#h’’Ę’’’½ł’ą!°SX 85 NE 6’žBroadsands’žGoodrington Park’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSX 8931 5732’ž28931 05732’ž289310’ž057320’žDevon’žTorbay’žPaignton’žnone’žnone’žon the southward-facing slope of a hillock, overlooking the Torbay coastnpnp’ž12.2xxnono’žMiddle-Upper Devonian limestonenononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonononoyes40’žslab˜@S’žchamber4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement; hearths?yesxnono’žhearthsno’ž50°242 19.233 N, 003°332 32.083 W’ž50°242 17.113 N, 003°332 27.843 W’žSW EnglandnoiiiiiiiiieY.’öņīģęęęęęęęęęęęęęĶĖĒ¾¼ŗø³®Ŗ¦”œ˜˜˜–{ywwqmiea_[YUSQOMKIGEA=93/+'žžžžžžžžžžüśōšģ¢œ–Œ„}um`RC=,o’’Ą’’’½ł’ąLVALVZL•M;ż˜K`,°ß  Detailēx üžž9čõi@LVź”… ;ļļļ’m7ŸU:ĮF{`6qaKb–¦c,e¦ø i#’’’ŸĢ???Ü Excavation #Ż Excavation #č" @ Corbelõ Excavation__śx ć·£'žNA…!!° Āēč+’’’’.Jq/KK0L1Mhżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6baKb–c,e¦ø i#k)€Ü Excavation DateŻ Excavation Dateč" @ Corbelõ Excavation_Dateśx m†ć+ak„G‡³>= +’’’’.Jb/KK0Ls1Mhżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6­aKb–ļc,e¦ø i#k)€ŸĢ???Ü "Excavation ReportŻ "Excavation Reportč" @ Corbelõ "Excavation_Reportśx ¹ŗö–PčRFŗšƒŻ>d_+’’’’.J­/KK0Lœ1Mhżo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6YdKe–¼f,h¦ø l#nž’’’ Ģ???¾x ź_JŲʟqAˆŁP4ģ¦Ü Extent of ExcavŻ Extent of ExcavŽ] Value Listß[ H"Trial";"Partial";"Extensive";"Full"ą 1440ź" @ Corbel÷ Extent_of_Excav2’’’’6JY7KK8L9Mhżo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6dKe–f,l#nž’’’ Ģ???¾x c»œ›XDFŗ13š½ƒueÜ 4Excav Record: AvailabilityŻ 4Excav Record: AvailabilityŽ] Value Listß[ ¦"no written report";"report not published";"published report";"Interim report only"ą 1441ź" @ Corbel÷ 4Excav_Record__Availability2’’’’6J7KK8L¬9Mhżo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6dKe–Vf,h¦ø l#m%¼nž’’’ Ģ???¾x ĢL!åj—KFL$ f#zģÜ *Excav Record: QualityŻ *Excav Record: QualityŽ] Value Listß[ N"none";"minimal";"adequate";"extensi‹LVAL›ve"ą 1440ź" @ Corbel÷ *Excav_Record__Quality2’’’’6J7KK8LY9Mhżš”`,ß FormFooterēx Ē%‰Ż¶nF‚…äńĪU‡·żå čõŠs’žHY7’žHY 42 NW 22’žKnowe of Ramsay’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular stalled’žHY 4004 2800’ž34004 102800’ž340040’ž1028000’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone55’žSE-NWx’ž34.4’ž8.2’žORK 30’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’žunknown0’žrough pavingx1’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesno’žcompartments 6 - 11xx’žall compartmentsnox’žrough pavingyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCallander, J. G. & Grant, W. G. 1936 A stalled chambered cairn, the Knowe of Ramsay, at Hullion, Rousay, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 70, 407-19’žRenfrew, C., Harkness, D. & Switsur, R. 1976 Quanterness, radiocarbon and the Orkney cairns. Antiquity, 50, 194-204’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¤¤¤¤^ē2222."""žģźčÓĻŹÅĮ½ø³³³±ÆÆÆ”Ÿ––”Œˆ‚€|zvtrpnljhfb^XRNHB>:6666"śņķēåŽŚŚŌĢøؘ‡ykE?.( q’Ę’’’ł’`f» LVALĖ Gallery grave with 3 pairs of side chambers and an end chamber. Donovan 2004 - ammonite fossil on entrance jamb, and other fossils on interior slabs (but they are common on that type of rock) Thomas 2003: possible floor deposit of small stones in a reddish-brown gritty matrix ’žGallery grave with 3 pairs of side chambers and an end chamber. Donovan 2004 - ammonite fossil on entrance jamb, and other fossils on interior slabs (but they are common on that type of rock) Thomas 2003: possible floor deposit of small stones in a reddish-brown gritty matrix which included small amounts of human bone and potsherds. Geophysics revealed presence of a possible pit alignment extending eastwards from E side of barrow - could be the ancient trackway mentioned by Scarth (1859), or may represent a pre-barrow boundary or a forecourt structure.ĆčļĶ Ģ<Ź©ČĀĘ_ÄßA0SYy’žSY 68 NE 161’žWinterborne St Martin 34b’žMonument # 1269369’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 6643 8869’ž36643 08869’ž366430’ž088690’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne St. Martin’žnonenpx15xx’žGrinsell 1959’žWarne 1866, p. 46nonononononoyesnonono30@ē4a00nononono’žyesnono’žSW England -WC’žWarne 1866, p. 46np’žGrinsell 1959‹|xxxxeeeeeeUUUUQQQQMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHD@<86444000$$"                    žśöööööćććŌŌŅŠĢŹĘĘĘĄØ›“‹ƒvh[UG3 q’?_Ā’,ł "ˆFh’žSY 68 NE 151’žMaiden Castle CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSY 6693 8848’ž36693 08848’ž366930’ž088480’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne St Martin’žnone’žMaiden Castle’ž130’žn/anpxx’žOswald et al 2001yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesyesyesyes3noxnoxnononononož@Z6c’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW England -WC‚‚‚rrrrrmigaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_[YWUSNIIIIDDDD@@@400000,($  śōēįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪČČĘÄĄ»¶¶§”Š}umeXJD>("h’_Ąw’0’ą!h’žSY 59 SW 80’žEggardon Hill’žMonument # 1247903’žhenge?’ždisc barrow’žnone’žSY 54682 94606’ž354682 094606’ž354682’ž094606’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žPowerstock’žnone’žnone’žNNW, SSE65xx’žHarding 049’žHarding 1987€’žnot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCöööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööööņņņÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖČ»¹·³©©©£‘„|tl]MG:2h’~  h’žSY 59 SE 36’žLitton Cheney I’žnone’žhengiform monument’žSY 5564 9175’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žLitton Cheney’žHarding 054’žHarding 1987 €’žhengiform2d’žSW England -WC²²²¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢žž‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ylllllllll]PHHHH:::& hO`@ h’žSY 59 SE 34’žLong Bredy II’žMonument # 451087’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 5733 9099’ž35733 09099’ž357330’ž090990’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žLong Bredy’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx3211’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCļļļßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪŪŪææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ湳ƫ©¢¢¢œ–Š}umeXJD>1h’~  h’žSY 59 SE 33’žKingston Russell II’žMonument # 451076’žlong barrow’žbank barrow’žnone’žSY 5809 9039’ž35809 09039’ž358090’ž090390’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žKingston Russell’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx’ž10513’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņīīīÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĶĒĆ¾¼µµµÆ©—Š‚zreWQD7$h’~  h’žSY 59 SE 32’žKingston Russell I’žMonument # 451071’žlong barrow’žbank barrow’žnone’žSY 5807 9051’ž35807 09051’ž358070’ž090510’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žKingston Russell’žnone’žnone’žsituated on and cut out of a NE facing slope’žNNW-SSEx3113’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WC000                                     ūõńķėāā“®Ø–‰yqdVPC6#h’’~  Č čŲŠs’žHYd’žHY 42 NW 1’žKnowe of Yarso’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 4048 2795’ž34048 102795’ž340480’ž1027950’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’ž100’žNW-SEx’ž15.2’ž7.8’žORK 32’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nono’žOld Red Sandstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin, bone points0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž29+0’žrough pavementx1’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žchamber and passagenox’žrough pavement’žrough pavementyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCallander, J. G. & Grant, W. G. 1935 A long stalled cairn, the Knowe of Yarso, in Rousay, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 69, 325-51’žRenfrew, C., Harkness, D. & Switsur, R. 1976 Quanterness, radiocarbon and the Orkney cairns. Antiquity, 50, 194-204’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press1ĮĮĮĮ{]]]]YMMMIEEEC==========---žõšėęāŻŲÓÓÓŃĻĻĻæ½øø¶²®Ŗ¤¢žœ˜–”’ŽŒŠˆqmga]WQ>:6666"śņķēåŽŁŁÓĖ·§—Ž†xjC=,& q’Ę’’’ł’ `f¹čŲMHKÉåĘ“ĆÓĮh’žSY 68 NE 24’žWinterborne Monkton 3’žMonument h’žSY 68 NE 24’žWinterborne Monkton 3’žMonument # 451919’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6651 8879’ž36651 08879’ž366510’ž088790’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Monkton’žnone’žMaiden Castle’ž107’žNNW-SSEx3618’žnone’žnoneq@\2a’žSW England -WCšššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššģģģąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŚŌŠĢŹĮ¼¼­§’…}um`RLF9&h’  h’žSY 68 NE 2’žMaumbury Rings’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žSY 6902 8992’ž36902 08992’ž369020’ž089920’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žnone’žlies just below the crest of a low chalk ridge78NE’ž101 (47)xx’žHarding 055’žHarding 1987’žGray 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914’žBradley & Thomas 1984yesno’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žcarved chalk objects (6); antler tools45’žvarious0xx0x0nox’žpre-monument pits’žbeneath the banknononono000noŽ@\x6b’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žn/a’žn/a’žSW England -WCPPP@@@@@;64..............,(&$"  ’’’ūłłķéēååćßŪ×ÓĮ®¬Ø¦¤¢ žœ“gc]WSMG:60000šššāÕÓŃĒĆ揉ƒwjbZRE71+$h’’Ę’’’½ł’ą!h’žSY 68 NE 194’žConygar Hill 1’žMonument # 1431046’žhengiform monument’žnone’žnone’žSY 6927 8906’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žnone72x15xx’žWoodward & Smith 1987yes3@ī €’žhengiform2dnpnp’ž50°422 01.473 N, 002°262 11.133 W’ž50°412 59.423 N, 002°262 06.393 W’žSW England -WCOOO?ééééééååååååååååååååååååååįįįįįįįįįŻŻĘŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ“““““““““““›™•“‰ƒwjbbbbTNH4 h|` 8h’žSY 68 NE 193’žConygar Hill 2’žMonument # 1431045’žhengiform monument’žnone’žnone’žSY 6948 8913’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žnone68x15xx’žWoodward & Smith 198788’žcentre2@ī €’žhengiform2d’žyes’ž50°422 03.783 N, 002°262 00.443 W’ž50°422 01.733 N, 002°252 55.713 W’žSW England -WCRRRBģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģēēēēēēēēććĢĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄø¶¶“““““““““““““““›™•“‰ƒwjbbbbTNH4 h| `8SYT’žSY 68 NE 176’žHerringston Barrow’žWinterborne Herringston 6’žround barrow’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žSY 6854 8844’ž36854 08844’ž368540’ž088440’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Herringston’žnone’žnonex’ž23.5xx’žGrinsell 1959nonononononoyesyesnonono1?>@:ģ2cnono’žyesnononononp’žn/ano’žSW England -WCnpqqmmmmmmmmmm]]]]YYTTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLHD@;7333///##! ’ū÷óļļļļļļļļąąŽÜÖŌŌŌĪČÆ¢š’Š}obUG, q’^Ą’@,ł "€r/SY‹’žSY 68 NE 173’žWinterborne Came 18b’žMonument # 1300126’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 68 86’ž368 086’ž368000’ž086000’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Came’žnone’žnonenpx27xxnonononoyes’ždecorated stones61@ē4a’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žSW England -WCnp33//////////    ’’’óóńļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļŻŻŻŻŻ×ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½¹¹³­›Ž†~vmcVPB. q’Ą‡, "€9LVALŠŠŠŠWWĪWĪWĪNot excavated. lies on Sheep Down, aboutKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 191’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Som’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Some human remains found.’žNot excavated. lies on Sheep Down, about 580 ft above OD, on the side of a long arable slope falling north-east from Black Down. The long barrow on Sheep Down lies at the head of a dry valley which runs NE into the South Winterbourne valley. A geophysical survey suggests that the long barrow on Sheep Down was originally a chambered long barrow, like the Grey Mare and Her Colts to the south.’žGray 1905 - a cairn comprised of flint nodules and chalk rubble w’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Some human remains found.’žNot excavated. ’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Some human remains found.’žNot excavated. lies on Sheep Down, about 580 ft above OD, on the side of a long arable slope falling north-east from Black Down. The long barrow on Sheep Down lies at the head of a dry valley which runs NE into the South Winterbourne va’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Some human remains found.’žGray 1905 - a cairn comprised of flint nodules and chalk rubble was found under the mound, covering a chalk-cut grave pit. The cairn also contained numerous burnt and unburnt human remains, flint flakes and a scraper and 15 pottery sherds. The cairn material extended down to within a few inches of the grave bottom. A contracted human skeleton was found at the bottom of the grave, with no artefacts or other material.’žNot excavated. Lies over 300 ft. above O.D. on a broad flat-topped chalk rise from which the ground drops gently to N, E and S.’žA sub-circular Late Neolithic henge which was adapted for use as an amphitheatre in the Roman period. HARDING 1987 - Ditch made up of or contalned up to 45 near-vertical shafts, of average depth 10.4 m. BRADLEY 1975 - the bank survives to a height of 9m; it was excavated in 4 places. Bradley 1975 p 17 - Photographs of sections through the bank seem to show earlier intrusive features sealed by the surface of the buried soil, (plates va and via) Little discussion may be offered of these since they were not all noticed ’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Som’žKinnes 1992: Mortuary area at S; covered by heap of flint nodules Acland 1916: Trench cut throughout the length and also across. Some human remains found.’žGray 1905 - a cairn comprised of flint nodules and chalk rubble was found under the mound, covering a chalk-cut grave pit. The cairn also contained numerous burnt and unburnt human remains, flint flakes and a scraper and 15 pottery sherds. The cairn material extended down to within a few inches of the grave bottom. A contracted human skeleton was found at the bottom of the grave, with no artefacts or other material.LVAL“»z`–:Pu7Ā¢=5B>b* c– e” gžjÆAk /ČK ^[Pottery].[Pottery Type], [Pottery].[Pottery #]Īl“źLSć@Šx rĢöÖõųpO³ā܍OŒ}ܜ PotteryŻ Pottery Subformē  @Calibriź½ 8ü 'h”ė¾ Ą%œ$%C’€ź odXXLetter’’’’DINU"P Œ ˜v6UP SMTJ@ HP Photosmart C3100 seriesInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsTrueHPEmulateLaserJetMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueDuplexNONEHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTrueJobUITruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsLEGALHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl4v2.cabHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsPREPRINTEDHPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_TIMESTAMPHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPXMLFileUsedhpoc3103.xmlHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueColorModeColor24MediaTypeAUTOMATICResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPMirrorPrintFalseHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3A054PSServicesOptionServiceFileEndHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPInputColorSpaceCOLORSMARTHPDriverDataDriverDataHPICCProfileNamesRGB_0Color_0Space_0Profile_1icmHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPSendPreloadCommandTRUEESPRITSupportedTrueHPRESDLLNameHPFRS4v2HPRedEyeReductionOffHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessLowHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_DEFAULTHPMDSideCountTrueHPHagakiPrintingTRUEHPHTDLLNameHPFIG4v2HPMHDLLNameHPFIE4v2HPHPAFilterTrueHPIntentPERCEPTUALHPInstalledPrintCartridgesBLACKHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPICCPrinterFamily5700_6500HPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPPaperSizeTreeviewPopupMetricHPSimplifiedUITrueHPPosterPrintingOptionSUIFalseHPAutoEnhanceFalseHPNWatermarkTrueHPPhotoFixBASICHPConvertAPIVersionOverride3˜IUPHdLetterź o’’’’’’’’’’’’ [none]¤ 蓉s’H’žST 75 NW 16’žStoney Littleton’žWellow or Bath Tumulus’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 7349 5721’ž37349 15721’ž373490’ž157210’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žWellow’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž32.1’ž16.2’žSOM 1’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBulleid 1941nonononononoyesnono’žammonite fossil on entrance jamb0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žunknown’žunknown’žsmall stones ?5@Xx1’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žgallery floornox’žfloor of small stones’žpit algnment?yesxno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1821 An account of a stone barrow in the parish of Wellow, at Stoney Littleton in the county of Somerset, which was opened and investigated in the month of May 1816. Archaeologia, 19, 43-48’žDonovan, D. T. 1977 Stoney Littleton Long Barrow. Antiquity, 51, 236-7’žScarth, R. P. 1859 Remarks on ancient chambered tumuli as illustrative still existing at Stoney Littleton, near Wellow, in the county of Somerset. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History Society, 8, 35-62’žThomas, A. 2003 Stoney Littleton long barrow: archaeological investigations and observations 1999/2000. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 146, 11-16’ž402’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusUżųųEaGGGGC3333///-''''’ūģźčęāŻŁÕŃĢĒĒĒÅĆĆ·§ž••“‹‡ƒ}{wusqomkigEA=73/+'#öļéćįŚÖ֊Ž š’Š}o^XA) q’Ę’’’½ł’bb¼W) č9‹sś^’žSK 25 NW 7’žStoney Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 2185 5784’ž42185 35784’ž421850’ž357840’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žAldwark’žPeak District’žnone’ž350xx4835’žDd2’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979’žBarnatt & Collis 1996’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žManby 1958nonononoyesnoyesyesnono’ž11+1)@'ģ1no’žyesnononono’žyesyesno’žCentral England’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London ( p 113)’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’žManby, T. G. 1958 The chambered tombs of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 78, 25-39’ž250’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum­JEEEąóØØØØØ————““““ˆ„€|xsooommmaa_ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZVRLFB<840,, īīīÓĪŹĘÄĀ½½·ØŸyqdV?9(" q’Ž’,ł "œ7LVALu [none]Arial4PĄĄĄĄĄĄd€?JAN<Automatic>44&čHMĖ@ÉrĒ§Å÷BBĮh’žSY 69 SW 14’žFrampton’žnone’žloh’žSY 69 SW 14’žFrampton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6276 9253’ž36276 09253’ž362760’ž092530’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žFrampton’žnone’žE-W ?x4218’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCŌŌŌÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĄĄĄ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„Ÿ™•‘ˆˆˆ‚‚xkc[SF82,h’_~  oSYf’žSY 69 SE 40’žForty Acre Plantation’žBradford Peverell II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6691 9198’ž36691 09198’ž366910’ž091980’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverell’žnone’žnone’žSE-NWx5524’žKinnes SY 11’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959nonononononoyesyesnono’žmortuary area’žSouth00™@ 42cno’žyesnononono’žyes’žmortuary areanp’žn/ano’žSW England -WCno’žGrinsell 1959np’žKinnes 1992»®ŖŖŖŖ›››››—‡‡‡‡ƒƒ~~zzzzzkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkfb^ZVQMMMIII==;99999992########### ’ū÷÷÷÷÷čččŪĶÉÅĆ¼¼¼¶°ˆ€xk]WQD. q’~Ā’ ,ł”bˆh’žSY 69 NE 7’žSmacam Down’žMonument # 452847’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6573 9939’ž36573 09939’ž365730’ž099390’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žCerne Abbas’žnone’žnone’žS-Nx2912’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCźźźŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚÖÖÖ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»µÆ«§„   š”‡zrjbUGA;.h’~  h’žSY 68 NW 6’žSheep Down’žMonument # 452271’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6043 8836’ž36043 08836’ž360430’ž088360’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterbourne Steepleton’žnone’žnone’ž176’žNW-SEx5526’žnone’žnone@\2a’žSW England -WCķķķŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĒĮ½¹·°««„Ÿ†yqiaTF@:-h’  h’žSY 68 NW 25’žLonglands Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6044 9004’ž36044 09004’ž360440’ž090040’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterbourne Abbas’žnone’žnone’žW-Ex2417’žnone’žnoneˆ@\2a’žSW England -WCąąąŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢĢĢĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄŗ“°¬Ŗ„„„Ÿ™…xph`SE?9,&h’~  h’žSY 68 NW 16’žWinterborne Steepleton II’žMonument # 452304’žchambered long barrow’žstanding stone’žnone’žSY 6140 8967’ž36140 08967’ž361400’ž089670’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Steepleton’žnone’žnone’žlies 400 ft above OD on a steep south east facing slope.’ž122’žE-W ?x’žunknown’žunknown’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCfffVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRRR7777777777777777777777777777777777777771+" ĪČĀŖ•…xjdT=*h’’  ÷SY‘’žSY 68 NW 133’žWinterborne St Martin 43’žMonument # 1268372’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 6476 8746’ž36476 08746’ž364760’ž087460’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne St. Martin’žnonenpx12xxnonononononoyesyesnono1np0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010no©@\x4’žyes’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žgrave - unknown locationnoxno’žn/a’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCnonpĆĆææææææææ滫««§œ—“‘ssssssssssssqmkigea]YUQLGGGECC731//-)%!   ’ū÷ńėēćßŪ×ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŃĻĖÉÅÅÅ槚’Š‚ugZTF2 q’?Ą’’’½ł’čg€j)č+ĪXĢŹŲĒzECĀh’žSY 78 NW 4h’žSY 78 NW 4’žMount Pleasant’žnone’žhenge enclosure’žnone’žnone’žSY 70986 89924’ž370986 089924’ž370986’ž089924’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWest Stafford’žnone’žnone’žlies across a low E-W ridge65’žN, ESE, SSE, WSW’ž370xx’žHarding 056’žHarding 1987yesyes’žUpper chalkyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesyes’žantler picksnumerous’žSite IV - Phase 2150+’žforming concentric circles in Site IVx0x00x’žoccupation surface’žbelow enclosure bank at W entrancenononono1nošd¼’žunder bank at W entrance6b’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žSW England -WCVVVFFFFFA=;555555555555553/-+)'"’’óļļļļķéåįŻ¹„£”Ÿ›™rjWG93-'žųųųųųųųųźŻŪŁŌĀ¾ š”…xph`QA;5$h’’Ą’’’±’ą!ĮSYH’žSY 78 NW 3’žConquer Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 7079 8990’ž37079 08990’ž370790’ž089900’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnonex30xx’žnone’žnone’žSparey-Green 1994’žantler pickT@c4anpno’ž50°422 28.953 N, 002°242 53.893 W’ž50°422 26.903 N, 002°242 49.143 W’žSW England -WC’žSparey-Green 1994np’žnoneic____LLLLLL<ęęāāāāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ®®®Ø¢ žš˜˜˜˜’†yqiaTF@:,& q’?~€  :ˆh’žSY 69 SW 45b’žBradford Peverell III’žSeven Barrow Plantation’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6478 9239’ž36478 09239’ž364780’ž092390’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverell’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx2610’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated.2a’ž50°432 48.353 N, 002°302 01.143 W’ž50°432 46.323 N, 002°292 56.433 W’žSW England -WC[[[K õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńńńÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕĻÉÅĮæøøø²¬™Œ„|tgYSM@'h’~ 8h’žSY 69 SW 45a’žBradford Peverell IV’žSeven Barrow Plantation’žlong barrow’žbank barrow’žnone’žSY 6479 9247’ž36479 09247’ž364790’ž092470’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverell’žnone’žnone’žNNE-SSWx5012’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated.2a’ž50°432 50.943 N, 002°302 00.663 W’ž50°432 48.913 N, 002°292 55.953 W’žSW England -WCcccS(żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłłłŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ×ŃĶÉĒ¾¾¾ø²Ÿ’Š‚zm_YL?&h’~ 8h’žSY 69 SW 44’žRed Barn’žMonument # 453734’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6375 9235’ž36375 09235’ž363750’ž092350’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverill’žnone’žnone’žSSE-NNWx5021’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žSW England -WCņņņāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŽŽĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆ½·³Æ­¤¤¤ž˜…xph`SE?9,h’~  h’žSY 69 SW 19’žPound Hill’žMonument # 453632’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6252 9081’ž36252 09081’ž362520’ž090810’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterbourne Abbas’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx4027’žnone’žnone€’žNot excavated.2a’žSW England -WCōōōäääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääąąąÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄľø“°®§§§”›‡zrjbUGA;.h’~  üLVAL Miles & Trudgian 1976 -p. 7 This was a small salvage excavation undertaken during the digging of a pipe trench for a new water main. The area excavated was about 6 m s of the stones of the Quoit. Excavation revealed& ' 1) a concentrated scatter of stones 2) a pit 0.20m deep packed with small stones. A patch of pulverized granite lay under the stones on the base of the pit. 3) A pit 0.25 m deep containing a fill of stones and soil. An irregular slight depression on the bottom of this pit suggests it may have held an upright stone; alternatively it may have been caused by the removal during field clearance of a natural stone. 4) A post hole 0.25m deep with some packing stones in situ. The post had been withdrawn and the socket blocked with a stone. The size of the hole and the absence of any defined depression on its base suggests the upright was originally of ’žMiles & Trudgian 1976 -p. 7 This was a small salvage excavation undertaken during the digging of a pipe trench for a new water main. The area excavated was about 6 m s of the stones of the Quoit. Excavation revealed& ' 1) a concentrated scatter of stones 2) a pit 0.20m deep packed with small stones. A patch of pulverized granite lay under the stones on the base of the pit. 3) A pit 0.25 m deep containing a fill of stones and soil. An irregular slight depression on the bottom of this pit suggests it may have held an upright stone; alternatively it may have been caused by the removal during field clearance of a natural stone. 4) A post hole 0.25m deep with some packing stones in situ. The post had been withdrawn and the socket blocked with a stone. The size of the hole and the absence of any defined depression on its base suggests the upright was originally of wood, not stone. 5) A small heap of stones, four stones high, in a slight pit. 6) A pit 0.35m deep. The stone which had originally stood upright in it lay across one side. Beneath the stone its packing stones had been protected and survived. The few finds were located at the base of the topsoil and upper subsoil, and comprised Roman and post-medieval pottery sherds and one flint flake. P 8 - 'Of the features found at Lesquite: (1) may represent the spreading of a small cairn structure; (2) (3) and (6) may have been stone holes for moderate size stones - perhaps part of a rough kerb for a cairn or mound; (4) probably a post hole, suggesting the presence of some structures on the site before the mound was constructed; (5) may represent the infill of a pre-existing pit with cairn material, or a small ritual pit..[similar to those at Chun, Mulfra, Lanyon, Sperris & ZennorÜ čģ‹s’žSUf’žSU 81 SW 30a’žStoughton Down NW’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8218 1281’ž48218 11281’ž482180’ž112810’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žStoughton’žnone’žnonenp’žSE-NWx36’ž23.4’žSU 32’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes"€’žNo information on ground surface1’žyesnpno’žSE England’žDrewett, P., Bedwin, O. & Rudling, D. 1981 Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1980. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 18, 21-47’žGrinsell, L. V. 1934 Sussex barrows. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 75, 217-275’žCurwen, E. & Curwen, E. C. 1925 Two unrecorded long barrows [on Stoughton Down]. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 66, 173-5np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§£££"Ė/////####ęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęąąąąÜŲŌŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĆ¼¶²°©„„Ÿ™Ž‚umeXJD>1+ q’Ą#  "œ& īLVALŠŠ*Excavation Records1"Pit Description2Ground Treatment Report Fire By County(Excavation Reports&Pit Detail ReportBGround Treatment Report By SiteRLong Barrows - Incomplete March 16 2009NSW Scotland - Chambered Cairns - PITS÷źĶ¬–’’’’nÅū‹÷+BD¹Ź™-Ÿv™ķ/FormHeaderd ķ/Excavation___LabelExcavation #_Labeld ķ/Excavation_Date_LabelExcavation Date_Labeld ķ/Excavation_Report_LabelExcavation Report_Labeld ķ/Extent_of_Excav_LabelExtent of Excav_Labeld ķ/Excav_Record__Availability_LabelExcav Record: Availability_Labeld ķ/Excav_Record__Quality_LabelExcav Record: Quality_Label˜ķ/Detailmķ/Excavation__Excavation #mķ/ Excavation_DateExcavation Datemķ/ Excavation_ReportExcavation Reportoķ/ Extent_of_ExcavExtent of Excavoķ/ Excav_Record__AvailabilityExcav Record: Availabilityoķ/ Excav_Record__QualityExcav Record: Qualityšķ/FormFooter’ķ/Site Name’ķ/NMR #’ķ/Excavation by Period’ķ/Scaled Plans’ķ/SievingÜč®ĶĶŹAG‚ÄōĮh’žSY 98 SE 1h’žSY 98 SE 14’žAilwood Down’žMonument # 456797’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 9958 8151’ž39958 08151’ž399580’ž081510’žDorset’žPurbeck’žCorfe Castle’žnone’žnone’ž lies along the contour of the chalk ridge and can only be seen in silhouette from the steep south slope’žNW-SEx3212’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’ž50°372 59.993 N, 002°002 26.033 W’ž50°372 57.893 N, 002°002 21.133 W’žSW England -WC­­­rGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCC((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("  Ÿ™“…|tldWIC=0h’’~ 8h’žSY 89 NW 28’žBere Regis’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 8298 9725’ž38298 09725’ž382980’ž097250’žDorset’žPurbeck’žBere Regis’žnone’žnone’žlies on Bere Down, just below the crest of a broad chalk ridge, on ground sloping gently to NW, W and S, it is only seen in silhouette at close range from N and S.61x5524’žnone’žnonenono€’žnot excavated2a’ž50°462 28.643 N, 002°142 33.633 W’ž50°462 26.613 N, 002°142 28.813 W’žSW England -WCŽŽŽĪ£xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUQQQQQQQQKEA=;;7Žˆ‚vme]UH:4.!h’’}Ą 8äSYF’žSY 78 NW 72’žAlington Avenue’žFordington’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 702 899’ž37020 08990’ž370200’ž089900’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žon a S to SE facing slope of a gently rounded E-W ridge’žE-W?x7516’žKinnes A2: SYa;’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žactivity areas contemporary with monument’žditchesnononono000noÕ@cx4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žflint scatters, trampled groundno’ž50°422 30.303 N, 002°252 21.683 W’ž50°422 28.263 N, 002°252 16.943 W’žSW England -WCno’žyesnp’žKinnes 1992—Š††††††††}mBņķéēįįįįįįįįįįįįįįßŪŁ×ÕÓĪÉÅĮ½¹µµµ³±±„”Ÿ›—“‹‚WUQOMKIGECA=93-)# ÷ęāŽÜÖ֝—‹~vnfYMGA4( q’æ~Ą’’’½ł’ą’€h’žSY 78 NW 7’žBroadmayne Bank Barrow’žMonument # 453950’žbank barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 7020 8531’ž37020 08531’ž370200’ž085310’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBroadmayne’žnone’žDorset Cursus’žprominent position on a ridge crest; It lies on the summit of the Upper Chalk ridge, about 470ft above O.D, with the ground falling from it to N, NE and S.’ž143’žESE-WNWx’ž18016’žnone’žnone€’žnot excavated2a’žyes’ž50°402 00.253 N, 002°252 22.633 W’ž50°392 58.183 N, 002°252 17.893 W’žSW England -WCšÅšššššššššššššššššššššššššš•••••••••‘‘‘vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvpjfa_VQ³¤ž’…}um`RLF9&h’’ 8h’žSY 78 NW 67’žFlagstones Enclosure’žnone’ženclosure’žcausewayed enclosure?’žnone’žSY 7040 8995’ž37040 08995’ž370400’ž089950’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žDorchester’žnone’žnone’žlies on the crest and upper north-facing slope of a chalk ridge’žOswald et al 2001’žWoodward 1988; Davies et al 2002’žHealy 1997’žpre-enclosure pits & stone settingO@ī2d’žSW England -WCqqqaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]]]QQQQQQQQQQQ------------------------!’’’ģģģģģģģ«„Ÿ“†~vnaSM6+%h’’@  ‰čĒM8*$ q’Ą’@,ł€ ;€gSY’žSY 98 SW 6’žStonehill Down’žChurch Knowle II’žlong barrow’žoval barrow; bell barrow’žnone’žSY 9233 8208’ž39233 08208’ž392330’ž082080’žDorset’žPurbeck’žChurch Knowle’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx2920’žChurch Knowle II’žGrinsell 1959nonononoŁ@c4ano’žyesnpno’žSW England -WCnp’žGrinsell 1959D51111111111!!!!   üųōššššššššįĻĖĒÅĄ¼¼¶°”˜ˆ€se_E8& q’Ą  "€f LVAL- Piggott 1944:  The 'barrow' in this particular instance was little more than a capping of earth and flints over a small natural knoll, and the crouched skeleton lay only a few inches below the turf upon large flint nodules which suggested a deliberately laid paving. At the foot of the skeleton were two intersecting circular post-holes, filled with the grey fine-grained material characteristic of post-holes in the chalk. The double hole suggests replacement, and in fact the burial must have been at the foot of a standing pole which must have been an object of sufficient veneration for it to have been renewed after a lapse of at least a generation.  Evidence is available to parallel this practice of burial at the foot of a st’žPiggott 1944:  The 'barrow' in this particular instance was little more than a capping of earth and flints over a small natural knoll, and the crouched skeleton lay only a few inches below the turf upon large flint nodules which suggested a deliberately laid paving. At the foot of the skeleton were two intersecting circular post-holes, filled with the grey fine-grained material characteristic of post-holes in the chalk. The double hole suggests replacement, and in fact the burial must have been at the foot of a standing pole which must have been an object of sufficient veneration for it to have been renewed after a lapse of at least a generation.  Evidence is available to parallel this practice of burial at the foot of a standing post in the Neolithic A culture of southern England: it certainly appears to have been the case with the child's burial at Whitehawk, while on Handley Down (not far from Crichel) Pitt-Rivers excavated a curious burial in a pit which seems to have served the dual purpose of a grave and a large post-hole. In this connexion, too, the posts originally standing at the east end of the long barrows at Thickthorn 3 and Badshot Lea 4 take on a new significance. The idea is clearly a version of the burial at the foot of a standing stone which we know from the Manio evidence to be an early feature in the Western Neolithic burial customs in Brittany, and one that persists into the Early Bronze Age both in that region and at e.g. Avebury.'.ALVALŠWWĻWĻPastscape: Inhumation burials likely BA in date, but cremation deposit may be Neolithic (that would indicate though that the primary burial was not placed centrally in the mound, but subsequent burials were& ) Londesborough 1852: Cremation deposiit was’žPastscape: Inhumation burials likely BA in date, but cremation deposit may be Neolithic (that would indicate though that the primary burial was not placed centrally in the mound, but subsequent burials were& ) Londesborough 1852: Cremation deposiit was about 1.5 m in diameter; contained numerous fragments of bone; and one complete partially calcined skeleton lay at full length in the centre of the area. Covered with a heap of red gravel. Many secondary inhumations found - at least 46 Anglo-Saxon burials.’žMortimer 1905: 6 m NNE’žPastscape: Inhumation burials likely BA in date, but cremation deposit may be Neolithic (that would indicate though that the primary burial was not placed centrally in the mound, but subsequent burials were& ) Londesborough 1852: Cremation deposiit was about 1.5 m in diameter; contained numerous fragments of bone; and one complete partially calcined skeleton lay at full length in the centre of the area. Covered with a heap of red gravel. Many secondary inhumations found - at least 46 Anglo-Saxon burials.’žBeaumont 1856: excavated around the stones to a depth of 2 feet with no result. Hawkes' excavation was also very small-scale - no information on buried ground surface.’žPiggott 1937 - DITCH: 3 roughly circular holes found in the ditch bottom - but almost certainly caused by the roots of bushes growing in the ditch bottom in Neolithic times. P 4 "The old turf line, showing as a greyish white sandy streak, could be traced beneath the mound& " PRIMARY BURIAL MOUND: "beneath the highest point of the mound an oval pile of mixed grey sand and turfy matter, 5.2m by 3 m and with a maximum height of 0.46 m, lay on the old ground surface with its long axis SE and NE, and askew to that of the barrow. It contained charcoal flecks, and on the old surface at its north-west end was a patch of charcoal, while another patch lay 10 m to the southeast. The woods represented have been identified as oak, plum or cherry and hawthorn. In the mound were vague pinkish and grey stains, but, despite the most careful peeling down of its material, no recognisable traces of the skeletons it must have originally contained could be seen. The acid soil, as had been expected, had completely ’žPastscape: Inhumation burials likely BA in date, but cremation deposit may be Neolithic (that would indicate though that the primary burial was not placed centrally in the mound, but subsequent burials were& ) Londesborough 1852: Cremation deposiit was about 1.5 m in diameter; contained numerous fragments of bone; and one complete partially calcined skeleton lay at full length in the centre of the area. Covered with a heap of red gravel. Many secondary inhumations found - at least 46 Anglo-Saxon burials.’žBeaumont 1856: excavated around the stones to a depth of 2 feet with no result. Hawkes' excavation was also very small-scale - no information on buried ground surface.ĒčųL÷IčF„Bߥh’žTA 06 NE 47’žRudston Cursus C’žcursus’žTA 099 680’ž50990 46800’ž509900’ž468000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žHarding 1999’žManby 1988€’žCursus6d’žN EnglandÄÄĹ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹µµ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””•‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡tk^RJB5)))!!hĖ?@ ’TAE’žTA 06 NE 3’žKilham Long Barrow’žMonument #79452’žlong barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žTA 0560 6732’ž50560 46732’ž505600’ž467320’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKilham’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone69’žENE-WSWx5218’žKinnes TA 2’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1971yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žamber bead; jet flakes; haematite; ganister stone; antler rake19’žvariousdouble line of postholes; numerous’žrunning east from the moundx0x0’žmortuary enclosure’žbeneath barrow’žMesolithic flint scatter,hearth, pit’žE end of moundyes’žyesno’žyes3’ž12+0noą@y’žE end of mound4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žmortuary enclosure’žThe Avenue’žsoil and pollen analysisxnoxnox’žMesolithic flint scatter; pits; hearths; cultivation’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žManby 1971np’žKinnes 1992ob^^^^RRMMHD9992üüüśööööööööööööööōšīŌČ“ÆŖ„”œ˜“““‘uqojjhc_ZTDśųöōņÕ‘ˆ„D@:4*$ łłłģßŪ×ÕĢČČĀ±©œˆ€se_H;* q’Ā’’’½ł’`ꊆÆTAV’žTA 06 NE 23’žRudstone’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTA 0758 6779’ž50758 46779’ž507580’ž467790’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žnone’žnonenp’žESE-WNWx64’ž22.5’žKinnes TA 3’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono6’žvarious0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žE side of moundyesnonono003+no @kx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematorium deposit; pit contentsxxxnox’ž1 pit’žlarge pit; crematorium’ž4 pitsyesx’žpits (6)no’žN Englandnonp’žKinnes 1992          śśśöģģģźäääÜĽ½½½½½½½½»·µ³±Ž‰…}xsnnnljj^ZVTTRNJF@/" ż÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĪĮ»·µ¬ØØ¢œ“†zrj]O:4'! q’Ą’’’½ł’gf€“TA’žTA 05 NW 22’žKelleythorpe II’žMonument #79322’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0170 5668’ž50170 45668’ž501700’ž456680’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnone’žnonex18xx’žMortimer 1905nonononononoyesyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žcremation deposit’žE of centreyesnonono04+1+no @ix4’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žE end of moundxxxnox’žBeaker burial in stone cist’žcremation depositnox’žgrave pit, fireno’žN EnglandnonpųųōōōōōōōōōšåååįŠŠŠĪŹŹŹŹ···ššššššš˜”’Ž~yuqmhc^^^\ZZNJFBB@<84.! žüōņīźäŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ··µ³Æ­­­§”—Š~vnaSMG9( q’^Ą’’’½ł’@bf€óTA’žTA 05 NW 16’žGarton Slack 137’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0017 5620’ž50017 45620’ž500170’ž456200’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnonex27xx’žKinnes Ac2’žKinnes 1979’žNewbigin 1937’žNewbigin 1937nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žantler comb; bronze awl2’žNNE of centre; E of centre (grave)0xx0x0noxnoxnononono011noG@¦x4nononononono’žyes?xxxxnox’žpit’žgraveyesno’žn/a’žgrave pits - 2no’žN Englandno’žNewbigin 1937np’žKinnes 1979óóóóóļää乊ĖĒĒĮĮĮĮŗŗµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§”™•‘‰‰‰‡……yusqqokgc_]YWSQOMKIG#!žųōīźęāŽŽŽŽĻĄĄĄ³§„£Ÿ—€tldWIC=/) q’?~Ę’’’½ł’€¢gˆ’ LVAL Cunnington 1909 - bones were broken and scattered throughout the chamber King 1966: p 81 pit in forecourt: from its position and contents this might be described as the vestiges of a 'ritual pit'& may have been a pre-barrow feature as the revetment wall may have covered it. Contents consisted of rubble and included a fragment of a saddle quern and 'crumbs' of Neolithic pottery. P 78 - 'An irregular and much broken hollow, completely lacking in form, was observed on the south side of the forecourt between 12 and 13 feet from the western end. It appeared to be on a direct line from the three stones which may mark the pos’žCunnington 1909 - bones were broken and scattered throughout the chamber King 1966: p 81 pit in forecourt: from its position and contents this might be described as the vestiges of a 'ritual pit'& may have been a pre-barrow feature as the revetment wall may have covered it. Contents consisted of rubble and included a fragment of a saddle quern and 'crumbs' of Neolithic pottery. P 78 - 'An irregular and much broken hollow, completely lacking in form, was observed on the south side of the forecourt between 12 and 13 feet from the western end. It appeared to be on a direct line from the three stones which may mark the position of the missing revetment. No reliable dimensions can be given. The fill consisted of loose disturbed rubble mixed with red-brown soil. The most notable find was a fragment of a sarsen saddle-quern having a smooth, lustrous grinding surface.' P 82 " The occurrence of a scatter of worked flints mostly round the east end, a few from the body of the mound, two from the S chamber, one from the NW chamber and 6 from the vicinity of the barrow may suggest the existence of a small occupation of the hillock before the barrow was constructed. The quern fragment from the pit in the forecourt also points in the same direction. " LVAL Henshall 1972:  cairn is situated on a peat covered hill; but no peat was found below the cairn. Chamber floor was rock overlaid by a natural deposit of [greenish yellow] clay; in the E part of the chamber a few slabs lay on the clay. Against the SW of the chamber was a cist-like structure..built on the clay floor; inside were found the partial remains of 2 individuals. Scott 1948: P 12 'the floor of the chamber was not paved.... In the eastern part of the chamber a few small slabs lay erratically on the clay floor. . The antechamber...had been levelled up with blocks of stone to the height of the chamber floor and roughly paved above this block filling.' A large stone ball was found laying directly on the clay flo’žHenshall 1972:  cairn is situated on a peat covered hill; but no peat was found below the cairn. Chamber floor was rock overlaid by a natural deposit of [greenish yellow] clay; in the E part of the chamber a few slabs lay on the clay. Against the SW of the chamber was a cist-like structure..built on the clay floor; inside were found the partial remains of 2 individuals. Scott 1948: P 12 'the floor of the chamber was not paved.... In the eastern part of the chamber a few small slabs lay erratically on the clay floor. . The antechamber...had been levelled up with blocks of stone to the height of the chamber floor and roughly paved above this block filling.' A large stone ball was found laying directly on the clay floor of the chamber.  Stratum (4), which belongs to the period of funerary use accompanied by Neolithic pottery, was heavily impregnated with charcoal, but very unequally& .in the centre and west part of the chamber darkening was general, but completely blackened soil occurred in layers, which no doubt consisted of the scattered debris of successive " fires; in the eastern part of the chamber there was relatively little charcoal. Scott 1948 p 2   South-west of the tomb, and 23 feet beyond the nearest point of the peristalith, is a large and conspicuous standing-stone 5 feet in width and standing 10 feet above the original ground-level with its face towards the centre of the mound. This stone is believed to form an element in the tomb structure.xčL L‰I™ĒÅŒB„TA 07 SW 2’žWold Newton 284’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0484 7261’ž50484 47261’ž504840’ž472610’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWold Newton’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenpx’ž25.3xx’žKinnes Ae5’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono4’žSW of centre4?’žpits/postholes - SW of centrex0x0nox’žmortuary enclosure?’žSW of centrenononono050noR@nx4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary enclosure?nox’žpits (4) - mortuary enclosure?no’žN EnglandnoąąąŽŚŚŚŚŚÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆæ½»¹·²­©„”™™™—••‰…ƒ–TA-’žTA 07 SW 2’žWold Newton 284’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0484 7261’ž50484 47261’ž504840’ž472610’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWold Newton’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenpx’ž25.3xx’žKinnes Ae5’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono4’žSW of centre4?’žpits/postholes - SW of centrex0x0nox’žmortuary enclosure?’žSW of centrenononono050noR@nx4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary enclosure?nox’žpits (4) - mortuary enclosure?no’žN Englandno’žyes’žKinnes 1979np’žKinnes 1979>1----     čččęāāāāāĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĖĒÅĆĮæŗµ±­©„”””Ÿ‘‹‰‰‡ƒ{wiTRNLJHF'# ż÷óļėēēēēēŚŚŚĶĮæ½·µ±±«˜‹~rjbUGA;-' q’Ā’’’½ł’afŠvh’žTA 07 SW 10’žPaddock Hill’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žTA 030 707’ž50300 47070’ž503000’ž470700’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žThwing’žnone’žnone’ž114’žNW , SE60xx’žHarding 091’žHarding 1987’žHarding 1987’žchalkyes6b’žyes’žflint’žN EnglandóóóčččįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŅĖĖĖĖĖĖĖ½½½Æ¢ žš‘ŒŒ†€xk_WOB60*#h’$h’žTA 07 SE 8’žMaiden's Grave’žnone’žhenge’žnone’žClassic henge’žTA 0967 7063’ž50967 47063’ž509670’ž470630’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBurton Fleming’žnone’žnone36’žNW, SE98xx’žHarding 089’žHarding 1987’žDymond 1966’žBurl 1970’žHarding 19876b’žyesyes’žN EnglandžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžłłłłłłłłõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõēÜĻĻĻĮ“²°¬¤  š”„wkc[N@1+$h’ ęTA3’žTA 07 SE 1’žWillie Howe’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0616 7235’ž50616 47235’ž506160’ž472350’žHumberside’žEast Riding of Yorkshire’žThwing’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonex50xx’žGreenwell CCLIInononoyesnonoyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nox4nononononoxxxxnoxnox’žyes?’žn/a’žgrave pitno’žN Englandnonp‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰…zzzvkf`^ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXTRPNLLLHD@<88864440.,,*&"  śųōšźęāÜŲŲŌŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠæ½»·µµµÆœ”znf^QC=7)# q’>Ąž’’łüąg€ß TA ’žTA 07 NW 1’žWillerby Wold’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0296 7608’ž50296 47608’ž502960’ž476080’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWillerby’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žon the flat top of Willerby Wold’ž160’žE-Wx5615’žKinnes TA 4’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žMiddle Chalkyesyes’žtimberyesyesno’žjet fragment; bone pin2’žcentre of mortuary enclosure; chamber0xx2’žS edge of post-setting slot0’žmortuary enclosure’žoccupation debris; crematorium;’žEastern end of barrow on central line; E end of moundyesnoyesno000noŅ@lx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentralxxxnoxno’žmortuary enclosureno’žn/a’žpits; stakeholes; dark soil deposit;no’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žAshbee 1984np’žKinnes 1992üļėėėėŽŽŁŁŌŠÅÅÅĮ›–’~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpne`[WSNJEEECAA51/--+'!ąææ«©ŒŠˆ†„][C?93+% śśśķąÜŲÖŃĢŖ¤“‰€og_RD>8+% q’’Ā’’ż½ł’ąēŠäLVALßėTōGrinsell 1957: Primary crouched skeletons in same oval grave, which also contained 3 dozGrinsell 1957:  Primary crouched skeletons in same oval grave, which also contained 3 dozen perforated bone points, 3 ground flint axes and fragment of a fourth, perforated boars' teeth, 5 broken 'eagle-stones' (hollow flint nodules) and some pebbles of non-local origin, a perforated stone battle axe, flat and grooved whetstones, 5 stone mullers, keeled sarsen muller, shale ring and beads, bone bead, bronze awl, and pebble hammerstone. Shell 2000: This grave was listed by Piggott (1938:grave 82) as one of the burials defining his Wessex Culture.  Colt Hoare 1812: opened by Mr. Cunnington, in 1801, at the depth of nearly 0.9m in the native chalk, produced one skeleton lying on its back with the head towards the north; and another in a sitting posture ... The cist in which they were interred, was nearly of an oval form, excepting a small variation to the left of the larger skeleton, in order to make room for the other. ... he found more than three dozen instruments of bones pointed and perforated. Adjoining these lay three celts of flint or stone, and two other stones,. one .. was evidently made use of for sharpening .. the arrow heads of bone; another stone of a larger size (not engraved,) served probably as a whetstone & . On clearing away the earth from the legs, some boars' teeth were found perforated, and several .. eagle stones, of white flint, which had been cut or broken in two, so as to form a rude kind of cup. Near the breast of this skeleton was an axe of stone, and a circular stone which was probably used in a sling; and about two dozen more arrow or lance heads of bone. & a large ring [was also found] It is made of jet, or canal coal, and has its outside ornamented with imperfect circles& ; Besides these articles, there were several stones and pebbles of different sorts, not to be found in the neighbourhood, a small brass pin, some beads of jet, and one of ivory or bone.ćčŚ .K*KPG6DżAh’žTA 16 NW 4’žRudston 66a’žMonument # 81218’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenp’žE-Wx4112nonononoyesnoyesyesnono00Ń@n€’žno information on bgs4anono’žyo’žTA 16 NW 4’žRudston 66a’žMonument # 81218’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudr’žTAJ’žTA 16 NW 4’žRudston 6WTAJ’žTA 16 NW 4’žRudston 66a’žMonument # 81218’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenp’žE-Wx4112nonononoyesnoyesyesnono00č@ 4anono’žyesnonono’žyesyesnoxno’žN EnglandnpDD@@@@@@@@@@55551/++%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėåßŪÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĮ½»¶²²¬™ƒwogZNHB5# q’Ą’,ł #€¢TAR’žTA 16 NW 11’žSouth Side Mount Barrow’žRudston LXVII’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1075 6657’ž51075 46657’ž510750’ž466570’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žnone’žnonenpx30xxnonononoyesnoyesyesyesno1’žNNE of centre0xx0x0nox’žlayer of dark fatty earth’žbeneath the barrowyesnoyesno010no¬@›x4no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žentire barrowxxxnox’žwood-lined grave’žentire barrow - dark earth depositno’žlayer on OGS’žgrave pit; fire; dark soilno’žN Englandnonp%%!!!!!!!!!ņņņäąą¼¼¼¼ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žŠ†‚~ytpppnll`\ZXXVRLHB.   ņšģ까֊ĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼ø¶²²¬¦„|tgYSM?0 q’Ą’’’½ł’€hf€ŽTAg’žTA 08 NW 23’žAyton Eastfield’žSeamer Moor’žlong cairn’žoval barrow’žnone’žTA 0002 8640’ž50002 48640’ž500020’ž486400’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenp’žn/a4830’žKinnes Aa6/Dc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 10’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 147’žLongworth 1961, p 344nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x?’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary structure’žforecourtnoxyesnonono002+no×@px4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žallxxxnoxnox’žstone and timber mortuary structureno’ž54°152 48.733 N, 000°272 56.983 W’ž54°152 48.083 N, 000°272 50.903 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 147’žLongworth 1961, p 344’žKinnes 1979np’žKinnes 1979åŲŌŌĒ°‹‹‹‡|Q&"żżżū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õńļķėęįŻŁÕŠĢĒĒĒÅĆĆ·³Æ­­«§£Ÿ™—“ˆtrpnla_][WSMGC=73/+++ōćććÖĘĀ¾¹µµµÆ©wobTNA5( q’~Ī’’’½ł’`~ŗf\[TAS’žTA 08 NW 161’žSeamer Moor 2’žMonument #1260974’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 00 86’ž500 486’ž500000’ž486000’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žKinnes Dc7’žKinnes 1979’žEvans 1897nonononoyes1@*2cno’žn/ano’žN England’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žKinnes 1979·Ŗ¦¦¦¦o     żżųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųōōōōōōōōšššääāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÜÜÜÜÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĄĄĄ³§§§§§§§§”•ˆwog^TNH:' q’?`ĀC(€"Œžs’žTAS’žTA 08 NW 160’žSeamer Moor’žMonument #1260970’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 00 86’ž500 486’ž500000’ž486000’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnonenononono’žpolished greenstone axeA@2no’žn/ano’žN England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;ōōōōōééééååąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪµµµµµµ±­©„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„Ÿ“†ume\RLF8% q’?Ąƒ €"„śLVALŠ))ĻGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, "placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m". The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains o’žGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, "placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m". The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains of a young woman. The deposit of dark fatty earth extended throughout the whole barrow, and increased in depth up to the centre, where it attained a thickness of 76 cm. "This deposit was full of burnt earth and charcoal in every part; but there was more evidence of burning in that part which immediately overlaid the natural surface. There was also in it a very large number of animal bones as well as sherds of pottery., flint implements and chippings& Amongst the implements were 79 saws, 17 scrapers, 3 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 2 pointed tools, a hammer stone and a piece of greenstone axe.’žVatcher (1961) suggests a stone and timber mortuary structure had been constructed beneath the b’žGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, "placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m". The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains of a young woman. The deposit of dark fatty earth extended throughout the whole barrow, and increased in depth up to the centre, where it attained a thickness of 76 cm. "This deposit was full of burnt earth and charcoal in every part; but there was more evidence of burning in that part which immediately overlaid the natural surface. There was also in it a very large number of animal bones as well as sherds of pottery., flint implements and chippings& Amongst the implements were 79 saws, 17 scrapers, 3 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 2 pointed tools, a hammer stone and a piece of greenstone axe.’žVatcher (1961) suggests a stone and timber mortuary structure had been constructed beneath the barrow - no details are available A timber and stone mortuary structure had been constructed in the forecourt area.CčĢMyJ‰G…GlÅ]Ćh’žTF 10 NW 51’žEtton CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTF 1385 0735’ž51385 30735’ž513850’ž307350’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žMaxey’žnone’žnonex’ž180’ž160’žOswald et al 2001’ž Pryor et al 1985’žPryor & Kinnes 1982’žPryor 1987yesyes’žgravel terraceyes6c’žyesyes’žSE England..."""""""" üöšššäĻ¼¼¼©©¤Ÿ—‘Š|ld\OA;5h’\Ī h’žTF 10 NW 115’žMaxey Henge EL2’žMonument #1388877’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žTF 129 075’ž5129 3075’ž512900’ž307500’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žMaxey’žFenland’žnonexx’žHarding 023’žHarding 1987yesyesyes8’žpost setting!€’žAt least 3 phases are apparent.6b’žfind excavation report’žSEh’žTF 10 NW 51’žEtton CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTF 1385 0735’ž51385 30735’ž513850’ž307350’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žMaxey’žnone’žnonex’ž180’ž160’žOswald et al 2001’ž Pryor et al 1985’žPryor & Kinnes 1982’žPryor 1987yesyes’žgravel terraceyes6c’žyesyes’žSE England..."""""""" üöšššäĻ¼¼¼©©¤Ÿ—‘Š|ld\OA;5h’\Ī h’žTF 10 NW 115’žMaxey Henge EL2’žMonument #1388877’žhenge’žnone’žnone’žTF 129 075’ž5129 3075’ž512900’ž307500’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žMaxey’žFenland’žnonexx’žHarding 023’žHarding 1987yesyesyes8’žpost setting!€’žAt least 3 phases are apparent.6b’žfind excavation report’žSE England888,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ććććććććććććććććććÕÓÓÓÓÓĶĒĒĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ³¦¤¢¢¢¢¢œ“Œ~nf^SGA;4!h’x4  Y{TAY’žTA 17 SE 9’žHigh Easton Barrow’žBoynton’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1570 7043’ž51570 47043’ž515700’ž470430’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBoynton’žnone’žnone89x30xx’žKinnes Ce2’žKinnes 1979nono’žUpper Chalkyesnonoyesyesyes’žjet pebbles, jet ring,0x1’žInner enclosure ditchx0x0’žyes?’žcentralnoxnononono000no @nx4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žunknownxxxxnx’žtimber structure?yesx’žpostholeno’žN Englandno’žyesnp’žKinnes 1979ūīźźźźźźåååįÖÖÖŅČČČĘĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ­­­­­­­«©§„£”˜“‹‡‚~~~|zznjhffd`\XTRNE?=;97 üöšģčāÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĄ“²°¬Ŗ¦¦ š‘„xph[MGA3* q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f‚>cTA_’žTA 17 SE 39’žBridlington Round Barrow’žMonument #1260758’žround barrow’žpit circle’žnone’žTA 16 71’ž51600 47100’ž516000’ž471000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBridlington’žnone’žnonex29xx’žDavies 1889’žManby 1980nono’žchalkno?noyesyesnono13’žcentral grave, 12 surrounding pits0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noĻ@nx4nono’žyesnononoxxxxnoxnpxnpnp’žpits (13) surrounding a central grave pitno’ž49°462 16.923 N, 007°332 01.843 W’ž49°462 14.683 N, 007°322 59.283 W’žN Englandno’žManby 1980’žDavies 1889np^^ZZZMAAAAA=2ÜŲ¬Ø¤¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’Œˆ„{wwwussgca__]YUQMKGEA?=;975  ’łõóļčäąąąąŌĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½½½·±¤—‹ƒ{nd^RD1 q’Ę’’’½łżą˜’aTAJ’žTA 16 NW 70’žRudston 66b’žMonument # 1306461’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenpnpx5715nonononononoyesyesnono00¼@n4anono’žyesnonononpnpnpno’žN Englandnp??;;;;;;;;;;0000,($$                      ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėåßŪ×ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ½¹µµÆœ“†zrj]QKE8$ q’Ą’,ł #€zLVAL$Pastscape: - this MAY be the barrow opened by J H Austen in 1840 and found to contain an extended inhumation, probably intrusive. Warne 1866: 'At a depth of about two and a half feet from the surface, in the centre of the mound, a ske’žPastscape: - this MAY be the barrow opened by J H Austen in 1840 and found to contain an extended inhumation, probably intrusive. Warne 1866: 'At a depth of about two and a half feet from the surface, in the centre of the mound, a skeleton was found placed at length. At a distance of eleven feet southward from these remains, a stratum of black earth was observed, two feet in thickness, it dipped towards the centre, but rose again towards the west side of the barrow.' č#Šs’žNPRN 95545’žBarclodiad y Gawres’žThe Giantess's Apronful’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, round’žSH 32895 70723’ž232895 370723’ž232895’ž370723’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žAberffraw’žAnglesey19x27xx’žANG 4’žLynch 1991yesyes’žMona Complexnononoyesnono’ždecorated stones; bone pin; shale pebbles;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno102no2šĪŚ’žcentral chamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnoxxxxnox’žhearthyes’žS chamber; W chambernono’ž53°122 26.043 N, 004°302 12.983 W’ž53°122 25.143 N, 004°302 08.823 W’žWalesno’žPowell, T. G. E. & Daniel, G. 1956 Barclodiad y Gawres: the excavation of a megalithic chamber tomb in Anglesey, 1952-1953 Liverpool, Liverpool University Press’žLynch, F. 1967 Barclodiad y Gawres; comparative notes on the decorated stones. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 116, 1-22’žPrichard, H. 1869 Barclodiad y Gawres, and camp at Trecastell. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 15, 403-7’žNash, G. 2008 The Symbolic Use of Fire: A Case for its Use in the Late Neolithic Passage Grave Tradition in Wales Time and Mind, 1, 143-580’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastonäsqqć~ eeeeaZ/üüüęąąąąąąąąąąąąąŲÖŅŠĪĢŹĘĮ¼·²®©©©§––Š†„‚‚€|vrnlhfb`^\ZXVTR&" žųņņņņņęęęę߯Ū×ÕŃŃŃĒ¼² ˜q[UD+ q’??Ā’’’½ł’`~¼/ LVAL Greenwell 1877 p 136-40: 'At the centre [of the barrow] and placed on the natural surface, was the body of a man...Just behind the head was a circular hole, 2 ft deep and 3 ft in diameter, filled in with sand; and close to the feet was a similar hole, but six inches deeper, and filled in with some broken pieces of stone in addition to the sand. Both above and below the body was a considerable quantity of charcoal. To the NE of the body& was a rudely constructed wall about 3 ft high& [which] ran for a distance of more than 9 feet..Immediately to the SW of the body..was a ..cairn, 10 ft in diam and 3 ft high, composed of oolitic rubble, with an external layer of yellowy clay soil, by which last substance the skeleton was ’žGreenwell 1877 p 136-40: 'At the centre [of the barrow] and placed on the natural surface, was the body of a man...Just behind the head was a circular hole, 2 ft deep and 3 ft in diameter, filled in with sand; and close to the feet was a similar hole, but six inches deeper, and filled in with some broken pieces of stone in addition to the sand. Both above and below the body was a considerable quantity of charcoal. To the NE of the body& was a rudely constructed wall about 3 ft high& [which] ran for a distance of more than 9 feet..Immediately to the SW of the body..was a ..cairn, 10 ft in diam and 3 ft high, composed of oolitic rubble, with an external layer of yellowy clay soil, by which last substance the skeleton was overlaid. Beneath the cairn was a large quantity of burnt earth and charcoal, as if a fire had been lighted on the spot. Female skeleton:  laid upon a rough pavement of small stones placed on the natural surface. An upright stone stood on either side of the head; a cinerary urn was placed close to the knees. Between these two interments was a stone wall running east-west for about 6 feet. PIT 3: two feet west of the third body there was a circular hole, 3 ft in diameter and 2 ft deep, filled with broken stones and rubble, with larger and flat stones on the top. At SW side of the barrow were considerable traces of fire and a burnt skull fragment.  Throughout the whole barrow the natural surface showed extensive signs of burning. LVAL}dMicrosoft Office AccessNoneFactory DefaultsōB ōB ųI õC ōE öD ’’’’MSACCESS.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXEIPACDRWDSGATCAPI;«F‡4čEŌß8Q;KišŻ…&ųE‰%ź9ŖxČPPBHAERPģæ N#GUSB0031ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%Ģ82eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠČ čŲ‹sµ’žST 89 NE 15’žGatcombe Lodge’žMinchinhampton 2’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8838 9972’ž38838 19972’ž388380’ž199720’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMinchinhampton’žCotswolds’žnonenpx6125’žGLO 15’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nonononoyesyes1"€’žNo information on ground surface1nono’žSW England’žPlayne, G. F. 1871 On the early occupation of the Cotteswold Hills by Man. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 5, 277-293’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-1495’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus1Ł×××DėaaaaaUUUUQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQMMMMMMMMKKK ’’’’’šššāŚÖŅŠĢĢĢĘ»«£’Š‚ugVP9' q’~Ā$"œ¢čUĶ%JČG£EŗAr’žTF:’žTF 47 HTF:’žTF 47 SW 86’žGiants' Hills 2’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTF 4292 7088’ž54292 37088’ž542920’ž370880’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žSkendleby’žnone’žnone’žon a gentle south-facing slope of a small river valley58’žSE-NWx7719’žKinnes TF 6’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žchalkyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žflanking burial area4; 31’žN edge of mound; facade trenchx1+?0’žfence’žburial area’žoccupation debris?, facade trench, fence, potsherds, flints and bone’žSE end of moundnonono’žyes03+0nor@xx4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxx’žN and centre of moundxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation debris?, cultivation; timber structure, 2 mortuary pitsno’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žyesnp’žKinnes 1992ōēććććć掎ŁÕÄÄÄĄ|wsqkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiecLJHC>950+'''%##   žśé£–‹‡…e[EC?;5/+%        ’ņīźčįŻ„Ÿ™Ž€rjbUGA;.( q’’Ą’’’½ł’ąē‚.TF[’žTF 47 SW 1’žSpellow Hills’žHills of the Slain’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 4015 7221’ž54015 37221’ž540150’ž372210’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žLangton by Spilsby’žnone’žnonenpnpx5512’žPhillips 1933”@ 42cnpyes’žn/ano’žCentral England’žPhillips 1933np00,,,,    żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłłłłłłłłłõõõééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé錌ŚŚŚÖŅŠĢČČĀ¼ØšŒ„|oaLF9% q’  "ˆ TFU’žTF 29 NW 12’žHoe Hill Long Barrow’žCromwell's Grave’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 2148 9529’ž52148 39529’ž521480’ž395290’žLincolnshire’žWest Lindsey’žSwinhope’žLinconshire Wolds’žnone’žE-Wx5017’žKinnes TF 14’žKinnes 1992yesyesnoyesyesyesyes@@ī4a’žyesnpyesno’žCentral Englandnp’žKinnes 1992h[WWWWWWWWWWFFFFBBBB<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<833333333///######################## ūūūūūūūūīąÜŲÖŃŃŃĖø® ’Š‚ugRL?- q’~Ą7  "€3TFP’žTF 29 NW 10’žAsh Hill Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 2088 9612’ž52088 39612’ž520880’ž396120’žLincolnshire’žWest Lindsey’žSwinhope’žLincolnshire Wolds’žnone’žon the eastern edge of the Swinhope valley;’žN-Sx4217’žKinnes TF 15’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992yesyesnoyesyesyes1’žExternal - 3.5 m W of quarry ditch9@ī4’žyes’žyesyesno’žn/a’žpit, external to barrowno’ž53°262 52.913 N, 000°102 52.493 W’ž53°262 51.893 N, 000°102 46.433 W’žCentral England’žKinnes 1992np’žKinnes 1992;.**** į¶²™”ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ…€€€€€€€€~~~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrNLLLF@@@:60*****žśųóóĘĄ¬¢”†~vi[F@3- q’’~Ā3  ?ˆh’žTF 27 SW 14’žWest Ashby’žMonument #893145’žhengiform monument’žround barrow’žnone’žTF 2501 7260’ž52501 37260’ž525010’ž372600’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žWest Ashby’žnone’žnone’ž42.412xx’žHarding 110’žHarding 1987yesnonoyesyesnono1’žS of centre8’žvariousyesno00Ņu¼ €’žhengiform2d’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNW ditch terminal (Phase 1b)’žsquare pit’žcharcoal / sand spread’žpitno’žCentral EnglandŹŹŹ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹µµµµµ°˜ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒnid`\WSNNNJJ3''%####’ū÷ńėē毯ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĻĀĄ¾ŗŗ““®ØœŽ€xpcUOA-h’}žPlłĄ!  蝩sA¤’žST 94 SE 6’žUpton Lovell 2A’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 9586 4277’ž39586 14277’ž395860’ž142770’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žUpton Lovell’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žGrinsell 1957’žShell 2002nonononoyesnononoyes’ž60 bone points, boar tusks, eagle stones, shale ring & beads, bone bead; bronze awl1?0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020nonßėTx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žgrave / unknown locationnpxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 75-76)’žShell, C. 2002 Upton Lovell. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 95, 290; Shell, C. 2000 Metalworker or shaman: Early Bronze Age Upton Lovell G2a burial Antiquity, 74, 271-272’žShell, C. 2001 Excavation & Fieldwork in Wiltshire 1999: Upton Lovell. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 95, 253’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press65ZZVV·.VüģģģčäääāŽŽÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶²®Ŗ¦¢žššš˜––Š†„‚‚€|xtpnjhdb`^\ZXVT’łõńķēćßŪ×××××ĖĖĖ¼¼ŗø“²®®Ø¢”„yqi\NA;-' q’_Ā’’’½ł’hf¼kW LVALg Phase 1 - central pit set within a stone circle/enclosure surrounded by a ditch. Hemp 1930 p 194: A deposit of burnt bones and stones had been placed inside aclay 'basin' (0.9 x 0.45 x 0.30 deep) which was hollowed out of a mound of stones in front of the entrance. P 194 'the impression received while clearing the forecourt was that at several stages during the heaping up of the materials used to cover it it, areas of varying size had been trodden hard.' P 194-5 Five post holes were located in the forecourt - placed on the arc of a circle. P 195 - Hemp mentions a clay floor in the forecourt - the floors in the chamber and passage were gravel, so this may be a laid floor? P 196 "CENTRAL PIT " A pit had been sunk in the natural gravel; the bottom of the pit had been scorched and hardened by fire and on it were lying a few ’žPhase 1 - central pit set within a stone circle/enclosure surrounded by a ditch. Hemp 1930 p 194: A deposit of burnt bones and stones had been placed inside aclay 'basin' (0.9 x 0.45 x 0.30 deep) which was hollowed out of a mound of stones in front of the entrance. P 194 'the impression received while clearing the forecourt was that at several stages during the heaping up of the materials used to cover it it, areas of varying size had been trodden hard.' P 194-5 Five post holes were located in the forecourt - placed on the arc of a circle. P 195 - Hemp mentions a clay floor in the forecourt - the floors in the chamber and passage were gravel, so this may be a laid floor? P 196 "CENTRAL PIT " A pit had been sunk in the natural gravel; the bottom of the pit had been scorched and hardened by fire and on it were lying a few fragments of charcoal and one burnt bone, a human right ear bone. & The pit had been filled with a mixture of clay and stones, resting on a layer of brown clay, laid on the bottom, and containing two pieces of jasper& Into this filling was inserted a lump of purple clay roughly in the form of an inverted cone, on the top of which was worked a shallow hollow about 6 in. in diameter, which was immediately covered by the stone. The hollow was free of any filling and nothing was found to indicate the purpose for which it was made. " P 204 - the inner circle (Phase 1) was covered with a layer of purple clay; likely laid down after the chamber was constructed. P 207 - "The mark of fire was everywhere". O'Kelly 1969 - argues that the purple clay floor was in fact a chemically-altered buried land surface, not a deliberately laid floor.LVALLfV|Scott 1961, p 7 : The subsoil wherever it was encountered beneath the cairn material proved to be of fine loose gravel. At original ground level the gravel was invariably darker in colour, containing a good deal of comminuted charcoal and fragments of burnt bone. In the transverse section adjacent to the burial chamber it was observed that layers of clean gravel might occur intercalated with layers of dark gravel (fig. 3). These might be explained as due to disturbance when the orthostats of the burial chamber were being erected. In a pit approximately 2 ft. wide dug some 6 in. below the original surface at the S. end of the forecourt was a deposit of nearly 2,500 marine shells... all of edible molluscs. Overlying the gravel in the forecourt was a somewhat random scatter of stones, mostly small slabs, which had the appearance of paving. ' P 9 - [the burial chamber] 'The floor was apparently of gravel, probably the original subsoil." [turf clearance?] P 13 - 14 "In the front segment there were no finds at all. In the middle segment there were fragments of bone and human teeth, both burnt and unburnt, potsherds, a broken lozenge-shaped flint arrowhead, hazel nuts, charcoal and a few marine shells. One small group of unburnt bones lay beneath a small slab& .All these finds were below the tops of the septal slabs (fig. 8). In the rear segment above the floor level were fragments of bone and a human tooth, all apparently burnt, and marine shells. Just below the floor level in the SE. corner of this segment was a deposit of nearly 2,500 marine shells (Appx. C). In the front segment a compact brown layer, less than 1 in. thick, could be traced over the top of the sill and for some 2 ft. into the burial chamber. This layer may have been trodden into a compact mass during the time when the burial chamber was open ". P 16 [pre-cairn surface and shell deposits] " The excavators of the Fairy Knowe found underneath the S. part of the cairn an extensive shell deposit, 2-12 in. thick, generally accompanied by “čÖKAŹvFPÄĢĮh’žTL 00 SE 41’žBottom House Lane CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure?’žTL 052 049’ž5052 2049’ž505200’ž204900’žHertfordshire’žDacorum’žKings Langley’žnone’žnone’ž132’žWainwright 1992noyesyesnumerous?numerous?’žyes?00÷@xŻ@!ņ6c’žArchive - National Monuments Record Centrenono’ž51°442 00.213 N, 000°282 38.333 W’ž51°432 58.483 N, 000°282 32.663 W’žSE England£££—lAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=99   żńńļķķķķķķķķķėęęęęęäŌŅĀĀĀ¼¶¶²²²²²²²²²”””””””””œœ–xiaYNBBB+%hĻ4l8h’žTG 20 NW 153’žArminghall Henge’žnone’žhenge’žtimber circle’žClassic henge’žTG 2398 0601’ž62398 30601’ž623980’ž306010’žNorfolk’žSouth Norfolk’žBixley’žnone’žnone6SW82xx’žHarding 112’žHarding 1987’žGibson 19946b’žyes’ž52°362 20.563 N, 001°182 23.253 E’ž52°362 19.103 N, 001°182 29.803 E’žSE EnglandEEE9ććććććććććććććććććććććććć掎ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĶĶĶĶæ²°®Ŗ¦¤¤ž˜xph[M>/("h’8 TFF’žTF 82 NW 4’žWest Rudham Common’žMonument #358114’žlong barrow’ženclosure’žnone’žTF 8103 2532’ž58103 32532’ž581030’ž325320’žNorfolk’žKings Lynn and West Norfolk’žGreat Massingham’žnone’žnone70’žNE-SWx6618’žKinnes TF 3’žKinnes 1992’žHogg 1938’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknononoyesyesyesno4’ž7.8 m w of median line (1); forecourt (1); near cremation platform (2);0xx1’žW side of mound at N end0nox’žplatform cremation; ditched enclosure’žS end of mound;yesnonono000noJ@xx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcremation platformxxxnoxyesx’žpits (2); pits - mortuary (2); fire - cremationno’žSE Englandno’žyes’žAshbee 1984’žHogg 1938np’žKinnes 1992ÖÉÅÅÅŗ­­ØØؤ˜˜˜”ccca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUSQO;61-)$  žśöšßø¶²°–”’ŽEC?93-)%!ųųųėŽŚÖŌĶÉÉĆ½«Ž…}uhZTI<* q’Ę’’’½ł’`fšh’žTF 74 NW 6’žSeahenge’žhengiform monument’žTF 7112 4526’žNorfolk’žKings Lynn and West Norfolk’žHolme Next the Sea’žPryor 2001’žWatson 2005 €’žhengiform2d’žSE England“““ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØؤ¤€ttttttttttttt`C::::,,,hK@ GTFF’žTF 47 SW 9’žGiants' Hills 1’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTF 4278 7126’ž54278 37126’ž542780’ž371260’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žSkendleby’žnone’žnone70’žNW-SEx7535’žKinnes TF 7’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknoyes’žhazelnut shell; wheat ?yesyesno’žbone chisel1’žSE end of barrow on medial line64 ; 8’žalong each side of the barrow; at W end of barrowx3’žaround pit0’žrevetment of split tree trunks’žSE end of barrow’žpre-barrow ditches; burial platform; hurdling fence’žW end of mound; E of centre on medial line; W of centre on medial linenonoyesno080no”Ąž¾Ex4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxno’žnear pit/hurdle enclosure’žpit; postholes; occupation debris; ditchesno’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žAshbee 1984np’žKinnes 19925($$$$żżżłĶĶĶ²®®®®®®®®®®®®®®¬Ø¦¤¢ ›–’Ž‰„€€€~||pljhhfb\XT ×Å„£—•“`T31$ ūõńźäąąąąąÓÓÓĘ¹µ±Æؤ¤ž˜qiaTF@:-' q’Ā’’’½ł’`fŠų LVAL 'the usual black unctuous matter' (Appx. A). The shells are similar to those found in the forecourt and in the burial chamber of the chambered cairn, whilst the black unctuous matter recalls the carbonised layers found at the old ground level beneath the chambered cairn. Perhaps each cairn was built upon ground previously inhabited." Quern stone found in unstratified depositLVAL~ŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# F¦½č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" LVAL@CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż™`,ß FormHeaderēx ź9P6z IµÄ–k#z ’d5ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6įab– c,d# žĢI}Ü Pottery #_LabelŻ  #Ž" @Calibriä  DetachedLabelå Pottery___Labelźx “j »*EÆ+>]ŗéįĄĀĘĒČÉJįKLīMżd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6żab– c,d# )€žĢ???Ü $Pottery Type_LabelŻ Pottery Typeä  DetachedLabelå $Pottery_Type_Labelźx AAg§—$ĄBŖŁ³øŁ×ÉĄĀĘĒČÉJżKL Mż˜`,'ß  Detailēx ē….I%­I’v²£1Šs ;ļļļ’m7ŸU:ĮF{`6įa9b– c,įe¦ėi# j%¼’’’Ü Pottery #Ż Pottery #õ Pottery__śx ŠŠō¶»„ G“?*Ł¾_ĄĀĘ Ē Č É +’’’’.Jį/K90Lī1Mżo0\5ŸU8ĮD{bš c6żd9e– f,įh¦ø l# m%¼nž’’’¾x ¬JČŽübM§­>L–@ó&Ü Pottery TypeŻ Pottery TypeŽ] Value Listß[ ‚"";"Plainware";"Carinated Bowl";"Unstan";"Peterborough";"Mortlake";"Hembury";"Windmill Hill";"Unidentified";"Unidentified - Early Neo";"Unidentified - Mid Neo";"Unidentified - Late Neo";"Unidentified - EBA";"Unidentified - BA";"Grimston Lyles Hill";"Towthorpe";"Abingdon";"Mildenhall";"Beacharra";"Whitehawk";"Hebridean";"Ebbsfleet";"Impressed Ware";"Grooved Ware";"Beaker";"Food Vessel";"Collared urn";"Barrel Urn";"Other";"Neolithic - Western (A)"ą 1440÷ Pottery_TypeĄĀĘ Ē Č É ’.€2’’’’6Jż7FLVALVK98L 9Mżš`,ß FormFooterēx tžödOöI“‡6Ā¤ˆżń LVAL Greenwell 1866 p 343: SOUTH CHAMBER: 'On removing [a small cist from the SE corner] we found beneath a layer of dark earthy matter, thickly interspersed with burnt bones; this layer spread throughout nearly the whole compartment. Just north of the small cist, and on a level with its bottom stone, was another flat slab, also covering burnt bones amongst dark mould. Down the centre of the compartment, running from south to north, was a pavement of small pebbles, very carefully laid down, about 9 inches wide, having at its south end one flat stone laid on the same level, and at the north end three small stones, also laid flat, thus forming a termination to each end of the pavement. Below this pavement was the layer of dark earthy matter already men’žGreenwell 1866 p 343: SOUTH CHAMBER: 'On removing [a small cist from the SE corner] we found beneath a layer of dark earthy matter, thickly interspersed with burnt bones; this layer spread throughout nearly the whole compartment. Just north of the small cist, and on a level with its bottom stone, was another flat slab, also covering burnt bones amongst dark mould. Down the centre of the compartment, running from south to north, was a pavement of small pebbles, very carefully laid down, about 9 inches wide, having at its south end one flat stone laid on the same level, and at the north end three small stones, also laid flat, thus forming a termination to each end of the pavement. Below this pavement was the layer of dark earthy matter already mentioned, and a few burnt bones& . This dark layer was found to rest upon a second pavement of pebbles. Amongst the dark matter and burnt bones were great numbers of broken quartz pebbles, one cow's tooth, several fragments of flint amongst which were two knives or scrapers, a portion of a kinfe, three perfect and two broken barbed arrow-heads...All unburnt. SECOND CHAMBER (p 345) : "On reaching the bottom of this compartment, there was found the same deposit of dark earthy matter, with burnt bones as in the last, & resting upon a rough pavement of pebbles. " THIRD CHAMBER (P 345): "There was no layer of earthy matter, burnt bones, chippings of flint or quartz, or pebble pavement, at the bottom of this compartment, nor the slightest trace of any interment."?č¶LiJ`G[DW@r’žr’žTL‹TL’žTL 47 NW 17’žFoulmire Fen’žHaddenham’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 420 767’ž54200 27670’ž542000’ž276700’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žOuse Valley and fenlands2’žSSW-NNEx5216’žKinnes TL 1’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žgravel terraceyesyes’žwoodyesyesno’žwooden pins2’žmortuary structure (2)29’žfaēade trench (17); mortuary structure (3);x0x0’žmortuary chamber’žmound’žoccupation pre-barrow; cultivation (pollen analysis)’žpre-barrow surfaceyes’žyesno’žyes05+0’žgravelĆ@”x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žall’žsoil / pollen analysis’žforecourt’žoakplanks’žmortuary structure’žgravel pavingnox’žMesolithic and Neolithic artefact scatters’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyesnp’žKinnes 1992žžžžžžłłōšää䯱±±Æ«««««««««œœœœœˆ}rZUA<73/*%   ū÷ņģŲ¢›‰‡…ƒTP86)% ÷ńėėėėėėėėŽŃĶÉĒ¾¼¼¼¢—‚rjbUIC=0% q’?Ą’’’½ł’`ę‚&ŠTLe’žTL 34 SW 76’žTherfield Heath 4’žFive Hills; Royston Heath 4’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 34095 40270’ž534095 240270’ž534095’ž240270’žHertfordshire’žNorth Hertfordshire’žTherfield’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žKinnes ACa1’žKinnes 1979’žDyer 1959’žStevenson 1986nononono’žbone pin90>@;ģ2cnonpnp’žn/ano’žSE England’žNunn, E. B. 1855 MSS Notebook, Palmer Collection, Cambridge University Library’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24np’žKinnes 1979’’’’Æ]]]]]QQQQMMHHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@<<<<<<<<888,,*(((((((((((((((((((žóóóęŁ×ÕŃĻĖĖÅæ“Ÿˆ€qa[UG* q’ʃ, "ŒvŠTLu’žTL 34 SW 5’žTherfield’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 3415 4017’ž53415 24017’ž534150’ž240170’žHertfordshire’žNorth Hertfordshire’žTherfield’žnone’žnone’žon chalk downland’ž117’žE-Wx3826’žKinnes TL 8’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žchalknonononoyesnono2’žon medial line of barrow, W of centre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000no@@Hx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žwest of centrexxnoxnox’žmortuary pits - 2no’žSE Englandno’žAshbee 1984np’žKinnes 1992öööööņęęęāĻĻĻĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉĒĆĮæÆ­Ø£Ÿ›–’ŽŽŽŒŠŠ~zxvvtplfb`\ZVTRPNLJ#! üųōōōōōēēēŚĶÉÅĆ¾¹¦ šzkc[N@:4'! q’’Ā’’’½ł’`fˆfTL’žTL 29 NW 49’žFengate Depot’žMonument #1253314’žround barrow’žring ditch’žnone’žTL 2120 9855’ž52120 29855’ž521200’ž298550’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žPeterborough’žnone4xnpxxnononono @€4anonpnpno’ž52°342 16.763 N, 000°122 46.863 W’ž52°342 15.373 N, 000°122 40.953 W’žSE EnglandnpXXTTTTTTTTTTHņņīīīīźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźęāāāāāāāāŽŽŽŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾ŗø¶¶¶°¢”„|tgYSG9& q’?Ą  :€rŒTL 27 SW 115’žBrampton’žMonument #1328070’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 2045 7152’ž52045 27152’ž520450’ž271520’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žBrampton’žOuse Valley’žBrampton cursus12’žNW-SEx276’žMalim 1999’žLast 1999nononoyesnononononono2+’žW side of monument2’žN ditch terminal; S ditch terminalx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŸ@|x4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žpits (2)no’ž52°192 42.983 N, 000°142 01.763 W’ž52°192 41.493 N, 000°132 55.903 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žLast 1999’žMalim 1999ZZZNCC>>>:.ŲŌŹŹŹČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶±¬Ø¤ œ˜˜˜–””ˆ„‚€€~zvrnlhfb`^\Z64  žśöņņņņēŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÓĢČČ·Ŗ wobTN:-o’Ę’’’½ł’`~Æ čæŠsk’žNR 89 NW 2’žNether Largie South’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNR 8286 9792’ž18286 69792’ž182860’ž697920’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmartin’žKilmartin15’žNE-SW40xx’žARG 23’žHenshall 1972’žCraw 1930’žRitchie 1997nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žpebbles beneath a dark earthy layer’@€x1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žsouth chamber’ždark earthy matter and pebbles’žsecond chamberyes’žsouth chambernononono’žSW Scotlandno’žGreenwell, W. 1866 An account of excavations in cairns near Crinan. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 336-51’žCraw, J. H. 1930 Excavations at Dunadd and at other sites on the Poltalloch Estates, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 111-46’žScott, J. G. 1989 The stone circles at Temple Wood, Kilmartin, Argyll. Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 15, 53-124’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressEŽŁŁŁdĀ::::6)))%! ōŌÅĆĮæŗµ±¬§¢›™™hfddb^XTPNJHDB@><:864($ žžžžšåååÖĪĢŹĘæ»»»°„˜‡wj\HB1+ q’?Ę’’’½ł’ągœčĪWĢāŹŠČvEĮĆ;Āh’žTL 70 NW 84’žSpringfield Cursus’žcursus’žTL 7252 0666’ž57252 20666’ž572520’ž206660’žEssex’žChelmsford’žChelmsford’žBrown 1997€’žCursus6d’žSE England„„„™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™••uuuuuuuuuuuuui]VNF9+++##hĖ@ h’žTL 70 NW 105’žSpringfield Lyons CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTL 7351 0818’ž57351 20818’ž573510’ž208180’žEssex’žChelmsford’žSpringfield’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žBrown 19976c’žSE EnglandŌŌŌČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄøøø„„„„„„„„Ÿ™Œ€yqi\NHB,&h’@ ŻTL’žTL 67 SE 28’žSwale's Tumulus’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 6992 7144’ž56992 27144’ž569920’ž271440’žSuffolk’žForest Heath’žWorlington’žnone’žnone’žon level ground at the foot of a slopenpx21xx’žKinnes Ca1’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnoyes’žbone pin/awl fragment3’žN of centre0xx0x0nox’žoccupation debris’žN side of moundyesnoyesno202?noŖ@„’žwest of crematorium pit4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žN of centrexxxnox’ž2 pits, 1 grave; 2 hearthsyes’žpitsno’žn/a’žoccupation debrisno’žSE Englandno’žyesnp’žKinnes 1979eXTTTTTTTTOK???;(#÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õńļķėŽŁŌŠĢĒĆ¾¾¾¼££—“‹‡}wfSQMKIGECA42 żłõńńńńńńńńäŲÖŌŠĪŹ¢œ–Š|skcVHB<.( q’’Ą’’’½ł’€ąē€h’žTL 55 NW 8’žGreat Wilbraham CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTL 5395 5780’ž55395 25780’ž553950’ž257800’žCambridgeshire’žSouth Cambridgeshire’žGreat Wilbraham’žnone’žnone’žon a slight gravel knoll’ž187xx’žOswald et al 2001’žgravelyes’žyesyesyesw@‚6c’žPalmer’žSE England111%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                        üööīīīīīīīīīīŪŪŁ×ŅŅŅø²¬›…umeXJD>("h’’\=  h’žTL 49 SW 39’žStonea’žcursus’žTL 4997 9351’ž54997 29351’ž549970’ž293510’žCambridgeshire’žFenland’žWimblington€’žCursus6d’žSE England”””ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ„„ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppcZJB:-hĖ@ h’žTL 47 SW 66’žHaddenham Oval Barrow Monument # 1343084’žMonument #1343084’žoval barrow’žbowl barrow’žnone’žTL 4085 7497’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žnone’žHaddenhamnpŅ@‚2b’žyes’žSE EnglandįįįÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢĢĢĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼¼±« ‹{{{{mgZM:h|  h’žTL 47 SW 47’žHaddenham CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTL 4120 7365’ž54120 27365’ž541200’ž273650’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žHodder 1992’žEvans & Hodder 20066c’žEvans & Hodder 2006’žSE EnglandśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśåįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįĢææ欬¬¬¬¬¬¬¦ •€ph`SE?9#h’@ 4 LVALŠą ąĶN NĶNĶOswald 2001 - notes that the earlier neolithic dates was confirmed through excavation, but the enclosure is continually’žOswald 2001 - notes that the earlier neolithic dates was confirmed through excavation, but the enclosure is continually ditched, and sufficiently different from most causewayed enclosures to suggest that it is a different kind of monument.’žSites consists of a group of funerary and related monuments closely associated with the Blackpatch flint mines - the round barrows are mainly Bronze Age a'though som "displaying similar burial practices are more likely to be of Neolthic date" (Pastscape) Not enough available information ito include this site.’žChester 1858: found a skeleton lying on a bed of gravel at the level of the natural surface. No further information on buried ground surface’žRobertson 2003: P 229 "Two postholes uncovered at the base of one of the excavated sections may have been part of a structure in the base of the open ditch, but may have been unrelated& .Four postholes, a pit and a short section of ditch were found within the enclosure, since none produced dating material, however, it is not clear if they were contemporary with its use." Four pits contai’žChester 1858: found a skeleton lying on a bed of gravel at the level of the natural surface. No further information on buried ground surface’ž1959 excavations: a large area (c 7 m in diameter) of charcoal and ash was located approx. central in the ring ditch; the ash contained large quantities of pottery and bone. Some postholes and stakeholes were noted within it by the original excavator, but no details recorded. Shennan 1985 - the survival of the 'black layer' and the 'fresh' condition of the pottery sherds within it, indicate that a mound must have been erected over the layer fairly soon after its creation. At least four and possibly more Mesolithic flints were found.’žBriscoe 1957: A primary Neolithic mound was later covered by a much larger BA mound. P 104 'Old ground level was indicated by a layer of discoloured soil, containing traces of humus , only 3 or 4 in thick in places, especially in the south quad’žChester 1858: found a skeleton lying on a bed of gravel at the level of the natural surface. No further information on buried ground surface’ž1959 excavations: a large area (c 7 m in diameter) of charcoal and ash was located approx. central in the ring ditch; the ash contained large quantities of pottery and bone. Some postholes and stakeholes were noted within it by the original excavator, but no details recorded. Shennan 1985 - the survival of the 'black layer' and the 'fresh' condition of the pottery sherds within it, indicate that a mound must have been erected over the layer fairly soon after its creation. At least four and possibly more Mesolithic flints were found."čTM?ĖŗɶE@:666422&"   žüśųöōņšģčāÜŲŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĄ¼ŗ±­­§”–‹„|tgYS?2" q’Ą’’’½ł’`f€;č ĪĆK|ÉĒÅ[ĆWCo’žTQ 30 SE 1’žBeacon Hill’žMonument #402239’žlong barrow?’žbowl barrow’žnone’žTQ 3638 0277’ž53638 10277’ž536380’ž102770’žEast Sussex’žBrighton & Hove’žBrighton’žnone’žnone’žextensive views for many miles along the Brighton coastnpnpxnpnp’žKinnes TQ 2’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes4ī@‡4anono’žyes’žyesno’ž50°482 30.543 N, 000°032 56.383 W’ž50°482 28.413 N, 000°032 50.673 W’žSE England²²²²²²²²²²¦{PPLGBB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>::::::::666***(((((((((((((((((((((("""ųōšīźę­§”—†yqi\NH;-oäh’žTQ 20 NW 90’žMile Oak Henqh’žTQ 20 NW 90’žMile Oak Henge’žMonument #1248726’žhenge’žnone’žTQ 248 079’ž52480 10790’ž524800’ž107900’žEast Sussex’žBrighton & Hove’žHove’žnone’žnone35xxyesyes16b’žyes’žyes’žSE EnglandČČČ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼·²²²²²²²²®®®®®®¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¦                žœ˜˜˜˜’Œ†uh`XK??92hß0 h’žTQ 07 SW 14’žStaines CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 0241 7261’ž50241 17261’ž502410’ž172610’žSurrey’žSpelthorne’žStaines’žnone’žnone16x’ž175’ž151’žOswald et al 2001’žHealy & Robertson-Mackay 1983’žgravel terrace6c’žRobertson-MacKay 1987’žyes’žyesyes’žSE England    ķééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé飣ŁŁŁŁŁŗŗŗ§§¢››——‘‹‚vnf^QC=7!h’] h’žTQ 07 NE 49’žHeathrow Site A’žMonument #1243501’žcausewayed ring ditch’žnone’žnone’žTQ 0565 7630’žGreater London’žHillingdon’žHillingdon’žnone’žStanwell Cursus??20xx’žnone’žCotton et al 1986nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĻ@‡€’žCausewayed ring ditchx2dnonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox?’žSE England–––ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ†‚€~|zvqmiea]]]YW4($"   žüśųöōņīźäąÜŲŌŠĢČČČČȵµµµÆ­«§„££’Œ€tddddVPJ3 h|?Ā’’’żł’ h’žTQ 01 SW 28’žBury Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’ženclosure’žnone’žTQ 0021 1204’ž50021 11204’ž500210’ž112040’žWest Sussex’žArun’žHoughton’žnone’žnonex’ž110’ž110’žOswald et al 2001’žBedwin 1980yesyesyesyesń@„6c’žBedwin 1981’žyes’ž50°532 57.113 N, 000°342 34.633 W’ž50°532 55.043 N, 000°342 29.113 W’žSE EnglandfffZ/’’’ņīīīāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÜÖÖŠŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ½½½ŖŖ„ žžžž˜’ˆ‚umeXJD9#h’\6 8ćTQ8’žTQ 00 NW 110’žBevis's Tomb’žnone’žlong barrow’žmound’žnone’žTQ 01 08’ž501 108’ž501000’ž108000’žWest Sussex’žArun’žArundel’žnone’žnonenpx15’ž4.5’žGrinsell 1968nonononoq@<ģ2cnonp’žn/ano’ž49°462 05.193 N, 007°332 01.253 W’ž49°462 02.953 N, 007°322 58.683 W’žSE England’žGrinsell 1968npUUQQQQBBBBBB6 ąąÜÜ××ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĖĖĖææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ»·³ÆÆÆÆÆ     ›—•‘‘‘‹…|viaYPF@9,& q’Ā  :ˆh’žTQ 00 NE 43’žBlackpatch’žMonument #392607’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 0950 0900’ž50950 10900’ž509500’ž109000’žWest Sussex’žArun’žClapham’žBlackpatch’žnone;@„2b’ž50°522 12.673 N, 000°262 42.503 W’ž50°522 10.583 N, 000°262 36.943 W’žSE EnglandŪ°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬¬¬                                               šŽ…rjbUGA;-h’ 8T čdŠs’žSUą’žSU 15 NE 31’žGiant's Grave [Wilts]’žMilton Lilbourne 7’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1891 5820’ž41891 15820’ž418910’ž158200’žWiltshire’žKennet’žMilton Lilbourne’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx’ž10121’ž SU 86’žKinnes 1992’žThurnam 1864-67nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž3-40noZ@ƒx1nononononononoxxxxnoxnoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180, 182, 194)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1865 On the leaf-shaped type of flint arrowhead, and its connection with long barrows. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 3, 168-72’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press ( p 142)np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§1--„ß[®®®®Ŗššš–’’’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~zvrnjfbbb`^^RNLGGEA=953/-)'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļŽŽŽŃÉÅĄ¾···±«™‘†~vi[UOB. q’~Ā’’’½ł’`f¼čĪNĢ±ŹõČĄFUDTĀ-@TQx’žTQ 50 SW 13’žLong Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5103 0340’ž55103 10340’ž551030’ž103400’žEast Sussex’žWealden’žAlfriston’žnone’žnone’ž120’žNE-SWx5628’žHorsfield 1824nonononoę@*2cnonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žHorsfield 1824np    żżżżżżńńńńķķččäääääääääääääääääääääąąąąąąąąÜÜÜŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄ°°°°°¬Ø¦Ÿšš”Žƒzme]PB<6)# p’Ā  "ˆ¦h’žTQ 50 SE 12’žCombe Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5750 0222’ž55750 10222’ž557500’ž102220’žEast Sussex’žEastbourne’žEastbourne’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 20016c’žyes’ž50°472 53.483 N, 000°142 01.083 E’ž50°472 51.323 N, 000°142 06.903 E’žSE England   é¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹µµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢œ–Š~qiaTF@:$h’@8TQ’žTQ’žTQ 41 SW 20’žCamel's Humps’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 4313 1100’ž54313 11100’ž543130’ž111000’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žLewes’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx3418’žToms 1922nonononoź@*2cnonp’žn/ano’ž50°522 50.943 N, 000°012 59.853 E’ž50°522 48.833 N, 000°022 05.613 E’žSE England’žToms 1922npUQQQQFFFFFF:ääąąŪŪ×××××××××××××××××××××ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĻĻĻĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆæ»·³³³³³ØØØØؤ ž———‘‹„}ph`SE?9,& p’Ā  :ˆdTQ’žTQ 40 SW 5’žMoney Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 4248 0369’ž54248 10369’ž542480’ž103690’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žPiddinghoe’žnone’žnone30’žENE-WNWx38’ž15.5’žToms 1922nononono@ 42cnonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žToms 1922np@@<<<<1śśśśśīīīīźźååįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉÅĮ½½½½½²²²²²¬Ø¦™™“zme]PB<6)# q’Ā  "Œ*h’žTQ 40 NE 22’žFirle Beacon’žMonument #405738’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 4831 0590’ž54831 10590’ž548310’ž105900’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žFirle’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx3817nononono2dnoyesno’žSE EnglandŪŪŪĻĻĻĻĖĖĖĖÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½¹µ±­­­­­­­­­­©„£žšš”Ž‡€skcVHB</h’Ą "h’žTQ 31 SW 17’žMiddle Brow’žMonument #403065’žhengiform monument’ženclosure’žnone’žTQ 3362 1218’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žWestmeston’žnone’žnone25xx €’žhengiform2d’žSE England¼¼¼°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°¬¬••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“‘‡unaaaaSMB.h|@ h’žTQ 31 SE 23’žOffham Hill CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 3990 1177’ž53990 11177’ž539900’ž111770’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žHamsey’žnone’žnone’žOswald et al 2001’žDrewett 19946c’žDrewett 1977yes’žSE EnglandßßßÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶæ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»­­­šššššššš”Ž†rjbUGA;%h’@ h’žTQ 30 SW 1’žWhitehawk Camp CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 3303 0477’ž53303 10477’ž533030’ž104770’žEast Sussex’žBrighton & Hove’žBrighton’žnone’žnonex’ž300’ž200’žOswald et al 2001’žCurwen 1930’žWilson 1975’žDrewett 1980’žSmith 19716cyes’žSE England’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūļįŌĒĒĒ““ÆŖØØØØ¢œ’tldWIC='!h’\ [č ĢfJŽGØCs@ææTQW’žTQ 66 SE 2’žColdrum’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6543 6072’ž56543 16072’ž565430’ž160720’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žTrottiscliffe’žMedway’žE-Wx2718’žKeith 1913’žEvans 1950’žAshbee 2000nonononononoyesyesno’žgrooved stone or polissoir;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž24+0noŖ@4x4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž51°192 17.673 N, 000°222 22.033 E’ž51°192 15.733 N, 000°222 27.993 E’žSE Englandno’žEvans 1950’žAshbee 2000’žKeith 1913np@@<<0#ܱ­©©©§””””””””””””””Ÿ›™—•“Š†‚~yuuuqooc_]XXVRNJFD@>:86420.,*  żłõńķéåååŲĢĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø¶±±±±©šƒ}um`RL<% q’?Ī’’’½ł’`~øTQ’žTQ 65 NE 24’žThe Chestnuts’žLong Warren’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6257 5917’ž56257 15917’ž562570’ž159170’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAddington’žMedway’žin the greensand belt, on the southwest slope of a hill30’žE-Wx’žunknown18’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žHolgate 1981nono’žsandstonenononoyesyesno’žclay pendant0x1’žTrench 7x0x0nox’žMesolithic flint scatter’žaround and beneath the tombnononono00’ž10+’žgreensand slabs over yellow sandŁ@‡x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber; forecourtnox’žpavement’žpavementyesxnono’žMesolithic flint concentration’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žHolgate 1981npńńķķßŅÅÅĄĄ»·«««¤„€|ztttttttttjjjj`^ZFDB@;62.)$ķčęęäąÜŲŌ·›—•“‘…ƒqmga]YUJFBB4'     ’żųō»»³Ø‘‹ƒ{n`ZJ3& q’排’’½ł’ąēŗéTQ 65 NE 13’žAddington Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6533 5910’ž56533 15910’ž565330’ž159100’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAddington’žnone’žMedwaynp’žNE-SW ?’ž10.570’žunknown’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000nonononoœ@‡€’žNo excavation records.2c’žyesnpyes’žn/ano’ž51°182 25.383 N, 000°222 14.173 E’ž51°182 23.433 N, 000°222 20.123 E’žSE England’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žHolgate 1981ččŚĶĄĄĄĄĄĄ“‰^^ZZUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKFFFFFFFFBB õ茌ŚŚŚŃĶĒ¾ŗŗ²¬”Š„|tgYSC,&o’Ī` :øTQ±’žTQ 50 SW 41’žHunter's Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5498 0365’ž55498 10365’ž554980’ž103650’žEast Sussex’žWealden’žLong Man’žnone’žnone’žNNE-SSWx65’ž14-17’žCurwen 1928nononono÷@*2cnonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žCurwen 1928npEEAAAA4żżżżżńńńńķķččäääääääääääääääääääääąąąąąąąąÜÜÜŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄ³³³³³¬Ø¦—‘‡~qiaTF@:-' q’Ā  "Œ¢h’žTQ 50 SW 26’žAlfriston’žMonument #408685’žoval barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5097 0358’ž55097 10358’ž550970’ž103580’žEast Sussex’žWealden’žAlfriston’žnone’žnone’žon a northeast facing slope on the South Downs’ž122’žN-Sx24’ž5.5’žKinnes TQ 6’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’ž2 antler picks;2’žN of centre13’žN end of barrow (10); S end of barrow (3)’žSW of centre0x1noxnoxno’žyes?nono010noƒ@‡x2dnono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žmoundxxnoxyesxno’žn/anono’ž50°482 43.733 N, 000°082 29.763 E’ž50°482 41.583 N, 000°082 35.553 E’žSE EnglandsH  žüśóńģēćߌÖŅŅŅĪĢĢĄ¼ŗøø¶²®Ø¤¢žœ˜–”’„YUHF51+%!üüüüüüüüļāŻŁ×ŅĶ—‘†}ph`SE?9,h’’Ą’’’½ł’ą?~čWĪéK³ÉżĒ>Ę:FšÄh’žTR 36 NE 51’žLord of the Manor’žOzengell’žhenge’ženclosure’žnone’žTR 355 653’ž63550 16530’ž635500’ž165300’žKent’žThanet’žRamsgate’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx€@'ī6bno’žSE Englandæææ³³³³ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ«««ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›—•‘‘‹…{sme]PD>3,"h’ "o’žTR 05 SE 5’žJulliberries Grave’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTR 0774 5324’ž60774 15324’ž607740’ž153240’žKent’žAshford’žChilham’žnone’žMedway39’žNW-SEx4415’žKinnes TR 2’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1996’žThurnam 1868’žJessup 1939’žAshbee 1984yesnononoyesnoyesyesyesno1’žcore mound0xx0x0noxnoxnh’žh’žTR 36 NE 51’žLord of the Manor’žOzengell’žhenge’ženclosure’žnone’žTR 355 653’ž63550 16530’ž635500’ž165300’žKent’žThanet’žRamsgate’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx€@'ī6bno’žSE Englandæææ³³³³ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ«««ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ›—•‘‘‹…{sme]PD>3,"h’ "Hh’žTQ 97 SE 36’žKingsborough Farm CE’žMonument #1302117’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 9765 7205’ž59765 17205’ž597650’ž172050’žKent’žSwale’žEastchurch’žnone’žnonex’ž160xx’žOswald 2001@@&ī6c’žSE EnglandŽŽŽŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪĪĪĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀµµµµµ³±¬ŖŖŖ¤ž’‹…}uhZTN8%h’  h’žTQ 92 SW 7’žPlayden’žMonument #419317’žhengiform monument’žring ditch’žnone’žTQ 9209 2259’žEast Sussex’žRother’žPlayden’žnone’žnone20xx’žCleal 1982’žBradley 1978 €’žhengiform2d’žyes’žSE EnglandÕÕÕÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÄÄÄÄÄĄĄ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©›‹‡‡‡‡{rj]]]]OI=)h|@! h’žTQ 76 SW 7’žCoffin Stone’žnone’žchambered cairn’žlong barrow’žnone’žTQ 7400 6058’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAylesford’žnone’žMedwayxnpnp’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000nononono^@ ‡€’žNot excavated2anoyes’ž51°192 03.953 N, 000°292 44.103 E’ž51°192 01.993 N, 000°292 50.113 E’žSE EnglandUUUIóóóóóóķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķééééééééååŹ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ŗ¶²®®®®””””””ŒŠŠŠŠ‚|qZTTTTF@3"h|Ę` 8TQk’žTQ 76 SW 4’žKit's Coty House’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 7451 6083’ž57451 16083’ž574510’ž160830’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAylesford’žMedway’ž107’žSE-NWx8033’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žAshbee 1993nonononoX@%ī4a’žyesnpyesno’žSE England’žAshbee 1993; Holgate 1981’žAshbee 2000’žAshbee 1993npyyuuh[@@@@@@44440000********************&!!!!!!!!  ōēŚĢĢĢĢĢČÄĀ»¶¶¶®£Œ†~vi[UE.( q’?Ž  "øh’žTQ 68 SE 21’žOrsett CE’žnone’žcausewayed enclosure’žnone’žnone’žTQ 6515 8055’ž56515 18055’ž565150’ž180550’žEssex’žThurrock’žEast Tilbury’žnone’žnone5248’žOswald et al 20016c’žyes’žSE EnglandČČČ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼·········³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³  œ˜˜˜˜˜’Œ~tme]PB<6 h’X ĆLVALŠŠįįĪįĪįĪįĪįĪMortimer 1905: "At the base, near the centre of the mound, portions of the remains of two bodies were found& " No information on buried ground surface Hayfield & Mandy 1996 - ’žMortimer 1905: "At the base, near the centre of the mound, portions of the remains of two bodies were found& " No information on buried ground surface Hayfield & Mandy 1996 - report on the discovery of a flint axe on the barrow surface in 1991. Proctor (1854) is not available through DDS/Cambridge/ so have based this account on Mortimer's excavation only’žMortimer (1905) p 74:  Near the centre, at the base of the barrow, were two adult skeletons. Forty-six flint flakes and 3 flint kn’žMortimer 1905: "At the base, near the centre of the mound, portions of the remains of two bodies were found& " No information on buried ground surface Hayfield & Mandy 1996 - report on the discovery of a flint axe on the barrow surface in 1991. Proctor (1854) is not available through DDS/Cambridge/ so have based this account on Mortimer's excavation only’žMortimer (1905) p 74:  Near the centre, at the base of the barrow, were two adult skeletons. Forty-s’žMortimer 1905: "At the base, near the centre of the mound, portions of the remains of two bodies were found& " No information on buried ground surface Hayfield & Mandy 1996 - report on the discovery of a flint axe on the barrow surface in 1991. Proctor (1854) is not available through DDS/Cambridge/ so have based this account on Mortimer's excavation only’žMortimer (1905) p 74:  Near the centre, at the base of the barrow, were two adult s’žMortimer 1905: "At the base, near the centre of the mound, portions of the remains of two bodies were found& " No information on buried ground surface Hayfield & Mandy 1996 - report on the discovery of a flint axe on the barrow surface in 1991. Proctor (1854) is not available through DDS/Cambridge/ so have based this account on Mortimer's excavation only’žMann 1925: The chamber was paved with "perfectly level flooring consisting of two large slabs and a small one, all neatly laid and fitting one into the other& the floor was swept and the soil carefully sifted by riddle and by hand, but no relics were found. & The medium sized paving stone was lifted and fine soil was found lying underneath it. This was carefully sifted and a fine flint knife discovered." no info on bgs’žRitchie 1970 p. 34 Phase 1 construction  [ NW chamber ] "just above natural soil were patches of charcoal-blackened soil, with some tiny flecks of charcoal. Charcoal is as likely to be the result of the initial clearance of the site as to be part of a burial deposit." [Outside chamber] "patch of charcoal clearly lay under the basal layer of cairn material." P 36 Phase 2 construction [passage grave chamber & passage] "smears of charcoal and burning on the old land surface in the passage and chamber& more likely to be associated with the clearance of the site than with burial ritual."’žMinimal information provided in interim reports only Kinnes 1992 : CHAMBER - central postholes W 1.2 m ; d 0.6, with boulder packing for split truck posts Masters 1974 - timber mortuary structure at N end of cairn; cremated human remains found in association with burnt wood and bark»LVALĖBryce 1903 : p 52 '[the chamber] contained only soil and stones, with no signs of charcoal or bones, and no relics were observed.' Henshall 1972 'Furthe’žBryce 1903 : p 52 '[the chamber] contained only soil and stones, with no signs of charcoal or bones, and no relics were observed.' Henshall 1972 'Further exploration in 1962-62 produced pottery sherds, together with charcoal and fragments of burnt bone, found on the hard soil at the bottom of the chamber'2 čBŒsr‰’žNS 02 SW 3’žGiant's Graves South’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0431 2463’ž20431 62463’ž204310’ž624630’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž137’žWNW-ESEx’ž12.6’ž10.8’žARN 19’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no5@Œx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1903 On the cairns of Arran - a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 37, 36-67’ž114’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĒ`[[[[[°°°°¬ŸŸŸŸ›—“‘‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}ytplgc^^^\ZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"  žśöņīīīīīīīīß×ŃĖÉĄ»»µ®¤—‡wj\IC2, q’Ą’’’½ł’ąc„Ė č“@ 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There are many indications of fire that may have been necessary either to clear the site or to purify it. The old turf line shows as ’žClifford 1938 p 194: 'The site was originally demarcated by a shallow ditch cut through the soil, and the area was then cleared. There are many indications of fire that may have been necessary either to clear the site or to purify it. The old turf line shows as a thin band of clay , red-brown in colour, and on the cleared area lies a bed of clay some five inches thick& .' P 198 Chamber C showed much evidence of fire. Saville 1979 : notes the clay 'floor' which Clifford interpreted as artificial, was in fact a natural deposit.’ LVALPastscape:  In 1984, four trenches were dug in and around the burnt flint scatter, only one encountering any archaeological features. These comprised in situ remains of the cairn, and it is presumed that the burnt and nodular flint in the ’žPastscape:  In 1984, four trenches were dug in and around the burnt flint scatter, only one encountering any archaeological features. These comprised in situ remains of the cairn, and it is presumed that the burnt and nodular flint in the topsoil was derived from this cairn. The burnt area itself was circa 3.2 by 2 metres, and was surrounded by a scatter of large nodules. ... The four trenches produced over 700 worked flints, mostly flakes.. No information on buried land surface šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’Å čՊsœ’žSP 10 NW 10’žAblington Beehive Chamber’žGarne's Barn Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žSP 1091 0925’ž41091 20925’ž410910’ž209250’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswold’žnone’žWNW-ESE’žn/a4614’žGrimes 1960nono’žWhite Limestone formation of the Great Oolite groupnononononono’žnodule of 'foreign' flint0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; stone seats and 3 cupboard niches’žallnononono000noA@kx1nononononononoxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž51°462 54.673 N, 001°502 35.453 W’ž51°462 53.053 N, 001°502 30.343 W’žSW Englandno’žPassmore, A. D. 1934 A beehive chamber at Ablington, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 56, 95-98’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO’žDerham, K. 2002 A program of clearance and archaeological recording at Garne's Barn Barrow, Bibury, Gloucestershire. (unpublished), Gloucestershire County Council3066222Œ€€€€|pE              žüųōšģčäąąąŽÜÜŠĢŹČČĘĀ¾ŗ¶±xvrpnljhfdbGC?;73/śöņņņņņåååååįŻŲĻĻĻÉæ·­œ”ŒqZTG2 q’Ā’’’½ł’`~œ$ ĀŠŠŠüOüĻüĻüĻüĻYYĻYĻ¶Ž¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī¶Ī_cSite Inform‡€†€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cFlint Subform¢yzzzzzzzzzzx Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹŹŠ~~~Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocalŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹŹŠ~Źļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KŹļ…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹŹŠ~~~~~~| ’`…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹŹŠ~~~~~~| ’`„€8QQŽķć@8…€8QQŽķć@8QQŽķć@~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform¢yć @4€MR2€KeepLocal TŹŹŹŠ~~~~~~| ’`4€ł‰+ökć@ł‰+ökć@~sq_fRadiocarbon Dates Subform1¢y4€MR2€KeepLocal4€ł‰+ökć@ł‰+ökć@~sq_fRadiocarbon Dates Subform1¢y4€MR2€Kee4€ł‰+ökć@ł‰+ökć@~sq_fRadiocarbon Dates Subform1¢y4€MR2€KeepLocal T   ```````^ ’@€€€;µšTć@;µšTć@Radiocarbon Dates Subform1¢y$€MR2 €GUIDNameMap†††VVVVVVVT ’@€ €µ‡ųQ»>ć@!,PŠŻRć@AccessLayout¢y4€MR2€KeepLocal T"@g†zz:::::::8 ’@ļLVAL%‰›–:u2˜7Ā¢=5B>b* c–Š>e” gžCh6†igj?k c½€ "[Event Procedure]Īl”M"¢lÄć@Šx :"9£ūF”^HĖÄs{ܜ Pit Descriptionē  @Calibriź½ 8Š>Äh”ė¾ t œŲ߁ š 4dż’A4ŲBJDM D­­Rt,T`Oäp,T`OäpRt,TTō`Oäp,TTō,TTō`OäpXXDRAFTSample 1' d Rt Rt“H ,’’ ’’Rtē’ ēčCanon MP270 series Printer ÜŲ߁ š 4dż’A47Čģæ E#>USB003ū "[Event Procedure]§ØØ1ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Į¢d# ĄĄĄžĢĻRŽ" @ ArialĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg2% č5‹sFk’žSU 01 NW 15’žHandley 26’žMonument #213498’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 0128 1726’ž40128 11726’ž401280’ž117260’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chasex12xx’žDc2’žKinnes 1979’žBarrett et al 1991nononoyesnoyesnono’žshale slider10)@1nononononono’žyesyesnpnpno’žSW England -WC’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 242)’žPitt Rivers, L. G. 1898 Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 1893-1896, Vol. IV, London, Harrison and Sons (p 58-61, 136-42)’žBarrett, J. C., R. Bradley & M. Greene, 1991. Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society70’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumÖsoo nĄlllll\\\\XTPPJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJEA=951---+++  ’ūõńńķéééééÕÕÕČĆĮ滹¹¹¹Ø–‰yqdVIC5# q’?~Āž,ł #¼'LVALœ6Y75b–„c,„ĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Į¢b–„c,g# h%ĢĻRä" @ ArialĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„ĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Yb–øc, g4[łœĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf:Į¢b–„g4[łi# ĄĄĄč" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  ĄĄĄź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žĄĄĄź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr5Ic–ød, ĄĄĄĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżw4Ib–øc, ĄĄĄĘĒLVALøČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Į¢b–c,i# j%žĢĻRé" @ ArialĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż~78b–„c,„ĄĄĄĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅ.4[ł’’ż™`,yß FormHeaderēx 3Ė”XĢXdI‹Zēč²½×’d5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ka-b–Ńc,???žĢ???Ü Pit #_LabelŻ  Pit #Ž" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelå Pit___Labelźx ęŌć šqC†Tm9惬JKK-LM;żd5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6”a-b–1c,’łł÷žĢ???Ü Length_LabelŻ  LengthŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx Æ*Ź®įCæW"?‹IuŌĄ ĀJ”K-LÅM,żd5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ua<b–7c,’???žĢ???Ü Width_LabelŻ  WidthŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx ėöóż²UA•‘:ÖģGJUK<LŒM;żd5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ėa-b–Źc,’???žĢ???Ü Depth_LabelŻ  DepthŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx ņ܄ ²ĒKæ8±ķų‚Ą ĀJĖK-L• M,żd5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6Ŗ a-b–Öc,’???žĢ???Ü Diameter_LabelŻ DiamŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx )D:s&o©JŖK:_\3Ą Ā JŖ K-L€ M,żd3I5ŸU6Į`6ƒ*a-b–Ą c,,)€žĢ???Ü Other_LabelŻ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’5 čE‰sśķ’žSO 70 SE 6’žNympsfield’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 79383 01321’ž379383 201321’ž379383’ž201321’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žFrocester’žCotswolds’žnone’žon the edge of a scarp with expansive views’ž237’žE-Wx2718’žGLO 13’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBuckman 1864yesno’žInferior Oolite limestone / Clypeus Gritnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools, carved bone object; holed stone; shell bead;3’žS side of mound, forecourt, W end of passage (grave)2’žTrench II and Trench IIIx0x0noxnoxyes’žyes?nono2+’ž17+0’žclay?@”’žantechamber; forecourt1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žpre-mound surface; Chamber C’žallx’žallnoxyesxnononono’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBuckman, J. 1865 Notes on an ancient British tumulus at Nympsfield, opened by the Cotteswold Club. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 184-190’žClifford, E. M. 1938 The excavation of Nympsfield long barrow, Gloucestershire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 4, 188-213’žSaville, A. 1979 Further excavations at the Nympsfield chambered tomb. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 53-91’žMaclean, S. J. 1881 Description of the chambered tumuli of Uley and Nympsfield. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 86-118’ž250’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus–>99”’źåååįÕÕÕŃĶÉÅĆ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½»·²°«‰„€{vqllljRRF?=8840,&  ņšŗø~ztnjd`62,,,,ū÷óńģēŗ“©ž–…}ufVE?(" q’’Ę’’’½ł’ąg¾'Ė čŪ‹s’žHY’žHY 32 NE 1’žKnowe of Rowiegar’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 3733 2978’ž33733 102978’ž337330’ž1029780’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone6’žNW-SEx’ž27.4’ž6.6’žORK 31’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žperforated ox phalange’žunknown0>@ź2no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesyes’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žRenfrew, C., Harkness, D. & Switsur, R. 1976 Quanterness, radiocarbon and the Orkney cairns. Antiquity, 50, 194-204’žTresset, A. 2000 Early husbandry in Atlantic areas. IN HENDERSON, J. C. (Ed.) The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe. Oxford, Archaeopress’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.¾¾¾¾¾"«««««ŸŸŸŸ››––‹†‚~zuqqqoooccaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@<60,& śņķēåŽÜÜÖĪŗŖš‘‰{mF@/) q’Ą’,ł " ¾ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  VD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  bD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H® LVAL¾ Nunn 1855 - (from Pastscape) primary deposits of the long barrow consisted of 2 cists cut into the natural chalk and a further disarticulated single individual at the W end. Phillips 1935 quotes Nunn's report : 'a cyst was found cut into the chalk at the base of the hill about 61 cm depth being 46 - 50 cm, (?); at 5.5 metres farther west another cyst was found of the same description and dimensions. At about .6 m farther west a skeleton was found..This was also on the base of the hill. Nothing more was found.' Phillips 1935: The barrow ditch contained no artifacts of any kind below the level of the chalky wash which occurred below the humous. This to’žNunn 1855 - (from Pastscape) primary deposits of the long barrow consisted of 2 cists cut into the natural chalk and a further disarticulated single individual at the W end. Phillips 1935 quotes Nunn's report : 'a cyst was found cut into the chalk at the base of the hill about 61 cm depth being 46 - 50 cm, (?); at 5.5 metres farther west another cyst was found of the same description and dimensions. At about .6 m farther west a skeleton was found..This was also on the base of the hill. Nothing more was found.' Phillips 1935: The barrow ditch contained no artifacts of any kind below the level of the chalky wash which occurred below the humous. This total barrenness was a constant feature in all six sections of the ditch opened& .Nor were any [artifacts] found on the old ground surface under the barrow save a rough core and a few characterless flakes& .No trace of postholes occurred anywhere, nor is it likely in view of the turf core of the barrow that there was any internal timber or hurdle work. Dyer 1961: P 7 "At Royston an area was apparently stripped of turf and the human remains deposited on clean chalk near the western end." He cites Phillips 1935 as his source, but I cannot find reference in Phillips to turf clearance or clean chalk. near Icknield Way; the only long barrow in East Anglia (Philips 1935)¤ LVAL“ Cunnington 1872:  The opening made by the labourers was on the SE side. They found three a large shallow grave surrounded by small blocks of sarsen stone. As far as I could ascertain nothing had been found with the bones. In the earth with which the grave had been filled up was an abundance of rude pottery and flint flakes. Although none of the bones had been burned, there was a considerable quantity of charcoal and wood ashes towards the bottom of the cavity, particularly on the north side. Many of the flint fl’žCunnington 1872:  The opening made by the labourers was on the SE side. They found three a large shallow grave surrounded by small blocks of sarsen stone. As far as I could ascertain nothing had been found with the bones. In the earth with which the grave had been filled up was an abundance of rude pottery and flint flakes. Although none of the bones had been burned, there was a considerable quantity of charcoal and wood ashes towards the bottom of the cavity, particularly on the north side. Many of the flint flakes were burnt. On digging in the centre of the barrow a cist 2 m in depth and 0.6m wide by 0.91m long was discovered. It contained no traces whatsoever of human remains or art. It is probable that this part of the barrow had been rifled at some former period. Cunnington 1886 -  A fragment of a bone implement and a rude, but well-worn muller, of sarsen stone were found in the upper part of the barrow, just below the turf - both had been partially burnt . The sarsen stone muller is the only one as yet discovered in a Wiltshire long barrow.ƒ č“‹sTß’žSU 06 NW 28’žOldbury Hill’žMonument #215903’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0468 6931’ž40468 16931’ž404680’ž169310’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žCalne’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a’ž54.88’žWIL 17’žDarvill 2004nono’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesno’žsarsen stone meal-rubber/muller2SE0xx0x0’žterminal chamber?’žsee Darvill 2004noxnononono030noL@£x1nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcist’žgravepossiblexnono’žSW England -WCno’žyes?’žCunnington, W. 1872 Notes on a long barrow on Oldbury Hill. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 13, 103-4’žCunnington, W. 1886 Relics of ancient population on Oldbury Hill, Wilts. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 23, 213-22’ž83.8’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusl€śśśöęęęāŽŽŽÜĢĢĢĢĢÅÅæææææææ½¹·µ³±­©„”œ˜”””’„€~||zvrnjhdR?=;9753/- üųōšćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶÅĆ½ø³ÆÆ©ž—†{sk^PJD7% q’Ą’’’½ł’@afŽĢ LVALÜ Cunnington 1914: p 396 'In 1821 Hoare cut a trench 45.7 m in length down the mound to the west of the standing stones [which were located near the E end of the mound] and found a burial of a single crouched skeleton on the floor of the barrow about 9 m from them, with a small pointed flint implement. After this the field came under cultivation, and in 1854 a stone cist or chamber was brought to light by the plough and subsequently the owner made a complete examination of the mound, where three other chambers all on the south side were found. In these there were nine, seven and ten skeletons respectively the fourth chamber being empty.' Crawford (1925) summarizes Colt Hoare's account of his excavation: A trench was made along the long axis of the mound; keeping ne’žCunnington 1914: p 396 'In 1821 Hoare cut a trench 45.7 m in length down the mound to the west of the standing stones [which were located near the E end of the mound] and found a burial of a single crouched skeleton on the floor of the barrow about 9 m from them, with a small pointed flint implement. After this the field came under cultivation, and in 1854 a stone cist or chamber was brought to light by the plough and subsequently the owner made a complete examination of the mound, where three other chambers all on the south side were found. In these there were nine, seven and ten skeletons respectively the fourth chamber being empty.' Crawford (1925) summarizes Colt Hoare's account of his excavation: A trench was made along the long axis of the mound; keeping near the 'surface of the natural soil' he found that it was covered with a layer of large flat stones& Thurnam 1857: describing Colt Hoare's excavation:  About 18 m from the E end of the barrow and 9 m to the W of the cromlech, he original principal interment was disclosed. On the natural soil a slight cist had been scooped out, and furnished with a rudely constructed pavement of unworked thin stone. Over this a rude arch of the same stone had been raised, but which had fallen in. In the cist was an entire human skeleton; accompanied by a flint implement, and numerous pieces of charcoal. In 1854, a more complete examination of the barrow was made: four chambers were located, three containing multiple inhumations. No artefacts were found, except a few pieces of flint. «»Žc›Ÿņģć@ņ‹LõŽķć@ä …„ gīŚBlobć 2.*" Ļ LVALß Bryce 1904: Page 37 'The floor of each compartment was covered by a layer of black earth with charcoal, and on the floor were found a few fragments of burnt human bone, a molar tooth of a pig, and some fragments of ox bones. No implements were recovered, but it is poss’žBryce 1904: Page 37 'The floor of each compartment was covered by a layer of black earth with charcoal, and on the floor were found a few fragments of burnt human bone, a molar tooth of a pig, and some fragments of ox bones. No implements were recovered, but it is possible these may have been missed, because the day on which I excavated the chamber was one of drenching showers, and the riddling of the soil was impossible. A flake of flint, a block of Corriegills pitchstone, and a few fragments of black pottery were found on the floor.'u č…Œs’žHY“’žHY 43 SW 18’žKierfea Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4242 3196’ž34242 103196’ž342420’ž1031960’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’ž180x’ž9.5xx’žORK 26’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesyesnono00>@)ź2nonononono’žyesnpyes’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žReynolds, D. M. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1985 Walter Gordon Grant: an archaeological appreciation. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 115, 67-73’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press„qqqqqeeeeaa\\VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRMIEA=999777++)'''''''''''''''''''# ’ūūūūūūūūįŁ×ÕŠĪÉÉĆ»§—‡~vhZB<+% q’Ą’,ł "†£³Žc›Ÿņģć@(’LõŽķć@å gīŚTypeInfoć :62" –¦¼SžŸņģć@ņ‹LõŽķć@ē €PropDatać GC?/  šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ ol Gy€’ry€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ ol Gy€’roly€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 yy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ oly€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 yy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIyv€’  v€’  v€ v€’  v€’  v€  Gu€ €’ž([__NMR #] v€’  v€  Gv€’  v€’  v€’  v€ v€’  v€’  v€  Gu€ €’ž([__NMR #] = [Nv€’  v€  Guv€’  v€’  v€’  v€ v€’  v€’  v€  Gu€ €v€’  v€  Guv€’  v€’  v€’  ® LVAL¾ Corcoran 1964: p 101 - FORECOURT 'Although there were many fragments of charcoal and 2 small patches suggestive of burning in situ on the old ground surface in the forecourt area, there were no heavy concentrations of charcoal.' 'A lump of quartz, circular in shape, some 6 inches in’žCorcoran 1964: p 101 - FORECOURT 'Although there were many fragments of charcoal and 2 small patches suggestive of burning in situ on the old ground surface in the forecourt area, there were no heavy concentrations of charcoal.' 'A lump of quartz, circular in shape, some 6 inches in diameter [Corcoran 1969 - says stone was 8 inches in diameter]& .was surrounded by a semi-circular setting of small stones set into the old ground surface." Three hollows or small pits were found in the forecourt, as were 3 slender stones - perhaps they originally stood in the hollows..'² É €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@ €@r*Xr*Zr*[r’*YŠXnŠXpŠXqŠ’Xo‹,Ę‹,Ź‹,Č‹,É‹,Ė‹’,ĒŒ,ĢŒ,ŠŒ,ĪŒ,ĻŒ,ŃŒ’,Ķ,Ņ,֍,Ō,Ս,׍’,ÓŽ,ŲŽ,ÜŽ,ŻŽ,ŽŽ,ŚŽ,ŪŽ,ߎ’,Ł,ą,ä,ā,ć,叒,į,ę,ź,č,é,ė’,ē‘,ģ‘,ī‘,ļ‘’,ķ’p&’p(’p)’’p'¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p¢’p č0ŒsŒÉ’žNY 83 SE 7’žMiddle Hurth’žMonument #16146’žlong mound’žnone’žnone’žNY 868 308’ž38680 53080’ž386800’ž530800’žDurham’žTeesdale’žForest and Frith’žnone’žnone’ž457’žE-Wx558yesno’žlimestoneyes- IA & post-Romannononoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic occupation layer’žbelow moundnononono000’žsandstone slabs@Ŗx1nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žcental spine of the moundnox’žsandstone slabsyesx’žMesolithic flint’žflint; activity’žN Englandno’žyes’žCoggins, D. & Fairless, K. J. 1997 Ritual succession? Excavations at the multi-period site of Middle Hurth, Upper Teesdale, Co Durham, 1978-79 Durham Archaeological Journal, 13, 1-19’ž140ŪŪÖÖÖÖÖ÷ååå毯ŻŻŻŻŻĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘ«©§„ œ˜“ŽŠ†††„‚‚vecaa_[WSOB%# żłõĶĀ¾øøøøøøøøøø¶²°«¦¦ šˆ~vnfYMGA5$ q’Ą’’’½ł’@`ę„£LVALž ć±Canmore: 'No land surface was preserved beneath the area of the stone rings, the mound material or what remained of the central area; it had presumably been stripped for turf. The surface of the natural was white and hardened over much of the central area indicating subjection to heat. This together with charcoal remnants suggested some sort of cremation activity prior to construction of the stone bank and mound. ' "At the edge of the mound, preserved in the E and W arcs, were six small pits (about 0.35m in diameter and 0.15m deep) of which four were packed with four or five stones similar to those of the bank, the other two simply filled with a greyish loamy material that had covered the lower slopes of the mound. The scoops were spaced at roughly 2.5m intervals. Shepherd 1996 p 22  in the major part of the southern half of the site the junction between the re-deposited material of the mound and the natural subsoil was scarcely discernible, detectable only by minor distinctions in colour and texture. This was taken to indicate that mound construction took place on a surface from which the existing turf or vegetated surface had been removed. In places this stripped surface was white and hardened to a mortar-like texture (illus 6), consistent with it having been subjected to great heat. The exact extent of the fire-hardened surface could not be determined ...) but the surviving remnants suggest it covered the major part of the central area of the monument." P 23 "On the subsoil beyond the perimeter of the mound to the NE were 3 patches ...of black and orange material of a crumbly consistency suggestive of hearth residues or burnt turf. It is likely that these were part of the burning activities producing the fire-hardened soil at the centre of the site but as they were sealed only by the topsoil and silted deposits on the extreme periphery of the mound their direct relationship to activities pre-mound could not be definitely established. Immediately above the subsoil in the north-east arc of the mp LVAL€ ound lay a spread of grey-black sticky soil 3.5 m by 1.2 m and some 0.08 m thick.. produced a number of fine early Neolithic bowl sherds. Initially considered to be a remnant old land surface, it was subsequently redefined as a deliberate deposit; it possibly equates with the 'black layer' noted in the 1950s trench. ˆLVAL˜Horsburgh 1868: 'On clearing [the chamber] out, I found that one of the large upright stones had two holes bored artifically a short way into each of its sides, but not quite op’žHorsburgh 1868: 'On clearing [the chamber] out, I found that one of the large upright stones had two holes bored artifically a short way into each of its sides, but not quite opposite; the holes were about 7.5cm in diameter.' Henshall & Ritchie 1995- suggest this may not have been a ring cairn; it has some of the morphological characteristics of a broch. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H œ 謋s’žNJŒ’žNJ 74 SW 12’žMidtown of Pitglassie’žnone’žround cairn’žbarrow’žnone’žNJ 7022 4352’ž37022 84352’ž370220’ž843520’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žAuchterless’žnone’žnone’žon the summit of a low ridge, on the edge of the Buchan plateau.’ž140x12xx’žBradley 2000’žBarclay 2003yesnonoyesnonoyesyesnono16’ž1 central; 6 at edges of mound6?’žSG1-6 pits/postholes - at edges of moundx0x0nox’žoccupation debris?’žNE of centreyes’žyesyesno303nod°ž ć’žNE of centre1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žcentral area’žcairnxxnoxyes’žNE of centre’žpits, postholes, occupation debrisno’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žShepherd, A. 1996 A Neolithic ring-mound at Midtown of Pitglassie, Auchterless, Aberdeenshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 126, 17-51’žCanmore;;—’’’Ž}YYYKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEC?=;4&" ööźęäāāąÜÖŃĖ½©§£”Ÿ›qmMIEA;51-'# żżżżżūłõóī¬¦ “‰zrj]OIA4. q’’Ę’’’½ł’`frć LVALó Mackie 1964 - p 4 FORECOURT & ENTRANCE Phase 1'The cairn seems to have been built directly on the buried turf-line.' Phase 2 "Lying on the buried turf-line where it was preserved, and directly on the subsoil elsewhere, was a thick deposit of grey earth (Layer 4 - Neolithic earth) . In this were scattered fragments of pitchstone, a few potsherds, one flint artefact and small clear spreads of charcoal as well as many scattered fragments." P 6 "In the area of the forecourt excavated 21 distinct spreads of charcoal, and 3 thinner scatters, were uncovered at varying depths. Another patch was inside the tomb doorway& .There can be little ’žMackie 1964 - p 4 FORECOURT & ENTRANCE Phase 1'The cairn seems to have been built directly on the buried turf-line.' Phase 2 "Lying on the buried turf-line where it was preserved, and directly on the subsoil elsewhere, was a thick deposit of grey earth (Layer 4 - Neolithic earth) . In this were scattered fragments of pitchstone, a few potsherds, one flint artefact and small clear spreads of charcoal as well as many scattered fragments." P 6 "In the area of the forecourt excavated 21 distinct spreads of charcoal, and 3 thinner scatters, were uncovered at varying depths. Another patch was inside the tomb doorway& .There can be little doubt that each represents the debris of a small fire lit in the forecourt." P 7 CHAMBER "no trace of floor deposits or artefacts was found." P 13 ORIGIN OF FORECOURT DEPOSITS : the thick accumulation of grey earth can be explained by a gradual accumulation of down-washing soil caused by soil erosion on the hill slopes above the cairn. The hill slopes were stable in pre-Neolithic times, and their de-stabilization appears to coincide with the construction of the tomb. So it is hypothesized that the hill slope erosion was caused by human agency - possibly agricultural activity or some reason connected with the construction of the cairn.Ż LVALķ Edwards 1929, p. 144-5 : In clearing the floor of the chamber, the space between uprights # 3,4,5, and 6 was found to be completely .... On the top of the paved area was a layer of clay some 2 to 3 inches in thickness and embedded in this were human skeletal remains, animal bones, pottery, etc. A few fragments of charcoal were also found. & In the clay in which the bones of the’žEdwards 1929, p. 144-5 : In clearing the floor of the chamber, the space between uprights # 3,4,5, and 6 was found to be completely .... On the top of the paved area was a layer of clay some 2 to 3 inches in thickness and embedded in this were human skeletal remains, animal bones, pottery, etc. A few fragments of charcoal were also found. & In the clay in which the bones of the first-mentioned skeleton were embedded& ..two fragments of Neolithic pottery were found, a stone axe, two fragments of Beaker urns and a number of animal bones.' Davidson & Henshall 1991 - p 126: Animal remains included two pieces of oyster shell. Secondary Beaker burial in a cist was inserted into the debris of the cairn fill. Cairn is located 500 m from the sea-shore. Roof collapsed.Ŗ čŗŒs’žHY$’žHY 44 NW 17’žCurquoy’žKorkquoy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 431 473’ž3431 10473’ž343100’ž1047300’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žWestray’žWestray’žnone’žS-Nx3015’žORK 34’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononononononononono’ž60-700Z@Hź2no’žyesno’žyesnononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°182 31.423 N, 003°002 00.793 W’ž59°182 33.073 N, 002°592 54.973 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press5ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅŹŽcc__ZZVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRNJEA<888666**(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  żłłłłłßßߊČÄĄ¾¹¹¹³Ŗ”‘xpdXA;*  q’~Ā’,ł :nLVALÄDetailsŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx ¤å Z;A³K›päOĄĀJƒ*K-LC4MYżd3I5ŸU6Į`6“4a-b–Ļ c,,)€žĢ???Ü Location_LabelŻ LocationŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelźx ›¶ø‘õN)B¶ļĆ›Õ’ßĄĀJ“4K-Lb>MYżd3I5ŸU6Į`6’'a-b–4c,,)€žĢ???Ü 'Empty"_LabelŻ  EmptyŽ" @ Corbelä  DetachedLabelå  Ctl_Empty__Labelźx Xž84büŻKžXÓ»cѱ&ĄĀJ’'K-L3*MYżd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6a-b–gc,)€žĢ???Ü Label41Ż  HR- BŽ" @ Corbelźx 3hŠ`HÉ«I¼CŚ·ō ĄĀJK-L„M;żd3I5ŸW6Į`6z a-b–Xc,’)€žĢ???Ü Label40Ż  HR -UBŽ" @ Corbelźx ![kµq]KŽ’GĮ}hüĄĀ Jz K-LŅM,żd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ļa-b–^c,)€žĢ???Ü Label42Ż  CremŽ" @ Corbelźx V]–G9øD§¤mdĆ9IĄ ĀJĻK-L-M;żd3I5ŸU6Į`6ca-b–mc,)€žĢ???Ü Label46Ż  InhumŽ" @ Corbelźx Ź‹z7ż“ćJ‡ké¾gğ÷Ą ĀJcK-LŠM;żd3I5ŸU6Į`6ča-b–c,,)€žĢ???Ü Label52Ż  PlantŽ" @ Corbelźx Łø.ōķ†^A…R‰yą½ōĄĀJčK-LģMYżd3I5ŸU6Į`6<a-b–^c,,)€žĢ???Ü Label54Ż Animal Ž" @ Corbelźx Ÿ×RĶüŌ‰CØ\S*k{oĄĀJ<K-LšMYżd3I5ŸU6ĮŻ LVALķ Grimes 1960: p 249: 'Seventeen paces in from the tip of the mound, on its long axis, was a heap of flints, about 3 ft across and 18 in - 2 ft high. The flints apparently filled and covered a pit, for they were dug into a depth of a foot below the surface of the chalk; but the bottom was not reached and the character and purpose of the pit are therefore not known. Behind (this is, to the west of) the flints, were the remains of a skeleton of which the greater part& had survived. It was probably articulated, bu’žGrimes 1960: p 249: 'Seventeen paces in from the tip of the mound, on its long axis, was a heap of flints, about 3 ft across and 18 in - 2 ft high. The flints apparently filled and covered a pit, for they were dug into a depth of a foot below the surface of the chalk; but the bottom was not reached and the character and purpose of the pit are therefore not known. Behind (this is, to the west of) the flints, were the remains of a skeleton of which the greater part& had survived. It was probably articulated, but it is not possible to be certain on this point. Overlying these features and tailing out into the body of the barrow was a mound of 'black soil' which was up to 2 ft thick. This internal mound was covered in its turn by chalk rubble. There were no signs of any other structural features such as palisade slots, which would still have been visible in the chalk surface at the time of my visit.' Barrow destroyed for construction of rifle range; Grimes' report just records what was witnessed during the destruction..× LVALē The barrow was destroyed in 1963 for agricultural clearance - only a hasty 2-day salvage excavation was possible, which took place after much of the destruction had occurred. Pool 1964 - P 106 ;  A cutting was made in the presumed centre of the barrow. Here the [robber's] pit was found to overlie a very massive flat rock..1.5m wide, more than 1.5m long and more than 0.65m thick. The low’žThe barrow was destroyed in 1963 for agricultural clearance - only a hasty 2-day salvage excavation was possible, which took place after much of the destruction had occurred. Pool 1964 - P 106 ;  A cutting was made in the presumed centre of the barrow. Here the [robber's] pit was found to overlie a very massive flat rock..1.5m wide, more than 1.5m long and more than 0.65m thick. The low level and great thickness of this rock seemed to preclude the possibility that it was anything other than a natural feature, although time did not permit [further exploration]. It appeared to be approximately on the same level as the exterior turf, and may have been flush with the surface of the ground prior to the erection of the barrow and used by its builders as a central feature or mark. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H  čŸ‹sl’žNR 93 SW 15’žTormore 2’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNR 9063 3224’ž19063 63224’ž190630’ž632240’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran309xx’žARN 5’žHenshall 1972’žMcArthur 1861nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no˜@Žx1nonononono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’ž108’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressjžžžžS’’’’Ž}}}{uuuuuuuuuuuuuusomkigb]YUQMIIIGEE95311/+'#   ’ūõńķéåįŻŁŁŁŁŁŹŹŹ»“²°®®ŖŖŖ£š}um`R?9(" q’?}Ā’’’½ł’`bŒO" č2Œs’žSW•’žSW 33 SE 64’žTregaseal Barrow’žTregascal’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?’žSW 3804 3213’ž13804 03213’ž138040’ž032130’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx129’žnone’žBarnatt 1982nonononononoyesnono’žwhetstone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žunknown:@Žx1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žpavementyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1886 Typical specimens of Cornish barrows. Archaeologia, 49, 181-98 ( p 194-195)’žHencken, H. O. N. 1932 The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly, London, Methuen & Co.’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressnpŁŁÕÕÕh¬¬¬¬Øœœœ˜”””’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒ‚€|sqomhd`\WSNNNLJJ>5311/+'#   ųōšźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅÄÄÄľ¼ø¶ÆÆÆ©£š‘‡wj\KE4) q’>Ā’’’½ł’`fœw LVAL‡ Grimes 1939: p 125 'there was no particular sign of any preparation of the ground before the cairn was built'; p 126 FORECOURT: 'the forecourt was found to be featureless. Amongst the stones esp. near the portal, there was a good deal of black burnt material, some fragments of bone and a few flints& the butt of a polished axe was found buried in the natural ground..' LATERAL CHAMBERS CHAMBER I ';the inner chamber was roughly paved with flat slabs, the outer had the natural soil for a floor.' CHAMBER II - 'had no paving; contained fewer human remains and more p’žGrimes 1939: p 125 'there was no particular sign of any preparation of the ground before the cairn was built'; p 126 FORECOURT: 'the forecourt was found to be featureless. Amongst the stones esp. near the portal, there was a good deal of black burnt material, some fragments of bone and a few flints& the butt of a polished axe was found buried in the natural ground..' LATERAL CHAMBERS CHAMBER I ';the inner chamber was roughly paved with flat slabs, the outer had the natural soil for a floor.' CHAMBER II - 'had no paving; contained fewer human remains and more pottery; pottery associated with black patches consisting of finely comminuted charcoal.' CHAMBER III :p 129 '[bones and potsherds] were buried in a tenacious stony clay which I think had probably been introduced. (The layer was not more than three inches thick anywhere, and usually less. It was succeeded by the red undisturbed heavy loam characteristic of the rest of the site.' SOUTH CHAMBER IV -' only chamber to yield undoubted evidence for the use of the tomb in the Bronze Age' Nash 2006 - a multi-phase monument with at least 3 periods of construction and use.Ę č֋s’žNPÓ’žNPRN 305991’žTy Isaf’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1819 2905’ž31819 22905’ž318190’ž229050’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’ž211’žN-Sx3116’žBRE 5’žDarvill 2004nono’žOld Red Sandstonenoyesnoyesyesyes’žsandstone pendant; bone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž33+0’žslaby@¾x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žLateral Chamber 1;’žclay ?’žChamber IIIyesxnono’žWalesno’žGrimes, W. F. 1939 The excavation of Ty-isaf long cairn, Brecknockshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 5, 119 142’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus3ŪŪŪŪŪjčččč䯯ŻŁÕÕÕÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĄø¤¢ ž™”Œ‡‚}}}{yymge``^ZVRNLHFB@><:8642 ’łõāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĢÅĮ½»¶±±± –†wobTC=&  q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f †« č»Œs’žSK 16 NE 8’žUpper Haddon Moor’žMonument #308444’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1837 6649’ž41837 36649’ž418370’ž366490’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnonenpxnpnpnp’ž Ae1’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono60’žrock floor£@Ģ1nononononononp’žallnpno’žCentral England’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London23’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum-ŹĘĘĘĘĘ……………ttttppppllllllllllllllllggggc_[WSOKKKIII=1/-------------------)% ’’’’ņäää×ŃĶÉÅĆææ¹Ŗ‹wobTNH;) q’Ę’<ł# "„( č8ŒszŒ’žNS 37 NE 7’žWalton Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde’žNS 3634 7818’ž23634 67818’ž236340’ž678180’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCardross’žnone’žnone’ž140npxnpnp’žDNB 1’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1954’žScott 1953nonononononononoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no.@Üx1nonono’žyesno’žyesnpxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’žScott, J. G. 1954 Walton Farm, Cardross. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 9’žScott, J. G. 1955 Walton Farm, Cardross. Archaeological Newsletter, 5, 254’ž122’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¶OJJJJüØØØؤ————“‹‰ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywuqlhc_[WWWUSSGCA??=951-+'%! ’ū÷óļėēēēēŪĻĻĻĄ¹µ±Æ«¦¦ šƒrjbUG@:)# q’Ę’’’½ł’ącŒ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H  šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H LVALÅ`6źa-b–žc,,’’’žĢ???Ü Label50Ż  StoneŽ" @ Corbelźx -ęŃ,=ACž ™S9\E ĄĀJźK-LčMYżd3I5ŸU6Į`6ć!a-b–ßc,,)€žĢ???Ü Label58Ż CharcoalŽ" @ Corbelźx ]²zMBJŽu€ļĀĄĀJć!K-LĀ$MYżd3I5ŸU6Į`68a-b–[c,,)€žĢ???Ü Label48Ż PotteryŽ" @ Corbelźx d Érš“@Ž%£ę»ę8LĄĀJ8K-L“!MYżd3I5ŸU6Į`6%a-b–c,,)€žĢ???Ü Label56Ż  RubbleŽ" @ Corbelźx /;ēX7D¾Urö‰Öø™ĄĀJ%K-LÆ'MYż˜`,Äß  Detailēx Gé\L-!‡Kµ§€?Z ;ēēā’m J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6<ab–vc,†e¦ø i#)€Ü  Pit #Ż  Pit #õ  Pit__śx ä». Ŗ D«ØµˆUŌ+’’’’.J</K0L²1M¤żm J2˜7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6”ab–1c,†e¦ø i#k)€Ü  LengthŻ  Lengthśx Ÿ•¦ičž½B½ce<‚p¼ Ą Ā+’’’’.J”/K0LÅ1M¤żm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6(ab–¾c,†e¦ø i#k)€Ü  WidthŻ  Widthśx ÖĘ@Į]K­­fy,«4+’’’’.J(/K0Lę1M•żm J2˜7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6Ėab–Źc,†e¦ø i#k)€Ü  DepthŻ  Depthśx ūņ„ā“Jæ[KUbĄ Ā+’’’’.JĖ/K0L• 1M¤żm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6Ŗ ab–Öc,†e¦ø i#k)€Ü LVALČDiameterŻ Diameterśx øttÄŠĢ›B˜<#2(¤ßĄ Ā +’’’’.JŖ /K0L€ 1M¤żm J2˜7ŸU:ĮF{`6ƒ*ab–Ą c,†e¦ø i#k’’’Ü  OtherŻ Detailsśx P ø B„O²½2wģ€™ĄĀ+’’’’.Jƒ*/K0LC41M¤żm J2˜7ŸU:ĮF{`6“4ab–Ļ c,†e¦ø i#k’’’Ü LocationŻ Locationśx ĄLĢØ^äH±‰<ߦ šŹĄĀ+’’’’.J“4/K0Lb>1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6’'ab–4c,†e¦¢i#k’’’Ü 'Empty"Ż 'Empty'Ž&  Yes/Noõ Ctl_Empty_śx ¤Ō“žkO“7•Ć‘ŗōĄĀ+’’’’.J’'/K0L3*1M¤żm7ŸW:ĮF{`6z ab–Xc,†e¦Ļi#k)€Ü  Text39Ż "HR - Unburnt Fragśx 2Ķ¦ļ:,A²ßZ»‹3e$ĄĀ +’’’’.Jz /K0LŅ1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6ab–gc,†e¦°i#k’’’Ü 8Human Bone - Burnt -FragmentŻ HR - Burnt Fragõ 8Human_Bone___Burnt__Fragmentśx ŖTpČY~J–Źģ{x]ĆJĄĀ+’’’’.J/K0L„1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6Ļab–^c,†e¦Üi#k)€Ü $Burial - CremationŻ  Cremation Burialõ $Burial___Cremationśx óŠ£ģ¬čmI¬Š@ Œ‘ŽĄ Ā+’’’’.JĻ/K0L-1M¤żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6cab–mc,†e¦Ui#k’’’Ü &Burial - InhumationŻ "Inhumation Burialõ &Burial___Inhumationśx  …ä%8REƒĀįŸ_-^rĄ Ā+’’’’.Jc/KLVAL p‰ĒAAnderson (1868 PSAS) p 498: ' In the beehive chamber...The floor of slabs was taken up but the clay beneath was undisturbed, and unmixed with any traces of fire. In the tri-cameral chamber, there were found on the floor a few fragments of human [bone[ unburnt, and mingled with broken [animal] bones .. also unburnt. The floor itself, which was harder trodden(apparently) .. was also much more sparingly intermixed with ashes and charcoal, and burnt bones were fewer in this chamber than in [other cairns]. The ashes, instead of being spread through the mass of the floor, occurred in spots here and there. Anderson 1886, p 242-3: & the floor of this [beehive][ chamber was formed of two large flag-stones, which roughly fitted the interior space. When these were raised it was found that they lay upon the undisturbed subsoil. The chamber contained no trace of a sepulchral deposit either on or underneath the floor& & The floor of the [tripartite] chamber was a compacted layer of clay and ashes, of varying thickness, intermixed with quantities of burnt bone, human and animal. In the loose layer which lay on the surface of this compacted mass there were found a few fragments of skulls and other bones of the human skeleton, unburnt& ' Masters 1997 : identified an occupation layer beneath the cairn - features included postholes, stakeholes, burnt areas and one pit. The majority of the small finds were located in this pr-cairn layer. Masters 1997 - Discussion P 175: "The first indications of activity at Camster Long are provided by the evidence in the buried soil beneath the tail of the long cairn. This comprises the bulk of the pottery and flaked stone assemblages, together with a number of post-holes, possible post-holes, stake-holes, and burnt areas. The C14 dates indicate that this activity took place in the early centuries of the 4th millennium BC. Despite a careful search, no evidence was forthcoming .. of farming activity. & .. The post-holes do not provide convincing evidence for domest LVALic structures. & The burnt areas are quite irregular and are not convincing as the remains of permanent hearths& ..The suggestion in the flaked stone assemblage report that tools were manufactured within the excavation area but the tools taken elsewhere is another indication of temporary occupation. & A deduction which may be drawn from this is that the features and small finds do not add up to any significant long-term occupation." P. 177: " the post-holes [may] held posts employed in the laying out of the construction lines of the tail of the cairn& .. There is no firm evidence as to what interval of time elapsed between the burning of the pre-cairn land surface and the building of the cairn. Two factors suggest a considerable time interval: the abraded condition of many of the pot sherds and the friction gloss appearing on 20% of the flaked stone assemblage. & The general indications& .all suggest to the writer that no great interval of time elapsed between the burning and the building of the cairn." PIT - -  A single convincing pit was located within the south-west forecourt, clearly covered by the forecourt blocking. It was 450 mm in diameter and 150 mm deep. It contained a fill of black soil surrounded and underlain by grey soil which, in turn, was surrounded and underlain by red soil. Flecks of charcoal were present throughout. Although there were three rounded stones on the edge of the pit, these appeared to be in situ natural inclusions, and did not serve as the packing for a post ŻLVALķ0LŠ1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`68ab–[c,†e¦ti#k ’’’Ü  Text47Ż Potteryśx  ƒq°3M›Ņ”fµ*˜]ĄĀ+’’’’.J8/K0L“!1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6źab–žc,†e¦Vi#k ’’’Ü  Text49Ż  Flintśx ÷EŅŲAš]C«2V{äģS€ĄĀ+’’’’.Jź/K0Lč1M¤żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6čab–c,†e¦Wi#k ’’’Ü  Text51Ż  Plantśx ūę±Ø6v1G–Æšgņ¢ĄĀ+’’’’.Jč/K0Lģ1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6<ab–^c,†e¦i#k ’’’Ü  Text53Ż  Animalśx Ė;K¬T ZHƒĮē„ńKJĄĀ+’’’’.J</K0Lš1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6%ab–c,†e¦Ąi#k’’’Ü  Text55Ż  Rubbleśx ¦ĻaģJƒ5–8PLĄĀ+’’’’.J%/K0LÆ'1M¤żm7ŸU:Į;ˆF{`6ć!ab–ßc,†e¦)i#k ’’’Ü  Text57Ż Charcoalśx Ŗ™¾Ä—0N³Ce‹|aCƒĄĀ+’’’’.Jć!/K0LĀ$1M¤żš`,ß FormFooterēx ZL<‰¼•H¬™ŅšŖī«ż šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H Œ čœŠsó’žSP 02 SE 19’žNotgrove Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 09576 21203’ž409576 221203’ž409576’ž221203’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žNotgrove’žCotswolds’žnone’ž243’žE-Wx4824’žGLO 4’žDarvill 2004’žKinnes 1979 (ACc1)noyes’žInferior Oolitenoyesnoyesyesno’žshale bead, bored stone; bone ring3’žforecourt0xx0x0noxnoxyes’žyes?nono1+’ž2 + 10’žclay4ŪŠ$ņ’žantechamber; forecourt (several)1no’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žChamber E’žallx’žall’žsmall flat stone; Stonesfield Slate’žchambers; chamber Eyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žClifford, E. M. 1936 Notgrove Long Barrow, Gloucestershire. Archaeologia, 86, 119-61’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum(Acc1)’žWitts, G. B. 1883 Archaeological Handbook of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, G Norman ( p 82-83)’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusFīźź‘0Ēooook___[WWWUOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: żłōļźåąÜÜÜŚøø¬¦¤™•‘‹…ƒ}ywusqomb`<82,(" ļļļįŚÖŅŠĖĘĘĄµ«”ˆ€qaPJ3- q’Ā’’’½ł’`f¼ļžLVALõ‹Cruden 1967: 'Examination of the floors of both chamber and passage showed them to have been welCruden 1967: 'Examination of the floors of both chamber and passage showed them to have been well-scraped during the earlier excavation. A tiny fragment of beaker was found in the chamber.' Anderson 1866 (Memoirs) p 247-9:  The floor of the chamber presented the same appearance as that of the other cairns explored, with this difference, that there was no pavement and the clay was blacker and more earthy. There was a larger heap of ashes in the opening between the two last divisional stones and in the centre of the main compartment, than anywhere else. As usual, a number of bones, human and animal (though there were but very few animal bones in this cairn) were found on the floor, and among the rubbish immediately above the floor. On the floor also, but not imbedded in it, was found the portion of an iron knife& It is very old ..but probably not of the age of the cairn itself. A few feet distant but deeply embedded in the floor, were found the small but beautifully fashioned flint knife; and strange to say, a nodule of iron ore, as large as a man's fist& .The broken fragments of four or five urns& were found also embedded in the floor. ..Most of the bones found were on the floor; and the clay was not quite so completely mixed with fragments of bone as in the other cairns. Scarcely any of the bones& ..are calcined& In the chamber were found fragments of (I think) three, if not four, human skulls and a number of other fragments of the human skeleton. Davidons & Henshall 91991) p 103 :  On the chamber floor was a very black earthy layer about 0.23 to 0.3 m thick& .. (NB I couldn t find that measurement in Anderson's notes) Partial roof collapse. The upper portions of two skeletons were found in the rubble fill of the passage - Anderson (1886) suggests these, along with bones found with the iron knife in the chamber, were not connected with the original use of the structure. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H " č2Šs’žSUn’žSU 34 NW 6’žNutbane’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 3310 4952’ž43310 14952’ž433100’ž149520’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žPenton Grafton’žnone’žnone’žon the contour of a gentle slope above a small dry valley’ž110’žENE-WSW’žn/a6026’žSU 56’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1959’žAshbee 1984noyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesnono’žantler pick fragments1’žforecourt40+’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary enclosures (2)’žforecourt’žhearth pre-barrow; timber post ? (see Field 2006 p 83)’žforecourtyesnonono140nop@Ó’žforecourt1nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žforecourtxxxnoxyesx’žpit; fire; hearth; mortuary enclosure;no’žSW England’žtimber post’žyes’žMorgan, F. d. M. 1959 The excavation of a long barrow at Nutbane, Hampshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 25, 15-51’žVatcher, F. d. M. 1959 The Radio-Carbon Dating of the Nutbane Long Barrow. Antiquity, 33, 289’žMorgan, F. d. M. & Ashbee, P. 1958 The excavation of two long barrows in Wessex. Antiquity, 32, 104-11’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŁc__©HĘĮĮĮ“ØØؤ|||zttttttttttttttrnljh]YTPLGC???=22&"  ’Ē¼£”Ÿ›Š}fb^XTNH;51111$ žśõģē¬¦ ƒxph[M82% q’’Ę’’’½ł’`f¾LVAL“ĻHemp 1927: Passage: p 24 'at a point about 2 ft from the entrance to the chambers.. A patch of the yellow clay of the floor, about 1 ft 6 in. in diameter, had been reddened by fire to a maximum depth of 2 in. Underlying the W side of this patch was a pocket of soft brownish clay..this pocket continued under the dry walling& in all probability the hole either originally had been filled by a natural boulder which had to be removed, or else had been made for some purpose on connection with the erection of the monument. In any case it was filled in at the time of building& At the opposite side of the passage was a vertical hole 2 in. in diameter and 8 in deep. In it was a black substance which appeared to be decayed wood. Another filled in pocket in the original ground was found between the two doorposts of the inner was bowl shaped and filled with clay similar to that in which it was sunk, but containing fragments of charcoal.' P 34 EASTERN CHAMBER :"The floor was not examined except for the small areas which it was necessary to disturb& WESTERN CHAMBER: p 35 "In front of stone 21 was found a pocket of clean but disturbed yellow clay 6 in. in diameter and 12 in deep. A few inches east of this pocket was a smaller one 2.5 in. in diameter, placed at a raking angle to the larger one..perhaps it may have held a wooden strut during erection of the chamber." P 36 "& 6 inches below the top of this [modern] paving was found clean but re-laid yellow clay." P 38  white quartz stones were scattered at the foot of the internal wall . Yates & Jones 1991: a very small excavation [3.3 m square]; PRE MONUMENT ACTIVITY p 1  some evidence for preparation of the site before construction& absence of a clear buried soil profile& seemed to indicate intentional truncation& possibly the result of turf stripping& .An irregular pit or large posthole and a more substantial feature filled with loamy soil and tightly packed stone followed the truncation, but the function of these remains unknown." P 2 Feature 54 "  LVAL° contained a ..fill of loose yellowish brown silty clay. This might have held another timber support, but the discovery of a fragment of burnt human skull (and a piece of quartz) raises the possibility of an intentional ritual deposit." P 4 ..[but] in the absence of secure evidence, the possibility of accidental inclusion& must be considered& .The evidence at Capel Garmon for temporary supports for orthostats is unusual.ō LVALRutter 1973 - A 'central hollow' contained the remains of 8 human burials, and was infilled with soil and small boulders. A steep-sided pit was located near the northwestern edge of the barrow; it was infilled with soil and boulders and contained no f’žRutter 1973 - A 'central hollow' contained the remains of 8 human burials, and was infilled with soil and small boulders. A steep-sided pit was located near the northwestern edge of the barrow; it was infilled with soil and boulders and contained no finds. Two pottery sherds were located in the soil above the pit, and an incomplete human skeleton was found about 0.6 m from the rim of the pit just below plough level. The western pit may have been previously excavated, possibly by 19th C pot-hunters. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddeny <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H  č Šs*u’žST 75 SE 5’žOrchardleigh’žMurtry Hill’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7626 5069’ž37626 15069’ž376260’ž150690’žSomerset’žMendip’žBuckland Dinham’žCotswolds’žnone’žat the west end of a level plateau with good views to the west’ž117’žSE-NWx’ž15.211’žSOM 8’žDarvill 2004’žGray 1929’žDaniel 1950nono’žForest Marblenonononoyesnono1’žNE end of mound0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (recent?)xnononono21+no’žred earth stratum?W@Ó’žE end of mound?1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žentire barrownox’žcharcoal spreadsyesxnono’žhearth; pitno’žSW England -WC’žstanding stones’žGray, H. S. G. 1921 Excavations at Murtry Hill, Orchardleigh Park, 1920. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 67, 39-55’žGray, H. S. G. 1929 Excavations at Murtry Hill, Orchardleigh Park, Part II. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 75, 57-60’žLewis, J. 2005 Monuments, ritual and regionality: the Neolithic of Northern Somerset Oxford, Archaeopress’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press42’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusė“"µŒŒŒŒ{kkkgZVRPJJJJJ88888888862#! żżżūźźŽŹĘĀĀĄ¼ø“°®“‘‹‰‡…ƒpnjf`\XTPA=9999,!!! łō³­¢‘‰wobTNH1$ q’’Ę’’’½ł’įg¼g™ LVAL© Lewis 2005 p 38 - burnt areas, charcoal; layer of red clay mixed with charcoal possibly laid down as a floor; Gray discovered a large number of human remains at the N end of the mound. p 59 -60 - Two burnt areas and a pit were discovered. Burnt area 2 likely predates or is contemporary with the monument, as it was found on the old ground surface; but insufficient information was provided by the excavators concerning Burnt Area 1 to know whether or not it also rested on the OGS. Both burnt areas were found in the chamber area, so they may simp’žLewis 2005 p 38 - burnt areas, charcoal; layer of red clay mixed with charcoal possibly laid down as a floor; Gray discovered a large number of human remains at the N end of the mound. p 59 -60 - Two burnt areas and a pit were discovered. Burnt area 2 likely predates or is contemporary with the monument, as it was found on the old ground surface; but insufficient information was provided by the excavators concerning Burnt Area 1 to know whether or not it also rested on the OGS. Both burnt areas were found in the chamber area, so they may simply represent activities contemporary with the use of the monument. The pit was located at the northeast end of the monument and was dug into the bedrock to a depth of 0.15 m. It contained only earth and rubble  no finds were located. The pit may represent pre-monument activity or it may be a remnant of more modern exploration and digging at the site. A piece of haematite was found at the site Two standings stones are incorporated in the barrow, but probably of recent date Daniel (1950) doubts there was ever a burial chamber at this siteLVALw,HÖHenshall 1972: 'The cairn was constructed on a layer of burnt material and near the centre of the mound the underlying natural sand was burned bright red. Flecks of burnt bone suggested the presence of a funeral pyre from which cremated remains were subsequently carefully removed. Throughout the cairn and the blackened layer beneath were chips of flint and many sherds from vessels belonging to the Early or Middle Neolithic. Outside the edge of the mound a small pit was found with the remains of at least three Beakers.' Burl 1984: p 43  Three cairns, varying considerably in size, were uncovered beneath the Boghead mound, all of them standing on the black layer...Each had been capped with a thick layer of sand. P45 - The Black Layer  All the cairns stood partly over a thin, clean-cut layer of blackened sand and charcoal up to 3 cm thick& . Between the cairns it weakened into a dirty grey sand with a few charcoal specks (IX). & C14 determinations from this layer in 1972 produced dates of 2948±60bc (SRR-686) and 3009±10bc (SRR-689). P 46 Beneath layer XIII (black layer) and beyond its limits in both the NWQ and NEQ there were a number of shallow but definite stakeholes ... None contained any organic material. There appeared to be no clear pattern to them but ... several were close to hollows in the old land surface, particularly around a central pit and Hollows L and Q. P 47 Central Area: Beneath VIII and XIII and on top of the old land surface there were areas of reddened and whitened sand with hand-sized patches of black in them that contained little pieces of scattered burnt bone. P 48 Hollows  Scooped-out hollows of very different diameters and depths occurred under XIII and beyond it in the old land surface over much of the area covered by the Boghead mound. Central Pit: Covered by the dark layer and a band of yellow sand; 5 stones revetting it; fill consisted of layered sands. P 56 - the posthole nearby may have held a timber post to mark a grave. Pre-Cairn Use: P 53  With a combinatiŻLVALķ’’’’rGDĻØmT Ø“Ä… †€C)?ƒü‹ø mT—ØmT„mT„@mTƒƒÆ«£ Æ’’’’ ČmTųmT mT„ ømTčmTmT„ ŲmTŲmTŲmT„ ČmTųmT mT‡ d… ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ ’Pottery.NMR #‡ Potteryƒ!Pottery.Pottery #‡'Pottery.Pottery Type‰ƒhmTƒƒ`mT„ēƒmT„0mT˜’’…@mT’’’’.Æ!ökć@ˆ’’’’„PmT`mT ­n„°­ČmT@±b‚ma‚/ ųmT@±bƒø ƒ mT@±b­n„vPotteryƒƒ`mTƒóƒ mT„PmT˜’žˆ mT@mT’’’’9ó„£vć@ˆ’’’’„'~sq_fPottery Subform‰`mT‘Š ømTmT›„Š čmTmT›„Š mTmT—ømT„čmT„mT„ ČmT@±bü‡’‚/„ųmT@±b­n„­ mT@±bx­nPottery‡’’’’’„Š ČmTmT—’’’’’„Š ųmTmT—’’’’’„Š mTmT—ømT„čmT„mT„ ”mT„XmTƒŠ mT‡ @mT8mTHmTXmThmTxmTmT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT„mT’’’’–mT”ØmTˆømTƒ mTƒ ø“n^”€ˆmTˆ mTƒ ‹”n^”€ˆmTˆ mT‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆmTˆ mT‚ ‹”mT„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šü‡’’’’„p mT PmT„€ mTŸ€³b…`mTƒą mTˆƒ mT  mT„ƒP mT° mT„ƒ ‡dƒą mTƒ‡ƒ mTƒ ‡ž‚P mT„4‡ P mTX mT` mT¬ą mT„ mT„P mT„ˆ mT„ PotteryŠ ƒdƒ˜ mT„PotteryNMR #‰Ą mTƒž”mT„¢‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚ąmTƒü‡’’’’„°mTĄmTŌ”mT„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’XmTXmqTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTXmTˆ‡@mT„ƒ mTPmTƒƒ(mT mT„@mT’’’’PotteryƒPotteryNMR #‰”n^”€ˆmT@mT„‹ƒąmTĄ mT„ƒ‹ąmT„Ž”n^”€ˆmTXmTƒŒƒPmTmT„‡’’’’ƒƒPmTˆmT„ˆ mT„„ LVAL” on of five determinations from the black layer (XIII) and the old land surface (XIV) averaging 2981 be (c 3750 BC) and indicating the time when the cairns were heaped up it is arguable that the first settlement of the site took place not many years before then. There was no trace of prolonged occupation or of permanent structures and it is possible that only a handful of people squatted there, perhaps seasonally, for a few years before abandoning the area. The dates, however, are such that Boghead is one of the earliest known agricultural sites in Scotland. Ōčä‡s’žNJL’žNJ 35 NE 5’žBoghead Mound’žBellie Grave Mound; Fochabers’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 3594 5922’ž33594 85922’ž335940’ž859220’žMoray’žMoray’žBellie’žnone’žnone’žon an undulating terrace of glacial sands and gravels, about 6 km from the ocean76x15xx’žKinnes Ab2’žKinnes 1979’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002’žDavidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;yesyes’žOld Red Sandstoneyesnonoyesyesnono18’žcentral; outside the edge of the mound; scattered hollpws3?’žcentre (1); pit/posthole(2)x’ž21 +’žscattered0’žtimber postx’žoccupation surface? / agriculture - pre-cairn / timber post / pits’žbeneath moundyes’žpossibleyes’žyes000’žblackened sand and charcoal 3 cm thickPŌw,Hx1’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žlarge patches beneath moundx’žpre-mound’žbeneath cairnnox’žpit; postholeyes’žlarge patches beneath moundno’žoccupation area; cultivation; pitsno’ž57°372 06.353 N, 003°042 26.203 W’ž57°372 07.273 N, 003°042 20.743 W’žSE Scotland’žtimber post’žyes’žyes’žBurl, A. 1984 Report on the excavation of a Neolithic mound at Boghead, Speymouth Forest, Fochabers, Moray, 1972 and 1974. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 114, 35-73’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 Boghead mound, Speymouth forest. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 30’žDavidson, D. A. & Carter, S. P. 2003 Soils and their evolution. IN EDWARDS, K. & RALSTON, I. B. M. (Eds.) Scotland after the Ice Age: environment, archaeology and history, 8000 BC-AD 1000. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum·U•‹~qFóóļŅĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ½½½½½½½»·Ø›~ytpkfb\\\ZXXL$"   ō°®”Ÿ”ŽŒok0,($ ÷ńėĀ¤yG### üŖ¤ž–ˆ€xk]WQD% q’’ž’’’½ł’@ąžN LVAL^ Card 2005: Page 168 - Identified 5 phases: Phase 1 - construction of the tomb; Phase 2 Use of tomb with interment of human remains Phase 3 abandonment and destruction of the tomb; Phase 4 monumentalization of the site with construction of 3 concentric revetments; Phase 5 19th century investigations. Page 169- 'Construction sta’žCard 2005: Page 168 - Identified 5 phases: Phase 1 - construction of the tomb; Phase 2 Use of tomb with interment of human remains Phase 3 abandonment and destruction of the tomb; Phase 4 monumentalization of the site with construction of 3 concentric revetments; Phase 5 19th century investigations. Page 169- 'Construction started with the stripping of turf and topsoil down to natural boulder clay& ' Page 171 - In the NW chamber, the flagging sat directly on natural boulder clay. P 174 - Pits assigned to Phase 2 - 'Use of Tomb' Card notes that his excavations confirmed the accuracy of Petrie's plans - this may lend credibility to his plans of other tombs.ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTIq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€  Gq€’q€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€ SITE DEq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTIq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€  Gq€’ q€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 qq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTIq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€ q€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 qq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTIq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€ q€ SITE DESCRIPTION111 q€ SITE DEq€ SITE DEq€ SITE DESCRIPTIq€ m€’rol m€’rol m€olm€’rol m€’rol m€ol Gl€rol€’ž([__NMR #] m€’rol m€ol Gm€’rol m€’rol m€’rol m€olm€’rol m€’rol m€ol Gl€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [Nm€’rol m€ol Glm€’rol m€’rol m€’rol  šLVALŠMorgan - p 20: 'The Neolithic ground surface under the mound material was a clearly marked layer of dark-brown densely textured soil& Beneath this surface were several pre-Neolithic tree holes filled with red clay. The structures found at the east end of the barrow consisted of the foundation trenches of a forecourt enclosure 40 x 20 feet, in front and to the east of a mortuary enclosure of post and log construction, 20 x 18 feet, containing four crouched burials. P 24 'Under [the three original burials] there was a layer of decayed wood& .All the skeletons were covered by a thick layer of soil& Fragments of a Windmill Hill bowl and cup were lying on the old ground surface." P 24 [The Forecourt Enclosure ]: "As soon as the modern plough layer was removed ’žMorgan - p 20: 'The Neolithic ground surface under the mound material was a clearly marked layer of dark-brown densely textured soil& Beneath this surface were several pre-Neolithic tree holes filled with red clay. The structures found at the east end of the barrow consisted of the foundation trenches of a forecourt enclosure 40 x 20 feet, in front and to the east of a mortuary enclosure of post and log construction, 20 x 18 feet, containing four crouched burials. P 24 'Under [the three original burials] there was a layer of decayed wood& .All the skeletons were covered by a thick layer of soil& Fragments of a Windmill Hill bowl and cup were lying on the old ground surface." P 24 [The Forecourt Enclosure ]: "As soon as the modern plough layer was removed from the forecourt large patches of blue and red burnt chalk were revealed. There were patches of charcoal on the surface, and one hole, which was 10 inches in diameter, filled with powdered chalk and easily probed to 6 feet. P 25 " There was a great deal of charcoal in the central [post] hole& . Over the central area of the forecourt...there was a scatter of charcoal to a depth of several inches on the old ground surface . P 29" On the buried surface south of the mortuary enclosure a small hearth, likely to be of pre-barrow date, contained fragments of hazel charcoal& ..There was evidence at Nutbane that the structures at the eastern end of the mound were built or altered in five separate phases, between which the time factor can only be guessed. [sequence described pp 29LVALŠ$ņćWITTS 1883: Chamber 4:  Under a large flat stone [were] portions of two human skeletons,With these.. were found two teeth and the pelvis of some kind of ox .., a dog s tooth, a very perfect leaf-shaped arrow-head of flint, a [pierced] black oval bead or amulet 1.5 inches long, composed of kimmeridge shale ... lastly, thirty pieces of rough British pottery. The bottom of the chamber was paved with small flat stones well fitted together and forming a level surface.' CLIFFORD 1936: P 123  The site of the barrow is overlaid with a clay bed, which is in all probability the old soil, augmented in places with supplies of clay from elsewhere; but all is of local origin. & In between the inner and outer walls, the clay has an average depth of 12 in. elsewhere of 6 in. P 129  In the centre of the floor [of the antechamber]& was a circular patch of burnt earth, under which there was stone paving & . The floor is of clay. But was probably paved. P 130  In chamber E& [the clay floor] was covered with Stonesfield slates& .[the chamber] showed much evidence of fire. In it was discovered the almost complete skeleton of a young calf. In the clay immediately under the paving, human and animal bones.. Neolithic A pottery and a flint flake were also found.  P 131: A large burnt patch extended from Chamber A into the passage. In chamber D,  the flooring has entirely disappeared . P 133  On the north side of the barrow,  the slope of the ground was levelled up with clay which may have a ritual significance .. Compared with ditch & at Bryn Celli Ddu . P 135   The forecourt is roughly paved with stone and on the centreline in front of the portal there is an oblong depression (edged with stones) ... 66cm by 51cm, inside which there is a smaller circular hole on the N side. Over this area, unburnt human bones had been placed, .. A little to the SE was a small stone-lined depression, measuring 25 cm by 23 cm in which was burnt black material. A little to the NE was another depression 18 cm x 23 cm less carefult LVAL„ Cunnington 1922 - layers of 'black soapy earth'; black unctuous earth Cunnington 1889 - p 106 -  These [flint flakes] mostly occurred, to the number of forty or fifty, on a space on the old turf about two feet square, within a few yards from the edge of the barrow, to the S.E. They were mostly quite sma’žCunnington 1922 - layers of 'black soapy earth'; black unctuous earth Cunnington 1889 - p 106 -  These [flint flakes] mostly occurred, to the number of forty or fifty, on a space on the old turf about two feet square, within a few yards from the edge of the barrow, to the S.E. They were mostly quite small, and were so close together as to suggest that they were struck off on the spot, in the process of making some kind of flint implement or weapon. A very small quantity of wood ashes was found near these, covering a space of about eighteen inches square. P 105 - a large cist was found close to the human remains, č<Šsd’žNR 74 SE 1’žBrackley’žCarragh An Talaidh’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 7937 4187’ž17937 64187’ž179370’ž641870’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žSaddell and Skipness’žKintyre’žnone27npx’ž8.5’ž8.5’žARG 28’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1952, 1953’žAnon 1972nono’žplatform of water laid sands, clays and gravelsnononoyesyesnono2’žs end of mound; chamber0xx0x0nox’žtimber post (burnt oak)’žentrance to chamberno’žyes?nono01+0no—@8x1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žchamberxxnoxyesxnono’žpits; timber postno’ž55°372 12.993 N, 005°302 19.663 W’ž55°372 13.163 N, 005°302 15.643 W’žSW Scotland’žtimber post’žScott, J. G. 1956 The excavation of the chambered cairn at Brackley, Kintyre, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 89 22-54’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žScott, J. G. 1952 Brackley, Kintyre. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 5’žScott, J. G. 1953 Brackley, Kintyre. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 5-6’ž100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŹc^^ ¼U¼¼¼¼Æ¢wLH51-+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%# žłõńńńļķķįŻŪ××ÕŃĶĒĆ®•“‹‰‡…ƒigc_YSOKGńńńāŚÕŠĪŹĘĘĄ·””ƒ{sfXKE4  q’Ę’’’½ł’ą¼"LVAL2Thomas 1965: 'In the excavated areas no traces of an ancient land surface were visible, the rubble of the mound lying directly upon the undisturbed oolite.' (turf-stripping?) P 65 There was an accumulation of 7.5-10 cm of ’žThomas 1965: 'In the excavated areas no traces of an ancient land surface were visible, the rubble of the mound lying directly upon the undisturbed oolite.' (turf-stripping?) P 65 There was an accumulation of 7.5-10 cm of soil in the bottom of the grave before the first corpse was placed in it. The location and condition of the remains of the two interments indicates that  & a considerable period of time separated the deposition of the two bodies. MLVAL]Dunlop 1938 : 'The forecourt was roughly cobbled with small rounded blocks of local grit outwards for several yards from the portal stones..' P 24 In the forecourt  a charcoal layer was found n’žDunlop 1938 : 'The forecourt was roughly cobbled with small rounded blocks of local grit outwards for several yards from the portal stones..' P 24 In the forecourt  a charcoal layer was found nine inches below the present surface. & ..On the charcoal layer a small flint blade and a rudimentary scraper were found. They may be compared with those of the  Neolithic hearths of the Lancashire moorlands. µ čŊs’žSV’žSV 91 SW 13’žBant's Carn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, round’žSV 9099 1230’ž09099 01230’ž090990’ž012300’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žHalangy Down’žnonex13xx’žHencken 1933’žAshbee ? 1980’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono004?noŠ@Hx1’žyesnononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnpxno’ž49°552 51.093 N, 006°182 26.673 W’ž49°552 48.883 N, 006°182 23.593 W’žSW Englandno’žAshbee, P. 1976 Bant's Carn, St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly: an entrance grave restored and reconsidered. Cornish Archaeology, 15, 11-26’žHencken, H. O. N. 1933 Notes on the megalithic monuments in the Isles of Scilly Antiquaries Journal, 13, 13-29’žKirk, T. 2004 Memory, tradition and materiality: the Isles of Scilly in context. IN CUMMINGS, V. & FOWLER, C. (Eds.) The Neolithic of the Irish Sea: materiality and traditions of practice. Oxford, Oxbow’žAshbee, P. 1980 George Bonsor: An archaeological pioneer from Spain on Scilly. Cornish Studies, 8, 53-62npDD@@Ō”    ūŠ„„”””Ÿ››››››››››››››™•“‘‰„€|xtooomkk_[WUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'#  żżņåÕĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½½½·©ž“‚zreWA;*$ q’Ž’’’½ł’`z¼rč čų‹s’žHY2’žHY 53 NE 12’žWithebeir’žMill Hill’žchambered cairn?’žuncertain’žnone’žHY 5675 3537’ž35675 103537’ž356750’ž1035370’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50np’žn/a1814’žORK 55’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyes€’žno info on ground surface1’žyesnonpnpno’žN Scotland’žFarrer, J. 1857 Notes on the bronze and iron remains dug up in a 'Pict's House', in the Holm of Eday, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 178-9’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney : an inventory of the structures and their contents, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŖVVVVVJJJJFFFFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB>::::5555333                           żłõõõõõŪŪŪĢÄĄ¼·³ÆÆ©£}tl^PJ?-" q’Ā  "V čfŒsm’žST 04 SE 140’žBattlegore’žWilliton I’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 0745 4162’ž30745 14162’ž307450’ž141620’žSomerset’žWest Somerset’žWilliton’žCotswolds’žnone30npxnpnp’žSOM 11’žDarvill 2004nonononoyes5@&1nonpno’ž51°092 58.883 N, 003°192 29.933 W’ž51°092 57.073 N, 003°192 25.513 W’žSW England -WC’žGray, H. S. G. 1931 Battlegore, Williton. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 77, 7-36’žGrinsell, L. V. 1969 Somerset Barrows: Part 1, west and south. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 113, 1-43’ž365’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus£KFFFFŠppppp`5  žžžžžžžžüüüššššššššššššššššššššššššźźźźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĢÄĄ¼ŗ¶²²¬”—ˆ~vnaSMG0$ q’Ą#  :Œg LVAL°ly lined and filled with burnt black material. Still farther east, but in the centre there had been several fires.' Site lies on an old ridgeway - Stanborough Lane. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H Ę č։s’žHY’žHY 21 SE 10’žBookan’žBuckan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 2864 1412’ž32864 101412’ž328640’ž1014120’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSandwick’žMainland’žnone’žon the crest of a ridge with views over the Brodgar Peninsula and the Lochs of Stenness and Harray26x’ž13.4xx’žORK 4’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyes’žMiddle Old Red Sandstonenononoyesyesnono2’ž2 m S of passage entrance0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono0’žunknown0’žflagstone¢@Ųx1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesx’žentire surfacex’žpassage & chambers’žimported clean grey clayx’žflagstone paving’žflagstone paving’žflagstone paving’žflagstone pavingyesxnonono’ž59°002 29.633 N, 003°142 38.503 W’ž59°002 31.163 N, 003°142 32.873 W’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žCard, N. 2005 Excavation of Bookan chambered cairn, Sandwick. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 135, 163-190’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney : an inventory of the structures and their contents, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press««««‚,,,,(ńĘĀ¾¾ŗø²²²²²²²²²² Ž|jhN:8(&! ÷ģźįįßŪ×ŅĪĢČĘĀĄ¾¼ŗø¶›™•‘‹…}y_YSSSSSSSS920.(&"½·­£“ƒzrdV>8' q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą~LVALˆÄ_ēDrew 1936: p 81 'the original turf line lay unbroken beneath the mound & was separated from the underlying chalk by a thin natural layer of marly clay. On the original turf line lay several vertebrae of Bos primigenius, a fragment of red deer antler, a flint microlith and the carbonized remains of ..hawthorne.' No primary interment was found - despite no evidence for disturbance, and bone preservation was good (based on animal bones).  At 4.6 m from the central point was an oval heap, 0.3-0.6 m high, with its long axis at right angles to that of the barrow. & turf had been built up into two walls with vertical inner faces to a height of nearly 0.9 m. Before the construction of the barrow had been completed, the span between these walls had been filled with chalk rubble& The heap& strongly suggested some ritual arrangement at the very point where a primary interment would normally have been expected. This point was indeed the focus of the building of the barrow, for & the whole of the barrow was an enlargement and a prolongation from this feature.   Underlying the mound, but covered by the unbroken old turfline were 3 pits. Their shapes were irregular & The filling was chalk rubble with occasional burnt flints and charcoal. While there was no clue as to their use or precise age, their position under the unbroken turf line indicated that they preceded the construction of the barrow by some considerable time. The ditches were similar in construction to those at causewayed enclosures. Evidence for fint knapping found in 6 places on the ditch bottom. Finds from the ditch bottom include flints, pottery, animal bones and 2 carved chalk phallus. There was a well-marked interval in the ditch fillings between the Neolithic A and B wares. P 96 - 3 postholes were found in the ditch causeway (Drew compares to the forecourt of a chambered tomb) - no evidence of their date but prob. Contemporary with barrow construction. Their size implies posts of considerable dimensions; unikely to have had structural ž LVAL or utilitarian purpose, so likely had ritual significance. Kinnes 1992 - suggests the pits may represent flint extraction. Johnston 1999 -P 47 -  the C14 date should be treated with caution because the sampled deposits do not appear to have come from an occupation layer. Johnston 1999 - p 42 -  occupation features and debris were found beneath Thickthorne Down, Handley Hill and Wor Barrow Allen & Gardiner (2002) note that they are attempting to locate the charcoal from the pits for dating. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H ± LVALĮ Borlase 1872: p 279-80: 'the author caused a pit to be sunk between the supporters of the 'Quoit.' Nothing, however, was discovered besides a small flint chip and the fact that a similar pit had been sunk in the same spot to a depth of four feet from the surface, previous to the erect’žBorlase 1872: p 279-80: 'the author caused a pit to be sunk between the supporters of the 'Quoit.' Nothing, however, was discovered besides a small flint chip and the fact that a similar pit had been sunk in the same spot to a depth of four feet from the surface, previous to the erection of the structure. This was, doubtless, a grave like that at Lanyon, which, if it had not been subsequently disturbed, had, at all events, lost all trace of its ancient occupant.' Daniel (1950) suggests this site may be natural in origin (except for the cup-marks on the 'capstone').Š LVALą RRadley 1971 : barrow was dug into in 1824 - described as a 'series of narrow caverns, formed of stones and earth in which several skulls and many human bones were found.' A local farmer excavated in 1947 - revealed a standing stone, but did not reach the old ground surface. Found a stone cist which contained the remains of 3 individuals. In 1968 the 1947 trench was re-excavated by Radley & Plant. P 23 the buried turf line was identified; it was 10-15 cm thick and rested on a yellow subsoil. Between the cist and the standing stone a spread of yellow clay rested on the turf, and was in turn covered by a paving of limestone, in places a true pa’žRRadley 1971 : barrow was dug into in 1824 - described as a 'series of narrow caverns, formed of stones and earth in which several skulls and many human bones were found.' A local farmer excavated in 1947 - revealed a standing stone, but did not reach the old ground surface. Found a stone cist which contained the remains of 3 individuals. In 1968 the 1947 trench was re-excavated by Radley & Plant. P 23 the buried turf line was identified; it was 10-15 cm thick and rested on a yellow subsoil. Between the cist and the standing stone a spread of yellow clay rested on the turf, and was in turn covered by a paving of limestone, in places a true pavement and elsewhere a stony gravel trampled into the clay. The clay contained fragments of human bone, a few animal bones and struck black chert flakes. A shallow grave dug into the clay and old turf line contained the articulated ribs and vertebrae of a young person, set within a small arrangement of stones. Near the shallow grave, which was sealed by yellow clay, was a shallow hearth or depression holding a small quantity of charcoal which was also covered by the clay covering the grave. Radley & Plant suggest that prior to mound construction, there was an open cemetery of free standing cists and a single standing stone, surrounded by paving.“ č£Œsś’žSP 01 NE 4b’žHazleton South’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 072 188’ž40720 21880’ž407200’ž218800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHazleton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž250’žSE/NWx5024’žGLO 33’žDarvill 2004nono’žlimestone; Great Oolite series of the Middle Jurassicno„@Ł1’žyesnpyesnonpno’žSW England’žSaville, A. 1990 Hazleton North: the excavation of a Neolithic long cairn of the Cotswold-Severn Group, London, Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England.30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusf     ^^^^^RRRRNJFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<77777777555))))))))))))))))))))))))))))%īźęęęęęęęęŲŠĢČĘæŗŗ“©Ÿ•„|tg[JD-' q’Ą  #„wō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ ol Gy€’ry€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ ol Gy€’roly€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 yy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ oly€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 yy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTIy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€ oly€rolSITE DESCRIPTION111 y€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE DEy€rolSITE u€  Gu€  Gu€’ u€  Gu€  Gu€’  u€  Gt€ u€  Gu€’  u€  Gu€  Gu€  Gu€’ u€  Gu€  Gu€’  u€  Gt€ u€  Gu€’  uu€  Gu€  Gu€  Gu€’  čLVALųNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface O'Neil and Grinsell (1960) : site was excavated in 1850 by Sir Hen’žNo excavation report - no information on buried ground surface O'Neil and Grinsell (1960) : site was excavated in 1850 by Sir Henry Dryden - Archive held at Northampton Library, but his account of excavation has not been found ( p 129). May be 2 round barrows.¦ č¶Œs’žSP 03 SE 7’žSnowshill 1’žMonument #328146’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0908 3337’ž40908 23337’ž409080’ž233370’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žSnowshill’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE/W’žn/a4624’žGLO 40’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononono@ķ2’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus;ćßßßßßLLLLL@@@@<<7733333333333333333333/********(((     óóóåŻŁÕŠĖĒĒĮ¶«ŸŽ†~qcRL5# q’Ā  "„ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H  šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H LVALCunnington 1914: Excavating near the east end, a stratum of black earth was found at the depth of about 1.5 m, and in and below this a pile of human bones closely packed with a sp’žCunnington 1914: Excavating near the east end, a stratum of black earth was found at the depth of about 1.5 m, and in and below this a pile of human bones closely packed with a space of less than 1.2 m in diameter and about .45 m in depth. They proved to be the remains of 8 skeletons, strangely cemented together& Nearly all the skulls have been extremely cleft' šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H É LVALŁ Cunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the discovery seem to have been published. The following is the entry in the MCS Cat. : ' (descriptions of two skeletons).. The doubling up, or contraction, was exces’žCunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the discovery seem to have been published. The following is the entry in the MCS Cat. : ' (descriptions of two skeletons).. The doubling up, or contraction, was excessive, the skeleton occupying no more than .43 cubic metres. There was reason to suppose from the appearance of the left side of the skull, and the position of the long bones in regard to it, that this last had been cleft at the time of death. With neither skeleton was there any relic, but about .3 m to the west of the last was a fine skull of Bos longifrons. At the base of the barrow near the west end was a second skull of the same species.. 0.3 m or so above the first skull of Bos l. were several fine antlers of red deer.qLVALCColt Hoare 1812 : a stratum of black sooty earth 23-46 cm thick, which appeared, like a ridge, to extend the whole length of the barrow and decrease in thickness as it reached the edge. Ca’žCColt Hoare 1812 : a stratum of black sooty earth 23-46 cm thick, which appeared, like a ridge, to extend the whole length of the barrow and decrease in thickness as it reached the edge. Came across a deposit (almost a shovel full) of bird bones Cunnington (1914) reports Thurnam's excavation (taken from the MS Cat): found primary burial beneath a pile of flints and black earthLVALķ cöSmith 1990: p 19 The old land surface: ' was a very abrupt and clear horizon, a thin, compressed silty old turf line. Examination of the soil (Keeley 1989) showed that the organic fraction of the turf-line had oxidised or leached to leave a grey silty residue and that the soil had probably developed in grassland and was of a type normally to be expected on the local subsoil. .' P 19 "Approximately central to the width of the mound at the E end was a single shallow pit c. 1.40m in diameter and 0.46m deep. Its fill consisted of seven thin layers of silty loam of varying hue and devoid of artefacts. & ...The soil layers were sieved and floated but produced only a little finely divided carbon material, inadequate for identification or radiocarbon dating (ibid.). In the area immediately around the pit was a thin layer of darker soil apparently a truncated remnant of the old land surface surviving in a slight hollow in the subsoil. A number of charcoal fragments were recovered from this layer and these were identified as 'mature, Quercus sp.' (N.D. Balaam, Site Archive) and at first interpreted as a possible remnant of some activity contemporary with the construction of the mound. However, the charcoal produced a radiocarbon. date of 831O±100 BP (HAR-8544, calibration inapplicable), long predating any possible Neolithic activity and so must be Mesolithic, perhaps from a phase of primary forest clearance." Finds were confined to the ditch fill, and consequently unstratified. However, two Mesolithic tools were identified, along with Late Neolithic tools. P 24-5 "The microlith and blunted pieces probably originate from the old land surface beneath the mound but the area on which the mound was built was in any case a likely spot for activity, being a slight promontory overlooking the valley.). The radiocarbon date of 6360 + 100 BC (HAR-8544, calibration inapplicable), from the old land surface beneath the mound, while not actually dating the feature itself, suggests that there may have been a Mesolithic phžLVAL®ase of primary clearance and activity." LVAL f- floor of sand & charcoal; 2 patches of black earth, one covered with a stone slab Woodham 1963: 'The [chamber] floor was of sand and contained a few tiny pieces of charcoal. & In the centre of the inner compartment a flat stone 30 cm long and 25 cm broad was found lying directly on the floor surface covering a patch of black earth. The patch did not ext’žf- floor of sand & charcoal; 2 patches of black earth, one covered with a stone slab Woodham 1963: 'The [chamber] floor was of sand and contained a few tiny pieces of charcoal. & In the centre of the inner compartment a flat stone 30 cm long and 25 cm broad was found lying directly on the floor surface covering a patch of black earth. The patch did not extend beyond the stone. Another black patch about 30 cm in diameter was noted at the foot of the headstone and mid-way along it. & A flat stone just within the fallen blocking slab [in the passage] covered blackened earth& .Small sherds of beaker were found on the floor& White quartz was unusually sparse, only four or five pieces being noted in the course of the excavation.? čOŒsÉ’žSP 12 NW 5’žOak Piece’žTemple Guiting II’žchambered long barrow’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1331 2879’ž41331 22879’ž413310’ž228790’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žTemple Guiting’žCotswold’žE/W’žn/a4818’žGLO 43’žDarvill 2004’žWesterling 1937’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoē@42no’žn/ano’žSW England’žWesterling, E. M. 1937 [New barrow discoveries]. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 26, 138-9’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus©QMMMMŗEEEEE99995500000000000000000000000,,,,,,,,***õäääÖĪŹĘĮ¼¼¼¼²¢˜‡wj\KK4! qļ?~Ę €"Œj LVALz HHencken 1932 - p 44 the cairn was encircled by four concentric drystone walls, 'an arrangement found also in the chambered mound of Ile Longue in Brittany'.  In the heart of the mound within the fourth wall was a chamber& and one end of this seems not to have been closed by a stone wall& possibly the successive concentric walls represent older revetments rendered obsolete by successive enlargements, and if this be so, the chamber may have originally had an outside entrance. Beside the chamber was a narrow stone-lined trench, and in both were cremated remains and pieces of broken pots, but the ashes in the chamber seem to have fallen in from above. Borlase 1886 - p 196  At a point in the inner wall& stood a single slab, apparently used as a rude entrance& Within this entrance was a tre’žHHencken 1932 - p 44 the cairn was encircled by four concentric drystone walls, 'an arrangement found also in the chambered mound of Ile Longue in Brittany'.  In the heart of the mound within the fourth wall was a chamber& and one end of this seems not to have been closed by a stone wall& possibly the successive concentric walls represent older revetments rendered obsolete by successive enlargements, and if this be so, the chamber may have originally had an outside entrance. Beside the chamber was a narrow stone-lined trench, and in both were cremated remains and pieces of broken pots, but the ashes in the chamber seem to have fallen in from above. Borlase 1886 - p 196  At a point in the inner wall& stood a single slab, apparently used as a rude entrance& Within this entrance was a trench, running in a NNW direction faced on either side with stones set on edge. It was 45 cm wide & ..From the bottom of it were taken up a small piece of coarse sepuchral pottery and two chips of burnt human bone. Driving on towards the centre& at a distance of 2.4 m from the stone door we came to the mouth of a chamber& the floor proved to be 60 m below the natural surface. The internal length was 2.3m. Its direction was NNW-SSE. The width in the centre was 90 cm. It was 1.2 m high and was roofed in by four stones of various sizes. & ..The chamber was more than half full of slimy earth and stone mingled with ashes which appeared to have fallen through from above. A few atoms of very rude pottery and a whetstone not perforated were taken up from the bottom.  A small empty cist was found in the upper levels of the cairn. č%s0¤’žSP 21 SE 1’žSouthlawn Barrow’žMonument #332330’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2933 1387’ž42933 21387’ž429330’ž213870’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žSwinbrook and Widford’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx7520’žClifford 1937>@-ģ2npyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žClifford, E. M. 1937 The Beaker folk in the Cotwolds Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 3, 159-163’žManning, P. & Leeds, E. T. 1921 An archaeological survey of Oxfordshire Archaeologia 71, 227-65’ž304ääßßßß|üüööööööööööööööööööööņņņņņņņņņšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääÕÕÕÕÕŃĶĖÄĄĄŗ“‹~vnaSMG:( q’  "Œ a LVALq McArthur 1861 - 'we proceeded to remove the stones and earth which filled the rifled cells of this ghost-haunted cairn ; but a few marine shells mixed with the small delicate bones of birds, were all we could discover to repay our labour.' Duncan 1896 P 2: [opened one of the chambers] "[the chamber] had been filled up with earth and large stones, and contained several skeletons, none of which were quite complete. At the south end of the grave we found four skulls, at different levels, in various stages of decomposition& .We also found the vertebra of a ruminant and the’žMcArthur 1861 - 'we proceeded to remove the stones and earth which filled the rifled cells of this ghost-haunted cairn ; but a few marine shells mixed with the small delicate bones of birds, were all we could discover to repay our labour.' Duncan 1896 P 2: [opened one of the chambers] "[the chamber] had been filled up with earth and large stones, and contained several skeletons, none of which were quite complete. At the south end of the grave we found four skulls, at different levels, in various stages of decomposition& .We also found the vertebra of a ruminant and the skull of a small carnivorous animal." Bryce 1902: Excavation of the 'terminal cist, which had not been disturbed. The earth was removed down to the level of the transverse slabs and then the space between the stones very carefully cleaned out. About 1m below the top of the cross-slab a gravel bed was bared, and this was considered the floor of the cist." Human remains of at least 8 individuals were recovered from a layer about 45 cm thick on the gravel floor which consisted of a 'blackish mould, compressed into almost stony hardness". Animal bones were also recovered. šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H u č…‹s*’žST 78 SE 5’žHorton’žMonument #205132’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7827 8326’ž37827 18326’ž378270’ž183260’žAvon’žSouth Gloucestershire’žHorton’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx33’ž25.5’žGLO 19’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nonononoyes’ž22+0>@.ģ2nonononpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žAnon 1844 [Grickstone Farm, Horton]. Gentleman's Magazine, 114.1, 636’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-24442’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus„,((śDDDDD888844//++++++++++++++++++++'####   üųōšššššŲŲŲŹĀ¼ø¶ÆÆÆ©£›„~vnaSMG0 q’~Ā, "¼' č(Œs2³’žST 89 SW 20’žWest Barrow’žLeighterton’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8192 9130’ž38192 19130’ž381920’ž191300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBoxwell with Leighterton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž179’žE-W’žn/a6745’žGLO 18’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nononono>@2no’žn/ano’žSW England’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žWitts, G. B. 1883 Archaeological Handbook of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, G Norman’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14950’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusį‰………ņœCCCCC777733.......................********(((     żżżļēćßŚÕŠŠŹæ„›Š‚zm_NH1$ q’Ā €"œ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H  šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenū <        Ÿż‹0ŖjNLƒMż”µ›Mń      ‚ z[Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]N<6[Radiocarbon Dates].[NMR #] ’’’’qJD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’ ƒ wPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’  sLF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’  kD>[Radiocarbon Dates].[Site Name] ’’’’ H & LVAL6 Bryce 1902: p 99 '{The compartments] were filled with dark coloured earth& On riddling the soil, a few minute fragments of bone were recovered, which I believe had not been burnt; but no other bone, burnt or unburnt was found, and there were no animal remains whatsoever. Near the bottom, there was in each cist, as at Sliddery, a layer of black soil,’žBryce 1902: p 99 '{The compartments] were filled with dark coloured earth& On riddling the soil, a few minute fragments of bone were recovered, which I believe had not been burnt; but no other bone, burnt or unburnt was found, and there were no animal remains whatsoever. Near the bottom, there was in each cist, as at Sliddery, a layer of black soil, in which many pieces of wood charcoal were picked up. A sample of this earth, thrown into water, proved that the black colour was due to minute particles of charcoal, which floated on the surface, while the earthy particles were deposited.' [Bryce conducted further tests on the dark soil to determine its content - they were inconclusive see pp 99-100].I LVALY Mortimer 1905  pp 9-11: remains of six individuals found SW of the mound centre,  about the level of the old surface , in an area 1.7 m square. Two Towthorpe bowls found nearby  completely filled with dark soil, free from bones or ashes. Also found nearby were 4 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 1 lozenge point, 1 leaf point, 3 groups of flakes and 2 stone pounders/rubbers. An ox rib bone was found in the midst of the bodies. Rat bones were also found. The barrow was constructed of Kimmeridge clay (brought from a source 1 mile away), mixed with earth. PIT 1 - Oval shaped, 2.1 m long, 1.4 m wide, .8 m deep  located slightly north of the centre of the mound; filled with Kimmeridge c’žMortimer 1905  pp 9-11: remains of six individuals found SW of the mound centre,  about the level of the old surface , in an area 1.7 m square. Two Towthorpe bowls found nearby  completely filled with dark soil, free from bones or ashes. Also found nearby were 4 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 1 lozenge point, 1 leaf point, 3 groups of flakes and 2 stone pounders/rubbers. An ox rib bone was found in the midst of the bodies. Rat bones were also found. The barrow was constructed of Kimmeridge clay (brought from a source 1 mile away), mixed with earth. PIT 1 - Oval shaped, 2.1 m long, 1.4 m wide, .8 m deep  located slightly north of the centre of the mound; filled with Kimmeridge clay. Portion of a red deer antler found at a depth of about .6 m. PIT 2  funnel-shaped, 1 m wide at the top and .3 m at the bottom, and 1.4 m deep, located 20 feet north of the mound centre; contained burnt wood and 2 small bits of greatly decayed bone. This pit may have been cut through the body of the mound; so a secondary feature. GRAVE: located 3.3 m NNE of mound centre was a  small oval dish-shaped grave, 30 cm deep, on the bottom of which lay the body of a strong middle aged person A shallow ditch had once encircled the mound. Re: pits of clay and sand: Mortimer (1905) notes that 'sand and clay-pipes or pockets, in the chalk, are very deceptive and misleading, even to the most practiced workman.¢ č²‹s.Č’žST 83 SW 38’žBlackheath’žMere 13d’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8435 3455’ž38435 13455’ž384350’ž134550’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žMere’žnone’žnonexnpxx’žAc1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1957nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žchalk projection’žunknownnononono00’žunknownno@Cx1’žyesnonononononoxxxxnoxnoxnono’ž51°062 36.263 N, 002°132 29.503 W’ž51°062 34.373 N, 002°132 24.633 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 44-45)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press (p 147)46’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumYöņņņņJōōōōšąµŠ†‚‚‚€||||||||||||||zvtrpnjfb^ZVQQQOMMA=4220,($ ’żūł÷õóńļėē毣ÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅŶ¶¶©¤¢ œššš”Žˆ}rjbUGA;-# q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~ŒgLVAL£mSmith 1987: P 10 ' The first period of activity at Trefignath was represented by a small group of features and a large assemblage of finds found within the buried soil preserved beneath the cairn. The incomplete survival of the cairn meant that the old ground surface was truly sealed context in a few places only. However, the millennia-long burial by the cairn had insufficiently altered the soil profile for it to be easily recognized even on those parts of the site from which the cairn had more recently been removed.' P 11 - four features (post-holes) found under the central chamber likely pre-dated the tomb; remains are too fragmentary to properly interpret, but likely held timber posts. P 12 - the Period I finds at Trefignath could represent a domestic occupation of the ridge having nothing to do with funerary activity, or they could reflect the activities of the tomb builders - "in my view, the period I assemblage at Trefignath derives material from both kinds of activity." P 29 East Chamber: Several features were found within the forecourt of the E chamber - an arc of stakeholes of uncertain function and a pit. This pit may have played a part in rituals carried out in the forecourt or it may have contained a secondary burial; sherds of a vessel were found nearby...the disturbance was so thorough that it was not possible to determine if the pit had been sealed by the forecourt blocking or had cut through it. Nash 2006 - p 94-5 "the pre-cairn ground surface was sealed by the primary cairn and a radiocarbon date of 5050+70bp was obtained from a piece of charcoal from the surface. Scattered across the surface was a large selection of pre-monument artefacts.....These artefacts may suggest the presence of a small temporary settlement in existence prior to the construction of the monument. In contrast it may be the case that these domestic items are derived from the phase of preparation of the ground prior to construction of the monument, therefore suggesting ritual rather than domestic depositŽLVALīion.".'¦ LVAL¶ Pastscape:  Evidence of Neolithic occupation was discovered below the mound. It is thought that the mound was constructed as an entrance tomb in the late Neolithic period and was altered in the Early Bronze Age, at the same time the cremations were inserted into the chamber floor. ’žPastscape:  Evidence of Neolithic occupation was discovered below the mound. It is thought that the mound was constructed as an entrance tomb in the late Neolithic period and was altered in the Early Bronze Age, at the same time the cremations were inserted into the chamber floor. Borlase 1872: found a small pit lined with shell sand, which came from the Cove of Porthcurnow (not the nearest cove) some 3-4 miles distant. Apsimon 1972 p 56 'The old soil beneath the barrow contained charcoal, flints and fragmentary potsherds, indicative of earlier activity on the site.' č‘‹sL¶’žSU 05 SE 22’žEll Barrow’žWilsford 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0730 5136’ž40730 15136’ž407300’ž151360’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWilsford’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx’ž51.536’žSU 73’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žCunnington 1913-14nonononononononononono’žunknown0“@<1no’žyesnononono’žyesyesno’ž51°152 41.043 N, 001°532 48.093 W’ž51°152 39.193 N, 001°532 43.073 W’žSW England -WC’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180,196)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41476’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum`źęęęęb»»»»»«€UUQQQQKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFB>:61---+++ üųōšģččččŌĆĆĆ¶Æ«„£œœœ–†~skcVHB</# q’~Ę’@,ł :Œæ< čLŠs’žSWa’žSW 42 SW 19’žTregiffian Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4304 2442’ž14304 02442’ž143040’ž024420’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Buryan’žnone’žnone97x15xx’žBarnatt 1982’žMercer 1986nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žcupped stones; pebbles2’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žpre-barrow surfacenononono002?noJ@x1’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žoccupation debris; postholes; cultivationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDudley, D. 1968 Tregiffian, St Buryan. Cornish Archaeology, 7, 80; Pastscape -’žApsimon, A. 1972 Tregiffian Barrow , St Buryan. Cornish Archaeology, 11, 56; Apsimon, A. 1973 Tregiffian Barrow Archaeological Journal, 130, 241-3’žChristie, P. M. 1985 Barrows on the north Cornish coast: wartime excavations by C K Croft Andrew 1939-1944. Cornish Archaeology, 24, 23-122npææ»»,eæ   ōōōšÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§¢˜”‹†††„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZF42.,*(&$"’ūõļėēįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕČČČŗŗø¶²°¬¬¦ •Œ‚zreWGA0* q’_Ā’’’½ł’ąē¼ąLVALš’’’’rGDĢˆ­n ˆ“Ä… † Ź?ƒü‹° ­n—ˆ­n„@­n„8­nƒƒÆ«£ Æ’’’’ Š­n­n@­n„ ø­nš­n(­n„ Ų­nŲ­nŲ­n„ Š­n­n@­n‡ ž„ ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ ’Animal Bone.NMRƒAnimal Boneƒ1Animal Bone.Animal Bone #‡#Animal Bone.Animal…ƒˆ­nƒƒ€­n„ēƒ ­n„H­n˜’’…P­n’’’’™"ökć@ˆ’’’’„`­nx­nle…/Š­n@±besƒ7­n@±bon@­n@±boaPAnimal Boneƒƒˆ­nƒóƒ@­n„p­n˜’ž° ­nP­n’’’’Źķ]–īXć@ˆ’’’’„/~sq_fAnimal Bone Subform‰x­n‘Š ø­n(­n›„Š š­n0­n›„Š (­n8­n—ø­n„š­n„(­n„Š­n@±b‚t ‚ e­n@±b‚pto@­n@±b‚an/Animal Bone‡’’’’’„Š Š­n(­n—’’’’’„Š ­n0­n—’’’’’„Š @­n8­n—ø­n„š­n„(­n„ ”­n„P­nƒų ­n‡ P­n8­nH­nX­nh­nx­n@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n„@­n’’’’–­n”Ø­nˆ˜­nƒ@ ­nƒ ø“n^”€ˆ­n° ­nƒ ‹”n^”€ˆ­n° ­n‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆ­n° ­n‚ ‹”­n„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šü‡’’’’„˜ ­n 0­n„° ­n ˆ³b…x­nƒ ­nˆƒ@ ­nČ ­n„ƒx ­nŲ ­n„ƒ ‡ž‚ ­nƒ‡ƒ@ ­nƒ ‡ž‚x ­n„4‡ x ­n€ ­nˆ ­n¬ ­n„@ ­n„x ­n„° ­n„Animal Boneƒø ­nƒž”­n„ę‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚Ą­nƒü‡’’’’„Ø­nŲ”­n„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’P­nP­qnP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nP­nˆ‡ ­n„ƒ @­n0­nƒƒ­n€­n„8­n’’’’Animal Boneƒ”n^”€ˆ­n8­n„‹ƒĄ­nč ­n„ƒ‹Ą­n„Ž”n^”€ˆ­nP­nƒŒƒ0­nų­n„‡’’’’ƒƒ0­nh­n„° ­n„LVALŠŠŠĻDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, .9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south . The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Benea’žDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, .9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south . The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Beneath the walls was a layer of black ashes about 1.2 cm thick, and below that ’žDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, .9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south . The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Beneath the walls was a layer of black ashes about 1.2 cm thick, and below that was  a considerable quantity of stumps, or perhaps roots of trees which stood on the round before the tumulus was built.   The ground below the bottom of the tumulus had, app’žDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, .9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south . The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Beneath the walls was a layer of black ashes about 1.2 cm thick, and below that was  a considerable quantity of stumps, or perhaps roots of trees which stood on the round before the tumulus was built.   The ground below the bottom of the tumulus had, apparently not been broken or disturbed. The excavation rep’žDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, .9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south . The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Beneath the walls was a layer of black ashes about 1.2 cm thick, and below that was  a considerable quantity of stumps, or perhaps roots of trees which stood on the round before the tumulus was built.   The ground below the bottom of the tumulus had, apparently not been broken or disturbed. The excavation report is not very precise. It is not clear from the excavation report whether the excavators actually reached the ground surface.’žBeaker inhumation in a stone cist was found during quarrying operations in 1904. A 60 cm layer of soil over the cist was presumed to represent the remains of a barrow. No information on ground surface No excavation recordsÄ LVALŌ Corcoran 1966 - p. 23 - 'The floor of the [north] chamber was not paved'. P. 25  The original floor of the E side of the [south] chamber had been intensively burnt, but it was not possible to determine whether this had occurred in prehistoric times or during more recent disturbance. P 31:  The N chamber did not appear to have been disturbed, and burial deposits here were recovered intact. Two low platforms of dry-stone construction were built and burials were placed on them. & ..Five burials ’žCorcoran 1966 - p. 23 - 'The floor of the [north] chamber was not paved'. P. 25  The original floor of the E side of the [south] chamber had been intensively burnt, but it was not possible to determine whether this had occurred in prehistoric times or during more recent disturbance. P 31:  The N chamber did not appear to have been disturbed, and burial deposits here were recovered intact. Two low platforms of dry-stone construction were built and burials were placed on them. & ..Five burials were found in the N chamber, two lying on each platform. Each of these four latter deposits comprised disarticulated assemblages of human bone. The surviving portion of the fifth burial was articulated and lay on large slabs &  P 32  Burial deposit B& .it was apparent that bones, some of which had already decayed, were collected and liberally encased in clay to such an extent that clay had been forced into the interior of long bones& P 33  it appears that the users of the tomb did not wish to place human remains on the floor . č!Œs’žNC ’žNC 75 NW 7’žSkelpick Long’žSkelpick Burn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žNC 7225 5672’ž27225 95672’ž272250’ž956720’žHighland’žHighland’žFarr’žnone’žnone32’žNW-SEx72’ž20.4’žSUT 53’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no*@x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žN Scotlandno’žHorsburgh, J. 1868 Notes of cromlechs, duns, hut-circles, chambered cairns and other remains, in the county of Sutherland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 7, 271-9’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1995 The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŅ\\\\\\žžžžšŽŽŽŽŠŠŠˆ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„‚~|zxvrmiea]YYYWUUIECAA?;73/-)'#! ’ū÷óļėėėėėėėėŅŹÄĄ¾·³³­§”—…}pbKE4% q’Ą’’’½ł’`bnLVAL¶ToCorcoran 1966 p 38: 'The floor of the chamber had a discontinuous layer of flat slabs of varying sizes.... It is possible that this paving had been laid as part of some ritual activity, which had taken place before the cairn was built, as at least one of the larger slabs was overlaid by the side wall& The paving had been placed over a layer of burnt material, which could be seen to have extended beyond the limits of the chamber, under the side-walls and into the area covered by the body of the cairn.' p. 41  The larger part of the burial deposit was found lying on a layer of flat stones in the innermost segment of the chamber. The bones of this deposit were not articulated, but were heaped together in the centre of the segment and were surmounted by an almost complete, but shattered, cranium. Human bone was also found in the other two segments and in the passage. With the exception [of a few bones and teeth] the human bone may be attributed to two adults only. P 42:  Animal bones were similarly found in all three segments and in the passage. Most appear to represent food remains deposited in the chamber with the human burials, as the greater part of the animal bones were found above the paving. A few animal bones were found below the paving, but differ considerably from the small burnt fragments which occur in the underlying burnt deposit& .Most of the artefacts were found beneath the paving, associated with a burnt deposit consisting of charcoal and very small fragments of intensely burnt and unidentifiable bone. As this deposit continued beneath the walls of the chamber, it appears to represent the remains of some activity which preceded the erection of the cairn. Although only small sherds of Neolithic pottery were found, the unabraded condition of most of them suggests that this deposit was laid down not very long before the construction of the cairn. It might be assumed that the 'paving' was placed in position immediately after the burnt deposit and artefacts were scattered over what LVAL*Sharples 1984:  The structure had large quantities of flint knapping debris on the floor and with this was pottery including some sherds of Grooved ware . P 82  The passage entrance was likely spanned by a very large de’žSharples 1984:  The structure had large quantities of flint knapping debris on the floor and with this was pottery including some sherds of Grooved ware . P 82  The passage entrance was likely spanned by a very large decorated lintel. Most of the cairn had collapsed, and subsequent alterations and constructions had destroyed much of the original structure. P 91: The cairn contained virtually no finds, although later structures were rich in debris. LVAL CCorcoran 1966 p 5-6 : The floor of the chamber was paved with two slabs, both measuring more than 6 in. in thickness .p 7  Beneath the level marked by the upper deposits of shell and animal bones, the remainder of the chamber was filled with a deposit of bone, both human and animal, the limpet shells already mentioned, and layers of thin, flat stones. The deposit was approximately 1 ft 6 in. thick and lay on the pa’žCCorcoran 1966 p 5-6 : The floor of the chamber was paved with two slabs, both measuring more than 6 in. in thickness .p 7  Beneath the level marked by the upper deposits of shell and animal bones, the remainder of the chamber was filled with a deposit of bone, both human and animal, the limpet shells already mentioned, and layers of thin, flat stones. The deposit was approximately 1 ft 6 in. thick and lay on the paving stones of the chamber. & P 7-8 :  The human remains& were sandwiched between layers of small, flat stones, and animal bones. Most of the latter may be interpreted as remains of food offerings. Of greater significance perhaps, were the remains of two dogs. ...The whole deposit in the chamber was capped by a layer of mollusca, animal bone, some of it intensely burnt and unidentifiable, and charcoal. Chamber roof was collapsed.¬LVAL¼was to become the chamber area. # LVAL3 Savory 1956 - makes frequent reference to the 'yellow clay subsoil' and no reference to an old turf line above it - turf clearance? P 302 ' On clearing the cairn material from the interior of the chamber a small oval hollow filled with dark earth was found dug in the yellow clay about I ft. from north to south and 8 in. from east to west and 6 in. deep. The charcoal flecks, which occurred on the surface of the yellow clay throughout the chamber and immediately outside it, were also found on the sides and bottom of this hollow.' P 303 "a second, larger hollow in the yellow clay immediately south of the sill, oval, 2 ft. From east to west and I ft. From north to south, and 6 in, deep. Not only were flecks of charcoal found’žSavory 1956 - makes frequent reference to the 'yellow clay subsoil' and no reference to an old turf line above it - turf clearance? P 302 ' On clearing the cairn material from the interior of the chamber a small oval hollow filled with dark earth was found dug in the yellow clay about I ft. from north to south and 8 in. from east to west and 6 in. deep. The charcoal flecks, which occurred on the surface of the yellow clay throughout the chamber and immediately outside it, were also found on the sides and bottom of this hollow.' P 303 "a second, larger hollow in the yellow clay immediately south of the sill, oval, 2 ft. From east to west and I ft. From north to south, and 6 in, deep. Not only were flecks of charcoal found at the bottom and on the sides of this hollow, but minute fragments of burnt bone. More fragments of burnt bone were found in crevices of the cairn material immediately south of the west end of the sill. Unfortunately none of the fragments were large enough to establish their human character & " P 304 "The chamber itself stands on a flat ledge and as ..the surface of the yellow clay here, both within and without the chamber, was flecked with charcoal, it is probable that the surface on which the cairn was built was prepared by removing the top soil and cutting into the yellow clay." P 307 DUMMY FORECOURT "an oblong pit, 5 ft long, 2 ft 4 inches wide and 1 foot deep was found to have been dug into the yellow clay in the forecourt& "~LVALŽFrom Canmore - The floor of the NW cell is cut partly into rock and is on occasion filled with water. - The NE cell - the bottom of the NE wall has been cut into the natural rock ’žFrom Canmore - The floor of the NW cell is cut partly into rock and is on occasion filled with water. - The NE cell - the bottom of the NE wall has been cut into the natural rock which also forms the floor on this side. - On the floor of the central chamber close to the W wall there is a pit; it has sloping sides and is about 0.4m in diameter and 0.12m deep.’ č¢Šs’žNP’žNPRN 92191’žPen y Wyrlod Long Cairn’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1505 3156’ž31505 23156’ž315050’ž231560’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž260’žNW-SEx6025’žBRE 14’žDarvill 2004’žSavory 1973nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žmusical instrument?; sandstone disc1’žportal0xx0x0’žyes?’žportal’žpre-cairn structure?’žportalyesnonono02+0’žslabA@-x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žvariousxx’žpassage; Lateral Chambers NE I, II and IInoxyesx’žstructure?; pit; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žWalesno’žyes?’žBritnell, W. & Savory, H. 1984 Gwernvale and Penywyrlod: two Neolithic Long Cairns in the Black Mountains of Brecknock, Cardiff, Cambrian Archaeological Association’žSavory, H. N. 1973 Pen-y-wyrlod: a new Welsh long cairn. Antiquity, 47, 187-92’žSelkirk, A. 1975 Pen Y Wyrlod. Current Archaeology, 5, 121-122’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusų    ^ d^^^ZSSSL)))'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!šīģćߌÖŅĶČĆĆĆĮææ³­«§§„”™“‹umgeca_][SQ,(" óóóåŻŁÕÓĢĒĒĮ°¦–‡rdSM60 q’Ā’’’½ł’`f č‹s¼’žSP 12 NW 21’žEyford Hill’žMonument #330299’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1426 2580’ž41426 22580’ž414260’ž225800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žUpper Slaughter’žCotswolds’žnone’ž188’žNE-SWx3313’žGLO 3’žDarvill 2004’žGreenwell 1877nonononoyesnoyesnono’žshale bead0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0190’žslab@<x1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’ž51°552 50.083 N, 001°472 38.203 W’ž51°552 48.513 N, 001°472 33.043 W’žSW Englandno’žRolleston, G. 1876 On the people of the long barrow period. Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 5, 120-173 (p 153-165)’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 514-520)’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusģ”ż°////+ōÉÅĮĮĮæ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·³Ŗئ¤Ÿš–’ŽŠ………ƒuomiigc_[WUQOKIGECA?=;/+'! ÷÷÷éāŽŚŲŃĢĢĘ»Ŗ ‡rdSM6$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`~œ’\ čl‹s’žNP^’žNPRN 32563’žMynydd Troed’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSO 1614 2842’ž31614 22842’ž316140’ž228420’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž350’žNNE-SSWx18’ž25.5’žBRE 10yesyes’žOld Red Sandstonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žsurface vegetation burnt’žallsurface vegetation burntxnono000noō@Æx1’žyes?no’žyesnono’žyesnp’žallxxxnoxyesxnono’žWalesno’žCrampton, C. B. & Webley, D. 1966 A section through the Mynydd Troed long barrow, Brecknock. Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 22, 71-7’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows6ŽmŪŪŪŪ׊ŠŠĢČČČĘĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“Æ«¦¢ž™•‹‹{ywwuqmk;6  žųņīźęÓĶĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒæ¹µ³Ŗ„„ŸŽ„tme]PB<6*$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f<Ā č‹s’žSV’žSV 80 NE 7’žObadiah's Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 8880 0851’ž08880 00851’ž088800’ž008510’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Agnes’žSt Agnes’žGugh’žnonenp’žSE-NW7xx’žAshbee 1980’žAshbee ? 1980’žDaniel 1950’žKirk 2004nonononononoyesnono’ž2 bone points0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno01’ž12+noa@īx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Englandno’žAshbee, P. 1980 George Bonsor: An archaeological pioneer from Spain on Scilly. Cornish Studies, 8, 53-62’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žHencken, H. O. N. 1933 Notes on the megalithic monuments in the Isles of Scilly Antiquaries Journal, 13, 13-29’žKirk, T. 2004 Memory, tradition and materiality: the Isles of Scilly in context. IN CUMMINGS, V. & FOWLER, C. (Eds.) The Neolithic of the Irish Sea: materiality and traditions of practice. Oxford, Oxbow 233-244npķķéé”4ČČČČÄøøøø“““²¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ŗ¦¤¢ ž™”Œ‡‚~~~|zznjecca]WSOMIGCA?=;9753$  žžóęÖÉÉÉÉÉĒÅĆ¼øø²¬¢˜‡wj\E?.( q’Ž’’’½ł’`b¼Ņ@ čPŠs}†’žST 56 SW 10’žFairy's Toot’žNempnett Thrubwell’žchambered long barrow’žgallery grave’žCotswold-Severn’žST 5205 6179’ž35205 16179’ž352050’ž161790’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žNempnett Thrubwell’žCotswolds’žnone’žS-Nx’ž45.7’ž22.8’žSOM 2’žDarvill 2004yes’žholed stone0æ@ 1’žyesnpno’ž51°212 11.503 N, 002°412 23.583 W’ž51°212 09.743 N, 002°412 18.873 W’žSW England -WC’žBulleid, A. 1941 Notes on some chambered long barrows in north Somerset. Proceedings of the Somerset Arch and NatHist, 87, 56-71; Bere, T. 1789 [Fairy's Toot]. Gentleman's Magazine, 59, 392 ff’žBoon, G. C. & Donovan, D. T. 1953-4 Fairy Toot: The 'Lost Cave of Burrington'. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 7, 35-9’žScarth, R. P. 1859 Remarks on ancient chambered tumuli as illustrative still existing at Stoney Littleton, near Wellow, in the county of Somerset. Proceedings of the Somerset Arch and Nat Hist Society, 8, 35-62’žGrinsell, L. V. 1971 Somerset barrows. Part II - north and east. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History 115, 44-137 ( p 83-84)’ž381’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus¹a\\Ųg”””””‘f;;77773333333333333333333333333....,,,              żöšźčćććŻŅ¾”›“‹~p_P9% q’~„( :¼7` čps’žTL’žTL 29 NW 49’žFengate Depot’žMonument #1253314’žround barrow’žring ditch’žnone’žTL 2120 9855’ž52120 29855’ž521200’ž298550’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žPeterborough’žnone4xnpxxnononono5@'1nonpnpno’ž52°342 16.763 N, 000°122 46.863 W’ž52°342 15.373 N, 000°122 40.953 W’žSE England’žEvans, C. 1994 The Fengate Depot site. Fenland Research, 8, 2-9np™™•••••RRRRRFššģģģģččččččččččččččččččččäąąąąąąąąŽŽŽŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾ŗø¶¶¶°¢”„|tgYSG9& q’?Ą  :„r² čĀ‹s’žNP8’žNPRN 306038’žFfostyll North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1790 3497’ž31790 23497’ž317900’ž234970’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanelieu’žCotswolds’žnone’ž312’žE-Wx’ž22.5’ž40.5’žBRE 3’žDarvill 2004’žNash 2006nonononoyesnoyesyesnono’ž10+0'@$ź1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpyesno’ž52°002 25.613 N, 003°112 50.733 W’ž52°002 24.143 N, 003°112 46.153 W’žWales’žVulliamy, C. E. 1922 Excavation of a long barrow in Breconshire. Man, 22, 150-52’žVulliamy, C. E. 1923 Further Excavations in the Long Barrows at Ffostill. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 78, 320-4’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusGļļļļ~ŗŗŗŗŗ³ˆ]]YYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOJFB=8444222&&$ żłõńńńńńęęęŲŃĖÅĆ¾¹¹³Ø†~vi[JD-' q’Ā’,ł :% č5Œs’žHYH’žHY 53 NE 9’žVinquoy Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 5601 3812’ž35601 103812’ž356010’ž1038120’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone72x’ž17.7xx’žORK 53’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1863nononono1’žcentral chamber0xx0x0noxnox0r@x1’žyes’žyesyesnono’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žFraser, D. 1983 Land and Society in Neolithic Orkney, Oxford, B.A.R.’žCanmore -’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÕeeeHŗdddd`TTTPLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA<<<<<<<<:88,,,,,*****($"’’’’’’’ū÷óļļļļļāāāČĄ¾¼¶“°°Ŗ¤žŽ~um_QA;*$ q’Ā’” f999777++'################### żłõõõõõęęęŲŃĶÉĒ¾¹¹³Ø†~vi[JD-' q’Ā’,ł :<> čN‹s’žSU“’žSU 15 SE 16’žFittleton 5’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1988 5166’ž41988 15166’ž419880’ž151660’žWiltshire’žKennet’žFittleton’žnone’žnone’žNNE-SSWx4517’ž SU 85’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žE endnononono01+0no\@(x1nononononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areanoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington, W. 1896 Opening of barrows etc near Haxon. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 28, 172-173’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum»EAAA½››››—‡‡‡ƒ}yyyyjjjjjjjjjjhdb`^\XTPLHD@@@><<0,*&&$  žüųöōņšīģźčäąÜŲŌŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ³«§£”˜˜˜’Œynf^QC=7*$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’bfœž‡LVAL—Colt Hoare 1812: on opening, near the centre of the barrow. Found a cist cut into the native soil below the barrow, which contained an inhumation; over it was a cup of rude Britis’žColt Hoare 1812: on opening, near the centre of the barrow. Found a cist cut into the native soil below the barrow, which contained an inhumation; over it was a cup of rude British pottery. Cunnington 1914 - barrow was re-opened by Thurnam who found the remains of the skeleton but no further result. Kinnes 1992 - notes that grave was at east end of barrowé LVALł Mortimer 1905:  An oblong grave in the apparent centre of the mound [3.2m x 1.5 m x 17-20 cm deep]. At the W end of the grave were two adult skeletons, each accompanied by a Beaker. A pointed stakehole, 22 cm deep and 5 cm in diameter and filled with burnt soil was observed near the knees of one of the bodies. The E end of the grave was 10 - 15 cm deeper than the W end. 'Over the whole of the bottom of the grave were traces of burning in the form of wood ashes and soil reddened by heat, clearly indicating a fire, or the covering of the bottom of the grave with matter obtained from the remains of a fire. We also found 2 or 3 ’žMortimer 1905:  An oblong grave in the apparent centre of the mound [3.2m x 1.5 m x 17-20 cm deep]. At the W end of the grave were two adult skeletons, each accompanied by a Beaker. A pointed stakehole, 22 cm deep and 5 cm in diameter and filled with burnt soil was observed near the knees of one of the bodies. The E end of the grave was 10 - 15 cm deeper than the W end. 'Over the whole of the bottom of the grave were traces of burning in the form of wood ashes and soil reddened by heat, clearly indicating a fire, or the covering of the bottom of the grave with matter obtained from the remains of a fire. We also found 2 or 3 handfuls of calcined human bone mixed with burnt soil distributed over the greater part of the E end of the grave. About .5m from the E end of the grave was a narrow trench with sloping sides; 9.1 m long, .76 m in depth and .60 m wide at the top. It was filled with chalk rubble and soil and in the centre portion - opposite the grave - there were traces of fire, the chalk rubble being burnt red and mixed with burnt wood. The trench also contained pieces of large dish-shaped pottery, and four fragments of unburnt animal bone. At the north end of the trench and about 25 cm from the bottom was an adult skeleton, missing its right arm. £ LVAL³ Manby 1963: P 181 'The pre-barrow surface within the mortuary enclosure was represented by a thick black layer like compact soot overlying the brown flinty subsoil. This surface was 1 foot higher than the general level of the surrounding wold, the covering mound having protected it from the effects of denudation' . OCCUPATION DEBRIS P 183  At the eastern end of the mound covering the crematorium, the chalk rubble was mixed with dark grey soil containing much fine charcoal, pottery fragments, animal bone, a single piece of human bone, a jet fragment and two brown quartzite pebbles. Interpreted as  occupation rubbish scraped up from the habitation sites and deliberately included in the mound when it was being constructed. (P 184) SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: P 186  (1) The digging of t’žManby 1963: P 181 'The pre-barrow surface within the mortuary enclosure was represented by a thick black layer like compact soot overlying the brown flinty subsoil. This surface was 1 foot higher than the general level of the surrounding wold, the covering mound having protected it from the effects of denudation' . OCCUPATION DEBRIS P 183  At the eastern end of the mound covering the crematorium, the chalk rubble was mixed with dark grey soil containing much fine charcoal, pottery fragments, animal bone, a single piece of human bone, a jet fragment and two brown quartzite pebbles. Interpreted as  occupation rubbish scraped up from the habitation sites and deliberately included in the mound when it was being constructed. (P 184) SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: P 186  (1) The digging of the ritual pits and the erection of the mortuary enclosure with a continuous post faēade at the E end. Exposure of corpses. (2) Post faēade burnt down. (3) The bones from the exposed corpses placed between the banks of the crematorium and covered wit a ridge of chalk rubble and timber. (4) Mound erected using material derived from the digging of the side ditches. Occupation debris incorporated in the E end. (5) Firing of the crematorium. A timber mortuary structure preceded mound construction. A grey soil containing numerous potsherds, fine charcoal, animal bone and a single human bone was located, not on the original ground surface, but in the mound matrix at the east end. Manby (1963) interprets this as occupation debris scraped off the ground and deliberately incorporated into the moundLVALŪw"Lysons 1863: At the E end of the mound were 3 large upright stones, supported by a low drystone wall (sim to Mulfra in Cornwall); under the stones were animal bones & charcoal - not clear what this structure represents - Clifford & Daniel suggest a false entrance. Traces of fire were observed at the base of the mound in front of these stones along with animal bones and fine charcoal. At the N end of the mound was a chamber with a paved floor and porthole entrance. 'Within lay on the floor the skeletons of& 13 people' along with 5 flint tools, a piece of flint, coarse black pottery sherds, a fragment of polished green stone, a large nodule of silicious grit and a small round white pebble. The bones were in great confusion, some had been burnt. The S chamber had been previously rifled and contained quantities of human bones, in great confusion. Clifford & Daniel 1940: Re-excavated, primarily to discover more about the porthole entrances. The chambers were found to have steps going down to them, giving the impression they were underground. In the N chamber, no trace was found of a paved floor, but the surface was hard. P 140: S chamber -"In the floor there is a grave marked out by three holes about 5 cm across and 7.5 cm deep, in which were found human bones and the 2 bone pendants" (sim. to Nympsfield). In the S chamber were 2 quartzite pebbles, a tool of old Red Sandstone and many bones, both animal & human. There were no signs of burning or burnt bones in the S chamber, in contrast to the N. The false entrance was re-excavated and "revealed remains of fire, flints, and the teeth and jaw of pig, as well as a human tooth." In the forecourt, a circular stone-lined pit was found beneath the blocking near the outer wall, & the wall in the vicinity of the hole was much burnt. The pit contained loose earth, in which 3 pig bones were discovered, one near the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. (sim to Nympsfield). Other finds in the blocking include an oyster shell, 5 stone mauls andl LVAL| a flint tool. Trench 3 near the tail of the mound was re-cut, revealing "on the centre line of the barrow at ground level a single stone was observed lying east and west, under which lay a squared piece of a possible human skull. Saville 1989 - The fall of 2 trees on the NW side of the barrow in 1987 revealed the presence of a previously unknown chamber. No excavation of undisturbed deposits was undertaken - no ground features were exposed.ø LVALČ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’x*p~x*pq~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~x*p~„ƒ‡Č,p~„€†ų,p~ƒƒˆ,p~-p~„''p~’’’’SITE DESCRIPTION‰ø“0T”€ˆp~'p~ƒ Œ”0T”€ˆp~'p~„‹ƒų+p~h*p~„ƒ0,p~h,p~„ƒ ‡dƒų+p~ƒ‹0,p~˜ ƒdƒ@† ‹‚ø“0T”€‚Ø)p~‚p~x*p~ƒ Œ”0T”€‚Ø)p~‚p~x*p~‚Œƒų,p~x,p~„ƒ0-p~h-p~„Š ƒ ’’’’‚”p~„x*p~’’’’‰ .p~(.p~„<.p~"‰’’’’”(‡‚ ‹č)p~“T.p~ ƒ -p~œ|.p~„P.p~„ƒX.p~x-p~„œ.p~Ø.p~/p~¬.p~ ų,p~„’’’’ˆ4ƒ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…/p~(‰/p~„˜.p~„ƒ°.p~ˆ.p~„”p~„x)p~’’’’Œ/p~Ø’’’’”ƒ‹ *p~ƒ‹0-p~Ž‹‚”0T”€ˆp~ (p~ƒŒ”0T”€ˆp~ (p~‚Œƒų/p~ /p~„ƒ00p~h0p~„ƒų/p~x0p~„ƒ00p~ˆ0p~„#p~Ų p~ šLVALŠ™™Ī¬ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ`’’’’’’’’P0 ĄœRadiocarbon Datesš €œSITE DESCRIPTIONe ču‹sŖē’žSE 86 SW 12’žAldro 175’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8112 6298’ž48112 46298’ž481120’ž462980’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žYorkshire Woldsx23xx’ž Dc3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, p 17nononononononoyesnono21Q@!1nononononono’ž2 inhumations’žheap of burnt bonesnpnpnpno’ž54°032 23.203 N, 000°452 43.953 W’ž54°032 22.473 N, 000°452 38.043 W’žN England’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 74)’žProctor, W. 1854 Report of the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Antiquarian Club, in the excavation of barrows from the year 1849, York, H. SotheranKi’ž170’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum/ĢĒĒĒĆ/»»»»»°…ZZVRNNJJJJJJ5&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"   žüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüųōīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅææ沬Ŗؤ¢¢¢¢‘‡~me]PB<6(" q’?~Ā’,łĄ ;œĻØ čø‹s°ä’žSE 86 SW 19’žAldro 88’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSE 8200 6282’ž48200 46282’ž482000’ž462820’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBirdsall’žYorkshire Woldsx’ž14 mxx’ž Cc3’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’ž SW of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnoyesno072’žclayØ@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnononono’žpitxx’žmortuary areanoxno’žpitnono’ž54°032 17.523 N, 000°442 55.723 W’ž54°032 16.793 N, 000°442 49.803 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 58-60)’ž176’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumą}xxxxxżņĒœ˜”””‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…vtrmiea]XSNNNLJJ>86442.($  ÷õńķēįŻ×ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒŗ“²°ŖØØØؗ„skcVH;5'! q’?~Ą’’’½ł’`~„s čƒ‹sā’žSE 86 SW 9’žAldro 94’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8000 6250’ž48000 46250’ž480000’ž462500’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLeavening’žYorkshire Woldsx18xx’žCb1’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono2’žW of mound centre; E of mound centreyes?xx0x0’žyes?x’žtimber slots?’žmortuary areanonoyesno020’žclayß@6x1nono’žyesnonononoxxx’žmortuary areanoxno’žmortuary areanono’ž54°032 08.303 N, 000°462 45.983 W’ž54°032 07.573 N, 000°462 40.083 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 82)18’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum ©„„„„„1111-"÷ĢČÄÄĵ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Æ«œš˜–’ŽŠ†}yyywuuica__]YSOK<-+%#!ķėēćŻ×ÓĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½°«©§£””””…|kc[N@:4&  q’?~Ą’’’½ł’`~„’L LVAL\ Ford 2003: P 5 PRE-ENCLOSURE ACTIVITY: a series of features that pre-date the enclosure were identified - it is most probable that they were tree holes. POSSIBLE MORTUARY STRUCTURE: p 12 'The principal feature within the interior was a roughly rectangular clay patch, measuring approx. 8m x 5.5m. It& had well-defined..edges along which were found traces of turf-like material. ..The depth of the clay varied between 5cm and 10cm and that it lay up’žFord 2003: P 5 PRE-ENCLOSURE ACTIVITY: a series of features that pre-date the enclosure were identified - it is most probable that they were tree holes. POSSIBLE MORTUARY STRUCTURE: p 12 'The principal feature within the interior was a roughly rectangular clay patch, measuring approx. 8m x 5.5m. It& had well-defined..edges along which were found traces of turf-like material. ..The depth of the clay varied between 5cm and 10cm and that it lay upon the surface of the natural gravel subsoil. ..Clay of this type was not observed in any of the natural strata in the ditch sides& It is conceivable that the clay layer formed the base of a mortuary house or similar feature& As both the clay and turf-like deposits lay directly upon the surface of the subsoil, with no evidence of any intervening buried soil, it appears that the site had been cleared down to the natural gravel prior to the deposition of the turf. _ čoŒs ¶’žNU 12 NW 40’žChatton Sandyford’žMonument #1321304’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNU 100 266’ž41000 62660’ž410000’ž626600’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žChatton’žnone’žnone’žon the flat crest of a ridge’ž182+x’ž3.6xxnononoyesnononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono100no]@ ģ’žW side of mound1nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxnono’ž55°322 00.523 N, 001°502 32.403 W’ž55°322 00.483 N, 001°502 26.723 W’žN Englandno’žJobey, G. 1968 Excavations of cairns at Chatton Sandyford, Northumberland. Archaeologia Aeliana (4th series), 46, 5-5013ŠŠ†††††    żŅ§£ŸŸŸ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™—“‘‹‡‚~zuqmmmkZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"   żłóļėēēēēēēēēēēåćŽÜÖø²¬£wobVPJ=* q’’Ą’’’½ł’`~„ėb črŠs’žSWŹ’žSW 43 SW 29’žChun Quoit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSW 4022 3395’ž14022 03395’ž140220’ž033950’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMorvah’žnone’žnone’žon an open moor 300 m from the summit of a prominent hill’žN-S15xx’žBarnatt 1982nononononononononono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no9@|x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnononono’ž50°082 55.023 N, 005°382 15.513 W’ž50°082 52.883 N, 005°382 12.143 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans (p 55-59)’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone Press’žDevereux, P. & Jahn , R. G. 1996 Preliminary investigations and cognitive considerations of the acoustical resonances of selected archaeological sites. Antiquity, 70, 665-6’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Pressnp}}`Ż ā·³Æ«§„ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‘ˆ„€|xtttrppd`^\\ZVRNJHDB><:8642)'# ’’’’’’’’ńńļķéää©£•Œ‚zreW@:)# q’’^Ą’’’½ł’ą¼Śż č Šs’žNN’žNN 83 SW 1’žClach Na Tiompan’žGlen Almond’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 8296 3289’ž28296 73289’ž282960’ž732890’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žMonzievaird and Strowan’žnone’žnone’ž274’žSE-NWx57’ž11.4’žPER 1’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žpossibleyesno000’žslabs set on clayé@!*x1nono’žyesnono’žyesnox’žSE chamberx’žSE chamber’žslab’žcentral chamber’žslab pavement set on clay’žsmall rough pavement set on larger slabsyes’žSE chamber faēadenono’ž56°282 24.933 N, 003°542 05.433 W’ž56°282 25.403 N, 003°542 00.553 W’žSE Scotlandno’žHenshall, A. S. & Stewart, M. E. C. 1955 Excavations at Clach na Tiompan, Wester Glen Almond, Perthshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 112-24’žStewart, M. E. C. & Henshall, A. 1954 Clach Na Tiompan, Wester Glen Almond. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 12’žColes, F. R. 1911 Report on stone circles in Perthshire, principally Stathearn, with measured plans and drawings. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 45, 46-116 ( p 98-100)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressī‡‡‡‡ĆKœœœœ˜‹`51---źĻ¾ø¬Ŗžœ˜“‹†‚~~~|zzn[YWWUQKA=;751/-+)'%#!  żłłłłłłłłźćŻŁ×ŠĖĖÅ榝Š‚zm_LF5( q’Ą’’’½ł’`~> LVAL Bryce 1902: p 87 'The megalithic chambers& were filled with large blocks of sandstone and smaller stones imbedded in the soil, but once the actual cists were reached, the character of the soil p 88 changed into a dry black mould very firmly compressed& ..the skulls lay invariably in the corners, and the long bones along the walls of the cists, but beyond ’žBryce 1902: p 87 'The megalithic chambers& were filled with large blocks of sandstone and smaller stones imbedded in the soil, but once the actual cists were reached, the character of the soil p 88 changed into a dry black mould very firmly compressed& ..the skulls lay invariably in the corners, and the long bones along the walls of the cists, but beyond this no arrangement could be made out& In the north cist, two skulls in fragments were found in each corner at different levels....A few pieces of wood charcoal were picked up among the soil [of the N compartment]& ..' Bryce also located a secondary short cist 1.2m S of the chamber - it contained fragments of an inhumation accompanied by a food vessel and a flint knife.… č•‹sk’žNR 92 SW 4’žClachaig’žLimekiln Cairn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long?’žNR 9493 2118’ž19493 62118’ž194930’ž621180’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSEx18’ž14.3’žARN 16’žHenshall 1972’žPiggott 1954nonononoyesnoyesnoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0140noē@,x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žchamber’žyesnono’ž55°262 29.313 N, 005°142 36.523 W’ž55°262 29.393 N, 005°142 32.413 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 ( p 84-91)’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presscü÷÷÷÷÷    ä¹µ±±¬£›—•“‘Š…}xsooomkk_[YUUSOIEA?;9531/-+)'%! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷éééŚŅĢČĘ½¹¹³¬£–†~vi[GA0  q’Ā’’’½ł’ą~„g® LVAL¾ Excavation 2006-7 - excavated area comprised only the tomb forecourt. Richardson & Cobb 2006:  Beneath the upper deposits we found a stained gravel surface into which two pits were cut. One was amorphous in shape& its extent was not established. Another was sub-oval and had been repeatedly recut and subjected to burning activity. A compact stained and humic layer at the base of the pit suggested i’žExcavation 2006-7 - excavated area comprised only the tomb forecourt. Richardson & Cobb 2006:  Beneath the upper deposits we found a stained gravel surface into which two pits were cut. One was amorphous in shape& its extent was not established. Another was sub-oval and had been repeatedly recut and subjected to burning activity. A compact stained and humic layer at the base of the pit suggested it may have been lined with turf or other organic matter. A sample of carbonized wood was recovered from this pit and has been sent away for radiocarbon dating. [May 18 2009 - checked Historic Scotland C14 database but found no date). Richardson & Cobb 2007:  A hearth uncovered in 2006 was fully excavated but no finds were present. Henshall 1972: p 315 ' Shells have been found in rabbit scrapes in the cairn'ĮŹŃĻ’žSU 14 SE 313’žDeverill Rimbury& č‹s’žNM’žNM 57 SW 2’žCladh Aindreis’žAllt ordail; Swordale’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNM 5470 7076’ž15470 77076’ž154700’ž770760’žHighland’žHighland’žArdnamurchan’žArdnamurchan’žnone30’žNW-SE’žn/a4730’žARG 1’žHenshall 1972’žRichardson & Cobb 2006nononoyes ?nononononono2’žforecourt0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono100noB@.’žforecourt1nono’žyesno’žyesnono’žforecourtxxxnox’ž2 pits; hearthyesxnono’ž56°452 49.343 N, 006°002 55.203 W’ž56°452 50.033 N, 006°002 51.283 W’žN Scotlandno’žRichardson, P. & Cobb, H. 2006 Ardnamurchan Transitions Project, Highland (Ardnamurchan parish) archaeological research field school. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 7, 86’žRichardson, P. & Cobb, H. 2007 Ardnamurchan Transitions Project. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 8, 104’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŽwwwwwQQQQMAėēćććįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĖĖĖĖĖÉÅĆĮæ“°¬§£žš–––”‰‰}ywuusokga_[YUSQOMKI><840,($öööēąÜŲÓĢČČĀ“¦œ’Š‚ugTN=& q’Ā’’’½ł’`~ ©™=ßø‰h=ķ¶}0ń “ k " å ¢ e  é Ź § „ a @  č ½ ‚ 9 × ¤ [ <  ŠGē®X)ą©b%ņĻ˜cźŸ`ĢuĶp1a€Site Information Form€40V€Site IdentificationRadiocarbon DatesRNU€Site IdentificationPottery>:T€Site IdentificationExcavation RecordsTPR€SITE DESCRIPTIONRadiocarbon DatesLHQ€SITE DESCRIPTIONPit DescriptionHDP€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint162O€SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint40N€SITE DESCRIPTIONAnimal Bone@<L€SW Scotland - CC's - Exc Dates - June 7 2009 QuerynjčSITE DESCRIPTION*&×Radiocarbon Dates,(ŹPotteryPit Description($™MSysNavPaneObjectIDs2.“MSysNavPaneGroupToObjects<8ŽMSysNavPaneGroups,(ŠMSysNavPaneGroupCategories>:…MSysAccessXML$ MSysAccessStorage,(pStone>Excavation Records.*3Animal Bone @€EXCAVATION DATES*&š€Radiocarbon dates query84™€Radiocarbon Dates Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTIONpl•€Radiocarbon Dates€,(%€Admin €€Radiocarbon Dates Subform1€>:€Pottery Subform€($ €Pit Description€($ €Stone Subform€$  €Excavation Records subform€>: €Animal Bone Subform€0,€UserDefined € €SummaryInfo € €AccessLayout €"€SysRel€Scripts€Reports€Modules€Forms€DataAccessPages($'MSysComplexType_Attachment>:%MSysComplexType_Text2.#MSysComplexType_Decimal84!MSysComplexType_GUID2.MSysComplexType_IEEEDouble>:MSysComplexType_IEEESingle>:MSysComplexType_Long2.MSysComplexType_Short40MSysComplexType_UnsignedByteB>MSysComplexColumns.*MSysRelationships,(MSysQueries MSysACEsMSysObjects MSysDbRelationships$ DatabasesTables·ŹĒ’žSV 91 SW 38’žDeverill Rimbury type (LBA)0$ LVAL4 Scott 1935: p 186 'The natural rock-floor of gneiss is very irregular in level. Its hollows are filled with a fine, greenish clay, which, except where it was necessary to provide a foundation for an orthostat, the builders of the tomb had not disturbed. The chamber floor was the solid rock in the north parts of sections I and II and over the whole of section IV. The remaining parts of sections I and II were roughly paved with slabs lying on the clay. In section III small slabs had been laid on the clay at the western end and a few at the eastern end..' P 490-1 - PAVED PATH  From the portal a ’žScott 1935: p 186 'The natural rock-floor of gneiss is very irregular in level. Its hollows are filled with a fine, greenish clay, which, except where it was necessary to provide a foundation for an orthostat, the builders of the tomb had not disturbed. The chamber floor was the solid rock in the north parts of sections I and II and over the whole of section IV. The remaining parts of sections I and II were roughly paved with slabs lying on the clay. In section III small slabs had been laid on the clay at the western end and a few at the eastern end..' P 490-1 - PAVED PATH  From the portal a solid path extended in the line of the axis of section V of the chamber (fig. 9). This was composed of boulders set in the clay overlying the solid rock surface, which, except for isolated bosses, sloped downwards to the east of the facade. Over these boulders was laid a rough layer of slabs, sometimes overlapping and up to 3 feet in length. P 494  Stratum B [consisted of] black material, which continued to the floor and became generally more slimy as the floor was approached - an Iron Age roundhouse overlay the W part of the cairn. The tomb now stands in a peat bog, but no peat underlies the cairn.Ć čӌs(ƒ’žST 75 NW 10’žGray's Down’žBrays Down’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 7091 5619’ž37091 15619’ž370910’ž156190’žAvon’žBath and Northeast Somerset’žShoscombe’žCotswolds’žnone’žSE/NWx’ž18.3’ž12.2’žSOM 21’žDarvill 2004’žGrinsell 1971, p 87yesyesÖ@82’žyes’žyesnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell, L. V. 1971 Somerset barrows. Part II - north and east. Somerset Archaeology and Natural History 115, 44-137 (p 87)40’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus!ÉÅÅÅÅÅEEEEE99995500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'"""   óóóåŻ×ŃĻČČČĀ·¬‰yl^MG0$ q’~0  "„9 čIŠs’žNFk’žNF 77 SW 15’žClettraval’žCarry Tighary’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNF 7499 7135’ž07499 87135’ž074990’ž871350’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone’ž107’žE-Wx29np’žUST 12’žHenshall 1972’žBeveridge 1911’žScott 1948nonononoyesnoyesnono’žpumice; quartz pebbles; granite balls0x0xx0x0nox’žpaved path’žforecourtnonoyesno000’žslabĢ@3x1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žforecourt’žslabs / clay’žchamber’žslab/clay floor’žslab pavementyes’žchambernono’ž57°362 52.643 N, 007°262 42.213 W’ž57°362 53.743 N, 007°262 38.883 W’žN Scotlandno’žScott, W. L. 1935 The chambered cairn of Clettravel, North Uist. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 69, 480-536’žScott, W. L. 1948 The chamber tomb of Unival, North Uist. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 82, 1-49’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn ( p 254-255)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press§@@@@ž!šššš–Š_40,,,#żōęŪŁ×ÕŠĖĒĀ½¹“““²°°¤žœšš˜”ŽŠ†{omigeca_][Y2.*$     žīīīß×ÓĻĶČĆĆ½±„–‡wj\IC2# q’Ę’’’½ł’`~ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ĆŹÓĻ’žSU 14 SW 4’žDeverill Rimbury$ čŠs’žNP’žNPRN 93831’žDin Dryfol’žAberffraw’žchambered cairn’žnone’žgallery grave’žSH 39565 72490’ž239565 372490’ž239565’ž372490’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žAberffraw’žAnglsey’žnone’žon a narrow ledge above a river valley18’žNE-SWx’ž47+14nono’žGwna schists of the Mona Complexnononoyesyesyesno4’žChamber 4 (3); Chamber 3/4 junction (1)2’žeither side of chamber 3x0x0nox’žtimber posts - contemporary with chamberxno’žyes?nono000noO@Ķx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žS & central areas of cairn; chamber 2xxnoxyesxnono’žpostholes; 4 pits; ground preparationno’ž53°132 30.573 N, 004°242 17.003 W’ž53°132 29.673 N, 004°242 12.783 W’žWales’žtimber post’žyes’žSmith, C. A. & Lynch, F. 1987 Trefignath and Din Dryfol: the excavation of two megalithic tombs on Anglesey 3, Bangor, Cambrian Archaeological Association’žCummings, V. 2003 Building from memory: remembering the past at Neolithic monuments in western Britain. IN WILLIAMS, H. (Ed.) Archaeologies of Remembrance: Death and Memory in Past Societies. New York, Kluwer/Plenum’žLynch, F. 1991 Prehistoric Anglesey : the archaeology of the island to the Roman conquest. 2nd Ed., Llangefni, Anglesey Antiquarian SocietyōōōōōeŠģēēēŚÓØ}yRNJHBBBBBBBBBBBBBB@<:8 żųōļļļķėėßŪŁ××ÕŃĶĒĆĮ—•‘‹‰omDB>82,($ žśööööööööööņķėäąø²©ž”‚zrcSD>-" q’’Ą’’’½ł’ąĀŹŅ’žSU 38 SW 5’žWestern Neolithic%  č°Šs.Ŗ’žST 84 NE 9’žCop Heap’žCop Hill’žround barrow’žoval barrow’žnone’žST 8798 4558’ž38798 14558’ž387980’ž145580’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonex20xx’žDc1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14nonononoyesnonoyesno’ž6 bone beads; antler macehead1’žN of Centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono041noŌ@|x1’žyesnonono’žyesno’žyesxxxxnox’žgraveyesnono’ž51°122 33.633 N, 002°102 24.173 W’ž51°122 31.783 N, 002°102 19.263 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 67-68)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press’žGoddard, E. H. 1914 A list of prehistoric, Roman and pagan Saxon antiquities in the County of Wilts. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 153-367’žPastscape: www.pastscape.org46’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumOģč菀))))%źæ»····±±±±±±ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žœ—“ŽŠ†‚}}}{yymigeec_[WSQMKGECA?=;.,  ’ūõńķéååååŌÅÅÅø³±Æ«©©©£‘vnfYKE8*  q’~Ę’’’½ł’€ ~¼ LVAL# Trechmann 1914: 'The primary deposit was situated some 5 feet south of the centre of the mound and had an east and west direction. It measured about 34 feet in length and 6 feet in width and at each end was found a hole presently to be described. The way in which the interments had been made, the fire applied and the bones consumed, tallies very exactly with w’žTrechmann 1914: 'The primary deposit was situated some 5 feet south of the centre of the mound and had an east and west direction. It measured about 34 feet in length and 6 feet in width and at each end was found a hole presently to be described. The way in which the interments had been made, the fire applied and the bones consumed, tallies very exactly with what has been observed in [other long barrows in Yorkshire].' Young 1985 - p 10 - ...:the writer is of the opinion that the feature [mortuary platform and pits] may have been the burnt and collapsed remains of an axial mortuary structure, resembling a low ridge tent. The construction and burning of a timber mortuary structure likely preceded mound construction. č&Šs‘t’žNZ 34 NE 1’žCopt Hill’žSeven Sisters’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNZ 3534 4922’ž43534 54922’ž435340’ž549220’žTyne and Wear’žSunderland’žSunderland’žnone’žnone’žin a false crest location on the scarp slope of the East Durham Plateau, with excellent views to the south, east and west.x’ž19.8xx’žAa8’žKinnes 1979’žTrechmann 1914nononononononononono2’žat either end of the cremation deposit0xx0x0’žmortuary structure’žS of centrenoxyesnonono002+noŻ@;x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematoriumxxxnoxyesxnono’ž54°502 11.793 N, 001°272 04.453 W’ž54°502 11.433 N, 001°262 58.713 W’žN England’žstone setting’žyes’žTrechmann, C. T. 1914 Prehistoric Burials in the County of Durham. Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd series, 11, 119-176’žYoung, R. 1985 The Copt Hill Round Cairn: A re-assessment. Archaeologia Aeliana (5th series), 13, 7-17’žMiket, R. 1984 The Prehistory of Tyne and Wear: an inventory of prehistoric discoveries in the Metropolitan County of Tyne and Wear Wooler, Northumberland Archaeological Group’ž145’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¼YTTT”7Äæææ°„zOKGGGE??????????????=9753&! ÷óļķķėēćߣ×ÓĘ²°®¬Ŗئ~|xtplhd`\XTTTTTDDD720.(&&Ø¢œ„umeXJD>0! q’’~Ā’’’½ł’`~ž’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ LVAL Lambert 1806: p 339 A large heap of flint (base measured 6m x 3m; it was about 2 m in height) was found under the east end of the barrow. It covered the skeletal remains of eight individuals,' lying in several directions, as though they had been thrown on a heap without any ceremony.' P 340  The eight skeletons lay on the floor of the barrow, between two excavations in the native soils, of an oval form, 2.1 m apart. The oval pits, or cists, were about 1.2m long by .75 m deep; they were neatly cut into the chalk, and were, with the skeletons, covered with the pyramid of flints and stones . Allen (2’žLambert 1806: p 339 A large heap of flint (base measured 6m x 3m; it was about 2 m in height) was found under the east end of the barrow. It covered the skeletal remains of eight individuals,' lying in several directions, as though they had been thrown on a heap without any ceremony.' P 340  The eight skeletons lay on the floor of the barrow, between two excavations in the native soils, of an oval form, 2.1 m apart. The oval pits, or cists, were about 1.2m long by .75 m deep; they were neatly cut into the chalk, and were, with the skeletons, covered with the pyramid of flints and stones . Allen (2004) P 66 - conducted limited auguring to  record the presence and nature of the buried soil beneath the mound and to sample it for land snails and pollen . Located the first evidence for flanking ditches. P 71 - Pollen and soil analysis indicated that ancient woodland had been cleared from immediately around the barrow not long before construction, but probably not specifically for the purpose of constructing the barrow. Allen (2004 p66) notes that the barrow length of 216 ft given in Lambert (1806) and Colt Hoare ( 1812) is incorrect. The correct length more is closer to Cunnington's (1914) measurement of 120 ft. šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ čŒs’žSO 90 NW 1’žCamp Barrow North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9136 0908’ž39136 20908’ž391360’ž209080’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žMiserden’žCotswolds’žnone’žSSE/NNW’žn/a4622’žGLO 11’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nononono>@,ģ2no’žn/ano’ž51°462 49.303 N, 002°072 35.653 W’ž51°462 47.693 N, 002°072 30.653 W’žSW England’žCrawford, O. G. S., 1925. The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows.’žO'Neil, H. E. & L. V. Grinsell, 1960. Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79(1), 1-149.’ž264’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusé‘ŒŒŒŒöœœœœœe::6611111111111111111111111--------+++÷čččŚŅĪŹÅ¼¼¼¶«”™ˆ€xk]LF/) q’~Ę €:Œ’ą čš‹s’žSO 91 NW 18’žCrippets Long Barrow’žShurdington Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9342 1737’ž39342 21737’ž393420’ž217370’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž260’žE-W’žn/a7034’žGLO 7’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žWright 1848nononono—@}2no’žn/ano’ž51°512 17.733 N, 002°052 48.733 W’ž51°512 16.143 N, 002°052 43.713 W’žSW England’žWright, T., 1848. [Crippets Barrow, Shurdington ]. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 3, 64-65.’žRudder, S., 1986 [1779]. New History of Gloucestershire, Gloucester: Sutton.’žCrawford, O. G. S., 1925. The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows.’ž274’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĮ¼¼¼b£££££—lAA==8888888888888888888888844444444222&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" üüüīēćßŚÕŠŠŹæµ«š’Š}o^XA- q’Ę €:œÉLVALŁNo excavation records  no information on buried land surface. Bird 1876: Neolithic mound was destroyed in the mid 19th C for road building. ’žNo excavation records  no information on buried land surface. Bird 1876: Neolithic mound was destroyed in the mid 19th C for road building. In the centre of the mound was a cist containing the remains of 7 individuals; flint flakes, animal bones and charcoal were found outside the cist.h čxŒs’žSP 02 SE 6’žThe Waste’žHawling 10A’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSP 0554 2175’ž40554 22175’ž405540’ž221750’žGloucestershire’žTewkesbury’žHawling’žnone’žnonex18xx’žBDb3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononono'@B2no’žn/ano’žSW England’žBird, H. 1876 Notes on the tumuli of the Cotteswold Hills. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 6, 332-40’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum‘.****—                       ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷óļėēēēēĪĮĮĮ“®¬Ŗ¦¤¤¤ž˜ƒrjbUGA;.! q’~Ę €"Œo” 褋s’žHU’žHU 38 NE 1’žTrowie Knowe’žBeorgs of Housetter’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 3620 8552’ž43620 118552’ž436200’ž1185520’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone30’žE-W’ž8.1xx’žZET42’žHenshall 1963nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žflat stonesŁ@*x1nono’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žChamber A’žflat stones’žChamber B’žpavement of flat stones’žpavement of flat stonesyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žAbercromby, J. 1905 Report on Excavations at Fethaland and Trowie Knowe, Shetland; and of the Exploration of a Cairn on Dumglow, one of the Cleish Hills, Kinross-shire. . PSAS, 39, 171-84’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press4ĶĶĶĶĶĶ     żżżłõõõóķķķķķķķķķķķķŌ»°£˜–”’Ž‰„€{wsssqoocVTRRPLHD@>:8420.,*(&$  üüüüüüüüķęäāŻŲŌŌĪ»®œŠyk]PJ9$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`f&, č<Œs’žHUÕ’žHU 46 NW 3’žHill of Dale’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel shaped’žHU 4129 6994’ž44129 116994’ž441290’ž1169940’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žDelting’žShetland Mainland’žnone’ž213’žESE-WNWX’ž7.2’ž10.2’žZET15’žHenshall 1963nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĶ@*x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1940 The so-called heel-shaped cairns of Shetland, with remarks on the chambered tombs of Orkney and Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 74, 23-36’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĶffffff§§§§£————“““‘‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}ytplhd```^\\PLJHHFB>:640.*(&$"  žśöņņņņņņņņćÜÖŃĻĘĮĮ»ØŸ{rj\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`b6LVAL1tĮ Š’’’’rGDM°1 p‘°1Ē1… † †W?ƒž‹Ą) p—°1 p„š p„H* pƒƒÆ«£ Æ<“z pŅ p  p< p¤ pģ p, pl pX p° pč p p€ pČ p pH pˆ pˆ pˆ pX pX pX pX pX pz pŅ p  p< p¤ pģ p, pl pƒ d… ‚‚ d… ‚@‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ¢+SITE DESCRIPTION.NMR #…SITE DESCRIPTION‰3SITE DESCRIPTION.Site Name…-SITE DESCRIPTION.Statusƒ;Radiocarbon Dates.C14 Sample #…!Radiocarbon Dates‡ARadiocarbon Dates.Lab Reference #‡=Radiocarbon Dates.C14 Date (BP)ƒ9Radiocarbon Dates.Sample Type‡?Radiocarbon Dates.Sample Context‰ƒ( pƒƒ  p„ē ƒ` p„š p˜’’… p’’’’ˆ2·,Uīć@ˆ’’’’… p( p† ų p  p† z pų9† Ņ pų9„   pų9„ < pų9„ ¤ pų9„ ģ pų9„ , pų9„ l pų9„#SITE DESCRIPTION‰ƒˆ pKƒKóƒ0 p„` p˜’žx$ p p’’’’<w9•ķć@ˆ’’’’„!Radiocarbon Dates‡ƒX pƒóƒą p„0 p˜’žĄ% p p’’’’óĀuE“»ć@ˆ’’’’„-Radiocarbon dates queryƒ( p  pŠ Č p pˆ’„Š  pH pˆ’7„Š P pˆ pˆŽƒ„Š  pŲ pˆŽƒ„Š ą p0 pˆŽƒ„Š 8 p€ pˆŽƒ„Š ˆ pŠ pˆŽƒ„Š Ų p( pˆŠ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…Č p„;[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]… p„1[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status‡P p„C[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #]… p„I[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #]‡ą p„E[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)]ƒ8 p„A[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type]‡ˆ p„G[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context]‰Ų p„z pų9† Ņ pų9„   pų9„#SITE DESCRIPTION’’’’’„Š z pČ p‡’’’’’„Š Ņ pŠ p‡’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’č’’’’’„Š v pŲ p‡’’’’’’’ņČ p„ p„P p„< pų9„ ¤ pų9„ ģ pų9„ , pų9„ l pų9„%Radiocarbon Datesæ’’’’’„Š < pČ p‡’’’’’„Š ¤ pŠ p‡’’’’’„Š ģ pŲ p‡’’’’’„Š , pą p‡’’’’’„Š l pč p‡Ć p„ą p„8 p„ˆ p„Ų p„ ” p„x, pƒ(' p‡  p8 pX px p˜ pø pš p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p„š p’’’’– p”8 pˆĄ1 pƒŠ' p ƒø“0T”€ˆ px$ pƒ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ px$ p‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ px$ p@‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ pĄ% p‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ pĄ% p‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ pĄ% p‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ pĄ% p‚ ‹ø“0T”€ˆ pĄ% p‚ ‹” p„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„`( pØ) pœ1 p„ˆ( pƒˆ) p() p”Ų‘9„( pƒø" pˆƒš" p% p„ƒ(# p % p„” p„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„ø( p H1 p„ą( p—() pƒ8“9„  pƒ`# p°% p„ƒ˜# pŲ& p„ƒŠ# pč& p„ƒ$ pų& p„ƒ@$ p' p„ƒ ‡dƒø" pƒ ‡dƒš" pƒ ‡ž‚(# pƒ ‡ž‚`# pƒ ‡ž‚˜# pƒ ‡ž‚Š# pƒ ‡ž‚$ pƒ ‡ž‚@$ pH‡$( p ( p(( p0( p8( p@( pH( pP( p€) p¤ø" pƒš" p„(# p„`# p„˜# p„Š# p„$ p„@$ p„'x$ pĄ% pSITE DESCRIPTION ƒdƒ ( p„PrimaryKey…!Radiocarbon DatesŽ ƒdƒų( p„+Radiocarbon DatesNMR #… x$ p8) p‡€) pƒ dƒ ›€ŠĄ% pƒ ‹H) pG čW‰sAŒ’žST 94 SW 37’žCorton Long Barrow’žBoyton 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žST 9308 4033’ž39308 14033’ž393080’ž140330’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žBoyton’žSalisbury Plain’žnone’žfalse-crested; on a chalk slope above the River Wylie, with good views’ž140’žE-W’žn/a3618’žST 28’ž Kinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 1812’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žMiddle Chalknonononononono2’žE end of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnononono080noā@>x1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/anono’ž51°092 43.993 N, 002°062 00.973 W’ž51°092 42.123 N, 002°052 56.043 W’žSW England -WCno’žLambert, A. B. 1806 Further account of tumuli opened in Wiltshire, in a letter from Mr. William Cunnington to Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. . Archaeologia, 15, 338-346’žAllen, M. J. & Gardiner, J. 2004 Neolithic of the Wylye Valley 1: Millennium re-investigation of the Corton Long Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 97, 63-77’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žEagles, B. & Field, D. 2004 William Cunnington and the long barrows of the River Wylye. IN CLEAL, R. & POLLARD, J. (Eds.) Monuments and Material Culture. Salisbury, Hobnob65’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¢,((yõ8‹{P%!               žłōšģčäßß߯ŪŪĻĖÉĒĒÅĮ½¹µ³Æ­©§„£”ŸŒŠ†‚~zvrn`ZTTTTG666(! Ā¼«£“ˆ€xk]HB5+ q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą¼g šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’0 č@Šs’žND’žND 48 SE 1’žIsbister’žTomb of the Eagles’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, oval’žND 4704 8449’ž34704 98449’ž347040’ž984490’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSouth Ronaldsay’žSouth Ronaldsay’žnone30’žN-Sx’ž40.515’žORK 25’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žHedges 1983’žLawrence 2006yesnonoyesyes’žyesyesyesyes’žbone and antler awls; bone beads; shell beads; limpet shell necklace?; jet ring; V-bored jet button;0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž331+ (?)0’žslab°@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žsouth compartmentnox’žslab flooring - Comp 1yesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žRitchie, P. R. 1959 A chambered cairn at Isbister, South Ronaldsay, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 92, 25-32’žHedges, J. W. 1984 Tomb of the Eagles: Death and Life in a Stone Age Tribe, New York, New Amsterdam’žHedges, J. W. 1983 Isbister: A Chambered Cairn in Orkney, Oxford, B.A.R.’žSmith, B. 1989 Isbister; an Orkney Islands Council guardianship monument. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 119, 55-8’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÉYYYĖˆˆˆˆ„xxxtpppnhhhhhhhhhhhhhPNJ7531,'"   ’ł÷ķķėēćßŪŁÕÓĻĶĖÉĒÅĆĮæYSMGB<62.((((   ņźęąŽŁÕÕĻ¾­…}pbKE4  q’Ę’’’½ł’`f><840,*&$  žśöņŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾¹·²²¬¦™Ž}um`RLF93 q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f„s čƒ‹s’žNPś’žNPRN 92012’žPen y Wyrlod Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2248 3987’ž32248 23987’ž322480’ž239870’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žLlanigon’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž250’žSW-NEx1810’žBRE 1’žDarvill 2004’žVulliamy 1922nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’ž12+ ?0’žirregular paving slabsČ@-x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyes’žterminal chambernono’žWalesno’žMorgan, W. E. T. 1921 Excavation of a long barrow at Llanigon, Co Brecon Archaeologia Cambrensis, 76 (7th Ser Vol 1), 296-299’žVulliamy, C. E. 1922 Note on a long barrow in Wales. Man, 22, 11-13’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus))))øqššššģåååįŻŻŻĖÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆ涓²°¬§£Ÿš•ŽŒŒ€hf__]YSOKIEC?=;97531/+'!  ņņņ䯣ÕÓĢĒĒĮ°¦–‡rdSM60 q’Ā’’’½ł’`f~ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’™ č©Œs’žNZ 51 SE 73’žGreat Ayton Moor Cairn 'H'’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNZ 593 113’ž45930 51130’ž459300’ž511300’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žGreat Ayton’žnone’žnone’ž285x’ž4.9xxnono’žEstuarine Sandstone of Inferior Oolitenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no^@+x1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnox’žburnt quartz pebblenoxnono’žN Englandno’žHayes, R. H. 1967 The chambered cairn and adjacent monuments on Great Ayton Moor, Northeast Yorkshire Scarborough & District Archaeological Society Research Report 715``\\\\\³³³³Æ¤¤¤ œœœš–––––––{ywusojfa\XTTTRPPD@><<:62.*($" üųōšČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼·µ°°Ŗ¤—Œ{sk^RLF93 q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f„Č čŲŒsF6’žSU 01 SW 106’žGreat Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0254 1028’ž40254 11028’ž402540’ž110280’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žWoodlands’žnonex’ž44.1xx’žBarrett et al 1991nonononoŅ@1’žyesnpno’žSW England -WC’žField, N. H. 1962 Discoveries at the Knowlton Circles, Woodlands, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 84, 117-124’žBarrett, J. C., Bradley, R. & Greene, M. 1991 Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press7011----‘ņņņņņāāāāŽŽŽŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓÓÓĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ»·····£££££”Ÿ™————‘†yqiaTF@:,& q’?Ā  "Œv 膊s’žNP‘’žNPRN 101450’žPentre Ifan’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal tomb’žSN 0994 3701’ž20994 23701’ž209940’ž237010’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNevern’žSouth-West Wales’žnone’žon the north-facing slope of a spur in the Nevern Valley’ž145’žN-Sx4018’žPEM 5’žnone’žNash 2006nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone9’žchamber (5); forecourt (1); E side of mound (2)posthole rows; postholes A & B ?’žflanking forecourt and chamber; pits/postholes (2) - its A & Bx0x0nox’žmegalithic facadexnonoyesno100noÅ@1’žat foot of Stone IX1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchamber - behind portal stonenono’žstanding stone; postholes, 9 pitsno’žWales’žstanding stones’žyes’žGrimes, W. F. 1948 Pentre Ifan Burial Chamber, Pembrokeshire Archaeologia Cambrensis, 100, 3-23’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru 63-79’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston…m ōķķķéĘĀ¾Ÿ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™—“‘‹‡‚~ytpllljUUIECAA?;51-+  ŹŠYWEA;51-)%! żūöń·±Ÿ—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąg¾Ę ÕŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠāĦ~~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļ~Ļš€’  š€’  š€’  š€  G™š€’  š€  Gš€’  š€  G™€SCš€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€  G™€SCRš€’  š€  G™€SCRP@_. '™€š€’  š€ š€’  š€’  š€’  š€’  š€  Gš€’  š€  G™š€’  š€  G™€’ š€’  š€  G™€’ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€  G™€’š€’  š€  G™€’  ™€ š€’  š€’  š€’  š€’  š€’  š€  Gš€’  š€  G™š€’  š€  G™€’š€’  š€  G™€’ š€’  š€  G™€’š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€  G™€’  ™€ š€’  š€’  š€  G™š€’  š€  G™€’š€’  š€  G™€’ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€ š€’  š€  G™€’  ™€ š€’  š€’  š€’  š€’  š€  Gš€’  š€  G˜€š€’  š€  G˜€ š€’  š€’  š€’  š€  Gš€’  š€  G˜€š€’  š€ š€’  š€’  š€’  š€’  š€  G˜š€’  š€’  š€’  Š€eGrStone Š€ Gr GŠ€’eGr Š€Gr G šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’"LVALŠŠ88ĻMatheson 1859 : a 'black unctuous substance' was found in the chamber; minute fragments of bone were embedded in it. Ashmore 1981: "Settlement activities preceded the stone ring and monolith and for the most part succeeded the thick agricultural soil." Ashmore 1999:" charcoal-producing activities had taken place on the site before - possibly well before - the central monolith and stone were set uPart of the barrow was removed in 1867 to make a grotto; many human remains were ’žPart of the barrow was removed in 1867 to make a grotto; many human remains were found. Kinnes 1992: Mortuary are at SSE with 'many bones". No excavation records’žPastscape: Two recorded episodes of excavations have only discovered secondary burials and objects, some suggested to be Saxon in date. No information on buried land surface. No excavation records’žMatheson 1859 : a 'black unctuous substance' was found in the chamber; minute fragments of bone were embedded in it. Ashmore 1981: "Settlement activities preceded the stone ring and monolith and for the most part succeeded the thick agricultural soil." Ashmore 1999:" charcoal-producing activities had taken place on the site before - possibly well before - the central monolith and stone were set up and the small chambered cairn placed be’žPastscape: Two recorded episodes of excavations have only discovered secondary burials and objects, some suggested to be Saxon in date. No information on buried land surface. No excavation records’žMatheson 1859 : a 'black unctuous substance' was found in the chamber; minute fragments of bone were embedded in it. Ashmore 1981: "Settlement activities preceded the stone ring and monolith and for the most part succeeded the thick agricultural soil." Ashmore 1999:" charcoal-producing activities had taken place on the site before - possibly well before - the central monolith and stone were set up and the small chambered cairn placed between them.." Ashmore 1995: (provides a brief summary of the excavations) Sequence of events at Callanish: After 4000 BC A small ditched enclosure was dug; 3000 BC cultivation rigs were created and crops grown; cultivation ceased; the stone ring was laid out; sometime later (long enough for a thin soil to develop) the chambered cairn was built - a layer of clay was laid down , then the chamber itself was constructed and covered with a core cairn; then the full cairn was completed. P 33 "Outside the tomb passage we found scraps of pottery dating to between 3500 and 1750 BC, in black earth which we interpreted as the remains of cleared-out burials& ..The black greasy layer recorded b’žPastscape: Two recorded episodes of excavations have only discovered secondary burials and objects, some suggested to be Saxon in date. No information on buried land surface. No excavation recordsvLVAL†Henshall 1963: p 343  The floor of the passage and chamber& had a 5 cm layer of clean sand over clay. Small quantities of charcoal were found in the sand and in the passage there we’žHenshall 1963: p 343  The floor of the passage and chamber& had a 5 cm layer of clean sand over clay. Small quantities of charcoal were found in the sand and in the passage there were also a number of pieces of quartz in this layer.' Henshall & Ritchie 2001 - p 145 :A leaf-shaped arrowhead, a flint flake and Neolithic and Beaker sherds were found [in the sand layer]. šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’(LVAL8An extended inhumation was found in the centre of the mound in a pit dug into the chalk ground surface. A leaf-shaped arrowhead found between the jaws of the skull had apparently entered through the back of the head. An urn’žAn extended inhumation was found in the centre of the mound in a pit dug into the chalk ground surface. A leaf-shaped arrowhead found between the jaws of the skull had apparently entered through the back of the head. An urn containing ashes and burnt earth was found near the skeleton. Surrounding the grave pit were 12 circular holes, 23 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep, containing calcined bones and charcoal (not clear if bones were human or animal.LVAL’éņd–:u7Ā¢=5B>b* c– e” gžh6M ių%jRk _(Īl§{bćSć@Šx ”¾HGŹ.I€7ɁhSŌܜ Animal BoneŻ &Animal Bone Subformē  @Calibriź½ 8 wh”ė¾ Ą%œ$%C’€ź odXXLetter’’’’DINU"P Œ ˜v6UP SMTJ@ HP Photosmart C3100 seriesInputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPPreAnalysisFalseMSPreAnalysisFalseHPReportSymmetricMarginsFalseHPMinimizeMarginsTrueHPEmulateLaserJetMarginsFalseHPAlignMarginsForMDTrueDuplexNONEHPPrintPreviewFalseHPOverSprayOptionAutomaticHPOverSpray100HPBorderLessPhotoFalseHPCustomBorderlessTrueHPOutputOrderReverseTrueJobUITruePaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsLEGALHPDocPropResourceDatahpzhl4v2.cabHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTrueHPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsPREPRINTEDHPInkVolumeOptionAutomaticHPInkVolumeNormalHPPrintInGrayScaleFalsePrintQualityNormalPrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_TIMESTAMPHPColorModeCOLOR_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL3HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPXMLFileUsedhpoc3103.xmlHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueColorModeColor24MediaTypeAUTOMATICResolution600dpiPQDPIInstalledHPMirrorPrintFalseHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEUP-NOROTATEHPManualDuplexPageRotateUserRotateHPManualFeedOrientationFACEUPHPOutputBinOrientationFACEUPHPManualDuplexDialogModelModalHPManualDuplexPageOrderOddPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1FalsePSAlignmentFileHPZ3A054PSServicesOptionServiceFileEndHPConsumerCustomPaperHPCustomHPColorSelectionForHPAEnabledHPBornOnDateHPBODHPInputColorSpaceCOLORSMARTHPDriverDataDriverDataHPICCProfileNamesRGB_0Color_0Space_0Profile_1icmHPCustomSizeCommandTRUEHPSendPreloadCommandTRUEESPRITSupportedTrueHPRESDLLNameHPFRS4v2HPRedEyeReductionOffHPDigitalImagingHPHomePrintingHPSmartFocusOnHPContrastOnHPDigitalFlashOnHPSharpnessLowHPSmoothingOnHPJpegPngPassthroughTrueHalftoneHT_PATSIZE_DEFAULTHPMDSideCountTrueHPHagakiPrintingTRUEHPHTDLLNameHPFIG4v2HPMHDLLNameHPFIE4v2HPHPAFilterTrueHPIntentPERCEPTUALHPInstalledPrintCartridgesBLACKHPAdvancedColorSettingTrueHPICCPrinterFamily5700_6500HPCRDCommandTrueHPSendUnitMeasureCommandTRUEHPPaperSizeTreeviewPopupMetricHPSimplifiedUITrueHPPosterPrintingOptionSUIFalseHPAutoEnhanceFalseHPNWatermarkTrueHPPhotoFixBASICHPConvertAPIVersionOverride3˜IUPHdLetterź o’’’’’’’’’’’’ [none]É čŁ‹s’žTA_’žTA 17 SE 39’žBridlington Round Barrow’žMonument #1260758’žround barrow’žpit circle’žnone’žTA 16 71’ž51600 47100’ž516000’ž471000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBridlington’žnone’žnonex29xx’žDavies 1889’žManby 1980nono’žchalkno?noyesyesnono13’žcentral grave, 12 surrounding pits0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noČ@ax1nono’žyesnononoxxxxnoxnpxnpnpnono’ž49°462 16.923 N, 007°332 01.843 W’ž49°462 14.683 N, 007°322 59.283 W’žN Englandno’žDavies, J. W. 1889 A History of the Society 1837-1887, Chapter 10 Glacial Theories: Cave exploration and antiquity of man Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society, 10, 283-326 ( p 302)npńńķķķķķ ß“°¬Ø¤¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’Œˆ„{wwwussgca__]YUQMKGEA?=;975  ’łõóļčäąąąąŌĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½½½·±¤—‹ƒ{nd^RD1 q’Ę’’’½łżą„’LVAL„ [none]Arial4PĄĄĄĄĄĄd€?JAN<Automatic>44L LVAL\ Radford 1958:  Portions of a human skeleton were found lying on a layer of sticky clay-like soil atop a slab paving on the SE side of the chamber; a shard of Peterborough ware was found with the bones. Beneath the slab, fragments of human bone and a scrap of Neolithic B pottery were found pressed into the original soil beneath the pavement. P 155 'It is clear that the older burials must have been cleared from the chamber to make way for the secondary burials above the pavement.' More fragmentary human bones were found lying on or trodden into the old surface soil on the ’žRadford 1958:  Portions of a human skeleton were found lying on a layer of sticky clay-like soil atop a slab paving on the SE side of the chamber; a shard of Peterborough ware was found with the bones. Beneath the slab, fragments of human bone and a scrap of Neolithic B pottery were found pressed into the original soil beneath the pavement. P 155 'It is clear that the older burials must have been cleared from the chamber to make way for the secondary burials above the pavement.' More fragmentary human bones were found lying on or trodden into the old surface soil on the west side of the chamber, but no secondary paving was present. P 156 "A careful examination of the floor of the chamber disclosed evidence of burning on the surface of the soil, both under the fallen orthostat and under the secondary pavement in the SE corner. The evidence consisted of a slight darkening of the soil with tiny flecks of charcoal and ash. There was no appearance of intense or prolonged burning, but rather of the presence of small fires, possibly ritual fires lighted before the laying of the secondary pavement& Some of the fragments of bone were also discoloured by fire .[ LVALk Greenwell 1862:  On removing the stones of which the mound was formed, there was found upon the original and undisturbed surface of the ground, a thin stratum of burnt bones, wood, and earth. This band of burnt matter was about 5 cm thick; scattered irregularly throughout it were many small fragments of urns, and pieces of flint, uncalcined. The burnt matter was not found throughout the whole surface but only in patches. & . The barrow had never’žGreenwell 1862:  On removing the stones of which the mound was formed, there was found upon the original and undisturbed surface of the ground, a thin stratum of burnt bones, wood, and earth. This band of burnt matter was about 5 cm thick; scattered irregularly throughout it were many small fragments of urns, and pieces of flint, uncalcined. The burnt matter was not found throughout the whole surface but only in patches. & . The barrow had never been disturbed, the stratum of burnt matter being quite regular and unbroken. A careful examination of the surface of the ground, and of the stratum of burnt matter, shewed that one or more bodies had been burnt, with pieces of pottery, and that then the remains, with flint flakes added, had been deposited in thin patches on the ground, and the mound of stones raised over them. There had never been a cist, or apparently any unburnt body, in the barrow. æ čĻŠs”’žNT 93 NE 15’žBroom Ridge’žMonument #3608’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 9650 3705’ž39650 63705’ž396500’ž637050’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žFord’žnone’žnonex’ž4.9xx’žKinnes Ab1’žKinnes 1979’žGreenwell 1877’žKinnes 1979nono’žsandstonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žpatches of burnt matter’žvariousyesnonono00’žunknownno•@fx1’žyesno’žyesnononono’žvariousxxxnoxnoxnono’ž55°372 37.413 N, 002°032 25.433 W’ž55°372 37.423 N, 002°032 19.843 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1862 An account of the opening of two barrows situated in the parish of Ford and County of Northumberland, on June 22nd and July 1st, 1858. History of the Berwickshire Naturalist Field Club, 4, 390-395’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 410)’žNewbigin, N. 1935 Neolithic 'A' pottery from Ford, Northumberland. Archaeologia Aeliana, 12, 148-157’ž129’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum'ÄæææW3333/$łĪŹĘĘĘÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“«§£Ÿ›–’‹‰‰}ypnnlhd`ZQ8620.,*(&$" ÷óļļļļāŅŅŅŹ·µ°®®®Ø¢œˆxph[MGA4$ q’~Ę’’’½ł’`~œwd LVAL8ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠā āĶāĶāĶāĶāĶāĶāĶāĶāĶ÷źĶ¬–’’’’p’’iöxO„WņėB”ē™*Excavation Records1"Pit Description2Ground Treatment Report Fire By County(Excavation Reports&Pit Detail ReportBGround Treatment Report By SiteRLong Barrows - Incomplete March 16 2009NSW Scotland - Chambered Cairns - PITSTSW Scotland - Chambered Cairns - SUMMARY F“€0* pH‚däDatabase - First try.Ŗ@  = † h‹dPN J< 9stdole>stdole h%^*\G{00020430v-C 0046}#2.0#0#C:\Windows\sy€stem32\e2.tlb#OLE Automa0tion0hADODB>‚ ADO€źBD™€€DEB1D10-8DAA006D2EA 4D1DProgramœles\@CommonS‚M\ado\ms €21‚NMicrosoft Ac@tiveX æ Objects 2.1 Library€H!€DAO>§D¢A€[ § €Y4AC9E1D€A-5BAD-€7-86E3-24F4CDCEC@A28}#cOPROGRA~1\@COMMONM ICROSOFFICE12\ACE€.DLL#,Office 1€a/cess dŎengine„1M0Į^VBIDEAĆ^VBIĄ^E5Ą^·Ą0­Ä1ĄY2Eˆ157Å^00-5.3Ž^Ē,Sha€red\VBAĮ6E6EXT.OLBH6Visual Basic for Applics Extensibilpity ĄĄ+€BŃĀ^,@Report_SW Sco tlandĄÕChambe" Cairns€PIT°SGXA @Ćp@År@Ē_SW* @c@t@Źa¢nĄĢ -@CĄĢ amb@ rĄ‚dĀair@ Vs@A PWT   THERZVMRFJFYTDZYZBOLLSKQNPHD28!HE€RZVMąFJFY*T@4ZąZĄ5OL SKQØNP D¢ ©@1b€E@U"Ea,ā"’’"*(¢+¢āŽForm_Pit D@escrip”uGEāF¢!m_ i " escQąip i n#DFDFWKHRDEAVSDAKOVLKMF@SIFCJE#D«ąaWąH DąŖA Są A`O`*LąMąS 'FjC` E0ł@š?ā÷źĶ¬–’’’’7mOõŻīˆ¦C­Ź/zÄÖ2A™ķ/FormHeaderd ķ/Pit___LabelPit #_Labeld ķ/Length_Labeld ķ/Width_Labeld ķ/Depth_Labeld ķ/Diameter_Labeld ķ/Other_Labeld ķ/Location_Labeld ķ/Ctl_Empty__Label'Empty"_Labeld ķ/ Label41d ķ/ Label40d ķ/ Label42d ķ/ Label46d ķ/ Label52d ķ/Label54d ķ/Label50d ķ/Label58d ķ/Label48d ķ/Label56˜ķ/Detailmķ/Pit__Pit #mķ/Lengthmķ/Widthmķ/÷źĶ¬–’’’’7mOõŻīˆ¦C­Ź/zÄÖ2A™ķ/FormHeaderd ķ/Pit___LabelPit #_Labeld ķ/Length_Labeld ķ/Width_Labeld ķ/Depth_Labeld ķ/Diameter_Labeld ķ/Other_Labeld ķ/Location_Labeld ķ/Ctl_Empty__Label'Empty"_Labeld ķ/ Label41d ķ/ Label40d ķ/ Label42d ķ/ Label46d ķ/ Label52d ķ/Label54d ķ/Label50d ķ/Label58d ķ/Label48d ķ/Label56˜ķ/Detailmķ/Pit__Pit #mķ/Lengthmķ/Widthmķ/Depthmķ/Diametermķ/Othermķ/Locationmķ/Ctl_Empty_'Empty"mķ/Text39mķ/Human_Bone___Burnt__FragmentHuman Bone - Burnt -Fragmentmķ/Burial___CremationBurial - Cremationmķ/Burial___InhumationBurial - Inhumationmķ/ Text47mķ/!Text49mķ/"Text51mķ/#Text53mķ/$Text55mķ/%Text57šķ/&FormFooter’ķ/'NMR’ķ/(Long Axis’ķ/)HR - Burnt Frag’ķ/*HR - Unburnt Frag’ķ/+Cremation Burial’ķ/,Inhumation Burial’ķ/-Pottery’ķ/.Flint’ķ//Plant’ķ/0Animal’ķ/1Rubble’ķ/2Charcoal’ķ/3'Empty'’ķ/4Other material’ķ/5C14 Dates’ķ/6Chronology÷źĶ¬–’’’’BĒĶ!\tK±Ē„äBĄh™ķ/FormHeaderd ķ/C14_Sample___LabelC14 Sample #_Labeld ķ/Lab_Reference___LabelLab Reference #_Labeld ķ/C14_Date__BP__LabelC14 Date (BP)_Labeld ķ/Sample_Type_LabelSample Type_Labeld ķ/Sample_Context_LabelSample Context_Label˜ķ/Detailmķ/C14_Sample__C14 Sample #mķ/Lab_Reference__Lab Reference #mķ/ C14_Date__BP_C14 Date (BP)oķ/ Sample_TypeSample Typeoķ/ Sample_ContextSample Contextšķ/ FormFooter’ķ/ NMR #’ķ/Site Name LVAL- Hemp 1935: Forecourt p 264  The clean clay which formed the floor of the area& showed no sign of disturbance, but on its surface was the mark of a large fire ...the hearth on which it burned was made of small stones bedded in clay and 'dished' at the sides, the total thickness of burnt clay and stones being 4-5 in.; below was the trodden clay floor. Two more areas of fire were found. A circular structure constructed of stones set in clay was also located in the forecourt - it had a compacted clay floor; and a hole 6 inches deep inside in which were 20 small blackened flakes of limestone, which may have served to steady an upright. Leivers 2001 :  On the south side of the cairn is a unique 'terrace' - a drystone ’ž Hemp 1935: Forecourt p 264  The clean clay which formed the floor of the area& showed no sign of disturbance, but on its surface was the mark of a large fire ...the hearth on which it burned was made of small stones bedded in clay and 'dished' at the sides, the total thickness of burnt clay and stones being 4-5 in.; below was the trodden clay floor. Two more areas of fire were found. A circular structure constructed of stones set in clay was also located in the forecourt - it had a compacted clay floor; and a hole 6 inches deep inside in which were 20 small blackened flakes of limestone, which may have served to steady an upright. Leivers 2001 :  On the south side of the cairn is a unique 'terrace' - a drystone structure c 90 m long which was bonded to the cairn walling. Original excavators Hemp and Gresham interpreted a thin clay layer beneath the terrace as a prepared clay floor 'the first thing done was to remove the turf..and prepare a beaten clay floor& this was regularly strewn with charcoal& '. Leivers et al suggest that a more straightforward interpretation is that the clay represents the preserved ground surface. The clay layer contained numerous artefacts including charcoal, large numbers of pot sherds, flint flakes and bunt and unburnt bone. This has been interpreted as an occupation layer, but Leivers et al suggest there is little evidence for this. [NB There are problems with the proveniencing of the artefacts from this site.] šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĆ’ž£y Ć’ž£y Ć’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻĆ’ž£y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž £y ‡€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž £y  šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’7 čGŒs’žNPz’žNPRN 94726’žTyddyn Bleiddyn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žpassage grave’žnone’žSJ 0072 7246’ž30072 37246’ž300720’ž372460’žDenbighshire’žDenbighshire’žCefnmeiriadog’žNorth Wales’žnone’ž122’žNW-SEx2612nonononoyesnonononono’ž12+0‹@Ü1no’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoyesno’žWales’žBoyd Dawkins, W. 1870 On the Discovery of Platycnemic Men in Denbighshire. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London, 2, 440-68’žBoyd Dawkins, W. 1874 Cave Hunting: researches on the evidence of caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe, London, MacMillan’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, LogastonĀĀĀĀĀQČAAAAA::::666600000000000000000000,'#üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüųōšģčāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅĪŹČĮ¼¼¶©šŒ~vnaSM>-' q’Ą’,ł " šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’lč|ˆs!x’žSP 31 NW 21’žAscott Under Wychwood’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3001 1755’ž43001 21755’ž430010’ž217550’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žAscott Under Wychwood’žCotswolds’žon a small spur in the valley of the upper Evenlode’ž120’žE-Wx5418’žOXF 6’žDarvill 2004’žBayliss et al 2007’žChesterman 1977’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 1971yesyes’žJurassic limestone; Great Oolite boundaryyesyesyesyesyes4’žvariousnumerous’žallx’žnumerous’žall0’žyes (2)’žNorth centre and south centre’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation; pre-monument pits; cultivation period?;’žallnononono5’ž20+noQ@Ķ’žcentral (F48); F47, F49, F50, F51 - all pre-barrow1’žyes’žyes’žlimitedxxxxnoxyesxno’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation’žactivity’ž51°512 20.823 N, 001°332 56.173 W’ž51°512 19.203 N, 001°332 50.933 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žBenson, D. & Whittle, A. (Eds.) 2006 Building Memories: The Neolithic Cotswold Long Barrow at Ascott-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, Oxford, Oxbow’žBayliss, A., Benson, D., Galer, D., Humphrey, L., McFadyen, L. & Whittle, A. 2007 One Thing After Another: the Date of the Ascott-under-Wychwood Long Barrow. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, Supplement S1, 29-44’žChesterman, J. T. 1977 Burial rites in a Cotswold long barrow. Man, 12, 22-32’žMercer, R. J. 2004 Enclosure and monumentality, and the Mesolithic-Neolithic continuum. IN CLEAL, R. & POLLARD, J. (Eds.) Monuments and Material Culture. Salisbury, Hobnob 39-4633’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus)%%pCÆŖŖ„”•j?5  żūł÷õģēēēāāāāāą¬¬ œœ——•‘‰…€1 ųöńįŲÖÖŠŹÄľø‡sfQ@,,, ĪĪƬš…}pbQK4. q’æžw’’µ!’ąž¾g“čĈs’žNP!’žNPRN 93827’žBryn Celli Ddu’žLlwyn Llwyd’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSH 50761 70185’ž250761 370185’ž250761’ž370185’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanddaniel Fab’žAnglesey’žon a low ridge of glacial moraine33x48xx’žFb9’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979’žHemp 1931’žO'Kelly 1969’žLynch 1991nono’žridge of glacial morainenoyes’žhazel woodnoyesno’ždecorated stone; stone bead; red jasper5’žcentre (Phase 1); entrance; outer passage;Phase 1 inner circle5’žentrancex0x0nox’žstanding stone; stone bench; ditched enclosure?’žchamberyesnonono2+01’žslab ? / small paving stones™@y’žforecourt1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žcentral pit; Phase 1 ditch; purple clay floorxx’žchamber / passage’žclay ?/ purple clay’žforecourt / Phase 1 stone circleyesxnono’žpostholes, hearths, pitsno’ž53°122 27.793 N, 004°142 09.873 W’ž53°122 26.883 N, 004°142 05.593 W’žWales’žstanding stone’žyes’žHemp, W. J. 1930 The chambered cairn of Bryn Celli Ddu. Archaeologia, 80, 179-214’žHemp, W. J. 1931 The chambered cairn of Bryn Celli Ddu. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 86, 216-58’žBurrow, S. 2010 Bryn Celli Ddu passage tomb, Anglesey: alignment, construction, date and ritual. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 76, 249-271’žO'Kelly, C. 1969 Bryn Celli Ddu. A reinterpretation. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 118, 17-48 Gresham, C. A. 1985 Notes on two Anglesey megalithic tombs. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 134, 225-7’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumGäää€!ĢĒĒĒ·°…ZV<842,,,,,,,,,,,,,, õāąŽÆ«¦”œ—’‹€€tVTRRNJFB<3üśųöōźč¦¤{wqma[W=9555)õšīģčęāæ浤šˆ€xiYJD3& q’æĪ’’’½ł’ą>¼ŹĢ’žTM 39 SE 45’žEarly Neolithic$ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’®č¾ˆs¤’žSE 86 NE 2’žDuggleby Howe’žnone’žround barrow’žcircular enclosure’žnone’žSE 8804 6688’ž48804 46688’ž488040’ž466880’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žKirby Grindalyth’žGreat Wold Valley’žnone’žon a hillsidex38xx’žCf2/Db4/Eb1/Fc1’žKinnes 1979’žMortimer 1905, p 23-30’žLoveday 2002’žKinnes 1979, Kinnes et al 1983’žCole 1902, Garson 1893nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žantler macehead, bone pins; boar tusk implements; beaver tooth chisel2’žcentral0xx0x0nox’žshaft grave’žpre-moundnononono05’ž53+no$@3x1’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žshaft grave; grave pitno’ž54°052 25.273 N, 000°392 19.433 W’ž54°052 24.543 N, 000°392 13.463 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1893 An account of the exploration of Howe Hill Barrow, Duggleby, Yorkshire The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 22, 3-8’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 22-30); Cole, M. 1902 Duggleby Howe. Tras of the East Riding Antiquarian Society, 9, 57-61’žKinnes, I. et al. 1983 Duggleby Howe reconsidered. Archaeological Journal, 140, 83-108; Loveday, R. 2002 Duggleby Howe Revisited. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 21, 135-146’žGibson, A. M. & Ogden, A. 2008 Duggleby Howe, Burial J and the Eastern Yorkshire club scene. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 80, 1-14’ž164’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum&Ć¾¾3nŸķķķķ鎳ˆ„lgca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUSQOMHC?;72---+)) õčęāąŽÜŚŲÖĶĖ„~xrnhd`\XX@ śśśķÜŚŲŌŅŅĆ½Ŗ˜~vnaSM9+% q’’~Ž’’’½ł’ą¼T LVALd A Neolithic passage grave with a subterranean chamber - later demolished to create a Bronze Age ring bank and barrow. Peterson & Proudfoot 1996 : Phase One: Sandy earth with the carbonized remains of timber posts in situ in several places. Probably Neolithic.' Peterson & Proudfoot 1997 : 'parallel sets of shallow slots and three larger pits. Burnt hazelnut shells and blades of Arran pitchstone were recovered from one of the pits. This was followed by a series of discontinuous patches of pre-barrow surface. The majority of these layers appeared to represent preserved turf lines, except on the SW side of the site where there was evidence of disturbed scrub vegetation. Perhaps also Early Neolithic in date, a’žA Neolithic passage grave with a subterranean chamber - later demolished to create a Bronze Age ring bank and barrow. Peterson & Proudfoot 1996 : Phase One: Sandy earth with the carbonized remains of timber posts in situ in several places. Probably Neolithic.' Peterson & Proudfoot 1997 : 'parallel sets of shallow slots and three larger pits. Burnt hazelnut shells and blades of Arran pitchstone were recovered from one of the pits. This was followed by a series of discontinuous patches of pre-barrow surface. The majority of these layers appeared to represent preserved turf lines, except on the SW side of the site where there was evidence of disturbed scrub vegetation. Perhaps also Early Neolithic in date, a 1.5m deep pit in the centre of the site was lined with drystone walling to form a passage grave (see front cover). The chamber was 2m in diameter with a 2m long passage facing W. The construction of this monument was absolutely contemporary with the first mound." The mound was made up of a number of different deposits of stone, earth and timber. "The floor of the chamber produced a large quantity of very small pieces of fragmentary human bone and some flintwork, including a small scraper. After a period of use the passage was blocked; rim fragments from an Early Neolithic bowl were found in the blocking material. " multi-period monument; Interim reports only - insufficient information; no plans available.ā čņŠs’žNO6’žNO 66 SE 4’žFordhouse’žHouse of Dun’žpassage grave’žbarrow’žnone’žNO 6658 6053’ž36658 76053’ž366580’ž760530’žAngus’žTayside’žDun’žnone’žnone54x20xxnononoyesno’žyesyesyesno’žagate?4?yes??x0x0’žyes??’žpre-barrow features; subterranean chamber?nononono000noœ@vx1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpityesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žyes?’žPeterson, R., 1994. Fordhouse Barrow, House of Dun (Dun parish); round barrow. D&ES, 81. Peterson, R. & E. Proudfoot, 1996. Fordhouse Barrow (Dun parish); cairn/ring bank. D&ES, 12.’žPeterson, R. & E. Proudfoot, 1997. Fordhouse Barrow, House of Dun ; cairn, passage grave. D&ES, 13. Peterson, R., R. Turner & E. Proudfoot, 1995. Fordhouse Barrow, House of Dun (Dun parish); round barrow/ring cairn. D&ES, 93.’žProudfoot, E., 1999. Fordhouse Barrow, Dun, Angus. D&ES, 111.’žPeterson, R., 1997. Fordhouse Barrow Excavations 1994-1997. Past: the Newsletter of the Prehistoric Society, 27ńńńń€A]„ŸŸŸ›‹‡‡‡…zzzzzzzxtrpnlgc_[WRNNNLJJ>:86640,($"÷õļķėéēåŻŪŁŃĶĒĮ¼ø²®Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤¢žœ˜˜’Œ‡~wogZLF>/! q’Ą’’’½ł’@`f> šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’# č3ŠsZk’žSU 13 SE 39’žFussell's Lodge’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1914 3245’ž41914 13245’ž419140’ž132450’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žClarendon Park’žnone’žnone’ž107’žNE-SWx5020’žSU 34’žKinnes 1992’žWysocki et al 2007’žAshbee 1984noyes’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono6’žtrapezoid enclosure (3); ditch (3)4’ženclosure entrancex0x0’žmortuary structure’žmound’žflint knapping evidence in ditches and near burials’žditchesnonoyes’žyes?0’ž55+0no¹@Īx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxx’žallxnoxyes’žburial area’žcultivation?; 4 postholes; 6 pitsno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žAshbee, P. 1966 The Fussell's Lodge Long Barrow excavations, 1957. Archaeologia, 100, 1-80’žMorgan, F. d. M. & Ashbee, P. 1958 The excavation of two long barrows in Wessex. Antiquity, 32, 104-11’žWysocki, M., Bayliss, A. & Whittle, A. 2007 Serious Mortality: the Date of the Fussell's Lodge Long Barrow. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, Supplement S1, 65-84’žAshbee, P. 1964 The Radiocarbon Dating of the Fussell's Lodge Long Barrow. Antiquity, 38, 139-4090’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŃ[WWóI߁||wsccc_<<</))))))))))))))'#! żųųųöōōčäāŻŻŪÕĻĖĒ¾‰‚nljhfRP,*&" łóļļļļāĪĪĪĮŗ¶²°©¤¤ž˜ˆ}rjbUGA;.( q’Ę’’’½ł’`ę¾' č"Œs–’’žSD 87 SE 1’žGiant's Grave [N Yorkshire]’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žSD 8564 7335’ž38564 47335’ž385640’ž473350’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žHalton Gill’žnone’žnone’ž402x17xx’žFeather & Manby 1970nono’žYoredale limestonenonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000’žgrey sand layerŽ@1x1’žArchive - Sheffield Museumno’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesx’žW end of moundx’žW end of moundnoxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žFeather, S. W. & Manby, T. G. 1970 Prehistoric chamber tombs of the Pennines. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42, 396-97’žBennett, W. 1937 Giants' Graves, Penygent. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 33, 318-319’ž150ŁŁŌŌŌŌxśśśśöėėėēćććįŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÅĆ³±¬§£Ÿ›–’’vtrrfUSQQOKGA=;751/-+)'%#! ļėēēēēēŃŃŃŃŃĻĶÉĒĀĀ¼¶©”ˆ€seMG93 q’Ā’’’½ū’`fŒĄŹŠ’žST 94 NW 17’ž'rude British urn'' šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’WLVALŠiPASTSCAPE: Accounts differ, but it seems that in 1930 a Mr Massey noted traces of charcoal amongst large stones being removed from a field to the north of his house (or alternatively noted the presence of unusual sandstone blocks on a bed of white sand). Investigation in 1930-31 by Leslie Armstrong and others suggested that the sandstone blocks represented a cairn. Excavation at the highest point of the cairn uncovered Early Bronze Age urn sherds and cremated bone. Armstrong returned in January 1934 when the site was threatened by building work. Beneath the cairn, the primary deposit appears to have been cremated bone associated with much evidence for in situ burning, interpretThe barrow was opened before 1799 - a cist containing a skeleton and a rus’žThe barrow was opened before 1799 - a cist containing a skeleton and a rusted helmet was found. No further details available. No excavation records’žPASTSCAPE: Accounts differ, but it seems that in 1930 a Mr Massey noted traces of charcoal amongst large stones being removed from a field to the north of his house (or alternatively noted the presence of unusual sandstone blocks on a bed of white sand). Investigation in 1930-31 by Leslie Armstrong and others suggested that the sandstone blocks represented a cairn. Excavation at the highest point of the cairn uncovered Early Bronze Age urn sherds and cremated bone. Armstrong returned in January 1934 when the site was threatened by building work. Beneath the cairn, the primary deposit appears to have been cremated bone associated with much evidence for in situ burning, interpreted by Armstrong as the remains of the funeral pyre. With the cremated bones were 2 burnt flint arrowheads (leaf and lozenge types), suggesting a Neolithic date for the cremation. Nearby was a stone slab-built cist 4 feet long and 18 inches wide, which was empty. The site was covered by a cairn circa 36 feet in diameter, the mound being ringed by a kerb or circle of large flat slabs tilted inwards. The chronological relationship of all these features is unclear. Further Early Bronze Age cremations had been inserted into the top of the mound, while on the south and east sides of the mound, numerous cremations had been deposited in the ground over an area extending up to 36 feet from the cairn. EBA pottery sherds were also found in this area, but none seem to have been associated with cremations. I cannot locate the original’žThe barrow was opened before 1799 - a cist containing a skeleton and a rusted helmet was found. No further details available. No excavation records šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’@LVALPDavidson & Henshall 1989: S Comp.  a flagstone pavement covered a cavity about 0.1 m deep; below were the earliest deposits from the chamber, made 'while it was being built' consisting of human and animal bone’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: S Comp.  a flagstone pavement covered a cavity about 0.1 m deep; below were the earliest deposits from the chamber, made 'while it was being built' consisting of human and animal bone (remains of 15 individuals). Hedges 1983 - this tomb was excavated by the landowner, and recording was done several years after the excavation. Very little information provided on the nature of the ground surface. šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’LVALˆdMicrosoft Office AccessNoneFactory DefaultsōB ōB ųI õC ōE öD ’’’’MSACCESS.EXEC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXEIPACDRWDSGATCAPI;«F‡4čEŌß8Q;KišŻ…&ųE‰%ź9ŖxČPPBHAERPģæ N#GUSB0031ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%Ģ82eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5 šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status ’’’’ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowÓ <        Ģj5‹¦į[J§oĀbĀ¶ķ‘      Z R[Radiocarbon dates query].[C14 Date (BP)]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’\JD[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Sample #] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’ZHB[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Type] ’’’’`NH[Radiocarbon Dates].[Sample Context] ’’’’J82[SITE 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" # $ ' ( ) * - šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -E čUŒsµ’žSE 98 NW 94’žPickering (7 Miles East)’žMonument #65438’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 90 85’ž49000 48500’ž490000’ž485000’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žEbberston & Yedingham’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’ž Db 3’žKinnes 1979, p 16nonononononoyesyesyesno1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono030no @1x1nononononononoxxxxnoxxnono’žN Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland (p 221-222)20’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum©FBBBBB©©©©„ššš–’’’ŽŠˆ†„‚~zvrnjfffdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$ ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēŌĶĖÉÅĆææ¹³œ“‚zre[UOB1 q’Ą’’’½ł’@f„”¤Ļ䚳|}īć@sĮ·|}īć@€ 0CB0PropData?IEA1 [ čkŠsŅ’žSP 01 SW 14’žPinkwell’žChedworth 1 Long Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0452 1057’ž40452 21057’ž404520’ž210570’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žChedworth’žCotswolds’žNonenp’žSE-NW’žn/a5427’žGLO 65’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nononononononononono2’žE of forecourt0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean floor; trapezoidal structure’žall; E end of forecourtnononono030noÕ@1x1nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žAkerman, J. Y. 1859 [Notes on the opening of two barrows in Gloucestershire]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 1), 4, 16-18’žMarshall, A. 1997 Chedworth 1 Long Barrow in Rawes, J. and Wills, J., (eds) Archaeological Review No. 21, 1996. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 115, 279’žPastscape;’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO (p 27-28)30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus_ˆj¦    üüüųōōōņģģģģģģģģģģģģģģźęäāąŽŚÖŅĪÉÅĮĮĮæ½½±­«©©§£Ÿ›—~SQMKIGECA1/+'# ųųųźāŽŚÕĪŹŹÄ¹®¤“‹ƒvhWQ:! q’Ā’’’½ł’`f¼īŠŠīŠŠīŠŠ4 čD‰s’žNNC’žNN 95 SW 6’žPitnacree’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 9287 5337’ž29287 75337’ž292870’ž753370’žPerth and Kinross’žPerth and Kinross’žLogierait’žnone’žnone’žon the gravel floor of the Tay Valley67x27xx’žAd3’žKinnes 1979’žBarclay 1991’žBarclay 2003’žBarclay 1999’žCowie 1993’žHenshall 1983; Kinnes 1985noyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono2’žcentral2?’žpits/postholesx0x0’žtimber postsx’žhorsehoe-shaped stone bank?yes’žyes?no’žyes003no”@0x1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žall’žouter kerb’žcentralxnox’ž2 pitsyesx’žcultivation; ground preparation?; postholesno’žSE Scotland’žtimber posts’žyes’žColes, J. & Simpson, D. 1965 The excavation of a Neolithic round barrow at Pitnacree, Perthshire, Scotland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 31, 34-57’žBarclay, G. J. 1999 A hidden landscape: the Neolithic of Tayside. IN HARDING, A. F. (Ed.) Experiment and Design: archaeological studies in honour of John Coles. Oxford, Oxbow 20-29’žBrophy, K. 2010 '...a place where they tried their criminals": Neolithic round mounds in Perth and Kinross. IN LEARY, J., DARVILL, T. & FIELD, D. (Eds.) Round Mounds and Monumentality in the British Neolithic and Beyond. Oxford, Oxbow 10-27’žDenston, C. B. 1965 The Pitnacree cremations. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 31, 49-57’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum­JJJēó;š•••‡zzzvIIIGAAAAAAA9999999731(  ’ūöööōņņęāąŽŽÜ×ÓĶĒÅ©§™—•“‘}trnjd^ZVPLFB& žšššćŽÜŚÖŌŠ©£’ld\OA;5'! q’’ž’’’½ł’@`f>v·ųYNœœ’’ė LVALū Dorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, 0.9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south. The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 6’žDorrington 1881: The barrow stood 1.4 m high above the surface of the field.  Two dry stone walls, 0.9 m apart were discovered 45 cm below the top of the barrow, running nearly north and south. The walls ran to the edge of the mound. Burnt clay, charcoal and earth were found directly below the turf line. The jumbled and calcined bones of 2 people were found 65 cm below the surface, with charcoal nearby. Beneath the walls was a layer of black ashes about 1.2 cm thick, and below that was  a considerable quantity of stumps, or perhaps roots of trees which stood on the round before the tumulus was built.  The ground below the bottom of the tumulus had, apparently not been broken or disturbed. The excavation report is not very precise.„LVAL”—’’’’’„Š € W0W—’’’’’„Š ø W8W“˜W„ąW„W„@W„pW„ W„ŲW„W„PW„˜W„ąW„(W„XW„ˆW„øW„čW„W„PW„€W„øW„čW„( W„` W„˜ W„ ”W„Ų+Wƒą&W‡ Ų W8W˜WųWXWøW@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W„@W’’’’–W”8Wˆ(.WƒČ(Wƒ"ø“n^”€ˆWH$Wƒ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W ‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆWH$W‚ ‹”W„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šü‡’’’’„*W Ą-W„8*W €³b…X WƒWˆƒ@W`%W„ƒxWp%W„ƒ°W€%W„ƒčW%W„ƒ W %W„ƒX W°%W„ƒ WĄ%W„ƒČ WŠ%W„„!Wą%W„ƒ8!Wš%W„ƒp!W&W„ƒØ!W&W„ƒą!W &W„ƒ"W0&W„ƒP"W@&W„ƒˆ"WP&W„ƒĄ"W`&W„ƒų"Wp&W„ƒ0#W€&W„ƒh#W&W„ƒ #W &W„ƒŲ#W°&W„ƒ$WĄ&W„ƒ ‡ž‚Wƒ ‡ž‚@Wƒ ‡ž‚xWƒ ‡ž‚°Wƒ ‡ž‚čWƒ ‡ž‚ Wƒ ‡ž‚X Wƒ ‡ž‚ Wƒ ‡ž‚Č Wƒ ‡žƒ!Wƒ ‡ž‚8!Wƒ ‡ž‚p!Wƒ ‡ž‚Ø!Wƒ ‡ž‚ą!Wƒ ‡ž‚"Wƒ ‡ž‚P"Wƒ ‡ž‚ˆ"Wƒ ‡ž‚Ą"Wƒ ‡ž‚ų"Wƒ ‡ž‚0#Wƒ ‡ž‚h#Wƒ ‡ž‚ #Wƒ ‡ž‚Ų#Wƒ ‡ž‚$Wˆ‡`P)WX)W`)Wh)Wp)Wx)W€)Wˆ)W)W˜)W )WØ)W°)Wø)WĄ)WČ)WŠ)WŲ)Wą)Wč)Wš)Wų)W*W*W؝W„@W„xW„°W„čW„ W„X W„ W„Č W…!W„8!W„p!W„Ø!W„ą!W„"W„P"W„ˆ"W„Ą"W„ų"W„0#W„h#W„ #W„Ų#W„$W„H$W„Pit Descriptionƒ@*Wƒž”W„‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚P-Wƒü‡’’’’„0-WŲ”W„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Ų+WŲ+qWŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+WŲ+Wˆ‡°-W„ƒ @WĄ-Wƒƒ˜-W.W„%Ą*W’’’’Pit Descriptionƒ”n^”€ˆWĄ*W„‹ƒP-WŠ&W„ƒ‹P-W„Ž”n^”€ˆWŲ+WƒŒƒĄ-Wˆ-W„‡’’’’ƒƒĄ-Wų-W„H$W„4 LVALD Hodder & Shand 1988: P349 '..the survival of large parts of the floor, walls and roof of the mortuary chamber. Preliminary evidence would suggest that the chamber is a rectangular, probably flat-roofed structure closely related in size, shape: and construction techniques to the megalithic chambered tombs.' Evidence for 2-phase mound construction’žHodder & Shand 1988: P349 '..the survival of large parts of the floor, walls and roof of the mortuary chamber. Preliminary evidence would suggest that the chamber is a rectangular, probably flat-roofed structure closely related in size, shape: and construction techniques to the megalithic chambered tombs.' Evidence for 2-phase mound construction - the timber structure was first covered with a gravel-capped clay and silt mound, and then later a larger mound was constructed of clay silt, a thick layer of turf and capped with gravel. Two secondary burials were found in the later mound. The mortuary structure was intentionally burnt down. Kinnes 1992 list a different grid ref -TL 405 705 .īŠŠīŠŠƒ č“Źs’žSO 91 SW 5’žBuck's Head Round Barrow’žHungerfield; Cranham 3’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSO 9131 1259’ž39131 21259’ž391310’ž212590’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žCranham’žnone’žnonex’ž22.8xx’žAa1’žKinnes 1979’žRoleston 1881nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žtree roots’žbeneath moundnononono002no@˜x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnoxnox’žfireno’ž51°482 42.913 N, 002°072 38.583 W’ž51°482 41.313 N, 002°072 33.583 W’žSW Englandno’žDorington, J. E. 1881 Remarks on a round barrow, in Hungerfield, in the parish of Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 133-4’žRolleston, G. 1881 Notes on bones, concrete, charcoal, etc. found in the round barrow, near Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 135-6’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž274’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumx}ÄŚÆ«„„„£ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‘Œˆ„€{wrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLH9-+'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļąąąÓĪĢŹÄĀĀĀ¼¶­„”Œ„wi\VH0 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~œg·ųYN­­’’·ųYN  ’’īŠŠ·ųYN¢¢’’īŠŠāLVALƒl\ņ]Grimes 1960: previous investigations (1781? Or 1871?) found chambered compartments containing bodies depositeGrimes 1960: previous investigations (1781? Or 1871?) found chambered compartments containing bodies deposited north and south. P48 - 'The surface of the forecourt when cleared was found to be quite featureless& .lying upon the original ground surface were found in a group fragments of Neolithic B pottery& these must ante-date the building of the long barrow (some Anglo Saxon sherds were also found among the stones)& .[Previous] destroyers had disturbed the floor of the chamber..the ground had in some places been dug away to a depth of more than 15 cm.' P 52  The south entrance had been completely disturbed and the ground dug away to a depth of 15 cm up to the undisturbed entrance blocking. P 64 - In excavating the outer cairn walls  portions were stripped to the undisturbed ground on N and S and along the east face of the south horn& revealed a sharply cut V-shaped trench which the wall had been built& .the level ground surface beneath the cairn inside the trench was higher everywhere than the gently rising surface outside it. There can be no doubt of its artificial origin - a conclusion that can only mean that the ground was trimmed to provide the level, slightly raised platform on which the cairn was built. Whether this 'trimming' was carried out before or after the trench was cut, it is impossible to say. P 65  The level area [beneath the cairn] was defined on all sides except the west by the inner edge of the V-sectioned trench. The profiles outside the trench varied considerably. (see p 65) P 77  in tombs with transeptal galleries, which are now generally accepted as the earliest in the CS- complex, the practice of preparing and defining the floor of the monument in one way or another was general. P 65  [There was] a foundation of stones laid flat like a sort of very crude paving and covering & the floor of the barrow. In many places this foundation had decayed to rubble. § č·ŠsÓ’žSP 11 NW 18’žBurn Ground’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1042 1607’ž41042 21607’ž410420’ž216070’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHampnett’žCotswold’žnone’žE-Wx’ž30.516’žGLO 60’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žsaddle quern?’žseveral holes noted - stone sockets?0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter; ground stripping/levelling’žaround the entire cairnno’žyesnono0’žunknown0’žslab £ƒl\x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement’žground strippingyesnono’ž51°502 35.453 N, 001°512 00.293 W’ž51°502 33.853 N, 001°502 55.173 W’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO ( p 41-128)’žSmith, M. & Brickley, M. 2006 The date and sequence of use of Neolithic funerary monuments: new AMS dating evidence from the Cotswold-Severn region. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 25, 335-35530’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus2ŚÖÖÖÖ••••‘…Z/+''''!!žśńļķėęįŻŁÕŠĢĢĢŹČČ¼¶“««©„”œ˜QOKIGECA? ’łõļėēćßßßßßßßßŃÉÅæ½øøø²Øž”ƒ{sfXGA*$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’(~Œ·ųYN¦¦’’īŠŠ šLVALŠ’’’’rGDŽ šÉ{" šČ½… † †r?ƒž‹ĄÉ{—šÉ{„ųÉ{„HÉ{ƒƒ‡É{ƒØÉ{œ«Y£ Æ’’’’@ōÉ{<É{|É{ÄÉ{ČÉ{É{PÉ{˜É{É{É{É{É{ōÉ{<É{|É{ÄÉ{ƒ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ d… ’1Site Information Form.NMR‡ Flint‡9Site Information Form.Flint #‡?Site Information Form.Flint Type‰=Site Information Form.Site Nameƒƒ`É{ƒƒXÉ{„ēƒØÉ{„ųÉ{˜’’…ŲÉ{’’’’ž!°ķć@ˆ’’’’„ųÉ{(É{’’’’’’’ōÉ{ųp$’’’’‚[’<É{ųp$’’’’’|É{ųp$’’’’’ÄÉ{ųp$’’’’’Site Information Form‡ƒ É{ƒóƒPÉ{„É{˜’ž  É{ŲÉ{’’’’w±jUž­ć@ˆ’’’’„W~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cFlint Subform‰(É{‘Š ČÉ{0É{›„Š É{8É{›„Š PÉ{@É{›„Š ˜É{HÉ{“ČÉ{„É{„PÉ{„˜É{„ ōÉ{ųp$’’’’‚;’<É{ųp$’’’’’|É{ųp$’’’’’ÄÉ{ųp$’’’’’Flint‹’’’’’„Š ōÉ{pÉ{—’’’’’„Š <É{xÉ{—’’’’’„Š |É{€É{—’’’’’„Š ÄÉ{ˆÉ{“ČÉ{„É{„PÉ{„˜É{„ØÉ{ƒŲÉ{Œą+V^žÉ{Œ __NMR #ƒƒØÉ{ˆ ”É{„`É{ƒųÉ{‡ 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000°452 45.003 W’ž54°032 24.103 N, 000°452 39.093 W’žN England’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 73)’žProctor, W. 1854 Report of the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Antiquarian Club, in the excavation of barrows from the year 1849, York, H. Sotheran’žHayfield, C. & Manby, T. G. 1996 A flint axe from Aldro, East Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 68, 235-9’ž179##¦’g<<8400******* żżżūūūļļķėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėēćßŪ×ÓĻĖĒĆĆĆĆƬ¬¬¬¬Ŗؤ¢¢¢¢‘‡~me]PB<6(" q’?Ā’,ł@ ;œLVAL ŠŠŠŠŠŠ>>Ļ>Ļ>ĻDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread ov’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 045 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds."’žRenfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside the chamber were dug after the cairn was constructed, and dug through burnt levels which’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 045 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds."’žRenfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 045 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds."’žRenfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside the ’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 045 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds."’žRenfrew 1979 p 169 - 'We have no evidence whatsoever for any use of the site prior to the construction of the chambered cairn. The pits dig inside the chamber were dug after the cairn was constructed, and dug through burnt levels which termninate at the walls of the chamber" Davidson & Henshall 1989 P 152: "The Neolithic deposits in the chambe’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 045 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds."’žGrant 1934 p 72: 'a setting of four small flagstones in the chamber floor  is strongly suggestive of a rectangular bed- or hearthlike arrangement, 4 feet long by 2 feet 9 inches broad. īŠŠ˜ č،s˜3’žSE 76 NE 10’žHedon Howe’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 7846 6651’ž47846 46651’ž478460’ž466510’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBurythorpe’žnone’žnonex15xx’žAg2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0Noxnoxnononono050not@,x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 346-350)’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumZ÷ņņņņņxxxxtiiieaaa_YYYYYYYYYYYYYYWSQOMKFB>:61---+)) żū÷õóńļķėéēćߣÕŃĖĒĆæ»»»»»»»»®©§„”ŸŸŸ™“‡~me]PB<6)# q’~Ą’’’½ł’`f„w č"s’žND<’žND 49 SW 4’žHoxa Hill’žThe Wart’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 4333 9357’ž34333 99357’ž343330’ž993570’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSouth Ronaldsay’žSouth Ronaldsay’žnone60x’ž9.7xx’žORK 67’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nononononononononono’žunknown0?@ ź2no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressēwwwwwwwwwwwkkkkggbb^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ZUQMHC???===11/&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" žžžžžžžžäÜŚŲÓŃĶĶĒ¶„•…}uhZB<+! q’Ą’,ł "žŲ čč‹s’žNP#’žNPRN 300078’žHeston Brake’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 5052 8866’ž35052 18866’ž350520’ž188660’žMonmouthshire’žMonmouthshire’žPortskewett’žCotswolds’žnone35npx2512’žMON 3’žDarvill 2004’žBagnall-Oakley 1889nonononoyesnoyesnono’ž2 smooth stones00 @ž1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyes?yesno’žWales’žBagnall-Oakley, W. 1888 The chambered tumulus at Heston Brake, Monmouthshire. Proceedings of the Clifton Antiquarian Society, 5, 64-6’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus#ĖĖĖĖrxxxxxqqqqmmmmgggggggggggggggggggga\XTPKGGGEEE9975555555555555555555$  üüüüüēēēŁŅĪŹČÄĄĄŗÆ¢“„|tgYHB+% q’Ā’,ł "n·ųYNĄĄ’’›«Ļ¤»Œķć@¤»Œķć@Ł œøc)TypeInfoCopyć B>:" ·ųYN’’{ č‹Œs–u’žSE 49 SE 2’žKepwick Moor’žOver Silton’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 4915 9033’ž44915 49033’ž449150’ž490330’žNorth Yorkshire’žHambleton’žKepwick’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SW’žn/a319’žSE 18’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono05+0no'@x1no’žyesnononononox’žallxxnoxnoxnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 509-510)’ž150’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumcķččččč››››—ŒŒŒˆ„„„‚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|xvtomiea]YTPPPNLL@<:6640,'#!   ’łõńķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŠŠŠĆ¼ŗ¶±Ŗ¦¦ š‘†umeXJD>1$ q’Ā’’’½ł’`f„7īŠŠŖ LVALŗ A series of secondary pits was found around the outside of the cairn - most contained burnt bone and charcoal. Cummings & Fowler 2007 - p 13 - no evidence for previous structures or pre-cairn activity was found in the areas searched. Early Neolithic Carinated Bowl potsherds were located on the OGS, but it was not possible to determine when in the stratigraphic sequence the sherds were deposited. P 23 ' The pres’žA series of secondary pits was found around the outside of the cairn - most contained burnt bone and charcoal. Cummings & Fowler 2007 - p 13 - no evidence for previous structures or pre-cairn activity was found in the areas searched. Early Neolithic Carinated Bowl potsherds were located on the OGS, but it was not possible to determine when in the stratigraphic sequence the sherds were deposited. P 23 ' The presence of diagnostically early Neolithic lithic and pot assemblages suggests (probably brief) occupational activity at Cairnderry.' This may represent activity just prior to the monument being constructed, but cannot rule out the possibility that it predates the monument by many hundreds of years. P 23 - cairn was constructed on a natural knoll "without cutting into the earth of the knoll" - a possibly sacred place.m č}‰s‡›’žNX 37 NW 1’žCairnderry’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, round’žNX 3159 7993’ž23159 57993’ž231590’ž579930’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žMinnigaff’žnone’žnone’ž155x25xx’žKRK 7’žHenshall 1972’žCummings & Fowler 2002’žCummings & Fowler 2003’žummings & Fowler 2004yesnonoyesnonoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer?; flint knapping’žallyes?nonono000’žpaving stonesF@Įx1nonononono’žyes’žyes’žS chamberxx’žS chambernoxyesxnono’žflint/potsherd scatterno’ž55°052 06.703 N, 004°382 23.983 W’ž55°052 06.603 N, 004°382 19.643 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žCummings, V. & Fowler, C. 2007 From Cairn to Cemetery: an archaeological investigation of the chambered cairns and early Bronze Age mortuary deposits at Cairnderry and Bargrennan White Cairn, south-west Scotland Oxford, Oxbow’žColes, F. R. 1897 A record of the kistvaens found in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 3, 1-19’žCummings, V. & Fowler, C. 2003 Cairnderry (Minnigaff Parish), chambered tomb. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 4, 49-50 PDF’žCummings, V. & Fowler, C. 2004 Cairnderry (Minnigaff Parish), chambered tomb. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 5, 37’ž135’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŽ'""„–±±±¬Ø›pEA)%!łōļėēćßŪŪŪŁ××Ė¼ŗøø¶²®Ŗ¢zxtrpnljhfd`\VPLHB>:444ķķķŽ×ÕÓĻĶČČĀ¼±šƒ{sfX?9(" q’Ī’’’½ł’ą’¼7·ųYNČČ’’LVAL*·eÅPiggott & Powell 1949 : p 109 'The old land-surface under the cairn did not appear to have been artificially prepared, but patches of burnt soil and amorphous carbonised wood suggested the lighting of fires, either ritual or more likely as a part of the preliminary clearance of a wooded site.' P 110  Scattered along the front of the revetment on the old ground-surface were numerous lumps of white quartz of varying sizes.  In and under the blocking material was a series of deposits of pottery and other objects, including carinated bowl sherds, a flake of Arran pitchstone, a jet bead and a mass of closely compacted sea-shells. P 114-5  When the blocking material was removed it was found that at five places on the old surface fires had been lit and had burnt fiercely into the soil: & There was no apparent arrangement of these hearths, though one was on the central line 9 feet from the portals and three in a line south-west of this, and the fifth away to the north. Near this last hearth it was found that a thin layer of clean earth had been laid down over a sixth hearth, a large oval burnt area north-east of the north portal, completely masking it. Under this earth spread, and partly in the hearth area, were numerous pot sherds and a pitchstone flake. The large hearth on the central axis of the forecourt was found to lie over, and penetrate into, the filling of an irregular hole dug in the old ground-level, approximately 4 by 3 feet and having a maximum depth of a little under 1 foot. The filling beneath the burnt hearth layer consisted of earth and rather large stones, several of which were partly embedded in the walls of the hole, as if forced there by pressure. The circumstances were entirely suggestive of the socket for a standing stone..  Burial Chamber -  at a point later found to be about 9 inches above the floor, a rough paving or layer of flat slabs could be traced. On the floor was another such rough-paved area stretching over the whole of the antechamber, and between the two pavin LVAL gs, in dark earth and stones, were scattered fragments of cremated bones and (principally lying upon the lower paving) sherds and other artefacts. Chamber - Much disturbed; a large stone partitioned off an area of the chamber - in that area were a few sherds of a Middle Bronze Age Food vessel and a cup-and-ring marked stone, both probably related to a secondary burial.·ųYNĒĒ’’īŠŠīŠŠ·ųYNŹŹ’’īŠŠ·ųYNŲŲ’’ čŠs‰z’žNX 55 SW 2’žCairnholy I’žCairn Holy’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 5176 5389’ž25176 55389’ž251760’ž553890’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmabreck’žnone’žnone’ž122’žE-Wx42’ž9.9’žKRK 2’žHenshall 1972nono’žLloandovery subdivision of Siluriannono’žyesyesyesyes’žcup and ring marked stone; jet bead1’žforecourt1?’žpit/posthole - forecourtx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žforecourtyesnoyesno600’žrough paving slabsŅÄ*·e’žforecourt1’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žcairn; forecourtxx’žantechambernox’ž6 hearths; pit /posthole’žantechamber - pavingyes’žantechambernono’žoccupation area; hearths; potsherd scatter; woodland clearanceno’ž54°512 28.163 N, 004°182 38.963 W’ž54°512 27.953 N, 004°182 34.503 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žPiggott, S. & Powell, T. G. E. 1949 The excavation of three Neolithic chambered tombs in Galloway, 1949. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 83 (1948-49), 103-161’žCummings, V. 2003 Monuments and landscape: encounters at Cairnholy. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 77, 23-36’ž137’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressų‘ŒŒŒŒOJJEA4 ŽŚš–’…iiiiiiiOOOOOMI<:8&!  ÷÷ė×ÕÓÓŃĶĒĆ½² žš˜–”’xtigB<60+'#žśööööööööēąŪ×ÕŠĖĖÅ沛„|tgYF@/# q’Ą’’’½ł’č’Žß črČ:’žSJ 48 NW 4’žThe CaldesČ:’žSJ 48 NW 4’žThe Calderstones’žnone’žchambered cairn’žcarved stone’žnone’žSJ 4040 8761’ž34040 38761’ž340400’ž387610’žMerseyside’žLiverpool’žLiverpool’žnone’žnone’žSimpson 1864\@Bź2’žn/ano’žCentral England’žSimpson, J. Y., 1864. [Calderstones]. Transactions of the Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 17, 257-262;’žAllen, J. R., 1852. On the circle of stones at Calderstones, near Liverpool. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 39, 304-316.’ž200ģģēēēēYāāāāāŃŃŃŃĶĶČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČČĘĘĘŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¦ •Š~vnaSM?.( q’ €"Œ šLVALŠMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHidden; <        ·rģcĻO‘ ¤śćö      Ā ŗ[Pottery Query - September 2011].[Pottery Type], [Pottery Query - September 2011].[Site Name]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’B0*[Pottery].[Pottery #] ’’’’H60[Pottery].[Pottery Type] ’’’’>,&Pottery.[Pottery #] ’’’’Y2,Pottery.[Pottery Type] ¶  ’’’’¬ č¼‹sŅś’žSJ 96 SW 6’žBridestones’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žgallery grave, long, porthole tomb’žSJ 9061 6218’ž39061 36218’ž390610’ž362180’žCheshire’žCongleton’žCongleton’žnone’žnone’ž250’žE-Wx’ž55-110’ž11-13nononononononoyesno’žholed stone0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono100’žcobbles£@ß’žforecourt1nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žforecourtxx’žforecourtnox’žhearth?yesnono’ž53°092 24.163 N, 002°082 30.493 W’ž53°092 23.123 N, 002°082 25.323 W’žCentral Englandno’žDunlop, M., 1938. A preliminary survey of The Bridestones, Congleton, and related monuments Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 53, 14-31.’žDaniel, G., 1950. The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.’ž210<<7777É     ąµ±­­­­§§§§§§§§§žžžžžœ˜‹‰~zuqmhd```^SSG><::840,&$   żłóļėēćßŪ×××××××××׊ČĘĮ¼¼¶°„šˆ€se@:)# q’Ą’’’½ł’ ~Œū šLVALŠ’’’’rGDY/ķK/Ē… † †Ü?ƒž‹ $ķK—/ķK„ķK„Ø$ķKƒƒÆ«£ Æ<“@źķKBķKhķK ķKČķK ķKXķKķKųķKųķK€ķK€ķKźķKBķKhķK ķKƒ d… ‚‚ d… ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ ’+SITE DESCRIPTION.NMR #…SITE DESCRIPTION‰3SITE DESCRIPTION.Site Name…!Pottery.Pottery #‡ Potteryƒ'Pottery.Pottery Type‰ƒķKƒƒķK„ēƒķK„ČķK˜’’…ĄķK’’’’Ū„Hżģć@ˆ’’’’„šķKķK† čķKųķK† źķKČ»ķ† BķKČ»ķ„ hķKČ»ķ„  ķKČ»ķ„#SITE DESCRIPTION‰ƒķKTƒTóƒŠķK„šķK˜’žĄķKĄķK’’’’Āōģć@ˆ’’’’„ PotteryƒƒhķKƒóƒ8ķK„XķK˜’žų ķKĄķK’’’’9ó„£vć@ˆ’’’’„;Pottery Query - September 2011…ķKųķKŠ ąķKķKˆ’„Š ķK`ķKˆŽƒ„Š hķKķKˆŽƒ„Š ˜ķKČķKˆŠ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…ąķK„;[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]… ķK„%Pottery.[Pottery #]ƒhķK„+Pottery.[Pottery Type]…˜ķK„źķKČ»ķ† BķKČ»ķ„#SITE DESCRIPTION’’’’’„Š źķK(ķK‡’’’’’„Š BķK0ķK‡’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ŌąķK„ ķK„hķKČ»ķ„  ķKČ»ķ„Pottery»’’’’’„Š hķKķK‡’’’’’„Š  ķKķK‡hķK„˜ķK„ ”ķK„Ų&ķKƒ0"ķK‡ ĄķK8ķKHķKXķKhķKxķKķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK„ķK’’’’–ķK”øķKˆ/ķKƒˆ"ķKƒø“n^”€ˆķKĄķKƒ ‹ø“n^”€ˆķKĄķK‚ ‹”n^”€ˆķKų ķK‚ ‹ø“n^”€ˆķKų ķK‚ ‹”ķK„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„č"ķK$ķKœh.ķK„#ķKƒč#ķKˆ#ķK”č¾ķ„ķKƒąķKˆƒķKŲ ķK„”ķK„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„@#ķK  .ķK„P#ķK—ˆ#ķKƒHĄķ„ųķKƒPķKč ķK„ƒˆķK"ķK„ƒ ‡dƒąķKƒ ‡dƒķKƒ‡ƒPķKƒ ‡ž‚ˆķK8‡Ą"ķKČ"ķKŠ"ķKŲ"ķKą#ķK¤ąķKƒķK„PķK„ˆķK„'ĄķKų ķKSITE DESCRIPTION ƒdƒ(#ķK„PrimaryKey… PotteryŠ ƒdƒh#ķK„PotteryNMR #‰ ĄķK˜#ķK‡ą#ķKƒ dƒ ›€Šų ķKƒ ‹Ø#ķKƒ ų ķKų#ķK‡Ą"ķKƒ dƒ ƒPrimaryKey…($ķKƒž”ķK„„‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚Ą,ķKƒž‡’’’’„,ķK ,ķKŌ”ķK„Ō‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚-ķKƒž‡’’’’„P-ķKx-ķKŌ”ķK„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Ų&ķKŲ&ķqKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKŲ&ķKˆ‡H.ķK„ƒ ķKh.ķKƒƒ .ķKˆ 0(ķK’’’’ ”ķKØ$ķK’’’’Ą%ķK’’’’†’’’’’’’’’ PotteryƒPotteryNMR #‰ø“n^”€ˆķKØ$ķKƒ Œ”n^”€ˆķKØ$ķK„‹ƒĄ,ķK "ķK„ƒų,ķK0-ķK„SITE DESCRIPTION‰PrimaryKey…ø“n^”€ˆķKĄ%ķKƒ Œ”n^”€ˆķKĄ%ķK„‹ƒ-ķK@-ķK„ƒČ-ķK.ķK„ƒ‹Č-ķKƒ‹ų,ķKŽ‹‚”n^”€ˆķKŲ&ķKƒŒ”n^”€ˆķKŲ&ķK‚Œƒh.ķK.ķK„ƒ .ķKŲ.ķK„ƒh.ķKč.ķK„ƒ .ķKų.ķK„ĄķKų ķKõ čŠs‰’žNX 55 SW 1’žCairnholy II’žGaldus's Tomb’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 5181 5403’ž25181 55403’ž251810’ž554030’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žKirkmabreck’žnone’žnone’ž129’žNE-SWx2112’žKRK 3’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono100no’žantechamber1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žantechamber - hearthyesxnononono’ž54°512 32.743 N, 004°182 36.423 W’ž54°512 32.533 N, 004°182 31.963 W’žSW Scotlandno’žPiggott, S. & Powell, T. G. E. 1949 The excavation of three Neolithic chambered tombs in Galloway, 1949. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 83 (1948-49), 103-161’žCummings, V. 2003 Monuments and landscape: encounters at Cairnholy. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 77, 23-36’žColes, F. R. 1897 A record of the kistvaens found in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 3, 1-19’žGregory, R. A. 2002 Prehistoric landscapes in Dumfries and Galloway Part 2: Bronze Age landscapes Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc,, 76, 45-78’ž137’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press›––óję----)ńĘĀ¾ŗ¶“®®˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒŠ…€|xtplllj]]]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’ūūūūūūūūģåįŻŪŌĻĻÉƶŸˆ€xk]JD3$ q’Ą’’’ł’č¼ļOLVAL_Calder 1937 p 122 : 'The floor consisted of a layer of blue clay lying on the natural buff coloured clay subsoil. It may be mentioned that the whole foundation of the cairn seemed to rest on the blue ’žCalder 1937 p 122 : 'The floor consisted of a layer of blue clay lying on the natural buff coloured clay subsoil. It may be mentioned that the whole foundation of the cairn seemed to rest on the blue layer, the material of which, it is understood, does not occur nearer than the south end of Eday.' Pottery sherds and flints were found in Chamber B in a deposit of  black, greasy, peaty humus and peat ash .·ųYNŌŌ’’īŠŠv 膏s’žHY’žHY 53 NE 18’žCalf of Eday Long’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 5786 3861’ž35786 103861’ž357860’ž1038610’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žCalf of Eday’žnone17’žENE-WSWx20’ž8.2’žORK 8’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žChilde 1946’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?yesno000’žblue clay”@Ņx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žwhole cairnx’žentire cairnnox’žall - blue clay floorno’žchamber’ždark soil deposit; ground preparationno’ž59°132 55.283 N, 002°442 24.373 W’ž59°132 56.893 N, 002°442 18.443 W’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1937 A Neolithic double-chambered cairn of the stalled type and later structures on the calf of Eday, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 71, 115-54’žChilde, V. G. 1945 Prehistoric cereals from Scotland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 79, 167’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press…ĻW””””„Y.*śöößßßßßßßßßßß߯ŁĖɼŗµ°¬Ø£žššš˜––Š}{{yuoiec_]YWUSQOMKIE?93/)%! žžžäŻŲŌŅÉÅÅ汫›‹‚zl^GA0* q’Ę’’’½ł’h~Ź LVALŚ Calder 1938: p 211 'The [chamber] floor is rough and rocky, but a considerable quantity of fine clay spread over it suggests it was purposely levelled up with a layer of this material.' Davidson & Henshall (1989) note that although this structure has been identified with’žCalder 1938: p 211 'The [chamber] floor is rough and rocky, but a considerable quantity of fine clay spread over it suggests it was purposely levelled up with a layer of this material.' Davidson & Henshall (1989) note that although this structure has been identified with a subterranean chamber excavated by Farrer in 1855 and Petrie a few years later, their description accords more closely with a curious lttle structure higher up the hill. The Petrie (1927) and Farrer (1857) accounts contain no information on ground surfaces, in any event.Ė3Ū’žSP 80 SW 1’žred deerīŠŠīŠŠīŠŠ·ųYNöö’’-LVALŠŠuGGĪGĪClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal" P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal" P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žCard 2005: Page 168 - Identified 5 phases: Phase 1 - construction of the tomb; Phase 2 Use of tomb with interment of human remains Phase 3 abandonment and destruction of the tomb; Phase 4 monumentalization of the site with construction of 3 concentric revetments; Phase 5 19th century investigations. Page 169- 'Construction started with the stripping of turf and topsoil down to natural boulder clay& " Page 171 - In the NW chamber, the flagging sat directly on natural boulder clay. P 174 - Pits assigned to Phase 2 - 'Use of Tomb' Card notes that his excavations confirmed the accuracy of Petrie's plans - this may lend credibilty to his plans of other tombs.’žScott 1954 : 'in what was presumed to be the burial chamber there was discovered a deposit& of at least fifty quartz pebbles closely packed together& ..[and] the butt of a broken axehead of polished stone was found.' Not specific as to whether the pebble deposit was found on the ground surface.’žBoyd Dawkins 1870 - CHAMBER 1 - p 477 'the whole of the interior was filled with fine sand'. No information on buried ground surface.’žManby 1965 p 6 - "from the brown soil beneath the cairn (the former topsoil) five flint flakes and two pieces of a polished greenstone axe were found." P 7 "The entrance [to the chamber] was paved and n the spaces between the stones ..were portions of a human ’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal" P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žCard 2005: Page 168 - Identified 5 phases: Phase 1 - construction of the tomb; Phase 2 Use of tomb with interment of human remains Phase 3 abandonment and destruction of the tomb; Phase 4 monumentalization of the site with c’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal" P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žScott 1954 : 'in what was presumed to be the burial chamber there was discovered a deposit& of at least fifty quartz pebbles closely packed together& ..[and] the butt of a broken axehead of polished stone was found.' Not specific as to whether the pebble deposit was found on the ground surface.’žBoyd Dawkins 1870 - CHAMBER 1 - p 477 'the whole of the interior was filled with fine sand'. No information on buried ground surface.·ųYNįį’’Į LVALŠŠĻ½ % ė Ż Borlase 1886: chamber was 'paved throughout. The floor of this chamber& .was strewn with ashes and the the burnt bones of full-grown human subjectCallander & Cree nd - as quoted in Henshall & Ritchie 1995 p 87 'In the innermost chamber, a skeleton remained in situ& ..No artef’žCallander & Cree nd - as quoted in Henshall & Ritchie 1995 p 87 'In the innermost chamber, a skeleton remained in situ& ..No artefact of any description was discovered.' Henshall & Ritchie (1995) p 36 note that the excavation was 'hasty' and the report 'informal'.’žBorlase 1886: chamber was 'paved throughout. The floor of this chamber& .was strewn with ashes and the the burnt bones of full-grown human subjects, amongst which was a quantity of broken pottery and a long sand-stone, ...At the northwest end of the chamber was a raised platform formed of two flat stones, both under and upon which burnt bones were found.' 'The barrow..on the north side was composed of stone and on the south side of earth.' A secondary cist containing an inverted urn and cremated human bone was found outside the northwest end of the chamber.’žBryce 1909: 'As was to be expected [due to previous disturbance] nothing in the way of relics was recovered in the soil upon the floor of the vault.'’žThurnam 1869: p 194-5 'In the long barrow at Tinhead, which had evidently been rifled at some unknown period, we found, in 1864, traces of human remains in the usual situation at the east end, and near them a fragment or two of rude black pottery of a peculiar character.'’žCurle 1930, p 275 'The chambers and passages were filled with debris. The former were entirely cleared out, and the surface soil to a sufficient depth examined with the aid of a riddle. The result was completely negative. No relics of any sort were recovered. There was not even a trace of human bone.'’žBarrow is located within Marden Henge. Colt Hoare 1812 : Vol 2 p 6 "From the depth of two or three feet from the summit of the tumulus t’žCallander & Cree nd - as quoted in Henshall & Ritchie 1995 p 87 'In the innermost chamber, a skeleton remained in situ& ..No artefact of any description was discovered.' Henshall & Ritchie (1995) p 36 note that the excavation was 'hasty' and the report 'informal'.’žBorlase 1886: chamber was 'paved throughout. The floor of this chamber& .was strewn with ashes and the the burnt bones of full-grown human subjects, amongst which was a quantity of broken pottery and a long sand-stone, ...At the northwest end of the chamber was a raised platform formed of two flat stones, both under and upon which burnt bones were found.' 'The barrow..on the north side was composed of stone and on the south side of earth.' A secondary cist containing an inverted urn and cremated human bone was found outside the northwest end of the chamber.’žBryce 1909: 'As was to be expected [due to previous disturbance] nothing in the way of relics was recovered in the soil upon the floor of the vault.'’žThurnam 1869: p 194-5 'In the long barrow at Tinhead, which had evidently been rifled at some unknown period, we found, in 1864, traces of human remains in the usual situation at the east end, and near them a fragment or two of rude black pottery of a peculiar character.'’žCurle 1930, p 275 'The chambers and passages were filled with debris. The former were entirely cleared out, and the surface soil to a sufficient depth examined with the aid of a riddle. The result was completely negative. No relics of any sort were recovered. There was not even a trace of human bone.'Ä čŌ‰sų©’žSK 17 SW 10’žFive Wells’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, round’žSK 1238 7104’ž41238 37104’ž412380’ž371040’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žTaddington’žPeak’žnone’ž425x22xx’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989’žJewitt ?1867-68’žBateman 1852’žLukis ? 1867-8nono’žcarboniferous limestonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž14+0’žpavementt@ x1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxx’žE chamber’žroughly paved’žW chamberyesxnono’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London’žWard, J. 1901 Five Wells Tumulus, Derbyshire. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 7, 229-42’žBateman, T. 1852 Upon a few of the barrows opened at various times in the more hilly districts near Bakewell Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 7, 210-220’žLukis, F. C. 1867-8 Archaeological notes made by Captain Francois Dubois Lukis, HM's 64th Regiment, during a visit to Buxton, Derbyshire in 1865. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 8, 81-7’ž248--((b“P śśśöņņņšźźźźźźźźźźźźźźßŠÅĆĮæŗ¶²®Ŗ¦”””Ÿ‘‡…€€~zvrnlhfb`^\ZXVTRNJD>:62óāŌŌŌĘĘÄĀ¾¼··±«ŸyqdV@:)# q’_Ž’’’½ł’`f¼s čƒ‰s ’žNR 25 NW 1’žPort Charlotte’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 2482 5761’ž12482 65761’ž124820’ž657610’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilchoman’žIslay’žnone’žon the raised beach on the Rhinns Peninsulanp’žNNE-SSWx2222’žILY 1’žHenshall 1972’žPierpoint and Harrington 1976’žPierpoint and Harrington 1978’žBryce 1902’žRitchie 1997nononoyesyes’žyesyesyesnono2’žchamber; front of entrance0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone; occupation layer’žrear of cairnnononono1??’žslab@6’žchamber 21??’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’žoccupation area; standing stoneno’žSW Scotland’žstanding stone’žyes’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 ( p 100-114)’žHarrington, P. & Pierpoint, S. J. 1980 Port Charlotte chambered cairn, Islay: an interim note. Glasgow Archaeological Journal, 7, 113-5’žPierpoint, S. J. & Harrington, P. 1976 Port Charlotte, chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 12’žPierpoint, S. J. & Harrington, P. 1978 Port Charlotte, chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 2010’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressižžŠ‹²²²­Œkgca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUKIGEA<73.,***(  żłõęÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶“²–”Œ†€{uokgccUI*   üõńķėāŽ±«¤™Œ{sk^PC=,& q’’Ž’’’½ł’ąē¼īŠŠX čh‰s}ś’žST 55 SW 63’žPriddy Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žoval barrow’žnone’žST 5142 5092’ž35142 15092’ž351420’ž150920’žSomerset’žMendip’žPriddy’žMendip’žnone’žsited on a gentle north-east facing slope with wide-ranging views onto the West Mendip Plateau’ž250’žSSE-NNWx2612’žSOM 16’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992’žPhillips & Taylor 1972’žLewis 2002nono’žCarboniferous Limestonenonononoyesnono1’žcentral1?’žcentral (pit may have held timber post)x0x0nox’žpre-barrow activity area?’žcentral pit & 2 hearthsno’žpossiblenono201’žOld Red Sandstone slabs©@3’žSSE end (7.3m from) ; 4.6 m from NNW end1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žsouth of Hearth IInox’žpit’žhearth’žhearthyes’žactivity area; pit; ground preparation; hearths’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žDobson, D. P. 1931 The Archaeology of Somerset, London, Methuen’žLewis, J. 2002 Reinterpreting the Priddy Long Barrow, Mendip Hills, Somerset. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 22.3, 269-288’žPhillips, C. W. & Taylor, H. 1972 The Priddy long barrow, Mendip Hills, Somerset. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society, 13.1, 31-36’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (Kinnes ST 43)’ž381’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus£KFFĄ~;661-ååååßßßßß×ĻŹŹŹŹŹŹŹČÄ°®¬Ŗ¦”™”ŠŠŠˆ^^R97553/+!éēćį߯Ū²®„£Ÿ›•‘‰…lhddddX@@@$ ¤ž–Ž†|tl_QK>1+ q’’Ę’’’½ł’Ą!ę¾7ó čs’žNDm’žND 16 SE 3’žCnoc na Ciste’žSordale Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 1572 6198’ž31572 96198’ž315720’ž961980’žHighland’žCaithness’žBower’žnone’žnone’ž109’ž18.5xx’žCAT 19’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žDavidson & Henshall 1991>@,ź2’žn/ano’ž58°322 15.983 N, 003°262 57.313 W’ž58°322 17.323 N, 003°262 51.873 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressģyyyyyyyyyyymB   ęęęĢÄĀĄŗŗµµÆ©¢—…}pbJD3% q’} €:£³Ļ¢ĘõŒķć@¢ĘõŒķć@Ś YŖŒ®œˆBlobCopyć :62" æčĻˆs’žHY-’žHY 41 SW 4’žQuanterness’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 4177 1292’ž34177 101292’ž341770’ž1012920’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnone’žbuilt on a small natural rise on the lower slope of Wideford Hill45x31xx’žORK 43’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žLawrence 2006’žHingley 1999’žMolleson 1981’žRenfrew et al 1976nonoyesyesnoyesnono’žsaddle quern fragments; bead made from lead ore; bone pin fragment; bone tools, bead (fish vertebra)4’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž157+0’žslab#@Wx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žpassagenoxyesxnononono’žN Scotlandno’žBarry, G. 1975 [1805] The History of the Orkney Islands, Edinburgh, Thin; Thomas, F. W. L. 1852 Account of some of the Celtic antiquities of Orkney, Archaeologia, 34, 88-136’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson; Renfrew, C., Harkness, D. & Switsur, R. 1976 Quanterness, radiocarbon and the Orkney cairns. Antiquity, 50, 194-204’žAshmore, P. J. 1998 Radiocarbon dates for settlements, tombs and ceremonial sites with Grooved Ware in Scotland. IN GIBSON, A. M. & SIMPSON, D. (Eds.) Prehistoric Ritual and Religion: Stroud, Sutton 139-147’žLawrence, D. 2006 Neolithic mortuary practice in Orkney. PSAS, 136, 47-60; Molleson, T. 1981 The relative dating of bones from Quanterness chambered cairn, Orkney. Antiquity, 55, 127-9’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press,¼¼¼ž*mŗŗŗŗ¶ŖŖŖ¦¢žš˜’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Œƒvqlhd_ZVVVTRRF@>8862.*$" ›—“‰ƒ}}yuuaRD555  Ā¼²}tl^P@:)# q’’Žž’’½ł’ąg@+ź2’žn/ano’ž58°362 33.403 N, 003°162 12.983 W’ž58°362 34.763 N, 003°162 07.443 W’žN Scotland’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŁfffffffffffZ/ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķÓĖÉĒĆĆææ¹³« –Ž†ykSM<$ q’} €:·ųYNķķ’’śč ‰sÕ]’žSK 15 NE 8’žLiff's Low’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žunchambered’žSK 1531 5766’ž41531 35766’ž415310’ž357660’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žHartington Nether Quarter’žPeak District’žnone’žon a ridgetop saddle, with good views of the land to the north and south’ž349xx1714’žKinnes Dd1’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979noyes’žCarboniferous Limestoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žantler macehead; red ochre; Jurassic fish tooth, stone pendant3’žS half of barrow (2);1’žN half of barrowx42’žS half of barrow (41); N half of barrow (1)0’žyes?’žS half of barrow’žoccupation layer’žallnononono010no,@¬x1’žLater Neolithic (Barnatt 1996)’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation area; pits; stakeholesno’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žyes’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London ( p 41-43)’žBarnatt, J. 1996 A multiphased barrow at Liff's Low, near Biggin, Derbyshire. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’žLoveday, R. & Barclay, A. 2010 "One of the most interesting barrows ever examined" - Liffs Low revisited. IN LEARY, J., DARVILL, T. & FIELD, D. (Eds.) Round Mounds and Monumentality in the British Neolithic and Beyond. Oxford, Oxbow’ž213’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumž;666J€4//*&īéå毯ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪ×ÕÓŃĻĖĘĀ¾¹“Ə‹‹{ywwuqmie`N<64ļķÖŌ”Š„€zt[UQQQQD666) Ā¼­’€tldWI<6(" q’’Ę’’’½ż’ąēž% č5Šs’žNHA’žNH 63 NW 5’žKinchyle of Dores’žScaniport’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 6215 3896’ž26215 83896’ž262150’ž838960’žHighland’žInverness’žDores’žnone’žnone65x’ž9.5xx’žINV 37’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žLisowski 1957nononononononononono1’žchamber0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no'@x1’žyesnononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpityes’žpitnono’žN Scotlandno’žPiggott, S. 1955 Excavations in passage graves and ring-cairns of the Clava group, 1952-3. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 173-207’žLisowski, F. P. 1957 The cremations from the Culdoich, Leys and Kinchyle sites. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 89, 83-90’žFraser, J. 1884 Descriptive Notes on the Stone Circles of Strathnairn and Neighbourhood of Inverness, with Plans, etc. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 18, 328-62’žBeaton, A. J. 1882 Notes on the antiquities of the Black Isle, Ross-Shire, with plans and sections. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 16’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŹOOO®ņ^½½½½¹­­­©„„„ ššššššššššššš•“‹‰‡ƒ~zvrniiigeeYUSQQOKEA=;751/-+)'% žśöņņņņņćććŹĀĄ¾¹·³³­§ •‹ƒ{n`KE4) q’Ā’’’½ł’`f<| čŒ‹sŲ.’žSK 15 SW 53’žBrown's Low’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1203 5355’ž41203 35355’ž412030’ž353550’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žIlam’žPeak District’žnonex13xx’žBa2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žpiece of ruddle (red ochre)0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono01+1+’žflat stonesŌ@>x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonononoxxx’žallnoxnoxnono’ž53°042 44.713 N, 001°492 18.473 W’ž53°042 43.633 N, 001°492 13.173 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York Buxton, Moorland. ,(pp 168-19)’ž216’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum°««««« ūŠ„”›——————————————•‘ŒŠˆ†‚~zvqlgggeccWJFBB@<840.*($" ÷óķē毣ÕŃĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĄ»¹·³±±±«œ–}nf^QC=7*$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’`~„'U čeĖs.z’žST 84 SE 8’žKing Barrow’žWarminster 14’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8976 4445’ž38976 14445’ž389760’ž144450’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNNW-SSEx’ž62.817’ž ST 37’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žCunnington 1913-14nonononoyesnoyesnono’žhard stone of violet colour0x0xx0x0nox’žtree throw pit’žallnononono000’žyellow clay-@x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire excavated areanoxnox’žpitno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 72-73)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žDarvill, T. 2006 Stonehenge: The Biography of a Landscape, Stroud, Tempus46’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¦0,,,ß[ńńńķčččęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāąÜÅĆĮæŗ¶²®©„   žœœƒ}yuqmhXVRPNLJHFDB%!  żżżżéŲŲŲŹĀ¾ø¶­©©£‘vnfYKE?2# q’Ę’’’½ł’`fœīŠŠ č‹sśŲ’žSO 70 SE 13’žThe Soldier's Grave’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSO 7937 0152’ž37937 20152’ž379370’ž201520’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žFrocester’žCotswolds’žnonenpx17xx’žBDb1’žKinnes 1979’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž28-440noĪ@Nx1’žEba / LN (Pastscape)no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žboat-shaped pityesxnono’žSW Englandno’žClifford, E. M. 1938 The Soldier's Grave, Frocester, Gloucestershire Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 4, 214-218’žDarvill, T. 1984 Neolithic Gloucestershire. IN SAVILLE, A. (Ed.) Archaeology in Gloucestershire from the earliest hunters to the industrial age. Cheltenham, Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeology Society’ž250’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumˆ%    R××××ÓĒĒĒĆæææ½·······¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš˜”‹‡ƒ~zddb``TPNGGEA=953/-)'%#! ’ūõńķéååååĢĢĢĢæ¹·µ±Æ««„š‡vnfYKE?2, q’Ä’’’½ż’@`fŒ čŒsO’žSC 48 SW 1’žKing Orry's Grave’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave, long’žSC 4389 8438’ž24389 48438’ž243890’ž484380’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žLaxey’žIsle of Man’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žHenshall 1978nonononononoyesyesno’žporthole entrance0x0xx0x0nox’žflint scatter’žforecourtyesnonono110no@ ’žforecourt1nono’žyesnononono’žforecourtxxxnox’žhearthnpnono’žN Englandno’žCubbon, A. M. (Ed.) 1971 Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man, Douglas, The Manx Museum and National Trust’žHenshall, A. S. 1978 Manx megaliths again: an attempt at structural analysis. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R. 171-7615įįŻŻŻŻ;ĢĢĢĢČ½½½¹µµµµ±±±±±±±±±©©©©©§£”Ÿ’ŽŠ†‚}yuuushh\XVTTRNJF@5&$ żłóķéåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕĘĘĘĘĘĀ¾¼ø““®”š“†~vi[F@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’ fŒ§×·’žHY 41 SW 41’žQ-1479’ž4170 ± 75’žhuman bone’žPit A66/#?§×·’žHY 41 SW 44’žQ-1480’ž3905 ± 70’žhuman bone’žPit C66/#?¦×¶’žHY 41 SW 42’žSRR-754’ž4360 ± 50’žhuman bone’žPit A770$?§×·’žHY 41 SW 43’žSRR-755’ž3870 ± 60’žhuman bone’žPitC660$?‘×”’žST 81 SW 187’žUB-4270’ž4741 ± 26’žcharred hazelnut’žwest ditch Phase IVLL7%?×­’žSC 28 SE 391’žBM-768’ž4225 ± 67’žCharcoal’žcremation pit 1??.$?ž×®’žSC 28 SE 392’žBM-769’ž4233 ± 59’žCharcoal’žcremation pit 1??.$?¬×¼’žSU 01 NW 143’žBM-2284R’ž4740 ± 130?’žditch?11)'? šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -īŠŠ·ųYNĒĒ’’·ųYN··’’ šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -·ųYN’’šLVAL ŠŠŠó? « «ĖŒ   Lukis 1866 p 214-5 - contents had been disturbed. There were nevertheless clear indications on the floor of the c’žLukis 1866 p 214-5 - contents had been disturbed. There were nevertheless clear indications on the floor of the chamber, on the E side of the large props, of a layer of charcoal, calcined human bones and fragments of coarse pottery. ’žBryce 1909 p 359: 'The only thing we found was a considerable deposit of burnt human bones in the NE corner of the middle compartment.'’žCarrington 1864: p 28 - c’žLukis 1866 p 214-5 - contents had been disturbed. There were nevertheless clear indications on the floor of the chamber, on the E side of the large props, of a layer of charcoal, calcined human bones and fragments of coarse pottery. ’žBryce 1909 p 359: 'The only thing we found was a considerable deposit of burnt human bones in the NE corner of the middle compartment.'’žCarrington 1864: p 28 - chamber found at NE end of large mound,'we discovered a regular paved floor of limestone, entirely covered over with human bones, presenting a confused mass of the relics of humanity.' Bateman 1861 - p 144 - a quantity of charcoal was found near the surface.’žLysons 1865:  Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two which appear to have undergone any manipulations. An interment was found at the small end of the mound in a grave made of rough stones, which contained a skeleton&  ’žCunnington 1914 - From the MS Cat.  The primary interment consisted of piles of burnt bones on the floor of the barrow at the east end. & These burnt bones were some of them curiously [mixed] with burnt flints, sarsen chips, etc, into what I have called an ossiferous breccia, and many were stained a beautifully vivid blue and green colour. These burnt bones were unequally burnt and many merely charred were quite black. ’žNo information on buried ground surface I did ’žLukis 1866 p 214-5 - contents had been disturbed. There were nevertheless clear indications on the floor of the chamber, on the E side of the large props, of a layer of charcoal, calcined human bones and fragments of coarse pottery. ’žBryce 1909 p 359: 'The only thing we found was a considerable deposit of burnt human bones in the NE corner of the middle compartment.'’žCarrington 1864: p 28 - chamber found at NE end of large mound,'we discovered a regular paved floor of limestone, entirely covered over with human bones, presenting a confused mass of the relics of humanity.' Bateman 1861 - p 144 - a quantity of charcoal was found near the surface.’žLysons 1865:  Beneath the soil in several places were discovered wood-ashes, and several pebbles of geological character, shewing that they had been brought from some distance& a few flints also were found. But only one or two which appear to have undergone any manipulations. An interment was found at the small end of the mound in a grave made of rough stones, which contained a skeleton&  ’žCunnington 1914 - From the MS Cat.  The primary interment consisted of piles of burnt bones on the floor of the barrow at the east end. & These burnt bones were some of them curiously [mixed] with burnt flints, sarsen chips, etc, into what I have called an ossiferous breccia, and many were stained a beautifully vivid blue and green colour. These burnt bones were unequally burnt and many merely charred were quite black. ’žNo information on buried ground surface I did not see the original publications on this site; however Crawford (1925) has summarized them and it is unlikely that the effort expended to find the original publications will be rewarded with any significant information.£³ĻtĢ*:ķć@tĢ*:ķć@Ż GŖ|4ž“BlobCopyć :62" īŠŠ šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -›«ĻµM,:ķć@µM,:ķć@ß ŻDž“TypeInfoCopyć B>:" « LVAL» Matheson 1859 : a 'black unctuous substance' was found in the chamber; minute fragments of bone were embedded in it. Ashmore 1981: 'Settlement activities preceded the stone ring and monolith and for the most part succeeded the thick agricultural soil.' Ashmore 1999:  charcoal-producing activities had taken place on the site before - possibly well before - the central monolith and stone were set up and the small chambered cairn placed between them.. Ashmore 1995: (provides a brief summary of the excavations) Sequence of events at Callanish: After 4000 BC A small ditched enclosure was dug; 3000 BC cultivation rigs were created and crops grown; cul’žMatheson 1859 : a 'black unctuous substance' was found in the chamber; minute fragments of bone were embedded in it. Ashmore 1981: 'Settlement activities preceded the stone ring and monolith and for the most part succeeded the thick agricultural soil.' Ashmore 1999:  charcoal-producing activities had taken place on the site before - possibly well before - the central monolith and stone were set up and the small chambered cairn placed between them.. Ashmore 1995: (provides a brief summary of the excavations) Sequence of events at Callanish: After 4000 BC A small ditched enclosure was dug; 3000 BC cultivation rigs were created and crops grown; cultivation ceased; the stone ring was laid out; sometime later (long enough for a thin soil to develop) the chambered cairn was built - a layer of clay was laid down, then the chamber itself was constructed and covered with a core cairn; then the full cairn was completed. P 33  Outside the tomb passage we found scraps of pottery dating to between 3500 and 1750 BC, in black earth which we interpreted as the remains of cleared-out burials& ..The black greasy layer recorded by Matheson in 1857 may have been the residue of decomposition . The final report on Ashmore's 1980-81 excavation is forthcoming. When published, it will no doubt add new information to this site. šLVALŠMortimer 105: An oblong grave in the apparent centre of the mound [3.2m x 1.5 m x 17-20 cm deep]. At the W end of the grave were two adult skeletons, each accompanied by a Beaker. A pointed stakehole, 22 cm deep and 5 cm in diameter and filled with burnt soil was observed near the knees of one of the bodies. The E end of the grave was 10 - 15 cm deeper than the W end. 'Over the whole of the bottom of the grave were traces of burning in the form of wood ashes and soil reddened by heat, clearly indicating a fire, or the covering of the bottom of the grave with matter obtained from the remains of a fire. We also found 2 or 3 hand’žMortimer 105: An oblong grave in the apparent centre of the mound [3.2m x 1.5 m x 17-20 cm deep]. At the W end of the grave were two adult skeletons, each accompanied by a Beaker. A pointed stakehole, 22 cm deep and 5 cm in diameter and filled with burnt soil was observed near the knees of one of the bodies. The E end of the grave was 10 - 15 cm deeper than the W end. 'Over the whole of the bottom of the grave were traces of burning in the form of wood ashes and soil reddened by heat, clearly indicating a fire, or the covering of the bottom of the grave with matter obtained from the remains of a fire. We also found 2 or 3 handfuls of calcined human bone mixed with burnt soil distributed over the greater part of the E end of the grave. About .5m from the E end of the grave was a narrow trench with sloping sides ; 9.1 m long, .76 m in depth and .60 m wide at the top. It was filled with chalk rubble and soil and in the centr eportion - opposite the grave - there were traces of fire, the chalk rubble being burnt red and mixed with burnt wood. The tranch also contained pieces of large dish-shaped pottery, and four fragments of unburnt animal bone. At the north end of the trench and about 25 cm from the bottom was an adult skeleton, missing its right arm.īŠŠ LVAL ŠŠŠŠ×ą € ē & No information onGreenwell 1877 : p 522 - 'the passage was flagged, the floor being on the natural surface, but ’žGreenwell 1877 : p 522 - 'the passage was flagged, the floor being on the natural surface, but the chamber was not flagged.' p 528 - the chamber was disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation’žMorgan (1894) - reports on his excavation, but the finds he reports are not in secure contexts, and he makes no reference to the buried ground surface.’žBateman 1861 - No information on land surface, or on Neolithic finds. Due to the size and composition of the mound 'it was impossible to lay bare any part of the surface of the land without employing timber to secure the sides from running in.' Bateman 1848: excavation ceased before reaching the ground surface due to the instability of the mound.’žDarvill 2004 'Possibly a barrow with a timber chamber' p 253 Grinsell 1957: 'It would be uniwse to rely on Merriwether's plans'. No information on buried ground surface. Pastscape: the status of this mound as a long barrow is not certain.’žNo information on buried ground surface. A crouched interment found in the centre of the barrow on the old ground surface lying on a ’žGreenwell 1877 : p 522 - 'the passage was flagged, the floor being on the natural surface, but the chamber was not flagged.' p 528 - the chamber was disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation’žMorgan (1894) - reports on his excavation, but the finds he reports are not in secure contexts, and he makes no reference to the buried ground surface.’žBateman 1861 - No information on land surface, or on Neolithic finds. Due to the size and composition of the mound 'it was impossible to lay bare any part of the surface of the land without employing timber to secure the sides from running in.' Bateman 1848: excavation ceased before reaching the ground surface due to the instability of the mound.’žDarvill 2004 'Possibly a barrow with a timber chamber' p 253 Grinsell 1957: 'It would be uniwse to rely on Merriwether's plans'. No information on buried ground surface. Pastscape: the status of this mound as a long barrow is not certain.’žNo information on buried ground surface. A crouched interment found in the centre of the barrow on the old ground surface lying on a heap of 13 flints. Barrett 1991 - reviews the evidence from Handley 26 and 27 and Wor Barrow; esp the pottery sequence. Suggests they formed a small cemetery.’žBateman 1848: found central cist containing a crouched inhumation embedded in a layer of s’žGreenwell 1877 : p 522 - 'the passage was flagged, the floor being on the natural surface, but the chamber was not flagged.' p 528 - the chamber was disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation’žMorgan (1894) - reports on his excavation, but the finds he reports are not in secure contexts, and he makes no reference to the buried ground surface.’žBateman 1861 - No information on land surface, or on Neolithic finds. Due to the size and composition of the mound 'it was impossible to lay bare any part of the surface of the land without employing timber to secure the sides from running in.' Bateman 1848: excavation ceased before reaching the ground surface due to the instability of the mound.’žDarvill 2004 'Possibly a barrow with a timber chamber' p 253 Grinsell 1957: 'It would be uniwse to rely on Merriwether's plans'. No information on buried ground surface. Pastscape: the status of this mound as a long barrow is not certain.’žNo information on buried ground surface. A crouched interment found in the centre of the barrow on the old ground surface lying on a heap of 13 flints. Barrett 1991 - reviews the evidence from Handley 26 and 27 and Wor Barrow; esp the pottery sequence. Suggests they formed a small cemetery.·ųYNŚŚ’’ č+ŒsŃ’žSO 90 NE 2’žHoar Stone [Gloucestershire]’žDuntisbourne Abbots 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9649 0659’ž39649 20659’ž396490’ž206590’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Abbots’žCotswolds’žnone’žN/A4828’žGLO 9’žDarvill 2004nononono’ž8-9"€’žNo information on ground surface1nono’žSW England’žFreston, A. 1812 [An account of a tumulus opened in an estate of Matthew Baillie MD, in the parish of Dunstisbourne Abbots in Gloucestershire ]. Archaeologia, 16, 361-2’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press ( p 221)’ž260’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusąˆƒƒƒƒ `````TTTTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLJJJ łņīźååååßŌ浤œ”‡yhbK4 q’|Ą$"Œ/·ųYN  ’’īŠŠæčĻˆs’žHY’žHY 63 NE 1’žQuoyness’žEls Ness’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 6766 3779’ž36766 103779’ž367660’ž1037790’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žLady’žSanday’žnone’žon a very low ridge, beside the shore only just above the high water mark2npx’ž20.517’žORK 44’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žAnderson 1886’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nonoyesyesnoyesnono’ždecorated stone; slate disc;s sandstone discs; bone pin' whalebone; pumice1’žSE corner of the chamber floor0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’ž15+0’žyesć@x1no’žyesnono’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žslab - passagenoxyesxnononono’žN Scotlandno’žFarrer, J. 1868 Note of excavations in Sanday, one of the North Isles of Orkney. PSAS, 7, 398-401; Anderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas’žChilde, V. G. 1952 Re-excavation of the chambered cairn of Quoyness, Sanday. PSAS, 86, 121-39; Bradley, R. 1998 Incised motifs in the passage-graves at Quoyness and Cuween, Orkney. Antiquity, 72, 387-390’žAshmore, P. J. 1998 Radiocarbon dates for settlements, tombs and ceremonial sites with Grooved Ware in Scotland. IN GIBSON, A. M. & SIMPSON, D. (Eds.) Prehistoric Ritual and Religion. Stroud, Sutton 139-147’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson; Renfrew, C., Harkness, D. & Switsur, R. 1976 Quanterness, radiocarbon and the Orkney cairns. Antiquity, 50, 194-204’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press5ÅÅÅ6e””””‘‘‘‰…yyyyyyyyyyyyyywsca_]YTOKGB>>><::.)'""  žüśųöÖŌˆ„€zvpjjfbbbN@111 ’ż²¬¤žŽ~um_QA;*  q’’Īž’’½ł’ąg<ž čŒs]£’žSP 32 SE 5’žHoar Stone [Oxford]’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3779 2375’ž43779 22375’ž437790’ž223750’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žEnstone’žCotswolds’žnone’ž163npxnpnp’žOXF 2’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925nononononononononono00˜@ģ1nonononono’žyesnonpno’žSW England’žDryden, H. 1899 [Hoar Stone]. Transactions of the Oxon AS, 47-49’žCase, H. 1957 Notes and News: Enstone, Oxon. Oxoniensia, 22, 104-6’žCase, H. 1958 Notes and News: Enstone, Oxon. Oxoniensia, 23, 131-2’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’ž349’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusė“ŽŽ5ļ©eeeeeYYYYUUUUQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQMHD@<8444222&&$""""""""""""""""""" žśśśśśėėėŻÖŅĪĢČĆĆ½²©—Š‚zm_NH1+ q’Ā’,ł "¼7Ž čžŒs’žTFU’žTF 29 NW 12’žHoe Hill Long Barrow’žCromwell's Grave’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 2148 9529’ž52148 39529’ž521480’ž395290’žLincolnshire’žWest Lindsey’žSwinhope’žLinconshire Wolds’žnone’žE-Wx5017’žTF 14’žKinnes 1992yesyesnoyesyesyesyes@@ī1’žyesnpyesno’žCentral England’žPhillips, P. (Ed.) 1989 Archaeology and landscape studies in North Lincolnshire. Part 1: Excavations at North Loncolnshire Long Barrows, Oxford,’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumdīźźźźźNNNNN====999933333333333333333333/********((( śōōōōōōōōēąÜŲÖŃŃŃĖø® ’Š‚ugRL?- q’~Ą7  "„Ū čėŹsK”’žSU 04 NW 11’žKill Barrow’žTilshead 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0001 4789’ž40001 14789’ž400010’ž147890’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž51.220’žSU 69’ž Kinnes 1992’žCunnington 1914’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žE of centrenononono003+no“@žx1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areanoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1871 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining Counties. (Part II. Round barrows). Archaeologia, 43, 285-544 ( p 297)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press75’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum Ŗ¦¦¦ƒÜÜÜÜŲČČČÄĄĄĄ¾ŗŗŗŗ««««««««««©„£”Ÿ˜”Œˆ„}{{okgeec_[WSF751/-+)'%#!  żłłłłč×××ÉĀ¾ø¶Æ««„”ŠtldWIC=0$ q’Ę’’’½ł’bfœ# č3ĖsŒ’žNY 60 NE 1’žRaiset Pike’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 6840 0725’ž36840 50725’ž368400’ž507250’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’ž275’žNW-SEx’ž54.5’ž18.9’žNY 2’žKinnes 1992’žMasters 1984; see Ashbee 1984nononononononononono2’žSE end of cairn0xx0x0’žyes?’žSE end of cairn’žmortuary structure’žSE end of cairnyes’žyes?nono00’ž6-7noœ@3x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentral (mesial) line of mound’žcentral (mesial) line of moundxxnoxnox’žtimber structure?; grave pit; mortuary pit; fire; ground preparationno’žN Englandno’žyes?’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 510-513)’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald 52-73’ž140’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŲb]]]]³gaaa]RRRNüśųŲø³®Ŗ¦”œ———•““‡ƒ~||zvrlfUA0*(&$"   ’ū÷óļėēćććććÄÄÄ·±«„£œ——‘‹{uld\OA;5)# q’Ā’’’½ł’`fŽ§·ųYN’’čŸˆs’žNB’žNB 23 SW 1’žCallanish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žstone circle, stone row’žpassage grave, round’žNB 2130 3301’ž12130 93301’ž121300’ž933010’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žUig’žLewis’žnone’žon a low rocky ridge15’žE-W (chamber)’ž6.3xx’žLWS 3’žHenshall 1972yesnonoyesnpnpyesnpnpnp????x??0’žpre-monument structure’žinside eastern area of stone circle’žstone circle; stone row; pre-monument charcoal-producing activities;timber structure; pre-monument cultivation;’žallnonoyes’žyes000’žclayE@x1’žyesno’žyesnpnp’žyes’žyesxx’žall’žcairnnoxyes’žchamber & passage’žoccupation area; cultivation; stone circles and rowno’ž58°112 51.213 N, 006°442 42.083 W’ž58°112 52.543 N, 006°442 38.333 W’žN Scotland’žstone circle, stone row’žyes’žyes’žMatheson, J. 1859 Notice of a Chamber recently excavated in the Stone Circle of Callernish in the Lewis. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 3, 110-2’žAshmore, P. J. 2004 Time, space and the standing stones round Calanais. IN GIBSON, A. M. & SHERIDAN, A. (Eds.) From Sickles to Circles: Britain and Ireland at the Time of Stonehenge. Stroud, Tempus’žAshmore, P. J. 1995 Calanais: The Standing Stones, Urras nan Tursacha; Ashmore, P. J. 1999 Appendix: Dating the ring of stones and chambered cairn at Calanais. Antiquity, 73, 128-30’žPonting, M. 1988 Megalithic Callanish. IN RUGGLES, C. (Ed.) Records in Stone: papers in memory of Alexander Thom. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presslj¬ć722-Ż²®yyyf``````````````^ZSNLJE@<83/***(&& ’ūö…`HFDB@><:840,&"        ūōņšėÜŲĀ¼µ°”’Š‚ugQ8'! q’’Ą’’’½ł’`ž>īŠŠ LVALŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠAĶ » é éŹ¹ ŌŌČGreenwell 1877: p 52Site consists of a round barrow placed at Greenwell 1877: "There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragme’žGreenwell 1877: "There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.’žSite consists of a round barrow placed at W end of long barrow. Greenwell 1877: described in detail the burials and pottery found in the round barrow, but makes no reference to the buried ground surface beneath the long barrow’žGreenwell 1877: p 525 'The line of a sunken transverse zone..was found to divide the barow into two segments of nearly equal length, and in this zone’žGreenwell 1877: "There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.’žSite consists of a round barrow placed at W end of long barrow. Greenwell 1877: described in detail the burials and pottery found in the round barrow, but makes no reference to the buried ground surface beneath the long barrow’žGreenwell 1877: p 525 'The line of a sunken transverse zone..was found to divide the barow into two segments of nearly equal length, and in this zone were found the primary interments..' p 529 - 'The only undisturbed skeleton in the trench chamber was lying on a pavement of carefully-arranged stones.'’žField 1962 - Excavation comprised only a trial trench in the barrow ditch. Information provided relates mainly to depth and width of ditch and possible banks. No finds and no info on land surface features.’žtTomb was destroyed in 1820 during the construction of a garden; the human remains were left in place and th’žGreenwell 1877: "There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.’žSite consists of a round barrow placed at W end of long barrow. Greenwell 1877: described in detail the burials and pottery found in the round barrow, but makes no reference to the buried ground surface beneath the long barrow’žGreenwell 1877: p 525 'The line of a sunken transverse zone..was found to divide the barow into two segments of nearly equal length, and in this zone were found the primary interments..' p 529 - 'The only undisturbed skeleton in the trench chamber was lying on a pavement of carefully-arranged stones.'’žField 1962 - Excavation comprised only a trial trench in the barrow ditch. Information provided relates mainly to depth and width of ditch and possible banks. No finds and no info on land surface features.’žtTomb was destroyed in 1820 during the construction of a garden; the human remains were left in place and the Vatchers excavated in1965. Vatcher 1973: P 21:  the ground was very much disturbed down to bedrock No further information on buried ground surface.’žWard 1901: p 231 'The chambers and galleries had been built upon the natural surface.' P 233 'The whole mound& was built of thinly-bedded quarried limestones, rudely coursed& in these respects this tumulus contrasts with the numerous cairns of the Peak, in that they consist of weathered stones gathered off the surface, and usually thrown together without order.'’žGrinsell 1971 - 1st opened in 1788/9; found an upright slab with an irregular hole in the centre and a possible porthole stone. Human bones and animals bones (ox and red deer) found. John Skinner investigated the site in 1822 - found 6 pairs of side chambers. Bulleid 1941: reports on Bere's letters and communications on the 1788/9 opening; every chamber on both sides of the passage contained many skulls. No information on ground surface šLVALŠMortimer 1905  pp 9-11: remains of six individuals found SW of the mound centre,  about the level of the old surface , in an area 1.7 m square. Two Towthorpe bowls found nearby  completely filled with dark soil, free from bones or ashes. Also found nearby were 4 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 1 lozenge point, 1 leaf point, 3 groups of flakes and 2 stone pounders/rubbers. An ox rib bone was found in the midst of the bodies. Rat bones were also found. The barrow was constructed of Kimmeridge clay (brought from a source 1 mile away), mixed with earth. PIT 1 - Oval shaped, 2.1 m long, 1.4 m wide, .8 m deep  located slightly north of the centre of the mound; filled with Kimmeridge c’žMortimer 1905  pp 9-11: remains of six individuals found SW of the mound centre,  about the level of the old surface , in an area 1.7 m square. Two Towthorpe bowls found nearby  completely filled with dark soil, free from bones or ashes. Also found nearby were 4 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 1 lozenge point, 1 leaf point, 3 groups of flakes and 2 stone pounders/rubbers. An ox rib bone was found in the midst of the bodies. Rat bones were also found. The barrow was constructed of Kimmeridge clay (brought from a source 1 mile away), mixed with earth. PIT 1 - Oval shaped, 2.1 m long, 1.4 m wide, .8 m deep  located slightly north of the centre of the mound; filled with Kimmeridge clay. Portion of a red deer antler found at a depth of about .6 m. PIT 2  funnel-shaped, 1 m wide at the top and .3 m at the bottom, and 1.4 m deep, located 20 feet north of the mound centre; contained burnt wood and 2 small bits of greatly decayed bone. This pit may have been cut through the body of the mound; so a secondary feature. GRAVE: located 3.3 m NNE of mound centre was a  small oval dish-shaped grave, 30 cm deep, on the bottom of which lay the body of a strong middle aged person A shallow ditch had once encircled the mound. Re: pits of clay and sand: Mortimer (1905) notes that 'sand and clay-pipes or pockets, in the chalk, are very deceptive and misleading, even to the most practiced workman.'£ č³‹r *s *’žSP 25 NE 3’žCharlecote Long Barrow’žHail End Bridge’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSP 2675 5775’ž42675 25775’ž426750’ž257750’žWarwickshire’žStratford on Avon’žCharlecote’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx7615nono’žsand and gravel river terracenononoyesyesnono0x2’žditch at eastern entrancex0x0nox’žtree circle; mortuary structure?’ženclosure interiorno’žyesnono000no¤@(x1nono’žyesnono’žyesnpx’žmortuary structurexxnoxyesx’žtree circle; turf mortuary structure; postholes, ground preparationno’ž52°132 02.513 N, 001°362 35.293 W’ž52°132 01.053 N, 001°362 30.023 W’žCentral Englandno’žyes’žFord, W. J. 2003 The Neolithic complex at Charlecote, Warwickshire. Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society Transactions, 107, 1-3932EEAAAAAÆŖŖŖ¦•j?;öööōīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģčęäŠĪŹÅĮ½ø“°°°®¬¬ œš˜˜–’Ž‰…qOMIGECA&$"  įŻŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁÕŃĻŹŹŹÄ¾²Ÿ‘‰tf`L?. q’Ą’’’½ł’`~†ÉLVALŁPiggott 1955 p 185 'A small bowl-shaped pit was found cut into the boulder clay, 18 ins. In diameter and 10 ins. deep, filled with dark soil, and ’žPiggott 1955 p 185 'A small bowl-shaped pit was found cut into the boulder clay, 18 ins. In diameter and 10 ins. deep, filled with dark soil, and near this to the SW. was a scatter of cremated bones with dark earth on the old surface and under a few flattish stones. No other finds were made.' šLVALŠ’’’’rGDŸ `rfć `Č½… † †r?ƒž‹ørf—`rf„rf„@rfƒƒ‡°rfƒČrfœ«€£ Æ’’’’ ärf,rflrf„ ørfrf@rf„ šrfšrfšrf„ ärf,rflrf‡ d… ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ ’5Site Information Form.NMR #ƒ Potteryƒ=Site Information Form.Pottery #ƒCSite Information Form.Pottery Type…„rfƒƒųrf„ēƒXrf„˜rf˜’’…ˆrf’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„˜rfČrf’’–"därfųp$–"d‚K ,rfųp$"d„dlrfųp$„€ ’Site Information Form‡ƒųrfƒóƒørf„črf˜’žˆ rfˆrf’’’’9ó„£vć@ˆ’’’’„[~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subform…Črf‘Š ørf rf›„‹rfØrf›„Š @rf°rf—ørf…rf„@rf„ ärfųp$"d’’‚/,rfųp$’’’’dlrfųp$’’–Pottery‡’’’’’„Š ärf˜rf—’’’’’„Š ,rf rf—’’’’’„Š lrfØrf—ørf…rf„@rf„Črfƒųrf„ ‡ą+V^”‰rfŒ __NMR #ƒƒČrfˆ ”rf„XrfƒŠ rf‡ ˆrf8rfHrfXrfhrfxrfrf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf„rf’’’’–rf”Ørfˆprfƒrfƒ ø“V^”€ˆrfˆ rfƒ ‹”V^”€ˆrfˆ rf‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆrfˆ rf‚ ‹”rf„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„prf rf„€rfŸČs$„Črfƒą rfrf„ƒ rf  rf„ƒP rf° rf„ƒ ‡dƒą rfƒ‡ƒ rfƒ ‡ž‚P rf„4‡ PrfXrf`rf¬ą rf„ rf„P rf„ˆ rf„ PotteryŠ ƒdƒ˜rf„PotteryNMR #‰Ąrfƒž”rf„”‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚Ąrfƒž‡’’’’„°rfĄrfŌ”rf„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’XrfXrqfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfXrfˆ‡ųrf„ƒ rfrfƒƒąrfXrf„Prf’’’’Potteryƒø“V^”€ˆrf@rfƒ Œ”V^”€ˆrf@rf„‹ƒĄrfĄ rf„ƒųrf0rf„”rf„ @rf’’’’Šrf ‹‰šrfųrf„ rf‰’’’’”PotteryNMR #‰(‡‚ ‹Xrf“ $rf Črf„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡\rf„ rf„ƒ(rf@rf„|rf ƒPrfœ¤rf„xrf„ƒ€rfhrf„PotteryNMR #‰ƒ‹ųrf„Ž”V^”€ˆrfXrfƒŒƒrf°rf„‡’’’’ƒƒrf@rf„ˆ rf„w 臋sŒ,’žNY 58 SE 2’žLamb Crag’žMonument #13107’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 570 808’ž35700 58080’ž357000’ž580800’žCumbria’žCarlisle’žBewcastle’žnone’žnone’ž300’žNNW-SSEx’ž15.2’ž9.1’žMasters 1984nononono’žcremation trench?’žs of centre‹@“1no’žcremation trench?npno’žN Englandno’žRichardson, G. G. S. 1975 Unpublished excavations by the late Miss K S Hodgson, FSA: Excavations in the White Lyne valley, Bewcastle. Trans of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Ant and Arch Soc, 75, 17-22’žRichardson, G. G. S. 1974 Sites near the rivers Black Lyne and White Lyne, Cumberland. Trans of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Ant and Arch Soc, 74, 223-4’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald’ž140HHCCCŸ2222.####ööööööööööéÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘøøøøø³­«¢—‘†|skcVJD>2! q’Ā !bœc° 襋s˜’žSP 10 NW 1’žLamborough Banks’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žSP 1075 0941’ž41075 20941’ž410750’ž209410’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž152’žSSE-NNW’žn/a9838’žGLO 25’žDarvill 2004nononononononoyesno’ž'foreign' pebbles0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010no”@žx1nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žLysons, S. 1865 Our British Ancestors, Oxford, J. and H. Parker (p 318-320)’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusIńķķķZ²²²²®¢¢¢žššš˜’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ŒŠˆ†„€|xtokgggeccWSQOOMIEA=;751/-+)'%#! üųōšģččččččččŚŅĪŹÅ¼··±¦ž”ƒ{sfXA;.( q’Ą’’’½ł’`fœgÆ čæ‹s’žSU\’žSU 52 NE 13’žLamborough Lane’žBramdean’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 5927 2839’ž45927 12839’ž459270’ž128390’žHampshire’žWinchester’žBramdean and Hinton Ampner’žSE Wessex’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a6936’žSU 23’ž Kinnes 1992’žGodwin 1904nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no@¼x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW Englandno’žMilner, A. B. 1944 Some earthworks in mid-Hampshire. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, xvi, 38-47’žGodwin, G. N. 1904 The Civil War in Hampshire, London ( p 187)’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumJŌŠŠŠ„Aŗŗŗŗ¶ŖŖŖŖ¦¦¦¤              žš˜–”’Ž‰…}yuuusqqea_]][WSOKIEC?=;97531/+'#  ųųųźćßŪÖĶÉÉĆøœ…}uhZE?2( q’Ā’’’½ł’`bœŠ 蹍sÕŪ’žSK 15 SE 43’žLid's Lowe’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow?’žnone’žSK 1623 5078’ž41623 35078’ž416230’ž350780’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žThorpe’žnone’žnonenpnpx’ž10.8’ž7.2nonononoyesyes40É@Ź1nonp’žprimary intermentyesno’žCentral England’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London ( p 84)’ž213oojjjjj!!!!!    óóóóóóóóóóóóóļėėėėėėėėéé鯯ŪŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁÓÓĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½½½ø²°¬ØØ¢œ”‚vnfYKE6)# q’Ą,@ "„ct č„Šs×2’žSK 15 SW 1’žLong Low’žnone’žround barrow’žlinear earthwork’žtwin bowl barrows joined by linear earthwork’žSK 1210 5383’ž41210 35383’ž412100’ž353830’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWetton’žPeak District’žnonenpxxxx’ž Cd1’žKinnes 1979’žBateman 1861nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbone spear0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0130’žlimestone@žx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žNE end of large moundnoxyesxnono’žCentral Englandno’žCarrington, S. 1864 Some account of Long Low, near Wetton, Staffordshire. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 5, 26-30’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland (pp pp 121,131, 144-7, 182-3)’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications ( p 89-90)’ž215’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum‡$&{üüüüųēēēćßß߯××××××××××××××ÕŃŗø¶“Æ«§£ž™”””’„ywssqmiea_[YUSQOMKIGE95/+'!öšīģźčääŽĻĒ®Ÿ—‚tF4&  q’Ā’’’½ł’`fœļ« 車sS¢’žSU 06 NE 75’žLongstones Barrow’žAvebury 17’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 0870 6914’ž40870 16914’ž408700’ž169140’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žNE-SW’žn/a6836’žWIL 34’žDarvill 2004’žCunnington 1914nonononoyes’žbronze fragment@(1’žyesnonpyesno’žSW England -WC’žMerewether, J 1851 Diary of the examination of barrows the neighbourhood of Silbury Hill & Avebury. Memoirs...of the history & antiquities of Wilthire .. annual meeting of the Arch Inst of GB & Ireland ..Salisbury July 1849 London, G Bell’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGillings, M., Pollard, J., Peterson, R. & Wheatley, D. 2008 Landscape of the Megaliths: Excavation and Fieldwork on the Avebury Monuments, 1997-2003, Oxford, Oxbow’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 106)83’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusNöņņrĖGQQQQQAAAA====777777777777777777773/////***(((   żłõõõõõäääÖĪŹĘĮŗ¶¶°„œ”‰yl^IC6* q’Ā“  "¼7e ču‹s2h’žST 90 NW 19’žLuton Down Long Barrow’žMonument # 209347’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9156 0666’ž39156 10666’ž391560’ž106660’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Rawston’žnone’žnone’ž104’žSE-NWx4222’žST 4’žKinnes 1992’žRichardson 1897nono’žChalknoyes1nono’žSW England -WC’žAcland, J. E. 1916 List of Dorset barrows opened by Mr E Cunnington, or described by him. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 37, 40-7’žRichardson, N. M. 1897 Proceedings during the season 1896-7 Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 18, xxi-lv’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society50’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumBĢČČČbŅ&&&&&                            ū÷óóóóóāāāÕĻĖĒž¹¹³­œŽ†~vi[UOB/ q’Ā"œĒ čs%—’žST 45 NE 27’žShipham 3’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žST 4612 5844’ž34612 15844’ž346120’ž158440’žSomerset’žSedgemoor’žShipham’žMendip’žnonenpx’ž11.3xxnononono\@ ķ1’žyesnonono’žSW England -WC’žRead, R. F. 1924 Second Report on the excavation of Mendip Barrows. Proceedings of the Spelaeological Society, University of Bristol, 2, 132-146’žGrinsell, L. V. 1971 Somerset barrows. Part II - north and east. 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London, Oxford University Press’ž457’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum‚ hżżżż÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷óóóóóóóóńńńååååååååååååååååååååååååååååįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕČĮ½¹·³ÆÆ©£“ˆ}um`TNH;) q’Ą  "Œæ čĻ‹s•’žSC 16 NE 3’žMeayll Circle’žMull Hill’žround cairn’žpassage grave’žnone’žSC 1895 6778’ž21895 46778’ž218950’ž467780’žIsle of Man’žRushen’žRushen’žMan’žnonenpxnpxxnononononoyesyesno’žwhite quartz pebbles0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono001+noĀ@ |x1’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žN Englandno’žKermode, P. M. C. & Herdman, W. A. 1914 Manx Antiquities, Second Ed.’žHenshall, A. S. 1978 Manx megaliths again: an attempt at structural analysis. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R.’žPiggott, S. 1932 The Mull Hill Circle, Isle of Man, and its pottery Antiquaries Journal, 12, 146-157’žCubbon, A. M. (Ed.) 1971 Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man, Douglas, The Manx Museum and National Trust15::66Ē_Ä||||xmmmmiea_YYYYYYYYYYYYYYWSQOMKKKGB>:555311%!  żūł÷õóńļķ×ÓĶĒĆæ»»·³³³³³³³³³³±Æ«©„„Ÿš’Š}um`RL=0% q’Ąž’’½łüąc¼3š čŖĢs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone??np?’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressaęęęęęę|||||pE                    ōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōīīīīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽÅ½»·µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :{ č‹Œs’žNP¹’žNPRN 303002’žCefn Drum’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSN 6136 0453’ž26136 20453’ž261360’ž204530’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žPontardulais’žnone’žnone’ž185npxnp’ž5.6nononononononononono1’žbetween horns0xx0x0nox’žstone setting’žchambernononono000no@•x1’žFind C14 datesno’žyes?’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes?xxxxnox’žstone setting’žpityesx’žpitno’ž51°432 20.463 N, 004°002 30.513 W’ž51°432 18.913 N, 004°002 26.303 W’žWalesno’žKissock, J. A. & Phillips, N. 2000 A passage grave on Cefn Drum, Gower. 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S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press­FAAAAAŠŠŠŠ†yyyyuuusmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkgeca_YTPLHD@@@><<<86442.*&"   žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĻČÄĄ¾¹µµÆ؟’‚zreWD>-# q’Ą’’’ł’`b„’ č‹s¶p’žSE 88 SW 2’žMonklands A’žMonument #62723’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8368 8468’ž48368 48468’ž483680’ž484680’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThornton le Dale’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žElgee 1930, p 56’žManby 1988, p 83’žSmith 1994, p 126-7’žBartlett 1968, p 116nonononononoyesyesnono00)@ģ1nononononono’žyesyesno’žN England’žKirk, J. L. 1911 The Opening of a Tumulus near Pickering. Yorkshire Philosophical Society Annual Report, 57-62’žManby, T. G. 1988 The Neolithic period in Eastern Yorkshire. IN MANBY, T. G. (Ed.) Archaeology in eastern Yorkshire : essays in honour of T. C. M. Brewster. Sheffield, Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield’žSmith, M. J. 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S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressļ||||||ŅŅŅŅĪĀĀĀ¾ŗŗŗø²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°¬£”Ÿ˜“ŽŠ…}}}{yym^\ZZXTPLHFB@<:86420., żłõńńńńńńńń×ĻÉÅĄ»··±«„›‘‰tfNH7& q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŠ čą‹s’žSUĒ’žSU 17 SW 45’žMonkton Down’žWinterbourne Monkton 8’žlong barrow?’žnone’žnone’žSU 1163 7230’ž41163 17230’ž411630’ž172300’žWiltshire’žKennett’žWinterbourne Monkton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE/W?x’ž27.4’ž13.7’žWIL 22’žDarvill 2004nonononoyes’žpossible÷@1’žyesnpnpno’žSW England -WC’žMerewether, J 1851 Diary of the examination of barrows the neighbourhood of Silbury Hill & Avebury. Memoirs...of the history & antiquities of Wilthire .. annual meeting of the Arch Inst of GB & Ireland ..Salisbury July 1849 London, G Bell’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Pressnp’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus+ÓĻĻĻĻ0:::::****&&&&""""""""""""""""""""             ū÷óļėėėėėėėėŻÕĻÉĒĮ½½·¬–‚zreWQK=% q’Ą  "Œü č Ės’žNF’žNF 77 NE 15’žGeirisclett’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNF 7684 7520’ž07684 87520’ž076840’ž875200’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone0’žESE-WNW?np?’žUST 18’žHenshall 1972noyesnonoyes’žyesyesyesno’žhammerstone0x1’žSW corner of outer chamberx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno200’žslab?ü@’žNE & NW corner of inner chamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnox’žhearths - 2’žpostholeyes’žbelow paving in inner compartment’žposthole; hearth (2)no’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn’žDunwell, A., Johnson, M. & Armit, I. 2003 Excavations at Geirisclett chambered cairn, North Uist, Western Isles. 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G. 1995 The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĻYYYYYY››››—‹‹‹‹‡‡‡…ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywuqlhd`\XXXVTTHDB@@>:62.,(&" ’ū÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĀŗø¶²²®®Ø¢šŽ„|tgYA;*$ q’}Ą’’’½ł’`bF č‘Šs’žNH ’žNH 67 NE 3’žKing's Head Cairn’žKinnie Wood; Kinrive’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNH 6977 7513’ž26977 87513’ž269770’ž875130’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žKilmuir Easter’žnone’žnone’ž160’žE-W28xx’žROS 25’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001’žHenshall 1963’žHenshall 1972nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žblack earthŌ@"4x1’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of black earthno’žchambernono’žN Scotlandno’žMaclean, R. 1886 The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339’žInverness Scientific Society and Field Club 1895-9 Excursion to Balnagown and Strathrory. Transactions of the Inverness Scientific Society and Field Club, 5’žDavidson, J. M. 1946 A Miscellany of Antiquities in Easter Ross and Sutherland. 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Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 59, 198-204’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (NT8)’ž127’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press‘*%%%Ø0ŠŠŠŠĢææææ»»»¹³³³³¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢žœš˜–‹‡ƒ{wwwussgca__]YUQM:+)%#!  żłõńķķķķķąąąÄ½¹³±Ø££—‰€nf^QC=7+% q’Ā’’’½ł’bbœß$ č4‹sSŪ’žSU 06 NW 2’žKing's Play Down’žHeddington 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0106 6598’ž40106 16598’ž401060’ž165980’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žHeddington’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx308’žWIL 31’žDarvill 2004’žAshbee 1970nononononononoyesnono3’žE end of the mound3’žpits/postholes - E end of the moundx0x0’žterminal chamber’žE end of mound’žtimber facade ? Mortuary house?’žE end of moundnonoyesno010no«@Bx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žtimber faēade? Wooden chamber? 2 pits, trenchnoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žCunnington, M. E. 1909 Notes on barrows on Kings Play Down, Heddington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 36, 311-317’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 101)83’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĀjffffēYTTTP@@@<88862222żūł÷õńķéåįŻŁŁŁ×ÕÕÉÅĆĮĮ滵±­|lZXVTR-+ ’ū÷óļėėėėėŽŽŽŠČĘĀĄ·³³­¢–…zrj]OIC6( q’Ā’’’½ł’bfŽGL č\s’žNC‚’žNC 82 NE 4’žKinbrace Burn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNC 8757 2830’ž28757 92830’ž287570’ž928300’žHighland’žSutherland’žKildonan’žnone’žnone’ž130npx’ž17.2’ž16.6’žSUT 33’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononono’žserpentine amulet@@ ź2’žyesnoyes’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1995 The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press­77777777777++++''""ņņņņņņīźęāāāāāāāāÉĮ»µ³ÆŖŖ¤ž”ˆ~vnaSB<+% q’Ąƒ  "c čsŒs’žNP.’žNPRN 94571’žPenmaen Burrows’žPen-Maen Burrows’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSS 5315 8810’ž25315 18810’ž253150’ž188100’žWest Glamorgan’žIlston’žPen-maen’žCotswolds46npxnpnp’žGLA 5’žDarvill 2004’žNash 2006nononono™@1noyesnonono’žWales’žMorgan, W. L. 1894 Discovery of a Megalithic Sepulchral Chamber on the Penmaen Burrows, Gower, Glamorganshire Archaeologia Cambrensis, 49 (5th S Vol 11), 1-7’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus–>>>>>Ķ,,,,,%%%%!   żłõńńńńńęęęŲŃĶÉĒĆæææ“Ŗ¢’Š‚ugVP9' q’?Ā  # f# č3ŒsFr’žSU 01 NW 39’žBokerley 3’žPentridge 23’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0394 1951’ž40394 11951’ž403940’ž119510’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žCranborne Chasenp’žSE-NWx2821’žGrinsell 1959’žBowen 1990; Hoare 1812 Pp 234-5nononono[@œ1no’žyesyesno’žSW England -WC’žBowen, H. C. 1991 The Archaeology of Bokerley Dyke, London, HMSO’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 234-5)’žBarrett, J. C., Bradley, R. & Greene, M. 1991 Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (p 25-58)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society70ÖÖŅŅlĘq-----        üüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüüųōšģģģģģŹŹŹ»»·³±Ŗ¦¦¦•Š}umeXJD>1# q’?_Ā  "¼# č3‹s=•’žST 94 NE 18’žKnook 5’žKnook Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9675 4625’ž39675 14625’ž396750’ž146250’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKnook’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx2412’žST 36’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957nononononononononono1’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno040’žblack earth stratums@ķx1nononononononoxxx’žbarrow floornox’žmortuary area; pitno’žmortuary areanono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 86)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press61’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĆMIIIŖ&ŌŌŌŌŠĄĄĄ¼øøø©„„„„„„„‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‹}{ywsokgc_[[[YWWK64220,&"  žüųōšģčäąÜŲŌŌŌŌŌÅÅÅø±­©§¢žž˜’‹{ph`SE?9,  q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fœ’( č8‹słl’žSK 18 SW 8’žPerryfoot’žMonument #309611’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSK 1092 8119’ž41092 38119’ž410920’ž381190’žDerbyshire’žHigh Peak’žPeak Forest’žPeak District’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx5427’žBarnatt 1996nono’žlimestone plateaunoyesnoyesnonono20u@œ1nonononono’žyesyesnpnpno’žCentral England’žPennington, R. 1874 Notes on barrow opening near Castleton. Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, 14, 85-8’žPennington, R. 1877 Notes on the Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire, London, MacMillan’žHart, C. 1986 Searches for the early Neolithic: a study of Peakland long cairns. IN MANBY, T. G. & TURNBULL, P. (Eds.) Archaeology in the Pennines. Oxford, BAR British Series 158’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications’ž249ÓÓĪĪį+Ļ^^^^^MMMMIEAA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;62.*&"""    žśōšŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕĒĒĆ潓°°Ŗ›ŽƒwogZLF@3! q’_Ą’,ł #¼#ę čöŹsĘ’žSP 12 NE 25’žPole's Wood East’žSwell V’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1716 2652’ž41716 22652’ž417160’ž226520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’ž198’žNNE-SSWx3612’žGLO 24’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools; bone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žcentralnononono0190no0@x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtrench-chamberxnono’žSW Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 524-541)’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14930’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus»··$·^’ūūūłłłłłłłłéééééééēćį߯ŪÖŃĶÉÅĄ¼¼¼ŗøø¬Ø¦¢¢ œ˜”‡qokigeca_][EA;51+'#’ęęęŲŠĢČĘ½øøø­¦œ‹ƒ{n`OI2) q’?Ī’’’½ł’@@f¼G č‹sŲ’žSP 12 NE 27’žPole's Wood South’žSwell IV’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1673 2637’ž41673 22637’ž416730’ž226370’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žSwell’žCotswolds’ž216’žE-Wx5317’žGLO 2’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925’žDaniel 1950’žRolleston 1876nonononoyesnoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0120’žslabĮ@x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenox’žflag pavementyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 521-524)’žRolleston, G. 1876 On the people of the long barrow period. Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 5, 120-173’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusāŠ††-ĄLżńńńķéééēįįįįįįįįįįŅŅŅŅŠĢĆĮæ½ø³Æ«§¢žžžœššŽˆ†‚‚€|xtpnjhdb`^\ZXVTPLHB>840,(( üćććÕĪŹĘÄæŗŗŗÆ؞…}pbQK4* q’?Ž’’’½ł’`f¼’ č$Œss’žSP 00 SW 19’žQuerns Barrow’žMonument #327369’žlong barrow’žplague pit?’žnone’žSP 0197 0151’ž40197 20151’ž401970’ž201510’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCirencester’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žESE-WNW’žN/A5515’žGLO 79’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nononono’ž'several'€’žno info on ground surface1nono’žSW England’žBuckman, J. & Newmarch, C. H. 1850 Illustrations of the remains of Roman art in Cirencester, the site of ancient Corinium, London, George Bell ( p 12)’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-14929’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus卉‰‰‰ö\\\\\PPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLHHHHHHHHFFF ģģģŽÖŅĪÉĄ¼¼¶«ž”ƒ{sfXRE8& q’Ā$"Œg÷ č‹süÕ’žSO 80 NW14’žRandwick Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 8249 0690’ž38249 20690’ž382490’ž206900’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žRandwick’žCotswolds’žnone’ž213’žENE-WSWx34np’žGLO 10’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono07+0noC@8x1’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žWitts, G. B. 1884 Randwick long barrow. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 8, 156-160’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž252’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŖ„„¹LååååįÕÕÕŃĶĶĶĖÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆæ½»¹·³®Ŗ¦¢˜˜˜–””ˆ„‚~~|xtpljfd`^\ZXVTRPLHB<82.*&"""üķķķß×ÓĻĶÄææ¹®¤œ‹ƒ{n`OI2, q’Ī’’’½ł’`f¼o‹ 蛊s’žSK 16 NE 7’žRingham Low’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1695 6642’ž41695 36642’ž416950’ž366420’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žOver Haddon’žPeak District’žnone’ž274npx4530’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0180’žlimestone slabN@Kx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’ž53°112 40.713 N, 001°442 51.643 W’ž53°112 39.673 N, 001°442 46.293 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland’žBateman, T. 1848 Vestiges of the Antiquities of Derby, London’žAlcock, L. & Alcock, E. 1952 Ringham Low: The rediscovery of a Derbyshire chambered tomb. Antiquity, 26, 41-3’žAlcock, L. & Alcock, E. 1953 Ringham Low: A correction. Antiquity, 27, 41-223§§££Tć¢Ö«§£££”››››››››››››››™•‹‰‡…|xtojfffdbbVFD@@>:62.,(&" žśöšģčäąąąąąŅŅŅÄÄĄ¼ŗ¶±±«œ}qiaTF@:)# q’_Ā’’’½ł’`~¼s šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * -·ųYN==’’Į LVALŃ Mortimer 1905 - p I .58-9 'Fragments of burnt wood were plentifully distributed throughout the 6 m excavation, and a layer varying from 2.5-7.5 cm in thickness rested on the old land surface near the centre, and was found most abundant on the east and west sides...' .. An irregularly-shaped grave was located at the centre of the mound- the grave was 1.2 m deep and measured 2.4 m x 1.2 m at the base. The remains of two individuals were found in the grave along with a bone point.  A dark brown substance resembling decayed bark was noticed on the floor of the grave & Portions of three drinking cups, fourteen flint chips, animal bones (including four molar teeth of an ox, one tusk of a pig, thirty-five splinters of bone belonging to oxen and pigs, and four pieces fr’žMortimer 1905 - p I .58-9 'Fragments of burnt wood were plentifully distributed throughout the 6 m excavation, and a layer varying from 2.5-7.5 cm in thickness rested on the old land surface near the centre, and was found most abundant on the east and west sides...' .. An irregularly-shaped grave was located at the centre of the mound- the grave was 1.2 m deep and measured 2.4 m x 1.2 m at the base. The remains of two individuals were found in the grave along with a bone point.  A dark brown substance resembling decayed bark was noticed on the floor of the grave & Portions of three drinking cups, fourteen flint chips, animal bones (including four molar teeth of an ox, one tusk of a pig, thirty-five splinters of bone belonging to oxen and pigs, and four pieces from some small animal) and fragments of burnt wood were scattered from top to bottom in the grave.  In the mound, especially at the base, were found many flint flakes, one barbed arrowhead, three knives, a slingstone, twelve flint discs, a leaf-shaped arrowhead fragment, a fragment of a polished stone celt, Beaker fragments, as well as the molar tooth of a horse and other animal bones.  At the base of the barrow there were impressions of stumps of brushwood which had grown on the old land surface. They were observed to rise from l5 to 30 cm into the mound, while cavities, left by the roots, branched downwards." There was no evidence of secondary interments or any disturbance of the mound, except for one excavation hollow that was abandoned before it reached the base of the mound.o č‹s”ź’žSE 85 NW40’žCallis Wold 100’žMonument #61720’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8345 5595’ž48345 45595’ž483450’ž455950’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnone’žnonex’ž25.6xx’žMortimer 1905nonononoyes’žbrushwood stumps; barkyesyesyes’žbone point1’žcentre0xx0x0’žwooden "receptacle"’žSE of centre’žwood pavement’žSE of centrenononono021’žburnt wood fragments/@:x1no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxx’žE and W of centre’žwood’žbeneath cinerary urn, S of centre’žgrave’žwood pavement under urn’žlayer of burnt wood fragments’žlayer of burnt wood fragmentsnox’žyes’žn/anono’ž53°592 34.463 N, 000°432 42.793 W’ž53°592 33.703 N, 000°432 36.873 W’žN Englandnono’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London (p 158-159)’ž161hhcccccéåååįÖ«€|xsnlhhhI*       ēįĪĢŹČÄĄ¼ø³®ŖŖŖئ¦š„‚€€~zvrn`QC.,*(&$" śāÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ½½»¹³±±±«„–‰}um`RLF8' q’^Ą’’’½ł’@ē†!LVALŠŠŠŠL;It seems likely that the area of the mound base had beeRolleston 1876 and Greenwell 1877: The barrow contained four chambers, or cists. Both Rolleston and Greenwell focus mainly on the ske’žRolleston 1876 and Greenwell 1877: The barrow contained four chambers, or cists. Both Rolleston and Greenwell focus mainly on the skeletal remains found therein; no mention is made of the ground surface except to note that at least one of the chamber floors was paved.’žCunnington 1914: 'Opened by Thurnam but it had been rifled before and he only found the remains of skeletons. No particulars are given.' He also found a secondary Sa’žRolleston 1876 and Greenwell 1877: The barrow contained four chambers, or cists. Both Rolleston and Greenwell focus mainly on the skeletal remains found therein; no mention is made of the ground surface except to note that at least one of the chamber floors was paved.’žCunnington 1914: 'Opened by Thurnam but it had been rifled before and he only found the remains of skeletons. No particulars are given.' He also found a secondary Saxon burial.’žIt seems likely that the area of the mound base had been stripped of any topsoil, for the material later deposited to create the mound lay immediately above the chalk bedrock. Amongst this material were found Grooved Ware sherds. A pit was cut near the barrow centre. It contained twenty fragments of cremated bone which had been mixed with ash & loam. This had been covered with a flint cairn which in turn was sealed by a layer of turfy loam 5 cm thick. The chalk and earth of the mound was seen to directly seal the pit. Similarly, a pit to the north which contained the partly dismembered carcase of a sheep, was directly covered by the mound material. The carcase had been cut at the shoulders. Above the tail were what appeared to be a group of foetal bones. Green did stress the undisturbed nature of the mound above the pit and it should be noted that a nearby barrow Winterbourne Stoke 64a had also produced a sheep burial - in this case deposited in a chalk cut. re-use - Romano-British dusturbance, hut platform dug through the mound into the chalk bedrock.’žThomas & Wailes 1967: p 10 - excavation was confi’žRolleston 1876 and Greenwell 1877: The barrow contained four chambers, or cists. Both Rolleston and Greenwell focus mainly on the skeletal remains found therein; no mention is made of the ground surface except to note that at least one of the chamber floors was paved.’žCunnington 1914: 'Opened by Thurnam but it had been rifled before and he only found the remains of skeletons. No particulars are given.' He also found a secondary Saxon burial.’žIt seems likely that the area of the mound base had been stripped of any topsoil, for the material later deposited to create the mound lay immediately above the chalk bedrock. Amongst this material were found Grooved Ware sherds. A pit was cut near the barrow centre. It contained twenty fragments of cremated bone which had been mixed with ash & loam. This had been covered with a flint cairn which in turn was sealed by a layer of turfy loam 5 cm thick. The chalk and earth of the mound was seen to directly seal the pit. Similarly, a pit to the north which contained the partly dismembered carcase of a sheep, was di’žRolleston 1876 and Greenwell 1877: The barrow contained four chambers, or cists. Both Rolleston and Greenwell focus mainly on the skeletal remains found therein; no mention is made of the ground surface except to note that at least one of the chamber floors was paved.’žCunnington 1914: 'Opened by Thurnam but it had been rifled before and he only found the remains of skeletons. No particulars are given.' He also found a secondary Saxon burial.īŠŠöLVALŠŠŠŠLLĻx¬ ß œ Ÿ ¹³˜"Passmore 1921: This was a small excavation undertaken only for the purpose of securing the stones of the dolmen atop the barrow, which were in danger of collapse. Passmore notes t’žPassmore 1921: This was a small excavation undertaken only for the purpose of securing the stones of the dolmen atop the barrow, which were in danger of collapse. Passmore notes that  no signs of the old turf level were observed. Every spadeful of earth thrown out was minutely examined but nothing of an artificial nature was seen, neither pottery, bone or flint. ’žPGreenwell 1877: Broken and scattered human bones were found throughout the whole of the southern part of the mound and fo’žPassmore 1921: This was a small excavation undertaken only for the purpose of securing the stones of the dolmen atop the barrow, which were in dange’žPassmore 1921: This was a small excavation undertaken only for the purpose of securing the stones of the dolmen atop the barrow, which were in danger of collapse. Passmore notes that  no signs of the old turf level were observed. Every spadeful of earth thrown out was minutely examined but nothing of an artificial nature was seen, neither pottery, bone or flint. ’žPGreenwell 1877: Broken and scattered human bones were found throughout the whole of the southern part of the mound and for a space 2.1 m north of the centre. Greenwell attributes their broken and scattered condition to the removal of stones from the mound for wall construction.’žTwo skeletons found in a cist; no mention of ground surface. Re Cropton 1 and Cropton 2 - Bateman (1861) gives no accurate siting for the Cropton barrows - NMR indicates that it is 'possible' that these mounds were those excavated by Ruddock in the 1870's.’žPassmore p100 :  exactly at the centre of the mound..we came upon a circle of skulls each perched on a flat stone while inside the ring were bundles of long bones which had obviously been brought to the place tied up as bundles. & Further to the SE and near the original end of the mound was another circle of human skulls and bundles of long bones, but smaller and less numerous than the other. Note Kinnes Grid ref is somewhat different than NMR - Kinnes is SU 258 561’žGomonde 1846:  under the rubble we arrived at a stratum of sandy earth and clay containing small fragments of burnt wood; this earth, etc. formed a ridge running quite through the length of the barrow; we found here bones, teeth, etc., of oxen.  ’žGrimes 1960 - a stone cist was found, containing the remains of two individuals; no associated objects were found. The cist was paved with stone slabs. Grimes suggests that the barrow may represent a 'composite' barrow comprising both Neolithic features (multiple burial) and Early Bronze Age features (round barrow).’žMann 1925: The chamber was paved with  perfectly level flooring consisting of two large slabs and a small one, all neatly laid and fitting one into the other& the floor was swept and the soil carefully sifted by riddle and by hand, but no relics were found. & The medium sized paving stone was lifted and fine soil was found lying underneath it. This was carefully sifted and a fine flint knife discovered.' No information on buried land surface.’žBrodie 1872; p 153 : 'it is composed entirely of the soft sandy soil that covers the adjoining ground. At the centre it was about 5 feet high. No remains were found.' No information on ground surface.’žBateman 1861 p 168-9 :  at the natural level [we found] a pavement of flat stones, whereon were many disjointed human bones belonging to several skeletons, mixed with numerous implements of calcined flint ’žBateman 1848 p 70 In the centre of this tumulus was a very large cist, the sides of which were formed of limestones, standing edgeway on the rock, which served as the floor& .'ę LVALö Platform burial with post-pits at either end (similar to Wayland's Smithy) Pastscape: A mortuary structure was found below the mound  consisted of an area of slab paving on which human remains and artefacts were laid. Two pits were located  one a’žPlatform burial with post-pits at either end (similar to Wayland's Smithy) Pastscape: A mortuary structure was found below the mound  consisted of an area of slab paving on which human remains and artefacts were laid. Two pits were located  one at each end of the paved area  possibly held timber posts? The NW pit was roughly central to the monument. Mortimer 1905: The pavement was constructed with flat Liassic stones, brought from the western edge of the Wolds, a distance of at least 2 miles. šLVALŠMR2¶€ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion BuildProjVerAuto Compact"Show Values Limit,Show Values in Indexed4Show Values in Non-Indexed*Show Values in Remote.Show Values in Snapshot*Show Values in Server.Use Default Page Folder&Default Page Folder6Use Default Connection File.Default Connection FileRow LimitNavPane ClosedNavPane Width NavPane Category*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By.CheckTruncatedNumFields4Property Sheet Label Width6Track Name AutoCorrect Info0Perform Name AutoCorrectHasOfflineListsAppTitle&StartUpShowDBWindow(StartUpShowStatusBarStartUpMenuBar$AllowShortcutMenusAllowFullMenus(AllowBuiltInToolbars&AllowToolbarChanges AllowSpecialKeysAppIcon,StartupShortcutMenuBar&UseAppIconForFrmRptUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs(AllowDatasheetSchemaCustomRibbonIDStartUpForm>Picture Property Storage Format«    09.50  W  č            '  ö     č   F     ! " # $ ' ( ) * - šLVALŠHunt 1866: 'we explored one side of the cairn, which remained apparently undisturbed, but found nothing of importance.' Tate 1866: on the outside of the inner wall [of the cairn] I found several flat stones, varying from 45-60 cm in length and about 23-30 cm in breadth. Each stone covered a few human bones, principally teeth and phalanges, with a few remains of horse, birds and fish. The bones were reposing on a slight bed of angular gravel, beneath which was a bed of 2.5 cm or so in thickness of a black, stiff, unctuous, clayey substance. This was overlying a bed of red, or yellowish clay 5-7.5 cm in thickness, which covers the solid rock. In every case there were the same ’žHunt 1866: 'we explored one side of the cairn, which remained apparently undisturbed, but found nothing of importance.' Tate 1866: on the outside of the inner wall [of the cairn] I found several flat stones, varying from 45-60 cm in length and about 23-30 cm in breadth. Each stone covered a few human bones, principally teeth and phalanges, with a few remains of horse, birds and fish. The bones were reposing on a slight bed of angular gravel, beneath which was a bed of 2.5 cm or so in thickness of a black, stiff, unctuous, clayey substance. This was overlying a bed of red, or yellowish clay 5-7.5 cm in thickness, which covers the solid rock. In every case there were the same materials and order of superposition observed; the black material in no instance was found extending beyond the confines of the covering stone. An examination of the human bones prove them to be those of children. The black material is such as I have seen in kists where the body had evidently been burnt and the ashes only preserved; and this substance probably results from the impregnation of the clayey floor of the grave with the oily and decomposed animal matter. In the case of these small graves, it would indicate that the bodies had been burnt on the spot, and the charred remains with the few bones that had escaped the destructive element had been deposited as I found them."× LVALē Hunt 1866: explored one side of the cairn,  but found nothing of importance.' Tate 1866: on the outside of the inner wall [of the cairn] were several flat stones, varying from 45-60 cm in length and about 23-30 cm in breadth. Each stone covered a few human bones, principally teeth and phalanges, with a few remains of horse, birds and fish. The bones were reposing on a slight bed of angular gravel, beneath which was a bed of 2.5 cm or so in thickness of a black, stiff, unctuous, clayey substance. This was overly’žHunt 1866: explored one side of the cairn,  but found nothing of importance.' Tate 1866: on the outside of the inner wall [of the cairn] were several flat stones, varying from 45-60 cm in length and about 23-30 cm in breadth. Each stone covered a few human bones, principally teeth and phalanges, with a few remains of horse, birds and fish. The bones were reposing on a slight bed of angular gravel, beneath which was a bed of 2.5 cm or so in thickness of a black, stiff, unctuous, clayey substance. This was overlying a bed of red, or yellowish clay 5-7.5 cm in thickness, which covers the solid rock. In every case there were the same materials and order of superposition observed; the black material in no instance was found extending beyond the confines of the covering stone. The black material is such as I have seen in kists where the body had evidently been burnt and the ashes only preserved; and this substance probably results from the impregnation of the clayey floor of the grave with the oily and decomposed animal matter.'LVALŠŠG E · "Borlase 1872: p 67  The Kist-Vaen in this case is smaller than any of those already noticed, being only 1.5m in length by .09 m in breadth. Barnatt 1982 p 245-6:  The cist at presen’žBorlase 1872: p 67  The Kist-Vaen in this case is smaller than any of those already noticed, being only 1.5m in length by .09 m in breadth. Barnatt 1982 p 245-6:  The cist at present is 1.28 m deep& ; it was probably set on the original ground surface with an original depth of around 1.5m. Daniel (1950) suggests this site would be more properly classified as a large surface cist.’žBarnatt (1996) notes that the dating of this site is problematic and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human skeletal remains but no mention of ground surface. Bateman 1848: reports on the destruction of the barrow some years before and his subsequent excavation of five 'vaults' which remained on the ground. No information on buried ground surface’žColt Hoare 1812: p 45:  we found an interment of burned bones within a rude urn. Some singularity occurred both in the formation of this cist, and in the shape of the sepulchral urn, which was like a bowl. In the usual formation of cists, a cavity is made in the chalk, in which the burned hones are deposited, and over them the urn inverted; but in this instance the cist was not excavated. But a projection or knob of solid chalk was left to receive the inverted urn, and the bones were placed round it. ’žPastscape: The multiple fragmentary and disarticulated inhumations have prompted suggestions that the cairn is of Neolithic orig’žBorlase 1872: p 67  The Kist-Vaen in this case is smaller than any of those already noticed, being only 1.5m in length by .09 m in breadth. Barnatt 1982 p 245-6:  The cist at present is 1.28 m deep& ; it was probably set on the original ground surface with an original depth of around 1.5m. Daniel (1950) suggests this site would be more properly classified as a large surface cist.’žBarnatt (1996) notes that the dating of this site is problematic and it may in fact be a Bronze Age barrow. Bateman 1861 : - reports on finds of human skeletal remains but no mention of ground surface. Bateman 1848: reports on the destruction of the barrow some years before and his subsequent excavation of five 'vaults' which remained on the ground. No information on buried ground surface’žColt Hoare 1812: p 45:  we found an interment of burned bones within a rude urn. Some singularity occurred both in the formation of this cist, and in the shape of the sepulchral urn, which was like a bowl. In the usual formation of cists, a cavity is made in the chalk, in which the burned hones are deposited, and over them the urn inverted; but in this instance the cist was not excavated. But a projection or knob of solid chalk was left to receive the inverted urn, and the bones were placed round it. ’žPastscape: The multiple fragmentary and disarticulated inhumations have prompted suggestions that the cairn is of Neolithic origin, though there is no dating evidence, and the nature of the interments need not rule out a later date. Greenwell 1877: Broken and disarticulated human bones were found throughout the mound, but there was no indication at all that this was caused by later disturbance. The mound appeared quite intact when opened by Greenwell. P 388  There was no appearance of a body in its entirety ever having been placed within the mound; nor were any of the smaller bones, such as those of the hand and foot, met with at all in it. No information on ground surfacebLVAL’oąrThis is a long barrow underlying a later round barrow. CREMATION 1 : located 5.5 m ESE of mound centre; remains of one or more individuals, which had been burned on the spot.  Mixed chalk and flint had been laid upon the bones and fired, the whole by this process having become compacted into a substance nearly as hard as stone. INHUMATION 1 - located 4 m ESE of mound centre; adult male; bone pin and small quartz pebble found nearby. Quantities of charcoal were found around the body, along with the left femur of a young person and a piece of burnt bone. INHUMATION 2 - located 2.1 m ESE of mound centre, remains of child, and immediately ESE of it, were placed three skulls. PIT 1   Beneath the three skulls there was an oval hollow (1m x .76m x .45 m deep) which contained burnt earth, some charcoal and a few calcined bones. This was located in what Greenwell calculates would have been the central point of the barrow. INHUMATION 3: located 1.8 m WNW of mound centre, adult male, with bronze dagger; 2 chalk stones were under the head and pig bones were found near the body. All burials were laid upon the natural surface, and were in a line running ESE by WNW through the centre of the mound. Greenwell suggests that the remains in the central pit, and Inhumation #1 were secondary interments. Hicks 1969  reports on the R Mortimer s unpublished account of his re-examination of this barrow in 1868 (along with his brother J R): PIT 2  a circular deposit of burnt bone, .76 diameter, .46 deep. Contained human bones, shells (Helix normalis?) deer antler and bone. TRENCH of concave plan  11 m long ; 1.4 m deep, 1.5 m wide, filled with stones, soil, charcoal, pottery fragments and a few slightly burned bones. PIT 3  located in the centre of the trench; 2 m in diameter,1.4 m deep, topped with burned earth, and containing a nearly complete Neolithic pottery vessel. The pit was filled with burned earth, charcoal, burnt bones and pottery sherds. č‘ĖsĘz’žSE 96 NE 24’žEsh's Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9594 6892’ž49594 46892’ž495940’ž468920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’ž16.5xx’žSE 12’žKinnes 1992’žHicks 1969nonononoyesnoyesnono’žbone pin; bronze dagger3’žcentre point of barrow; centre of trench0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono032?noŠD’oąx1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žcremation areaxxxnoxnox’žpits (2), fireno’ž54°062 26.173 N, 000°322 02.443 W’ž54°062 25.453 N, 000°312 56.423 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 205-208)’žHicks, J. D. 1969 Esh's barrow. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42-43, 306-313’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumyžžžžŖ]]]]YN#ųōäääāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽÜŲÖŌŅĀ½¹µ°«¦”””Ÿ‘‰‡‡…}ysqmkgeca_][1/žśöņīīīīīāāāÕĪĢŹÄĄĄĄŗ© —†~vi[F8+% q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~Œw č(Šs š’žSE 85 NW 9’žCallis Wold 275’žMonument #61627’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8310 5593’ž48310 45593’ž483100’ž455930’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnonex27xx’ž Ba3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979’žCoombs 1986nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žeither end of central paved area2?’žpits/postholes -either end of central paved areax0x0nox’žcurved faēade trench; stone platform’žW of centre (faēade trench) E of centre (platform)nononono0101no @?x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtimber mortuary structure; stone platform’žfaēade trenchyesxno’žn/anono’ž53°592 34.013 N, 000°442 02.023 W’ž53°592 33.263 N, 000°432 56.113 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 161-163)’žPastscape;’žCoombs, D. 1976 Callis Wold round barrow. Antiquity, 50, 130-1’žCoombs, D. 1986 Callis Wold and its significance in the prehistory of East Yorkshire East Riding Archaeology Society: the newsletter, 22, 7-10’ž160’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĮ^YYĒ…gģēēēćŲ­‚~zuqoiiiZ//////////-)'%#! žüüšģźęęäąÜŲŌ zxtrpnl:6 žśōīźęāāāÕČČČČ»µ³±­««««„–‰}um`RLF8' q’?~Ģ’’’½ł’ę¾’LVAL«ĢJMR2"€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUIDColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionSmartTagsDecimalPlaces"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor128DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeShowDatePickerRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormat&AllowMultipleValuesAppendOnlyņ  Ā ŗ ĢUɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½HŌazć@ ² SITE DESCRIPTIONĒÜ×ö‰āN„2įåćouØɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Status“’ęħ×K’lŅŃcņ3Źɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site TypelģÕTxżK²Æ2Ü|ˆɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site Name/ŒāoØÕDˆa²B±ž9-ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Other Featureshøćī~0’A¬™×žnQÉŪɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Grid RefÅģįP-'G†į ļ(ÄA°ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½EastingpŠūŽ­ MMŽĒĄāƈ7Ęɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½NorthingŸ?#ĶG&O†]ō˜;ÕrĘɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½NMR #kˆ'2ŽŌC¹Jńp„Õɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Alt NameĘB±+8rAŗ ‘ā²ĒHfɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Alt Site Type=ģ¤…ŚšG¾Kč7ĆÅ<ƒɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site Sub Type”Bv«ŻŠL„āāĆFɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Converted grid refsƚDÄZÄ Oŗ¶÷ė. éĻɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Northing test^1‰$„ęeH‰”ĖAƒ›LÉɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½County(Council)čosxc÷WH¢MȄ{K§yɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½District (Former Region)ä’Ä£LOžŖxø½wɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Parish E--ęE¶¬å,5 ­€ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Island/Sub-regionÓh~ɛ®wD«WDfn(Œɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Mon Group™ •å ƒ·AœszRęJzɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Metres AODó„(b9ØæDœ)8¬©@Øɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Orientationę¹EÜ ĄF ‚Ć$ 9 Ÿɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: Diameter!”dłi±N’łŪ9t‚ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: LengthŚf |7DØ¢žˆZ2ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: Width„˜ «GLL„Ć¢%wwćɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Number 1˜9™4Ŗ«G“ČĀxĶpąɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Publication 1.„Ć—Ve›EÆ,¾®h)ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Number 2ŽkHkė{¾M®1#/Īrł$ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Publication 2±hu¹¬¶ N«t!„ļ”ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 1Zi3^'?ÕLÆZż2lĪcɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 2ĄMĢĒœBæa”{³ų¢ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 3£%ŁL–M•ęO’R$6ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 4ī}ĆĒøQF¦ĆĪ0ĒmÖæɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 5ŚāR9ĀLœv‡gĪ&ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Pollen Analysis€CāTĪD˜3g)Lɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Soil Analysisr„™ J•–(ĀT„0œɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½GeologyŖĪ¢ö’HGžßÜSD¦Ā$mžføɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Secondary Useō"q³!0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 dP€³ļdF–(pŁmŠ“ 7|Cremations  6  9     o *Value ListF +>0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (LVALM’’’’ 5 43šŁtŒDŗ¾Ź_3 9ō 7 & Floor/Pavement 1     2     o *Value List^ +V"slab";"clay";"sand";"ash/charcoal";"other" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 Ė¢é6īęG‹(6=Wy…® 7p"Turf Clearance  Æ  .     o *Value List2 +*"yes";"no";"possible" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 -5°xŗEøĀ<žœ¹»R 7|.(Cultivation Evidence  ‰  0     o *Value List2 +*"yes";"no";"possible" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 Ę÷šøŽŖ¼N¹+†h\‡½ 7§Orientation  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ó„(b9ØæDœ)8¬©@Ø”Diameter  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ę¹EÜ ĄF ‚Ć$ 9 Ÿ Length  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ !”dłi±N’łŪ9t‚› Width  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ Śf |7DØ¢žˆZ2« Plant Remains  ’  <     m    ' (’’’’ !žš     m    ' (’’’’ ¦E@N6="I‚- čżļŖ¦©Flaked Stone  f  ?     m    ' (’’’’ IIM~¦öI¢żģ,€ N­"Polished Stone  ‰  @     m    ' (’’’’ ļĮĪofŒC“›"įŽm§£Dark Soil  ‰  6     m    ' (’’’’ œyIź|D·ZuŖšwų_ Hearth  ‰  %     m    ' (’’’’ œEQ’<ÜÖD¤ŽyRĒcƒ¦£ Notes  «  E        6 ' (’’’’ čOŪ`3$HŸ„Õļ:źŪh 8« HR frag-burnt  LVALOŚ  ;     m    ' (’’’’ sżMLøµB—­·š¾TüÅÆ$HR frag-unburnt  ’’’’  :     m    ' (’’’’ ŪĻŲœóC„=X2+Š é©Charcoal/ash  ’’’’  C     m    ' (’’’’ zZ»ę¤ZN~(ŠĻhj Quartz  ’’’’  A     m    ' (’’’’ e9±uO¶(Ž0R ‡–Ć82Marine shell/pebbles/sand  ’’’’  B     m    ' (’’’’ Ž–Ö¬s€U@;WŹB8V« Pits (Number)  s  #     m    ' (’’’’ ó§ä{%“I‰äø‡!(ė§# Postholes  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ @— Č”NæņżłrŃi­"Other Features  ä  )     m    ' (’’’’ /ŒāoØÕDˆa²B±ž9-Æ$Location - Fire  ’’’’  -     m    ' (’’’’ ō"q³!@5źx2no?nonono’žyesnoxxxxnox?x’žn/ano’žN Scotlandno’žWoodham, A. A. 1956 A survey of prehistoric monuments in the Black Isle. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 88, 65-93’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press„******™‰‰„‚€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zxvtrniea][WWWUSSGCA??=951-+'%!  żłõńķééééééééŠČĘÄĄ¼··±„œ‰wobTC=,& q’Ą’’’½ł’ąbžä čōŒs’žSXÅ’žSX 75 SE 3’žRitson Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSX 7750 5199’ž27750 05199’ž277500’ž051990’žDevon’žSouth Hams’žHalwell and Moreleigh’žnone’žnonenpxnpxxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no/@‘x1no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxnp’žcistno’žSW Englandno’žCranch, J. 1885 Ritson Barrows, in Seventh report of the Barrow Committee, edited by R N Worth. Devonshire Association Report and Transactions, 17, 127-31np     nnnnj^^^^ZZZTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPNJHFDB>:62-($$$"     üųöņšģźčęäāąŽÜŲŌŠĢČÄĄ¼ø““““““““““²°¬Ŗ¦¦ šƒwph`SE?9+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`b„jj čzs’žTAJ’žTA 16 NW 4’žRudston 66a’žMonument # 81218’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenp’žE-Wx4112nonononoyesnoyesyesnono00å@1nono’žyesnonono’žyesyesnoxno’žN England’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 253-257)np‹‹‹‹‹>>>>>3333/-))####################  ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėåßŪÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĮ½»¶²²¬™ƒwogZNHB5# q’Ą’,ł #„¢ čŒs’žTL’žTL 81 NW 32’žRivenhall’žColeman's Farm’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 8457 1670’ž58457 21670’ž584570’ž216700’žEssex’žBraintree’žRivenhall’žnone’žnonenp’žWNW-ENEx4916nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noo@4x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’žflint found nearby through fieldwalking’žSE Englandno’žBuckley, D., Major, H. & Milton, B. 1988 Excavation of a possible Neolithic long barrow or mortuary enclosure at Rivenhall, Essex, 1986. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 54, 77-91’žBrown, N. & Germany, M. 2002 Jousting at windmills? The Essex Cropmark Enclosures Project. Essex Archaeology and History, 33, 8-53npģģččččb¤¤¤¤ ”””kgggeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_[YWUSOJFB>:666422&"   žüśųöōņšģčāÜŲŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĄ¼ŗ±­­§”–‹„|tgYS?2" q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŒ[ čk‹s’žNG ’žNG 31 NE 2’žRudh' An Dunain’žSoay Sound’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNG 3934 1636’ž13934 81636’ž139340’ž816360’žHighland’žHighland’žBracadale’žSkye’žnone9x19xx’žSKY 7’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1934nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žwhite quartz pebbles, pumice0x1’žforecourtx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno06+0’ždark soil@§x1no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber, antechamber, vestibulenoxyes’žchamber, antechamber, vestibulenono’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žScott, W. L. 1932 Rudh' an Dunain Chambered Cairn, Skye. . Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 66, 183-213’žScott, W. L. 1934 External Features of Rudh' an Dunain Chambered Cairn. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 68, 194-9’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press‡     ” žžžśöööÕĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĶÉئ¤¢ž™•‹†‚‚‚€~~rgeaa_[UQMKGEA?=;9.,*( śöšģčäąąąąąŌŌŌž¼ŗ¶“²²¬¦›‘‡wj\JD3' q’Ā’’’½ł’`f›«ĻX#°ķć@X#°ķć@ā čO?š¦TypeInfoCopyć B>:" ī čžŒs’žTAS’žTA 08 NW 161’žSeamer Moor 2’žMonument #1260974’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 00 86’ž500 486’ž500000’ž486000’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’ž Dc7’žKinnes 1979’žEvans 1897nonononoyes1?@2no’žn/ano’žN England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¢?;;;;;łłłłõõšššššššššššššššššššššššģģģģģģģģźźźŽŽÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÖÖÖÖÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘŗŗŗ­§§§§§§§§”•ˆwog^TNH:' q’?`ĀC(€"„žs čƒŠs’žTAe’žTA 08 NW 22’žSeamer 1’žnone’žlong cairn’žoval barrow; round cairn’žnone’žTA 0008 8637’ž50008 48637’ž500080’ž486370’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenpnpx3124’žAa7’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 150’žConyngham 1849, 101-7’žLongworth 1961, p 344nonononononoyesyesnono1’žnear rectangular burnt area6npx0x0’žmortuary structurenp’žcrematoriumnpyesnonono021+’žslab@%x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesnpxx’žcentralnox’žpaved areayesxnono’žN Englandno’žyes’žConyngham, L. A. 1849 Account of discoveries made in barrows near Scarborough. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 4, 101-107’žSimpson, D. D. A. 1961 Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments: brief summaries of excavations 1960-61. Archaeological Newsletter, 7, 69-71’žSimpson, D. D. A. 1961 Seamer 1. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 27, 345’žPastscape; www.pastscape.orgnp’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum0ĶÉÉ«WĪ>9995***&"""  ’żū÷ņīźęįŻŲŲŲÖŌŌČĀ¾¼¼ŗ¶²®Ø¤—“}{ywsqTRNJD>:62.*&&ųŲŲŲŲĖĘĀ¾¼ø““®Øœ~vnaSM3'! q’Ü’’’½ł’@`f¾²LVALĀmĢ/uStakeholes___LocationStakeholes - Locationd Ģ/vLabel235mĢ/wPits___LocationPits - Locationd Ģ/xLabel236mĢ/yHearth___LocationHearth - Locationd Ģ/zLabel238mĢ/{Timber_Structure___LocationTimber Structure - Locationd Ģ/|Label239mĢ/}Other_Features___LocationOther Features - Locationd Ģ/~Label240mĢ/Pavement_Floor_2Pavement/Floor 2d Ģ/€Label241mĢ/Pavement_2___LocationPavement 2 - Locationd Ģ/‚Label243d Ģ/ƒLabel208pĢ/„Animal_Bone_SubformAnimal Bone SubformpĢ/…Flint_SubformFlint SubformpĢ/†Pottery_SubformPottery Subformd Ģ/‡Label114d Ģ/ˆLabel115d Ģ/‰Label116d Ģ/ŠLabel211pĢ/‹Radiocarbon_Dates_Subform1Radiocarbon Dates Subform1d Ģ/ŒLabel213vĢ/PageBreak265mĢ/ŽRadiocarbon_datesRadiocarbon datesd Ģ/Label267mĢ/Previous_DisturbancePrevious Disturbanced Ģ/‘Label268mĢ/’Dark_Soil___LocationDark Soil - Locationd Ģ/“Label276mĢ/”Landscape_settingLandscape settingd Ģ/•Label279pĢ/–Pit_DescriptionPit Descriptiond Ģ/—Label284mĢ/˜Study_RegionStudy Regiond Ģ/™Label289mĢ/šReference_2Reference 2d Ģ/›Label290mĢ/œReference_3Reference 3d Ģ/Label291mĢ/žInventory_Number_1Inventory Number 1d Ģ/ŸLabel293mĢ/ Pre_Mound_Features_Deposits__ReportedPre-Mound Features/Deposits Reportedd Ģ/”Label294d Ģ/¢Label297’Ģ/£Alt Name’Ģ/¤Alt Site Type’Ģ/„Easting’Ģ/¦Northing’Ģ/§Elevation’Ģ/ØDiameter’Ģ/©Length’Ģ/ŖWidth’Ģ/«Gazetteer Number 1’Ģ/¬Gazetteer Publication 1’Ģ/­Environmental Analysis’Ģ/®Flaked Stone’Ģ/ÆOther artefacts’Ģ/°Pits (Number)’Ģ/±Location - Pits’Ģ/²Location - Postholes’Ģ/³Location - Stakeholes’Ģ/“Location - Timber Structure’Ģ/µLocation - Other Features’Ģ/¶Cultivation Evidence’Ģ/·Inhumations’Ģ/øCremations’Ģ/¹Floor/Pavement 1’Ģ/ŗLocation - Hearth’Ģ/»Status’Ģ/¼HR frag-burnt’Ģ/½HR frag-unburnt’Ģ/¾Secondary Use’Ģ/æLocation - Fire’Ģ/ĄLocation-Turf Clearance’Ģ/ĮLocation - Cultivation’Ģ/ĀLocation - Floor/Pavement 1’Ģ/ĆFloor/Pavement 2’Ģ/ÄLocation - Floor/Pavement 2’Ģ/ÅPrev Disturbance’Ģ/ĘLocation - Dark Soil’Ģ/ĒCairn Intact’Ģ/ČChamber Intact’Ģ/ÉPre-monument Evidence’Ģ/ŹMesolithic evidence’Ģ/ĖWGS84 Lat/Long’Ģ/ĢOSGB36 Lat/Long’Ģ/ĶStanding Stone/Timber Post’Ģ/ĪOccupation area’Ģ/ĻStructural Features{ č‹‹s’žHY’žHY 53 SE 6’žSandyhill Smithy’žSandhill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5612 3299’ž35612 103299’ž356120’ž1032990’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone30x8xx’žORK 47’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono1?00noi@¾’žchamber1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1938 Excavations of three Neolithic chambered cairns -one with an upper and lower chamber- in the islands of Eday and the Calf of Eday, in Orkney. PSAS, 72, 193-213’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press9ÉÉÉÉɃŹŹŹŹĘŗŗŗ¶²²²°ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ ›™”‹†}yyywnnb^\ZZVRNHDB><86420.,*($  üüüüüīīīŌĢŹČĘÄĄĄŗ“®žŽ…}oaIC2( q’Ā’’’½ł’`f  čŒs’žND’žND 16 SE 1’žShean Stemster’žSithean’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 1742 6260’ž31742 96260’ž317420’ž962600’žHighland’žHighland’žBower’žnone’žnone’ž127’žSSE-NNWx46np’žCAT 46’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žNicolson n.d.nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstone setting - contemporary’žchamberno’žyes?nono010’žbroken stone under slabœ@$x1nonononono’žyes’žyesx’žpassagex’žchambernoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žNicolson, J. n.d. Papers and drawings; AUCAM PPD 121, 194 Housed in the John Nicolson Museum, Auckingill, Caithness’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressāooooooųųųųōčččäąąąŽŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÖŅÉĒ¾¼·²®Ŗ¦¢žžžœššŽusqqokga]T640.,*(&$"  üųųųųųéééĻĒĆ潓ÆÆ©£œ’ˆ€xk]F@/& q’Ā’’’½ł’`fö č‹sSø’žSU 06 NW 14’žShepherd's Shore’žBishops Cannings 38’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0387 6608’ž40387 16608’ž403870’ž166080’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a2717’žWIL 18’žDarvill 200’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žcentre of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno041+’žthin flat stones¾@$x1’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žSE side of moundnoxyes’žallno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington, M. E. 1927 Notes on recent prehistoric finds. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 43, 395-400’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 102)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press83’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusž¦¢¢¢„šššģčćߌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŅĪ¼ŗø¶²­©„”œ———•““‡uqoomic_[YUSOMKIGEC1/+'# śśśķåįŻŲĻĖĖżŖ¢—‡zl[U>) q’Ā’’’½ł’ągœgq 聍s’žTAJ’žTA 16 NW 70’žRudston 66b’žMonument # 1306461’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 104 660’ž51040 46600’ž510400’ž466000’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenpnpx5715nonononononoyesyesnono00½@ü1nono’žyesnonononpnpnpno’žN England’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 256-257)npˆˆ„„„„„99999....*&""  ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėåßŪ×ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ½¹µµÆœ“†zrj]QKE8$ q’Ą’,ł #„z čŒs ’žSE 97 SE 45’žSherburn 7’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9601 7475’ž49601 47475’ž496010’ž474750’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žCc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 34nonononoyesnoyesyesnono4’žN, SE , SW and W of centre3?’žpits/postholesx0x0noxnoxnononono080no@@$x1no’žyes’žyesnonono?xxxxnox’ždeposit of pottery sherds’žpit’ž2 pits’žgravexnono’žN Englandno’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 146-147)20’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¤A=====ņķķķ鎎ŽŚÖÖÖŌŌŌŌĶĶÅĄ„„„„„„„£Ÿ›™—•‘‰„{{{ywwkgecca]YUQOKIECA?=-)  ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻ¾¾¾±¬Ŗؤ¢žž˜’ˆnf^QC=7)# q’Ā’’’½ł’ĄEf†_„ 蔋s’žSV’žSV 91 SW 38’žSalakee Down’žMonument #304056’žchambered cairn’žkerb cairn’žchambered round cairn’žSV 9231 1025’ž09231 01025’ž092310’ž010250’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnonenpx12xx’žAshbee 1974’žDaniel 1950nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noh@īx1nonononono’žyes’žpossiblexxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO ( p 170-180)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žKirk, T. 2004 Memory, tradition and materiality: the Isles of Scilly in context. IN CUMMINGS, V. & FOWLER, C. (Eds.) The Neolithic of the Irish Sea: materiality and traditions of practice. Oxford, Oxbownpuuqqq£6····³§§§£ŸŸŸ——————————————•‘‹‰zvrnjfffdbbVRPNNLHD@<:640.,*(&$"  žśööööéÜÜÜÜÜŚŲŌŅĪĪČ½²§–Ž†ykTH7% q’Ę’’’½ł’`fœBµ čŋs ’žSE 97 SE 1’žSherburn 8’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9606 7476’ž49606 47476’ž496060’ž474760’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonenpx15xx’žAe4’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žNE and SE of centre; centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono050no@"x1no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žoval hollow’žpit filled with chalk; charcoal spread’žpit filled with chalk’ždeposit of human bones’žentire barrow - human teethnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press (p 147)’žNewbigin, N. 1937 The Neolithic pottery of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 3, 189-2162’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum)ĘÄÄÄÄX żłłłłłłÜÜÄ­…xxxxxxxvrpnljfb^ZUPLLLJHH<86442.*&"   ķėēćŻ×ÓĶÉÅĮ½½½½½½½½°«©§£”—‘‡~me]PB<6(" q’Ą’’’½ł’Ą fŒ—„ 赋ss=’žNS 04 SW 1’žSannox’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNS 0172 4481’ž20172 64481’ž201720’ž644810’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone61’žWNW-ESEx’ž18.614’žARN 1’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŠ@žx1’žyesnononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnonono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370 ( p 356-359)’žCentre for Field Archaeology University of Edinburgh 1991 Sannox, Isle of Arran. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 58’ž115’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressTķččččj››››—ŠŠŠŠ†‚~|vvvvvvvvvvvvvvtpnljhd_[WSOJJJHFF:64220,($   üųōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĶĘĀ¼ŗ±­­§ –‰yqi\N;5$ q’Ą’’’½ł’ącŒß šLVALŠ’’’’rGDå š²i) šČ½… † †r?ƒž‹Ą²i—š²i„ų²i„H²iƒƒ‡²iƒØ²iœ«Y£ Æ’’’’@ō²i<²i|²iIJiČ²i²iP²i˜²i²i²i²i²iō²i<²i|²iIJiƒ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ d… ’1Site Information Form.NMR‡ Flint‡9Site Information Form.Flint #‡?Site Information Form.Flint Type‰=Site Information Form.Site Nameƒƒ`²iƒƒX²i„ēƒØ²i„ų²i˜’’…Ų²i’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„ų²i(²i’’’’’’’ō²iųp$’’’’‚[’<²iųp$’’’’’|²iųp$’’’’’IJiųp$’’’’’Site Information Form‡ƒ ²iƒóƒP²i„²i˜’ž  ²iŲ²i’’’’w±jUž­ć@ˆ’’’’„W~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cFlint Subform‰(²i‘Š Č²i0²i›„Š ²i8²i›„Š P²i@²i›„Š ˜²iH²i“Č²i„²i„P²i„˜²i„ ō²iųp$’’’’‚;’<²iųp$’’’’’|²iųp$’’’’’IJiųp$’’’’’Flint‹’’’’’„Š ō²ip²i—’’’’’„Š <²ix²i—’’’’’„Š |²i€²i—’’’’’„Š IJiˆ²i“Č²i„²i„P²i„˜²i„زiƒŲ²i„ ‡ą+V^”‰²iŒ __NMR #ƒƒØ²iˆ ”²i„`²iƒų²i‡ Ų²i8²iH²iX²ih²ix²ių²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i„ų²i’’’’–²i”ø²i‰²iƒP²iƒø“V^”€ˆ²i  ²iƒ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ²i  ²i‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ²i  ²i‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ²i  ²i‚ ‹”²i„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„°²i Ø²i„Ą²i Čs$„(²iƒĄ ²ič²i„ƒų ²iø²i„ƒ0 ²iČ²i„ƒh ²iŲ²i„ƒ ‡ž‚Ą ²iƒ ‡ž‚ų ²iƒ ‡ž‚0 ²iƒ ‡dƒh ²i8‡ˆ²i²i˜²i ²iØĄ ²i„ų ²i„0 ²i„h ²i„  ²i„ Flint‡Č²iƒž”²i„d‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚Č²iƒž‡’’’’„ø²iŲ”²i„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’`²i`²qi`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²i`²iˆ‡˜²i„ƒ ų²iزiƒƒ€²i‰²i’’’’Flint‡ø“V^”€ˆ²iH²iƒ Œ”V^”€ˆ²iH²i„‹ƒČ²ič²i„„²i8²i„\²ih²i ²il²i زi„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡ ¤²i Č²i„’’’’ˆƒNMR‹Ō²i„X²i„ƒp²iH²i„ƒØ²ią²i„”²i„H²i’’’’ŒŠ²iØ’’’’”ƒŒ²i„Ž”V^”€ˆ²i`²iƒŒƒØ²iš²i„ƒØ²ią²i„  ²i„Ę č֌s’žSY’žSY 98 SW 6’žStonehill Down’žChurch Knowle II’žlong barrow’žoval barrow; bell barrow’žnone’žSY 9233 8208’ž39233 08208’ž392330’ž082080’žDorset’žPurbeck’žChurch Knowle’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx2920’žGrinsell 1959nononono+@œ1no’žyesyesno’žSW England -WC’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith (tovp 90)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Societynp551111Ė    üüüüüüüüśśśīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĻĻĖĒÅĄ¼¼¶°”˜ˆ€se_E8& q’_Ą  "Œb·ųYNjj’’õ LVALŠŠ  Ī ĪGomonde 1846: p 154: ' we began by making a cutting 8 feet broad by about 3 feet deep from W to E; after proceedings about 10 feet we came to some human bones, which appeared to have been disturbed, and a small fragment of pottery; we then came successively to fou’žGomonde 1846: p 154: ' we began by making a cutting 8 feet broad by about 3 feet deep from W to E; after proceedings about 10 feet we came to some human bones, which appeared to have been disturbed, and a small fragment of pottery; we then came successively to four perfect skeletons." Bird 1876: In the centre was a cist 1.8m feet long, 0.6 m wide and 0.6 m deep, lined with drystone walling. It contained human remains, traces of cremation (Pastscape notes may just be ash or charcoal). No information on buried land surface’žThe first excavation of this site was not recorded, although some of the human remains from the barrow were retained and reported. The barrow was largely destroyed by farming activities after the excavation. The purpose of the second excavation (Clifford 1937) was to discover whether the barrow was in fact a long barrow, rather than a round barrow. Several trenches were dug, but little was reported. The only mention of the ground surface was a comment that one of the trenches had revealed a 'feature which may have been a form of central pit, such as has been found in many long barrows.' ( p 336)’žPaine & Witchell 1865:  the barrow showed eviden’žGomonde 1846: p 154: ' we began by making a cutting 8 feet broad by about 3 feet deep from W to E; after proceedings about 10 feet we came to some human bones, which appeared to have been disturbed, and a small fragment of pottery; we then came successively to four perfect skeletons." Bird 1876: In the centre was a cist 1.8m feet long, 0.6 m wide and 0.6 m deep, lined with drystone walling. It contained human remains, traces of cremation (Pastscape notes may just be ash or charcoal). No information on buried land surface’žThe’žGomonde 1846: p 154: ' we began by making a cutting 8 feet broad by about 3 feet deep from W to E; after proceedings about 10 feet we came to some human bones, which appeared to have been disturbed, and a small fragment of pottery; we then came successively to four perfect skeletons." Bird 1876: In the centre was a cist 1.8m feet long, 0.6 m wide and 0.6 m deep, lined with drystone walling. It contained human remains, traces of cremation (Pastscape notes may just be ash or charcoal). No information on buried land surface’žThe first excavation of this site was not recorded, although some of the human remains from the barrow were retained and reported. The barrow was largely destroyed by farming activities after the excavation. The purpose of the second excavation (Clifford 1937) was to discover whether the barrow was in fact a long barrow, rather than a round barrow. Several trenches were dug, but little was reported. The only mention of the ground surface was a comment that one of the trenches had revealed a 'feature which may have been a form of central pit, such as has been found in many long barrows.' ( p 336)’žPaine & Witchell 1865:  the barrow showed evidence of previous disturbance The report on this excavation is short and imprecise; no information is provided on the location of the finds or the nature of the land surface. They found burnt fragmentary human remains, animal bones, a bone 'scoop, and a 'large quantity of a black unctuous substance, having the appearance of wood or animal charcoal'. Roman pottery and a Roman coin were also found - no context is given for any of the finds.īŠŠ« LVALŠŠæ A small drystone chamber in what is believed to be a long barrow. Passmore 1934 : 'the builder had [dug] a small circle about 1.7 m in diameter in the soft and easily worked rock to a depth of from 10 - 15 cm, around which a wall of flat slabs of rock..was evenly and regularly built.' ’žA small drystone chamber in what is believed to be a long barrow. Passmore 1934 : 'the builder had [dug] a small circle about 1.7 m in diameter in the soft and easily worked rock to a depth of from 10 - 15 cm, around which a wall of flat slabs of rock..was evenly and regularly built.' He makes no further reference to the buried land surface. Passmore suggests this is a beehive burial chamber, although no mortuary evidence was found. Derhem 2002: Clearance and recording of the exposed chamber to a depth of .75 m below ground level. No info on buried land surface.’žAkerman: 1859 - 'the floor of the barrow had been excavated to a depth of 60 cm below the natural surface of the soil." It was reported that workmen had found 3 skeletons in the barrow about 20 years previously. Marshall 1996 and 1997: PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1995 - Resistivity survey of the barrow and its margins revealed internal evidence for possible cells, one horn of a probable forecourt, and the possibility of lateral chambers. A trapezoidal enclosure formed by oval pits extended east from the forecourt area. Magnetometer survey followed, and magnetic susceptibility sampling from the base of topsoil over the suggested enclosure indicated the presence of burning around its perimeter. PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1996: Two of the pit-like anomalies forming a trapezoidal enclosure extending east of the barrow forecourt were excavated following geophysical survey (Event 1136334). A few small fragments of flint and sparse flecks of charcoal were recovered from the features."’žO'Neil 1966 - p 8 - 'Two shallow stone-lined graves dug into the natural surface were found in the tail end of the barrow." " A thin surface of red clayey loam remained as the original groun’žA small drystone chamber in what is believed to be a long barrow. Passmore 1934 : 'the builder had [dug] a small circle about 1.7 m in diameter in the soft and easily worked rock to a depth of from 10 - 15 cm, around which a wall of flat slabs of rock..was evenly and regularly built.' He makes no further reference to the buried land surface. Passmore suggests this is a beehive burial chamber, although no mortuary evidence was found. Derhem 2002: Clearance and recording of the exposed chamber to a depth of .75 m below ground level. No info on buried land surface.’žAkerman: 1859 - 'the floor of the barrow had been excavated to a depth of 60 cm below the natural surface of the soil." It was reported that workmen had found 3 skeletons in the barrow about 20 years previously. Marshall 1996 and 1997: PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1995 - Resistivity survey of the barrow and its margins revealed internal evidence for possible cells, one horn of a probable forecourt, and the’žA small drystone chamber in what is believed to be a long barrow. Passmore 1934 : 'the builder had [dug] a small circle about 1.7 m in diameter in the soft and easily worked rock to a depth of from 10 - 15 cm, around which a wall of flat slabs of rock..was evenly and regularly built.' He makes no further reference to the buried land surface. Passmore suggests this is a beehive burial chamber, although no mortuary evidence was found. Derhem 2002: Clearance and recording of the exposed chamber to a depth of .75 m below ground level. No info on buried land surface.·ųYN€€’’·ųYNnn’’īŠŠ·ųYNpp’’īŠŠi čyŹsA¹’žST 94 SE 21’žKnook Barrow’žKnook 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9561 4461’ž39561 14461’ž395610’ž144610’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKnook’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx1530’žST 31’žKinnes 1992nono’žchalknoyesnonononono1’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium deposit’žE of centrenononono00’ž7-8’žflint nodulese@Æx1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žE of centre - 4.6 m long by 1.8 m widenox’žpit’žcrematorium depositnox’žmortuary pitno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 83)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press65’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’yõZóóóļįįįßŪŪŪŪĘĘĘĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ滓‘ˆ„€|wsnnnljj^OJHHFB>:6)  śųōšģč䎌ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖ¾·³Æ­¤  š”}rjbUGA;.% q’Ą’’’½ł’@bf¼ šLVALŠ’’’’rGDG Ų"k‹ ŲČ½… † †r?ƒž‹ "k—Ų"k„0"k„("kƒƒ‡Č"kƒą"kœ«]£ Æ’’’’ ä"k4"k|"k„ ø"k"kP"k„ š"kš"kš"k„ ä"k4"k|"k‡ ž„ ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ ’1Site Information Form.NMR‡Animal BoneƒESite Information Form.Animal Bone #ƒ7Site Information Form.Animal‰ƒ"kƒƒ"k„ēƒ`"k„ "k˜’’…"k’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„ "kŠ"k˜²i iä"kųp$ų ²i‚K 4"kųp$„   |"kųp$t‡ČSite Information Form‡ƒ"kƒóƒČ"k„ų"k˜’ž  "k"k’’’’Źķ]–īXć@ˆ’’’’„c~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cAnimal Bone Subform…Š"k‘Š ø"k°"k›„Š "kø"k›„Š P"kĄ"k—ø"k„"k„P"k„ ä"kųp$Čs$‚74"kųp$ič²|"kųp$²i„0Animal Bone‡’’’’’„Š ä"k°"k—’’’’’„Š 4"kø"k—’’’’’„Š |"kĄ"k—ø"k„"k„P"k„ą"kƒ"k„ ‡ą+V^”‰"kŒ __NMR #ƒƒą"kˆ ”"k„@"kƒč "k‡ "k8"kH"kX"kh"kx"k0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k„0"k’’’’–"k”Ø"kˆč"kƒ0"kƒ ø“V^”€ˆ"k  "kƒ ‹”V^”€ˆ"k  "k‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ"k  "k‚ ‹”"k„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„ˆ"k "k„ "k Šs$„Š"kƒų "k "k„ƒ0 "kø "k„ƒh "kČ "k„ƒ ‡ž‚ų "kƒ‡ƒ0 "kƒ ‡ž‚h "k„4‡ h"kp"kx"k¬ų "k„0 "k„h "k„  "k„Animal BoneƒØ"kƒž”"k„”‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚°"kƒž‡’’’’„˜"kŲ”"k„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’@"k@"qk@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"k@"kˆ‡€"k„ƒ 0"k"kƒƒh"kˆč"k’’’’Animal Boneƒø“V^”€ˆ"k("kƒ Œ”V^”€ˆ"k("k„‹ƒ°"kŲ "k„ƒč"k "k„D"kP"kˆ"kT"k ą"k„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡ Œ"k °"k„’’’’ˆƒNMR‹¼"k„@"k„ƒX"k0"k„ƒ"kČ"k„”"k„("k’’’’Œø"kØ’’’’”ƒ‹č"k„Ž”V^”€ˆ"k@"kƒŒƒ"kŲ"k„ƒ"kČ"k„  "k„Ļ čߋs’žHYn’žHY 43 SW 19’žKnowe of Craie’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4196 3153’ž34196 103153’ž341960’ž1031530’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’žin a level position in a gently sloping field’ž110x’ž10.5-11.7xx’žORK 27’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žoutside cairn near entrance0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyes?no000’žclay over dark ashesČ@|x1’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žclay floor over dark ashesyes’žchambernononono’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press­­­­­­ggggcWWWSOKG>8888888888888   žśöńģęęęäāāÖĄ¾¼¼ŗ¶®Ŗ¦¤ žš˜–”’Žqokga[WQMIEAAAAA333 ūĖŽ©™‰€xj\D>-' q’’Ā’’’½ł’ągv·ųYNvv’’ī čž‹s’žNF’žNF 86 NW 8’žAiridh Nan Seilicheag’žLoch Scadavay’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean group, long?’žNF 8366 6878’ž08366 86878’ž083660’ž868780’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone30’žWNW-ESEx’ž40.8’ž23.5’žUST2’žHenshall 1972’žnonenononono\@1’žyes’žyesyesno’ž57°352 52.063 N, 007°172 49.963 W’ž57°352 53.153 N, 007°172 46.563 W’žN Scotland’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn ( p 249-250)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¤======œœœœœe::6666000000000000000000000++++&&&&$$$ óķēįßÖŅŅĢĄ“„–Ž†ykSM<- q’Ā  :īŠŠ šLVALŠ’’’’rGD `ywY `Č½… † †r?ƒž‹øyw—`yw„yw„@ywƒƒ‡°ywƒČywœ«€£ Æ’’’’,äyw,ywlywŽywøywyw@ywywšywšywšyw„äyw,ywlywøywƒ d… ‚‚ƒƒ ‚‚ ž„ Ž9ywSite Information Form.NMR #ƒ Potteryƒ=Site Information Form.Pottery #ƒCSite Information Form.Pottery Type…„ywƒƒųyw„ēƒXyw„˜yw˜’’…ˆyw’’’’Š¼\żķć@ˆ’’’’„˜ywČyw’’–Ł~äywŲU—–Ł~‚K ,ywŲU—Ł~„~lywŲU—„€ ’Site Information Formƒtiƒųywƒóƒøyw„čyw˜’žˆ ywˆyw’’’’9ó„£vć@ˆ’’’’„[~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPottery Subformƒ iČyw RŽŠ øyw yw›„‹ywØyw›„Š @yw°yw—øywca‚ywti@yw RäywŲU—Ł~’’‚/,ywŲU—’’’’~lywŲU—’’–Pottery‡’’’’’„Š äyw˜yw—’’’’’„Š ,yw yw—’’’’’„Š lywØyw— øywčywyw„@yw„Čywƒųyw„ ‡ą+V^”‰ywŒ __NMR #ƒƒČyw„ ”yw„XywƒŠ yw‡ ˆyw8ywHywXywhywxywyw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw„yw’’’’–yw”Øywˆpywƒywƒ ø“V^”€ˆywˆ ywƒ ‹”V^”€ˆywˆ yw‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆywˆ yw‚ ‹”yw„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„pyw yw„€ywŸØX—„Čywƒ ą ywywƒƒ  yw  yw’’’’ƒP yw° yw„ƒ ‡dƒą ywƒ‡ƒ ywƒ ‡ž‚P ywƒ4‡ PywXyw`yw¬ą yw„ yw„P yw„ˆ yw„ PotteryŠ ƒdƒ˜yw„PotteryNMR #ƒywƒĄywƒ†ą+V^€Š|ų „‰yw ƒ ƒp#yw__NMR #ƒƒČywˆ ”yw„”yw„ū‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚Ąywƒž‡’’’’„°ywĄywŌ”yw„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’XywXyqwXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywXywˆ‡ųyw„ƒ ywywƒƒąywXyw„Pyw’’’’Potteryƒø“V^”€ˆyw@ywƒ Œ”V^”€ˆyw@yw„‹ƒ ĄywĄ ywywƒųyw0yw„”yw„ @yw’’’’Šyw ‹‰šywųyw„ yw‰’’’’”PotteryNMR #ƒyw„(‡‚ ‹Xyw“ $yw Čyw„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]…yw\yw„ yw„ƒ(yw@yw„|yw ƒPywšyw¤yw„xyw„ƒ€ywhyw„PotteryNMR #‰’V^‹ųyw„Ž”V^”€ˆywXywƒŒƒyw°yw„‡’’’’ƒƒyw@yw„ˆ ywHyw·ųYN’’ļ č’‹s’žSUf’žSU 81 SW 30b’žStoughton Down SE’žMonument #246539’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8218 1281’ž48218 11281’ž482180’ž112810’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žStoughton’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx24’ž13.5’ž SU 33’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes'@ī1’žyesnpno’žSE England’žDrewett, P., Bedwin, O. & Rudling, D. 1981 Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1980. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 18, 21-47’žCurwen, E. & Curwen, E. C. 1925 Two unrecorded long barrows [on Stoughton Down]. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 66, 173-5’žGrinsell, L. V. 1934 Sussex barrows. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 75, 217-275np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum ”9ø    õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõļļļļėēćßßßßßßßßŅŹÄĄ¾µ±±«„šŽyqdVPJ=+ q’Ą#  "œ› č«Šs’žSU©’žSU 17 SW 29’žTemple Bottom’žOgbourne St Andrew 19’žchambered round barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žSU 1486 7251’ž41486 17251’ž414860’ž172510’žWiltshire’žKennet’žOgbourne St Andrew’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’ž14.3xx’žWIL 10’žDarvill 2004’žLukis 1885’žLukis 1867nonononononoyesnono’žbone chisel; stone rubber0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono00’žunknownnoš@ žx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcremation area’žmortuary areayesxnonono’žSW England -WCno’žLukis, W. C. 1866 [Tumuli in north Wiltshire]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 3, 213-216’žLukis, W. C. 1883 [Prehistoric monuments of Wilts, Somerset and South Wales]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 9, 344-355’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 42)’žHarrod, H. 1864 [Cromlechs and tumuli in north Wiltshire]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 2, 308-11np’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus^z'‹ śśśöņņīģęęę××××ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæ½»¹µ±­©¤Ÿššš˜––Š†}{{yuqmigca][YWUSQOM2.*$     ōōōęŽÜŚŌĻĖĖÅŗ¦ž“‹ƒvhbU=& q’Ę’’’½ł’@äf¼. č>Œs}0’žNS 50 SE 1’žThe King's Cairn’žWater of Deugh’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, round’žNS 5542 0114’ž25542 60114’ž255420’ž601140’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žCarsphairn’žnone’žnone’ž304x21xx’žKRK 13’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no1@Žx1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Scotlandno’žCurle, A. O. 1930 Examination of a chambered cairn by the Water of Deugh, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 272-5’ž125’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĖd_____µµµµ±¤¤¤¤   ž˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’ŽŒŠ†}yuqmmmkii]YWUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ’’’’’’’’ščę乎ŁŁÓĶĮŖ“‹ƒvhOI8( q’Ą’’’½ł’`b„µ čŋs’žSZ’žSZ 48 SW 6’žThe Longstone’žMonument #460354’žlong barrow’žnatural feature’žnone’žSZ 4071 8422’ž44071 08422’ž440710’ž084220’žIsle of Wight’žIsle of Wight’žBrighstone’žIsle of Wight’žnonenp’žESE-WNWx319’ž A1; Sz2’žKinnes 1992’žRCAHMS 1979nono’žUpper Greensandnononoyesyesnono00©@i1nonononono’žyesnpyesno’žSW England’žBeaumont, G. B. 1856 Longstone. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 12, 84-86’žHawkes, J. 1957 The Longstone, Mottistone. Antiquity, 31, 147-152’žLewis, A. L. 1885 On the "Longstone" and Other Prehistoric Remains in the Isle of Wight. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 14, 45-7np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumFŠĢĢĢ Ü|||||ppppllllffffffffffffffffffffb]YUQMIIIGGG;;977777777777777777773/)#žžžžžńńńäŚŲŌŅÉÅÅæ°¤•†~vi[UD7% q’Ā’,ł "œā čņ‰s’žSU£’žSU 38 SW 5’žLambourn’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barow’žSU 3232 8338’ž43232 18338’ž432320’ž183380’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žat the top of a gentle rise onto Westcot Downnp’žENE-WSWx6721’žBRK 2’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žSchulting 2000nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žperforated marine shells; iron pyrite; perforated chalk piece; grooved chalk1’žS edge of mound1’žpit/posthole - S edge of moundx0x0’žterminal chamber??noxnonoyesno000no,@|x1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žditch fillno’žn/anono’žSW Englandno’žyes’žWymer, J. 1966 Excavation of the Lambourn long barrow, 1964. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 62, 1-16’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 The Lambourn chambered long barrow. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 59-62’žSchulting, R. J. 2000 New AMS dates from the Lambourn long barrow and the question of the earliest Neolithic in southern England: repacking the Neolithic package? Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 19, 25-35’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumnp’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus·³³=n›–––’†††‚~yuicccccccccccccca][YWUPKFB=8444200$  ķėéēåÅĆ²°a]WQMGA=955555%%%ūōšģźįŻ®®“ƒxph[M93&  q’æĀ’’’½ł’ąg¾ž½ čĶ‹sØ]’žSE 86 NW 4’žLangton 2’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8032 6837’ž48032 46837’ž480320’ž468370’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLangton’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žAd1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 11’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 32-33nonononoyesnoyesyesno’ž3 bronze awls; dentalium, belemnite3’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žinner cairn; stone wall; mortuary enclosure?’žvariousyesnonono030’žsmall stoneså@tx1’žyesno’žyesno’žyesno’žyes?’žground surface of entire barrowxx’žmortuary areasnoxyesx’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 136-140)’ž168’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumū˜“““““FFFFB7773/**(""""""""""""""   ēįŻŲŌĻĖĘĘĘÄĀĀ¶Ø¦¤¤¢žš–‡YWSQOMKIG?=žśöņīīīīĢ»»»®©§„”Ÿ››•†}ld\OA;5'! q’Ę’’’½ł’`g„īŠŠīŠŠĒ č׉s.p’žST 87 SE 17’žLanhill Barrow’žHubba's Low’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8773 7472’ž38773 17472’ž387730’ž174720’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žChippenham Without’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž56.4’ž27.4’žWIL 3’žDarvill 2004’žCunnington 1909nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žporthole entrance; iron stone nodule; pebbles; saddle quern fragment1’žforecourt at E end of mound0xx0x0nox’žoccupation - pre-barrow domestic site?’žmainly at E end of barrownonono’žyes0’ž20+0’žslabń@kx1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxx’žsaddle quern’žnorth chambernox’žslabyes’žflint scatter; pitno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1857 On the barrow at Lanhill near Chippenham. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 3, 67-86’žCunnington, M. E. 1909 The discovery of a chamber in the long barrow at Lanhill. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 36, 300-310’žKeiller, A. & Piggott, S. 1938 Excavation of an untouched chamber in the Lanhill long barrow Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 4, 122-150’žKing, D. G. 1966 The Lanhill long barrow, Wiltshire, England: an essay in reconstruction. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 32, 73-8546’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus4ÜŲŲI¶”””œ˜ˆˆˆ„ppppjjjjjjjjjjjjddb^OA?=940,(# ū÷óļŌ¬Ŗ¦¤¢ žœš}{51+%!     śśśģåߣ×ŅĪĪČ½©˜…}pbQK4' q’Ā’’’½ł’ ę¼'6 čF‹s7F’žST 91 SE 146’žLaunceston Down (B13)’žTarrant Launceston 4’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 9562 1064’ž39562 11064’ž395620’ž110640’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Launceston’žnone’žnone’žopen downland in the middle of Cranborne Chase70x’ž12.2xx’žACd1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1959nono’žchalk capped with clay-with-flintsnonononoyesnono0x1’žcentrex0x0no’žcentral’žtimber postxnononono010’žflint nodulesÓ@hx1nonononono’žyesnoxcx’žcentrenox’žpavment of flint nodules; postholesnoxnp’žn/anono’žSW England -WC’žtimber post’žyes’žPiggott, S. & Piggott, C. M. 1944 Excavations of barrows on Crichel and Launceston Downs, Dorset. Archaeologia 90, 47-80’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society55’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum³PLLLLęjeeeXHHHD@;751111111        žüśųōļėēćßŪŪŪŁ××Ė¼ŗøø¶²®Ŗ¦¤—ŽŠˆ†„‚zxvtplfb^ZV2.***** żū÷ĒĮ»§™‘‰tfYSE/ q’’Ā’’’½ł’@ągŽ÷ē č÷Šs’žSX ’žSX 06 SE 6’žLesquite Quoit’žLanivet Quoit’žchambered round barrow’žWest Penwith’žportal dolmen’žSX 0707 6275’ž20707 06275’ž207070’ž062750’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žLanivet’žnone’žnone’ž160x’žn/axx’žnone’žDaniel 1950nono’žgranite outcropnonononoyesnono3’žsouth of dolmen stones4?’žpit/posthole (3) - south of dolmen stonesx0x0’žpossible’žsouth of dolmen stones’žtimber postxnononono000noō@cx1’ž3rd mill. BC (Miles & Trudgian 1976)nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpits, posthole, timber structureyesxnononono’žSW England’žtimber post’žyes’žMiles, H. & Trudgian, P. 1976 An excavation at Lesquite Quoit, Lanivet. Cornish Archaeology, 15, 7-10’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žPool, P. A. S. 1961 A neglected Cornish megalith. Proceedings of the West Cornwall Field Club, 2, 243-4’žMercer, R. J. 1986 The Neolithic in Cornwall. Cornish Archaeology, 25, 35-80np“IÜsnnnaUUUQMIEC=====  üųōšŹŹČĘĘŗ¶“²²°¬Ø¤ ž‘yomkig<8  ļėēēēēēŚŚŚŚŌŅŠĖÉÄľøƟ•…xj[M5& q’?Ā’’’½ż’įg¾— 觊s’žNM’žNM 93 NW 4’žAchnacreebeag’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, oval’žNM 9296 3639’ž19296 73639’ž192960’ž736390’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žArdchattan and Muckairn’žnone’žnone23SEx’ž20.718’žARG 37’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000’žDavidson & Carter 2003nonononononoyesyesno’žjet0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono3’žScattered00noZ@A’žSW end of mound; NW chamber, outside chamber1’ž4000 BC (Sheridan 2000)nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žallxxxnoxyesxno’ž1-yes 2 -nonono’ž56°282 26.553 N, 005°212 47.123 W’ž56°282 27.083 N, 005°212 42.933 W’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie, J. N. G. 1970 Excavation of the chambered cairn at Achnacreebeag. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 102, 31-55’žSheridan, A. 2000 Achnacreebeag and its French connections: Vive the 'Auld Alliance'. IN HENDERSON, J. C. (Ed.) The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe. Oxford, Archaeopress’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressRėėėėė.žžžžšb73/"  ū÷óīźęĶĶĖ‘‹‰~|xtpjhdb^\ZXVTRPNIE?951-)%!!! śģģģŻÕŃĖÉÅĮĮ»µœ~vnaSB<+% q’Ī’’’æż’ą  šLVALŠ’’’’rGDå š‰y) šČ½… † †r?ƒž‹Ą‰y—š‰y„ų‰y„H‰yƒƒ‡‰yƒØ‰yœ«Y£ Æ’’’’@ō‰y<‰y|‰yĉyȉy‰yP‰y˜‰y‰y‰y‰y‰yō‰y<‰y|‰yĉyƒ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ d… ’1Site Information Form.NMR‡ Flint‡9Site Information Form.Flint #‡?Site Information Form.Flint Type‰=Site Information Form.Site Nameƒƒ`‰yƒƒX‰y„ēƒØ‰y„ų‰y˜’’…Ų‰y’’’’Š¼\żķć@ˆ’’’’„ų‰y(‰y’’’’’’’ō‰yŲU—’’’’‚[’<‰yŲU—’’’’’|‰yŲU—wƒ’ĉyŲU—wĄySite Information Form‡ƒ ‰yƒóƒP‰y„‰y˜’ž  ‰yŲ‰y’’’’w±jUž­ć@ˆ’’’’„W~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cFlint Subform‰(‰y‘Š ȉy0‰y›„Š ‰y8‰y›„Š P‰y@‰y›„Š ˜‰yH‰y“ȉy„‰y„P‰y„˜‰y„ ō‰yŲU—ƒĄ‚;<‰yŲU—V^€ų|‰yŲU—w ƒpĉyŲU—MR#Flint‹’’’’’„Š ō‰yp‰y—’’’’’„Š <‰yx‰y—’’’’’„Š |‰y€‰y—’’’’’„Š ĉyˆ‰y“ȉy„‰y„P‰y„˜‰y„؉yƒŲ‰y„ ‡ą+V^”‰‰yŒ __NMR #ƒƒØ‰yˆ ”‰y„`‰yƒų‰y‡ Ų‰y8‰yH‰yX‰yh‰yx‰yų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y„ų‰y’’’’–‰y”ø‰y‰‰yƒP‰yƒø“V^”€ˆ‰y  ‰yƒ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ‰y  ‰y‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ‰y  ‰y‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆ‰y  ‰y‚ ‹”‰y„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„°‰y Ø‰y„Ą‰y ØX—„(‰yƒĄ ‰yč‰y„ƒų ‰yø‰y„ƒ0 ‰yȉy„ƒh ‰yŲ‰y„ƒ ‡ž‚Ą ‰yƒ ‡ž‚ų ‰yƒ ‡ž‚0 ‰yƒ ‡dƒh ‰y8‡ˆ‰y‰y˜‰y ‰yØĄ ‰y„ų ‰y„0 ‰y„h ‰y„  ‰y„ Flint‡Č‰yƒž”‰y„ė‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚ȉyƒž‡’’’’„ø‰yŲ”‰y„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’`‰y`‰qy`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰y`‰yˆ‡˜‰y„ƒ ų‰y؉yƒƒ€‰y‰‰y’’’’Flint‡ø“V^”€ˆ‰yH‰yƒ Œ”V^”€ˆ‰yH‰y„‹ƒČ‰yč‰y„„‰y8‰y„\‰yh‰y ‰yl‰y ؉y„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡ ¤‰y ȉy„’’’’ˆƒNMR‹Ō‰y„X‰y„ƒp‰yH‰y„ƒØ‰yą‰y„”‰y„H‰y’’’’ŒŠ‰yØ’’’’”ƒŒ‰y„Ž”V^”€ˆ‰y`‰yƒŒƒØ‰yš‰y„ƒØ‰yą‰y„  ‰y„æ čĻŠs’žNNs’žNN 00 NE 8’žAchnagoul I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0616 0561’ž20616 70561’ž206160’ž705610’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žInverary’žnone’žnone’ž115’žNE-SWx4611’žARG 7’žHenshall 1972’žCraw 1931-2’žCampbell & Sandeman 1964nonononononoyesnono’žbones - no info0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000not@x1’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’ž56°122 12.743 N, 005°072 35.263 W’ž56°122 13.153 N, 005°072 30.993 W’žSW Scotlandno’žPhene, D. 1873 On results of a recent investigation into ancient monuments and relics Papers Read at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1872-3, 181-96’žCraw, J. H. 1932 Two long cairns (one horned) and an Ogham inscription, near Poltalloch, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 66, 445-50’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÓlllllĘ$$$$ č½½¹¹¹·±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Æ«©§„£Ÿš–‘Œˆ‚‚‚€~~rnljjhd`\XVRPLJHFDB@><+'#  ėŽŽŽĻČÄĄ¾·²²¬¦œ~vnaS@:)# q’Ę’’’½ł’`z 7 čG‹s‰0’žNX 96 NE 24’žLochhill’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNX 9688 6507’ž29688 56507’ž296880’ž565070’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Abbey’žnone’žnone48’žNE-SWx2514’žNX 7’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972nononoyesnonoyesnonono0x3; 16’žmortuary structure; timber faēadex0x0’žmortuary structure; faēade’žNE end of cairnnonoyesnonono000’žoak plank@īx1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žfaēade; mortuary structurexx’žmortuary structurenox’žtimber faēadeyesxnono’žtimber structureno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žMasters, L. 1973 The Lochhill Long Cairn. Antiquity, 47, 96-100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press ( p 457)’žSelkirk, A. 1972 Lochhill. Current Archaeology, 3, 297-9’ž137’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumÄNIII ZUUUQDDD@.*&$  õóńÕŠĖĒĀ½¹“““²°°¤™—••“‹‡}yhKIGEC  üųņīźęęęęę××׏ĥ¼ŗ³ÆÆ©£˜jbZM?93'! q’Ā’’’½ł’ągž·ųYNŒŒ’’\ čl‹s’žNN[’žNN 72 SW 5’žKindrochat’žKindrochet’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 7231 2297’ž27231 72297’ž272310’ž722970’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žComrie’žnone’žnone91’žE-Wx49’ž10.8’žPER 2’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no'@źx1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žSE Scotlandno’žChilde, V. G. 1930 Excavations in a chambered cairn at Kindrochat, near Comrie, Perthshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 264-72’žhilde, V. G. 1931 The chambered long cairn at Kindrochat, near Comrie, Perthshire Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 65, 281-93’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press6666Ļ8————“††††‚‚‚€zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpnlhc_[WRNNNLJJ>:86640,($"  śöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽĻČĀ¾¼·³³­§Ÿ–ƒ{sfXE?." q’Ą’’’½ł’`b² čĀŒs’žNNk’žNN 82 SE 38’žCultoquhey’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, ?round’žNN 8924 2348’ž28924 72348’ž289240’ž723480’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žFowlis Wester’žnone’žnone’ž107x’ž61 ?xx’žPER 4’žHenshall 1972’žPiggott 1962’žScott 1969nonononononoyesyesnono10>@4ź2no’žyes’žyesnonononpyes’žn/ano’ž56°232 26.203 N, 003°472 44.273 W’ž56°232 26.633 N, 003°472 39.353 W’žSE Scotland’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press-ĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ¹Žcc__ZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTPLHD?:666444((&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  üųųųųģŽŽŽĻČĘľ¼··±«œ“€xpcU@:)# q’Ę’,ł :&T čdŹsa’žST 72 NE 6’žLongbury Barrow’žSlaughter Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7875 2723’ž37875 12723’ž378750’ž127230’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žGillingham’žnone’žnone’žlow-lying flattish ground97’žE-Wx4013’žST 1’žKinnes 1992’žWarne 1866nono’žCorallian Bedsnononoyesnono’žround clay balls0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono03+0noˆ@Æx1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesx’žmost of barrowxxnoxx’žn/a’žground preparationno’žSW England -WCno’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith ( tovp 84)’žFarrar, R. A. H. 1954 A burial at Longbury, Gillingham Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 76, 96’žFarrar, R. A. H. 1951 Archaeological Fieldwork in Dorset in 1951. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 73, 85-115 ( p 113)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society4’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum£-++Å&ŸóóóóļßßßŪĒĀĀĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶¦¤Ÿ›—“Ž‰………ƒuqokkiea\XVRPLJHFDB@><*&"üųųųųųģģģߣÕŃĻŹĘ«„Ÿ“…}um`RLF9' q’’Ā’’’½ł’@g¼īŠŠT čd‹s ’žNR 34 NE 10’žBallynaughton’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 3907 4646’ž13907 64646’ž139070’ž646460’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKildalton and Oa’žIslay’žnone30’žENE-WSWx1513’žILY 4’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noJ@$x1nonononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnonono’ž55°382 29.313 N, 006°082 53.193 W’ž55°382 29.523 N, 006°082 49.483 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 ( p 112-114)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press10’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press„>::::Óūūūū÷źæ””Œˆ†€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zxvtrrmiea]YYYWUUIECAA?;73/-)'#! ’ū÷óļėėėėėėėėÜÕŃĶĖĀ¾¾ø±Ÿ’yqdVC=,& q’Ą’’’½łżą{Œ/ č&‹s B’žNR 34 NW 6’žCragabus’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 3292 4518’ž13292 64518’ž132920’ž645180’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKildalton and Oa’žIslay’žnone’žENE-WSWxnpnp’žILY 3’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’ž3 m to NE of cairnnonoyesno000noŗ@"*x1no’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchambersnononono’ž55°372 36.003 N, 006°142 39.503 W’ž55°372 36.203 N, 006°142 35.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (pp 110-111; 172-173)10’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressw     ++++'ļÄĄ¼ø“Ŗ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢žœš˜–’‰„€{wwwussgca__]YSOK7'%!ūõńėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĢÅĮ½»²²²¬„“†umeXJ=7&  q’~Ą’’’½ł’ą„ov č†s’žSU”’žSU 52 NW 12’žTelegraph Hill’žMonument #235003’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 5254 2780’ž45254 12780’ž452540’ž127800’žHampshire’žWinchester’žOwlesbury’žnone’žnone’žGrinsell 1940³@*2yes’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell, L. V. 1940 Hampshire Barrows, Part III. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 14, 346-365npttpppppėėėėėßßßßŪŪÖÖŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĪĪĪĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀ³³³³³³³³­§œ…}uhZMG9' q’@  "„ĀŹŅ’žSO 70 SE 13’žEarly Bronze Age%·ųYNĮĮ’’ÄŹŌ’žHY 53 SE 7’ž'rude clay urn'#¾ŹĪ’žST 72 NE 6’ž'rude earthen vessel')”Ź±’žNS 03 SW 9’ž'rude urns of the primitive flowerpot pattern' (2)FøŹȏ’žNS 02 SW 5’ž'rude urns of unbaked clay'/ z<ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠś’ž£y ś’ž£y ś’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻś’ž£y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž £y ‰€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‰€ž £y ĒŹ׏’žNN 00 NE 8’žUnidentified  ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolSITE DESCRIPTI‰€rolSITE DE‰€rolS‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 'ˆ€‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž‰€ol G‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 'ˆ€o‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__‰€ol G‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__‰€ol G‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž‰€ol G‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 ‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž‰€ol G‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol‰€ol G‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__NMR #] = [NMR #])4 'ˆ€rol‰€ol Gˆ€rol€’ž([__‰€ol G‰€ol G‚€SITE DE‚€SITE DE‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPottery‚€SITE DESCRIPTI‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPotteryX@0Õ‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPotteryX@0Õ‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPottery‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPotteryX‚€SITE DESCRIPTIONPotteryX@0ÕK?1 ·ųYNšš’’īŠŠLVAL–ŠĄ±’’’’rGDłø bo=ø Č½… † †r?ƒž‹Ųbo—ø bo„Šbo„`boƒƒ‡hboƒ€boœ«€£ Æ’’’’,bolbo¤boģboDbo”boäbo4boœboōbo<bo„,Ųbo@boxboĄbobohboøbobopboČbobo„,bobobobobobobobobobobo„,bolbo¤boģboDbo”boäbo4boœboōbo<bo‡ d… ‚‚ d… ‚‚ x… ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ x‡ ‚‚ d… ‚‚ d… ‚‚ x‡ ‚‚ x‡ ‚ ‚ƒƒ ‚ ‚ ž„ ²=Site Information Form.Site Nameƒ#Excavation Records…5Site Information Form.NMR #ƒCSite Information Form.Excavation #…SSite Information Form.Excavation by Period…ISite Information Form.Excavation Date‡MSite Information Form.Excavation ReportƒISite Information Form.Extent of Excav‡_Site Information Form.Excav Record: Availability‰USite Information Form.Excav Record: QualityƒCSite Information Form.Scaled Plans…9Site Information Form.Sieving‡ƒ` bo ƒ ƒX bo„ē ƒ bo„ąbo˜’’…Pbo’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„ąbobo† boųp$† lboųp$„ ¤boųp$„ ģboųp$„ Dboųp$„ ”boųp$„ äboųp$„ 4boųp$„ œboųp$„ ōboųp$„ <boųp$„- Site Information Form‡ƒŠ bo ƒ ó ƒų bo„Ø bo˜’ž‚boPbo’’’’„TP\ ķć@ˆ’’’’„q~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cExcavation Records Subform‡bo‘Š Ųbo  bo›„Š @boØ bo›„Š xbo° bo›„Š Ąboø bo›„Š boĄ bo›„Š hboČ bo›„Š øboŠ bo›„Š boŲ bo›„Š pboą bo› „Š Čboč bo› „Š boš bo—Ųbo„@bo„xbo„Ąbo„bo„hbo„øbo„bo„pbo„Čbo„bo„ boųp$’ˆ‚lboųp$R ‡¤boųp$°"’ģboųp$NM¼Dboųp$k„”boųp$ƒČäboųp$"k„k4boųp$"kØ’œboųp$č"kEŽōboųp$€ˆ <boųp$ƒ Excavation Records‰’’’’’„Š bobo—’’’’’„Š lbobo—’’’’’„Š ¤bo bo—’’’’’„Š ģbo(bo—’’’’’„Š Dbo0bo—’’’’’„Š ”bo8bo—’’’’’„Š äbo@bo—’’’’’„Š 4boHbo—’’’’’„Š œboPbo—’’’’’„Š ōboXbo—’’’’’„Š <bo`bo—Ųbo„@bo„xbo„Ąbo„bo„hbo„øbo„bo„pbo„Čbo„bo„€boƒ°bo„ ‡ą+V^”‰boŒ __NMR #ƒƒ€boˆ ”bo„xboƒČbo ‡ Pbo8bohbo˜boČboųboŠbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo„Šbo’’’’–bo”ØboˆČ boƒ°bo ƒø“V^”€ˆboboƒ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo‚ ‹”V^”€ˆbobo ‚ ‹ø“V^”€ˆbobo ‚ ‹”bo„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šž‡’’’’„hbo ` bo„boŸąs$„boƒ˜boĄbo„ƒŠbobo„ƒbo(bo„ƒ@bo8bo„ƒxboHbo„ƒ°boXbo„ƒčbohbo„ƒ boxbo„ƒXboˆbo„ƒbo˜bo„ƒČboØbo„ƒ ‡dƒ˜boƒ ‡dƒŠboƒ ‡xƒboƒ ‡ž‚@boƒ ‡xƒxboƒ ‡dƒ°boƒ ‡dƒčboƒ ‡xƒ boƒ ‡xƒXboƒ‡ƒboƒ ‡ž‚Čbo„T‡,bobobo bo(bo0bo8bo@boHboPboXbo¬˜bo„Šbo„bo„@bo„xbo„°bo„čbo„ bo„Xbo„bo„Čbo…bo„#Excavation Records‰‚ ƒdƒØbo„-Excavation RecordsNMR #ƒąboƒž”bo„d‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’·ųYNžž’’ ģLVALŠŠŠCunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the discovery seem to have been published. The following is the entry in the MCS Cat. : ' (descriptions of two skeletons).. The doubling up, or contraction, was exce’žCunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the discovery seem to have been published. The following is the entry in the MCS Cat. : ' (descriptions of two skeletons).. The doubling up, or contraction, was excessive, the skelton occupying no more than .43 cubic metres. There was reason to suppose from the appearance of the left side of the skull, and the position of the long bones in regard to it, that this last had been cleft at the time of death. With neither skeleton was there any relic, but about .3 m to the west of the last was a fine skull of Bos longifrons. At the base of the barrow near the west end was a second skull of the same species.. 0.3 m or so above the first skull of Bos l. were several fine antlers of red deer.’žCunnington 1914: Excavating near the east end, a stratum of black earth was found at the depth of about 1.5 m, and in and below this a pile of human bones closely packed with a space of less than 1.2 m in diameter and about .45 m in depth. They proved to be the remains of 8 skeletons, strangely cemented together& Nearly all the skulls have been extremely cleft'’žColt Hoare 1812 - p 71-2 'At the depth of 2.4 m, he ’žCunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the ’žCunnington 1914: Opened by Hoare and Cunnington; they found a secondary burial of a skeleton under the turf near the E end, and noticed the usual stratum of black earth on the floor of the barrow, but failed to find the primary burial. It was re-opened by Thurnam who found the primary burial of two skeletons as well as secondary interments, but no details of the discovery seem to have been published. The following is the entry in the MCS Cat. : ' (descriptions of two skeletons).. The doubling up, or contraction, was excessive, the skelton occupying no more than .43 cubic metres. There was reason to suppose from the appearance of the left side of the skull, and the position of the long bones in regard to it, that this last had been cleft at the time of death. With neither skeleton was there any relic, but about .3 m to the west of the last was a fine skull of Bos longifrons. At the base of the barrow near the west end was a second skull of the same species.. 0.3 m or so above the first skull of Bos l. were several fine antlers of red deer.īŠŠć čó‹sLe’žSU 04 SE 70’žWinterbourne Stoke 44’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žbell barrow’žSU 0902 4351’ž40902 14351’ž409020’ž143510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenpx23xxnonononoyesnoyesnonono2’žcentre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono001no3@Ćx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žentire barrowxxnox’žpit - cremation’žpit -sheep burialyesxnonono’žSW England -WCno’žGreen, C. & Rollo-Smith, S. 1984 The excavation of eighteen round barrows near Shrewton, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 50, 255-318’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press76žžžž_ÄÄÄÄĄ°°°¬Øؤ¢œœœœœœ‰xxxxxxxvrpn_]XSOKFB===;99-)'%%#  žüśņšģč䎌ŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀĄ¼ŗ¶¶°Ŗ–‹€xpcUHB4. q’Ą’’’½ł’ĄąfŒsį čńÉsR’žSD 27 NE 28’žSkelmore Heads’žMonument #37819’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSD 2742 7540’ž32742 47540’ž327420’ž475400’žCumbria’žSouth Lakeland’žUrswick’žnone’žnone’žon the northern slope of Skelmore Heads, an isolated flat-topped hill82’žE-Wx’ž18.2’ž10.67’žSD 1’žKinnes NZ 2’žMasters 1984’žKinnes 1992nono’žCarboniferous Limestonenonononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (4)’žaligned E-W within the moundnononono000no×@ x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’ž2 standing stones’ž2 standing stonesyesxno’žn/a’žstanding stones (4)no’žN England’žstanding stones(4)’žPowell, T. G. E., Fell, C. I., Corcoran, J. X. W. P. & Barnes, F. 1963 Excavations at Skelmore Heads near Ulverston, 1957 and 1959. Trans of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Ant and Arch Society, 63, 1-30’žPowell, T. G. E. 1972 The tumulus at Skelmore Heads near Ulverton. Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society, 72, 53-6’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald 52-7315’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¤   öO€€€€laaa]HC?=777$  ’śöņīźęęęäāāÖŅŠĪĪĢČÄĄ¼ž‰‡ƒ}{ywusokgc_[W>:6666)ūłōš©£”„{sk^PJD8' q’’Ę’’’½ł’ęgœz 芉s‰Ņ’žNX 96 SW 1’žSlewcairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žunchambered’žNX 9239 6142’ž29239 56142’ž292390’ž561420’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žColvend and Southwick’žnone’žnone’ž210’žN-Sx2213’žKRK 12’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972’žMasters 1975’žMasters 1974nonononono’žyesyesyesnono0x2?’žchamberx0x0’žyes’žN part of cairn’žstanding stones (5)’žN of centenononono000’žpaving stones@‹x1’žyesno’žyesnonononoxxx’žsouth end of cairnnox’žpaved area; mortuary structurenox’žyes’žn/ano’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žMasters, L. 1975 Colvend and Southwick, Slewcairn, unchambered long cairn. D&ES, 27-8 ; Masters, L. 1974 Colvend and Southwick, Slewcairn, unchambered long cairn. D&ES, 43-4’žMasters, L. 1973 Colvend and Southwick, Slewcairn, unchambered long cairn. D&ES, 31; Masters, L. 1973 The Lochhill Long Cairn. Antiquity, 47, 96-100’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (NX 6)’žGregory, R. A. 2002 Prehistoric landscapes in Dumfries and Galloway Part 2: Bronze Age landscapes Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc,, 76, 45-78’ž137’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presscü÷÷T×*lgKKG::::61,*&&&&&ģźčęāŽŚÖŃĶČČČĘÄÄø©§„„£Ÿ›—“‡ra\ZXVTKGEC?;5/*&"śėėėŽÖŅĪĢĒĀĀ¼¶ŸˆqiaTF93'! q’Ī’’’½ł’įc¾Ė čŪŠsķ)’žSK 16 SE 21’žSmerrill Moor’žMonument #308701’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSK 1844 6080’ž41844 36080’ž418440’ž360800’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žMiddleton and Smerrill’žPeak District’žnonenpxx1210’žAg1’žBarnatt 1996; Kinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1989’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt & Collis 1996nonononoyes’žcharred woodyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0130no7@Ŗx1’žyesno’žyesnonononoxxxxnoxyes’žcompartment Bnono’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications 3-94’ž237’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum”œœœœŖ   ņģģģģģģģģģģģģģģźęäāąŽŚÖŅĪÉÅĄĄĄ¾¼¼°¬Ŗ¦¦¤ š–’ŒŠ†„‚€~|zxvrnhbTNJFB>>>'   ńģčäāąÜÜÖĒƝ‘‰tfOI8& q’Ī’’’½ł’`fŒoõ čŒsd=’žNR 79 SE 8’žGartnagreanoch’žKnapdale’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, ?long’žNR 7899 9037’ž17899 69037’ž178990’ž690370’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Knapdale’žnone’žnone61npx109’žARG 25’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noS@)x1nonononono’žyesxxxxnoxxno’žSW Scotland’žCraw, J. H. 1930 Excavations at Dunadd and at other sites on the Poltalloch Estates, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 111-46’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’ž100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press˜˜˜˜1‚‚‚‚~~~|||||||||||||||zvtrpnniea]YUUUSQQEA?==;73/+)%# ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēŲŠĪŹČÄĄĄŗ“¤—†~vi[GA0& q’Ą’’’½łż@"Œw^ čnŒsh’žNR 83 SE 4’žTormore Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žshort cist’žuncertain’žNR 8945 3242’ž18945 63242’ž189450’ž632420’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žNW-SEnpnpnp’žARN 3’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nononononoyesyesno’žjet necklace pieces00?@9ź2nono’žyesnonononpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žBalfour, J. A. (Ed.) 1910 Book of Arran Vol. 1 - Archaeology, Glasgow, Arran Society of Glasgow’ž104’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press:ÓĪĪĪĪĪjjjjj]]]]YYTTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLHD@;7333111%%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! üųōššģčččč茌ŚĖÄĄ¼ø±±±«¤›Ž~vnaSH<*$ q’~Āž,ł "„/Q ča‹s’žSC 26 NW 17’žPort St Mary’žAlfred Pier; Monument #30081’žburial cairn’žnone’žnone’žSC 212 673’ž22120 46730’ž221200’ž467300’žIsle of Man’žRushen’žPort St Mary’žIsle of Man’žnonenpnpnpnpnp’žClarke 1935nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žMesolithic occupation layer’žallnononono030noŹ@@x1no’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxxxnoxnpxnpnp’žMesolithic occupation’žflint; activity’žN Englandno’žyes’žSwinnerton, F. 1889-94 Early Neolithic Cists and Refuse Heaps at Port St. Mary. Isle of Man Natural History & Antiquarian Society Journal, 1, 137-9’žClark, G. 1935 The Prehistory of the Isle of Man Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1, 70-92 (p 74, 78-80)’žWoodman, P. C. 1978 A re-appraisal of the Manx Mesolithic. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R. 119-140 (p 120-121)’žPastscape; www.pastscape.org15ŖŖ¦¦ˆėwąąąŪ×ĢĢĢ»¤ œš––––––––––––––”ŽŒŠˆˆ„zvqmmmkii]YWUUSOKGC>!  ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄ¼¼¶©›“†~vi]WQC% q’Ā’’’½łżąē¼{ž čĢs’žTAR’žTA 16 NW 11’žSouth Side Mount Barrow’žRudston LXVII’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1075 6657’ž51075 46657’ž510750’ž466570’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žnone’žnonenpx30xxnonononoyesnoyesyesyesno1’žNNE of centre0xx0x0nox’žlayer of dark fatty earth’žbeneath the barrowyesnoyesno010no¬@›x1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žentire barrowxxxnox’žwood-lined grave’žentire barrow - dark earth depositno’žlayer on OGS’žgrave pit; fire; dark soilno’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 257-262)’žPetersen, F. 1969 Early Bronze Age timber graves and coffin burials on the Yorkshire Wolds. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42, 262-7npżżłłłłn!!!!ņņņäąą¼¼¼¼ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žŠ†‚~ytpppnll`\ZXXVRLHB.   ņšģ까֊ĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼ø¶²²¬¦„|tgYSM?0 q’Ą’’’½ł’€hfŒ‡ č—Šs,³’žST 81 SW 18’žGiant's Grave South [Dorset]’žHambledon Hill South’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8489 1206’ž38489 11206’ž384890’ž112060’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChild Okeford’žnone’žon a gentle S- facing slope, just below the highest part of the hill’ž179’žNNW-SSEx2613’ž ST2’žGrinsell 1959; Kinnes 1992’žGrinsell1982’žWessex chalk / clay with flintsyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesyesno1’žEast ditch1’žcauseway between E and S ditchesx0x0nox’žcausewayed enclosurexnonono?0nonono=@1x1’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxx’žquernxnoxyesxnox’žcausewayed enclosure; cultivationno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žMercer, R. J. 1980 Hambledon Hill: A Neolithic landscape, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMercer, R. J. & Healy, F. 2008 Hambledon Hill, Dorset: Excavation and Survey of a Neolithic Monument Complex and Its Surrounding Landscape, 1974-1986,’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society44’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumtžśśś”ś—’’’Ž~~~zWUQOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGCA:8661-)$ żżūłõńķėÕÓĻĶĖÉĒ„£—•‘‹…uoiHHHHHHH:::ŗŗ“„—‡rd^XK5 q’æ’’’½łżągžG‹ 蛋sk’žNR 89 NW 26’žBaroile’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, ?round’žNR 8476 9548’ž18476 69548’ž184760’ž695480’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone30’žNNE-SSWx2624’žARG 21’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no*@%x1nonononononononpxxxxnoxyesxno’ž56°062 12.603 N, 005°272 45.323 W’ž56°062 12.973 N, 005°272 41.233 W’žSW Scotlandno’žCraw, J. H. 1930 Excavations at Dunadd and at other sites on the Poltalloch Estates, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 64, 111-46’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press ›››››łłłłõč½’’ŽŽŽŒ††††††††††††††„€~|zxtplhd`\XXVTTHDB@@>:62.,(&"  žśöņīźźźźźźźźŪÓĻĖÉĄ¼¼¶°›Ž}um`R=7&  q’Ą’’’½ż’`z„Ws čƒŠs’žNP?’žNPRN 95532’žLligwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žburial chamber’žsub-megalithic’žSH 50136 86039’ž250136 386039’ž250136’ž386039’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žMoelfre’žAnglesey’žin undulating landscape with extensive views63npnpnpnp’žANG 14’žLynch 1991nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin1’žcentral (forms the chamber)0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchambernonoyesno0’ž15-300’žshell=@¬x1no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žrock-cut pit forms chamberyes’žchambernonono’žWalesno’žBaynes, E. N. 1909 The excavation of Lligwy Cromlech, in the County of Anglesey Archaeologia Cambrensis, 64 (6th S. vol 9), 217-231’žLynch, F. 1976 Din Lligwy megalithic tomb. Archaeological Journal, 132, 285’žLynch, F. 1991 Prehistoric Anglesey : the archaeology of the island to the Roman conquest. 2nd Ed., Llangefni, Anglesey Antiquarian Society ( p 88-90)’žPiggott, S. 1933 The Pottery from the Lligwy Burial Chamber, Anglesey. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 88, 68-72’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston‡©Ą99995...*&&"÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õńčęäāŻŲÓĻĖĘĀĀĀĄ¾¾²«©¢¢ œ–’Ž…omigeca_]?=3/)#      żżżżõńķéåį³³© –„|teUE5$ q’æ?Ā’’’½ł’@ąf<†z 芋sk‰’žNR 89 SE 8’žAuchoish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 8704 9111’ž18704 69111’ž187040’ž691110’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone’ž137’žNNE-SSWx4015’žARG 19’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žrough pavingČ@Hx1nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxno’ž56°032 55.183 N, 005°252 21.073 W’ž56°032 55.543 N, 005°252 16.973 W’žSW Scotlandno’žCraw, J. H. 1932 Two long cairns (one horned) and an Ogham inscription, near Poltalloch, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 66, 445-50’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press±¬¬¬¬¬õŹŸŸ›››™““““““““““““““‘„‚€~zuqmieaaa_]]QCA??=951-+'%!  żłõńķééééééééŚŅĪŹČæŗŗ“®™Œ{sk^P=7&  q’Ą’’’½ł’`z„Ā čŅŠs.z’žST 87 NW 3’žLugbury’žLittle Drew’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8305 7855’ž38305 17855’ž383050’ž178550’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žNettleton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx61’ž24.4’žWIL 1’žDarvill 2004nononononononoyesnono1’žE of centre (grave)0xx0x0nox’žstone setting (cromlech of 3 stones);’žE end of moundnononono0270no$@„x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žcromlech of 3 stones; gravenox’žstone setting; grave pitno’žSW England -WC’žyes’žColt Hoare, R. 1822 [Lugbury, Wiltshire]. Gentleman's Magazine, 92.1, 160-1’žThurnam, J. 1857 On a cromlech-tumulus called Lugbury, near Littleton Drew. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 3, 164-173’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows46’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus9įŻŻ„o       ķķķėēēēēŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹČÄĀĄ¾¼ø³Æ«¦”›™™‰‡ƒƒ}yuqa:8420.,*(  ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēŁŅĢČĘĮ½½·¬”…}uhZIC, q’Ą’’’½ł’bf¼w÷ čŒs#s’žSS 14 SW 7’žLundy Chambered Tomb’žnone’žchambered cairn’žcist’žchambered round cairn’žSS 1362 4372’ž21362 14372’ž213620’ž143720’žDevon’žTorridge’žLundy’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žChanter 1877nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no@`x1nononononononoxxxxnoxnp’žchamber?npnpnono’žSW Englandno’žChanter, J. R. 1877 Lundy Island: a monograph, descriptive and historical; with notices of its distinguishing features in natural history, London, Cassell, Peter, and Galpin’žSchofield, A. J. 1994 Lithic artifacts from test-pit excavations on Lundy: evidence for Meolithic and Bronze Age occupation. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 60, 423-3135żżłłłłF••••‘………}yukggggggggggggggea_][YUQMIEA===;99-)'%%#  ’żūł÷õńķéćßŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖ½½½½½»¹µ³ÆÆ©£œ’‹ƒ{n`IC2, q’Ā’’’½ł’ągŒŌ čäŹsk’žNR 92 SE 2’žTorlin’žTorrylin’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9551 2107’ž19551 62107’ž195510’ž621070’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSE???’žARN 15’žHenshall 1972’žDuncan 1896nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0no‘@Šx4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 78-84, 138-155)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 22-23)’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press'Ą»»»žĄĄĄĄ¼ÆÆÆ« œ˜‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{upkgb]YYYWUUIEC??=93/+)%# ū÷ńķéåįįįįįŌŌŌŽ»¹·®ŖŖ¤”‡wogZL?9( q’Ā’’’½ł’ągœ č'Ės8Ę’žSP 22 SE 4’žLyneham Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2975 2106’ž42975 22106’ž429750’ž221060’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žLyneham’žCotswolds’žnone’ž198’žNNE-SSWx5219’žOXF 8’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žholed paving stone1’ž2.1 m w of standing stone0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone - pre-mound’žNE endyesnonono000’žslabV@ķx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNE end of moundxx’žchamber 1’žholed paving stone’žchamber 2’žslab pavement’žholed paving stone’žmortuary area; standing stone’žpitnox’žstanding stone; pit; fireno’žSW England’žstanding stone’žConder, E. 1895 Account of the exploration of Lyneham barrow, Oxon. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 15, 404-410’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’ž312’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus䌇‡‡‡‡‡‡‡wkkkgLLLJFFFA""""""""’ōąÕÓŃĄ»¶²®©¤ŸŸŸ››‰‡……ƒ{wqiMKGECA?=;  śöšģčäąąąąąąąąŅĖĒĆĮø³³­¢™‡zrj]OIC,& q’Ą’’’½ł’ffŒ‡·ųYNłł’’’ čŒs’žSX’žSX 85 NE 6’žBroadsands’žGoodrington Park’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSX 8931 5732’ž28931 05732’ž289310’ž057320’žDevon’žTorbay’žPaignton’žnone’žnone’žon the southward-facing slope of a hillock, overlooking the Torbay coastnp’ž12.2xxnono’žMiddle-Upper Devonian limestonenononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonononoyes40’žslab¤@e’žchamber1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement; hearths?yesxnononono’ž50°242 19.233 N, 003°332 32.083 W’ž50°242 17.113 N, 003°332 27.843 W’žSW Englandno’žRadford, C. A. 1958 The chambered tomb at Broadsands, Paignton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 5, 147-167np÷÷óóóóóhhhhdX-žśöņšźźźźźźźźźźźźźŃĻĖĀĄ¾¼·²®Ŗ„ œœœš‘‘…}{{uqmiec_]YWUSQOMKIEA=73/+ žųōōŖ¤ž”Œ…}uhZKE4" q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą„— LVAL§ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚ųboƒž‡’’’’„Šbo boŌ”bo„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’xboxbqoxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboxboˆ‡P bo„ƒ Šbo` boƒƒ8 bo° bo„+ˆbo’’’’Excavation Records…ø“V^”€ˆbo`bo‚ Œ”V^”€ˆbo`bo„‹ƒųboøbo„ƒ0bohbo„”bo„ `bo’’’’bo‹‰8bo@bo„Tbo‰’’’’”-Excavation RecordsNMR #ƒ(‡‚ ‹ bo“ lbo €bo„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡¤bo„hbo„ƒpboxbo„Äbo ƒˆboœģbo„Ąbo„ƒČbo°bo„-Excavation RecordsNMR #ƒƒ‹0bo„Ž”V^”€ˆboxboƒŒƒ` boųbo„‡’’’’ƒƒ` bo˜ bo…bo„LVAL¦ŠĄ³’’’’rGD­JˆwĀpńJˆw„Ć… † †r?ƒž‹ˆsĀp—ˆwĀp„˜NĀp„tĀpƒƒÆ«¢£ Æ’’’’ś ĀpR ĀpŠ ĀpĀ Āpś Āp: Āpz Āp² Āpź 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DESCRIPTION.Hearthƒ7SITE DESCRIPTION.Inhumations‰5SITE DESCRIPTION.CremationsƒASITE DESCRIPTION.Floor/Pavement 1‡+SITE DESCRIPTION.Notes…CSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Hearth…-SITE DESCRIPTION.Statusƒ;SITE DESCRIPTION.HR frag-burnt…?SITE DESCRIPTION.HR frag-unburnt‰9SITE DESCRIPTION.Charcoal/ash‡-SITE DESCRIPTION.QuartzƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Marine shell/pebbles/sand…?SITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Fire‰OSITE DESCRIPTION.Location-Turf Clearance‰MSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - CultivationƒWSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Floor/Pavement 1‰ASITE DESCRIPTION.Floor/Pavement 2‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Floor/Pavement 2‰ESITE DESCRIPTION.Disturbance/Re-UseƒISITE DESCRIPTION.Location - Dark Soil‡KSITE DESCRIPTION.Pre-monument Evidence…GSITE DESCRIPTION.Mesolithic evidence‰9SITE DESCRIPTION.Study Region‡USITE DESCRIPTION.Standing Stone/Timber Postƒ?SITE DESCRIPTION.Occupation area‰GSITE DESCRIPTION.Structural Features‰ƒ&ĀpKƒKƒˆ&Āp„ēLƒ˜ Āp„P&Āp˜’’…ČĀp’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„X%Āp€%Āp„’’’ś Āpųp$ؓ$‚ R Āpųp$„ Š 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Kennet’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1046 6774’ž41046 16774’ž410460’ž167740’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž176’žE-Wx’ž10022’žWIL 4; Avebury 22’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1957’žAtkinson & Piggott 1986; Barker 1985’žThomas & Whittle 1986’žBayliss et al 2007’žWhittle 1991; Whittle 1997’žAshbee 1984nono’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pins, bone scoops, perforated ox phalanges; bone beads; shell beads, stone beads0x0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter’žallnonoyesno0’ž46+0’žsarsen slabĻ@ļx1’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žbeneath burial in NE Chambernoxyes’žabove the human remains’žpotsherd scatter; dark soilno’ž51°242 31.083 N, 001°512 03.343 W’ž51°242 29.303 N, 001°502 58.283 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1867 Examination of a chambered long barrow at West Kennet, Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 10, 130-5’žPiggott, S. 1962 The West Kennet Long Barrow: Excavations 1955-6, London, HMSO; Whittle, A. 1991 A Late Neolithic complex at West Kennet, Wiltshire. Antiquity, 65, 256-262’žThomas, J. & Whittle, A. 1986 Anatomy of a tomb: West Kennet revisited. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 5, 129 - 156’žBayliss, A., Whittle, A. & Wysocki, M. 2007 Talking About My Generation: The Date of the West Kennet Long Barrow. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, Supplement S1, 85-101np’žDarvill 2004;ōåįį0¹ēPPPKG7 įŻĄĄĄ§””””””””””””””Ÿ›}{ywsnie`[VVVTRRF97220,&"’żūł÷õóń™•‰…ylhdW;'źźźĶŗ¶±ÆŖ„„Ÿ”‹ƒxph[MGA*$ q’ž’’’½ł’`ž¼žīŠŠĄčŠ‡s’žSUÕ’žSU 28 NE 4’žWayland's Smithy’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 2809 8539’ž42809 18539’ž428090’ž185390’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žAshbury’žCotswolds’žnone’žjust back from the north scarp of the Downs above the Vale of White horse’ž213’žN-Sx5514’žBRK 1; Kinnes SU 94’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žWhittle 1991’žWhittle et al 2007’žSimpson 1968’žAshbee 1984yesno’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žwoodyesyesyes’žquern stone fragments?x2 converging lines; 2 postpits’žS of mortuary structure; each end of mortuary structurex0x0’žmortuary structure’žS end of barrow’žoccupation layer? Timber posts? Possible pre-barrow pits’žvariousyes’žyesnono0’ž22+0’žsarsen slabsšÕęę x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žunder barrow, esp E side’žmortuary structurex’žmortuary structurenoxyesx’žoccupation area; timber posts; pits; fire; postholesno’ž51°342 00.243 N, 001°352 45.823 W’ž51°332 58.513 N, 001°352 40.633 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žPeers, C. R. & Smith, R. A. 1921 Wayland's Smithy, Berkshire Antiquaries Journal, 1, 183-198; Atkinson, R. J. C. 1965 Wayland's Smithy. Antiquity, 39, 126-33’žWhittle, A. 1991 Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire: excavations at the Neolithic tomb in 1962-63 by R.J.C. Atkinson and S. Piggott. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 57, 61-101’žThurnam, J. 1864 On Wayland's Smithy and on the traditions connected with it. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 7, 321-333’žWhittle, A., Bayliss, A. & Wysocki, M. 2007 Once in a Lifetime: the Date of the Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 17, Supplement S1, 103-121np’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus-ÕŃŃ#Ś/**%!źæ»………ƒ}}}}}}}}}}}}}}{wcaM3.)%!õóīīģčäߣŠ–…qomki0ōņšŁÓĶĒĮ»µØ¤žž‘ƒoaaa7"Ć½²©”‡wj\KE.( q’’Ž’’’½ł’`ž¾&. č>Ģs£µ’žSE 85 SE 11’žWarter 254’žMonument #61775’žround barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žSE 8509 5302’ž48509 45302’ž485090’ž453020’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWarter’žnone’žnonenpx?xx’žAe2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx1’žin grave0nox’žfaēade trench’žE side of barrowyesnonono030no@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcentral gravexxxnox’žoblong grave’žfaēade trenchyes’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 320-321)’ž163’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĶjeeeeeźåååįÖÖÖŅĒĒĒĒĮĮĮĮ²²²¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢žœš˜‰„€|xsniiigeeYUSQQOKGC=+ śųōšģęāÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢæŗø¶“²®®Ø¢šyqdVHB4# q’Ą’’’½ł’@"f†'īŠŠ© č¹Źs?±’žST 94 NW 17’žWarminster 6’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9024 4717’ž39024 14717’ž390240’ž147170’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx’ž32.3’ž16.5’žST 39’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957’žCunnington 1913-14’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono1’žE centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noi@x1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žgravenpx’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 66)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žMeyrick, O. 1948 Sir Richard Colt Hoare and William Cunnington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 52, 213-8’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-24463’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumRÜŲŲ=¹5įįįįŻĶĶĶɾ¾¾¼øøøø±±±±±±±±±±Æ«©§„£žš–’ŽŠ†††„‚‚vrpnnlhd`\ZVTPNLJHFD:840,($ ’ņŽĻĻĻĀ»µÆ­¦¢¢œ–Šzog_RD>8+% q’Ž’’’½ł’bf¼oB čRĢs’žHYH’žHY 53 NE 9’žVinquoy Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 5601 3812’ž35601 103812’ž356010’ž1038120’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone72x’ž17.7xx’žORK 53’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1863nononono1’žcentral chamber0xx0x0noxnox0r@x4’žyes’žyesyes’žpitno’žN Scotlandno’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žFraser, D. 1983 Land and Society in Neolithic Orkney, Oxford, B.A.R.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¹IIII»eeeeaUUUQLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA<<<<<<<<:88,,,,,*****($"’’’’’’’ū÷óļļļļļāāāČĄ¾¼¶“°°Ŗ¤žŽ~um_QA;*$ q’Ā’” fnīŠŠStanding Stone/Timber PostOccupation area&Structural Featuresƒ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’鎉‰Y’’’’PrimaryKey=éé’’·ųYNŃŃ’’LVALćæŅMR2"€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUIDColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatInputMaskCaptionDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionSmartTagsDecimalPlaces"DatasheetFontName&DatasheetFontHeight&DatasheetFontWeight&DatasheetFontItalic,DatasheetFontUnderlineTabularCharSetTabularFamily$DatasheetForeColor(DatasheetForeColor128DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldTextAlignAggregateTypeShowDatePickerRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValuesTextFormat&AllowMultipleValuesAppendOnlyš  Ā ŗ ĢUɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½HŌazć@ ² SITE DESCRIPTIONĒÜ×ö‰āN„2įåćouØɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Status“’ęħ×K’lŅŃcņ3Źɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site TypelģÕTxżK²Æ2Ü|ˆɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site Name/ŒāoØÕDˆa²B±ž9-ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Other Featureshøćī~0’A¬™×žnQÉŪɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Grid RefÅģįP-'G†į ļ(ÄA°ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½EastingpŠūŽ­ MMŽĒĄāƈ7Ęɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½NorthingŸ?#ĶG&O†]ō˜;ÕrĘɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½NMR #kˆ'2ŽŌC¹Jńp„Õɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Alt NameĘB±+8rAŗ ‘ā²ĒHfɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Alt Site Type=ģ¤…ŚšG¾Kč7ĆÅ<ƒɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Site Sub Type”Bv«ŻŠL„āāĆFɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Converted grid refsƚDÄZÄ Oŗ¶÷ė. éĻɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Northing test^1‰$„ęeH‰”ĖAƒ›LÉɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½County(Council)čosxc÷WH¢MȄ{K§yɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½District (Former Region)ä’Ä£LOžŖxø½wɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Parish E--ęE¶¬å,5 ­€ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Island/Sub-regionÓh~ɛ®wD«WDfn(Œɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Mon Group™ •å ƒ·AœszRęJzɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Metres AODó„(b9ØæDœ)8¬©@Øɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Orientationę¹EÜ ĄF ‚Ć$ 9 Ÿɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: Diameter!”dłi±N’łŪ9t‚ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: LengthŚf |7DØ¢žˆZ2ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Size: Width„˜ «GLL„Ć¢%wwćɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Number 1˜9™4Ŗ«G“ČĀxĶpąɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Publication 1.„Ć—Ve›EÆ,¾®h)ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Number 2ŽkHkė{¾M®1#/Īrł$ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inventory Publication 2±hu¹¬¶ N«t!„ļ”ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 1Zi3^'?ÕLÆZż2lĪcɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 2ĄMĢĒœBæa”{³ų¢ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 3£%ŁL–M•ęO’R$6ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 4ī}ĆĒøQF¦ĆĪ0ĒmÖæɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Reference 5ŚāR9ĀLœv‡gĪ&ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Pollen Analysis€CāTĪD˜3g)Lɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Soil Analysisr„™ J•–(ĀT„0œɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½GeologyŖĪ¢ö’HGž© č¹‰sL¤’žSU 06 NE 17’žSouth Street Long Barrow’žAvebury 68’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0900 6927’ž40900 16927’ž409000’ž169270’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnone’žin an area of low ground just to the north of a low hill’ž164’žESE-WNWx’ž41.315’žWIL 36’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992’žEvans & Burleigh 1969’žAshbee et al 1979’žAshbee 1984yesyes’žMiddle Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin1’žin frontal chalk rubble0xx’ž65 (not related to fencing system)’žvarious0’žwooden fencing; system of bays;’žall’žard marks’žbeneath barrownonono’žyes300no&@’žvarious1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxx’žallxnoxyesx’žcultivation; pit, stakeholes, hearth; Mesolithic flints’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žAshbee, P., Smith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1979 Excavation of three long barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 207-300’žEvans, J. G. & Burleigh, R. 1969 Radiocarbon dates from the South Street long barrow, Wiltshire. Antiquity, 43, 144-5’žSmith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1968 Excavation of two long barrows in North Wiltshire. Antiquity, 42, 138-42’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU107)76’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusRśööx ’ōļļļėŪŪŪŌ›››™““““““““““““““‘‹†„‚~yuqlgcccaXXLHFDDB=951!šīåĮæ½»¢ –’Œ†‚|vhb\\\O<%%% žųöķč®Ø”ŒyqdVPJ=1 q’’Ī’’’½ł’`f¾7¶ čʌsz‰’žNS 08 NW 7’žArdachearanbeg’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0055 8520’ž20055 68520’ž200550’ž685200’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmodan’žnone’žnone’ž137x’ž10 mxx’žARG 15’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1969?@@ģ2’žn/ano’ž56°012 05.293 N, 005°122 05.373 W’ž56°012 05.623 N, 005°122 01.163 W’žSW Scotland’ž122’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŠiddddddddddW,żżųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųöööźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźźŽŽŽĻĒÅĆ½»¶¶°Ŗ “‚zreWC=,& q’ €:€ķ 迉s’žND‚’žND 34 SW 6’žSouth Yarrows North’žYarhouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3049 4346’ž33049 94346’ž330490’ž943460’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž130’žENE-WSW’žn/a5217’žCAT 54’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1868’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886nonononoyesnononono’žlignite beads (secondary)0x0xx0x0nox’ž'hard trodden floor' - contemporary?’žchambernononono000’žcompact clay and ash layerpŸŚnVx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambersnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442-451 (p 445-447)’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56 ( p 238-241)’žAnderson, J. 1868 On the horned cairns of Caithness, their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, etc. PSAS, 7, 480-512 (p 497-498)’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas (p 237-240)’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press%—ę88884((($   żųōšėęįįį߯ŻŃµ³±±Æ«§£Ÿ–pnjhfdb`^\Z?;73/)%! ūģģģŅŹĘĀ½“ÆÆÆ©£˜Ž†~qcLF5+ q’?Ī’’’½ł’`f<žĮ čщs’žNDŒ’žND 34 SW 5’žSouth Yarrows South’žYarhouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3046 4319’ž33046 94319’ž330460’ž943190’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž140’žE-Wx7329’žCAT 55’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1868’žAnderson 1869’žAnderson 1886nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’ž'hard trodden floor' - contemporary’žchambernononono000’žclay and small flat stones’¼–Łx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’ž3rd chamber’žashes’žchambernoxnono’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442-451 (p 445-447)’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56 ( p 235-238)’žAnderson, J. 1868 On the horned cairns of Caithness, their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, etc. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 7, 480-512 ( p 482-485, 496-497)’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 231-237)’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press/¼¼¼P†Õ''''#               łģźčęāŻŁÕŠĖĘĘĘÄĀĀ¶š˜––”Œˆ„{VTPNLJHFDB@<82,("ōåååĖĆ滹“ÆÆÆ©£˜Ž†~qcLF5+ q’?Ī’’’½ł’`f<ž• č„Œs’žTLe’žTL 34 SW 76’žTherfield Heath 4’žFive Hills; Royston Heath 4’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 34095 40270’ž534095 240270’ž534095’ž240270’žHertfordshire’žNorth Hertfordshire’žTherfield’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žACa1’žKinnes 1979’žDyer 1959’žStevenson 1986nononono’žbone pin90>@;ģ2nonpnp’žn/ano’žSE England’žNunn, E. B. 1855 MSS Notebook, Palmer Collection, Cambridge University Library’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum]śöööö¦TTTTTHHHHDD??;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;733333333111%%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ÷ģģģߣ×ÕŃĻĖĖÅæ“Ÿˆ€qa[UG* q’ʃ, "ŒvīŠŠLVALÖiocarbon datesfCś%ž§@–čĻöņó£ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Animal Remains!žšßÜSD¦Ā$mžføɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Secondary Useō"q³!@>ź2’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (NX5)’ž137’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press'Ą»»»»»?????2222..))%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%! žžžžžļļļāÜÖŅŠĒĀĀ¼¶«”}um`RF@/" q’Ā  "„o·ųYNÕÕ’’īŠŠLVAL×ation   ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½  Arial      "   ! " # $ % &£Site Name  @       m    lģÕTxżK²Æ2Ü|ˆ ' (’’’’”Alt Name  ›       m    kˆ'2ŽŌC¹Jńp„Õ ' (’’’’³("Island/Sub-region  S       m     E--ęE¶¬å,5 ­€ ' (’’’’Æ$County(Council)         m    ^1‰$„ęeH‰”ĖAƒ›LÉ ' (’’’’Į60District (Former Region)  ®       m    čosxc÷WH¢MȄ{K§y ' (’’’’ Parish  (       m    ä’Ä£LOžŖxø½w ' (’’’’£Site Type  ē       m    “’ęħ×K’lŅŃcņ3Ź ' (’’’’”Grid Ref  T       m    høćī~0’A¬™×žnQÉŪ ' (’’’’Æ NMR #  €       m    Ÿ?#ĶG&O†]ō˜;ÕrĘ ' (’’’’  Date()µ*$Gazetteer Number 1          m    „˜ «GLL„Ć¢%wwć ' (’’’’Æ$Other artefacts  ‰  D     m    ]åūŸ3•N–ņŹ}^j ' (’’’’« Alt Site Type  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ĘB±+8rAŗ ‘ā²ĒHf« Site Sub Type  ę       m    ' (’’’’ =ģ¤…ŚšG¾Kč7ĆÅ<ƒ©# Stakeholes  ‰  !     m    ' (’’’’ öŅOĪ \YIøė“ Ænéœz& Timber Structure  €  '     o *Value List8 +0"";"yes";"no";"possible" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 'kk=ćAjL±Ź÷g:”Ķ 7~Inhumations  ‰  8     o *Value ListF +>0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 dP€³ļdF–(pŁmŠ“ 7|Cremations  6  9     o *Value ListF +>0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 43šŁtŒDŗ¾Ź_3 9ō 7 & Floor/Pavement 1     2     o *Value List^ +V"slab";"clay";"sand";"ash/charcoal";"other" , - . /1440 0 1144LVALŽ0twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 Ė¢é6īęG‹(6=Wy…® 7p"Turf Clearance  Æ  .     o *Value List2 +*"yes";"no";"possible" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 -5°xŗEøĀ<žœ¹»R 7|.(Cultivation Evidence  ‰  0     o *Value List2 +*"yes";"no";"possible" , - . /1440 0 11440twip 2    ' 3 (’’’’ 5 Ę÷šøŽŖ¼N¹+†h\‡½ 7§Orientation  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ó„(b9ØæDœ)8¬©@Ø”Diameter  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ę¹EÜ ĄF ‚Ć$ 9 Ÿ Length  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ !”dłi±N’łŪ9t‚› Width  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ Śf |7DØ¢žˆZ2« Plant Remains  ’  <     m    ' (’’’’ !žš     m    ' (’’’’ ¦E@N6="I‚- čżļŖ¦©Flaked Stone  f  ?     m    ' (’’’’ IIM~¦öI¢żģ,€ N­"Polished Stone  ‰  @     m    ' (’’’’ ļĮĪofŒC“›"įŽm§£Dark Soil  ‰  6     m    ' (’’’’ œyIź|D·ZuŖšwų_ Hearth  ‰  %     m    ' (’’’’ œEQ’<ÜÖD¤ŽyRĒcƒ¦£ Notes  «  E        6 ' (’’’’ čOŪ`3$HŸ„Õļ:źŪh 8« HR frag-burnt  Ś  ;     m    ' (’’’’ sżMLøµB—­·š¾TüÅÆ$HR frag-unburnt  ’’’’  :     m    ' (’’’’ ŪĻŲœóC„=X2+Š é©Charcoal/ash  É čŁ‹s’žSWÕ’žSW 43 NE 22’žSperris Quoit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave, portal dolmen’žSW 4709 3825’ž14709 03825’ž147090’ž038250’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’ž213np12xx’žnone’žBarnatt 1982’žDaniel 1950nono’žrab (granitic gravel)nononoyesnonono1’žsouth of centre, outside chamber0xx0x0nox’žtrampled ground ?’žcentralyesnonono000no0@½x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žcentralxxxnox’žtrampled ground’žcremation pitx’žtrampled ground?; pit; fireno’žSW Englandno’žThomas, C. & Wailes, B. 1967 Sperris Quoit : the excavation of a new Penwith chamber tomb. Cornish Archaeology, 6, 9-23’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone Pressnp$$    """"ńńńļļļļļļąąĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĶÉĒÅĆŗ¶±­©¤ ›››™——‹‡…ƒƒ}yuofSQMKIGECA ’čäąąąąÓÅÅÅÅæ½»·³®®®Ø —…}pbC=,& q’??Ę’’’½ł’@AfŒź? čOŹr’žTL ’žTL s’žTL ’žTL 27 SW 115’žBrampton’žMonument #1328070’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 2045 7152’ž52045 27152’ž520450’ž271520’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žBrampton’žOuse Valley12’žNW-SEx276’žMalim 1999’žLast 1999nononoyesnononononono2+’žW side of monument2’žN ditch terminal; S ditch terminalx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŸ@|x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žpits (2)no’ž52°192 42.983 N, 000°142 01.763 W’ž52°192 41.493 N, 000°132 55.903 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žMalim, T. 2001 The ritual landscape of the Neolithic and Bronze Age along the Middle and Lower Ouse Valley. IN DAWSON, M. (Ed.) Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Landscapes of the Great Ouse Valley. York, Council for British Archaeology’žMalim, T. 1999 Cursuses and related monuments of the Cambridgeshire Ouse. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbow’žLast, J. 1999 Out of line: cursuses and monument typology in eastern England. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbownp¼¼øøøļ*:5551%śĻĖĮĮĮæ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»¹µ³±Æ­Ø£Ÿ›—“‹‹{ywwuqmiec_]YWUSQ-+ ’ūõńķééééŽŅŅŅŅŅŠĢŹĆæææ²Ø—‡wj\VB5" q’?Ę’’’½ł’`~žśU če‹s=–’žST 93 NE 26’žStockton Barrow’žMonument #210822’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9657 3763’ž39657 13763’ž396570’ž137630’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žStockton’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx2912’žST 25’žKinnes 1992’žMeyrick 1948nononononononononono1’žN of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono050no·@Öx1no’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žpit filled with flints and marlnoxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žMeyrick, O. 1948 Sir Richard Colt Hoare and William Cunnington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 52, 213-861’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumœ&"""žĻĻĻĻĖ»»»·³³³±­­­­­­ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~zvrnjeaaa_]]QMKIIGC?;751/+)'%#! üųōšģčččč茌ŚĶĘĀ¾¼³ÆÆ©£™‰~vnaSMG:( q’Ā’’’½ł’€`fœ, č<‹sÕń’žSK 05 SE 28’žStonesteads’žWaterhouses’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSK 0841 5054’ž40841 35054’ž408410’ž350540’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žWaterhouses’žPeak District’žnonenpx12xx’žCc2’žKinnes 1979’žPiggott 1954’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesno’žboar's tusk blade; bone ring0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono010’žthin flat stones:@Jx1’žyesno’žyesnononono’žfloor of barrowxx’žSE of centrenoxnoxnono’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland’žBarnatt, J. 1996 A multiphased barrow at Liff's Low, near Biggin, Derbyshire. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications 95-136’ž213’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĶjeeee”óóóļėėėéååååååååååååååćßŃĻĶ¼ø“°¬§£žžžœššŽ|zxxvrnjdb^\XVTRPNLJH*&  õõēēēŚÕÓŃĶĖĒĒĮ²„Œ}um`RE?1$ q’Ź’’’½ł’`fŒ'Ź čŚÉsØ’žNZ 71 NW 14’žStreet House Long Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žNZ 7365 1960’ž47365 51960’ž473650’ž519600’žCleveland’žRedcar and Cleveland’žLoftus’žnone’žnone’žabove high cliffs on the North Sea coast’ž168’žE-Wx’ž23.610’žNZ 2’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žVyner 1988nononoyesnonoyesyesyes’žcup marked stone2’žW and E of mortuary structurenumerous’žvariousx0x0’žfaēade, mortuary structure, post setting’žE end of mound’žpre-mound pits; rectangular enclosure’žwest end of moundyes’žyesnono002+’žslab@žx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žbeneath mortuary structurex’žrectangular enclosurenoxyesx’žpits; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žVyner, B. 1984 The excavation of a Neolithic cairn at Street House, Loftus, Cleveland. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 50, 151-195’žVyner, B. 1985 Evidence for mortuary practices in the Neolithic burial mounds and cairns of northern Britain. Scottish Archaeological Review, 4, 11-16’žBarcham, R. C. 1982 Excavation of the Street House Farm long cairn, Boulby, Cleveland: an interim report. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 54, 1-515’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum1»··· †÷ņņņīćććÜÄÄÄĀ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ŗ¶Ÿmhc_[VRMMMKII=7311/+'" āŅئ¤¢ —‡hfTNHB>:40,((((üųņšėę¼¶°Ø’‡wj\VB60 q’’Ę’’’½ł’`fž™ č©‹s’žTL’žTL 67 SE 28’žSwale's Tumulus’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 6992 7144’ž56992 27144’ž569920’ž271440’žSuffolk’žForest Heath’žWorlington’žnone’žnone’žon level ground at the foot of a slopenpx21xx’žCa1’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnoyes’žbone pin/awl fragment3’žN of centre0xx0x0nox’žoccupation debris’žN side of moundyesnoyesno202?no«@’žwest of crematorium pit1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žN of centrexxxnox’ž2 pits, 1 grave; 2 hearthsyes’žpitsno’žn/a’žoccupation debrisno’žSE Englandno’žyes’žBriscoe, G. 1957 Swale's Tumulus: A combined Neolithic A and Bronze Age barrow at Worlington, Suffolk. Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 50, 101-12np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum[ųōōōōōMMMHD8884!      ššššššššīźčęä×ŅĶÉÅĄ¼···µœœŒˆ††„€zvp_LJFDB@><:-+ śöņīźźźźźźźźŻŲÖŌŠĪŹ¢œ–Š|skcVHB<.( q’’Ą’’’½ł’€ąē„LVALų’’’’  C     m    ' (’’’’ zZ»ę¤ZN~(ŠĻhj Quartz  ’’’’  A     m    ' (’’’’ e9±uO¶(Ž0R ‡–Ć82Marine shell/pebbles/sand  ’’’’  B     m    ' (’’’’ Ž–Ö¬s€U@;WŹB8V« Pits (Number)  s  #     m    ' (’’’’ ó§ä{%“I‰äø‡!(ė§# Postholes  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ @— Č”NæņżłrŃi­"Other Features  ä  )     m    ' (’’’’ /ŒāoØÕDˆa²B±ž9-Æ$Location - Fire  ’’’’  -     m    ' (’’’’ ō"q³!<:83.*% öļķėėēćßŪ×Īµ³Æ­«©§„£š–_[UOA=73/++++   ščę乎Ł©£–Š€xpcUF@/& q’’Ę’’’½ł’ąg F“ č£‹r’žTQ:’žTQ 65 NE 13’žAddington Long s’žTQ:’žTQ 65 NE 13’žAddington Long Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6533 5910’ž56533 15910’ž565330’ž159100’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAddington’žMedway’žNE-SW ?’ž10.570np’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000nononono@82’žyesnpyes’žn/ano’ž51°182 25.383 N, 000°222 14.173 E’ž51°182 23.433 N, 000°222 20.123 E’žSE England’žPetrie, F. 1880 Notes on Kentish earthworks. Archaeologia Cantiana, 13, 8-16’žAshbee, P. 2000 The Medway's megalithic long barrows. Archaeologia Cantiana, 120, 319-345’žHolgate, R. 1981 The Medway megaliths and Neolithic Kent. Archaeologia Cantiana, 97, 221-234’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Pressnp   @ć“““““‡\11--((""""""""""""""""""""                            ’ūūūīįÓÓÓÓÓĻĖż¼¼¼“©’Œ„|oa[K4. q’?Ī  :¼b" č2Œs¹|’žSE 94 SW 10’žMarket Weighton’žGreenwell 226’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9062 4098’ž49062 44098’ž490620’ž440980’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žMarket Weighton’žnone’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž33.5’ž22.8’žSE 5’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesnono’žbone pin5’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žE end of moundyesnonono0026nox1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žE end of moundxxxnox’žcrematorium; 5 pits/trenchesnoxnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 505-509)’ž185’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum«500000ććććßŌŌŌŠĢĢĢŹĘĘĘĘØØØØØØØØØئ¢ žœŒˆƒ{vrmmmkiiiea__]YUQK;.,(&$"  ’ūõńėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĪČĀ¼ŗµ±±«„”‡{sk^PJD7( q’Ą’’’ł’bf„§f čvŠs’žNDs’žND 34 SW 40’žMcCole's Castle’žM'Coul's Castle’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 316 433’ž33160 94330’ž331600’ž943300’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž115x20xx’žCAT 39’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žStuart 1868’žAnderson 1886nononononono?nono’žburnt bone?0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno020noŽ@¬x1?no’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’žN Scotlandno’žRhind, A. H. 1854 Results of excavations in sepulchral cairns in the north of Scotland. Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3, 100-108’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 255-256)’žStuart, J. 1868 Report to the Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 7, 289-307 (p 294)’žAnderson, J. 1868 On the horned cairns of Caithness, their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, etc. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 7, 480-512 ( p 502)’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŽ^¾RĶĶĶĶɽ½½¹µµµ¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš˜”‹‡‚~|||zxxlhfddb^XTPNJHDB@><:864'#  öéééĻĒÅĆæ½øø²¬¦›‘‰thPJ9( q’Ę’’’½ł’`f<Ē č׋sn’žNR 97 SE 6’žMichael's Grave’žKilmichael’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9947 7031’ž19947 67031’ž199470’ž670310’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone30’žESE-WNW’žn/a134’žBUT 2’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth!@§x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambersnoxyes’žchambersnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 (p 33-37)’žHewison, J. K. 1893 The Isle of Bute in the olden time, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, W. Blackwood ( p 66)’ž110’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press-ĘĮĮĮĮ]ĖĖĖĖĒŗŗŗ¶²®Ŗ šššššššššššššš˜”Šˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUHFDDB>840.*($"  üöņīźęęęęęęęę׊ĪŹÅ¼øø²¬ “‚zreWJD3' q’Ą’’’½ł’ągŒg3 čCĖs’žTLu’žTL 34 SW 5’žTherfield’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 3415 4017’ž53415 24017’ž534150’ž240170’žHertfordshire’žNorth Hertfordshire’žTherfield’žnone’žnone’žon chalk downland’ž117’žE-Wx3826’žTL 8’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žchalknonononoyesnono2’žon medial line of barrow, W of centre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000no@@£x4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žwest of centrexxnoxnox’žmortuary pits - 2no’žSE Englandno’žPhillips, C. W. 1935 A re-examination of the Therfield Heath long barrow, Royston, Hertfordshire Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1, 101-107’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1936 Field archaeology of the Royston district. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 97-105’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumČRNNNž†ļļļļėßßßŪČČČĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¼ŗøئ”œ˜”‹‡‡‡…ƒƒwsqoomie_[YUSOMKIGEC üõńķķķķķąąąÓĶÉÅĆ¾¹¦ šzkc[N@:4'! q’’Ā’’’½ł’`fœf¦ 趏s:b’žST 91 SE 23’žThickthorn Down’žMonument #210037’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9719 1225’ž39719 11225’ž397190’ž112250’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žGussage St Michael’žCranborne Chase’žon top of a ridge on Thickthorn Downnp’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.5’ž18.3’žST 10’žKinnes 1992’žBradley & Entwhistle 1985’žKinnes 1992’žThomas 1991’žAshbee 1984molluscanno’žchalkyesyes’žyesyesyesno’žcarved chalk phallus3’žcentral3’žditch causewayx0x0’žtimber posts’žditch causeway’žmortuary house (turf & chalk)’žSE endnononono000noÖmŃÜx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary house at SE’žditch causeway - 3 postholesnox’žyes’žn/a’žtimber posts; pits (3); flint knapping; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žDrew, C. D. & Piggott, S. 1936 The excavation of long barrow 163a on Thickthorn Down, Dorset. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 77-96’žBradley & Entwhistle 198558’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum.ø“™™™™żłéééāØ£žœ˜˜zzzdddddddddb^\ZXVQLHD?;777533'#! ęÖČĘÄĀĄ°®„£‰ƒ}xrleaOOB5(   łóķėāŽøø§“†~vnaSMG:( q’排’’½ł’éēĘg čŒsŒ’žNY 58 NW 6’žLangknowe’žLong Knowe’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 5272 8621’ž35272 58621’ž352720’ž586210’žScottish Borders’žBorders’žCastleton’žnone’žnone’ž271’žNE-SWx’ž53.3’ž13.7’žROX 1’žHenshall 1972’žMaughan 1854nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noć@8x2nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žn/ano’žSE Scotlandno’žMaughan, J. 1854 The Maiden Way, section IV - survey of the Maiden Way to Castleton in Scotland Archaeological Journal, 11, 345-52’ž140’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŽ'"""""œœœœ˜‹‹‹‹‡‡‚€zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpnlhc_[VRNNNLJJ>:86640,($"  üųōšģčäąąąąąŅŅŅĆ¼¶°®§¢¢œ–‹‚ph`SE?9-! q’Ā’’’½ł’ąb„ č-‹sn’žNR 99 NE 6’žCrarae’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9859 9728’ž19859 69728’ž198590’ž697280’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone’žon a narrow coastal strip between loch and hills; on a slight rise in the raised beach14’žENE-WSW’žn/a3822’žARG 11’žHenshall 1972nononoyesno’žhazelnutyesyesno’žburnt bone2’žforecourt, chamber0xx0x0nox’žtrodden floor; artefact scatter’žchambernonono’žyes0?0’žslabÜzLfVx1’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxx’žchamber’žforecourtnoxyesxnononono’ž56°072 32.443 N, 005°142 31.113 W’ž56°072 32.813 N, 005°142 26.913 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žScott, J. G. 1961 The excavation of the chambered cairn at Crarae, Loch Fyneside, Mid Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 94, 1-27’ž110’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĶfaaaaaĄĄæŗ¶©~SOKGCA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;95*! üüüśųųģęäāāąŪ×ÓĻĘ„£Ÿ›™—•“}qmgaWSMIEAAAAAAAA2*&"ø²¬—Šyqi\N;5$ q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą’„ čŠsU¤’žSU 07 SE 6’žHorslip Long Barrow’žWindmill Hill’žLong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0860 7052’ž40860 17052’ž408600’ž170520’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnone’žon southern slope of Windmill Hill’žSE-NWx5834’žWIL 30’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992’žAshbee & Smith 1960, 1966’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984yesyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žimported rock; sarsen quern fragment; bone pendant9’žNW area of mound0xx0x0nox’žactivity pre-barrow; Mesolithic flint’žbelow barrownonono’žyes000no&@-x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxx’žpollenxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žactivity area; pits (9); Mesolithic flint?’žflint’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žAshbee, P., Smith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1979 Excavation of three long barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 207-300’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 109)’žAshbee, P. & Smith, I. F. 1966 The date of the Windmill Hill long barrow. Antiquity, 40, 299’žAshbee, P. & Smith, I. F. 1960 The Windmill Hill long barrow. Antiquity, 34, 297-985’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusķ•‘‘:ŁY»»»¶²¢¢¢›ojfd^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\XVNLJFA=94/+++)'' ņĖÉÅĆĮæ½»¹§„qmga]WQD>888+čąÜŲÖĻĻ«„š‘‰~vnaSMG:+ q’’~Ī’’’½ł’ąē¼÷C čSŠs’žNP2’žNPRN 95422’žDyffryn Ardudwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSH 5886 2284’ž25886 32284’ž258860’ž322840’žGwynedd’žMerioneth’žDyffryn Ardudwy.’žnone50’žSW-NEx2815’žMER 3yesyes’žLlanbedr slatenononoyesyesno’žstone pendants (2)2’žforecourt of W chamber; E end of E chamber1?’žpit/posthole - E end of E chamberx0x0nox’žE chamber floor had been dug out’žE chamberno’žground 'cleaned'?yesno001’žnatural flat slab„@Ņx1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyes ?xxx’žwestern chambernoxyes’žeastern chambernononono’ž52°472 04.833 N, 004°052 38.893 W’ž52°472 03.733 N, 004°052 34.603 W’žWalesno’žyes’žPowell, T. G. E. 1973 Excavation of the megalithic chambered cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy, Merioneth, Wales. Archaeologia, 104, 1-49’žPowell, T. G. E. 1963 The Chambered Cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy. Antiquity, 37, 19-24’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston£2222‘;·²²²®§|QMIEA0**************($ żłõńģģģźččÜÉĒÅÅĆ湦¢—usomkigD@žśōīźęāŅĢĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘæ»·µ®ŖŖŖ¤’‡~vnaSD>-' q’??Ą’’’½ł’ąń čŠsdL’žNR 64 SE 14’žBeacharra’žBeacharr’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 6926 4334’ž16926 64334’ž169260’ž643340’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKillean and Kilchenzie’žKintyre’žnone76’žNNE-SSWx2115’žARG 27’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noi@Æx1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?xxxxnoxyes’žchambersno’žyes?nono’ž55°372 43.563 N, 005°402 00.823 W’ž55°372 43.743 N, 005°392 56.893 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H., 1902. On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181. (p 102-109)’žScott, J. G. 1964 The chambered cairn at Beacharra, Kintyre, Argyll. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 30, 134- 158’žScott, J. G. 1977 A note on Beacharra pottery. Antiquity, 51, 240-243’žSheridan, A. 2000 Achnacreebeag and its French connections: Vive the 'Auld Alliance'. IN HENDERSON, J. C. (Ed.) The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe. Oxford, Archaeopress’ž100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressœ——Ś‘<<<<8+ÕŃĶĒĆ¹³³³³³³³³³³³³³³±­«©§„Ÿš–’‰………ƒuqommkga]YWSQMKIGECA?=95/)%!ōōōåŻŁÕÓŹĘĘĄ·Ÿ’yqdVC=," q’Ę’’’½ł’ą¼gg čw‹s˜Æ’žSE 78 NE 10a’žCropton 1’žMonument #59973a’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 7623 8956’ž47623 48956’ž476230’ž489560’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žCropton’žTabular Hills’žnone’žE-Wxnpnp’žSE 20’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono5’žvarious0xx0x0noxnoxnononono03+0noĢ@ėx1nononononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž54°172 45.693 N, 000°492 48.623 W’ž54°172 45.063 N, 000°492 42.693 W’žN Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland ( p 227-228)’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum›–––––üüüüųķĀ—“‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡…}{ytplhd`\\\ZXXLHFBB@<840.*($"   ’ū÷óļėēććććććććÖĻĖĒÅĄĄĄŗ«¢™ˆ€xk]HB5# q’~Ą’’’½ł’`~„ć čó‹s’žSUG’žSU 43 NW 12’žMoody's Down Southeast’žNone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4347 3862’ž44347 13862’ž443470’ž138620’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žBarton Stacey’žnonenp’žSE-NWx49np’žSU 46’žKinnes 1992’žRCHME 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žyes0no@¹x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žW end of moundnononono’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO ( p 248-250)’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum‰‰‰‰=ææææ»ÆÆÆ«§£Ÿ‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{wrnjfb^^^\ZZNJHCCA=73/-)'#!ż÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪĻĻĻĀ»·³±Ŗ¦¦¦ ‘„yqi\NHB5/ q’?Ā’’’½ł’ągŒ¶… č•‹s’žSZ ’žSZ 19 SW 7’žHoldenhurst’žMonument # 458807’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSZ 1169 9461’ž41169 09461’ž411690’ž094610’žDorset’žBournemouth’žBournemouth’žnone’žnone11’žNNW-SSEx’ž91.4’ž27.4’žSZ 3’žKinnes 1992; Grinsell 1938’žAshbee 1984nono’žgravel terracenono’žyesyesyesnono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono200no@v’žcentral, beneath primary burial mound1nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žSSExxxnox’žpit; mortuary areayesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žPiggott, S. 1937 The excavation of a long barrow in Holdenhurst parish, near Christchurch, Hants. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 3, 1-14’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumlöņņņņ¦ żżżłõšģźääää䊊ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĪŹČĘÄ滶²®©„”””Ÿxxlhfddb^ZVRPLJFDB@><:-+'# śöņņņņņåååÉĆ½·µ¬ØØ¢œ‚zrj]OIC6# q’Ā’’’½ł’įgŒv č'Œs’žSY‘’žSY 68 NW 133’žWinterborne St Martin 43’žMonument # 1268372’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 6476 8746’ž36476 08746’ž364760’ž087460’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne St. Martin’žnonenpx12xxnonononononoyesyesnono1np0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010no©@\x1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žgrave - unknown locationyesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žGray, H. S. G. & Prideaux, C. S. 1905 Barrow Digging at Martinstown, near Dorchester, 1903 [Barrow 2]. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 26, 6-39’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History SocietynpŻŻŁŁŁŁsŗŗŗŗ¶¦¦¦¢ž™•“ssssssssssssqmkigea]YUQLGGGECC731//-)%!   ’ū÷ńėēćßŪ×ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŃĻĖÉÅÅÅ槚’Š‚ugZTF2 q’?Ą’’’½ł’čgŒj<LVALL-'G†į ļ(ÄA°›("Landscape setting  ‰       m    ' (’’’’£0*Pre-monument Evidence  <  +     m    ' (’’’’Ÿ,&Mesolithic evidence  «  H     m    ' (’’’’‘Study Region  #       m    ' (’’’’­:4Standing Stone/Timber Post  ’’’’  I     m    ' (’’’’—$Occupation area  ’’’’  J     m    ' (’’’’Ÿ,&Structural Features  ’’’’  K     m    ' (’’’’Reference 1  ’       m    ' (’’’’Reference 2  i       m    ' (’’’’Reference 3  "       m    ' (’’’’Reference 4  4       m    ' (’’’’pElevation  ‰     ’  m ' (’’’’§4.Gazetteer Publication 1         m    ' (’’’’) ¢ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠķvccĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻPŁĘ³<)Ÿ Œ y  ļ Ü e R ? 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The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial -Greenwell 1877: 'There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragme’žGreenwell 1877: 'There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.’žGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, 'placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m". The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains of a young woman. The deposit of dark fatty earth extended throughout the whole barrow, and increased in depth up to the centre, where it attained a thickness of 76 cm. "This deposit was full of burnt earth and charcoal in every part; but there was more evidence of burning in that part which immediately overlaid the natural surface. There was also in it a very large number of animal bones as well as sherds of pottery., flint implements and chippings& Amongst the implements were 79 saws, 17 scraper’žGreenwell 1877: 'There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.’žGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, 'placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m". The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains of a young woman. The deposit of dark fatty earth extended throughout the whole barrow, and increased in depth up to the centre, where it attained a thickness of 76 cm. "This deposit was full of burnt earth and charcoal in every part; but there was more evidence of burning in that part which immediately overlaid the natural surface. There was also in it a very large number of animal bones as well as she’žGreenwell 1877: 'There was no burial found in it, though flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occurred in several different places. No information on buried ground surface.ø čȌs’žSUŚ’žSU 25 NE 5’žShalbourne 5’žBotley Copse’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 2941 5995’ž42941 15995’ž429410’ž159950’žWiltshire’žKennet’žShalbourne’žnone’žnonenp’žS-Nx’ž51.8’ž21.3?@ 2np’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;ćććććÓÓÓÓĻĻŹŹĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘÄÄÄøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø²¬Ŗ„””›•‰vnfYKE?2$ q’  "œ£³ĻŠ¼\żķć@Š¼\żķć@ć ’©·³BlobCopyć :62" LVAL–ŠĄ’’’’rGD01¢cc01Č½… † †r?ƒž‹š+¢c—01¢c„ų¢c„x,¢cƒƒ‡¢cƒØ¢cœ«]¢ Æ’’’’Ä¢c¢cT¢c”¢cĢ¢c¢cD¢c„¢cŌ¢c$¢ct¢cÄ¢c¢c<¢ct¢c“¢cō¢c4 ¢ct ¢c“ ¢cō ¢cD ¢c„ ¢cĢ ¢c˜¢cš¢c(¢ch¢c ¢cŲ¢c¢cX¢cØ¢cų¢cH¢c˜¢cŲ¢c¢cH¢cˆ¢cČ¢c ¢cH ¢cˆ ¢cČ ¢c ¢cX ¢c  ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cŠ¢cÄ¢c¢cT¢c”¢cĢ¢c¢cD¢c„¢cŌ¢c$¢ct¢cÄ¢c¢c<¢ct¢c“¢cō¢c4 ¢ct ¢c“ ¢cō ¢cD ¢c„ ¢cĢ ¢cƒ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚ ‚ ž† ‚ ‚ ž† ‚ ‚ ž† ‚ ‚ ž† ‚ ‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž† ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ā1Site Information Form.NMR‡Pit Descriptionƒ5Site Information Form.Pit #ƒ7Site Information Form.Length‰5Site Information Form.Widthƒ5Site Information Form.Depthƒ;Site Information Form.Diameter…=Site Information Form.Long AxisƒISite Information Form.HR - Burnt Frag‡MSite Information Form.HR - Unburnt FragƒKSite Information Form.Cremation Burial…MSite Information Form.Inhumation Burialƒ9Site Information Form.Pottery‡5Site Information Form.Flintƒ5Site Information Form.Plantƒ7Site Information Form.Animal‰7Site Information Form.Rubble‰;Site Information Form.Charcoal…9Site Information Form.Details‡;Site Information Form.Location…9Site Information Form.'Empty'‡GSite Information Form.Other material‰=Site Information Form.C14 Datesƒ?Site Information Form.Chronology‰ESite Information Form.Beneath moundƒƒ°¢cƒƒØ¢c„ēƒø ¢c„H¢c˜’’…č ¢c’’’’8QQŽķć@ˆ’’’’„H ¢cx ¢c† Ä¢cųp$† ¢cųp$„ T¢cųp$„ ”¢cųp$„ Ģ¢cųp$„ ¢cųp$„ D¢cųp$„ „¢cųp$„ Ō¢cųp$„ $¢cųp$„ t¢cųp$„ Ä¢cųp$„ ¢cųp$„ <¢cųp$„ t¢cųp$„ “¢cųp$„ ō¢cųp$„ 4 ¢cųp$„ t ¢cųp$„ “ ¢cųp$„ ō ¢cųp$„ D ¢cųp$„ „ ¢cųp$„ Ģ ¢cųp$„-Site Information Form‡ƒš¢cƒóƒP¢c„Š¢c˜’ž‚&¢cč ¢c’’’’“ĖņĻ;Öć@ˆ’’’’„[~sq_cSite Information Form~sq_cPit Description…x ¢c‘Š ˜¢c¢c›„Š š¢c˜¢c›„Š (¢c ¢c›„Š h¢cØ¢c›„Š  ¢c°¢c›„Š Ų¢cø¢c›„Š ¢cĄ¢c›„Š X¢cČ¢c›„Š 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DatesNMR #…(‡‚ ‹°"d“ |"d 0 "d„’’’’ˆƒ[__NMR #]‡“"d„x"d„ƒ€"dˆ"d„Ō"d ƒ˜"dœü"d„Š"d„ƒŲ"dĄ"d„+Radiocarbon DatesNMR #…ƒ‹@"d„Ž”V^”€ˆ"dˆ"dƒŒƒp"d"d„‡’’’’ƒƒp"dØ"d„Š"d„@ LVALŠŠććĪ# Z Clouston 1885 : pBallin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and n’žBallin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it.' Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal' P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žCard 2005: Page 168 - Identified 5 phases: Phase 1 - construction of the tomb; Phase 2 Use of tomb with interment of human remains Phase 3 abandonment and destruction of the tomb; Phase 4 monumentalization of the site with construction of 3 concentric revetments; Phase 5 19th century investigations. Page 169- 'Construction started with the stripping of turf and topsoil down to natural boulder clay& ' Page 171 - In the NW chamber, the flagging sat directly on natural boulder clay. P 174 - Pits assigned to Phase 2 - 'Use of Tomb' Card notes that his excavations confirmed the accuracy of Petrie's plans - this may lend credibilty to his plans of other tombs.’žBThe entrance grave was paved throughout, and under the pavement was found quantities of burnt human bones and broken pottery. The cists contained urns, dark earth, charred wood, burnt human bone; a copper coin. Barnatt (1982) suggest the pits may be the work ’žBallin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it.’žBallin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it.' Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal' P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žCard 2005: Page 168 - Id’žBallin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within the chamber were minimal. The floor was virtually clean and no artefacts were recovered on it.' Extensive soil samples were taken - results not yet published?’žClouston 1885 : p 343 'In this first compartment were & . a curious black substance which appears to me to be a mixture of peat and charcoal' P 344 Second compartment "Overlying its clay floor was a stratum of black ashy or earthy matter, largely composed of charcoal, in which great quantities of pottery, and several flint chips and flakes were found& ..Upon the black stratum there were laid several burials in the contracted posture..."’žBThe entrance grave was paved throughout, and under the pavement was found quantities of burnt human bones and broken pottery. The cists contained urns, dark earth, charred wood, burnt human bone; a copper coin. Barnatt (1982) suggest the pits may be the work of miners or robbers.·ųYN’’ģ LVALŠŠŽ ŽĶ Creegan 1978 -P 142:  the tomb was located at the bottom of a slope, and sunk into a capacious grave-pit that contained the chamber and its adjuncts. The grave pit was dug into the hard natural sand. P 143: 'Some paving - associated with a black burnt layer-remained both inside and outside the chamber. Two cremation deposits were located in hollows around the tomb. Cremation deposit 1 was found 3-4 m E of the tomb; contained in a ci’žCreegan 1978 -P 142:  the tomb was located at the bottom of a slope, and sunk into a capacious grave-pit that contained the chamber and its adjuncts. The grave pit was dug into the hard natural sand. P 143: 'Some paving - associated with a black burnt layer-remained both inside and outside the chamber. Two cremation deposits were located in hollows around the tomb. Cremation deposit 1 was found 3-4 m E of the tomb; contained in a circular flat-based hollow. Cremation deposit 2 was a few metres E of the first - of similar shape and form to the first. Black spreads and hollows: a number of black spreads, layers and hollows’žCreegan 1978 -P 142:  the tomb was located at the bottom of a slope, and sunk into a capacious grave-pit that contained the chamber and its adjuncts. The grave pit was dug into the hard natural sand. P 143: 'Some paving - associated with a black burnt layer-remained both inside and outside the chamber. Two cremation deposits were located in hollows around the tomb. Cremation deposit 1 was found 3-4 m E of the t’žCreegan 1978 -P 142:  the tomb was located at the bottom of a slope, and sunk into a capacious grave-pit that contained the chamber and its adjuncts. The grave pit was dug into the hard natural sand. P 143: 'Some paving - associated with a black burnt layer-remained both inside and outside the chamber. Two cremation deposits were located in hollows around the tomb. Cremation deposit 1’žCreegan 1978 -P 142:  the tomb was located at the bottom of a slope, and sunk into a capacious grave-pit that contained the chamber and its adjuncts. The grave pit was dug into the hard natural sand. P 143: 'Some paving - associated with a black burnt layer-remained both inside and outside the chamber. Two cremation deposits were located in hollows around the tomb. Cremation deposit 1 was found 3-4 m E of the tomb; contained in a circular flat-based hollow. Cremation deposit 2 was a few metres E of the first - of similar shape and form to the first. Black spreads and hollows: a number of black spreads, layers and hollows were observed in the area of the tomb. These are caused by carbon in the sand - likely the result of funeral pyres. A hollow containing the partial remains of 3 individuals was found on the NE side of the tomb. Cremation deposits likely post-date the tomb.’žCash 1910: p 202  The excavation was carried down to the pan earth& ..In the [chamber] and the passage the layer of earth above the pan was on the whole darkish in colour and slightly unctuous and in several places we found fragments of charcoal. In the NW part of the [chamber] we found, somewhat above the pan, about a dozen stones flattish and laid rather close together, somewhat like a very rough pavement. Nothing was found under the pavement. Henshall 1963 - p 361  The floor of the chamber floor is at a curiously low level, and it seems probable that it has been constructed in a natural hollow. Ž čžŒsz$’žNS 06 SW 9’žWatch Hill’žArdroscadal’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0376 6439’ž20376 66439’ž203760’ž664390’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnonenpx12xx’žBryce 1904nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noĪ@ 4x1nononononononoxxxxnoxxno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 ( p 72-73)’žHewison, J. K. 1893 The Isle of Bute in the olden time, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, W. Blackwood ( p 64-68)’ž122kkffff’mmmmi\\\\XXXVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVTPNLJHD@<840,,,*(( üśöōņšīģźčęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀ¾¾¾¾¾²²²²²°®Ŗؤ¤ž˜Œnf^QC=7/" q’Ā’’’½ł’@bŒ¬LVALŁÆ ž žĢö öÉČAn upright sarsen stone - 1.5 m high - was found at the south end of the mound. Near it were 3 inhumations on a rough stone pavement under a cairn. D’žAn upright sarsen stone - 1.5 m high - was found at the south end of the mound. Near it were 3 inhumations on a rough stone pavement under a cairn. D Field (2006) p 84 notes that the standing stone was found with its pointed end in the ground, in the same location where pits are found on other sites’žParallel ditches dug as a series of ovate pits; ditches contained deposits that might represent activity during the initial use of the monument- eg flint scatters, trampled surfaces. Preservation is poor, and there is no evidence for the presence and form of a mound. No central structures or deposits were located. Kinnes (1992) classifies the site as a "long mortuary enclosure".’žMortimer 1905 pp 58-60: : 2 adults and 2 adolescents (one disarticulated) all laid on a thin bed of clay and covered in clay, and accompanied by boar tusk, 3 flint flakes, pottery vessel and a lozenge arrowhead p 58 - PIT - a cavity in the clay (10 inches long by 5 inches wide) near the head of a body indicated 'that something perishable had been interred CENTRAL HOLLOW IN MOUND: 0.9 m feet deep; 1 m diameter. Sides were burnt to a depth of 2.5 cm, adult cremation at bottom. Disarticulated remains of adult male near top of pit; a few cms SE of the centre of the hollow was a heap of calcined bones (adult) (unburned) remains of two children were found nearby.’žVatcher 1964: E’žAn upright sarsen stone - 1.5 m high - was found at the south end of the mound. Near it were 3 inhumations on a rough stone pavement under a cairn. D Field (2006) p 84 notes that the standing stone was found with its pointed end in the ground, in the same location where pits are found on other sites’žParallel ditches dug as a series of ovate pits; ditches contained deposits that mi’žAn upright sarsen stone - 1.5 m high - was found at the south end of the mound. Near it were 3 inhumations on a rough stone pavement under a cairn. D Field (2006) p 84 notes that the standing stone was found with its pointed end in the ground, in the same location where pits are found on other sites’žMortimer 1905 pp 58-60: : 2 adults and 2 adolescents (one disarticulated) all laid on a thin bed of clay and covered in clay, and accompanied by boar tusk, 3 flint flakes, pottery vessel and a lozenge arrowhead p 58 - PIT - a cavity in the clay (10 inches long by 5 inches wide) near the head of a body indicated 'that something perishable had been interred CENTRAL HOLLOW IN MOUND: 0.9 m feet deep; 1 m diameter. Sides were burnt to a depth of 2.5 cm, adult cremation at bottom. Disarticulated remains of adult male near top of pit; a few cms SE of the centre of the hollow was a heap of calcined bones (adult) (unburned) remains of two children were found nearby.’žSydenham 1844 p 332: No 7.' This barrow had no cist; there were three interments by simple inhumation on the floor of the barrow. Near its summit was a small urn& .no bones, ashes or other indications of an interment were found in immediate association with this urn.'’žCentral inner cairn of flints, atop a deposit of human skeletons. The flint cairn was topped by a flat rock decorated with concentric circles. Atop the flat rock was another cairn of flints, topped by another flat stone marked with concentric circles. No information on buried ground surface’žHitchins 1803 p 228 - 'they found a broken urn with many ashes, and going deeper they took up about half of a skull, the thigh bones and most of the other bones of a human body, lying in a promiscuous state and in such a disorderd manner as fully proved that the grave had been opened before.'" č2Ģs’žSWb’žSW 71 NE 13’žThree Brothers of Grugith’žCrouza Downs’žchambered cairn?’žnatural feature’žnone’žSW 7616 1978’ž17616 01978’ž176160’ž019780’žCornwall’žKerrier’žSt Keverne’žnone’žnonenpnpx??’žDaniel 1950nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no?@éx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žpitpossiblex’žgrave? Pitno’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressnpŁŁÕÕÕÕh²²²²®¢¢¢ž’’’€€€€€€€{{{{{{{yusqomiea]YUQQQOMMA=;9973/+'%!üöņīźęāŽŚŚŚŚŚĶĶĶĶĶĖÉĒĆææ¹³§ž”Œ„wicR@2 q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fŒĀø čȊsš}’žSK 17 NW 4’žTideslow’žnone’žround cairn’žcist’žnone’žSK 1499 7795’ž41499 37795’ž414990’ž377950’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žTideswell’žPeak District’žnone’ž381x’ž40.2xx’žBDb4’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1996’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesno’žperforated boar's tusk1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’žcentre; W of centreyesnonono130’žyellow clay & limestone @ź’žSE of centre1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno?xcx’žcentralnox’žcist’žcistyes’žstanding stone, pit (grave), charcoal depositno’žCentral England’žstanding stone’žRadley, J. & Plant, M. 1971 Tideslow: a Neolithic round barrow at Tideswell. Derbyshire Archaeological Journal, 91, 20-30’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications 3-94’ž240’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum.ĖĘĘĘĘŌWWWWG6662żżż÷÷÷÷ńńńńńńńļėāŽÜŚÖŃĶÉÄĄ»»»¹««Ÿ†„‚‚€|xtnYIGCA?=;97)' ż÷óļėēēēēŚĢĢĢæ¹·µÆ­ØØ¢“ˆvjbZM?93&  q’Ę’’’½ł’@$fŒo› č«ŠsH˜’žSU 04 NE 7’žTilshead 7’žEast Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0595 4946’ž40595 14946’ž405950’ž149460’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žSE-NWx5523’žSU 72’žKinnes 1992’žCunnington 1913-14’žGoddard 1913-14’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žSE of centrenonoyesno080’žblack earth stratumq@ńx1nononononononoxxx’žE of centrenox’žstratum of black earth; mortuary areano’žE endnono’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1864 On the two principal forms of ancient British and Gaulish skulls. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 120-68’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41472’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumRÜŲŲŲT¹   ū÷÷÷÷ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĪŹ½»¹·³Æ«§£Ÿ›››™——‹vtrrplfb^PA?;97531/-+'# öåŃŃŃĽ¹µ³¬ØØ¢‘‡|qiaTF@:-" q’Ī’’’½ł’bfœ'Z čjŠs’žTA ’žTA 07 NW 1’žWillerby Wold’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0296 7608’ž50296 47608’ž502960’ž476080’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWillerby’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žon the flat top of Willerby Wold’ž160’žE-Wx5615’žTA 4’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žMiddle Chalkyesyes’žtimberyesyesno’žjet fragment; bone pin2’žcentre of mortuary enclosure; chamber0xx2’žS edge of post-setting slot0’žmortuary enclosure’žoccupation debris; crematorium;’žEastern end of barrow on central line; E end of moundyesnoyesno000noM@ x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentralxxxnoxyes’žmortuary enclosureno’žn/a’žpits; stakeholes; dark soil deposit;no’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 487-490)’žManby, T. G. 1963 The excavation of the Willerby Wold Long Barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 29, 173-205’žManby, T. G. 1967 Radiocarbon dates for the Willerby Wold long barrow [Yorkshire]. Antiquity, 41, 306-307np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum”+'''ŗ&ŁŌŌĻĖĄĄĄ¼–‘yssssssssssssssqmkig^YTPLGC>>><::.*(&&$ Łøø¤¢…ƒ}VT<82,$ óóóęąÜŲÖŃĢŖ¤“‰€og_RD>8+% q’’Ā’’ż½ł’ąēž č%‹sL‚’žSU 04 NW 12’žTilshead Lodge’žTilshead 5’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0211 4751’ž40211 14751’ž402110’ž147510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx5313’žSU 70’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957’žGoddard 1913-14nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno020’žblack earth stratum'@óx1nononononono’žyesxxx’žallnoxyes’žallnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 91-92)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180, 182, 184, 196)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41476’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŚd```Ü(ŃŃŃŃĶ½½½¹µµµ°ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤŸ›™”Œˆ„€|||zxxlWUSSQMGC?=9731/-+)'%# żłłłłčŁŁŁĢÅĮ½»²®®Ø—‚wogZLF@3' q’Ę’’’½ł’`fœ’* č:‹sž’žSE 97 NW 14’žEast Heslerton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9385 7524’ž49385 47524’ž493850’ž475240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žHeslerton’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’ž158’žE-W’žn/a’ž14023’žSE 11’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žMiddle Chalknononoyesyesno’žstone axe0xnumerous’žvariousx’žnumerous’žvarious0’žmortuary enclosure’žE end of moundnoxnononono000no…@Ņx1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/anono’ž54°092 51.983 N, 000°332 50.413 W’ž54°092 51.283 N, 000°332 44.393 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 488-489)’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. L. 1965 East Heslerton Long Barrow, Yorkshire : The Eastern Half. Antiquity, 39, 49-522’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum©31111·jeeeaV+üųóļķēēēēēēēēēēēēēēåį߯ŪŁŌĻĖĒĆæŗŗŗø¶¶Ŗ¦¤¢¢ œ˜”ŽŠzfd[QOF642'# żłõõõõõčččŪŌŠĖĘĮ¼¼¶„š‘€xpcU@:-' q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŽoµ čŋsśz’žSK 58 NW 10’žDinnington St. John's’žMonument #318579’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 525 857’ž4525 3857’ž452500’ž385700’žSouth Yorkshire’žRotherham’žDinnington St John's’žnone’žnone’ž122’žE-Wxnpnp’žSK 5’žKinnes 1992nononono’ž15+>@Dź2nonpyes’žn/ano’ž53°212 57.653 N, 001°122 42.293 W’ž53°212 56.663 N, 001°122 36.683 W’žN England’žRolleston, G. 1868 On the various forms of the so-called "Celtic" cranium. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 3, 252-255’žArmitage, H. 1939 Early Man in Hallamshire, (p 175-192) London, S Low Marston’ž250’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĒQLLLLūtI łłłōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōšģčääääääää×ŃĶÉĒĀ½½·±›wodXRL@. q’Ą$ :Œg čwŹsL~’žSU 04 NW 9’žTilshead Old Ditch’žTilshead 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0230 4683’ž40230 14683’ž402300’ž146830’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž118.9’ž30.5’ž SU 68’ž Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono1’žSW end of mound beside mortuary area0xx0x0nox’žpaved mortuary area & platform cremation; paved mortuary area’žNE end of mound; SW end of moundnonoyesno052’žblack earth stratum@ōx1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire barrow’žflint pavement’žmortuary areas’žpaved mortuary area’žpaved mortuary areano’žall’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller p 90-91)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 191)76’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum”vņšššš–†††‚iiid```K6666666666&üųōšėēćććįßßÓ¾¼ŗŗø“®Ŗ¦„EC?=;9753  ’ū÷ńķéåįįįįįįįįÓĖž¼µ±±«š…zrj]OIC6* q’Ą’’’½ł’ffœož čŠs-Õ’žST 83 NW 12’žKingston Deverill’žMonument #206826’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žST 8490 3794’ž38490 13794’ž384900’ž137940’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKingston Deverill’žnone’žnone’žaligned E-W across a spur which slopes gently E to the Wylye valley.’ž213’žE-Wx189’žST 23’žKinnes 1992’žHarding & Gingell 1986-7nono’žUpper Chalknoyesnoyesyesnono0x7’žE end of moundx0x0’žmortuary chamber; timber facade’žE end of mound’žmortuary chamber’žE end of moundnononono000noY@@x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtimber faēade; mortuary chamberyesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žHarding, P. & Gingell, C. 1986 The excavation of two long barrows by F. de M. and H.F.W.L. Vatcher. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 80, 7-22’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. L. 1965 Kingston Deverill : Long barrow on Cold Kitchen Hill East. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 60, 132’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum45’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŌ^ZZZä?˜“““{wrnlffffEEEEEEEEEEC?=;972-)%! ’ū÷óļßĶ½œš˜–”„‚€~zvpjf`\OKGGGGG---  Į»µ¢’‡wj\OI<* q’’Ā’’’½ł’āgžÆ– 覉s‚S’žNX 16 SE 14’žMid Gleniron I’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 1867 6100’ž21867 56100’ž218670’ž561000’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Luce’žnone’žnone’žon a gently sloping bench of till, 1/2 mile east of the Water of Luce83’žN-Sx2112’žWIG 1’žHenshall 1972’žCorcoran 1969nono’žtillnononoyesyesnono3’žforecourt3?’žpit/posthole - forecourtx0x0nox’žstone setting; standing stones’žforecourtnononono200’žslabB@­’žforecourt1no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žN chamber’žslab’žS chamber’žpaved floor’žslab pavement’ž3 hollows; 2 hearthsyesxnono’žstone setting; pit/posthole; hearth; standing stones?no’žSW Scotland’žstanding stones’žyes’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1964 Excavation of a chambered cairn at Mid Gleniron Farm, Wigtownshire, Interim report. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 41, 99-110’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1969 Excavation of two chambered cairns at Mid Gleniron Farm, Glenluce, Wigtownshire. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc,, 46, 29-90’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1968 Excavations at Mid Gleniron Farm, Wigtownshire, 1963-1966 [Second Interim Report]. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 45, 73-9’ž130’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressežłłłLŸļźźźŁĢĢĢČ‘‰‡kkk\OD>31/-(#    ’’óķėééēćßŪ×Ģ¬Ŗ¦¤¢ ž„€usoke_[WSMIEEEEE666'  ĘĄŗ°™‚zreWD>-' q’’Ā’’’½ł’ągž! č1‹s‚S’žNX 16 SE 27’žMid Gleniron II’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 1877 6093’ž21877 56093’ž218770’ž560930’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Luce’žnone’žnone83’žNNE-SSWx’ž14.3’ž9.1’žWIG 2’žHenshall 1972’žCorcoran 1969nono’žtillnono ?noyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono200noŖ@¬’žentrance to lateral chamber; forecourt1’žno ?no’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žhearth’žhearthyesxnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1968 Excavations at Mid Gleniron Farm, Wigtownshire, 1963-1966 [Second Interim Report]. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc, 45, 73-9’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1969 Excavation of two chambered cairns at Mid Gleniron Farm, Glenluce, Wigtownshire. Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc,, 46, 29-90’ž130’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŃjeeeeø    śśśöņīźčāāāāāāāāāŚŚŚŚŅŠĢŹČĘÄĄ»·³®Ŗ¤¤¤¢zznjhffd`\XTRNLHFDB@><:840*$  ÷÷÷čįÜÖŌĖĒĒĮ»±šƒ{sfXE?.( q’Ā’’’½ł’ągŒīŠŠ·ųYN??’’$ č4‹s’žSWŸ’žSW 43 SW 40’žWest Lanyon Quoit’žGiant's Quoit’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSW 4231 3378’ž14231 03378’ž142310’ž033780’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnonenp’žNE-SW’žMercer 1986’žBorlase 1872’žDaniel 1950nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žyes’žyesno'@x1no’žyesnononono’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Englandno’žHitchins, M. 1803 Account of Roman urns discovered in the Parish of Madron in the same County; in a letter from the Rev. Malachi Hitchins to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. . Archaeologia, 14, 224-30’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žMercer, R. J. 1986 The Neolithic in Cornwall. Cornish Archaeology, 25, 35-80npÕÕŃс^››››—‹‹‹‹‡‡‡…}ywusqkgc_[VRRRPNNB>9442.*&"   žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŃƶ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶Æ«««„”Š‚zm_PJ9* q’?Ī’’’½ł’`b¼ź£³Ļ+4šŽķć@+4šŽķć@ę =Ŗ÷­ ¶BlobCopyć :62" ·ųYNÄÄ’’LVALŊĄ@–:Pu0“3’7Ā¢=5B>b* c–Ū>e” gž*j”@k Ćõ B([SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status]="4")ČK <[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]Īl×ģ ¼˜Zć@Šx .ęDśĪÉN½Ŗ‹īĀQ8ܜ  SITE DESCRIPTIONŻ  SITE DESCRIPTIONē  @Calibriź½ 8hhhhŪ>Ģ3h”ė¾ 8 œœ߁ š 4dż’A4terœBJDM 0££Rt,T`Oäp,T`OäpRt,TTō`Oäp,TTō,TTō`OäpXXDRAFTSample 1' d VT$m VT$m“H ’’ ’’Rtē’ ēCanon MP160 Printer ܜ߁ š 4dż’A4u3cøģæ 70USB001¦§ØØ1ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%›«ĻŲœŽķć@ŲœŽķć@č óĢ ¶TypeInfoCopyć B>:" ² čĀ‰sA»’žST 94 NW 20’žBowl's Barrow’žHeytesbury 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9420 4678’ž39420 14678’ž394200’ž146780’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx’ž45.7’ž28.6’žST 33’žKinnes 1992’žCunington 1922nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbluestone, sarsen fragments1’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žflint knapping area; paved mortuary area;’žE ; SE edge of barrownonoyesno0160’žflint floor|@Üx1no’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žmortuary area at Enox’žflint kanpping area’žpaved mortuary areayes’žbarrow’žflint knappingno’ž51°132 12.833 N, 002°052 03.693 W’ž51°132 10.983 N, 002°042 58.753 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 87-88)’žCunnington, B. H. 1922 "Blue hard stone, ye same as at Stonehenge," found in Boles [Bowls] Barrow (Heytesbury I). Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 41, 172-74’žCunnington, W. 1889 Notes on Bowl's Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 24, 104-125’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum65’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum+µ±±;ɼ¼¼·³£xMI9991++++’ūēåćįÜŲŌĻŹÅĮĮĮæ½½±¤¢žžœ˜’ŽŠsHFB@><:86)' üųņīźęāāāāāŅŅŅžø²°«««„Ÿ“ƒxph[MGA4& q’~Ā’’’½ł’cž¼?LVALĢ ¶–:u0“3’7Ā¢=5B>b* c–Ū>e” gž*j”@k Ćõ B([SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status]="4")ČK <[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]Īl×ģ ¼˜Zć@Šx .ęDśĪÉN½Ŗ‹īĀQ8ܜ  SITE DESCRIPTIONŻ  SITE DESCRIPTIONē  @Calibriź½ 8hhhhŪ>Ģ3h”ė¾ 8 œœ߁ š 4dż’A4terœBJDM 0££Rt,T`Oäp,T`OäpRt,TTō`Oäp,TTō,TTō`OäpXXDRAFTSample 1' d VT$m VT$m“H ’’ ’’Rtē’ ēCanon MP160 Printer ܜ߁ š 4dż’A4u3cøģæ 70USB001¦§ØØ1ćD’’’ˆ/Š1<ōōōFŠ×å“P’’d26Įīd# F¦½žĢ82eŽ" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅże2b–Rc,RF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżfb–„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżg26Y75b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅżh4Įīb–„c,h%Ģ8LVAL2eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf93:Į¢;ˆb–; c,wg4‰ūi# I}č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżvb–żw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @ CorbelP č`‹sEŚ’žST 95 SW 13’žTinhead Barrow’žEdington 7’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9389 5239’ž39389 15239’ž393890’ž152390’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žEdington’žnone’žnonenp’žENE/WSWx6321’žST 41’žKinnes 1992nonononononoyesnonono’žmortuary area’žeast of centreno’žunknown0@Ž1nonononononono’žmortuary areayesno’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180, 194-195)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41469’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum,¶²²²².‚‚‚‚~nnnnjjjjddddUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQMIEA=999777++)     żżżżżżżżżżżłõńėēćßŪ×ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĘæ»·µ¬ØØ¢œ’‚wogZLF@3' q’Ą’L,ł"bŒo- č=Šs×’žST 95 SW 2’žBratton Down Long Barrow’žBratton 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 90035 51598’ž390035 151598’ž390035’ž151598’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žBratton’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx7317’žST 40’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesnono’žsling stones; stone bead0x0xx0x0nox’žcremation platform’žEast end of moundyesnoyesno00’ž1-2no*@ķx1’žyesnonononono’žyes’žcremation - E end of moundxxxnox’žcremation platformyesxnono’ž51°152 48.423 N, 002°082 39.133 W’ž51°152 46.593 N, 002°082 34.213 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 55)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 192-193)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-4147’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĒQOOĖ#­ZZZZVFšģčččęąąąąĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘÄĀĄ¤Ÿ›—“‹†††„‚‚vrmkkie_[UB.,(&$" žśöšģęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÉĀ¾ŗø³³³­§žŽƒ{sdTNH;0 q’~Ą’’’½ł’b~¼LVAL ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż˜0—`,Ģ3ß  Detailēx €Ęš“zRGØõ×Ļ8’k ;’’’’Zm J2˜6 7ŸßF{`6{*a/b–Ńc,<e¦ø f„i#k9???Ü (Type of PMA evidenceŻ (Type of PMA evidenceõ (Type_of_PMA_evidenceśx ?ŽJŲŚÖH¦wµ|<¶1Mk!žd”5Ÿ]7ˆ`6r3akb–āc,Ld# Ü 4Type of PMA evidence_LabelŻ "Descr. of surfaceå 4Type_of_PMA_evidence_Labelźx £ÕóŠ™:éG¾„U6·y‘Jr3KkLT6M· żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6*!aF b–c,ļe¦‰i#k)€Ü Reference 4Ż Reference 4õ Reference_4śx MĪpŌu®J¶‡ßp—Į8ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/KF 0LF>1M5žd25Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6ćaF b–üc,ļd#???žĢ???Ü Label292Ż Reference 4źx i8#“įĖOø/T”Ę5ŹćĮ8ĀQJćKF Lß M5żm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`67acb–øc,i# j%¼k m€)€Ü Size - WidthŻ  Widthõ Size___Widthśx e7ʎ'ų@¼ˆ‹ō§—“`Į'ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.J7/Kc0Lļ1M€žd23I5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6acb– c,d#)€žĢ???Ü $Size - Width_LabelŻ Width (M)Ž" @Calibriå $Size___Width_Labelźx čx÷7¶H²2@Hžo,³Į'ĀMĘĒČp č€És’žHPk’žHP 61 SW 12’žMuckle Heog East’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped?’žHP 6315 1081’ž46315 121081’ž463150’ž1210810’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUnst’žnone’ž107?xnp?’žZET29’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nonononoyesnononono’ž6 steatite vessels & fragments0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno00?’žseveral ?’žgravel bedo@Āx1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxx’žoutside inner wall beneath burialsnox’žbeneath burials’ždark soil depositno’žN Scotlandno’žTate, R. 1866 Report of Zetland Anthropological Expedition. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 339-47 ( p 339-342)’žBryce, T. H. 1940 The so-called heel-shaped cairns of Shetland, with remarks on the chambered tombs of Orkney and Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 74, 23-36 ( p 30-32)’žHunt, J. 1866 Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the islands of Unst, Brassay and the mainland of Zetland. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 294-338 ( p 294-296, 299-300)’žRoberts, G. E. 1864 On the discovery of large kistvaens in the Muckle Heog in the island of Unst, Shetland, containing urns of chloritic schist. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 296-307’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press‹$$$Jk  ’’’ūččč×××××××××××××××ÕŃ­«©§£Ÿ›—“Ž‰‰‰‡……ymb^^\XRNJHDB><:86420. žųōšģčččččÜÜÜĶĘÄĄ¾¼··±«„“xpbTF@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’@f< č0Ģs’žSWb’žSW 71 NE 13’žThree Brothers of Grugith’žCrouza Downs’žchambered cairn?’žnatural feature’žnone’žSW 7616 1978’ž17616 01978’ž176160’ž019780’žCornwall’žKerrier’žSt Keverne’žnone’žnonenpnpxnp?’žDaniel 1950nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no?@éx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žpitpossiblex’žgrave? Pitno’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressnpŪŪ××××j““““°¤¤¤ ”””’‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}}}}}}}{wusqokgc_[WSSSQOOC?=;;951-)'#!žųōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜĻĻĻĻĻĶÉĒĆææ¹³§ž”Œ„wicR@2 q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fŒĀI čYŹsk’žNR 92 SE 2’žTorlin’žTorrylin’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9551 2107’ž19551 62107’ž195510’ž621070’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSE?np?’žARN 15’žHenshall 1972’žDuncan 1896nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0no@ūx1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 78-84, 138-155)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 22-23)’žDuncan, E. 1896 The Scottish races: their ethnology, growth and distribution. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 28’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press²KFF½ ĀĀĀĀ¾±±±­¢žš‘‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}wrmid_[[[YWWKGEAA?;51-+'%!  żłóļėēćććććÖÖÖĒæ½¹·®ŖŖ¤”‡wogZL?9( q’Ā’’’½ł’ąg¼7 čGĢsr’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone?npnp?’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no>@=ģx2noxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’žRobinson, D. E. & Dickson, J. H. 1988 Vegetational history and land use: Machrie Moor, Arran, Scotland. New Phytologist, 109, 223-251’ž114ÄÄææææ6‹‹‹‹‡zO$$     ÷óóóóńķķéåć߯Ł×ÕÓŃĻĶĖÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹ŖŖŖŖ¤¢žš˜˜˜’‹td\TG93-% q’>Ā’æ±ż zŒ»˜ čØĢs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone?npnp?’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presscčččččč~~~~~rG                    ööööööööööööööööööööööööššššģčäąąąąąąąąĒæ½¹µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :ś č Ės’žNF’žNF 77 NE 15’žGeirisclett’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNF 7684 7520’ž07684 87520’ž076840’ž875200’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone0’žESE-WNWnpnp?’žUST 18’žHenshall 1972noyesnonoyes’žyesyesyesno’žhammerstone0x1’žSW corner of outer chamberx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno200’žslab?ü@’žNE & NW corner of inner chamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnox’žhearths - 2’žpostholeyes’žbelow paving in inner compartment’žposthole; hearth (2)no’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn’žDunwell, A., Johnson, M. & Armit, I. 2003 Excavations at Geirisclett chambered cairn, North Uist, Western Isles. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 133, 1 33’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressšššššāNIIIE9995üööööööööööööģ߯ŁĘÄĀĄ»¶²­Ø¤ŸŸŸ||pigeec_YUQOKIECA?=! žłóļėåįįįįįįįįŅŹČÄĄ·µµÆ£—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`fNŅ čāĖs’žNF’žNF 71 NE 4’žLeaval’žThe Witches Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žround cairn’žNF 7540 1509’ž07540 81509’ž075400’ž815090’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žSouth Uist’žSouth Uist’žnone15npnpnp?’žUST 21’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noæ@*x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCummings, V. & Sharples, N. 2005 The excavation of a chambered cairn at Leaval, South Uist. IN CUMMINGS, V. & PANNETT, A. (Eds.) Set in stone: new approaches to the Neolithic monuments of Scotland. Oxford, Oxbow’žRugg-Gunn, A. 1937 Megalithic remains, South Uist. Antiquity, 11, 96-9’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press)ĀĀĀĀĀx””””‘‘‘‰‰‰‡{ywusniea]YUUUSQQEA?==;73/+)%# żłõńķéååååååååÖĪĢČÄĄ¼¼¶Ŗž€xpcUHB1 q’Ą’’’½ł’`f Š čą‹s’žNF’žNF 71 NE 4’žLeaval’žThe Witches Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žround cairn’žNF 7540 1509’ž07540 81509’ž075400’ž815090’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žSouth Uist’žSouth Uist’žnone15npnpnpnp’žUST 21’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noæ@*x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCummings, V. & Sharples, N. 2005 The excavation of a chambered cairn at Leaval, South Uist. IN CUMMINGS, V. & PANNETT, A. (Eds.) Set in stone: new approaches to the Neolithic monuments of Scotland. Oxford, Oxbow’žRugg-Gunn, A. 1937 Megalithic remains, South Uist. Antiquity, 11, 96-9’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press+ÄÄÄÄÄz££££Ÿ“““‹‹‹‰ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywupkgc_[WWWUSSGCA??=951-+'%!  ’ū÷óļėēēēēēēēēŲŠĢČÄĄ¼¼¶Ŗž€xpcUHB1 q’Ą’’’½ł’`f ā čņ‹s.©’žST 84 NE 30’žWestbury 7’žDilton Middle Down’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 8854 4950’ž38854 14950’ž388540’ž149500’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWestbury’žnone’žnonenpx’ž18.2xx’žGrinsell 1957’žKinnes 1979nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž7-80no˜@Cx1nononononononoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 54)’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum ( p 20)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press46ūū÷÷÷Xķ™™™™•…………{{{{{{{{{{{{{{yusqomiea]YUQQQOMMA=;6640,($"  üųōšģčäąąąąąÓÓÓÄÄĀĄŗø““®ØžŽƒ{sfXKE7# q’_Ā’’’½ł’`bœÓI čYŒs8Ų’žSP 23 SE 31’žWhispering Knights’žFive Knights’žportal dolmen’žnone’žchambered tomb’žSP 2993 3084’ž42993 23084’ž429930’ž230840’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žRollright’žnonenp’žNW-SE ?xnpnp’žOXF 1yesyesnonononoyesnononononono00P@.1no’žyesnonono’žyesnpxxxyesno’žSW England’žLambrick, G. 1988 The Rollright Stones: megaliths, monuments, and settlement in the prehistoric landscape, London, English Heritage’žRavenhill, T. H. 1932 The Rollright stones and the men who erected them, Birmingham, Cornish Bros’ž312’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus¦NIIIIä]]]]]QQQQMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGECA=840,'###!!!   żłóļėēćŻ××××××××׊ĢČĘ½¹¹¹³Ø–‰yl^NH9+ q’??Ą’°,ł "Œ’t č„‹s˜-’žSE 76 NE 9’žWhitegrounds Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žround barrow’žentrance grave, round’žSE 7825 6824’ž47825 46824’ž478250’ž468240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBurythorpe’žnone’žnone’žin a broad valley that lies between the Wolds and the Howardian Hillsnp’žE-Wx’ž7.2np’žAf1/Db1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 12, 16nono’žsandstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žamber bead, jet slider0x0xx0x0’žpassage roof’žpassagenoxnononono080’žsandstone slab+@/x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenoxyesxnonono’žN Englandnono’žBrewster, T. C. M. 1984 The excavation of Whitegrounds Barrow, Burythorpe Wintringham, Malton, Yorks., John Gett Publications [for] The East Riding Archaeological Research Committee’ž152’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumu     TPPPLAAA=9953--------------+' üųųųöōōčŲÖŌŌŅĪŹĘĀĄ¼³„£”Ÿ›™—•}ysmic]RNJJJJJ555( ľø¬£’Š‚ugPB1+ q’’Ā’’’½ł’ąf†ß] čmŒr’žNPŽ’žNPRN 304063’žBedd yr s’žNPŽ’žNPRN 304063’žBedd yr Afanc’žBryn Berian’žlong cairn’žnone’žgallery grave’žSN 1079 3459’ž21079 23459’ž210790’ž234590’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žEglwyswrw’žnone’žnone’ž142’žE-Wx218’žBarker1992nononononononononono00’žflags?Č@|2nonononono’žyes’žgalleryyes’žn/ano’ž51°582 39.073 N, 004°452 22.553 W’ž51°582 37.663 N, 004°452 18.633 W’žWales’žGrimes, W. F. 1939 Bedd Yr Afanc. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 5, 258’žBarker, C. T. 1992 The chambered tombs of south-west Wales : a re-assessment of the Neolithic burial monuments of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, Oxford, Oxbowœœœœœœö¢¢¢¢¢›pEEAA<<6666666666666666-----($ žüśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśöņīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ¾¹““®ØŽwobTE?3& q’Ā’<ł! : ²ģ čü‹s,’žSP 13 NW 11’žWillersey I’žMonument #330622’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1177 3826’ž41177 23826’ž411770’ž238260’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žWillersey’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE/W’žn/a4212’žGLO 34’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nonononoĄ@!41nono’žSW England’žWitts, G. B. 1885 [Willersey Barrow]. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 9 11, 29’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž300’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus µ°°°ÄJJJJJ>>>>:::::::::::::::::::::::::66666666444(((((((((((((((((((((((((((($  ņņņäÜŲŌĻŹĘĘĄµŖ ‡rdSM6$ q’Ę "œoW čg‹s^a’žSU 14 SW 85’žWilsford 30’žNormanton Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1141 4106’ž41141 14106’ž411410’ž141060’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWilsford Cum Lake’žnone’žnonenp’žE/Wx’ž38.4’ž15.2’ž SU 74’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono040no)@0x1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxno’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 206)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press94’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¤.***‹²²²²®žžžžššš˜’’’’ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ}{ywuplhd`\XXXVTTHDB@@>:62.,(&"  žśöņīźźźźźŁŁŁĢľø¶±­­§”Žƒxph[MGA4$ q’Ā’’’½ł’bbœ7Œ čœ‹scf’žSU 14 SW 93’žWilsford 34’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1040 4118’ž41040 14118’ž410400’ž141180’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWilsford Cum Lake’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx3517’žSU 76’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononononononono00no*@11nononononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’žSW England -WC’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 206)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 196, 198)99’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumołõõõK÷ssssscccc___]WWWWWWWWWWWWWWUQOMKID@<840,,,*** žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽĶĶĶæø“°®§££—„ynf^QC=7*$ q’Ā’š<ł’`"œ¶ čʌs’žSY‹’žSY 68 NE 173’žWinterborne Came 18b’žMonument # 1300126’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 68 86’ž368 086’ž368000’ž086000’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Came’žnone’žnonenpx27xxnonononoyes’ždecorated stones61*@1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesyesno’žSW England -WC’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith ( p 36-38)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History SocietynpEEAAAAŪ/////    ’’’óóńļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļŻŻŻŻŻ×ÓĻĖĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĆæ½¹¹³­›Ž†~vmcVPB. q’Ą‡, "Œ čŒs’žSYy’žSY 68 NE 161’žWinterborne St Martin 34b’žMonument # 1269369’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSY 6643 8869’ž36643 08869’ž366430’ž088690’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne St. Martin’žnonenpx15xx’žGrinsell 1959’žWarne 1866, p. 46nonononononoyesnonono30@100nononono’žyesyesno’žSW England -WC’žSydenham, J. 1844 An account of the opening of some barrows in South Dorsetshire. Archaeologia 30, 327-338’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith ( p. 46)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Societynp’žGrinsell 1959ųéåååŌeeeeeUUUUQQQQKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFB>:64222000$$"                    žśöööööćććŌŌŅŠĢŹĘĘĘĄØ›“‹ƒvh[UG3 q’?_Ā’,ł "œFK č[‹s[s’žSU 14 SW 487’žWinterbourne Stoke 35a’žMonument #948791’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 1031 4345’ž41031 14345’ž410310’ž143450’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenpx’ž15?xx’žCg1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010nox1nononononononoxxxxnoxnoxno’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On four leaf and lozenge shaped flint javelin heads from an oval barrow near Stonehenge. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 11, 40-49’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 165)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press91’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§D@@@”LžžžžšŠŠŠŠ†††„€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zxvtrnjfb^ZVVVTRRRNLJJHD@<8620,*(&$"  žśöņņņņņåååŲÓŃĻŹČÄľø¤™Ž†~qcVPB0 q’Ā’’’ł’`bœk č{Źsak’žSU 14 SW 91’žAmesbury 14’žStonehenge Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1154 4175’ž41154 14175’ž411540’ž141750’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.515’ž SU 77’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno030’žblack earth stratumY@x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxx?noxnp’ždark soilno’ž51°102 29.713 N, 001°502 10.443 W’ž51°102 27.823 N, 001°502 05.403 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 206)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 18, 183)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41497’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’óJõõõõńį¶‹‡|||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvrpnljea]YUPLLLJHH<'%##!  ’żūł÷õóļėēćߣÕŃĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɼ“°Ŗ؟ŸŸŸ™„yqi\NHB5$ q’?~Ą’’’½ł’@~¼6 čF‹s’žTFP’žTF 29 NW 10’žAsh Hill Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 2088 9612’ž52088 39612’ž520880’ž396120’žLincolnshire’žWest Lindsey’žSwinhope’žLincolnshire Wolds’žnone’žon the eastern edge of the Swinhope valley;’žN-Sx4217’žTF 15’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992yesyesnoyesyesyes1’žExternal - 3.5 m W of quarry ditch9@ī1’žyes’žyesyesno’žn/anono’ž53°262 52.913 N, 000°102 52.493 W’ž53°262 51.893 N, 000°102 46.433 W’žCentral England’žPhillips, P. (Ed.) 1989 Archaeology and landscape studies in North Lincolnshire. Part 1: Excavations at North Loncolnshire Long Barrows, Oxford, B.A.R.’žPhillips, C. W. 1933 The long barrows of Lincolnshire. Archaeological Journal, 89, 174-202np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumu’ūūūūšÅš–’‰‰ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ~yyyyyyyywwwkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkGEEE?9993/)##### žśųóóĘĄ¬¢”†~vi[F@3- q’’~Ā3  ?ŒK č[Šs’žNJY’žNJ 94 NW 31’žAtherb’žnone’žround cairn’žcairn’žnon-megalithic round mound’žNJ 9291 4969’ž39291 84969’ž392910’ž849690’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žNew Deer’žnone’žnone’žon a prominent ridgexnpxx’žHenshall 1983 (no. 6)nononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium’žallyesnonono0no1+no‡@>x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žcremation areaxxxnoxnpxnp’žn/anono’ž57°322 14.413 N, 002°072 11.973 W’ž57°322 15.243 N, 002°072 06.073 W’žSE Scotlandno’žMilne, J. 1892 Traces of early man in Buchan. Transactions of the Buchan Field Club, 2, 101-103’žHenshall, A. S. 1983 The Neolithic pottery from Easterton of Roseisle, Moray. IN O'CONNOR, A. & CLARKE, D. V. (Eds.) From the Stone Age to the 'Forty-Five : Studies presented to R.B.K. Stevenson. Edinburgh, John Donald’žKinnes, I. 1985 Circumstance not context: the Neolithic of Scotland as seen from the outside. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 115, 15-57’žShepherd, A. 1996 A Neolithic ring-mound at Midtown of Pitglassie, Auchterless, Aberdeenshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 126, 17-51¤¤¤¤] ąµ±­Ø¤¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’‚‚~zvqmhhhfddXTPLLJFB>83&$  śöņīīźęęęęęĻĻĻĻĻĶĖĒÅÅÆ©£™€xpcU92% q’’Āž’’½łżą<2» čĖĖs’žNHš’žNH 91 NW 3’žAvielochan West’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClava passage grave’žNH 9094 1672’ž29094 81672’ž290940’ž816720’žHighland’žInverness’žDuthil & Rothiemurchus’žnone’žnone’ž240x12xx’žINV 5’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononononono’žjet armlet0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žrough pavementr@x1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber (NW section)nox’žpavement?no’žchamber and passage’ždark soilno’ž57°132 41.603 N, 003°482 28.763 W’ž57°132 42.383 N, 003°482 23.723 W’žN Scotlandno’žCash, C. G. 1910 Archaeological notes from Aviemore. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 44, 189-203’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press@ÅÅÅÅÅÅJJJJF:äąÕÕÕĄ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼±Æ«•“‘Š…}xtpppnll`PNLLJF@<8620,*(&$"  üųōšģģģģģģģģÓĢŹČÄĀ½½·±™Ž„|tgYD>-' q’Ą’’’½ł’`~6" č2‹s’žNPK’žNPRN 94510’žTinkinswood’žSt Nicholas’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 0921 7330’ž30921 17330’ž309210’ž173300’žVale of Glamorgan’žGlamorgan’žSt Nicholas and Bonvilston’žCotswolds’žnone75’žENE-WSWx40’ž17.5’žGLA 9’žDarvill 2004’žWard 1916nono’žTriassic formationnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin0x0xx0x0nox’žstone rows (3)’žNW corner of moundno’žyesnono0’ž50+0noB@_x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žchamberxxnoxyesxno’žstone rows; ground preparationno’žWales’žstone rows(3)’žWard, J. 1915 The St Nicholas chambered tumulus, Glamorgan. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 70, 253-320’žWard, J. 1916 The St. Nicholas chambered Tumulus, Glamorgan, II. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 71 (6th S Vol 16), 239-267’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŁ˜4444%śśöōīīīīīīīīīīīīīīģčęäŪŁŌĻĖĒĀ½¹¹¹·µµ©„£žžœ˜”‹wgea_][YWUSQGC=73-)     ōķēćįŲŌŌĪƧœ‰yl^MG0# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąf&č čųŒr©ģ’žST 79 NE 6’žWotton Uns©ģ’žST 79 NE 6’žWotton Under Edge II’žMonument #205213’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7971 9596’ž37971 19596’ž379710’ž195960’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žWotton Under Edge’žnone’žnone’žENE/WSW’žn/a8234’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960nononono>@/ģ2no’žn/ano’žSW England’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž425    y                            łłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłłõńķéééé銊ŠŠŠĢČĆŗŗŗ“®›“‚zreWQK>, q’Ā €"Œ³‡ č—Źs’žTAg’žTA 08 NW 23’žAyton Eastfield’žSeamer Moor’žlong cairn’žoval barrow’žnone’žTA 0002 8640’ž50002 48640’ž500020’ž486400’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenp’žn/a4830’žAa6/Dc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 10’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 147’žLongworth 1961, p 344nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x?’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary structure’žforecourtnoxyesnonono002+no×@px1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žallxxxnoxnox’žstone and timber mortuary structureno’ž54°152 48.733 N, 000°272 56.983 W’ž54°152 48.083 N, 000°272 50.903 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žConyngham, L. A. 1849 Account of discoveries made in barrows near Scarborough. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 4, 101-107’žVatcher, F. d. M. 1961 Notes on Excavations: Ayton Eastfield Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 27’žVatcher, F. d. M. 1961 Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments: brief summaries of excavations 1960-61. Archaeological Newsletter, 7, 69-71np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumt   „‰„„„€uJöööōššššššššššššššīźčęäߌÖŅĪÉÅĄĄĄ¾¼¼°¬Ø¦¦¤ œ˜’ŒmkigeZXVTPLF@<60,($$$ ķÜÜÜĻĘĀ¾¹µµµÆ©wobTNA5( q’~Ī’’’½ł’`~žfÆ čæŒr’žSUZ’žSU 75 SW 21’žChoseleys’žSUZ’žSU 75 SW 21’žChoseley Farm’žMonument #244312’žround barrow’žSU 7210 5036’ž47210 15036’ž472100’ž150360’žHampshire’žHart’žOdiham’žnone’žnone>@4ģ2’žn/ano’ž51°142 52.473 N, 000°582 05.903 W’ž51°142 50.573 N, 000°582 00.493 W’žSW England’žde Putron, M. E. & Hawkes, C. F. C. 1940 Excavations at Choseley Farm, Odiham. A preliminary note. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 14, 366-368’žAnon 1932-4 Report on field archaeology 1933-4. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 12, 313-4npJJFFFFÅŲ­­©©¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¢¢–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Š‚|qiaTFFF8& qĻ €:ŒC čS‹s’žSUU’žSU 84 NE 14’žBadshot Lea’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 8607 4792’ž48607 14792’ž486070’ž147920’žSurrey’žWaverley’žFarnham’žnone’žnone85’žNE-SWx’ž42.7np’žSU 111’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984’žUpper Chalkyesnoyesyesyesno0x1’žentrance causeway at E end; mound damagedx0x0noxnoxnononono000no˜@Gx1nonononononoxxxxnox’žposthole in entrance causewayyesxnono’ž51°132 26.543 N, 000°462 07.613 W’ž51°132 24.623 N, 000°462 02.133 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žKeiller, A. & Piggott, S. 1939 Badshot Long Barrow. IN OAKLEY, K., RANKINE, W. & LOWTHER, A. (Eds.) A survey of the prehistory of the Farnham district (Surrey). Frome, Printed by Butler and Tanner Ltd., for the Surrey Arch Society, Guildfordnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum™#*%%%!źæ»···µÆŽŠˆ†„‚~~zvrnjjjhffZVTRRPLHD@>:8420.,’żū÷ńėåįŪŪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮĮĮ“¬Ø¢ ™••‰€vnf^QC=7*$ q’ż’’½łžp~†&¼ čĢ‰sŒ’žSC 49 SE 25’žBallafayle’žBellafayle’žlong cairn’žnone’žhorned long cairn’žSC 4775 9012’ž24775 49012’ž247750’ž490120’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žMaughold’žIsle of Man’žnone’žon the slope of a hill overlooking the sea’ž140’žWNW-ESEx’ž16.8np’žSC1’žKinnes 1992’žKermode 1928’žCubbon 1971nonononononononono’žwhite shore pebbles0x0xx0x0’žmortuary enclosure?’žWNW end of mound’žcrematorium’žcentre line of WNW end of moundyesnonono002+’ž'single stones'Æ@x1’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žcentre of cairnxx’žforecourtnoxyesxnonono’ž54°172 02.453 N, 004°202 24.653 W’ž54°172 02.003 N, 004°202 20.283 W’žN Englandno’žyes?’žKermode, P. M. C. 1928 The cairn at Ballafayle. Proceedings of the Isle of Man Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 3, 151-4’žKermode, P. M. C. 1929 The ancient monuments of the Isle of Man. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 84, 167-78’žCubbon, A. M. (Ed.) 1971 Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man, Douglas, The Manx Museum and National Trust’žHenshall, A. S. 1978 Manx megaliths again: an attempt at structural analysis. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R.15’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum3½¹¹ÆGĆ½½½¹®ƒXTPPLJDDDDDDDDDDDDDDB>31/ üüüśųųģŪ×ÕÕÓĻĖĒĮ “ljhfdb`^\GC?;73/+'####ūöņģźįÜ°Ŗ“ŒwobTA;/# q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą~¾Y či‹s’žSC 28 SE 39’žBallaharra’žMonument #30455’žchambered cairn’žcremation cemetery’žnone’žSC 2640 8241’ž22640 48241’ž226400’ž482410’žIsle of Man’žGlenfaba’žGerman’žIsle of Man’žnone’žat the foot of a gentle hillock, in rolling pasturenpxnpnpnononoyesyesnoyesyesnono3’žchamber; E of chamber; NE side of tomb12’žgrave pitx1+’žfrom N of grave pit to cremation deposit0nox’žsubterranean chamber; black spreads & hollows;’žvariousyesnoyesno2 ?4’ž40+’žpavingŠ@’žE of tomb1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žsouth of chamberxx’žchambernoxyes’žchambernononono’ž54°122 28.773 N, 004°392 47.913 W’ž54°122 28.303 N, 004°392 43.703 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žCregeen, S. 1978 Ballaharra excavations 1971. A summary of work and results. IN DAVEY, P. (Ed.) Man and Environment in the Isle of Man. Oxford, B.A.R.15ŠŠ†††††ėęęęā׬}yuqhbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\SQO=83/+&!ūöōōīźäąŚŃ”Ÿ›™oki^Z1/+'! ’’’’’’’’’’ū÷õńń¼¶©”—Š‚zm_YE4# q’’Ą’’’½ł’ą†° 襊s’žSWY’žSW 33 SE 24’žBallowall Barrow’žCarn Gluze’žchambered cairn’žplatform cairn’žentrance grave, round’žSW 35526 31252’ž135526 031252’ž135526’ž031252’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnonex’ž23.75xx’žBarnatt 1982’žBorlase 1878nonononoyesnoyesnono’žperforated stone bead2’žNE of centre ; SE of centre0xx0x0nox’žcists (4)’žcentralnonoyesno000’žpavement@x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žentire entrance gravenox’ž4 funerary cists’ž2 pits’žpityesnono’ž50°072 20.213 N, 005°422 05.043 W’ž50°072 18.063 N, 005°422 01.693 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1886 Typical specimens of Cornish barrows. Archaeologia, 49, 181-98 ( p 189-194)’žBorlase, W. C. 1878 Important excavations at St Just. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 34, 422-4’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone PressnpFFBBæRÜyyyyui>    ųęęęęęęęäąÉĒÅĆ¾¹µ±¬Ø£££”ŸŸ“‰‡……ƒyuqh][WUSQOMK., żłõńķķķķķßßßŃŃĻĶĘÄÄľøƦœ”Œ}mVF5) q’^Ā’’’½ł’Ą!~¼ši LVALy Henshall 1983: The cairn was destroyed before 1892; p 39:  Cairn I had been built on a prominent ridge. It was 0.9 m (3 ft) high, built of stones amongst which were pieces of charred wood, some being quite large...In the centre of the cairn, over the bones, in an area about 3.7 m (12 ft) across, the stones were r’žHenshall 1983: The cairn was destroyed before 1892; p 39:  Cairn I had been built on a prominent ridge. It was 0.9 m (3 ft) high, built of stones amongst which were pieces of charred wood, some being quite large...In the centre of the cairn, over the bones, in an area about 3.7 m (12 ft) across, the stones were run and fused by intense heat. Shepherd 1996 p 41 : 'The cremated deposit at Atherb (Milne 1892, 102) appears to have been the remains of a pyre in situ, with considerable quantities of calcined bone found mixed with 'oak logs' and a 'vitreous mass' of granite and quartz which comprised the bulk of the remnant mound."īŠŠLVALDĢ82eä" @ CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżig4ęh5ā’žF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżjg4ęh5ā’ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżk2b–„c,„F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżl0Y:b–øc, g4[łœF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżmf93:Į¢;ˆb–; c,wg4‰ūi# I}č" @Calibri¾Ę Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅężn6Į¢c–„d,‰h4[łj#  F¦½ź" @CalibriĘĒČ É Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅ$,'8żo8Į¢e–„j4[łl# žF¦½ź" @CalibriĘ Ē Č É Ź ĖĢĶĻŠŃŅ*,-8żpb–„c,„œF¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżr45Ic–ød, F¦½ĘĒČÉ Ź Ė Ģ ĶĻŠŃŅżvb–żw4Ib–øc, F¦½ĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅżz4Įīb–c,j%žĢ82eé" @– LVAL¦ Ritchie 1970 p. 34 Phase 1 construction  [ NW chamber ] 'just above natural soil were patches of charcoal-blackened soil, with some tiny flecks of charcoal. Charcoal is as likely to be the result of the initial clearance of the site as to be part of a burial deposit.' [Outside chamber] "pa’žRitchie 1970 p. 34 Phase 1 construction  [ NW chamber ] 'just above natural soil were patches of charcoal-blackened soil, with some tiny flecks of charcoal. Charcoal is as likely to be the result of the initial clearance of the site as to be part of a burial deposit.' [Outside chamber] "patch of charcoal clearly lay under the basal layer of cairn material." P 36 Phase 2 construction [passage grave chamber & passage] "smears of charcoal and burning on the old land surface in the passage and chamber& more likely to be associated with the clearance of the site than with burial ritual."·ųYNCC’’īŠŠLVALE CorbelĘĒČÉŹ Ė Ģ Ķ ĻŠŃŅż{2Į¢b–ļc,J d# ß" @CalibriĘĒČÉŹĖ Ģ Ķ Ļ ŠŃŅż˜0—`,Ģ3ß  Detailēx €Ęš“zRGØõ×Ļ8’k ;’’’’Ym J2˜6 7ŸßF{`6Š*aób–Ńc,<e¦ø f„i#k8???Ü (Type of PMA evidenceŻ  Notesõ (Type_of_PMA_evidenceśx ?ŽJŲŚÖH¦wµ|<¶1M/!žd”5Ÿ]7ˆ`6r3akb–āc,Ld# Ü 4Type of PMA evidence_LabelŻ "Descr. of surfaceå 4Type_of_PMA_evidence_Labelźx £ÕóŠ™:éG¾„U6·y‘Jr3KkLT6M· żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6*!aF b–c,ļe¦‰i#k)€Ü Reference 4Ż Reference 4õ Reference_4śx MĪpŌu®J¶‡ßp—Į7ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/KF 0LF>1M5žd25Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6ćaF b–üc,ļd#???žĢ???Ü Label292Ż Reference 4źx i8#“įĖOø/T”Ę5ŹćĮ7ĀQJćKF Lß M5żm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6śacb–øc,i# j%¼k m€)€Ü Size - WidthŻ  Widthõ Size___Widthśx e7ʎ'ų@¼ˆ‹ō§—“`Į'ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/Kc0L²1M€žd23I5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6acb–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü $Size - Width_LabelŻ Width (M)Ž" @Calibriå $Size___Width_Labelźx čx÷7¶H²2@Hžo,³Į'ĀMĘĒČÉLVALFJKcLėM€żm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6taO b–¹ c,e¦ø f„7j%¼km€’’’Ü  NMR #Ż  NMR #õ  NMR__śx übÓĮopO¢ó©.˜ėBĮ3ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/KO 0L-1M] žd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aO b–Gc,d#g€’’’žĢ???Ü NMR #_LabelŻ  NMR #å NMR___Labelźx eęšS”XIA²{ Ś”“ĢĮ3ĀOĘĒČÉJKO LeM] żm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6ta³b–¹ c,he¦ø f„6j%¼m€’’’Ü Site NameŻ Site Nameõ Site_Nameśx ŗrsš’JJ™œ?ģĒ3MĮ,ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/K³0L-1Mžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6a³b–Gc,hd#g€’’’žĢ???Ü Site Name_LabelŻ Site Nameå Site_Name_Labelźx °‚€W>G³I֏JG·'Į,ĀOĘĒČÉJK³LeMżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6ta*b–¹ c,e¦ø f„5i# j%¼km€’’’Ü Alternate NameŻ Alt Nameõ Alternate_Nameśx ¢'„gFD’Mœ÷ÉxŽéŖNĮ+ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/K*0L-1MGžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6a*b–Gc,d#g€’’’žĢ???Ü (Alternate Name_LabelŻ Alt. Nameå (Alternate_Name_Labelźx õj-o7XXO£3y-Ŗ²ī!Į+ĀOĘĒČÉJK*LeMGżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6LVALGśa³b–øc,e¦ø f„4i# j%¼k m€)€Ü Site TypeŻ Site Typeõ Site_Typeśx ©E~?*_N™ …®JØĮ"ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/K³0L²1MŠžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6a³b–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü Site Type_LabelŻ Site TypeŽ" @Calibriå Site_Type_Labelźx “(²aB‰C™m~+Ē{*×Į"ĀMĘĒČÉJK³LėMŠżm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6śa b–øc,e¦ø f„3i# j%¼k m€)€Ü &Alternate Site TypeŻ Alt Site Typeõ &Alternate_Site_Typeśx źqšU}Ć­J’K“ų‰OÓĮ#ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/K 0L²1M(žd23I5Ÿ’6Į7ˆ`6a b–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü 2Alternate Site Type_LabelŻ Alt. Site TypeŽ" @Calibriå 2Alternate_Site_Type_Labelźx 7‡ņRtžN ‹‹A‰ūĮ#ĀMĘĒČÉJK LėM(żm J2˜7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6śaßb–øc,e¦ø f„2i# j%¼k m€)€Ü Site Sub TypeŻ Site Sub Typeõ Site_Sub_Typeśx *7®#ņķ,@½y"Ē'ŸGĮ$ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/Kß0L²1Müžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6aßb–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü &Site Sub Type_LabelŻ Site Sub TypeŽ" @Calibriå &Site_Sub_Type_Labelźx Ū)Ųk­@‹~ŹV+,dĮ$ĀMĘĒČÉJLVALIKßLėMüżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6taA b–¹ c,’e¦ø f„1i# j%¼km€’’’Ü Grid RefŻ Grid Refõ Grid_Refśx ŗs¶“ĆD“ŚķŽöŻĮ2ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/KA 0L-1M@ žd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aA b–Gc,’d#g€’’’žĢ???Ü Grid Ref_LabelŻ Grid Refå Grid_Ref_Labelźx ŌÄz§bN¬n[Üo‘/Į2ĀOĘĒČÉJKA LeM@ żm7Ÿ’:ĮF{`6taVb–¹ c,e¦ø f„0i# j%¼km€’’’Ü County(Council)Ż County(Council)õ County_Council_śx p=¾{ęe E«{ Ü$²Į-ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/KV0L-1Mdžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6aVb–Gc,d#g€’’’žĢ???Ü *County(Council)_LabelŻ  Countyå *County_Council__Labelźx ńEe/ØźB¢č7įXŚ—Į-ĀOĘĒČÉJKVLeMdżm7Ÿß:ĮF{`6tasb–¹ c,e¦ø f„/i# j%¼km€’’’Ü 0District (Former Region)Ż 0District (Former Region)õ 0District__Former_Region_śx ą…ŌqŖą B—é©ÆpÆhÉĮ.ĀOĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jt/Ks0L-1Mžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6asb–Gc,d#g€’’’žĢ???Ü <District (Former Region)_LabelŻ Districtå <District__Former_Region__Labelźx H[X*PP¾H£Ć< å»&IĮ.ĀOĘĒ†×–’žSP 01 NE 4a14’žOxA-911’ž4830 ± 80’žhuman bone’žSouth chamber - monument use phaseWW3'?“×£’žST 81 SW 184’žOxA-8847’ž4835 ± 45’žanimal bone’žwest ditch Phase I-IIJJ3&?…ו’žSP 01 NE 4a21’žOxA-903’ž4840 ± 60’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseXX3'?Ž×ž’žSP 01 NE 4a7’žOxA-915’ž4840 ± 70’žanimal bone’žmonument construction phaseOO2%?†×–’žSP 01 NE 4a22’žOxA-644’ž4840 ± 80’žhuman bone’žNorth chamber - monument use phaseWW3'?…ו’žSP 01 NE 4a17’žOxA-904’ž4860 ± 70’žhuman bone’žNorth entrance - monument use phaseXX3'?›×«’žST 81 SW 188’žOxA-8845’ž4870 ± 35’žantler’žeast ditch Phase IBB.&?“×£’žST 81 SW 182’žOxA-8846’ž4874 ± 40’žanimal bone’žwest ditch Phase I-IIJJ3&?LVALQK¦LFM‡żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘a†b–6c,įe¦‰i# j%¼k@)€ŸĢ???Ü  FlintŻ Flaked Stoneśx z"qģ· ŖE†™m?boĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/K†0LĒ1Mg žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦a†b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label168Ż Flaked StoneŽ" @Calibriźx •]/§Ä·N“›'Ńv.ĮĀEĒÉJ¦K†LFMg żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘av b–6c,įi# j%¼kA)€ŸĢ???Ü Polished StoneŻ Polished Stoneõ Polished_Stoneśx ±$Ąq›L”&4%5ĪK·ĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/Kv 0LĒ1MW!žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦av b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label169Ż Polished StoneŽ" @Calibriźx Īå>YīC¼cļĢ‚ŽhĮĀEĒÉJ¦Kv LFMW!żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6‘a–b–6c,įe¦‰i# j%¼k?)€ŸĢ???Ü PotteryŻ Potteryśx qIæy’ā2D‹ąLŪ-²ąaĮĀE Ē É+’’’’.J‘/K–0LĒ1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6¦a–b– c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label170Ż PotteryŽ" @Calibriźx æńČÄØO„ó ’ v†ŸĮĀEĒÉJ¦K–LFMwżm7ŸUF{`6a[b–6c,Ōe¦‰i# j%¼k)€Ü Soil AnalysisŻ Soil Analysisõ Soil_Analysisśx U»9PśL…·ĀT?ä»ÄĮ8ĀS+’’’’.J/K[0LÅ 1M/žd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆLVALS`6xa[b–Ģc,Ōd#)€žĢ???Ü Label171Ż Soil AnalysisŽ" @Calibriźx vdöVJBŖ|į|ģ ¬Į8ĀSJxK[LDM/żm7ŸUF{`6a™b–6c,įe¦ėi# j%¼k)€Ü Pollen AnalysisŻ ,Environmental Analysisõ Pollen_Analysisśx Kc„ėÖ7IŗŒŃMŃŗ68Į:ĀS+’’’’.J/K™0LÅ 1Mzžd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6xa™b–Ģc,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label172Ż ,Environmental AnalysisŽ" @Calibriźx fI*ꀱEŗ/oŻŁ®QŲĮ:ĀSJxK™LDMzżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Üaõb–Œc,įi# j%¼k))€Ü Dark soilŻ Dark Soilč" @ Corbelõ Dark_soilśx “ŅµķߙG·Ļü~|3+ĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/Kõ0Lh 1MÖžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kaõb–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label175Ż Dark soilźx ™ Ū\«BŹA¢HK kõA4ĮĀ-ĘĒČÉJKKõLĶMÖżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6®#ab–c,ći#j%¼k1m€np„q…’’’ŸĢ???Ü  HearthŻ  Hearthśx ¢Æ3héBČBWZ/zm¹SĮ>ĀTĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.J®#/K0L²:1Mćžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6=ab–bc,ćd#g€hj„k…’’’žĢ???Ü Label176Ż Hearthsźx 4÷Ō$D¼Ź¤ĢŠhŸ!Į>ĀTĘĒČÉJ=KLŸ#Mćżm7ŸU:Į¾ čĪŠsYk’žSU 13 NW 13’žWoodford G2’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žSU 1007 3772’ž41007 13772’ž410070’ž137720’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWoodford’žnone’žnone’žsituated on the end of a slight spur on the S slope of a deep combe’ž107’žS-Nx’ž20.4’ž13.7’žSU 65’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1964nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nok@x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpits, postholes’žtimber structure?yesxno’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žHarding, P. & Gingell, C. 1986 The excavation of two long barrows by F. de M. and H.F.W.L. Vatcher. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 80, 7-22’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. F. 1964 Woodford Long Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 59, 18589’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¬62222²    ÷÷÷óļźę䎎ŽŽĖĖĖŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø“²°®¬§¢žš–’ŽŽŽŒŠŠ~zxvvtplhdb^\XVTRPNLJHD@<840,($     žųņšėę”›•‹€umeXJ=7*$ q’’Ā’’’½ł’@āgŒ'LVALUF{`6ÜaEb–Œc,įi# j%¼k)€Ü FireŻ Fireč" @ Corbelśx r³Ķ&ŽįīE#9^ķćĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/KE0Lh 1M&žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6KaEb–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label177Ż Fireźx MiIA" ¼…½§ĆŲĮ ĀK Ē É+’’’’.Jų/K–0L.1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6–a–b–c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label183Ż .HR -burnt - fragmentaryŽ" @Calibriźx lõl²bF¾Y‘¾#ķ"‡Į ĀKĒÉJ–K–L­Mwżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6ųa†b–6c,įi# j%¼k<)€ŸĢ???Ü FFragmentary human remains - unburntŻ HR frag-unburntõ FFragmentary_human_remains___unburntśx “‰ø]Q4aDøžBŹ\˜[ŻĮ!ĀK Ē É+’’’’.Jų/K†0L.1Mg žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6–a†b–c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label184Ż 0HR -unburnt -fragmentaryŽ" @Calibriźx :…šŹĘ¦ĒF’*°t×!ĘĮ!ĀKĒÉJ–K†L­Mg żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a–b–Rc,įi# j%¼kD)€ŸĢ???Ü Charcoal/ashŻ Charcoal/ashõ Charcoal_ashśx &Ķźu.C@‹ĪĆĆ½¢ŸĖĮĀH ‡ č—‰sT¤’žSU 07 SE 19’žMillbarrow’žKing's Millbarrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0943 7221’ž40943 17221’ž409430’ž172210’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWinterbourne Monkton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž65.5’ž16.7’žWIL 11’žDarvill 2004molluscanyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono7’žE end of barrow (5); front of barrow (2)8’žE end of barrowx0x0’žpossible’žE end of barrow’žoccupation area? pre-barrow’žE end of barrownonoyesno000no,@%4x1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpre barrow occupation area; pits’žfront - 2 pitsyes’žchamberno’žpits; postholesno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 201)’žWhittle, A. 1994 Excavations at Millbarrow Neolithic chambered tomb, Winterbourne Monkton, North Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 87, 1-53’žHedges, R. E. M., Housley, R., Bronk, C. & Van Klinken, G. J. 1992 Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry Datelist 14. Archaeometry, 34, 141- 159’žLong, W. 1858 Abury. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 4, 309-36384’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusQłõõ›ņCŸšš•‘}llh_YYII''''''''''%! ’ūūūł÷÷ėēåććįŻ×ÓĻ¾”†„‚€~mkA?;71+'!öööööööö蹌ŌŅĶÉÉĆø¢š‡rdSM6# q’Ą’’’½ł’źę¾'LVALXĒ É+’’’’.J "/K–0L]*1Mwžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša–b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label185Ż Charcoal/ashŽ" @Calibriźx Śä¬Ō¦ÉźGø¤UUŻŗ¶žĮĀHĒÉJŠK–LĄ!Mwżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a¶b–Rc,įi# j%¼kB)€ŸĢ???Ü  QuartzŻ  Quartzśx „hØ sˆōE ^õĄ ŸœćĮĀH Ē É+’’’’.J "/K¶0L]*1M—žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša¶b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label186Ż  QuartzŽ" @Calibriźx ¼4T)ĮߤMžsŠ¶N |ĮĀHĒÉJŠK¶LĄ!M—żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6 "a¦b–Rc,įi# j%¼kC)€ŸĢ???Ü 2Marine shell/pebbles/sandŻ 2Marine shell/pebbles/sandõ 2Marine_shell_pebbles_sandśx vÆĘŗĻ”ėD“zŲ?ģ ĮĀH Ē É+’’’’.J "/K¦0L]*1M‡žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Ša¦b–6c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label187Ż ,Marine shell,/sand,etcŽ" @Calibriźx ć¶`%ü L«teAiÉĖĮĀHĒÉJŠK¦LĄ!M‡żd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆaģb–Ōc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text189Ż 0Ground Surface TreatmentŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx īĆ[-ų{ĮN‹Yóŗ(‹WKģLŌM żd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6zab–±!c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text191Ż 4Excavation and PublicationŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ńא‡JIŽ(ŪųžaŲJzK5 čE‰sn~’žNS 02 NW 10’žMonamore’žMeallach's Grave’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0175 2889’ž20175 62889’ž201750’ž628890’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž126’žNE-SWx’ž13.5’ž10.5’žARN 9’žHenshall 1972’žDavidson & Carter 2003’žRomans & Robertson 1975yesyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono2100’žslab @µ’žforecourt1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchamber entrancenox’ž21 charcoal spreadsyesxnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1903 On the cairns of Arran - a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 37, 36-67 ( p 53-54)’žMackie, E. 1964 New excavations on the Monamore Neolithic chambered cairn, Lamlash, Isle of Arran, in 1961. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 97, 1-34’žRomans, J. C. C. & Robertson, L. 1975 Soils and archaeology in Scotland. IN EVANS, J. G., LIMBREY, S. & CLEERE, H. (Eds.) The Effect of Man on the Landscape: The Highland Zone. London, Council for British Archaeology 37-9’žDavidson, D. A. & Carter, S. P. 2003 Soils and their evolution. IN EDWARDS, K. & RALSTON, I. B. M. (Eds.) Scotland after the Ice Age: environment, archaeology and history, 8000 BC-AD 1000. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 45-62’ž110’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¼UPPdƒŌ   üśōōōōōōōōōßßßß߯ŁĒÅĆĮ½ø“ÆŖ¦¢¢¢ ••‰ƒ{wsokiec_][YWUSQOKGA;73-)#ģģģŻÖŠŹČĮ¼¼¶Æ„˜ˆ€xk]JD3! q’Ę’’’½ł’ąg¼å čõĖs’žSUG’žSU 43 NW 12’žMoody's Down Southeast’žNone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4347 3862’ž44347 13862’ž443470’ž138620’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žBarton Stacey’žnonenp’žSE-NWx49np’žSU 46’žKinnes 1992’žRCHME 1979nononononononoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žyes0no@¹x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnp’žW end of moundnono’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO ( p 248-250)’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum œœœœPŅŅŅŅĪĀĀĀ¾„”‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‡ƒ}{wrnjfb^^^\ZZNJHCCA=73/-)'#!ż÷óļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪĻĻĻĀ»·³±Ŗ¦¦¦ ‘„yqi\NHB5/ q’?Ā’’’½ł’ągŒ¶LVALYL+>M†żd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6.ahb–W!c,’d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text193Ż .Ground Surface FeaturesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ā!vßphG¢īŗŪ„lJ.KhL…>Mgżd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆab–N*c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text196Ż ,Human Remans and FindsŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‰`›ˆwŒEØ,žn?Źz·KLN*Mżd23I4 5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6-ab–¦c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text198Ż @Site Identification and LocationŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‡ņ,”I„ģm•2J-KLÓM†żd23I4 5ŸW6Į7ˆ`6ab–\ c,wd# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text200Ż  Site DescriptionŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx I¾L°÷:@§ĘĢūJJKLkM†żd23I4 5Ÿw6Į7ˆ`6Š*aōb–Żc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Text202Ż  NotesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx ‡ģēNLPN“Čą~†ņJŠ*KōLg>Mżm7Ÿ×:ĮF{`6śa? b–øc,i# j%¼km€)€Ü Review StageŻ  Statusõ Review_Stageśx WdĘźNśK¤6K,g€ŪĮĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/K? 0L²1M\ žd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6a? b–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü Label214Ż  StatusŽ" @Calibriźx söåģ5šJ”ŗZņįt§|ĮĀMĘĒČÉJK? LėM\ żm5I7ŸLVALZU:ĮF{`6*!a b–c,ļe¦3 i#km€???Ü Reference 1Ż Reference 1õ Reference_1śx 9ĒøfD™zā„I3=Į4ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/K 0LF>1Mžd25Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6ća b–üc,ļd#???žĢ???Ü Label216Ż Reference 1źx •‚Åka¬A³{Ń’m"MbĮ4ĀQJćK Lß Mżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6®#aäb–c,ći#j%¼k5m€np„q…’’’ŸĢ???Ü Other FeaturesŻ Other Featuresõ Other_Featuresśx „¹-ȍ‡YH XŻĆRę˜¾Į@ĀTĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.J®#/Kä0L²:1MĒžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6=aäb–bc,ćd#g€hj„k…’’’žĢ???Ü Label218Ż Other Featuresźx 7ĘÜsv ?Aėʘ™SjĮ@ĀTĘĒČÉJ=KäLŸ#MĒżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6XaEb–M c,įi# j%¼k ’’’Ü Fire: LocationŻ Location - Fireč" @ Corbelõ Fire__Locationśx  ³E=×=ZI„ ėŠaĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/KE0L„1M&žd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å aEb–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label230Ż Locationźx ŹĆŠ’móB—ƒ;²[ŁŠĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ KELIM&żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xa5b–M c,įi# j%¼k"’’’Ü $Turf Cl - LocationŻ .Location-Turf Clearanceč" @ Corbelõ $Turf_Cl__LVAL[_Locationśx ˜SLqĪDاyÜKŅ=ŸĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K50L„1Mžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å a5b–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label231Ż Locationźx ®gh«uņG½•6v‚u…ĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ K5LIMżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xa%b–M c,įi# j%¼k$’’’Ü *Cult Marks - locationŻ ,Location - Cultivationč" @ Corbelõ *Cult_Marks___locationśx U4ż’ŅJFóGłæęäĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K%0L„1Mžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å a%b–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label232Ż Locationźx Źt2ĮŵF€U«”zł¦ĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ K%LIMżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xab–M c,įi# j%¼k&’’’Ü &Pavement - locationŻ 6Location - Floor/Pavement 1č" @ Corbelõ &Pavement___locationśx āDo[ūÜL”ü āV•jäĮ Ā6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K0L„1Möžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å ab–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label233Ż Locationźx ‹yŒžC·O“°ƒÖ¤VĮ Ā6ĘĒČÉJÅ KLIMöżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0ab–w c,ći#j%¼k,’’’Ü (Postholes - LocationŻ (Location - Postholesč" @ Corbelõ (Postholes___Locationśx ĢĪ€0ŽĮN¶ėüo­ĖĮ Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K0Lģ=1MžžLVAL\d23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-ab–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label234Ż Locationźx эĪ$=A¶­ŚCą™_Į Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-KLf0Mžżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0a b–w c,ći#j%¼k.’’’Ü *Stakeholes - LocationŻ *Location - Stakeholesč" @ Corbelõ *Stakeholes___Locationśx j;h¬½Z+D³ćÄī(¢‹Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K 0Lģ=1Mšžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-a b–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label235Ż Locationźx G½Ūeü«IA/kŽ«hUĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-K Lf0Mšżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0a’b–w c,ći#j%¼k0’’’Ü Pits - LocationŻ Location - Pitsč" @ Corbelõ Pits___Locationśx 5jä·Ū%@šę®€Æ,8—Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/K’0Lģ=1Māžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-a’b–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label236Ż Locationźx I+‡ūšK¶©SJzäyūĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-K’Lf0Māżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0ańb–w c,ći#j%¼k2’’’Ü "Hearth - LocationŻ "Location - Hearthč" @ Corbelõ "Hearth___Locationśx LŪ¶ōtäF‘iż0ō2Į Ā8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/Kń0Lģ=1MŌžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-ańb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label238Ż LLVAL]ocationźx ’|Œ_?Dƒ­W@’X–ÉĮ Ā8ĘĒČÉJx-KńLf0MŌżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0aćb–w c,ći#j%¼k4’’’Ü 6Timber Structure - LocationŻ 6Location - Timber Structureč" @ Corbelõ 6Timber_Structure___Locationśx źH! ‹,I‘i…¢ķ(fĮĀ8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/Kć0Lģ=1MĘžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-aćb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label239Ż Locationźx $6‡ņüVØNæ›*bG”‚-ĮĀ8ĘĒČÉJx-KćLf0MĘżm7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6u0aÕb–w c,ći#j%¼k6’’’Ü 2Other Features - LocationŻ 2Location - Other Featuresč" @ Corbelõ 2Other_Features___Locationśx ō­ä«ƒäB©^-Ž¼e¬ŌĮĀ8Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Ju0/KÕ0Lģ=1Møžd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6x-aÕb–īc,ćd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label240Ż Locationźx Ō²ļ×HķL¢D=A?“GYĮĀ8ĘĒČÉJx-KÕLf0Møżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Üab–Œc,įe¦Si# j%¼k')€Ü  Pavement/Floor 2Ż  Floor/Pavement 2č" @ Corbelõ  Pavement_Floor_2śx £‰ŁRbŹOÅœāwjH ĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JÜ/K0Lh 1Męžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kab–‚c,įd#)€žĢ???Ü Label241Ż $Pavement / Floor 2źx ©†zfgż)O†ń˜sø*ĮĀ-ĘĒČÉLVAL^JKKLĶMężm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xab–M c,įe¦i# j%¼k(’’’Ü *Pavement 2 - LocationŻ 6Location - Floor/Pavement 2č" @ Corbelõ *Pavement_2___Locationśx ę9ĢżkI2±ĒĒxöĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/K0L„1Męžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å ab–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label243Ż Locationźx œ}Śä`SMĮń&ųēŸĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ KLIMężd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆa“!b–…>c,,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label208Ż LPit and Grave Description and ContentsŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx mī«¹ŁH»J‹+÷‰–ėčK“!L…>Mæ"żp3ŸU`60 am)b–_ c,“dIœ’’’Ü &Animal Bone SubformŻ„ 0Form.Animal Bone SubformŽ1 NMRß2  NMR #ä &Animal_Bone_Subformåx ‚3ł„o÷ŠD‰`J &ōF’’’’J0 Km)LM-żp3ŸU`6Kam)b–| c,„dGœ’’’Ü Flint SubformŻ„ $Form.Flint SubformŽ1 NMRß2  NMR #ä Flint_Subformåx ęīJų7@­»¼ =åd ’’’’JKKm)LĒ Mń,żp3ŸW`6­a^)b–§ c,±dHœ’’’Ü Pottery SubformŻ„ (Form.Pottery SubformŽ1  NMR #ß2  NMR #ä Pottery_Subformåx o.$Ķ„ˆI©N5 ‡Ė’’’’J­K^)LT$M-żd23I4 5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6Za2(b–ø c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label114Ż Worked StoneŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx Ņā:ę©āHøźæ—ƍJZK2(L MO)żd23I4 5ŸLVALa]6Į7ˆ`6ź$a2(b–Čc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label115Ż "Radiocarbon DatesŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx åYŹ0ÜŃO¢t)N“ƒ`ļJź$K2(L²>M@)żd23I4 5Ÿ_6Į7ˆ`6€a2(b–Lc,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label116Ż  PotteryŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx é5į O°@ä­µLJ€K2(LĢ$MO)żd23I4 5Ÿ×6Į7ˆ`6Ö a2(b–Ŗ c,d# e%¼œ???žĢ)€Ü Label211Ż Animal BoneŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx „5¢qX G¶e„'č=ęJÖ K2(L€MO)żp3Ÿ×`6Ģ$a|)b–õc,9dJœ’’’Ü 4Radiocarbon Dates Subform1Ż„ >Form.Radiocarbon Dates Subform1Ž1  NMR #ß2  NMR #ä 4Radiocarbon_Dates_Subform1åx ¹ht%ÆJšZā:?‚Ó’’’’JĢ$K|)LĮ>Mµ,žd”5Ÿ]`6ą-a)b–É c,Ü Label213Ż 4Radiocarbon Dates Subform1źx [ĆåÓÄł Bæ}" Œ5Ją-K)L©7Mœ*żv0ŸWaĄ!Ü PageBreak265ßx ?H)0{MŖóz‰–qįöżm7ŸU:ĮF{`6azb–6c,Ōe¦‰i# j%¼k)€Ü "Radiocarbon datesŻ "Radiocarbon datesõ "Radiocarbon_datesśx aVA…ęA{C¶Šń­ WöĮ9ĀS+’’’’.J/Kz0LÅ 1MNžd23I5ŸU6Į¢7ˆ`6xazb–Ģc,Ōd#)€žĢ???Ü Label267Ż "Radiocarbon datesŽ" @Calibriźx ū¤I°’ŸEØUÕ@…”„¬Į9ĀSJxKzLDMNżm7Ÿ]:ĮF{`6śa b–øc,i# j%¼km€)€Ü (Previous DisturbanceŻ $Disturbance/Re-U® LVAL¾ Ward 1916:P 299-300 'there was no indication that the [chamber] floor had been paved..and the actual floor surface was not detected, but it was certain that the builders had pared off the superficial turf and mould down to the hard marl.' P 311 - 312 three stone rows were identified’žWard 1916:P 299-300 'there was no indication that the [chamber] floor had been paved..and the actual floor surface was not detected, but it was certain that the builders had pared off the superficial turf and mould down to the hard marl.' P 311 - 312 three stone rows were identified on the W side of the mound Ward 1915: P 255 - In front of the entrance to the chamber was a patch of broken pottery about 0.45 m in diameter; the fragments were embedded in the soil as if they had been trodden into it& "it is evident that this vessel was broken on the site of the patch".ó čŒs’žSUy’žSU 71 NE 34’žBevis's Thumb’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 7876 1551’ž47876 11551’ž478760’ž115510’žWest Sussex’žChichester’žCompton’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx7016’žSU 30’žKinnes 1992nononoyesyesyesyesH@ī1’žyesnpno’ž50°562 01.373 N, 000°522 49.773 W’ž50°552 59.343 N, 000°522 44.383 W’žSE England’žDrewett, P., Bedwin, O. & Rudling, D. 1981 Rescue archaeology in Sussex, 1980. Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London, 18, 21-47 ( p 22-24)np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum„     bbbbbV+üüüüųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųóóóóóóóóńńńåååååååßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßߣÓÓÓĶÉÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ“­©„£žžž˜’‰}ph`SE?9,& q’~Ą3@  :„LVALbseõ (Previous_Disturbanceśx äCIŽŁŻJ§N›Ā”Õu Į*ĀMĘ Ē Č É+’’’’.Jś/K 0L²1M0 žd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6a b–Ķc,d#)€žĢ???Ü Label268Ż $Disturbance/Re-useŽ" @Calibriźx 0„šbI“A²|*>’9H™Į*ĀMĘĒČÉJK LėM0 żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6Xaõb–M c,įi# j%¼k*’’’Ü (Dark Soil - LocationŻ (Location - Dark Soilč" @ Corbelõ (Dark_Soil___Locationśx Ž¦økĢpGG„YրßāīĮĀ6Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.JX/Kõ0L„1MÖžd3I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Å aõb–„c,įd#’’’žĢ???Ü Label276Ż Locationźx ["n2yß[M‚žåÜDVĮĀ6ĘĒČÉJÅ KõLIMÖżm5I7Ÿ÷:ĮF{`6‹ aLb–”c,ūi#j%¼k???Ü "Landscape settingŻ "Landscape settingõ "Landscape_settingśx .;zB¬±ĢȀ/ų…+’’’’.J‹ /KL0L,1MGžd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6‹ ak b–! c,Ņd#’’’Ü Label279Ż $Landscape setting:Ž" @Calibriźx kå+¤łćÖC©qķ¾&¢˜¾J‹ Kk L¬M=żp3Ÿ×4I`6<a #b–”>c,ūdFÜ Pit DescriptionŻ„ (Form.Pit DescriptionŽ1 NMRß2  NMR #ä Pit_Descriptionåx Oƒ/›Ų7`JŒµl>捲š’’’’J<K #LŠ>M(žd5Ÿß`6<a"b–(c,Ü Label284Ż  Pit Description:źx UŻĄŗF“£H¹ż `°³ąKJ<K"LdM(#żm7ŸLVALc÷:ĮF{`6tačb–¹ c,,e¦# i# j%¼k’’’Ü Study RegionŻ Study Regionõ Study_Regionśx ēŪ–}pM±īń®%5Į1ĀOĘ Č+’’’’.Jt/Kč0L-1M žd23I5ŸU6Į7ˆ`6ačb–Gc,,d#’’’Ü Label289Ż Study Regionźx Ł5R’ŹQE§ˆĶ@w÷,zĮ1ĀOĘČJKčLeM żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6*!aŅb–c,ļe¦ii#k)€Ü Reference 2Ż Reference 2õ Reference_2śx a¼¾4OžQób¹ū Į5ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/KŅ0LF>1MĮ žd23I5Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6ćaŅb–üc,ļd#)€žĢ???Ü Label290Ż Reference 2źx 锹·CØć(ĒœV×Į5ĀQJćKŅLß MĮ żm7ŸU:ĮF{`6*!a b–c,ļe¦" i#k)€Ü Reference 3Ż Reference 3õ Reference_3śx Or“ŁKM²n»Ž BĮ6ĀQ+’’’’.J*!/K 0LF>1Mū žd25Ÿ÷6Į7ˆ`6ća b–üc,ļd#???žĢ???Ü Label291Ż Reference 3źx Jń³NöˆB—„b³ē9|–Į6ĀQJćK Lß Mū żm7Ÿ×:ĮF{`6f!a¦b–½c,’e¦ i# k)€Ü $Inventory Number 1Ż $Gazetteer Number 1õ $Inventory_Number_1śx Ž[FęÓ3ĒAæāĀ:(&ö+’’’’.Jf!/K¦0L#%1M„žd25Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6.a—b–7c,’d#???žĢ???Ü Label293Ż  Gazetteer Numberźx SĮžŽźś|MŖ÷3#@ÖJ.K—Le"M3LVALC–żm7Ÿ×:ĮF{`6q$aÖb–kc,Ie¦<i#j%¼k7m€np„q…’’’ŸĢ???Ü JPre-Mound Features/Deposits ReportedŻ *Pre-monument Evidenceõ JPre_Mound_Features_Deposits__Reportedśx l]Ū?„ĖŪH‘āĢ™N §÷Ę Ē Č É+’’’’.Jq$/KÖ0LÜ=1Mžd23I5Ÿ]6Į7ˆ`6=aÖb–¬c,Id#g€hj„k…’’’žĢ???Ü Label294Ż ,Pre-monument Evidence źx q˜]‡A†Ö敉gŠĘĒČÉJ=KÖLé$Mżd25ŸU6Į7ˆ`6Kaó b–× c,Yd# e%¼œžĢ)€Ü Label297Ż 0Post-Excavation AnalysisŽ" @Trebuchet MSźx 0”ļ¾·öMµ„ļ+µģy‘JKKó L" MLżŃ LVALį Greenwell 1877: NW of centre - ' a hollow .9m in diameter and .3m deep..contained the body of a man..Upon the surface of the grave, as well as immediately beneath and about the two bodies [lying on top of the grave] was a great deal of charcoal, many broken human bones and numerous fragments of pottery. 60 cm NW of the two bodies first named ..was a pavement of small thin slabs of chalk extending in a direction NW by SE for a length of 3m with a width of 1m.' p 217 "Upon the natural surface, and at the centre [of the ’žGreenwell 1877: NW of centre - ' a hollow .9m in diameter and .3m deep..contained the body of a man..Upon the surface of the grave, as well as immediately beneath and about the two bodies [lying on top of the grave] was a great deal of charcoal, many broken human bones and numerous fragments of pottery. 60 cm NW of the two bodies first named ..was a pavement of small thin slabs of chalk extending in a direction NW by SE for a length of 3m with a width of 1m.' p 217 "Upon the natural surface, and at the centre [of the mound] were the remains of a body [accompanied by an antler macehead]. P 218 "1.8m E of centre, and upon the natural surface were numerous fragments of dark-coloured plain pottery. 3m SE of centre was a hole, .76m in diameter and .45m deep containing nothing but the same material as that of the mound itself." A linear alignment of several more interments was found on the natural surface, along with flint implements and charcoal. Many pottery sherds, animal bones and flint implements were found in the barrow material.£³ĻN•QQŽķć@N•QQŽķć@é KŖ¦ŠĄBlobCopyć :62" LVALŊĄg÷źĶ¬–’’’’ĪCĮöX/5L„Ž»b:?“{˜Ģ/DetailmĢ/Type_of_PMA_evidenceType of PMA evidenced Ģ/Type_of_PMA_evidence_LabelType of PMA evidence_LabelmĢ/Reference_4Reference 4d Ģ/Label292mĢ/Size___WidthSize - Widthd Ģ/Size___Width_LabelSize - Width_LabelmĢ/NMR__NMR #d Ģ/NMR___LabelNMR #_LabelmĢ/ Site_NameSite Named Ģ/ Site_Name_LabelSite Name_LabelmĢ/ Alternate_NameAlternate Named Ģ/ Alternate_Name_LabelAlternate Name_LabelmĢ/ Site_TypeSite Typed Ģ/Site_Type_LabelSite Type_LabelmĢ/Alternate_Site_TypeAlternate Site Typed Ģ/Alternate_Site_Type_LabelAlternate Site Type_LabelmĢ/Site_Sub_TypeSite Sub Typed Ģ/Site_Sub_Type_LabelSite Sub Type_LabelmĢ/Grid_RefGrid Refd Ģ/Grid_Ref_LabelGrid Ref_LabelmĢ/County_Council_County(Council)d Ģ/County_Council__LabelCounty(Council)_LabelmĢ/District__Former_Region_District (Former Region)d Ģ/District__Former_Region__LabelDistrict (Former Region)_LabelmĢ/Parishd Ģ/Parish_LabelmĢ/Island_Sub_regionIsland/Sub-regiond Ģ/Island_Sub_region_LabelIsland/Sub-region_LabelmĢ/Altituded Ģ/Altitude_LabelmĢ/Orientationd Ģ/ Orientation_LabelmĢ/!Size_DiameterSize:Diameterd Ģ/"Size_Diameter_LabelSize:Diameter_LabelmĢ/#Size__LengthSize: Lengthd Ģ/$Size__Length_LabelSize: Length_LabelmĢ/%Inventory_Publication_1Inventory Publication 1d Ģ/&Inventory_Publication_1_LabelInventory Publication 1_LabelmĢ/'Geologyd Ģ/(Geology_LabelmĢ/)Plant_RemainsPlant Remainsd Ģ/*Plant_Remains_LabelPlant Remains_LabelmĢ/+Other_artifactsOther artifactsd Ģ/,Other_artifacts_LabelOther artifacts_LabelmĢ/-Ctl__pits# Pitsd Ģ/.Ctl__pits_Label# pits_LabelmĢ//Ctl__postholes# postholesd Ģ/0Ctl__postholes_Label# postholes_LabelmĢ/1Ctl__stakeholes# stakeholesd Ģ/2Ctl__stakeholes_Label# stakeholes_LabeloĢ/3turf_clearanceturf clearanced Ģ/4turf_clearance_Labelturf clearance_LabeloĢ/5cultivation_markscultivation marksd Ģ/6cultivation_marks_Labelcultivation marks_LabeloĢ/7Timber_StructureTimber Structured Ģ/8Timber_Structure_LabelTimber Structure_LabeloĢ/9Surface_InhumationsSurface Inhumationsd Ģ/:Surface_Inhumations_LabelSurface Inhumations_LabeloĢ/;Surface_CremationsSurface Cremationsd Ģ/<Surface_Cremations_LabelSurface Cremations_LabeloĢ/=Pavement_FloorPavement/Floord Ģ/>Pavement_Floor_LabelPavement/Floor_LabelpĢ/?Excavation_Records_SubformExcavation Records SubformmĢ/@Animal_RemainsAnimal Remainsd Ģ/ALabel167mĢ/BFlintd Ģ/CLabel168mĢ/DPolished_StonePolished Stoned Ģ/ELabel169mĢ/FPotteryd Ģ/GLabel170mĢ/HSoil_AnalysisSoil Analysisd Ģ/ILabel171mĢ/JPollen_AnalysisPollen Analysisd Ģ/KLabel172mĢ/LDark_soilDark soild Ģ/MLabel175mĢ/NHearthd Ģ/OLabel176mĢ/PFired Ģ/QLabel177mĢ/RFragmentary_human_remains___burntFragmentary human remains - burntd Ģ/SLabel183mĢ/TFragmentary_human_remains___unburntFragmentary human remains - unburntd Ģ/ULabel184mĢ/VCharcoal_ashCharcoal/ashd Ģ/WLabel185mĢ/XQuartzd Ģ/YLabel186mĢ/ZMarine_shell_pebbles_sandMarine shell/pebbles/sandd Ģ/[Label187d Ģ/\Text189d Ģ/]Text191d Ģ/^Text193d Ģ/_Text196d Ģ/`Text198d Ģ/aText200d Ģ/bText202mĢ/cReview_StageReview Staged Ģ/dLabel214mĢ/eReference_1Reference 1d Ģ/fLabel216mĢ/gOther_FeaturesOther Featuresd Ģ/hLabel218mĢ/kFire__LocationFire: Locationd Ģ/lLabel230mĢ/mTurf_Cl___LocationTurf Cl - Locationd Ģ/nLabel231mĢ/oCult_Marks___locationCult Marks - locationd Ģ/pLabel232mĢ/qPavement___locationPavement - locationd Ģ/rLabel233mĢ/sPostholes___LocationPostholes - Locationd Ģ/tLabel234mĢ/uStakeholes___LocationStakeholes - Locationd Ģ/vLšLVALabel235mĢ/wPits___LocationPits - Locationd Ģ/xLabel236mĢ/yHearth___LocationHearth - Locationd Ģ/zLabel238mĢ/{Timber_Structure___LocationTimber Structure - Locationd Ģ/|Label239mĢ/}Other_Features___LocationOther Features - Locationd Ģ/~Label240mĢ/Pavement_Floor_2Pavement/Floor 2d Ģ/€Label241mĢ/Pavement_2___LocationPavement 2 - Locationd Ģ/‚Label243d Ģ/ƒLabel208pĢ/„Animal_Bone_SubformAnimal Bone SubformpĢ/…Flint_SubformFlint SubformpĢ/†Pottery_SubformPottery Subformd Ģ/‡Label114d Ģ/ˆLabel115d Ģ/‰Label116d Ģ/ŠLabel211pĢ/‹Radiocarbon_Dates_Subform1Radiocarbon Dates Subform1d Ģ/ŒLabel213vĢ/PageBreak265mĢ/ŽRadiocarbon_datesRadiocarbon datesd Ģ/Label267mĢ/Previous_DisturbancePrevious Disturbanced Ģ/‘Label268mĢ/’Dark_Soil___LocationDark Soil - Locationd Ģ/“Label276mĢ/”Landscape_settingLandscape settingd Ģ/•Label279pĢ/–Pit_DescriptionPit Descriptiond Ģ/—Label284mĢ/˜Study_RegionStudy Regiond Ģ/™Label289mĢ/šReference_2Reference 2d Ģ/›Label290mĢ/œReference_3Reference 3d Ģ/Label291mĢ/žInventory_Number_1Inventory Number 1d Ģ/ŸLabel293mĢ/ Pre_Mound_Features_Deposits__ReportedPre-Mound Features/Deposits Reportedd Ģ/”Label294d Ģ/¢Label297’Ģ/£Alt Name’Ģ/¤Alt Site Type’Ģ/„Easting’Ģ/¦Northing’Ģ/§Elevation’Ģ/ØDiameter’Ģ/©Length’Ģ/ŖWidth’Ģ/«Gazetteer Number 1’Ģ/¬Gazetteer Publication 1’Ģ/­Environmental Analysis’Ģ/®Flaked Stone’Ģ/ÆOther artefacts’Ģ/°Pits (Number)’Ģ/±Location - Pits’Ģ/²Location - Postholes’Ģ/³Location - Stakeholes’Ģ/“Location - Timber Structure’Ģ/µLocation - Other Features’Ģ/¶Cultivation Evidence’Ģ/·Inhumations’Ģ/øCremations’Ģ/¹Floor/Pavement 1’Ģ/ŗLocation - Hearth’Ģ/»Status’Ģ/¼HR frag-burnt’Ģ/½HR frag-unburnt’Ģ/¾Secondary Use’Ģ/æLocation - Fire’Ģ/ĄLocation-Turf Clearance’Ģ/ĮLocation - Cultivation’Ģ/ĀLocation - Floor/Pavement 1’Ģ/ĆFloor/Pavement 2’Ģ/ÄLocation - Floor/Pavement 2’Ģ/ÅPrev Disturbance’Ģ/ĘLocation - Dark Soil’Ģ/ĒCairn Intact’Ģ/ČChamber Intact’Ģ/ÉPre-monument Evidence’Ģ/ŹMesolithic evidence’Ģ/ĖWGS84 Lat/Long’Ģ/ĢOSGB36 Lat/Long’Ģ/ĶStanding Stone/Timber Post’Ģ/ĪOccupation area’Ģ/ĻStructural Features¾ čĪŠsĮ’žSP 01 NW 9’žSale's Lot’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0487 1578’ž40487 21578’ž404870’ž215780’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žWithington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž193’žNW-SE’žn/a3618’žGLO 94’žDarvill 2004yesno’žLower inferior Oolitenoyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žbone pin fragments; stone rubber2’žNW end of barrow7’žforecourtx0x0’žpossiblex’žoccupation debris’žforecourtyesnonono120’žsmall stonesÆ@³’žforecourt1’ž2500 BC (O'Neil 1966)’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žforecourtxx’žall’žtightly packed knobbly stones’žchamber and passageyesx’žoccupation debris; postholes (7); structure?no’žSW Englandno’žyes’žO'Neil, H. E. 1966 Sale's Lot long barrow, Withington, Gloucestershire, 1962-1965. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 85, 5-35’žSmith, M. J. & Brickley, M. B. 2009 People of the Long Barrows: Life, Death and Burial in the Earlier Neolithic, Stroud, History Press30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus=åįįįįW°«««§›››—iiigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaL-(&$ żųįįßŌŌČŗø¶¶“°¬Ø¢—„‚xvtrpecQO-)#  ņīččččččččŚŅĪŹÅ¾¹¹³Øœ’yqdVE?(" q’Ą’’’½ż’`fŽÜ čģŠs’žSO 91 SW 6’žWest Tump’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9114 1322’ž39114 21322’ž391140’ž213220’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBrimpsfield’žCotswolds’žnone’ž274’žESE-WNW’žn/a4623’žGLO 8’žDarvill 2004; Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchamberyesnonono0210’žstones³@Æx1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyes’žexterior wall on SW side of barrowxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žWitts, G. B. 1881 Description of the long barrow called West Tump in the parish of Brimpsfield, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 201-211’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149 p 73’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’ž275’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusÅĄĄĄgĻųųųōšššīččččččččččččččęāŁ×Õ±¬§£Ÿ›–’’’ŽŽ‚zxttrnjf`WA?;97531/&$  žśööööööööŪŌŠĢĒ¾¹¹³Ø›‘€xpcUD>'! q’Ą’’’½ł’`fœÆ‹ 蛋sśü’žSO 70 SE 9’žHetty Pegler's Tump’žUley Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 7896 0003’ž37896 20003’ž378960’ž200030’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žUley’žCotswolds’žnone’ž252’žESE/WNW’žn/a3725’žGLO 14’žDarvill 2004’žBrown 1894’žBrown 1894nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žpierced boar's tuskno150t@*ģ1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesyesno’žSW England’žClifford, E. M. 1966 Hetty Pegler's Tump. Antiquity, 40, 129-132’žThurnam, J. 1854 Description of a chambered tumulus, near Uley, Gloucestershire. Archaeological Journal, 11, 315-327’žBrown, J. A. 1894 Uley Barrow or Hetty Pegler's Tump. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 5, 219-228’žThompson, M. W. 1972 Uley: Hetty Pegler's Tump. Archaeological Journal, 122, 211-13’ž250+’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusp»Tܘ˜˜˜˜ŒŒŒŒˆˆˆˆ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚}xsojeaaa___SSQMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII40*$     žņņņäÜŲŌĻĘĮĮ»°Ŗ¢‘‰tfUO8+ q’Ę’@,ł "¼'µ čŊsʬ’žSE 96 NE 6’žCowlam 277’žMonument #64634’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9590 6635’ž49590 46635’ž495900’ž466350’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnonex’ž16.5xx’žSE 13’žKinnes 1992; Kinnes 1979’žManby 1988nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žNW end of mound0xx0x0nox’žcremation trench’žabove pityesnonono01?0nox1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žabove pitxxxnoxyesxnono’ž54°052 03.073 N, 000°322 07.573 W’ž54°052 02.343 N, 000°322 01.553 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 340-341)’žWatts, L. & Rahtz, P. 1984 Cowlam Wold barrows: based on the records of the 1968 excavations undertaken by the Department of the Environment York, Department of Archaeology, University of York’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum ( p 9)’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum?ÉÄÄÄZ– į¶²®®®¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœšŠ†‚~ytooomkkkgeaa_[WSMB0.*(&$"   ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŃŃŃ·°®¬¦¤¤¤ž˜ƒwogZLF@3" q’~Ā’’’ł’`~œ×€ 萋sĘz’žSE 96 NE 24’žEsh's Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9594 6892’ž49594 46892’ž495940’ž468920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’ž16.5xx’žSE 12’žKinnes 1992’žHicks 1969nonononoyesnoyesnono’žbone pin; bronze dagger3’žcentre point of barrow; centre of trench0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono032?noŠD’oąx1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žcremation areaxxxnoxyesxnono’ž54°062 26.173 N, 000°322 02.443 W’ž54°062 25.453 N, 000°312 56.423 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 205-208)’žHicks, J. D. 1969 Esh's barrow. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42-43, 306-313’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumołōōōō SSSSODīźęęę䎎ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽÜŲÖŌŅĀ½¹µ°«¦”””Ÿ‘‰‡‡…}ysqmkgeca_][1/žśöņīīīīīāāāÕĪĢŹÄĄĄĄŗ© —†~vi[F8+% q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~Œw č‘Źs’žSO 91 SW 5’žBuck's Head Round Barrow’žHungerfield; Cranham 3’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSO 9131 1259’ž39131 21259’ž391310’ž212590’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žCranham’žnone’žnonex’ž22.8xx’žAa1’žKinnes 1979’žRoleston 1881nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žtree roots’žbeneath moundnononono002no@˜x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žfireno’ž51°482 42.913 N, 002°072 38.583 W’ž51°482 41.313 N, 002°072 33.583 W’žSW Englandno’žDorington, J. E. 1881 Remarks on a round barrow, in Hungerfield, in the parish of Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 133-4’žRolleston, G. 1881 Notes on bones, concrete, charcoal, etc. found in the round barrow, near Cranham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 5, 135-6’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž274’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumzĘܱ­§§§„ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸ™—•“‘Œˆ„€{wrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLH9-+'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļąąąÓĪĢŹÄĀĀĀ¼¶­„”Œ„wi\VH0 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~œg® č¾‹sŃ’žSJ 68 NW 41’žCranford’žGrappenhall’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSJ 6370 8661’ž36370 38661’ž363700’ž386610’žCheshire’žWarrington’žGrappenhall and Thelwall’žnonexnpxxnononononononoyesnonoyesno0’žunknown1’žyesno’žyesno’žyes?’žyesnpyesno’ž53°222 30.493 N, 002°322 49.263 W’ž53°222 29.573 N, 002°322 44.223 W’žCentral England’žArmstrong, L., 1933-36. [Cranford - Grappenhall]. Proceedings of the Warrington Literary and Philosophical Society, 22-26.’žClark, J. G. D. & e. al, 1934. Notes on excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1934 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, 7(3), 402-416.’žGrealey, S. 1976 The Archaeology of Warrington's Past, Warrington, Warrington Development Corporation’ž209??:::ц††††uJ  üųóóóńńńńńčęęęęāāÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŌĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶²²²²²²²²²²°®ŖØØØØ¢ˆ|rjbUGA;.! q’?Ą’P ł :œ+“ č£‹s’žSYf’žSY 69 SE 40’žForty Acre Plantation’žBradford Peverell II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6691 9198’ž36691 09198’ž366910’ž091980’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverell’žnone’žnone’žSE-NWx5524’žSY 11’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959nonononononoyesyesnono’žmortuary area’žSouth00>@ 2no’žyesnononono’žyes’žmortuary areayes’žn/ano’žSW England -WCno’žAcland, J. E. 1916 List of Dorset barrows opened by Mr E Cunnington, or described by him. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 37, 40-7’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society’žAnon 1768 [Antiquities in Dorsetshire]. Gentleman's Magazine, 109-13np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumhņīīī¦@””””€€€€||wwqqqqqbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb]YUQMHDDDBBB6642222222+üųōšššššįįįŌĶÉÅĆ¼¼¼¶°ˆ€xk]WQD. q’~Ā’ ,ł”bœr č‚És’žHPk’žHP 61 SW 12’žMuckle Heog East’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped?’žHP 6315 1081’ž46315 121081’ž463150’ž1210810’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUnst’žnone’ž107?x??’žZET29’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nonononoyesnononono’ž6 steatite vessels & fragments0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno00?’žseveral ?’žgravel bedo@Āx1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxx’žoutside inner wall beneath burialsnox’žbeneath burials’ždark soil depositno’žN Scotlandno’žTate, R. 1866 Report of Zetland Anthropological Expedition. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 339-47 ( p 339-342)’žBryce, T. H. 1940 The so-called heel-shaped cairns of Shetland, with remarks on the chambered tombs of Orkney and Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 74, 23-36 ( p 30-32)’žHunt, J. 1866 Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the islands of Unst, Brassay and the mainland of Zetland. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 294-338 ( p 294-296, 299-300)’žRoberts, G. E. 1864 On the discovery of large kistvaens in the Muckle Heog in the island of Unst, Shetland, containing urns of chloritic schist. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 296-307’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press‰"""Hiž     żżżłęęęÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓĻ«©§„”™•‘Œ‡‡‡…ƒƒwk`\\ZVPLHFB@<:86420., üöņīźęęęęꌌŚĖÄĀĄ¾¼··±«„“xpbTF@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’@f< čŒs’žTQ8’žTQ 30 SE 1’žBeacon Hill’žMonument #402239’žlong barrow?’žbowl barrow’žnone’žTQ 3638 0277’ž53638 10277’ž536380’ž102770’žEast Sussex’žBrighton & Hove’žBrighton’žnone’žnone’žextensive views for many miles along the Brighton coastnpxnpnp’ž TQ 2’žKinnes 1992nonononoyes4u@1nono’žyes’žyesno’ž50°482 30.543 N, 000°032 56.383 W’ž50°482 28.413 N, 000°032 50.673 W’žSE England’žTurner, E. C. 1863 Rottingdean. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 15, 243-45np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumy’’’’’®®®®®¢wLLHC>>:::::::::::::::::::::66666666444(((&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&   üųōņīīµÆ©ŸŽyqdVPC5# q’’~Ą$ ;„öį čń‹sʞ’žSE 96 NE 33’žCowlam 57’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9754 6715’ž49754 46715’ž497540’ž467150’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnonex17xx’ž Ba5/Dc5’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žantler macehead; boar tusk blade2’žSE of centre; NW of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž13+0’žslab@dx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žNW of centrenox’žNW - chalk slab pavement’žSE of centre - pityesxno’žn/anono’ž54°052 27.843 N, 000°302 36.423 W’ž54°052 27.113 N, 000°302 30.393 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 214-221)’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum«¦¦¦¦¦YYYYUJōšģēćįŪŪŪŪĒĒ­­­­­­­­«§™—•“Ž‰…|wsssqooc][VVTPLHDB><86420.,ģčāÜŲŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀµµµØžœš–””””Ž†yme]PB<6(" q’?~Ā’’’½ł’€ā„/ čŒs’žSW×’žSW 43 NE 65’žMulfra Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSW 4518 3535’ž14518 03535’ž145180’ž035350’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’žBarnatt 1982nononononononononono1?0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noū@Žx1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxxnono’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. 1769 Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, London, W. Bowyer and J. Nichols ( p 230-231)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone Pressnpõõńńńn{{{{wkkkgcccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_[YWUSOJFB>:666422&"  žüśųöōņšīźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘøøøøø¶“°®ŖŖ¤ž–ƒ{sfXIC+% q’Ā’’’½ł’@fœŖÄ čŌ‹s’žNHś’žNH 63 NE 5’žTomfat Plantation’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty’žNH 6780 3742’ž26780 83742’ž267800’ž837420’žHighland’žInverness’žDaviot & Dunlichity’žnone’žnone’ž250’žENE-WSW17xx’žINV 52’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxxxnononono300’žsandķ@÷’žchamber and passage1nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žsand layer; patches of black earth’žpatch of black earthyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žWoodham, A. A. & Woodham, M. F. 1963 An Orkney-Cromarty chambered cairn in upper Strathnairn, Inverness-shire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 97, 35-39’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.³³³³³³üšššģčččęąąąąąąąąąąŹŹŹ¦¤ —•“‘ˆ„zvrrrp[[OIGEEC?;731/-)'%#! ’ū÷óļļļļļļļļÖĪĢŹĘ½øø²¬—Œ‚zreWF@/) q’Ą’’’½ł’ `f¾= čMŒs’žNP‰’žNPRN 306025’žLittle Lodge’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1822 3808’ž31822 23808’ž318220’ž238080’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žAberllynfi’žCotswolds’žnone’ž137’žN-Sx5622’žBRE 2’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono05+0noÆ@Tx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’žWalesno’žVulliamy, C. E. 1929 Excavation of an unrecorded long barrow in Wales Man, 29, 34-36’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus¼dddddó››››—ŒŒŒŠ„„„„„„„„„„„„„„‚~|zxvpkgc^YUUUSQQEA?;;951-)'#!  ’ū÷ńķéåįįįįįįįįÓĢČÄĀ½øø²§›‹„|tgYHB+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`b nß čļŠsm’žNR 93 SW 9’žTormore 1’žCrochandoon’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9031 3106’ž19031 63106’ž190310’ž631060’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone30’žNNE-SSWx’ž32.6’ž19.8’žARN 4’žHenshall 1972’žBarber 1980nonononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0000’žblack soilŹ@x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxx’žall 3 chambersnox’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soil’žlayer of black soilyes’žchambersnononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 95-102)’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 24)’ž109’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press®©©©©ö     ’õļļļļļļļļļļļŚÅ°®Ŗš˜–”Š†‚}xtttrppdXVRRPLFB><8620.,*(&$" üųōōōōōēēēŲŃĖÅĆŗ¶¶°© “ƒ{sfXE?.! q’Ā’’’½ł’ągŒo• č„‹s’žSUų’žSU 25 NE 11’žTow Barrow’žWexcombe Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 2742 5775’ž42742 15775’ž427420’ž157750’žWiltshire’žKennet’žGrafton’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx’ž27.4’ž18.3’ž SU 89’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter’žS end of moundnononono000noņ@†x1nononononononoxxxxnoxnox’žpotsherd scatterno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1920 [Notes on Bronze Age and other antiquities]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 32, 85-96’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Pressnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumfšģģģģMĘĘĘĮ½­­­©———•‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‹‰‡…ƒ{wsokgggeccWSQOOMIEA=-   żłóļėēćßŪŪŪŪŪĪĪĪĮ¹³­«¢žž˜’‰vnfYKE?2# q’Ā’’’½ł’`ęŒ¾ čĪ‹s’žNPL’žNPRN 309386’žLower Luggy’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSJ 20097 01837’ž320097 301837’ž320097’ž301837’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žBerriew’žCotswolds76’žENE-WSWx6020’žMNT 3’žDarvill 2004nono’žgravel terraceyesnononononono1’ž1 m beyond palisade trench2+’žditchx0x0’žchamber?’žNE end of barrownoxyesnonono000no&@ģx1nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žpalisade trenchxxxnox’žpostholesyesxnono’žWalesno’žyes’žGibson, A. M. 2000 Survey and excavation of a newly discovered long barrow at Lower Luggy, Berriew, Powys. Studia Celtica, 34, 1-16’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŁśõõõńźźźęāāāąŚĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĻĶÉĒÅĆ²®©„”œ˜”””’„€~||zvrnhfbPFDB@>73  ż÷ēćßßßßßßßßŃŹĘĀĄ·³³³ØŸŽ‡whXGA*$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’pf&/ č?Šs’žNDk’žND 24 SE 16’žCamster Round’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 2608 4403’ž32608 94403’ž326080’ž944030’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž107x’žn/a2219’žCAT 13’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1866b’žAnderson 1886’žStuart 1868nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žiron ore0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earthy layerīĖõ‹x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žyesnoxyes’žchambernono’ž58°222 42.553 N, 003°152 56.003 W’ž58°222 43.813 N, 003°152 50.503 W’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 249-253)’žCruden, S. 1967 Camster Round Cairn. Caithness. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 56’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442-451’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÅRRR°TēDDDD@4 ŽŚÖÖÖĶĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĮ¼ŗø¶±¬Ø¤Ÿš•••“‘‘…qommkga]YWSQMKIGECA?=3/)#    üķŻŻŻĆ»·³®¬§§§”›†~vi[C=,& q’?Ī’’’½ł’`~-' q’Ą’’’½ł’`~6R čbŠs’žNO(’žNO 66 NW 27’žDalladies’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNO 6276 6737’ž36276 76737’ž362760’ž767370’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žFettercairn’žnone’žnone’žon a gravel terrace40’žENE-WSWx6518’žKNC 8’žHenshall 1972; Kinnes 1992yesyes’žfluvio-glacial gravel outwash terraceyesno’žbirch barkyesyesno’žcup marked stone0x7’žNW end of moundx1x0’žtimber structures (2)’žNW end of mound’žTimber structure pre-mound; timber and stone mortuary structure’žNW end of moundno’žyes?nono000no[@Ėx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxyesx’žtimber structureno’ž56°472 47.103 N, 002°362 40.403 W’ž56°472 47.643 N, 002°362 34.863 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žPiggott, S. 1972 Excavation of the Dalladies long barrow, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 104, 23-47’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (NO2)’žPiggott, S. 1973 The Dalladies long barrow: NE Scotland Antiquity, 47, 32-36’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press©BBBBņuŲÓÓÓĻĀ—lhVVVTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNLHFD?=83/+&!  ’ūõńąŸŽwusqo^\ZXFB<6*& łóķķķķķķķķŃŹĘĀĄ·³ž˜’…{ld\OA;5(" q’’Ą’’’½ł’`~Ł čéŠsK”’žSU 04 NW 11’žKill Barrow’žTilshead 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0001 4789’ž40001 14789’ž400010’ž147890’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž51.220’žSU 69’ž Kinnes 1992’žCunnington 1914’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žE of centrenononono003+no“@žx1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1871 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining Counties. (Part II. Round barrows). Archaeologia, 43, 285-544 ( p 297)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press75’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum"¬ØØØ …ŽŽŽŽŚŹŹŹĘĀĀĀĄŗŗŗŗ««««««««««©„£”Ÿ˜”Œˆ„}{{okgeec_[WSF751/-+)'%#!  żłłłłč×××ÉĀ¾ø¶Æ««„”ŠtldWIC=0$ q’Ę’’’½ł’bfœJ čZ‹s’žSUė’žSU 25 NE 21’žChute’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSU 2845 5609’ž42845 15609’ž428450’ž156090’žWiltshire’žKennet’žChute’žSalisbury Plain’žnone’žSE-NWx’ž13.7’ž11.9’ž SU 88’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabę@ >x1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxx’žcentrenox’žcircular arrangement of bones’žcircular arrangement of bonesyesxnono’ž51°182 11.773 N, 001°352 35.563 W’ž51°182 09.933 N, 001°352 30.413 W’žSW England -WCno’žPassmore, A. D. 1942 Chute, Barrow 1. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 50, 100-1’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Pressnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum±;7777˜....*ļÄĄ¼¼¼ŗ“““““••vvvvvvvtphfdb]YUQMIDDDB@@4.,**($   žüųōīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŽ·±ÆØØØ¢‘Š‚wogZL71$ q’~Ą’’’½ł’@a~Œ6e čuŠsak’žSU 14 SW 91’žAmesbury 14’žStonehenge Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1154 4175’ž41154 14175’ž411540’ž141750’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žAmesbury’žnone’žSSE-NNWx’ž30.515’ž SU 77’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno030’žblack earth stratumY@x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxx?noxyesnpnono’ž51°102 29.713 N, 001°502 10.443 W’ž51°102 27.823 N, 001°502 05.403 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 206)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 18, 183)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41497’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum‘ņIōōōōšąµŠ†‚‚‚~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxvrpnljea]YUPLLLJHH<'%##!  ’żūł÷õóļėēćߣÕŃĶÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɼ“°Ŗ؟ŸŸŸ™„yqi\NHB5$ q’?~Ą’’’½ł’`~¼x čˆŠs[’žSU 14 NW 5’žFigheldean 31’žAlton Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1088 4588’ž41088 14588’ž410880’ž145880’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žSE-NWx4715’žSU 82’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žjust SE of centrenonoyesno010’žblack earth stratumD@ķx1nononononono’žyesxxx’žbarrownox’žpityes’žallnono’ž51°122 43.443 N, 001°502 43.983 W’ž51°122 41.583 N, 001°502 38.943 W’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180, 184, 197-198)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press91’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumnųōōōUŃ ß“°¬¬¬§”””””œœœœœœœœœš–ŽŒŠˆƒ{wsokkkigg[FDBB@<62.  žüśģźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀµ®Ŗ¦¤—‹€umeXJD>1% q’?~Ą’’’½ł’a~œ÷. č>‰sS”’žSU 06 NE 85’žBeckhampton Road’žMonument #215662’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0666 6773’ž40666 16773’ž406660’ž167730’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnone’žon the floor of a broad dry valley’ž161’žNE-SWx6650’žWIL 27’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1957; Kinnes 1992’žSmith 1965’žSmith & Evans 1968’žAshbee 1984yesyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žantler picks, antler rakes,0x0xx5’žbeneath large charcoal spread0nox’žhearths and stakeholes beneath unbroken turf line; framework of wattle fencing’žmoundnononono400nom@=’žbeneath the original unbroken turf line1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žhearths and stakeholesno’ž51°242 30.963 N, 001°542 20.033 W’ž51°242 29.183 N, 001°542 14.993 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180)’žAshbee, P., Smith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1979 Excavation of three long barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 207-300’žSmith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1968 Excavation of two long barrows in North Wiltshire. Antiquity, 42, 138-42’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 104)83’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĶuqqń„ęB==84$łĪŹ²²²°ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žœ—’ŽŠ…}}}{RRFB@>><840,%ÕÓĻĶ®¬Ŗئ¤¢…{uqkeXRLLL?+õķéåćÜ׳­¤’ŠwobTNH;) q’’Ī’’’½ł’`ž¾oE čU‹sLk’žSU 05 NE 2’žHatfield Barrow’žBeechingstoke 1’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žSU 0918 5820’ž40918 15820’ž409180’ž158200’žWiltshire’žKennet’žMarden’žnone’ž107x’ž64-73xx’žMeyrick 1947’žCunnington 1955’žWainwright 1971nono’žUpper Greensand bedrocknononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono00’žunknownno¬@Ox1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žallxxxnoxyesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller Vol 2 ( p 6)’žCunnington, R. H. 1956 Marden and the Cunnington Manuscripts. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 56, 4-11’žWainwright, G. 1971 The excavation of a Late Neolithic enclosure at Marden, Wiltshire. Antiquaries Journal, 51, 177-239’žMeyrick, O. 1948 Sir Richard Colt Hoare and William Cunnington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 52, 213-876§§££¤#ŹŹŹŹĘ¶¶¶²®®®¬¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš•‹‡ƒ~zuuusqqeaXVVTPLHB@<:6420.,*(&" ļėēēēÖÅ·····µ³¬Ŗ„„„Ÿ—„|tgYLF8' q’?Ī’’’½ł’`f¼R čbŠsa’žST 72 NE 6’žLongbury Barrow’žSlaughter Barrow’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7875 2723’ž37875 12723’ž378750’ž127230’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žGillingham’žnone’žnone’žlow-lying flattish ground97’žE-Wx4013’žST 1’žKinnes 1992’žWarne 1866nono’žCorallian Bedsnononoyesnono’žround clay balls0x0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono03+0noˆ@Æx1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesx’žmost of barrowxxnoxyesx’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith ( tovp 84)’žFarrar, R. A. H. 1954 A burial at Longbury, Gillingham Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 76, 96’žFarrar, R. A. H. 1951 Archaeological Fieldwork in Dorset in 1951. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 73, 85-115 ( p 113)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society4’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum™#!!»•ééééåÕÕÕŃĶČČĘĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶¦¤Ÿ›—“Ž‰………ƒuqokkiea\XVRPLJHFDB@><*&"üųųųųųģģģߣÕŃĻŹĘ«„Ÿ“…}um`RLF9' q’’Ā’’’½ł’`g¼k č{‹sć’žSO 80 SW 20’žBown Hill’žWoodchester 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 8230 0179’ž38230 20179’ž382300’ž201790’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žWoodchester’žCotswolds’žnone’žENE-WSW’žn/a5622’žGLO 20’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nononono’žbone chiseló@i1nono’ž51°422 52.573 N, 002°152 27.083 W’ž51°422 50.933 N, 002°152 22.143 W’žSW England’žPaine, A. E. W. & Witchell, E. 1865 [The Bown Hill Barrow]. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 199-200’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows26’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus'###Ź7¶¶¶¶¶ŖTTPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLJJJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>111111-)%!!!üķķķß×ÓĻŹĮĮĮ»°£›Š‚zm_NH1" q’~Īƒ :œgg čwŠsA¹’žST 94 SE 21’žKnook Barrow’žKnook 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9561 4461’ž39561 14461’ž395610’ž144610’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKnook’žnone’žnonenp’žNNE-SSWx1530’žST 31’žKinnes 1992nono’žchalknoyesnonononono1’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium deposit’žE of centrenononono00’ž7-8’žflint nodulese@Æx1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žE of centre - 4.6 m long by 1.8 m widenox’žpit’žcrematorium deposityesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 83)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press65’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŠqķR’’’’ūėėėēćććįŪŪŪŪĘĘĘĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ滓‘ˆ„€|wsnnnljj^OJHHFB>:6)  śųōšģč䎌ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖ¾·³Æ­¤  š”}rjbUGA;.% q’Ą’’’½ł’@bf¼§ č·Šs?±’žST 94 NW 17’žWarminster 6’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9024 4717’ž39024 14717’ž390240’ž147170’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNW-SEx’ž32.3’ž16.5’žST 39’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957’žCunnington 1913-14’žKinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14nononononononononono1’žE centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010noi@x1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žgraveyesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 66)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žMeyrick, O. 1948 Sir Richard Colt Hoare and William Cunnington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 52, 213-8’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-24463’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumM×ÓÓ8“0ÜÜÜÜŲČČČÄĄĄĄ¾øøøø±±±±±±±±±±Æ«©§„£žš–’ŽŠ†††„‚‚vrpnnlhd`\ZVTPNLJHFD:840,($ ’ņŽĻĻĻĀ»µÆ­¦¢¢œ–Šzog_RD>8+% q’Ž’’’½ł’bf¼oŽ 螊s=P’žST 93 NE 1’žSherrington Long Barrow’žMonument #210759’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9687 3918’ž39687 13918’ž396870’ž139180’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žSherrington’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž32.9’ž24.4’žST 26’žKinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 1812nonononoyesnonononono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nob@"x1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnox’žpityesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 100-101)’žLambert, A. B. 1806 Further account of tumuli opened in Wiltshire, in a letter from Mr. William Cunnington to Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. . Archaeologia, 15, 338-346’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41461’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumkõńńmČĒĒĒĒĆ³³³Æ«««©£££££žžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’‹‡ƒzvrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLHFB@<:86420#! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷ęęęŁŅĢĘĽ¹¹³­ …}uhZTNA/ q’Ā’’’½ł’af¼gS čc‹s.z’žST 84 SE 8’žKing Barrow’žWarminster 14’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 8976 4445’ž38976 14445’ž389760’ž144450’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žWarminster’žnone’žnonenp’žNNW-SSEx’ž62.817’ž ST 37’ž Kinnes 1992’žGoddard 1913-14’žCunnington 1913-14nonononoyesnoyesnono’žhard stone of violet colour0x0xx0x0nox’žtree throw pit’žallnononono000’žyellow clay-@x1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire excavated areanoxyesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 72-73)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žDarvill, T. 2006 Stonehenge: The Biography of a Landscape, Stroud, Tempus46’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§1---ą\ņņņīźźźčāāāāāāāāāāāāāāąÜÅĆĮæŗ¶²®©„   žœœƒ}yuqmhXVRPNLJHFDB%!  żżżżéŲŲŲŹĀ¾ø¶­©©£‘vnfYKE?2# q’Ę’’’½ł’`fœe čuŠsL~’žSU 04 NW 9’žTilshead Old Ditch’žTilshead 2’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0230 4683’ž40230 14683’ž402300’ž146830’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žTilshead’žSalisbury Plain’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž118.9’ž30.5’ž SU 68’ž Kinnes 1992nonononoyesnonononono1’žSW end of mound beside mortuary area0xx0x0nox’žpaved mortuary area & platform cremation; paved mortuary area’žNE end of mound; SW end of moundnonoyesno052’žblack earth stratum@ōx1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxx’žentire barrow’žflint pavement’žmortuary areas’žpaved mortuary area’žpaved mortuary areayes’žallnono’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller p 90-91)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 191)76’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum c߇‡‡‡ƒsssokkkf```K6666666666&üųōšėēćććįßßÓ¾¼ŗŗø“®Ŗ¦„EC?=;9753  ’ū÷ńķéåįįįįįįįįÓĖž¼µ±±«š…zrj]OIC6* q’Ą’’’½ł’ffœo« 軋sĀ’žSO 90 SW 6’žAvenis Barrow’žSolomon's Court’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9060 0373’ž39060 20373’ž390600’ž203730’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žBisley with Lypiatt’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a8720’žGLO 75’žDarvill 2004’žLysons 1865’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nonononoY@*2no’žn/ano’ž51°432 56.093 N, 002°082 14.783 W’ž51°432 54.453 N, 002°082 09.793 W’žSW England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žJowett Burton, R. 1925 Avenis barrow. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 47, 348-350’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž271’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusNöńńń^įŖŖŖŖŖžsHHDD???????????????????????;;;;;;;;999----------------------------)%!ųųųźāŽŚÕĪĪĪČ½Ø ‡rdSM6% q’~Ź €:œ č#‹s’žTLu’žTL 34 SW 5’žTherfield’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 3415 4017’ž53415 24017’ž534150’ž240170’žHertfordshire’žNorth Hertfordshire’žTherfield’žnone’žnone’žon chalk downland’ž117’žE-Wx3826’žTL 8’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žchalknonononoyesnono2’žon medial line of barrow, W of centre0xx0x0noxnoxno’žyes?nono000noB@¢x1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žwest of centrexxnoxyesxnono’žSE Englandno’žPhillips, C. W. 1935 A re-examination of the Therfield Heath long barrow, Royston, Hertfordshire Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1, 101-107’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1936 Field archaeology of the Royston district. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 97-105’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24’žPastscape; www.pastscape.orgnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŁc__AńyāāāāŽŅŅŅĪŹŹŹČĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¼ŗøئ”œ˜”‹‡‡‡…ƒƒwsqoomie_[YUSOMKIGEC üõńķķķķķąąąÓĶÉÅĆ¾¹¦ šzkc[N@:4'! q’’Ā’’’½ł’`f¼f( č8Šs’žTL’žTL 47 NW 17’žFoulmire Fen’žHaddenham’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 420 767’ž54200 27670’ž542000’ž276700’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žOuse Valley and fenlands2’žSSW-NNEx5216’žTL 1’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žgravel terraceyesyes’žwoodyesyesno’žwooden pins2’žmortuary structure (2)29’žfaēade trench (17); mortuary structure (3);x0x0’žmortuary chamber’žmound’žoccupation pre-barrow; cultivation (pollen analysis)’žpre-barrow surfaceyes’žyesno’žyes05+0’žgravel¼@šx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žall’žsoil / pollen analysis’žforecourt’žoakplanks’žmortuary structure’žgravel pavingyesx’žMesolithic and Neolithic artefact scatters’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes’žEvans, C. & Hodder, I. 2006 A woodland archaeology : Neolithic sites at Haddenham Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research’žHodder, I. & Shand, P. 1988 3 Sites. The Haddenham long barrow: an interim statement. Antiquity, 62, 349-53’žShand, P. & Hodder, I. 1988 Haddenham - the Foulmire Fen long barrow. Fenland Research, 5, 2-6np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumÓ]YYY÷ˆłōōļėßßßŲ¬¬¬Ŗ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•••••vkSN:50,(# ’ūūłōšėåŃ›”‚€~|zMI1/" šźääääääää×ŃĶÉĒ¾¼¼¼¢—‚rjbUIC=0% q’?Ą’’’½ł’`ęž&= čMŠs’žTL ’žTL 27 SW 115’žBrampton’žMonument #1328070’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 2045 7152’ž52045 27152’ž520450’ž271520’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žBrampton’žOuse Valley12’žNW-SEx276’žMalim 1999’žLast 1999nononoyesnononononono2+’žW side of monument2’žN ditch terminal; S ditch terminalx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŸ@|x1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž52°192 42.983 N, 000°142 01.763 W’ž52°192 41.493 N, 000°132 55.903 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žMalim, T. 2001 The ritual landscape of the Neolithic and Bronze Age along the Middle and Lower Ouse Valley. IN DAWSON, M. (Ed.) Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Landscapes of the Great Ouse Valley. York, Council for British Archaeology’žMalim, T. 1999 Cursuses and related monuments of the Cambridgeshire Ouse. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbow’žLast, J. 1999 Out of line: cursuses and monument typology in eastern England. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbownpøø“““ė&6111-!öĖĒĆĆĆĮ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»¹µ³±Æ­Ø£Ÿ›—“‹‹{ywwuqmiec_]YWUSQ-+ ’ūõńķééééŽŅŅŅŅŅŠĢŹĆæææ²Ø—‡wj\VB5" q’?Ę’’’½ł’`~žśü č Œs’žTAR’žTA 16 NW 11’žSouth Side Mount Barrow’žRudston LXVII’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1075 6657’ž51075 46657’ž510750’ž466570’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žRudston’žnone’žnonenpx30xxnonononoyesnoyesyesyesno1’žNNE of centre0xx0x0nox’žlayer of dark fatty earth’žbeneath the barrowyesnoyesno010no¬@›x1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žentire barrowxxxnox’žwood-lined grave’žentire barrow - dark earth deposityes’žlayer on OGSnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 257-262)’žPetersen, F. 1969 Early Bronze Age timber graves and coffin burials on the Yorkshire Wolds. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 42, 262-7npēēććććX    üüüųōōōęąą¼¼¼¼ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žŠ†‚~ytpppnll`\ZXXVRLHB.   ņšģ까֊ĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼ø¶²²¬¦„|tgYSM?0 q’Ą’’’½ł’€hfŒ… č•Šs’žTAg’žTA 08 NW 23’žAyton Eastfield’žSeamer Moor’žlong cairn’žoval barrow’žnone’žTA 0002 8640’ž50002 48640’ž500020’ž486400’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenp’žn/a4830’žAa6/Dc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 10’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 147’žLongworth 1961, p 344nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x?’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary structure’žforecourtnoxyesnonono002+no×@px1’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žallxxxnoxyesxnono’ž54°152 48.733 N, 000°272 56.983 W’ž54°152 48.083 N, 000°272 50.903 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žConyngham, L. A. 1849 Account of discoveries made in barrows near Scarborough. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 4, 101-107’žVatcher, F. d. M. 1961 Notes on Excavations: Ayton Eastfield Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 27’žVatcher, F. d. M. 1961 Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments: brief summaries of excavations 1960-61. Archaeological Newsletter, 7, 69-71np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumUņīīīeśjeeeaV+üųųųöššššššššššššššīźčęäߌÖŅĪÉÅĄĄĄ¾¼¼°¬Ø¦¦¤ œ˜’ŒmkigeZXVTPLF@<60,($$$ ķÜÜÜĻĘĀ¾¹µµµÆ©wobTNA5( q’~Ī’’’½ł’`~žfp 耋s ļ’žSE 85 NW 17’žPainsthorpe 99’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8267 5846’ž48267 45846’ž482670’ž458460’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirby Underdale’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’ž Cc4’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes et al 1983’žKinnes et al 1983nononononononoyesno’ž2 jetstuds1’žSW of centre0xx0x0nox’žtimber/stone chamber??nononono052no—@&x1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes?xxxxnox’žsurface inhumation’žoval grave pit; surface cremation’žsurface inhumations (4)yesxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 122-123)’žKinnes, I., Schadla-Hall, T., Chadwick, P. & Dean, P. 1983 Duggleby Howe reconsidered. Archaeological Journal, 140, 83-108’ž160’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum„!ž####    ėėČ““““““““²®¬Ŗئ œ˜”Š†††„‚‚vrpnnlhd`\ZCA=;97531#! ’ū÷óļļļļÜÉÉɼ¶“²®¬ØØ¢œ‹~rjbUGA;-' q’Ę’’’½ł’€efŒÆo č‰sFk’žSU 01 NW 14’žWor Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSU 01239 17283’ž401239 117283’ž401239’ž117283’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chase’žnone’žnear the crest of Oakley Downnp’žNW-SEx4622’žGrinsell 1959; Grinsell 1982’žBarrett et al 1991’žAshbee 1984nonoyesnonoyesyesno’žantler2’žSE of centre0xx0x0’žtimber structure?’žcentral’žoccupation features and debris ?mentioned by Johnson 1999, but I cannot see it in Pitt Rivers 1898xnononono060no„²5N0x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnpnpnono’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes?’žPitt Rivers, L. G. 1898 Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 1893-1896, Vol. IV, London, Harrison and Sons’žBarrett, J. C., Bradley, R. & Greene, M. 1991 Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBradley, R. 1973 Two notebooks of General Pitt Rivers. Antiquity, 47, 47-50; Bradley, R. 1988 Revised radiocarbon dates for Wor Barrow and Maumbury Rings. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings, 110, 160’žJohnston, R. 1999 An empty path? Processions, memories and the Dorset Cursus. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbow 39-4870}}yyŖĀ&Š„„{kkkgc_[YSSSSSSSSSSSSSSQMKIGE@;73/*&&&$"" üś–zxvtrpn`^VRLFB>8840000#ńńķéēąÜ½·¦”‡wo`PJ6)# q’’_Ęž’’½ł’ąē¾» č#Šsan’žSU 14 SW 92’žWinterbourne Stoke 1’žWinterbourne Stoke Crossroads’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1000 4151’ž41000 14151’ž410000’ž141510’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWinterbourne Stoke’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx7522’žSU 75’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1957nononononononoyesnono3’žNE end of mound0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno010no<@'4x1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary areayes’žbarrow’žyes’žn/anono’žSW England -WCno’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1864 On the two principal forms of ancient British and Gaulish skulls. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 120-68 ( p 140-145)’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press97’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĪXTTµqķķķķ飣ŁÕŃĢĒæ¹¹¹¹¹¹ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žœ—“‹‡ƒ}{{okiggea[WSQMKGECA?=;*($  žžžžžļļļāŪ×ÓŃŹĘĘĄŗ¦›ˆ€se_YL- q’Ā’’’½ł’€ąg¼³ čƉs’žTAE’žTA 06 NE 3’žKilham Long Barrow’žMonument #79452’žlong barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žTA 0560 6732’ž50560 46732’ž505600’ž467320’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKilham’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone69’žENE-WSWx5218’žTA 2’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1971yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žamber bead; jet flakes; haematite; ganister stone; antler rake19’žvariousdouble line of postholes; numerous’žrunning east from the moundx0x0’žmortuary enclosure’žbeneath barrow’žMesolithic flint scatter,hearth, pit’žE end of moundyes’žyesno’žyes3’ž12+0noä@<’žE end of mound1’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žmortuary enclosure’žThe Avenue’žsoil and pollen analysisxnoxyesx’žMesolithic flint scatter; pits; hearths; cultivation’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 553-556)’žManby, T. G. 1976 Excavation of the Kilham long barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire [Humberside N]. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 42, 111-159’žMacphail, R., Courty, M. A. & Gebhardt, A. 1990 Soil micromorphological evidence of early agriculture in north-west Europe. World Archaeology, 22, 53-69np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumHŅĪĪĪ2šMHHC?444-÷÷÷õļļļļļļļļļļļļļļķéēĶĮ­Ø£žš•‘ŒŒŒŠzznjhcca\XSM=óńļķėĪŠ}=93-# žžžžžņņņåßŪ×ÕĢČČĀ±©œˆ€se_H;* q’Ā’’’½ł’`Ꞇ čŒs’žTA’žTA 05 NW 22’žKelleythorpe II’žMonument #79322’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0170 5668’ž50170 45668’ž501700’ž456680’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnone’žnonex18xx’žMortimer 1905nonononononoyesyesnono1’žcentre0xx0x0nox’žcremation deposit’žE of centreyesnonono04+1+noŒ@Ŗx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žE end of moundxxxnox’žBeaker burial in stone cist’žcremation deposityesxnono’žN Englandno’žLondesborough, L. 1852 An account of the opening of some tumuli in the East Riding of Yorkshire Archaeologia, 34, 251-258’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 271-283)npååįįįįfééééåŚŚŚÖŅŅŅŠŹŹŹŹ···ššššššš˜”’Ž~yuqmhc^^^\ZZNJFBB@<84.! žüōņīźäŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘ··µ³Æ­­­§”—Š~vnaSMG9( q’^Ą’’’½ł’@bfŒ č!Œs’žSW¶’žSW 43 NE 44’žTolcreeg Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?’žSW 4529 3606’ž14529 03606’ž145290’ž036060’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žnone’ž16.5xx’žnone’žMercer 1986nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žlarge flat rock (natural feature?)’žcentralnononono000no@ŗx1nononononono’žyesxxxxnox’žlarge flat rock (natural?)yesxnono’žSW Englandno’žPool, P. A. S. 1964 Tolcreeg Barrow, Gulval. Cornish Archaeology, 3, 105-107’žMercer, R. J. 1986 The Neolithic in Cornwall. Cornish Archaeology, 25, 35-80’žBarnatt, J. 1982 Prehistoric Cornwall: Guide to Its Stone Circles, Barrows and Standing Stones, Wellingborough, Turnstone PressnpźźęęęcĆĆĆĆæ³³³Æ«««©£££££££‡‡‡‡‡‡‡…}{ytplhd`\\\ZXXLHFDDB>:62)’żūł÷õóńļėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅøøøø²°®ØØØØ¢œ”‹yqdVE?.( q’<Ā’’’½ł’@`fœbˆ č˜‹sž’žSP 10 NW 2’žSaltway Barn’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1151 0906’ž41151 20906’ž411510’ž209060’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž158’žNW-SE’žn/a36np’žGLO 92’žDarvill 2004nonononononoyesyesnono1’žall - contained entire monument0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; stone seat; beehive chamber’žchambernononono000no†@»x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxnono’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows30’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusÄĄĄĄĄgööööņęęęāŽŽŽÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÖŅŠĪĢŹĘĮ½¹µ±­­­«©©™—••“‹‡ƒzGEA?=;975 žśöņīźęęęęęęęęŲŠĢČĆ¼··±¦ž”ƒ{sfXGA*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŒ/ž čŒs’žTA-’žTA 07 SW 2’žWold Newton 284’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0484 7261’ž50484 47261’ž504840’ž472610’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWold Newton’žGreat Wold Valley’žnonenpx’ž25.3xx’žAe5’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono4’žSW of centre4?’žpits/postholes - SW of centrex0x0nox’žmortuary enclosure?’žSW of centrenononono050no…@Ēx1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žmortuary enclosure?yesxnono’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 350-352)np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumį~zzzzz’śśśöėėėēćććįŪŪŪŪŪĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ¾¼ŗø³®Ŗ¦¢žššš˜––Š†„‚‚€|xtpbMKGECA?  śöšģčäąąąąąÓÓÓĘĮæ½·µ±±«˜‹~rjbUGA;-' q’Ā’’’½ł’af†v9 čIŒs“Ė’žSE 88 NE 34’žGivendale Long Barrow’žHowe Hill’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8920 8605’ž48920 48605’ž489200’ž486050’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žAllerston’žTabular Hills’žnone’žE-Wx50’ž16.5’žSE 21’žGreenwell 1877nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono0’ž14+0’žyellow clayzļi©Px1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentral line of barrow at E endxx’žcentral line of barrow; inner cairnnoxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 484-487)’ž180’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĄJEEEEEłłłłõźźźęāāāąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŲŌÆ­«Š…€|xsnjjjhffZMKFFD@<820,*&$"  žśöņīīīīīīīīŽ×ŃĶĖĘĘĘĄ±¦Œ„|oaLF9. q’~Ą’’’½ł’`f„'LVALū7™MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALĪŚ§PPowell & Daniel 1956 P 3 PASSAGE: An oyster shell was found at the base of a pillar-stone socket. 'The floor of the passage consisted throughout of the old turf line of the hill. ...some 4 to 6 inches in thickness, of a slightly sticky composition and greyish-brown in colour. Flecks of charcoal were very rare and the floor had a remarkably clean appearance. The only objects found on the passage floor were some shale pebbles. P 14 'The chamber floor consisted of the old turf line P 16  In the centre of the chamber was found a hearth approx. 3 feet in diameter. The hearth rested on the old turf line which had turned to a grey colour with red patches. The hearth deposit was 6 ins thick at the centre, and consisted of wet sticky grey earth and ashes with lumps of charcoal. Pressed into the top of this material, ...was a concentrated deposit of limpet and oyster shells. This deposit was squashed into the ash and charcoal mess, and itself was overlaid by a thin layer of small flat stones and smooth pebbles, many of the latter being of quartzite. & An isolated fragment of bone was found in the old turf line below the hearth at about its centre point. (pig)' P 17 Analysis of the hearth contents revealed that small bones of many small fish, birds, mammals ... were present  a possible explanation is that a libation of 'special stew' was poured over the fire then covered with the pebbles earth and shells. Southern End Chamber p 18 "The old ground surface did exist in the corners, and around the sides of the chamber, and in these places small deposits of dark sticky earth with fragments of cremated bone and charcoal were found. Western Side Chamber: p 21:  The burial deposit& consisted of a thin scatter of small fragments of cremated bone spread over the whole floor..the bone fragments were mixed in a sticky brown soil flecked with charcoal and scattered throughout this deposit were short sections of one or more bone pins& broken before deposition.. The cremation deposit rested on the old ground surLVALū7œMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’„ čµŒs0Ó’žSP 21 NW 4’žFifield Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2169 1865’ž42169 21865’ž421690’ž218650’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žFifield’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SWx4828’žOXF 11’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesr@Fģ1’žyesnoyesno’ž51°512 57.803 N, 001°412 10.803 W’ž51°512 56.203 N, 001°412 05.613 W’žSW England’žO'Neil, H. E. 1960 Fifield Long Barrows I and II. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 298-301’ž304’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusTü÷÷÷÷÷nnnnnb7  žžžłłłłł÷÷÷ėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėåååįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕĒæ»·µ®®®Ø”‚umeXJD>1+ q’~Ą ! :„š č‹s3Ü’žSP 22 NE 2’žAdlestrop Hill Long Barrow’žMonument #332463’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 2536 2827’ž42536 22827’ž425360’ž228270’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žAdlestrop’žCotswold’žnone’žESE-WNWx2513’žGLO 44’žDarvill 2004’žGardiner 1935 & 1936nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono070’žslabq@Hx1no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxnoxnono’ž51°572 08.613 N, 001°372 56.393 W’ž51°572 07.043 N, 001°372 51.163 W’žSW Englandno’žGardiner, C. I. 1935 Adlestrop Hill Barrow. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 25, 301-2’žGardiner, C. I. 1936 Adlestrop Hill Barrow, Second Report. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 26, 104’žDonovan, H. 1938 Adlestrop Hill barrow, Gloucestershire. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 60, 152-164’ž307’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus ±¬¬¬Ÿ////+ōÉÅĮĮĮæ»»»»»»»»»»»»»»¹µ¬Ŗئ¢™”Š†††„‚‚vpnlljfb^ZXTRNLJHFDB@>:60,("üüüīęāŽÜÓÓÓĶĆø®•€ra[D2 q’~Ā’’’½ł’`~œwLVALū7¢MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri› č«Źs!x’žSP 31 NW 21’žAscott Under Wychwood’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3001 1755’ž43001 21755’ž430010’ž217550’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žAscott Under Wychwood’žCotswolds’žon a small spur in the valley of the upper Evenlode’ž120’žE-Wx5418’žOXF 6’žDarvill 2004’žBayliss et al 2007’žChesterman 1977’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 1971yesyes’žJurassic limestone; Great Oolite boundaryyesyesyesyesyes4’žvariousnumerous’žallx’žnumerous’žall0’žyes (2)’žNorth centre and south centre’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation; pre-monument pits; cultivation period?;’žallnononono5’ž20+no@ģ’žcentral (F48); F47, F49, F50, F51 - all pre-barrow4’žyes’žyes’žlimitedxxxxnoxyesxno’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation’žactivity’ž51°512 20.823 N, 001°332 56.173 W’ž51°512 19.203 N, 001°332 50.933 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes’žChesterman 1977; Bayliss et al 2007’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 197133’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus`öéŌÆÆŖŖ„”•j?5  żūł÷õģēēēāāāāāą¬¬ œœ——•‘‰…€1 ųöńįŲÖÖŠŹÄľø‡sfQ@,,, ĪĪƬš…}pbQK4. q’æžw’’µ!’ąžśg4 čDŒs!^’žSP 31 SW 14’žCrawley’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 3371 1129’ž43371 21129’ž433710’ž211290’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žCrawley’žCotswolds’žnone94npx3225’žOXF 9’žDarvill 2004nonononoA@ ķ1no’žyesyesno’ž51°472 57.453 N, 001°302 44.963 W’ž51°472 55.813 N, 001°302 39.713 W’žSW England’žAkerman, J. Y. 1857 A view of the ancient limits of the Forest of Wychwood. Archaeologia, 37, 424-440’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 175)33’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusÅmiiiiĘ]]]]]Q&ūū÷÷÷÷ńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńńģččččččččęęꌌŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚÖŅĪŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹ¼µ±­«§££’‰wjbZM?93&  q’Ą  :Œ7‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7¤MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7¦MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’¢ LVAL² face&  Tumulus P 23 The OGS.. appeared as a compact sticky grey layer up to 6 inches thick in places& Within the excavated area beneath the ..tumulus no evidence was found of fires, the digging of pits or any other activity". Forecourt: p 24  ,, there was no evidence of any special construction & or for any activity such as the lighting of fires, digging of pits, or erection of posts& The OGS was preserved in patches. \ člŒsÅ’žSE 86 SE 5’žTowthorpe 18’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8981 6495’ž48981 46495’ž489810’ž464950’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žKirby Grindalythe’žGreat Wold Valleynpx22xx’žCc5’žKinnes 1979, p 15nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žN of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono070no§@x1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 9 - 11)17’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum    œ‘‘‘‰‰‰‡{ywusnjfb]XTTTRPPD@><<:62.*($"’ūõļėåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕĀ½»¹µ³ÆÆƜ‰€og_RD>8*$ q’?Ą’’’½ł’`f„_ čŠs’žNP’žNPRN 95535’žTrefignath’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žlong grave’žSH 25858 80546’ž225858 380546’ž225858’ž380546’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žTrearddur’žAnglesey / HolyHead Island’žon a rocky ridge19npxnpnp’žANG 1’žLynch 1991’žSmith 1981yesyesyesnonoyesyesno’žsandstone disc1’žbeneath the east chamber4’žcentral chamber (pre-cairn)x’žarc’žbeneath the east chamber0nox’žoccupation debris; cultivation (pollen)’žwestern chamber (primary cmonument)nonono’žyesno00noö£mx1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxx’žpollen evidencexnoxyesxnono’žartefact scatter; timber posts; cultivationno’žWalesno’žyes’žyes’žSmith, C. A. & Lynch, F. 1987 Trefignath and Din Dryfol: the excavation of two megalithic tombs on Anglesey 3, Bangor, Cambrian Archaeological Association’žSmith, C. A. 1981 Trefignath Burial Chambers, Anglesey. Antiquity, 55, 134-6’žLynch, F. 1969 The megalithic tombs of north Wales. IN POWELL, T. G. E., CORCORAN, J. X. W. P., LYNCH, F. & SCOTT, J. G. (Eds.) Megalithic Enquiries in the West of Britain. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press 107-148’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastončwwww™I«¦¦”–––’ea][UUUUUUUUUUUUUUSOM<:83.*&! żųōšģĒžœ˜–|wuXV<:*&   ōččččįŻŁ×ÓĻ½½”–Œzrj[K?9(" q’æ?Ęž’’½ł’ąēf+ č;Ģs’žSWa’žSW 42 SW 19’žTregiffian Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4304 2442’ž14304 02442’ž143040’ž024420’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Buryan’žnone’žnone97x15xx’žBarnatt 1982’žMercer 1986nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žcupped stones; pebbles2’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žpre-barrow surfacenononono002?noB@Œx4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žoccupation debris; postholes; cultivationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žMercer 1986npŠŠĢĢĢĢæ   ōōōšÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§¢˜”‹†††„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZF42.,*(&$"’ūõļėēįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕČČČŗŗø¶²°¬¬¦ •Œ‚zreWGA0* q’_Ā’’’½ł’ąēŒó čĢs’žSWa’žSW 42 SW 19’žTregiffian Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4304 2442’ž14304 02442’ž143040’ž024420’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Buryan’žnone’žnone97x15xx’žBarnatt 1982’žMercer 1986nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žcupped stones; pebbles2’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žpre-barrow surfacenononono002?noB@Œx4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žoccupation debris; postholes; cultivationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDudley, D. 1968 Tregiffian, St Buryan. Cornish Archaeology, 7, 80npæ   ōōōšÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§¢˜”‹†††„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZF42.,*(&$"’ūõļėēįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕČČČŗŗø¶²°¬¬¦ •Œ‚zreWGA0* q’_Ā’’’½ł’ąēŒ č­Źs’žSWa’žSW 42 SW 19’žTregiffian Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4304 2442’ž14304 02442’ž143040’ž024420’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Buryan’žnone’žnone97x15xx’žBarnatt 1982’žMercer 1986nononoyesnonoyesyesno’žcupped stones; pebbles2’žchamber0xx0x0nox’žoccupation layer’žpre-barrow surfacenononono002?noB@Œx4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žoccupation debris; postholes; cultivationno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDudley, D. 1968 Tregiffian, St Buryan. Cornish Archaeology, 7, 80’žApsimon, A. 1972 Tregiffian Barrow , St Buryan. Cornish Archaeology, 11, 56; Apsimon, A. 1973 Tregiffian Barrow Archaeological Journal, 130, 241-3’žChristie, P. M. 1985 Barrows on the north Cornish coast: wartime excavations by C K Croft Andrew 1939-1944. Cornish Archaeology, 24, 23-122np^^ZZĖæ   ōōōšÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³Æ­«©§¢˜”‹†††„‚‚vrnlljfb^ZF42.,*(&$"’ūõļėēįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕČČČŗŗø¶²°¬¬¦ •Œ‚zreWGA0* q’_Ā’’’½ł’ąē¼Ž čž‹s0r’žST 88 SW 3’žGiant's Caves’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8200 8296’ž38200 18296’ž382000’ž182960’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žLuckington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž114’žE-Wx’ž40.5’ž25.9’žWIL 2’žDarvill 2004nono’žOolitic Limestonenoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono47+0noż@’žChamber C (1?); Forecourt (3); passage1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žhearth?’ž3 hearthsyesxnono’žSW England -WCno’žPassmore, A. D. 1934 The Giant's Caves long barrow, Luckington. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 46, 380-6’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1970 The Giant's Caves, Luckington (WIL 2). Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 65B, 39-6348’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusd żżżżłéééåįįįߣŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁĪĪÅÅÅĆæ½»¹·²­©„ ›–––”kk_[YUUSOKGCA=;7531/-+)'# ņīźźźźźźźźÜÕĻÉĒĀ½½·¬ „|tgYHB+% q’Ą’’’½ł’`fŒ7 č‹s’žNDA’žND 06 SE 9’žTulloch of Assery A’žLoch Calder’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short-horned’žND 0682 6188’ž30682 96188’ž306820’ž961880’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65’žN-Sx’ž18.4’ž13.7’žCAT 69’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone - Caithness Flagstoneyesnononoyesno’žnone0x0xx0x0noxnoxyes?nonono09+0no,@ x1no’žyesnonono’žyesno’žE side of chamberxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1966 Excavation of three chambered cairns at Loch Calder, Caithness. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 98, 1-75’žCruden, S. 1961 Tulloch of Assery A. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 52-3’žSharples, N. M. 1986 Radiocarbon dates from three chambered tombs at Loch Calder, Caithness. Scottish Archaeological Review, 4, 2-10’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressģyyyyńžüšššģčččęąąąąąąąąąąąąąąŽŚŲÖŌĮ½ø“°¬§£££”ŸŸ“‰‰‡ƒ{sqmkgeca_][YWQMGC?;5 õõõŪÓĶĒÅĄ¼¼¼¶­£™‘‰|nOI8+ q’?Ā’’’½ł’`fŽ čī‹sž’žST 89 NE 26’žAvening Barrow’žBarrow Tumps’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8951 9783’ž38951 19783’ž389510’ž197830’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCherington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž158’žE-Wx5018’žGLO 17’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnonononono’žstanding stone; porthole entrance110?@Bģ2nonononono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’ž51°402 45.053 N, 002°092 10.953 W’ž51°402 43.393 N, 002°092 05.983 W’žSW England’žstanding stone’žClifford, E. M. & Daniel, G. 1940 The Rodmarton and Avening Portholes Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 6, 133-65’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows5’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĆĮĮĮĮhķķķķŻŃ¦{{wwrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnjea]YUQQQOOOCCA======== üųōššššššššāŚÖŅŠĖĘĘĄµ©ŸŽ†~qcRL5' q’Ą’,ł zŒŻ čķ‹s’žSUn’žSU 64 SW 14’žPreston Grange’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow ?’žearthen long barrow’žSU 6046 4032’ž46046 14032’ž460460’ž140320’žHampshire’žBasingstoke and Deane’žPreston Candover’žNorth Downs’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a74’žSU 110’ž Kinnes 1992’žWilson 1893nonononos@ 2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žWilson, S. 1893 Preston Candover. Hampshire Notes and Queries, 7, 116-25’žShore, T. W. 1889-93 The Candover Valley and its prehistoric inhabitants. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 2, 283- 94’žHawkes, C. F. C. 1940 A Saxon spear-head and scramasax from the disputed long barrow at Preston Candover, Hants. Antiquaries Journal, 20, 279np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumؤ¤¤’FFFFF::::6611++++++++++++++++++++&""""""""    ÷÷÷éįįŻŲŃŃŃĖ¾¬•Š‚zm_J:-' q’nĀ  "œœ č¬Ģs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone????’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press_ääääääzzzzznC                    žžžņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņģģģģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĆ»¹·µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :LVALū7³MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7µMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7·MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’& č6Šs’žNDA’žND 06 SE 16’žTulloch of Assery B’žLoch Calder’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 0676 6186’ž30676 96186’ž306760’ž961860’žHighland’žHighland’žHalkirk’žnone65x’ž33.5xx’žCAT 70’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žSharples 1986nono’žOld Red Sandstone-Caithness Flagstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žrock crystal; bone 'scoop'0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žchamberyesnonono020’žslab( ¶Tox1no’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žchamber (beneath paving)xx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žfire; artefact scatterno’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1966 Excavation of three chambered cairns at Loch Calder, Caithness. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 98, 1-75’žSharples, N. M. 1986 Radiocarbon dates from three chambered tombs at Loch Calder, Caithness. Scottish Archaeological Review, 4, 2-10’žCruden, S. 1961 Tulloch of Assery B. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 53’žBarber, J., Heald, A. & Henderson, J. 2004 Tulloch of Assery B, Halkirk (Halkirk Parish), chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 5, 74’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÕbbbČwļQQQLH<<<8  ’żćߌÖŃĢĒĆĆĆĮææ³­«©©§£Ÿ›•ŒxvrpnljhfdbFB<62,&’ū÷÷÷÷÷čččĪĘÄĀ¼ŗ¶¶¶°§“‹ƒvhPJ9, q’?Ā’’’½ł’ąē@(ź2nonpnp’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žSteedman, K. A. 1980 The Archaeology of the Deerness Peninsula. Department of Archaeology. Durham, University of DurhamŖŖŖŖŖŖŖ/////####   üųōššššššššššģčęßŪŪÕĖ²¢’‰se_YG" q’Ą  "š čŒs’žHY2’žHY 53 SE 7’žEday Manse’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’ž?Maes Howe type’žHY 5602 3242’ž35602 103242’ž356020’ž1032420’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50’žNNE-SSWx3716’žORK 16’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesyesno’žincised stone00b@*ź2nononononononpnp’žn/ano’ž59°102 34.513 N, 002°462 15.923 W’ž59°102 36.103 N, 002°462 10.023 W’žN Scotland’žFraser, D., (1988). The orientation of visibility from the chambered cairns of Eday, Orkney, in Records in Stone: Papers in Memory of Alexander Thom, ed. C. Ruggles .Cambridge University Press, p 325-336.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press ™™™™™™ĖĖĖĖĖæ”iiee``\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\XTPLHD@@@>>>220................... ’ū÷÷÷÷÷ŻŻŻĪĘĀ¾¼³ÆÆ©£}tl^P?9(" q’Ā’,ł :Ś čź‹s’žNDS’žND 26 SW 2’žCairn of Heathercro’žSeater; Heathercrow’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 2431 6017’ž32431 96017’ž324310’ž960170’žHighland’žCaithness’žBower’žnone’žnone83’žNE-SW’žn/a49’žCAT 11’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žNicolson n.d.’žChilde 1941nonononoŪ@I2’žyes’žn/ano’ž58°312 23.173 N, 003°182 04.153 W’ž58°312 24.493 N, 003°172 58.643 W’žN Scotland’žNicolson, J., n.d. Papers and drawings; AUCAM PPD 121, 194 Housed in the John Nicolson Museum, Auckingill, Caithness’žChilde, V. G., 1941. Notebook 65, in the Institute of Archaeology, University of London: Copy Housed in the NMRS Library, Edinburgh.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press”””””•j??;;6666666666666666666666611111111///############################÷÷÷ŻÕÕŃĢÅĮĮ»µ®£™‘‰|nWQ@+ q’oĘ €: īĆ čӌs’žND ’žND 27 SW 4’žRattar East’žRattar; Dun 015’žchambered cairn’žnone’žND 2492 7371’ž32492 97371’ž324920’ž973710’žHighland’žCaithness’žDunnet’žnone’žnone’ž15.5’ž12.5’žCAT 74’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žCanmore’žBatey 1984’žmarine shell5>@.ź2’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žBatey, C., (1984). Caithness Coastal Survey 1980-82; Dunnet Head to Ousdale, in Durham University Department of Archaeology Occasional Papers 3 Durham.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press!®®®®®®    žžžņņņšššššššššššššššššššāāāāāāāāāāāāāÖĶĶĶ³«„ŸŸŸŸŸ™“‹€vnfYKKE4# qßx€$€"Ż čķŒs’žND’žND 36 SE 25’žSgarbach’žAuchingill; CAN 083’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 3731 6393’ž33731 96393’ž337310’ž963930’žHighland’žCaithness’žCanisbay20’žNNE-SSW61’žCAT 76’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žBatey 1984>@-ź2’žn/ano’žN Scotland’žBatey, C., (1984). Caithness Coastal Survey 1980-82; Dunnet Head to Ousdale, in Durham University Department of Archaeology Occasional Papers 3 Durham.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press©©©©©©ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūłłłķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķįįįĒææ»»²®®®®¤™‡rdMG6! q’k €"§ č·s’žNG ’žNG 85 SW 3’žShieldaig’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žstone circle’žNG 815 538’ž1815 8538’ž181500’ž853800’žHighland’žHighland’žApplecross’žnone’žnonenpxnpxxnonono¼@ 82nonp’žn/anpno’žN Scotland’žHedges, M., 1984. Archival material relating to 1984 excavation of Shieldaig Held by Historic Scotland.RRRRRRRéééé鯯ŻŻŁÕŠŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢČČČČČČČČĘĘĘŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ¶¶²®®®®®®®®®®¬Ŗ¦¤  š”ˆ~tldYM?9'! q’Ą  #"ž č®Ģs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone????’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyes?’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press[ąąąąąąvvvvvj?                      žžžņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņģģģģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĆ»¹·µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :_ čoŒs’žNHĘ’žNH 67 SW 6’žCarn Na Feinne’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular chamber’žNH 6155 7479’ž26155 87479’ž261550’ž874790’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone’ž198npnpnpnp’žROS 52’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žMaclean 1886nonononoyes2>@0ź2nonpnp’žn/ano’ž57°442 29.283 N, 004°192 38.373 W’ž57°442 30.313 N, 004°192 33.503 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & G. Ritchie, 2001. The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.™“““““Ø}RRNNIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA========;;;///----'''''''''''''''''''''#   ščäąÜŲÓÓĶĒ½Ŗ ˜ƒuOI8& q’Ā@$ :ü č Œs’žNM’žNM 80 SW 19’žClach An T'sagairt’žArdfern’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunclassified (Henshall)’žNM 8063 0451’ž18063 70451’ž180630’ž704510’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCraignish3015’žARG 48’žHenshall 1972’žGraham 1948’žCampbell & Sandeman 1962’žO'Connor & Clarke 1983’žRitchie & Harman 1996’žScott 1969>@1ź2’žn/ano’ž56°102 57.353 N, 005°322 10.673 W’ž56°102 57.763 N, 005°322 06.603 W’žSW Scotland’žGraham, A. 1948 Some antiquities in the parish of Craignish. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 82, 52-60’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press›444444³³³³³¦{PPLLGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEE99999999999999999999999999999999-žä×××ČĄĄĄ¼¼øøøø­ ‡rdKE4+ q’e> €:&š čŖs’žNNŸ’žNN 74 NE 33’žPass of Keltnie’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 772 496’ž2772 7496’ž277200’ž749600’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žDull’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žWilson 1851nononono>@3ź2’ž(review Wilson )’žyesnonpnp’žn/ano’žSE Scotland’žWilson, D. 1863 Prehistoric annals of Scotland, London. P 54RRRRRRRüüųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųōššššėėėŁ×××ĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĆæ»»»»»®®®®®Ŗ¦¤ œœ–Šnf^SGA;.( q’Ā  "2=LVALŠŠŠSBryce 1902: p 87 'The megalithic chambers& were filled with large blocks of sandstone and smaller stones imbedded in the soil, but once the actual cists were reached, the character of thBryce 1903 - p 49 The deposit in the chamber consisted of 'great quantities of burnt ’žBryce 1903 - p 49 The deposit in the chamber consisted of 'great quantities of burnt bone, nearly all in small fragments, and along the bottom there was a charcoal layer.'’žBryce 1902: p 87 'The megalithic chambers& were filled with large blocks of sandstone and smaller stones imbedded in the soil, but once the actual cists were reached, the character of the soil p 88 changed into a dry black mould very firmly compressed& ..the skulls lay invariably in the corners, and the long bones along the walls of the cists, but beyond this no arrangement could be made out& In the north cist, two skulls in fragments were found in each corner at different levels....A few pieces of wood charcoal were picked up among the soil [of the N c’žBryce 1903 - p 49 The deposit in the chamber consisted of 'great quantities of burnt bone, nearly all in small fragments, and along the bottom there was a charcoal layer.'’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 'the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried and examined under the microscope, [the black matter] proved to be a mixture of earthy particles and minute fragments of charcoal, most, if not all, of them being wood-charcoal.'’žMapleton 1866 - P 354 Compartment 1 - 'On removing the stones and rubbish which had filled it up, I found a kind of white concrete, full of charcoal, extending over the whole surface. On this concrete were deposits of burnt bone, but chiefly at the sides and in the corners. One very fine well-made flint implement of a long form was found about the centre. Under the concrete were about 3 or 4 inches of imported yellow sand. In this we found two manufactured oblong flint implements, ...; several unfinished implements, and chips of flint. These were found under the concrete and deposit of bone. The concrete appeared as if it had never been disturbed.' Compatrment 2: also lined with sand; "A cross bar of stone had formerly been placed near the top at the west end; and it was found lying at the bottom with burnt bones upon it, lehind it, and under it. The bone was coarsely burnt. Rather large flat stones were placed in various parts of this compartment, forming recesses, in which ’žBryce 1903 - p 49 The deposit in the chamber consisted of 'great quantities of burnt bone, nearly all in small fragments, and along the bottom there was a charcoal layer.'’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 'the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried and e’žBryce 1903 - p 49 The deposit in the chamber consisted of 'great quantities of burnt bone, nearly all in small fragments, and along the bottom there was a charcoal layer.'… č•‹s’žNP&’žNPRN 304320’žCoetan Arthur’žCareg Coetan; Coetan Arthur’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSN 0602 3935’ž20603 23935’ž206030’ž239350’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNewport’žSW Wales8’žNW-SExnpnp’žPEM 3nononoyesnonoyesnonono0x0xx0x0nox’žstone setting’žS of chambernononono000no·@ 8x2’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesx’žn/anono’ž52°012 07.043 N, 004°492 41.433 W’ž52°012 05.653 N, 004°492 37.543 W’žWalesno’žBarker, C. T. 1992 The chambered tombs of south-west Wales : a re-assessment of the Neolithic burial monuments of Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, Oxford, Oxbow’žSavory, H. N. 1956 Coetan Arthur Cromlech. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 105, 152-3’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logastont±    ÕŖ¦¢¢›••••••••••••••“‹‰‡ƒ~zvqmhhhfddXTRPPNJFB>0!  ’łõńėēćßßßßßßßßßŲŌŠĪĒÅÅÅ»²£”Œ„wiZTC& q’??Ą’’’½ł’ą~ †9 čIĢsr’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone??np?’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no>@=ģx2noxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’žRobinson, D. E. & Dickson, J. H. 1988 Vegetational history and land use: Machrie Moor, Arran, Scotland. New Phytologist, 109, 223-251’ž114ĀĀ½½½½4‰‰‰‰…xM""    õńńńńļėėēćįŻŪ×ÕÓŃĻĶĖÉĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĆæ»·····ØØØØ¢ œš˜˜˜’‹td\TG93-% q’>Ā’æ±ż zŒ» č‹ss[’žNS 03 SW 9’žGlenrickard’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0051 3466’ž20051 63466’ž200510’ž634660’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone91’žN-Sx’ž14.3’ž10.6’žARN 6’žHenshall 1972’žMcArthur 1861nonononononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000noƒ@ 8x2’žyesnononono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyesx’žn/ano’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1903 On the cairns of Arran - a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 37, 36-67 ( p 54-56)’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’ž115’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presszc­­­­©œœœœ˜˜“‘‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‰…ƒ}xsokgc^^^\ZZNJHFFD@<842.,(&$"  žśöņīīīīīßßߊÉĆ½»¶²²¬„›Ž~vnaS@:)# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąbŒ§ č&Œs|¶’žNS 48 SE 6’žStockie Muir’žAucheneck’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 4793 8130’ž24793 68130’ž247930’ž681300’žStirling’žCentral’žDrymen’žnone’žnone’ž182’žNE-SWx18’ž11.6’žSTR1’žHenshall 1972’žGoldesbrough 1949nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0??no@@€x2??nonono’žyesnoxxxxnox?x’žn/ano’žSE Scotlandno’žGouldesbrough, P. 1949 Cairn on Stockie Muir, near Glasgow. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 83, 230’žNimmo, W. 1880 The history of Stirlingshire, 3rd ed., London, Hamilton, Adams & Co (p 59)’ž124’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presså~yyyyžžžžš‰‰„‚€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zxvtrniea][YYYWUUIECAA?;73/-)'#! ’ū÷óļėėėėėŲŲŲÉĆ½¹·°««„Ÿ—Ž„|tgYF@/$ q’Ā’’’½ł’ąbŒœ×¬’žSP 01 NE 4a1’žOxA-646’ž4875 ± 80’žhuman bone’žsub-cairn soilAA1%?…ו’žSP 01 NE 4a13’žOxA-906’ž4880 ± 70’žhuman bone’žSouth entrance - monument use phaseXX3'?”פ’žST 81 SW 1810’žOxA-7829’ž4910 ± 56’žanimal bone’žeast ditch Phase VII5(?›×«’žSP 01 NE 4a3’žOxA-739’ž4915 ± 80’žanimal bone’žsub-cairn soilBB2%?u×…’žNPRN 981’žCAR-118’ž6895 ± 80’žCharcoal’žhearth possibly associated with Late Mesolithic flintworkff+! ?“×£’žST 81 SW 181’žOxA-7848’ž4950 ± 55’žanimal bone’žwest ditch Phase I-IIJJ3&?’×¢’žSP 01 NE 4a4’žHAR--8350’ž4950 ± 60’žanimal bone’žmonument constructionKK4'?†×–’žSP 01 NE 4a20’žOxA-905’ž4950 ± 70’žhuman bone’žNorth chamber - monument use phaseWW3'?LVALū7ŁMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7ŪMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7ŽMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri…LVALWŠ‚AAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻAĻMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowy <        īČnLŚ”pKöS$žå      2 [Stone].[NMR] ’’’’:("[Stone].[Flint #] ’’’’@.([StoneMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenó <        Ī‹[óüG[Oŗ˜s˜[łi      z r[Pit Description Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR]F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] ’’’’_82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’ ē MR2:€OMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenó <        Ī‹[óüG[Oŗ˜s˜[łi      z r[Pit Description Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR]F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] ’’’’_82[Pit Description].[Pit #] MR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenó <        Ī‹[óüG[Oŗ˜s˜[łi      z r[Pit Description Without Matching SITE DESCMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenó <        Ī‹[óüG[Oŗ˜s˜[łi      z r[Pit Description Without Matching SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR]F4.[Pit Description].[NMR] ’’’’_82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’ ē MR2(€ ReplicateProject MR20€ Title AuthorCompanyJ0 (Database - First try Jan‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ÕLVALåNewbigin (1936) p 300-1 - interprets the pit at the E end of the mound as a grave; phosphoric acid content of the soil was somewhat higher ’žNewbigin (1936) p 300-1 - interprets the pit at the E end of the mound as a grave; phosphoric acid content of the soil was somewhat higher than would be expected. P 301 'there were no chambers, cists, post holes, not even a fragment of carbonized wood on the old ground surface'.- č=s}Õ’žNS 53 NE 1’žLoanfoot’žThe Law’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered long cairn, unclassifiable’žNS 5923 3596’ž25923 63596’ž259230’ž635960’žEast Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žGalston’žnone’žnone’ž213’žENE-WSWx’ž101.524’žAYR 6’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono10>@:ź2nono’žyes’žunknownyes’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’ž125’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressĖd__________RRRRNNIICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC:51------+++ ’ū÷óóóóóóóó䯣ŅŠĒĀĀ¼¶­ ‘‰tf@:)  q’Ą’,Į "€G čWŠs’žHY’žHY 21 SE 5’žUnstan’žOnstan’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round, stalled’žHY 2829 1172’ž32829 101172’ž328290’ž1011720’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStenness’žMainland’žnone0x’ž13.7xx’žORK 51’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’žunknown0’žwhite clay; rude pavementĄ@x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchamber’žlayer of dark soil’ž1st, 2nd, 3rd compartment and passageyes’žchambernono’žN Scotlandno’žClouston, R. S. 1885 Notice of the excavation of a chambered cairn of the Stone Age, at Unstan, in the Loch of Stennis, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 19, 341-51’žEwart, G. & Murray, D. 2002 Unstan chambered cairn, Orkney (Stenness parish) watching brief. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 3, 88’žMurray, D. & Ewart, G. 2001 Unstan chambered cairn, Orkney (Stenness parish) watching brief. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 2, 72’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press­===÷kß   łóóóóóóóóóóóóóóĖ·®¬ŖؤŸ›—’‰‰‰‡……y^\SSQMGC?=9731/-+)'%# żłõõõõõõõõŪÓŃĻÉĒÅÅ浫›‹‚zl^=7& q’Ą’’’½ł’`f"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’Ÿ LVALÆ Edwards 1923: the long cairn was found to contain 5 chambers, each divided into two compartments by a septal stone or wall; all had been previously disturbed. Chamber A - a deposit of very black soil, 20 cm in depth and 18 cm in diameter, was found in the angle formed by the septal stone and’žEdwards 1923: the long cairn was found to contain 5 chambers, each divided into two compartments by a septal stone or wall; all had been previously disturbed. Chamber A - a deposit of very black soil, 20 cm in depth and 18 cm in diameter, was found in the angle formed by the septal stone and west slab. P 60 : Chamber B - 'the soil from both compartments was carefully examined, but it differed little from the ordinary soil in the immediate vicinity.' p 61: Chamber C " In the [southern compartment], under two superimposed flat stones, was a quantity of black soil of little depth."LVALū7ķMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ÕLVALåMasters 1973 p 99 - multi-period construction 'It appears certain that the stone cairn was not built until after the mortuary structure and ’žMasters 1973 p 99 - multi-period construction 'It appears certain that the stone cairn was not built until after the mortuary structure and timber faēade had been burnt down.' The posts of the timber structure consisted of two large D-shaped posts - probably split tree trunks. šLVALŠMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 '[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of t’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 '[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. 'ņ čs’žSU²’žSU 35 NW 14’žShalbourne 5A’žSmay Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 3102 5924’ž43102 15924’ž431020’ž159240’žWiltshire’žKennet’žShalbourne’žnone’žnonenp’žSE/NWx6028?@€2np’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University PressnpdąąąąąŠŠŠŠĢĢĒĒĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĮĮĮµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµµ±­«¤  š”ˆ€umeXJD>1& q’  "Œ"_ čoŒs’žSUĪ’žSU 38 SW 18’žMoss Hill’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 336 843’ž4336 1843’ž433600’ž184300’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žSparsholt’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žBRK3’žCase 1950’žGrinsell 1936nononono4>@;ź2nonpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 An analysis and list of Berkshire Barrows. Part II. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 20-58’žCase, H. 1950 The Lambourn Seven Barrows. Oxoniensia, 15, 110-13’žBrown, L. 1978 A survey of the condition of Oxfordshire long barrows. Oxoniensia, 43, 241-5np’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus‹3///ŠŒ’’ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷óóóóóóóóńńńåååćććććććććććććććććććććććććßŪ×ÓÓÓÓĹ¹¹¹³Æ«©„””›•Šuh`XMA;5(" q’?Ę$ "œž™ č©s’žSU\’žSU 43 NE 17’žSouth Wonston North’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 4700 3675’ž44700 13675’ž447000’ž136750’žHampshire’žWinchester’žWonston’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWX52np’žRCHME 1979nononono>@<ź2nonpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnpTTPPPPPųųųųōōļļėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėėēććććććććįįįÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅŹ¹µ±Æ¦¢¢œ–vnfYKE?2, q’_Ą  "„j č-s’žTLq’žTL 13 SW 11’žKnocking Knoll’žnone’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žnone’žTL 1333 3105’ž51333 23105’ž513330’ž231050’žBedfordshire’žMid Bedfordshire’žShillington’žChilterns’žnonenp’žW-Ex30x’žDyer 1961nonononoŽ@42nonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žDyer, J. F. 1964 [Knocking Knoll]. Bedfordshire Archaeological Journal, 2, 74-8’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24’žPastscape :ÜÜŲŲŲ°`     żżųųōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōššššššššīīīāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæŗ¶¶°„˜†xph[MG:-' q’Ā  "œ"< čLs~’žNT 47 NW 9’žPort Seton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žunknown’žNT 40 75’ž340 675’ž340000’ž675000’žEast Lothian’žLothian’žTranent’žnone’žnone’žunknownnpxnpnp’žELT1nononono1ū@*2no’žunknownunknown’žn/ano’žSE Scotland’žWilson, D. 1863 Prehistoric annals of Scotland, London (p 72)’ž126’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press®GBBBBBōōōōššėėŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŌŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĪĪĪĀĀĀĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø“°°°°°°°°°Ŗ¦¢ œ““‡~ug_WND;5(" q’?Ą$ "„) č9s‚’žNX 15 NW 5’žKnockdoon’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNX 132 551’ž2132 5551’ž213200’ž555100’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žOld Luce’žnonenpnpnpnpnp’žMorrison 1968’žDavidson 1951-2nononono>@=ź2nonpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland’žDavidson, J. M. 1951-2 Report on some discoveries at Glenluce Sands, Wigtownshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 86, 43-69’ž130°°«««««žžśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśöņņņņņņņņšššääääääääääääääääääääääääääääąÜŲŌŌŌŌĆ“““““°¬Ø¤   šybZRG;5/'! q’?Ę  "„“Ż čķŒs’žNY 00 NE 11’žSampson's Bratful’žnone’žlong cairn’žburial cairn’žnone’žNY 0984 0805’ž30984 50805’ž309840’ž508050’žCumbria’žCopeland’žEnnerdale and Kinniside’žnone’žnone’ž260’žSE-NWx25’ž13.5nonononos@?ź2noyes’žn/ano’žN England’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press14«üüüüųųóóķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķķééééééééēēēŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÅĮæø³³­§Ž„{sk^PJ<0* q’Ą  "Œ#Q čaŒsT’žSD 77 NE 14’žCraven Round Cairn’žMonument #44879; Ribblehead’žround barrow’žSD 7655 7840’ž37655 47840’ž376550’ž478400’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žIngleton’žKing 1985®@42’žn/ano’ž54°122 03.083 N, 002°212 39.203 W’ž54°122 02.503 N, 002°212 33.973 W’žN England’žKing, A. 1985 Prehistoric settlement and land use in Craven, North Yorkshire. IN SPRATT, D. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Upland settlement in Britain: the second millennium BC and after. Oxford, B.A.B’žKing, A. 1978 Early agriculture in Craven, North Yorkshire. IN BOWEN, H. C. & FOWLER, P. J. (Eds.) Early Land Allotment in the British Isles: A Survey of Recent Work. Oxford, B.A.R.15Øؤ¤¤¤ė'''''ńĘĘĀĀ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½»»»ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆƤ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤š’yqdVVVH+ qĻ €:Œ+g čwŒsóō’žSK 17 SE 12’žBrushfield Hough’žMonument #309155’žchambered cairn?’žRomano-British barrow’žnone’žSK 1679 7094’ž41679 37094’ž416790’ž370940’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žBrushfield’žnone’žnonenpnpnpnp’žBarnatt 1996’žBarnatt 1989nononono~@%ģ2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž53°142 06.993 N, 001°442 59.413 W’ž53°142 05.973 N, 001°442 54.053 W’žCentral England’žBarnatt, J. 1996 Barrows in the Peak District: A review and interpretation of extant sites and past excavations. IN BARNATT, J. & COLLIS, J. R. (Eds.) Barrows in the Peak District: Recent Research. Sheffield, J.R. Collis Publications, p 3-94’ž243ŽŽ‰‰‰‰‰”””””ƒX--))$$’ū÷÷÷÷÷éééŪŪ×ÓĻĖĖĖÅæ³”•…xjdM;) q’^Ā  :„LVALū7żMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri™ č©‹sŃ’žSO 90 NE 4’žCollege Plantation 1’žMonument #117043’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 9595 0598’ž39595 20598’ž395950’ž205980’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žDuntisbourne Rouse’žCotswolds’žnone’ž209’žESE-WNW’žn/a6623’žGLO 72’žDarvill 2004’žO'Neill & Grinsell 1960’žCrawford 1925nononono>@Eź2no’žn/ano’ž51°452 09.153 N, 002°032 35.993 W’ž51°452 07.523 N, 002°032 30.973 W’žSW England’žWitts, G. B., 1884. [College Plantation]. Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 2, 169.’žCrawford, O. G. S., 1925. The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows.’žO'Neil, H. E. & L. V. Grinsell, 1960. Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79(1), 1-149.’ž260’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus`m½½½½½±†[[WWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNLLL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<840000!śņīźåÜ××ŃĘ²Ø—‡zl[U>, q’Ę €:œw’ č¢ŠsT’žST 91 SE 38’žChettle I’žThickthorn Bar’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9506 1280’ž39506 11280’ž395060’ž112800’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChettle’žnone’žnone’ž83.8’žENE/WSWx’ž97.5’ž19.8’žST 11’žKinnes 1992’žBanks 1900’žHutchins 1813’žWarne 1866’žKinnes 1992nononono’žunknownČ@\2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž50°542 52.873 N, 002°042 17.653 W’ž50°542 50.893 N, 002°042 12.743 W’žSW England -WC’žBanks, S. J. 1900 Journal of an Excursion to Eastbury and Bristol, in May and June, 1767. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 21, 143-149’žHutchins, J. 1813 The history and antiquities of the county of Dorset, Vol iii, 2nd edition, Westminster, J.B. Nichols and Sons’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith’žPastscape: www.pastscape.org6’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum žžŽZ«««««›pEEAA<<666666666666666666661--------+++ łķŽŅŅŅžø²°§””›•Œ~vnfYKE?2" q’Ž$ :¼’& č6Œs<q’žST 91 SW 11’žPimperne Long Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9175 1049’ž39175 11049’ž391750’ž110490’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Hinton’žnone’žnone’ž113’žNNW/SSEx’ž100.6’ž19.8’žGrinsell 1959’žWoolls 1839nonononoY@2nonp’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žWoolls, C. 1839 The barrow diggers. A dialogue in imitation of the grave diggers in Hamlet. With numerous explanatory notes / [Anon]. London, Whittaker [ptd. Blandford: W. Shipp] (p 48-55)’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society’žSumner, H. 1913 Ancient Earthworks of Cranborne Chase, London, Chiswick Press60ÓÓĻĻ~į!!!!!  žžžņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņīźęāāāāāÕÕÕĘĘĄ¹·®©©£wogZLF@3- q’_Ā  "¼[‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠAn Early Neolithic cairn overlain by an Early Bronze Age round barrow. Vyner 1984: PRE-CAIRN FEATURES - p 153 2 features can be definitely asigned to a period before the construction of the neolithic monument - pit features 123 and 125. FAĒADE TRENCH: The trench contained a series of contiguous post-holes; the post which had occupied the proximal pit yielded a C14 date that was much earlier than any other timber on the site. P 156 'To the east of the faēade trench was a group of 5 post holes which had been set in 2 rows running in an E-W direction. These may have been the beginnings of an avenue or the remains of a fore-structure.' MORTUARY STRUCTURE: Three posthole pits were found at the proximal, distal and centre areas of the mortuary structure. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE: p 161 "To the west of the mortuary structure and its enclosing clay and stone mound was a rectangular enclosure ’žAn Early Neolithic cairn overlain by an Early Bronze Age round barrow. Vyner 1984: PRE-CAIRN FEATURES - p 153 2 features can be definitely asigned to a period before the construction of the neolithic monument - pit features 123 and 125. FAĒADE TRENCH: The trench contained a series of contiguous post-holes; the post which had occupied the proximal pit yielded a C14 date that was much earlier than any other timber on the site. P 156 'To the east of the faēade trench was a group of 5 post holes which had been set in 2 rows running in an E-W direction. These may have been the beginnings of an avenue or the remains of a fore-structure.' MORTUARY STRUCTURE: Three posthole pits were found at the proximal, distal and centre areas of the mortuary structure. RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE: p 161 "To the west of the mortuary structure and its enclosing clay and stone mound was a rectangular enclosure delineated by a kerb of sandstone slabs." Probably contemporary with the mortuary enclsoure, though no evidence of intense fire was found. Possibly an excarnation area? MESOLITHIC FLINTS - p 172 "There are no diagnostically mesolithic types among the assemblage, but the presence of a blade core and several blades amonge the pre-neolithiccairn assemblage is suggestive in this regard." PROPOSED SEQUENCE: Phase I - Mesolithic activity in the area; EN activity resulting in clearance of the site and the excavation of several shallow pits; Phase II - construction of funerary structure (faēade trench, clay and stone mound, timber faēade and mortuary structure, kerbed mortuary enclosure) Phase III - mortuary use of structures; Phase IV - conclusion of mortuary deposition; Phase V - completion of neo monument ; Phase VI - subsequent damage due to quarrying; Phase VII - Bronze Age funerary activityLVALū7MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri č‹s<r’žST 91 SW 22’žChettle Long Barrow’žChettle II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9373 1355’ž39373 11355’ž393730’ž113550’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žChettle’žnone’žnone’ž114’žSE/NWx’ž57.9’ž19.8’žST 13’žGrinsell 1959’žDrew & Piggott 1936’žWarne 1866nononono’žmortuary area’žSSE’žunknownA@2nonp’žmortuary areanp’žn/ano’ž50°552 17.103 N, 002°052 25.813 W’ž50°552 15.133 N, 002°052 20.913 W’žSW England -WCno’žBanks, S. J. 1900 Journal of an Excursion to Eastbury and Bristol, in May and June, 1767. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 21, 143-149’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith60’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumń{wwwÖpĮĮĮĮ½­‚WWSSNNJJJJJ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;733333333111%%%üųųųųģ×××ČĮ»µ³¬§§”›’„|tl_QKE8, q’Ę $”zœo č+sL|’žSU 04 NW 5’žSilver Barrow’žOrcheston 4’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0455 4723’ž40455 14723’ž404550’ž147230’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žOrcheston’žnone’žnone’žNE-SWx4035nonono7A@2’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 93)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press76ŽŽŚŚŚŚ;éééé飣ŁŁÕÕŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĪĪĪĀĀĀĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¼¼ø““““““““““°¬Ŗ£££—ŒvnfYKE?2% q’Ą$€"ŒALVALQKermode 1928: P 153: 'About the middle of the cairn human remains were met with& .they rested on the clay floor of the cairn, crushed in among the packing, and giving the impression that the body had been’žKermode 1928: P 153: 'About the middle of the cairn human remains were met with& .they rested on the clay floor of the cairn, crushed in among the packing, and giving the impression that the body had been laid on a pyre of peat and branches of wood and burned on the spot& ' P 154: white shore pebbles were  scattered throughout the cairn at different levels, a large one being on the clay close to the cremated bones. ] čmŒs S’žSU 13 SE 18’žEnde Burgh’žHand Barrow’žlong barrow’žBronze Age /Roman’žnone’žSU 1587 3404’ž41587 13404’ž415870’ž134040’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žLaverstock’žnone’žnone’žNNE/SSWx4522’žStone 1935-37nonononoA@2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž51°062 19.753 N, 001°462 28.683 W’ž51°062 17.843 N, 001°462 23.623 W’žSW England -WC’žStone, J. F. S. 1937 An unrecorded group of barrows and other earthworks at Ford, Laverstock. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 47, 406-11’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-4149––””””mmmmm]2žžųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųóļļļļļļļļķķķįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįŻŁÕŃŃŃŃŃĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗøÆÆÆ©£—ŒyqdVP=0# q’Ā  :Œk čŒs[t’žSU 14 NW 7’žNetheravon 6’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1143 4667’ž41143 14667’ž411430’ž146670’žWiltshire’žKennet’žNetheravon’žnone’žnonenp’žSSE-NNWx3318’žSU 83’žKinnes 1992’žThurnam 1868nonononononononononono20A@2no’žyesnononononoyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)91’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumīxttttŠLLLLL<<<<8833--------------------)%!žžžžśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśöņīźęāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅÄÄÄ·°¬Ø¦™™“ynf^QC=7*$ q’Ā’@,ł "ŒÆ‹ 蛋s’žSUĮ’žSU 17 SE 23’žManton Down Long Barrow’žDoghill Barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 1512 7140’ž41512 17140’ž415120’ž171400’žWiltshire’žKennet’žPreshute’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žSE-NWx’ž20.1’ž12.2’žWIL 7’žDarvill 2004’žPiggott 1947 (plan)nononono>@1ģ2’žyesyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (Vol 2 p 43)’žPiggott, S. 1947 Notes on some north Wiltshire chambered tombs. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 52, 57-64’žBarker, C. T. 1984 The long mounds of the Avebury region. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 79, 7-38’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Pressnp’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusn„(¤LLLLL<<<<8833---------------------((((((((&&&     õõõēąŚŌŅĖĒĒĮ¶¬¤™‘‰|n]W@0 q’Ā  "¼6ģ čüŒs’žSUN’žSU 33 NW 37’žHoughton Down’žChattis Hill’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 3293 3581’ž43293 13581’ž432930’ž135810’žHampshire’žTest Valley’žBroughton’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx5119’žSU 41’žKinnes 1992; RCHME 1979nononono>@Aģ2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žGrinsell, L. V. 1938 Hampshire Barrows. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 14, 195-229np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum —“““““    żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżųōōōōōōōōņņņęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ½¶²®¬§§§”›ƒxph[MGA4& q’~Ą  "„n‘ č”Œs’žSUS’žSU 60 NE 3’žPortsdown’žMonument #238389’žlong barrow’žchambered long barrow’žSU 6665 0641’ž46665 10641’ž466650’ž106410’žHampshire’žPortsmouth’žPortsmouth’žnone’žnone’žSU 27’žKinnes 1992’žBradley & Lewis 1968’žRCHME 1979¬@ |2’žn/ano’žSW England’žBradley, R. & Lewis, E. 1968 Excavations at the George Inn, Portsdown. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 25, 27-50’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnp’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumhņīīīī¢     žžžžśśõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõóóóēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēēŪÅÅÅø±±±±±±±«„™‚zreW@@3! qļ` €"Œ†¬ č¼s’žSU\’žSU 61 NW 5’žGiant's Grave [Hampshire]’žOld Winchester Hill’žlong barrow’žSU 637 195’ž4637 1195’ž463700’ž119500’žHampshire’žWinchester’žCorhampton and Meonstoke’žnone’žnone’žNE-SW60’žRCHME 1979B@ 2’žn/ano’žSW England’žRCHME 1979 Long Barrows in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, London, HMSOnpAA=====ńńńńńååååįįÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĀĀĀ¾¾···±«‘…zrj_SSSF1 qĻJ €"„į čńĖs’žSUn’žSU 64 SW 14’žPreston Grange’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow ?’žearthen long barrow’žSU 6046 4032’ž46046 14032’ž460460’ž140320’žHampshire’žBasingstoke and Deane’žPreston Candover’žNorth Downs’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a74’žSU 110’ž Kinnes 1992’žWilson 1893nonononos@ 2no’žyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žWilson, S. 1893 Preston Candover. Hampshire Notes and Queries, 7, 116-25’žShore, T. W. 1889-93 The Candover Valley and its prehistoric inhabitants. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 2, 283- 94’žHawkes, C. F. C. 1940 A Saxon spear-head and scramasax from the disputed long barrow at Preston Candover, Hants. Antiquaries Journal, 20, 279np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¢žžž Œ@@@@@444400++++++++++++++++++++++&""""""""    ÷÷÷éįįŻŲŃŃŃĖ¾¬•Š‚zm_J:-' q’nĀ €"œW čgŒs’žSV’žSV 80 NE 3’žKittern Hill’žGugh 2’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave’žSV 889 086’ž0889 0086’ž088900’ž008600’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Agnes’žSt Agnes’žGugh’žnonenpxxxnp’žTroutbeck 1796nonononononoyesnonono00g@ 2nonononono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žTroutbeck, J. 1796 A survey of the ancient and present state of the Scilly Islands, Sherborne, Goadby and Lerpiniere (p 154-155)’žHencken, H. O. N. 1933 Notes on the megalithic monuments in the Isles of Scilly Antiquaries Journal, 13, 13-29’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Pressnp¢¢žžž1æ;;;;;////++&&""""""""""""""""""""  ÷÷õóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóļėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÉÉÉɹ¹¹¹¹µ³±Æ««„Ÿ•‹zrj_SC=,$ q’Ā’,ł "œų čŒs’žSV ’žSV 91 SW 12’žHalangy Down Lower’žH2a:D14’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 9095 1240’ž09095 01240’ž090950’ž012400’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnone’žNE-SW10xx’žAshbee 1974’žHencken 1932’žDaniel 1950’žAshbee 1963nonononoyesyes>@6ģ2’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žAshbee, P. 1963 The chambered tombs on St Mary's, Isles of Scilly. Cornish Archaeology, 2, 9-18’žHencken, H. O. N. 1932 The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly, London, Methuen & Co.’žAshbee, P. 1974 Ancient Scilly. From the First Farmers to the Early Christians, Newton Abbot, David and Charlesnpōōšš}%ĀUUUUUIIIIEE@@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<833333333111%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   üļįŌŌŌŌŌŅŠĢÅÅÅæ“©ž…}pbKE4+ q’Ž  "¼‚ č’‹s’žSV’žSV 91 SW 35’žPorth Hellick Down’žGreat Tomb H1:D7’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered round cairn’žSV 928 107’ž0928 0107’ž092800’ž010700’žIsles of Scilly’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žSt Mary's’žnonenpnp12xx’žHencken 1932’žAshbee ? 1980’žAshbee 1963nonononononoyesnono’žpumice00>@7ģ2nonononono’žyesnpyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žHencken, H. O. N. 1932 The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly, London, Methuen & Co.’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žAshbee, P. 1980 George Bonsor: An archaeological pioneer from Spain on Scilly. Cornish Studies, 8, 53-62’žAshbee, P. 1963 The chambered tombs on St Mary's, Isles of Scilly. Cornish Archaeology, 2, 9-18np®BÕ}}}}}qqqqmmhhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^YUQMIEEECCC7753333333333333333333+'#  ų茌ŚŚŚŲÖŅĪŹŹÄ¹®£’Š‚wkTN=+ q’Ī’,ł "¼b7 čGs’žSW†’žSW 42 NW 66’žHut Barrow’žBrane Barrow’žchambered round barrow’žentrance grave’žnone’žSW 4018 2818’ž14018 02818’ž140180’ž028180’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSancreed’žnone’žnone’žN-S’ž4.6xx’žBlight 1865>@8ģ2’žyes’žn/ano’žSW England’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBlight, J. T. 1865 [Hut Barrow]. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, 1, 19-20npĀĀ¾¾¾¾cöööööźźźźęęįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŚŚŚĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮĮĮĮĮæ½ø³³³­§”Š‚zm_YI1# q’ €"Œŗ„ čµŒs’žSW‡’žSW 96 NE 4’žPawton Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žSW 9657 6960’ž19657 06960’ž196570’ž069600’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žSt Breock’žnone’žnonenp’žN-Sx’ž21.3’ž15.2’žDaniel 1950; Borlase 1871nonononov@9ģ2’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW England’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressnpTTPPPPć-----!!!!           żżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżżłõńķķķķķŅŅŅŅŅĢĘÄæ»»µÆ¤”Š‚zm_YB*$ q’Ā  "ŒŚ čŒs’žSYÄ’žSY 58 NE 19’žGrey Mare and Her Colts’žGorwell’žchambered cairn’žnone’žchambered long cairn’žSY 5838 8706’ž35838 08706’ž358380’ž087060’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žLong Bredy’žnone’žnone’žNNW-SSEx2413’žGrinsell 1959’žDaniel 1950 p 235nono’žPurbeck Limestonenoyes’žunknown0‘@42’žyesnoyes’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žAnon 1815 [Account of a Druidical Temple at Gorwell, Dorset]. Gentleman's Magazine, 85, 401-404’žPiggott, S. 1945 The chambered cairn of 'The Grey Mare and Colts'. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 67, 30-33’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žWarne, C. 1872 Ancient Dorset, BournemouthnpńńķķæR¼YYYYYIIIIEE@@::::::::::::::::::::611111111///##!ū÷óóóóóąąąŃŃĶÉĒ¾¾¾ø²¦™‘‰tfPJ90 q’^Ā, "¼" šLVALŠBennett 1937: 'near the east end [of the mound] is a cist& no floor stone was present, among the sifted soil were found broken [human] bones and five [human] teeth. & At the west end are two large stones, the side stones of cists or of a chamber& on the old sub-soil surface [was][ two inches of fine grey sand, with two small flints, one’žBennett 1937: 'near the east end [of the mound] is a cist& no floor stone was present, among the sifted soil were found broken [human] bones and five [human] teeth. & At the west end are two large stones, the side stones of cists or of a chamber& on the old sub-soil surface [was][ two inches of fine grey sand, with two small flints, one of them a well worked blade. These probably predate the construction of the circle.' The NMR indicates that an excavation was carried out at this site in 1960 by J Radley, but nor mention of this is made in any of the related documents or on the EH excavatuon records. The archive is at Sheffield Museum -I have not yet accessed those recordsx čˆŒs’žSYT’žSY 68 NE 176’žHerringston Barrow’žWinterborne Herringston 6’žround barrow’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žSY 6854 8844’ž36854 08844’ž368540’ž088440’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žWinterborne Herringston’žnone’žnonex’ž23.5xx’žGrinsell 1959nonononononoyesyesnonono1?>@:ģ2nono’žyesnononononp’žn/ano’žSW England -WC’žAcland, J. E. 1916 List of Dorset barrows opened by Mr E Cunnington, or described by him. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 37, 40-7’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Societynp}}}}kkkkk[[[[WWRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNJFB>95111///##! ’ū÷óļļļļļļļļąąŽÜÖŌŌŌĪČÆ¢š’Š}obUG, q’^Ą’@,ł "Œr‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’” č¤Ės’žSYf’žSY 69 SE 40’žForty Acre Plantation’žBradford Peverell II’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSY 6691 9198’ž36691 09198’ž366910’ž091980’žDorset’žWest Dorset’žBradford Peverell’žnone’žnone’žSE-NWx5524’žSY 11’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959nonononononoyesyesnono’žmortuary area’žSouth00>@ 2no’žyesnononono’žyes’žmortuary areanp’žn/ano’žSW England -WCno’žAcland, J. E. 1916 List of Dorset barrows opened by Mr E Cunnington, or described by him. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, 37, 40-7’žGrinsell, L. V. 1959 Dorset Barrows, Dorchester, Dorset Archaeological and Natural History Society’žAnon 1768 [Antiquities in Dorsetshire]. Gentleman's Magazine, 109-13np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumfšģģģ¤>’’’’Ž~~~~zzuuqqqqqbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb]YUQMHDDDBBB6642222222+üųōšššššįįįŌĶÉÅĆ¼¼¼¶°ˆ€xk]WQD. q’~Ā’ ,ł”bœm č}s’žTF[’žTF 47 SW 1’žSpellow Hills’žHills of the Slain’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žTF 4015 7221’ž54015 37221’ž540150’ž372210’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žLangton by Spilsby’žnone’žnonenpnpx5512’žPhillips 1933”@ 42npyes’žn/ano’žCentral England’žPhillips, C. W. 1933 The long barrows of Lincolnshire. Archaeological Journal, 89, 174-202np}}yyyyy    ūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūūū÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷õõõééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé錌ŚŚŚÖŅŠĢČČĀ¼ØšŒ„|oaLF9% q’  "„ čs’žTQ’žTQ 40 SW 5’žMoney Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 4248 0369’ž54248 10369’ž542480’ž103690’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žPiddinghoe’žnone’žnone30’žENE-WNWx38’ž15.5’žToms 1922nononono?@2nonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žToms, H. S. 1922 Long Barrows in Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 63, 157-65 (p 159-160)’žGrinsell, L. V. 1934 Sussex barrows. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 75, 217-275npššģģģ•/ųųųųųģģģģččććßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŁŁŁĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉÅĮ½½½½½²²²²²¬Ø¦™™“zme]PB<6)# q’Ā  "œ* č0s’žTQˆ’žTQ 41 SW 20’žCamel's Humps’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 4313 1100’ž54313 11100’ž543130’ž111000’žEast Sussex’žLewes’žLewes’žnone’žnone’žNW-SEx3418’žToms 1922nononono†@82nonp’žn/ano’ž50°522 50.943 N, 000°012 59.853 E’ž50°522 48.833 N, 000°022 05.613 E’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žToms, H. S. 1922 Long Barrows in Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 63, 157-65npŁŁÕÕÕÕ{DDDDD8 āāŽŽŁŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃĻĻĻĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆĆæ»·³³³³³ØØØØؤ ž———‘‹„}ph`SE?9,& q’Ā  :Œb§ č·Œs’žTQx’žTQ 50 SW 13’žLong Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5103 0340’ž55103 10340’ž551030’ž103400’žEast Sussex’žWealden’žAlfriston’žnone’žnone’ž120’žNE-SWx5628’žHorsfield 1824nononono?@2nonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žHorsfield, T. W. 1824-27 The history and antiquities of Lewes and its vicinity Lewes, J Baxter ( p 42)’žToms, H. S. 1922 Long Barrows in Sussex. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 63, 157-65’žGrinsell, L. V. 1934 Sussex barrows. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 75, 217-275npRRNN÷2ūūūūūļļļļėėęęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽÜÜÜŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄ°°°°°¬Ø¦Ÿšš”Žƒzme]PB<6)# q’Ā  "¼¢] čms’žTQ±’žTQ 50 SW 41’žHunter's Burgh’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTQ 5498 0365’ž55498 10365’ž554980’ž103650’žEast Sussex’žWealden’žLong Man’žnone’žnone’žNNE-SSWx65’ž14-17’žCurwen 1928nononono>@2nonp’žn/ano’žSE England’žEnglish Heritage Pastscape;’žCurwen, E. C. 1928 The antiquities of Windover Hill. Sussex Archaeological Collections, 69, 93-101npœœ˜˜˜˜2ūūūūūļļļļėėęęāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽÜÜÜŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĢČÄĄĄĄĄĄ³³³³³¬Ø¦—‘‡~qiaTF@:-' q’Ā  "Œ¢^ čnŒs’žTL’žTL 19 NE 103’žOrton Longueville Barrow 2’žnone’žround barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 1641 9700’ž51641 29700’ž516410’ž297000’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žOrton Longueville’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx145nonononononoyesnonono3’žnp; E of centre; W of centre3’žSW of centre (1) SE of centre (2)x0x0nox’žstone & turf linear feature’žcentrenononono030no5@%x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žstone & turf linear feature’žposthole’žD-shaped postholes’žgrave pityesx’ž3 pitsno’žSE Englandno’žyes’žMackreth, D. F. 1983 Orton Longueville. Northamptonshire Archaeology, 18, 171-3np››—————D???;///+###!üņņÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓĻĶĖÉĒĀ¾ŗ¶²­©©©§„„™•“‘‘‹‡ƒwZXTRPNL)' ’ūõńķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪ×ÕĪŹŹÄ¾«…}pb\H:4 q’Ą’’’½ł’@gf†2ī čž‹s’žTQk’žTQ 76 SW 4’žKit's Coty House’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 7451 6083’ž57451 16083’ž574510’ž160830’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žAylesford’žMedway’ž107’žSE-NWx8033’žHolgate 1981’žAshbee 1993’žAshbee 2000’žAshbee 1993nonononoX@%ī1’žyesnpyesno’žSE England’žDouglas, R. J. 1793 Nenia Britannica: or, a sepulchral history of Great Britain; from the earliest period to its general conversion to Christianity London, John Nichols’žMcCrerie, A. 1956 Kit's Coty House. Archaeologia Cantiana, 70, 250-1’žAshbee, P. 2000 The Medway's megalithic long barrows. Archaeologia Cantiana, 120, 319-345’žBorlase, W. 1769 Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, London, W. Bowyer and J. Nicholsnp  2ź>>>>>2222....(((((((((((((((((((($  ōēŚĢĢĢĢĢČÄĀ»¶¶¶®£Œ†~vi[UE.( q’?Ž  "¼: čJ‹s’žTQW’žTQ 66 SE 2’žColdrum’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žchambered tomb’žnone’žTQ 6543 6072’ž56543 16072’ž565430’ž160720’žKent’žTonbridge and Malling’žTrottiscliffe’žMedway’žE-Wx2718’žKeith 1913’žEvans 1950’žAshbee 2000nonononononoyesyesno’žgrooved stone or polissoir;0x0xx0x0nox’žoccupation debris in chamberxnononono0’ž24+0noŖ@8x1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxnono’ž51°192 17.673 N, 000°222 22.033 E’ž51°192 15.733 N, 000°222 27.993 E’žSE Englandno’žBennett, F. J. 1913 Coldrum Monument and Exploration 1910. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 43, 76-85’žFilkins, E. W. 1928 Excavations at Coldrum. Antiquaries Journal, 8, 356-7’žAshbee, P. 2000 The Medway's megalithic long barrows. Archaeologia Cantiana, 120, 319-345’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PresnpĮĮ½½Qō§////+ōÉÅĮĮĮæ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹·³±Æ­«§¢žš–‘‹‰‰}ywrrplhd`^@>:86420.,*  żłõńķéåååŲĢĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø¶±±±±©šƒ}um`RL<% q’?Ī’’’½ł’`~¼ č(Œs’žTM ’žTM 39 SW 37’žBroome Heath’žMonument #933097’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žTM 3441 9131’ž63441 29131’ž634410’ž291310’žNorfolk’žSouth Norfolk’žBroome’žnone’žnonex35xx’žLawson 1981nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono010’žgravel’@„x1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxxnpnoxyesxnono’ž52°282 09.863 N, 001°262 59.383 E’ž52°282 08.333 N, 001°272 05.973 E’žSE Englandno’žChester, G. J. 1859 Untitled note on Broome Heath barrows. Norfolk Archaeology, 5, 361-2’žLawson, A. J. 1981 The barrows of Norfolk. IN LAWSON, A. J., MARTIN, E. A. & PRIDDY, D. (Eds.) The barrows of East Anglia. [East Anglian Archaeology Report 12].npįįŻŻŻŻ8ÜÜÜÜŲĢ”vrnnnlffffffffffffffd`\ZXVQMIE@<888644(  žüśųöōņšīźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĘĘĘĘ¹¹¹¹¹·µ±ÆÆÆ©£›Œƒ{sfXKE7% q’Ā’’’½ł’`~Œzæ čĻŒs¼’žSE 95 NE 27’žGarton Slack 79’žMonument #64464’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9796 5771’ž49796 45771’ž497960’ž457710’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnonex37xxnonononononononoyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žtrench’ž?under the mound?nononono00’žyesnon@Ax1’žyesnonononono’žyesxxxxnox’žsecondary grave ; cremated bone depositsyesxnono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 271-273’ž188<<77777¾¾¾¾ŗÆÆÆ«§§§„ŸŸŸŸŸuuuuuuuuusomkigb^ZVRNIIIGEE950..,($  ’ūł÷õóńļķėēįŻŁÕŃĶÉÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮæ½¹····±§šŽ†~qcMG9( q’?Ą’’’½ł’af„óŗčŹˆs#ų’žSP 80 SW 1’žWhiteleaf Hill’žMonument #344283’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 8220 0408’ž48220 20408’ž482200’ž204080’žBuckinghamshire’žWycombe’žPrinces Risborough’žChilterns’žnone’žon the edge of the false crest, at the top of a steep slope’ž248x22xx’žKinnes Cc1’žKinnes 1979’žAshbee 1984nono’žchal; ' clay with flintsnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone awl; beaver incisor; antler picks1’žNE lobe4’žcentralx’žnumerous’žsurrounding Pit 20’žtimber structure’žcentral’žflint and potsherd concentration’žinner moundnonononono10’žchalkčVńAx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žN and S of chambernox’ž4 postholes; chamber?’žpityesx’žtimber structure, postholes, stakeholes, pit, flint and potsherd concentrationno’žSE Englandno’žyes’žChilde, V. G. & Smith, I. 1954 Excavation of a Neolithic Barrow on Whiteleaf Hill, Bucks. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 20, 212-230’žClark, J. G. D., Leask, H. G., Evans, E. E., Childe, V. G. & Grimes, W. F. 1936 Notes on excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1936 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 211-28’žDyer, J. F. 1961 Barrows of the Chilterns. Archaeological Journal, 116, 1-24’žClark, J. G. D., Leask, H. G., Evans, E. E., Childe, V. G. & Grimes, W. F. 1935 Notes on excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1935 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1, 130-4635’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumAŽŚŚģœ®“““²¬¬¬¬¬¬§ŽŠvtrpkfb^YTPPPNLL@97551-)%!ņé×ÕĀø¶­«¢ xtnhd^Z@<8888++++ ĘĄµ”˜‡wj\VP8& q’’Ä’’’½ł’Ą`f¾÷ č%‹s8Ę’žSP 22 SE 4’žLyneham Barrow’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 2975 2106’ž42975 22106’ž429750’ž221060’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žLyneham’žCotswolds’žnone’ž198’žNNE-SSWx5219’žOXF 8’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žholed paving stone1’ž2.1 m w of standing stone0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone - pre-mound’žNE endyesnonono000’žslabV@ķx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNE end of moundxx’žchamber 1’žholed paving stone’žchamber 2’žslab pavement’žholed paving stone’žmortuary area; standing stone’žpityesx’žstanding stone; pit; fireno’žSW England’žstanding stone’žConder, E. 1895 Account of the exploration of Lyneham barrow, Oxon. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 15, 404-410’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’ž312’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusꎉ‰‰‰‰‰‰‰ymmmiNNNLFFFA""""""""’ōąÕÓŃĄ»¶²®©¤ŸŸŸ››‰‡……ƒ{wqiMKGECA?=;  śöšģčäąąąąąąąąŅĖĒĆĮø³³­¢™‡zrj]OIC,& q’Ą’’’½ł’ffŒ‡Ø čøŒs’žHY’žHY 32 NE 16’žWestness’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žnone’žHY 3840 2898’ž33840 102898’ž338400’ž1028980’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone30x12xxnononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žbed or hearth-like arrangement"’žchambernononono000’žflagsĀ@·x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’ž"bed or hearth-like arrangement"yesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žGrant, W. G. 1934 A Chambered Mound at Westness, Rousay, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 68, 71-3QQQQQQQĶĶĶĶɽ½½¹µµµ³­­­­­­­­­­­­­‹‰…|zxvrmie`\WWWUSSG@><<:62.*!žśųöōņšīģźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¾ŗø““®¦’‚riaSE?9'! q’Ą’’’½ł’`fE čU‹s’žHY’žHY 32 NE 6’žKnowe of Lairo’žHullion; Frotoft’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žHY 3988 2796’ž33988 102796’ž339880’ž1027960’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone15’žESE-WNWx17’ž45.7’žORK 28’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononononoyesnoyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no@@x1no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno’žGrant, W. G. & Wilson, D. 1943 The Knowe of Lairo, Rousay, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 77, 17-26’žChilde, V. G. 1942 The chambered cairns of Rousay. Antiquaries Journal, 22, 139-42’žSharples, N. M. 1985 Individual and community: the changing role of megaliths in the Orcadian Neolithic. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 51, 59-74’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press“DDDD¦PŹŹŹŹĘŗŗŗŗ¶¶¶“®®®®®®®®®®®®®®¬Ø¦¤¢ œ—“‹†‚‚‚€~~rnljjhd`\XVRPLJHFDB@><82.($ öīčäāŁÕÕĻĒ³£“Š‚tfOI8& q’Ą’’’½ł’`bfd čtŠs’žHY ’žHY 33 SE 1’žMidhowe’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular, stalled’žHY 3722 3048’ž33722 103048’ž337220’ž1030480’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone10’žSE-NWx’ž32.513’žORK 37’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’ž25+0’žpavementx1no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchamber - partialnox’žpaving (partial)yesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žCallander, J. G. & Grant, W. G. 1934 A long stalled chambered cairn or mausoleum (Rousay type) near Midhowe Rousay, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 68, 320-50’žChilde, V. G. 1942 The chambered cairns of Rousay. Antiquaries Journal, 22, 139-42’žReynolds, D. M. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1985 Walter Gordon Grant: an archaeological appreciation. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 115, 67-73’žLawrence, D. 2006 Neolithic mortuary practice in Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 136, 47-60’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press•%%%§®ķķķķ鯯ŻŁÕÕÕÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ»¹µ¢ žœ—’‰…€|||zxxxnlggea]YUSOMIGECA?=;951+%!        ńéå߯ÖŅŅĢÄ° ‡qc<6% q’Ą’’’ł’`f<T čd‹s’žHY’žHY 40 NW 17’žCrantit’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žHY 440 098’ž34400 100980’ž344000’ž1009800’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žKirkwall and St Ola’žMainland’žnonex25xx’žBallin-Smith et al 1998nonononono’žyes?nononono0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žallnononono040’žclayÉ@x1no’žyesnononono’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’ž58°582 19.713 N, 002°582 29.263 W’ž58°582 21.213 N, 002°582 23.503 W’žN Scotlandno’žBallin-Smith, B., Duncan, J. & Richards, C. 1998 Crantit (Kirkwall and St Ola parish), Neolithic chambered tomb; Bronze Age cists. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 70’žBallin-Smith, B. 1999 The Crantit tomb: an update. Scottish Archaeological News, 29, 2-3’žBallin-Smith, B. 1999 Cranit (Kirkwall and St Ola parish), Neolithic chambered tomb and Bronze Age cists. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 67§§§§§µöĖ œ˜˜˜–ŽŠ}{vrnjfa]]][YYMGECCA=951,  üųōšźęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖ½½½½½»¹µ³³³­£Ž~ne]OC=7&  q’Ā’’’½ł’`~y 艋s’žHY<’žHY 42 NW 3’žBlackhammer’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, stalled cairn’žHY 4142 2761’ž34142 102761’ž341420’ž1027610’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone60’žSE-NWx228’žORK 3’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žbone pin0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono020no‰@*x1no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesxno’ž59°072 52.683 N, 003°012 30.653 W’ž59°072 54.253 N, 003°012 24.883 W’žN Scotlandno’žCallander, J. G. & Grant, W. G. 1937 Long stalled cairn at Blackhammer, Rousay, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 71, 297-308’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press€Ź,,,,(ńĘĘĀĀĀĄŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø“²°®¬§¢žš–‘‹‰‰}ywuusokgca][WUSQOMKIG=71+'!éāąÜŚÓĻĻÉĮ­„|n`@:)# q’Ā’’’½ł’`z >Ķ čŻĖs’ž30ś’ž306725’žGop Cairn’žGop-y-Goleuni’žcairn’žtumulus’žnone’žSJ 0866 8015’ž30866 38015’ž308660’ž380150’žFlintshire’žFlintshire’žTrelawnyd and Gwaenysgor’žnone’žnone’ž'on the brow of Gop Hill at the northern end of the line of hills forming the eastern boundary of the Vale of Clwyd; outstanding views in all directions' (Nash 2006)’ž250x’ž100xx’žFLT 1nononoyesnonononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no*@x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žn/ano’ž53°182 37.543 N, 003°222 20.203 W’žWalesno’žBoyd Dawkins, W. 1901 The cairn and sepulchral cave at Gop, near Prestatyn Archaeological Journal, 58, 322-341’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston.½½½½½½KKKKG@@ žśųöōņīéåįŻŁÕÕÕÓŃŃÅĮæ½½»·³Æ«©„£Ÿ›™—•“‘‹‡ƒ{uqqmiiiiiiiiib`^YWR«„Ÿ…yme]PB<3, q’’?Ąž’’½ł’ąkNc čsŒs’žHUl’žHU 24 NE 3’žGiant's Grave (Shetland)’žHestinsetter Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone?’žHU 2920 4572’ž42920 114572’ž429200’ž1145720’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žSandsting’žShetland Mainland’žnone’ž108’žSSE/NNW ?’ž9-12xx’žZET 9nonononononoyesnononono00;@ü1’žyesnononono’žyesnoyesno’žN Scotland’žHunt, J. 1866 Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the islands of Unst, Brassay and the mainland of Zetland. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 294-338’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press–//////fffffZZZZVVVVPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPLGC?;7222000$$"     žśöņņņņņņņņņėéēįÖŃŃĖø­›‰€xj\ZTC0 q’?Ą’@,ł "Ö čŒs’žHU=’žHU 27 NW 3’žMarch Cairn’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žsquare’žHU 2216 7891’ž42216 117891’ž422160’ž1178910’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone61’žNE-SWx’ž10.2’ž10.1’žZET 27’žHenshall 1963; 1972nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žslabs on stone layer)@x1no?no’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žpassage’žslabs on stone layer’žchamber’žslab pavement’žslab pavement?xnono’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1963 Cairns, Neolithic Houses and Burnt Mounds in Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 96, 37-86’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressōżżżżłķķķéåååćįįįįįįįįįįŅŅŅĆŗ¤›™—•‘Œˆƒ}yyywuuiSQOOMIEA=;751/-+)'%#!  żłõõõõõõõõąŲŅĢŹĆæ湦™‡uldVH@:)# q’Ą’’’½ł’ `f>¶ čʊs’žHU’žHU 36 NW 1’žIslesburgh’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 3346 6845’ž43346 116845’ž433460’ž1168450’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone4x’ž4.96’žZET 21’žHenshall 1963, 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žrough pavement*@x1nonononono’žyesnoxxx’žpassage’žrough pavement’žchamber’ž'rough pavement'’ž'rough pavement'?xnono’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1963 Cairns, Neolithic Houses and Burnt Mounds in Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 96, 37-86’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žCalder, C. S. T. 1956 Report on the Discovery of Numerous Stone Age House-Sites in Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 89, 340-97’žCalder, C. S. T. 1956 Shetland: Islesburgh Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 28’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressCÜÜÜ…ä}ķķķķ鯯ŻŁÕÕÕÓŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃŃæææ­¤”‹‰‡…|xtplhhhfddXHFDDB>:620,*&$" üųōšģģģģģģģģÖĪĢĒÅÅĆĆ½Ŗ‹yphZL?9(" q’}Ą’’’½ł’ `f< č&Œs’žHU.’žHU 56 NE 1’žPettigarth's Field’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žsquare’žHU 5850 6530’ž45850 116530’ž458500’ž1165300’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNesting’žWhalsay’žnone46x’ž5.4’ž5.1’žZET32’žHenshall 1963’žCalder 1961nonononoyesnonono’žunknown pavementŽ@*2’žyesxxx’žpassage’žunknown pavement’žchamber’žpavement’žpavementno’žN Scotland’žCalder, C. S. T. 1961 Excavations in Whalsay, Shetland, 1954-55 Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 94, 28-45’žRCAHMS 1946 Twelfth report with an inventory of the ancient monuments of Orkney and Shetland. Vol III, Edinburgh, HMSO’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presså~~~~~€€€€€ttttppppppppppppppfff\SA86422--------+++       ūūū÷óļėėėėėŽŽŽĻČĆ¾¼¼øø²© Ž|sk]OGA0* q’}Ā°0ż " žļ č’Œs’žHU.’žHU 59 NE 7’žThe Ward’žKnowe of Heogland’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 5994 9951’ž45994 119951’ž459940’ž1199510’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUyea’žnone46npx68’žZET 73’žHenshall 1972nonononon@21nounknownno’žN Scotland’žTate, R. 1866 Report of Zetland Anthropological Expedition. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 339-47’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press ££££££żżżżżżżżūūūļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėēćßßßßßßßߊČĘÄĀ¾ŗŗ“®Ø–„{seWJD3  q’Ą  "ž4 čDs’žHY’žHY 50 NW 58’žHurnip's Point’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’ž?passage grave’žHY 5448 0634’ž35448 100634’ž354480’ž1006340’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žSt Andrews and Deerness’žMainland’žnone’žE-Wx6015’žnonenono’žRousay Flags of the Middle Old Red Sandstoneno”@*1’žyesnoyesno’žN Scotland’žHunter, J. R. 1993 A new Neolithic burial cairn in Orkney? Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 123, 9-12ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅFFFFF::::666600000000000000000000,''''''''%%%ēćßßßßßßßßߣÕŃĻŹŹŹÄŗ”‘xpbTD>-' q’>Ą  "… č•Šs’žHY’žHY 53 NE 2’žCalf of Eday NW’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5788 3858’ž35788 103858’ž357880’ž1038580’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žCalf of Eday’žnone15x’ž7.5xx’žORK 9’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1863nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žchambernononono000no@@x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnoxno’ž59°132 54.323 N, 002°442 23.093 W’ž59°132 55.923 N, 002°442 17.163 W’žN Scotlandno’žFarrer, J. 1857 Notice of Antiquities on the Isle of Eday, Orkney, recently examined by James Farrer, of Ingleborough, communicated by John Stuart. . Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 154-8’žPetrie, G. 1863 The Pict's-houses in the Orkneys. Archaeological Journal, 20, 32-7’žFraser, D. 1983 Land and Society in Neolithic Orkney, Oxford, B.A.R.’žPetrie, G. 1927 Primeval antiquities of Orkney. Proceedings of the Orkney Antiquarian Society, 5, 19-29’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presst™Qū""""ē¼¼øøø¶²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°¬Ŗئ¤ ›—“‹‡‡‡…ƒƒwsqoomiea]T><86420.,*($  óóóŁŅŠĪÉĒĆĆ½Æ©™‰€xj\D>-' q’Ā’’’½ł’`z:60÷ģģģŅŹČĘĀĄ¼¼¶­¤”„{seWF@/) q’Ę’’’½ł’`f<ž LVAL! Mortimer 1905 p 82: PIT 1 - Mortimer refers to this as a 'grave '2.4 m east of mound centre; measured 2.1 m x 0.6 m x 0.6 m deep, filled with soil, chalk rubble and 'foreign clay' mixed with layers of wood ashes.  In the middle, near the floor, was the scapula of a small mammal. PIT 2- about 2.4 m west of mound centre, measured 2.1 m’žMortimer 1905 p 82: PIT 1 - Mortimer refers to this as a 'grave '2.4 m east of mound centre; measured 2.1 m x 0.6 m x 0.6 m deep, filled with soil, chalk rubble and 'foreign clay' mixed with layers of wood ashes.  In the middle, near the floor, was the scapula of a small mammal. PIT 2- about 2.4 m west of mound centre, measured 2.1 m x 0.6 m x 0.3 m deep, filled with soil, clay and chalk rubble.  In the centre, on the baseline of the barrow, were remains of two bodies, lying one behind the other on a thin bed of clay& .Above them was thin layer of clay, and underneath, the clay was covered with dark matter. Kinnes (1979) interprets this is a clay floor defined by timber slots on each side.LVALū78MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descriņ čŠs’’žST 99 NW 7’žWindmill Tump’žRodmarton’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 9326 9730’ž39326 19730’ž393260’ž197300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žRodmarton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž146’žENE-WSWx5322’žGLO 16’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žbone pendants; haematite2’žforecourt; south chamber3’žsouth chamber - around gravex0x0nox’žcromlech’žE end of moundyesnonono0’žunknown0?h!Ūwx1’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žeast end of moundxx’žNorth Chambernox’žpavement?’žgrave’žfire; triliths & dsw; pityesxnono’žpits; postholes; stone settingno’žSW Englandno’žyes’žLysons, S. 1863 [Account of the opening of a tumulus on his property at Rodmarton in Gloucestershire]. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London (Series 2), 2, 275-279’žClifford, E. M. & Daniel, G. 1940 The Rodmarton and Avening Portholes Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 6, 133-65’žSaville, A. 1989 Rodmarton long barrow, Gloucestershire, 1988. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 107, 189-193’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows7’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus ±ÆÆVæDŠŠŠ†zzzvUQMKEEEEEEEEE)))"žėēāŻŲÓĪÉÉÉĒÅŹ·µ¬¬Ŗ¦¢ž˜ˆ~|xvtrpRP64žśöņīīīīīīīīąŲŌŠĪÅĄĄŗƤš‰yl^MG0% q’Ą’’’½ł’ąg¾oq 聊s’žND“’žND 34 SW 70’žWarehouse South’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3057 4208’ž33057 94208’ž330570’ž942080’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’ž180x18xx’žCAT 64’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886nonononononoyesnono’žburnt bones0x0xx0x0nox’žlong horned cairn’žs end of cairnnononono000’žsandy loamĢ@8x1?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnpxxx’žChamber Dnoxyesxnono’žN Scotlandno’žRhind, A. H. 1854 Results of excavations in sepulchral cairns in the north of Scotland. Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3, 100-108’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442 - 451’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressˆroźźźźęŚŚŚÖŅŅŅŠŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹČĹ·µ³ÆŖ¦¢˜–––”’’†zxvvtplhdTA?;97531/-+ üųųųųųéééĻĒÅĆæ½øøø²¬”—‡zlTN=( q’?Ā’’’½ł’`f< č/‹s’žND–’žND 34 SW 69’žWarehouse East’žCairns of Warehouse’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 3091 4232’ž33091 94232’ž330910’ž942320’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone’ž150npx1816’žCAT 62’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886nonononoÓ@1’žyes’žyesyesno’žN Scotland’žRhind, A. H. 1854 Results of excavations in sepulchral cairns in the north of Scotland. Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 3, 100-108’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442 -451’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÜiiiĘ#Ä?????3333////)))))))))))))))))))))$$$$  ņņņŲŠĢČĘĀ½½·±« –Ž†ykSM<' q’Ā  ""Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7EMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7IMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri šLVALŠGreenwell 1877 - A few feet from the east side of the barrow was a deposit of disarticulted and fragmented human bones (MNI = 5), laid on a bed of clay mixed with charcoal, 'which rested on the natural surface and covered a space of about 2.4 m square'. "Throughout a great part of the area of the barrow detached human teeth were met with, strewn upon the natural surface. " 4.5 m SE of centre was a hole filled with chalk, and at about the same distance NE of centre was another hole also filled with chalk an’žGreenwell 1877 - A few feet from the east side of the barrow was a deposit of disarticulted and fragmented human bones (MNI = 5), laid on a bed of clay mixed with charcoal, 'which rested on the natural surface and covered a space of about 2.4 m square'. "Throughout a great part of the area of the barrow detached human teeth were met with, strewn upon the natural surface. " 4.5 m SE of centre was a hole filled with chalk, and at about the same distance NE of centre was another hole also filled with chalk and some ox bones. "Immediately south of this hole there was a good deal of charcoal lying on the natural surface, together with part of a human skull, some portions of ribs and a few pieces of plain dark-coloured pottery. At the centre was an oval hollow, lying north and south, 1.5m by .9 m and .76m deep. It was filled with chalk rubble, amongst which were two flint chippings; and at the bottom was a single piece of pottery, with some slight traces of human bones, probably the remains of the primary interment." šLVALŠGreenwell 1877: p 146-7: 'About 5.4 m from the eastern edge of the mound and laid upon the natural surface was found a large deposit of broken human bones, the remains of not less than 8 bodies& All these, together with some animal bones, were scattered about in the greatest confusion... ' Greenwell concludes they had been deposited that way originally as there was no evidence for significant disturbance of the barrow. "At the centre of the barrow and upon the natural surface was a large quantity of dark coloured and perfectly plain pottery& in fragmentary condition& .A few pieces of a human skull were also met with near the centre. To the n’žGreenwell 1877: p 146-7: 'About 5.4 m from the eastern edge of the mound and laid upon the natural surface was found a large deposit of broken human bones, the remains of not less than 8 bodies& All these, together with some animal bones, were scattered about in the greatest confusion... ' Greenwell concludes they had been deposited that way originally as there was no evidence for significant disturbance of the barrow. "At the centre of the barrow and upon the natural surface was a large quantity of dark coloured and perfectly plain pottery& in fragmentary condition& .A few pieces of a human skull were also met with near the centre. To the north, SE and SW of the centre were three holes, marking the angles of a triangle; they were sunk .45 m below the surface and contained nothing in addition to the chalk which had been dug out in sinking them." Animal bones and a flint scraper were found near the north hole. West of centre was an inhumation, laid in a slight depression on the surface. "The head was protected by two large blocks of flint, placed roof-fashion over it." "Close to the edge of the barrow on the northwest side, was the body of a young person& laid on the natural surface, and there was a good deal of burnt earth and charcoal below it. In front of the knees was a 'drinking cup'".‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’¶LVALĘBateman 1861; P 131 'Slightly southeast from the centre of the barrow, upon a pavement of thin flat stones raised 15 cm above the natural level of t’žBateman 1861; P 131 'Slightly southeast from the centre of the barrow, upon a pavement of thin flat stones raised 15 cm above the natural level of the land, lay the skeleton of a tall and strongly-built man& Near his feet was the tusk of a large boar& . On the floor of the barrow were indications of fire.'¢ LVAL² Bateman 1861 - Chamber #1 - p 94 : the floor of the chamber was 'paved with five slabs of limestone, pretty well fitted to each other . Limestone gravel and small stones covered a large quantity of jumbled human remains. Page 95  The lower part of the gravel, and the interstices betwe’žBateman 1861 - Chamber #1 - p 94 : the floor of the chamber was 'paved with five slabs of limestone, pretty well fitted to each other . Limestone gravel and small stones covered a large quantity of jumbled human remains. Page 95  The lower part of the gravel, and the interstices between the paving stones abounded with rats' bones; and on removing part of the floor we found that many human bones had been drawn beneath it by these restless creatures.:' 'A little charcoal was mixed with the clay on which the pavement rested". Chamber #2 was also paved with limestone slabs. šLVALŠRadley 1971 : barrow was dug into in 1824 - described as a 'series of narrow caverns, formed of stones and earth in which several skulls and many human bones were found.' A local farmer excavated in 1947 - revealed a standing stone, but did not reach the old ground surface. Found a stone cist which contained the remains of 3 individuals. In 1968 the 1947 trench was re-excavated by Radley & Plant. P 23 the buried turf line was idenitified; it was 10-15 cm thick and rested on a yellow subsoil. Between the cist and the standing stone a spread of yellow clay rested on the turf, and was in turn covered by a paving of limestone, in places a true pav’žRadley 1971 : barrow was dug into in 1824 - described as a 'series of narrow caverns, formed of stones and earth in which several skulls and many human bones were found.' A local farmer excavated in 1947 - revealed a standing stone, but did not reach the old ground surface. Found a stone cist which contained the remains of 3 individuals. In 1968 the 1947 trench was re-excavated by Radley & Plant. P 23 the buried turf line was idenitified; it was 10-15 cm thick and rested on a yellow subsoil. Between the cist and the standing stone a spread of yellow clay rested on the turf, and was in turn covered by a paving of limestone, in places a true pavement and elsewhere a stoney gravel trampled into the clay. The clay contained fragments of human bone, a few animal bones and struck black chert flakes. A shallow grave dug into the clay and old turf line contained the articulated ribs and vertebrae of a young person, set within a small arrangement of stones. Near the shallow grave, which was sealed by yellow clay, was a shallow hearth or depression holding a small quantity of charcoal which was also covered by the clay covering the grave. Radley & Plant suggest that prior to mound construction, there was an open cemetary of free standing cists and a single standing stone, surrounded by paving.LVALū7NMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’fLVALvNo excavation report  no information on buried ground surface. Pastscape: A Neolithic long cairn at Whitwell excavated in 1988-9 in advance of quarrying. Revealed the remains of 13 individ’žNo excavation report  no information on buried ground surface. Pastscape: A Neolithic long cairn at Whitwell excavated in 1988-9 in advance of quarrying. Revealed the remains of 13 individuals along with pot sherds and flints. Schulting 2000 - p 30 - Whitwell has the 'earliest British dates on short-lived materials from an impeccable Neolithic context' Archive at Sheffield Museum. šLVALŠClifford 1938 - p 214 'the old turf line showed as a thin band of clay. The removal of the debris of the cairn revealed a rock-cut boat-shaped tomb, neatly lined with blocks of stone and at the north end an enormous mass of human and animal bones, mixed with soil, in a state of disorder& .there was a ledge on the side of the accommodate the slabs of stone which would be nevessary to cover [it] before the cairn could be built over it. Two such slabs& ..were found lying in the undergrowth on the E side of the barrow& .The floor [of the tomb] was solid rock and sloped from N to’žClifford 1938 - p 214 'the old turf line showed as a thin band of clay. The removal of the debris of the cairn revealed a rock-cut boat-shaped tomb, neatly lined with blocks of stone and at the north end an enormous mass of human and animal bones, mixed with soil, in a state of disorder& .there was a ledge on the side of the accommodate the slabs of stone which would be nevessary to cover [it] before the cairn could be built over it. Two such slabs& ..were found lying in the undergrowth on the E side of the barrow& .The floor [of the tomb] was solid rock and sloped from N to S in four shallow steps, the difference in height between the 2 ends being 22 cm. ' The bones included the remains of between 28-44 people. Pottery (EBA) was found on the ledge, as well as two pieces actually in the tomb, together with flint flakes. In Cotswold, there are other cases of chambers being cut into the underlying rock - West Tump, Cow Common Long, Poles Wood East, Pinkwell Barrow, Nether Swell, Ablington. However, the shape of this tomb appears to be unique. P 215 "This barrow is dated to the EBA by pottery, but it retains the collective burial rites of the Neolithic."LVALū7RMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7TMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠO'Neil 1966 - p 8 - 'Two shallow stone-lined graves dug into the natural surface were found in the tail end of the barrow.' " A thin surface of red clayey loam remained as the original ground surface and into this a roughly set paving of stones was inserted as foundation for the barrow. No evidence for pits, trenches or for a surrounding ditch was forthcoming." p 9 the burial chamber was "paved with tightly packed knobbly stones, as was also the short length of passage". "The whole of the forecourt floor was found to be covered with a 60 - 90 cm depth of occupation ashy loam, burnt red and black.: From the whole of the burnt area many fragments of human bone were recovered, burnt and unburnt, with flint& and pottery." On removal of the burnt occupation debris a hearth, seven post-holes, a shallow gully and a slot for a door sill were found. ..The evi’žO'Neil 1966 - p 8 - 'Two shallow stone-lined graves dug into the natural surface were found in the tail end of the barrow.' " A thin surface of red clayey loam remained as the original ground surface and into this a roughly set paving of stones was inserted as foundation for the barrow. No evidence for pits, trenches or for a surrounding ditch was forthcoming." p 9 the burial chamber was "paved with tightly packed knobbly stones, as was also the short length of passage". "The whole of the forecourt floor was found to be covered with a 60 - 90 cm depth of occupation ashy loam, burnt red and black.: From the whole of the burnt area many fragments of human bone were recovered, burnt and unburnt, with flint& and pottery." On removal of the burnt occupation debris a hearth, seven post-holes, a shallow gully and a slot for a door sill were found. ..The evidence deduced from the layout of the post-holes, in which use had been made of the barrow walls, shows that some form of occupation had taken place, and was subsequent to the bulding of the barrow." A secondary Beaker burial had been inserted into the mound. Samples of the original ground surface were examined for pollen, but none was found, probably due to the lime-rich soil. P 22 - The roofing material of the dwelling may have been thatch, as some fragments of human skull were found in the ante-chamber, calcined to an intense black colouring - pronounced to be the result of very slow combustion. A thatched roof falling on to the floor would be likely to smoulder for days and bring about this effect. Darvill 2004: Multi-period monument overlying an area of occupation; Primary simple passage grave and round barrow/rotunda grave joined to form a long barrow. šLVALŠAkerman: 1859 - 'the floor of the barrow had been excavated to a depth of 60 cm below the natural surface of the soil.' It was reported that workmen had found 3 skeletons in the barrow about 20 years previously. Marshall 1996 and 1997: PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1995 - Resistivity survey of the barrow and its margins revealed internal evidence for possible cells, one horn of a probable forecourt, and the possibility of lateral chambers. A trapezoidal enclosure formed by oval pits extended ’žAkerman: 1859 - 'the floor of the barrow had been excavated to a depth of 60 cm below the natural surface of the soil.' It was reported that workmen had found 3 skeletons in the barrow about 20 years previously. Marshall 1996 and 1997: PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1995 - Resistivity survey of the barrow and its margins revealed internal evidence for possible cells, one horn of a probable forecourt, and the possibility of lateral chambers. A trapezoidal enclosure formed by oval pits extended east from the forecourt area. Magnetometer survey followed, and magnetic susceptibility sampling from the base of topsoil over the suggested enclosure indicated the presence of burning around its perimeter. PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1996: Two of the pit-like anomalies forming a trapezoidal enclosure extending east of the barrow forecourt were excavated following geophysical survey (Event 1136334). A few small fragments of flint and sparse flecks of charcoal were recovered from the features."LVAL’ÜXLAWRENCE1866 - P 279  Nearly at the centre [of the mound] and in the back of Cell C, a broken circle of stones was discovered. The soil all round them was deeply impregnated with wood ashes. The diameter of this circle of stones is about 7 feet. No remains of any sort were found near it. HEMP 1929 p 267-8 ; re stone circle:' No trace of these stones was found and it was certain that they could not have been upright stones planted in the ground, as the original surface of this was found to been disturbed [sic] and to consist chiefly of rock covered by a very thin layer of stiff yellow clay.' BERRY 1929: An area was excavated in the central 'great longitudinal trench left by earlier explorers". P 278  The floor of this central excavation was exposed for a distance of nearly 20 feet from N to S. and was found to be perfectly level. It was composed of clay on the surface of which were embedded numerous minute pieces of wood ash." P 279 Berry believed this was not a central passage, but instead "This firm flat surface& was a surface trodden down by the first explorers who had reached the clay on which the barrow had been erected. It must have been they and not the original mound builders who had scattered and trodden wood ashes into the ground. The ashes may have been derived from fires lighted by the early explorers& or they may have been derived from the fire, abundant traces of which were found some 15 feet further south by the explorers of 1863-5& ..It was only on the surface of the clay floor that any ashes at all were found. They did not extend deeper than about one inch. BERRY 1930: P 144  The floor of chamber C was carefully examined. It consisted of a couple of inches of black silt overlying pure red clay, in the upper part of which were numerous small cobble stones. P 145 "The floor of chamber D was not examined." P 146  Examination of the floor of chamber B showed that it consists of red clay and a few cobbles P 150  Each of the 4 chambers was covered at first by its own separaČ LVALŲ te mound. There is so much difference in size, shape and structure& .that it is difficult to believe that all were built at the same time. This raises the interesting question whether the main barrow may not have been thrown up over pre-existing mounds of different dates. LVALū7ZMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠGrimes 1960 - P 7 - 9'the monument proved to be an elaborate arrangement of walls and stone masses, the whole set in a large pit [56m x 26m] dug into the rock.' The depth was variable and the floor was irregular, following the natural bedding planes. The plan of the pit was irregular; it consisted of a main area with numbers bays and annexes. There was a central 'island' in the centre - an area of uncut rock which still retained a 23 cm la’žGrimes 1960 - P 7 - 9'the monument proved to be an elaborate arrangement of walls and stone masses, the whole set in a large pit [56m x 26m] dug into the rock.' The depth was variable and the floor was irregular, following the natural bedding planes. The plan of the pit was irregular; it consisted of a main area with numbers bays and annexes. There was a central 'island' in the centre - an area of uncut rock which still retained a 23 cm layer of soil. The stone quarried from the pit was to be used in the building of the cairn. Page 9 - The chamber was sunk in its own pit - its rock floor was 89 cm below the modern surface datum. Chamber had been disturbed in 18th or 19th C. Around the chamber was a narrow seat or bench 35-43 cm above the floor level. P 29 - Chamber is of the 'beehive' variety, resembling others (known as'shepherd's cots) including Ablington and Cow Common,Ž LVALž Davidson & Henshall 1989 p 112 'The [chamber] floor is of rock, smooth and virtually flat, the strata lying in horizontal beds which could be lifted easily to form a level surface.' (turf cleared prior to construction?) Charleson 1902: P 733  About a foot from the floor the deposit had a somewh’žDavidson & Henshall 1989 p 112 'The [chamber] floor is of rock, smooth and virtually flat, the strata lying in horizontal beds which could be lifted easily to form a level surface.' (turf cleared prior to construction?) Charleson 1902: P 733  About a foot from the floor the deposit had a somewhat fatty, unctuous appearance, and contained two dozen skulls of the dog, several human long bones and five human skulls, three of which crumbled away when touched. P 734 - the steatite urn was probably associated with the secondary burials which had been found in an earlier investigation of the cairn.! č1‹s’žHYL’žHY 31 SE 1’žCuween Hill’žKewing Hill’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 3642 1277’ž33642 101277’ž336420’ž1012770’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žFirth’žMainland’žnone76x’ž16.8xx’žORK 12’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žBradley 1998nonononoyesnoyesnono’žincised motifs in linel stone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno08+0nob@\x1’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ž58°592 50.423 N, 003°062 29.593 W’ž58°592 51.943 N, 003°062 23.903 W’žN Scotlandno’žCharleson, M. M. & Turner, W. 1902 Notice of a Chambered Cairn at Kewing Hill, in the Parish of Firth, Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 26, 733-8’žBradley, R. 1998 Incised motifs in the passage-graves at Quoyness and Cuween, Orkney. Antiquity, 72, 387-390’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŹZZZZZź77773'üŃĶÉÉÉĄŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗø“²°®¬§¢žš–‘ŒŒŒŠˆˆ|xvrrplfb^\XVRPNLJHFDB# ’ūūūūūķķķÓĖÉĒĮæ»»µ«¤”„{seWGA0# q’Ā’’’½ł’`~ n šLVALŠGreenwell 1877 - p 448 'Upon the natural surface of the ground, throughout ther whole area of the mound, charcoal was found scattered in abundance. ' A circular "beehive" chamber was found at the centre of the mound. The chamber was semi-subterraenean - sunk .8m into the ground. "The bottom [of the chamber] was partly flagged at the SW side, the remaining portion being formed by the natural rock; this flagging b’žGreenwell 1877 - p 448 'Upon the natural surface of the ground, throughout ther whole area of the mound, charcoal was found scattered in abundance. ' A circular "beehive" chamber was found at the centre of the mound. The chamber was semi-subterraenean - sunk .8m into the ground. "The bottom [of the chamber] was partly flagged at the SW side, the remaining portion being formed by the natural rock; this flagging being probably due to the irregularity of the level..than to anhy intentional design." "On the north side of the chamber the stones were reddened by the action of fire, but not to any great extent .and on that floor were remains of charcoal." The chamber had been disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation - iron horsehoes etc were found in the chamber - he suggests the fire may have been lighted by the later intruders.LVALū7aMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri×LVALēChanter 1877: Excavation revealed a stonelined cavity& .p 49 'There was a rank odour in the cavity very different from that of newly tur’žChanter 1877: Excavation revealed a stonelined cavity& .p 49 'There was a rank odour in the cavity very different from that of newly turned soil; the earth too at one end was black, and of an unctuous appearance, but no trace of bone or other organized matter could be found.'‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL²ÜcSmith 1990: p 19 The old land surface: ' was a very abrupt and clear horizon, a thin, compressed silty old turf line. Examination of the soil (Keeley 1989) showed that the organic fraction of the turf-line had oxidised or leached to leave a grey silty residue and that the soil had probably developed in grassland and was of a type normally to be expected on the local subsoil. .' P 19 "Approximately central to the width of the mound at the E end was a single shallow pit c. 1.40m in diameter and 0.46m deep. Its fill consisted of seven thin layers of silty loam of varying hue and devoid of artefacts. & ...The soil layers were sieved and floated but produced only a little finely divided carbon material, inadequate for identification or radiocarbon dating (ibid.). In the area immediately around the pit was a thin layer of darker soil apparently a truncated remnant of the old land surface surviving in a slight hollow in the subsoil. A number of charcoal fragments were recovered from this layer and these were identified as 'mature, Quercus sp.' (N.D. Balaam, Site Archive) and at first interpreted as a possible remnant of some activity contemporary with the construction of the mound. However, the charcoal produced a radiocarbon. date of 831O±100 BP (HAR-8544, calibration inapplicable), long predating any possible neolithic activity and so must be mesolithic, perhaps from a phase of primary forest clearance." Finds were confined to the ditch fill, and consequently unstatified. However, two Mesolithic tools were identified, along with Late neolithic tools. P 24-5 "The microlith and blunted pieces probably originate from the old land surface beneath the mound but the area on which the mound was built was in any case a likely spot for activity, being a slight promontory overlooking the valley.). The radiocarbon date of 6360 + 100 BC (HAR-8544, calibration inapplicable), from the old land surface beneath the mound, while not actually dating the feature itself, suggests that there may have been a Mesolithic pha LVAL°se of primary clearance and activity."LVALū7fMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descriõ XŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠķvccĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻcĻPŁĘĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪĘĪ³³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī³Ī…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ…€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ…€ž ¢y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž£y ‚€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‚€’ž£y 0€ž ¢y ,€ž £y ,€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p ,€ž ¢y %€’’¢y %€’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻvŚąG”I¹Āźį1>p %€’’£y ‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ĪLVALŽŹ¾’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Excavation Recordsring dataCreate query in Design viewSummary Report FORM March 4 2008First tryort by using wizardarch 4 2008 4 2008Create data access page in Design view žc’’’’^Ė5…ו’žSP 01 NE 4a11’žOxA-907’ž4970 ± 60’žhuman bone’žSouth entrance - monument use phaseXX3'?ƒ×“’žSP 01 NE 4a24’žOxA-914’ž4970 ± 70’žanimal bone’žforecourt - monument use/decay phaseZZ4'?›×«’žSP 01 NE 4a2’žOxA-738’ž4970 ± 80’žanimal bone’žsub-cairn soilBB2%?†×–’žSP 01 NE 4a12’žOxA-910’ž5000 ± 70’žhuman bone’žSouth passage - monument use phaseWW3'?”פ’žNPRN 955351’žHAR 3932’ž5050 ± 70’žCharcoal’žpre-cairn ground surfaceII/%?LVALŃÜnDrew 1936: p 81 'the original turf line lay unbroken beneath the mound & was separated from the underlying chalk by a thin natural layer of marly clay. On the original turf line lay several vertebrae of Bos primigenius, a fragment of red deer antler, a flint microlith and the carbonized remains of ..hawthorne.' No primary interment was found" - despite no evidence for disturbance, and bone preservation was good (based on animal bones). "At 4.6 m from the central point was an oval heap, 0.3-0.6 m high, with its long axis at right angles to that of the barrow. & turf had been built up into two walls with vertical inner faces to a height of nearly 0.9 m. Before the construction of the barrow had been completed, the span between these walls had been filled with chalk rubble& The heap& strongly suggested some ritual arrangement at the very point where a primary interment would normally have been expected. This point was indeed the focus of the building of the barrow, for & the whole of the barrow was an enlargement and a prolongation from this feature. " "Underlying the mound, but covered by the unbroken old turfline were 3 pits. Their shapes were irregular & The filling was chalk rubble with occasional burnt flints and charcoal. While there was no clue as to their use or precise age, their position under the unbroken turf line indicated that they preceded the construction of the barrow by some considerable time." The ditches were similar in construction to those at causewayed enclosures. Evidence for fint knapping found in 6 places on the ditch bottom. Finds from the ditch bottom include flints, pottery, animal bones and 2 carved chalk phallus. There was a well-marked interval in the ditch fillings between the Neolithic A and B wares. P 96 - 3 postholes were found in the ditch causeway (Drew compares to the forecourt of a chambered tomb) - no evidence of their date but prob. Contemporary with barrow construction. Their size implies posts of considerable dimensions; unikely to have had structural ž LVAL or utilitarian purpose, so likely had ritual significance. Kinnes 1992 - suggests the pits may represent flint extraction. Johnston 1999 -P 47 - "the C14 date should be treated with caution because the sampled deposits do not appear to have come from an occupation layer." Johnston 1999 - p 42 - " occupation features and debris were found beneath Thickthorne Down, Handley Hill and Wor Barrow" Allen & Gardiner (2002) note that they are attempting to locate the charcoal from the pits for dating. šLVALŠColt Hoare 1812 - p 100-101 'This barrow was opened by a large section at the broad end, and on the highest part, and at the depth of about sixteen inches were found four skeletons, lying from south to north. At the depth of fourteen feet we came to the floor, and native soil, which was covered with charred wood and ashes; on the south side was a neat circular cist, made in the original soil, about 0.6 m in diameter, and 40 cm in depth, in which were deposited the head of an ox, and one small horn of a deer. Not finding the primary interment, we made two other large sections, and in the first, which was near the centre of the barrow, we d’žColt Hoare 1812 - p 100-101 'This barrow was opened by a large section at the broad end, and on the highest part, and at the depth of about sixteen inches were found four skeletons, lying from south to north. At the depth of fourteen feet we came to the floor, and native soil, which was covered with charred wood and ashes; on the south side was a neat circular cist, made in the original soil, about 0.6 m in diameter, and 40 cm in depth, in which were deposited the head of an ox, and one small horn of a deer. Not finding the primary interment, we made two other large sections, and in the first, which was near the centre of the barrow, we discovered four more secondary skeletons accompanied by iron and other artefacts;  the primary deposit still remains undiscovered. Lambert 1806 p 344: 'At the depth of 4.3 m we came to the floor of the barrow, which was covered with charred wood and ashes; on the south side of the floor was a neat circular cist, made in the original soil, about .6 m in diameter and about .4 m deep; in this cist we found the head of an ox and one small horn of a deer. " No primary burial was found, however several secondary Saxon burials were found in the mound. Grinsel 1957: "query whether layer of charred wood suggests that 'platform cremation' here occurred."‘×”’žND 48 SE 13’žGU-1182’ž4480 ± 80’žhuman bone’žStall 5 under intact shelfLL0$?’×¢’žST 81 SW 186’žOxA-7813’ž4580 ± 30’žanimal bone’žwest ditch - Phase IIIKK3&?“×£’žST 81 SW 185’žOxA-7827’ž4655 ± 40’žanimal bone’žwest ditch Phase I-IIJJ3&?LVALū7tMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALŻvLysons 1863: At the E end of the mound were 3 large upright stones, supported by a low drystone wall (sim to Mulfra in Cornwall); under the stones were animal bones & charcoal - not clear what this structure represents - Clifford & Daniel suggest a false entrance. Traces of fire were observed at the base of the mound in front of these stones along with animal bones and fine charcoal. At the N end of the mound was a chamber with a paved floor and porthole entrance. 'Within lay on the floor the skeltons of& 13 people' along with 5 flint tools, a piece of flint, coarse black pottery sherds, a fragment of polished green stone, a large nodule of silicious grit and a small round white pebble. The bones were in great confusion, some had been burnt. The S chamber had been previously rifled and contained quantities of human bones, in great confusion. Clifford & Daniel 1940: Re-excavated, primarily to discover more about the porthole entrances. The chambers were found to have steps going down to them, giving the impression they were underground. In the N chamber, no trace was found of a paved floor, but the surface was hard. P 140: S chamber -"In the floor there is a grave marked out by three holes about 5 cm across and 7.5 cm deep, in which were found human bones and the 2 bone pendants" (sim. To Nympsfield). In the S chamber were 2 quartzite pebbles, a tool of old Red Sandstone and many bones, both animal & human. There were no signs of burning or burnt bones in the S chamber, in contrast to the N. The false entrance was re-excavated and "revealed remains of fire, flints, and the teeth and jaw of pig, as well as a human tooth." In the forecourt, a circular stone-lined pit was found beneath the blocking near the outer wall, & the wall in the vicinity of the hole was much burnt. The pit contained loose earth, in which 3 pig bones were discovered, one near the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. (sim to Nympsfield). Other finds in the blocking include an oyster shell, 5 stone mauls and p LVAL€ a flint tool. Trench 3 near the tail of the mound was re-cut, revealing "on the cenre line of the barrow at ground level a single stone was observed lying east and west, under which lay a squared piece of a possible human skull. Saville 1989 - The fall of 2 trees on the NW side of the barrow in 1987 revealed the presence of a previously unknown chamber. No excavation of undisturbed deposits was undertaken - no ground features were exposed.LVALū7xMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7zMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7|MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠCunnington 1914 - barrow had been previously disturbed - portion of a clay pipe found on the ground level near the centre of the mound. A grave had been dug into the chalk at the centre of the barrow no skeletal remains or artefacts found. 'The old surface line under the mound (where undisturbed) was well marked by a dark layer which gradually increased until at the centre it was 60 cm thick, showing that turf and dark mould had been used to begin with in making the mound, and chalk rubble to complete it.' "On the ground level on the SE side in the undisturbed part of the mound, were found five thin flat stones of oolite roughly squared to about 30 cm in size, laid as though to form a paving. Hu’žCunnington 1914 - barrow had been previously disturbed - portion of a clay pipe found on the ground level near the centre of the mound. A grave had been dug into the chalk at the centre of the barrow no skeletal remains or artefacts found. 'The old surface line under the mound (where undisturbed) was well marked by a dark layer which gradually increased until at the centre it was 60 cm thick, showing that turf and dark mould had been used to begin with in making the mound, and chalk rubble to complete it.' "On the ground level on the SE side in the undisturbed part of the mound, were found five thin flat stones of oolite roughly squared to about 30 cm in size, laid as though to form a paving. Human bones were found, some under but mostly over this paving, and scattered over a space of several feet round about it. The bones were those of at least five individuals, those of three adults and one child about eight years of age were unburnt, while mixed indiscriminately with these were the burnt bones of at least one other adult. The skeletons were incomplete and the bones were all broken and not in their natural relative positions; four vertebrae were strung upon a rib bone. As they occurred at different levels, it suggested indeed that the bones had been thrown in haphazard with the dark mould in building up the mound. Nothing further was found to give a clue as to the purpose of the paving."LVALū7‚MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri… LVAL• Vatcher 1964: Excavation revealed five main phases of activity, each separated by a considerable gap in time, as follows:  1. Six large pits, probably open-cast flint mining. These were levelled with material from a quarry on the east side. 2. & 3. Two separate successive timber buildings, one rectangular 36 ft x 12 ft, the other trapezoidal 16 ft x 16 ft at its widest point. 4. The construction of a barrow consisting of a rectangular flint cairn covering a few weathered human bones. Chalk mound with flanking ditches. 5. A Late Bronze Age intrusion. The ditches were recut, with burial on the edge of the new ditch and two cremation pits, unaccompanied, outside of the ditch.’žVatcher 1964: Excavation revealed five main phases of activity, each separated by a considerable gap in time, as follows:  1. Six large pits, probably open-cast flint mining. These were levelled with material from a quarry on the east side. 2. & 3. Two separate successive timber buildings, one rectangular 36 ft x 12 ft, the other trapezoidal 16 ft x 16 ft at its widest point. 4. The construction of a barrow consisting of a rectangular flint cairn covering a few weathered human bones. Chalk mound with flanking ditches. 5. A Late Bronze Age intrusion. The ditches were recut, with burial on the edge of the new ditch and two cremation pits, unaccompanied, outside of the ditch. Harding & Gingell 1986: PHASE 1 - Some of the pits identified by Vatcher actually post-date barrow construction and may represent 19th C barrow digging. The suggestion that they were dug for flint mining is unlikely given that flint is abundant on the surface of the chalk. PHASE 2 & 3- Again there is considerable uncertainty in the interpretation of the postholes and slots as timber structures. The smaller structure may be a small mortuary building. In relation to the pre-mound pits and postholes, Kinnes notes that 'serious doubts attach to the authenticity and sequence of these features.'NB - Postholes and pits etc excluded from analysis due to doubts as to the interpretation. šLVALŠMorgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half infilled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protr’žMorgan 1958 - P 108  cultivation evidence?: from the whole area beneath the barrow, [were seen] parallel ribs of chalky marl showing distinctly against the darker soil and lying diagonally athwart the axis of the barrow. It is thought that these might have been the result of a single act of hoeing in rows. A single act because, had this not been the case, the ribs would scarcely have survived. Morgan 1958 po : Within the trapezoidal enclosure, and in the area subsequently to be occupied by the burials and their covering cairn, two pits (A and B FIG. I) were dug into the ancient soil, on the main axis. Their filling was found to be dirty chalk and weathered flint nodules. The furthermost pit (A) from the enclosure entrance was but half infilled when pottery and bones were put in position. Stacked long bones protruded over its inner edge and pieces of the near intact pot crushed by the weight of these bones, and the superincumbent cairn, fell into it, to be found as the infill was removed, and subsequently joined. Cairn construction completed the infill of this pit. Completely beneath the burials was the smaller pit (B), filled to within 9 in. of its lips, the upper space being filled almost entirely with broken bones. In the flint nodule and chalk infill were pieces of burnt and weathered bone and charcoal fragments. Ashbee 1966 p 12 - Upon either side of the burials was black soil which was, as far as could be seen, identical with the ancient soil beneath the barrow. This could represent top-soil stripped from the site of the ditch. P 29 - re cultivation marks - ' a natural soil phenomenon seems a more likely explanation'— LVAL§ Colt Hoare 1812 - 'No 165 is an oblong barrow which was opened by a section at the broad end, where the interments in similar tumuli are usually found, but in this instance we were disappointed in not finding the sepulchral deposit.' Thurnam 1868: P 183,  In one of the barrows opened by myself (No. 27), in which bones of Bos longifrons and of Cervus eluphus were also found, was the entire skeleton of a bird, which, ’žColt Hoare 1812 - 'No 165 is an oblong barrow which was opened by a section at the broad end, where the interments in similar tumuli are usually found, but in this instance we were disappointed in not finding the sepulchral deposit.' Thurnam 1868: P 183,  In one of the barrows opened by myself (No. 27), in which bones of Bos longifrons and of Cervus eluphus were also found, was the entire skeleton of a bird, which, was indubitably that of a somewhat large goose. As the skeleton was complete it must have been interred entire, and its flesh could hardly have been eaten. Cunnington (1914) : Thurnam's excavation was not well published, but notes that he records in his MS Catalogue that a primary interment was found" beneath a stratum of black earth on the natural level. The goose and ox bones were found above the stratum of black earth.‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’– LVAL¦ Thurnam 1865:  On the natural level, near the east end, a heap of three or four skeletons was found..One of the skulls had been forcibly cleft before burial. The only object of antiquity with the skeletons was a finely-shipped arrowhead of flint, of a beautiful leaf-shape. Thurnam 1’žThurnam 1865:  On the natural level, near the east end, a heap of three or four skeletons was found..One of the skulls had been forcibly cleft before burial. The only object of antiquity with the skeletons was a finely-shipped arrowhead of flint, of a beautiful leaf-shape. Thurnam 1869 p 182  This stratum of black earth is not universal, and two of the most remarkable of the long barrows opened by myself, that at Fyfield called the Giant's Grave and that at Norton Bavant presented no trace of it. Grinsell 1957 p 142: 'Remarkable feature was absence of stratum of black earth'LVALū7‰MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri šLVALŠThurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than abov’žThurnam 1867 p 134 - A 'defined layer of black unctuous earth' was found immediately above the human skeletons. Thurnam 1860, p 412: 'the floor of the chamber& consisted of the gravelly clay which here forms the natural subsoil' P 413 "At the depth of 5 feet in the chamber..was a layer, 3-9 inches in thickness, of a blackish, sooty and greasy looking matter, mixed with the rubble..This blackish stratum, the nature and origin of which are by no means clear, was so defined that it could never have been disturbed& flint flakes, implements and bones of animals were much more numerous than above. The bones were nearly all those of animals likely to have been used for food& .Beneath the black stratum, the chalk rubble& & extended to a depth of 2 feet and in this were found [human remains]." PIGGOTT 1962: p 11 "On the old ground surface beneath the barrow were a number of sherds of Windmill Hill ware" P 23 "The burials had normally been laid on the old land surface, which consisted of a thick chocolate coloured layer of soil overlying the chalk& " P 29-30 attributes the 'black layer' found above the burials to re-deposited occupation soil. Bayliss 2007 - 25 radiocarbon dates - not yet included herež LVALCrawford 1920 - Sherds of Neolithic pottery found 'on the undisturbed old land surface ..there can be no doubt that these potsherds are contemporary with, or earlier than, the long barrow under which they were found. They were scattered over a’žCrawford 1920 - Sherds of Neolithic pottery found 'on the undisturbed old land surface ..there can be no doubt that these potsherds are contemporary with, or earlier than, the long barrow under which they were found. They were scattered over an area of between 2 and 3 square meters and occurred only& at the southern end of the mound. They... were all at the same level on the old surface, which, here and elsewhere beneath the barrow, was most distinct, consisting of a band of black soil.'.LVAL]Ż>Atkinson 1965 PHASE 1 BARROW p 130 'Beneath the barrow, the old surface yielded two flakes struck from a polished flint axe, and a dozen plain sherds of Primary Neolithic pottery,all with copious flint filler. [occupation layer?] PHASE 2 BARROW P 132 'A few sherds of Primary Neolithic pottery .. Came from the old surface beneath the southern part of barrow 11. These, in contrast to the flint-filled pottery associated with barrow I, had a filler of crushed shell." "Immediately before the building of barrow 11, the site had evidently been cleared of vegetation by fire; many patches of charcoal were found on the berm and ditch-silt of barrow I, esp. On the east side." Whittle 1991: p 68 "The old land surface [beneath Barrow i]was fully excavated, but no definite features were recorded in or under it& Few finds were recovered from the old ground surface& struck flints inluded a few cores..two conjoining flakes from a polished flint axe, several sherds of..Neolithic pottery and fragmented animal bones from domestic and wild species." POSSIBLE PRE-BARROW PITS: p 69-70 - Features 161 and 224 may represent pre-barrow features. P 81 " The soil [beneath Barrow II] contained fragments of charcoal and calcined bone, sarsen chips, struck flints and Neolithic sherds." P85 "The flints found on the old land surface& ..may reflect one or more occupations before the mortuary structure was constructed& ..The range of tool types is very small, but this is a fearure of many EN sites. There is no sign of a Mesolithic presence. The flakes from a polished flint axe could be a clue ot the nature of the pre-barrow occupation& .The deliberate destruction of high quality axes& .suggests that special activities could have been carried out at the site." P 90 "Of the unidentified fragments, 81 from the old land surface..were burnt." See p 93 for a discussion of the possibility of standing timber posts preceding the barrow. 23 ADDITIONAL C 14 DATES AVAILABLE AND NOT YET ENTERED - see Whittle et al 2007 šLVALŠRichards 1990: p 23 'The apparent barrow mound was found to be a rise in the natural chalk& ' Removal of the ploughsoil revealed several irregular features which proved to be shallow and contained sarsen lumps (local), some showed signs of having been detached by percussion. Possible quern manufacturing; associated with a period of agricultural clearance. P 26 In the SW quadrant, sarsen boulders were found to overlie 3 crouched inhumations placed’žRichards 1990: p 23 'The apparent barrow mound was found to be a rise in the natural chalk& ' Removal of the ploughsoil revealed several irregular features which proved to be shallow and contained sarsen lumps (local), some showed signs of having been detached by percussion. Possible quern manufacturing; associated with a period of agricultural clearance. P 26 In the SW quadrant, sarsen boulders were found to overlie 3 crouched inhumations placed within an "irregular pennanular slot". The sarsens can best be interpreted as a remnant cairn. "The burial deposit consisted of three crouched inhumations, one in isolation and the other two superimposed within the same area of the slot. Substantial postholes were also incorporated within this slot and can be interpreted as markers or possibly part of a mortuary structure." Small amounts of flint and pottery were recovered, but were unstratified.‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7‹MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠPastscape: Evidence of Neolithic occupation was discovered below the mound. It is thought that the mound was constructed as an entrance tomb in the late Neolithic period and was altered in the Early Bronze Age, at the same time the cremations were inserted into the chamber floor. Bor’žPastscape: Evidence of Neolithic occupation was discovered below the mound. It is thought that the mound was constructed as an entrance tomb in the late Neolithic period and was altered in the Early Bronze Age, at the same time the cremations were inserted into the chamber floor. Borlase 1872: found a small pit lined with shell sand, which came from the Cove of Porthcurnow (not the nearest cove) some 3-4 miles distant. Apsimon 1972 p 56 'The old soil beneath the barrow contained charcoal, flints and fragmentary potsherds, indicative of earlier activity on the site.' šLVALŠThomas & Wailes 1967: p 10 - excavation was confined to the centre of the monument. P 11 - 'a small cremation pit was found& & [it] was circular, about 45 cm across at ground level, and opened into a constricted regular hole 28 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep. It contained a dark filling, a fine peaty soil, with fragments of charcoal and cremated bone. P13 'A sparse, but overall scatter of flecks of charcoal suggested to us that the pre-tomb surface had been affected by some nearby fire (not actually found) and it might just possibly be inferred that this surface was also trampled upon at this stage. The small cremation pit apparently antedates the construction of the megalithic tomb. The pit itself, dug into the rab [the coarse, yellow-brown granitic gravel which form’žThomas & Wailes 1967: p 10 - excavation was confined to the centre of the monument. P 11 - 'a small cremation pit was found& & [it] was circular, about 45 cm across at ground level, and opened into a constricted regular hole 28 cm in diameter and 30 cm deep. It contained a dark filling, a fine peaty soil, with fragments of charcoal and cremated bone. P13 'A sparse, but overall scatter of flecks of charcoal suggested to us that the pre-tomb surface had been affected by some nearby fire (not actually found) and it might just possibly be inferred that this surface was also trampled upon at this stage. The small cremation pit apparently antedates the construction of the megalithic tomb. The pit itself, dug into the rab [the coarse, yellow-brown granitic gravel which forms the undisturbed surface] , contained little more than a handful of finely-crushed cremated bone, some charcoal flecks, and a small flint flake, all in a matrix of loose dark soil. The pit was sealed by a compacted lens of rab material which contained charcoal flecks again and whicih was on the surface distinguishable from the rab surface around it by being much yellower in tone. The sealing layer is regarded as the rab spoil produced in cutting the pit, the upper portion of which would contain charcoal from the earlier scatter. The erection of the stones then took place& Sperris is one of five West Penwih chambered tombs (Chun, Mulfra, Lanyon, Zenor & Sperris) in which a pit was the only noticeable internal feature - may represent the original rite (Thomas & Wailes 1967 p 20)õ LVAL Borlase 1769 - found a pit .51m deep [he does not record the location of his excavation or of the pit] p 230 'In digging, one foot was very black, the natural upper soil; then we came to a whitish, cinerous-coloured stiff clay, 5 cm in depth, then a thin stratum of yellow clay mixed with gravel, 10 cm deep, then a flat, black, greasy loam, mixed in and throughout, more or le’žBorlase 1769 - found a pit .51m deep [he does not record the location of his excavation or of the pit] p 230 'In digging, one foot was very black, the natural upper soil; then we came to a whitish, cinerous-coloured stiff clay, 5 cm in depth, then a thin stratum of yellow clay mixed with gravel, 10 cm deep, then a flat, black, greasy loam, mixed in and throughout, more or less, with the yellow natural clay 25 cm in depth, under which appeared the hard, natural, stony starum which lies on the Karn, not moved since the deluge. The pit was 50 cm deep under the natural hill. ' p 231 "& it appears that a pit was dug in the area of the Kist-Vaen; that something which either was originally, or has since turned black, was placed in the bottom of the pit." šLVALŠBorlase 1872: p 279-80: 'the author caused a pit to be sunk between the supporters of the 'Quoit.' Nothing, however, was discovered besides a small flint chip and the fact that a similar pit had been sunk in the same spot to a depth of four feet from the surface, previous to the erect’žBorlase 1872: p 279-80: 'the author caused a pit to be sunk between the supporters of the 'Quoit.' Nothing, however, was discovered besides a small flint chip and the fact that a similar pit had been sunk in the same spot to a depth of four feet from the surface, previous to the erection of the structure. This was, doubtless, a grave like that at Lanyon, which, if it had not been subsequently disturbed, had, at all events, lost all trace of its ancient occupant.' Daniel (1950) suggests this site may be natural in origin (except for the cup-marks on the 'capstone').LVALū7’MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit DescriĮLVALŃCranch 1885: a stone cist was found on the original surface; it contained 'a few fragments of human bones and some charcoal and ashes, which we conce’žCranch 1885: a stone cist was found on the original surface; it contained 'a few fragments of human bones and some charcoal and ashes, which we conceive time, and the access of rain water through the crevices, had adulterated with earth, the general substance of it appearing a dark earthy compound.'‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’mLVAL}Parallel ditches dug as a series of ovate pits; ditches contained deposits that might represent activity during the initial use of the monument- eg flint scatters, trampled surfaces. Preserv’žParallel ditches dug as a series of ovate pits; ditches contained deposits that might represent activity during the initial use of the monument- eg flint scatters, trampled surfaces. Preservation is poor, and there is no evidence for the presence and form of a mound. No central structures or deposits were located. Kinnes (1992) classifies the site as a 'long mortuary enclosure".ó LVAL No information on ground surface. Cunliffe 1987: Summarizes Gray's 1922 excavation and the small 1969 unpublished excavation; notes that several placed deposits of Grooved Ware pottery sherds mixed with blackened sand and charcoal were found along with numerous burnt flints. P 40 ' A large burnt patch occurred in the northern area of the mound. A number of sherds were mixed with blackened sand and charcoal which extended over an area of about one metre. Some flint flakes were associated and sma’žNo information on ground surface. Cunliffe 1987: Summarizes Gray's 1922 excavation and the small 1969 unpublished excavation; notes that several placed deposits of Grooved Ware pottery sherds mixed with blackened sand and charcoal were found along with numerous burnt flints. P 40 ' A large burnt patch occurred in the northern area of the mound. A number of sherds were mixed with blackened sand and charcoal which extended over an area of about one metre. Some flint flakes were associated and small fragments apparently of incinerated bone.' [NOTE - it is not clear whether these deposits were on the original ground surface or in the mound, so not included). Cunliffe draws parallels between this site and the Playden ring ditch, notes the rarity of Grooved Ware at barrow sites, and suggests it is unlikely this site originally had a funerary role. Note: Cunliffe description of Gray's excavation does not match with Gray (1922). It is likely that Gray (1922) is an incorrect reference in Pastscape.LVALū7—MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri šLVALŠEH : 'Rudstone Long Barrow& was the most northerly of two mounds joined to form a V-shaped structure& No burials were recovered from the southern mound. The southern 'mound' is actually part of a linear earthwork (TA 06 NE 22)' Greenwell 1877 p 497-501 : The northern mound contained at least 5 pits, 4 of which contained just earth, chalk and charcoal., while the fifth also contained a few calcined bones and two flint flakes. There was a further large pit containing burnt material, and a linear deposit o’žEH : 'Rudstone Long Barrow& was the most northerly of two mounds joined to form a V-shaped structure& No burials were recovered from the southern mound. The southern 'mound' is actually part of a linear earthwork (TA 06 NE 22)' Greenwell 1877 p 497-501 : The northern mound contained at least 5 pits, 4 of which contained just earth, chalk and charcoal., while the fifth also contained a few calcined bones and two flint flakes. There was a further large pit containing burnt material, and a linear deposit of chalk rubble which showed evidence of burning at the east end, which diminished westward. Kinnes 1992 " Crematorum at E, forrmed by chalk rubble (L 11.6 m, W 1.8 m, H 0.8 m) with burning decreasing westward from calcined (to 4.3 m) to unburnt ( after 9 m)"; crematorium contained the calcined and incomplete remains of several individuals, including the false articulation of an unmatched cranium and mandible. A secondary deposit of calcined bones as found 1m NE of centre, about .3 cm above the natural surface.‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠKinnes 1992: Trapezoidal mortuary enclosure defined by concave faēade trench with expanded terminals and continuous post-setting with central pit. Manby 1963: P 181 'The pre-barrow surface within the mortuary enclosure was represented by a thick black layer like compact soot overlying the brown flinty subsoil. This surface was 1 foot higher than the general level of the surrounding wold, the covering mound having protected it from the effects of denudation' OCCUPATION DEBRIS P 183 "At the eastern end of the mound covering the crematorium, the chalk rubble was mixed with dark grey soil containing much fine charcoal, pottery fragments, animal bone, a single piece of human bone, a jet fragment and two brown quartzite pebbles. Interpreted as "occupation rubbish scraped up from the habitation sites and deliberately included in the mound when it was being const’žKinnes 1992: Trapezoidal mortuary enclosure defined by concave faēade trench with expanded terminals and continuous post-setting with central pit. Manby 1963: P 181 'The pre-barrow surface within the mortuary enclosure was represented by a thick black layer like compact soot overlying the brown flinty subsoil. This surface was 1 foot higher than the general level of the surrounding wold, the covering mound having protected it from the effects of denudation' OCCUPATION DEBRIS P 183 "At the eastern end of the mound covering the crematorium, the chalk rubble was mixed with dark grey soil containing much fine charcoal, pottery fragments, animal bone, a single piece of human bone, a jet fragment and two brown quartzite pebbles. Interpreted as "occupation rubbish scraped up from the habitation sites and deliberately included in the mound when it was being constructed." (P 184) SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: P 186 "(1) The digging of the ritual pits and the erection of the mortuary enclosure with a continuous post faēade at the E end. Exposure of corpses. (2) Post faēade burnt down. (3) The bones from the exposed corpses placed between the banks of the crematoruium and covered wit a ridge of chalk rubble and timber. (4) Mound erected using material derived from the digging of the side ditches. Occupation debrius incorporated in the E end. (5) Firing of the crematorium. A timber mortuary structure preceded mound construction. A grey soil containing numerous potsherds, fine charcoal, animal bone and a single human bone was located, not on the original ground surface, but in the mound matrix at the east end. Manby (1963) interprets this as occupation debris scraped off the ground and deliberately incorporated into the moundLVALū7œMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri šLVALŠ[Note: It is not certain that this is the barrow excavated by Conyingham] Pastscape : Conyngham described a barrow in Ayton East Field which measured 104 feet by 80 feet, but had been reduced in height by ploughing. Composed of 'large stones of the sand-stone of the neighbourhood, mixed with the lime rubble of the soil around', centrally beneath it was a square paved area 4.5 feet across. On it was a crouched inhumation. Nearby was "a mass of human bones, calcined, and a considerable quantity of charred wood". Simpson's excavation (Pastscape): a roughly rectangular burnt area was defined by 6 postholes and drystone slabs, and divid’ž[Note: It is not certain that this is the barrow excavated by Conyingham] Pastscape : Conyngham described a barrow in Ayton East Field which measured 104 feet by 80 feet, but had been reduced in height by ploughing. Composed of 'large stones of the sand-stone of the neighbourhood, mixed with the lime rubble of the soil around', centrally beneath it was a square paved area 4.5 feet across. On it was a crouched inhumation. Nearby was "a mass of human bones, calcined, and a considerable quantity of charred wood". Simpson's excavation (Pastscape): a roughly rectangular burnt area was defined by 6 postholes and drystone slabs, and divided by a pit or transverse slot& Simpson 1961: Excavations revealed a mortuary house built of wooden posts and stone. A primary burial associated with this structure comprised a crouched cremation with Western Neolithic pottery. A secondary inhumation in the body of the mound was accompanied by the remains of two food vessels. Kinnes 1979: Crematorium: linear zone of burnt material with bones of several individuals, divided by transverse slot, and within 6-post setting; adjacent boulder-walled Mortuary enclosure with 2 Grimston bowls and sherds. A mortuary structure built of timber and stone was burnt prior to monument construction.D LVALT Greenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, 'placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m'. The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains o’žGreenwell 1877 - [The mound] was formed entirely of chalk, with the exception of a layer of dark fatty earth which rested on the natural surface, and was of a thickness varying between 30 - 76 cm. The barrow contained 1 primary burial beneath the mound and 22 secondary burials in the mound itself. (Only the details of the primary burial are recorded here). 2.1 m NNE of centre was the primary burial - a year old child, 'placed on the natural surface in a slight hollow..1.5 m x .91 m'. The hollow was lined with wood, charred at the E end. Close to the child were the partial remains of a young woman. The deposit of dark fatty earth extended throughout the whole barrow, and increased in depth up to the centre, where it attained a thickness of 76 cm. "This deposit was full of burnt earth and charcoal in every part; but there was more evidence of burning in that part which immediately overlaid the natural surface. There was also in it a very large number of animal bones as well as sherds of pottery., flint implements and chippings& Amongst the implements were 79 saws, 17 scrapers, 3 leaf-shaped arrowheads, 2 pointed tools, a hammer stone and a piece of greenstone axe.‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7žMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ šLVALŠHogg 1940: P 321 'At the S end of the mound, a platform had been formed about 12 inches above natural ground level. ..Part of this platform was deeply reddened to a depth of about 12 inches& The reddened space was roughly oval in plan& Near but outside this oval were 2 shallow pits cut in the natural soil. & this area was the site of a funeral pyre.' [but no trace of bone or charcoal was found]. P’žHogg 1940: P 321 'At the S end of the mound, a platform had been formed about 12 inches above natural ground level. ..Part of this platform was deeply reddened to a depth of about 12 inches& The reddened space was roughly oval in plan& Near but outside this oval were 2 shallow pits cut in the natural soil. & this area was the site of a funeral pyre.' [but no trace of bone or charcoal was found]. P 323 An interesting feature in area B [forecourt] is the pit cut into the natural soil& very nearly on the axis of the mound& the sides were nearly vertical. A gutter& led away to the south. This suggests that libations formed part of the funeral ceremonies. " A large cooking hearth was located on the east of the mound, but was laid down after the formation of the primary silting in the ditch, so a secondary feature. šLVALŠMackreith 1983: a complex multi-phase development sequence: 1 - ox shoulder blade fragment in a pit 2 - ditched enclosure - down the centre ran a linear stone feature; at the end of it was a small group of stones, behind which were two Neolithic round bottom bowls. A stone to the SW and a posthole may have been markers. Within the linear feature were the remains of an infant and other human bones. Then the site was deliberately levelled and the ditches back-filled. 3 - the creation of a second linear zone of burials parallel with the first but lying to the SE. More features created - D-shaped postholes, two slots which defined a 'porch'; a linear trench which contained an articulated skeleton and other human remains, and another round bottom bowl. To the NE of the faēade wer’žMackreith 1983: a complex multi-phase development sequence: 1 - ox shoulder blade fragment in a pit 2 - ditched enclosure - down the centre ran a linear stone feature; at the end of it was a small group of stones, behind which were two Neolithic round bottom bowls. A stone to the SW and a posthole may have been markers. Within the linear feature were the remains of an infant and other human bones. Then the site was deliberately levelled and the ditches back-filled. 3 - the creation of a second linear zone of burials parallel with the first but lying to the SE. More features created - D-shaped postholes, two slots which defined a 'porch'; a linear trench which contained an articulated skeleton and other human remains, and another round bottom bowl. To the NE of the faēade werer traces of a metalled pathway. Three metres E of the linear trench an oval pit placed outside the mound material contained a collared urn and a child burial. 4 - a small stone cairn was built; A burial was located in a pit on a stone bed. A ditch was dug around the earthen platform and its causewayed entrance accommodated the route formerly marked by the pathway leading to the faēade. A mound was built around the cairn. 5 - later features post-date the mound including five burials, a pit with a large markerstone, 2 postholes and 3 Bronze Age pots. It is clear that the sequences of construction 'did not follow hard on each other's heels and there were periods when the monuments became weathered to a degree that some reconstitution seems to have been thought desirable..' šLVALŠNunn 1855 - (from Pastscape) primary deposits of the long barrow consisted of 2 cists cut into the natural chalk and a further disarticulated single individual at the W end. Phillips 1935 quotes Nunn's report : 'a cyst was found cut into the chalk at the base of the hill about 61 cm depth being 46 - 50 cm, (?); at 5.5 metres farther west another cyst was found of the same description and dimensions. At about .6 m farther west a skeleton was found..This was also on the base of the hill. Nothing more was found.' Phillips 1935: The barrow ditch contained no artifacts of any kind below the level of the chalky wash which occurred below the humous. This t’žNunn 1855 - (from Pastscape) primary deposits of the long barrow consisted of 2 cists cut into the natural chalk and a further disarticulated single individual at the W end. Phillips 1935 quotes Nunn's report : 'a cyst was found cut into the chalk at the base of the hill about 61 cm depth being 46 - 50 cm, (?); at 5.5 metres farther west another cyst was found of the same description and dimensions. At about .6 m farther west a skeleton was found..This was also on the base of the hill. Nothing more was found.' Phillips 1935: The barrow ditch contained no artifacts of any kind below the level of the chalky wash which occurred below the humous. This total barrenness was a constant feature in all six sections of the ditch opened& .Nor were any [artifacts] found on the old ground surface under the barrow save a rough core and a few characterless flakes& .No trace of postholes occurred anywhere, nor is it likely in view of the turf core of the barrow that there was any internal timber or hurdle work. Dyer 1961: P 7 "At Royston an area was apparently stripped of turf and the human remains deposited on clean chalk near the westen end." He cites Phillips 1935 as his source, but I cannot find reference in Phiilps to turf clearance or clean chalk. near Icknield Way; the only long barrow in East Anglia (Philips 1935)LVALū7®MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri šLVALŠBriscoe 1957: A primary Neolithic mound was later covered by a much larger BA mound. P 104 'Old ground level was indicated by a layer of discoloured soil, containing traces of humus , only 3 or 4 in thick in places, especially in the south quadrants. On the north side the layer was about a foot thick, dark grey in colour and containing numerous remnants of pottery and bones. Below this was yellow sand extending to the surface of the natural chalk rock.' Black’žBriscoe 1957: A primary Neolithic mound was later covered by a much larger BA mound. P 104 'Old ground level was indicated by a layer of discoloured soil, containing traces of humus , only 3 or 4 in thick in places, especially in the south quadrants. On the north side the layer was about a foot thick, dark grey in colour and containing numerous remnants of pottery and bones. Below this was yellow sand extending to the surface of the natural chalk rock.' Blackening caused by a fire covered an area 6m x 3.6 m and 0.6m deep. A hollow had been made in the ground surface and a bed of chalky marl laid down prior to the fire being started. A mass of burnt bone and small pieces of cremated bone were detected in the fill. 'Remains of two small fires containing numerous Neolithic sherds lay to the west on old ground level." P 106 - "No sign of postholes was found.." [Bronze Age cremation burial and mound not described here]\LVALlJessup 1937 - p 127 'It was evident that the whole area had been stripped of surface earth before the barrow was built, as no turf line marked the original surface.'. P 128 - "dug into the core’žJessup 1937 - p 127 'It was evident that the whole area had been stripped of surface earth before the barrow was built, as no turf line marked the original surface.'. P 128 - "dug into the core..and extending to but not into the undisturbed chalk below was a small pit& since it was effectively sealed by the chalky brown earth, the pit must have been contemporary with the building of the mound& LVALhĆ!ØPiggott 1949: P. 150 'Ritual Pit :  Just off the axial line of the structure to the north-east was an area of clay floor burnt to an intense orange-red, about 4 feet 6 inches by 3 feet, and towards the north-eastern side of this was a clay-lined pit, 2 feet in diameter and a little over 1 foot deep, with its sides similarly burnt. Filling the pit level with the surrounding floor was a mass of black soil in which cremated bones were mixed with abundant fragments of oak charcoal, and on the top of this filling, near the north-west edge of the pit, was a calcined flint tool of the  fabricator type. Cummings & Fowler 2007 - Mesolithic flints found; the paving stones in the passage were removed, but no features or diagnostic artefacts were found beneath them. P47: We clearly have evidence for a late Mesolithic presence on the site, but it is unclear by how many years this activity predates the construction of the cairn. There is also clearly some sort of activity on the site in the early Neolithic, evidenced by a single radiocarbon date. P 51  we have clear evidence for the location being used prior to the construction of the monument. However, it is unclear how many years elapsed between occupation and subsequent monument construction, and there is a possibility that occupation was associated with the monument construction. P 56  There is no evidence for deliberate deposition of objects in pits or other features prior to the monument being built. Pit 1  During the 2004 excavation, when the pit was re- examined in an effort to determine whether it had preceded construction of the cairn or was a later intrusive feature, it was found that some of the pit fill had eluded the previous excavators. An area of  black firm sticky silt was identified with the black soil mentioned by Piggott, reddened clay was observed and a quantity of cremated bone was also recovered. A piece of long bone yielded a radiocarbon determination of 3560 ± 35 BP (GU-12908).  Cummings and Fowler (2007:43) interpret t|LVALŒhis pit as an early Bronze Age cremation pit that had been inserted into the edge of the cairn some time after the cairn was constructed. Pit 2 Pit 2 at Bargrennan (L 0.65, W 0.50, D 0.35) was also located in the forecourt, just outside the collapsed kerb [Fig.]. The pit held an inverted Collared Urn containing a battleaxe fragment, a bone belt hook and the cremated remains of a person age 15-16. The fill consisted of dark reddish brown silt and it contained virtually no charcoal or cremated bone. The similarity between the pit fill and surrounding soils, and lack of evident stratigraphy within the pit fill, suggests that the pit was backfilled in a single event. A radiocarbon date of 3475 ± 35 BP (GU-13906) was obtained from the cremated bone. The presence of a Collared Urn in this pit is interesting in light of Thomas (1999:69) observation that Collared Urns are rarely found in pit contexts. Pit 3  During the 1949 excavation, two hearths were identified in the forecourt to the south of Pit 1. Further investigation of these features in 2004 revealed that one of the hearths was in fact a small pit (L ~0.35 m, D ~0.35 m). The lower fill consisted of silt and the upper of silt, stones and charcoal. The pit contained several sherds of early Bronze Age pottery, which was unlike any of the other vessels found on the site and which appeared to have been subjected to very high heat (Cummings and Fowler 2007:46). Carbonized barley grains and charcoal were also recovered from the pit, leading to the suggestion that this pit had been used for the preparation of food, perhaps in conjunction with other activities associated with the deposition of human remains. A radiocarbon determination on charcoal from the pit yielded a date of 3500 ± 35 BP (GU-14105), consistent with dates from the other pits on the site. čˆs‚r’žNX 37 NE 1’žBargrennan’žThe White Cairn’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, round’žNX 3524 7835’ž23524 57835’ž235240’ž578350’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žMinnigaff’žnone’žnone’žon gently undulating hillside between 2 streams; positioned on a natural rise, but not the highest point locally’ž114x’ž13.5xx’žKRK 5’žHenshall 1972’žCummings & Fowler 2004’žCummings & Fowler 2005yesyes’žSilurian rocks / upper carboniferousyesnonoyesyesno’žbone belt hook3’žentrance to passage1’žE side of cairnx1’žE side of cairn0nox’žMesolithic activity’žs end of cairnyesnoyesnoyes02’žslabX§hĆ!’žpassage entrance; pit1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žpassage entrance/ritual pitxx’žpassagenox’žslab pavement; pit’ž2 pitsyes’žpassage entrance / ritual pitnono’žMesolithic activity; EN activity’žflint; activity’ž55°042 20.053 N, 004°342 55.063 W’ž55°042 19.943 N, 004°342 50.703 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žPiggott, S. & Powell, T. G. E. 1949 The excavation of three Neolithic chambered tombs in Galloway, 1949. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 83 (1948-49), 103-161’žCummings, V. & Fowler, C. 2007 From Cairn to Cemetery: an archaeological investigation of the chambered cairns and early Bronze Age mortuary deposits at Cairnderry and Bargrennan White Cairn, south-west Scotland Oxford, Oxbow’žMurray, J. 1992 The Bargrennan group of chambered cairns: circumstance and context. IN SHARPLES, N. & SHERIDAN, A. (Eds.) Vessels for the Ancestors: Essays on the Neolithic of Britain and Ireland in Honour of Audrey Henshall. Edinburgh Univ. Press’ž130’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressņ‹†††ØļźźåįŌ©~mKGC$üóńļŅĶČÄĄ»·²²²°™™‡…ƒƒ}ysoiYDB><+)'’żķé毣ÕĻ©£…mmm^WUSMKFÓĶĒ¼„Ž†~qcJD3" q’’Ę’’’½ł’ą’ž·LVAL  ĶCoggins 1997: 'The excavations produced evidence for Mesolithic occupation, followed by at least one cremation burial of the LIA, and a poBateman 1861 - p 102 - notes in discussing the female skeleton found in Compartment B, that the soil in which the bones were embedded had acquired a dark’žBateman 1861 - p 102 - notes in discussing the female skeleton found in Compartment B, that the soil in which the bones were embedded had acquired a dark colour, apparently from the decomposition of wood. Comnpartment A had been plundered before Bateman's excavation and contents 're-interred in confusion'.’žPastscape: Inhumation burials likely BA in date, but cremation deposit may be Neolithic . Londesborough 1852: Cremation deposiit was about 1.5 m in diameter; contained numerous fragments of bone; and one complete partially calcined skeleton lay at full length in the centre of the area. Covered with a heap of red gravel. Many secondary inhumations found - at least 46 Anglo-Saxon burials.’žCoggins 1997: 'The excavations produced evidence for Mesolithic occupation, followed by at least one cremation burial of the LIA, and a post-Roman enclosure'. P 3 : Original ground surface was a "very thin and elusive dark grey silty deposit". A polished mace-head fragment found in the mound material and numerous chert and flint flakes and flecks of charcoal were found at all levels. "Beneath the turf and subsoil of Trench E was a line of large flat sandstone slabs laid horizontally and running along the spine of the mound". The flint finds included a number of Mesolithic microliths and other tools. The authors suggest Middle Hurth may represent a later Mesolithic temporary hunting camp on the forest edge. P 16 : The mound had been constructed by scraping up topsoil from the immediate area; all layers of the mound contained flecks of charcoal and pieces of flint and chert. " The incorporation of these with the mound suggests that the construction of this feature had disturbed an earlier Mesolithic occupation, no doubt a camp site." There was no evidence for the date or purpose of the linear mound. An Iron Age cremation was found in a cairn atop the mound and the excavators postulate that the mound and cairn were part of a singular funerary monument of that period.’žScott (1963) ' the original floor level was well marked' Scott 1964 [NE burial chamber]  The floor proved to be of yellow clay, perhaps burnt in patches, with frequent but scanty traces of what appeared to be cremated bone. Immediately above the floor, to a depth of 4-5 inches was a deposit consisting mainly of clay, varying in colour from brown through mauve to grey or yellow. Into this layer, near the sill, appeared to have been trodden several potsherds, all from the same vessel but in poor condition& .this pottery was undoubtedly Neolithic in type. A small flint flake was also recovered. Scott & Scot 1965 [NE burial chamber]  On the clay floor were burnt patches with some charcoal and traces of burnt bone, but no other small finds Scott 1973: Plan shows two possible stakeholes in the north burial chamber - no details provided.Ż čķ‰s’žNN.’žNN 00 SE 12’žBarmore Wood’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0582 0496’ž20582 70496’ž205820’ž704960’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žInverary’žnone’žnone46’žNE-SWx2812’žARG 9’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1963’žScott 1964’žScott 1974’žCampbell & Sandeman 1962nonononononoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx2?’žNE chamber0noxnoxyesnononoyes00’žclay`@Ŗ’žNE chamber1’žLate Neolithic (Scott 1973p 127)’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žNE chamberxx’žNE burial chambernoxyesxno’žSW - no NE - yesnono’ž56°112 51.253 N, 005°072 53.253 W’ž56°112 51.653 N, 005°072 48.983 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žScott, J. G. 1963 Barmore Wood, Bridge of Douglas, chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 4’žScott, J. G. 1964 Barmore Wood, Bridge of Douglas, chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 3’žScott, J. G. 1965 Barmore Wood, Bridge of Douglas, chambered cairn. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 4-5’žScott, J. G. 1973 The Clyde Cairns of Scotland. IN DANIEL, G. & KJAERUM, P. (Eds.) Megalithic Graves and Ritual. Kobenhavn, Jutland Archaeological Society’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŸŸŸ!²­­­©œqFB>+'%öņķéåąÜ×µµ³§§›•“‘‘‹‡ƒywsqmk_[YWUSQEA;51-)%!÷ėßßߊÉÅĮæø““®Øž‘€xpcUB<+% q’Ž’’’½ż’ą>LVAL¼  SÅCorcoran 1969: p 59 '..'a slightly hollow area, some 2 foot 6 inches in diameter, of fire-reddened soil marking the position of a fire lit on the old ground surface at the entrance to the chamber.' P 62 " Th’žCorcoran 1969: p 59 '..'a slightly hollow area, some 2 foot 6 inches in diameter, of fire-reddened soil marking the position of a fire lit on the old ground surface at the entrance to the chamber.' P 62 " The sole surviving evidence for ritual from the ground surface of the forecourt was an area of burning, 2 ft 6 inches in greatest extent, marked by fire-reddened soil and charcoal, which lay in front of the faēade& "’žRhind (1854) p 104: '& when the whole [debris] was removed, two skeletons - or I should rather say traces of two skeletons - were disclosed, occupying the positions in which the bodies must have been deposited. ..In both instances, the grey mouldering dust of the bones in relief against the dark and fetid soil, afforded some evidence that the legs had been bent up at the knee joints.' p 105 " numerous fragments of pottery& were strewed about, along with some wood ashes and appreciable remains of burnt bones The chamber had been broken into many years before Rhind s excavation, and used to house an illicit still. Roof collapsed.’žBateman 1848: found a central cist containing a crouched inhumation embedded in a layer of stiff clay, along with an antler macehead, two boars tusks, two flint arrowheads, two flint chisels, two flint spearheads, two flint knives, numerous flint flakes, three pieces of red ochre, and a pottery vessel (Mortlake). Barnatt 1996: Pre-Barrow features - p 104   41 stakeholes penetrated the subsoil under the southern half of the barrow. The stakeholes were filled with yellow-brown clay loam identical to the probable old ground surface. There were also two small pits (one may be a posthole). Another stakehole was found in the northern half of the barrow, along with two more possible stakeholes and a possible posthole, but much of the ground surface was disturbed in that part of the barrow. It is difficult to interpret this evidence because the excavated area is small, and the distribution of stakeholes is dense. The lack of artefacts suggests it was not the focus of a settlement site. The C14 dates are Early Neolithic while the barrow probably dates to the Later Neolithic, so the features found under the barrow may not relate to it in any way, but represent an earlier use of the site. - 'largest array of grave goods to accompany a single Neolithic burial in Britain (Loveday and Barclay 2010)'’žThe chamber is constructed over a natural fissure in the rock. Nash, Lynch and Baynes all refer to it as a rock-cut pit. Lynch 1991: p 89 '...the burial deposit lay apparently undisturbed. It was divided into 2 layers by a kind of paving of flat stones. The upper layer contained black earth, broken bones, both human and animal, and a few flints and sherds of pottery. It was covered by a layer of limpet shells. The lower layer contained similar black earth with rather more bone and some more flints and pottery. This deposit rested on a mass of mussel shells.'’žBeveridge's 1911 account describes the monument, but he did not excavate it - he just reports what he saw whilst visiting the monument. He notes that his informants entered the tomb 'about thirty years ago'. P 247  The floor has been partially cleared next the south and west ends, but upon more than half its area there still lies a heap of moist dark soil mixed with ashes and some small loose stones, to a maximum depth of about 60 cm. It is evident that here have been deposited many burnt burials, since thoroughly intermingled and also to some extent dispersed. ¼ čĢŠs’žNF-’žNF 86 NW 6’žBarpa Langass’žBen Langass’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNF 8376 6573’ž08376 86573’ž083760’ž865730’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone45x24xx’žUST 6’žHenshall 1972’žChilde 1940’žHingley 1999nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noD@¬x1’žyes?no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes? (see Hingley 1999)xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ž57°342 14.113 N, 007°172 29.673 W’ž57°342 15.193 N, 007°172 26.263 W’žN Scotlandno’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn’žHingley, R 1999 The creation of later prehistoric landscapes and the context of the reuse of Neolithic and EBA monuments in Britain & Ireland. IN BEVAN, B (Ed) Northern Exposure: Interpretive Devolution & the Iron Ages in Britain Univ. of Leicester’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press+ÄÄÄÄÄÉ55551%śĻĖĒĒĒ¾øøøøøøøøøøøøøø¶²°®¬Ŗ‘Œˆ„{uuusqqea_]][WQMIGCA=;97531/-)%  óęęę׊ĪĢČĘĀĀ¼°¤•†~vi[IC2% q’Ę’’’½ł’`~ †‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’#LVAL— Ń *Å=Farrer 1951:  The mode of construction interpreted from the stratification appears to have been to strip off the original topsoil over the underlying coralline limestone except over a smal’žFarrer 1951:  The mode of construction interpreted from the stratification appears to have been to strip off the original topsoil over the underlying coralline limestone except over a small area, not parallel with the axis of the mound, upon which the stripped topsoil was next heaped, while the body of the mound was constructed of limestone "tiles" capped with about 15 cm of soil. ’žThurnam 1869: p 192 'In May 1866, in digging at the north-east end of the barrow we came to traces of the burnt bones and many scattered brittle flints, some of a red and others of a blackish-grey colour, as if scorched by heat. Though no pains were spared in clearing out the base of the barrow, no trace whatever was met with of any unburnt skeleton.'’ž Crampton & Webley 1966 - purpose of excavation was to extract information on the prehistoric pollen content from the pre barrow surface. So a trench was cut into the extra-revetment material of the mound. P 73 'As far as can be ascertained, the cairn was constructed upon an unprepared sloping surface.' P 74 "The surface vegetation had been burnt and the topsoil trampled before the erection of the cairn. Just like the Pipton cairn, the buried topsoil contains abundant charcoal fragments.'’žWitts 1881 - p 204- a skeleton found just inside the south-west wall - 'below the skeleton were placed flat stones lying on the original surface of the ground.' P 206 'Numberless human bones" found in the passage. P 207. At the end of the chamber, the skeleton of a young woman and child were found, lying on five flat stones, arranged in a semi-circle. P 208 - Witts indicates that the chamber was sunk below the surface of the ground and numerous skeletons were found in it; the trench the remains were found in was dug to a depth of 38 cm below the original ground surface. P 204 - ..on the SW side of the barrow,...the stones of the exterior wall showed distinct signs of fire.’žPassmore 1923:' In about 1880, the late Sir Henry Meux employed six men & to open the mound. A trench was cut from the north side to what was thought to be the centre of the tumulus. At this point a small cairn of small sarsen stones was reached. In the centre of this was a dolmen consisting of four upright stones (the spaces between which were packed with large flints) and a capstone covering them, all of sarsen. The large top stone was levered off...and the inside was found to contain certain black matter, my informant was unable to say of what nature. He did not see any bones or pottery. The inside of the dolmen was about 1.8m by .9 m, its longer axis coinciding with that of the barrow. '’žBryce 1902 p 1-04: 'The floor of the cists was of hard boulder clay; but the soil in the cists was of quite another character, being a 'black, loamy earth& ..No charcoal was seen and no trace of bones, human or animal, was found. p. 1-05  The (6) clay vessels were grouped in pairs - a pair in each cist. They were surrounded by thin, slate-like slabs of mica schist, but no distinct structural arrangement could be made out. Scott 1964 p 142:  On the original ground surface in front of the entrance were specks of charcoal and a few indeterminate and probably abraded potsherds& .. The border of boulders represents an attempt to stabilize the ground on which the west side of the cairn was to be built.  A pitchstone flake was picked up from the old ground surface in front of the southernmost part of the [west[ wall [of the cairn]. ó čŹsdL’žNR 64 SE 14’žBeacharra’žBeacharr’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 6926 4334’ž16926 64334’ž169260’ž643340’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKillean and Kilchenzie’žKintyre’žnone76’žNNE-SSWx2115’žARG 27’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997’žSheridan 2000nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noi@Æx1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes?xxxxnoxnp’žchambersno’žyes?’ždark soilno’ž55°372 43.563 N, 005°402 00.823 W’ž55°372 43.743 N, 005°392 56.893 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H., 1902. On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181. (p 102-109)’žScott, J. G. 1964 The chambered cairn at Beacharra, Kintyre, Argyll. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 30, 134- 158’žScott, J. G. 1977 A note on Beacharra pottery. Antiquity, 51, 240-243’žSheridan, A. 2000 Achnacreebeag and its French connections: Vive the 'Auld Alliance'. IN HENDERSON, J. C. (Ed.) The Prehistory and Early History of Atlantic Europe. Oxford, Archaeopress’ž100’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press”œœß–AAAA=0ŚÖĖÅĮ·³³³³³³³³³³³³³³±­«©§„Ÿš–’‰………ƒuqommkga]YWSQMKIGECA?=95/)%!ōōōåŻŁÕÓŹĘĘĄ·Ÿ’yqdVC=," q’Ę’’’½ł’ą¼g0 č@ÉsS”’žSU 06 NE 85’žBeckhampton Road’žMonument #215662’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0666 6773’ž40666 16773’ž406660’ž167730’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnone’žon the floor of a broad dry valley’ž161’žNE-SWx6650’žWIL 27’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1957; Kinnes 1992’žSmith 1965’žSmith & Evans 1968’žAshbee 1984yesyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žantler picks, antler rakes,0x0xx5’žbeneath large charcoal spread0nox’žhearths and stakeholes beneath unbroken turf line; framework of wattle fencing’žmoundnononono400nom@=’žbeneath the original unbroken turf line1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnox’žhearths and stakeholesno’ž51°242 30.963 N, 001°542 20.033 W’ž51°242 29.183 N, 001°542 14.993 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 (p 180)’žAshbee, P., Smith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1979 Excavation of three long barrows near Avebury, Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 45, 207-300’žSmith, I. F. & Evans, J. G. 1968 Excavation of two long barrows in North Wiltshire. Antiquity, 42, 138-42’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (SU 104)83’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĖsooļ‚ä@;;62"÷ĢČ°°°®ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖؤ¢ žœ—’ŽŠ…}}}{RRFB@>><840,%ÕÓĻĶ®¬Ŗئ¤¢…{uqkeXRLLL?+õķéåćÜ׳­¤’ŠwobTNH;) q’’Ī’’’½ł’`ž¾o čŠs€3’žNT 80 SW 5’žBellshiel Law’žMonument #263’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 8131 0117’ž38131 60117’ž381310’ž601170’žNorthumberland’žTynedale’žRochester’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of an escarpment just below the summit of Bellshiel Law hill’ž307’žE-Wx’ž112’ž15.5’žNT 1’žKinnes 1992’žNewbigin 1935’žMasters 1984’žAshbee 1984yesnonononononoyesno’žcup marked stone; grooved or 'tracked' stone1’žE end of cairn0xx0x0nox’žstone setting, semi-circular’žE end of moundnonoyesno000no@ßx1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žgravenonono’ž55°182 15.533 N, 002°172 45.123 W’ž55°182 15.413 N, 002°172 39.693 W’žN Englandno’žNewbigin, N. 1936 Excavations of a long and a round cairn on Bellshiel Law, Redesdale. Archaeologia Aeliana (4th series), 13, 293-309’žMasters, L. 1984 The Neolithic long cairns of Cumbria and Northumberland. IN MIKET, R. & BURGESS, C. (Eds.) Between and Beyond the Walls. Edinburgh, John Donald’žFord, W. J. 2002 An archaeological survey at Bellshiel Law, Rochester. Northern Archaeology, 19, 48-58’ž128’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumÖ`[[[ńMÄÄÄÄĄµŠ_[WWSLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD@><:84/+'# ż÷óļßĮ滹·µ³±ÆŸokea]YUQMGGG:, ’żųóØ¢œ‘‡wogZLF@4% q’’Ī’’’½ł’ą~œŲ ččŠsx[’žNS 06 SE 17’žBicker's Houses’žBute’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0607 6042’ž20607 66042’ž206070’ž660420’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone91’žNNE-SSWx’ž27.512’žBUT 5’žHenshall 1972’žCallander 1928nonononononoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žash/charcoal¼@&4x1nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyes’žchambernononono’ž55°472 53.103 N, 005°052 43.083 W’ž55°472 53.333 N, 005°052 38.853 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1904 On the cairns and tumuli of the Island of Bute. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 38, 17-81 ( p 18-27)’žCallander, J. G. 1929 Scottish Neolithic pottery. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 63 (1928-29), 29-98’žHewison, J. K. 1893 The Isle of Bute in the olden time, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, W. Blackwood ( p 64-68)’ž120’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressµ°°°IÉ77773&ūŠĢČÄĄ·±±±±±±±±±±±±±±Æ«¢ žœ˜“‹†‚~~~|zzn`^\\ZVPLHFB@<:86420.,  üųųųųųčččŁŅĪČĘ½¹¹³­””ƒ{sfXE?.( q’Ā’’’½ł’ąœæ čĻ‹s’žHY#’žHY 43 SW 13’žBigland Round’žFaraclett Head’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 4383 3250’ž34383 103250’ž343830’ž1032500’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žRousay and Egilsay’žRousay’žnone’žon the edge of a terrace overlooking a valley35x12xx’žORK 2’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žRenfrew 1979nonononononoyesyesnono1’žoutside cairn on the S side0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no7@Eģx1nonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnpxnono’ž59°102 31.913 N, 002°592 03.623 W’ž59°102 33.513 N, 002°582 57.833 W’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew, C. 1979 Investigations in Orkney, London, Thames & Hudson’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press"²²²²²²llllh\1žžžüųųųųųųųųųųųųųųöņšīģźęįŻŁÕŃĶĶĶĖÉɽ¹·µµ³Æ«§£”›—•“‘‹nlhd^XTPLHD@@@@@222  ŌĪĘ²¢’‰seMG6& q’’Ā’’’½ł’`~; čK‹s–ö’žSE 04 NW 6’žBlack Hill Low’žBradley Moor’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 0092 4756’ž40092 44756’ž400920’ž447560’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žBradleys Both’žnone’žNW-SEx6713’žPiggott 1954, p 271’žButterfield 1938’žAshbee 1984nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’ž3 standing stones’žalong centre line of barrowyesnonono011no @ x1’žLate Neolithic/EBA (Raistrick 1931)nonononono’žyes’žyes’žbase of pillar stonesxxxnox’žcistyes’ž3 standing stonesno’ž53°552 27.193 N, 001°592 14.643 W’ž53°552 26.473 N, 001°592 09.293 W’žN England’žstanding stones (3)’žRaistrick, A. 1931 Prehistoric burials at Waddington and at Bradley, West Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 30, 248-55’žButterfield, A. 1938 Structural details of a long barrow on Black Hill, Bradley Moor, West Yorkshire. Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 34, 223-7’ž150¢¢ƒƒƒƒnc8  ööööšššššźźźźźźźźźčäāąŽĒĀ½¹µ±­©„„‚€€tpnlljfb^X;(&"  žśöņīźźźŻĖ¶¶¶¶¶²®¬„„„„ŸˆwogZLF@4& q’?Ī’’’½ż’!~Œ‹ č‹s2k’žST 90 NW 39’žBlandford Race Down’žTarrant Launceston I’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9294 0884’ž39294 10884’ž392940’ž108840’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Launceston’žnone’žnone’ž107’žSE-NWx4418’žST 5’žKinnes 1992’žGrinsell 1959’žPiggott & Piggott 1944nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noÜ@rx1nononononono’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žsouth of centreno’ž50°522 44.603 N, 002°062 05.943 W’ž50°522 42.603 N, 002°062 01.043 W’žSW England -WCno’žWarne, C. 1866 The Celtic Tumuli of Dorset: An Account of Personal and Other Researches in the Sepuchral Mounds of the Durotriges, London, John Russell Smith ( p 20)’žPiggott, S. & Piggott, C. M. 1944 Excavations of barrows on Crichel and Launceston Downs, Dorset. Archaeologia 90, 47-80’žPastscape; www.pastscape.org50’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumésoooQÕ,,,,(ķĀĀ¾¾¾­§§§§§§§§§§§§§§„”Ÿ›™”Œˆ„€|||zxxlhfddb^XTPNJHDB@><:8640,($     ōåååŲŅĪŹČĮ¼¼¶°œŽ†~vi[UOB, q’Ę’’’½ł’`zœwO č_‰s’žNP!’žNPRN 300180’žBryn yr Hen Bobl’žHill of the Old People’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSH 51888 69005’ž251888 369005’ž251888’ž369005’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanddaniel Fab’žAnglesey’žon a terrace bordering the Main Straits, 33 m above high water33npx4030’žANG 8’žLynch 1991yesnononoyes ?’žhazelnutyesyesyes’žbone pin; bone call; stone ball; p in portal stoneorthole5’žoutside terrace0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface? / stone setting’žterrace / forecourtno’žyesnono1’ž20+0’žclayÓ@i’žforecourt1’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesx’žterracex’žterracenoxyesxnono’žoccupation area; stone setting; hearth; pitsno’ž53°112 50.773 N, 004°132 07.203 W’ž53°112 49.853 N, 004°132 02.913 W’žWalesno’žyes’žHemp, W. J. 1935 The chambered cairn known as Bryn yr Hen Bobl near Plas Newydd, Anglesey Archaeologia, 85, 253-292’žLeivers, M., Roberts, J. & Peterson, R. 2001 Bryn Yr Hen Bobl, Anglesey: recent fieldwork and a reassessment of excavations in 1935. Archaeology in Wales, 41, 3-9’žGresham, C. A. 1985 Notes on two Anglesey megalithic tombs. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 134, 225-7’žDriver, T., Hamilton, M., Leivers, M., Roberts, J. & Peterson, R. 2000 New evidence from Bryn yr Hen Bobl, Llanedwen, Anglesey. Antiquity, 74, 761-2’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston¬;;;£@š###č½¹‹‡ƒ{{{{{{{{{{{{{{yulja_ZUPKFB===;00$ ļŹČÄĀĄ¾¼ŗø§„jd^XND@<822222&&&& ĶĶĆ²Ø–Ž†wgXRA) q’æ?Ā’’’½ł’ą’<:86420,($  ųźŻĻĻĻĻĻĶĖĒĄĄĄŗƤ™ˆ€xk]@:)# q’Ž’’’½ł’`~¼Šµ čʼns’žHY ’žHY 53 NE 3’žCalf of Eday SE’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žHY 5792 3852’ž35792 103852’ž357920’ž1038520’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žCalf of Eday’žnone10x’ž9-10xx’žORK 10’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žPetrie 1927nonononononononoyesno0x0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber’žallno’žyesnono000’žclay&@Öx1nonononono’žyesnox’žall (subterranean)x’žchambernox’žclay flooryesxnono’ž59°132 52.403 N, 002°442 20.523 W’ž59°132 54.003 N, 002°442 14.593 W’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1938 Excavations of three Neolithic chambered cairns -one with an upper and lower chamber- in the islands of Eday and the Calf of Eday, in Orkney. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 72, 193-213’žPetrie, G. 1927 Primeval antiquities of Orkney. Proceedings of the Orkney Antiquarian Society, 5, 19-29’žFarrer, J. 1857 Notice of Antiquities on the Isle of Eday, Orkney, recently examined by James Farrer, of Ingleborough, communicated by John Stuart. . Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 154-8’žFraser, D. 1983 Land and Society in Neolithic Orkney, Oxford, B.A.R.’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press6ĘĘĘ~„:PPPPL@źęāāāąŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚĪĢČ潩§£žš–’ŽŠŠŠˆ††ztrppnjfa]XB@<:86420.,(" õõõŪÓŃĻÉĒĆĆ½Æ©™‰€xj\D>-' q’Ā’’’½ł’`~<Īč.ˆs’žNDs’žND 24 SE 1’žCamster Long’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, long’žND 2601 4420’ž32601 94420’ž326010’ž944200’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žat the south end of a low north/south ridge, in an area of peat-covered moorland 10 km from the coast'’ž115’žNNE-SSW’žn/a’ž60.517’žCAT 12’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1886’žMasters 1978’žAnderson 1869a & bnoyes’žOld Red Sandstone - Upper Caithness Flagstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žsaddle quern; decorated stones1’žSW forecourt8-16’žtail of the cairnx19’žtail of the cairn0’žyes?’žtail of the cairn’žoccupation layer’žvariousyesnono’žyes'burnt areas'00’žslabČĘ p‰’žon main axis of cairn1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žallx’žsaddle quern’žbeehive chamber’žclay and ash’žtripartitie chambernox’žoccupation area; potsherd scatter;Mesolithic flints; stakeholes, hearth’žflint’ž58°222 48.003 N, 003°162 00.503 W’ž58°222 49.263 N, 003°152 55.003 W’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žAnderson, J. 1868 On the horned cairns of Caithness, their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, etc. PSAS, 7, 480-512; Anderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas (p 240-243)’žMasters, L. 1997 The excavation and restoration of the Camster Long chambered cairn, Caithness, Highland, 1967-80. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 127, 123-183’žMasters, L. 1978 Camster Long chambered cairn. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 44, 453-54’žCorcoran, J. X. W. P. 1971 Caithness, Camster Long. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 52-3’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÜiii¢čūööńķį¶‹„;;;955555555555555 óńģčćßŪÖŃĢĢĢŹ³³§”Ÿƒ~zvpgUB<:'#!ųöÖŅĢĘĀ¼¶‡}}}i[LLL2*&  ¤¤ž˜ƒ{sfXA;*$ q’æĪ’’’½ł’`ž>&9 čI‰s’žNP’žNPRN 94722’žCapel Garmon’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žCotswold-Severn, long ?’žSH 8180 5432’ž28180 35432’ž281800’ž354320’žConwy’žDenbighshire’žBro Garmon’žnone’žnone’žon a highland terrace with a commanding view of the 'whole eastern sweep of Snowdonia'; near a small rock outdrop’ž264’žE-Wx2712’žDEN 3nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žpassage (2); S of western chamber (3)3’žpassage (1); W chamber (2);x0x0nox’žfoundation deposit?’žS of western chamberyes’žyesnono100’žyellow clay4Ī“’žpassage1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žpassage’žcairnx’žallnox’žpostholes; pits’žpitsyesx’žpostholes; 3 pits; ground preparationno’ž53°042 22.943 N, 003°452 56.373 W’ž53°042 21.953 N, 003°452 51.903 W’žWalesno’žyes’žHemp, W. J. 1927 The Capel Garmon chambered long cairn Archaeologia Cambrensis, 82, 1-43’žYates, M. J. & Jones, M. 1991 Excavation and conservation at Capel Garmon chambered tomb, Betws-y-Coed, Gwynedd, 1989. Archaeology in Wales, 31, 1-5’žLynch, F. 1969 The megalithic tombs of north Wales. IN POWELL, T. G. E., CORCORAN, J. X. W. P., LYNCH, F. & SCOTT, J. G. (Eds.) Megalithic Enquiries in the West of Britain. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press’žGrimes, W. F. 1936 The megalithic monuments of Wales. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 2, 106-39’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, LogastonĀQQQęx į¶²ŠŠŠˆ‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚‚|kkkie`^WNID@;62---+"" ’ūöšŚÅĆæ½»¹·š˜qokga[WQMIEAAAAAAAAA:620+&²¬¦šŒ…}uhZA;*$ q’’?Ą’’’½ł’ `~>f6 čF‹sk’žNR 92 NE 1’žCarn Ban’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9910 2620’ž19910 62620’ž199100’ž626200’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’ž274’žWNW-ESE?x3018’žARN 10’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žcharcoal layerÆ@$*x1’žyes?’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žcharcoal layerno’žchamber’žyes’žyesnono’ž55°292 17.673 N, 005°102 52.663 W’ž55°292 17.773 N, 005°102 48.523 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1903 On the cairns of Arran - a record of further explorations during the season of 1902. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 37, 36-67’žBalfour, J. A. (Ed.) 1910 Book of Arran Vol. 1 - Archaeology, Glasgow, Arran Society of Glasgow’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press±JEEEEį66662%śĻĖĒĀ½“°°°°°°°°°°°°° žš‘‹‡‚~zupjjjhffZJHFFD@:620,*&$" üųōšģģģģģŽŽŽĻĒĆæ½³®®Ø”˜‹{sk^P=7&  q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŒ\ člŹs’žTA ’žTA 07 NW 1’žWillerby Wold’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 0296 7608’ž50296 47608’ž502960’ž476080’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žWillerby’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’žon the flat top of Willerby Wold’ž160’žE-Wx5615’žTA 4’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žMiddle Chalkyesyes’žtimberyesyesno’žjet fragment; bone pin2’žcentre of mortuary enclosure; chamber0xx2’žS edge of post-setting slot0’žmortuary enclosure’žoccupation debris; crematorium;’žEastern end of barrow on central line; E end of moundyesnoyesno000noM@ x1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentralxxxnoxno’žmortuary enclosureno’žn/a’žpits; stakeholes; dark soil deposit;no’žN Englandno’žyes’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 487-490)’žManby, T. G. 1963 The excavation of the Willerby Wold Long Barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 29, 173-205’žManby, T. G. 1967 Radiocarbon dates for the Willerby Wold long barrow [Yorkshire]. Antiquity, 41, 306-307np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŸ)%%%ø$×ŅŅĶɾ¾¾ŗ”‹wssssssssssssssqmkig^YTPLGC>>><::.*(&&$ Łøø¤¢…ƒ}VT<82,$ óóóęąÜŲÖŃĢŖ¤“‰€og_RD>8+% q’’Ā’’ż½ł’ąēž} čĢs’žNP¹’žNPRN 303002’žCefn Drum’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSN 6136 0453’ž26136 20453’ž261360’ž204530’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žPontardulais’žnone’žnone’ž185npx?’ž5.6nononoyes ?nononononono1’žbetween horns0xx0x0nox’žstone setting’žchambernononono000no@•x1’žFind C14 datesno’žyes?’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes?xxxxnox’žstone setting’žpityesx’žpitno’ž51°432 20.463 N, 004°002 30.513 W’ž51°432 18.913 N, 004°002 26.303 W’žWalesno’žKissock, J. A. & Phillips, N. 2000 A passage grave on Cefn Drum, Gower. Archaeology in Wales, 40, 47-50~~~~~~~Ż²®©©©§”””””””””œœœœ‹‡…ƒytpkf`\\LJHH<86442.*&" žüśųéēćßŪ×ÓĻÅĮ½¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹“²°¬§§”›‚yqi\N?9(" q’Ą’’’½ū’`~2§ č·‹s’žSW¼’žSW 32 NE 20’žChapel Carn Brea’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žentrance grave?, round’žSW 3858 2806’ž13858 02806’ž138580’ž028060’žCornwall’žPenwith’žSt Just’žnone’žnonex23xx’žnone’žHencken 1932nonononononoyesnono’žwhetstone1’žW of centre0xx0x0nox’žsunken chamber’žcentrenonoyesno000no†@łx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žchamber’žtrenchyesnono’ž50°052 42.123 N, 005°392 23.453 W’ž50°052 39.953 N, 005°392 20.093 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1886 Typical specimens of Cornish barrows. Archaeologia, 49, 181-98 ( p 195-197)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žHencken, H. O. N. 1932 The Archaeology of Cornwall and Scilly, London, Methuen & Co.npDD@@@č{ܱ­©©©©£££››››’’’’’’’ŒŠˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUQOMMKGA=91!õńķēćßŪ×ÓĻĻĻĻĻĮĮĮĮ»¹·³±±±«„œ“‰yl^F@/) q’>Ā’’’½ł’@$~œG čWŹsk’žNR 92 SE 2’žTorlin’žTorrylin’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9551 2107’ž19551 62107’ž195510’ž621070’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSEnpnp?’žARN 15’žHenshall 1972’žDuncan 1896nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0no@ūx1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ždark soilno’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 78-84, 138-155)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 22-23)’žDuncan, E. 1896 The Scottish races: their ethnology, growth and distribution. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 28’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press“MHHæ ¢ÄÄÄÄĄ³³³Æ¤ œ“‹‡…ƒytokfa]]][YYMIGCCA=73/-)'#! ’ūõńķéåååååŲŲŲÉĮæ»·®ŖŖ¤”‡wogZL?9( q’Ā’’’½ł’ąg¼, č<Œs£µ’žSE 85 SE 11’žWarter 254’žMonument #61775’žround barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žSE 8509 5302’ž48509 45302’ž485090’ž453020’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žWarter’žnone’žnonenpxnpxx’žAe2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx1’žin grave0nox’žfaēade trench’žE side of barrowyesnonono030no@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcentral gravexxxnox’žoblong grave’žfaēade trenchyesnono’žN Englandno’žyes’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 320-321)’ž163’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumČe`````åąąąÜŃŃŃĶÉÉÉÉĆĆĆĆ“““¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœš‹†‚~zupkkkigg[WUSSQMIE?-  üśöņīč䎌ÖŅĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĪĮ¼ŗø“²®®Ø¢šyqdVHB4# q’Ą’’’½ł’@"f†'Ō čäĢsŽ ’žNZ 24 SW 3’žBrandon’žMonument #24613’žlong barrow’žEBA Round Barrow’žnone’žNZ 2072 4003’ž42072 54003’ž420720’ž540030’žDurham’žDurham’žBrandon and Byshottles’žnone’žnone?xnpnp’žTrechmann 1914nonononoē@ 2nonp’žn/ano’ž54°452 17.423 N, 001°402 46.223 W’ž54°452 17.043 N, 001°402 40.593 W’žN England’žTrechmann, C. T. 1914 Prehistoric Burials in the County of Durham. Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd series, 11, 119-176’žRCHME 1963 Monuments Threatened or Destroyed - Interim report, London, HMSO’ž142''""""Ó`````U*’’ūūööņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņņīīīīīīīīģģģąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąąÜŲŌŠŠŠŠŠĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø¶“““®Øˆ€xpcUO=0 q’Ā  :Œ“5 čEĢsr’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone?npnpnp’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no>@=ģx2noxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’žRobinson, D. E. & Dickson, J. H. 1988 Vegetational history and land use: Machrie Moor, Arran, Scotland. New Phytologist, 109, 223-251’ž114ĘĘĮĮĮĮ8‰|Q&&""          łõõõõóļļėēåįßŪŁ×ÕÓŃĻĶĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĒĆæ»»»»»¬¬¬¬¦¢žš˜˜˜’‹td\TG93-% q’>Ā’æ±ż zŒ»– č¦Ģs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone?npnpnp’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presseźźźźźź€€€€€tI ųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųņņņņīźęāāāāāāāāÉĮ½¹µ³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :ø čȋs=’žSO 92 SW 8’žCheltenham 1’žMonument #117736’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSO 944 225’ž39440 22250’ž394400’ž222500’žGloucestershire’žCheltenham’žCheltenham’žnone’žnonenpxnpnp’žBird 1876’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960nonononoyesyes<@ķ1no’žyesnono’ž51°542 05.273 N, 002°042 55.463 W’ž51°542 03.703 N, 002°042 50.433 W’žSW England’žWitts, G. B. 1880 British and Roman antiquities in the neighburhood of Cheltenham. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 4, 199-213’žBird, H. 1876 Notes on the tumuli of the Cotteswold Hills. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 6, 332-40’žBird 1876O'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž285>>999${{{{{oD  śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśōīīīźęāŽŽŽŽĘ»»»»»·³±­­­§”•‰xph[OIC6$ q’Ę3 :œ+ų č‹s’žNF’žNF 77 NE 15’žGeirisclett’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNF 7684 7520’ž07684 87520’ž076840’ž875200’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone0’žESE-WNWnpnpnp’žUST 18’žHenshall 1972noyesnonoyes’žyesyesyesno’žhammerstone0x1’žSW corner of outer chamberx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno200’žslab?ü@’žNE & NW corner of inner chamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnox’žhearths - 2’žpostholeyes’žbelow paving in inner compartmentnono’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn’žDunwell, A., Johnson, M. & Armit, I. 2003 Excavations at Geirisclett chambered cairn, North Uist, Western Isles. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 133, 1 33’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressńŠŠŠŠŠŅ>9995)))%!!!žųųųųųųųųųųųųīįßŪČĘÄĀ½ø“ÆŖ¦”””Ÿ~~rkiggea[WSQMKGECA?#! ūõńķēććććććććŌĢČÄĄ·µµÆ£—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`fNn č~És’žHPk’žHP 61 SW 12’žMuckle Heog East’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped?’žHP 6315 1081’ž46315 121081’ž463150’ž1210810’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUnst’žnone’ž107?xnpnp’žZET29’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nonononoyesnononono’ž6 steatite vessels & fragments0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno00?’žseveral ?’žgravel bedo@Āx1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxx’žoutside inner wall beneath burialsnox’žbeneath burials’ždark soil depositno’žN Scotlandno’žTate, R. 1866 Report of Zetland Anthropological Expedition. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 339-47 ( p 339-342)’žBryce, T. H. 1940 The so-called heel-shaped cairns of Shetland, with remarks on the chambered tombs of Orkney and Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 74, 23-36 ( p 30-32)’žHunt, J. 1866 Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the islands of Unst, Brassay and the mainland of Zetland. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 294-338 ( p 294-296, 299-300)’žRoberts, G. E. 1864 On the discovery of large kistvaens in the Muckle Heog in the island of Unst, Shetland, containing urns of chloritic schist. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 296-307’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press&&&Lm¢ żźźźŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁ×ÓÆ­«©„”™•‹‹‹‰‡‡{od``^ZTPLJFD@><:86420 śöņīźźźźźŽŽŽĻČÄĄ¾¼··±«„“xpbTF@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’@f<· čĒŹsʬ’žSE 96 NE 6’žCowlam 277’žMonument #64634’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9590 6635’ž49590 46635’ž495900’ž466350’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnonex’ž16.5xx’žSE 13’žKinnes 1992; Kinnes 1979’žManby 1988nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žNW end of mound0xx0x0nox’žcremation trench’žabove pityesnonono01?0nox1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žabove pitxxxnoxnox’žgrave pitno’ž54°052 03.073 N, 000°322 07.573 W’ž54°052 02.343 N, 000°322 01.553 W’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 340-341)’žWatts, L. & Rahtz, P. 1984 Cowlam Wold barrows: based on the records of the 1968 excavations undertaken by the Department of the Environment York, Department of Archaeology, University of York’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum ( p 9)’ž198’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumDĪÉÉÉ_›    ę»·¬¬¬Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤ žœšŠ†‚~ytooomkkkgeaa_[WSMB0.*(&$"   ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŃŃŃ·°®¬¦¤¤¤ž˜ƒwogZLF@3" q’~Ā’’’ł’`~œ×“LVAL‰ 5 ŌƒĒÆGreenwell (1877: 490-7) contains a detailed description of the trenches and cremation deposits on this barrow. P 491 an addition was made to the primary barrow at a later date, for ’žGreenwell (1877: 490-7) contains a detailed description of the trenches and cremation deposits on this barrow. P 491 an addition was made to the primary barrow at a later date, for the purpose of placing three additional interments. Greenwell (1877:495-7) description of his theory on on how the cremation flue was used to set fire to the bodies within the mound.’žColt Hoare 1812 : ' Though two large sections were made in this barrow, nothing was found but a few pieces of stag's, horns, and a line of black earth similar to that described in the former barrow. [The 'former barrow' was Tilshead Old Ditch] - 'a stratum of black sooty earth from 23 - 46 cm thick, which appeared , like a ridge, to extend the whole length of the barrow, and decase in thickness as it reached the edge.'’žKilbride-Jones 1973 - p 92: ' Removal of all loose stones revealed a well-built structure whose foundation courses had been placed directly upon subsoil.' (turf clearance?) P 93  The floor of cell 1 is made up of pure, smooth clay, but the floors of Cells 2 and 3 and of the antechamber and passage are made up of a mixture of clay and soil, well puddled. Careful trowelling of all these floors failed to reveal anything of interest. ’žPatchett 1944: p 22 '[Pottery] was found on the floor of the inner chamber at the east end and was associated with five flint flakes and some burnt wood & a great deal of black greasy earth and remains of decayed bone were found.' Thomas and Wailes (1967) p 19 report that a small pit was found in the main chamber of Zennor Quoit’žThe first excavation of this site was not recorded, although some of the human remains from the barrow were retained and reported. The barrow was largely destroyed by farming activities after the excavation. The purpose of the second excavation (Clifford 1937) was to discover whether the barrow was in fact a long barrow, rather than a round barrow. Several trenches were dug, but little was reported. The only mention of the ground surface was a comment that one of the trenches had revealed a 'feature which may have been a form of central pit, such as has been found in many long barrows.' (p 336)’žMortimer 1905: 'we re-opened the barrow and tested the ground beneath. It had consisted of a central core mainly of bluish clay brought from a distance, over which was a covering of yellowish brown loamy soil [not clear if he is referring to the ground or the mound]. We also observed near the centre some dispersed burnt human bones.'’žRitchie 1972 - p 49: 'An unusual and puzzling feature at the NE end of the cairn was the presence of an artificial layer of black soil (about 15mm thick) consolidated with stones of medium or small size, extending outside the entrance to the chamber on the old land surface and definitely antedating the blocking. On the upper surface of this layer and also within it there were at least four spreads of charcoal and several smaller scatters of tiny flecks& The most likely interpretation of this layer is that the earth is the original land surface in which the stones were deliberately laid to provide a firm area immediately in front of and round about the tomb.'. P 51 chamber floor had been dug out to below the natural surface (possibly indicating episodes of clearance and re-use). P 52   Immediately in front of the chamber& .a cist had been constructed in a pit dug into the natural gravel, so that its capstone would not have protruded above the surface of the artificial layer of stones and earth at the entrance to the tomb. The cist contained the cremated remains of two individuals and a number of pig phalanges.j čzŠs’žNM’žNM 82 NE 8’žDalineun’žKilmore, Lochnell South’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNM 8799 2670’ž18799 72670’ž187990’ž726700’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmore and Kilbride’žnone’žnone’žin an undulating area of sand and gravel at the southern end of Loch Nll15’žNE-SW’žn/a1815’žARG 3’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žin front of chamber0xx0x0noxnoxyesnoyesno402’žblack soil layer embedded with stonesw@É’žNE end of cairn1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNE end of cairnxx’žNE end of cairnnoxyes’žoutside chambernononono’ž56°232 05.763 N, 005°262 08.763 W’ž56°232 06.263 N, 005°262 04.623 W’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie, J. N. G. 1972 Excavation of a chambered cairn at Dalineun, Lorn, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 104, 48-62’žDenston, C. B. 1972 The cremated remains from Dalineun, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 104, 59-61’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressoƒģģģģčŪ°…}yud^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\XGEC2-($ ’’óĢŹČČĘĀ¼ø²°¬Ŗ¦¤¢ žœš…ƒ{uokea]YUUUUUGGG81-)$ĻÉĆ­ ‡rdQK:  q’’Ā’’’½ł’ą 6·LVAL„²®ĶPPastscape: - extensive traces of in situ burning, esp. under E half of mound; 2.4 m E of centre a cremation deposit about 1.2 m in diameter; at centre of barrow, an adult inhumation was lying on original ground surface, with flint knife, ’žPPastscape: - extensive traces of in situ burning, esp. under E half of mound; 2.4 m E of centre a cremation deposit about 1.2 m in diameter; at centre of barrow, an adult inhumation was lying on original ground surface, with flint knife, and cremation deposit at knee. 0.6 m W of the skeleton was an oval pit Mortimer 1905: p 300 'All the original surface under the eastern half to the centre was reddened and blackened in consequence of having been the site of a large fire.'’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: The original floor [of the chamber] consisted of the leached surface of the natural boulder clay, levelled where necessary [turf clearance?] and a small pit had been dug in the centre of the second compartment.' Interim report only’žCanmore: The cairn consisted of two parts, distinct although conjoined. At the E end was a circular mound with a diameter of about 60ft and a height of about 5ft. Attached to the W side was an elongated mound about 48ft long, 24ft wide and about 3ft high. Lindsay 2005 - Barrow destroyed during 'land reclamation' i n 1902. Gordon 1902: P 28 - Cist 1 - the floor consisted of a single piece of blue slate; a quantity of communited bone was found on the slate, and below it a quantity of pulverized bone. P 29 - In Cist 2 was found ' a small quantity of bones mixed with a humid, dark-coloured earth.' Bones were also found beneath the slate floor of cist 2. P 30 - " a small quantity of very fine bones, mixed with darkish-coloured friable soil".’žPiggott 1973: P33 'Phase I:  a massive timber structure which had decayed in situ without being burnt & .Though this structure underlay the subsequent features and seems to have determined their broad layout, it was impossible to demonstrate whether it was contemporary with an early phase of the barrow construction, or originally existed independently, but the latter alternative might explain its apparent irrelevance to the formal planning of mound, revetment and faēade.' Phase 2 :  concurrently with the making of the turf mound in this area, a stone and timber structure was now built on the site of the first phase post-setting...walls of loosely set massive water-worn boulders up to 0.75 m. In height were built to form a three-sided enclosure 6 by 2-5 m. Internally, open to the NW. Within this a light timber structure framed on lateral horizontal members and roofed with birch-bark under flat stones had been placed, and deliberately burnt&  P 34  Phase 111 followed the burning, and the construction of the mound over the Phase I1 enclosure & and consisted of an enigmatic elongated stone setting built into the slope of the mound, partly of large pebbles but mainly of slabs, ... Extending for some 5 m. SE. P 34  Along the axis of the barrow five secondary burials had been inserted. P 36- evidence for forest clearance by burning. Piggott 1972 : P32 Re Phase 1 structure -  Although it cannot be directly demonstrated, the building must have substantially rotted in situ, and the site cleared before the building of Phase II was entered upon. The fact that there was no sign of the removal of any posts, but that replacement soil representing timbers rotted as they stood was present in holes E, F and G implies such a situation. P 43 re Phase 1 structure - discussion of potentially comparable structures in DenmarkT čdŹs’žNO(’žNO 66 NW 27’žDalladies’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNO 6276 6737’ž36276 76737’ž362760’ž767370’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žFettercairn’žnone’žnone’žon a gravel terrace40’žENE-WSWx6518’žKNC 8’žHenshall 1972; Kinnes 1992yesyes’žfluvio-glacial gravel outwash terraceyesno’žbirch barkyesyesno’žcup marked stone0x7’žNW end of moundx1x0’žtimber structures (2)’žNW end of mound’žTimber structure pre-mound; timber and stone mortuary structure’žNW end of moundno’žyes?nono000no[@Ėx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxnox’žtimber structureno’ž56°472 47.103 N, 002°362 40.403 W’ž56°472 47.643 N, 002°362 34.863 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žPiggott, S. 1972 Excavation of the Dalladies long barrow, Fettercairn, Kincardineshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 104, 23-47’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum (NO2)’žPiggott, S. 1973 The Dalladies long barrow: NE Scotland Antiquity, 47, 32-36’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press§@@@@šsÖŃŃŃĶĄ•jfTTTRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNLHFD?=83/+&!  ’ūõńąŸŽwusqo^\ZXFB<6*& łóķķķķķķķķŃŹĘĀĄ·³ž˜’…{ld\OA;5(" q’’Ą’’’½ł’`~WLVAL± ż ±™‹“sManby 1980: The Mound and pre-mound Soil: The original mound has been completely removed by cultivation along with the pre-mound surface and most of the pre-mound soil layer. The latter remained in patches in the surface of the natural frost fractured chalk in the ce’žManby 1980: The Mound and pre-mound Soil: The original mound has been completely removed by cultivation along with the pre-mound surface and most of the pre-mound soil layer. The latter remained in patches in the surface of the natural frost fractured chalk in the central area; traces of a thin iron pan layer were noted in this reddish brown soil. Six flints were the only cultural material recovered from this denuded pre-mound soil along with scraps of bone and a human tooth at the centre. P 21 - Mesolithic flints found in the area’žNo information on buried ground surface. Barrett 1991 - reviews the evidence from Handley 26 and 27 and Wor Barrow; esp the pottery sequence. Suggests they formed a small cemetery. There were three phases in ditch construction of Handley 27.’žNB - measurements and orientation refer to chamber only, as the covering cairn was completely removed in 1772. Aitken 1957 p 226 'Signs of burning and some fragments of charcoal were noticed to the N of the first group of bones and at the NE corner of the chamber.'’žWhittle 1991: P 200 - 'base part of the apparent mound is in fact therefore solid chalk. It is unclear whether this is the result of artificial scarping of the original ridge, or of massive erosion of the original berm& ' P 200  Careful search for marks of cultivation was made, but none were seen and it is doubtful whether such a soil woud preserve any.. P 230 - Mollusca and pollen evidence suggest the barrow was sited close to the edge of former cultivated areas. (Detailed environmental analysis and reconstruction)’žBryce 1909 - p 353 : 'the floor of each compartment [of the south chamber] showed the usual layer of black soil and charcoal. Fragments of burnt bone were found in this soil, but in very sparing amounts.' 'Pieces of a large vessel of pottery, a flint knife, 3 flint flakes and portions of Corriegills pitchstone were recovered.'’žBryce 1909 p 344 -5  The floor of each compartment [in the south chamber] was covered with a layer of black earth, and numerous fragments of charcoal were found in the deeper strata of the soil& .In the first compartment, two unburnt burials were laid bare & .' A number of animal bones and teeth were also found in this compartment. In the 2nd compartment, fragments of unburnt bone representing a burial were found& ' p 350  The [north] chamber was filled with soil and large stones& The only trace of an interment was a small piece of burnt bone, and the only relics recovered were a flint flake& a piece of pitchstone and a small fragment of dark-coloured pottery. ’žSmith & Lynch 1987: p 100-1 - S side of mound 'no old humus layer survived under [the cairn], the stones lying directly on the orange clay subsoil& .Central area of cairn 'There was no indication of a pre-cairn humus layer, the stones lay directly on orange subsoil. P 107 - CHAMBER 4 - a number of pits described, but most or all are the result of later disturbance.  None of the original floor of the chamber survived undamaged . P 110 CHAMBER 3 - 2 postholes found 1.2 m apart at the E end of the chamber; appeared to have been dug to hold wooden posts about 0.3 m in diameter; the posts had then been carefully removed and the holes filled with stones. Likely to have been contemporary with the chamber, not earlier. P 111 - "the floor of the chamber was clean, there was no sign of bone, pottery or charcoal trodden into it.‘ 蔋s‰Ę’žNX 47 SW 1’žDrannandow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNX 4083 7135’ž24083 57135’ž240830’ž571350’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žMinnigaff’žnone’žnone’ž198’žE-Wx’ž23.715’žKRK 8’žHenshall 1972nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noQ@ėx1nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žblack soilyes’žChambers A and Cnononono’ž55°002 40.383 N, 004°292 26.163 W’ž55°002 40.253 N, 004°292 21.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žEdwards, A. J. H. 1923 Report on the Excavation of (1) A Long Segmented Chambered Cairn, (2) A Bronze Age Cairn, and (3) A Hut-Circle, in the Parish of Minnigaff, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. PSAS, 57, 55-74’ž137’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Presscü÷÷÷÷÷%%%%!é¾ŗ¶²®œ–––––––––––ŠŠŠˆ„‚€~|wrnjfb^^^\ZZNJHFFD@:620,*&$"  žśöņīīīīīīīīßŲŌĪĢĒĀĀ¼¶«”}um`R?9(" q’Ą’’’½ł’ą„M č]‹sž’žSO 91 NW 17’žDry Heathfield Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žlong barrow’žbowl barrow’žSO 9352 1711’ž39352 21711’ž393520’ž217110’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCoberley’žnone’žnonex22xx’ž BDb2’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesnonono1’žcentrenoxno70@|1no’žyes’žyesnononono’žstone lined cistnpno’ž51°512 09.323 N, 002°052 43.483 W’ž51°512 07.733 N, 002°052 38.463 W’žSW Englandno’žGomonde, W. H. 1846 On barrows near Cheltenham. Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 1, 152-4’žBird, H. 1876 Notes on the tumuli of the Cotteswold Hills. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Club, 6, 332-40’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’ž274’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§D???¬3ÄÄÄÄĄ“‰^^ZZZZVVVVVVVDDDDDDDDDDDDD@<84/*&&&$$$         üųōīźęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÉĀĄ¾ŗøøø²¬¢˜‡wj\OB4. q’~Ą’L,ł@ zœų č‹ssz’žNS 03 SW 8’žDunan Beag’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNS 0267 3299’ž20267 63299’ž202670’ž632990’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž122’žNE-SWx4221’žARN 7’žHenshall 1972nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žperforated jet plate0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’žat eastern edgenonoyesno030’žblack earth & charcoal“@Ķx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxx’žsouth chambernox’žlayer of black earth & charcoalyes’žsouth chambernono’ždark soilno’ž55°332 02.213 N, 005°072 47.003 W’ž55°332 02.343 N, 005°072 42.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370 ( p 341-350)’žPennant, T. 1776 A Tour in Scotland MDCCLXXII, London ( p 212-213)’ž115’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressœ————QƒƒƒƒrG  öšššššššššššššĻĶÉŗø¶“ÆŖ¦¢™”””’„ljhhfb\XTC31-+)'%#!ż÷óķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĪĒĆ潶±±«¤š}um`R?9(" q’Ą’’’½ł’ąŒWw 臋ss˜’žNS 03 SW 7’žDunan Mor’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0280 3315’ž20280 63315’ž202800’ž633150’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone’ž152x’ž23.4xx’žARN 8’žHenshall 1972nonononononoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack soil & charcoalL@Ķx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žsouth chambernox’žlayer of black earth and charcoalyes’žchambernononono’ž55°332 07.573 N, 005°072 40.003 W’ž55°332 07.703 N, 005°072 35.823 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370 (p 350-356)’ž115’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press}DDDD@3ŻŁÕŃĶľ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾›™•†„‚€|wsojfaaa_]]Q:86640*&"   üöšģčäąÜŲŲŲŲŲŲŲŲÉĀĄ¾ø¶±±«¤š}um`R>8'! q’Ą’’’½ł’ą„ÄLVAL[ ÖGreenwell 1877 p 489  Reports information given to him by the farmer on the removal of the barrow:  There was a narrow deposit of hard burnt chalk, running along the mesial line of the mound& in which were seen numerous remains of burnt bones; but there was no appearance of an entire skeleton, the bones seemed on the contrary to be dislocated and broken. & there was no burial found on the natural surface throughout the entire mound. Vatcher 1965 p 49:  Excavation showed that the mound, the ancient surface, and any weathered chalk beneath had been removed entirely& . From the depth of some of the bedding trenches it would appear that possibly 1 foot or more had be’žGreenwell 1877 p 489  Reports information given to him by the farmer on the removal of the barrow:  There was a narrow deposit of hard burnt chalk, running along the mesial line of the mound& in which were seen numerous remains of burnt bones; but there was no appearance of an entire skeleton, the bones seemed on the contrary to be dislocated and broken. & there was no burial found on the natural surface throughout the entire mound. Vatcher 1965 p 49:  Excavation showed that the mound, the ancient surface, and any weathered chalk beneath had been removed entirely& . From the depth of some of the bedding trenches it would appear that possibly 1 foot or more had been lost from the original height of the old land surface. A series of bedding-trenches conforming with the mound and containing burnt and unburnt posts formed a long enclosure with a crescentic facade at the east end. P 51  Traces of a protected surface remained to the east of the bedding-trench& . On this surface was found the cutting-edge of a broken stone axe& .. A few abraded Neolithic sherds were found, some small flint scrapers and two leaf arrowheads A timber mortuary structure preceded the mound. Corcoran (1969) argues this sites has more in common with N European monuments than other British barrows -esp e.g. Gaj, Kuyavia, Poland. Kinnes (1992) p 41 summarizes construction sequence.’žPowell 1973: Two periods of construction - first a small megalithic chamber surrounded by a small oval cairn; then a large megalithic chamber was built to the east of the first and a rectangular cairn was erected over both monuments. P 8 - A large natural flat stone slab formed the floor-stone for the chamber. P 11-12 A pit was located in the forecourt of the western chamber. P 12 'The pit is unlikely to predate the building of the western chamber in view of the clean nature of the old ground surface in the forecourt area, the absence of other pits throughout the whole excavated area and because of the nature of the filling of the pit& The absence of hearths, and ash scatter and the whole cleanliness of the forecourt area is especially to be noted' P 15-16 A shallow depression was noted at the eastern end of the E chamber - may have been a socket for a stone upright. P 16 "When the [eastern] chamber was completely excavated it was found that most of the original floor had been dug into& .[A} mixed dark deposit..extended below the level of the original ground surface showing that considerable digging and turning over of the soil had taken place from time to time".E čUŹs’žNP2’žNPRN 95422’žDyffryn Ardudwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSH 5886 2284’ž25886 32284’ž258860’ž322840’žGwynedd’žMerioneth’žDyffryn Ardudwy.’žnone50’žSW-NEx2815’žMER 3yesyes’žLlanbedr slatenononoyesyesno’žstone pendants (2)2’žforecourt of W chamber; E end of E chamber1?’žpit/posthole - E end of E chamberx0x0nox’žE chamber floor had been dug out’žE chamberno’žground 'cleaned'?yesno001’žnatural flat slab„@Ņx1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyes ?xxx’žwestern chambernoxno’žeastern chambernono’žpit, posthole/stoneholeno’ž52°472 04.833 N, 004°052 38.893 W’ž52°472 03.733 N, 004°052 34.603 W’žWalesno’žyes’žPowell, T. G. E. 1973 Excavation of the megalithic chambered cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy, Merioneth, Wales. Archaeologia, 104, 1-49’žPowell, T. G. E. 1963 The Chambered Cairn at Dyffryn Ardudwy. Antiquity, 37, 19-24’žLynch, F. 1976 Towards a chronology of megalithic tombs in Wales. IN BOON, G. C. & LEWIS, J. M. (Eds.) Welsh Antiquity. Cardiff, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston¶EEEE¤NŹÅÅÅĮŗd`GC?.**************($ żłõńģģģźččÜÉĒÅÅĆ湦¢—usomkigD@žśōīźęāŅĢĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘæ»·µ®ŖŖŖ¤’‡~vnaSD>-' q’??Ą’’’½ł’ąö č‹sk[’žNR 92 SE 4’žEast Bennan’žCraigdhu’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9935 2075’ž19935 62075’ž199350’ž620750’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone91’žE-Wx3021’žARN 14’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earth and charcoalÅ@lx1nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernox’žlayer of black earth and charcoalyes’žchambernononono’ž55°262 22.013 N, 005°102 24.283 W’ž55°262 22.093 N, 005°102 20.143 W’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1909 On the cairns of Arran, No. III, with a notice of a megalithic structure at Ardenadam, on the Holy Loch. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 43, 337-370 ( p 337-341)’žBalfour, J. A. (Ed.) 1910 Book of Arran Vol. 1 - Archaeology, Glasgow, Arran Society of Glasgow ( p 42-46)’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressž—’’’’"SSSSOBģčäąÜÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶŖؤ›™—•‘Œˆ„{wwwussgMKIIGC=953/-)'%#! żłõńķķķķķßßߊČÄĄ¾¹µµÆ؟’‚zreWD>-# q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŒoLVAL2¶ĢÖLeivers 2000 - P 185 - Cairn was first examined in 1924-5 by the farmer; a letter from him describes his findings: ' Although not on the highest know it is placed on fairly high ground, and the stones in it seem to be all sharp edged as if they had been rough dressed, or broken. There is also layers of ashes in the mound, and some of the stones look like as if they had been in a fire...we only dug about 4 feet square in the centre and another small hole on the east side where the boney substance is.' P 185 - The second excavation was unpublished "The surviving finds from the 1925 excavations consist of 32 Neolithic sherds, one small fragment of charcoal, and a single piece of flint debitage (NMS EO 385 92 and unregistered). There is no contextual information associated with any of this material." p 188 : "The 1952 excavations consisted of a single L-shaped cutting...OLD GROUND SURFACE: At the base of the cairn material and sealed by it was a preserved old ground surface, recorded by Atkinson as  natural ,  old surface ,  occupation surface , and most often  old turfline . Given the possible existence of a turfline it seems unlikely that the area beneath the mound was stripped. Pieces of a large closed bowl, a carinated fluted bowl and sherds from one other vessel (vessels 1, 3 & 4), were found on the old ground surface, as was cremated bone. On this surface were  hearths , the number and location of which were not recorded. One of these contained small quantities of burnt bone. Towards the south-east of the central trench was a shallow oval pit. It is not clear whether this pit cut through, or was sealed by, the old ground surface, nor what its exact dimensions were. The pit was recorded as being at the base of the 1925  howk and therefore some truncation of both the pit and the land surface may have occurred. In the pit were fragments of seven vessels (vessels 1 7), together with charcoal." P 194 - "It seems more likely that the Neolithic material represents an earlier phase of activity on the s„LVAL”ite. Having said this, it is not possible to ascertain the length of time between this activity and the construction of the mound. The presence of a Beaker sherd sealed beneath the cairn would point to a considerable time lapse. However, given that this sherd cannot now be located and is not mentioned by Atkinson prior to 1962, its provenance is doubtful." P 194: "The pit is certainly a pre-mound feature.......However, some light may be thrown on the pre-mound activity by a consideration of other sites falling within the non-megalithic round mound category (Kinnes 1992). At Boghead cairns under a low mound sealed an old ground surface on which was a black soil layer containing sherds, cremated bones and flints (Burl 1984). At Midtown of Pitglassie a ring cairn and low mound sealed a series of pits, hollows, burnt areas and hearth residues from which were recovered fragments of early Neolithic pottery in the north-east Scottish style, charcoal, cremated bone and a leaf-shaped arrowhead (Shepherd 1996). Despite the differences in the covering mounds at Boghead and Pitglassie the material from these sites resembles that from East Finnercy strongly enough to indicate comparable activity in the early Neolithic. Given the radiocarbon determinations from Boghead (c 4000 3500 cal bc) and Midtown of Pitglassie (c 4000 3400 cal bc) it is possible to suggest a date in the first half of the fourth millennium for the pre-mound activity at East Finnercy, with the pottery evidence perhaps indicating a date in the latter part of this span (Sheridan, in Johnston 1997, 219 20)."‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’A čQŠs’žNJd’žNJ 70 SE 3’žEast Finnercy’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7647 0429’ž37647 80429’ž376470’ž804290’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žEcht’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of a low ridge running E/W’ž100x27xx’žLeivers 2000nononononoyesyesnono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žcentreyesnonono1+00noPÕ2¶Ģnp1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žlayers of ashxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation area; pit; hearthsno’ž57°072 44.293 N, 002°232 24.813 W’ž57°072 44.963 N, 002°232 19.113 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyes’žLeivers, M., Roberts, J. & Peterson, R. 2000 The cairn at East Finnercy, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 130, 183-195’žAtkinson, R. J. C. 1952 Cairn, East Finnercy. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, 4’žAtkinson, R. J. C. 1962 Fishermen and farmers. IN PIGGOTT, S. (Ed.) The Prehistoric Peoples of Scotland. London, Routledge and Keegan Paul’žHenshall, A. S. 1983 The Neolithic pottery from Easterton of Roseisle, Moray. IN O'CONNOR, A. & CLARKE, D. V. (Eds.) From the Stone Age to the 'Forty-Five : Studies presented to R.B.K. Stevenson. Edinburgh, John DonaldŗŗŗŗÜNõMMMHD7 įŻ¾¹µ³­­­­­­­­­­­­­­«§„£”’’‰…€{vvvtppd`^\\XTPLF>*($"  śōšģččäąąąąąŅŅŅŅŅŠĪŹČƚ”Žˆ~og_RD>8+% q’’Āž’’½łżą’<, č<Ėsž’žSE 97 NW 14’žEast Heslerton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9385 7524’ž49385 47524’ž493850’ž475240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žHeslerton’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’ž158’žE-W’žn/a’ž14023’žSE 11’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žMiddle Chalknononoyesyesno’žstone axe0xnumerous’žvariousx’žnumerous’žvarious0’žmortuary enclosure’žE end of moundnoxnononono000no…@Ņx1’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpxno’žn/a’žtimber structure; postholes and stakeholesno’ž54°092 51.983 N, 000°332 50.413 W’ž54°092 51.283 N, 000°332 44.393 W’žN Englandno’žyes’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 488-489)’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. L. 1965 East Heslerton Long Barrow, Yorkshire : The Eastern Half. Antiquity, 39, 49-522’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĻYWWWWŻ‹‹‹‡|Q&"öńķėēēēēēēēēēēēēēēåį߯ŪŁŌĻĖĒĆæŗŗŗø¶¶Ŗ¦¤¢¢ œ˜”ŽŠzfd[QOF642'# żłõõõõõčččŪŌŠĖĘĮ¼¼¶„š‘€xpcU@:-' q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŽoLVALū7ŻMR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri čŠsRČ’žSU 06 NE 7’žEaston Down’žBishops Cannings 65’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0637 6610’ž40637 16610’ž406370’ž166100’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnone’ž200’žE-W’žn/a4525’žWIL 19’žDarvill 2004’žThurnam 1868yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žpollennoyesnono1’žW end of mound0xx2’žW end of mound0noxnoxno’žyes?no’žyes040no@Ķx1nono’žyesnono’žyesnox’žmound’žpollen evidencexnoxyesx’žcultivation?; stakeholesno’ž51°232 38.213 N, 001°542 35.143 W’ž51°232 36.423 N, 001°542 30.113 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žTThurnam, J. 1860 Examination of barrows on the downs of North Wiltshire, in 1853-57. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 6, 317-36’žWhittle, A., Rouse, A. J. & Evans, J. G. 1993 A Neolithic downland monument in its environment: excavations at the Easton Down long barrow, Bishops Cannings, north Wiltshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 59, 197-239’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)82’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempusś¢žžžłytttp`5 ģģģźääääääääääääääāŽÜĖÄĀ¾¹µ±¬Ø¤¤¤¢  ”ŽŒŒŠ…{wuqokiYWUSQA?;71-% ņņņäÜŲŌĻŹÅÅ涤œ‘‰tfUO8# q’Ā’’’½ł’`~žŖLVALa ĄMortimer 1905: 6 m NNE of centre was a small hole about 45 cm deep containing sherds of a cinerary urn which had contained burnt human bones and ox teeth. Near the urn were some broken unburnt animal bones and an antler comb. About 1.5 m east of centre was a grave 2.3 m x 1.2 m and .6 ’žMortimer 1905: 6 m NNE of centre was a small hole about 45 cm deep containing sherds of a cinerary urn which had contained burnt human bones and ox teeth. Near the urn were some broken unburnt animal bones and an antler comb. About 1.5 m east of centre was a grave 2.3 m x 1.2 m and .6 m deep containing human remains, and a flint flake, scraper and bronze pin or awl. (Another urn containing cremated bones was found in a small hole 30 feet NE of centre, but this was probably inserted into the mound, not the original ground surface {EH}) Kinnes lists grid ref as SE 96 59’žKerr 1892 : p 67 'Inside [the chamber] there lay on the floor a large quantity of broken stones and black earth. Underneath there was what seemed a mixture of ashes and earth, with numerous pieces of charred wood, but no charred bones as far as I could see. Underneath that layer there was ordinary gravel& .A small vitrified mass was found in the floor. ' The site of Fiscary actually comprises two cairns - one chambered and the other not - joined by a platform of stones. The unchambered cairn was not excavated.’žPatrick 1872: the cairn was disturbed in 1810 by workers procuring road metal.  Several graves appear to have been then opened, but no accurate account has been preserved of what was discovered & .In the passage some dark earth was found, but all the bones were inside the grave. .. Though a most careful search was made, no other object was found. Love 1876: 'There is, however, one fact not noticed in [Patrick 1872] & which is this, that among the other bones recovered was one supposed by Drs Speirs and Boyd to be that of a dog. In what part of the cist it was found, the workmen, however, cannot say. It is said, besides, that a small quantity of dark unctuous matter (adipocere it might be) was found at the outer and lower end of the cist, but as a fact this find has not been verified. It is certain, at the same time, that on the floor of the covered passage, 6 feet or thereby from the east end of the cist, about two shovelfuls of black calcined matter or earth were found. Some, who saw it, say it contained fragments of bone; they call it  burnt bones while others are at least certain that one of its constituents was charred wood. Unfortunately, no part of this, or of the other matter has been preserved& .. " "In 1874..the most part of the cairn remaining undisturbed was turned over. The result, however, was nil..'’žGreenwell 1877: p 271 - 'Near the centre a deposit of burnt bones was met with, over which some large flints were placed; this was at a depth of 4 feet and as a great quantity of burnt earth was observed immediately around the bones, it is probable that the body had been burnt on the spot where the bones were placed. Two unburnt bodies were found on the south side of the mound' 5.1 m SSE of centre was the body of a .man..placed about 6 in above the natural surface; below his head was the body of a young child; still lower and on the natural surface were several bones of another body. "At the centre was a grave, lying NW-SE, 2.1 m x 2m x 0.76 m deep"; it contained the body of a man and a fragmented pottery vessel. Barrow had been disturbed prior to Greenwell's excavation. Manby (1958) - Elf Howe is the only known instance of the direct association of Neolithic 'B' pottery with a burial under a round barrow.‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’@LVALP™™Ī¬ŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖŖnņ’’’’’’’’\ą õ “Excavation RecordsExcavation Records"€ÉŽPotteryPottery5oŲłRadiocarbon DatesRadiocarbon Dates¢ž’’’2ŽSITE DESCRIPTIONSITE DESCRIPTION„ö5VFlintFlint`śšZAnimal BoneAnimal Bone@BŠŅPit DescriptionPit Description$b“’Usable Sites - April 28 reportUsable Sites - April 28 reportģŻĢ}SW Scotland - June 7 2009SW Scotland - June 7 20090VĄęSW Scotland - All Chambered CairnsSW Scotland - All Chambered CairnssŖ:SW Scotland - All Chambered Cairns_1SW Scotland - All Chambered Cairns÷‡”SW England - all sitesSW England - all sites¾ čĪ‹s’žTAz’žTA 07 NW 19’žElf Howe’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žTA 0422 7725’ž50422 47725’ž504220’ž477250’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žFolkton’žnone’žnonex18xx’ž Db5’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesnonono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono061noŸ@Üx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono?’žcentralxxxnox’žcremation; grave pit’ž5 surface inhumationsxnono’ž54°102 49.793 N, 000°242 16.363 W’ž54°102 49.103 N, 000°242 10.273 W’žN Englandno’žGreenwell, W. 1877 British Barrows, Oxford, Clarendon Press ( p 271-272)’žManby, T. G. 1958 Neolithic 'B' pottery from East Yorkshire Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 39, 1-8np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum0ĶÉÉÉÉ`Ł®Ŗ¦¦¦¤¤¤¤¤¤wwwwwwwuqomkb`\XTOJEEECAA51/--+'#   ųöņīźäąÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢæ¹·µ±ÆÆÆ©£š|tl_Q;5'! q’~Ą’’’½ł’@A~ŒĢ Y‰vvĻvĻvĻvĻvĻvĻcģŁŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪŁĪĘO<<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī<Ī)² Ÿ ŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŸĶŒ ŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶŒĶw€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģw€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ‡€ž ¢y ‡€ž ¢y †€ž £y †€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­‡€ž ¢y ‡€ž ¢y >’ž¢y >’ž¢y G€’ž£y G€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­>’ž¢y >’ž¢y >’ž¢y G€’ž£y G€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­>’ž¢y >’ž¢y >’ž¢y G€’ž£y G€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­>’ž¢y >’ž¢y >’ž¢y G€’ž£y G€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 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P 258: About 12 m E of the barrow, Mortimer found a large pit (2.9 m in diameter at the top and 1.7 at the bottom and 2.2 m deep) , with trenches (each 7.3 m long by .6 m wide at the bottom) extending north and south from the pit, sloping up to ground level. This feature was filled with burnt gravel and wood ash and  a quantity of dark matter was observed round the’žMortimer 1905, p 247:  The lower portion of a nearly demolished trough-like crematorium, 4.5 m in length, similar in construction to that in Barrow # 81, extended nearly east and west, and contained few white calcined human bones, mixed with chalk gravel reddened by fire. P 258: About 12 m E of the barrow, Mortimer found a large pit (2.9 m in diameter at the top and 1.7 at the bottom and 2.2 m deep) , with trenches (each 7.3 m long by .6 m wide at the bottom) extending north and south from the pit, sloping up to ground level. This feature was filled with burnt gravel and wood ash and  a quantity of dark matter was observed round the sides.  Lines of burnt wood running in various directions and at different angles were noticed from top to bottom. Mortimer interpreted this feature as a pit dwelling, and likened it to a similar feature seen at Hanging Grimston. This feature was later interpreted as a faēade bedding trench and Manby (1963 p 196) suggests that it may be connected with the crematorium trench in the barrow. Kinnes (1992) also interprets this feature as a faēade bedding trench with central pit. About 12 m W of the barrow, another pit was located (2.1m in diameter and 1m deep) filled with gravel and dark earth. Again, Mortimer interpreted this feature as a pit dwelling’žBateman 1861 p 227 'excavation was begun at [eastern] extremity where after the removal of earth and stone to the depth of a foot, portions of a human leg and arm bone were discovered, quite black in colour. Beneath them loose stones continued downward for five feet, where a skeleton was found, lying east to west, with a& leaf-shaped lance of grey flint at the right hand, but& .wanting the skull which had evidently never been buried with it& ..Returning to the surface, the excavation was directed southwards& ..a grave four feet deep was found, which being cleared of the large stones, succeeded by rubble, with which it was filled, afforded another skeleton& the excavation was pursued westwards, uncovering in its course several depressions, from two feet to a yard deep, containing imperfect skeletons& On gaining the western boundary, large stones indicated another grave, the lower part being..filled with limestone gravel, covering a skeleton..a & spear of mottled yellow flint near the skull. Re Cropton 1 and Cropton 2 - Bateman (1877) gives no accurate siting for the Cropton barrows - NMR indicates that it is 'possible' that these mounds were those excavated by Ruddock in the 1870's. . č‹s’žSE 95 NE 31’žGarton Slack 134’žnone’žlong barrow’ženclosure/linear feature’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9873 5774’ž49873 45774’ž498730’ž498730’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGarton’žnone?Ex3017’žSE 6’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono2’ž12 m w of barrow; 12 m E of barrow0xx0x0’žyes?’ž12 m E of barrow’žcrematorium trench; faēade bedding trench?yesnoyesno00’žunknownno1@ėx1’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žtrenchxxxnox’ž12 m E - pit; 12 m W - pityes’žfaēade bedding trench; western pitnono’žN Englandno’žyes?’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 246-247, 258)’žManby, T. G. 1963 The excavation of the Willerby Wold Long Barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 29, 173-205 ( p 196)19’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumąjffffČICCC?4440,,,ęęęęęęęęęęęę乎܌ŅĶČÄĄ»·²²²°®®¢ž•““‘‡ƒ}{P>86420.,žśöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŃĖĒĆĮ½½½½·Æ¢–Ž†ykV</) q’?~Ą’’’½ł’hfŽ šLVALŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRow <        -PxŻńbKŽüY¾<Ž      Ž †([Excavation Reports Query April 2011].[Status] In ("2c","4","4a"))ž ö[Excavation Reports Query April 2011].[Excavation Date], [Excavation Reports Query April 2011].[Excav Record: Availability]L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’N<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’^LF[Excavation Records].[Excavation #] ’’’’dRL[Excavation Records].[Excavation Date] ’’’’dRL[Excavation Records].[Extent of Excav] ’’’’hVP[Excavation Records].[Excavation Report] ’’’’zhb[Excavation Records].[Excav Record: Availability] ’’’’p^X[Excavation Records].[Excav Record: Quality] ’’’’ īLVALŠŠMR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRow <        U¾GśP M“÷ēf+ęv      ¤ œ([SITE DESCRIPTION Query2].[County(Council)] In ("Highland","Orkney Islands"))L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’`NH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’MR2h€ValidationRuleValidationTextOrientation FilterOrderByOrderByOnNameMapDefaultViewGUID8DisplayViewsOnSharePointSiteTotalsRowFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadHideNewFieldColumnWidthColumnOrderColumnHiddenDescription FormatCaptionSmartTagsTextAlignAggregateTypeInputMaskDefaultValueRequiredAllowZeroLengthDisplayControlIMEModeIMESentenceMode$UnicodeCompressionRowSourceTypeRowSourceBoundColumnColumnCountColumnHeadsColumnWidthsListRowsListWidthLimitToList&AllowValueListEdits"ListItemsEditForm.ShowOnlyRowSourceValues&AllowMultipleValues²    ĢUéßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°ćdk³Sć@©/gwFlint9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°NMR‰ę¦ „«ōA„'u[4Néßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint #%’ļŁgĒB”īšEfméßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°Flint Type   éßg¾ŽD¹¾Nh>÷Z°          0 ([Flint].[Flint Type]— NMR ’’’’     m     ’’’’ 9Õł“ = BŽ„˜õC $ŸFlint # MR2:€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRow <        U¾GśP M“÷ēf+ęv      ¤ œ([SITE DESCRIPTION Query2].[County(Council)] In ("Highland","Orkney Islands"))L:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’TB<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’`NH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’bPJ[Radiocarbon Dates].[Lab Reference #] ’’’’^LF[Radiocarbon Dates].[C14 Date (BP)] ’’’’‡ĪgĘŽŽdļ †  ž  Ė” ! 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R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 262)’žNewbigin 1937’žNewbigin, N. 1937 The Neolithic pottery of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 3, 189-216np’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum:×ÓÓÓgXįįįįŻŅŅŅĪŹÅĮĮ»»»»““ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ­©§„£”›—“‹‡ƒƒƒsomkkiea]YWSQMKIGECAžųņīčäąÜŲŲŲŲÉŗŗŗ­§„£Ÿ—€tldWIC=/) q’?~Ę’’’½ł’€¢gœ Ą  LVAL–öMR2l€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        [ »nPœIµ qÅUpøī      \ T([PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Status]="4")ö ī[PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Site Name], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[NMR #], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[County(Council)], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].['Empty'], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Site Type], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[# Pits], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Pottery], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Location], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Length], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Width], [PIT QUERY - NOVEMBER 2010].[Depth], [PIT QUERY - 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All Chambered CairnsŒ ƒdƒ°7Q„PrimaryKey…!Radiocarbon datesŽ ƒdƒ8Q„+Radiocarbon DatesNMR #… H2QH8Q‡7Qƒ dƒ ƒ ą3Qh8Q‡Ų6Qƒ dƒ ƒPrimaryKey…˜8Qƒž”Q„‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚XAQƒń‡’’’’…AQ(AQŌ”Q„pƒv’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ‚HBQƒń‡’’’’„čAQ0BQŌ”Q„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’H;QH;qQH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QH;QˆˆCQ„ƒ p*Q CQƒƒŲBQˆ  <Q’’’’ ”Q9Q’’’’0:Q’’’’†’’’’’’’’’!Radiocarbon dates‡+Radiocarbon DatesNMR #…ø“FX”€ˆQ9Qƒ Œ”FX”€ˆQ9Q„‹ƒXAQH5Q„ƒAQČAQ„CSW Scotland - All Chambered Cairns…PrimaryKey…ø“FX”€ˆQ0:Qƒ Œ”FX”€ˆQ0:Q„‹ƒHBQŲAQ„ƒ€BQøBQ„ƒ‹€BQƒ‹AQŽ‹‚”FX”€ˆQH;QƒŒ”FX”€ˆQH;Q‚Œƒ CQČBQ„ƒXCQCQ„ƒ CQ CQ„ƒXCQ°CQ„H2Qą3QVLVALŽnXlBateman 1861 - p 147-8 -  In the middle [of the barrow] were remains of two persons; one had been interred in the natural state, with the knees drawn up; the other had been reduced to ashes, which were distributed about the first, along’žBateman 1861 - p 147-8 -  In the middle [of the barrow] were remains of two persons; one had been interred in the natural state, with the knees drawn up; the other had been reduced to ashes, which were distributed about the first, along with much charcoal; beneath the bones were two very neatly chipped leaf-shaped arrows of white flint..The natural surface was much blackened with charcoal. Barnatt 1996 : p 133 - the human remains were found 0.3 m above the old ground surface.’ž- pit containing burnt sand, stones & charcoal; - extensive evidence for fire - a linear cairn runs for 137 metres SW from the cairn - possible bank barrow? - The C14 date is from a secondary collared urn burial - 2 pits found in enclosure adjacent to the chambered cairn’žEvans & Simpson 1991: Prior to excavation the site had been badly damaged by ploughing. P3 - some evidence for tillage on the pre-barrow soil; 'thus we may propose that the area in which the barrow was built was on the edge of the land taken in by the Neolithic people for their cultivation.' Charcoal was present in the buried soil, as was pottery, flints and small fragments of cattle, deer and pig bone, and a single whelk shell. P 8 Three features precede the mound construction: a timber faēade of posts and fencing, 4 postholes and the burial area. P 14 POSTHOLES: A line of 4 postholes was present about 1 m inside the N edge of the mound& any posts they may have held were removed prior to mound construction. BURIAL AREA; Burials were flanked by 2 pits which likely contained split trunk posts - may have been part of timber structure constructed over burials.’žMortimer 1905: P 235 At the base of the mound  the old peaty surface soil was 7.5-10 cm in thickness. the old surface, ..stood about 25-30 cm above the present land, due, apparently to denudation. A small grave was found about 7 m E of centre, under 2 large boulders - the grave  was filled with [burnt] gravel.. Mixed with a greyish material, apparently the remains of some decayed substance; and round its sides was dark matter and pieces of burnt wood. & From this oval receptacle, which was .76m deep, a trough extended toward the centre of the barrow& and about the bottom..large pieces of burnt human bone were scattered. p 236  A small dish-shaped hole about 7.5m N of centre, .76m in diameter, and .3m deep, had been scooped into the ground beneath the mound&   A second hole, also filled with chalk-gravel., mixed at the bottom with dark matter, was found about 7.5m S of centre. p 236 - re the trough  slightly wider toward the west, and also showed more traces of fire. It contained increased quantities of large pieces of calcined human bone& Here, within the trough, masses of flint were found, burnt to the whiteness of porcelain& a few detached and apparently unburnt human bones were found& but no animal bones& ..Under this trough, about the centre of the barrow, was an oval grave 40 cm below the old turf-line measuring 1.7m by 1.2m. At the bottom were the bones of a young man& resting on a thin layer of dark matter and covered with [burnt] gravel mixed with dark matter. At its feet was a crushed vase& . 1..5m to the west of the grave, but within the trough, was a semi-circular hole extending 45 cm below the bottom of the trough ,76 cm in diameter, containing the burnt bones of a young person, mixed with charcoal and burnt gravel č!‹s¼’žSE 95 NE 28’žGarton Slack 80’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9781 5773’ž49781 45773’ž497810’ž457730’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGarton’žnonex31xx’ž Aa4’žKinnes 1979’žManby 1963’žKinnes 1979nonononononoyesnonono5’žN of centre; S of centre, W of centre0xx0x0nox’žcrematorium trough’žNW of centreyesnoyesno023+no"@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcrematorium trenchxxxnox’žgrave’žpit’žpit’žgrave’žcrematorium trench; cremation pityes’žPit B; Pit Dno’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p[ 235-237)’žManby, T. G. 1963 The excavation of the Willerby Wold Long Barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 29, 173-205 ( p 195-196)’ž188’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum½ZUUUU³77773((($  ąŁŌĻČČČČČČČĘĀĄ¾¼Ø£žš–‘Œ‡‡‡…ƒƒwsommkga]WI53/-+)'%#üśöņīčäąÜŲŌŠŠŠŠĆ···Ŗ¤¢ œšššš”ŒskcVHB<.( q’?~Ę’’’½ł’ĄēgŒÄLVALNŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠÄd dĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶdĶ;n DocClass=Form_Pit Description/&H00000000 DocClass=Report_SW Scotland - Chambered Cairns - PITS/&H00000000 Name="Database - First try" HelpContextID="0" VersionCompatible32="393222000" CMG="ADAF752A8FD393D393D393D393" DPB="5A58829D2E9E2E9E2E" GC="0705DF7021B0CFB1CFB130" [Host Extender Info] &H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;*Excavation Records1"Pit Descripti*ExID="{8562B603-6545-4B39-9B3A-740E9CAF2EF7}" DocClass=Form_Pit Description/&H00000000 Name="Database - First try" HelpContextID="0" VersionCompatible32="393222000" CMG="A5A77DCB857B897B897B897B89" DPB="595B813282328232" GC="0D0FD5533D063E063EF9" [Host Extender Info] &H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;&H00000000 [Workspace] Form_Pit Description=0, 0, 0, 0, C Report_SW Scotland - Chambered Cairns - PITS=23, 23, 1076, 494, C šÄŌ’’’’Ėó^’’’’Š¶’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’x’’ME’’’’’’’’’’ß’’ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’(S<’’’’S<’’’’S<’’’’<’’’’’’N0{DDF54F6D-88EE-43A6-ADCA-2F7AC4D63241}’’’’8 @’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ” ( ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’€’’’’’’’’ ”iƒ*’’’’’’’’’’’’’’€2. ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ą ’’’’’’¼iƒž’’’’’’’’’ ’’’’’’ 01€ž’’’’’’’(’’’’’’’’’’%’’’’Č’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ßžŹ#€€ ’’’’"€ ’’’’€ ’’’’€8@€ ’’’’€H P`€ ’’’’h" px€ ’’’’€€ ’’’’€ ؀ ’’’’€° øȀ ’’’’ŠBŲ€ ’’’’Dą€ ’’’’(€ ’’’’€ ’’’’’’’’8Ķ’’x–Éh$›G· "€ )"j£$@|’’8£0 šA@&å$o’’–@É,$›G· "€ )"jo21£.X|’’P£,H šA@&tivå.0o’’(–  2 4¶"SW Scotland - All Chambered Cairns$0 6·'G{i’’Š’’’’Č’’’’,²Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Pit Description" ¬Bas¬0{DDF54F6D-88EE-43A6-ADCA-2F7AC4D63241} |GlobaląSpacIFalse dCreatˆablTru PredeclaIdø"Expose_TemplateDeriv–CustoXmizD$O‹ Comp@ DT€‰ Sub ‚”Load() On Err€or GoTo _  If P€#ntIsOpen() Then‚s![SW Scotland - All @Chambe€~ Cairns]!ToggleLi$nk‡ E_EĄxit: 7N TĮrrÄM sgBoxƒ-$ƒ pResuˆ‹ĮE@$‚C7Unl>Cancel As IntegežrÓBC CZC„m„C…ßDG%£Dˆ EPĄ–Ą˜ą FuncAŅŠyĮ eM€q(SysC md(acGetObjectSBt, acĮc,„ "Ÿ‡") A@jacB™) <<> f#!9å "Pit Description"Data Entry Form8Excavation Records subform"Pottery Subform*Animal Bone Subform8Radiocarbon Dates Subform1.Site Information FormStone Subform"Pit Description8Excavation Records subform"Pottery Subform*Animal Bone Subform8Radiocarbon Dates Subform1.Site Information FormStone Subform¾LVALĢ ŠDunwell 2003 - p 9 INNER COMPARTMENT 'The basal floor was made up of irregular patches of flat stones, possibly laid as a paving, set within a sandy soil matrix. A patch of cremated human bone lay on this surface..this represents one of the earliest surviving deposits within the tomb' & . The paving was carefully laid out and formed an even surface across the inner compartment. Deposits of peat-ash in the NE and NW corners of the compartment had scorched the paving stones beneath them and appeared to represent informal hearths. OUTER COMPARTMENT   there was no trace of a laid basal floor.  A ’žDunwell 2003 - p 9 INNER COMPARTMENT 'The basal floor was made up of irregular patches of flat stones, possibly laid as a paving, set within a sandy soil matrix. A patch of cremated human bone lay on this surface..this represents one of the earliest surviving deposits within the tomb' & . The paving was carefully laid out and formed an even surface across the inner compartment. Deposits of peat-ash in the NE and NW corners of the compartment had scorched the paving stones beneath them and appeared to represent informal hearths. OUTER COMPARTMENT   there was no trace of a laid basal floor.  A small post hole had been cut through the fill in the SW corner of the compartment. This feature of course could have been cut from a higher level, through deposits subsequently removed by Beveridge. Several small flat stones and pottery sherds had been wedged vertically around its sides, presumably to pack a timber post. P 27 8  The upper soil fill of the inner compartment, below the filling, is of particular interest in that this rank, greasy deposit contained all the Beaker pottery recovered during the excavations. A large quantity of quartz debris was found in the inner chamber, which also contained most burial evidence.’žMortimer 1905 p 238 - 2.7 m S of centre was a shallow oval grave containing a female skeleton covered with clean white chalk gravel - her left foot was missing and in its place were two worked flints. Near the centre of the barrow and a little above the base was a scattered heap of the disarticulated and fragmented bones of an adult and a child. A flint knife was found at the western edge of this deposit and about 40 cm to the west of the knife were all the bones of a full-size foot (not the foot of the interred female). A crematorium trough - 7.8 m long - was located east of centre - Early Neolithic bowl sherds were found at the bottom of the trough. The trough was filled with ' gravel, burnt red, mixed with calcined human bones and large pieces of oak charcoal, some of which were several feet long, and were placed horizontally. The bottom of the trough reached a little below the base of the mound and in it, from end to end, was a continuous stratum of incinerated adult and juvenile bones, broken and splintered by the action of the fire.' The sides of the trough were formed of two parallel banks of gravel. At the NW end of the trough was an oval grave containing the remains of several inhumations, one accompanied by a jet pendant and one by a beaker. Below the interments "pieces of animal bone and human bone occurred all through the grave to the bottom." The grave was 2.1m x 1.7 m and  had been cut through the mound and the NW end of the trough . 6 m east of the centre of the mound was a small pit containing Early Neolithic bowl sherds...’ č‹s¹’žSE 95 NE 16’žGarton Slack 81’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žearthen round barrow’žSE 9790 5755’ž49790 45755’ž497900’ž457550’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirkburn’žnone’žon a low natural ridgex25xx’ž Aa5’žKinnes 1979’žManby 1963’žManby 1963nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin4’žN of centre and E of centre; S of centre0xx0x0noxnoxyesnonono033+no4@x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematorium troughxxxnox’žhead of disarticulated bones’žoval grave’žshallow grave’žcrematorium trough; small pityesxno’žn/anono’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 238-241)’žManby, T. G. 1963 The excavation of the Willerby Wold Long Barrow, East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 29, 173-205 ( p 195-196)’ž185’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museumä||||Ś____[PPPLHC?=7777 żßßßßßß߯Ł×ÕÓæŗ¶²®©¤ŸŸŸ››‹‡……ƒ{wqokieca_][Y/-# żłłłłķįįįŌĪĢŹĘÄĬ¬¦œƒ{sfXB<.( q’æ~Ę’’’½ł’ĄćgŒž čĖs’žNF’žNF 77 NE 15’žGeirisclett’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNF 7684 7520’ž07684 87520’ž076840’ž875200’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone0’žESE-WNW???’žUST 18’žHenshall 1972noyesnonoyes’žyesyesyesno’žhammerstone0x1’žSW corner of outer chamberx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno200’žslab?ü@’žNE & NW corner of inner chamber1’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žinner compartmentnox’žhearths - 2’žpostholeyes’žbelow paving in inner compartment’žposthole; hearth (2)no’žN Scotlandno’žyes’žBeveridge, E. 1999 [1911] North Uist: Its archaeology and topography, with notes upon the early history of the Outer Hebrides Edinburgh, Birlinn’žDunwell, A., Johnson, M. & Armit, I. 2003 Excavations at Geirisclett chambered cairn, North Uist, Western Isles. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 133, 1 33’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressż–––––ŽJEEEA5551ųņņņņņņņņņņņņčŪŁÕĀĄ¾¼·²®©¤ ›››™xxlecaa_[UQMKGEA?=;9 śõļėēįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻĪĘÄĀĄ·µµÆ£—ˆyqi\NA;*$ q’Ą’’’½ł’`fN č"‹s¤’žST 65 SE 5’žGiant's Grave [Somerset]’žHolcombe 1; Charmborough’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 6783 5129’ž36783 15129’ž367830’ž151290’žSomerset’žMendip’žKilmersdon’žCotswolds’žnone’žNE-SWx35’ž18.3’žSOM 4’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBulleid 1941nonononoyesnonoyesno’žsaddle quern fragment; bone pendant; pebbles1’žunknown0xx0x0noxnoxnonono’žyes04+nonoƒ@8x1no’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesxx’žquern fragmentxnoxyesxnpnpnono’žSW England -WCno’žWickham, J. D. C. 1912 Records by spade and terrier, Bath, George Gregory ( p 1-13)’žBulleid, A. 1941 Notes on some chambered long barrows in north Somerset. Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology and Natural History, 87, 56-71 ( p 64-67)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press4’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusŲ€~~~s’ū÷õļļļļļļļļļļļļļļķéē×ÕÓĪÉÄ滶²²²°®®¢žš––”‹‡ƒ}{wusqomkb`2.($     üļļļįŚŌŠĪĒĒĒĮ¶Ŗ¢˜ˆ{mgaJ0 q’~Ę’’’½ł’ągœo‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’ č$Ės’žTFF’žTF 82 NW 4’žWest Rudham Common’žMonument #358114’žlong barrow’ženclosure’žnone’žTF 8103 2532’ž58103 32532’ž581030’ž325320’žNorfolk’žKings Lynn and West Norfolk’žGreat Massingham’žnone’žnone70’žNE-SWx6618’žKinnes TF 3’žKinnes 1992’žHogg 1938’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknononoyesyesyesno4’ž7.8 m w of median line (1); forecourt (1); near cremation platform (2);0xx1’žW side of mound at N end0nox’žplatform cremation; ditched enclosure’žS end of mound;yesnonono000noJ@”x4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcremation platformxxxnoxyesx’žpits (2); pits - mortuary (2); fire - cremationno’žSE Englandno’žyes’žSainty, J. E., Watson, A. Q. & Clarke, R. R. 1938 The first Norfolk long barrow: Interim report on excavations at West Rudham, 1937. Norfolk Archaeology, 26, 315-29’žAshbee 1984’žHogg 1938np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumēqmmmbU­ØØؤ˜˜˜”ccca[[[[[[[[[[[[[[YUSQO;61-)$  žśöšßø¶²°–”’ŽEC?93-)%!ųųųėŽŚÖŌĶÉÉĆ½«Ž…}uhZTI<* q’Ę’’’½ł’`fž" č2‹sz˜’žNS 35 NE 12’žCuff Hill’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žBargrennan group, long’žNS 3859 5509’ž23859 65509’ž238590’ž655090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žBeith’žnone’žnone’ž152’žNW-SEx’ž44.8’ž19.2’žAYR5’žHenshall 1972’žPatrick 1872nonononoyes ?nono?nonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno010noO@Üx1’žno?’žyes’žno?nono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žpassagenononono’ž55°452 43.933 N, 004°342 26.373 W’ž55°452 44.123 N, 004°342 21.913 W’žSW Scotlandno’žLove, R. 1876 Notices of the several openings of a cairn on Cuffhill. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 11, 272-83’žPatrick, R. W. C. 1872 Notice of a Long Cairn, enclosing Two Parallel Rows of Cists, on the Cuff Hill, near Beith, Ayrshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 9, 231-3’ž122’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressŅkffff¦ ß“°¬Ø¤›••••••••••••••“‹‰‡ƒ~zvqlgggeccWSQOOMIC?;953/-+)'%#!  ’ū÷óļļļļļįįįŅĢĘĄ¾·²²¬¦Ÿ’‚zreW?9(" q’Ā’’’½ł’ąŒW' č7Šs’žTFF’žTF 82 NW 4’žWest Rudham Common’žMonument #358114’žlong barrow’ženclosure’žnone’žTF 8103 2532’ž58103 32532’ž581030’ž325320’žNorfolk’žKings Lynn and West Norfolk’žGreat Massingham’žnone’žnone70’žNE-SWx6618’žTF 3’žKinnes 1992’žHogg 1938’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknononoyesyesyesno4’ž7.8 m w of median line (1); forecourt (1); near cremation platform (2);0xx1’žW side of mound at N end0nox’žplatform cremation; ditched enclosure’žS end of mound;yesnonono000noJ@rx1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcremation platformxxxnoxyesxnono’žSE Englandno’žyes’žSainty, J. E., Watson, A. Q. & Clarke, R. R. 1938 The first Norfolk long barrow: Interim report on excavations at West Rudham, 1937. Norfolk Archaeology, 26, 315-29’žHogg, A. H. A. 1940 A long barrow at West Rudham, Norfolk. Final Report. Norfolk Archaeology, 27, 315-331’žHogg, A. H. A. 1938 Preliminary report on the excavation of a long barrow at West Rudham, Norfolk Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 4, 334-336np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum *&&&Ž!ytttpddd`\\\ZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRNLJH4/*&"’żżū÷óļéŲ±Æ«©‹‰‡><82,&"     üńńń䎌ÖŌĶÉÉĆ½«Ž…}uhZTI<* q’Ę’’’½ł’`fž čŸŠs’žTL’žTL 15 NE 60’žEynesbury’žMonument #1327616’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 1812 5872’ž51812 25872’ž518120’ž258720’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žEynesbury Hardwicke’žGreat Ouse Valley’žon the floodplain of the Great Ouse River. But on a false crest created by a natural gravel ridge15’žNNE-SSWx’ž58.529’žMalim 1999yesyes’žterrace gravels overlying oxford clay depositsyesyes’žoak tree trunknoyesyes’žquernstone fragment2’žNW side of mound; N end of monument0xx0x0noxnoxnononono05+0nop@!īx1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyesx’žn/anono’ž52°122 50.723 N, 000°162 20.913 W’ž52°122 49.183 N, 000°162 15.083 W’žSE Englandno’žEllis, C. J. 2004 A prehistoric ritual complex at Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire: excavation of a multi-period site in the Great Ouse Valley, 2000 2001, Salisbury, Trust for Wessex Archaeology’žMalim, T. 1999 Cursuses and related monuments of the Cambridgeshire Ouse. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, OxbownpffbbbbŪŪŪŪ×Ė uqmhhf``````````````^ZXVTRMHD@;62220.." žśųöōņšīÉĒ²¬¦¢’Œ†VPJJJJJ>>>>>:42)%ĀĀƚ‰yqi\NHB5" q’æĀ’’’½ł’`ŒŖz 芏s[’žSU 14 NW 5’žFigheldean 31’žAlton Down’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1088 4588’ž41088 14588’ž410880’ž145880’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žFigheldean’žnone’žSE-NWx4715’žSU 82’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žjust SE of centrenonoyesno010’žblack earth stratumD@ķx1nononononono’žyesxxx’žbarrownox’žpitnp’žall’žmortuary pit; dark soilno’ž51°122 43.443 N, 001°502 43.983 W’ž51°122 41.583 N, 001°502 38.943 W’žSW England -WCno’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180, 184, 197-198)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414’žGrinsell, L. V. 1957 Archaeological Gazetteer. IN PUGH, R. B. & CRITTALL, E. (Eds.) A History of Wiltshire, Vol. 1, Part 1. London, Oxford University Press91’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum hä1111-ņĒĆŖŖŖ„”””””œœœœœœœœœš–ŽŒŠˆƒ{wsokkkigg[FDBB@<62.  žüśģźęāŽŚÖŅĪŹĘĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀµ®Ŗ¦¤—‹€umeXJD>1% q’?~Ą’’’½ł’a~œ÷Ų čč‹s’žNC€’žNC 76 SW 5’žFiscary’žCarn Chaoile’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žNC 7311 6260’ž27311 96260’ž273110’ž962600’žHighland’žHighland’žFarr’žnone’žnone’ž128x16xx’žSUT 29’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000no @Üx1nono’žyesnono’žyes’žno?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernono’ž58°312 58.793 N, 004°102 51.523 W’ž58°322 00.163 N, 004°102 46.453 W’žN Scotlandno’žKerr, C. 1892 Notice of the excavation of a chambered cairn in the Parish of Farr, Sutherlandshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 26, 65-7’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, J. N. G. 1995 The Chambered Cairns of Sutherland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressžžžžžž÷÷÷÷óē¼‘‰‰‰€zzzzzzzzzzzzzzxtrpnlgb^ZUQMMMKII=97553/)%!   żłõńķéåįŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻÄ¼ŗø“²­­§”›‘‡wj\D>- q’Ą’’’½ł’`~* č:Źs’žTL’žTL 47 NW 17’žFoulmire Fen’žHaddenham’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 420 767’ž54200 27670’ž542000’ž276700’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žOuse Valley and fenlands2’žSSW-NNEx5216’žTL 1’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žgravel terraceyesyes’žwoodyesyesno’žwooden pins2’žmortuary structure (2)29’žfaēade trench (17); mortuary structure (3);x0x0’žmortuary chamber’žmound’žoccupation pre-barrow; cultivation (pollen analysis)’žpre-barrow surfaceyes’žyesno’žyes05+0’žgravel¼@šx1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žall’žsoil / pollen analysis’žforecourt’žoakplanks’žmortuary structure’žgravel pavingnox’žMesolithic and Neolithic artefact scatters’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes’žEvans, C. & Hodder, I. 2006 A woodland archaeology : Neolithic sites at Haddenham Cambridge, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research’žHodder, I. & Shand, P. 1988 3 Sites. The Haddenham long barrow: an interim statement. Antiquity, 62, 349-53’žShand, P. & Hodder, I. 1988 Haddenham - the Foulmire Fen long barrow. Fenland Research, 5, 2-6np’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŃ[WWWõ†÷ņņķ鯯ŻÖŖŖŖؤ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•••••vkSN:50,(# ’ūūłōšėåŃ›”‚€~|zMI1/" šźääääääää×ŃĶÉĒ¾¼¼¼¢—‚rjbUIC=0% q’?Ą’’’½ł’`ęž&‡ č—Źs’žSU°’žSU 16 NW 59’žWest Kennet’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 1046 6774’ž41046 16774’ž410460’ž167740’žWiltshire’žKennet’žAvebury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž176’žE-Wx’ž10022’žWIL 4; Avebury 22’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1957’žAtkinson & Piggott 1986; Barker 1985’žThomas & Whittle 1986’žBayliss et al 2007’žWhittle 1991; Whittle 1997’žAshbee 1984nono’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesno’žbone pins, bone scoops, perforated ox phalanges; bone beads; shell beads, stone beads0x0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter’žallnonoyesno0’ž46+0’žsarsen slabĶ@…x4’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žbeneath burial in NE Chambernoxyes’žabove the human remains’žpotsherd scatter; dark soilno’ž51°242 31.083 N, 001°512 03.343 W’ž51°242 29.303 N, 001°502 58.283 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žThurnam, J. 1867 Examination of a chambered long barrow at West Kennet, Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 10, 130-5’žThomas & Whittle 1986; Atkinson & Piggott 1986; Barker 1985’žBayliss et al 2007’žWhittle 1991; Whittle 1997’žAshbee 1984np’žDarvill 2004;teaT8$ēPPPKG7 įŻĄĄĄ§””””””””””””””Ÿ›}{ywsnie`[VVVTRRF97220,&"’żūł÷õóń™•‰…ylhdW;'źźźĶŗ¶±ÆŖ„„Ÿ”‹ƒxph[MGA*$ q’ž’’’½ł’`žüž‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALū7MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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[Cranford - Grappenhall]. Proceedings of the Warrington Literary and Philosophical Society, 22-26.’žClark, J. G. D. & e. al, 1934. Notes on excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1934 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, 7(3), 402-416.’žGrealey, S. 1976 The Archaeology of Warrington's Past, Warrington, Warrington Development Corporation’ž209KKFFFŻ’’’’’V++  üųóóóńńńńńčęęęęāāÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŲŌĪŹĘĀ¾ŗ¶²²²²²²²²²²°®ŖØØØØ¢ˆ|rjbUGA;.! q’?Ą’P ł :œ+LVALū7MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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Throughout a great part of the area of the barrow detached human teeth were met with, strewn upon the natural surface. 4.5 m SE of centre was a hole filled with chalk, and at about the same distance NE of centre was another hole also filled with c’žGreenwell 1877   A few feet from the east side of the barrow was a deposit of disarticulated and fragmented human bones (MNI = 5), laid on a bed of clay mixed with charcoal, 'which rested on the natural surface and covered a space of about 2.4 m square'.  Throughout a great part of the area of the barrow detached human teeth were met with, strewn upon the natural surface. 4.5 m SE of centre was a hole filled with chalk, and at about the same distance NE of centre was another hole also filled with chalk and some ox bones. "Immediately south of this hole there was a good deal of charcoal lying on the natural surface, together with part of a human skull, some portions of ribs and a few pieces of plain dark-coloured pottery. At the centre was an oval hollow, lying north and south, 1.5m by .9 m and .76m deep. It was filled with chalk rubble, amongst which were two flint chippings; and at the bottom was a single piece of pottery, with some slight traces of human bones, probably the remains of the primary interment. ’žColt Hoare 1812 - p 100-101  At the depth of fourteen feet we came to the floor, and native soil, which was covered with charred wood and ashes; on the south side was a neat circular cist, made in the original soil, about 0.6 m in diameter, and 40 cm in depth, in which were deposited the head of an ox, and one small horn of a deer. Lambert 1806 p 344: 'At the depth of 4.3 m we came to the floor of the barrow, which was covered with charred wood and ashes; on the south side of the floor was a neat circular cist, made in the original soil, about .6 m in diameter and about .4 m deep; in this cist we found the head of an ox and one small horn of a deer. " No primary burial was found, however several secondary Saxon burials were found in the mound. Grinsel 1957: "query whether layer of charred wood suggests that 'platform cremation' here occurred." č Źs=P’žST 93 NE 1’žSherrington Long Barrow’žMonument #210759’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9687 3918’ž39687 13918’ž396870’ž139180’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žSherrington’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx’ž32.9’ž24.4’žST 26’žKinnes 1992’žColt Hoare 1812nonononoyesnonononono1’žS of centre0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000nob@"x1nono’žyesnonono’žyesxxxxnox’žpitnox’žpit?no’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller (p 100-101)’žLambert, A. B. 1806 Further account of tumuli opened in Wiltshire, in a letter from Mr. William Cunnington to Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. . Archaeologia, 15, 338-346’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 180)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-41461’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumkõńńmČĒĒĒĒĆ³³³Æ©©©§£££££žžžžžžžžžœ˜–”’‹‡ƒzvrrrpnnb^\ZZXTPLHFB@<:86420#! ’ū÷÷÷÷÷ęęęŁŅĢĘĽ¹¹³­ …}uhZTNA/ q’Ā’’’½ł’af¼gRLVALĄ fCunnington 1927 - barrow had been previously disturbed - portion of a clay pipe found on the ground level near the centre of the mound. A grave had been dug into the chalk at the centre of the bDavidson & Henshall 1991 p 133: 'The clay floor of the chamber was covered by a layer of broken stone 0.1 m deep, on which were five closely laid slabs each stretching from end to end. The passage floo’žDavidson & Henshall 1991 p 133: 'The clay floor of the chamber was covered by a layer of broken stone 0.1 m deep, on which were five closely laid slabs each stretching from end to end. The passage floor also was paved, 0.2 m lower than in the chamber so presumably laid on the natural. In the SW corner of the chamber was a setting of five small grey stones and a low slab placed parallel with the S wall. ’žCunnington 1927 - barrow had been previously disturbed - portion of a clay pipe found on the ground level near the centre of the mound. A grave had been dug into the chalk at the centre of the barrow no skeletal remains or artefacts found. 'The old surface line under the mound (where undisturbed) was well marked by a dark layer which gradually increased until at the centre it was 60 cm thick, showing that turf and dark mould had been used to begin with in making the mound, and chalk rubble to complete it.' "On the ground level on the SE side in the undisturbed part of the mound, were found five thin flat stones of oolite roughly squared to about 30 cm in size, laid as though to form a paving. Human bones were found, some under but mostly over this paving, and scattered over a space of several feet round about it. ... The skeletons were incomplete and the bones were all broken and not in their natural relative positions; four vertebrae were strung upon a rib bone. As they occurred at different levels, it suggested indeed that the bones had been thrown in haphazard with the dark mould in building up the mound. Nothing further was found to give a clue as to the purpose of the paving. ’žGreenwell 1877: p 146-7: 'About 5.4 m from the eastern edge of the mound and laid upon the natural surface was found a large deposit of broken human bones, the remains of not less than 8 bodies& All these, together with some animal bones, were scattered about in the greatest confusion... ' Greenwell concludes they had been deposited that way originally as there was no evidence for significant disturbance of the barrow.  At the centre of the barrow and upon the natural surface was a large quantity of dark coloured and perfectly plain pottery& in fragmentary condition& .A few pieces of a human skull were also met with near the centre. To the north, SE and SW of the centre were three holes, marking the angles of a triangle; they were sunk 0.45 m below the surface and contained nothing in addition to the chalk which had been dug out in sinking them. Animal bones and a flint scraper were found near the north hole. West of centre was an inhumation, laid in a slight depression on the surface.  The head was protected by two large blocks of flint, placed roof-fashion over it.  Close to the edge of the barrow on the northwest side, was the body of a young person& laid on the natural surface, and there was a good deal of burnt earth and charcoal below it. In front of the knees was a 'drinking cup'.¤LVALė ¶Mackreith 1983: a complex multi-phase development sequence: 1 - ox shoulder blade fragment in a pit 2 - ditched enclosure - down the centre ran a linear stone feature; at the end of it was a small group of stones, behind which were two Neolithic round bottom bowls. A stone to the SW and a posthole may have been markers. Within the linear feature were the remains of an infant and other human bones. Then the site was deliberately levelled and the ditches back-filled. 3 - the creation of a second linear zone of burials parallel with the first but lying to the SE. More features created - D-shaped postholes, two slots which defined a 'porch'; a linear trench which contained an articulated skeleton and other human remains, and another round bottom bowl. To the NE of the faēade wer’žMackreith 1983: a complex multi-phase development sequence: 1 - ox shoulder blade fragment in a pit 2 - ditched enclosure - down the centre ran a linear stone feature; at the end of it was a small group of stones, behind which were two Neolithic round bottom bowls. A stone to the SW and a posthole may have been markers. Within the linear feature were the remains of an infant and other human bones. Then the site was deliberately levelled and the ditches back-filled. 3 - the creation of a second linear zone of burials parallel with the first but lying to the SE. More features created - D-shaped postholes, two slots which defined a 'porch'; a linear trench which contained an articulated skeleton and other human remains, and another round bottom bowl. To the NE of the faēade werer traces of a metalled pathway. Three metres E of the linear trench an oval pit placed outside the mound material contained a collared urn and a child burial. 4 - a small stone cairn was built; A burial was located in a pit on a stone bed. A ditch was dug around the earthen platform and its causewayed entrance accommodated the route formerly marked by the pathway leading to the faēade. A mound was built around the cairn. 5 - later features post-date the mound including five burials, a pit with a large markerstone, 2 postholes and 3 Bronze Age pots. It is clear that the sequences of construction 'did not follow hard on each other's heels and there were periods when the monuments became weathered to a degree that some reconstitution seems to have been thought desirable..'’ž[NB: It is not certain that this is the barrow excavated by Conyingham] Pastscape : Conyngham described a barrow in Ayton East Field which measured 104 feet by 80 feet, but had been reduced in height by ploughing. Composed of 'large stones of the sand-stone of the neighbourhood, mixed with the lime rubble of the soil around', centrally beneath it was a square paved area 4.5 feet across. On it was a crouched inhumation. Nearby was "a mass of human bones, calcined, and a considerable quantity of charred wood". Simpson 1961: Excavations revealed a mortuary house built of wooden posts and stone. A primary burial associated with this structure comprised a crouched cremation with Western Neolithic pottery. The mortuary structure was burnt prior to monument construction.ČLVAL¬ s ÜMortimer 1905   Beneath the mound and southwest of centre (southeast on the published plan) was an oval grave pit (1.7m x 1.2m x .25m deep) containing a deposit of cremated bone plus a quantity of burnt wood and unburnt human bones. South of this pit, another deposit of cremated bones lay on the original ground surface, accompanied by a burnt flint flake. A little NW of centre, on the old ground surface, were traces of an inhumation lying on a bed of foreign clay - two jet studs were found nearby. A little north and to the west of the oval pit, again laid on the original gro’žMortimer 1905   Beneath the mound and southwest of centre (southeast on the published plan) was an oval grave pit (1.7m x 1.2m x .25m deep) containing a deposit of cremated bone plus a quantity of burnt wood and unburnt human bones. South of this pit, another deposit of cremated bones lay on the original ground surface, accompanied by a burnt flint flake. A little NW of centre, on the old ground surface, were traces of an inhumation lying on a bed of foreign clay - two jet studs were found nearby. A little north and to the west of the oval pit, again laid on the original ground surface, were human remains representing two partial inhumations. Close to the western group were two groups of flints which included 21 flakes, leaf arrowheads, serrated flakes and a knife. Just north of these deposits was a crouched adult inhumation plus the remains of another. The partial remains of a child were found in the mound near its highest point - a secondary inhumation? A large number of flints were found in the mound, esp above the last-mentioned inhumation and one of the cremations. Kinnes (1979) and Kinnes et al (1983) suggest a possible timber/stone chamber.’žMortimer 1905: Grave 2.7 m NE of centre, measured1.5 m x 1 m x 0.5 m deep; contained an adult inhumation. A central oval grave measured 1.5 m x 1.1.m x .7m deep, and contained an adult inhumation, with a jet slider and animal bones. In the soil filling of the grave were human and animal bones. The fragmentary human bones and animal bones were 'well preserved and of a peculiar dark colour, quite different from those of the body they accompanied.' At least 15 secondary inhumations and cremations with associated finds were located, but are not reported here.’žBryce 1902: P 93-4 'the compartments were filled with stones and black earth, and were 76- 91cm deep to the level of the red clay bottom. & ..Near the bottom of all the compartments there was a layer of black matter mixed with a considerable amount of charcoal. One small piece of slag was recovered, but no stones which had certainly been exposed to fire. Nor did the clay bottom appear baked& ..When dried and examined under the microscope, [the black matter] proved to be a mixture of earthy particles and minute fragments of charcoal, most, if not all, of them being wood-charcoal.'v č†Ės ļ’žSE 85 NW 17’žPainsthorpe 99’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8267 5846’ž48267 45846’ž482670’ž458460’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKirby Underdale’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’ž Cc4’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes et al 1983’žKinnes et al 1983nononononononoyesno’ž2 jetstuds1’žSW of centre0xx0x0nox’žtimber/stone chamber??nononono052no—@&x1no’žyes’žyesnonono’žyes?xxxxnox’žsurface inhumation’žoval grave pit; surface cremation’žsurface inhumations (4)x’žgrave pitno’žN Englandno’žMortimer, J. R. 1905 Forty Years' Researches in British and Saxon Burial Mounds of East Yorkshire, London ( p 122-123)’žKinnes, I., Schadla-Hall, T., Chadwick, P. & Dean, P. 1983 Duggleby Howe reconsidered. Archaeological Journal, 140, 83-108’ž160’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum…"Ÿ$$$$ ėėČ““““““““²®¬Ŗئ œ˜”Š†††„‚‚vrpnnlhd`\ZCA=;97531#! ’ū÷óļļļļÜÉÉɼ¶“²®¬ØØ¢œ‹~rjbUGA;-' q’Ę’’’½ł’€EfŒÆ3 gęcĢ # n nĢÆ  a aŹaŹaŹaŹaŹaŹUsable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’UsablUsable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’UsaUsable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’Usable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’Usable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’UUsable Sites - April 28 reporPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRUsable Sites - April 28 reportNMR #ŠĘŠ„f’SW Scotland - June 7 2009Excavation RecordsExcavation RecordsNMR #SW Scotland - June 7 2009NMR #ĪĒˆd’Site IdentificationRadiocarbon DatesRadiocarbon DatesNMR #SITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #¬¢‚xV’Site IdentificationPotteryPotteryNMR #SITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #„zZPB’Site IdentificationExcavation RecordsExcavation RecordsNMR #SITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #°¦†|X’SITE DESCRIPTIONRadiocarbon DatesRadiocarbon DatesNMR #SITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #¦œ|rP’SITE DESCRIPTIONPit DescriptionPit DescriptionNMRSITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #špjL’SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint1StoneSite NameSITE DESCRIPTIONSite NameˆvVD:’SITE DESCRIPTIONFlint1StoneNMRSITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #tjJD:’SITE DESCRIPTIONFlintStoneNMRSITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #rhHB8’SITE DESCRIPTIONAnimal BoneAnimal BoneNMRSITE DESCRIPTIONNMR #Š€`ZD’ąLVAL… ōRichards 1990: p 23 'The apparent barrow mound was found to be a rise in the natural chalk& ' Removal of the ploughsoil revealed several irregular features which proved to be shallow and contained sarsen lumps (local), some showed signs of having been detached by percussion. Possible quern manufacturing; associated with a period of agricultural clearance. P 26 In the SW quadrant, sarsen boulders were found to overlie 3 crouched inhumations p’žRichards 1990: p 23 'The apparent barrow mound was found to be a rise in the natural chalk& ' Removal of the ploughsoil revealed several irregular features which proved to be shallow and contained sarsen lumps (local), some showed signs of having been detached by percussion. Possible quern manufacturing; associated with a period of agricultural clearance. P 26 In the SW quadrant, sarsen boulders were found to overlie 3 crouched inhumations placed within an  irregular pennanular slot . The sarsens can best be interpreted as a remnant cairn. "The burial deposit consisted of three crouched inhumations, one in isolation and the other two superimposed within the same area of the slot. Substantial postholes were also incorporated within this slot and can be interpreted as markers or possibly part of a mortuary structure. Small amounts of flint and pottery were recovered, but were unstratified.’žWhittle 1998 - p 144 'On the old ground surface at the mouth of the forecourt on the W side ..there was a small mixed assemblage identified as a ritual deposit by the excavator. The deposited material consisted of both burnt and unburnt flint debitage and cores, a burnt large leaf shaped arrowhead, eight pieces of rock quartz, a single sherd and five fragments of cremated bone.' [and possible pieces of stalactite]& In the E half of the forecourt.. A second assemblage of five quartz crystals, a flint bladelet and 34 sherds and fragments was located.' Radiocarbon dates indicate an Early Neolithic date for most of the human burials; bones of a large ungulate and a badger dated to the Mesolithic and may have been obtained from nearby Cat Hole Cave.’žWilliams 1875: P 344 'Many sea shells were found mixed up with the earth that contained the human remains.' A Beaker cist was found in the chamber - [likely a later insertion.] Scott 1933: P 194 ' On the floor of the chamber, set in the thin layer of clay which covered the solid rock was an indefinite setting of stones." P 196: "The layer of clay on the pit floor below these "passage walls" showed in one place signs of burning (brick red particles) and also contained charcoal and two bone fragments." P 198 "The thin layer of clay which covered the forecourt showed signs of fire over a considerable area. In the NE quadrant, there were brick red particles of burnt clay; here and on the E side& there was much charcoal; & [in many places] the surface of the limestone floor was disintegrated by fire." P 205 In the undisturbed SW corner of the chamber " the material deposited consisted of a layer of red clay spread patchily on the rock floor of the pit; in places up to 7.5 cm deep, above that a layer of earth mixed with small stones rarely waterworn extending up to about .3 m from the rock floor; above that a layer of earth unmixed with stones and containing the funerary deposits& in the red clay layer on the floor were found many particles of charcoal and many sea shells; the stony layer was virtually sterile& " The forecourt was completely enclosed by a drystone wall.GLVAL%ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠÄ ÄĶÄĶÄĶ6 7 „ ū " UĒ3  ĘįįÅęęÄżCNŸ4-6 excavationCorcoran 1969: p 59 '..'a slightly hollow area, some 2 fBryce 190Bryce 1903 p 41 "At all levels charcoal in particles and larger pieces was observed, a’žBryce 1903 p 41 "At all levels charcoal in particles and larger pieces was observed, and the bottom of each compartment was covered by a charcoal layer of about 5 cm thick.'’žMiles et al 2003: p 41 - the OGS was preserved by the mound; 'examination of this soil revealed that it was very disturbed and had either been ploughed, or extensively excavated and perhaps partly removed, prior to construction of the barrow.'’žBryce 1902 p 111: 'A considerable number of fragments of unburnt human long bones were found. But in much disorder, though mostly grouped in the corners and by the sides of the cists.'’žHenshall 1955 - p 118 'At no point was the paving of chamber 2 comparable to that of chamber 1'. Turf clearance: the pavement in the SE chamber was set on the 'natural subsoil' (p 117) - turf removed prior to laying the pavement?’žNo excavation records - no info on buried land surface. Reference to this site in Wilson 1863 ' In a long barrow opened in the neighbourhood of Port Seton, East Lothian, in 1833, a skeleton was found laid at full length within a rude cist. ... ’žThis is a box cairn enclosed in a round chamber. Due to the small scale of the excavation, and the presence of standing water in the trenches, the old ground surface could not be examined.’žThomas 1852: p 128 'the [chamber] floor was covered for an inch or two with fine white sand and beneath it six inches of a very tenacious clay'.’žA small trial excavation was undertaken to ascertain whether or not this feature is in fact a Neolithic monument; no information on ground surface’žRCAHMS 1946: - chamber and passage were paved; unidentifiable potsherds were found. Excavated by J Stewart 1938 - No excavation report.’žBryce 1940: Limited excavation - purpose was to discover if it was a heel-shaped cairn. The cairn stones were removed down to ground level along the central axis, but no chamber or passage was revealed.’žAbercromby 1905: two large blocks of stone were used in constructing Chamber A ; Abercromby suggests they may have been there before the chamber was constructed 'and that their convenient position suggested the idea of utilizing them to form a place of sepulchre.' Below the stones which formed the floor of Chamber A was a layer of grey mud and below that was a  quantity of black mud. The mud contained charcoal. The only finds were two smooth beach pebbles.’žCallander & Grant 1937: p 303 'Many of the animal bones showed signs of burning or scorching.' No information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. May be Bronze Age monument. Director of Fieldwork: A Page; No publication Archives held at Winchester Museum’žWillis 1787 - reports the opening of this barrow by local villagers who found an inhumation in a chamber. No further information. Opened again by Lukis and possibly Thurman - no report. No excavation records - no information on buried ground surface.’žExcavated by Salisbury Museum Archaeological Research Group 1979. No report. No excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Pastscape reports that this barrow was investigated by the landowner between 1865-75. Human remains, animals bones, pottery sherds, flint and a quartz pebble were found, but there is no written report of the excavation and no record of where in the mound these items were found.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Grinsell 1957 reports that C W Phillips excavated in 1937 and found a primary crouched skeleton on the old ground surface; Windmill Hill sherds in mound material.9 čI‹s’žSU»’žSU 28 SE 15’žPark Farm Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnatural rise’žnone’žSU 2963 8143’ž42963 18143’ž429630’ž181430’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žnonenpx’ž15.5xxnono’žchalkyesnononononono1’žSW of centre3’žSW of centrex0x0’žtimber structure?’žSW of centre’žshallow features containing sarsen’žcentralnononono030no™@)x1nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žshallow features containing carsen’žgrave pit; postholesyesxnono’žSW Englandno’žyes’žRichards, J. 1986-90 Death and the past environment. The results of work on barrows on the Berkshire Downs. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 73, 1-42’žGrinsell, L. V. 1936 An analysis and list of Berkshire Barrows. Part II. Berkshire Archaeological Journal, 40, 20-58’žRichards, J. 1980 Berkshire Downs Barrow Project. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 46, 345np››———2ŗ   śśśśśä䥥ĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“²®©„”™•••“‘‘…}}{wsokb>0÷õńķéåįŻ×ŠĢČČČČČČČČČČĘľ¼øø²”—‡|tl_QK=/) q’Ą’’’½ł’@afžb ō ’ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ÷’ž£y ÷’ž£y ÷’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ÷’ž£y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻq€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻq€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻq€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻq€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻq€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž £y q€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻl€ž ¢y l€ž ¢y k€ž £y k€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­l€ž ¢y l€ž ¢y j€ž £y j€ž £y j€ž  £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻj€ž £y i€’’¢y i€’’¢y i€’’ £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻi€’’¢y `€’ž£y `€’ž£y `€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ`€’ž£y `€’ž£y `€’ž£y `€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ`€’ž£y ]€’ž£y ]€’ž£y ]€’ž £°Ųr(›}Ģ„ģחHė~CĢ 9ŖĖ>‘>Ķ A7’½ś³˜gūŁ[ŗ’-ÕZœ. š2ĘŻ©€Ē­2D`ĀĖJŌ­FBō‰ū•/Ü-uē¶JĒZĻ]€’ž£y åLVALæ ÷Savoury 1984 p 22 'A shallow hollow of oval outline, 0.5 by 0.8 m acrossm,0.6 m to the NW of the foot of the standing portal slab, contained dark soil with charcoal flecks, and may relate to a pre-cairn structur Nash (2006) - the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 'The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingle’ž Nash (2006) - the excavation methods used in the 1921 excavation have been heavily criticized. Morgan 1921: p 299 'The interior of the cist..consisted of stones& mixed with a certain amount of black earth, and intermingled throughout with bones in a fragmentary state.' Vulliamy (1921) suggests that the excavation methodology was poor, and it it likely that the bones retrieved from the chamber had been disturbed and likely include later burials.’žSavoury 1984 p 22 'A shallow hollow of oval outline, 0.5 by 0.8 m acrossm,0.6 m to the NW of the foot of the standing portal slab, contained dark soil with charcoal flecks, and may relate to a pre-cairn structure with vertical posts analogous to that suspected at Gwernvale.' P 23 - a small cist was found in the lower part of the outer revetment wall of the SE horn - it contained the partial remains of a child as well as adult bones. P 24 The top soil underlying the revetment on the NE side of the cairn contained flecks of charcoal and some Western Neolithic potsherds. P 24 'Some more flecks of charcoal were also found on the old surface under the cairn& In view of the accompanying artefacts these finds may relate to something more than the mere burning of vegetation before the construction of the cairn, and represent ceremonial activities which possibly also leave a trace in the fragments of burnt human bone found near the portal." P 26: A flint tool found under the cairn material NW of the portal  may relate to a phase of activity earlier than the construction of the cairn itself and possibly even connected with a ritual structure on the site of the forecourt, as at Gwernvale . The flint piece might be classed as a microlith. P 27 An artificially perforated sheep long bone may represent a musical instrument.€   LVALČ£3Anderson (1866-Memoirs) - p 243 -' The floor of the chamber was laid with a pavement of rough slabs ... On this pavement, and under it, were many bones, burnt and unburnt, in a greasy clay, plentifully mixed with ashes, charcoal and broken pottery. & p 244 ' In one part of the floor & .there was a large quantity of very small bones, a considerable layer, about an inch thick, which must have contained many thousands. & Some of the bones...were found lying on the floor among the rubbish of the cairn; but the greater portion were embedded in the layer of clay, ashes & charcoal that covered the entire area of the chamber, to the depth of 1/2 foot or more, over the undisturbed ground below. In some parts the ash-bed went down further than in others, as if there had been pits in the floor... Anderson 1886 p 244-5 ; "The floor itself consisted of a layer of ashes fully a foot thick. A pavement of slabs had been laid in some parts of the chamber, and this layer of ashes extended both over and under the pavement. The natural subsoil beneath was in some places deeply pitted, the pits being filled with the same compacted layer of ashes and bones. Anderson (1868 PSAS) - we found a large quantity of unburnt bones, human and animal, lying on the floor of the chamber - the human bones fragmentary, and the animal bones broken and split. The floor consisted of a layer of ashes, scarcely intermixed with clay in many parts, but compacted, and bearing that trodden appearance so characteristic of all the floors of these cairns. The layer of ashes was in some parts fully a foot thick. A pavement of slabs had at one period been laid in the chamber, and subsequently disturbed, as in some places there were portions of it wanting. The bed of ashes and bones, of which the compacted floor was composed, extended both over and under this pavement, and the natural clay beneath was pitted in some places, and the hollows filled with ashes. The quantity of burnt bones imbedded in this compacted ash-bed was very great.'ņ čŠs’žNDF’žND 34 SW 2’žOrmiegill North’žWic 197’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short’žND 3322 4294’ž33322 94294’ž333220’ž942940’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žnone70’žSSE-NNWx1511’žCAT 42’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1868’žAnderson 1886’ž Anderson 1866bnonononoyesnoyesyesyesno0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žslabą/Č£3x1’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchamber’žash layer’žchamberno’žchambernono’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson, J. 1866 Report on the ancient remains of Caithness, and results of explorations. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 226-56 (p 241-245)’žAnderson, J. 1886 Scotland in Pagan Times: The Bronze and Stone Ages, Edinburgh, D. Douglas ( p 244-248)’žAnderson, J. 1866 On the Chambered Cairns of Caithness, with Results of Recent Explorations. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 6, 442-451 ( p 447-449)’žAnderson, J. 1868 On the horned cairns of Caithness, their structural arrangement, contents of chambers, etc. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 7, 480-512 ( p 498-500)’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1991 The Chambered Cairns of Caithness, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressś‡‡‡ĘŖūūūū÷ėėėēćććŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖĶĀ¹·µ³ÆŖ¦¢˜“““‘ƒ}{yywsmiec_]YWUSQOMKIE?93/)%!łźźźŠČÄĄ¾µ±±«„Ÿ”Š‚zm_GA0' q’Ī’’’½ł’`f<wLVAL; / ZĢBGrinsell 1959: set within the cross ditches of Hambledon Hill causewayed enclosure. Mercer & Healy 2008 - P 133 Estimated construction date 3680-3640 cal B’žGrinsell 1959: set within the cross ditches of Hambledon Hill causewayed enclosure. Mercer & Healy 2008 - P 133 Estimated construction date 3680-3640 cal BC. Mound had survived to a height of about 1-2 m. P 137 - deliberate deposits of silt, charcoal, potsherds, flints and bone were found on the ditch bottoms.’žBennett 1937: 'near the east end [of the mound] is a cist& no floor stone was present, among the sifted soil were found broken [human] bones and five [human] teeth. & At the west end are two large stones, the side stones of cists or of a chamber& on the old sub-soil surface [was][ two inches of fine grey sand, with two small flints, one of them a well worked blade. These probably predate the construction of the circle.' The NMR indicates that an excavation was carried out at this site in 1960 by J Radley, but no mention of this is made in any of the related documents or on the EH excavation records. The archive is at Sheffield Museum.’žAkerman: 1859 - 'the floor of the barrow had been excavated to a depth of 60 cm below the natural surface of the soil.' It was reported that workmen had found 3 skeletons in the barrow about 20 years previously. Marshall 1996 and 1997: PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1995 - Resistivity survey of the barrow and its margins revealed internal evidence for possible cells, one horn of a probable forecourt, and the possibility of lateral chambers. A trapezoidal enclosure formed by oval pits extended east from the forecourt area. Magnetometer survey followed, and magnetic susceptibility sampling from the base of topsoil over the suggested enclosure indicated the presence of burning around its perimeter. PASTSCAPE EXCERPT 1996: Two of the pit-like anomalies forming a trapezoidal enclosure extending east of the barrow forecourt were excavated following geophysical survey (Event 1136334). A few small fragments of flint and sparse flecks of charcoal were recovered from the features. ’žBateman 1861 : p 221-2  . To the south a grave was located, covered with a  large stone . The skeletons of an adult and two children were lying  a little below the surface , accompanied by a burnt plano-convex knife and a polished greenstone axe.’žNash p 183 - ritual pits found beneath the mound may have predated its construction. The chamber had been set into an artificial hollow. Grimes 1948 - CHAMBER p 13 ' The area behind the portal stone was the only place to yield finds of significance. Here was a thin black layer covering an area about 2 ft. Square and consisting of powdered charcoal and small stones. It yielded several pieces of flint and four fragments of Neolithic pottery& Here and elsewhere in the chamber were many fragments of white quartz of varying sizes.' MEGALITHIC FAĒADE: p 15 - "in the areas flanking the forecourt and chamber and extending northwards beyond the latter, was a series of small holes, sometimes in pairs, the two rows on east and west balancing one another in a general way. ..the holes varied somewhat in size and shape and their depth in no case exceeded 10 in.. Their most likely explanation is that they held small upright stones and this seems to be confirmed by the fact that one such stone was still in position.." FIREPIT , p 15 - a fire-pit was located at the south end of a large stone (likely a fallen standing stone). "The pit was oval (2 ft 10 in by 1 ft 9 in, round-bottomed and 12 inches deep). ÉLVAL™ J”į- shaft grave containing 5 burials, shallow pit containing burial - these pre-date the primary mound - the only site with a stratified sequenc’ž- shaft grave containing 5 burials, shallow pit containing burial - these pre-date the primary mound - the only site with a stratified sequence of LN burials (Loveday 2002) Mortimer 1893 - p 5 - an inner mound , 75 feet in diameter, covered with a layer of Kimmeridge clay 1 foot thick;’žMulti-period construction? - May be two oval or round cairns joined together into a single long cairn. Greenwell 1877: p 510 '[The primary burial deposits] had all been made along the mesial line of the mound upon the natural surface (the turf..having probably been first removed)& and under a structure, from 1 m - 1.2 m wide formed in that peculiar manner which has been observed in some other barrows. '’žTwo hearths - one (NNW) contained a piece of slag so may have been intrusive; but the other hearth was beneath a rough cist The Gravette point was found below the surface of yellow loam (assumed to be the original ground surface) on an old turf level. Central pit had cremation spread over it. Lewis (2002) (p 275) notes there is no obvious turf line beneath the barrow, indicating it may have been stripped. Lewis (p 281) suggests 1st phase of pre-barrow activity is the 2 hearths & central pit - which may have held a timber post. However the centrality of the pit and the presence of small pieces of human bone in the hearths indicates they are connected with the barrow.’žBarber 1997: p 9 Pre-cairn activity is represented by a circular feature and a shallow slot feature. Flints (possibly Mesolithic) were recovered in the adjacent area. 'The A-horizon of the pre-cairn soil profile of the N end had not been stripped before construction began.'  The floor plan of the chamber had been stripped of turves before the construction began. p 21 Turf may also have been stripped from the forecourt. P 22  In compartment 3 of the chamber, a shallow depression in the subsoil had been backfilled with clean subsoil. No additions had been made to the backfill and this feature may simply have resulted from a levelling of the chamber floor. P 66 See Barber's discussion of the nature of the pre-mound activity at the site , which is evidenced by a pit and slot feature at the N end of the cairn and associated  Mesolithic' type flints. Barber argues the evidence is as likely to suggest an Early Neolithic use of the site as it is a Mesolithic use. - discussion of natural formation processes vis a vis chamber soil deposits - discussion of the significance of the Mesolithic lithic material p 31-2 - discussion of the attribution of pre-cairn flints to the Mesolithic period at sites such as Gwernvale, Hazelton North - there is often insufficient evidence - Barber suggests pre-megalithic Neolithic people’žSavory 1956: P 14 In Chamber I a handful of broken human hand and foot bones had been placed on the ground before the laying down of flat paving stones - 'clearly a foundation deposit'. P 15 There was evidence that the ground surface had been prepared prior to monument construction - the level surface upon which it stood was not natural  but must have been produced by removing the topsoil and even part of the subsoil from the ridge. There was also a layer of sandstone chips, and "here and there on the prepared surface small quantities of charcoal were found - some of it on the clay under the main body of the cairn". FORECOURT: P 33 "The forecourt was paved& with small slabs& pressed here and there into the stiff clay of the prepared surface. The whole of this surface was closely examined, without success, in the hope of finding ritual pits".•LVAL(ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠllĻlĻ’ { {ĶĶ ę U UĖUĖUĖUĖ› ›ÉČČČČ7w££Åė/óllin-Smith 1998 - 'Deposits within theLong 1858 p Cunnington 1914: Under the highest part of the mound either on or below the floor 'the remains of the original interment, viz. the skeleton of a man lai’žCunnington 1914: Under the highest part of the mound either on or below the floor 'the remains of the original interment, viz. the skeleton of a man laid on its right side& Close to the right arm lay a natural, bludgeon shaped flint, about 20 cm in length..from one end numerous flakes having been knocked off.'’žBryce (1904) on excavation of the chamber: `'Each compartment contained the dark soil, with portions of charcoal intermingled& The floor was covered with a layer of charcoal and ash.'’žLong 1858 p 353: when the barrow was levelled, a witness described the chambers as containing 'a sight of black stuff' The possible pre-barrow activity area covers an area of at least 19 x 20 m. and consisted of 7 or 8 postholes and 4 shallow pits - 2 of which contained fragmentary human remains.’žDarvill 2004 - p 253 'The mound possibly covers a timber chamber' Thurnam 1868: "rifled before; skeletons N end; no secondary interments"’žMaclean 1886 (quoted in Henshall 1972, p 563): 'On the [chamber] floor was a layer of black earth.' This tomb was dug into in the 1850's by local farmers, and Maclean (1886) simply reports on their findings.’žWitts 1885 - vague and very brief account of the excavation. Ox bones and human bones were found, along with pottery and flint, but no other information provided. No info on ground surface’žNo info directly relating to BLS - Bryce (1904 p 73) reports that he trenched the mound in several places and 'absolutely nothing was exposed' He is 'unable to say whether the mound is a tumulus or not.'’žScott 1969 : p 36 - The chamber was constructed on a 'rough, boulder strewn surface, perhaps rock fall or scree''. No mound remains although traces of it may lie to the east. Scott suggests this may be a protomegalith. Marshall, D. N. 1964 Report on the excavations at Little Dunagoil. Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society, 16, 1-69. This report relates to Iron Age site only.’žHenshall 1972: p 386 'If it is correct to identify this cairn with that referred to by M'Arthur under the name of was 'denuded of its stones, exposing a range of chambers containing several rude urns of unbaked clay, filled with earth and calcined bones', some years before he wrote in 1861. Bryce 1902:  On account of the degree of previous disturbance, I judged it not worth while to dig out the site of these cists. ’žGrinsell 1959: mound was opened in 19th century; human bones and pottery found. No excavation report - no information on buried land surface.’žNo excavation records - no infomation on buried grond surface. Westerling (1937) reports that this barrow had been dug into twenty years before; no chambers located; found some flint flakes. No further information is available.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. I have checked both King references, but can find no mention of the excavation of the Neolithic/EBA monument.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface Pastscape: Excavated by Ransom in 1856, no record of the excavation was kept.’žNo information on buried land surface.. Site was excavated by Thurnam in 1860. Thurnam's 'report' contains no information on the bls.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Paine (1912) reports that the barrow was excavated by his father and the unburnt bones of three people were found; but he has little further information.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. This barrow has been dug into several times in the past - but there are no records.LVALĶØ^7’’’’rGD³Č;ś.÷Č;Ą.!… †ąŠĪ?ƒó‹Č7ś.—Č;ś.„Ų*ś.„P8ś.ƒƒÆ«%£ Æ<“šś.ņś.*ś.bś.šś.āś.ś.Rś.šś.Śś.*ś.rś.Ņś.ś.jś.Śś.xś.Šś.ś.@ś.xś.Ąś.šś.0ś.xś.øś.ś.Pś.°ś.šś.Hś.øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.Øś.šś.ņś.*ś.bś.šś.āś.ś.Rś.šś.Śś.*ś.rś.Ņś.ś.jś.Śś.ƒ d… ‚‚ d… ‚‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ d… ‚e‚ ž„ ‚*‚ ž† ‚+‚ ž„ ‚-‚ ž„ ‚.‚ ž„ ‚0‚ ž„ ‚1‚ ž„ ‚2‚ ž„ ‚3‚ ž„ ‚a‚ ž„ ‚f‚ ž„ Ā+SITE DESCRIPTION.NMR #…SITE DESCRIPTION‰3SITE DESCRIPTION.Site Name…/SITE DESCRIPTION.Easting‰1SITE DESCRIPTION.Northing‡?SITE DESCRIPTION.County(Council)‰-SITE DESCRIPTION.Regionƒ7SITE DESCRIPTION.# Postholes‰ESITE DESCRIPTION.Postholes Locationƒ9SITE DESCRIPTION.# Stakeholes‡GSITE DESCRIPTION.Stakeholes Location‰ASITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure - Location‰=SITE DESCRIPTION.Other FeaturesƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Other Features - Location…kSITE DESCRIPTION.Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported…USITE DESCRIPTION.Standing Stone/Timber Postƒƒ( ś.ƒƒ ś.„ēƒąś.„č ś.˜’’…ś.’’’’ jä+ĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„š ś. ś.ingšś.ĄY‚‚  ņś.ĄY‚ *ś.ĄY… bś.ĄY]‚ €šś.ĄY… āś.ĄY…kś.ĄY@Ŗ..Rś.ĄYŠŖ..šś.ĄY¦Ŗ.dŚś.ĄY‚ *ś.ĄY d… rś.ĄY„ Ņś.ĄY‚V ‚ ś.ĄYš+S jś.ĄYSCŚś.ĄYN.SITE DESCRIPTION‰„ś.iƒióƒŲś.„Ųś.˜’ž 3ś.ś.’’’’č=”ƒĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„1STRUCTURAL FEATURES QUERY‡ ś.‘Š hś. ś.ˆ’„Š Øś.čś.ˆ’„Š šś.0ś.ˆ’ „Š 8ś.xś.ˆ’ „Š €ś.Šś.ˆ’e„Š Ųś.ś.ˆ’*„Š ś.`ś.ˆ’+„Š hś.øś.ˆ’-„Š Ąś.ś.ˆ’.„Š ś.hś.ˆ’0„Š pś.Ąś.ˆ’1„Š Čś.0ś.ˆ’2„Š 8ś.€ś.ˆ’3„Š ˆś.čś.ˆ’a„Š šś.hś.ˆ’f„Š pś.Šś.ˆŠ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…hś.„;[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]…Øś.„7[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting]‰šś.„9[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing]‡8ś.„G[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)]‰€ś.„5[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region]ƒŲś.„?[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Postholes]‰ś.„M[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Postholes Location]ƒhś.„A[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Stakeholes]‡Ąś.„O[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Stakeholes Location]‰ś.„I[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure]‡pś.„_[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure - Location]‰Čś.„E[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features]ƒ8ś.„[[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features - Location]…ˆś.„s[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported]…šś.„][SITE DESCRIPTION].[Standing Stone/Timber Post]ƒpś.„šś.ĄY‡ ņś.ĄY… *ś.ĄY… bś.ĄY… šś.ĄY…ś.ĄYEaRś.ĄYNošś.ĄYtyŚś.ĄYil *ś.ĄYrm rś.ĄYio Ņś.ĄYPa ś.ĄYIsS jś.ĄYFlāś.ĄYtiŚś.ĄY# SITE DESCRIPTIĀ čŅ‹s’žNP–’žNPRN 93’žPipton’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1603 3728’ž31603 23728’ž316030’ž237280’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žBronllys’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž150’žN-Sx3722’žBRE 8’žDarvill 2004nonononoyes’žhazelnutyesyesnono1’žE end of gallery0xx0x0nox’žfoundation deposit’žChamber IIno’žyesnono07+0’žslabg@3x1no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnox’žcairnx’žchambers; gallery; forecourtnoxnpxnono’žWalesno’žSavory, H. N. 1956 The excavation of the Pipton long cairn, Breckonshire. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 105, 7-48’žNash, G. 2006 The Architecture of Death: Neolithic Chambered Tombs in Wales, Almeley, Herefordshire, Logaston’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, Tempus$ĢĢĢĢĢ[ėėėėēąąąÜŲŲŲÖŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŅŠĢ®¬„£Ÿš–’ˆ„„„‚€€tnlhhfb^YUI53/-+)'%# ūńėēćßŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪĶĘĀ¾¼·²²¬›‘zrj]O>8! q’Ą’’’½ł’`f žŻLVALķON’’’’’„Š šś.X*ś.‡’’’’’„Š ņś.`*ś.‡’’É’’’’’„Š *ś.h*ś.‡’’’’’„Š bś.p*ś.‡’’’’’„Š šś.x*ś.‡’’’’’’’’’’’’ē’’’’’„Š ś.€*ś.‡’’’’’„Š Rś.ˆ*ś.‡Ć’’’’’„Š šś.*ś.‡’’’’’„Š Śś.˜*ś.‡Ć’’’’’„Š *ś. *ś.‡’’’’’„Š rś.Ø*ś.‡’’’’’„Š Ņś.°*ś.‡’’’’’„Š ś.ø*ś.‡’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Å’’’’’„Š jś.Ą*ś.‡’¬’’’’’„Š āś.Č*ś.‡’’’’’„Š Śś.Š*ś.‡÷hś.„Øś.„šś.„8ś.„€ś.„ś.„hś.„Ąś.„ś.„pś.„Čś.„8ś.„ˆś.„šś.„Ųś.„pś.„ ”ś.„h9ś.ƒ85ś.‡ ś.8ś.xś.øś.ųś.8ś.Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.„Ų*ś.’’’’–ś.”8ś.ˆŲ;ś.ƒ€6ś.ƒø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.ƒ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś. ‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś. ‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.e‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.*‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.+‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.-‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś..‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.0‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.1‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.2‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.3‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.a‚ ‹ø“ā^”€ˆś. 3ś.f‚ ‹”ś.„z’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ Šó‡’’’’„p7ś. p;ś.„˜7ś.ŸÅY… ś.ƒ /ś.ˆƒŲ/ś.84ś.„ƒ0ś.H4ś.„ƒH0ś.X4ś.„ƒ€0ś.h4ś.„ƒø0ś.x4ś.„ƒš0ś.ˆ4ś.„ƒ(1ś.˜4ś.„ƒ`1ś.Ø4ś.„ƒ˜1ś.ø4ś.„ƒŠ1ś.Č4ś.„ƒ2ś.Ų4ś.„ƒ@2ś.č4ś.„ƒx2ś.ų4ś.„ƒ°2ś.5ś.„ƒč2ś.5ś.„ƒ ‡dƒ /ś.ƒ ‡dƒŲ/ś.ƒ ‡ž‚0ś.ƒ ‡ž‚H0ś.ƒ ‡dƒ€0ś.ƒ ‡ž‚ø0ś.ƒ ‡ž‚š0ś.ƒ ‡ž‚(1ś.ƒ ‡ž‚`1ś.ƒ ‡ž‚˜1ś.ƒ ‡ž‚Š1ś.ƒ ‡ž‚2ś.ƒ ‡ž‚@2ś.ƒ ‡ž‚x2ś.ƒ ‡ž‚°2ś.ƒ ‡ž‚č2ś.h‡@č6ś.š6ś.ų6ś.7ś.7ś.7ś.7ś. 7ś.(7ś.07ś.87ś.@7ś.H7ś.P7ś.X7ś.`7ś.Ø /ś.„Ų/ś.„0ś.„H0ś.„€0ś.„ø0ś.„š0ś.„(1ś.„`1ś.„˜1ś.„Š1ś.„2ś.„@2ś.„x2ś.„°2ś.„č2ś.„ 3ś.„SITE DESCRIPTION ƒdƒ°7ś.„PrimaryKey…Š7ś.ƒž”ś.„ė‚v’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ ƒ;ś.ƒó‡’’’’„Ą:ś.č:ś.Ō”ś.„’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’h9ś.h9śq.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.h9ś.ˆ‡`;ś.„ƒ Ų*ś.p;ś.ƒƒH;ś.Ą;ś.„'P8ś.’’’’SITE DESCRIPTION‰PrimaryKey…”ā^”€ˆś.P8ś.„‹„;ś.(5ś.„ƒŒ;ś.„Ž”ā^”€ˆś.h9ś.ƒŒƒp;ś.8;ś.„‡’’’’ƒƒp;ś.Ø;ś.„ 3ś.„ŪLVALŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠDDĻ  Īm — “  – |°mmÅmÅźdŗ#ts 1884:Cranch 1885: a stone cist waScott 1956: p 31` 'the actual floor consisted simply of the natural rather sandy subsoil. [turf removal?] In this subsoil were observed several stains of a distinct bluish-grey colour when first expose’žScott 1956: p 31` 'the actual floor consisted simply of the natural rather sandy subsoil. [turf removal?] In this subsoil were observed several stains of a distinct bluish-grey colour when first exposed.' (shadow burials) Scott 1952: The inner portal stone seem to have had a stout oaken post as a companion the socket hole of which was found with carbonized remains of oak still in it. Pre-cairn pit’žAshbee 1998: P 32 ' ...the nature of the original deposit within the chamber..was an assemblage of bones, brought from elsewhere, sealed by soil and ocupation debris.'’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Pastscape: 'The mound is disfigured by a large excavation hollow& '’žWickham 1912 records a 'deep channeled pit' where many flint flakes were found - suggests it was the workshop of a flint knapper.’žWitts 1884: p 158  On nearing the bottom of the chamber, we found several pieces of very old British pottery& three flint flakes and an extraordinary confused mass of human bones, broken up into very small pieces . Chamber had been disturbed prior to Witt's excavation - Roman coins and horshoe found in chamber.’žRRhind 1854: p 102 - Compartment A  the chamber was cleared to & when hard and undisturbed clay was reached& .  Chamber D   It's floor also was the natural clay, but this was strewed over to the depth of five or six inches with a species of fine sandy loam, imbedded in which& was a portion of [human bone] in the last stage of decay.. Anderson found the remains of a double wall which appeared to surround the entire structure.’žRhind does not appear to have excavated this cairn extensively - his published report alludes to destruction of the cairn by villagers shortly before his arrival; they evidently found two skulls and tossed them aside. Anderson's publications makeno mention fo the ground surface.’žAnderson 1868 (PSAS) p 500-1  The floor of [the first] chamber was a mass of ashes of charred wood and bones, with very little intermixture of stones or earth. In the deepest part it was fully 18 inches thick. ... An immense number of flint chips and pottery, chiefly unornamented, occurred throughout the mass, the flint chips being in many cases thoroughly burned .’žAnderson 1868 p 258: 'the chamber had been entirely destroyed by being quarried out for lintels to a neighbouring house.' No information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation records  no information on buried land surface. Maughan 1854:  A person named William Davidson..opened the two graves about 5 years ago. He found nothing in them, but did not make any particular search.’žGrinsell 1971: Opened by J. Skinner in 1815, who found bones (burnt and unburnt), two leaf arrowheads and coarse pottery. No published report - manuscripts in British Museum. No information on ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Only one poorly recorded excavation in the mid-19th century, when some potsherds were found.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Was already ruined when Bryce measured and planned in early 1900s.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Results summarized in Barker 1992: p20  the old ground surface was found intact in some of the excavated areas.’žo excavation report; no information on buried ground surface Site of a possible chambered tomb; threatened by house construction; excavated in 1984; Archive held with Historic Scotland. ščŠj’žNC 96 NE 6’žLower Dounreay’žCnoc Na H'useig’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short’žNC 9969 6772’ž29969 96772’ž299690’ž967720’žHighland’žHighland’žReay’žnone’žnone30’žE-W’žn/a22’ž17.5’žCAT 38’žDavidson & Henshall 1991nonononoyesnoyesnoyes’žpierced ox bone0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono040’žslab and clayé@8x4anono’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernoxyesxnono’žN ScotlandnoĢĢĢĢČ¼¼¼ø“““²¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ŗ¦›™—’ˆ„{wwwsqqeVTRRPLHD@>:8420.,*(&$  ’łõńķééééééééĻĒĮ½ø³ÆÆ©£“‰yl^F@/j’Ą’’’½ł’`fK>[ ’žOrmiegill North’žND 34 SW 2’ž1 of 1C1865’žAnderson 1866; 1886’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reported}oaOF1)' ’O>_ ’žDalladies’žNO 66 NW 27’ž1 of 1E1970’žPiggott 1972, 1973’žExtensivepublishedminimal’žNot reportedyk]K@,$"  ’@ LVALGÓ^?Leivers 2000 - P 185 - Cairn was first examined in 1924-5 by the farmer; a letter from him describes his findings: " Although not on the highest know it is placed on fairly high ground, and the stones in it seem to be all sharp edged as if they had been rough dressed, or broken. There is also layers of ashes in the mound, and some of the stones look like as if they had been in a fire...we only dug about 4 feet square in the centre and another small hole on the east side where the boney substance is." P 185 - The second excavation was unpublished "The surviving finds from the 1925 excavations consist of 32 Neolithic sherds, one small fragment of charcoal, and a single piece of flint debitage (NMS EO 385 92 and unregistered). There is no contextual information associated with any of this material." p 188 : "The 1952 excavations consisted of a single L-shaped cutting...OLD GROUND SURFACE: At the base of the cairn material and sealed by it was a preserved old ground surface, recorded by Atkinson as  natural ,  old surface ,  occupation surface , and most often  old turfline . Given the possible existence of a turfline it seems unlikely that the area beneath the mound was stripped. Pieces of a large closed bowl, a carinated fluted bowl and sherds from one other vessel (vessels 1, 3 & 4), were found on the old ground surface, as was cremated bone. On this surface were  hearths , the number and location of which were not recorded. One of these contained small quantities of burnt bone. Towards the south-east of the central trench was a shallow oval pit. It is not clear whether this pit cut through, or was sealed by, the old ground surface, nor what its exact dimensions were. The pit was recorded as being at the base of the 1925  howk and therefore some truncation of both the pit and the land surface may have occurred. In the pit were fragments of seven vessels (vessels 1 7), together with charcoal." P 194 - "It seems more likely that the Neolithic material represents an earlier phase of activity on the s„LVAL”ite. Having said this, it is not possible to ascertain the length of time between this activity and the construction of the mound. The presence of a Beaker sherd sealed beneath the cairn would point to a considerable time lapse. However, given that this sherd cannot now be located and is not mentioned by Atkinson prior to 1962, its provenance is doubtful." P 194: "The pit is certainly a pre-mound feature.......However, some light may be thrown on the pre-mound activity by a consideration of other sites falling within the non-megalithic round mound category (Kinnes 1992). At Boghead cairns under a low mound sealed an old ground surface on which was a black soil layer containing sherds, cremated bones and flints (Burl 1984). At Midtown of Pitglassie a ring cairn and low mound sealed a series of pits, hollows, burnt areas and hearth residues from which were recovered fragments of early Neolithic pottery in the north-east Scottish style, charcoal, cremated bone and a leaf-shaped arrowhead (Shepherd 1996). Despite the differences in the covering mounds at Boghead and Pitglassie the material from these sites resembles that from East Finnercy strongly enough to indicate comparable activity in the early Neolithic. Given the radiocarbon determinations from Boghead (c 4000 3500 cal bc) and Midtown of Pitglassie (c 4000 3400 cal bc) it is possible to suggest a date in the first half of the fourth millennium for the pre-mound activity at East Finnercy, with the pottery evidence perhaps indicating a date in the latter part of this span (Sheridan, in Johnston 1997, 219 20)." ščŠj’žNJ 70 SE 3’žEast Finnercy’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 7647 0429’ž37647 80429’ž376470’ž804290’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žEcht’žnone’žnone’žon the crest of a low ridge running E/W’ž100x27xx’žLeivers 2000nononononoyesyesnono1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žoccupation surface’žcentreyesnonono1+00noP>GÓ^np4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žlayers of ashxxxnoxyesxno’žn/a’žoccupation area; pit; hearthsno’ž57°072 44.293 N, 002°232 24.813 W’ž57°072 44.963 N, 002°232 19.113 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyesEEE@</ŁÕ¶±­«„„„„„„„„„„„„„„£Ÿ›™ŠŠ…}xsnnnlhh\XVTTPLHD>6" üųņģčäąąÜŲŲŲŲŲŹŹŹŹŹČĘĀĄ»’Œ†€vg_WJ<60#j’’Āž’’½łżą’HäōŽ’žSU 06 NW 21xx’ž0.60’ž0.600.60nono00nononodeer hornyesno’ždark earth; same chalk rubble as mound’žE end of moundnonono’ž5 - contemporary - posthole?’ž1 - yesĒ¾ œ˜”„\XR@<8420,( ’’’S>c ’žHill of Foulzie’žNJ 75 NW 6’ž1 of 1D1902’žGordon 1902’žPartialpublishedminimal’žNot reportedugYG>1)' ’­Ž’žSE 96 NE 145npnpnpnpnppossibleno00noflint flakenopossiblenoyes’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter; burnt bone’žaxial line of barrownonono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yes čäąÜĘuok[WA=;95%!’’’—§Ž’žSE 96 NE 141npnpnpnpnpnono00no'foreign black flint'nononono’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; no information on dimensions or contents’žW end of moundnonono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesīźęāŅokgc_51/-)%!’’’[>k ’žKindrochet’žNN 72 SW 5’ž1 of 1D1929-30’žChilde 1930, 1931’žPartialpublishednone’žYesmh`NE2$" ’ ščŠj’žNN 72 SW 5’žKindrochat’žKindrochet’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 7231 2297’ž27231 72297’ž272310’ž722970’žPerth and Kinross’žTayside’žComrie’žnone’žnone91’žE-Wx49’ž10.8’žPER 2’žHenshall 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no'@źx4ano’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žSE Scotlandno‘‘‘‘€€€€|||zttttttttttttttrnljhfb]YUQLHHHDBB620..,($   üųņīźęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖĒĄŗ¶“Æ««„Ÿ—Ž{sk^P=7&j’Ą’’’½ł’`b˜ ščŠj’žNS 08 NW 7’žArdachearanbeg’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, round’žNS 0055 8520’ž20055 68520’ž200550’ž685200’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmodan’žnone’žnone’ž137x’ž10 mxx’žARG 15’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1969!€’žunpublished report - (Mann, L.)€’žNo excavation records2c’žn/ano’ž56°012 05.293 N, 005°122 05.373 W’ž56°012 05.623 N, 005°122 01.163 W’žSW Scotland¢¢¢¢¢•j??;;666666666666666666666666666666622āāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāÖÖÖĒæ½»µ³®®Ø¢˜‹zrj]O;5$j’`€:”l>| ’žRattar East’žND 27 SW 4’ž1 of 1E1967-68’žnone’žTrialno reportnoneZZR@93%# ’P>` ’žRudh' An Dunain’žNG 31 NE 2’ž1 of 1D1931-32’žScott 1932, 1934’žextensivepublishedminimalNoxtfTI7)' ’6±ĻHĻŠpÜć@g€ŠpÜć@@ GKZGYENWOLWGPDPJEHBJDBBXFEK_VRN wRńvlÜć@RńvlÜć@= Č@üPROJECTwm<84"  ščŠj’žNG 85 SW 3’žShieldaig’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žnone’žstone circle’žNG 815 538’ž1815 8538’ž181500’ž853800’žHighland’žHighland’žApplecross’žnone’žnonenpxnpxxnonono~@'ź€’žno excavation report2cnonp’žn/anpno’žN Scotlandłłłłõńģģčččččččččččččččččččččääääääääąą¾²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²®®Ŗ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¤¢žœ˜˜’Œ€vld\QE71j’Ą` #¬LVALMżļŖ¦ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½PotteryIIM~¦öI¢żģ,€ Nɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½FlintļĮĪofŒC“›"įŽm§ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Polished Stone]åūŸ3•N–ņŹ}^jɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Other artifactsó§ä{%“I‰äø‡!(ėɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½# Pitsö(øų—D… 8ö Ļɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Pits Location@— Č”NæņżłrŃiɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½# Postholesßē’rJ­wUę]²ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Postholes LocationŅĻnū»ŅŖC°ķæsŻ ¦1ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Graves LocationöŅOĪ \YIøė“ Ænéœɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½# StakeholesŲÖļD‹MŠÉA_‚ķ©ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Stakeholes Location]Õz Ā[mAŠ@gWĪŪ¢tɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½# Graves'kk=ćAjL±Ź÷g:”Ķɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Timber Structure¢<¤śÕ,ÅG…³MDSø‹ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Timber Structure - Locationzv£‡®D•śµXEY ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Other Features - LocationŸŖ9†HµĶW–PÕWĀɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Fire-5°xŗEøĀ<žœ¹»Rɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Turf ClearanceœyIź|D·ZuŖšwų_ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Dark soilĘ÷šøŽŖ¼N¹+†h\‡½ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Cultivation marksœEQ’<ÜÖD¤ŽyRĒcƒ¦ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Hearthß-Ä(śūA³l“ß”bÅɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Location of PMA in relation to monumentdP€³ļdF–(pŁmŠ“ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Inhumations43šŁtŒDŗ¾Ź_3 9ōɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½CremationsĖ¢é6īęG‹(6=Wy…®ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Pavement 1čOŪ`3$HŸ„Õļ:źŪhɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Type of PMA evidenceÅqōźŪ Jš47†&‚ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Notes@ƒOĀM”@¶ęŖ^†ü0ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Hearth LocationœH@2H“U"O”zž[ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Next Steps ŲÉč[‡/O­7ļśKĆQɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Estimated Construction DatesżMLøµB—­·š¾TüÅɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½HR frag-burntŪĻŲœóC„=X2+Š éɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½HR frag-unburntzZ»ę¤ZN~(ŠĻhjɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Charcoal/ashe9±uO¶(Ž0R ‡–ɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½QuartzŽ–Ö¬s€U@;WŹB8Vɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Marine shell/pebbles/sandĆ)‹OqKœ@›„6ļœɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Scaled Plansż„ >ßÜSD¦Ā$mžføɲ›[½BŒ7ŹK'Źe½Secondary Useō"q³!0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown"   ! " #1440 $ %1LVALO 3 (’’’’ 5 ß-Ä(śūA³l“ß”bÅ 7­"Size: Diameter  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ ę¹EÜ ĄF ‚Ć$ 9 Ÿ©Size: Length  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ !”dłi±N’łŪ9t‚§Size: Width  ‰       m    ' (’’’’ Śf |7DØ¢žˆZ2« Plant Remains  ’’’’  )     m    ' (’’’’ !žšßÜSD¦Ā$mžfø« Fire Location  ’’’’  R     m    ' (’’’’ ō"q³!0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +\& Timber Structure ’’’’ *    o Value List8 0"";"yes";"no";"possible"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +Æ<6Timber Structure - Location ’’’’ +    m       ’’’’•"Other Features v ,    m       ’’’’«82Other Features - Location Q -    m       ’’’’R"Turf Clearance Æ /    o Value List2 *"yes";"no";"possible"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +X("Cultivation marks ’’’’ 1    o Value List2 *"yes";"no";"possible"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +`Inhumations ’’’’ 3    o Value ListF >0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +^Cremations   4    o Value ListF >0;1;2;3;"more than 3";"unknown"    םēŽ’žSE 96 NE 142xx’ž3.6’ž3.33.3nono00nononooxyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; broken chalk’žW end of moundnonono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesŠĒ®Ŗ¦¢‘KGA=951/-)%’’’ĖŪŽ’žSE 96 NE 144’ž1.8’ž1.4’ž0.76x1.8yesyes00nonononoyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter’žaxial line of barrownonono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesÜÓŗ¶²®˜SOIEA=975/)#!’’’ȝŲŽ’žSE 96 NE 143’ž2.3’ž2.0’ž1.8x2.3nono00yes (np)nonodogyesno’žposthole? - possibly held posts for mortuary structure; dark matter’žW end of moundnonono’ž5 -mortuary - posthole?’ž1 - yesßÖ½¹µ±”\XRLHD420,(" ’’’ž’žND 34 SW 301npnpnpxnpnono00nononononoyes’žseveral 'scoops' or pits in the chamber floor’žchamberyesnono’ž5 - contemporary’ž2 - chamber®”‹‡xIC?;73/-+'#’’’ģüŽ’žNR 97 SE 21’ž0.40’ž0.20’ž0.18x0.40nono00nononononono’žpebbles in N half and soil in south half’žW side of cairnyesnono’ž3 - pre-monument/contemporary’ž2 - W side of cairnĶø™•‘‹zPLHD@<8640,$"’’’LVALZ 1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +vPavement 1  5    o Value List^ V"slab";"clay";"sand";"ash/charcoal";"other"     1440         ’’’’  ) * 0twip +©.(Type of PMA evidence Ā 6            ’’’’‹ Notes   7            ’’’’—$Hearth Location ’’’’ 8    m       ’’’’… Status ’’’’ 9    m       ’’’’Next Steps ø :    m       ’’’’“ HR frag-burnt Ś ;    m       ’’’’—$HR frag-unburnt ’’’’ <    m       ’’’’‘Charcoal/ash ’’’’ =    m       ’’’’… Quartz ’’’’ >    m       ’’’’«82Marine shell/pebbles/sand ’’’’ ?    m       ’’’’‘Scaled Plans Ś @    m       ’’’’“ Secondary Use   A    m       ’’’’“ Fire Location ’’’’ B    m       ’’’’*$Turf Cl - Location ’’’’ C    m       ’’’’£0*Cult Marks - location ’’’’ D    m       ’’’’Ÿ,&Pavement 1 Location 5 E    m       ’’’’Pavement 2  F    m       ’’’’Ÿ,&Pavement 2 Location ® G    m       ’’’’‹Chamber 1 ’’’’ H    m       ’’’’‹Chamber 2 ’’’’ I    m       ’’’’‹Chamber 3 ’’’’ J    m       ’’’’‡Passage ’’’’ K    m       ’’’’‹Forecourt ’’’’ L    m       ’’’’‰Entrance ’’’’ M    m       ’’’’‡Central ’’š’žNR 25 NW 11npnp’ž0.60xnpnono00nononononoyes’žsill stone; described as a 'massive' pit’žin front of entranceyessill stone’žHAR-2405’ž5 - contemporary’ž1 - yesÉĄ®¤ŠtJD@<840.,($ ’’’ÅLVALÕ’’ N    m       ’’’’N of centre ’’’’ O    m       ’’’’S of centre ’’’’ P    m       ’’’’E of centre ’’’’ Q    m       ’’’’W of centre ’’’’ R    m       ’’’’•"Other Location ’’’’ S    m       ’’’’ƒ Ditch ’’’’ T    m       ’’’’”.(Dark Soil - Location ’’’’ V    m       ’’’’‘Cairn Intact ’’’’ W    m       ’’’’•"Chamber Intact ’’’’ X    m       ’’’’r    Ę®“*J ]PÆ’ą”.     ! "—$Pollen Analysis ė     m       ’’’’“ Soil Analysis ‰     m       ’’’’›("Radiocarbon dates ‰     m       ’’’’•"Animal Remains ’’’’     m       ’’’’‡Pottery ‰     m       ’’’’ƒ Flint ‰     m       ’’’’•"Polished Stone ’’’’     m       ’’’’… # Pits ’’’’ "    m       ’’’’# Postholes ’’’’ $    m       ’’’’Fire ’’’’ .    m       ’’’’‹Dark soil ’’’’ 0    m       ’’’’… Hearth ’’’’ 2    m       ’’’’™& Prev Disturbance ’’’’ U    m       ’’’’ ščŠj’žSU 38 SW 5’žLambourn’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barow’žSU 3232 8338’ž43232 18338’ž432320’ž183380’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žLambourn Seven Barrows’žat the top of a gentle rise onto Westcot Downnp’žENE-WSWx6721’žBRK 2; Kinnes SU 95’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žSchulting 2000nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žperforated marine shells; iron pyrite; perforated chalk piece; grooved chalk1’žS edge of mound1’žpit/posthole - S edge of moundx0x0’žterminal chamber??noxnonoyesno000no,@<x4no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxyes’žditch fillno’žn/a’žpit/postholeno’žSW Englandno’žyesĆ¾¾¾ŗ®®®Ŗœ—“‡{ywusnid`[VRRRPNNB><::84.*&$   ćįŠĪ{uoke_[WSSSSSCCCüśńķ¾¦•‹{ph`SE1+j’’Ā’’’½ł’ąg ščŠj’žST 91 SE 146’žLaunceston Down (B13)’žTarrant Launceston 4’žround barrow’žnone’žbowl barrow’žST 9562 1064’ž39562 11064’ž395620’ž110640’žDorset’žNorth Dorset’žTarrant Launceston’žnone’žnone’žopen downland in the middle of Cranborne Chase70x’ž12.2xx’žKinnes ACd1’žKinnes 1979’žGrinsell 1959nono’žchalk capped with clay-with-flintsnonononoyesnono0x1’žcentrex0x0no’žcentral’žtimber postxnononono010’žflint nodulesĒ@x4nonononono’žyesnoxcx’žcentrenox’žpavment of flint nodules; postholesnoxnp’žn/a’žpostholes - 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In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread ov’žDavidson & Henshall 1989: p 132 'There seem to have been two floor levels in the chamber. In the innermost compartment, and possibly elsewhere, the upper floor was clay, below which was a layer of 'dark ashes' which spread over the whole chamber. Outside the cairn on the north side of the entrance a small hollow was found made in a rock, about 0.45 m across by 0.23 m deep. It contained ashes, fragments of burnt bone, flint chips and small sherds.'’žColt Hoare - found at E end of mound - primary cremation mixed with chalky marl, 'raised upon a floor on which had been an intense fire, so as to make it red like brick.'; the cremation was covered with a pile of flints and marl. Further E, 2 deep pits containing large quantities of wood ash. Burnt human bones were mixed in a kind of mortar made of marly chalk.’žGomonde 1846: p 154: ' we began by making a cutting 8 feet broad by about 3 feet deep from W to E; after proceedings about 10 feet we came to some human bones, which appeared to have been disturbed, and a small fragment of pottery; we then came successively to four perfect skeletons.' Bird 1876: In the centre was a cist 1.8m feet long, 0.6 m wide and 0.6 m deep, lined with drystone walling. It contained human remains, traces of cremation (Pastscape notes may just be ash or charcoal). No information on buried land surface’žPastscape:  On the north side of the barrow, a pit circa 0.6 m deep contained the disturbed skeletons of an infant and a female adult, plus a cremation deposit. Six beads and a seashell were also present. ’žBarnatt 1982 p 124 'In 1871 Borlase found it had a shallow internal pit of unknown age which had long since been rifled' Borlase 1872 - pp 58-59 - "...a small pit seems to have been sunk in the centre, below the level of the natural soil. It is here that the interment in all probability originally rested...":’žWymer 1966: P 4 'the lack of post holes or other disturbances of the old turf line show there were no substantial structures on the site' before the mound was constructed. Schulting 2000 : P 26 "very little pre-mound material suggesting any kind of occupation was encountered in the excavations"’žMoore 1990: Stone cist at SW end of mound, contained only 2 fragments of human bone 'suggesting it had been carefully emptied'. There was a round pit in the centre of the barrow - the fill included two small pieces of bone and several limestone blocks. At NE end were 3 beaker inhumations, and just beyond the barrow's NE end were 16 Middle Bronze Age cremations.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. Grimes 1939: excavation results were 'mainly negative'. Barker 1992: p 40 'there were no finds - no pottery, no flint, no human bone’žThis site consists of a round cairn surrounded by a circle of 6 passage graves. White quartz pebbles were found in the cists; most pottery was found beneath the slab pavement in the chambers.’žBradley & Lewis 1968 - Barrow dug into by chalk diggers in 1816 - twelve skeletons found - likely Saxon No excavation records - no information on buried ground surface.’žNo excavation report - no information on buried land surface. The 1974-6 excavation focussed on the Saxon cemetery - and remains unpublished in any event.’žcould not locate 1990 excavation report - Malim discusses the site in rather general terms in 1999 and 2001 - but no details of the ground features provided. ščŠj’žST 75 SE 5’žOrchardleigh’žMurtry Hill’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 7626 5069’ž37626 15069’ž376260’ž150690’žSomerset’žMendip’žBuckland Dinham’žCotswolds’žnone’žat the west end of a level plateau with good views to the west’ž117’žSE-NWx’ž15.211’žSOM 8’žDarvill 2004’žGray 1929’žDaniel 1950nono’žForest Marblenonononoyesnono1’žNE end of mound0xx0x0nox’žstanding stones (recent?)xnononono21+no’žred earth stratum?y@’žE end of mound?4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žentire barrownox’žcharcoal spreadsyesxnono’žhearth; pitno’žSW England -WC’žstanding stones„„„„sccc_RNJHBBBBB000000000.* žłõõõóāāÖĀ¾ŗŗø“°¬Ø¦‹‰…ƒ}{yhfb^XTPLH951111$ śųńģ«„š‰wogZLF@)j’’Ę’’’½ł’įg ščŠj’žNPRN 101450’žPentre Ifan’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal tomb’žSN 0994 3701’ž20994 23701’ž209940’ž237010’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNevern’žSouth-West Wales’žnone’žon the north-facing slope of a spur in the Nevern Valley’ž145’žN-Sx4018’žPEM 5’žnone’žNash 2006nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone9’žchamber (5); forecourt (1); E side of mound (2)posthole rows; postholes A & B ?’žflanking forecourt and chamber; pits/postholes (2) - its A & Bx0x0nox’žmegalithic facadexnonoyesno100noÄ@O€’žsunken chamber’žat foot of Stone IX4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchamber - behind portal stonenono’žstanding stone; postholes, 9 pitsno’žWales’žstanding stones’žyesżŚÖŅ³­­­­­­­­­­­­­­«§„£”Ÿ›–’ˆ„€€€~iMA=;9973-)%# Ā‚QO=93-)%!   żłõóīéÆ©—€qiaTF93"j’’Ā’’’żł’ągfLVALN$ Ÿ’’’’rGDlˆ;V°ˆ;T^1… †ą^¢?ƒō‹ˆ7V—ˆ;V„˜*V„8VƒƒÆ«$£ Æ<“šVņV*VZV’VŹVVBV‚VŹV VZV¢VVBVšVxVŠVV8VpVØVšV V`VØVčV8V€VąV VxVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVØVšVņV*VZV’VŹVVBV‚VŹV VZV¢VVBVšVƒ d… ‚‚ d… ‚@‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ d… ‚e‚ ž„ ‚*‚ ž† ‚+‚ ž„ ‚-‚ ž„ ‚.‚ ž„ ‚0‚ ž„ ‚1‚ ž„ ‚2‚ ž„ ‚3‚ ž„ ‚a‚ ž„ Ā+SITE DESCRIPTION.NMR #…SITE DESCRIPTION‰3SITE DESCRIPTION.Site Name…-SITE DESCRIPTION.Statusƒ/SITE DESCRIPTION.Easting‰1SITE DESCRIPTION.Northing‡?SITE DESCRIPTION.County(Council)‰-SITE DESCRIPTION.Regionƒ7SITE DESCRIPTION.# Postholes…IPķ4SITE DESCRIPTION.Postholes Locationƒ9SITE DESCRIPTION.# Stakeholes…ISITE DESCRIPTION.Stakeholes LocationƒGES SITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure - Location‰=SITE DESCRIPTION.Other FeaturesƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Other Features - Location…kSITE DESCRIPTION.Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported…ƒ Vƒƒ V„ēƒøV„Ą V˜’’…čV’’’’ōŌs9ĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„Č Vš V† šVPķ4‚‚  ņVPķ4‚ *VPķ4„ ZVPķ4^‚ €’VPķ4„ ŹVPķ4„VPķ4ChBVPķ43ƒ<‚VPķ4agŹVPķ4co  VPķ4En ZVPķ4„c ¢VPķ4ra VPķ4 c BVPķ4S šVPķ4trSITE DESCRIPTION‡ƒĄViƒióƒ˜V„˜V˜’žą2VčV’’’’č=”ƒĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„CSTRUCTURAL FEATURES QUERY MAY 2011…š V‘Š PVˆVˆ’„Š VŠVˆ’@„Š ŲVVˆ’„Š VXVˆ’ „Š `V Vˆ’ „Š ØVųVˆ’e„‹V8Vˆ’*„Š @VˆVˆ’+„Š VąVˆ’-„Š čV0Vˆ’.„Š 8VVˆ’0„Š ˜VčVˆ’1„Š šVXVˆ’2„Š `VØVˆ’3„Š °VVˆ’a„Š VVˆŠ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…PV„;[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]…V„5[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status]ƒŲV„7[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting]‰V„9[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing]‡`V„G[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)]‰ØV„5[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region]„V„?[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Postholes]‰@V„M[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Postholes Location]ƒV„A[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Stakeholes]‡čV„O[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Stakeholes Location]‰8V„I[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure]‡˜V„_[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure - Location]‰šV„E[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features]ƒ`V„[[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features - Location]…°V„s[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported]…V„šVPķ4† ņVPķ4„ ZVPķ4„ ’VPķ4„ ŹVPķ4„ BVPķ4„ ‚VPķ4„ ŹVPķ4„  VPķ4„ ZVPķ4„ ¢VPķ4„ VPķ4„ BVPķ4„ *VPķ4„ šVPķ4„ VPķ4„#SITE DESCRIPTION’’’’’„Š šV*V‡’’’’’„Š ņV *V‡’’É’’’’’„Š ZV(* č.Œs’žSWb’žSW 71 NE 13’žThree Brothers of Grugith’žCrouza Downs’žchambered cairn?’žnatural feature’žnone’žSW 7616 1978’ž17616 01978’ž176160’ž019780’žCornwall’žKerrier’žSt Keverne’žnone’žnonenpnpxnpnp’žDaniel 1950nononononononoyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no?@éx1nononononononoxxxxnox’žpitpossiblexnono’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressnpÕÕŃŃŃŃd®®®®Ŗžžžš–––”„„„„„„„}ywusqmiea]YUUUSQQEA?==;73/+)%# śöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŃŃŃŃŃĶÉĒĆææ¹³§ž”Œ„wicR@2 q’Ā’’’½ł’@`fŒĀE čUŠsk’žNR 92 SE 2’žTorlin’žTorrylin’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 9551 2107’ž19551 62107’ž195510’ž621070’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone15’žNNW-SSEnpnpnp’žARN 15’žHenshall 1972’žDuncan 1896nonononoyesnoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno03+0no@ūx1no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žno ?xxxxnoxyes’žchambernononono’žSW Scotlandno’žBryce, T. H. 1902 On the cairns of Arran - a record of explorations - with an anatomical description of the human remains discovered. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 36, 74-181 (p 78-84, 138-155)’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son ( p 22-23)’žDuncan, E. 1896 The Scottish races: their ethnology, growth and distribution. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 28’ž107’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÆHCCŗææææ»®®®Ŗ¦¢ž•‰‡…ƒ{vqmhc___][[OKIEEC?951/+)%#! ż÷óļėēēēēēŚŚŚĖĆæ»·®ŖŖ¤”‡wogZL?9( q’Ā’’’½ł’ąg¼Ņ čāŒsŽ ’žNZ 24 SW 3’žBrandon’žMonument #24613’žlong barrow’žEBA Round Barrow’žnone’žNZ 2072 4003’ž42072 54003’ž420720’ž540030’žDurham’žDurham’žBrandon and Byshottles’žnone’žnonenpxnpnp’žTrechmann 1914nonononoē@ 2nonp’žn/ano’ž54°452 17.423 N, 001°402 46.223 W’ž54°452 17.043 N, 001°402 40.593 W’žN England’žTrechmann, C. T. 1914 Prehistoric Burials in the County of Durham. Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd series, 11, 119-176’žRCHME 1963 Monuments Threatened or Destroyed - Interim report, London, HMSO’ž142))$$$$ÕbbbbbW,żżųųōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōōššššššššīīīāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāāŽŚÖŅŅŅŅŅĀĀĀĀĀ¾ŗø“““®Øˆ€xpcUO=0 q’Ā  :Œ“3 čCŒsr’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnonenpnpnpnp’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no>@=ģx2noxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno’žMcArthur, J. 1861 Antiquities of Arran: with a historical sketch of the island embracing an account of the Sudreyjar under the Norsemen, Glasgow, Thomas Murray and Son’žRobinson, D. E. & Dickson, J. H. 1988 Vegetational history and land use: Machrie Moor, Arran, Scotland. New Phytologist, 109, 223-251’ž114ČČĆĆĆĆ:‹~S(($$         ū÷÷÷÷õńńķéēćįŻŪŁ×ÕÓŃĻĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÉÅĮ½½½½½®®®®Ø¤ œ˜˜˜’‹td\TG93-% q’>Ā’æ±ż zŒ»” č¤Œs’žNH®’žNH 67 SW 4’žCarn Fionntairneach’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunknown’žNH 60 74’ž260 874’ž260000’ž874000’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnonenpnpnpnp’žROS 54’žHenshall & Ritchie 2001nonononoyes>@/ź2no’žyesyes’žn/ano’ž49°462 29.293 N, 007°332 16.073 W’ž49°462 27.063 N, 007°332 13.513 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean, R., 1886. The parish of Rosskeen. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 12, 324-339.’žHenshall, A. S. & Ritchie, G. 2001 The Chambered Cairns of the Central Highlands, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressgģģģģģģ‚‚‚‚‚vK   śśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśśōōōōšģčääääääääĖĆæ»·³³³­§Š€xpg]TN=+ q’~Ą#  :l č|‰s’žHPk’žHP 61 SW 12’žMuckle Heog East’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped?’žHP 6315 1081’ž46315 121081’ž463150’ž1210810’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUnst’žnone’ž107npxnpnp’žZET29’žHenshall 1963’žBryce 1940nonononoyesnononono’ž6 steatite vessels & fragments0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno00?’žseveral ?’žgravel bed@Bx1’žyes’žyesnononononoxxx’žoutside inner wall beneath burialsnox’žbeneath burialsnono’žN Scotlandno’žTate, R. 1866 Report of Zetland Anthropological Expedition. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 339-47 ( p 339-342)’žBryce, T. H. 1940 The so-called heel-shaped cairns of Shetland, with remarks on the chambered tombs of Orkney and Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 74, 23-36 ( p 30-32)’žHunt, J. 1866 Report on explorations into the archaic anthropology of the islands of Unst, Brassay and the mainland of Zetland. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 2, 294-338 ( p 294-296, 299-300)’žRoberts, G. E. 1864 On the discovery of large kistvaens in the Muckle Heog in the island of Unst, Shetland, containing urns of chloritic schist. Memoirs Read Before the Anthropological Society of London, 1, 296-307’žHenshall, A. S. 1963 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 1, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press€?`•ōōōšģģģŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŁÕ±Æ­«§£Ÿ›—’‹‰‰}qfbb`\VRNLHFB@><:8642 üųōšģģģģģąąąŃŹĘĀĄ¼··±«„“xpbTF@/) q’Ā’’’½ł’@f<ß čļŒs›’žSP 10 NW 12’žPitcherwell Copse’žMonument #329725’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 1160 0952’ž41160 20952’ž411600’ž209520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswold’žnonenpnp3012’žColchester-Wemyss 1897’žGrimes 1960nonononoB@2no’žn/ano’žSW England’žColchester-Wemyss, W. 1897 The President's Address 1897. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 12, 89-108 (p 106-7)’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO30§                       ųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųųōšģččččŪĆĆĆĆĆæ»·³³³­£›‘€xpcUOI<* q’Ę €"ŒūśčŠ?Ģ¾ČÅĆo’žNF 86 NW 6’žBarpa Langass’žBen Langass’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNF 8376 6573’ž08376 86573’ž083760’ž865730’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone45x24xx’žUST 6’žHenshall 1972’žChilde 1940’žHingley 1999nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noO@x4’žyes?no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes? (see Hingley 1999)xxxxnoxyeo’žSE 76 NE 10o’žSE 76 NE 10’žHedon Howe’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 7846 6651’ž47846 46651’ž478460’ž466510’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBurythorpe’žnone’žnonex15xx’žKinnes Ag2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesnono0x0xx0x0Noxnoxnononono050no @„x4ano’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnoxyesxnono’žN Englandnoyyyyyyyyyujjjfbbb`ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXTRPNLGC?;72...*(( üśöōņšīģźčęāŽŲŌŠŹĘĀ¾ŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ­”Ÿ™———‘‹ve]UH:4.!o’~Ą’’’½ł’`fo’žNF 86 NW 6’žBarpa Langass’žBen Langass’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, round’žNF 8376 6573’ž08376 86573’ž083760’ž865730’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone45x24xx’žUST 6’žHenshall 1972’žChilde 1940’žHingley 1999nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000noO@x4’žyes?no’žyesnono’žyes’žyes? (see Hingley 1999)xxxxnoxyes’žchamber’ždark soilno’ž57°342 14.113 N, 007°172 29.673 W’ž57°342 15.193 N, 007°172 26.263 W’žN Scotlandno’žHingley 1999’žChilde 1940OOOB444440$łĪŹææ涰°°°°°°°°°°°°°®Ŗئ¤¢‰„€|wsmmmkii]YWUUSOIEA?;9531/-+)'%!  żłłłłėŽŽŽĻČĘÄĄ¾ŗŗ“؜~vnaSA;*o’Ę’’’½ł’`~o’žND 24 SE 16’žCamster Round’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, round’žND 2608 4403’ž32608 94403’ž326080’ž944030’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žGrey Cairns of Camster’ž107x’žn/a2219’žCAT 13’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1866b’žAnderson 1886’žStuart 1868nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žiron ore0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žblack earthy layer‹@c@ūx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žyesnoxno’žchamber’ždark soilno’ž58°222 42.553 N, 003°152 56.003 W’ž58°222 43.813 N, 003°152 50.503 W’žN Scotlandno’žAnderson 1886’žStuart 1868’žAnderson 1866b‘‘teeeeeaU*’ūšššēććććććććććććććįŻŲÖŌŅĶČÄĄ»¶±±±Æ­”•}}{wqmigca][YWUSQOMC?93/)%! żķķķÓĖĒĆ¾¼··Ÿ™“ˆ~vnaS;5$o’Ī’’’żł’`~8o’žHY 63 NE 1’žQuoyness’žEls Ness’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 6766 3779’ž36766 103779’ž367660’ž1037790’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žLady’žSanday’žnone’žon a very low ridge, beside the shore only just above the high water mark2npx’ž20.517’žORK 44’žDavidson & Henshall 1989’žAnderson 1886’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976nonoyesyesnoyesnono’ždecorated stone; slate disc;s sandstone discs; bone pin' whalebone; pumice1’žSE corner of the chamber floor0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno0’ž15+0’žyesć@x4no’žyesnono’žyes’žyesnoxxx’žslab - passagenoxyesxnono’žgrave pitno’žN Scotlandno’žRenfrew 1979’žRenfrew et al 1976’žAnderson 1886ŃŃĀ®     œŒ}ywqqqqqqqqqqqqqqok[YWUQLGC?:666422&! žśųöōņšīĪĢ€|xrnhbb^ZZZF8)))żū÷õŖ¤œ–†vmeWI93"o’’Īž’’½ł’ąg8 ščŠj’žNPRN 95422’žDyffryn Ardudwy’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSH 5886 2284’ž25886 32284’ž258860’ž322840’žGwynedd’žMerioneth’žDyffryn Ardudwy.’žnone’žHarlech Group50’žSW-NEx2815’žMER 3yesyes’žLlanbedr slatenononoyesyesno’žstone pendants (2)2’žforecourt of W chamber; E end of E chamber1?’žpit/posthole - E end of E chamberx0x0nox’žE chamber floor had been dug out’žE chamberno’žground 'cleaned'?yesno001’žnatural flat slab„@[€’žmulti-period monumentx4’žyesnononono’žyes’žyes ?xxx’žwestern chambernoxno’žeastern chambernono’žpit, posthole/stoneholeno’ž52°472 04.833 N, 004°052 38.893 W’ž52°472 03.733 N, 004°052 34.603 W’žWalesno’žyesōļļļė乎ŠqmiXTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRN=;970+'#ļćŠĪĢĢŹĘĄ­©ž|zvtrpnKGūõńķéŁÓĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĘĀ¾¼µ±±¢œŠvnfYK<6%j’?Ą’’’żł’ą ščŠj’žSC 28 SE 39’žBallaharra’žMonument #30455’žchambered cairn’žcremation cemetery’žnone’žSC 2640 8241’ž22640 48241’ž226400’ž482410’žIsle of Man’žGlenfaba’žGerman’žIsle of Man’žnone’žat the foot of a gentle hillock, in rolling pasturenpnpxnpnpnononoyesyesnoyesyesnono3’žchamber; E of chamber; NE side of tomb12’žgrave pitx1+’žfrom N of grave pit to cremation deposit0nox’žsubterranean chamber; black spreads & hollows;’žvariousyesnoyesno2 ?4’ž40+’žpaving@Ÿ€’žsubterranean chamber’žE of tomb4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žsouth of chamberxx’žchambernoxyes’žchambernono’žpostholes, 3 pits, hearthsno’ž54°122 28.773 N, 004°392 47.913 W’ž54°122 28.303 N, 004°392 43.703 W’žN Englandno’žyes! ā·³—“†€€€€€€€€€€€€€€~zqom[VQMID?:::8- ’÷ņššźęąÜÖĶ›—•kgeZV-+'# ’ūūūūūūūūūū÷óńķé“®”™‚zreWQ=,j’’Ą’’’żł’ą¶ ščŠj’žSP 01 NE 4a’žHazleton North’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 072 188’ž40720 21880’ž407200’ž218800’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHazleton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž250’žENE-WSWx5422’žGLO 54’žDarvill 2004’žMeadows et al 2007’žSaville 1984’žSaville et al 1987’žSaville 1989yesyes’žlimestone; Great Oolite series of the Middle Jurassicyesyes’žcereal grainsyesyesyesno0x16+’žpre-cairn surfacex’žsee postholesx0’žpossible’žpre-cairn surface’žMesolithic; Neo occupation layer’žpre-cairn surfacenononono1’ž41+0no@Ł’žpre-cairn surface4 -’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyesxno’žyes’žMesolithic & Neolithic occupation’žflint’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyesįÜÜ×ÓĒĒĒĄ˜”’ŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŒŠ†„‚€~zuqlhc^^ZXEE953..,($  ēŌŹČĘ·µ¢œš˜”Žˆ‚smg0*$$ōąąąŅŹĘĀĄ·²²¬”—|tl_SB<%j’Ž’’’½ū’ąēś ščŠj’žSP 25 NE 3’žCharlecote Long Barrow’žHail End Bridge’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSP 2675 5775’ž42675 25775’ž426750’ž257750’žWarwickshire’žStratford on Avon’žCharlecote’žnone’žnonenp’žN-Sx7615nono’žsand and gravel river terracenononoyesyesnono0x2’žditch at eastern entrancex0x0nox’žtree circle; mortuary structure?’ženclosure interiorno’žyesnono000no”@ź@«x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnpx’žmortuary structurexxnoxyesx’žtree circle; turf mortuary structure; postholes, ground preparationno’ž52°132 02.513 N, 001°362 35.293 W’ž52°132 01.053 N, 001°362 30.023 W’žCentral Englandno’žyes·²²²®rGCžžžüööööööööööööööōšīģŲÖŅĶÉÅĄ¼øøø¶“Øœ˜–””’ŽŠ…mKIECA?=" üŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕŃĶĖĘĀĀ¼¶Ŗ—‰yl^XD7&j’Ą’’’żł’`~² ščŠj’žSO 70 SE 6’žNympsfield’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 79383 01321’ž379383 201321’ž379383’ž201321’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žFrocester’žCotswolds’žnone’žon the edge of a scarp with expansive views’ž237’žE-Wx2718’žGLO 13’žDarvill 2004’žDaniel 1950’žBuckman 1864yesno’žInferior Oolite limestone / Clypeus Gritnoyesnoyesyesno’žbone tools, carved bone object; holed stone; shell bead;3’žS side of mound, forecourt, W end of passage (grave)2’žTrench II and Trench IIIx0x0noxnoxyes’žyes?nono2+’ž17+0’žclay?@Ó’žantechamber; forecourt4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žpre-mound surface; Chamber C’žallx’žallnoxyesxnono’žpostholes, pits, hearths; fire; ground preparationno’žSW Englandno’žyes    żżżłÅĮ½»µµµµµµµµµµµµµµ³ÆŖØ£…|xsnidddbJJ>7500,($  źč²°vrlfb\X.*$$$$   ūóļėéäß²¬”–Ž}um^N=7 j’’Ę’’’½ł’ąg ščŠj’žTL 27 SW 115’žBrampton’žMonument #1328070’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 2045 7152’ž52045 27152’ž520450’ž271520’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žBrampton’žOuse Valley’žBrampton cursus12’žNW-SEx276’žMalim 1999’žLast 1999nononoyesnononononono2+’žW side of monument2’žN ditch terminal; S ditch terminalx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŸ@|x4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žpits (2)no’ž52°192 42.983 N, 000°142 01.763 W’ž52°192 41.493 N, 000°132 55.903 W’žSE Englandno’žyesC>>>:.ŲŌŹŹŹČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶±¬Ø¤ œ˜˜˜–””ˆ„‚€€~zvrnlhfb`^\Z64  žśöņņņņēŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÓĢČČ·Ŗ wobTN:-j’Ę’’’½ł’`~ ščŠj’žNPRN 93831’žDin Dryfol’žAberffraw’žchambered cairn’žnone’žgallery grave’žSH 39565 72490’ž239565 372490’ž239565’ž372490’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žAberffraw’žAnglsey’žnone’žon a narrow ledge above a river valley18’žNE-SWx’ž47+14nono’žGwna schists of the Mona Complexnononoyesyesyesno4’žChamber 4 (3); Chamber 3/4 junction (1)2’žeither side of chamber 3x0x0nox’žtimber posts - contemporary with chamberxno’žyes?nono000noD@Yx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žS & central areas of cairn; chamber 2xxnoxyesxnono’žpostholes; 4 pits; ground preparationno’ž53°132 30.573 N, 004°242 17.003 W’ž53°132 29.673 N, 004°242 12.783 W’žWales’žtimber post’žyesäßßßŅĖ uqJFB@::::::::::::::8420 żłõšģēēēåćć×ÓŃĻĻĶÉÅ滹‰‡…ƒge<:60*$ öņīīīīīīīīīīźåćÜŲ°Ŗ”–Œzrj[K<6%j’’Ą’’’½ł’ąę ščŠj’žSU 28 NE 4’žWayland's Smithy’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 2809 8539’ž42809 18539’ž428090’ž185390’žOxfordshire’žVale of White Horse’žAshbury’žCotswolds’žnone’žjust back from the north scarp of the Downs above the Vale of White horse’ž213’žN-Sx5514’žBRK 1; Kinnes SU 94’žDarvill 2004; Grinsell 1936; Kinnes 1992’žWhittle 1991’žWhittle et al 2007’žSimpson 1968’žAshbee 1984yesno’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žwoodyesyesyes’žquern stone fragments?x2 converging lines; 2 postpits’žS of mortuary structure; each end of mortuary structurex0x0’žmortuary structure’žS end of barrow’žoccupation layer? Timber posts? Possible pre-barrow pits’žvariousyes’žyesnono0’ž22+0’žsarsen slabs¾=¬€’ž2-phase constructionx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žunder barrow, esp E side’žmortuary structurex’žmortuary structurenoxyesx’žoccupation area; timber posts; pits; fire; postholesno’ž51°342 00.243 N, 001°352 45.823 W’ž51°332 58.513 N, 001°352 40.633 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyesIDD?;/ŁÕŸŸŸ——————————————•‘}{gMHC?;61---+)ūķėęęäąÜ×ŃČŽ}igeca(ģźčŃĖÅæ¹³­ œ––‰{gYYY/ »µŖ”ŒwobTC=& j’’Ž’’’żł’`ž ščŠj’žSE 85 NW 9’žCallis Wold 275’žMonument #61627’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8310 5593’ž48310 45593’ž483100’ž455930’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnone’žCallis Woldnpx27xx’žKinnes Ba3’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979’žCoombs 1986nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono2’žeither end of central paved area2?’žpits/postholes -either end of central paved areax0x0nox’žcurved faēade trench; stone platform’žW of centre (faēade trench) E of centre (platform)nononono0101noŻ@¬P@«x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtimber mortuary structure; stone platform’žfaēade trenchyesxno’žn/a’žpaired mortuary pit/ postholesno’ž53°592 34.013 N, 000°442 02.023 W’ž53°592 33.263 N, 000°432 56.113 W’žN Englandno’žyes#ä¹µ•ŒŠ„„„uJJJJJJJJJJHDB@><72.*%  ’ūłõõóļėēćƉ‡ƒ}{IE#!  żłõńńńä×××׏¾¼ŗ¶“°°£ŽumeXJD>0j’Ģ’’’żł’ęV ščŠj’žNX 96 SW 1’žSlewcairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žunchambered’žNX 9239 6142’ž29239 56142’ž292390’ž561420’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žColvend and Southwick’žnone’žnone’ž210’žN-Sx2213’žKinnes NX 6’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972’žMasters 1975’žMasters 1974nonononono’žyesyesyesnono0x2?’žchamberx0x0’žyes’žN part of cairn’žstanding stones (5)’žN of centenononono000’žpaving stones@‹x4’žyesno’žyesnonononoxxx’žsouth end of cairnnox’žpaved area; mortuary structurenox’žyes’žn/a’žposthole (2); mortuary structure’žSW Scotlandno’žyesˆƒggcVVVV4/*($$$$$žźčęäąÜŲŌĻĖĘĘĘÄĀĀ¶§„££”™•‘…p_ZXVTRIECA=93-($ ųéééÜĪŹĘÄæŗŗ“®—€iaYL>1+j’Ī’’’½ł’įc čĶj’žSU 06 NW 14’žShepherd's Shore’žBishops Cannings 38’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0387 6608’ž40387 16608’ž403870’ž166080’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a2717’žWIL 18’žDarvill 200’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žcentre of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnononono041+’žthin flat stones“@,x4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žSE side of moundnoxyesxno’žn/a’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCnožžžžśźźźęŪÖŅŠŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹŹČIJ°®¬Ø£Ÿ›—’‹‰‰}kgeec_[WSQMKGECA?=;)'# ’’’’’ņņņåŻŁÕŠĒĆĆ½“¢š‡rdSM6!j’Ā’’’½ł’ągh ščŠj’žNPRN 309386’žLower Luggy’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSJ 20097 01837’ž320097 301837’ž320097’ž301837’žPowys’žMontgomeryshire’žBerriew’žCotswolds’žDyffryn Lane Henge76’žENE-WSWx6020’žMNT 3’žDarvill 2004nono’žgravel terraceyesnononononono1’ž1 m beyond palisade trench2+’žditchx0x0’žchamber?’žNE end of barrownoxyesnonono000no&@ģx4nono’žyesnono’žyesno’žpalisade trenchxxxnox’žpostholesyesx’žpit, postholesno’žWalesno’žyes    žīīīģęŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÓŃĻ¾ŗµ±­Ø¤   žœœŒŠˆˆ†‚~ztrn\RPNLJC?#!  óļėėėėėėėėŻÖŅĪĢĆææ« —†wo`P?9"j’Ą’’’½ł’pfZ ščŠj’žTL 47 NW 17’žFoulmire Fen’žHaddenham’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTL 420 767’ž54200 27670’ž542000’ž276700’žCambridgeshire’žEast Cambridgeshire’žHaddenham’žOuse Valley and fenlands’žHaddenham2’žSSW-NNEx5216’žKinnes TL 1’žKinnes 1992yesyes’žgravel terraceyesyes’žwoodyesyesno’žwooden pins2’žmortuary structure (2)29’žfaēade trench (17); mortuary structure (3);x0x0’žmortuary chamber’žmound’žoccupation pre-barrow; cultivation (pollen analysis)’žpre-barrow surfaceyes’žyesno’žyes05+0’žgravelˆ@‚;@'ņx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žall’žsoil / pollen analysis’žforecourt’žoakplanks’žmortuary structure’žgravel pavingnox’žMesolithic and Neolithic artefact scatters’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes ’óóóģĄĄĄ¾ŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗŗ«««««—ŒidPKFB>94///-+  žśõļŪ„žŒŠˆ†„WS;9,(" śōīīīīīīīīįŌŠĢŹĮææ“šzjbZMA;5(j’Ą’’’żł’`ęF ščŠj’žND 34 SW 4’žGarrywhin’žCairn of Get’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, short’žND 3132 4112’ž33132 94112’ž331320’ž941120’žHighland’žCaithness’žWick’žnone’žWarehouse’ž110x18xx’žCAT 26’žDavidson & Henshall 1991’žAnderson 1869 (a)’žAnderson 1869 (b)’žAnderson 1886nonononoyes’žcharred woodyesyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono07+0’žash/charcoalæ@€’žRoof collapsed.x4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žchambernoxyesxno’žN Scotlandno     żżżżłłł÷ńńńńńńńńńńńńńńļėāąŽÜŲÓĻĖĘĮ¼¼¼ø¶™}yywsokgea_[YWUSQOMKGC=7)#ńŽŽŽÄ¼ŗø“²­­¢œ–‹yqdV>8'j’Ī’’’żł’`b ščŠj’žNPRN 94722’žCapel Garmon’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žCotswold-Severn, long ?’žSH 8180 5432’ž28180 35432’ž281800’ž354320’žConwy’žDenbighshire’žBro Garmon’žnone’žnone’žon a highland terrace with a commanding view of the 'whole eastern sweep of Snowdonia'; near a small rock outdrop’ž264’žE-Wx2712’žDEN 3nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žpassage (2); S of western chamber (3)3’žpassage (1); W chamber (2);x0x0nox’žfoundation deposit?’žS of western chamberyes’žyesnono100’žyellow clay ]?‘@ =’žpassage4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žpassage’žcairnx’žallnox’žpostholes; pits’žpitsyesx’žpostholes; 3 pits; ground preparationno’ž53°042 22.943 N, 003°452 56.373 W’ž53°042 21.953 N, 003°452 51.903 W’žWalesno’žyes åŗ¶ŽŽŽŒ††††††††††€ooomidb[RMHD?:6111/&’żżū÷óīčŅ½»·µ³±Æ’igc_YSOIEA=9999999992.*(#Ŗ¤ž’„}um`R93"j’’?Ą’’’żł’ `~ž ščŠj’žNPRN 304144’žTwlc y Filiast’žKennelofthebitchgreyhound; Ebenezer&Arthurs Table’žchambered cairn’žnone’žnone’žSN 3381 1618’ž23381 21618’ž233810’ž216180’žCarmarthenshire’žCarmarthenshire’žLlangynog’žnone’žnone’ž124’žNNE-SSWx189’žCRM 6nonononononoyesyesno’žstone pendant3’žchamber; antechamber; forecourt3’žchamberx0x0noxnoxno’žyesnono000noĶ@Sx4’žyes ?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnox’žpit; 3 postholes’žpit’žpityesx’žpits; postholes, ground preparationno’žWalesno’žyes%   ģģģźäääääääääßßߌČĘĀĄ¾¹·²­©¤Ÿ›”””’„€~||zvrmigca][YWULJ)'üųōšššššššššéēćįŲÓÓĶĒ¼«š’Š}oicRj’?Ą’’’½ł’`f ščŠj’žSU 28 SE 15’žPark Farm Barrow’žnone’žround barrow’žnatural rise’žnone’žSU 2963 8143’ž42963 18143’ž429630’ž181430’žBerkshire’žWest Berkshire’žLambourn’žBerkshire Downs’žnonenpx’ž15.5xxnono’žchalkyesnononononono1’žSW of centre3’žSW of centrex0x0’žtimber structure?’žSW of centre’žshallow features containing sarsen’žcentralnononono030no‘@?'@ņx4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žshallow features containing carsen’žgrave pit; postholesyesx’žtimber structure?; postholes, grave pitno’žSW Englandno’žyesHCCC?333/žžžžžččÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶²­©„”™™™—•‰}ywuusokgcZ6( ’żļķéåįŻŁÕĻČÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾¼¶“°°Ŗ™tldWIC5'!j’Ą’’’żł’@af ščŠj’žTL 19 NE 103’žOrton Longueville Barrow 2’žnone’žround barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 1641 9700’ž51641 29700’ž516410’ž297000’žCambridgeshire’žPeterborough’žOrton Longueville’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SWx145nonononononoyesnonono3’žnp; E of centre; W of centre3’žSW of centre (1) SE of centre (2)x0x0nox’žstone & turf linear feature’žcentrenononono030no5@€€’žmulti-phase monumentx4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žstone & turf linear feature’žposthole’žD-shaped postholes’žgrave pitnox’žpits (3)no’žSE Englandno’žyes^YYYUIIIE;;;9555*  ļļļļļļļķéēåćįÜŲŌŠĢĒĆĆĆĮ村‹‰‰‡ƒ{woRPLJHFD!’ū÷óķéåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÓĻĶĘĀĀ¼¶£•…}uhZT@2,j’Ą’’’żł’@gf† ščŠj’žSU 06 NW 2’žKing's Play Down’žHeddington 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0106 6598’ž40106 16598’ž401060’ž165980’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žHeddington’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žENE-WSWx308’žWIL 31’žDarvill 2004’žAshbee 1970nononononononoyesnono3’žE end of the mound3’žpits/postholes - E end of the moundx0x0’žterminal chamber’žE end of mound’žtimber facade ? Mortuary house?’žE end of moundnonoyesno010no©@,D@ ņx4nononononononoxxxxnox’žtimber faēade? Wooden chamber? 2 pits, trenchnox’žposthole/stoneholes (3)no’žSW England -WCno’žyesrmmmiYYYU<<<:6666’żūłõńķéåįŻŻŻŪŁĶĮ½»¹¹·³­©„•tdRPNLJ%#  ’ū÷óļėēćććććÖÖÖČĄ¾ŗøÆ««„šŽ}rjbUGA;. j’Ā’’’żł’bfn ščŠj’žST 99 NW 7’žWindmill Tump’žRodmarton’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 9326 9730’ž39326 19730’ž393260’ž197300’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žRodmarton’žCotswolds’žnone’ž146’žENE-WSWx5322’žGLO 16’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesyes’žbone pendants; haematite2’žforecourt; south chamber3’žsouth chamber - around gravex0x0nox’žcromlech’žE end of moundyesnonono0’žunknown0?d¬€’žsunken chambersx4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žeast end of moundxx’žNorth Chambernox’žpavement?’žgrave’žfire; triliths & dsw; pityesxnono’žpits; postholes; stone settingno’žSW Englandno’žyes¤ŸŸŸ›‹jfb`ZZZZZZZZZ>>>7,*&ü÷ņķč掎ŽÜŚ½±Æ­¤¤¢žš–€vtpnljhJH., üöņīźęęęęęęęęŲŠĢČĘ½øø²§œ’yqdVE?(j’Ą’’’żł’ągś ščŠj’žNX 96 NE 24’žLochhill’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNX 9688 6507’ž29688 56507’ž296880’ž565070’žDumfries and Galloway’žDumfries and Galloway’žNew Abbey’žnone’žnone48’žNE-SWx2514’žKinnes NX 7’žKinnes 1992’žHenshall 1972nononoyesnonoyesnonono0x3; 16’žmortuary structure; timber faēadex0x0’žmortuary structure; faēade’žNE end of cairnnonoyesnonono000’žoak plank@|x4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žfaēade; mortuary structurexx’žmortuary structurenox’žtimber faēadeyesxnono’žtimber structureno’žSW Scotlandno’žyesYTTTPCCC?-)%# ōņšŌĻŹĘĮ¼ø³³³±ÆÆ£˜–””’ŽŠ†€|xgJHFDB  ’ū÷ńķéåååååÖÖÖɼø“²«§§”›ybZRE71+j’Ā’’’½ł’ąg ščŠj’žNJ 35 NE 5’žBoghead Mound’žBellie Grave Mound; Fochabers’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 3594 5922’ž33594 85922’ž335940’ž859220’žMoray’žMoray’žBellie’žnone’žnone’žon an undulating terrace of glacial sands and gravels, about 6 km from the ocean76x15xx’žKinnes Ab2’žKinnes 1979’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002’žDavidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;yesyes’žOld Red Sandstoneyesnonoyesyesnono18’žcentral; outside the edge of the mound; scattered hollpws3?’žcentre (1); pit/posthole(2)x’ž21 +’žscattered0’žtimber postx’žoccupation surface? / agriculture - pre-cairn / timber post / pits’žbeneath moundyes’žpossibleyes’žyes000’žblackened sand and charcoal 3 cm thickD4?A@ūx4’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žlarge patches beneath moundx’žpre-mound’žbeneath cairnnox’žpit; postholeno’žlarge patches beneath moundno’žoccupation area; cultivation; pitsno’ž57°372 06.353 N, 003°042 26.203 W’ž57°372 07.273 N, 003°042 20.743 W’žSE Scotland’žtimber post’žyes’žyes—’’€sHõõńŌŠŠŠŠŠŠŠĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ滬”Ÿ‚}xtojf```^\PD ūģئ™—Œ†„gc($  ļéćŗœq?žśųō¢œ–Ž‡€xpcUOI<j’’ž’’’żł’@ąž ščŠj’žSE 97 SE 45’žSherburn 7’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9601 7475’ž49601 47475’ž496010’ž474750’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žSherburn’žnone’žnonenpx18xx’žKinnes Cc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 34nonononoyesnoyesyesnono4’žN, SE , SW and W of centre3?’žpits/postholesx0x0noxnoxnononono080no3@Äx4no’žyes’žyesnonono?xxxxnox’ždeposit of pottery sherds’žpit’ž2 pits’žgravex’žmortuary (?) pit/postholes (3) ; grave pitno’žN Englandno’žyesÕÕÕÓÓÓÓĢĢÄ椤¤¤¤¤¤¢žœš˜–”Œˆƒ~zzzxvvjfdbb`\XTPNJHDB@><,(  üöņģčäąÜÜÜÜܽ½½°¤¢ œš––Š€wf^VI;5/!j’Ā’’’½ł’ĄEfn ščŠj’žSU 06 NW 14’žShepherd's Shore’žBishops Cannings 38’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0387 6608’ž40387 16608’ž403870’ž166080’žWiltshire’žKennet’žBishops Cannings’žAvebury’žnonenp’žENE-WSW’žn/a2717’žWIL 18’žDarvill 200’žKinnes 1992nononononononononono1’žcentre of barrow0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno041+’žthin flat stones“@,x4’žyes’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxx’žSE side of moundnoxyes’žallno’žn/a’žgrave pitno’žSW England -WCno’ļļļėąŪ×ŅĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢŹĘ“²°®Ŗ„”™”‹‹miggea[WSQMKGECA?=;)'# ’’’’’ņņņåŻŁÕŠĒĆĆ½“¢š‡rdSM6!j’Ā’’’½ł’ągh čĢo’žSX 85 NE 6’žBroadsands’žGoodrington Park’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSX 8931 5732’ž28931 05732’ž289310’ž057320’žDevon’žTorbay’žPaignton’žnone’žnone’žon the southward-facing slope of a hillock, overlooking the Torbay coastnp’ž12.2xxnono’žMiddle-Upper Devonian limestonenononoyesnonono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonononoyes40’žslab˜@S’žchamber4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement; hearths?yesxnono’žhearthsno’ž50°242 19.233 N, 003°332 32.083 W’ž50°242 17.113 N, 003°332 27.843 W’žSW Englandno’žRadford, C. A. 1958 The chambered tomb at Broadsands, Paignton. Proceedings of the Devon Archaeological Exploration Society, 5, 147-167šššššeeeeaU*’ūņīźčāāāāāāāāāāāāāÉĒĆŗø¶“ÆŖ¦¢˜”””’‰‰}wussmiea][WUQOMKIGECA=95/+'#žśśśśśśśśśśųöšģģ¢œ–Œ„}um`RC=,o’’Ą’’’½ł’ąŌ čäĖo’žSO 80 SW 20’žBown Hill’žWoodchester 1’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 8230 0179’ž38230 20179’ž382300’ž201790’žGloucestershire’žStroud’žWoodchester’žCotswolds’žnone’žENE-WSW’žn/a5622’žGLO 20’žDarvill 2004’žCrawford 1925’žO'Neil & Grinsell 1960’žDaniel 1950nononono’žbone chisel¶@Ó4anono’ž51°422 52.573 N, 002°152 27.083 W’ž51°422 50.933 N, 002°152 22.143 W’žSW England’žPaine, A. E. W. & Witchell, E. 1865 [The Bown Hill Barrow]. Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 199-200’žO'Neil, H. E. & Grinsell, L. V. 1960 Gloucestershire Barrows. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 79, 1-149’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žCrawford 1925,,Ä1°°°°°¤yNNJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJFFFFFFFFBBB6666666666666666666666))))))%! ōååå×ĻĖĒĀ¹¹¹³Ø›“‚zreWF@)o’~Īƒ :<) č9Ėo’žNR 74 SE 1’žBrackley’žCarragh An Talaidh’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group’žNR 7937 4187’ž17937 64187’ž179370’ž641870’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žSaddell and Skipness’žKintyre’žnone27’žunknownx’ž8.5’ž8.5’žARG 28’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1952, 1953’žAnon 1972nono’žplatform of water laid sands, clays and gravelsnononoyesyesnono2’žs end of mound; chamber0xx0x0nox’žtimber post (burnt oak)’žentrance to chamberno’žyes?nono01+0noß@h*@ =x4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žchamberxxnoxyesxnono’žpits; timber postno’ž55°372 12.993 N, 005°302 19.663 W’ž55°372 13.163 N, 005°302 15.643 W’žSW Scotland’žtimber post’žScott, J. G. 1956 The excavation of the chambered cairn at Brackley, Kintyre, Argyll. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 89 22-54’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University PressÅÅÅÅ^ÅÅÅÅø«€UQ>:64..............,(&$ žśśśųöźŽŚŲŌŌŅĪŹÄĄ«’ŒŠˆ†„‚€fd`\VPLHD    īīīß×ŅĶĖĀ¾¾øƙŒ{sk^PC=,o’Ę’’’żł’ą ? čOŹo’žTL 27 SW 115’žBrampton’žMonument #1328070’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žTL 2045 7152’ž52045 27152’ž520450’ž271520’žCambridgeshire’žHuntingdonshire’žBrampton’žOuse Valley’žBrampton cursus12’žNW-SEx276’žMalim 1999’žLast 1999nononoyesnononononono2+’žW side of monument2’žN ditch terminal; S ditch terminalx0x0noxnoxnononono000noŸ@|x4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žpits (2)no’ž52°192 42.983 N, 000°142 01.763 W’ž52°192 41.493 N, 000°132 55.903 W’žSE Englandno’žyes’žMalim, T. 2001 The ritual landscape of the Neolithic and Bronze Age along the Middle and Lower Ouse Valley. IN DAWSON, M. (Ed.) Prehistoric, Roman and Post-Roman Landscapes of the Great Ouse Valley. York, Council for British Archaeology’žMalim, T. 1999 Cursuses and related monuments of the Cambridgeshire Ouse. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, Oxbow’žLast, J. 1999 Out of line: cursuses and monument typology in eastern England. IN BARCLAY, A. & HARDING, J. (Eds.) Pathways and Ceremonies: The Cursus Monuments of Britain and Ireland. Oxford, OxbowĮĮĮų3C>>>:.ŲŌŹŹŹČÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĀ¾¼ŗø¶±¬Ø¤ œ˜˜˜–””ˆ„‚€€~zvrnlhfb`^\Z64  žśöņņņņēŪŪŪŪŪŁÕÓĢČČ·Ŗ wobTN:-o’Ę’’’½ł’`~Į čŃĢo’žNZ 24 SW 3’žBrandon’žMonument #24613’žlong barrow’žEBA Round Barrow’žnone’žNZ 2072 4003’ž42072 54003’ž420720’ž540030’žDurham’žDurham’žBrandon and Byshottles’žnone’žnone?x??’žTrechmann 1914nonononoŠ@›€’žNo excavation records2cnonp’žn/ano’ž54°452 17.423 N, 001°402 46.223 W’ž54°452 17.043 N, 001°402 40.593 W’žN England’žTrechmann, C. T. 1914 Prehistoric Burials in the County of Durham. Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd series, 11, 119-176’žRCHME 1963 Monuments Threatened or Destroyed - Interim report, London, HMSO;;;;ģyyyyynC                     ąŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŌŠĢČÄÄÄÄÄ“““““²°®¬¬¬¦ ˆ€xph[MG5(o’Ā` : įčŠ9Ķ#ŹüÅłĮo’žSK 15 SW 5o’žSK 15 SW 53’žBrown's Low’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žSK 1203 5355’ž41203 35355’ž412030’ž353550’žStaffordshire’žStaffordshire Moorlands’žIlam’žPeak District’žnonex13xx’žKinnes Ba2’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žpiece of ruddle (red ochre)0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono01+1+’žflat stones¾@Źx4a’žyes’žyes’žyesnonononoxxx’žallnoxnoxnono’ž53°042 44.713 N, 001°492 18.473 W’ž53°042 43.633 N, 001°492 13.173 W’žCentral Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York Buxton, Moorland. ,(pp 168-19)’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¬ üѦ¢žžžœ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜–’‹‰‡ƒ{wrmhhhdbbVIEAA?;73/-)'#!öņģęāÜŲŌŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ泱ƫ©©©£”Žuf^VI;5/"o’~Ą’’’½ł’`~ o’žNM 82 NE 8’žDalineun’žKilmore, Lochnell South’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, oval’žNM 8799 2670’ž18799 72670’ž187990’ž726700’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmore and Kilbride’žnone’žnone’žin an undulating area of sand and gravel at the southern end of Loch Nll15’žNE-SW’žn/a1815’žARG 3’žHenshall 1972’žRitchie 1997nonononoyesnoyesyesnono1’žin front of chamber0xx0x0noxnoxyesnoyesno402’žblack soil layer embedded with stonesp@@€’žmulti-period monument’žNE end of cairn4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žNE end of cairnxx’žNE end of cairnnoxyes’žoutside chambernono’žhearths(4); secondary pit; dark soilno’ž56°232 05.763 N, 005°262 08.763 W’ž56°232 06.263 N, 005°262 04.623 W’žSW Scotlandno’žRitchie 19977777)))))%ķĀ¾˜”yyyyyyyyyyyyyywsb`^MHC?;62---+÷ėÄĀĄĄ¾ŗ“°Ŗؤ¢žœš˜–”’}{wsmgc]YUQMMMMM???0)%!ĒĮ»„˜‡wj\IC2o’’Ā’’’żł’ąo’žNM 80 SW 19’žClach An T'sagairt’žArdfern’žchambered cairn’žnone’žunclassified (Henshall)’žNM 8063 0451’ž18063 70451’ž180630’ž704510’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žCraignish3015’žARG 48’žHenshall 1972’žGraham 1948’žCampbell & Sandeman 1962’žO'Connor & Clarke 1983’žRitchie & Harman 1996’žScott 1969€’žNo excavation records2c’žn/ano’ž56°102 57.353 N, 005°322 10.673 W’ž56°102 57.763 N, 005°322 06.603 W’žSW Scotland’žGraham 1948' Campbell & Sandeman 1962’žO'Connor & Clarke 1983’žRitchie & Harman 1996’žScott 1969&ėÄÄÄÄÄÄ·Œaa]]XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXTT111111111111111111111111111111111%öÜĻĻĻĄøøø““°°°°„˜‡wj\C=,#o’e>@€:xo’žNH 67 SW 6’žCarn Na Feinne’žMains of Ardross’žchambered cairn’žnone’žOrkney-Cromarty, rectangular chamber’žNH 6155 7479’ž26155 87479’ž261550’ž874790’žHighland’žRoss and Cromarty’žRosskeen’žnone’žnone’ž198????’žROS 52’žHenshall & Ritchie 1995’žMaclean 1886nonononoyes2=@ź€’žNo excavation records2cnonpnp’žn/ano’ž57°442 29.283 N, 004°192 38.373 W’ž57°442 30.313 N, 004°192 33.503 W’žN Scotland’žMaclean 1886××××ÉÉÉÉÉɽ’ggcc^^ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZVRRRRRRRRNN+ łłłąŲÖŌŅŠĖĖÅæµ¢˜ˆ{mGA0o’Ā@d :5 čEŹo’žST 94 NW 20’žBowl's Barrow’žHeytesbury 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 9420 4678’ž39420 14678’ž394200’ž146780’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žHeytesbury’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx’ž45.7’ž28.6’žKinnes ST 33’žKinnes 1992’žCunington 1922nonononoyesnonoyesno’žbluestone, sarsen fragments1’žE of centre0xx0x0nox’žflint knapping area; paved mortuary area;’žE ; SE edge of barrownonoyesno0160’žflint floorm@x4no’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesxxx’žmortuary area at Enox’žflint kanpping area’žpaved mortuary areano’žbarrow’žflint knapping; mortuary pit; dark soilno’ž51°132 12.833 N, 002°052 03.693 W’ž51°132 10.983 N, 002°042 58.753 W’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 87-88)’žCunnington, B. H. 1922 "Blue hard stone, ye same as at Stonehenge," found in Boles [Bowls] Barrow (Heytesbury I). Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 41, 172-74’žCunnington, W. 1889 Notes on Bowl's Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 24, 104-125’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĒĒQß(ŅŅŅĶɹŽc_666.****žśęäāąŪ×ÓĪÉÄĄĄĄ¾¼¼°£”›—‘‰rGEA?=;975(& ’ū÷ńķéåįįįįįŃŃŃĶ°ŖØ£££—‹{ph`SE?9,o’~Ā’’’½ł’cž<ł č Ģo’žSW 43 NW 16’žBosporthennis Cromlech’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žsurface cist’žnone’žSW 4356 3654’ž14356 03654’ž143560’ž036540’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpx’ž.09’ž1.5’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971nonononononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žcist’žunknownno00’žunknownB@Nx4a’žyesnononononononpnono’ž50°102 23.953 N, 005°352 33.833 W’ž50°102 21.813 N, 005°352 30.443 W’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay : illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans ( p 66-69)’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press–ŌŌŌŌŠÄ™njffffbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^ZVRNJEEEA??33*((&&"""   ’żłõļéåįŻŁÕŃŃŃŃŃĆĆƵµ°«©„„„Ÿ™‘ˆ~vnaSM?-'o’^Ā’’O­ł ~Œ ščŠj’žNPRN 93827’žBryn Celli Ddu’žLlwyn Llwyd’žchambered cairn’žnone’žpassage grave’žSH 50761 70185’ž250761 370185’ž250761’ž370185’žIsle of Anglesey’žAnglesey’žLlanddaniel Fab’žAnglesey’žnone’žon a low ridge of glacial moraine33x48xx’žHarding 229; Kinnes Fb9’žHarding 1987; Kinnes 1979’žHemp 1931’žO'Kelly 1969’žLynch 1991nono’žridge of glacial morainenoyes’žhazel woodnoyesno’ždecorated stone; stone bead; red jasper5’žcentre (Phase 1); entrance; outer passage;Phase 1 inner circle5’žentrancex0x0nox’žstanding stone; stone bench; ditched enclosure?’žchamberyesnonono2+01’žslab ? / small paving stones›@Y’žforecourt4’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žcentral pit; Phase 1 ditch; purple clay floorxx’žchamber / passage’žclay ?/ purple clay’žforecourt / Phase 1 stone circleyesxnono’žpostholes, hearths, pitsno’ž53°122 27.793 N, 004°142 09.873 W’ž53°122 26.883 N, 004°142 05.593 W’žWales’žstanding stone’žyesŽŁŁŁÉĀ—lhNJFD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ōņšĮ½ø³®©¤ŸŸŸ’’†hfdd`\XTNE  üśø¶‰ƒsmiOKGGG;-"""īģźęäą½·­œ’€xpaQB<+j’’Ī’’’½ł’ą ščŠj’žSE 96 NE 14’žHelperthorpe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9631 6792’ž49631 46792’ž496310’ž467920’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žLuttons’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a29’ž14.6’žKinnes SE 15’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1963’žAshbee 1970nonononoyesnoyesyesnono5’žW end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)5?’žpits/postholes - W end of mound (3); axial line of barrow (2)x0x0’žtimber structure?x’žtrench’žW end of moundnonoyesno00’žyes’žashP@¾x4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žbetween pit 1 and pit 4noxno’žPits 3, 4 and 5’žposthole/stoneholes (5)no’žN Englandno’žyes‹‹‹‡|||x___NJJJJJJJJJJJJJJHD+)'%! žžņķčęę乌ÖŅĀŗø„£”Ÿ^Z,*&" üüüüļćććÖČĀ¾¹“°°Ŗ™‡vnfYK60#j’Ę’’’½ż’`f² ščŠj’žTA 08 NW 22’žSeamer 1’žnone’žlong cairn’žoval barrow; round cairn’žnone’žTA 0008 8637’ž50008 48637’ž500080’ž486370’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenpnpx3124’žKinnes Aa7’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 150’žConyngham 1849, 101-7’žLongworth 1961, p 344nonononononoyesyesnono1’žnear rectangular burnt area6npx0x0’žmortuary structurenp’žcrematoriumnpyesnonono021+’žslab@px4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyesnpxx’žcentralnox’žpaved areanox’žtimber structureno’žN Englandno’žyesIDDD@5551        žüśöńķéåąÜ×××ÕÓÓĒĮ½»»¹µ±­§£–’~|zxvrpSQMIC=951-)%%÷×××׏¾ŗ¶“°¬¬¦ ”‡vnfYKE+j’Ü’’’½ł’@`f ščŠj’žNJ 74 SW 12’žMidtown of Pitglassie’žnone’žround cairn’žbarrow’žnone’žNJ 7022 4352’ž37022 84352’ž370220’ž843520’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žAuchterless’žnone’žnone’žon the summit of a low ridge, on the edge of the Buchan plateau.’ž140x12xx’žBradley 2000’žBarclay 2003yesnonoyesnonoyesyesnono16’ž1 central; 6 at edges of mound6?’žSG1-6 pits/postholes - at edges of moundx0x0nox’žoccupation debris?’žNE of centreyes’žyesyesno303noT:?“@ū’žNE of centre4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyesno’žcentral area’žcairnxxnoxyes’žNE of centre’žpits, postholes, occupation debrisno’žSE Scotlandno’žyes›–––’………]]]OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGCA?8*&!   śīāŽÜŚŚŲŌĪÉƵ”Ÿ›™—•“ieEA=93-)%õõõõõóńķėꤞ˜‹rjbUGA9,&j’’Ę’’’żł’`f: ščŠj’žSE 96 NE 15’žKemp Howe’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 9616 6628’ž49616 46628’ž496160’ž466280’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žCottam’žnone’žnonenp’žSE-NWxnpnp’žKinnes SE 14’žKinnes 1992nononoyes - but lateryesnoyesnono’žsaddle quern3’žN of centre (2); E of centre6+’žfaēade bedding trenchx0x0’žfaēade bedding trench’žS of centre’žsubterranean chamber’žchamberyesnoyes’žyes100nop@¾’žcentre of faēade trench4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žfaēade bedding trenchx’žsaddle quernxnox’ž2 pits’žfaēade bedding trench’žpityes’žpit 1no’žn/a’žpits - 3 pre-monumentno’žN Englandno’žyes–‘‘‘‚‚‚~gb^WQQQQL5--------+'%žłōšģēāŻŻŻŪĀĀ¶²°®®¬§”—ŽxkTRPNL51’ūõńėĶÉÅĮĮĮĮĮĮĮĮ“¦¢žœ•‘‘‹…}pd\TG93- j’Ą’’’½ł’€ćgĘ ščŠj’žTF 47 SW 9’žGiants' Hills 1’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žTF 4278 7126’ž54278 37126’ž542780’ž371260’žLincolnshire’žEast Lindsey’žSkendleby’žnone’žnone70’žNW-SEx7535’žKinnes TF 7’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984noyes’žchalknoyes’žhazelnut shell; wheat ?yesyesno’žbone chisel1’žSE end of barrow on medial line64 ; 8’žalong each side of the barrow; at W end of barrowx3’žaround pit0’žrevetment of split tree trunks’žSE end of barrow’žpre-barrow ditches; burial platform; hurdling fence’žW end of mound; E of centre on medial line; W of centre on medial linenonoyesno080noŚy¼]@ņx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxno’žnear pit/hurdle enclosure’žpit; postholes; occupation debris; ditchesno’žCentral Englandno’žyesżŃŃѶ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°¬Ŗئ¤Ÿš–’ˆ„„„‚€thdb``^ZTPLĻ½›‹XL+) óķéāÜŲŲŲŲŲĖĖĖ¾±­©§ œœ–…wiaYL>82%j’Ā’’’żł’`f ščŠj’žNO 66 NW 27’žDalladies’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žNO 6276 6737’ž36276 76737’ž362760’ž767370’žAberdeenshire’žGrampian’žFettercairn’žnone’žnone’žon a gravel terrace40’žENE-WSWx6518’žKNC 8; Kinnes NO 2’žHenshall 1972; Kinnes 1992yesyes’žfluvio-glacial gravel outwash terraceyesno’žbirch barkyesyesno’žcup marked stone0x7’žNW end of moundx1x0’žtimber structures (2)’žNW end of mound’žTimber structure pre-mound; timber and stone mortuary structure’žNW end of moundno’žyes?nono000noB@4a@=x4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesx’žallxxnoxnox’žtimber structureno’ž56°472 47.103 N, 002°362 40.403 W’ž56°472 47.643 N, 002°362 34.863 W’žSE Scotlandno’žyesēāāāŽŃ¦{weeec______________]YWUPNID@<72...,*   śö夓|zxvtca_]KGA;/+%žųņņņņņņņņÖĀ¾ŗøÆ«–Š}sd\TG93- j’’Ą’’’żł’`~ ščŠj’žST 83 NW 12’žKingston Deverill’žMonument #206826’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žST 8490 3794’ž38490 13794’ž384900’ž137940’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žKingston Deverill’žnone’žnone’žaligned E-W across a spur which slopes gently E to the Wylye valley.’ž213’žE-Wx189’žKinnes ST 23’žKinnes 1992’žHarding & Gingell 1986-7nono’žUpper Chalknoyesnoyesyesnono0x7’žE end of moundx0x0’žmortuary chamber; timber facade’žE end of mound’žmortuary chamber’žE end of moundnononono000noŽ@„@ņx4nonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žtimber faēade; mortuary chamberyesxno’žn/a’žtimber mortuary structure; postholesno’žSW England -WCno’žyesÅĄĄĄ¼¬¬¬Ø‚}ywqqqqPPPPPPPPPPNJHFDB=840,($$$" žśöņīŽĢ¼›™—•“ƒ}yuoie_[NJFFFFF,,,  ’¹³­šŠwobTGA4"j’’Ā’’’żł’āg ščŠj’žSP 01 NW 9’žSale's Lot’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 0487 1578’ž40487 21578’ž404870’ž215780’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žWithington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž193’žNW-SE’žn/a3618’žGLO 94’žDarvill 2004yesno’žLower inferior Oolitenoyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žbone pin fragments; stone rubber2’žNW end of barrow7’žforecourtx0x0nox’žoccupation debris’žforecourtyesnonono120’žsmall stonesŲ@Ū’žforecourt4’ž2500 BC (O'Neil 1966)’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žforecourtxx’žall’žtightly packed knobbly stones’žchamber and passagenox’žoccupation debris;; grave pits -2; postholes (7)no’žSW Englandno’žyes¤ŸŸŸ›‹YYYWSSSSSSSSSSSSSS> żłōļźÓÓŃĘĘŗ¬ŖØئ¢žš”‰vtpnljh][IG%! źęąąąąąąąąŅŹĘĀ½¶±±« ”Šyqi\N=7 j’Ą’’’½ż’`f ščŠj’žHY 21 SE 41’žHowe’žHowe of Howe, Hillock of Howe’žchambered cairn’žnone’žMaes Howe type’žHY 2759 1092’ž32759 1010920’ž327590’ž1010920’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žStromness’žMainland’žnone’žon gently sloping ground29x25xx’žORK 66’žDavidson & Henshall 1989yesyes’žStromness Flags - Middle Old Red Sandstone, covered with boulder clay glacial driftnononoyesyesyes’ž2 wooden 'scoops'; pumice; cup-marked stone1’žchamber (Phase 2)1’žpit setting for standing stone - NE side of mound (Phase 1)x0x0nox’žstone structures (Phase 1); sunken chamber; cultivation (pollen analysis); paved path between pre-c airn structures; standing stone’žallnonono’žyes200’žflagstoneŻ@ķ’žPhase 1 stone structures4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxx’žpollen analysis’žwest cell of chamber’žclay’žPhase 1 tomb chambers; Phase 2 tomb’žpaving in W cellyesxnono’žstone structuresno’žN Scotlandno’žyes“ÆÆÆ«ŸŸŸ›‰…yyyyyyyyyyyyygB<& ’śöņņņšÖÖŹæ½»»¹“°¬Ø£ŅŠ½»‡{wsoōģźčäāŽÄ¾“©™‰€xi[KE4j’’Ą’’’½ł’ągR ščŠj’žSU 07 SE 19’žMillbarrow’žKing's Millbarrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSU 0943 7221’ž40943 17221’ž409430’ž172210’žWiltshire’žKennet’žWinterbourne Monkton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx’ž65.5’ž16.7’žWIL 11’žDarvill 2004molluscanyes’žLower Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono7’žE end of barrow (5); front of barrow (2)8’žE end of barrowx0x0’žpossible’žE end of barrow’žoccupation area? pre-barrow’žE end of barrownonoyesno000no,@-x4no’žyesnonono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpre barrow occupation area; pits’žfront - 2 pitsyes’žchamberno’žpits; postholesno’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes—’’‰yyyudd`WQQAA ü÷óóóńļļć߯ŪŪŁÕĻĖĒ¶™ˆ~|zxvec973/)#īīīīīīīīąŲŅĢŹÅĮĮ»°š’‡wj\KE.j’Ą’’’½ł’źę" ščŠj’žST 87 NW 3’žLugbury’žLittle Drew’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8305 7855’ž38305 17855’ž383050’ž178550’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žNettleton’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-Wx61’ž24.4’žWIL 1’žDarvill 2004nononononononoyesnono1’žE of centre (grave)0xx0x0nox’žstone setting (cromlech of 3 stones);’žE end of moundnononono0270no@ x4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žcromlech of 3 stones; gravenox’žstone setting; grave pitno’žSW England -WC’žyes’åååćßßßßĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĀĄ¼ŗø¶“°«§£ž™•••“‘‘…{{yuqmiY20,*(&$"   ū÷óļėēćßßßßßßßßŃŹÄĄ¾¹µµÆ¤™ˆ}um`RA;$j’Ą’’’½ł’bfd ščŠj’žTA 06 NE 3’žKilham Long Barrow’žMonument #79452’žlong barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žTA 0560 6732’ž50560 46732’ž505600’ž467320’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žKilham’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone69’žENE-WSWx5218’žKinnes TA 2’žKinnes 1992’žManby 1971yesyes’žUpper Chalkyesyes’žhazelnutyesyesno’žamber bead; jet flakes; haematite; ganister stone; antler rake19’žvariousdouble line of postholes; numerous’žrunning east from the moundx0x0’žmortuary enclosure’žbeneath barrow’žMesolithic flint scatter,hearth, pit’žE end of moundyes’žyesno’žyes3’ž12+0no£@k=@ņ’žE end of mound4’žyesno’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žmortuary enclosure’žThe Avenue’žsoil and pollen analysisxnoxnox’žMesolithic flint scatter; pits; hearths; cultivation’žflint’žN Englandno’žyes’žyesVQQLH===6žśśśśśśśśśśśśśśųōņŲĢø³®©„ œ———•…ymigbb`[WRL<ņšīģźĶ‰€|<82," żżżżżńńńä×ÓĻĶÄĄĄŗ©””ˆ€xk]W@3"j’Ā’’’żł’`ęN ščŠj’žSP 31 NW 21’žAscott Under Wychwood’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 3001 1755’ž43001 21755’ž430010’ž217550’žOxfordshire’žWest Oxfordshire’žAscott Under Wychwood’žCotswolds’žCotswold’žon a small spur in the valley of the upper Evenlode’ž120’žE-Wx5418’žOXF 6’žDarvill 2004’žBayliss et al 2007’žChesterman 1977’žBenson & Clegg 1978’žMercer 2004’žSelkirk 1971yesyes’žJurassic limestone; Great Oolite boundaryyesyesyesyesyes4’žvariousnumerous’žallx’žnumerous’žall0’žyes (2)’žNorth centre and south centre’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation; pre-monument pits; cultivation period?;’žallnononono5’ž20+no@ģ’žcentral (F48); F47, F49, F50, F51 - all pre-barrow4’žyes’žyes’žlimitedxxxxnoxyesxno’žMesolithic occupation; EN occupation’žactivity’ž51°512 20.823 N, 001°332 56.173 W’ž51°512 19.203 N, 001°332 50.933 W’žSW Englandno’žyes’žyes±¬¬§£—lA7  ’żūł÷īéééäääääā®®¢žž™™—“‹‡‚3  śųóćŚŲŲŅĢĘĘĄŗ‰ƒuhSB...  ŠĘ»¤’…}uhZIC,&j’’žw’’µ!’ąž ščŠj’žNPRN 98’žGwernvale’žCrickhowell’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 2111 1921’ž32111 21921’ž321110’ž219210’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žCrickhowell’žCotswolds’žnone’žon level ground on a sand and gravel terrace76’žESE-WNWx45’žBRE 7’žDarvill 2004’žBritnell 1979noyes’žsand and gravel terraceyesyes’žyesyesyesyes’žquern fragments78’žbeneath cairnnumerous’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtx10’žnear timber structure0’žyes - two’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourt’žMesolithic; Neolithic occupation layer’žarea beneath Chamber 1 and forecourtno’žpossibleno’žyes000no0@fx4no’žyes’žyesnono’žyesx’žall’žcharred cereal grainsxnoxx’žMesolithic and Neolithic occupation’žflint; activity’žWalesno’žyes’žyes žžžķČČČĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘĘÄĄ¾§¢  ›—“Ž‰………ƒuqommkfbXT.ąÕÓ¼ø¶€qm\VPJE?9 łņņīģćß±« “ƒ|tl_Q@:# j’’oĀ’’’½łż@ęī ščŠj’žSE 97 NW 14’žEast Heslerton’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 9385 7524’ž49385 47524’ž493850’ž475240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žHeslerton’žYorkshire Wolds’žnone’ž158’žE-W’žn/a’ž14023’žKinnes SE 11’žKinnes 1992’žAshbee 1984nono’žMiddle Chalknononoyesyesno’žstone axe0xnumerous’žvariousx’žnumerous’žvarious0’žmortuary enclosure’žE end of moundnoxnononono000noĒ@ĆĮ@ «x4’žyesnononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpxno’žn/a’žtimber structure; postholes and stakeholesno’ž54°092 51.983 N, 000°332 50.413 W’ž54°092 51.283 N, 000°332 44.393 W’žN Englandno’žyes›–––’‡\1-üųöņņņņņņņņņņņņņņšģźčęäߌÖŅĪŹÅÅÅĆĮµ©„£””Ÿ›—“‰yecZPNE531&" üųōōōōōēēēŚĢČĆ¾¹““®’‰xph[M82%j’Ā’’’żł’ąb ščŠj’žNZ 71 NW 14’žStreet House Long Cairn’žnone’žlong cairn’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žNZ 7365 1960’ž47365 51960’ž473650’ž519600’žCleveland’žRedcar and Cleveland’žLoftus’žnone’žnone’žabove high cliffs on the North Sea coast’ž168’žE-Wx’ž23.610’žKinnes NZ 2’žKinnes 1992’žKinnes 1992’žVyner 1988nononoyesnonoyesyesyes’žcup marked stone2’žW and E of mortuary structurenumerous’žvariousx0x0’žfaēade, mortuary structure, post setting’žE end of mound’žpre-mound pits; rectangular enclosure’žwest end of moundyes’žyesnono002+’žslab@ž€’žmulti-phase monumentx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žmortuary structure’žbeneath mortuary structurex’žrectangular enclosurenoxyesx’žpits; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žN Englandno’žyesżååå毯ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŪץ¾¢Ž‰„€|wsnnnljH<6200.*&!įѧ„£”Ÿ–†geSMGA=93/+''''ōšźč掓®Ø ŠwobTN:.(j’’Ę’’’żł’`fīī čžĖj’žNPRN 101450’žPentre Ifan’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal tomb’žSN 0994 3701’ž20994 23701’ž209940’ž237010’žPembrokeshire’žPembrokeshire’žNevern’žSouth-West Wales’žnone’žon the north-facing slope of a spur in the Nevern Valley’ž145’žN-Sx4018’žPEM 5’žnone’žNash 2006nonononononoyesyesno’žcup marked stone9’žchamber (5); forecourt (1); E side of mound (2)posthole rows; postholes A & B ?’žflanking forecourt and chamber; pits/postholes (2) - its A & Bx0x0nox’žstanding stonesxnonoyesno100noÄ@O€’žsunken chamber’žat foot of Stone IX4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyesnoxxxxnoxyes’žchamber - behind portal stonenono’žstanding stone; postholes, 9 pitsno’žWales’žstanding stones’žyes’’’ūŲŌŠ±««««««««««««««©„£”Ÿ™”‹†‚~~~|gK?;97751+'#! Ā‚QO=93-)%!   żłõóīéÆ©—€qiaTF93"j’’Ā’’’żł’ągf2 čBĶj’žNO 66 SE 4’žFordhouse’žHouse of Dun’žpassage grave’žbarrow’žnone’žNO 6658 6053’ž36658 76053’ž366580’ž760530’žAngus’žTayside’žDun’žnone’žnone54x20xxnononoyesno’žyesyesyesno’žagate?4?yes??x0x0’žyes??’žpre-barrow features; subterranean chamber?nononono000no?@M]@=x4ano’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpityesx’žnone (postholes, pits reported but no exc reportno’žN Scotlandno’žyesŲÓÓÓĻĆĆĆ捍‹…………………€€€€€€€~zxvtrmiea]XTTTPNB620..,($ ļķēåćį߯ÕÓŃÉÅ湓°Ŗ¦¢žžžžžžžžžžœš–”Š„vog_RD>6'j’Ą’’’żł’@`ff1 čAĢj’žTM 03 SE 25’žTye Field’žMonument #386590’žround barrow’žring ditch’žnone’žTM 0885 3087’ž60885 23087’ž608850’ž230870’žEssex’žTendring’žLawford’žnone’žnone’žon a level plateau above the River Stour35x21xx’žHarding 076’žHarding 1987’žKinnes 1979’žHarding 1987nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žSE quadrant; N of centre; E of centreseveral?’žcentral area of black depositx1+’žcentral area of black deposit0nox’žoccupation area? Pre-mound’žcentralnonoyesno000no @„x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpit’žSE quadrant - large pit’žpit containing microlithno’žcentre’žactivity area; postholes; stakeholes; pits; Meso flints’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyesŁŌŌĻĖæææøwssssY@;;;;;;;;9531/-)$    ’ūł÷÷õńėēćŚ¾¼ø¶—“‘rb;951+%!    żšššāÕÓŃĶĖĒ—‘ˆ~wogZLF:,j’’Ę’’’½ł’€cę ščŠj’žNO 66 SE 4’žFordhouse’žHouse of Dun’žpassage grave’žbarrow’žnone’žNO 6658 6053’ž36658 76053’ž366580’ž760530’žAngus’žTayside’žDun’žnone’žnone54x20xxnononoyesno’žyesyesyesno’žagate?4?yes??x0x0’žyes??’žpre-barrow features; subterranean chamber?nononono000no?@M]@=x4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpityesx’žpostholes, pits reported but no exc reportno’žN Scotlandno’žyes?ŃĖĖĖĒ»»»·‹‹‹‰ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ~~~~~~~|xvtrpkgc_[VRRRPNB620..,($ ļķēåćį߯ÕÓŃÉÅ湓°Ŗ¦¢žžžžžžžžžžœš–”Š„vog_RD>6'j’Ą’’’żł’@`ff ščŠj’žTM 03 SE 25’žTye Field’žMonument #386590’žround barrow’žring ditch’žnone’žTM 0885 3087’ž60885 23087’ž608850’ž230870’žEssex’žTendring’žLawford’žnone’žnone’žon a level plateau above the River Stour35x21xx’žHarding 076’žHarding 1987’žKinnes 1979’žHarding 1987nonononoyesnoyesyesnono3’žSE quadrant; N of centre; E of centreseveral?’žcentral area of black depositx1+’žcentral area of black deposit0nox’žoccupation area? Pre-mound’žcentralnonoyesno000no @„x4nono’žyesnono’žyesnoxxxxnox’žpit’žSE quadrant - large pit’žpit containing microlithno’žcentre’žactivity area; postholes; stakeholes; pits; Meso flints’žflint’žSE Englandno’žyes’žyes?ŚŌŌĻĖæææøwssssY@;;;;;;;;9531/-)$    ’ūł÷÷õńėēćŚ¾¼ø¶—“‘rb;951+%!    żšššāÕÓŃĶĖĒ—‘ˆ~wogZLF:,j’’Ę’’’½ł’€cęØLVALø  m    ' (’’’’LVAL)Č* ’’’’rGDjˆ;¦B®ˆ;Ī1… ‡‚?ƒś‹ˆ7¦B—ˆ;¦B„˜*¦B„8¦BƒƒÆ«#£ Æ<“š¦Bņ¦B*¦BZ¦B’¦BŹ¦B¦BB¦B‚¦BŹ¦B ¦BZ¦B¢¦B¦BB¦Bš¦Bx¦BŠ¦B¦B8¦Bp¦BئBš¦B ¦B`¦BئBč¦B8¦B€¦Bą¦B ¦Bx¦BئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBئBš¦Bņ¦B*¦BZ¦B’¦BŹ¦B¦BB¦B‚¦BŹ¦B ¦BZ¦B¢¦B¦BB¦Bš¦Bƒ d… ‚‚ d… ‚@‚ ž„ ‚‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ ž„ ‚ ‚ d… ‚e‚ ž„ ‚*‚ ž† ‚+‚ ž„ ‚-‚ ž„ ‚.‚ ž„ ‚0‚ ž„ ‚1‚ ž„ ‚2‚ ž„ ‚3‚ ž„ ‚a‚ ž„ Ā+SITE DESCRIPTION.NMR #…SITE DESCRIPTION‰3SITE DESCRIPTION.Site Name…-SITE DESCRIPTION.Statusƒ/SITE DESCRIPTION.Easting‰1SITE DESCRIPTION.Northing‡?SITE DESCRIPTION.County(Council)‰-SITE DESCRIPTION.Regionƒ7SITE DESCRIPTION.# Postholes‰ESITE DESCRIPTION.Postholes Locationƒ9SITE DESCRIPTION.# Stakeholes‡GSITE DESCRIPTION.Stakeholes Location‰ASITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure‡WSITE DESCRIPTION.Timber Structure - Location‰=SITE DESCRIPTION.Other FeaturesƒSSITE DESCRIPTION.Other Features - Location…kSITE DESCRIPTION.Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported…ƒ ¦Bƒƒ ¦B„ēƒø¦B„Ą ¦B˜’’…č¦B’’’’ōŌs9ĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„Č ¦Bš ¦B† š¦BH©j‚‚  ņ¦BH©j‚ *¦BH©j„ Z¦BH©j^‚ €’¦BH©j„ Ź¦BH©j„ ¦BH©j„ B¦BH©jhƒ ‚¦BH©j„ Ź¦BH©j„  ¦BH©j„ Z¦BH©j„- ¢¦BH©j8vA A¦BH©jŲvA AB¦BH©jƒš¦BH©j‚#SITE DESCRIPTION‰ƒĄ¦Biƒi󃘦B„˜¦B˜’žą2¦Bč¦B’’’’č=”ƒĢÜć@ˆ’’’’„CSTRUCTURAL FEATURES QUERY MAY 2011…š ¦B‘Š P¦Bˆ¦Bˆ’„Š ¦BŠ¦Bˆ’@„Š Ų¦B¦Bˆ’„Š ¦BX¦Bˆ’ „Š `¦B ¦Bˆ’ „Š ئBų¦Bˆ’e„‹¦B8¦Bˆ’*„Š @¦Bˆ¦Bˆ’+„Š ¦Bą¦Bˆ’-„Š č¦B0¦Bˆ’.„Š 8¦B¦Bˆ’0„Š ˜¦Bč¦Bˆ’1„Š š¦BX¦Bˆ’2„Š `¦BئBˆ’3„Š °¦B¦Bˆ’a„Š ¦B¦BˆŠ3[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #]…P¦B„;[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name]…¦B„5[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status]ƒŲ¦B„7[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting]‰¦B„9[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing]‡`¦B„G[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)]‰Ø¦B„5[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region]„¦B„?[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Postholes]‰@¦B„M[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Postholes Location]ƒ¦B„A[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Stakeholes]‡č¦B„O[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Stakeholes Location]‰8¦B„I[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure]‡˜¦B„_[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Timber Structure - Location]‰š¦B„E[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features]ƒ`¦B„[[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Other Features - Location]…°¦B„s[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Pre-Mound Features/Deposits Reported]…¦B„ š¦BH©jPrƒņ¦BH©jeyZ¦BH©j„ ’¦BH©j„ Ź¦BH©jƒB¦BH©j ‚,‚¦BH©j,&Ź¦BH©jea u ¦BH©j‚N ’Z¦BH©j  ¢¦BH©j ¦BH©j B¦BH©j *¦BH©j„ š¦BH©j„ ¦BH©j„#SITE DESCRIPTION’’’’’„Š š¦B*¦B‡’’’’’„Š ņ¦B *¦B‡’’É’’’’’„Š Z¦B(*¦B® č¾Źo’žST 95 SW 2’žBratton Down Long Barrow’žBratton 1’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žST 90035 51598’ž390035 151598’ž390035’ž151598’žWiltshire’žWest Wiltshire’žBratton’žnone’žnone’žE-Wx7317’žKinnes ST 40’žKinnes 1992nonononoyesnoyesnono’žsling stones; stone bead0x0xx0x0nox’žcremation platform’žEast end of moundyesnoyesno00’ž1-2no*@ķx4’žyesnonononono’žyes’žcremation - E end of moundxxxnox’žcremation platformnpx’žfireno’ž51°152 48.423 N, 002°082 39.133 W’ž51°152 46.593 N, 002°082 34.213 W’žSW England -WCno’žColt Hoare, R. 1812 The Ancient History of Wiltshire, London, W. Miller ( p 55)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum’žThurnam, J. 1869 On ancient British barrows, especially those of Wiltshire and the adjoining counties. Part 1 - Long barrows. Archaeologia, 42, 161-244 ( p 192-193)’žCunnington, M. E. 1914 List of the long barrows of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 38, 379-414NNŹ"¬YYYYUEļėåååćßßßßĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖĖÉÅĆĮ棞š–’ŽŠ………ƒuqljjhd^ZTA-+'%#!żłõļėåįŻŁÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕČŗ¶²°«««„Ÿ–†{sk\LF@3(o’~Ą’’’½ł’b~<\ člĢo’žHY 53 NE 12’žWithebeir’žMill Hill’žchambered cairn?’žuncertain’žnone’žHY 5675 3537’ž35675 103537’ž356750’ž1035370’žOrkney Islands’žOrkney Islands’žEday’žEday’žnone50np’žn/a1814’žORK 55’žHenshall 1963’žDavidson & Henshall 1989nonononoyes€’žno info on ground surface4a’žyesnonpnpno’žN Scotland’žFarrer, J. 1857 Notes on the bronze and iron remains dug up in a 'Pict's House', in the Holm of Eday, Orkney Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2, 178-9’žDavidson, J. L. & Henshall, A. S. 1989 The chambered cairns of Orkney : an inventory of the structures and their contents, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press¤¤¤¤PPPPPDDDD@@@@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<84444////+++żłõńķķķķķÓÓÓļø“Æ«§§”›•…uldVHB7%o’Ā  " #čŠĢĢYČNÄ=Ąo’žSE 78 NE 10a’žCropton 1’žMonument #59973a’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 7623 8956’ž47623 48956’ž476230’ž489560’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žCropton’žTabular Hills’žnone’žE-Wx??’žKinnes SE 20’žKinnes 1992nononononononoyesnono5’žvarious0xx0x0noxnoxnononono03+0no’@§>@=x4nononononono’žyesxxxxnoxnpx’žgrave pits (5)no’ž54°172 45.693 N, 000°492 48.623 W’ž54°172 45.063 N, 000°492 42.693 W’žN Englandno’žBateman, T. 1978 [1861] Ten Years Diggings in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills in the Counties of Derby, Stafford and York, Buxton, Moorland ( p 227-228)’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum§     žÓؤ”””’ŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŒˆ†„‚€{wsokgccca_SGCA==;73/+)%# śöņīźęāŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŽŃĆĮæ½øøø²£š‘€xpcU@:-o’~Ą’’’żł’`~Œo’žSP 10 NW 2’žSaltway Barn’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1151 0906’ž41151 20906’ž411510’ž209060’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswolds’žnone’ž158’žNW-SE’žn/a36?’žGLO 92’žDarvill 2004nonononononoyesyesnono1’žall - contained entire monument0xx0x0nox’žsubterranean chamber; stone seat; beehive chamber’žchambernononono000no‚@į<@«x4nonononono’žyesnoxxxxnoxnox’žpitno’žSW Englandno’žGrimes, W. F. 1960 Excavations on Defence Sites 1939-45, Vol. 1 Mainly Neolithic and Bronze Age, London, HMSO’žCrawford, O. G. S. 1925 The Long Barrows of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire J. Bellows’žDarvill, T. 2004 Long Barrows of the Cotswolds and Surrounding Areas, Stroud, TempusĆjłłłłõéééåąąąŽŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŲŌŅŠĪĢČĆæ»·³ÆÆÆ­«Ÿ“‹‹‰…}yp=;7531/-+ śōšģčäąÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜĪĘÄĄ»“ÆÆ©ž–Œ{sk^P?9"o’Ą’’’żł’`fœo’žNR 99 NE 6’žCrarae’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNR 9859 9728’ž19859 69728’ž198590’ž697280’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žKilmichael Glassary’žnone’žnone’žon a narrow coastal strip between loch and hills; on a slight rise in the raised beach14’žENE-WSW’žn/a3822’žARG 11’žHenshall 1972nononoyesno’žhazelnutyesyesno’žburnt bone2’žforecourt, chamber0xx0x0nox’žtrodden floor; artefact scatter’žchambernonono’žyes0?0’žslabŠu?+@=x4’žyes’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesnoxx’žchamber’žforecourtnoxnoxnono’žpits; trodden floorno’ž56°072 32.443 N, 005°142 31.113 W’ž56°072 32.813 N, 005°142 26.913 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyesÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŅĶɼ‘fbMIEC??????????????=9.%#! žüšäŽÜŚŚŲÓĻĖĒ¾›—•“‘‹wuie_YOKEA=99999999*" °Ŗ¤‚qiaTF3-o’’Ą’’’żł’ą’o’žNN 00 SE 12’žBarmore Wood’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žClyde group, long’žNN 0582 0496’ž20582 70496’ž205820’ž704960’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žInverary’žnone’žnone46’žNE-SWx2812’žARG 9’žHenshall 1972’žScott 1963’žScott 1964’žScott 1974’žCampbell & Sandeman 1962nonononononoyesyesno’žburnt bone0x0xx2?’žNE chamber0noxnoxyesnononoyes00’žclayd@|’žNE chamber4’žLate Neolithic (Scott 1973p 127)’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno’žNE chamberxx’žNE burial chambernoxyesxno’žSW - no NE - yes’žstakeholes (2)no’ž56°112 51.253 N, 005°072 53.253 W’ž56°112 51.653 N, 005°072 48.983 W’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žScott 1964’žScott 1974’žCampbell & Sandeman 1962’žScott 1963ōčĪĀ¶¶±±±­ uJF6#žüśīźåįŻŲŌĻ­­«ŸŸ“‹‰‰ƒ{wqokiecWSQOMKI=93-)%!ūļć×××ČĮ½¹·°¬¬¦ –‰xph[M:4#o’Ž’’’½ż’ąz9 čIĖo’žSU 13 NW 13’žWoodford G2’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žoval barrow’žSU 1007 3772’ž41007 13772’ž410070’ž137720’žWiltshire’žSalisbury’žWoodford’žnone’žnone’žsituated on the end of a slight spur on the S slope of a deep combe’ž107’žS-Nx’ž20.4’ž13.7’žKinnes SU 65’žKinnes 1992’žVatcher 1964nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000no%@/`@ ņx4anonononono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpits, postholes’žtimber structure?noxno’žn/a’žnone (unreliable data)no’žSW England -WCno’žHarding, P. & Gingell, C. 1986 The excavation of two long barrows by F. de M. and H.F.W.L. Vatcher. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 80, 7-22’žVatcher, F. d. M. & Vatcher, H. F. 1964 Woodford Long Barrow. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 59, 185’žKinnes, I. 1992 Non-Megalithic Long Barrows and Allied Structures in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĒĒĒQŃ****&śõńļėėėėŲŲŲĒĒĒĒĒĒĒÅĮæ½»¹“Æ«§£Ÿ›››—•‰}ywuusokgca][WUSQOMKIGC?;73/+'#öšźč殙“ƒxme]PB5/"o’’Ā’’’żł’@āg¾ čĪĖo’žSS 21 NE 1’žWoolley Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSS 2623 1656’ž22623 11656’ž226230’ž116560’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žMorwenstow’žnone’žnone’ž215’žENE-WSWx’ž68.5’ž39.5’žnone’žMercer 1986nono’žlaminated silt & sandstone/ Carboniferous culm measuresnonononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono2 ?00’žstones†@óG@ņ’žNW of the barrow mound4nonono’žyesno’žyesnoxxx’žNW of the barrow moundnox’žNW of barrow - 2 hearths & pavementx’žhearth (2)no’žSW Englandno’žHigginbotham, E. A. K. 1977 Excavations at Woolley Barrows, Morwenstow. Cornish Archaeology, 16, 10-16’žDudley, D. 1968 Woolley Barrow, Morwenstow. Cornish Archaeology, 7, 80’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University PressBBBÕ‹!!!! ’’’ŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŚŲŌ¼ŗø¶²­©¤ œ˜˜˜–~rf^\ZZTPLHDB><86420.,*($  ŃĶÉÉÉÉɼ¼¼¼¶°Ŗ؟šš”Ž‚rh`XK=71$o’?Ā’’’żł’Hf: čJŹo’žSU 01 NW 14’žWor Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSU 01239 17283’ž401239 117283’ž401239’ž117283’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chase’žnone’žnear the crest of Oakley Downnp’žNW-SEx4622’žHandley 1; Kinnes SU4’žGrinsell 1959; Grinsell 1982’žBarrett et al 1991’žAshbee 1984nonoyesnonoyesyesno’žantler2’žSE of centre0xx0x0’žtimber structure?’žcentral’žoccupation features and debris ?mentioned by Johnson 1999, but I cannot see it in Pitt Rivers 1898xnononono060noī¬x4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpxnpnp’žmortuary pits - 2no’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes?’žPitt Rivers, L. G. 1898 Excavations in Cranborne Chase, near Rushmore, on the borders of Dorset and Wilts. 1893-1896, Vol. IV, London, Harrison and Sons’žBarrett, J. C., Bradley, R. & Greene, M. 1991 Landscape, Monuments and Society: The Prehistory of Cranborne Chase, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press’žBradley, R. 1973 Two notebooks of General Pitt Rivers. Antiquity, 47, 47-50’žBradley, R. 1988 Revised radiocarbon dates for Wor Barrow and Maumbury Rings. Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Proceedings, 110, 160ĘĘ-ŽB¦  ›—‡‡‡ƒplhfbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\ZXVTOJFB>9555311%!  „œ‰‡…ƒ}omea[UQMGGC????2éåįßŲŌµÆžŒwogXHB.!o’’Ęž’’½ł’ąē>‹ č›Ģo’žTM 39 SE 45’žYarmouth Road’žMonument #1398288’žlong barrow’ženclosure’žnone’žTM 35280 92085’ž635280 292085’ž635280’ž292085’žNorfolk’žSouth Norfolk’žBroome’žnone’žnone5’žE-Wx48’ž18.2nono’žCretaceous chalk overlain by chalky boulder clay and glacio-fluvial depositsnononoyesyesnono1np4npx0x0noxnoxnononono000no@„x4nonononono’žyesnpxxxxnoxnpx’žpostholes (2); pits (4)no’žSE Englandno’žyes’žRobertson, D. 2003 A Neolithic enclosure and Early Saxon setttlement: excavations at Yarmouth Road, Broome, 2001. Norfolk Archaeology, 44, 222-50uuuuuąŪŪŪ×ĖĖĖĒ®®®¬ØØØØØØØØØØØØØئ¢ žœš–‘‰…}}}{yymigeec_[WSQMKGECA?;953/+%ÅĮ½½½½½½½½½½·³±¬ŖŖ¤ž–‡~vn_OI>1o’Ą’’’½ł’`ft č„Ėo’žSW 43 NE 42’žZennor Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žnone’žentrance grave’žSW 4668 3802’ž14668 03802’ž146680’ž038020’žCornwall’žPenwith’žZennor’žnone’žnonenpx12xx’žBarnatt 1982’žRussell 1971’žDaniel 1950’žThomas & Wailes 1967nonononononoyesyesnono??0xx0x0noxnoxnonoyesno000’žyesP@Mx4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesnoxxx’žmain chambernoxnp’žinner chamber’ždark soilno’žSW Englandno’žBorlase, W. C. 1872 Naenia Cornubiae, a descriptive essay: illustrative of the sepulchres and funereal customs of the early inhabitants of the county of Cornwall London, Longmans (p 51)’žBorlase, W. 1769 Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, London, W. Bowyer and J. Nichols ( p 231-232’žDaniel, G. 1950 The Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press~~~ŠŠŠŠĢĄĄĄ¼±±±¢žžžžžžžžžžžžžžœ˜Šˆ†„€{wsnjeeecaaUPNLLJF@<8620,*(&$" üųōšššŚĶææ汱ƭ©§££—†|tl_QA;#o’_Ī’’’½ł’`f ščŠj’žNS 03 NW 9’žBrodick’žnone’žbarrow’žnone’žnone’žNS 0125 3609’ž20125 63609’ž201250’ž636090’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilbride’žArran’žnone?????’žnone’žMcArthur 1873nononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnonono0no@w€’žNo excavation recordsx2cnoxxxxnox?’žn/ano’ž55°342 40.263 N, 005°092 15.933 W’ž55°342 40.403 N, 005°092 11.763 W’žSW Scotlandno¦¦¦¦¢•j??;;66444444444444442.,*(&&""""""""łķééééēććßŪŁÕÓĻĶĖÉĒÅĆĮæææææææ»·³ÆÆÆÆÆ    š˜–”’Šƒyl\TL?1+%j’?Ā’æńż zP ščŠj’žSC 49 SE 25’žBallafayle’žBellafayle’žlong cairn’žnone’žhorned long cairn’žSC 4775 9012’ž24775 49012’ž247750’ž490120’žIsle of Man’žGarff’žMaughold’žIsle of Man’žnone’žon the slope of a hill overlooking the sea’ž140’žWNW-ESEx’ž16.8np’žSC1’žKinnes 1992’žKermode 1928’žCubbon 1971nonononononononono’žwhite shore pebbles0x0xx0x0’žmortuary enclosure?’žWNW end of mound’žcrematorium’žcentre line of WNW end of moundyesnonono002+’ž'single stones'Ŗ@ x4’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žyes’žcentre of cairnxx’žforecourtnoxyesxno’žfire-cremationno’ž54°172 02.453 N, 004°202 24.653 W’ž54°172 02.003 N, 004°202 20.283 W’žN Englandno’žyes?ĒĮĮĮ½²‡\XHHDB<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:6+)' żłōōōņššäÓĻĶĶĖĒĆ湘‹ydb`^\ZXVT?;73/+'#óīźäāŁŌØ¢•‹„wogZL93'j’’Ę’’’½ł’ą~n ščŠj’žTA 08 NW 23’žAyton Eastfield’žSeamer Moor’žlong cairn’žoval barrow’žnone’žTA 0002 8640’ž50002 48640’ž500020’ž486400’žNorth Yorkshire’žScarborough’žEast Ayton’žnone’žnonenpnp’žn/a4830’žKinnes Aa6/Dc6’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 10’žKinnes & Longworth 1985, p 147’žLongworth 1961, p 344nononoyesyesnoyesyesnono0x?’žforecourtx0x0’žmortuary structure’žforecourtnoxyesnonono002+no×@px4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žallxxxnoxnox’žstone and timber mortuary structureno’ž54°152 48.733 N, 000°272 56.983 W’ž54°152 48.083 N, 000°272 50.903 W’žN Englandno’žyesŒ‡‡‡ƒxM"łłł÷óóóóóóóóóóóóóóńķėéēāŻŁÕŃĢČĆĆĆĮææ³Æ«©©§£Ÿ›•“„pnljh][YWSOIC?93/+'''šßßßŅĀ¾ŗµ±­­§”•ˆwogZLF9- j’Ī’’’½ł’`~ ščŠj’žNZ 34 NE 1’žCopt Hill’žSeven Sisters’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNZ 3534 4922’ž43534 54922’ž435340’ž549220’žTyne and Wear’žSunderland’žSunderland’žnone’žnone’žin a false crest location on the scarp slope of the East Durham Plateau, with excellent views to the south, east and west.npx’ž19.8xx’žKinnes Aa8’žKinnes 1979’žTrechmann 1914nononononononononono2’žat either end of the cremation deposit0xx0x0’žmortuary structure’žS of centrenoxyesnonono002+noŻ@›x4’žyesno’žyesnonono’žyes’žcrematoriumxxxnoxnpx’žtimber structure; paired mortuary pitsno’ž54°502 11.793 N, 001°272 04.453 W’ž54°502 11.433 N, 001°262 58.713 W’žN England’žstone setting’žyeséäääÕŹŸtpHHHFBBBBBBBBBBBBBB@<:86)$    śöņššīźęāÜŚÖɵ³±Æ­«©{wsokgc_[WWWWWGGG:.,*$" š”ˆ|me]PB<6(j’’Ā’’’½ł’`~v ščŠj’žSP 97 SE 93’žRedlands Farm’žMonument #1252941’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 965 710’ž49650 27100’ž496500’ž271000’žNorthamptonshire’žEast Northamptonshire’žRaunds’žnone’žnonenp’žNE-SW1050xnonononononoyesnonono1’žcentre0xx0x0’žpalisaded trench’ž3 sides of mound’žcist’žSW end of moundnononono000noo@ļx4no’žyesnononono’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žstone cistnpx’žpitno’žCentral EnglandnonoĻĖĖĖĒ¶¶¶²­­­«§§§§§››–––––––”ŽŒŠˆƒ{wsnjjjhffZVTRRPLHD@/)’żūłńļėē毣ÕŃĶÉÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅĆ滓°°Ŗ¤œ…skcVJD>1j’Ą’’’½ł’@af ščŠj’žSE 76 NE 9’žWhitegrounds Barrow’žnone’žchambered cairn’žround barrow’žentrance grave, round’žSE 7825 6824’ž47825 46824’ž478250’ž468240’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žBurythorpe’žnone’žnone’žin a broad valley that lies between the Wolds and the Howardian Hillsnp’žE-Wx’ž7.2?’žKinnes Af1/Db1’žKinnes 1979’žKinnes 1979, 12, 16nono’žsandstoneyesyesnoyesyesno’žamber bead, jet slider0x0xx0x0’žpassage roof’žpassagenoxnononono080’žsandstone slab+@ģk@=x4ano’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxx’žpassagenoxnoxnonono’žN Englandnono]YYYUJJJFBB><8888888888888862)'%# ’żńåÕÓŃŃĻĖĒĆæ½¹°¢ žœš˜–”’zvpjf`ZOKGGGGG222% ¼¶°¤›Š‚zm_H:)#j’’Ā’’’żł’ąf ščŠj’žSE 86 SW 3’žHanging Grimston’žnone’žlong barrow’žnone’žearthen long barrow’žSE 8082 6088’ž48082 46088’ž480820’ž460880’žNorth Yorkshire’žRyedale’žThixendale’žYorkshire Wolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a’ž23.815’žKinnes SE 8’žKinnes 1992’žPierpoint 1979’žPhillips 1935, p 49’žPierpoint 1979nononoyesyesnoyesnonono1’žaxial line of barrow0xx0x0’žpost setting/ timber structure’žE end of mound’žfaēade trench’žE end of moundyesnoyesno000noŒ@³6@«x4nono’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žE end of moundxxxnoxno’žold ground surface’žpost setting / timber structureno’žN Englandno’žyesˆƒƒƒtttpOOO;7777777777777751/-+ üųųöōčÜŲÖŌŌŅĪČľ®ŸomkigecMKGC?95/)%! ųčččŪĪŹÄæŗ¶¶°Ÿ“Šyqi\N93& j’Ī’’’żż’`fŖ ščŠj’žNB 23 SW 1’žCallanish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žstone circle, stone row’žpassage grave, round’žNB 2130 3301’ž12130 93301’ž121300’ž933010’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žUig’žLewis’žnone’žon a low rocky ridge15’žE-W (chamber)’ž6.3xx’žLWS 3’žHenshall 1972yesnonoyesnpnpyesnpnpnp????x??0’žpre-monument structure’žinside eastern area of stone circle’žstone circle; stone row; pre-monument charcoal-producing activities;timber structure; pre-monument cultivation;’žallnonoyes’žyes000’žclay²@ˆ@ūx4’žyesno’žyesnpnp’žyes’žyesxx’žall’žcairnnoxno’žchamber & passage’žoccupation area; cultivation; stone circles and rowno’ž58°112 51.213 N, 006°442 42.083 W’ž58°112 52.543 N, 006°442 38.333 W’žN Scotland’žstone circle, stone row’žyes’žyes944/ ß“°{{{hddddddddddddddb^WRPNID@<73...,*  ū÷óī}X@><:86420,($ óģźčćŌŠŗ“­Ø™Š‚zm_I0j’’Ą’’’żł’`ž ščŠj’žSU 06 NW 28’žOldbury Hill’žMonument #215903’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0468 6931’ž40468 16931’ž404680’ž169310’žWiltshire’žNorth Wiltshire’žCalne’žCotswolds’žnonenp’žE-W’žn/a’ž54.88’žWIL 17’žDarvill 2004nono’žUpper Chalknononoyesyesno’žsarsen stone meal-rubber/muller2SE0xx0x0’žterminal chamber?’žsee Darvill 2004noxnononono030no*@-x4nono’žyesnonononoxxxxnox’žcist’žgravepossiblex’žgrave pits - 2no’žSW England -WCno’žyes?žžžśźźźęÖÖÖŌÄÄÄÄĽ½·······µ±Æ­«©„”™”ŒŒŒŠˆˆ|xvttrnjfb`\J7531/-+'%śōšģčŪ×ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŽ»µ°«§§”–~skcVHB</j’Ą’’’½ł’@af² ščŠj’žTA 17 SW 20’žGrindale Barrow 1’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žTA 1489 7043’ž51489 47043’ž514890’ž470430’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žGrindale’žnone’žnone’žon a level wold top, flanking a dry valley’ž83.8x25xx’žKinnes BDa2’žKinnes 1979’žManby 1973nono’žUpper Chalkyesyesnoyesyesnono1’žcentral0xx0x0’žtimber structure’žinner ditch’žNeo flints and pottery on OGS’žwest of central pitnononono000no>r¼€’žmulti-period constructionx4nono’žyesnono’žyes’žyesxxxxnox’žpit’žtimber structureyesxno’žn/a’žpit; artefact scatter; timber structureno’žN Englandno’žyes’žyesˆˆƒtttpGB><6$$$$$$ ’śöņņņšīĒ»·µ³³±­©„”Œm`NLJHFDB973/)#žžžžžņņņåŲÖŌŠĪȜ–†yme]PB<6("j’’Ā’’’żł’@šēf ščŠj’žSU 01 NW 14’žWor Barrow’žnone’žlong barrow’žmortuary enclosure’žnone’žSU 01239 17283’ž401239 117283’ž401239’ž117283’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žSixpenny Handley’žCranborne Chase’žnone’žnear the crest of Oakley Downnp’žNW-SEx4622’žHandley 1; Kinnes SU4’žGrinsell 1959; Grinsell 1982’žBarrett et al 1991’žAshbee 1984nonoyesnonoyesyesno’žantler2’žSE of centre0xx0x0’žtimber structure?’žcentral’žoccupation features and debris ?mentioned by Johnson 1999, but I cannot see it in Pitt Rivers 1898xnononono060noī¬x4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxxxnoxnpxnpnp’žmortuary pits - 2no’žSW England -WCno’žyes’žyes?¦  ›—‡‡‡ƒplhfbbbbbbbbbbbbbb`\ZXVTOJFB>9555311%!  „œ‰‡…ƒ}omea[UQMGGC????2éåįßŲŌµÆžŒwogXHB.!j’’Ęž’’½ł’ąē2 ščŠj’žSE 85 NW40’žCallis Wold 100’žMonument #61720’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žSE 8345 5595’ž48345 45595’ž483450’ž455950’žHumberside’žEast Riding’žBishop Wilton’žnone’žnonenpx’ž25.6xx’žMortimer 100’žMortimer 1905nonononoyes’žbrushwood stumps; barkyesyesyes’žbone point1’žcentre0xx0x0’žwooden "receptacle"’žSE of centre’žwood pavement’žSE of centrenononono021’žburnt wood fragmentsŗ®Ox4no’žyes’žyesnonononoxxx’žE and W of centre’žwood’žbeneath cinerary urn, S of centre’žgrave’žwood pavement under urn’žlayer of burnt wood fragments’žlayer of burnt wood fragmentsnox’žyes’žn/a’žgrave pitno’ž53°592 34.463 N, 000°432 42.793 W’ž53°592 33.703 N, 000°432 36.873 W’žN Englandnonośöööņē¼‘‚}xvrrrS4ńėŲÖŌŅĪŹĘĀ½ø“““²°°¤ŽŒŠŠˆ„€|xj[M86420.,$" ģęāŽŚÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖĒ¹·µÆ­©©£ŽumeXJD>0j’Ą’’’½ł’@ē ščŠj’žSP 11 NW 18’žBurn Ground’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSP 1042 1607’ž41042 21607’ž410420’ž216070’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žHampnett’žCotswold’žnone’žE-Wx’ž30.516’žGLO 60’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žsaddle quern?’žseveral holes noted - stone sockets?0xx0x0nox’žpotsherd scatter; ground stripping/levelling’žaround the entire cairnno’žyesnono0’žunknown0’žslab ć^X@«x4no’žyesnonono’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambernox’žslab pavement’žground strippingyes’žpotsherd scatter; ground preparationno’ž51°502 35.453 N, 001°512 00.293 W’ž51°502 33.853 N, 001°502 55.173 W’žSW Englandno»»»»·«€UQ++++%%žõóńļźåįŻŁŌŠŠŠĪĢĄ“®¬££”™”wIGCA?=;97ż÷ńķēćßŪ××××××××ÉĮ½·µ°°°Ŗ –Œ{sk^P?9"j’~Ą’’’żł’(~t ščŠj’žNR 83 SE 4’žTormore Farm’žnone’žchambered cairn?’žshort cist’žuncertain’žNR 8945 3242’ž18945 63242’ž189450’ž632420’žNorth Ayrshire’žStrathclyde’žKilmory’žArran’žnone’žNW-SE???’žARN 3’žHenshall 1972’žBalfour 1910nononononoyesyesno’žjet necklace pieces00I@=2cnono’žyesnonononpnp’žn/ano’žSW Scotland^^^^^QQQQMMHHDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@<84/+'''##žśōīźęāāŽŚŚŚŚŚĢĢĢ½¶“²°©©©£œ“†vnfYK@4"j’~ĀžLł " ščŠj’žNPRN 92191’žPen y Wyrlod Long Cairn’žnone’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSO 1505 3156’ž31505 23156’ž315050’ž231560’žPowys’žBrecknockshire’žTalgarth’žBlack Mountains’žnone’ž260’žNW-SEx6025’žBRE 14’žDarvill 2004’žSavory 1973nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žmusical instrument?; sandstone disc1’žportal0xx0x0’žyes?’žportal’žpre-cairn structure?’žportalyesnonono02+0’žslab9@Wx4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyesno’žvariousxx’žpassage; Lateral Chambers NE I, II and IInoxyesx’žstructure?; pit; Mesolithic flint’žflint’žWalesno’žyes?\VVVRKKKD!!!čęäŪ×ŅĪŹÅĄ»»»¹··«„£ŸŸ™•‘‹ƒme_][YWUSKI$  üųųųųųėėėŻÕŃĶĖÄææ¹ØžŽ‡wj\KE.(j’Ā’’’½ł’`f ščŠj’žNY 60 NE 1’žRaiset Pike’žnone’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 6840 0725’ž36840 50725’ž368400’ž507250’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’ž275’žNW-SEx’ž54.5’ž18.9’žKinnes NY 2’žKinnes 1992’žMasters 1984; see Ashbee 1984nononononononononono2’žSE end of cairn0xx0x0’žyes?’žSE end of cairn’žmortuary structure’žSE end of cairnyes’žyes?nono00’ž6-7no@“†@=x4’žyes’žyes’žyesnono’žyes’žyes’žcentral (mesial) line of mound’žcentral (mesial) line of moundxxnoxnox’žtimber structure?; grave pit; mortuary pit; fire; ground preparationno’žN Englandno’žyes?rlllh]]]Y               ćĆ¾¹µ±¬§¢¢¢ ž’†‚}{{yuqkeT@/)'%#!  žśöņīźęāāāāāĆĆƶ©£›”‰ƒsmd\TG93-!j’Ā’’’żł’`fās čƒĶs’žHU.’žHU 59 NE 7’žThe Ward’žKnowe of Heogland’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 5994 9951’ž45994 119951’ž459940’ž1199510’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žUnst’žUyea’žnone46npx68’žZET 73’žHenshall 1972nonononon@ź4anounknownno’žN Scotland’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressˆ!!!!!!!!!!!’’’’’’’’ūūūļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļļėēćßßßßßßßߊČĘÄĀ¾ŗŗ“®Ø–„{seWJD3  q’Ą  "ž_ čoĖs’žNB’žNB 23 SW 1’žCallanish’žnone’žchambered cairn’žstone circle, stone row’žpassage grave, round’žNB 2130 3301’ž12130 93301’ž121300’ž933010’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žUig’žLewis’žnone’žon a low rocky ridge15’žE-W (chamber)’ž6.3xx’žLWS 3’žHenshall 1972yesnonoyesnpnpyesnpnpnp????x??0’žpre-monument structure’žinside eastern area of stone circle’žstone circle; stone row; pre-monument charcoal-producing activities;timber structure; pre-monument cultivation;’žallnonoyes’žyes000’žclay<@bx4’žyesno’žyesnpnp’žyes’žyesxx’žall’žcairnnoxno’žchamber & passage’žoccupation area; cultivation; stone circles and rowno’ž58°112 51.213 N, 006°442 42.083 W’ž58°112 52.543 N, 006°442 38.333 W’žN Scotland’žstone circle, stone row’žyes’žyes’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Pressœ555555500+Ū°¬wwwd``````````````^ZSNLJE@<83/***(&& ’ūö…`HFDB@><:840,&"        ūōņšėÜŲĀ¼µ°”’Š‚ugQ8'! q’’Ą’’’½ł’`ž= čMÉs’žNJL’žNJ 35 NE 5’žBoghead Mound’žBellie Grave Mound; Fochabers’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNJ 3594 5922’ž33594 85922’ž335940’ž859220’žMoray’žMoray’žBellie’žnone’žnone’žon an undulating terrace of glacial sands and gravels, about 6 km from the ocean76x15xx’žKinnes Ab2’žKinnes 1979’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002’žDavidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;yesyes’žOld Red Sandstoneyesnonoyesyesnono18’žcentral; outside the edge of the mound; scattered hollpws3?’žcentre (1); pit/posthole(2)x’ž21 +’žscattered0’žtimber postx’žoccupation surface? / agriculture - pre-cairn / timber post / pits’žbeneath moundyes’žpossibleyes’žyes000’žblackened sand and charcoal 3 cm thickD:Śx4’žyes?no’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žlarge patches beneath moundx’žpre-mound’žbeneath cairnnox’žpit; postholeno’žlarge patches beneath moundno’žoccupation area; cultivation; pitsno’ž57°372 06.353 N, 003°042 26.203 W’ž57°372 07.273 N, 003°042 20.743 W’žSE Scotland’žtimber post’žyes’žyes’žBurl 1975; Burl 1974; Telford 2002; Davidson & Carter 2003; Romans & Robertson 1975;’žFairweather & Ralston 1993; Shepherd 1986’žHenshall 1983; Henshall 1972’žKeillar 1971; Kinnes 1985; Murray 2000;’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum¾[[2é““ŽŽ‰|oDńńķŠĢĢĢĢĢĢĢ½½½½½½½»·Ø›~ytpkfb\\\ZXXL$"   ō°®”Ÿ”ŽŒok0,($ ÷ńėĀ¤yG### üŖ¤ž–ˆ€xk]WQD% q’’ž’’’½ł’@ąžz§ č·Ės’žNNC’žNN 95 SW 6’žPitnacree’žnone’žround barrow’žnone’žnone’žNN 9287 5337’ž29287 75337’ž292870’ž753370’žPerth and Kinross’žPerth and Kinross’žLogierait’žnone’žnone’žon the gravel floor of the Tay Valley67x27xx’žKinnes Ad3’žKinnes 1979’žBarclay 1991’žBarclay 2003’žBarclay 1999’žCowie 1993’žHenshall 1983; Kinnes 1985noyesnoyesnonoyesyesnono2’žcentral2?’žpits/postholesx0x0’žtimber postsx’žhorsehoe-shaped stone bank?yes’žyes?no’žyes003noŒ@Cx4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žall’žouter kerb’žcentralxnox’ž2 pitsnox’žcultivation; ground preparation?; postholesno’žSE Scotland’žtimber posts’žyes’žBarclay 2003; Barclay 1991’žBarclay 1999’žCowie 1993’žHenshall 1983; Kinnes 1985’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumTńńÕÉ»ŸŸšššŒ{NNNLHHHHHHH@@@@@@@>:8/# żżżūłłķéēåå掌ŌĪĢ°® žœš˜ˆ„{yuqkea]WSMI-!÷÷÷źŽÜŚÖŌŠ©£’ld\OA;5'! q’’ž’’’½ł’@`fzv^ čnĖs’žHU’žHU 36 NW 1’žIslesburgh’žnone’žchambered cairn’žnone’žheel-shaped’žHU 3346 6845’ž43346 116845’ž433460’ž1168450’žShetland Islands’žShetland Islands’žNorthmavine’žShetland Mainland’žnone4x’ž4.96’žZET 21’žHenshall 1963, 1972nononononononoyesnono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono000’žrough pavement @üx4anonononono’žyesnoxxx’žpassage’žrough pavement’žchamber’ž'rough pavement'’ž'rough pavement'?xnono’žN Scotlandno’žCalder, C. S. T. 1963 Cairns, Neolithic Houses and Burnt Mounds in Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 96, 37-86’žHenshall, A. S. 1972 The chambered tombs of Scotland, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press’žCalder, C. S. T. 1956 Report on the Discovery of Numerous Stone Age House-Sites in Shetland Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 89, 340-97’žHenshall 1963, 1972‡‡‡‡ęļļļļėßßßŪ×××ÕÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓĮĮĮƦ–‹‰‡ƒ~zvrnjjjfddXHFDDB>:620,*&$" üųōšģģģģģģģģÖĪĢĒÅÅĆĆ½Ŗ‹yphZL?9(" q’}Ą’’’½ł’ `fÅ čÕĖsud’žNS 06 NE 17’žHilton’žBute’žchambered cairn’žnonenp’žNS 0666 6858’ž20666 66858’ž206660’ž668580’žArgyll and Bute’žStrathclyde’žNorth Bute’žBute’žnone’ž100’žNW-SE30xx’žKinnes Ad2’žKinnes 1979’žMarshall 1973’žMarshall 1974’žMarshall 1975’žMarshall 1976yesyes’žschistose rock?no’žpollenyesyesyesno0x7’žvariousx0x0’žyes?’žoccupation layer; tramped 'walkway'; cultivation (nearby cairn)’žallnonoyes’žyes100’žcobbled@Ś’žSE of cairn edge4nono’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyesxx’žnearby cairn’žallnoxno’žNE end of cairnno’žyes ?’žpostholes; cobbled floor; cultivationno’žSW Scotlandno’žyes’žyes’žMarshall 1974; Marshall 1973’žMarshall 1975’žMarshall 1976’ž117’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British Museum6ÓĪĪæ°’’ˆ„wwwsLEA0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*&! ü÷óļļļķŪŪĻĘÄĀĀĄ»µ±­Øgga_][YPNLJF@:4,(&  ūģŻĪĪĪĮµ³±­¦””›•‰|kc[N@<6% q’Ž’’ż½ł’ąēŗ. č>Ģs”’žNT 93 NE 15’žBroom Ridge’žMonument #3608’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNT 9650 3705’ž39650 63705’ž396500’ž637050’žNorthumberland’žBerwick Upon Tweed’žFord’žnone’žnonex’ž4.9xx’žKinnes Ab1’žKinnes 1979’žGreenwell 1877’žKinnes 1979nono’žsandstonenononoyesyesnono0x0xx0x0nox’žpatches of burnt matter’žvariousyesnonono00’žunknownno@Œx4’žyesno’žyesnononono’žvariousxxxnoxnox’žpatches of burnt matterno’ž55°372 37.413 N, 002°032 25.433 W’ž55°372 37.423 N, 002°032 19.843 W’žN Englandno’žKinnes 1979’žGreenwell 1877’ž129’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumĶjeeeUHHHHHD9ćßĘĘĘÄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄĄ¾ŗø¶“«§£Ÿ›–’‹‰‰}ypnnlhd`ZQ8620.,*(&$" ÷óļļļļāŅŅŅŹ·µ°®®®Ø¢œˆxph[MGA4$ q’~Ę’’’½ł’`~˜w č0ĢsŒ’žNY 60 NE 8’žCrosby Garrett 174’žnone’žround cairn’žnone’žnone’žNY 60 08’ž36000 50800’ž360000’ž508000’žCumbria’žEden’žCrosby Garrett’žnone’žnone’žN-Sx’ž20.1’ž12.2’žKinnes Eb2’žKinnes 1979’žMasters 1984’žMasters 1984nonononoyesnoyesyesno’žbone pin; boar tusk blades; antler macehead; iron pyrite0x0xx0x0nox’žmortuary area’žSSE of centrenononono060nox@™x4a’žyes’žyesnononononoxxxxnox’žmortuary areayesxnono’ž49°462 17.743 N, 007°332 09.743 W’ž49°462 15.503 N, 007°332 07.183 W’žN Englandno’žMasters 1984’žMasters 1984’ž140’žKinnes, I. 1979 Round Barrows and Ring Ditches in the British Neolithic, London, British MuseumŪxssseWWWWWSHņīźźźčāāāāāÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓŃĶĖÉĒÅĮ½¹µ±¬§§§£””•‘‹‡ƒ{l][WUSQOMKIG  żłóļėēććććÕĒĒĒŗ®Ø¢ ›››•yph`SIC=0* q’~Ę’’’½ł’a~˜’ ščŠj’žNPRN 93072’žParc Le Breos Cwm’žParc Cwm Long Cairn’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žSS 5373 8982’ž25373 18982’ž253730’ž189820’žSwansea’žGlamorgan’žIlston’žCotswolds’žnone15’žN-Sx2213’žGLA 4’žDarvill 2004’žWhittle & Wysocki 1998’žBurrow 2006’žDaniel 1937’žLubbock et al 1887’žLubbock 1870nononoyesyesnoyesyesno’žquartz crystals; stalactite pieces0x0xx0x0nox’ž'ritual deposits'’žforecourtnononono0’ž40+0’žcobbledų@*x4nonono’žyesno’žyes’žyesxxx’žchambersnoxyesx’žritual depositno’žWalesnoJJJJF???;+++)##############! ’śöņīīīģźźŽÕÓĪĪĢČÄĄ¼±žœ˜–”’ŽŒŠˆd`ZTPJD@<8* üäääÖĻĖĒÅĄ¼¼¶«£˜‡rdSM6!j’ž’’’½ł’`f ščŠj’žNF 86 NW 4’žUnival’žLeacach an Tigh Chloiche’žchambered cairn’žnone’žHebridean, square’žNF 8003 6685’ž08003 86685’ž080030’ž866850’žWestern Isles’žWestern Isles’žNorth Uist’žNorth Uist’žnone76xx’ž16.1’ž16.1’žUST 34’žHenshall 1972’žBeveridge 1911’žKinnes 1987nonononononoyesyesno’žstone ball; pumice'axe' pendant;0x0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’ž 6.9 m SW of tombyesnoyesno01+0’žslabŌ@[@ūx4’žyesno’žyes’žyesno’žyes’žyes’žchamberxx’žantechambernox’žslab pavement’žcist’žstanding stone; fireno’žN Scotland’žstanding stoneVVVVF:::6      ųöōėęįŻŲÓĻŹŹŹČĘŗ®Ø¦¢¢ œ–’Œyigca_][YWUS1-'!     üģģģŻÕĻÉĒÅĮĮ»Æ£”…}uhZGA0j’Ę’’’żł’@f ščŠj’žST 89 NE 26’žAvening Barrow’žBarrow Tumps’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žCotswold-Severn’žST 8951 9783’ž38951 19783’ž389510’ž197830’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žCherington’žCotswolds’žnone’ž158’žE-Wx5018’žGLO 17’žDarvill 2004nonononoyesnonononono’žstanding stone; porthole entrance110?@ķ€’žNo excavation records2cnonononono’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’ž51°402 45.053 N, 002°092 10.953 W’ž51°402 43.393 N, 002°092 05.983 W’žSW England’žstanding stone    śīĆ˜˜””‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‡‚~zvrnnnjjG;;955555555 žųōšģččččččččŚŅĪŹČĆ¾¾ø­”—†~vi[JD-j’Ą’lł z ščŠj’žSW 96 NE 4’žPawton Quoit’žnone’žchambered round barrow’žchambered long barrow’žnone’žSW 9657 6960’ž19657 06960’ž196570’ž069600’žCornwall’žNorth Cornwall’žSt Breock’žnone’žnonenp’žN-Sx’ž21.3’ž15.2’žDaniel 1950; Borlase 1871nononono6@ī€’žNo excavation records2c’žyesnpnp’žn/ano’žSW EnglandJJJJJ>>>>::5511111111111111111111-(((((((($$õõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõńķéåååååŹŹŹŹŹÄ¾¼·³³­§œŒ‚zreWQ:"j’Ā` " ščŠj’žSU 01 NW 39’žPentridge 23’žBokerley 3’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSU 0394 1951’ž40394 11951’ž403940’ž119510’žDorset’žEast Dorset’žPentridge’žCranborne Chase’žDorset Cursusnp’žSE-NWx2821’žPentridge III’žGrinsell 1959’žBowen 1990; Hoare 1812 Pp 234-5nonononoė@4ano’žyesyesno’žSW England -WCEEEEE55551111++++++++++++++++++++&"""""""" ąąąŃĀ¾ŗø±­­ž‚ume]PB<6)j’Ā  "P ščŠj’žSP 10 NW 12’žPitcherwell Copse’žMonument #329725’žlong barrow’žnone’žnone’žSP 1160 0952’ž41160 20952’ž411600’ž209520’žGloucestershire’žCotswold’žBibury’žCotswold’žnone??3012’žColchester-Wemyss 1897’žGrimes 1960nononono6@8€’žNo excavation records2cno’žn/ano’žSW England88888,,,,((#######################ųģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģģčäąÜÜÜÜĻ·····³Æ­«««„›“‰xph[MGA4"j’Ę`€"ü ščŠj’žSU 64 SW 14’žPreston Grange’žnone’žlong barrow’žround barrow ?’žearthen long barrow’žSU 6046 4032’ž46046 14032’ž460460’ž140320’žHampshire’žBasingstoke and Deane’žPreston Candover’žNorth Downs’žnone’žNE-SW’žn/a74’žKinnes SU 110’ž Kinnes 1992’žWilson 1893nonononoF@ ī€’žNo excavation records2cno’žyes’žn/ano’žSW EnglanddddddXXXXTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJFFFFFFFFBB öööčŁŁÕŠÉÉÉƶ¤‚zreWB2%j’nĀ`€"L ščŠj’žSW 43 SW 40’žWest Lanyon Quoit’žGiant's Quoit’žchambered cairn’žnone’žportal dolmen’žSW 4231 3378’ž14231 03378’ž142310’ž033780’žCornwall’žPenwith’žMadron’žnone’žWest Penwith chambered tombsnp’žNE-SW’žMercer 1986’žBorlase 1872’žDaniel 1950nononononononononono0x0xx0x0noxnoxnononono0’žyes’žyesno'@8B@ņx4ano’žyesnononono’žyes?xxxxnoxyesxno’žSW Englandnoææææ»ÆÆÆÆ«««©££££££££££££££”›™—•‹‡ƒzvvvrpdXTOJJHD@<8620,*(&$"  üųōōōēŁĢĢĢĢĢĢĢĢÅĮĮ£•Œ‚zreWHB1"j’Ī’’’żł’`bL ščŠj’žSK 17 NW 4’žTideslow’žnone’žround cairn’žcist’žnone’žSK 1499 7795’ž41499 37795’ž414990’ž377950’žDerbyshire’žDerbyshire Dales’žTideswell’žPeak District’žnone’ž381x’ž40.2xx’žKinnes BDb4’žKinnes 1979’žBarnatt 1996’žKinnes 1979nonononoyesnonoyesno’žperforated boar's tusk1’žSE of centre0xx0x0nox’žstanding stone’žcentre; W of centreyesnonono130’žyellow clay & limestone!@Ī’žSE of centre4’žyesno’žyesnono’žyesno?xcx’žcentralnox’žcist’žcistyes’žstanding stone, pit (grave), charcoal depositno’žCentral England’žstanding stoneVVVVF5551üüüööööšššššššīźįŻŪŁÕŠĢČĆæŗŗŗøŖŖž…ƒ{wsmXHFB@><:86(& üöņīźęęęęŁĖĖĖ¾±Æ­§„  š‹€nbZRE71+j’Ę’’’½ł’@$f… č•Ģj’žSE 04 NW 6’žBlack Hill Low’žBradley Moor’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 0092 4756’ž40092 44756’ž400920’ž447560’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žBradleys Both’žnone’žBradley Moornp’žNW-SEx6713’žPiggott 1954, p 271’žButterfield 1938’žAshbee 1984nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’ž3 standing stones’žalong centre line of barrowyesnonono011no @ x4’žLate Neolithic/EBA (Raistrick 1931)nonononono’žyes’žyes’žbase of pillar stonesxxxnox’žcist’žstanding stones (3)no’ž53°552 27.193 N, 001°592 14.643 W’ž53°552 26.473 N, 001°592 09.293 W’žN England’žstanding stones…………ti>śśśśśśśśśōōōōōōōōōņīģźčŃĢĒĆæ»·³ŽŽŒŠŠ~zxvvtplhbE20,*(&$"  üųōōōēÕĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø¶Æ««—ˆ€og_RD>8,j’Ī’’’½ż’~ ščŠj’žSE 04 NW 6’žBlack Hill Low’žBradley Moor’žlong cairn’žnone’žnone’žSE 0092 4756’ž40092 44756’ž400920’ž447560’žNorth Yorkshire’žCraven’žBradleys Both’žnone’žBradley Moornp’žNW-SEx6713’žPiggott 1954, p 271’žButterfield 1938’žAshbee 1984nononononononononono0x0xx0x0nox’ž3 standing stones’žalong centre line of barrowyesnonono011no @ x4’žLate Neolithic/EBA (Raistrick 1931)nonononono’žyes’žyes’žbase of pillar stonesxxxnox’žcist’žstanding stones (3)no’ž53°552 27.193 N, 001°592 14.643 W’ž53°552 26.473 N, 001°592 09.293 W’žN England’žstanding stones (3)‰‰‰‰ti>śśśśśśśśśōōōōōōōōōņīģźčŃĢĒĆæ»·³ŽŽŒŠŠ~zxvvtplhbE20,*(&$"  üųōōōēÕĄĄĄĄĄ¼ø¶Æ««—ˆ€og_RD>8,j’Ī’’’½ż’~LVALģżo0\5ŸW9ˆD{bš c6śd†e–Œf,įh¦ø i„l# m%¼n1¾x ;6p`,šrI±”?&sÜ Pavement/FloorŻ Pavement 1Ž] Value Listß[ V"slab";"clay";"sand";"ash/charcoal";"other"ą 1440÷ Pavement_FloorĮĀ-Ę Ē Č É2’’’’6Jś7K†8L† 9Mgžd5Ÿ]6Į¢7ˆ`6xa†b–‚c,įd#Ü (Pavement/Floor_LabelŻ "Pavement/ Floor 1Ž" @Calibriå (Pavement_Floor_Labelźx w»¬,Š E ”ȚŲ'b¤ĮĀ-ĘĒČÉJxK†LśMgżm J2˜6 7ŸßF{`6_a b–V%c,’e¦ø f„i#kL\ƒ“Ü (Type of PMA evidenceŻ (Type of PMA evidenceõ (Type_of_PMA_evidenceśx X;3Pk‡B“p¤^¶Ńė+’’’’.J_/K 0Lµ>1Mžd”5Ÿ]7ˆ`6'4aüb–āc,Ld# Ü 4Type of PMA evidence_LabelŻ "Descr. of surfaceå 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ+ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ/ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ1 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ3 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ5 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ7 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ9 MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ; MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ= MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ? MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļA MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļC MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļE MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļG MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļI MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļK MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļM MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļO MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļQ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļS MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļU MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļW MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļY MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ[ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ] MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļa MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļc MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļe MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļg MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļi MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļk MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļm MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļo MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļq MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļs MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļu MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļw MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļy MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ} MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ‰ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ‹ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ“ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ• MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ— MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ” MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ£ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ« MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ­ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļÆ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ± MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ³ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļµ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ· MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ¹ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ» MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļ½ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļæ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ        ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology]<>"posthole" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] IS Null)ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PiÓLVALćt Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļĮ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHidden <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))ņ ź[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[PŃLVALįit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVAL cļĆ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļÅ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļĒ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļÉ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļĖ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļĶ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! ’’’’ Ś q>8[Pit Description].Chronology Š   ’’’’LVALcļĻ MR2„€ODBCTimeoutMaxRecordsAggregateTypeGUIDRecordLocksRecordsetType FilterOrderByOrderByOnOrientationDefaultViewFilterOnLoadOrderByOnLoadTotalsRowColumnOrderColumnWidthColumnHiddenĖ <        'jøUtTO™X†¹uRƒ       ((([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]<>"Gwernvale" Or [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name] Is Null) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Status] In ("4","4a")))) AND ([PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology] In ("5 - mortuary","5 - mortuary?","5 - mortuary?/posthole?"))< 4[PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Beneath mound], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Location], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Chronology], [PIT QUERY - MARCH 2011].[Site Name]X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].[NMR #] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Name] ’’’’ `B<[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Site Type] ’’’’ lNH[SITE DESCRIPTION].[County(Council)] ’’’’ \>8[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Easting] ’’’’  ^@:[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Northing] ’’’’  bD>[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Metres AOD] ’’’’  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[# Pits] ’’’’  o<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Status] ’’’’ ‰  Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].[Region] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Pit #] ’’’’  m:4[Pit Description].[Length] ’’’’ G  k82[Pit Description].[Width] ’’’’ ü  V82[Pit Description].[Depth] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Diameter] ’’’’ ^@:[Pit Description].[Long Axis] ’’’’ LF[Pit Description].[HR - Burnt Frag] ’’’’ Æ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[HR - Unburnt Frag] ’’’’ Ü  NH[Pit Description].[Cremation Burial] ’’’’ Ÿ  ƒPJ[Pit Description].[Inhumation Burial] ’’’’   Z<6[Pit Description].[Pottery] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Flint] ’’’’ V82[Pit Description].[Plant] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Animal] ’’’’ X:4[Pit Description].[Rubble] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Description].[Charcoal] ’’’’ Z<6[Pit Description].[Details] ’’’’ \>8[Pit Descri‡LVAL—ption].[Location] ’’’’  Z<6[Pit Description].['Empty'] ’’’’ }JD[Pit Description].[Other material] ’’’’  × ^@:[Pit Description].[C14 Dates] ’’’’  uB<[Pit Description].[Chronology] ’’’’   {HB[Pit Description].[Beneath mound] ’’’’  1 X:4[SITE DESCRIPTION].Easting  ’’’’Z<6[SITE DESCRIPTION].Northing  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Status  ’’’’V82[SITE DESCRIPTION].Region  ’’’’T60[Pit Description].Length  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Width  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Depth  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Diameter  ’’’’V82[Pit Description].Pottery  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Flint  ’’’’R4.[Pit Description].Plant  ’’’’i60[Pit Description].Animal  ’’’’ m T60[Pit Description].Rubble  ’’’’X:4[Pit Description].Charcoal  ’’’’k82[Pit Description].Details  ’’’’ — m:4[Pit Description].Location ! 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